1. When places other than Cambridge or Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy.
2. In all records the original spelling is followed.
3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual may be found under different spellings.
4. Marriages are printed under the name of both parties. When a marriage appears without the intention recorded, it is designated with an asterisk.
5. Additional information which does not appear in the original text of an item, i.e., any explanation, query, inference or difference shown in other entires of the records, is bracketed.
6. In taking records from gravestones it is often the case that the family name of woman is given on the stone is not that under which she was born, so therefore many births will appear under a married name instead of the original one, which is not shown on the stone. Women are only mentioned as wives when they are so shown on the stone. In many cases names are evidently those of wives, though no so specified.

In Massachusetts' records, Vol. 1, page 9, under date of July 26, 1631, "Charlton, Misticke & the new towne" are mentioned.
- March 6, 1632, the bounds were established between Charlestowne and Newtowne.
May 2, 1638, Massachusetts' records, Vol. 1, page 228. "It is ordered that Newtowne shall henceforth be called Cambridge."
March 13, 1639, the bounds between Cambridge and Watertown were established, and October 7, 1641, the bounds betweeen Cambridge and Boston.
November 12, 1659, a grant of 1,000 acres of land was made to Cambridge, which was renewed October 19, 1664.
March 20, 1712, a part of Cambridge was established as the town of Lexington.
June 4, 1761, and March 6, 1802, parts of Charlestown were annexed to Cambridge.
February 24, 1807, a part of Cambridge was established as the town of Brighton.
February 27, 1807, a part of Cambridge was established as the town of West Cambridge.
January 27, 1816, a part of Cambridge was annexed to Brighton.
February 12, 1818, and June 17, 1820, parts of Charlestown were annexed to Cambridge.
March 17, 1846, Cambridge was incorporated as a city. The act of incorporation was accepted by the town March 30, 1846.
April 27, 1855, a part of Watertown was annexed to Cambridge.
April 30, 1856, bounds were established between Cambridge and Somerville and a part of each place was annexed to the other.
February 25, 1862, bounds were established between Cambridge and Belmont and West Cambridge, and parts of each place were annexed to Cambridge and parts of Cambridge to each of those places.
April 29, 1862, bounds were established between Cambridge and Somerville and parts of each place were annexed to the other.
April 19, 1880, a part of Belmont was annexed to Cambridge.
March 10, 1885, a part of Watertown was annexed to Cambridge.
April 28, 1891, bounds between Cambridge and Belmont were established and a part of each place annexed to the other.
March 9, 1898, bounds were established between Cambridge and Watertown and a part of each place annexed to the other.
March 29, 1898, bounds were established between Cambridge and Boston.
February 16, 1906, bounds between Belmont and Cambridge were readjusted.
May 5, 1911, bounds between Cambridge and Arlington were established, to be accepted by city council and selectmen. May 22, 1911, they were accepted by the selectmen of Arlington and on May 31, 1911, by the city council of Cambridge.

a. - age, aged
abt. - about
b. - born
bp. - baptized
bur. - buried
ch. - child
CR1- church record, First Congregational, Unitarian
CR2 - church record, Christ Church, Episcopal
CR3 - church record, First Baptist Society, Cambridgeport
CR4 - church record, First Church of Cambridge, or Shepard Congrational Society
CR5 - church record, Harvard Street Methodist
CR6 - church record, Old Cambridge Baptist Society
CR7 - church record, St. Peter's Episcopal Church
CR8 - church record, Trinity Methodist Church, East Cambridge
CR9 - church record, Cambridgeport Parish, now united with Third Congregational
CR10 - church record, Third Congregational, Unitarian
CR11 - church record, Evengelical Congregational Church, East Cambridge, now extinct; records in possession of Congregational Library, Boston.
CR12 - church record, Second Baptist Church, East Cambridge, now extinct; records in possession of City of Cambridge.
d. - daughter; died; day
Dea. - deacon
dec. - deceased
dup. - duplicate entry
GR1 - grave record, cemetery at Harvard Square.
GR2 - grave record, Cambridge Cemetery, Coolidge Avenue
GR3 - grave record, Mount Auburn Cemetery
GR3a- from Mount Auburn Cemetery records.
GR4 - grave record, Catholic Cemetery, North Cambridge
h. - husband; hours
inf. - infant
int. - publishment of intention of marriage
Jr. - junior
m. - month
md. - married
prob. - probably
s. - son
Sr. - senior
unm. - unmarried
w. - wife
wid. - widow
widr. - widower
y. - year