VITAL RECORDS of CAMBRIDGE Massachusetts, to the Year 1850.
Compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Abigail H., Mar. 11, 1786. GR3
Almena B., ----, 1833. GR3
Anna Rowena, d. of William 2d and Rowena, Sept. 8, 1848.
Barnabas, Feb. 2, 1787. GR3
Benjamin Edward, July 12, 1808. GR3
Betsey, d. of Joseph and Mary, Mar. 8, 1784.
Charles, s. of William and Susan H., May 8, 1831.
Charles Jarvis, in Boston, Nov. 28, 1813. GR3
Edwrad, ----, 1790. GR2
Edward, ----, 1823. GR2
Edward B., s. of E. C., ----, 1843. GR2
Edwin Gary, s. of Erastus and Martha, Dec. 10, 1843.
Eliza Ann, d. of William and Susan H., Dec. 10, 1839.
Eliza J., ----, 1831. GR2
Elizabeth Ann, d. of Jacob H. and Elizabeth, bp. May 28, 1815. CR1
Elizabeth Ann, d. of William 2d and Rowena D., Oct. 7, 1843.
Emma, ----, 1839. GR3
Erastus C., ----, 1807. GR2
Erastus C. (Erastus Cushman, GR2), s. of Erastus C. and Emily, Nov. 12, 1845.
Ezekiel, in Hanover, Nov. 5, 1795. GR3
Gamaliel T., s. of Ezekiel and Lois, in Boston, July 28, 1827. GR3
George, in Cohasset, Oct. 28, 1784. GR3
George, s. of Wililam and Susan H., Apr. 25, 1829.
George W., s. of Erastus C. and Martha, Dec. 7, 1841.
Harriet, d. of Thomas Jr., Jan. 7, 1848.
Harriet Newell, d. of Jacob H. and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 27, 1817. CR1
J. Franklin, Maj., Apr. 8, 1821. GR3
Jacob Hill, s. of Joseph and Mary, Jan 22, 1788.
Jacob Hill, s. of Jacob H. and Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 5, 1820. CR1
Jesse D., ----, 1823. GR3
Joannette Earl [-----], w. of Maj. J. Franklin, Feb. 21, 1819. GR3
John, ----, 1797. GR3
John Adams, U. S. N., in Boston, July 9, 1798. GR3
John Adams Jr., U. S. N., in Boston, Oct. 25, 1837. GR3
John Sawyer, s. of William and Susan H., Dec. 17, 1826.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, Sept. 25, 1772.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, Mar. 9, 1774.
Joseph Batchelder, s. of Jacob H. and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 24, 1825. CR1
Joseph Batchelder, s. of Jacob H. and Elizabeth, bp. July 29, 1827. CR1
Joseph Henry, s. of William and Susan H., July 10, 1836.
Joseph L., ----, 1806. GR3
Josephine Louisa Shepard [-----], w. of Benjamin Edward, Nov. 9, 1815. GR3
Lois [-----], w. of Ezekiel, Nov. 28, 1797. GR3
Lydia, d. of Joseph and Mary, Dec. 17, 1779.
Martha T., ----, 1813. GR2
Martin, ----, 1787. GR3
Mary [-----], w. of -------, Jan. 25, 1771. GR3
Mary, d. of Joseph and Mary, Mar. 11, 1776.
Mary [-----], w. of John, ----, 1799. GR3
Mary, d. of Jacob H. and Elizabeth, bp. Feb. 14, 1813. CR1
Mary Ann [-----], w. of Edward, ----, 1798. GR2
Mary Ann, d. of Ezekiel and Lois and w. of Lowell B. WILMARTH, in Boston, Sept. 3, 1836. GR3
Mary Augusta, d. of William 2d and Rowena, May 17, 1846.
Mary E. [-----], w. of Jesse D., ----, 1819. GR3
Mary Susan, d. of William and Susan H., Apr. 21, 1834.
Pamelia G., d. of Ezekiel and Lois, in Boston, Apr. 17, 1825. GR3
Persis, d. of Joseph and Mary, Dec. 22, 1785.
Richard W., ----, 1836. GR2
Samuel, Sept. 10, 1818. GR3
Sarah, d. of Joseph and Mary, Jan. 25, 1782.
Sarah Chapman Gilbert [-----], w. of Benjamin Edward, Aug. 28, 1832, GR3
Sarah Inches, in Boston, Oct. 23, 1800. GR3
Sarah L. [-----], w. of John Adams, in Boston, Mar. 3, 1805. GR3
Susan H., ----, 1799. GR2
Susannah Hill, d. of Joseph and Mary, Feb. 25, 1778.
Thomas Giles, s. of Henry, b. in New Bedford, and Mary Ann, in Alton, N.H., Sept. 15, 1849.
William, ----, 1789. GR2
William, s. of Joseph and Mary, July 28, 1790.
William, in Boston, Feb. 25, 1793. GR3
William, s. of Jacob H. and Elizabeth, bp. June 10, 1821. CR1
William, s. of William and Susan H., Jan. 1, 1824.
William H., ----, 1830. GR2
BATHERICK (also see Baterick, Baverick, Bavrick)
Benjamin, s. of John, bp. Nov. 27, 1757. GR1
Elizabeth, d. of John and Mary, Sept. 7, 1724.
Henry, s. of John, bp. Aug. 13, 1732. CR1
Jonathan, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1713.
Lucey, d. of Jona and Jemima, Jan. 25, 1728-9.
Mary, d. of John and Mary, Dec. 24, 1725.
Mehetabel, d. of wid. Jemima, bp. Nov. 1, 1741. CR1
Rebeckah, d. of Jonathan, bp. Feb. 28, 1730-31. CR1
Timothy, s. of John, bp. Apr. 3, 1737. CR1
William, s. of Thomas and Eliza, Oct. 23, 1715.
Alphonse B., in Guilderland, N.Y., Sept. 5, 1846. GR3
George, in Guilderland, N.Y., Dec. 22, 1832. GR3
BAULCH (also see Balch)
Mary, d. of Benjamin, bp. Dec. 5, 1714. CR1
BAVERICK (also see Baterick, Batherick, Bavrick)
Elizabeth, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Sept. 3, 1705.
Jemima, d. of Jonathan, bp. Dec. 1, 1723. CR1
John, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, May 12, 1702.
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, bp. May 9, 1725. CR1
Ruth, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Aug. 7, 1703.
Samuel, s. of Jonathan, bp. Oct. 21, 1722. CR1
Solomon, s. of Jonathan, bp. Oct. 21, 1722. CR1
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Apr. 23, 1709.
BAVRICK (also see Baterick, Batherick, Baverick)
Jonathan, s. of Thomas and Ruth, Sept. 3, 1683.
Charles W., Capt., h. of H. J., Feb. 14, 1836. GR3
Daniel, ----, 1807. GR3
Daniel, ----, 1840. GR3
Elizabeth A. [-----], w. of Charles E., Apr. 2, 1820. GR3
Elizabeth Corey [-----], w. of Horace Willard, ----, 1827. GR3
Horace Willard, ----, 1824. GR3
Letitia, Nov. 30, 1829. GR3
Margaret F., d. of Isaac and Mary A., Apr. 9, 1849.
Robert, Jan. 2, 1845. GR2
BAYLEY (also see Bailey)
Abby S., Sept. 30, 1841. GR3
Adrianna [-----], w. of William B., Feb. 27, 1820. GR3
Augustus Ramsay, May 23, 1818. GR2.
Caroline L., Dec. 17, 1820. GR3
Dudley H., July 14, 1809. GR3
Elizabeth K., Mar. 26, 1813. GR3
Elizabeth Symmes [-----], w. of John, Feb. 21, 1778. GR3
Emeline A. Stevens [-----], w. of Samuel King, July 24, 1810. GR3
Harriet King, ----, 1816. GR3
James, Oct. 19, 1803. GR3
James, May 24, 1849. GR3
James C., Sept. 17, 1832. GT=R3
James R., ----, 1819. GR3
Jeannette Chartrand [-----], w. of John P., in Limonar, Cuba, May 9, 1823. GR3
John, Nov. 23, 1777. GR3
John P., July 10, 1805. GR3
John Prince, Nov. 19, 1818. GR3
Lola Traub [-----], w. of John P., in Matanzas, Cuba, Sept. 5, 1840. GR3
Mary J., Dec. 22, 1839. GR3
Mary K., Oct. 25, 1801. GR3
Samuel J., Apr. 15, 1844. GR3
Samuel King, June 23, 1807. GR3
Samuel King Jr., ----, 1846. GR3
Sarah Wells, May 26, 1825. GR2
Susanna Hubbard [-----], w. of James R., ----, 1826. GR3
William B., Oct. 28, 1819. GR3
BEACH (also see Beech)
Alice, d. of George W. and Ann, Dec. 28, 1846.
Jane [-----], w. of George W., ----, 1823. GR3
Louisa Maria, d. of George and Jane A., Dec. 10, 1844.
Margaretha [-----], w. of John M., Nov. 3, 1836. GR2
BEAL (also see Beale, Beals)
Benjamin, Nov. 16, 1802. GR3
Caroline F., Aug. 18, 1832. GR3
Eliza [-----], w. of Henry, in Kingston, Feb. 10, 1803. GR3
Eliza P., Dec. 8, 1826. GR3
Elizabeth Stow, in Boston, Feb. 21, 1838. GR3
Ellen P., Aug. 27, 1840. GR3
Eunice Wright [-----], w. of George, Dec. 14, 1820. GR2
George, July 7, 1818. GR2
George C., s. of George T., b. in Boston, and Sarah C., b. in Methuen, in Boston, May 16, 1849.
Gustave P., Dec. 30, 1836. GR3
Henry, Sept. 1, 1808. GR3
James H., Feb. 20, 1823. GR3
Mary J., ----, 1806. GR3
William Henry, s. of Gustavus and Abby C., Oct. 9, 1838. GR3
William L., ----, 1810. GR3
BEALE (also see Beal, Beals)
George T., in Chester Valley, Pa., Dec. 1, 1811. GR3
BEALS (also see Beal, Beale)
Eleanor S. [-----], w. of John, Mar 22, 1826. GR3
John, Jan. 20, 1801. GR3
Mary S., Mar 9, 1804. GR3
Susan Burrill [-----], w. of Samuel J., Oct. 18, 1823. GR3
Charles C., Rev., in Boston, Aug. 12, 1799. GR3
Mary A. [-----], w. of Rev. Charles C., Mar. 2, 1816. GR3
-------, s. of Smith and Sarah Ann, Feb. 5, 1846.
Achsah, d. of John H., Mar. 26, 1848.
Hannah M. [-----], w. of Ivory, Mar. 24, 1826. GR3
Ivory, June 2, 1818. GR3
Mary, ----, 1794. GR2
Orison, July 4, 1816. GR3
David H., ----, 1847. GR3
Charlotte [-----], w. of Harvey, ----, 1844. GR2
Harvey, ----, 1837. GR2
Edward, July 4, 1831. GR2
Anna Louisa, d. of Charles and Theresa H., June 20, 1833.
Charles, Aug. 19, 1798. GR3
Elizabeth C. [-----], w. of Tobias, ----, 1830. GR2
Maria, in Lee, N.H., Jan. 27, 1798. CR11
Theresa H., Sept. 23, 1791. GR3
Tobias, ----, 1805. GR2
Fanny [-----], w. of Frank, ----, 1835. GR2
Frank, ----, 1830. GR2
BECKET (also see Beckett)
Joseph, s. of William and Sarah, Nov. 18, 1849. CR2
BECKETT (also see Becket)
Margaret Ann, d. of William J. and Sarah, Dec. 11, 1847.
Sarah Reynolds [-----], w. of William J., ----, 1829. GR2
William J., ----, 1823. GR2
-------, s. of Aaron T. and Dorothy, May 14, 1846.
George Cone, D.D., ---- 1801. GR3
Loring Everett, Rev., ----, 1845. GR3
Martha W. Leavitt [-----], w. of George Cone, ----, 1812. GR3
Mary H., ----, 1823. GR3
Rebecca N. [-----], w. of Charles B., June 23, 1833. GR3
Samuel M., ----, 1825. GR3
-------, s. of Lucius and Celinda, Dec. 17, 1846.
Charles Edwin, Mar. 4, 1839. GR3
Emily Appleton, ----, 1846. GR3
Esther Elizabeth [-----], w. of James M., June 30, 1812. GR3
James Madison, in Richmond, Mar. 18, 1809. GR3
BEECH (also see Beach)
Herbert, in England, Feb. 11, 1835. GR3
Robert Edes, ----, 1839. GR3
William Henry, Rev., Jan. 15, 1802. GR3
Katherine L. Spring [-----], w. of Melville C., Jan. 14, 1844. GR2
Francis, s. of Francis and Elizabeth, Oct. 12, 1698.
Charles Ridgeway, s. of Joseph and Lydia, bp. Oct. 28, 1810. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Lydia, bp. Oct. 28, 1810. Twin. CR1
Emma F., July 21, 1845. GR2
Hiram S., Jan. 18, 1816. GR2
Martha G. [-----], w. of Hiram S., Sept. 6, 1807. GR2
Matilda Frothingham, d. of Joseph and Lydia, bp. Oct. 28, 1810. CR1
Mary Ann Nichols, d. of Joseph and Lydia, bp. Nov. 22, 1812. CR1
Sarah, d. of Joseph and Lydia, bp. Oct. 28, 1810. Twin. CR1
John, s. of John and Miriobell, Jan. 15, 1790. CR2
Patience, d. of John and Miriobell, June 3, 1793. CR2
BELCHAR (also see Belcher)
Andrew, s. of Andrew and Elisabeth, Jan. 1, 1646.
Jeremiah, d. [?] pf Andrew and Elisabeth, Apr. 5, 1642.
Jonathan, s. of Andrew and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1681.
BELCHER (also see Belchar)
Abigail, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Dec. 16, 1735.
Andrew, s. of Andrew and Elizabeth, Sept. 10, 1740.
Anna, d. of Andrew and Elizabeth, Jan. 1, 1649 [1649-50].
Carrie R., d. of John and Catherine, ----, 1836. GR2
Catherine [-----], w. of John, ----- 1800. GR2
Charles F., ----, 1837. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Andrew and Elizabeth, d. of Nicholas DANFORTH, bp. ---- 16, ---, age almost 14 y. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of Andrew and Sarah, Jan. 12, 1677.
Elizabeth, d. of Samuell and Sarah, Aug. 3, 1738.
Harriet F., ----, 1841. GR3
John, ----, 1795. GR2
Lucy A., ----, 1821. GR2
Martha, d. of Andrew and Elizabeth, d. of Nicholas DANFORTH, bp. ---- 16, ----, age 10 y. CR1.
Martha, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1734.
Mary, d. of Samuell and Sarah, Mar. 21, 1731-2.
Mary E., d. of ------ and w. of Andrew S. WAITT, ----, 1822. GR3
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1727.
Sarah, d. of Samuell and Sarah, Oct. 13, 1729.
William, s. of John and Catherine, ----, 1830. GR2
Ernest R., s. of Sumner, b. in Northfield, and Maria A., b. in Bath, Me., Dec. 5, 1849.
Sumner P., d. [?] of Sumner and Maria Ann, in Boston, June 16, 1843.
George, ----, 1829. GR3
Henry, ----, 1826. GR3
Joseph, s. of Thomas, bp. May 16, 1697. CR1
Amelia [-----], w. of Wililam, in Saco. Me., May 17, 1794. GR3
Catharine Olcott, Oct. 31, 1801. GR3
Clara, d. of Dr. Luther V. and Frances C., in Somerville, Apr. 12, 1847. CR11
Frances G. [-----], w. Luther V., Jan. 6, 1813. GR3
Frances Pinkerton, d. of Dr. Luther V. and Frances C., in Somerville, Sept. 29, 1848. CR11
George B., Capt., Oct. 10, 1817. CR11
Hannah L., Dec. 23, 1831. GR2
Helen M. [-----], w. of Joseph G., Dec. 16, 1828. GR3
Henry James, May 17, 1842. GR3
Joseph, Mar. 21, 1787. GR3
Joseph G., Nov. 23, 1822. GR3
Luther V., Dec. 20, 1806. GR3
Mary Ann [-----], w. of Theodore H., Aug. 24, 1817. GR3
Mary Frances, Jan. 24, 1838. GR3
Samuel John, Sept. 12, 1836. GR3
Theodore H., July 8, 1818. GR3
BELLAW (also see Ballew, Belyea)
Lawrence, s. of Patrick and Catherine, Feb. 4, 1846.
Mary Ann Bates [-----], w. of William W., Sept. 4, 1819. GR3
William W., Oct. 17, 1814. GR3
BELYEA (also see Ballew, Bellaw)
Julia A., d. of Patrick and Catherine, Feb. 27, 1848.
BEMIS (also see Bemus)
Anna McLean, d. of Emery and Susan P., Sept. 2, 1846.
Charles Vose, ----, 1816. GR3
Eliza G., ----, 1819. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 13, 1775.
Emery, s. of Emery and Susan, Apr. 20, 1844.
Fanny Elizabeth, ---, 1843. GR3
George, Oct. 16, 1816. GR3
Isaac, Feb. 4, 1794. GR3
Jonathan W., Sept. 17, 1810. GR3
Lucy Coolidge [-----], w. of Jonathan W., Oct. 25, 1833. GR3
Sarah W., July 25, 1812. GR3
Sarah Wheeler [-----], w. of Seth, Jan. 24, 1786. GR3
Seth, Jan. 23, 1775. GR3
Seth, Sept. 18, 1814. GR3
William A., May 23, 1803. GR3
BEMUS (also see Bemis)
Abigail, d. of Phillip, bp. July 25, 1731. CR1
David, s. of Phillip, bp. Oct. 22, 1732. CR1
Lydia, d. of John, bp. June 17, 1722. CR1
Phillip, s. of Phillip, bp. Nov. 13, 1726. CR1
William, s. of Phillip, bp. Nov. 13, 1726. CR1
Zacheus, s. of Phillip, bp. July 25, 1736. CR1
Fanny E., ----, 1834. GR3
Harriet Emily [-----], w. of Washington Gano, Nov. 13, 1842.
Washington Gano, Feb. 22, 1836. GR2
Margaret [-----], w. of Nicholaus, ----, 1846. GR2
Nicolaus, ----, 1837. GR2
BENNET (also see Bennett)
Edford, s. of Oscar F. and Cynthia H., Aug. 1, 1846.
Lanata G. [-----], w. of Samuel P., Apr. 2, 1824. GR3
Lucy E., d. of Jonas and Celena G., Aug. 9, 1846.
Samuel P., June 8, 1825. GR3
BENNETT (also see Bennet)
Andrew Jackson, s. of Levi and Kezia, Aug. 30, 1842.
Arthur G., s. of Jonas and Selina G., Aug. 29, 1848.
Benjamin F., ----, 1832. GR2
Charles W., only s. of Wilder and Julia A., Jan. 24, 1832. GR2
Clark, ----, 1810. GR2
Cornelia F., Jan. 8, 1844. GR2
Daniel, Apr. 7, 1802. GR2
Edwin C., Feb. 3, 1840. GR2
Elias Hastings, Sept. 13, 1840. GR3
Eliza A., d. of Stephen H. and Elizabeth L., Sept. 11, 1829. GR3
Hannah, ----, 1814. GR2
Hannah B., ----, 1836. GR2
Henry B., ----, 1838. GR2
John, ----, 1795. GR2
Julianna [-----], w. of Wilder, Feb. 16, 1810. GR2
Levi Alden, s. of Levi and Kezia, Sept. 25, 1844.
Lorinda [-----], w. of Daniel, Apr. 6, 1806. GR2
Mariah, ----, 1795. GR2
Marianne, d. of Cotton and Mary Ann and w. of Charles T. TILTON, in Beverly, Aug. 29, 1825. GR3
Milo E., July 14, 1841. GR3
Stephen Dexter, ----, 1838. GR3
Wilder, Jan. 2, 1804. GR2
William F., Apr. 13, 1847. GR2
Garrit J., Oct. 23, 1815. GR2
J. William A., Apr. 15, 1841. GR2
Amanda M. Webb [-----], w. of Henry J., July 20, 1830. GR3
Lucy Adams [-----], w. of John, July 16, 1792. GR3
Maria S., Feb. 1, 1819. GR3
Mason Darwin, June 4, 1824. GR3
Betsy Kendall [-----], w. of Newell, May 28, 1785. GR3
Eliza Ann (Eliza A. Gillingham, GR3), d. of Newell and Betsey, Aug. 7, 1806.
Fanny L. Richardson, d. of Newell and Betsy, Mar. 22, 1828. GR3
Georgiana Hixon, July 3, 1847. GR3
Harriet Augusta, d. of Newell and Mary E., May 4, 1834.
Martha J., d. of Newell and Mary E., June 12, 1848.
Mary, d. of Newll and Mary E. T., Nov. 24, 1843.
Mary Kendall, d. of Newell and Betsey, Aug. 12, 1822.
Mary Trowbridge [-----], w. of Newell Jr., June 22, 1811. GR3
Newell, Oct. 9, 1778. GR3
Newell, s. of Newell and Betsey, Monday, Mar. 5, 1810.
Susan Maria, d. of Newell and Betsey (and w. of Joseph PORTER. GR3), Friday, Mar. 11, 1814 (Mar. 14. GR3).
Charles E., s. of John, June 23, 1845.
Werner W., Jan. 17, 1832. GR3
Louise W., ----, 1840. GR3
Caroline E. [-----], w. of J. H., ----, 1844. GR2
Ellen, in Southwark, Eng., May 25, 1825. GR3
Elsbeth [-----], w. of Casper, Mar. 24, 1849. GR3
Hannah [-----], w. of W. Winslow, Nov. 1, 1835. GR3
Henrietta [-----], w. of George W., Jan. 27, 1831. GR3
Mary M. [-----], w. of Alpheus, Sept. 18, 1847. GR2
Ruel W., July 14, 1838. GR3
W. Winslow, June 3, 1828. GR3
William B., Aug. 10, 1825. GR3
Augustus, June 10, 1810. GR2
Georgienna [-----], w. of James, ----, 1845. GR2
William H., Rev., Mar. 16, 1828. GR2
Mary Rathburn [-----], w. of Andrew, July 17, 1779. GR3
Edward W., Jan. 6, 1815. GR3
Ella, d. of James W. and Louisa M., Sept. 3, 1848.
Harriet A., d. of William H., b. in England, and Mehitabel, b. in Boston, July 16, 1849.
James W., ----, 1822. GR3
John W., s. of William Jr. and Mehitabel, Oct. 13, 1844.
Louisa M. [-----], w. of James W., ----, 1825. GR3
William H., s. of William Jr. and Mehitabel, Oct. 16, 1843.
William Warren, Jan. 17, 1839. GR2
Martha A. [-----], w. of Ira H., ----, 1825. GR3
William H., s. of Joseph G. and Amanda M., Feb. 15, 1849.
Charles Wesley, Rev., D.D., ----, 1832. GR3
Harriet Brown [-----], w. of Rev. Charles Wesley, ----, 1832. GR3
BIGELOW (also see Biglow)
Abraham O., Aug. 2, 1812. GR3
Alanson, May 20, 1809. GR3
Alanson, s. of Alanson and Ann Rebecca, Aug. 3, 1837.
Anne Rebecca [-----], w. of Alanson, Nov. 3, 1816. GR3
Caroline [-----], w. of Charles, Aug. 11, 1809. GR3
Caroline E., Sept. 1, 1837. GR3
Caroline T. [-----], w. of Prescott, June 15, 1838. GR3
Charles, June 20, 1802. GR3
Edward H., s. of Alanson and Ann R., Sept. 4, 1847.
Ellen Ann, d. of Alanson and Ann Rebecca, Sept. 27, 1840.
Elmira J. Bond [-----], w. of Lyman H., Mar. 2, 1849. GR3
Francis C., s. of Samuel and Mary Ann, Jan. 31, 1845.
George N., ----, 1821. GR3
Hannah F., June 30, 1840. GR3
Harriet M., d. of Isaac and Harriet, Sept. 29, 1827.
Horatio, s. of Horatio and Ann Maria Ripley, bp. June 19, 1814, a. 7 m. CR2
Horatio Ripley, June 20, 1844. GR3
Isaac A., s. of Isaac and Harriet, Mar. 21, 1825
Jacob, M.D., LL.D., Feb. 27, 1787. GR3
John Prescott, s. of Horatio and Ann Maria, bp. July 30, 1821. a. 6 y. CR2
Louise W. [-----], w. of George N., ---- 1828. GR3
Lucy E. (Lucy Elizabeth, CR9), d. of Alanson and Ann, Apr. 4, 1846.
Lucy Maria Knowlton, ----, 1813. GR2
Lyman H., July 1, 1844. GR3
Martha A., Sept. 5, 1834. GR3
Mary C., d. of Isaac and Harriet, Aug. 10, 1831.
Mary E., Feb. 23, 1847. GR3
Mary Jane, Mar. 19, 1811. GR3
Mary Scollay [-----], w. of Dr. Jacob, Jan. 14, 1793. GR3
Olivia A. [-----], w. of Abraham O., July 20, 1818. GR3
Prescott, Feb. 6, 1825. GR3
Rebeckah J. [-----], w. of William H., Mar. 23, 1795. GR3
Sarah E., adopted d. of Lyman and Louisa B. White, in Athol, -----. GR3
Sarah M., ----, 1825. GR3
Thaddeus Bowman, in Westminster, June 3, 1799. GR3
William H., Nov. 4, 1796. GR2
BIGGERS (also see Biggots)
Joseph L., s. of Stephen, Oct. 11, 1846.
BIGGOTS (also see Biggers)
-------, s. of Stephen and Caroline, May 13, 1848.
BIGLOW (also see Bigelow)
Abigail Prentiss, d. of John and Lydia, of Junius, N.Y., bp. July 12, 1812. CR2
Abraham, 2d s. of Abraham Esq. and Hepzibah, Mar. 14, 1794.
Anna Maria, d. of Abraham and Hephzibah, bp. Oct. 14, 1798. CR2
Hepsy (Hepzibah, CR2) Amelia, d. of Abraham Esq. and Hepzibah, Apr. 25, 1792.
Horatio, s. of Abraham and Hepzibath, May 30, 1790.
Abgail H., d. of Barnard B. and Harriet, Dec. 30, 1831.
Amelia H. L., d. of Barnard B. and Harriet, Dec. 30, 1822.
Elizabeth W., d. of Barnard B. and Harriet, Apr. 17, 1825.
Harriet W., d. of Barnard B. and Harriet, Nov. 24, 1829.
Mary Ward, d. of Barnard B. and Harriet, May 29, 1820.
Elizabeth Harvey, Dec. 30, 1830. GR3
Anna M., d. of William H. and Martha D., in Boston, May 25, 1847.
Caroline A., ----, 1834. GR3
Lucetta Holden [-----], w. of Uriah, Mar. 4, 1810. GR3
Margaret C., Apr. 22, 1817. GR3
Marie A. [-----], w. of M. P., ----, 1833. GR3
Mary J., ----, 1831. GR3
Massena Holden, d. of Uriah and Lucetta Holden, ----, 1845. GR3
Sarah, ----, 1793. GR3
Sarah Anna, d. of Uriah and Lucetta Holden, ----, 1847. GR3
Uriah, Mar. 10, 1813. GR3
William, ----, 1790. GR3
Ebenezer, s. of Mark and Maria D., Apr. 25, 1847.
Horatio G., ----, 1838. GR3
Loring Justin, s. of Mark and Maria D., May 15, 1843.
Maria D., ----, 1811. GR3
Mark, ----, 1804. GR3
Henry O., ----, 1836. GR3
Amos, Dr., s. of Amos and Hannah, Oct. 18, 1803. GR3
Barnabas, June 8, 1806. GR2
Barnabas, s. of Barnabas and Jane, Apr. 29, 1829.
Benjamin Spencer, s. of Barnabas and Jane, Sept. 10, 1832.
Charles A., ----, 1846. GR2
Elizabeth Perham [-----], w. of Moses, ----, 1805. GR2
Emeline, d. of Amos and Hannah, Nov. 17, 1814. GR3
Harriet [-----], w. of Amos, Oct. 10, 1826. GR3
Horace, s. of Barnabas and Jane. Sept. 16, 1834.
Isaac B., July 2, 1821. GR3
James L., Jan. 8, 1819. GR3
Jane [-----], w. of Barnabas, Apr. 7, 1800. GR2
Jane Elizabeth, d. of Barnabas and Jane, May 22, 1836.
John, s. of Moses and Betsey, Aug. 16, 1832.
John H., ----, 1832. GR2
Martin (Capt. GR2), s. of Barnabas and Jane, Feb. 24, 1831.
Mary Ann, d. of John and Sarah, Apr. 16, 1805. GR3
Mary G. P., d. of Amos and Hannah, May 6, 1810. GR3
Moses, ----, 1796. GR2
Phoebe Wetherbee [-----], w. of Moses, ----, 1791. GR2
Sallie D. [-----], w. of Capt. Martin, ----, 1828. GR2
Sarah Louisa, d. of Barnabas and Jane, Dec. 17, 1838.
Sarah S. Frye [-----], w. of James L., May 8, 1817. GR3
Susan, d. Morris and Betsy, Dec. 22, 1848.
Susan E., ----, 1848. GR2
W., ----, 1822. GR3
Catherine, d. of Willian N. and Lydia H., in Charleston, S.C., Jan. 10, 1831. GR3
George W., ----, 1849. GR3
Lydia H. [-----], w. of William N., Dec. 17, 1797. GR3
William, Nov. 30, 1832. GR3
William George, s. of William and Mary, in Milford, July 7, 1846.
William N., Feb. 21, 1800. GR3
Adman, s. of James and Margaret, July --, 1847.
Andrew Sigourney, Jan. 31, 1824. GR3
Anna, d. of Jonathan and Anna, Jan. 31, 1790. CR2
David, s. of Jonathan and Anna, May 10, 1786. CR2
Eliza [-----], w. of James, Aug. 5, 1799. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan and Anna, Oct. 28, 1778. CR2
Elizabeth Homer [-----], w. of Horace, ----, 1819. CR2
Elizabeth W., ----, 1818. GR3
Ellen A. [-----], w. of James Hancock, Dec. 29, 1834. GR3
Fanny Fish [-----], w. of Horace, ----, 1814. GR3
Frederick, s. of James, b. in England, and Margaret, b. in Ireland, May 4, 1849.
Hannah S., ----, 1817. GR3
Harriet E., ----, 1837. GR3
Henry M., Oct. 24, 1824. GR2
Hepzibah, ----, 1788. GR3
Horace, ----, 1814. GR3
James, Apr. 19, 1794. GR3
James F., s. of Horace and Fanny Fish, ----, 1839. GR3
James Hancock, May 31, 1828. GR3
Jesse, s. of Jonathan and Anna, Dec. 1, 1788. CR2
John H., ----, 1815. GR3
Joseph, s. of Jonathan and Ann, Oct. 22, 1782. CR2
Joseph Weston, ----, 1841. GR3
Lydia Baldwin, ----, 1843. GR3
Martin M., s. of Edmund P. and Cordelia, Oct. 12, 1848.
(Mary Eliza, GR3a) ----, 1805. GR3
Mary Eliza [-----], w. of William H., Mar. 19, 1833. GR3
Oliver William, Apr. 16, 1828. GR3
Rosetta T., Apr. 30, 1822. GR3
Samuel, s. of Jonathan and Anna, July 12, 1775. CR2
Sarah A., Mar. 2, 1827. GR2
Seth, s. of Jonathan and Anna, Mar. 28, 1773. CR2
Thomas, s. of John, Jan. --, 1848.
William, ----, 1818. GR3
William, ----, 1841. GR3
William H., ----, 1842. GR3
Zenas B., ----, 1820. GR3
William, s. of William and Jane, Apr. 4, 1846.
BISCOE (alsos ee Bisco)
Elizabeth, d. of Sarah, bp. Oct. 31, 1814. CR1
Charles Jewett, Mar. 17, 1819. GR3
Elizabeth S., Apr. 16, 1848. GR3
George H., s. of Henry H. and Sarah E., Mar. 1, 1847.
Samuel C., Oct. 29, 1810. GR3
Sarah [-----], w. of Samuel C., Mar. 14, 1813. GR3
Clark Smith, Nov. 12, 1812. GR3
Elizabeth Clark [-----], w. of Clark Smith, Dec. 20, 1813. GR3
George Holmes, Nov. 2, 1837. GR3
Henry Clark, May 5, 1846. GR3
Selina Maria, May 5, 1847. GR3
Agnes [-----], w. of Thomas, Jan. 3, 1831. GR3
Agnes, Oct. 27, 1847. GR3
Catherine Ann, d. of George and Ann, Nov. 14, 1846.
Edward B., s. of William T. and Ann, Oct. 4, 1846.
Elizabeth Ann, d. of George and Ann, bp. Nov. 26, 1846. CR2
Elizabeth Ann, d. of William and Mary, Oct. 25, 1847.
Elizabeth B., d. of Nathaniel and Alice, in Charlestown, N.H., Oct. 1, 1822.
Frances Augusta, d. of William T. and Ann, Apr. 28, 1842.
Frances G. [-----], w. of James W., ----, 1832. GR3
George Boxtell, s. of Nathaniel and Alice, Sept. 11, 1831.
George Nixon, Jan. 15, 1814. GR3
James W., ----, 1825. GR3
Margaret J. [-----], w. of William, ----, 1815. GR2
Marianne, Aug. 30. 1839. GR3
Mary B., d. of William T. and Ann, Nov. 21, 1847.
Mary E., ----, 1825. GR3
Mary Elizabeth, Feb. 23, 1816. GR3
Mary L., d. of Nathaniel and Alice, Nov. 13, 1829.
Mary Olivia, d. of William and Mary, Dec. 19, 1845 (Jan. 19, 1846, CR2).
Robert, s. of George and Esther, both b. in Ireland, May 17, 1849.
Sarah Jane, d. of Robert and Julia Eliza, Mar. 24, 1846.
Sarah Jane Allen, d. of William and Mary, Mar. 25, 1846. CR2
Susan [-----], w. of John A., ----, 1848. GR2
Thomas, Nov. 24, 1829. GR3
William, ----, 1810. GR2
William J., s. of William and Margaret J., Jan. 10, 1842. GR2
William John, s. of William and Mary, June --, 1849 (June 14, 1849, CR2).
William T., s. of Nathaniel and Alice, in Charlestown, N.H., Feb. 20, 1818.
George, in Bradford, Eng., Jan. 25, 1799. GR3
George A., Feb. 5, 1829. GR3
Nancy Hill [-----], w. of George, Oct. 24, 1808. GR3
Samuel B., Feb. 1, 1834. GR3
William H., Apr. 14, 1832. GR3
Nathaniel, s. of Benjamin and Dorcas, Oct. 12, 1666.
Charles, ----, 1817. GR2
Henry Bailey, s. of Josiah 3d, in Augusta, ----, 1786. GR3
John, in Leicestershire, Eng. [16 --]. GR3
John, s. of John, in Dorchester, ----, 1656. GR3
Josiah, s. of John Jr., in Dorchester, ----, 1691. GR3
Josiah, s. of Josiah Jr., in Stoughton, ----, 1760. GR3
Lizzie F., ----, 1845. GR2
Lydia Lucretia [-----], w. of Horace P., May 14, 1831. GR3
Rhoda F., ----, 1817. GR2
Edward B., Feb. 10, 1837. GR3
George, Apr. 29, 1835. GR3
George W., Oct. 3, 1802. GR3
Miriam Phillips [-----], w. of George W., Nov. 20, 1805. GR3
-------, [-----], w. of -------, Aug. 12, 1846. GR2
John Smith, ----, 1826. GR3
Mary [-----], w. of -------, Aug. 17, 1784. GR3
Mary E., ----, 1840. GR3
BLAISDELL (also see Blasdell)
-------, d. of David and Eleanor, Feb. 10, 1849.
Abner, ----, 1806. GR2
Charles E., s. of Sargent, b. in Canaan, N.H. and Elizabeth, b. in Charlestown, Sept. 1, 1849.
Emma Q., d. of William H. and Charlotte A., in Salisbury, Nov. 9, 1848.
Frances Elizabeth, d. of G. J., ----, 1847. GR3
George A., s. of James and Mary J., Feb. --, 1848.
Jane N. [-----], w. of G. J., Sept. 8, 1818. GR3
John H., Aug. 31, 1825. GR2
Mercy W. [-----], w. of Abner, ----, 1812. GR2
Orrin R., Mar. 3, 1826. GR3
S. Jane, ----, 1837. GR2
Ann Hull, d. of Joshua and Sally Stanton, in Northampton, Mar. 22, 1815. GR3
Caroline L. [-----], w. of William S., Mar. 29, 1831. GR3
Charlotte, d. of Reuben and Persis, May 12, 1806.
Charlotte Smith, d. of John Welland and Abigal Jones of Brattleborough, Vt., and w. of Dexter CHAPIN of New York City, Apr. 7, 1798. GR3.
Clarina Simpson, ----, 1813. GR3
Edward, June 13, 1770. GR3
Edward, Sept. 28, 1805. GR3
Elizabeth Amelia [-----], w. of Joshua, Oct. 14, 1840. GR3
Elizabeth Cook, d. of Joseph and Ruth, bp. May 21, 1815. CR1
Ellen C., d. of John, Dec. 11, 1847.
Fannie G., ----, 1844. GR3
Frank Whitney, ----, 1841. GR3
George, in Hardwick, ----, 1769. GR3
George, in Boston, Nov. 30, 1813. GR3
George Baty, s. of John Welland and Abigail Jones, in Brattleborough, Vt., May 19, 1808. GR3.
George Baty, Dec. 13, 1838. GR3
George F., ----, 1819. GR3
George O., ----, 1835. GR3
Gertrude Louisa, d. of Henry Jones and Gertrude Bleeker Truax and w. of Rufus ELLIS, in Brattleboro, Vt., Dec. 2, 1819. GR2
Harriet David Johnson [-----], w. of George Baty, in Louisville, Ky., Dec. 19, 1836. GR3
Harriette, d. of Joseph of Boston and for two score years wid. of Elijah Hunt MILLS of Northampton, in Hingham, Dec. 4, 1780. GR2
Henrietta E., d. of John B., Dec. --, 1845.
Henry H., Jan. 12, 1832. GR3
Henry Jones, in Boston, June 11, 1843. GR3
Hepsibeth [-----], w. of Oliver, ----, 1803. GR3
J. Whitney, ----, 1807. GR3
James H., Sept. 16, 1842. GR3
John Welland, s. of George Baty and Ann Hull, in Boston, Apr. 19, 1846. GR3
Joseph, in Boston, Feb. 5, 1738. GR3
Joseph M., ----, 1839. GR3
Joshua, ----, 1827. GR3
Laura Georgiana, d. of -----, bp. Nov. 4, 1827, a. 5 m. CR2
Martha J. [-----], w. of George F., ----, 1835. GR3
Martha W. [-----], w. of George O., ----, 1840. GR3
Mary M. J. Dehon [-----], w. of Edward, Sept. 7, 18007. GR3
Mehetable Ellis, d. of Oliver and Sarah, Dec. 26, 1810.
Oliver, s. of Oliver and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1801.
Oliver, ----, 1814. GR3
Prudence [-----], w. of ------, ------, 1811. GR2
Sarah, d. of Oliver and Sarah, Sept. 12, 1805.
Sarah Barrett, d. of Oliver and Sarah, Apr. 26, 1806.
Sarah J. Hurd [-----], w. of Henry H., June 2, 1845. GR3
Sarah Olcott Mudrock, in Norwich, Vt., June 25, 1787. GR3
Sarah S. [-----], w. of George F., ----, 1821. GR3
Stanton, in Boston, May 8, 1837. GR3
Susan P. [-----], w. of Thomas D., ----, 1848. GR3
Thomas, s. of Oliver and Sarah, Mar. 13, 1802.
Thomas, s. of Oliver and Sarah, Jan. 16, 1811.
Thomas Davis, s. of George F. and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1847.
William, ----, 1796. GR3
William S., Dec. 10, 1830. GR3
John, at Newcastle on Tyne, Eng., Sept. 24, 1834. GR2
Abby Cornelia, d. of Jedediah and Sarah, and w. of Gustavus BEAL, afterwards w. of Gideon F. THAYER, Aug. 12, 1815. GR3
Abijah, ----, 1812. GR3
Andrew, ----, 1787. GR3
Benjamin G., Nov. 5, 1810. GR3
Benjamin West, ----, 1827. GR3
Caroline C. [-----], w. of Charles H., Mar. 17, 1831. GR3
Caroline M., ----, 1818. GR3
Catharine A. [-----], w. of Benjamin G., Dec. 23, 1814. GR3
Charles H., Nov. 25, 1828. GR3
Eliza, Oct. 24, 1801. GR3
Eliza Ann, July 29, 1824. GR3
Elizabeth, ----, 1822. GR3
Elizabeth W., d. of Joseph and Rhoda W., Dec. 29, 1844.
Emily J. Ellis [-----], w. of Benjamin West, ----, 1832. GR3
George S., ----, 1826. GR3
Isaac, in Billerica, Feb. 28, 1783. GR3
Isaac Wilder, ----, 1815. GR3
Jedediah, Dec. 7, 1783. GR3
Jerusha B., Apr. 25, 1813. GR3
John Adams, in Boston, Apr. 6, 1842. GR3
John M., s. of Richard and Eliza H., Mar. 26, 1829. GR3
Lucy Allen [-----], w. of Andrew, ----, 1805. GR3
Lydia Stanwood [-----], w. of Andrew, ----, 1797. GR3
Nabby Phillips, d. of Francis and Hannah, Jan. 4, 1806.
Sarah [-----], w. of Jedediah, Jan. 4, 1786. GR3
Sarah Emeline, d. of Jedediah and Sarah, ----, 1819. GR3
Washington, s. of Francis and Hannah, Dec. 21, 1808.
William Dyer, s. of Jedediah and Sarah, ----, 1812. GR3
Charles W., s. of Charles W. and Susanna B., Aug. 14, 1844.
Edwin R., s. of Charles W. and Susanna B., Oct. 6, 1848.
Elizabeth B., d. of Charles W. and Susanna B., Jan. 5, 1847.
Helen S., ----, 1849. GR3
Henry, Jan. 3, 1822. GR3
James Mears, in Roxbury, Aug. 26, 1791. GR3
William, in Boston, Aug. 31, 1819. GR3
BLASDEL (also see Blaisdell)
Joan C., Sept. 18, 1807. GR3
John C., May 6, 1809. GR3
John Samuel, Jan. 19, 1831. GR3
Mary Edgcumbe, ----, 1838. GR3
Ellen, Aug. --, 1839. GR2
John Charles, s. of Joseph and Margaret Josephine, both b. in Germany, Aug. 13, 1849.
Ariadne, d. of Timothy and Lucia Ann, Dec. 2, 1835.
Frederick William, s. of Timothy and Lucia Ann, Dec. 28, 1838.
Lucia Ann Goodwin [-----], w. of Timothy, Sept. 28, 1811. GR2
Anna M., d. of Russell and ------, June 24, 1848.
Delia M. Warren [-----], 2d w. Henry Penniman, Jan. 9, 1822. GR3
Edgar Janes, ----, 1842. GR3
Edwin A., Oct. 17, 1822. GR3
Elizabeth B. [-----], w. of Stephen W., Mar. 4, 1806. GR2
Hannah L. Warren [-----], 1st w. of Henry Penniman, July 25, 1824. GR3
Henry Penniman, in Brookfield, Feb. 1, 1820. GR3
Isaiah Barrett, s. of Capt. -----, bp. Feb. 15, 1778. CR1
John, s. of Theodore, bp. Apr. 11, 1779. CR2
Laura W., d. of Henry P. and H. L., Jan. 25, 1846.
BLODGETT (also see Blogget)
Abbie A., ----, 1839. GR3
Abby Jane, d. of Alvaro and Jane F., Dec. 3, 1845.
Alfred, ----, 1801. GR2
Almira G., ----, 1815. GR3
Annie [-----], w. of J. W., July 19, 1816. GR3
Emma Frances, d. of Alonzo and Jane F.C., Nov. 24, 1840.
Harriet E., Mar. 9, 1826. GR3
Jane F. C. [-----], w. of Alvaro, Feb. 28, 1822. GR2
Luther, ----, 1811. GR3
Sarah E., d. of James, Nov. 11, 1845.
Susan, ----, 1804. GR2
Warren K., ----,1828. GR3
William A., Dec. 29, 1829. GR3
BLOGGET (also see Blodgett)
Susan, d. of Thomas and Susan, June --, 1637.
Ai, Dec. 26, 1808, GR3
Arvilla P. [-----], w. of John, July 9, 1803. GR3
John, July 12, 1802. GR3
Mariana Williamson [-----], w. of William H., Mar. 3, 1843. GR3
Mary A. [-----], w. of Ai, Oct. 9, 1812. GR3
Catherine C., May 27, 1826. GR2
BLOWER (also see Blowers)
Pyam, s. of Pyam and Elizabeth, July 29, 1679.
BLOWERS (also see Blower)
Andrew, s. of Pyam and Elizabeth, Aug. 27, 1682.
Elizabeth, d. of Pyam and Elizabeth, July 19, 1675.
Hannah, d. of Pyam and Elizabeth, July 4, 1674.
Jno., s. of Pyan and Elizabeth, Oct. 22, 1680.
Jonathan, s. of Pyam and Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1672.
Samuel, s. of Pyam and Elizabeth, Jan. 14, 1671.
Thomas, s. of Piam and Elizabeth, July 27, 1669.
Thomas, s. of Pyam and Elizabeth, Aug. 1, 1677.
Afred M. ----, 1814. GR3
Eleanor D. Hathaway [-----], w. of George S., ----, 1847. GR3
Ploomy [-----], w. of Alfred M., ----, 1817. GR3
BLY (also see Blye)
Georgiana, d. of Sanford, b. in Leominster, and Elizabeth, b. in Roxbury, July 18, 1849.
BOARDMAN (also see Bordman)
-------, s. of John, Apr. 22, 1848.
Aaron Hiscock, s. of Andrew and Adeline, June 4, 1821.
Adeline Abbott, d. of Andrew and Adeline, Nov. 16, 1823.
Andrew, s. of Andrew and Adeline, Sept. 11, 1818.
Ann Maria, d. of Andrew and Ann, Jan. 10, 1838.
Benjamin Greenleaf, Sept. 25, 1783. GR3
Benjamin Greenleaf, May 29, 1810. GR3
Benjamin Greenleaf, Feb. 13, 1846. GR3
Catherine Elisabeth, d. of Andrew and Andeline, Nov. 1, 1827.
Charles Emery, s. of Andrew and Ann, Feb. 6, 1837.
E. A., Nov. 13, 1806. GR3
Elizabeth Allen, d. of John and Emeline, Dec. 17, 1844.
Ellen F. [-----], w. of William C., ----, 1839. GR2
Ellen M. Cornell [-----], w. of J. L., Mar. 2, 1835. GR3
J. L., Jan. 26, 1832. GR3
Lucy Fuller [-----], w. of George, Aug. 16, 1800. GR3
Martha, d. of Aaron and Mary, Nov. 9, 1683.
Mary Jane, d. of Andrew and Adeline, Aug. 23, 1832.
Sarah Bryant Dennis [-----], w. of Benjamin Greenleaf, Mar. 23, 1815. GR3
Susanna White [-----], w. of Benjamin Greenleaf, Mar. 28, 1783. GR3
William C., ----, 1841. GR2
Ferdinand, Aug. 29, 1832. GR3
William A., in Leer, Ger., July 1, 1844. GR2
Edwin Palmer, ----, 1847. GR3
Lelia Lincoln, ----, 1849. GR2
Mary Jane, d. of William and Sarah, bp. Oct. 19, 1830. CR10
Sarah Elizabeth, d. of William and Sarah, bp. Oct. 19, 1830. CR10
William Brooks, s. of William and Sarah, bp. Oct. 19, 1830. CR10
Henry, s. of John, bp. July 20, 1777. CR1
Polly, d. of John, bp. June 13, 1779. CR1
Benedict, s. of Tobias and Eleanor, Dec. 30, 1848.
Catherine [-----], w. of ------, Sept. 10, 1804. GR3
BOLLES (also see Bowles)
Clarinda R., ----, 1803. GR3
Deborah C.S., Dec. 15, 1811. GR3
Frances Amelia, only ch. of William C. and Frances M., and w. of Rev. George Herbert PATTERSON, in Boston, Jan. 27, 1844. GR2
Harriet Clarke, May 20, 1821. GR3
John Edward, s. of Lucius, D.D., and Lydia, May 7, 1812. GR3
Lucius, D.D., in Ashford, Conn., Sept. 25, 1779. GR3
Lucius Stillman, Rev., s. of Lucius and Lydia, in Salem, July 6, 1808. GR3
Lydia [-----], w. of Lucius, D.D., in Hartford, Conn., Oct. 10, 1784. GR3
Lydia Ann, d. of Lucius, D.D., and Lydia, Oct. 12, 1815. GR3
Mary L., May 4, 1835. GR3
Matthew, June 11, 1807. GR3
Matthew Jr., Lieut., U.S.N., Sept. 5, 1847. GR3
Michael Shepard, May 21, 1844. GR3
William Carey, s. of Lucius and Lydia, in Salem, Mar. 8, 1814. GR3
John B., in Halifax, N.S., Sept. 18, 1810. GR3
John Loftus. ----, 1843. GR3
John T., Nov. 22, 1841. GR3
Sarah A. Davis [-----], w. of John B., Sept. 25, 1819. GR3
Charles H., ----, 1846. GR3
Elizabeth Lidstone, d. of William and Selina Cranch, in Dorchester, Oct. 6, 1829. GR#
Emily O., d. of Simon E. and Sarah E., Oct. 26, 1844.
Harriet Gardner [-----], w. of George Phillips, Jan. 2, 1829. GR2
Joseph Cranch, s. of William Cranch and Selina C., in Dorchester, Jan. 23, 1823. GR3
Laura, d. of William and Polly M. and w. of Rev. Mather E. HAWES, in Whitingham, Vt., ----, 1822. GR3
Mary Roope [-----], w. of William Cranch, in Kingsbridge, Devonshire, Eng., June 21, 1787. GR3
Richard, Mar. 5, 1798. GR3
Richard Fifield, s. of William Cranch and Selina C., in Dorchester, Aug. 27, 1827. GR3
Sarah J. [-----], w. of William L., Aug. 17, 1828. GR3
Selina Cranch [-----], w. of William Cranch, in Kingsbridge, Devonshire, Eng., Apr. 4, 1798. GR3
William, s. of William and Hannah, Jan. 19, 1723-4.
William Cranch, in Portland, Me., Sept. 9, 1789. GR3
William Cranch, s. of William Cranch and Selina C., in Dorchester, Apr. 23, 1821. GR3
William L., Feb. 2, 1828. GR3
Charles D., Apr. 22, 1844. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of George and Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 13, 1796. CR1
George, s. of George and Elizabeth, Dec. 13, 1797.
George G., Mar. 18, 1847. GR3
Jane, d. of John and Mary, May 2, 1691.
Mary [-----], w. of Philip, Nov. 16, 1781. GR3
Mary, d. of George and Elizabeth, bp. Sept. 1, 1799. CR1
Mary A. [-----], w. of William, July 13, 1814. GR3
Philip, Nov. 27, 1779. GR3
T. Dana, July 29, 1843. GR3
William, Apr. 29, 1802. GR3
Alice Ayers [-----], w. of William, Jan. 20, 1792. GR3
Robert C., ----, 1838. GR2
BOON (also see Boone)
Harriet Elizabeth, 2d d. of William C. and Louisa H., Apr. 24, 1832. GR3
Rebecca J., ----, 1844. GR2
William C., Aug. 8, 1807. GR3
BOONE (also see Boon)
Franck, s. of Mathew and Anna, Mar. 28, 1664.
Ann, Dec. 19, 1831. GR3
Chauncey, Dr., in Coventry, Conn., Sept. 21, 1816. GR3
Edwin, Nov. 13, 1833. GR3
Mary [-----], w. of Edwin, May 19, 1840. GR3
Francis, in Boston, June 24, 1813. GR3
Kirk, Oct. 27, 1810. GR3
BORDMAN (also see Boardman)
Aaron, s. of William and Frances, bp. ---- 16, ----. CR1
Aaron, s. of Aaron and Mary, June 21, 1681.
Aaron, s. of Aaron and Mary, Apr. 18, 1686.
Aaron, s. of Moses and Abigail, Sept. 8, 1707.
Aaron, s. of Aaron and Elizabeth, May 6, 1711.
Aaron, s. of Moses, bp. Mar. 9, 1718. CR1
Aaron, s. of Zechariah and Mary, June 16, 1744.
Abigail, d. of Andrew and Ruth, Mar. 10, 1678.
Abigail, d. of Moses and Abigail, July 5, 1706.
Abigail, d. of William, bp. Oct. 7, 1753. Twin. CR1
Andrew, s. of William and Francis, bp. ---- 16, ---- CR1
Andrew, s. of Andrew and Ruth, Aug. 22, 1670 (1672 dup.)
Andrew, s. of Andrew and Elizabeth, Aug. 1, 1701.
Andrew, s. of Capt. Moses, bp. Feb. 20, 1721. CR1
Andrew, s. of Andrew and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1745.
Elizabeth, d. of William and Rebecca, Aug. 17, 1660 (Elizabeth, d. of William and Frances, bp. Aug. 26, 1660. CR1).
Elizabeth, d. of Moses and Abigaill, Aug. 19, 1704.
Elizabeth, d. of Andrew (Jr. CR1) and Sarah, Mar. 30, 1742.
Elizabeth, d. of William, bp. Oct. 7, 1753. Twin. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of Zachariah and Mary, Dec. 20, 1753.
Frances, d. of William and Frances, bp. ----, 16, ---- CR1
Martha, d. of William and Frances, bp. --- 16, ---- CR1
Martha, d. of Andrew and Ruth, Oct. 31, 1675.
Martha, d. of Moses and Abigail, July 25, 1715.
Mary, d. of William and Frances, Mar. 9, 1655.
Mary, d. of Aaron and Mary, Apr. 1, 1674.
Mary, d. of Aaron and Mary, Mar. 9, 1678-9.
Mary, d. of Aaron and Mary, May 6, 1689.
Mary, d. of Moses and Abigail, Aug. 10, 1713.
Mary, d. of Zachariah and Mary, May 16, 1756.
Moses, s. of Andrew and Ruth, July 8, 1672.
Moses, s. of Aaron and Mary, Feb. 17, 1673.
Moses, s. of Moses and Abigail, June 2, 1703.
Moses, s. of William, bp. Oct. 23, 1757. CR1
Rebeccah, d. of William and Frances, bp. ---- 16, ----, CR1
Richard, s. of Zachariah and Mary, Nov. 30, 1760.
Ruth, d. of Andrew and Ruth, Jan. 15, 1671.
Ruth, d of Andrew and Elizabeth, Nov. 19, 1698.
Ruth, d. of Andrew (Jr. CR1) and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1732-3.
Susan Ruggles, only ch. of William and Elizabeth Davis, and w. of William LAURENCE, Apr. 29, 1787. GR3
Susannah Mackey, d. of William, bp. Sept. 23, 1759. CR1
Walter, s. of Capt. Moses, bp. Mar. 15, 1719. CR1
William, s. of William and Frances, Dec. 6, 1657.
William, s. of Moses and Abigail, Apr. 30, 1711.
William, s. of William, bp. Aug. 10, 1755. CR1
Zachariah, s. of Zachariah and Mary, Dec. 2, 1750.
Zechary, s. of Aaron and Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1713.
Alida Livingston, Feb. 9, 1833. GR3
John, Jan. 19, 1792. GR3
John Nelson, Jan. 14, 1828. GR3
Julia [-----], w. of M. Woolsey, May 10, 1830. GR3
M. Woolsey, Jan. 19, 1824. GR3
Madeline [-----], w. of John Nelson, Apr. 25, 1833, GR3
Rebecca Nelson [-----], w. of John, Mar. 18, 1793. GR3
Samuel, s. of John and Ann, bp. Dec. 26, 1765. CR2
Thomas, s. of John and Ann, bp. ----, 1767. CR2
-------, d. of Joseph and Nancy, Oct. 19, 1844.
Anna W., d. of Joseph and Nancy, Oct. 10, 1845.
Estella, d. of Joseph and Nancy, Feb. 1, 1848.
Annie Marie Coindreau [-----], w. of Gustave Pierre, ----, 1848. GR3
Gustav Pierre, ----, 1835. GR3
Abigail, June 22, 1791. GR3
Hiram E., May 6, 1827. GR3
Joshua S., Aug. 23, 1804. GR3
Sally, d. of Isaac and Sally, Sept. 4, 1806.
Susan Hallet [-----], w. of Joshua S., Dec. 9, 1804. GR3
Daniel, ----, 1820. GR3
Elisabeth Augusta [-----], w. of John, ----, 1832. GR3
Elizabeth H., ----, 1823. GR3
John, ----, 1792. GR3
John, ----, 1826. GR3
BOURN (also see Bourne)
Caroline E., d. of Robert T. and Martha, May 15, 1846.
George F., s. of Robert T., b. in Cohasset, and Martha, b. in Concord, N.H., Oct. 23, 1849.
BURNE (also see Bourn)
Eliza, d. of Elias and Mary, in Somerville, Apr. 1, 1849.
Martha, ----, 1810. GR2
Robert T., ----, 1814. GR2
BOUTELL (also see Boutelle, Bowtell)
Margaret, d. of John and Margeret, Jan. 14, 1650. [1650-51].
BOUTELLE (also see Boutell, Bowtell)
Ann Lincoln, d. of Charles O. and Susan S., Dec. 14, 1849. Twin.
Charles Barden, s. of Charles O. and Susan L., May 13, 1843.
James Thacher, s. of Charles O. and Susan L., Jan. 6, 1845.
John Bartlett, s. of Charles O. and Susan L., Dec. 14, 1849. Twin.
Sylvia, May 15, 1798. GR2
Lydia Cushing [-----], w. of Osborne, Jan. 25, 1789. GR3
Osborne, June 1, 1790. GR3
James, s. of Nicholas and Sarah, Jan. 16, 1686-7.
Elizabeth Brown [-----], w. of Nathaniel Ingersoll, in Boston, Nov. 25, 1807. GR3
Henry Ingersoll, in Salem, Aug. 9, 1808. GR3
J. Ingersoll, Oct. 15, 1806. GR3
Lucy Orne, June 23, 1816. GR3
Mary Ingersoll, Dec. 4, 1781. GR3
Mary P., Aug. 17, 1838. GR3
Nathaniel, Mar. 20, 1773. GR3
Nathaniel Ingersoll, in Salem, Jan. 17, 1805. GR3
Olivia Yardley [-----], w. of Henry Ingersoll, in London, Eng., Feb. 1, 1816. GR3
William P., Jan. 30, 1845. GR3
Catharine, July 9, 1809. GR3
Dijah, in Woodstock, Conn., May 27, 1777. GR2
Eugene, s. of John and Sarah N., Apr. 13, 1848.
Francis, ----, 1811. GR2
George Paine, s. of Daniel and Mary B., Nov. 29, 1803.
James, Mar. 15, 1827. GR3
John, s. of John, June 13, 1847.
John Loraine, s. of John and Sarah, Dec. 2, 1844.
Chrales, Dea., in Rindge, N.H., Aug. --, 1793. GR3
Daniel S., Dec. 30, 1823. GR3
Edward H., s. of Charles E. and Catherine H., Aug. 5, 1845. GR3
Elizabeth [-----], w. of Dea. Charles, in Abington, Mar. 12, 1794. GR3
Elizabeth [-----], w. of Capt. John F., ---, 1801. GR3
Frank B., s. of Charles E. and Catherine H., Aug. 18, 1847. GR3
George, s. of Benanuel and Elizabeth, Feb. 3, 1653.
George E., ----, 1827. GR3
Henry, s. of Charles E. and Catherine H., Mar. 21, 1838. GR3
Jane, d. of John and Bridgett, Sept. 27, 1848.
Jerathmeel, s. of George and Elizabeth, May 2, 1650.
John F., Capt., ----, 1800. GR3
Mary, d. of John and Bridgett, Oct. 6, 1844.
Mary Jane, d. of John, bp. July 9, 1815, a. 3 y. CR1
Sarah M., May 22, 1834. GR3
Walter C., s. of Charles E. and Catherine H., July 22, 1842. GR3
William, s. of Nicholas, bp. Jan. 31, 1702-03. CR1
Albert, ----, 1815. GR3
Benjamin C., ----, 1844. GR3
Charles E., ----, 1844. GR3
Charles W., ----, 1817. GR3
Charlotte [-----], w. of Edwin, Feb. 14, 1832. GR3
Edwin, Jan. 4, 1824. GR3
Francis, ----, 1845. GR3
Freeman, Sept. 24, 1810. GR2
George, ----, 1848. GR3
Henrietta L., ----, 1844. GR3
Henry, July 27, 1810. GR3
James A., Sept. 26, 1830. GR3
Sarah B. [-----], w. of Freeman, Oct. 23, 1814. GR2
Sarah Lamson, ----, 1815. GR3
Susan A. [-----], w. of Charles W., ----, 1814. GR3
Winslow L., ----, 1825. GR2
Benjamin, May 11, 1849. GR3
George, Apr. 13, 1805. GR3
BOWLES (also see Bolles)
Charlotte, d. of Hiram A. and Mary S., May 9, 1845. GR3
Elizabeth T., in Harrington, Me., Nov. 23, 1806. GR3
Ella R., ----, 1845. GR2
Emeline W., ----, 1838. GR2
Frances M., Mar. 5, 1832. GR3
Hiram Marryatt, s. of Hiram A. and Mary S., Nov. 24, 1843. GR3
John Eliot, in Roxbury, Aug. 21, 1842. GR3
M. Lincoln, Nov. 1, 1832. GR3
Stephen J., in Machias, July 8, 1799. GR3
Stephen W., Dr., Dec. 21, 1836. GR3
Abigail, d. of Samuel, bp. Mar. 15, 1724. CR1
Abigail Brown, d. of Solomon and Abigail, Mar. 12, 176 - . [probl 1763].
Andrew, s. of Samuell and Rebeckah, Oct. 15, 1701
Andrew, s. of Samuell and Rebeckah, Apr. 27, 1713.
Andrew, s. of Noah, bp. Mar. 3, 1754. CR1
Charles C., s. of Sylvester and Harriet, ----, 1844. GR3
Charles O., s. of Oliver P. and Hepsibah Hall, ----, 1843. GR3
Deborah, d. of Samuell and Deborah, May 30, 1716.
Dexter D., s. of Sylvester & Harriet, ----, 1833. GR3
Edmund, s. of Joseph and Phebe, Mar. 5, 1709-10.
Eliza Adams, Aug. 31, 1801. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Samuel, bp. May 7, 1721. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of Solomon and Abigail, July 23, 1773.
Elizabeth A., Apr. 11, 1822. GR3
Ernest, ----, 1832. GR2
Eunice, d. of Samuel, bp. Nov. 4, 1722. CR1
Francis, s. of Joseph and Phebe, Nov. 11, 1699.
Frank G., ----, 1836. GR3
Hannah, d. of Joseph and Phebe, Nov. 11, 1699.
Hannah, d. of Samuell and Rebeckah, Apr. 2, 1711.
Hannah, d. of Samuel, bp. Feb. 17, 1751. CR1
Harriet [-----], w. of Sylvester, ----, 1806. GR3
Harriet Carpenter, d. of Benjamin and ------, Aug. 25, 1811.
Harriet M. [-----], w. of Dexter D., ----, 1841. GR3
Henrietta [-----], w. of Ernest, ----, 1835. GR2
Henry F., July 15, 1843. GR3
Hepsibah Hall [-----], w. of Oliver P., ----, 1820. GR3
James, s. of Joseph and Phebe, Sept. 11, 1701.
John Adams, Mar. 19, 1837. GR3
Jonathan, s. of Joseph and Phebe, Sept. 16, 1697.
Joshua, s. of Noah, bp. Feb. 15, 1746-7. CR1
Lucy, d. of Benjamin and Lucy, Oct. 6, 1806.
Margaret, ----, 1816. GR3
Martha, d. Samuell and Rebeckah, May 13, 1704.
Martha, d. of Samuell and Deborah, Feb. 10, 1714-15.
Martha E., May 10, 1840. GR3
Mary, d. of Samuell and Rebeckah, Aug. 14, 1706.
Mary, d. of William and Mary, Feb. 28, 1754.
Mary Scott [-----], w. of Frank L., Oct. 15, 1840. GR3
Nancy Robbins [-----], w. of Dexter, Dec. 26, 1809. GR3
Noah, s. of Samuell and Deborah, Oct. 23, 1718.
Oliver P., ----, 1814. GR3
Rebeckah, d. of Samuell and Rebeckah, Jan. 10, 1708-09.
Rosetta [-----], w. of Zadock, Mar. 2, 1816. GR3
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Rebeckah, Mar. 2, 1702-03.
Samuel, s. of Samuel, bp. Apr. 26, 1747. CR1
Susanah, d. of Dea. Samuell, bp. July 10, 1726. CR1
Sybil, d. of Solomon and Abigail, Oct. 2, 1770.
Sylvester, ----, 1808. GR3
Thaddeus, s. of Joseph and Phebe, Sept. 2, 1712.
Thomas Whitney, s. of Benjamin and ------, May 26, 1808.
William H., s. of Oliver and Hepsibah Hall, ----, 1848. GR3
Zadock, Sept. 7, 1807. GR3
Borden Parker, Jan. 14, 1847. GR3
BOWTELL (also see Boutell, Boutelle)
Mary, d. of John and Margaret, Oct. 26, 1646.
Mary Baldwin, d. of David and Ruth B., Dec. 12, 1819.
Esther B., Aug. 29, 1811. GR2
Abby F., d. of John M. W., and Mary A., Mar. 25, 1845. Twin.
Abigail J. Goodwin [-----], w. of Joseph F., Sept. 12, 1807. GR3
Agnes A., Aug. 16, 1834. GR3
Anna G., d. of John M.W. and Mary A., Mar. 25, 1845. Twin.
Harry, s. of John C. and Kate G., Oct. 8, 1848. GR3
James, ----, 1821. GR2
Joseph, Aug. 11, 1807. GR3
Joseph F., Dec. 13, 1804. GR3
Josephine L. Kelley [-----], w. or Orman T., May 29, 1837. GR3
Mary, June 30, 1815. GR3
Mary G. Bemis [-----], w. of Joseph, Dec. 14, 1810. GR3
Mary Jean [-----], w. of James, ----, 1822. GR2
Mary Josephine, d. of Joseph and Mary G. Bemis, July 14, 1842. GR3
Orman T., Aug. 29, 1833. GR3
Robert Southgate, Dec. 11, 1842. GR3
Addison, Jan. 7, 1820. GR3
Charles, Oct. 7, 1840. GR3
Decatur M., ----, 1840. GR3
Dwight, Jan. 10, 1803. GR3
Francis L., ----, 1844. GR3
Frederic, Jan. 30, 1839. GR3
George Whiting, Mar. 21, 1845. GR3
Maria Annette Whiting, Sept. 15, 1816. GR3
Rebecca C., July 24, 1821. GR3
William B., May 7, 1837. GR3
Adine Osbert, d. of Marshall S. and Caroline, July 26, 1834.
Charles B., s. of Marshall S., Jan. 29, 1848.
Charles W., ----, 1848. GR2
Charlotte B., d. of Marshall S., May 29, 1845.
Emily Holmes, June 27, 1837. GR2
Mary A., ----, 1811. GR2
Samuel, Nov. 18, 1817. GR2
Thomas Jefferson, s. of Marshall and Caroline, Jan. 23, 1837.
Mary, d. of James, Sept. 5, 1847.
William, s. of James and Mary Jane, Apr. 1, 1847
Annie Percy, Apr. 24, 1847. GR3
Elizabeth A., d. of John L. and Margaret, Sept. 1, 1843.
George W., Apr. 17, 1839. GR3
Henry, s. of Federal and Eliza, July 19, 1847.
Louisa, Aug. 2, 1831. GR3
Martha E. [-----], w. of Warren R., ----, 1830. GR2
Martha E., ----, 1845. GR3
Morris B., July 22, 1822. GR3
Perkins, Nov. 15, 1803. GR3
Sarah B. [-----], w. of Morris B., Dec. 16, 1824. GR3
Warren R., ----, 1819. GR2
Warren R. Jr., ----, 1845. GR2
George, in Nieblum Ger., Nov. 29, 1839. GR2
Eliza Cheever [-----], w. of Ezra H., Nov. 27, 1820. GR3
Ezra H., Apr. 4, 1812. GR3
John, s. of Owen and Bridgett, July 24, 1844.
Margery, d. of Neal and Rosana, Jan. 1, 1848.
Ann Maria, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1822.
Charles Willard, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Sept. 16, 1834.
Eliza, d. of Lemuel and Sarah, bp. Apr. 27, 1806. CR1
Eliza Ann, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Feb. 9, 1832.
Elizabeth P. [-----], w. of Joseph, Apr. 6, 1794. GR3
George Gardner, s. of Samuel and Sarah, June 22, 1806.
Joseph, Apr. 27, 1794. GR3
Joseph Augustus, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Nov. 15, 1825.
Maria Louise [-----], w. of Walter M., ----, 1827. GR3
Mary Ann, d. of Lemuel and Sarah, bp. Apr. 27, 1806. CR1
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Mar. 11, 1820.
Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, Apar. 11, 1663.
Sarah Trowbridge, d. of Lemuel and Sarah, bp. Apr. 27, 1806. CR1
Susan Bartlett, d. of Lemuel and Sarah, Aug. 23, 1806.
Susan E. W., Feb. 20, 1817. GR3
William Henry, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Apr. 2, 1828.
Almira E. [-----], w. of Caleb, June 21, 1805. GR2
Arexine Libby [-----], w. of Ezra, ----, 1826. GR3
Betsey Ann, Oct. 8, 1837. GR3.
Caleb, Jan. 10, 1801. GR2
Caleb B., ----, 1835. GR2
Charles Fletcher, s. of William S. and Elizabeth Emerson, ----, 1836. GR3
Charles L., in York, Me., Dec. 20, 1815. GR3
Elizabeth Elmira, d. of Caleb and Elmira Elizabeth, Aug. 29, 1820.
Elizabeth Emerson [-----], w. of William S., in Hollis, N.H., ----, 1800. GR3
Ezra, ----, 1819. GR3
Frederic, s. of Caleb and Almira B., Nov. --, 1848.
Hannah P. [-----], w. of Charles L., Mar. 13, 1817. GR3
Horace Dennison, Oct. 9, 1837. GR3
Juliet Brown, d. of Caleb and Elmira Elizabeth, Oct. 19, 1831.
Sarah M., Dec. 29, 1839. GR3
William S., in Hollis, N.H. ----, 1800. GR3
Abby S., Sept. 19, 1831. GR3
Alden, Nov. 19, 1765. GR3
Clara C. Kinsman [-----], w. of Gamaliel, Nov. 24, 1836. GR3
Eliza [-----], w. of Duncan, Dec. 23, 1815. GR3
Fanny, Jan. 10, 1817. GR3
Gamaliel 5th, Jan. 15, 1831. GR3
George, in Portland, Me., Aug. 24, 1808. GR3
George R., Nov. 12, 1825. GR3
Isaac, Nov. 15, 1834. GR3
Jane Ann [-----], w. of Isaac, Aug. 28, 1835. GR3
Jeannette [-----], w. of Samuel G., Dec. 28, 1847. GR3
John, Mar. 31, 1785. GR3
John, Jan. 2, 1820. GR3
John Robinson, 4th s. of Alden and Margaret, Sept. 31(sic), 1813. GR3
Joseph, s. of Joseph, bp. Aug. 16, 1730. CR1
Joseph N., Oct. 21, 1829. GR3
Margaret [-----], w. of Alden, Aug. 31, 1770. GR3
Rebecca, in Boston, July 20, 1818. GR3
Robert Forbes, Capt. U.S.N., in Boston, Dec. 9, 1836. GR3
Rosetta, d. of Lewis E. and Olive F., Apr. 25, 1848.
Sarah, Jan. 9, 1815. GR3
Sarah P. [-----], w. of George, in Newburyport, Aug. 24, 1808. GR3
Sarah Parker [-----], w. of Frederick A., Apr. 27, 1810. GR3
Sarah W. [-----], w. of John, Dec. 8, 1785. GR3
Sophia Rice, Dec. 20, 1796. GR3
William, Sept. 2, 1823. GR3
William, in Charlestown, Nov. 7, 1849. GR3
Abigail, d. of Isaac and Esther, July 15, 1756.
Abigail, d. of Isaac and Esther, June 14, 1758.
Ebenezer, s. of John and Hephzibah, Apr. 28, 1716.
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Aug. 29, 1742. CR1
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Eunice, Sept. 17, 1746.
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah, Sept. 8, 1773.
Ebenezer King, s. of Isaac and Esther, Nov. 21, 1760.
Ebenezer King, s. of Isaac and Esther, June 24, 1762.
Elenor, d. of Ebenezer and Eunice, Jan. 30, 1748.
Elizabeth, d. of John and Hephzibah, Feb. 1, 1711-12.
Elizabeth Woods, d. of William and Ruth, Jan. 23, 1791.
Esther Rand, d. of William and Ruth, Mar. 1, 1789.
Eunice, d. of Ebenezer, bp. June 15, 1740. CR1
Eunice, d. of Ebenezer and Eunice, Mar. 22, 1744-5.
Eunice, d. of Ebenezer Esq., bp. Sept. 14, 1788. CR1
Hannah, d. of John and Hephzibah, Oct. 27, 1705.
Hepsibah, d. of John Jr., bp. Mar. 15, 1741. CR1
Isaac, s. of John and Hephzibah, June 25, 1723.
Isaac, s. of Isaac and Esther, Nov. 3, 1752.
James, s. of John and Hephzibah, July 30, 1709.
James, s. of Isaac and Esther, Mar. 18, 1770.
John, s. of Robert and Vashti, Dec. 3, 1645.
John, s. of John and Hephzibah, Sept. 10, 1707.
Jonathan, s. of Jno. and Hephzibah, Sept. 16, 1713.
Joseph, s. of Robert and Mary, May --, 1638.
Louisa Chandler, d. of William and Ruth, Jan. 29, 1800.
Mary, d. of John, bp. June 17, 1722. CR1
Rebeckah, d. of Jno. and Hephzibah, Dec. 10, 1720.
Ruth Keep, d. of William and Ruth, Mar. 10, 1795.
Samuel, s. of Robert and Vashti, Feb. 13, 1639.
Samuel, s. of Robert and Vashti, Nov. 29, 1648.
Sraah, d. of John and Hephzibah, Jan. 27, 1717-18.
Sarah, d. of John Jr., bp. Mar. 29, 1741. CR1
Sarah, d. of Ebenezer and Eunice, Feb. 26, 1743-4.
Sarah, d. of Isaac and Esther, Oct. 9, 1765.
Sarah Goodwin, d. of William and Ruth, Feb. 13, 1793.
Timothy, s. of Isaac and Esther, Sept. 28, 1763.
Timothy Paine, s. of Ebenezer Jr. Esq., and Hannah, Sept. 4, 1781.
William, s. of John and Hepzibah, May 31, 1715.
William, s. of Isaac and Esther, July 20, 1754.
William King, s. of William and Ruth, Sept. 19, 1797.
BRADLEE (also see Bradley)
Anna Mehitable, Mar. 4, 1836. GR3
Caleb Davis, D.D., Feb. 24, 1831. GR3
Caroline Gay [-----], w. of Caleb Davis, June 15, 1835. GR3
Caroline L., May 25, 1827. GR3
Frederick Hall, Sept. 18, 1807. GR3
Henry E., June 5, 1821. GR3
Josiah, Dec. 17, 1837. GR3
Julia Rebecca, May 25, 1836. GR3
Louise J., Sept. 22, 1837. GR3
Lucretia Wainwright [-----], w. of Frederick Hall, Dec. 16, 1810. GR3
Mary Whiting [-----], w. of Frederick W., Oct. 22, 1831. GR3
Nathaniel J., June 1, 1829. GR3
BRADLEY (also see Bradlee)
Benjamin, Apr. 20, 1815. GR3
Daniel S., ----, 1827. GR3
Olive Amy Shattuck [-----], w. of Daniel S., ----, 1932. GR3
Thomas E., Dr., in London, Eng. ----, 1793. GR3