VITAL RECORDS of CAMBRIDGE Massachusetts, to the Year 1850.
Compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Aaron B. of Malden, and Hannah E. Vose, Jan. 2, 1842.
Abigail and Ansill Gallup, both of Mystick, Apr. 5, 1768. CR2*.
Dexter and Rowena Houghton of Bolton, int. Apr. 30, 1825.
Lydia and John Richardson of Woburn, Feb. --, 1704 (Feb. 22, 1704-05. CR1)*.
Mary and John Swan, Mar. 1, 1655.*
Mary and Reuben Horton of Boston, int. Nov. 10, 1821.
Mehitabel of Dedham, and James Bucknom, July 17, 1838.
Oliver and Sally Leverett, Sept. 29, 1788*.
Stephen and Margaret Doyle Kendall, Mar. 29, 1831.
William A. and Lydia D. Bush, of Fall River, int. Oct. 29, 1844.
Almira B. and Albert G. Safford, both of Boston, in Boston, Nov. 12, 1843*.
Elizabeth w. of Natick and John Mason, int. May 24, 1846.
Hannah N. and William W. Pray, int. Mar. 18, 1848.
William W. and Hannah N. Pray, int. Mar. 18, 1848.
Abraham and Rhoda Mayo, int. Sept. 14, 1805.
PRENTICE (also see Prentis, Prentiss)
Abigail and Rev. Bunker Gay (of Hinsdale, N.H., int.), Sept. 22, 1763.
Beulah and Timothy Tufts Jr., May 9, 1784*.
Bulah and Timothy Batherick, int. Mar. 24, 1759.
Caleb and Lydia Whittemore, Sept. 17, 1744.
Caleb and Rebeccah Rockwell, Dec. 20, 1768.
Daniel and Deborah Wyeth, Dec. 29, 1743.
Ebenezer and Sarah Pierce of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Aug. 21, 1735*.
Ebenezer and Experience Williams, Nov. 24, 1785*.
Elizabeth and Matthew Johnson, May 9, 1726 (May 5, CR1)*.
Elizabeth and Rev. Amos Adams (of Roxbury, int.), Oct. 18, 1753.
Elizabeth and Benaiah Davenport (Jr. of Dorchester, int.), Oct. 4, 1769.
Elizabeth and James Fillebrown, June 5, 1774.
Elizabeth and John Hastings, Apr. 30, 1780*.
Esther of Lexington, and Capt. Samuel Whittemore, in Lexington, Aug. 15, 1765.
Fanny of Watertown, and Aminidab H. Mansfield, Oct. 16, 1808*.
George and Lydia Hill, June 21, 1770.
Grace and Thomas Oliver, Nov. 27, 1667*.
Hannah and Thomas Soden, Mar. 19, 1723-4*.
Hannah and John Warland, Mar. 12, 1776.
Henry and Joane ------, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
Henry and Mary Gove, Apr. 7, 1682*.
Henry and Katharine Felch, Jan. 31, 1728-9. (Jan. 30, CR1)*.
Henry 3d and Sarah Hill, Aug. 19, 1735*.
Henry (3rd, int.) and Susanna Brown of Waltham (Watertown, int.), in Waltham, Jan. 13, 1737-8.
Henry and Elizabeth Haley (of Boston, int.), in Boston, Nov. 8, 1749.
Henry Jr. and Mary Walker, Ot. 16, 1752.
Henry 3d and Eunice Fitch of Bedford, int. Jan. 20, 1769.
Hephzibah and William Badger, June 29, 1727*.
Hephzibah and Thomas Goddard (of Charlestown, int.), Dec. 11, 1777.
Hepzibath and Rev. Jacob Foster of Berwick, Oct. 13, 1756.
Joanna and John Gibson, July 24, 1662*.
Joanna and Samuell Cook, Mar. 31, 1726*.
John and Elizabeth Jackson, June 28, 1677*.
John and Mary Smith, Jan. 5, 1704 (1704-05. CR1)*.
John and Mary Scriptor, Apr. 23, 1772.
Jonas and Mary Pierce of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Apr. 22, 1736*.
Jonas Jr. and Rachel Kent of Charlestown, in Charlestown, May 22, 1765.
Jonas and Sarah Prentice, Nov. 12, 1777.
Jonas and Hannah Goddard, Dec. 1, 1785. (Dec. 6, CR1)*.
Jonas and Helen Whittemore, int. Jan. 2, 1807.
Joshua, Rev. (of Holliston, int.), and Mary Angier, Nov. 9, 1743.
Joshua, Rev. (of Holliston, int.), and Margaret Appleton, Jan. 9, 1755.
Joshua, Rev. (of Holliston, int.), and Mary Haley, Jan. 9, 1770.
Lidia (Lydia Cooper, CR1), and Thomas Kidder, Apr. 8, 1725*.
Love and Moses Hovey, Mar. 11, 1776.
Lucy and Abraham Watson Jr., Mar. 28, 1751.
Lydia and John Cooper, Apr. 6, 1721*.
Lydia and Stephen Prentice, Nov. 10, 1743.
Lydia and Edward Fillebrown, Aug. 23, 1770.
Martha and John Ware (of Sherborn, int.), June 16, 1743.
Mary (dau of Henry and Joana, CR1) and Nathaniel Hancocke, Mar. 8, 1663-4*.
Mary and Benjamin Baulch of Charlestown, Jan. 4, 1710-11*.
Mary and Francis Kidder, Feb. 13, 1717-18*.
Mary and James Pierce, Feb. 10, 1731-2*.
Mary and Elisha Willington, Apr. 12, 1768.
Mary of Charlestown, and James Frost, in Charlestown, Dec. 1, 1768.
Mercy and Jonathan Cooper Jr., June 5, 1755.
Nathaniel and Abigail Logan, Nov. 22, 1764*.
Reuben and Martha Hubbard, Mar. 1, 1757.
Ruth and William Dickson, June 12, 1718*.
Ruthy and Isaac Cowdry of Reading, Aug. 30, 1795*.
Samuel and Elizabeth Cook, Dec. 23, 1736*.
Samuel and Polly Todd, June 13, 1782*.
Sarah and Jno. Smith, June 8, 1676*.
Sarah and Jonathan Cooper, Oct. 25, 1732*.
Sarah and Charles Hill (of Berwick, int.), Sept. 15, 1757.
Sarah and John Robbins (of Lexington, int.), May 14, 1761.
Sarah and Jonas Prentice, Nov. 12, 1777.
Solomon Jr. and Hannah Fillebrown of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Nov. 2, 1744.
Solomon and Rebecca Frost, Apr. 13, 1775.
Stephen and Faith Frost of Charlestown, in Charlestown, July 8, 1708*.
Stephen and Lydia Prentice, Nov. 10, 1743.
Thomas and Grace ------, in England, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
Thomas and Sarah Stanton, Mar. 20, 1675*.
Thomas and Mariah Russell, Dec. 23, 1696. CR1*.
Thomas and Mary Batson, Nov. 6, 1701*.
William and Mary Badger of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Nov. 6, 1729*.
William Jr. and Mary Gorham of Barnstable, int. Oct. 10, 1778.
PRENTIS (also see Prentice, Prentiss)
Caleb and Margaret W. Winship, Aug. 1, 1816.
Thomas and Ruth Symmes of Woburn, in Woburn, July 20, 1774.
PRENTISS (also see Prentice, Prentis)
Abby W. and Daniel W. Sawin, June 8, 1845.
Abigail and Samuel Capin, Oct. 14, 1792*.
Caleb and Mrs. Lucy Lufkin, Nov. 26, 1823.
Charles B. of West Cambridge (s. of Amos and Hannah, CR1), a. 24 y., and Minerva D. Bickford, wid., of Danville, Vt., dau of G. W. (and Adah, CR1) Drew, a. 26 y. Nov. 27, 1845*.
Eliza of Newton and Leonard Walker, int. Aug. 12, 1810.
Elizabeth and Joseph Brackett, Apr. 4, 1819.
Ellis and Lydia Haynes of Watertown, int. Mar. 1, 1806.
George Jr. and Susanna Adams, int. Apr. 20, 1804.
George and Hannah Smith, Sept. 23, 1810.
George A. and Dorcas B. Southwick, int. Feb. 9, 1839.
Hannah and Samuel Worth, Mar. 12, 1800 (Mar. 24, CR1).
Harriet and Mark Weare, Jan. 4, 1810.
Harriet W. of West Cambridge, and Edwin C. Ray, int. June 10, 1837.
Henry of Boston, and Mary E. Dickinson, Sept. 8, 1828.
Henry and Mary Wyman of Waltham, Nov. 9, 1843.
John and Sally Collier, Nov. 1, 1807.
John and Joanna Forrester, Nov. 30, 1820.
Jonathan C. and Mary Whittemore of Charlestown, Aug. 14, 1812.
Latitia W. and George E. Morse, int. Feb. 10, 1838.
Lucy and John Frost of Newton, Jan. 19, 1801.
Lucy, Mrs., and Theophilus Lumbard, May 14, 1832.
Margaret and Nehemiah Rand, Esq., of Lyndesboro, N.H., Oct. 21, 1791*.
Mary and Raham Richardson, Jan. 6, 1791*.
Mary (Mary W., int.) and William A. Saunders, Dec. 22, 1841.
Nathaniel and Anna A. Fiske, May 30, 1844. CR7.
Rebecca and Benjamin Tenny of Hollis, N.H., Aug. 18, 1796*.
Rebecca and Nathan Robbins, int. Mar. 12, 1803.
Ruth of Watertown, and Amos Munro, int. May 28, 1803.
Sally (of Charlestown, CR1) and Nathaniel Ireland of Boston, Nov. 18, 1802*.
Sarah W. and Joseph Crosby, int. Apr. 28, 1839.
Solomon Jr. and Elizabeth Wyeth of Charlestown, int. Mar. 25, 1803.
Susan M. and Abiel H. Lerned, Oct. 7, 1842.
PRESCOTT (also see Prescutt)
Benjamin of Groton, and Abigail Oliver, June 12, 1718*.
Benjamin, Rev., and Mercy Gibbes, June 15, 1732*.
George of Franklin, N.H., and Sarah Prescott of Brighton, Feb. 14, 1844*.
J. Q. Adams of Brighton, s. of James and Lydia, a. 24 y., and Margaret M. Leebbs, a. 24 y., May 4, 1848*.
Joel H. and Emma Hobart, Oct. 18, 1840.
Josiah H. and Sarah O. (Sarah Ophelia Phillips Gilman, int.) Twombley, Oct. 14, 1832.
Lucy and Dr. Joseph Reynolds of Concord, N.H., int. Mar. 28, 1828.
Otis B. (Otis Brigham, int.) and Ruth W. (Ruth Wetherbee, int.) Brooks, Feb. --, 1823 (int. Feb. 15, 1823).
Samuel and Delia Blanchard of Charlestown, int. Mar. 18, 1827.
Samuel and Sarah Trevears, both of Boston, Apr. 17, 1834*.
Sarah of Brighton, and George Prescott of Franklin, N.H., Feb. 14, 1844*.
PRESCUTT (also see Prescott)
Jenny and York Ruggles, Feb. 13, 1785*.
Susanna of Littleton, and Henry Durant, int. Oct. 16, 1756.
Lucy of Salem, and Pelham Orcutt, int. Mar. 24, 1841.
Susan F. of Bangor, Me., and Dexter Clapp of Charleston, S.C., Sept. 1, 1845*.
William and Hannah Cutting (of Watertown, int.), Nov. 27, 1739 (Nov. 19, CR1).
Henry and Jane Connell, Aug. 18, 1846.
Mary Ann (of Hopkinston, int.), dau of Maj. William and Lawson Valentine, Dec. 15, 1817. GR3.
Noah (of Boston, int.) and Sarah Caldwell, June 23, 1776.
Susan and Edwin H. Wentworth, int. Nov. 7, 1836.
William and Jane Mavety of Boston, int. Nov. 29, 1845.
PRICHARD (also see Pritchard)
Rebecca of Brighton, and Joseph P. George, int. May 15, 1843.
Elizabeth (of Waltham, int.) and John Williams, Dec. 13, 1764.
Josiah and Rebecca W. Murdock, Oct. 1, 1828.
Josiah and Hannah B. Palmer of Danvers, int. Apr. 19, 1834.
Percis of Berlin and Paltiah Jones, int. Apr. 9, 1812.
Phebe of East Boston, and John C. Day, int. Feb. 14, 1849.
Rixanna (Roxanna, int.) Maria and Elijah Hayden, Mar. 19, 1829.
Sarah H. and Artemas Putnam, Aug. 22, 1837.
Susan W. and Joseph P. Derby, May 17, 1835.
Elizabeth and Stephen G. Williams, Nov. 10, 1835.
PRITCHARD (also see Prichard)
Nancy and William Elliot of Boston, Jan. 20, 1802.
PROCTER (also see Proctor)
Daniel and Susanna Luff of Boston, Mar. 5, 1808.
Elizabeth and William Skilton, Apr. 28, 1801.
PROCTOR (also see Procter)
Abigail W. and George H. Kendrick, Oct. 10, 1836.
Johanna of Boston, and John Brown, int. Apr. 19, 1753.
Lucretia A. of Lunenburgh, and George Lawrence, int. Dec. 6, 1846.
Susannah of Danvers, and Stephen Hooper, int. Dec. 27, 1824.
Sylvester and Harriet Gage of Charlestown, int. Dec. 30, 1826.
Mary and Major Clark, May 26, 1834.
William and Jane Lowry, int. May 20, 1837.
Amos of Saco, Me., and Lavina W. Sabine of Waltham, in Waltham, Mar. 22, 1835*.
Asenah of Sudbury, and John Haven, int. Sept. 6, 1806.
Azubah of Sudbury, and George Johnson, int. Mar. 19, 1807.
Eliza G. E., and George Rupp, Sept. 2, 1835.
Elizabeth Aspinwall of Boston, and Dr. Morrill Wyman, int. July 25, 1839.
Catherine H., a. abt. 23 y., and James L. Holt, a. abt 24 y., both of Boston, May 9, 1847*.
PURINGTON (also see Purrington)
John and Angeline Jones of Dorchester, int. Jan. 24, 1847.
PURRINGTON (also see Purington)
Samuel and Hannah Fillebrown of Charlestown, June 11, 1840.
Aaron, Esq., of Charlestown, and Sarah Gayerweather, int. Nov. 19, 1805.
Allen and Abby Hinckley Peirce of Northampton, int. Nov. 8, 1831.
Artemas and Mehitable Simons, Mar. 1, 1810.
Artemas and Sarah H. Priest, Aug. 22, 1837.
Benjamin and Dolly Park, int. July 9, 1803.
Ebenezer and Sally Patterson, int. Mar. 9, 1806.
Ebenezer and Cynthia Canning, both of Groton, Dec. 27, 1840*.
George, Rev. (of Roxbury, int.) and Elizabeth Ann Ware, Aug. 24, 1831.
George W. and Mary Anne Burdakin, Oct. 24, 1839.
Hannah of Medford, and William Lock, in Medford, Sept. 22, 1788*.
James (of Worcester, int.) and Eleanor Sprague, Aug. 14, 1749 (1750, CR1) (int. July 10, 1750).
Jesse and Susanna Thacher, Feb. 13, 1776.
John and Joanna Eames, Mar. 22, 1774.
John of Mason, N.H., and Sophronia Chapman, int. Oct. 5, 1834.
Joseph of Ludlow, Vt., s. of Joseph, a. 23 y., and Mary Ann Fletcher, dau of Benjamin, a. 18 y., May 28, 1848.
Lydia (Louisa, int.) A. and William H. Stevens, Nov. 9, 1843.
Polly of Medford, and Aaron Cutter, Aug. 23, 1796*.
Rhoda of Medford, and Ebenezer Thompson, in Medford, Sept. 11, 1794*.
Sally and Aaron Cutter of Charlestown, Jan. 14, 1798*.
Daniel W. and Sarah A. (Sarah Ann, int.) Tuten, Nov. 7, 1833.
Daniel W. and Adelia B. Hutchins of Winchester, N.H., int. Sept. 24, 1838.
Sylvester and Eliza M. Morrison, Apr. 21, 1841.
Mary and Rev. Andrew Eliot (of Fairfield, Conn., int.), July 19, 1774.
Barnard and Mary Harkin, int. Sept. 24, 1845.
Bridgett, dau of James, a. 22 y., b. in Ireland, and Jeremiah McCroken, s. of Owen, a. 27 y., b. in Ireland, Dec. 4, 1849.
Maurice and Ellen Toomey, int. Apr. 11, 1847.
Patience of Newton, and Nathaniel Hill, in Newton, July 7, 1732*.
Charles and Mary McLarney of Boston, int. Sept. 27, 1847.
William and Ann Duffie of Charlestown, int. Sept. 5, 1845.
Amos and Louisa Sargent, Dec. 29, 1833.
Clarissa and Solomon Paine, Sept. 1, 1839.
QUIN (also see Quinn)
Elizabeth of Boston, and James Duffy, July 15, 1849.
Michael of Waltham, and Mary Dennan, int. July 12, 1831.
Anna C. L. and Robert C. Waterston of Boston, int. Mar. 31, 1840.
Elizabeth and Edward McKenna, int. July 22, 1843.
QUINN (also see Quin)
Charles and Susan Darby, int. Nov. 9, 1845.
Charles J., s. of Stephen, a. 23 y., b. in St. John, New Brunswick, and Jane Gardner, dau of David, dec., a. 21 y., b. in Gibraltar, Dec. 28, 1847.
Hannah and James Craig, int. Sept. 14, 1834.
John and Bridgett Whalen, int. May 21, 1847.
Patrick and Elizabeth Flood, int. July 11, 1847.
Patrick and Eliza Dimond, int. Aug. 15, 1847.
Richard and Ann Laron, int. Oct. 31, 1845.
Sophia and Terence Shevlin, int. Jan. 4, 1846.
Bridgett and John Conelly of Somerville, int. Jan. 29, 1848.
Margaret and Patrick Duffy, int. Sept. 28, 1839.
* = Intention not recorded.
John and Catherine Short, int. Jan. 15, 1845.
John and Bridgett McLeer, int. Sept. 27, 1845.
Mary and John Creighton, both of Woburn, Apr. 15, 1849*.
Mary and Robert Meiklehaugh, int. Oct. 25, 1846.
John and Ellen Sweeney, int. Nov. 11, 1848.
Lois of Boston, and Moses Burdoo, int. Dec. 3, 1778.
Joanna Christina Elizabeth and William Scham, June 22, 1808.
Albert and Anna M. Riley, Oct. 31, 1849*.
Alexander Hamilton and Mary Lois Fiske, Apr. 8, 1835.
Hervey, s. of William, a. 28 y., and Sarah E. Smith, dau of Dustin R., a. 24 y., Dec. 2, 1847.
Thomas R. and Nancy A. Perkins, Nov. 18, 1832.
Elizabeth of Chelsea, and Daniel Warrow, int. Feb. 20, 1759 [erased on record].
Abby E. and Isaiah H. Fowler, June 10, 1849.
Ann Matilda of Boston, and Samuel Whitemore, int. May 31, 1823.
Anna and Samuel Chandler, Feb. 15, 1776.
Charles and Patience Damon, both of Charlestown, Dec. 26, 1827*.
Clarissa J., dau of Nathaniel S. (and Clarissa, CR11), a. 20 y., and Joseph L. Dickman, s. of Isaac (and Mary, CR11), a. 22 y., Jan. 18, 1846.
Daniel and Rebecca Gordon of Chelmsford, int. Feb. 25, 1776.
Elizabeth and Richard Loring, Nov. 9, 1780*.
Emily A. and Rufus Wade of Medford, int. Apr. 22, 1843.
Fanny T. and Joseph Brazier of Boston, Feb. 29, 1836.
Hannah of Boston, and Royal Morse, May 25, 1800.
Isaac, Dr. (of Charlestown, int.) and Elizabeth Appleton, Jan. 10, 1754.
James and Mary Pierce, Nov. 6, 1823.
Joseph Jr. (of Charlestown, int.) and Martha Moores, Dec. 8, 1757.
Joshua (of Charlestown, int.) and Rebecca Morse, Nov. 11, 1741.
Mary and Amory Wood of Harvard, int. Apr. 21, 1838.
Mary of Lowell, and James McCorison, int. Nov. 7, 1844.
Nathaniel S. and Susan E. Hastings, Aug. 5, 1849.
Nehemiah, Esq., of Lyndesboro, N.H., and Margaret Prentiss, Oct. 21, 1791*.
Polly and Elias Richardson, May 15, 1788*.
Rebecca and Jabez Frothingham, Sept. 27, 1781*.
Samuel (Jr. of Charlestown, int.) and Rebecca Watson, July 12, 1759.
Samuel and Anna Tufts of Charlestown, Feb. 5, 1826.
Sarah of Charlestown, and Edmund Frost Jr., in Charlestown, Aug. 9, 1750.
Susan and Jonathan H. Bass of Quincy, Nov. --, 1834.
Thomas of Charlestown, and Sarah Hill, Dec. 19, 1786*.
RANDAL (also see Randall, Randle)
Stephen and Mary Manning, Mar. 29, 1753.
RANDALL (also see Randal, Randle)
Abigail and Thomas Wordan of Beverly, Apr. 8, 1779.
Abraham of Stow, and Mary (Maria, int.) Hill, Mar. 26, 1805.
Andros and Susannah Hayden, Mar. 4, 1762. CR2*.
Benjamin and Ann C. Gove, Mar. 21, 1843.
George W. and Harriet M. Richardson, Jan. 10, 1830.
Hannah of Rutland, and John Linkfield, in Rutland, Dec. 21, 1797*.
Harriet Ann and John Trimble of Calais, Me., Aug. 17, 1848.
Mehitable of Rutland, and William Warren, in Rutland, June 2, 1799*.
Samuel of Watertown, and Elizabeth Gleason, in Watertown, Jan. 27, 1708-09*.
RANDLE (also see Randal, Randall)
Frances A., d. of John, of Boston, a. 24 y., b. in Sydney, Nova Scotia, and Isaac W. Turner, s. of Benjamin, dec., a. 26 y., b. in Charlestown, Oct. 5, 1847.
Anna and Daniel Dascomb, Dec. 6, 1790*.
Rebecca and Elijah Pierce, Feb. 19, 1797*.
Fanny of Boston, and Andrew Harrington, Oct. 17, 1809*.
Edward and Margaret Conner, int. Jan. 19, 1838.
Edwin C. and Harriet W. Prentiss of West Cambridge, int. June 10, 1837.
Jesse M. and Laurania Clark of Tewksbury, int. Mar. 22, 1844.
James and Elizabeth Collins, July 23, 1832.
Bartholomew and Anna Warren, Jan. 1, 1776 (Jan. 11, CR1)*.
Daniel of Charlestown, and Sophia Watts, int. May 5, 1837.
Joanna and George W. Patterson, both of Charlestown, Oct. 8, 1843*.
Nancy and Jonathan Emery, both of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Sept. 5, 1839*.
Nancy and William Snow, May 1, 1833.
READ (also see Reade, Reed)
Ann and William Patterson, Apr. 23, 1844.
Benjamin B. of Salem, and Emmeline Harrington, int. Oct. 31, 1829.
Caroline (Caroline E., int.) and John Cragin of Temple, N.H., Dec. 6, 1838.
Eliza and Nahum Stratton of Richmond, Va., Aug. 13, 1826.
Elizabeth and Ebenezer Holding, both of Charlestown, Feb. 5, 1712-13*.
Elizabeth (Rand, CR1) (Read, int.) and Josiah N. Marshall, July 23, 1823.
Eneas and Sarah Gordon of Washington, N.H., int. Oct. 16, 1821.
Esther and Asa Wyman, Mar. 27, 1814.
James (of Woburn, int.) and Elizabeth Wellington, Sept. 24, 1778.
James B. and Emily Wyeth, Nov. 9, 1828.
Jane and David Holiday, Mar. 15, 1844.
John and Lucy G. Atkins of Newburyport, int. Apr. 26, 1845.
Mary Ann and Samuel Kershaw, int. July 30, 1848.
Samuel L. (of Watertown, int.) and Hannah Dennett, Dec. 28, 1843.
Sarah and Philip Cook, Mar. 18, 1698. CR1*.
Sarah and William Fessenden (A.B. of Topsfield, int.), Jan. 22, 1771.
Sarah and Caleb Coolidge Jr., May 3, 1798*.
Sarah and Chester Sessions, Aug. 10, 1806.
William C. and Sarah (Sarah G., int.) Johnson, Jan. 27, 1828.
READE (also see Read, Reed)
James and Sarah Batson, Aug. 12, 1714*.
James and Mary Oldham, Apr. 3, 1722*.
Michael and Ellen Finigan, int. Apr. 4, 1847.
Lewis and Frances Robinson, both of Boston, June 11, 1834*.
Charles and Rebecca Nichols, Oct. 13, 1824. Colored.
Elizabeth and Nathaniel J. Hadley, Jan. 22, 1843.
John and Abigail R. Hall, Apr. 28, 1844. CR10.
Mary and Jonathan Hide, Jan. 8, 1673*.
Abigail and Joseph D. Annable of Boston, Dec. 2, 1819.
Ann G. and Charles M. Tyler of Boston, Aug. 17, 1847.
Curtis and Martha E. Tarbell, June 14, 1849.
Elizabeth and John P. Barnett of New Orleans, int. July 27, 1834.
Isabella and William H. Odiorne, July --, 1832.
Thomas and Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth, int.) Messenger, June --, 1821.
REED (also see Read, Reade)
Adeline and James Parker, in Lexington, Nov. 2, 1842.
Alfred T. and Lydia Ann Story, both of Somerville, in Somerville, June 26, 1842*.
Christiana and Charles Boardman, June 14, 1827.
Elisabeth and Ephraim Perkins, both of Watertown, May 5, 1799*.
Eliza (a. 22 y., CR11) and Lemuel Laws (a. 21 y., CR11), both of Boston, May 25, 1843. Colored*.
Elizabeth and Benjamin Gates of Boston, int. June 16, 1811.
Elizabeth C. and Tobias L. Warner, int. July 31, 1830.
Eunice and Ebenezer Jenkins of Boston, Oct. 15, 1801.
Eunice of Charlestown, and Moses Hovey Jr., Oct. 18, 1801.
Evelina R. (Emeline R., int.) and John H. Fellows, Apr. 1, 1832.
Frances L. of Boston, and Capt. John Cragin, int. May 29, 1829.
Freeman and Eliza C. Malcolm of Boston, int. Jan. 4, 1835.
George A. and Mary E. Hastings, int. Sept. 20, 1846.
George Washington of Woburn, and Elizabeth Symmes of Medford, Dec. 13, 1801*.
Hannah and Downing Champney Jr., July 4, 1765.
Hannah (of Woburn, int.) and Thomas Phillips, in Woburn, Dec. 28, 1769.
Hannah and William Clark of Malden, July 25, 1802.
Isabella of Boothbay, Me., and P. Francis Wells, int. July 11, 1849.
James and Hannah Stacy of Kingston, in Kingston, Sept. 27, 1744.
James and Elizabeth Waight, Dec. 3, 1772.
Joel and Lucinda Sargent of Lexington, int. Feb. 9, 1833.
Jonathan L. of Abington, and Lucy S. Champney of Brighton, Mar. 20, 1827*.
Joseph and Eunice Cook , July 4, 1775.
Joseph and Levina Bond of Manchester, in Manchester, Mar. 26, 1778.
Joseph and Rebecca Lyon, May 15, 1842.
Joseph Stacey and Esther Goodwin, Sept. 25, 1783*.
Joshua Jr. of Hollis, N.H., and Susanna Bowman, Feb. 16, 1794*.
Lucy and John Farmer of Lexington, in Lexington, Mar. 27, 1783*.
Martha of Charlestown, and James Boyd, int. Sept. 1, 1753.
Mary of Lexington, and William Bowman, in Lexington, May 1, 1753.
Mary and John Green, Apr. 24, 1777*.
Mary and Joseph (James, int.) Beach, Sept. 14, 1779.
Mary and John Morgan, int. Nov. 19, 1848.
Nathan H. and Lusilla Meigs (both of Lexington, CR9), Apr. 20, 1841*.
Rhoda and Frederick Johnson, Oct. 16, 1783*.
Ruth of Woburn, and John (Joel, int.) Fisk, in Woburn, June 8, 1766.
Sarah and Abel Baker of Boston, int. Nov. 11, 1807.
Stephen and Sarah Clark, int. Mar. 11, 1840.
Susan G. and Joshua (Joshua M., int.) Harrington, Nov. 29, 1832.
Susanna of Woburn, and Jeduthan Wellington, in Woburn, Apr. 23, 1775.
Susannah of Charlestown, and Isaiah Robbins, in Boston, Apr. 9, 1766.
Thomas (of Charlestown, int.) and Rhoda Crosby, July 2, 1761.
Thomas and Alice Pierce, Apr. 1, 1773.
Tryphena and Thomas Blackman, both of Somerville, Feb. 27, 1848*.
William Jr. and Lydia Banks, Dec. 24, 1776*.
William D. and Sarah Fuller, Jan. 31, 1831.
Anna and James Keirnan, int. Nov. 12, 1848.
Catherine and Peter Dinegan, int. Nov. 8, 1846.
James Jr. and Rosanna Mullen, int. May 17, 1846.
Mary and William Deechan, int. Jan. 24, 1847.
Marcus and Jane Matilda Young, int. Aug. 23, 1839.
Cordelia Ann, dau of Nathaniel, a. 34 y., and Dr. Alexander Jackson of Plymouth, s. of Isaac, a. 30 y., June 14, 1849.
Robert H. and Priscilla Cox, both of Boston, Jan. 20, 1836*.
Mary Ann (or Medford, int.) and Michael Hennesy, Aug. 12, 1849.
Abigail and Edward Maylern (of Boston, int.), Aug. 1, 1765.
Anna and John Hill, June 24, 1708*.
Anna and William Ellery (of Newport, R.I., int.), Sept. 11, 1749 (Oct. 11, 1750, CR1) (Aug 23, 1750, int.).
Elizabeth and John Stedman, May 14, 1666*.
Jonathan and Martha Belcher, July 13, 1664*.
Jonathan and Lucy Broadstreet of Medford, Sept. 5, 1711*.
Lucy and Rev. William Hobby, Oct. 21, 1734*.
Martha and Capt. Nicholas Bowes of Boston, Jan. 29, 1718-19*.
Mary and Rev. Benjamin Stevens (of Kittery, int.), Sept. 28, 1752.
Sarah and John Bisco of Watertown, Feb. 1, 1710-11*.
Jane and Josias Nollage of Boston, int. Dec. 26, 1747.
REVALION (also see Revalyon)
Margaret A. (Margaret Amelia of Medford, int.) and Peter M. Howard, July --, 1831.
REVALYON (also see Revalion)
Robert of Medford, and Mrs. Keziah Gould of Boston, May 12, 1843. Colored. CR2*.
REYNAR (also see Reyner)
Mary and Edward Hall, June 18, 1677*.
REYNER (also see Reynar)
Hannah and Ephraim Winship, Apr. 7, 1670*.
Elvina M., dau of James (and Olive, CR11) of Ossipee, N.H., a. 20 y., and Charles A. Lincoln, s. of George (and Louisa Lord, CR11), a. 26 y., Apr. 9, 1848.
John C. and Joanna Antonetta Nurvenhoven, May 11, 1824*.
Joseph, Dr., of Concord, N.H., and Lucy Prescott, int. Mar. 28, 1828.
Archibald and Mary Roberson, May 7, 1827.
RHOADES (also see Rhodes)
Silas and Lucina Sleeper of Lowell, int. Jan. 23, 1845.
RHODES (also see Rhoades)
Anna S. of Boston, dau of Eliphalet, a. 21 y., and Rev. Adin S. Boyden of Georgia, s. of Jacob, a. 27 y., b. in Georgia, Dec. 20, 1847*.
Francis and Olive L. Guild of Dedham, int. May 10, 1846.
Aaron of Boston, and Hannah Gardner, Oct --, 1821.
Abby of Charlestown, and H. Addison Richardson, int. May 3, 1846.
Abel and Sophia Cook of Brighton, int. Dec. 26, 1829.
Abigail and Joseph Crackbone, May 11, 1698. CR1*.
Abigail and Thomas Herrington, Feb. 5, 1712-13*.
Abigail of Brighton, and Warren W. Dame of Boston, Mar. 28, 1845*.
Arvella and John Nichols, int. Jan. 23, 1845.
Benjamin of Winchendon, and Ruth Budge of Charlestown, int. Mar. 20, 1776.
Caroline P. and Rev. John F. W. Ware of Fall River, int. Apr 26, 1844.
Cyrus and Barbara Dunton, int. Sept. 16, 1837.
David of Natick, and Ellen W. Howard, June 11, 1818.
Elizabeth (of Brighton, int.) and Horatio A. Hovey, Nov. 15, 1841.
Emeline and Daniel E. King of Roxbury, int. Nov. 10, 1838.
George G., s. of Joseph and Lucy (of Claremont, N.H., CR1), a. 35 y., and Harriet C. Hunnewell, dau of William and Anna, a. 30 y., June 17, 1846.
Harriot of Bedford, and Stephen Hull, int. Oct. 27, 1841.
Helen W., dau of Nathan (and Eliza N., CR1), a. 22 y., and Rev. John F. W. Ware, widr., s. of Henry Jr., dec. (and Elizabeth, CR1), a. 30 y., Oct. 10, 1849.
Homer, s. of Barnabas of Boston, a. 24 y., and Harriet A. Sanders, dau of Samuel, a. 20 y., May 29, 1845.
Isabella of East Sudbury, and Torrey Hancock, int. Apr. 28, 1811.
John Jr. and Mary G. Henry of Roxbury, int. Dec. 24, 1847.
Jonathan and Rebeccah Watson, Nov. 1, 1679*.
Lemuel and Dorothy Mitchell, int. July 9, 1848.
Lucy and Benjamin Gibbs, July 22, 1841.
Mary of Charlestown, and John Nichols L. Compte, int. July 2, 1836.
Mary A., dau of Amos, a. 22 y., b. in Pomfret, Vt., and George H. Cutler, s. of Isaac, a. 23 y., b. in Concord, int. Dec. 9, 1849.
Sarah and Samuel Chadwick, both of Boston, Jan. 1, 1845*.
Sarah E. and John N. Davis, int. Nov. 26, 1848.
Susannah and Joseph Shed, Dec. 16, 1720*.
Timothy of Concord, and Abigail Marret, in Concord, Apr. 27, 1687*.
William B. and Sarah A. Slocomb, Sept. 19, 1847.
Aaron Jr. of Newton, and Caroline Jackson, Mar. 27, 1806.
Amy and Levi Richards (of Roxbury, CR1), Aug. 1, 1799*.
Christian R. of Boston, and Marvin Marcy, int. Oct. 8, 1812.
Daniel H. and Mary Ann Leathe, int. June 23, 1838.
Ebenezer (of Dedham, int.) and Thankful Stratton, Dec. 24, 1741.
Edward and Mary Whitney, in Newton, Mar. 20, 1766.
Edward and Betsy Hammond of Waltham, Apr. 13, 1809.
Elizabeth and George B. Divelle, Nov. 8, 1842.
Harriet A. of Lynn, and James M. Southworth, int. Apr. 21, 1838.
Levi (of Roxbury, CR1) and Amy Richards, Aug. 1, 1799*.
Louisa of Newton, and Joseph E. Burpee, int. Nov. 9, 1829.
Margaret A. C. and Thomas F. Gray, int. Mar. 1, 1849.
Mary H. of Stoughton, and Isaac J. Jaques, int. Mar. 16, 1844.
Mary K. and Erastus Farnum, Sept. 26, 1819.
Mary P., wid., of Roxbury, dau of Jonathan Bixby, a. 49 y., and Charles Clap of Dorchester, s. of Thomas, a. 74 y., Jan. 7, 1847*.
Mary R. of Somerville and George W. F. Wilson of Gardiner, Me., Nov. 19, 1843*.
Meletiah and Moses Griggs, in Roxbury, Aug. 18, 1785*.
Nancy C. of Hopkinton, and William C. Daniels, Nov. 28, 1839.
Polly of Brighton, and Elijah Corey of Brookline, May 5, 1822*.
Sarah and John Smith, in Watertown, Aug. 10, 1705*.
William (of Dedham, int.) and Abigail Stratton, Oct. 27, 1774.
Abagail K. and Joseph S. Rogers of Boston, int. Mar. 28, 1827.
Abiel and Abigail Converse, July 9, 1751.
Abigail and Jno. Marritt, June 20, 1654*.
Abigail (of Watertown, int.) and Oliver Brown, Mar. 26, 1776.
Abigail and Isaac Munro, May 30, 1784*.
Abigail and Andrew Boardman, in Woburn, Sept. 23, 1798*.
Adeline of Brookfield, and William Whitney, int. Sept. 10, 1831.
Augustus and Clarissa Brown, Sept. --, 1823 (int. Sept. 7, 1823).
Benjamin Jr. and Mary Cutter, Feb. 16, 1783*.
Betsey of Boston, and John S. Buck, int. Mar 21, 1843.
Betsy of Watertown, and Stephen Wood of Concord, Aug. 11, 1793*.
Bridget and George Ditson, Jan. 30, 1837.
Catharine and James Smith of Boston, Sept. 11, 1788*.
Charles H., a. 25 y., and Emily M. Carleton, a. 21 y., Aug. 27, 1848.
Charlotte and Josiah Oaks, Feb. 24, 1805.
Christopher C. and Eliza R. Dorrison, Oct. 17, 1843.
Clarinda, dau of Ezekiel and Sally, b. in Brookfield, and Lucius R. Paige, in Brookfield, Sept. 14, 1826*.
Edward (of Concord, int.) and Anne Wilson, May 16, 1771.
Electa and Joseph Abbot, Nov. 10, 1816.
Elias and Polly Rand, May 15, 1788*.
Eliza A. and Albert A. Manning, int. Nov. 25, 1843.
Esther of Newton, and Abel Clough of Belchertown, May 29, 1788*.
Ezekiel (of Woburn, dup.) and Elizabeth Swan, in Woburn, July 27, 1687*.
George C. (of Royalston, int.) and Susan G. (Susan Gore, int.) Moore, Feb. 2, 1832.
George W. H. of Fitchburg, and Nancy S. (Nancy L., int.) Cornell, Apr. 13, 1840.
H. Addison and Abby Riche of Charlestown, int. May 3, 1846.
Hannah S. and Robert Murdock Jr., Dec. 12, 1824.
Harriet M. and George W. Randall, Jan. 10, 1830.
Helnesy, s. of George Warfold, a. 22 y., and Sarah Calten, dau of Samuel, both of Boston, Nov. 17, 1847*.
Isaac of Woburn, and Elizabeth Heard of Charlestown, Dec. 20, 1801*.
James P. and Jane Carson, Dec. 31, 1842.
John and Mary Peirson of Woburn, Oct. 28, 1673*.
John of Woburn, and Lydia Pratt, Feb. --, 1704 (Feb. 22, 1704-05. CR1)*.
John of Woburn, and Abigail Swan, July 1, 1714*.
Lorenza M. (Lorenza Maria, int.), dau of Christopher and Lydia, CR1), a. 28 y., and Geroge S. (George Sturgis, int.) King, s. of George (and Jerusha, CR1), a. 27 y., Oct. 10, 1847.
Lucy of Goffstown, N.H., and Allen Lincoln, int. Apr. 11, 1840.
Lucy Comins (of Brookfield, int.), dau of Barnabas and mary Comins, and Lucius Robinson Paige, in Brookfield, Oct. 22, 1845.
Mary and William Russel (of Boston, int.), Jan. 16, 1772.
Mary Jane, Mrs., and Alvin M. Hawks, Sunday, Dec. 6, 1840.
Miranda and Edward Brown Jr., Dec. 25, 1828.
Moses and Bridget Monehan, July --, 1826.
Nancy and John Woodbury, Jan. 1, 1828.
Nancy W. and Cornelius Sweetser, Jan. 5, 1832.
Peter and Hannah Bond (of Watertown, int.), Apr. 13, 1780.
Phebe and Joshua Harlow, Nov. 14, 1805.
Phebe and Daniel Foster, Sept. 12, 1819.
Raham and Mary Prentiss, Jan. 6, 1791*.
Rebecca R. and Silas B. Fillebrown, July 4, 1824.
Royal and Mary M. Warland, Mar. 22, 1831.
Sally and Oliver Fuller, May --, 1820 (int. May 2, 1820).
Sally of Wilmington, and James Mellon of Charlestown, Apr. 14, 1825*.
Sarah and Jonathan Winship, May 4, 1769.
Sarah of Watertown, and Enoch Wellington, in Watertown, Aug. 8, 1782*.
Solomon of Brookfield, and Lucy Comins, dau of Barnabas and Mary, Jan. 17, 1821*.
Statyer and Calvin Stearns of Boston, Nov. 24, 1807*.
Susanna of Lancaster, and Francis Moores Jr., int. July 14, 1768.
Thomas and mary Steevenson, Jan. 5, 1669*.
Thomas and Abigail Stone of Watertown, int. Mar. 23, 1805.
Walcott and Mary C. Whitman, int. Apr. 19, 1846.
William and Lucretia Hastings, Apr. 18, 1803 (Apr. 10, CR1).
William T. and Harriet Valentine, Apr. 23, 1842.
Zebadiah (of Woburn, int.) and Esther Swan, Apr. 19, 1759.
Diantha A. and E. Warren Robinson of Dorchester, Apr. 16, 1845*.
John and Eliza Parker, int. Aug. 9, 1823.
Jedediah and Ann E. Hovey, dau of William B., May 6, 1844.
Joseph and Lovey P. Fogg of Somersworth, N.H., Dec. 26, 1839.
Moses and Joanna M. Story, Nov. 8, 1842.
William G. and Elizabeth B. Foy of Gardiner, Me., int. Sept. 21, 1844.
James and Mary Mycarty, int. Oct. 19, 1834.
Enoch and Elizabeth (Mrs. Elizabeth H., int.) Nichols, Oct. 13, 1844.
Harmine J. and John E. Sweetser, Oct. 29, 1833.
RIDIATT (also see Rediat)
Deborah and Daniel Farrabas, May 22, 1679*.
Daniel and Mary Driscoll, int. Mar. 21, 1847.
Susan and George Mallard, int. Dec. 4, 1821.
Patience W. of Boston, and Benjamin B. Trefethen, Apr. 19, 1831.
William F. and Julia A. Tarbox of West Prospect, Me., int. Oct. 5, 1844.
Anna M. and Albert Ramsay, Oct. 31, 1849*.
Hugh and Ann Flannagan, int. Feb. 1, 1831.
James and Alice Breen, int. May 13, 1849.
Mary and Peter Ward, int. Jan. 11, 1834.
Matholomew B. and Catherine Wren, int. Nov. 9, 1834.
Rhoda of Boston, and Owen Sullivan, int. May 11, 1833.
RINDGE (also see Ringe)
Samuel B. and Clara Harrington of Lexington, int. Mar. 29, 1845.
RINGE (also see Rindge)
Samuel and Maria B. Wait of Medford, int. Dec. 25, 1819.
George, Rev., of Boston, and Sophia W. (Sophia Willard, int.) Dana, Aug. 22, 1827.
Sarah and James Kelley, May 14, 1838.
Alonzo, s. of Henry (and Rachel, CR11) of Eden, Vt., a. 24 y., and Phebe H. Stone, dau of Simon (and Lydia Rice, CR11) of Hollis, Me., a. 21 y., Mar. 22, 1848.
Julia and William Delay, int. Dec. 31, 1842.
Robert N. and Harriet E. Gove, May 7, 1840.
Henry and Catherine Conelly, int. Oct. 26, 1845.
Mary and Frederick Dederick, Oct. 25, 1849.
Honora (Root, int.) and Patrick McCoy, May 2, 1849.
ROBBINS (also see Robins)
Amelia and Ebenezer Brown, Apr. 21, 1799*.
Asa and Patty Moor, int. Sept. 11, 1802.
Daniel (of Lancaster, int.) and Mary Norcross, June 11, 1755.
Daniel and Elizabeth Jackson of Newton, in Newton, Sept. 10, 1791*.
Deborah and Joseph Robbins, Mar. 30, 1732*.
Deborah (of Lexington, int.) and Aaron Williams, May 12, 1772.
Ebenezer and Sarah Easterbrook, June 8, 1775.
Eliphalet, Capt., and Sarah Whiting of Dedham, in Dedham, Mar. 13, 1777.
Elizabeth and Joseph Allen of Watertown, Dec. 19, 1700*.
Elizabeth and Abraham Hill Jr., May 9, 1782*.
Elizabeth and Washington Cutter of Charlestown, Mar. 16, 1800.
Elizabeth Cartwright and John Frost, int. Aug. 14, 1802.
George W. and Harriet Burdakin, Apr. 23, 1837.
Gilbert and Love L. (Love Lawrence, int.) Brackett, June 27, 1833.
Hannah and Daniel Russell, Aug. 3, 1749.
Hannah B. and John C. Chamberlin of Charlestown, int. May 23, 1839.
Isaac and Elizabeth Robbinson of Marblehead, int. Nov. 20, 1763.
Isaac and Elizabeth Stone of Charlestown, int. July 1, 1769.
Isaiah and Susannah Reed of Charlestown, in Boston, Apr. 9, 1766.
James and Lydia Capen, Mar. 30, 1780.
James and Lois White of Watertown, in Watertown, Aug. 31, 1786*.
Jane and John Green of Sudbury, in Sudbury, Jan. 19, 1732-3*.
Jemimah and Israel Whitney (of Watertown, int.), Dec. 10, 1765.
Jerusha and Thomas Andrews, Jan. 1, 1826.
John and Hephzibah Shattuck of Watertown, in Watertown, Sept. 10, 1724*.
John (of Lexington, int.) and Sarah Prentice, May 14, 1761.
John D. of Acton, and Lucy Ann Wetherbee of Boston, in Boston, Dec. 19, 1839*.
Jonathan and Elizabeth Miles of Concord (Charlestown, int.), July 7, 1774.
Joseph and Jane Dickson, Aug. 3, 1709*.
Joseph and Deborah Robbins, Mar. 30, 1732*.
Josiah and Sarah Fillebrown, Jan. 29, 1729-30*.
Lucey of Bolton, and William Swan, int. Mar. 15, 1759.
Lucy and Elijah White, Oct. 2, 1796*.
Lucy and Stephen Bacon, Nov. 23, 1797*.
Martha of Newton and Jonathan Livermore, in Newton, June 22, 1786*.
Martha W. and Henry F. McGee, int. Apr. 25, 1835.
Mary and Joseph Russel, Oct. 9, 1724 (Oct 5, CR1)*.
Mary and Samuel Lyon (of Roxbury, int.), Nov. 24, 1742.
Mary and Joseph Draper (of Dedham, int.), June 2, 1779.
Mary and James Hall, Apr. 3, 1838.
Moses and Sarah Dana, Oct. 31, 1765.
Nathan and Rebecca Prentiss, int. Mar. 12, 1803.
Nathaniel and Mary Brasier, Aug. 4, 1669*.
Nathaniel and Mary Coolidge of Watertown, in Watertown, Apr. 19, 1768.
Philemon and Sarah Swann Leonard, in Waltham, Apr. 5, 1781*.
Rebecca and Caleb Hovey, Dec. 9, 1770.
Rebekah and Luxford Pattin, May 11, 1727*.
Richard and Elizabeth Crackbone, Mar. 26, 1673*.
Richard and Anna Baverick, Jan. 2, 1700-01*.
Ruth and Zachariah Hill, May 9, 1771.
Sally and Morris O'Connor, int. Mar. 22, 1823.
Samuell of Watertown, and Elizabeth Grandy, -----, [1706]*.
Sarah and Benoni Perham of Chelmsford, in Concord, Dec. 6, 1704*.
Sarah and William Butterfield, Dec. 12, 1733*.
Sarah and George Cutter Jr. (of Charlestown, int.), Oct. 21, 1756.
Sarah and Charles Cutter, Nov. 9, 1784*.
Sarah and John Williams of Roxbury, May 7, 1804.
Seth M. and Mary M. Nickerson, Oct. --, 1833.
Silas and Mary Stratton, May 7, 1772.
Silas and Rebecca Hammond of Newton, May 20, 1792*.
Solomon and Martha Sweetser, Oct. 9, 1746.
Susanna and Jonathan Barrett, Aug. 24, 1783*.
Susannah of Charlestown, and Stephen Stearns, int. Jan. 29, 1774.
Thomas (of Charlestown, int.) and Xena Jackson, Oct. 24, 1737.
Thomas and Anna Stearns, int. Feb. 26, 1739-40.
Thomas Jr. (of Charlestown, int.) and Elizabeth Moor, May 1, 1746.
Thomas and Sarah Gould (of Medford, int.), Oct. 29, 1761.
William and Ruth Butterfield, July 13, 1733*.
William and Hannah Hartwell (of Charlestown, int.), Oct. 17, 1764.
William Jr. and Hannah Payne, Mar. 5, 1767.
ROBBINSON (also see Roberson, Robinson)
Elizabeth of Marblehead, and Isaac Robbins, int. Nov. 20, 1763.
Enoch and Eleanor McLane, Oct. 1, 1826.
George W. and Harriet Swaine, June 17, 1832.
Mary Ann and Abiathar Howe, Aug. 23, 1832.
Sarah of Newton, and Moses Johnson Jr., int. Oct. 22, 1825.
ROBERSON (also see Robinson, Robbinson)
Mary and Archibald Rhea, May 7, 1827.
Henry B. of Portland, Me., and Sarah Jane Lombard, Oct. 2, 1845.
Rufus and Ann Eliza Child, Oct. 2, 1814.
Susan H. and Benjamin F. Nourse of Boston, May 26, 1833.
ROBEY (also see Robie, Roby)
Sukey and Jonathan Tufts, both of Medford, Nov. 30, 1801*.
ROBIE (also see Robey, Roby)
Daniel and Sally Walcutt of Boston, Apr. 3, 1814*.
Thomas and Mehitabel Sewall of Salem, in Salem, Jan. 17, 1723*.
ROBINS (also see Robbins)
Abigail of Newton, and Benjamin Baker, in Newton, May 24, 1774.
Daniell and Hannah Trowbridg of Newton, in Newton, Dec. 6, 1732*.
Eliphalet Jr. and Martha Durant of Newton, in Newton, May 5, 1777.
John and Abigail Adams, Apr. 9, 1705. CR1*.
Rosalinda D. and John Parsons of Harrison, Me., Oct. 16, 1834.
ROBINSON (also see Robbinson, Roberson)
David of New Ipswich, and Elizabeth Bacon of Bedford, June 4, 1794*.
E. Warren of Dorchester, and Diantha A. Richmond, Apr. 16, 1845*.
Elizabeth of Lexington, and Samuel Bemis, Nov. 16, 1775.
Emily of Goshen, N.H., and Simon A. Peasley, int. Aug. 28, 1838.
Ezra B. and Martha E. Kent, Dec. 7, 1835.
Frances and Lewis Reay, both of Boston, June 11, 1834*.
Jane and John Nelson, Nov. 8, 1835.
Jeanette M. of Portland, Me., and John Winship Jr., int. Aug. 22, 1847.
Mary and James Munn of Somerville, Aug. 23, 1847.
Phebe and Henry L. Wiswell of Exeter, N.H., int. May 31, 1839.
Polly T. of Deerfield, N.H., and John B. Winslow, int. Sept. 18, 1842.
Sally of North Yarmouth, and Samuel Pond, int. June 5, 1814.
Samuell and Sarah Manning, Mar. 23, 1703 (1703-04, CR1)*.
Silas and Lydia Blodget, Nov. 18, 1779.
Susan W. and William Hardy, int. Oct. 12, 1845.
West (Jr., int.) and Abigail B. Allen, Feb. 2, 1845.
ROBY (also see Robey, Robie)
Ebenezer and Laura Bowker of Fitzwilliam, N.H., int. Nov. 24, 1826.
Margaret and Henry Sweetser of Boston, May --, 1821.
Samuel of Watertown, and Susanna Ingram, Nov. 13, 1796*.
William and Mary G. (Mary Gould, int.) Tyrrell, Oct. 22, 1825.
Morrice of Pennsylvania, and Hannah Finney, Nov.2 3, 1775.
Rebeccah and Caleb Prentice, Dec. 20, 1768.
Bridgett and James McAleen, int. May 10, 1846.
RODGERS (also see Rogers)
William C. of Utica, N.Y., and Caroline Dudley, Apr. 1, 1828.
Martha and John Comy of Concord, June 21, 1688*.
ROGERS (also see Rodgers)
Bridgett and James Gallagher, int. May 9, 1847.
Chase of Newburyport, and Lois Cooper, int. Mar. 27, 1776.
Daniel Dennison of Boston, and Elizabeth Bromfield, Jan. 18, 1796*.
Edward C. and Deborah Wilkins, int. June 24, 1849.
Edward H. (Edward Hayman, int.) of Mobile, Ala., and Abigail Thaxter, Oct. 14, 1839.
Elizabeth and Hugh Rorke, int. Feb. 20, 1848.
Gamaliel and Sarah Dana, Apr. 14, 1726*.
James and Mary Lyons, int. June 4, 1845.
John and Margaret Doherty of Boston, int. June 8, 1849.
Joseph S. of Boston, and Abagail K. Richardson, int. Mar. 28, 1827.
Louisa and Samuel S. Wallingford, Dec. 31, 1834.
Mary H. of Newton, and Henry Sanger, int. Nov. 14, 1835.
Mary H. and Rev. James T. Coolidge of Boston, int. Mar. 9, 1843.
Phebe of Brewer Village, Me., and Joseph W. Welch, int. Sept. 12, 1847.
Robert I. (of Millbury, int.) and Mary Ann Leonard, July --, 1835.
Rosanna and Neale Brazeland of Boston, int. Jan. 2, 1836.
Seney and Charles Lenox, July 21, 1811. (Blacks, CR1).
Susan H. of Lexington, and Jesse Eaton of Salisbury, N.H., in Lexington, June 10, 1832*.
Samuel and Martha Gibson, Jan. 14, 1698-9. CR1*.
Amos P. and Thankfull H. Walker, Apr. 30, 1843.
Gilbert and Love L. (Love Lawrence, int.) Brackett, June 27, 1833.
William H. and Elizabeth Cecelia Watts, int. Oct. 24, 1838.
John of Watertown, and Sarah Caton, int. Nov. 5, 1848.
Ann and John Leonard, int. Jan. 18, 1847.
Hugh and Elizabeth Rogers, int. Feb. 20, 1848.
Richard and Huldah Russel, Oct. 4, 1722*.
Anne and Thomas Bumford, Feb. 25, 1779.
Elizabeth and William McClenaghan of Boston, int. June 10, 1849.
Mary of Boston, and Samuel Adams, int. Mar. 5, 1831.
Sarah, dau of William, a. 23 y., and John Allen, s. of James, of Ireland, a. 28 y., June 15, 1845.
Thomas and Seth Holman, Jan. 16, 1661*.
Eliza Jr. of New Bedford, and John Farrar, int. Aug. 24, 1828.
ROULSTON (also see Roulstone)
Eliza of Charlestown, and Thomas G. Fox, int. June 29, 1822.
ROULSTONE (also see Roulston)
E. A. G. and Harriot Newhall, both of Boston, Oct. 24, 1839*.
Alvan Jr. of Boston, and Mary E. Neville, int. Feb. 13, 1848.
Benjamin and Elizabeth French of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Apr. 13, 1769.
ROW (also see Rowe)
William and Mary Cutter, in Concord, Oct. 3, 1697*.
Catharine and Richard Murray, Dec. 1, 1849*.
ROWE (also see Row)
Elijah C. and Harriet N. Sands, int. Aug. 11, 1849. Withdrawn by E. C. Rowe.
Joseph G. of Lexington, and Deborah K. Whitehouse, int. Aug. 2, 1845.
Phebe S. of Portland, Me., and John S. Hutchins, int. Jan. 10, 1847.
Samuel and Mary Ann Parmenter of Marlborough, int. Sept. 13, 1839.
Elizabeth of Mystick, and William Pepperell, Esq., of Kittery, Nov. 12, 1767. CR2*.
Mary Ann and Edwin T. Leathe, May 9, 1847.
Abijah and Zubah Flood, int. Jan. 29, 1807.
Ann and John Cordis of Boston, Jan. 1, 1766. CR2.
Dwight and Mary Antoinette Parker, Oct. 20, 1841.
Frances M. and Metcalf B. Clark of Boston, Nov. 1, 1835.
Jeremiah of Boston, and Mehitabel Gale, Nov. 8, 1705*.
Martha and Joshua Phipps, June 26, 1760.
York and Jenny Prescutt, Feb. 13, 1785*.
James and Beulah Tuttle, int. June 15, 1806.
Susan H. and Adam D. Mills of Deering, N.H., Aug. 23, 1831*.
Aaron (of Roxbury, CR1) and Nancy Goodwin, June 23, 1799*.
Anna and Samuel Hunt, Dec. 31, 1815.
Eliza and John Brackett Jr., Oct. 1, 1815.
Mary Ann and Frederick H. Manson, Oct. 4, 1829.
Thomas of Boston, and Hannah Dickson, July 17, 1810.
Alice R. and William Lloyd, both of Somerville, Jan. 26, 1847*.
Charles and Mary Clifferty, int. Mar. 22, 1845.
Horace B. and Mima F. Dane, both of Somerville, Nov. 29, 1848*.
John Jr. and Lydia M. Vinall, both of Charlestown, June 30, 1841*.
Samuel S. of Somerville, s. of John and Hannah, a. 25 y., b. in Charlestown, and Lydia T. Webb, dau of Elisha and Charlotte S., a. 19 y., May 15, 1844.
George and Eliza G. E. Pulsifer, Sept. 2, 1835.
William A. and Lydia Norton, July --, 1826 (int. July 7 , 1826).
Alice and Samuel Wood, Sept. 28, 1659*.
Hezekiah and Deborah Wilson of Cambridge Farms, in Andover, Apr. 10, 1710*.
RUSSEL (also see Russell)
Abigail of Lexington, and Ebenezer Perry, int. Dec. 19, 1741.
Elizabeth and John Withington of Dorchester, May 4, 1710*.
Emeline E. and Enoch Munroe of Charlestown, Oct. 29, 1840.
Hubbard and Elizabeth Dickson, May 9, 1710*.
Huldah and Richard Rose, Oct. 4, 1722*.
John and Elizabeth Pattin, Mar. 30, 1710*.
Joseph and Mary Robbins, Oct. 9, 1724 (Oct. 5, CR1)*.
Martha and Henry Dunster, Feb. 25, 1707-08*.
Mary and John Dickson, Aug. 4, 1725*.
Nathan Jr. and Mary Ann Thayer, Nov. 19, 1820.
Phillip and Sarah Brooks of Medford, Oct. 18, 1705*.
Rebecca and Solomon Batherick, int. Mar. 3, 1743-4.
Walter and Elizabeth Winship, Apr. 3, 1706*.
William (of Boston, int.) and Mary Richardson, Jan. 16, 1772.
RUSSELL (also see Russel)
Abigail and Israel Blackinton (of Wrentham, int.), Apr. 13, 1755.
Almira of West Cambridge, and Daniel Usher, int. July 28, 1832.
Amos and Betsy Pierce, Dec. 30, 1793*.
Anna and John Estabrook, Aug. 31, 1800.
Charles (Esq., int.) of Lincoln, and Elizabeth Vassal, dau of Henry and Penelope, Feb. 15, 1768. CR2.
Daniel and Hannah Robbins, Aug. 3, 1749.
David and Ruthy Lock, in Medford, Feb. 17, 1795*.
Edward and Lydia Adams, May 9, 1787*.
Eleanor and John Dickson, June 23, 1781*.
Elizabeth and Joseph Holden of Watertown, in Watertown, June 11, 1729*.
Elizabeth and Matthew Cox, int. Mar. 30, 1739.
Elizabeth (of Lexington, int.) and Joshua Underwood, Aug. 25, 1771.
Elizabeth Jr. and Jotham Webber, Mar. 12, 1778.
Elkanan W. and Hannah Goddard, Oct. 18, 1838.
Eunice and Alpheus Leech, int. Sept. 28, 1805.
Frances and Francis H. (James H., int.) Nutter of Brighton, Dec. 12, 1837.
Hannah of Charlestown, and Enos Jones of Ashburnham, Dec. 26, 1790*.
Harrington (Anna Harrington, CR1) and James Cutter, Aug. 11, 1785. (Aug 21, CR1)*.
Hobart and Sarah Warren of Weston, in Weston, May 26, 1774.
Hubbard and Lois Boynton of Watertown, in Watertown, June 12, 1759.
Jaason and Mary Hubbard, May 27, 1684*.
James and Mary How, in Charlestown, Jan. 10, 1705*.
Jason and Elizabeth Winship, Jan. 28, 1740.
Jason Jr. and Elizabeth Lock, Oct. 28, 1762.
Jeremiah and Damaris Williams, Jan. 12, 1737-8.
John and Ruhamah Frost, Aug. 31, 1769.
John of Boston, and Fanny Coolidge, Sept. 7, 1800.
Jonas W. and Mrs. Sarah Brown, int. Aug. 22, 1829.
Joseph and Mary Belcher, June 23, 1662*.
Josiah Harrington, and Sarah Hutchinson of Charlestown, Apr. 5, 1795*.
Levi F., a. abt. 25 y., and Eliza M. Everett of Brighton, a. abt. 22 y., Feb. 10, 1848.
Lois and Josiah Mason Jr., July 18, 1784*.
Mariah and Thomas Prentice, Dec. 23, 1696. CR1*.
Martha and Humphrey Bredsha, Mar. 24, 1665*.
Martha and John Wilson, int. July 2, 1737.
Martha of Charlestown, and Samuel Stedman, Apr. 10, 1823*.
Mary and John Goodwin (Goddin, int.), July 26, 1771.
Mary and Roger Adams of Newton, int. Aug. 11, 1805.
Nancy of Kinston, and Edmund B. Whitman, int. July 26, 1839.
Naomi and Abraham Cooke, July 5, 1781*.
Nathan (Jr., int.) and Eliza R. Farwell, Nov. 14, 1830.
Nathaniel of Charlestown, and Mary Adams, Mar. 8, 1795*.
Noah and Eunice Bemis of Waltham, in Waltham, Sept. 12, 1782*.
Pattin (of Charlestown, int.) and Mary Dickson, July 25, 1749.
Phebe and Dr. Silas Barnard of Woburn, in Woburn, Jan. 8, 1784*.
Philemon Robbins of Charlestown, and Martha Tufts of Medford, Nov. 10, 1791*.
Philemon R. Jr., and Mary Wilkins, int. Sept. 22, 1832.
Philip and Joannah Cutter, June 19, 1680*.
Rebecca of Charlestown, and Amos Whittemore Jr., int. Jan. 20, 1804.
Sally and Thomas Joyes of Boston, Oct. 16, 1834.
Samuel and Ruth Cox, Feb. 21, 1754.
Samuel C. and Susan W. Avery of Newton, int. Oct. 25, 1846.
Sarah (of Boston, int.) and Joseph Weeks, Jan. 5, 1778.
Sarah G. and Uriah J. Dailey, Mar. 1, 1843.
Seth and Dinah Harrington of Worcester, in Worcester, May 8, 1755.
Susanna and Gardner Crosby of Boston, Jan. 2, 1803.
Thomas and Anna Whittemore, Mar. 8, 1774.
Thomas of Charlestown, and Margaret Adams, Nov. 25, 1788*.
Thomas Jr. and Eliza Warren of Charlestown, Dec. 21, 1800.
Thomas and Harriot M. Wendall of Boston, int. Mar. 19, 1825.
Thomas and Cynthia Jones of Charlestown, int. July 12, 1828.
Walter and Mary Patten, May 17, 1699. CR1*.
Walter (of Charlestown, int.) and Hannah Adams, Dec. 17, 1761.
Walter of Charlestown, and Frances Cutter, June 26, 1788*.
Walter 2d of Charlestown, and Rebecca Hill, int. Oct. 19, 1805.
William and Martha ------, in England, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
William and Abigail Winship, Mar. 18, 1682-3*.
William and Elizabeth Hunnewell, Aug. 4, 1799*.
Samuel and Betsey Stevens of Marblehead, Apr. 1, 1820.
Wallis of Boston, and Mrs. Rebecca Cutter, Oct. 29, 1797*.
James and Elizabeth Gray, Feb. 23, 1830.
Elizabeth and John Hock, int. June 27, 1832.
Jane and Isaac Aemsden, May 17, 1677*.
Rebeccah and Jonathan Lawrence, Nov. 5, 1677*.
RYAN (also see Ryon)
Daniel and Catherine Sullivan, int. Sept. 24, 1848.
Mary and Edward Burns of Tariffville, Conn., int. Oct. 2, 1827.
Michael and Margaret Sheridan, int. Apr. 12, 1846.
Richard and Catherine Donelly, int. Oct. 28, 1845.
Thomas Foster, s. of William (and Esther, CR1), a. 23 y., and Elizabeth Allen Brown, dau of Jonathan (and Mary, CR1), a. 24 y., Nov. 28, 1845.
William A. and Esther C. Welch of Brunswick, Me., July 18, 1841.
RYON (also see Ryan)
Dennis and Elizabeth Cox, int. July 26, 1763.