VITAL RECORDS of CAMBRIDGE Massachusetts, to the Year 1850.
Compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

* =Intention not recorded.
Mary of Charlestown, and Daniel Murray, int. July 18, 1835.
Ann M. (of Canterbury, N.H., CR11) and Sylvester S. Chamberlin of Marblehead, June 29, 1843.
Abraham of Charlestown, and Mary Hill, in Charlestown, Mar. 25, 1746.
Albert, s. of Eben of Pomfret, Vt., a. 21 y., and Laura A. Dailey, dau of Warren, of Livermore, Me., a. 25 y., Mar. 16, 1848.
Bernard and Louisa M. King of Boston, int. Nov. 3, 1841.
Caroline M., dau of Philip T., a. 24 y., b. in Pomfret, Vt., and Isaac A. Nay, s. of Jedediah, a. 26 y., b. in Raymond, N.H., Sept. 23, 1846.
Cornelia, dau of Philip, of Pomfret, Vt., a. 20 y., and Noah Colman, widr., a. 26 y., both of Boston, Apr. 27, 1847*.
Drusilla and William Hutchins, int. Aug. 5, 1839.
Edna V. and James S. Dodge, both of Boston, Apr. 27, 1848*.
Eunice and John Wood, both of West Cambridge, Apr. 22, 1827*.
Hannah and John Cutter of Cambridge Farms, in Woburn, Feb. 6, 1700*.
Hannah E. and Henry S. Cox, Mar. 29, 1849.
Herman, Rev., of Brooklyn, Conn., and Isabella Wellington of Lexington, Apr. 23, 1845*.
Lavina and Robert Stevens, int. July 26, 1846.
Mary and Samuel Minot of Brookfield, in Charlestown, Oct. 29, 1707*.
Mary and Joseph Bates, Jan. 9, 1772.
Sarah A. and James McCalvey, int. May 14, 1848.
Susan and Charles T. Parks of Woburn, int. Dec. 17, 1848.
Thomas S. and (Mrs., int.) Nancy Knowles, Nov. 16, 1842.
William and Nancy Raynor, May 1, 1833.
Ann and Daniel Weston, int. Apr. 29, 1837.
Hannah and Seth Hastings (of Watertown, int.), Dec. 30, 1747 (Dec. 31, CR1).
Samuel and Susanna Mason of Watertown, in Watertown, Dec. 16, 1755.
Susanna and Ebenezer Elliott, May 2, 1745.
Thomas and Hannah Prentice, Mar. 19, 1723-4*.
Thomas and Ruth Livermore (of Watertown, int.), Mar. 16, 1763.
William and Abigail Bright (of Watertown, int.), July 20, 1757.
Charlestown and Jane Dana, int. Mar. 28, 1778.
Ann Maria, dau of Mark of Gloucester, a. 23 y., and James Thompson, s. of Hugh, dec., a. 26 y., b. in Vernon, N.Y., Mar. 29, 1849.
Caroline and Aaron Wingate, Apr. 22, 1810.
Morris and Elizabeth Kendall, dau of John, in Gloucester, June 26, 1648*.
Rebecca, Mrs., of Gloucester, and Andrew Ellis, Aug. 15, 1802.
Silas P. and Susan Langmaid, May 4, 1840.
M. T. (Eliza M. T., int.) and Elias Hunt of Weymouth, Nov. 14, 1820 (Nov. 16, 1820, CR1).
Ellen, Mrs., and Ralph Cummings, Jan. 28, 1833.
Lucien S. and Elizabeth w. Bignoll, int. Oct. 29, 1848.
Catherine S. and William Hunnewell, Jan. 13, 1841.
Daniel H. and Phebe D. Simonds of Salem, int. Apr. 3, 1824.
Dorcas B. and George A. Prentiss, int. Feb. 9, 1839.
Eliza Ann and George Dexter Eaton, Jan. 31, 1838.
Hannah R. and Joseph Burdakin, Apr. 5, 1835.
Maria A. and George L. Mitchell, Apr. 5, 1837.
James M. and Harriet A. Richards of Lynn, int. Apr. 21, 1838.
Seth R. and Emeline Fountain, May 25, 1842.
Eliza Ann and Wililam G. Crump, int. Mar. 19, 1820.
SPALDING (also see Spaulden, Spaulding)
Clarissa Ann and Friend Hamblet, June 7, 1842.
SPARHAWK (also see Sparhawke, Sparrowhawke)
Abigail and Thomas Williams, Aug. 30, 1733*.
Blake and Anna Dana, Dec. 18, 1786*.
Catharine of Brighton, and John Cole, int. Jan. 7, 1825.
Dorothy and Rev. Edward Wigglesworth, Jan. 6, 1778.
Edward and Betsy Murdock of Roxbury, int. June 7, 1804.
Elizabeth and Elisha Gardner (of Brookline, int.), June 21, 1753.
Joanna and Thomas Gardner, June 12, 1755.
Katharine and Elijah Houghton of Lancaster, Nov. 27, 1760.
Lucy and Thomas Aspinwall (Jr., int.) of Brookline, in Brookline, Oct. 4, 1762.
Martha and John Hancock Jr. (of Charlestown, int.), Nov. 20, 1760.
Mary and William Barrett, Oct. 8, 1673*.
Mary and Isaac Gardner (Jr., of Brookline, int.), Apr. 26, 1753.
Mary and Isaac Sparhawk Gardner of Brookline, in Brookline, June 13, 1784*.
Mary and Peter Thompson of Boston, int. May 14, 1802.
Oliver and Sarah B. Coffin, July 21, 1834.
Prisscilla and Abraham Cutting, Oct. 3, 1745.
Samuel and Sarah Whiting, Dec. 2, 1696. CR1*.
Samuel Jr. and Elizabeth Gardner, Mar. 23, 1757.
Sybil and Samuel Aspinwall of Brookline, in Brookline, June 4, 1713*.
Sybil and Samuel Aspinwall (of Brookline, int.), May 25, 1758.
SPARHAWKE (also see Sparhawk, Sparrowhawke)
Abigail and Hull Sewall (of Brookline, int.), Mar. 20, 1766.
Nathaniel and Patience Newman, Oct. 3, 1649*.
Nathaniel and Lydia Blake of Boston, int. June 16, 1753.
Nathaniel and Hannah Murdock of Newton, in Newton, Mar. 17, 1768.
Noah and Prisscilla Brown, Sept. 24, 1724*.
Thomas and Mary Oliver, Jan. 14, 1730-1*.
Jared, Esq., and Mary C. Silsbee of Salem, int. Apr. 23, 1839.
SPARROWHAWKE (also see Sparhawk, Sparhawke)
Anne, dau of Nathaniel, and John Cooper, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
Nathaniel and Katharine ------, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
Nathaniel and Mary ------, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
SPAULDEN (also see Spalding, Spaulding)
Samuel and Charity Greenwood, both of Newton, May 17, 1801*.
SPAULDING (also see Spalding, Spaulden)
Charles H. and Mary Conant of Acton, int. Apr. 15, 1837.
Erastus of Troy, N.H., and Mary E. Bush, June 28, 1848.
Mary A., dau of Amos, of Billerica, and George Faulkner of Jamaica Plain, Aug. 25, 1847. CR4*.
Ranson, s. of Daniel, dec., a. 24 y., b. in Warner, N.H., and Mary Ward, wid., dau of Isaac Day, dec., a. 40 y., b. in Orford, N.H., Sept. 1, 1844.
Reuben of Newton, and Mrs. Hannah Stearns, int. Apr. 18, 1845.
Varnum of Chelmsford, and Hannah McClary, Mar. 16, 1819.
Mary of Dorchester, and Joel Miller, July 12, 1818.
Mary F. of Dedham, and Oliver (Oliver L., int.) Child (Jr., int.), Jan. 4, 1842.
Samuel P. of Boston, and Nancy B. Davis, int. Apr 27, 1838.
Sarah B. and Otis Hartwell, int. Apr. 7, 1838.
Sarah Emeline of Camden, Me., and Walter Pitts, int. Sept. 20, 1846.
Susan and Horace Handford (of Stow, int.), Dec. 24, 1834.
Thankfull and Nathaniel Wheelar of Boston, int. Apr. 20, 1776.
Paul and Mary Goddin, Dec. 15, 1778.
Jacob and Dinah Pero of Natick, in Natick, Feb. 2, 1776*.
Harriet S. of Pittsford, Vt., and Junia Sargent, int. Oct. 17, 1838.
Hosea and Mary J. Pollard, Dec. 30, 1829.
Jane Rebecca of Londonderry, Nova Scotia, and James M. Savage of Charlestown, Mar. 7, 1843*.
Mary and Albert Moulton, int. Nov. 5, 1842.
Sarah H. of Brookline, and Ebenezer Crafts, int. May 9, 1806.
Eleanor and James Putnam (of Worcester, int.), Aug. 14, 1749 (1750, CR1)(int. July 10, 1750).
Hannah and Thomas Marsh, Jan. 9, 1766.
Jonathan and Hannah Phips of Portsmouth, N.H., int. Oct. 9, 1738.
Joseph and Sarah Stedman, Nov. 30, 1714*.
Joseph and Elloner Phipps, Feb. 1, 1727-8*.
Mary and Thomas Wright, June 6, 1783 (June 16, CR1)*.
Samuel (of Stoneham, int.) and Mary Cook, May 10, 1740.
Elizabeth (of Boston, int.) and Edmund Trowbridge Hastings, in Boston, June 1, 1815.
Marshall of Watertown, and Hannah Lee, Aug. 31, 1797*.
Mary and Jno. Ward, Nov. 30, 1681*.
Sarah (of Watertown, int.) and Samuel Fessenden, Nov. 23, 1762.
Sarah and Timothy Swan, July 27, 1766.
Thomas and Margaret Gates, Dec. 31, 1729*.
William S. and Hannah W. Cook, Nov. 6, 1833.
Mary P., Mrs., and Francis P. Fletcher, int. May 7, 1835.
Mary P. and Gilman P. Leonard, int. Sept. 5, 1837.
Andrew and Lorena M. (Lorena Maria, dup.) Stevens, int. Nov. 1, 1846.
Francis and Mary F. Smith of Boston, int. May 16, 1843.
Henry V. (Henry Vose, int.) of Boston, and Louise Chaponil, Apr. 28, 1830.
SQUIER (also see Squire)
Daniel and Deliverance Wilson, in Watertown, July 5, 1710*.
SQUIRE (also see Squier)
Deborah and William Brown, Nov. 11, 1703*.
Mary and John Hascall, Mar. 2, 1698-9. CR1*.
STACEY (also see Stacie, Stacy)
Hannah and Stephen Hasting, Oct. 28, 1708*.
Susanna and Cutting Bean (of Charlestown, int.), Dec. 27, 1744.
STACIE (also see Stacey, Stacy)
Thomas and Hannah Hicks, June 20, 1683*.
Benjamin and Mary Young, -----, 1840 (int. Apr. 3, 1840).
Hannah and Benjamin E. Palmer, June 1, 1843.
Josiah and Dorcas Furbush of Somersworth, N.H., Nov. 30, 1843.
Roxana and George Bate, Nov. 11, 1821.
STACY (also see Stacey, Stacie)
Dorcas B. and William H. Park of Dorchester, Sept. 10, 1843*.
Hannah of Kingston, and James Reed, in Kingston, Sept. 27, 1744.
John and Emeline Tarbell of Concord, int. Aug. 15, 1847.
Maria F. of Boston, and Elisha Emerson of Providence, R.I., June 24, 1841*.
Cerinda B., dau of Abel, dec., a. 20 y., b. in Plymouth, Vt., and John Stark, s. of Robert, dec., a. 28 y., b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., July 28, 1844.
George and Mary Pitts, Oct. 24, 1837.
Joseph (Joseph C., int.) and Lorinda Gardner, Feb. 12, 1835.
Simeon, s. of William, b. in Richmond, Va., a. 29 y., and Sarah A. Gerrish, dau of Joseph, b. in Lebanon, Me., a. 22 y., Apr. 5, 1846.
John and Mary Ann Williams of Boston, May 17, 1843.
Elizabeth and John Nichols, Feb. 19, 1732-3 (Feb. 14, CR1)*.
John and Ann Tilley, int. Aug. 27, 1848.
Frances and Michael Dolan, Aug. 19, 1849.
Michael and Mary Madden, int. Feb. 23, 1848.
Sarah and Thomas Prentice, Mar. 20, 1675*.
William of Portsmouth, and Elizabeth Fessenden, int. Apr. 30, 1768.
James and Ann O. Whitney, int. Apr. 19, 1846.
Joseph G. and Rhoda Staples, int. Oct. 4, 1846.
Mary E. of Portland, Me., and Leonard H. Gerrish, int. Nov. 12, 1848.
Rhoda and Joseph G. Staples, int. Oct. 4, 1846.
Ellen of Boston, and Patrick Kennedy, int. Aug. 1, 1847.
Samuel, s. of John, a. 38 y., and Olive Colby, dau of Levi, a. 27 y., Dec. 28, 1846.
John, s. of Robert, dec., a. 28 y., b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., and Cerinda B. Stafford, dau of Abel, dec., a. 20 y., b. in Plymouth, Vt., July 28, 1844.
James T. of Somerville, s. of Parley S. and Jemima of Milton, Vt., a. 29 y., and Esther Boulton, of Somerville, dau of Samuel S. and Esther of Lancaster, N.H., a. 25 y., Sept. 1, 1845. CR11*.
John M. and Eliza Newton, Jan. 1, 1832.
Orin O. of Sturbridge, and Nancy C. Valentine, int. Aug. 20, 1837.
STEARNS (also see Sternes, Sterns)
Abigail and Solomon Champney, int. Sept.18, 1737.
Abigail of Concord, and Samuell Champney Jr., int. Oct. 24, 1739.
Anna and Thomas Robbins, int. Feb. 26, 1739-40.
Calvin of Boston and Statyer Richardson, Nov. 24, 1807*.
Daniel and Elizabeth Nolton, Sept. 7, 1783*.
Elizabeth and James Budge of Charlestown, int. Aug. 2, 1746.
Elizabeth and Edward Fillebrown, Dec. 7, 1775.
Emeline and Jonathan R. Ellis, Sept. 28, 1843*.
George of Cambridge Farms and Hannah Sanderson, of Watertown, in Watertown, Oct. 23, 1712*.
Hannah of Newton, and William Parker, int. Feb. 8, 1835.
Hannah, Mrs., and Reuben Spaulding of Newton, int. Apr. 18, 1835.
Isaac of Waltham, and Narcissa Morse, int. Sept. 2, 1810.
John and Mary Norcross of Watertown, in Watertown, Apr. 2, 1713*.
John of Weston, and Mary S. Balch, int. Oct. 8, 1846.
Jonathan F., Rev., of Newburyport, and Joanna G. Chaplin, Nov. 3, 1840.
Josiah of Watertown, and Mary Boardman, in Watertown, Apr. 23, 1752.
Julia A. (Julia Ann, int.) and Charles Coy, Mar. 18, 1849.
Lydia and William Murphy of Kennebunk, Me., int. Aug. 21, 1830.
Lydia D. and John F. Parker, May --, 1832.
Phinehas (of Wareham, int.) and Mary Willington, July 9, 1761.
Priscilla and Moses Lunt, May --, 1828.
Samuel Jr. of Watertown, and Joseph Winship, in Watertown, Oct. 27, 1714*.
Sarah and Owen Warland, int. Oct. 12, 1745.
Stephen of Watertown, and Mary Pearman, in Watertown, May 5, 1748.
Stephen and Susannah Robbins of Charlestown, int. Jan. 29, 1774.
Susan of Waltham, and Jonas Wyeth 3d, int. Sept. 24, 1800.
Thomas and Eunice Celi, Dec. 20, 1832.
William P. and Ellen B. Hamlin, both of South Boston, Dec. 11, 1843*.
Emily A. and John W. Langdon, both of Wilbraham, Apr. 24, 1845*.
Mary and Zachariah Bordman, Aug. 16, 1743.
Rufus P. of Wilbraham, and Eliza C. Livermore, Sept. 11, 1837 (Sept. 21, CR9).
Augustus and Martha Porter, Feb. 16, 1843. CR2.
Caroline E., dau of Samuel, dec. (and Martha, CR1), a. 19 y., and Samuel Skinner, of Boston, s. of Noah K. (and Harriet, CR1), a. 23 y., Oct. 10, 1848.
Ebenezer, Capt., and Mary Austin of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Jan. 4, 1764.
Ebenezer and Mary Braman of Norton, Apr. 13, 1817.
Elizabeth and Nathaniel Upham, Mar. 5, 1661-2*.
Elizabeth and Thomas Hammond, Dec. 17, 1662*.
Elizabeth and Samuel Gibson, June 14, 1679*.
Elizabeth and Dr. Lawrence Dolhond, Oct. 26, 1715*.
Hannah and Samuel Hide, Jan. 20, 1673*.
John and Alice ------, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
John and Elizabeth Remington, May 14, 1666*.
John and Sarah Gibson, Apr. 9, 1691*.
Jonathan and Mary Blaisdell (of Chelmsford, int.), in Chelmsford, June 10, 1742.
Lydia and Eliab Wright Metcalf, May 7, 1809.
Margaret and Benjamin Cheney, Nov. 9, 1752.
Martha and Joseph Cooke, Dec. 4, 1665*.
Mary and Daniel Thurston, Apr. 1, 1674*.
Mary and David Stowell, Apr. 7, 1692*.
Mary and John Henshaw, May 14, 1730*.
Mary and George Meacham, Mar. 1, 1818.
Robert and Anne ------, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
Samuel and Martha Russell of Charlestown, Apr. 10, 1823*.
Sarah and John Brackett, Aug. 23, 1662*.
Sarah and Joseph Sprague, Nov. 30, 1714*.
Sophia and Samuel Pierce, Mar. 20, 1796*.
Samuel T. of Somers, Conn., and Emeline (Eunice, int.) Burnham, Oct. 22, 1837.
Robert and Susan Kelly, July 4, 1827.
STEEVENS (also see Stephens, Stevens)
William and Abigail Greene, July 7, 1673*.
STEEVENSON (also see Steevinson, Stevenson)
Mary and Thomas Richardson, Jan. 5, 1669*.
Rebeccah and James Patteson, May 29, 1662*.
Sarah and John Lowden, May 29, 1662*.
STEEVINSON (also see Steevenson, Stevenson)
Hannah and William Burgess, May 20, 1684*.
STEPHENS (also see Steevens, Stevens)
Albert and Thresa Gould, Aug. 25, 1841.
Timothy, Rev., of Glassenbury, and Alice Whiting, May 19, 1701*.
STERNES (also see Stearns, Sterns)
Charles and Rebecca Gibson, June 22, 1654*.
Isacke and Sarah Beers, June 28, 1660*.
Samuel and Hannah Manning, Feb. 1, 1662*.
Sarah and Samuel Stone (s. of Gregory, CR1), June 7, 1655*.
STERNS (also see Stearns, Sternes)
Isaac and Mehitabel Frost, Dec. 24, 1725*.
Isaiah and Elizabeth Durant of Lexington, int. Sept. 23, 1749.
STEVENS (also see Steevens, Stephens)
Albert and Ann Gould, Aug. 30, 1848.
Alexander G. and Mary Wakefield, Mar. 17, 1842.
Atherton H. Jr., and Lucia L. Harvey of Boston, int. Nov. 12, 1848.
Beniah and Susan Hustans, int. Apr. 5, 1829.
Benjamin, Rev. (of Kittery, int.), and Mary Remington, Sept. 28, 1752.
Betsey of Marblehead, and Samuel Rust, int. Apr. 1, 1820.
Calvin of Boston, and Catherine E. Boynton, Oct. 27, 1840.
Charles, s. of Elijah, a. 29 y., b. in Concord, and Mary Jane Ames, dau of Simon, dec., a. 25 y., Aug. 1, 1846.
Charles B. and Jane Lloyd, Nov. 8, 1842.
Cyrus and Mrs. Susan S. (Susan P., int.) Stevens, Dec. 10, 1843.
Daniel W. and Caroline Partridge of Medfield, int. July 19, 1846.
Edward G. and Mary Thacher, Mar. 23, 1829.
Edward G. and Eliza Thatcher, Apr. 2, 1837.
Eliza Atherton, and Jacob Waitt of Boston, Nov. 9, 1841.
Eliza S., dau of Abram, a. 25 y., and Aaron S. W. Cook, s. of Ephraim, a. 25 y., Nov. 2, 1848.
Elizabeth and Alpheus Hamblet, int. Feb. 14, 1824.
Elizabeth C. of Newton, and John Gooch, int. Nov. 18, 1842.
Elizabeth H. and Henry Williams, int. Sept. 16, 1832.
Emily A., dau of Jonas, a. 18 y., and Cummings M. Barnes, s. of John, a. 21 y., May 31, 1845.
George and Martha D. Scott, int. Mar. 24, 1838.
George C. and Abigail L. Thompson (of Boston, int.), Sept. 3, 1843.
George W. and Caroline M. Gardner, Oct. 11, 1849.
Isaac of Boston, and Sarah W. Fisk, Oct. 21, 1832.
Jesse T. and Violet Eastman of Vassalboro, Me., int. Dec. 7, 1845.
John and Sarah Ann Dickenson of Boston, int. Apr. 15, 1834.
Jonathan and Mary Cluff, Jan. 3, 1830.
Lorena M. (Lorena Maria, dup.) and Andrew Sproul, int. Nov. 1, 1846.
Mary C. of Lowell, and Lendall Skelton, int. Jan. 7, 1842.
Mary E., dau of Elijah, a. 19 y., and Joseph M. Whittier, s. of William, a. 23 y., June 25, 1848.
Mary Jane and Grafton F. Nutting, Feb. 27, 1848 (Grafton T. Nutter, int.).
Richard and Ellen Nugent, int. Sept. 6, 1844.
Robert and Lavina Snow, int. July 26, 1846.
Sophia K. and Oliver C. Stiles, int. Feb. 11, 1840.
Susan S., Mrs. (Susan P., int.) and Cyrus Stevens, Dec. 10, 1843.
Thomas and Mary Barrett, Sept. 30, 1771.
Thomas J. and Susan Maria Gavett of Boston, int. Dec. 25, 1843.
William and Rachel Cunningham, int. Jan. 29, 1776.
William G., s. of Elijah, a. 23 y., b. in Concord, and Clara Brown, dau of Eben, b. in Londonderry, N.H., Apr. 22, 1847.
William H. and Lydia (Louisa, int.) A. Putnam, Nov. 9, 1843.
STEVENSON (also see Steevenson, Steevinson)
Andrew and Jane ------, in England, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
Deborah, dau of Andrew and Jane, and Robert Wilson of Sudbury, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
Elizabeth, dau of James, a. 22 y., and John Lang, s. of William, a. 26 y., Jan. 2, 1848.
Jonathan and Elizabeth Stubs, July 8, 1669*.
Antipas (of Salem, int.) and Rachel Haley, Sept. 8, 1773.
Jeremiah and Mary Bathrick, int. Feb. 24, 1776.
Robert F. and Elizabeth Beck, int. Sept. 13, 1846.
STEWART (also see Stuart)
Andrew and Ellen Cook, June 25, 1848.
Eric W., and Elizabeth R. Page of Manchester, N.H., int. July 31, 1845.
Robert and Ann Maria Meacham, both of Boston, June 15, 1838*.
Robert, a. 24 y., and Mary McCue, a. 24 y., Feb. 5, 1847*.
Catharine A., Mrs., and Frederick W. White of Wrentham, int. June 14, 1835.
Henry and Mary Ann Wood of Rindge, N.H., int. June 1, 1837.
Laura of Grafton, Vt., and Alfred Wood, int. July 23, 1841.
Nathaneil N. and Catherine B. Kempton of Boston, int. Dec. 28, 1845.
Salmon and Catherine Ford, int. Jan. 13, 1832.
Sarah N. and Orrin Hall, int. Aug. 25, 1838.
Enoch and Caroline Elliot, Jan. 5, 1842.
Oliver C. and Sophia K. Stevens, int. Feb. 11, 1840.
Ruth and Caleb Gannett, Jan. 19, 1800*.
Willard and Mary Ann Gilman of Boston, Sept. 13, 1827.
Mary E. and William G. Perry, both of Roxbury, Dec. 4, 1845*.
STIMPSON (also see Stimson)
Benjamin of Charlestown, and Rebecca Hill, in Charlestown, Sept. 29, 1788*.
Mary Ann, a. 34 y., and John Davenport, s. of John (and Abigail, CR1), a. 38 y., Oct. 1, 1846.
Nathaniel and Hepzibah Ames of Andover, in Andover, Nov. 17, 1793*.
STIMSON (also se Stimpson)
Abby G. and David S. Hobart of Audobon, Ill., July 12, 1841.
Amelia H. and Andrew N. Wyeth, May 4, 1843.
Ann Maria, dau of Royal (and Lieffy, CR1), a. 24 y., and Daniel U. Chamberlin, s. of John (and Harriet, CR1), a. 23 y., Apr. 28, 1847.
Caroline F. of Waltham, and Charles Whitney, int. Dec. 28, 1838.
Fordyce M. and Sarah Harvey of Nashua (Barnet, Vt., int.), Dec. 3, 1835.
John of Charlestown, and Rebeckah Bunker, July 5, 1709*.
John and Eliza Green, June 7, 1829.
Nabby and Isaac Keyes, int. Oct. 25, 1817.
Royal and Leoffa Walker of New Ipswich, N.H., int. Aug. 8, 1813.
Daniel and Eliza Mills of West Cambridge, int. Dec. 12, 1847.
Erastus R. and Sarah Twist of East Sudbury, int. Jan. 22, 1834.
Margaret of Charlestown, and Alexander Barber, int. Sept. 14, 1842.
STODDARD (also see Stodder)
Eunice and Adoniram Ferrier, both of Medford, Apr. 2, 1823*.
STODDER (also see Stoddard)
Mary H., Mrs., and Edward Ames, int. Feb. 11, 1827.
George L. and Jane S. Dexter, int. June 21, 1845.
Abigail of Lexington, and Josiah Shattuck, in Watertown, Mar. 28, 1744.
Abigail of Watertown and Thomas Richardson, int. Mar. 23, 1805.
Abigail F. and Elisha Crain of Walpole, N.H., June 28, 1838.
Abraham and Lydia P. Thayer, Oct. 5, 1823.
Abraham and Mraia A. Gridley of Boston, int. Dec. 24, 1842.
Anson J. and Catherine W. Stone, int. Nov. 5, 1839.
Anson J. (Anson Joseph, int.), a. 28 y., and Mary Ann Stone of Brighton, a. 22 y., Feb. 25, 1847.
Augusta M. and Allen B. Parsons, Feb. 19, 1840.
Betsy and Benjamin Grover, Nov. 13, 1803.
Betsy and Luther Fuller of Charlestown, int. Nov. 2, 1834.
Caroline H. and John Livermore, Oct. 4, 1838.
Catherine W. and Anson J. Stone, int. Nov. 5, 1839.
Charles and Isabella W. Leathe, Nov. 4, 1846.
Chary of Watertown, and Thomas Willington, in Watertown, Apr. 1, 1735*.
Daniel G. (of Schenectady, N.Y., int.) and Emeline A. Gerry, Aug. 2, 1835. CR1.
David, s. of Gregory and Dorcas ------, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
David and Sarah Hildreth, Dec. 31, 1674*.
David and Martha Stone of Newton, int. May 7, 1828.
Dorcas of Watertown, and Joseph Willington, in Watertown, Nov. 13, 1733*.
Ebenezer and Margaret Trowbridge, Ma. 11, 1686*.
Eliza, Mrs., and Benjamin Badger of Charlestown, Apr. 2, 1840.
Elizabeth of Charlestown, and Isaac Robins, int. July 1, 1769.
Elizabeth (Elizabeth M., int.) of Boston, and William Pike, in South Boston, May 5, 1840.
Elizabeth G. and Reuben C. Kennerston, Sept. 16, 1839.
Elizabeth J. and Nathaniel J. Wyeth, Jan. 29, 1824.
Elmira of Watertown, and Peter Underwood Jr., int. Oct. 30, 1843.
Esther of Newton, and Peter Davis, in Newton, Nov. 5, 1793*.
Eunice and Rufus Fiske, Jan. 1, 1824.
George W. and Mary G. Fuller of Charlestown, int. Mar. 14, 1835.
Gregory, dea., and Lydia ------, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
Hannah and Freeman Hovey, Dec. --, 1831.
Hannah F. and Franklin B. Parks, May 11, 1845.
Henry L. of New Orleans, and Mary Elizabeth H. Groce, Oct. 14, 1841.
Issachar Jr. of South Reading, and Louisa Slocumb, int. Nov. 12, 1832.
Jerusha of Watertown, and Samuel Olney of Providence, R.I., Oct. 10, 1826*.
Jesse and Martha Griffin, both of Charlestown, May 9, 1843*.
John and Rachel Shepard of Concord, Apr. 27, 1687*.
John and Mary Tufts, Apr. 13, 1780*.
John and Ellen E. Briggs, Dec. 25, 1834.
Jonathan (of Watertown, int.) and Martha Cutter, May 21, 1747.
Love and Samuel Whittemore 3rd, June 11, 1747.
Lowell M. (Lowell Mason, int.) and Mary Louisa Moody, May 25, 1845. CR10.
Lucinda and Samuel Olney, both of Watertown, June 30, 1830*.
Lucy C. of Watertown, and Thomas Lincoln, int. Nov. 7, 1835.
Margaret of Watertown, and Thomas Willington Jr., in Watertown, Mar. 13, 1734-5*.
Maria and Farwell Hoar of Watertown, Oct. 26, 1829*.
Martha of Shrewsbury, and Thomas Adams, in Shrewsbury, May 28, 1780*.
Martha and Robert Sanborn, May 4, 1823*.
Martha of Newton, and David Stone, int. May 7, 1828.
Martin of Framingham, and Sally Coolidge of Watertown, Apr. 6, 1802*.
Mary of Charlestown, and Philip Bonner of Boston, Jan. 1, 1804*.
Mary and Josiah Mixer (Jr., int.), Jan. 1, 1816.
Mary Ann of Brighton, a. 22 y., and Anson J. (Anson Joseph, int.) Stone, a. 28 y., Feb. 25, 1847.
Mary Elizabeth of Charlestown, and John Blake, June 4, 1845.
Mary Jarvis and Rev. Clarke Perry of Newbury, Vt., Aug. 4, 1828.
Naham and Susanna Hovey, Jan. 1, 1832.
Nathaniel of Lexington, and Susan Dunklee, June 12, 1831*.
Oliver (of Harvard, int.) and Mary Lock, May 12, 1757.
Phebe H., dau of Simon (and Lydia Rice, CR11) of Hollis, Me., a. 21 y., and Alonzo Ritterbush, s. of Henry (and Rachel, CR11) of Eden, Vt., a. 24 y., Mar. 22, 1848.
Philenia W. and Noah Perrin Jr., Oct. 21, 1847.
Phineas of Littleton, and Mary Jarvis, Apr. 4, 1796. CR1*.
Rebecca and Timothy Willington (of Lexington, int.), Sept. 23, 1742.
Rebecca W. of Charlestown, and Jeremiah L. Walker, Aug. 8, 1833.
Richard T., s. of Abraham, a. 22 y., and Frances E. Sims, dau of Charles, a. 17 y., Aug. 25, 1848.
Sally of Newton, and Phineas Brown Hovey, in Newton, Dec. 5, 1793*.
Samuel (s. of Gregory, CR1) and Sarah Sternes, June 7, 1655*.
Samuel and Dorcas Jones, June 12, 1679*.
Sarah Ann and William H. (William Henry, int.) Ireland of Brighton, Dec. 3, 1839.
Sarah Augusta, dau of William (and Keziah, CR1), a. 19 y., and Edward Hadley, s. of Israel (and Sarah, CR1), a. 22 y., Aug. 18, 1844.
Sarah M. and William Hovey Jr., July 31, 1834.
Seth and Mary Tufts of Medford, Aug. 6, 1776.
Seth of New Salem, and Polly Hopkins, Mar. 13, 1803.
Sibble of Medford, and Joel Adams, Oct. 23, 1788*.
Thomas and Elizabeth Andrew, June 18, 1730*.
William and Keziah Fairbanks of Brighton, int. May 3, 1823.
William F., Esq., and Harriet Brigham of Westborough, int. Sept. 22, 1826.
Benjamin of Boston, and Ruth Fillebrown, int. June 4, 1738.
* = Intention not recorded.
John C. and Lydia W. Turner, int. Dec. 19, 1830.
TAINTER (also see Taynter)
Anna of Watertown, and Daniel Watson, in Watertown, Nov. 24, 1757.
Elizabeth of Watertown, and Nathaniel Jarvis, in Watertown, Dec. 18, 1766.
William C. and Mary (Mary B., int.) Hiscock, Apr. 15, 1827.
Wyman V. and Susan F. Wilson of West Cambridge, int. Apr. 23, 1848.
TALBART (also see Talbot)
John and Mary McGraff of Charlestown, int. Jan. 19, 1842.
TALBOT (also see Talbart)
Elizabeth and Andrew McGuire, int. Jan. 11, 1846.
James and Elizabeth Patten, int. Aug. 13, 1848.
John, widr., s. of Felix, a. 25 y., b. in Ireland, and Mary Ann Bradley, dau of Patrick, a. 17 y., b. in South Reading, int. Oct. 22, 1849.
Mary A. (Tallack, int.) and Isaac Baxter of Pawtucket, s. of Seth, a. 27 y., June 18, 1848.
TALLACK (also see Tallick)
Elizabeth S. and Charles W. Hodgdon, Mar. 17, 1844.
TALLICK (also see Tallack)
Dorothy and Reuben Littlefield, Apr. 21, 1845.
Caroline of Charlestown, and Jeremiah R. Palmer, int. Sept. 3, 1845.
George Albert and Parnell M. Thorp, both of Somerville, Dec. 12, 1843*.
John of Waltham, and Lydia Tufts of Charlestown, Nov. 3, 1795*.
Mansfield and Mary Wyeth, Oct. 1, 1760.
Margaret and David Ozburn, July 20, 1738.
Mary and Daniel Hovey, Dec. 30, 1736*.
Mary of Charlestown and Joseph Millar, Dec. 3, 1788*.
Samuel J. of Nashua, N.H., and Caroline E. Hunnewell, Apr. 9, 1835. CR1.
Mary O., dau of Robert, a. 19 y., and Seth C. Winnek, s. of William, a. 25 y., Oct. 8, 1848.
Daniel T. and Sarah E. Tufts of Woburn, int. Aug. 12, 1842.
Catherine L. of Brookline, N.H., dau of Thomas, a. 24 y., and Josiah Shattuck, of Pepperell, s. of Aaron, a. 24 y., Oct. 21, 1846*.
Emeline of Concord, and John Stacy, int. Aug. 15, 1847.
Martha E. and Curtis Redman, June 14, 1849.
Polly and Asa Dutton, June 15, 1785*.
Sally and Ebenezer Parker of Boston, int. Apr. 25, 1801.
Samson and Martha Hill, July 21, 1811.
Sarah Ann and Philip Lovejoy, Sept. 19, 1833.
William G. and Hannah M. (Hannah Maria, int.) Valentine, Oct. 11, 1842.
Joseph K. and Mary Lufkin of North Yarmouth, Me., int. Aug. 17, 1838.
Julia F. of West Prospect, Me., and William F. Riggs, int. Oct. 5, 1844.
Meriam K. and Charles M. Sanford, int. Mar. 4, 1843.
Mary (Mary Deroce, int.) and Thomas Jackson of Providence, R.I., Mar. 31, 1846. Colored.
Sarah Ann, a. abt. 23 y., and Hiram Mingo of Boston, a. abt. 27 y., June 17, 1847. Colored.
Phebe and William Brennon, Nov. 22, 1846.
Alice and James Taylor of Lewiston, Me., int. Oct. 15, 1848.
Ann and William Clemance, Apr. 3, 1660*.
Calvin S. of Quincy, and Mary B. Hayden, Mar. 30, 1828.
David G. and Sophia S. Cook of Newburyport, int. Aug. 26, 1826.
Elizabeth and Charles E. C. Hadley, Aug. 26, 1849.
Ephraim H. and Susan Baxter, int. Apr. 5, 1843.
George R. and Betsey S. Shales, Apr. 6, 1842.
J. Winthrop of U.S. Navy, and Ann Elizabeth Parker of Boston, in Boston, Aug. 15, 1842*.
James of Lewiston, Me., and Alice Taylor, int. Oct. 15, 1848.
Jane and Thomas Dugan, Oct. 25, 1849.
John and Katharine ------, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
Nehemiah F., s. of Henry B. of Kingston, N.H., a. 28 y., b. in Effingham, N.H., and Esther W. Colby, dau of Ebenezer of Sanbornton, N.H., a. 19 y., Jan. 25, 1846.
Oliver of Charlestown, and Emeline M. Bridgman, int. Sept. 12, 1835.
Randall, a. 27 y., and Catherine F. Leach of Somerville, a. 21 y., July 7, 1846.
William and Mary Cheevers, Nov. 28, 1683*.
William H. of Boston, a. 22 y., and Rosanna M. Bassett, a. 18 y., Dec. 2, 1847. Colored.
TAYNTER (also see Tainter)
Susanna of Watertown, and Abraham (Aaron, int.) Hill, in Watertown, May 31, 1753.
Barnard and Eliza Dicknal, int. Feb. 12, 1847.
TEAL (also see Teel, Teele)
Aaron (of Medford, int.) and Susanna Cook, Sept. 5, 1754.
TEASDALE (also see Tisdale)
Isabella and Alpheus Gilson, May 4, 1828. CR10.
Mary and Joseph Simons, Mar. 7, 1680-1*.
TEEL (also see Teal, Teele)
Caroline (Harriet Caroline, int.) and Mason Davis, Nov. 16, 1843.
Eleanor E. and Samuel Woodward, Nov. 6, 1838.
Elizabeth and Clement Drew of Boston, Oct. 11, 1829.
Gershom of Medford, and Susanna Adams, Oct. 3, 1776.
Hannah C. and George Fisher, Mar. 16, 1841.
Jonathan of Medford, and Lydia Cutter, Apr. 7, 1776.
Jonathan 3d of Charlestown, and Lydia Hill, int. Mar. 2, 1805.
Jonathan and Martha A. P. Cottle, int. Oct. 19, 1845.
Jonathan W. of Charlestown, and Emeline Lerned, Apr. 13, 1836.
Levi C. and Lydia Trevoy of Eastport, Me., May 17, 1838.
Lydia of Charlestown, and Miles Gardner, int. Feb. 28, 1806.
Mary and John Gilmore, Oct. 7, 1787. (Oct. 27, CR1)*.
Mary and William Frost, int. Dec. 29, 1810.
Ruthy of Boston, and Joseph Pierce, June 30, 1823*.
Samuel P., s. of Samuel P., a. 25 y., b. in Charlestown, and Eliza Howe, dau of Elias, a. 21 y., b. in Spencer, Nov. 27, 1845.
TEELE (also see Teal, Teel)
Andrew A., s. of Samuel P., a. 26 y., b. in Charlestown, and Louisa M. Mellen, dau of David, a. 20 y., b. in Charlestown, Nov. 8, 1849.
Sarah P. and Elbridge G. Fiske, Nov. 24, 1842.
Jonathan and Rebecca How of Worcester, int. May 17, 1777.
Josiah and Elizabeth Pitts (Potts, CR1), Apr. 22, 1772.
Persis of Boylston, and Richard Seaver, in Boylston, Aug. 28, 1783*.
TENNEY (also see Tenny)
David and Jane H. Wheeler, int. Aug. 22, 1847.
Elizabeth of Monson, Me., and William H. Hills, July 12, 1846.
Josiah and Sarah Nickols of Boston, int. June 11, 1815.
TENNY (also see Tenney)
Benjamin of Hollis, N.H., and Rebecca Prentiss, Aug. 18, 1796*.
Rebecca and Abishai Cottle of Waltham, int. Aug. 1, 1802.
THACHER (also see Thatcher)
George Jr. of Saco, Me., and Lucy Biglow, int. Nov. 30, 1817.
Mary and Thomas Payson, May 12, 1785*.
Mary and Edward G. Stevens, Mar. 23, 1829.
Susanna and Jesse Putnam, Feb. 13, 1776.
John and Martha Bird, May 4, 1825.
THATCHER (also see Thacher)
Eliza and Edward G. Stevens, Apr. 2, 1837.
Hannah and John Holmes, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
Mary and Elisha Goddard (of Sutton, int.), May 23, 1758.
Samuel of Watertown, and Hannah ------, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
Abigail and Edward H. (Edward Hayman, int.) Rogers of Mobile, Ala., Oct. 14, 1839.
George W. and Harriet Merchant, both of Boston, Nov. 8, 1838*.
Rachel of Hingham, and Gera Jenkins, int. Nov. 14, 1813.
Abigail S. and Royal B. Hancock, June 10, 1832.
Ann P. and Rheuben Durant, Apr. 7, 1825.
Cephas P. and Mary S. Parker, Dec. 15, 1824.
Ebenezer and Martha Cotton of Newton, in Newton, Oct. 2, 1766.
Gaius and Hannah Connery (of Boston, int.), Apr. 14, 1808.
James and Mary G. W. Gilson, Sept. 7, 1834.
James H. and (Mrs., int.) Martha Colson, July 28, 1841.
Jeremiah (Jasaniah, int.) of Brookline and Kate Child, in Brookline, May 25, 1761.
John Q. A. and Elizabeth Campbell, June 4, 1848.
Joshua P. and Martha Ann Tucker, int. Dec. 8, 1842.
Lydia P. and Abraham Stone, Oct. 5, 1823.
Mary Ann and Nathan Russell Jr., Nov. 19, 1820.
Richard and Nabby Pierce of Weston, in Weston, June 26, 1796*.
Richard and Sophronia Voax of Boston, int. Feb. 7, 1829.
William D. and Nancy L. Dodge, in Essex, Dec. 6, 1846.
Lucy A. and Nathaniel Wallace of Beverly, Oct. 14, 1841.
William Henry and Pamelia H. Johnson, both of Boston, Oct. 19, 1842*.
Adeline T. of Medford, and James B. Morse, int. Aug. 31, 1844.
Betsey, Mrs., and George T. Claypole, int. Oct. 1, 1838.
John and Frances E. Allen, int. Dec. 14, 1848.
Joshua and Mary Thwing, Sept. 22, 1765.
Lydia J. and Francis Aymar, int. Dec. 25, 1844.
Marianne Emma and James Reed Hutchins of Windsor, Vt., Jan. 15, 1792*.
Mary and Daniel Cahill, int. May 10, 1846.
Othniel and Betsey Hassel, Aug. 15, 1826.
William (of Boston, int.) and Catherine Crombie, Aug. 23, 1831.
THOMPSON (also see Thomson)
Abigail L. (of Boston, int.) and George C. Stevens, Sept. 3, 1843.
Alexander and Martha Fessenden, int. Mar. 24, 1743-4.
Amasa T. and Elisabeth Porter, Aug. 14, 1828. CR10*.
Ebenezer and Rhoda Putnam of Medford, in Medford, Sept. 11, 1794*.
Elizabeth Sherburne of Portsmouth, N.H., and George Patridge Sangers, int. Aug. 23, 1846.
Eunice and Richard Hunnewell, June 21, 1764.
Gaius of Holliston, and Mary R. Batchelder, Apr. 21, 1836*.
Henry and Elizabeth Upham, Apr. 27, 1669*.
James, s. of Hugh, dec., a. 26 y., b. in Vernon, N.Y., and Ann Maria Somes, dau of Mark of Gloucester, a. 23 y., Mar. 29, 1849.
John and Rebecca G. Whittemore, int. Mar. 13, 1830.
Jonathan and Elizabeth Jenkins of Springfield, Vt., int. Sept. 3, 1848.
Laura Jane of Medford, dau of Luther, a. 23 y., b. in Danvers, and Frederic W. Nichols, s. of Jonathan, a. 24 y., b. in So. Reading, int. Nov. 25, 1849.
Lois and Samuel Chandler, Apr. 19, 1759.
Peter of Boston, and Mary Sparhawk, int. May 14, 1802.
Rebecca and William Smith, int. Feb. 30 [sic], 1741-2.
Sarah A. and George W. Fitz, May 1, 1842.
Thomas and Margaret Leighton, Mar. 11, 1831.
William Sinclair, and Sarah A. A. Gould, both of Boston, Apr. 15, 1835*.
William V. and Louisa L. Lincoln, Nov. 7, 1847.
THOMSON (also see Thompson)
James and Martha Wesson of Watertown, in Watertown, Dec. 4, 1733*.
Mary Cutter and William Warland, Feb. 10, 1811.
Susan (Susan H., int.) and Jesse F. Jennings of Boston, Mar. 20, 1831.
George W., a. 20 y., and Abby P. Sayles, a. 17 y., both of Boston, Feb. 18, 1847*.
Joseph of Jaffrey, N.H., and Mrs. Lydia Blanchard, July 30, 1795*.
Hannah of Charlestown, and Francis Gay of Dover, in Charlestown, Dec. 4, 1839*.
Parnell M. and George Albert Tapley, both of Somerville, Dec. 12, 1843*.
Hannah and Joseph Smith, both of Trenton, Me., Oct. 7, 1846*.
Daniel and Mary Stedman, Apr. 1, 1674*.
Eli and Frances Burrell of Roxbury, int. Apr. 10, 1806.
Hiram and Harriet N. Hayward, int. May 25, 1844.
Sarah and John P. Wiswall, int. Apr. 13, 1805.
William B. of New Bedford, and Louisa Sawyer, int. Nov. 16, 1836.
Ebenezer and Elizabeth Chamberlin of Newton, in Newton, July 8, 1756.
Edward and Lydia Smith, Aug. 8, 1704*.
Edward and Patience Bartlet, int. Oct. 16, 1747.
Gardner H. and Jane (Jane G., int.) Littlefield, Nov. 19, 1839.
James of Salem, and Amelia D. Parker (Parks, int.), Nov. --, 1821.
James and Lydia L. Estabrook, Sept. 27, 1835.
John and Sarah Chamberlin (of Newton, int.), Dec. 22, 1757.
Mary and Joshua Thomas, Sept. 22, 1765.
Mary and John Done of Roxbury, int. Jan. 21, 1803.
Nathaniel and Margaret Dana of Boston, int. Mar. 14, 1770.
Phoebe and Squire Gookin, Sept. 20, 1792*.
Thomas and Mary Bartlett, May 19, 1730-1*.
Thomas (Jr., int.) and Elizabeth Parker, mar. 6, 1764.
Thomas, Dea., and Lydia Hammond of Boston, int. Sept. 9, 1803.
TIBBET (also see Tibbets)
Isaac and Ruth Welsh, Apr. 26, 1781*.
TIBBETS (also see Tibbet)
Phebe and James Arter, int. Mar. 17, 1837*.
TID (also see Tidd)
Alice and William Man, June 11, 1657*.
TIDD (also see Tid)
Abigail of Lexington, and Amos Marrett, in Lexington, Dec. 4, 1760.
Daniell and Lidia Carter, in Woburn, Dec. 21, 1694*.
Hephzibah (of Lexington, int.) and Jonas Wyeth, Mar. 29, 1753.
Margaret and Charles Campbell, int. Sept. 25, 1848.
Catherine of Roxbury, and Henry Dalrymple, int. Aug. 7, 1807.
Henry of Charlestown, and Louisa Hews, int. Oct. 16, 1835.
James H. and Thankful Coburn of Boston, int. Nov. 23, 1834.
TILLEY (also see Tilly)
Louisa and Dillingham Bangs of Boston, int. Oct. 27, 1821.
Elizabeth and James L. Whitney of Harvard, Apr. 7, 1842.
Homer and Fanny Valentine of Hopkinton, int. Sept. 27, 1817.
Jeremiah G. and Isabella Dearborn, Oct. 19, 1834.
Josiah and Sally Cook, in Boston, Apr. 17, 1799*.
Martha and Gideon Maynard, int. Apr. 24, 1830.
Martha, Mrs., and Jonathan Tower, int. Dec. 24, 1831.
Samuel and Mary Brown, both of Brighton, int. Feb. 28, 1807.
George W. of Baltimore, and Sarah White, int. Aug. 7, 1840.
TIRRELL (also see Tyrrell)
Rebecca of Boston, and Robert P. Tuten, int. Mar. 7, 1832.
TISDALE (also see Teasdale)
Isaac (Isaac M. Teasdale, int.) of Milton, and (Mrs., int.) Mary Jane Briggs, June 9, 1844.
Sarah H. and John B. Blake of Hampton, N.H., May 5, 1844.
Erastus of New York City, and Sophia Wyman, int. Oct. 1, 1829.
TOBEY (also see Toby)
Edward, s. of Nymphas, a. 28 y., b. in Vassalboro, Me., and Charlotte Fenno, dau of Amos, dec., a. 28 y., b. in Rindge, N.H., June 8, 1845.
Jethro and Thankful Fayerweather, July 30, 1794*.
Ellen and Thomas Bulger of Charlestown, int. Jan. 22, 1837.
Mary and Edward Newman, int. Apr. 10, 1837.
Michael and Mary Colman, int. Aug. 20, 1849.
TOBY (also see Tobey)
Mary and Edward Loud, int. Jan. 27, 1816.
Elizabeth C. (of Dorchester, int.), dau of Moses and Jane of Rindge, N.H., and Stephen T. Farwell 2d, s. of John and Hannah (Thurston), in Milton, Apr. 24, 1834. CR4.
Polly and Samuel Prentice, June 13, 1782*.
William Jr., late of Boston, and Mary Miles, Apr. 7, 1776.
TOLE (also see Towle)
George and Oliver Hyde of Newton, in Newton, Aug. 18, 1793*.
TOLEMAN (also see Tollman, Tolman)
Mary and Edward Loud, Feb. 11, 1816*.
TOLLMAN (also see Toleman, Tolman)
Hannah of Boston, and John Winthrop, Esq., int. Mar. 25, 1756.
TOLMAN (also see Toleman, Tollman)
Ann M. and David N. Wright, int. Apr. 14, 1839.
Louisa L. and James Cate of Boston, May 28, 1835*.
Ellen A. of West Boylston, and Samuel W. M. Smith, int. Nov. 6, 1847.
William and Betsey Howe of Marlborough, int. Mar. 5, 1815.
TOOMEY (also see Twomay, Twomey)
Ellen and Maurice Quann, int. Apr. 11, 1847.
Margaret Elizabeth and John McNaught, int. Sept. 6, 1849.
Samuel A., Dr., and Eleanor Brown of North Kingston, R.I., int. June 29, 1838.
Calvin H., Rev., of Collinsville, Conn., s. of Horatio, a. 31 y., and Nancy H. Mason, dau of Samuel, dec., a. 28 y., Apr. 8, 1849.
-------, Mrs., of Boston, and Amos Bryant, int. July 9, 1815.
Jerusha W. of Duxbury, and John D. Ingalls, int. Oct. 1, 1849.
William and Ellen Augusta Goodnow, Mar. 16, 1828.
David of Woburn, and Deborah Dixon, in Woburn, Dec. 1, 1785*.
Daniel and Sarah Ann J. Peirce of Boston, int. Oct. 26, 1845.
Jonathan and Mrs. Martha Tilton, int. Dec. 24, 1831.
TOWLE (also see Tole)
Cyrus and Mary Ann Tufts, Jan. 24, 1836*.
Hiram K. and Nancy L. Kemp, Mar. 7, 1844.
Orel and Elizabeth S. Mason, both of Boston, Aug. 15, 1842*.
TOWN (also see Towne, Towns)
Hamilton, s. of Merritt, a. 23 y., b. in Albany, N.Y., and Abigail J. W. Bartlett, dau of David, a. 15 y., Dec. 23, 1849.
John Jr. and Susan B. Woodbridge of Andover, int. Oct. 18, 1846.
TOWNE (also see Town, Towns)
Luther of Boston, and Ruth Lilley, int. Aug. 28, 1824.
Nathan and Margaret S. Nichols of Andover, int. May 29, 1845.
Peter and Elizabeth Payn of Braintree, in Braintree, Apr. 8, 1697*.
William and Martha ------, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
TOWNS (also see Town, Towne)
Johnathan and Mary Williams, Dec. 6, 1820*.
Elizabeth and William Dolley, Mar. 1, 1756.
Mary (of Boston, int.) and James Nutting, June 28, 1754.
Mary of Boston, and Andrew Bordman, int. Oct. 1, 1770.
Rebecca of Boston, and John Winthrop, int. July 4, 1746.
Susan of Boston, and Thomas Hovey, int. Feb. 19, 1831.
Almira and James Wilder of Hillsboro, N.H., Sept. --, 1821.
Deborah S. of Framingham, and Jonathan Wheeler, int. Feb. 6, 1831.
Edmund and Mary Mahan, May 15, 1842.
Sarah Ann and Charles H. Perry (of Boston, int.), Nov. 29, 1832.
Louisa and Patrick Dougherty, int. Jan. 9, 1848.
John and Mary Mansfield, int. May 22, 1773.
John (of Sudbury, int.) and Elizabeth (Betsey, int.) Gould, Oct. 30, 1777.
Lydia of Lexington, and Jonathan Cutter, in Lexington, Sept. 15, 1788*.
Nathan and Frances Murdock, Mar. 1, 1810.
Sarah E. of Hallowell, Me., and Daniel A. Draper, int. Mar. 31, 1848.
Daniel Jr. and Abigail Sanger of Sherborn, in Sherborn, May 29, 1793*.
Mary Ann and George Walker of Boston, July 9, 1838.
Sarah Maria and Josiah Johnson, Nov. 10, 1831.
Susan and Abraham Savage, May 1, 1831.
Susan F. of Salem, and George Nichols, int. Sept. 14, 1834.
Thomas D. and Elizabeth Gould of Dover, N.H., int. Oct. 5, 1834.
Benjamin B. and Patience W. Riggs of Boston, Apr. 19, 1831.
Sarah and Samuel Prescott, both of Boston, Apr. 17, 1834*.
Lydia of Eastport, Me., and Levi C. Teel, May 17, 1838.
Huldah (Mrs., CR1) and Oliver Hastings, Sept. 28, 1843.
John of Calais, Me., and Harriet Ann Randall, Aug. 17, 1848.
Frederic L., a. 23 y., and Olive H. Marshall of North (No. West, int.) Bridgewater, a. 21 y., Mar. 8, 1847.
TROWBRIDG (also see Trowbridge)
Hannah of Newton, and Daniell Robins, in Newton, Dec. 6, 1732*.
TROWBRIDGE (also see Trowbridg)
Caleb, Rev., and Sarah Oliver, Mar. 10, 1714*.
Edmund (Goffe alias Trowbridge, int. and CR1) and Martha Remington, Mar. 15, 1737-8.
Elizabeth and Jno. Merrick, Feb. 9, 1681-2*.
John and Sally How of Framingham, int. Dec. 24, 1803.
Lucy and Elijah Learned, Jan. 17, 1813.
Lydia and Richard Dana (of Marblehead, int.), May 31, 1737.
Margaret and Ebenezer Stone, Mar. 11, 1686*.
Mary of Newton, and Richard Dana, in Newton, Aug. 18, 1763.
Mary E. and Newell Bent, June 19, 1833.
Mindwell and Jonathan Fuller, May 2, 1684*.
Sarah R. and Dr. Charles F. Chaplin, Nov. 11, 1835.
Abigail of Charlestown, and John Bradish, in Charlestown, Jan. 31, 1737-8.
Charles A. and Sophia A. Moffitt, June 26, 1842*.
Ebenezer and Eliza B. Foster of Boston, int. Aug. 31, 1822.
Hiram, s. of Nathaniel of Roxbury, a. 23 y., b. in Canaan, N.H., and Juliett Howe, dau of Elias, a. 19 y., b. in Spencer, Dec. 31, 1845.
Martha Ann and Joshua P. Thayer, int. Dec. 8, 1842.
Mary A. and Winslow Ames, int. Mar. 16, 1839.
Sarah A., formerly w. of Merrick A. Coolidge, a. 30 y., and George B. Hunting, a. 30 y., Nov. 14, 1844.
Sarah Anne and Merick A. Coolidge, Dec. --, 1831.
William of Dorchester, and Catherine Leacock, June 18, 1822.
Gustavus and Jane Francis -------, in Edgbarton, Eng., Aug. 23, 1816. GR3*.
Elizabeth and Andrew Bordman, in Boston, Dec. 16, 1697*.
TUFFTS (also see Tufts)
George (of Medford, int.) and Elizabeth Hartwell, Nov. 12, 1767.
TUFTS (also see Tuffts)
Albert and Sarah Ann Orcutt of Charlestown, int. June 24, 1837.
Alfred of Roxbury, and Caroline M. Wright, Mar. 5, 1843.
Anna of Charlestown, and Walter Dickson Jr., Jan. 3, 1793*.
Anna of Charlestown, and Samuel Rand, Feb. 5, 1826.
Charles of Smithfield, R.I., and Sophia Hunnewell, Oct. 18, 1824.
Charles and Elizabeth W. Sweetser of Charlestown, int. Jan. 1, 1841.
Deborah B. and Sylvanus C. Newman of Boston, int. May 10, 1823.
Deborah B. and John M. Wood, Aug. 17, 1834.
Deborah B. (Deborah C., int.) and John M. Herring of Boston, Sept. 7, 1848.
Dorothy, Mrs., of Chelsea, and Oliver Tufts of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Nov. 21, 1838*.
Ebenezer (of Medford, int.) and Abigail Cook, Apr. 23, 1760.
Ebenezer T. and Sarah Fillebrown, Dec. 31, 1843.
Eliza of Charlestown, and Reuben Hunt, Oct. 27, 1814*.
Elizabeth of Medford, and David Parker, in Medford, July 27, 1790*.
Elizabeth of Medford, and Nehemiah Wait, int. Aug. 30, 1806.
Elizabeth H. and Thomas R. Page, int. Apr. 13, 1829.
Hannah of Medford, and Samuel Tufts Jr., of Charlestown, Dec. 3, 1795*.
Hannah and Calvin E. Morse, int. Oct. 6, 1838.
Hannah M. of Somerville, and George G. Davis of Billerica, Nov. 5, 1843*.
Isaac (of Medford, int.) and Martha Frost, Apr. 16, 1769.
Isaac and Lucy Green (of Charlestown, CR1), Mar. 12, 1807*.
Joel of Medford, and Sarah Butterfield, int. Nov. 29, 1805.
John of Medford, and Elizabeth Perrey, in Medford, May 19, 1778.
John and Rebecca Cutter, Dec. 13, 1798*.
John A. and Sarah Underwood of Lexington, int. Jan 7, 1843.
Jonathan and Sukey Robey, both of Medford, Nov. 30, 1801*.
Joseph (of Medford, int.) and Esther Dickson, Dec. 23, 1779.
Joseph (2d, CR1) and Susanna Twist of Charlestown, June 24, 1800*.
Lucy and Ammi Cutter of Charlestown, Dec. 2, 1819.
Lucy and Samuel Sawyer, Nov. 21, 1833*.
Lydia (Jr., int.) of Medford, and Daniel Wiswall, in Medford, Nov. 1, 1770.
Lydia of Charlestown, and John Tapley, of Waltham, Nov. 3, 1795*.
Margaret and David Furbush, both of Boston, Feb. 1, 1842*.
Martha of Medford, and Philemon Robbins Russell of Charlestown, Nov. 10, 1791*.
Martha of Charlestown, and Walter Frost, June 1, 1792 (June 21, CR1)*.
Mary of Medford, and Seth Stone, Aug. 6, 1776.
Mary and John Stone, Apr. 13, 1780*.
Mary of Charlestown, and Ambrose Cole, Apr. 1, 1804*.
Mary and Benjamin S. Brown, int. Oct. 5, 1825.
Mary Ann and Cyrus Towle, Jan. 24, 1836*.
Nancy and Curtis Hobbs, int. Jan. 13, 1838.
Nathan (of Charlestown, int.) and Mary Adams, June 6, 1751.
Oliver of Charlestown, and Mrs. Dorothy Tufts of Chelsea, in Charlestown, Nov. 21, 1838*.
Peter Jr. (of Charlestown, int.) and Anna Adams, Apr. 19, 1750.
Peter 3d of Charlestown, and Hannah Adams, July 22, 1773.
Peter Jr. of Medford, and Martha Locke, Apr. 4, 1798*.
Rebecca and Isaac Watson, May 20, 1761.
Samuel (2d of Medford, int.) and Martha Adams, May 11, 1769.
Samuel Jr. of Charlestown, and Hannah Tufts of Medford, Dec. 3, 1795*.
Sarah of Medford, and Jonathan Blodget of Boston, Apr. 5, 1768. CR2*.
Sarah E. of Woburn, and Daniel T. Tarbell, int. Aug. 12, 1842.
Seth of Medford, and Lydia Hutchinson of Charlestown, Nov. 19, 1801*.
Stephen and Lucy Frost, Dec. 9, 1798*.
Susan and Lyman Cole, both of Boston, Nov. 4, 1849*.
Timothy (of Medford, int.) and Anna Adams, May 7, 1761.
Timothy Jr. and Beulah Prentice, May 9, 1784*.
William B. of Lynn, and Elizabeth (Betsey, int.) Wilkins, June 2, 1845.
Zebulon and Abagail A. Gage, May 10, 1829.
Margaret J., a. 26 y., and William F. Leathe, s. of William, a. 29 y., Feb. 21, 1847.
Barnabas and Sally Bodge of Charlestown, int. Dec. 1, 1814.
Isaac W., s. of Benjamin, dec., a. 26 y., b. in Charlestown, and Frances A. Randle, dau of John, of Boston, a. 24 y., b. in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Oct. 5, 1847.
Lucy and John Lock, Nov. 12, 1822.
Lydia W. and John C. Taggert, int. Dec. 19, 1830.
Margarett of Roxbury, and William Hook, int. Aug. 7, 1743.
Polly of Roxbury, and William Smith, int. Nov. 26, 1808.
Ruth Jones and Robert Lamb Dale, Oct. 29, 1830.
Sarah and Samuel Adams (both late of Charlestown, int.), Feb. 25, 1776.
TUTEN (also see Tuton)
Robert P. and Susanna (Susannah T., int.) Binney, Mar. 12, 1829.
Robert P. and Rebecca Tirrell of Boston, int. Mar. 7, 1832.
Robert P. and Nancy S. Smith of Deering, N.H., int. Sept. 8, 1838.
Sarah A. (Sarah Ann, int.) and Daniel W. Putney, Nov. 7, 1833.
TUTON (also see Tuten)
Mary Jane and Henry C. Smith of Boston, Nov. 24, 1825*.
Beulah and James Rule, int. June 15, 1806.
Elizabeth of Boston, and Obediah George, int. Aug. 31, 1838.
Isaiah W. and Fanny J. Blake, Oct. 28, 1849.
Martha of Lexington, and Charles Hastings, int. Oct. 4, 1846.
Moses of Dover, and Lydia B. Waite, Sept. 12, 1848.
Rebecca and Zachariah Symmes (of Medford, int.), Feb. 1, 1773.
Henry and Hannah Dutton, both of Boston, Nov. 1, 1835*.
Sally and Stephen Frost, Mar 29, 1798*.
TWAMBLEY (also see Twombley, Twombly)
Martin and Dorothy Bunker, int. July 16, 1830.
Sarah of East Sudbury, and Erastus R. Stinson, int. Jan. 22, 1834.
Susanna of Charlestown, and Joseph Tufts (2d, CR1), June 24, 1800*.
TWOMAY (also see Toomey, Twomey)
Julia of Boston, and Jeremiah Lary, int. Jan. 8, 1842.
TWOMBLEY (also see Twambley, Twombly)
Sarah O. (Sarah Ophelia Phillips Gilman, int.) and Josiah H. Prescott, Oct. 14, 1832.
TWOMBLY (also see Twambley, Twombley)
Mary Ann and Dr. Albert Williams of Boston, int. July 16, 1834.
Samuel W. of Woburn, and Eliza Dugan of Somerville, Sept. 14, 1843*.
TWOMEY (also see Toomey, Twomay)
Ann and Charles McCarthy, Sept. 23, 1849.
Ann Eliza and Calvin A. Porter, Nov. 8, 1849.
Benjamin F. of Charlestown, and Joanna Fellows, int. Aug. 29, 1844.
Charles M. of Boston, and Ann G. Redman, Aug. 17, 1847.
Edward A. of New Orleans, and Julia Ann Barnes, int. Aug. 22, 1840.
Irena H. of Portsmouth, N.H., and Paul D. Burbank (of West Cambridge), int. Aug. 6, 1831.
Sarah Winslow and Charles Head of Boston, June 28, 1814.
TYRRELL (also see Tirrell)
Mary G. (Mary Gould, int.) and William Roby, Oct. 22, 1825.
Eliza and Abram Frost, Dec. 7, 1828.
Abraham and Emily Parks, July 16, 1825.
Elizabeth and Jonathan Hews, Mar. 25, 1709*.
Hannah and Nathaniel Learned, in Watertown, Apr. 15, 1781.*
Hepsabeth and Joseph Bryant, Oct. 15, 1834.
Isaac and Rebecca M. Slocumb, int. July 14, 1827.
John and Asenath Nutting (of Boston, int.), Jan. 2, 1832.
Jonathan and Ruth Holland of Watertown, in Watertown, Nov. 17, 1709*.
Joshua and Elizabeth Russell (of Lexington, int.), Aug. 25, 1771.
Maria of Lincoln, and Morton P. Brissey, int. Jan. 29, 1828.
Peter Jr. and Elmira Stowe of Watertown, int. Oct. 30, 1843.
Samuel and Sarah B. (Sarah P., int.) Ford, July 3, 1834.
Sarah of Lexington, and John A. Tufts, int. Jan. 7, 1843.
Sophia and Edward F. Moody, Apr. 24, 1836.
Charles Wentworth (Rev., int.) of Salem, and Ann Susan Holmes, Mar. 29, 1826.
Elizabeth and Henry Thompson, Apr. 27, 1669*. Joshua and Mary C. Boardman, both of Malden, [1831 or 1832]*.
Nathaniel and Elizabeth Stedman, Mar. 5, 1661-2*.
Sarah S. (Sarah Smith, int.) of Malden, and George L. (George Lindsey, int.) Leslie, Nov. 9, 1825.
William and Naomi Dana, June 21, 1722*.
Betsey of Wilmington, and Sampson Whitney, in Wilmington, Oct. 9, 1796*.
Daniel and Almira Russell of West Cambridge, int. July 28, 1832.
Augusta M. (Augusta Maria, int.), dau of Charles, a. 24 y., and Ezra T. (Ezra Thayer, int.) Nelson of Grand Rapids, Mich., s. of ------, of Milford, a. 24 y., Oct. 8, 1848.
Betsey and Elijah Fitch both of Hopkinton, Nov. 3, 1836*.
David A. and Harriet Pease, both of Fall River, Oct. 30, 1836*.
Fanny of Hopkinton, and Homer Tilton, int. Sept. 27, 1817.
Hannah M. (Hannah Maria, int.) and William G. Tarbell, Oct. 11, 1842.
Harriet and William T. Richardson, Apr. 22, 1842.
John W. (Dr., of Charlestown, int.) and Sarah B. Brown, Nov. 11, 1833.
Lawson and Mary Ann Price (of Hopkinton, int.), dau of Maj. William, Dec. 15, 1817. GR3.
Martha and Andrew H. Newell, int. Sept. 21, 1839.
Mary Ann Price, wid. of Lawson, and dau of Maj. William Price, and Isaac P. Osgood, Aug. 2, 1841. GR3*.
Nancy C. and Orin O. Steans of Sturbridge, int. Aug. 20, 1837.
Rebecca and Albert H. Hovey of Boston, int. Dec. 14, 1844.
Sarah B., Mrs., and Royal B. Hancock, int. Sept. 22, 1842.
Sarah E., dau of Charles, a. 27 y., and Joseph S. Allen, widr., of New York, s. of S. C. of Townsend, a. 45 y., Oct. 12, 1849.
Henry and Phebe Vickery of Boston, int. Aug. 8, 1836.
VASSAL (also see Vassall)
Elizabeth, dau of Henry and Penelope, and Charles Russell (Esq., int.) of
Lincoln, Feb. 15, 1768. CR2.
Lucy and Benjamin Ellery (of Newport, R.I., int.), Nov. 22, 1749.
VASSALL (also see Vassal)
Elizabeth and Col. Thomas Oliver, int. May 17, 1760.
Lucy and John Laricount, Esq., June 16, 1768. CR2.
John and Catherine Connor, int. Jan. 17, 1847.
Elijah Jr. of Boston, and Mary E. Dickman, int. Sept. 8, 1837.
Frederick Ludeig Phillip of Cleveland, O., and Sophia Bromberg, int. Nov. 1,
John of West Cambridge, and Hannah Buckman (Dec. 17, CR1) 1816.
Phebe of Boston, and Henry Vandine, int. Aug. 8, 1836.
Margaret and Patrick Morgan, int. May 3, 1832.
Anna of Watertown, and Henry King, in Newton, Aug. 6, 1786*.
VINAL (also see Vinall)
Abigail H. of Boston, and Samuel B. Livermore, int. Aug. 31, 1833.
VINALL (also see Vinal)
Lydia M. and John Runey Jr., both of Charlestown, June 30, 1841*.
George, widr., s. of Josiah, of Boston, a. 40 y., and Mary Callender, dau of
Joseph, dec., a. 43 y., Nov. 28, 1844.
Nathaniel A. and Matilda Burnham of Boston, int. Nov. 10, 1838.
Sophronia of Boston, and Richard Thayer, int. Feb. 7, 1829.
Elizabeth and Samuel E. Hastings, Oct. 29, 1828*.
Hannah E. and Aaron B. Pratt of Malden, Jan. 2, 1842.
John and Mary (Mercy, CR1) Fosdick of Charlestown, Nov. 5, 1784*.
John and Frances Davis, Feb. 12, 1832.
Rebecca K. and Royal Makepeace, June 22, 1805.