VITAL RECORDS of CAMBRIDGE Massachusetts, to the Year 1850.
Compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Catherine Louisa, May 29, 1840. GR3
Charles E., Nov. 29, 1813. GR3
Charles H., s. of Charles H. and Elizabeth, May 3, 1848
Charles Henry, May 14, 1836. GR3
Eliza T. [-----], w. of Stephen, in Portsmouth, N.H., Dec. 1, 1791. GR3
James Simon, in Newmarket, N.H., Jan. 22, 1808. GR3
John W., s. of William W. and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1846
Lucinda P. [-----], w. of Hiram, Feb. 10, 1822. GR3
Rebecca Crocker [-----], w. of Charles E., Aug. 19, 1822. GR3
Sarah Amanda, d. of William and -----, Aug. 28, 1840
Sarah Elizabeth [-----], w. of James Simon, in Boston, Aug. 6, 1817. GR3
Sarah Jane, ----, 1799. GR3
William P., Mar. 17, 1833. GR3
Anna C., d. of Edward and w. of Walter Scott FITZ, Nov. 29, 1845
Anne, Feb. 10, 1809. GR3
Edward, s. of (Dr., CR1) Edward and Rebecca, Feb. 7, 1732
Edward, Jan. 14, 1804. GR3
Edward, Dr., Dec. 30, 1840. GR3
Edward Stephen, s. of Rev. Edward, S.T.P., bp. Nov. 17, 1771. CR1
Henrietta M., Jan. 25, 1805. GR3
Margaret, d. of Edward and Margaret, Dec. 28, 1766
Mary, d. of Edward and Rebecca, Apr. 26, 1733
Mary, d. of Prof. Edward, bp. Nov. 13, 1768. CR1
Mary, July 28, 1807. GR3
Rebecca, d. of Edward and Rebecca, June 18, 1730
Samuel Norton, s. of S. and L. C., Aug. 23, 1845. GR3
Sibyl, d. of Dr. Edward, bp. Sept. 19, 1736. CR1
Thomas, s. of Prof. -----, bp. Aug. 1, 1773. CR1
Thomas, July 1, 1814. GR3
Adams, ----, 1816. GR3
Alexander, ----, 1844. GR2
Clara L., July 21, 1849. GR2
Elma Sheak [-----], w. of James, ----, 1838. GR3
Freeman, Oct. 3, 1834. GR3
James, ----, 1824. GR3
Jane S., May 22, 1832. GR3
Joanna Paine [-----], w. of James, ----, 1829. GR3
Moses, ----, 1827. GR3
Pernella E., Apr. 29, 1834. GR3
Benjamin S., Aug. 21, 1847. GR3
Bertha Morse [-----], w. of Joseph M., ----, 1812. GR3
Clara D., Mar. 6, 1826. GR3
Henry M., Jan. 5, 1840. GR3
Joseph M., Oct. 19, 1812. GR3
Harriett F. Wyman [-----], w. of Dr. H. Prescott, ----, 1838. GR3
Caroline I., Jan. 9, 1816. GR3
Sally Robins [-----], w. of Francis, Apr.2 3, 1782. GR3
Jerome Bailey, s. of Silas and Laura Ann, Mar. 1, 1844
Sarah Ann, d. of Silas and Laura Ann, Oct. 17, 1845
Sophia M., ----, 1826. GR3
Stephen J., ----, 1826. GR3
WILD (also see Wilde)
Catherine H., Oct. 5, 1825. GR3
Habijah, s. of -----, bp. Aug. 9, 1702. CR1
Hamilton G., July 2, 1827. GR3
Hannah H. R., Mar. 31, 1803. GR2
James C., Aug. 12, 1800. GR2
James T., in Boston, Feb. 22, 1800. GR3
Mary E. Hamilton [-----], w. of James T., in Northwood, N.H., Aug. 23, 1813. GR3
WILDE (also see Wild)
G. Augusta [-----], w. of G. F., ----, 1840. GR3
George Frederick, Sept. 11, 1831. GR3
Julia Cabot, Apr. 1, 1833. GR3
-------, d. of Charles W., Mar. 16, 1847
-------, s. of Charles W. and Harriet, Feb. 18, 1848
Charles, s. of Cyrus D. and Catherine, July 8, 1847
Charles W., s. of Charles W. and Harriet, Nov. 8, 1844
David, ----, 1802. GR2
Elizabeth M. (Parsons), ----, 1816. GR3
Florence M., d. of James C., b. in Leominster, and Harriet E., b. in Edgecomb, Me., Oct. 14, 1849
George B., ----, 1832. GR2
George Bronson, ----, 1842. GR3
Harriet Frances, d. of Charles W. and Harriet, June 7, 1843
James Humphrey, ----, 1809. GR3
John, Rev., Sept. 12, 1797. GR2
Mary Wales Forbes [-----], w. of Rev. John, May 12, 1802. GR2
Rosamond Hortense, ----, 1837. GR2
Sophronia G. [-----], w. of David, ----, 1807. GR2
Caroline M., ----, 1810. GR3
Emeline A. [-----], w. of Moses B., Apr. 15, 1824. GR3
Ephraim, Mar. 4, 1810. GR3
Ephraim, ----, 1835. GR3
Frederick B., Aug. 29, 1847. GR3
George W., ----, 1833. GR3
Georgiana, ----, 1839. GR3
Moses 2d, ----, 1818. GR3
Moses B., July 8, 1819. GR3
Phebe B., Apr. 23, 1827. GR3
Ruth B. [-----], w. of Solomon, in Topsfield, Feb. 16, 1799. GR3
Solomon, in Topsfield, May 1, 1791. GR3
William, ----, 1808. GR3
Mary G. Allen[-----], w. of Seth Newcomb, ----, 1835. GR2
Seth Newcomb, ----, 1827. GR2
Lydia Tupper [-----], w. of William H., ----, 1845. GR3
Ellen Amanda, Feb. 20, 1834. GR3
Levi Granville, Dec. 30, 1831. GR3
Andrew J., ----, 1815. GR3
Cordelia Mary [-----], w. of Andrew J., ----, 1827. GR3
David, s. of Simon and Elizabeth, ----, 1812. GR3
E. T., s. of Arthur and Matilda W., Oct. --, 1844. GR3
Elizabeth [-----], w. of Simon, ----, 1783. GR3
Henry, s. of Nathan and Sarah, June 29, 1847
Lucina, d. of Simon and Elizabeth, ----, 1808. GR3
Mary Marcy, ----, 1824. GR3
Sarah, d. of Simon and Elizabeth, ----, 1816. GR3
Simon, ----, 1776. GR3
Simon, s. of Simon and Elizabeth, ----, 1810. GR3
William, ----, 1822. GR3
Abigail, d. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Sept. 18, 1716
Alice A., June 21, 1848. GR3
Amilia, d. of Rev. Joseph, D.D., and Mary, Oct. 9, 1791 (Oct 10 dup.)
Ann Theodora, d. of Rev. Joseph, D.D., and Mary, Oct. 14, 1795
Anthony Maybin, only s. of Aaron Jr. and Anna, July 11, 1819. GR3
Augusta, d. of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Oct. 31, 1792
Benjamin, s. of Jonathan, bp. Jan 5, 1724. CR1
Calvin F., Feb. 27, 1845. GR3
Charles, Dec. 15, 1797. GR3
Charles E., May 10, 1829. GR3
Charles E., Apr. 1, 1833. GR3
Charles Henry, s. of Charles and Lucy, bp. June 29, 1831. CR1
E. W., ----, 1810. GR3
Edward Augustus, s. of Joseph A. and Penelope, Nov. 7, 1844
Eliza Josephine, d. of Simon and Eliza and w. of James T. FIELDS, May 18, 1831. GR3
Elizabeth Ann, d. of Joseph A. and Penelope, June 20, 1842
Elizabeth Lyon, d. of Charles and Lucy, Apr. 7, 1826. GR3
Emery, Nov. 24, 1800. GR3
Francis Hallett, s. of Samuel and Mary J., Dec. 14, 1847
Francis Lyman, s. of Lyman and Elizabeth, Oct. 1, 1845
George H., Feb. 13, 1835. GR3
Hannah, ----, 1804. GR3
Harriet A., Mar. 24, 1847. GR3
Henry Augustus, in Dorchester, Dec. 17, 1847. GR3
Horatio, s. of Rev. President [Joseph] and Mary, Sept. 16, 1785
Irene B. [-----], w. of Emery, Feb. 20, 1805. GR3
Jacob Sheafe, s. of Rev. President [Joseph] and Mary, Jan 19, 1788
Joseph, s. of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Mar. 14, 1798
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Susanna H., Dec. 6, 1834. GR3
Joseph A., ----, 1816. GR3
Josiah, s. of Jonathan, bp. Oct 21, 1722. CR1
Louisa, d. of William and Charlotte, Dec. 27, 1844
Louisa M., Jan. 3, 1839. GR3
Lucinda, d. of Rev. President [Joseph] and Mary, Dec. 12, 1789
Lucy Cotting, d. of Charles and Lucy, bp. June 29, 1831. CR1
M. E., ----, 1815. GR3
Martha M., June 13, 1831. GR3
Mary, 2d d. of Joseph, President of Harvard College, and Mary, Oct. 22, 1778. GR3
Mary Augusta, d. of Charles and Lucy, bp. June 29, 1831. CR1
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Paul and Harriet W., and w. of James Edward Greenleaf, in Charlestown, July 10, 1831. GR3
Mary M. (Mary Mitchell, CR1), d. of Joseph A. and Penelope, Aug. 3, 1846
Penelope Cochran [-----], w. of Joseph A., ----, 1824. GR3
Penelope F., d. of Joseph A. and Penelope, Oct. 15, 1848
Ransom, ----, 1847. GR2
Robert, s. of Joseph and Susanna H., Dec. 8, 1838. GR3
Samuel (Samuel Sheafe, GR3), s. of Rev. President Joseph and Mary, Apr. 26, 1782
Seth, s. of William, Nov. 30, 1846
Sidney, Sept. 19, 1780. GR3
Sidney, Maj., Feb. 3, 1831. GR3
Susanna, d. of Joseph and Susanna H., Aug. 7, 1843. GR3
Susanna Hickling [-----], w. of Joseph, Aug. 24, 1806. GR3
Theodora, eldest s. of Rev. President Joseph and Mary, Feb. 14, 1784
William Francis, s. of Charles and Lucy, bp. June 29, 1831. CR1
Levi L., ----, 1826. GR3
Mary A. P. Davis [-----], w. of Levi L., ----, 1828. GR3
Aaron Randall, July 29, 1824. GR3
Lydia D., Oct. 30, 1836. GR3
Orson W., ----, 1844. GR2
Rufus W., Nov. 21, 1828. GR3
Susan Washburn [-----], w. of Aaron Randall, Oct. 15, 1822. GR3
Aaron, s. of Thomas and Sarah, May 28, 1744
Albert, s. of Moses and Salome, July 10, 1844
Amasa, s. of Amasa and Peggy, Feb. 5, 1799
Amey, May 15, 1760. GR3
Ann, d. of James and Ann, Aug. 7, 1797
Arthur, July 19, 1828. GR3
Benoni, in Gloucester, R.I., Nov. 10, 1745. Descendant of Roger Williams. GR3
Betsy W. [-----], w. of -----, in Boston, Apr. 1, 1808. GR2
Catherine W., d. of John and Sophia M., Mar. 12, 1811. GR3
Charles Holmes Calmady, s. of John, bp. Dec. 6, 1789. CR1
Charles Kilborn, s. of Rev. Prof. Samuel and Jane, Jan 23, 1782
Cynthia, in Mansfield, Nov. 11, 1779. GR3
Damaris, d. of John and Mary, Feb. 17, 1706-07
Daniel, ----, 1825. GR3
David, in Providence, R.I., Mar. 25, 1780. GR3
David H., June 26, 1807. GR3
Dency [-----], w. of James, July 4, 1803. GR3
Edmund, s. of John and Abby, Aug. 13, 1847
Edward Alexander, s. of Thomas and Susanna, Mar. 24, 1793. GR3
Edward Alexander, s. of Edward A. and Sarah Ann Elizabeth Dix, Aug. 3, 1832. GR3
Eleazer, s. of Isaac and Martha, Oct. 22, 1669
Eli C., ----, 1799. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Amasa and Peggy, Feb. 12, 1797
Elizabeth W., ----, 1826. GR2
Elizabeth Winslow, Dec. 1, 1795. GR3
Ella F. [-----], w. of George Francis, ----, 1840. GR3
Emily Manning, d. of John M.S. and Elizabeth L.M., Aug. 25, 1846
Ephraim S., ----, 1815. GR2
Francis, July 20, 1826. GR3
Francis C., ----, 1824. GR3
Francis Henry, ----, 1830. GR3
Francis Henry, s. of Edward A. and Sarah Ann Elizabeth Dix, Mar. 8, 1839. GR3
George Francis, ----, 1846. GR3
Gershom, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Mar. 3, 1738
Hannah, d. of Isaac and Martha, Oct. 8, 1671
Hannah, d. of Thomas and Sarah, Apr. 26, 1742
Harriet Dickinson [-----], w. of Henry, Jan. 1, 1789. GR3
Harriet E. Childs [-----], w. of James M., in Brighton, Jan. 31, 1840. GR3
Harriot Lane, d. of John, bp. Dec. 6, 1789. CR1
Henry, Sept. 12, 1786. GR3
Howard Spurr, ----, 1824. GR3
Isacke, s. of Isacke and Martha, Dec. 11, 1661
Jacob, s. of Jason, bp. Dec. 7, 1718. CR1
James, May 19, 1794. GR3
James Fouquet, Oct. 18, 1848. GR3
James M., in Philadelphia, Apr 1, 1835. GR3
Jarvis, in Augusta, Me., ----, 1823. GR3
Jason, s. of John and Mary, Nov. 1, 1694
Joanna Batchelder, Nov. 23, 1818. GR3
John, s. of Isaac and Martha, Oct. 31, 1667
John, s. of John and Mary, May 22, 1697
John, s. of John, bp. Feb. 15, 1719. CR1
John, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 27, 1735-6
John M., s. of John and Sophia M., July 28, 1818. GR3
John W., Sept. 17, 1817. GR3
Joshua Howard, ----, 1792. GR3
Julia B., d. of Lemuel and Sarah, in New Bedford, Jan. 5, 1818. GR3
Julia West [-----], w. of Henry, Sept. 18, 1818. GR3
Katharine [-----], w. of Stephen H., Sept. 1, 1829. GR3
Lucy Cobb Bates [-----], w. of Maj. Samuel K. Jr., Jan. 19, 1839. GR3
Lydia, d. of Amasa and Peggy, July 5, 1803
Margaret [-----], w. of Jarvis, ----, 1825. GR3
Margarett A., d. of Thomas and Susanna and w. of Henry Jackson SARGENT, May 4, 1809. GR3
Margaret Spurr, ----, 1798. GR3
Martha, d. of Isacke and Martha, Dec. 27, 1663
Martha, d. of John and Mary, June 29, 1704
Martha F., d. of John and Sophia M., Sept. 25, 1815. GR3
Mary, d. of John and Mary, Oct. 26, 1701
Mary, d. of Amasa and Peggy, Dec. 5, 1801
Mary [-----], w. of Eli C., ----, 1810. GR3
Mary Adelaide, d. of Eli C. and Mary, Feb. --, 1831. GR3
Mary G. [-----], w. of Francis C., ----, 1835. GR3
Mary Smith [-----], w. of David H., Nov. 30, 1806. GR3
Nathaniell, s. of John and Mary, Oct. 31, 1699
Peter, s. of Isaac and Judith, Aug. 31, 1680
Reuel, ----, 1847. GR3
Richard F., s. of John M. S. and Elizabeth L. M., Nov. 3, 1848
Robert, ----, 1845. GR3
Ruth Ann [-----], w. of Willard, ----, 1832. GR3
Samuel K. Jr., Maj., Jan. 26, 1835. GR3
Samuel King, Nov. 17, 1785. GR3
Sarah, d. of John and Mary, May 31, 1712
Sarah, d. of Thomas and Sarah, Apr. 9, 1740
Sarah, d. of Rev. Abraham and w. of Rev. Timothy FULLER, in Framingham, Sept. 5, 1752. GR3
Sarah C., May 2, 1822. GR3
Sarah S. [-----], w. of Howard Spurr, ----, 1827. GR3
Seth M., June 27, 1834. GR3
Spencer, ----, 1820. GR2
Stephen H., Nov. 3, 1807. GR3
Susan Anna Buckminster, d. of Edward A. and Sarah Ann Elizabeth Dix, Mar. 20, 1826. GR3
Thomas, s. of Isaac and Martha, Dec. 23, 1673
Thomas, s. of John and Mary, Jan. 2, 1708-09
Thomas, s. of Thomas, bp. June 11, 1732
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 22, 1733-4
Thomas Burrell, s. of Amasa and Peggy, Oct. 30, 1805
Thomas W., s. of Edward A. and Sarah Ann Elizabeth Dix, May 14, 1824. GR3
Willard, ----, 1829. GR3
William, s. of Isacke and Martha, Feb. 2, 1665
William, s. of John, bp. Dec. 29, 1723. CR1
Alice, Nov. 4, 1826. GR2
Andrew J., ----, 1815. GR3
Cordelia M., ----, 1827. GR3
Frances H. [-----], w. of George, July 26, 1828. GR3
George, Feb. 22, 1824. GR3
Mary Marcy, ----, 1824. GR3
Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Lidia, May 21, 1702
John, s. of Benjamin and Lidia, Nov. 12, 1709
Kezia, d. of Benjamin and Lidia, Mar. 28, 1707
Lydia, d. of Benjamin and Lydia, Aug. 24, 1704
Andrew, s. of Stillman and Mahala, Jan. 5, 1816. GR3
Charlotte E., ----, 1814. GR3
Clement, June 25, 1801. GR3
Edward H., Feb. 12, 1838. GR3
Ellen Maria, Mar. 31, 1840. GR3
Frances Amelia, d. of Stillman and Mahala, Jan. 5, 1826. GR3
Frances H., Aug. 7, 1846. GR3
Francis, June 13, 1842. GR3
George A., Nov. 12, 1831. GR3
Harlon S., s. of Lemuel and Amanda R., July 18, 1843
Harriet Augusta, d. of Stillman and Mahala, Aug. 12, 1820. GR3
Henry Clement, Oct. 16, 1827. GR3
Horace, Aug. 5, 1846. GR3
Horatio M., July 22, 1786. GR3
Horatio P., Oct. 30, 1829. GR3
John H., Rev., ----, 1807. GR3
Louisa, d. of Stillman and Mahala, June 1, 1814. GR3
Lucian A., Nov. 23, 1840. GR2
Mahala [-----], w. of Stillman, Dec. 19, 1785. GR3
Margaret, May 19, 1804. GR3
Mary [-----], w. of Clement, Sept. 5, 1806. GR3
Mary Ann Varo [-----], w. of Solomon H., Oct. 14, 1809. GR3
Newiel, Sept. 3, 1815. GR2
Sara Payton, See Fanny Fern
Sarah Anna [----], w. of Henry Clement, Aug. 19, 1829, BR3
Solomon H., Apr. 27, 1804. GR3
Stephen, s. of George and Jane, Oct. 14, 1644
Stillman, Mar. 10, 1786. GR3
Thomas, s. of George and Jane, Dec. 28, 1638
Thomas, s. of William, bp. Sept. 3, 1710. CR1
Waldo Flint, Oct. 31, 1835. GR3
William Stillman, s. of Stillman and Mahala, Oct. 15, 1808. GR3
John, in Boston, June 21, 1803. GR3
Lavinia M. [-----], w. of John, in Portsmouth, Va., Dec 12, 1815. GR3
Mary, d. of John and Lavinia M., May 10, 1848. GR3
Samuel S., s. of Thomas, Oct. 5, 1845
WILLSON (also see Wilson)
Andrew, s. of Andrew, bp. Apr. 29, 1733. CR1
Hannah, d. of Andrew, bp. Feb. 19, 1726-7. CR1
Josiah, s. of John, bp. May 24, 1730. CR1
Seraphina Celestia, d. of Shipley W. Jr. and Julia Ann, June 26, 1843
Charles, s. of George D. and Mary L., in Lenox, July 20, 1843
WILSON (also see Willson)
Alexander, Dec. 15, 1814. GR3
Alma J., ----, 1841. GR3
Andrew, s. of Robert and Deborah, Apr. 17, 1670
Andrew, s. of Andrew and Hannah, May 12, 1696
Andrew, Oct. 27, 1795. GR3
Andrew, Capt., Dec. 18, 1843. GR2
Aphphatha [-----], w. of Wilmot, July 17, 1797. GR3
Asenath T., ----, 1802. GR3
Benjamin F., Dec. 28, 1824. GR3
Charles B., ----, 1823. GR3
(Charles Brown, CR2), s. of Joseph and Ann, Nov. 7, 1849
Charles F., June 17m 1816. GR3
Cordelia, d. of Thomas and Lucy, July 20, 1843
Damaris, d. of Andrew and Hannah, Nov. 1, 1708
Damaris, d. of Andrew and Hannah, Aug. 25, 1710
Damaris, d. of Andrew, bp. Dec. 8, 1728. CR1
Davies, ----, 1830. GR3
Deborah, d. of Robert and Deborah, Sept. 25, 1666
Deborah, d. of Andrew and Hannah, Oct. 12, 1700
Edwin H., ----, 1839. GR2
Elizabeth F. [-----], w. of Alexander, Sept. 13, 1815. GR3
George Andrew, Dec. 21, 1825. GR3
Gustafva, Nov 5, 1823. GR2
Hannah, d. of Andrew and Hannah, Aug. 10, 1698
Harriet Wallace Dyer [-----], w. of Benjamin F., July 11, 1826. GR3
Hattie A., July 4, 1838. GR3
Isaac, s. of Isaac and Susanna, May 14, 1686
Isabella [-----], w. of John, Apr. 10, 1827. GR3
Isabella F., d. of Alexander and Elizabeth F., Dec. 7, 1841. GR3
James, ----, 1831. GR2
James, ----, 1849. GR2
James L., June 10, 1819. GR2
James P., May 11, 1829. GR2
John, s. of Andrew and Hannah, Jan. 28, 1702-03
John, s. of John, bp. Mar. 17, 1734. CR1
John, in Glasgow, Scot., Apr. 16, 1802. GR3
John, ----, 1818. GR2
John, Apr. 5, 1826. GR2
John, Aug. 28, 1826. GR3
John A., May 18, 1843. GR3
Joseph, s. of Andrew and Sarah, Dec. 11, 1724
Joseph, s. of Edward and Lucy, Oct. 9, 1759
Joseph Daniel Round, Nov. 3, 1847. CR7
Josephine, d. of Thomas C., Oct. 27, 1847
Lucy, d. of Edward and Lucy, Jan. 21, 1601 [prob. 1701]
Lydia, d. of John, bp. May 28, 1732. CR1
Mary, d. of Andrew and Hannah, Mar. 11, 1706-07
Mehitable Calef Coppenhagen, ----, 1836. GR3
Olof, Jan. 22, 1831. GR2
Rebecca Mayhew [-----], w. of Rev. Shipley W., in Edgartown, July 9, 1797. GR3
Reid, s. of Peter and Mary, Jan. 7, 1844. CR2
Ruth Sawtell [-----], w. of Caleb, in Groton, Dec. 7, 1785. GR3
Sarah, d. of Robert and Deborah, Oct. 6, 1668
Sarah, d. of Andrew and Sarah, Nov. 1, 1722
Sarah D., ----, 1821. GR3
Shipley W., Rev., in Springfield, Vt., Oct. 1, 1794. GR3
Stephen F., Feb. 26, 1807. GR3
Thomas, in Birmingham, Eng., Apr. 19, 1828. GR2
Thomas W., s. of Archibald and Elizabeth, Mar. 26, 1846
William P., s. of Walter M. and Mary Ann, Mar. 28, 1848
Wilmot, in Columbia, Me., Oct. 26, 1797. GR3
Mary F., Mar. 22, 1840. GR3
Almeda Bianca, d. of Isaac T. and Diantha, Sept. 15, 1843. CR11
Amasa, ----, 1805. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Moses, bp. May 18, 1766. CR1
Elizabeth H. [-----], w. of Stephen S., ----, 1834. GR3
Lucinda [-----], w. of Stgephen, May 16, 1807. GR3
Melnot A. (Melnot Alphonso, CR11), s. of Isaac P. and Diantha, Oct. 7, 1847
Sarah, d. of Nathaniel of Brookline, bp. July 12, 1747. CR1
Stephen, ----, 1835. GR3
Stephen S., ----, 1834. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of -----, bp. May 6, 1831. CR10
Cassendana B., Jan. 9, 1803. GR3
Clementina F., Aug. 3, 1827. GR3
Joseph, Apr. 25, 1797. GR3
Joseph B., Feb. 23, 1823. GR3
Massena B., Sept. 3, 1833. GR3
Sarah Caroline [-----], w. of Massena B., Apr. 16, 1838. GR3
Eliza W. [-----], w. of William A., Dec. 9, 1813. GR3
George Raleigh Dearborn, only s. of Joshua and Julia C., Apr. 4, 1807. GR3
Joshua, Gen., in Amesbury, June 28, 1773. GR3
Harriet N. [-----], w. of Swain, Jan. 3, 1814. GR3
Henry, in New Hampshire, Nov. 9, 1803. GR3
Swain, Jan. 11, 1802. GR3
Isabella, ----, 1832. GR3
Joseph, ----, 1826. GR3
Ann L., ----, 1817. GR3
Ann Maria, d. of Francis and Lucy, Oct. 16, 1846
Charles, s. of Francis and Lucy, Dec. 23, 1848
Charles G., Feb. 28, 1805. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Francis and Lucy, Dec. 15, 1844
J. Freddie, Nov. 21, 1847. GR3
Owen, s. of John, July --, 1845
Thomas, s. of John and Sarah, Sept. 16, 1844
Seth C., Mar. 21, 1824. GR3
Elizabeth Bartlett [-----], w. of Jason, ----, 1813. GR2
Lizzie Bartlett, d. of Jason and Elizabeth B., Jan. 29, 1841. GR2
WINSHIP (also see Winshipp)
Aaron, s. of William, bp. Feb. 16, 1724. CR1
Aaron, s. of Joseph and Anna, Sept. 24, 1732
Abiel, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, July 23, 1769
Abigail, d. of Edward and Elizabeth, Feb. 13, 1656
Abigail, d. of Joseph, bp. Oct. 16, 1698. CR1
Abigail, d. of William, bp. Oct. 30, 1726. CR1
Anna, d. of Joseph and Anna, Sept. 24, 1729
Benoni, s. of William, bp. Mar. 30, 1735. CR1
Bethiah, d. of James and Lydia, May 11, 1762
Caleb, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, Sept. 23, 1773
Charles, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, Jan. 4, 1776
Charles Leonard, s. of Amos and Elizabeth, Dec. 6, 1843
Daniel, s. of James and Lydia, July 11, 1769
Deborah, d. of William, bp. Dec. 27, 1719. CR1
Edmund, s. of Edmund and Ruth, Dec. 14, 1796
Edward, s. of Edward and Elizabeth, Mar. 3, 1654
Edward, s. of Edward and Rebecca, Mar. 9, 1683-4
Edward, s. of Edward and Sarah, Aug. 26, 1707
Edward, s. of Edward and Lucy, bp. July 25, 1790. CR1
Edward, s. of Edward, bp. Oct. 9, 1791. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of Edward and Elizabeth, Apr. 15, 1662
Elizabeth, d. of Edward and Rebecka, June 1, 1686
Elizabeth, d. of Samuell and Mary, Nov. 26, 1691
Elizabeth, d. of Nathaniell and Rebeckah, Oct. 13, 1714
Elizabeth, d. of Jno and Elizabeth, Mar. 24, 1720-1
Elizabeth, d. of James and Lydia, Jan. 2, 1767
Elizabeth Pike, ----, 1822. GR3
Ephraim, s. of Edward and Jane, June 29, 1643
Ephraim, s. of Edward and Rebekah, Feb. 4, 1687-8
Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Hannah, May 23, 1709
Francis, s. of James and Lydia, Oct. 17, 1776
Francis, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, Apr. 17, 1785
Hannah, d. of James and Lydia, Feb. 17, 1765
Henrietta, d. of James and Rebecca, Oct. 13, 1797
Henry Augustus, ----, 1819. GR3
James, s. of James and Lydia, Mar. 27, 1768
Jason, s. of Edward, bp. Oct. 29, 1699. CR1
Jason, s. of Jason, bp. June 28, 1730. CR1
Joanna, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. 14, 1689
Joanna, d. of Joseph, bp. Feb. 14, 1696-7. CR1
Joanna, d. of William Jr., bp. Jan. 16, 1718. CR1
Joanna, d. of Joseph, bp. Sept. 30, 1733. CR1
John, s. of John, bp. Dec. 8, 1723. CR1
John, s. of John, bp. Sept. 1, 1728. CR1
John, s. of James and Lydia, June 4, 1772
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, July 11, 1780
Joseph, s. of Edward and Elizabeth, June 21, 1661
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Anna, Jan. 13, 1727
Joseph, s. of James and Lydia, Dec. 23, 1770
Josiah, s. of John and Elizabeth, Oct. 1, 1719
Josiah, s. of John, bp. May 28, 1738. CR1
Lydia, d. of Jason, bp. Dec. 13, 1724. CR1
Lydia, d. of James and Lydia, Sept. 19, 1763
Lydia, d. of James and Lydia, Feb. 17, 1779
Margary, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 8, 1703
Margery, d. of Edward and Elizabeth, Dec. 10, 1664
Martha, d. of Nathaniell and Rebecca, June 21, 1720
Mary, d. of Edward and Jane, July 2, 1641
Mary, d. of Samuell and Mary, Dec. 12, 1689
Mary, d. of Joseph and Anna, Apr. 18, 1731
Mary E., June 22, 1829. GR2
Mary W. [-----], w. of -----, in Boston, ----, 1785. GR3
Mehettabel, d. of Edward and Elizabeth, Nov. 14, 1667
Nathan, s. of Jason, bp. Feb. 23, 1728-9. CR1
Nathan, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, May 25, 1778
Nathaniel, s. of Edward and Rebecka, Feb. 16, 1689
Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniell and Rebeckah, Dec. 27, 1716
Philemon, s. of Joseph, bp. Oct. 12, 1735. CR1
Prudence, d. of Jason, bp. Sept. 11, 1726. CR1
Rebecca, d. of Nathaniell and Rebecca, Dec. 7, 1717
Rebecca, d. of William, bp. Mar. 13, 1728-9. CR1
Rebecca, d. of James and Lydia, July 11, 1775
Rebeckah, d. of Edward and Sarah, Aug. 22, 1709
Richard, s. of Ephraim and Hannah, July 25, 1711
Ruth, d. of Jona, bp. Oct. 24, 1731. CR1
Samuel, s. of Edward and Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1658
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, Jan. 8, 1687-8
Samuel, s. of James and Lydia, June 9, 1780
Sarah, d. of Edward and Jane, Apr --, 1638
Sarah, d. of Edwad and Sarah, June 25, 1712
Sarah, d. of Joseph (Jr., CR1) and Anna, Apr. 25, 1725
Sarah, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1781
Tabitha, d. of William, bp. July 26, 1730. CR1
William, s. of William, bp. July 1, 1722. CR1
William, s. of James and Lydia, Sept. 13, 1781
WINSHIPP (also see Winship)
Edward, s. of Edward and Jane, June 8, 1648
Francis, s. of Joseph (Jr., CR1) and Anna, Aug. 5, 1723
Joanna, d. of Edward and Jane, Aug. 1, 1645
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Feb. 28, 1700-01
Ruth, d. of John and Elizabeth, June 14, 1726
-------, s. of Elisha D. and Nancy, Apr. 15, 1848
Charles C., s. of Adam, Oct. 15, 1847
Chas. F., Dr., in Nantucket, June 30, 1811. GR3
Edward H., Apr. 15, 1848. GR3
Eleanor, Dec. 15, 1841. GR3
Elisha Dillingham, Apr. 25, 1807. GR3
Frederic Albert, Nov. 9, 1844. GR3
Isannah Hichborn, July 25, 1815. GR3
John B., Feb. 17, 1815. GR3
Lydia, in Nantucket, Nov. 17, 1814. GR3
Mary H., May 25, 1837. GR3
Nancy Healey, Feb. 4, 1808. GR3
Polly T. [-----], w. of John B., Oct. 12, 1815. GR3
Alfred, Apr. 9, 1811. GR3
Ann Thomas Howland, in Duxbury, Feb [13?hard to read], 1809. GR3
Arthur H., Mar. 2, 1835. GR3
Caroline Tufts, in Charlestown, Feb. 4, 1830. GR3
Cordelia H., Mar. 11, 1839. GR3
Elizabeth D., Oct. 10, 1834. GR2
Henry, Maj., Apr. 30, 1839. GR3
Justin, Jan. 5, 1830. GR3
Justin, in Boston, Jan. 2, 1831. GR3
Maria [-----], w. of Alfred, Dec. 28, 1812. GR3
Mary Percival, Apr. 9, 1836. GR3
Nathaniel, June 30, 1806. GR3
Walter Thaxter, Nov. 1, 1847. GR3
Abigail, d. of Jno and Hannah, Mar. 12, 1680
Elisabeth, d. of Jno and Hannah, Aug. 20, 1678
Francis B., in Bath, Me., Aug. 12, 1799. GR3
Hannah, d. of Jno and Hannah, Apr. 10, 1665
John, s. of Jno and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1667
Joseph, s. of Jno and Hannah, Mar. 2, 1671-2
Joseph C., Jan. 6, 1829. GR3
Mary, d. of Jno and Hannah Feb. 6, 1675
Mary, d. of Mr. William, bp. Sept. 25, 1763. CR1
Mary [-----], w. of Francis B., Jan. 22, 1804. GR3
Mary E., Sept. 5, 1831. GR3
Octavia A., July 9, 1839. GR3
Samuel, s. of Jno and Hannah, Mar. 12, 1684-5
Thomas, s. of Jno and Hannah, June 25, 1669
Mathilde Fiebig, ----, 1842. GR2
Adam, s. of John Esq. and Rebecca, Nov. 27, 1748
Adele Granger, Sept. 15, 1819. GR3
Eliza Cabot Blanchard [-----], w. of Robert C., May 27, 1809. GR3
James, s. of John Esq. and Rebecca, Mar. 28, 1752
John, s. of John and Rebecca, Sept. 17, 1747
Mary G., ----, 1821. GR3
Robert C., May 12, 1809. GR3
Robert C. Jr., Dec. 7, 1834. GR3
Samuel, s. of John Esq. and Rebecca, July 20, 1750
William, s. of John Esq. and Rebecca, Apr. 19, 1753
Alice [-----], w. of Jesse, in Bury, Eng., Sept. 24, 1816. GR2
Edwin, ----, 1844. GR2
Jesse, in Bolton, Eng., Oct. 16, 1813. GR2
Anna Pierrepont [-----], w. of William Gray, Mar. 2, 1820. GR3
Annie M. [-----], w. of George D., Sept. 4, 1826. GR3
Charlotte Brooks, Aug. 13, 1825. GR3
George D., Sept. 17, 1812. GR3
Henry A., Capt. U.S.N., May 24, 1819. GR3
Pierrepont, ----, 1849. GR3
William Gray, in Portsmouth, N.H., May 23, 1821. GR3
Mary Ann, d. of John and Mary, Aug. 24, 1843
Catherine, d. of Thomas and Honora, Mar. --, 1848
Grace [-----], w. of Robert, ----, 1837. GR2
Mary A., d. of Thomas and Honora, both b. in Ireland, Nov. 11, 1849
Robert, Feb. 12, 1816. GR2
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Hannah, Jan. --, 1845
WISWAL (also see Wiswall, Wiswell)
Hannah, d. of Daniel, bp. Nov. 20, 1768. CR1
WISWALL (also see Wiswal, Wiswell)
Elizabeth, d. of Noah and Theodosia, Sept. 30, 1668
Ester, d. of Noah and Theodosia, Apr. 1, 1678
Hannah, d. of Noah and Theodosiah, Apr. 1, 1674
Margarett, d. of Noah and Theodosia, Mar. 1, 1672
Sarah, d. of Noah and Theodosia, Jan. 5, 1680
Thomas, s. of Noah and Theodosia, Apr. 29, 1666
WISWELL (also see Wiswal, Wiswall)
George Clark, ----, 1843. GR3
Joseph K., Mar. 1, 1835. GR3
Samuel, Sept. 5, 1812. GR2
Sarah Ann [-----], w. of George C., Oct. 3, 1843. GR3
W. Dexter, Sept. 7, 1840. GR3
Harriet W. [-----], w. of Sargent G., July 5, 1825. GR3
Sargent G., Jan. 30, 1824. GR3
WITHE (also see Wyat, Wyatt, Wyeth, Wyth, Wythe)
Deborah, d. of John and Deborah, Nov. 20, 1686
John, s. of Nicholas and Rebecca, July 15, 1655
John, s. of John and Deborah, Dec. 21, 1688
Jonathan, s. of John and Deborah, Mar. 3, 1689-90
Martha, d. of Nicholas and Rebecca, Jan. 11, 1652
Martha, d. of Nicholas and Rebecca, July 10, 1653
Mary, d. of Nicholas and Rebecca, Jan. 26, 1649
Nicholas, s. of Nicholas and Rebecca, Sept. 20, 1650
Nicholas, s. of Nicholas and Rebeccah, Aug. 10, 1651
Ruth, d. of William and Ruth, Nov. 29, 1685
William, s. of Nicholas and Rebecca, Jan. 1, 1657
William, s. of William and Ruth, Jan. 31, 1687-8
WITHERELL (also see Witherell)
-------, s. of J., Apr. 9, 1846
-------, s. of Jeremiah and Levina, Dec. 28, 1848
Achsah [-----], w. of Elisha B., ----, 1811. GR3
Mary E., d. of Jeremiah and Levina, Apr. 1, 1847
WITHERILL (also see Witherell)
Ellen W. [-----], w. of Freeman, Jan. 2, 1837. GR2
Eunice K. [-----], w. of William B., Nov. 29, 1838. GR3
Freeman, Oct. 18, 1828. GR2
Mary [-----], w. of William, Dec. 31, 1808. GR2
William, Oct. 8, 1805. GR2
William B., Aug. 7, 1830. GR2
Elisha, s. of William and Sarah, Mar. 21, 1746
Elizabeth, d. of William and Sarah, May 21, 1741
Francis, s. of William and Sarah, Aug. 27, 1739
Franklin, ----, 1810. GR3
John, s. of William and Sarah, Jan. 29, 1736-7
Rebecca T. [-----], w. of Franklin, ----, 1816. GR3
William, s. of John, bp. Aug. 24, 1712. CR1
William, s. of William and Sarah, Jan. 17, 1743-4
Annie Judson [-----], w. of Rev. John Lindsay, in Philadelphia, Oct. 9, 1837. GR3
John Lindsay, Rev., in Pennsylvania, Mar. 26, 1837. GR3
WITTEMORE (also see Whitmore, Whittemore, Whittmore)
Experience, d. of John and Charlestown, bp. July 10, 1698. CR1
-------, s. of George, b. in Hamburg, and Margaret, b. in Ireland, Dec. 16, 1849
WOLCOTT (also see Walcot, Wallcut)
Cornelia Frothingham, Dec. 11, 1824. GR3
Harriet Frothingham, Nov. 29, 1813. GR3
Huntington Frothingham, Lieut., Feb. 4, 1846. GR3
J. Huntington, Aug. 29, 1804. GR3
Peter Augustus, May 7, 1839. GR3
Roger, July 13, 1847. GR3
Sarah H., ----, 1813. GR3
Mary Freeman [-----], w. of Rev. Thomas, Sept. 23, 1828. GR3
Thomas, Rev., Apr. 20, 1815. GR3
WOOD (also see Woodes, Woods)
-------, s. of Alfred and Laura, Apr. 28, 1846
Alfred, Feb. 5, 1814. GR3
Alice, ----, 1816. GR2
Alonzo, ----, 1817. GR3
Amelia F., Apr. 18, 1830. GR3
Ann Eliza, ----, 1845. GR3
Anna M. Dudley [-----], w. of William H., ----, 1847. GR2
Benjamin B., May 14, 1815. GR2
Charles, in Plymouth, Vt., July 6, 1804. GR3
Charles C., ----, 1811. GR3
Charles Emmel, ----, 1842. GR3
Charles H., ----, `836. GR2
Charles M., in England, June 4, 1803. GR3
Charles P., ----, 1828. GR2
Deliverance, d. of Richard and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1653
Edward E., Oct. 21, 1814. GR3
Edward S., ----, 1846. GR3
Elizabeth [-----], w. of John M., ----, 1821. GR2
Ellen Moseley [-----], w. of William Barry, Apr. 24, 1841. GR3
Eveline S. [-----], w. of Frederick, Jan. 3, 1830. GR2
Francis, ----, 1815. GR2
Franklin D., ----, 1824. GR3
Frederic W. C., s. of Frederick and Eveline S., Aug. 20, 1848
Frederick, May 27, 1822. GR2
George, ----, 1831. GR2
George, ----, 1846. GR2
George Alfred, s. of Alfred and Laura, July 21, 1843
George T., s. of John M. and Elizabeth, ----, 1845. GR2
George W. E., Apr. 17, 1825. GR3
Hannah, ----, 1791. GR3
Hannah Brooks [-----], w. of Amos, ----, 1776. GR3
Hannah M., ----, 1831. GR2
Harriet A., ----, 1820. GR3
Henry, ----, 1798. GR3
Irene E. [-----], w. of Edward S., May 23, 1844. GR3
Isaac H., ----, 1833. GR3
James, s. of Richard and Sarah, June 17, 1659 (twin)
James F., July 26, 1810. GR3
James L., ----, 1822. GR3
John, ----, 1848. GR2
John M., ----, 1819. GR2
Joshua, s. of Richard and Sarah, Mar. 29, 1657
Laura Stickney [-----], w. of Alfred, Aug. 9, 1817. GR3
Louise, Aug. 26, 1837. GR3
Lucy Maria, Mar. 1, 1842. GR3
Lucy Stone [-----], w. of James F., May 9, 1808. GR3
Margaret, ----, 1836. GR3
Margaret, d. of John, Feb. 16, 1848
Margaret W., ----, 1800. GR3
Mary A., Nov. 5, 1839. GR3
Mary Chandler [-----], w. of Charles M., in England, Apr. 17, 1806. GR3
Mary P., ----, 1834. GR2
Obed, ----, 1788. GR3
Rachell, d. of Richard and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1660
Rebeccah, d. of Richard and Sarah, June 17, 1659 (twin)
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Alice, Jan. 3, 1660
Samuel, ----, 1804. GR2
Sarah A. [-----], w. of Alonzo, ----, 1820. GR3
Sarah A., ----, 1849. GR2
Sarah Bolles, Mar. 10, 1844. GR3
Sarah E. [-----], w. of Edward E., Aug. 5, 1818. GR3
Sophia Elizabeth [-----], w. of Isaac H., ----, 1835. GR3
Susan B. Mumler [-----], w. of Benjamin B., Sept. 11, 1799. GR2
Susan K., Mar. 12, 1832. GR2
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Catherine, Apr. 15, 1845
William A., ----, 1835. GR3
William Barry, July 21, 1830. GR3
William H., ----, 1847. GR2
Francis, s. of George, b. in Pawtucket, R.I., and Mary, b. in Dorchester, Oct. 5, 1849
Jonas, ----, 1813. GR2
Sarah T., ----, 1815. GR2
WOODBERRY (also see Woodbury)
Charles, in Salem, N.H., Jan. 9, 1809. GR3
Charles Henry, July 6, 1835. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Samuel, bp. July 23, 1710. CR1
Polly [-----], w. of Capt. Samuel T., in Beverly, May 25, 1793. GR3
Relief Lincoln [-----], w. of Charles, in Leominster, June 3, 1809. GR3
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 9, 1711
Samuel T., Capt., in Camden, Me., Aug. 8, 1786. GR3
Sarah Elizabeth, Feb. 10, 1840, GR3
Ann E. [-----], w. of -----, ----, 1821. GR3
Hannah M. [-----], w. of Samuel F., Mar. 14, 1819. GR2
William F., ----, 1844. GR2
WOODBURY (also see Woodberry)
Anna Lowell, Aug 9, 1833. GR3
Caroline Augusta, d. of Enos and Catherine, Jan. 17, 1836
Catherine Matilda, d. of Enos and Catherine, Sept. 3, 1830
Elijah H., ----, 1824. GR2
Emeline Elizabeth, d. of Enos and Catherine, May 20, 1829
Enos Alonzo, s. of Enos and Catherine, Nov. 15, 1833
George H., s. of Adoniram J. and Elizabeth, May 27, 1838
Isaac D., ----, 1816. GR3
John E., ----, 1840. GR2
John H., ----, 1826. GR2
Levi Lincoln, s. of Enos and Catherine, Nov. 14, 1838
Sarah C. [-----], w. of John H., ----, 1823. GR2
William C., Apr. 19, 1813. GR3
Joseph, Dea., in Nuncaton, Warwickshire, Eng., Feb 8, 1774. GR3
WOODES (also see Wood, Woods)
Thomas, s. of Richard and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1650
George E., ----, 1836. GR2
Jacob S., Oct. 28, 1823. GR3
Lawrence, s. of Ephraim B. and Elizabeth, June 4, 1848
Sarah M., Aug. 13, 1807. GR2
Margaret, d. of Jno and Elizabeth, July 9, 1678
Ann M., d. of John, b. in England, and Maria, b. in Ireland, Nov. 4, 1840
WOODS (also see Wood, Woodes)
-------, d. of James and Ann, in Malden, Aug. 1, 1848
Abby A. [-----], w. of John, Jan. 30, 1822. GR3
Caroline M. Newhall [-----], w. of Dr. William, Sept. 18, 1843. GR3
Charles Rowell, Jan. 25, 1837. GR3
Ellen, d. of Thomas and Catherine, both b. in Ireland, Aug. --, 1849
Henry, Oct. 4, 1820. GR3
Isabella, d. of John and Elizabeth, both b. in England, Oct. 20, 1849
John, Feb. 13, 1818. GR3
Sadie E. [-----], w. of John M., May 10, 1845. GR3
William, Dr., Sept. 13, 1840. GR3
Abishai, ----, 1821. GR3
Amos, s. of Daniel, bp. Oct. 10, 1697. CR1
Daniel, s. of Jno and Rebeccah, Sept. 24, 1681
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Delia, Mar. 12, 1798
Eleanor G. [-----], w. of Verney C., May 21, 1816. GR3
Elisha, in Petersham, Jan. 30, 1779. GR3
Elizabeth M., Mar. 22, 1792. GR3
Emma F., d. of James H. and Abigail C., Sept. 26, 1848. GR2
Hannah, d. of Daniel, bp. Oct.10, 1697. CR1
Hannah English [-----], w. of Elisha, in Salem, June 10, 1788. GR3
Helen Maria, d. of Samuel and Eleanor, June 17, 1845
James H., July 28, 1815. GR2
James T., s. of James H. and Abigial C., July 3, 1844. GR2
Jno, s. of Jno and Rebeccah, Sept. 7, 1674
John, s. of John and Rebecka, July 18, 1675
Jonas E., s. of Jonas and Sarah t., Dec. 31, 1843
Jonathan, s. of John and Rebecka, Sept. 28, 1685
Jonathan, s. of Daniel, bp. May 22, 1698. CR1
Joseph, s. of Daniel, bp. Mar. 9, 1700-01. CR1
Marah, d. of Jno and Rebecca, Oct. 6, 1684
Mary Amsden [-----], w. of Abishai, ----, 1826. GR3
Mary Frances, d. of ----- and w. of -----Brown, Nov. 5, 1833. GR3
Rebecca, d. of Jno and Rebecca, Feb. 12, 1682-3
Rebeccah, d. of Jno and Rebeccah, Oct. 29, 1679
Richard, s. of Jno and Rebeccah, Sept. 26, 1677
Susanna, d. of Daniel, bp. Oct. 10, 1697. CR1
Annie Willston [-----], w. of James Adams, ----, 1831. GR3
James Adams, ----, 1830. GR3
James Rix, s. of Nathan and Mehitable (Clark), in Hopkinton, Mar. 4, 1803. GR3
Jonas, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Oct. 1, 1711
Sarah, d. of Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 2, 1661
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 28, 1666
WORCESTER (also see Worster)
Ann Maria Lyon [-----], w. of Thomas F., June 30, 1818. GR3
Asa, ----, 1822. GR2
David Perkins, Dec. 13, 1813. GR3
Dency, Jan. 8, 1800. GR2
Edmund, s. of Israel Liberty and -----, Mar 6. 1801
Ellen G. [-----], w. of Asa, ----, 1831. GR2
Hannah [-----], w. of David Perkins, Aug. 10, 1811. GR3
Israel Liberty, s. of Israel Liberty and -----, Oct. 30, 1803
Joseph Emerson, Aug. 24, 1784. GR3
Mary Helen Gass [-----], w. of Frederick, ----, 1849. GR3
Mary Jane Guild, adopted d. of David Perkins and Hannah, Dec. 13, 1834. GR3
Noah, in Hollis, N.H., Nov. 25, 1758. GR3
Sadie E. [-----], w. of John M., May 10, 1845. GR3
Samantha Anne, d. of Thomas and Adeline, Mar. 2, 1844
WORSTER (also see Worcester)
John, Aug. 14, 1805. GR3
Nancy Pratt [-----], w. of John, July 11, 1808. GR3
Mary, d. of Daniel, Nov. 1, 1845
-------, d. of Hiram F. and Sarah, Feb. 27, 1849
-------, d. of Edmund Jr., b. in Hamstead, N.H., and Harriet E., b. in Boston, Oct. 25, 1849
-------, d. of Ward E., b. in Washington, N.H., and Harriet N., b. in Haverhill, N.H., Dec 13, 1849
Abiel Holmes, s. of David N. and Ann, bp. July 19, 1840. Twin. CR4
Adelaide, d. of Daniel and Mary Ann, Jan. 11, 1847
Alexander, in Paisley, Scot., May 4, 1800. GR3
Amelia, d. of Edmund Jr. and Harriet E., Oct. 21, 1847
Angelia H., d. of Dr. Ward E. and Harriet N., ----, 1841. GR2
Ann Maria, ----, 1830. GR3
Ann Moriarty, ----, 1839. GR3
Charlotte, Jan. 24, 1792
Christopher, s. of Andrew J., July 24, 1847
Clementina Ballou [-----], w. of Isaac Hull, ----, 1812. GR3
David Nevin, s. of David N. and Ann, bp. July 19, 1840. Twin. CR4
Ebenezer, in Haverhill, N.H., Sept. 16, 1819. GR3
Eddy W., s. of E. Hall, July 2, 1847
Edmund, Oct. 16, 1791. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Dr. John, bp. Mar. 22, 1761. CR1
Emma, d. of Edmund (Edmund Jr., dup.) and Harriet E., Jan. 26, 1846
Esther Fidelia, in Boston, Dec. 14, 1828. GR3
Frederic Augustus, s. of William and Ellen, Mar. 18, 1846 (1847 dup.)
George Frederick, s. of Samuel and Harriet, Dec. 2, 1847
George Grier, s. of William and Ellen, Oct. 27, 1848
George Wellman, in Boston, Aug. 22, 1824. GR3
H. H., s. of Charlotte, Dec. 22, 1812. GR3
Hannah, d. of Dr. John, bp. July 28, 1771. Twin. CR1
Harriet [-----], w. of Samuel J., ----, 1819. GR3
Harriet E., d. of Dr. Ward E. and Harriet E., May 1, 1846
Harriet N. [-----], w. of Dr. Ward E., ----, 1818. GR2
Harriet S. C., Aug. 15, 1844. GR3
Isaac Hull, ----, 1814. GR3
James, s. of James, bp. Oct. 24, 1703. CR1
James H., ----,1831. GR2
Jane W. [-----], w. of Otis, ----, 1800. GR3
Jennie W., ----, 1848. GR3
John, s. of Dr. John, bp. Apr. 13, 1755. CR1
John H., June 10, 1844. GR3
John Harvey, ----, 1813. GR3
John S., in Plainfield, N.H., June 30, 1788. GR3
Joseph B., May 30, 1817. GR3
Jsoeph Roscoe, in Livermore, Me., ---- 1842. GR3
Lemuel W., s. of John S. and Mary Russell, Apr. 9, 1827. GR3
Mary, d. of Dr. John, bp. July 28, 1771. Twin. CR1
Mary Elizabeth, in Haverhill, N.H., June 22, 1822. GR3
Mary Elizabetn [-----], w. of James H., ----, 1834. GR2
Mary Russell [-----], w. of John S., Dec. 13, 1792. GR3
Mary W. ----, 1822. GR3
Nathaniel Tolman, s. of David N. and Ann Maria, Dec. 2, 1843
Nathaniel Tolman, s. of David N. and Ann Maria, Oct. 20, 1845
Otis, Dec. 22, 1801. GR3
Robert, s. of Dr. John, bp. Mar 19, 1758. CR1
Sabra [-----], w. of Alexander, July 16, 1807. GR3
Samuel, ----, 1816. GR3
Samuel, s. of John, b. in New York, and Mary F., b in Sandwich, Dec. 9, 1849
Samuel J., ----, 1816. GR3
Sarah Augusta [-----], w. of Edmund, Dec. 23, 1808. GR3
Sarah E., d. of Hiram F. and Sarah P., Oct. 30, 1847
Ward E., Dr., ----, 1815. GR2
William Jones, s. of William G. and Ellen, May 29, 1843
Franklin, ----, 1834. GR3
Helen Williams, ----, 1838. GR3
WYAT (also see Withe, Whatt, Wyeth, Wyth, Wythe)
William, s. of Jonathan, bp. Apr. 27, 1794. CR1
WYATT (also see Withe, Wyat, Wyeth, Wyth, Wythe)
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, bp. July 24, 1791. CR1
Mary Lockwood [-----], w. of Henry M., ----, 1846. GR2
Polly, d. of Jonathan, bp. May 24, 1789. CR1
Sally, d. of Jonathan, bp. Feb. 7, 1796. CR1
WYETH (also see Withe, Wyat, Wyatt, Wyth, Wythe)
-------, d. of Jonas Jr. and Elizabeth, May 6, 1798
Abial Augustus, s. of Benjamin F. and Zoe, Nov. 21, 1843
Abiel, s. of Job and Lydia, Apr. 23, 1809
Amelia Annie, d. of Andrew N. and Amelia H. B., Jan. 4, 1846
Amelia B. [-----], w. of Andrew N., Apr 5, 1818. GR2
Andrew Newell, s. of Job and Lydia C., Apr. 29, 1817
Anna, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, Feb 22, 1766
Annie C., Dec. 1, 1846. GR2
Augustus, s. of Jonas (3d) and Susan, bp. Feb. 14, 1802. CR1
Benjamin Francis, s. of Job and Lydia C., Mar. 31, 1812
Benjamin Franklin, s. of Benjamin F. and Zoe, Dec 17, 1845 (Dec 28 dup)
Caroline, d. of Jonas and Elizabeth N., July 29, 1828
Deborah, d. of Jonathan, bp. Apr. 29, 1720. CR1
Dorcas, d. of Noah and Betty, Nov. 21, 1770
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Susannah, Apr. 8, 1727
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer (Jr. CR1) and Mary, in Watertown, Dec. 17, 1752
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer Jr., bp. May 17, 1778. CR1
Edwin Augustus, Nov. 21, 1840. GR3
Eliza, d. of Job and Lydia, Mar. 6, 1807
Elizabeth, d. of John, bp. May 25, 1701. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of John, bp. July 4, 1736. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of John, bp. Nov. 30, 1740. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of Noah and Betty, Mar. 4, 1765
Elizabeth, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, Feb. 12, 1772
Elizabeth, ----, 1792. GR3 (Elizabeth, d. of Jonas Jr. and Elizabeth, bp. Dec 22, 1793. CR1)
Elizabeth Tilton, Oct 14, 1843. GR3
Emily, d. of Jonas and Susan, bp. Sept. 24, 1809. CR1
Francis John Higginson, s. of Stephen and -----, June 29, 1831
Gad, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, July 27, 1768
Harriet, d. of Jonas and Elizabeth N., June 18, 1833
Henry, s. of Jonas 3d, bp. Mar 7, 1790. CR1
Henry Alonzo, s. of Benjamin F. and Zoa, July 1, 1847
Hepzibah, d. of Jonathan, bp. Feb. 22, 1761. Twin. CR1
Isaac, s. of Noah and Betty, Feb. 10, 1773
Jacob, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, Apr. 29, 1764
Jacob, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, Feb. 10, 1797
James, s. of Jonas and Elizabeth N., July 24, 1830
James H., s. of Jonas and Elizabeth N., June 11, 1820
Jno, s. of Jno and Deborah, Dec. 27, 1705
Job, s. of Noah and Betty, June 14, 1776
John, ----, 1655. GR3
John, s. of John, bp. Dec. 29, 1734. CR1
John, s. of John, bp. Mar. 6, 1742-3. CR1
John, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, Mar. 31, 1770
John Bound, s. of Job and Lydia C., June 22, 1815
John Bound, s. of Benjamin F. and Zoa, Sept. 4, 1839
John B. (John Bound dup), s. of Benjamin F. and Zoe, Feb. 18, 1842
John Jasper, s. of John and Mary Ann, Dec. 25, 1841
Jonas, s. of Ebenezer and Susannah, Feb. 19, 1730-1
Jonas, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, May 17, 1757
Jonas, s. of Jonas and Hephzibah, Apr. 13, 1762
Jonas, s. of Jonas 3d and Susan, Dec. --, 1806
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Hephzibah, Oct. 12, 1714
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Hephzibah, July 27, 1716
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, bp. Nov. 13,1748. CR1
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, bp. July 26, 1751. Twin. CR1
Joseph, s. of Jonathan, bp. July 26, 1751. Twin. CR1
Joshua, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 6, 1758
Lucy, d. of Jonas and Hephzibah, Feb. 7, 1754
Lucy, d. of Stephen and -----, Oct. 3, 1825
Lydia, d. of Noah and Betty, Feb. 3, 1766
Lydia, d. of Jonas 3d and Susan, bp. July 29, 1804. CR1
Lydia C., Apr. 10, 1778. GR2
Lydia Frances, d. of Benjamin F. and Zoa, Jan. 13, 1837
Lydia Hastings, d. of Jonas 3d, Aug. 24, 1788. CR1
Maria, d. of Jonas and Elizabeth N., Sept. 18, 1826
Maria C. [-----], w. of James H., ----, 1835. GR3
Marion, d. of John and Mary Ann, Apr. 8, 1844
Martha, d. of John, bp. July 23, 1738. CR1
Martha, d. of Jonas and Elizabeth N., June 30, 1835
Mary, d. of Ebenezer and Susannah, Sept. 30, 1739
Mary, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, Sept. 17, 1755
Mary, Dec. 2, 1802. GR#
Mary A. [-----], w. of John, Nov. 12, 1815. GR3
Mary Ann, d. of Jonas and Elizabeth N., May 9, 1824
Mary Hancock, June 10, 1812. GR3
Nicholas, ----, 1595. GR3
Noah, s. of Jonathan, bp. Oct. 28, 1722. CR1
Noah, s. of Ebenezer and Susannah, July 7, 1742
Noah, s. of Noah and Betty, June 24, 1763
Noah, s. of Job and Lydia, Apr. 13, 1805
Prudence, d. of John, bp. Apr. 28, 1745. CR1
Rhoda, d. of Noah and Betty, May 18, 1768
Richard H., ----,1844. Twin. GR2
Sarah, d. of Jonathan, bp. Aug. 17, 1718. CR1
Sarah, d. of Ebenezer and Susannah, Apr. 2, 1746
Sarah, d. of Jonathan, bp. Feb. 22, 1761, Twin. CR1
Sarah, d. of Stephen and -----, Mar. 23, 1823
Sarah E., d. of Jonas and Elizabeth N., May 21, 1822
Sarah Elizabeth, d. of John and Mary Ann, Dec. 6, 1846
Sophia Bradford, d. of Stephen and -----, Apr. 24, 1821
Susan Elizabeth, d. of Andrew N. and Amelia, Dec. 28, 1847
Susan Stearns, d. of Jonas and Susan, bp. Nov. 10, 1816. CR1
Susanna, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, May 14, 1762
Susannah, d. of Ebenezer and Susannah, Mar. 2, 1734
Tapley, s. of Jonas and Hephzibah, May 11, 1765
William, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, May 22, 1760
William, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Jan. 23, 1780. CR1
William H., ----, 1844. Twin. GR2
William Wallace, s. of Stephen and -----, Aug. 3, 1828
Zoa Ann, d. of Benjamin F. and Zoa, Aug. 5, 1838
Abby [-----], w. of J. Henry, Mar. 13, 1831. GR2
Abraham G., Aug. 5, 1801. GR3
Abraham G., s. of Abraham G. and Miranda, Sept. 24, 1830. GR3
Adeline Wheelwright [-----], w. of Jeffries, Aug. 8, 1825. GR3
Anelizabeth, d. of Samuel F. and Polly, Nov. 9, 1804
Anna Morrill, twin d. of Morrill and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 8, 1841. CR1
Caroline E., Feb. 4, 1834. GR3
Charles, s. of Thaddeus, bp. Oct. 19, 1760, CR1
Charels, s. of William M. and Sarah Treat, July 5, 1845. GR3
Charles F., May 16, 1836. GR3
Edward, ----, 1818. GR3
Eliza A., d. of Franklin and Ruth, Mar. 21, 1846. GR3
Elizabeth Aspinwall, twin d. of Morrill and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 8, 1841. CR1
George H., Apr. 10, 1827. GR3
Helen K. [-----], w. of Charles F., Sept. 27, 1845. GR3
Hepzibah, d. of John, bp. Sept. 26, 1774. CR1
James, s. of Samuel F. and Polly, Oct. 7, 1800
Jeffries, Aug. 11, 1814. GR3
John, s. of John and Hephzibah, June 23, 1766
Levi P., Dec. 26, 1832. GR3
Mary, d. of John, bp. May 1, 1768. CR1
Mary [-----], w. of Thomas B., Feb. 18, 1791. GR3
Mary, d. of Samuel and mary (Samuel F. and Polly dup.), Aug. 4, 1797
Mary Whiton, ----, 1812. GR3
Miranda [-----], w. of Abraham G., June 16, 1802. GR3
Morrill, July 25, 1812. GR3
Ruth, in Greenfield, N.H., July 20, 1798. CR11
Thomas B., May 1, 1794. GR3
Thomas Bellows, Dec. 11, 1817. GR3
Thomas W., Capt. U.S.N., in Roxbury, Mass. Mar. 24, 1799. GR3
William, ----, 1801. GR3
WYTH (also see Withe, Wyat, Wyatt, Wyeth, Wythe)
Ebenezer, s. of John, bp. July 24, 1698. CR1
Hannah, d. of John, bp. Apr. 18, 1697. CR1
Martha, d. of William, bp. Mar. 14, 1696-7. CR1
Mary, d. of Nicholas and Rebecca, Jan. 18, 1648
Sarah, d. of Nicholas and -----, bp. in England, CR1
Thankful, d. of John, bp. Apr. 18, 1697. CR1
WYTHE (also see Withe, Wyat, Wyatt, Wyeth, Wyth)
Elizabeth, d. of Jno and Deborah, Oct. 6,1684
Eli A., Sept. 8, 1797. GR3
Eunice G. [-----], w. of Eli A., Mar. 12, 1797. GR3
Mary, in London, Eng., June 13, 1818. GR3
Charles Henry, s. of Joseph and Margarett Almira, Sept. 30, 1832
Francis Edward, s. of Joseph and Margaret Almira, Mar. 30, 1837
Joseph H., Apr. 12, 1809. GR3
Margarett A. [-----], w. of Joseph H., Apr. 21, 1810. GR3
Mary Elizabeth [-----], w. of Charles Henry, ----, 1841. GR3
Mary Louise [-----], w. of Francis Edward, ----, 1835. GR3
Elizabeth W., Mar. 31, 1840. GR3
Sarah Elizabeth Rand [-----], w. of Charles E., Dec. 1, 1813. GR3
Isabel Needham, ----, 1814. GR2
Sarah Emory, ----, 1845. GR2
David H., ----, 1845. GR2
Harriet [-----], w. of Asahel A., Oct. 31, 1814. GR3
John Addison, Mar. 13, 1844. GR3
Seth W., Capt., Nov. 27, 1830. GR2
-------, d. of Josiah and Paulina, Apr. 14, 1846
Alexander, Rev., D.D., in Boston, Sept. 22, 1800. GR3
Alexander, May 19, 1836. GR3
Benjamin Loring, Aug. 28, 1838. GR3
Caroline James [-----], w. of Rev. Alexander, in Barre, Mar. 19, 1806. GR3
Charles A., s. of Albert and Mary, Oct. 30, 1846
Charles H., Oct. 5, 1844. GR3
Edward James, Rev., D.D., Apr. 1, 1829. GR3
George, Mar. 31, 1818. GR3
George Loring, Sept. 17, 1802. GR3
Georgiana, d. of Isaac and Sarah, Dec. 15, 1844
Harriet B., ----, 1836. GR2
Harriet Jane Osgood [-----], w. of George, Aug. 11, 1826. GR3
Harriet M., d. of Henry A. and Harriet, Sept. 7, 1844
Henry W., Capt., ----, 1804. GR2
John, ----, 1835. GR2
John G., July 14, 1835. GR2
Joseph W., ----, 1832. GR2
Joshua, Rev., D.D., ----, 1823. GR3
M. Lucinda, July 12, 1842. GR2
Mary A., ----, 1838. GR2
Mary Ann [-----], w. of Joseph W., ----, 1833. GR2
Mary Blake [-----], w. of Rev. Edward James, Jan. 27, 1831. GR3
Mary E. [d. of Rev. Joshua and Mary Elizabeth Plympton and] w. of Daniel STEVENS, ----, 1849. GR3
Mary L., in Hingham, Feb. 16, 1778. GR3
Mary P., d of Josiah P. and Paulina, Dec. 21, 1848
Phebe R. [-----], w. of Abiather, in New York, July 15, 1790. GR3
Richard Sharpe, Feb. 22, 1813. GR3
Samuel D., ----, 1832. GR2
Stephen, ----, 1846. GR2
Susan A. [-----], w. of John, ----, 1825. GR2
William, in Scotland, Mar. 10, 1806. GR2
William Francis, s. of Andrew and Jane M., July 1, 1848
Jean Alexis, in France, ----, 1773. GR3
Caroline, ----, 1848. GR2
Charles D., ----, 1844. GR3
Johanna M., ----, 1844. GR2
Margaret C. [-----], w. of ----- and d. of Catherine Bolger, July 21, 1848. GR3
Constance M., Feb. 8, 1847. GR3
Eliza H. Putnam [-----], w. of Abraham, Apr. 26, 1828. GR3
Caroline C. [-----], w. of Edward, Dec. 23, 1825. GR3
Edward, Feb. 12, 1811. GR3
Christina, d. of Casimir and Violet, Feb. 27, 1806