VITAL RECORDS of CAMBRIDGE Massachusetts, to the Year 1850.
Compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Caroline, ----, 1833. GR3
Charles, ----, 1822. GR3
Eben Hale, ----, 1811. GR3
Edwin A., s. of James and Louisa, Feb. 19, 1842. GR2
Eliza Hallett Dewey [-----], w. of Eben Hale, ----, 1810. GR3
Emily L., d. of James and Louisa, Sept. 14, 1846
Hannah Louisa [-----], w. of James, ----, 1810. GR2
Harriet Walker [-----], w. of John, Sept. 29, 1819. GR3
James Augustine, s. of James and Louisa H., Apr. 26, 1837
John, Aug. 5, 1813. gR3
Joseph M., Nov. 19, 1842. GR3
Martha Jane Dupee [-----], w. of Charles, ----, 1826. GR3
Mary T., ----, 1810. GR3
Nancy Laird, ----, 1831. GR3
Reuben S., Apr. 23, 1822. GR3
Sarah C., in Baltimore, May 24, 1834. GR3
Sarah [-----], w. of J. B., ----, 1814. GR3
-------, s. of Alexander and Mary Elizabeth H. Fairfield, Mar. 25, 1837. GR3
Abby J. B., in Concord, Jan. 1, 1803. CR11
Alexander, May 6, 1806. GR3
Alexander Fairfield, Jan. 28, 1840. GR3
George Frederick, s. of Ira and Nabby Jones, Aug. 9, 1826
Grace, Jan. 25, 1848. GR3
Mary Chapman, Nov. 25, 1841. GR3
Mary Elizabeth H. Fairfield [-----], w. of Alexander, Dec. 1, 1807. GR3
Oliver Fairfield, Apr. 26, 1838. GR3
Anastasia, ----, 1843. GR3
Henry A., ----, 1829. GR3
WAIT (also see Waite, Waitt)
Asa W., Aug. 12, 1815. GR3
Charles, Jan. 10, 1790. GR3
Eleanor Ireland [-----], w. of Charles, Jan. 1, 1790. GR3
Elizabeth Reed, Apr. 8, 1838. GR3
Hannah Rice [-----], w. of Asa W., Dec. 15, 1817. GR3
Sarah S. I., Sept. 10, 1827. GR3
William Alonzo, Feb. 7, 1822. GR3
WAITE (also see Wait, Waitt)
Abbie C. [-----], w. of Rev. Josiah K., Nov. 19, 1803. GR3
Charles, ----, 1814. GR3
Josiah K., Rev., June 3, 1809. GR3
Lloyd A., ----, 1809. GR3
Mary G., ----, 1820. GR3
Rowena K. [-----], w. of Lloyd A., ----, 1821. GR3
Sarah E. [-----], w. of Rev. Josiah K., July 31, 1838. GR3
WAITT (also see Wait, Waite)
Adaline C. [-----], w. of Freeman C., Feb. 22, 1832. GR2
Andrew S., ----, 1815. GR3
Charles H., s. of Amos L. and Emeline, Apr. 7, 1846
Edwin L., Dec. 21, 1832. GR2
Eliza L., d. of Jacob, Jan. 31, 1848
Freeman C., Feb. 16, 1834. GR2
George William, s. of George W. and Almeda E., in Denmark, Me., Mar. 1, 1845
Isaac B., ----, 1840. GR3
Jacob, Nov. 21, 1801. GR2
Mary Louisa, d. of Andrew S. and Mary E., Apr. 17, 1847
Porter, ----, 1842. GR3
Sarah B., July 14, 1840. GR2
Caroline Hulda Kingsbury [-----], w. of Enoch Hemmingway, July 31, 1817. GR3
Enoch Hemmingway, Dec. 1, 1813. GR3
Frances L., May 16, 1834. GR3
WALCOTT (also see Wallcut, Wolcott)
-------, ch. of Elias H. and Sarah, Mar. 11, 1849
Anstiss Pickman, Oct. 15, 1831. GR3
Benjamin Pickman, July 23, 1835. GR3
Charlotte [-----], w. of Henry P., Sept. 29, 1842. GR3
Martha Pickman, Nov. 24, 1802. GR3
Samuel Baker, Mar. 7, 1795. GR3
Samuel Pickman, Feb. 9, 1834. GR3
Abby Langdon [-----], w. of Thomas B., Aug. 4, 1789. GR3
Ann Beale [-----], w. of Thomas B., Oct. 7, 1783. GR3
Anna Kimball [-----], w. of Thomas B., ----, 1833. GR3
Cordelia, ----, 1831. GR3
George W., June 4, 1815. GR3
Joseph H., Nov. 11, 1840. GR3
Lucy Ann, ----, 1828. GR3
Maria W. [-----], w. of George W., Sept. 29, 1816. GR3
Sara [-----], w. of Joseph H., Aug. 15, 1844. GR3
Thomas B., Jan. 1, 1776. GR3
Ann E., ----, 1814. GR2
Anna Maria, ----, 1823. GR3
Bryant, in Raleigh, N.C., Dec. 3, 1844. GR3
Carrie M [-----], w. of James G., ----, 1847. GR2
Charles, Rev., in Rindge, N.H., Nov. 21, 1795. GR3
Charles, Dr., Apr. 28, 1806. GR3
Clarissa N. [-----], w. of Cornelius, Aug. 10, 1808. GR3
Cornelius, Sept. 26, 1799. GR3
Edward Johnson, May 25, 1831. GR3
Elijah, ----, 1818. GR2
Eliza Hurd, Jan. 1, 1793. GR3
Estelle Viola, Dec. --, 1836. GR3
Esther Amelia Bullard [-----], w. of Rev. George Frederick, ----, 1834. GR3
Frederick P., ----, 1825. GR2
George Frederick, Rev., ----, 1825. GR3
Hannah P., d. of Rev. Samuel of South Danvers and w. of Rev. Charles, ----, 1811. GR3
Hannah T. [-----], w. of Joseph, in Milford, Mar. 28, 1808. GR3
Harriet Sarah, ----, 1843. GR3
Helen L. Jaques [-----], w. of Dr. Charles, July 26, 1806. GR3
Helen S. [-----], w. of John H., ----, 1844. GR2
Henry, ----, 1817. GR3
James, in Bradford, Mar. 22, 1777. GR3
James, ----, 1828. GR3
Jane, ----, 1823. GR3
John H., ----, 1829. GR2
John H., ----, 1847. GR3
John W., ----, 1841. GR2
Joseph, in Hopkinton, Mar. 18, 1804. GR3
Joseph Hurd, ----, 1823. GR3
Lillian [-----], w. of Samuel, June --, 1813. GR2
Lucy F. [-----], w. of Frederick P., ----, 1834. GR2
Lydia L., in Hingham, Aug. 31, 1781. GR3
Marcellus, ----, 1838. GR3
Maria Babbit, ----, 1849. GR3
Martha H., eldest d. of Rev. Samuel and Harriet P., in Windsor, Conn., May 18m 1837. GR3
Mary A. K. Atwood [-----], w. of Rev. George Frederick, ----, 1838. GR3
Mary Ellen Gilson [-----], w. of William P., Apr. 18, 1834. GR3
Mary L., in New York, Nov. 10, 1797. GR3
Mary Sophia, ----, 1839. GR3
Nancy Louisa, d. of Joseph and Hannah T., July 7, 1812. GR3
Nancy W., ----, 1827. GR3
Nathaniel, Feb. 3, 1816. GR3
Nathaniel, s. of Rev. Samuel and Harriet P., in Danvers, June 2, 1845. GR3
Samuel, in Cardington, Bedfordshire, Eng., Sept. 9, 1793. GR3
Samuel, Sept. --, 1815. GR2
Samuel, ----, 1818. GR3
Sarah A., ----, 1816. GR2
Susan E. Brown [-----], w. of Elijah, ----, 1824. GR2
Susan W. S., Dec. 16, 1824. GR3
Theophilus Wheeler, s. of Rev. Samuel of South Danvers and Sophia Wheeler of Worcester, in South Danvers, ----, 1813. GR3.
Thomas W., in Roxbury, July 31, 1829. GR3
William J., Mar. 15, 1790. GR3
William Perkins, Oct. 22, 1822. GR3
William Wallace, Feb. --, 1832. GR3
WALLACE (also see Wallis)
Abbie T. [-----], w. of William, May 22, 1834. GR3
Ann Leighton, d. of James and Mary, Mar. 11, 1835
Charles Oscar, s. of John and Susan, in Boston, Feb. 9, 1845
Elizabeth, d. of James and Rosanna, Dec. 22, 1847
Hannah [-----], w. of James, June 18, 1798. GR3
Helen Maria, July 29, 1834. CR7
James, in Perthshire, Scot., Feb. 14, 1794. GR3
James Jr., May 10, 1827. GR3
James, s. of James and Mary, Jan. 7, 1840
Jane, d. of Samuel and Emily, Oct. 3, 1844
Jane Louisa, d. of James and Mary, Dec. 31, 1837
John, s. of James and Hannah, Feb. --, 1848
Margaret Thomson, d. of James and Mary, Aug. 12, 1836
Mary A. Estaver [-----], w. of Capt. William, ----, 1827. GR2
Mary Ann, d. of James and Mary, Mar. 22, 1842
Rosanna, d. of James and Rosanna, Sept. 16, 1849
William, Feb. 14, 1825. GR3
WALLCUT (also see Walcott, Wolcott)
Thomas, in Boston, Aug. 16, 1758. GR3
Annie Gray, Dec. 2, 1824. GR3
Clara Lyell Dove [-----], w. of William Phillips, Aug. 5, 1844. GR3
William Phillips, Apr. 11, 1843. GR3
WALLIS (also see Wallace)
Margaret, July 31, 1793. GR3
Sarah J., d. of Nathaniel and Lucy, Oct. 17, 1844
Abby A., d. of John and Abby, June 4, 1847
Charles, s. of John and Kezia, Dec. 23, 1781
Edwin Stillman, s. of Nathan S. and Harriet, Aug. 29, 1836. CR4
Elizabeth F. [-----], w. of M. L., ----, 1838. GR3
Eunice, d. of Jacob and Lydia, Mar. 19, 1745-6
Eunice, d. of Lt. Jotham, bp. Apr. 2, 1780. CR1
Harriet Anna, d. of Nathan S. and Harriet, Nov, 18, 1844
Harriet L., ----, 1814. GR3
John, s. of John and Keziah, Oct. 29, 1770
John Henry, s. of John and Mary A., Feb. 17, 1845
Jotham, s. of Jotham and Eunice, Aug. 15 ,1775
Jotham, s. of Jotham (dec., CR1) and Eunice, Sept. 18, 1783
Katherine, d. of John, bp. July 18, 1784. CR1
Leonard, s. of Jotham, bp. June 22, 1777. CR1
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Nathan S. and Harriet, Nov. 9, 1845. CR4
Milton Augustus Lovejoy, s. of Nathan S. and Harriet, bp. Nov. 9, 1845. CR4
Miranda [-----], w. of Reuben, Nov. 15, 1796. GR2
Nathan, s. of Nathan S. and Harriet L., Nov. 5, 1843
Nathan S., ----, 1812. GR3
Nathan S. (Nathan Stillman, CR4), s. of Nathan S. and Harriet, July 15, 1847
Nathaniel, s. of (Lieut. CR1) Jotham and Eunice, Mar. 6, 1779
Reuben, Nov. 28, 1793. GR2
Caleb C., Mar. 23, 1815. GR3
Mary A. Eastman [-----], w. of Caleb C., Dec. 3, 1821. GR3
Mercy, ----, 1804. GR3
-------, s. of Proctor D., b. in Bradford, N.H., and Asenath, b. in Warner, N.H., Dec. 7, 1849
Alice, d. of John and Bridgett, Mar. 7, 1845
Almira L. [-----], w. of John D., ----, 1823. GR3
Ann Jane, July 25, 1840. GR3
Anna Hazzard Barker, Oct. 25, 1813. GR3
Anna Saltonstall [-----], w. of Henry Veazey, June 19, 1828. GR3
Barnard, s. of James and Margaret, both b. in Ireland, Dec. 20, 1849
Caroline A., Sept. 5, 1844. GR3
Caroline P., July 7, 1821. GR3
Caroline P. Fessenden [-----], w. of Joseph, Aug. 4, 1824. GR3
Catherine, d. of Patrick, Feb. 27, 1848
Charles F., May 27, 1844. GR3
Charles H., Sept. 16, 1836. GR3
Charles Wilson, s. of Moses and Mary, Oct. 17, 1817
David Bancroft, s. of Moses and Mary, July 20, 1830
Deborah, d. of Jno and Hannah, Oct. 19, 1662
Edward, s. of John and Hannah, Mar. 13, 1671
Edward, Sept. 19, 1800. GR3
Edward A., Mar. 2, 1816. GR3
Eleazer, s. of John and Hannah, Feb. 26, 1672
Eliza Ann, d. of Ira and Eliza Ann, in Charlestown, Jan. 15, 1829
Eliza Ann, d. of Ira and Eliza Ann, Apr. 10, 1834
Elizabeth, d. of Jno and Hannah, June 18, 1660
Ella W., d. of Jonathan W. and Lucy, Mar. 8, 1845
Francis, ----, 1836. GR2
Francis A., s. of Samuel, July 5, 1846
Francis Jackson, Sept. 17, 1830. GR3
George Cabot, Nov. 4, 1824. GR3
Gustena, d. of Ira and Eliza Ann, July 5, 1836
Harriet Newell, d. of Ira and Eliza Ann, in Charlestown, July 6, 1823
Henrietta H. [-----], w. of Edward A., July 6, 1839. GR3
Henry Lyman, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 29, 1840
Henry Veazey, in Fredericktown, Md., Sept. 26, 1809. GR3
Hubbard Danforth, s. of Ira and Eliza Ann, in Charlestown, Dec. 21, 1825
Ira Marshall, s. of Ira and Eliza Ann, in Charlestown, June 21, 1827
Isaac N., ----, 1845. GR2
James A., s. of Holbrook A. and Mary C., both b. in Orange, Sept. 5, 1849
Jane, d. of James and Margaret, Sept. 4, 1848
Jno, s. of Jno and Hannah, Feb. 26, 1653
Jno, s of Jno and Hannah, Mar. 8, 1658
John, s. of John and Rosanna, in Boston, May 17, 1846
John D., ----, 1823. GR3
John Gallison, Sept. 12, 1822. GR3
Jonathan, s. of Jno and Hannah, Apr. 22, 1674
Jonathan Whitefield, s. of Moses and Mary, Aug. 5, 1820
Joseph, s. of Jno and Hannah, Nov. 15, 1677
Joseph, Feb. 28, 1820. GR3
Julia, d. of Samuel and w. of Samuel Gridley HOWE, May 27, 1819. GR3
Julia H., d. of William and Lydia D., in Newbern, N.C., July 31, 1818. GR3
Louisa G. [-----], w. of Charles H., June 5, 1841. GR3
Lucinda Puttee, d. of Moses and Mary, June 7, 1826
Lucy Ellen, d. of John and Lucy, Feb. 28, 1847
Lydia Gray, July 30, 1788. GR3
Margaret, d. of Richard, bp. Mar. 15, 1767. CR1
Maria [-----], w. of Winthrop A., ----, 1830. GR3
Martha Ann, Aug. 12, 1811. GR3
Martha Caroline, d. of Moses and Sophia M., Mar. 6, 1846
Mary, ----, 1773. GR3
Mary Ann, Mar. 24, 1828. GR3
Mary Payne [-----], w. of Charles F., Mar. 21, 1849. GR3
Mercy, d. of John and Hannah, Jan. 27, 1668
Moses Newll, s. of Moses and Mary, Sept. 13, 1823
Nahum, in Athol, Oct. 10, 1801. GR3
Peter J., s. of Patrick and Asenath, Dec. 8, 1846
Rebeccah, d. of Jno and Hannah, June 15, 1655
Richard, s. of Jno and Hannah, Jan. 15, 1666
Ruth S. [-----], w. of Nahum, Apr. 16, 1814. GR3
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sarah R., Oct. 23, 1843
Samuel Gray, Oct. 3, 1817. GR3
Samuel P., s. of Proctor D. and Asenath, Dec. 8, 1846
Sarah, d. of John and Mary, Mar. 25, 1685
Sarah, ----, 1811. GR3
Sarah E., ----, 1844. GR3
Sarah Stratton [-----], w. of Francis Jackson, Dec. 21, 1828. GR3
Stephen Goodhue, s. of Moses and Mary, Mar. 26, 1822
Susan [-----], w. of Nahum, Feb. 24, 1811. GR3
Thomas Augustus, s. of Ira and Eliza Ann, Feb. 21, 1831
Thomas Augustus, s. of Ira and Eliza Ann, Oct. 8, 1832
Thomas William, Sept. 3, 1831. GR3
Thomas Wren, Nov. 20, 1786. GR3
Wililam, s. of John and Hannah, Nov. 19, 1664
William, ----, 1806. GR3
William H., ----, 1841. GR2
Winthrop A., ----, 1833. GR3
John, s. of Robert W., June 1, 1847
Almira H. [-----], w. of William R., ----, 1815. GR3
William R., ----, 1812. GR3
Ella F., May 9, 1849. GR3
Henry F., s. of Samuel and Fidelia J., Dec. 25, 1844
-------, d. of Francis, Aug. 13, 1846
Alice Sophia Tobey [-----], w. of George W. Jr., ----, 1846. GR3
Amanda Mildred [-----], w. of George Washington, in Wardsboro, Vt., Feb. 28, 1814. GR3
Ann Bent, d. of Henry, in Rome, Italy, Mar. 23, 1830
Ann Storrow, Mar. 10, 1826. GR3
Caroline Rebecca, d. of Rev. Henry and Elizabeth (Elizabeth B., CR1), Dec. 4, 1811
Catherine, d. of Galen and Catherine, bp. Feb. 7, 1813. CR1
Charles Eliot, s of Rev. Henry and Elizabeth, May 7, 1814
Charlotte Louisa, Apr. 12, 1818. GR3
Clarissa, d. of Galen and Catherine, bp. Feb. 7, 1813. CR1
Edward Augustus, s. of Rev. Henry and Elizabeth, Dec. 29, 1809
Elizabeth Ann, d. of Rev. Henry and Elizabeth, June 9, 1808
Elizabeth Cabot, Apr. 2, 1819. GR3
Ellen Sophia Hastings [-----], w. of Henry, ----, 1835. GR3
Emma Forbes, d. of Henry, Feb. 13, 1837 (1838. GR3)
Fanny V., Nov. 30, 1808. GR2
George Byron, Dec. 19, 1832. GR2
George Byron, Nov. 25, 1834. GR2
George W. Jr., ----, 1837. GR3
George Washington, in West Fairlee, Vt., June 6, 1808. GR3
Harriet, d. of Henry, Sept. 9, 1834
Harriet W., d. of Henry and w. of Rev. Edward B. HALL, Dec. 25, 1801. GR3
Helen C. Center [-----], w. of Francis P., Feb. 5, 1844. GR3
Henry, ----, 1824. GR3
Henry, s. of Rev. John F. W. and Caroline P., in Fall River, Jan. 21, 1846
John S., Nov. 20, 1807. GR2
John Walter, Nov. 23, 1836. GR2
Louisa Lee, ----, 1826. GR3
Maria, d. of Galen and Catherine, bp. Feb. 7, 1813. CR1
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Henry Jr. and Elizabeth Watson, d. of Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, Feb. 8, 1820. GR3
Mary Harriet, ----, 1828. GR3
William, ----, 1797. GR3
William Robert, s. of Henry, May 27, 1832
William (William Rotch, CR9), s. of Rev. John F.W. and Caroline P., Sept. 6, 1848
Frances A. S. [-----], w. of Henry, Sept. --, 1822. GR3
Henry, ----, 1822. GR3
Alfred, s. of John and Sarah, bp. Nov. 13, 1814. CR1
Altamont, ch. of William and Mary, bp. Apr. 25, 1810. CR1
Ann Elizabeth, d. of John and Sarah, bp. Aug. 4, 1822. CR1
Anne, d. of William, bp. Mar. 29, 1719. CR1
Anne, d. of Owen and Sarah, Apr. 3, 1750
Charles, s. of John, bp. Dec. 16, 1787. CR1
Charles Alfred, s. of John and Priscilla, bp. July 4, 1830. CR1
Charles Horace, s. of John and Sarah, bp. Nov. 10, 1816. CR1
Ebenezer, s. of John, bp. Feb. 12, 1786. CR1
Edward Merrick, s. of John and Mary Anne, bp. Dec. 14, 1834. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of Owen and Sarah, Dec. 15, 1763
Elizabeth Bell, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, June 15, 1785
Emily Phelps, d. of John and Mary Ann, bp. Nov. 4, 1838. CR1
Frances Bates, d. of John and Mary Ann, bp. Aug. 9, 1841. CR1
Francis Horace, s. of John and Mary Ann, bp. Nov. 20, 1836. CR1
Hannah, d. of John and Hannah, Oct. 23, 1776
Hannah, d. of John and Hannah, June 14, 1778
Henrietta Hill, d. of John and Priscilla, bp. July 4, 1830. CR1
John, s. of William, bp. Dec. 11, 1726. CR1
John, s. of John and Mary, July 16, 1755
John, s. of Owen and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1768
John, s. of John and Hannah, Dec. 28, 1779
John Henry, s. of John and Sarah, bp. June 21, 1807. CR1
Lucy, d. of Owen and Sarah, Mar. 26, 1762
Lucy, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Aug. 1, 1789
Margaret Augusta, d. of William Jr. and Roxana, in Salisbury, Conn., Feb. 7, 1846. CR2
Mary, d. of Owen and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1755
Mary, d. of Owen and Sarah, Apr. 1, 1759
Mary, d. of William and Mary, bp. Apr. 17, 1814. CR1
Mary Bell, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Jan. 23, 1797
Mary Frances, d. of William Jr. and Roxana S., in Salisbury, Conn., Apr. 23, 1844. CR2
Mary Madelia, d. of John and Sarah, bp. Feb. 12, 1809. CR1
Owen, s. of William and -----, Jan. 2, 1723
Owen, s. of Owen and Sarah, July 15, 1748
Owen, s. of Owen and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1752
Owen, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Aug. 26, 1783
Polly, d. of John, bp. Feb. 29, 1784. CR1
Priscilla, d. of John and Sarah, bp. Sept. 17, 1826. CR1
Rebeccah, d. of William, bp. Sept. 4, 1715. CR1
Roxana Seaver [-----], w. of Rev. William, in Boston, Oct. 13, 1810. GR3
Samuel, s. of Owen, bp. Sept. 22, 1765. CR1
Sarah, d. of William, bp. Jan. 9, 1708-09. CR1
Sarah, d. of William, bp. Apr. 26, 1713. CR1
Sarah, d. of Owen and Sarah, Sept. 27, 1753
Sarah, d. of John Jr. and Sarah, May 21, 1806
Sarah Ann, d. of John and Sarah, bp. Jan. 3, 1819. CR1
Tabitha, d. of William and Tabitha, Mar. 3, 1710-11
Theodore, s. of John and Sarah, bp. July 26, 1812. CR1
Thomas, s. of William, bp. Aug. 13, 1721. CR1
Thomas, s. of Owen and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1746
Thomas, s. of Owen and Sarah, July 17, 1757
William, s. of Owen and Hannah, May 27, 1680
William, s. of William and Tabitha, Oct. 3, 1706
William, s. of John, bp. Apr. 20, 1760. CR1
William, s. of Owen and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1765
William, s. of John and Hannah, Mar. 8, 1782
William, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Apr. 23, 1787
William, Rev., May 2, 1811. GR3
William, s. of William and Mary, bp. Apr. 17, 1814. CR1
Caleb Henry, Dec. 6, 1816. GR3
Chloe M. Houghton [-----], w. of J. Edwin, ----, 1846. GR3
Elizabeth [-----], w. of Caleb Henry, Sept. 2, 1820. GR3
Elizabeth Christiana, d. of Tobias L. and Elizabeth C., Aug. 28, 1831
Elizabeth Eldridge, Oct. 15, 1844. GR3
Elizabeth R., ----, 1810. GR3
J. Edwin, ----, 1845. GR3
John, Jan. 24, 1817. GR3
John S., s. of John and Rebecca, Feb. --, 1845
Joseph B., s. of Henry and Elizabeth, in Boston, Aug. 5, 1848
Mary E., d. of John, Mar. 13, 1848
Rebecca [-----], w. of John, Apr. 6, 1817. GR3
Samuel, s. of Jno and Sarah, May 10, 1680
Adeline, d. of John and Catherine, Jan. 17, 1849
Alden, s. of Alden and Harriet A., Jan. 6, 1843. GR3
Ann Barnard [-----], w. of John A., ----, 1819. GR3
Charles Edward, s. of William and Louisa, Aug. 9, 1844
Charles F., ----, 1845. GR3
Frances M. Bogman [-----], w. of Moses C., ----, 1818. GR3
George, s. of Josiah and Mary, Mar. 2, 1794
George Washington, Oct. 1, 1813. GR3
Georgiana Thompson [-----], w. of George Washington, Dec. 19, 1821. GR3
Harriet A. [-----], w. of Alden, June 19, 1820. GR3
Harriet Cornelia Merrick, Sept. 15, 1843. GR3
Harriet F., ----, 1847. GR3
Henry Pelham, Nov. --, 1834. Twin. GR3
Henry W., Nov. 1, 1830. GR3
James, s. of James and Eliza, Dec. 3, 1845
John A., ----, 1818. GR3
John C., July 5, 1823. GR2
John D., Nov. --, 1834. Twin. GR3
Joseph Bogman, ----, 1848. GR3
Lucy Rogers Newell [-----], w. of George Washington, Aug. 15, 1813. GR3
Marcellus R., July 31, 1836. GR3
Mary [-----], w. of -----, Aug. 19, 1777. GR3
Mary, d. of Josiah and Mary, Jan. 22, 1796
Mary E. [-----], w. of John C., Dec. 10, 1823. GR2
Mary P., Apr. 16, 1822. GR3
Moses C., ----, 1817. GR3
Samuel Dennis, in Grafton, Sept. 13, 1817. GR3
Sarah White, in Charlton, Feb. 10, 1848. CR11
Washington, July 5, 1819. GR3
William, Nov. 17, 1812. GR3
William, Apr. 11, 1814. GR3
Elizabeth [-----], w. of -----, ----, 1836. GR3
Charles B., Dec. 30, 1833. GR3
Diana P., Feb. 5, 1824. GR3
Elizabeth W. Grinnell, d. of William R. P. and Susan Ellen Tucker, June 30, 1839. GR3
Ellen Washburn Freund, d. of William R. P. and Susan Ellen Tucker, Aug. 1, 1837. GR3
Emory, in Leicester, Feb. 14, 1800. GR3
Emory Jr., June 26, 1837. GR3
Francis Tucker, s. of William R. P. and Susan Ellen Tucker, Sept. 24, 1843. GR3
George W. C., Dec. 21, 1819. GR3
Marianne C., in Fitchburg, June 8, 1810. GR3
Miles, Oct. 14, 1830. GR3
Susan Ellen, d. of William R. P. and Susan Ellen Tucker, Dec. --, 1835. GR3
Susan Ellen Tucker [-----], w. of William R. P., Dec. 10, 1812. GR3
William R. P., in Middleborough, Mar. 29, 1794. GR3
WASON (also see Wasson, Wesson)
Elbridge, Sept. 26, 1809. GR3
Frances Haseltine [-----], w. of William, Mar. 25, 1819. GR3
Harriet N. [-----], w. of Robert, Nov. 10, 1833. GR3
Robert, Mar. 14, 1812. GR3
WASSON (also see Wason, Wesson)
Mary Turner, d. of William, bp. Mar. --, 1805. CR1
Andrew Oliver, s. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, Nov.1 2, 1789
Benjamin, Dr., in Newport, R.I., Mar. 4, 1754. GR3
Benjamin, s. of Dr. Benjamin and Elizabeth, July 28, 1797
Daniel Oliver, s. of Dr. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Feb. 18, 1795
Elizabeth Watson, d. of Dr. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Mar. 14, 1793
John Fothergill, s. of Dr. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Aug. 1, 1791
Mary, d. of Dr. Benjamin and Elisabeth, Aug. 6, 1799
Sarah Louise Adams [-----], w. of Joseph L., Apr. 3, 1834. GR3
Thomas, in Lebanon, N.H., Sept. 14, 1791. GR3
Edwin Forbes, ----, 1822. GR3
George Franklin, ----, 1824. GR3
George W. of Newton, in Ashby, July 4, 1798. GR3
Lucy, d. of Capt. Daniel and Mary, May 5, 1797
Sarah Forbes [-----], w. of George W., in Greenfield, May 30, 1798. GR3
Anna C. L. [-----], w. of Robert C., ----, 1812. GR3
Hepsea Lord [-----], w. of Robert, in Kennebunk, Me., Jan. 25, 1788. GR3
Robert, in Edinburgh, Scot., Feb. 12, 1778. GR3
Robert, only s. of Robert C. and Anna Q., May 6, 1845. GR3
Robert C., ----, 1812. GR3
Eliza A. B., ----, 1817. GR3
Lydia A., Oct. 16, 1811. GR3
Frances L., d. of Oliver W. and Sarah W., Aug. 27, 1846
Franklin H., s. of Oliver W. and Sarah W., July 10, 1848
WATSON (also see Wattson)
Abiel, s. of Isaac, bp. Aug. 13, 1727. CR1
Abigail, d. of Jacob and Mary, Aug. 4, 1800
Abraham, s. of Jno and Rebeccah, June 26, 1661 (June 25. dup.)
Abraham, s. of Abraham, bp. Feb. 21, 1696-7. CR1
Abraham, s. of Isaac and Anna, Aug. 20, 1712
Abraham, s. of Abraham and Mary, Mar. 21, 1728-9
Abraham, s. of Abraham (Jr., CR1) and Lucy, Mar. 5, 1752
Abraham, s. of Nathaniel P. and Lydia, July 23, 1802
Abraham Andrews, s. of William and Catharine, May 11, 1800 (May 11, 1799. dup.), *Dr. Abraham A., ----, 1799. GR3).
Ann, d. of Jno and Rebecca, Aug. 21, 1666
Anna, d. of Isaac and Elizabeth, Dec. 22, 1741
Anna, d. of Daniel and Anna, Apr. 2, 1759
Arthur Lee, Lieut. U.S. Marine Corps., July 25, 1840. GR3
Benjamin, s. of Isaac and Abiel, Nov. 14, 1730
Caroline [-----], w. of Lieut. Arthur Lee, Oct. 5, 1841. GR3
Caroline, July 28, 1844. GR3
Caroline A. [-----], w. of David, Apr. 17, 1819. GR3
Caroline A., July 14, 1847. GR3
Catherine, d. of Abraham (Jr., CR1) and Lucy, Dec. 31, 1771
Charles, Feb. 22, 1811. GR3
Charlotte Moriah, d. of Nathaniel and Nancy B., and w. of Edmund F. CUTTER, June 17, 1826. GR3
Daniel, s. of Abraham and Mary, Feb. 14, 1731-2
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Anna, May 22, 1761
David, in Perth, Scot., ----, 1745. GR3
David, Dec. 10, 1811. GR3
David S., Nov. 8, 1842. GR3
Edward, s. of Nathaniel P. and Lydia, Oct. 9, 1799
Eliza [-----], w. of Henry, in Bawtry, Yorkshire, Eng., Apr. 29, 1837. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Isaac, bp. Mar. 4, 1753. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of Nathan and Margarett, May 20, 1777
Elizabeth, d. of William and Katharine, Jan. 28, 1794
Elizabeth Heath [-----], w. of David, in Boston, Oct. 29, 1749. GR3
Elizabeth P., June 21, 1811. GR3
Elizabeth P. Ritter [-----], w. of Dr. Abraham A., ----, 1807. GR3
Fanny, d. of Daniel and Anna, May 4, 1767
Isaac, s. of Abraham and Mary, Mar. 3, 1689-90
Isaac, s. of Isaac and Anna, Feb. 28, 1713-14
Isaac, s. of Isaac and Elizabeth, May 12, 1767
Isaack, s. of John and Rebeccah, Sept. 24, 1669
J. S., ----, 1834. GR2
Jacob, s. of Jno and Rebeccah, Dec. 20, 1671
Jacob, s. of Abraham, bp. May 7, 1704. CR1
Jacob, s. of Jacob and Lydia, Feb. 24, 1727-8
Jacob, s. of Jacob and Mehitabel, Sept. 3, 1764
John, s. of Jno and Rebeccah, Oct. 14, 1653
John, s. of Abraham, bp. Feb. 21, 1696-7. CR1
John, s. of Jacob and Lydia, Sept. 26, 1729
John, s. of Isaac, bp. Aug. 8, 1762. CR1
John Waldo, s. of Jacob and Mary, Dec. 13, 1802 (John Waldo, s. of Jacob and Abigail, bp. Jan. 16, 1803. CR1)
John Waldo, s. of Jacob and Abigail, bp. Feb. 4, 1810. CR1
Jonathan, s. of Abraham, bp. Oct. 18, 1702. CR1
Joseph, s. of Daniel and Anna, Oct. 23, 1772
Joseph, U.S.N., in Boston, Feb. 11, 1792. GR3
Julia E., Oct. 18, 1842. GR3
Katherine Bradish, d. of Jacob and Abigail, bp. Nov. 29, 1807. CR1
Lucy (afterwards Lucy Munro), d. of Jacob and Lydia, May 15, 1741
Lucy, d. of Abraham and Lucy, Mar. 26, 1754
Lucy, d. of Abraham (Jr., CR1) and Lucy, Feb. 13, 1762
Lydia, d. of Jacob, bp. Sept. 30, 1733. CR1
Lydia, d. of Jacob and Lydia, Mar. 7, 1737-8
Lydia, d. of Abraham (Jr., CR1) and Lucy, July 20, 1768
Lydia, d. of Nathan and Margarett, May 3, 1780
Margaret, d. of Isaac and Elizabeth, July 9, 1746
Margaret J. [-----], w. of J. S., ----, 1835. GR2
Mary, d. of Abraham, bp. Apr. 14, 1700. CR1
Mary, d. of Abraham (Jr., CR1) and Lucy, Feb. 11, 1763
Mary, d. of William and Susanna, Dec. 12, 1788
Mary, d. of Nathaniel P. and Lydia, Jan. 27, 1810
Mary Ellen [-----], w. of John F., Aug. --, 1847. GR2
Mehitabel, d. of Jacob and Mehitabel, Sept. 10, 1766
Nancy, d. of William and Susanna, Oct. 23, 1782
Nancy, d. of Jacob and Abigail, bp. June 23, 1805. CR1
Nathan, s. of Jacob, bp. Oct. 31, 1731. CR1
Nathan, s. of Jacob and Lydia, May 30, 1735
Nathan, s. of Nathan and Margarett, May 14, 1775
Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel P. and Lydia, Dec. 17, 1797
Nathaniel Prentiss, s. of Abraham (Jr., CR!) and Lucy, Oct. 21, 1764
Peggy, d. of Nathan and Margarett, June 10, 1773
Polly, d. of William, bp. May 29, 1787. CR1
Priscilla, d. of Wililam and Susanna, Apr. 9, 1784
Rebecca, d. of Daniel and Anna, June 3, 1765
Rebeccah, d. of John and Rebecca, bp. -----, 16--. CR1
Rebekah, d. of Jacob, bp. May 17, 1747. CR1
Ruth, d. of Abraham and Lucy, Sept. 19, 1765
Samuel, s. of Isaac, bp. July 21, 1751. CR1
Samuel, s. of Abraham and Lucy, Nov. 11, 1757
Samuel, s. of Abraham and Lucy, Sept. 9, 1759
Samuel, s. of Daniel and Anna, Nov. 18, 1769
Samuel, s. of William and Katharine, Feb. 2, 1796
Sarah, d. of Abraham, bp. June 2, 1745. CR1
Sarah, d. of Abraham Jr., bp. Sept. 23, 1759. CR1
Sarah, d. of Daniel and Anna, Mar. 15, 1763
Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Nathaniel and Nancy B., Dec. 21, 1832
Sereno, in East Windsor, Conn., Dec. 1, 1826. GR3
Susan [-----], w. of -----, ----, 1842. GR3
Susanna, d. of William and Susanna, Dec. 6, 1780
Thomas J., ----, 1848. GR3
William, s. of Abraham, bp. May 8, 1698. CR1
William, s. of Jacob, bp. Sept. 30, 1744. CR1
William, s. of Isaac, bp. June 1, 1755. CR1
William, s. of William and Suanna, June 13, 1785
William Franklin, ----, 1840. GR3
William Tyng, s. of Abraham (Jr., CR1) and Lucy, Nov. 16, 1773
Caroline Goddard [-----], w. of Francis O., Feb. 27, 1806. GR3
Caroline Goddard, d. of Francis O. and Caroline Goddard, July 11, 1834. GR3
Caroline Goddard, d. of Francis O. and w. of Rev. Thomas S. PYCOTT, Feb. 27, 1838. GR3
Edward, s. of Francis O. and Caroline Goddard, Aug. 2, 1835. GR3
Francis, s. of Francis O. and Caroline Goddard, Apr. 1, 1829. GR3
Francis O., s. of Francis, Aug. 9, 1803. GR3
Lawrence B., s. of Lawrence B., Dec. 5, 1847
Lucy Goddard, d. of Francis O. and Caroline Goddard, Feb. 4, 1827. GR3
Mary J. [-----], w. of -----, ----, 1833. GR2
WATTSON (also see Watson)
Mary, d. of Abraham and Mary, Sept. 2, 1734
Samuell, s. of Abraham and Mary, Dec. 22, 1736
WEATHERBEE (also see Wetherbee)
Elijah T., ----, 1842. GR3
Nathan, in Windham, Conn., Apr. 7, 1767. GR3
Sarah, d. of Nathan and w. of Hawkes LINCOLN, in Boston, Mar. 15, 1798. GR3
Sarah M., Mar. 14, 1833. GR3
-------, d. of John H. and Lydia, Dec. 19, 1848
A. Carter, Dr., ----, 1827. GR3
Abigail, d. of Goody, bp. Apr. 3, 1698. CR1
Alonzo J., Sept. 9, 1800. GR2
Amelia Lees [-----], w. of Oliver H., ----, 1839. GR2
Arria, d. of Samuel and Rebecca, June 17, 1792
Caroline, d. of Samuel and Rebecca, Feb. 18, 1801
Caroline A., Nov. 9, 1847. GR2
Ella P., d. of John H. and Lydia P., July 23, 1847
George, s. of Samuel and Rebecca, Nov. 5, 1790
John Alexander, s. of Prof. -----, bp. Mar. 31, 1799. CR1
L. Culpurnia Balcom [-----], w. of Dr. A. Carter, ----, 1828. GR3
Lydia A., ----, 1809. GR3
Margaret C., ----, 1840. GR3
Mary M. [-----], w. of Alonzo J., June 2, 1805. GR2
Matilda, d. of Samuel and Rebecca, Jan. 18, 1796
Oliver H., ----, 1832. GR2
Phillip, ----, 1799. GR3
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Rebecca, Sept. 15, 1797
Sophia, d. of Samuel and Rebecca, Oct. 21, 1793
William L., May 25, 1829. GR2
Frederick E., ----, 1829. GR3
Margaret Anna, ----, 1824. GR3
------- [-----], w. of John, ----, 1822. GR2
Anna Jeannette, ----, 1846. GR3
Benaiah, in Antrim, N.H., June 8, 1807. GR3
Catherine, in Kittery, Me., Aug. 8, 1810. GR3
Charles E.,----, 1822. GR3
David Moor, Dec. 18, 1825. GR3
Elizabeth H. [-----], w. of Theodore B., ----, 1832. GR2
Ellen Amanda Sawyer, Aug. 2, 1829. GR3
George A., in Charlestown, July 4, 1844. GR3
Harriet F., Mar. 22, 1794. GR3
Harriet N., Apr. 27, 1816. GR3
Helen Jane, d. of George W. and Helen, in Wayland, Oct. --, 1845
Humphrey P., June 8, 1821. GR3
James P., s. of John and Agnes, Nov. 12, 1846
Lydia A., ----, 1821. GR3
Martha A., Jan. 8, 1842. GR3
Sarah Gile Lowell [-----], w. of Humphrey P., Aug. 22, 1819. GR3
Sarah J., d. of John and Agnes, July 30, 1848
Sophia G., ----, 1827. GR3
Theodore B., ----, 1825. GR2
Edward Condy, in Portland, Me., July 10, 1818. GR3
Joshua B., ----, 1815. GR3
Laura C. [-----], w. of Joshua B., ----, 1824. GR3
Ebenezer, July 20, 1792. GR3
Lydia Ann [-----], w. of Ebenezer, ----, 1791. GR3
Joseph, Apr. 16, 1843. GR2
WELBASKY (also see Wellbasky)
Susan Ruggles, ----, 1820. GR3
WELCH (also see Welsh, Weltch)
Albion K. P., Feb. 20, 1825. GR3
Ann, d. of Jame, July --, 1847
Catherine, d. of John, Feb. 19, 1847
Ellen, d. of John, Oct. --, 1847
Hannah, d. of Joseph and Mary, July 2, 1759
Hannah R. [-----], w. of Benjamin Welch, ----, 1815. GR2
James, s. of John and Mary, July 5, 1849
John, s. of Morris, Aug. --, 1847
John H., Nov. 17, 1814. GR3
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, Oct. 18, 1760
Julia, d. of Walter and Catherine, both b. in Ireland, Aug. 17, 1849
Julia A. G., Dec. 22, 1821. GR3
Julia R., ----, 1841. GR2
Mary, d. of Joseph and Mary, July 21, 1755
Mary A., d. of James and Mary, July 6, 1843
Mary Ann, d. of Walter, May 19, 1845
Maurice, s. of Maurice and Bridgett, both b. in Ireland, Aug. --, 1849
Sarah Bound, Apr. 18, 1819. GR3
Susannah, d. of Joseph and Mary, May 21, 1769. CR2
Thomas, s. of Michael and Bridgett, Feb. 15, 1848
Walter, s. of Walter, July 22, 1847
William Parker, s. of Joseph and Mary, bp. Nov. 1, 1761, a. 5 y. CR2
Alexander Hamilton, Nov. 23, 1821. GR3
Bethia, d. of Daniel and Bethia, Jan. 24, 1667
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Bethia, Aug. 20, 1663
Edward, s. of Daniel and Bethia, June 7, 1666
Elizabeth W., ----, 1835. GR3
Hannah S. [-----], w. of Alexander Hamilton, May 3, 1819. GR3
Mary, d. of Benjamin and w. of Gardner BREWER, Nov. 25, 1804. GR3
WELLBASKY (also see Welbasky)
Frances Ann, d. of Edward D. and Susan R., Nov. 22, 1841
Clara H. [-----], w. of Royal F., ----, 1828. GR3
WELLES (also see Wells)
Eliza Ann, ----, 1809. GR3
-------, d. of Henry W. and Martha, Feb. 13, 1849
-------, s. of Dr. William W., b. in West Cambridge, and Martha B., b. in Lancaster, Dec. 19, 1849
Amanda A., Nob. 6, 1843. GR3
Austin C., Col., in Lexington, July 17, 1840. GR3
Caroline W. (Caroline Ware, CR9), d. of Dr. William W. and Martha B., Oct. 4, 1848
Curtis W., s. of Henry W., Jan. 16, 1847
Elizabeth Lord, d. of William W. and Lucy Elizabeth, Mar. 3, 1843
Florence, d. of Francis E., bp. ----, 1849. CR9
Frances Louisa [-----], w. of Joseph Varnum, Feb. 5, 1826. GR3
George, Apr. --, 1814. GR3
George H., s. of Henry W. and Martha, Oct. 3, 1844
H. Augusta [-----], w. of William, ----, 1824. GR3
Hannah B., Oct. 25, 1817. GR3
Harriet E. Bosworth [-----], w. of Jonas C., May 15, 1819. GR3
Jonas C., Nov. 30, 1815. GR3
Joseph Varnum, Jan. 24, 1812. GR3
Julia, d. of Benjamin F. and Julia, in Boston, Apr. 8, 1849
Martha B. Carter [-----], w. of Dr. William W., in Lancaster, Oct. 22, 1817. GR2
Rebecca S., d. of Rev. Charles, D.D., and w. of Dr. Artemas Z. BROOM, Apr. 5, 1812. GR2
William W., Dr., in West Cambridge, July 29, 1814. GR2
Andrew, on the Doune, Scotland, ----, 1791. GR2
WELLS (also see Welles)
-------, d. of Charles and Amanda, Feb. 23, 1847
Andrew T. Hall, s. of John T. and Sarah, Oct. 8, 1841. GR3
Anne Eliza, d. of William and Ann Eliza, Dec. 1, 1832. CR1
Caroline Eustis, d. of William and Ann Eliza, bp. Dec. 1, 1832. CR1
Charles, Dec. 30, 1786. GR3
Charles B., Oct. 8, 1808. GR3
Charles Bartlett, Sept. 5, 1841. GR3
E. M. P., Aug. 4, 1793. GR3
Edward Everett, ----, 1837. GR3
Emily Crafts, d. of William and Ann Eliza, bp. Dec. 1, 1832. CR1
Frederick H., Jan. 15, 1842. GR2
George Doane, Jan. 1, 1847. GR3
George Gay, s. of Francis and -----, bp. Feb. 9, 1837. CR9
George Wadsworth, ----, 1804. GR3
Henrietta Noyes [-----], w. of Samuel H., ----, 1830. GR2
Henry Bartlett, Nov. --, 1848. GR3
Isabella Reed, Feb. 18, 1828. GR2
James E., s. of Charles and Amanda, Apr. 20, 1849
Jeremiah C., Mar. 14, 1837. GR2
John T., h. of Sarah Bartlett, in Boston, Mar. 18, 1812. GR3
Joseph S., Oct. 12, 1825. GR3
Josephine Amelia, d. of Charles and Amanda, July 15, 1843
Lucia G. Fairfield, ----, 1803. GR3
Margaret P., June 6, 1789. GR3
Mary Blanchard, d. of Francis and -----, bp. Sept. 19, 1842. CR9
Mary Frances [-----], w. of Oliver Smith, ----, 1812. GR3
Oliver Smith, ----, 1809. GR3
Oliver Smith, ----, 1842. GR3
P. Francis, Oct. 21, 1822. GR2
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Louisa Appleton, Sept. 9, 1836. GR3
Samuel Hopkins, s. of Francis and -----, bp. Mar. 10, 1834. CR9 (b. 1833. GR2)
Sarah [-----], w. of John T., in Boston, Oct. 6, 1819. GR3
WELSH (also see Welch, Weltch)
Eliza Dexter Goodwin [-----], w. of Charles W., Nov. 24, 1811. GR3
Harriet Amelia [-----], w. of John M., Feb. 19, 1837. GR3
John M., in Scotland, Dec. 24, 1832. GR3
Joseph, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 3, 1768. CR2
WELTCH (also see Welch, Welsh)
Caroline A., ----, 1839. GR2
Susan Maria, d. of James and Frances Ann, bp. Oct. 2, 1842. CR9
Lydia, d. of -----, bp. Mar. 11, 1827. CR2
Arioch, June 13, 1813. GR3
Betsey, d. of ----- and w. of Archibald LOUDON, Sept. 13, 1835. GR3
Bradbury, s. of Lyman and Mary E., in Somerville, Jan. 4, 1845
Catharine R. Motley [-----], w. of Jerome B., Jan. 15, 1825. GR2
Charles G., ----, 1843. GR2
Charles H., s. of John W., in Dover, N.H., and Maria, b. in Roxbury, Dec. 24, 1849
Cordelia D. Ingalls [-----], w. of William H., May 7, 1826. GR3
Harry, in Bennington, Vt., Aug. 29, 1799. GR2
Jemima Owen [-----], w. of Harry, in Hanover, N.H., Sept. 23, 1817. GR2
Jerome B., Aug. 17, 1820. GR2
John W., s. of John W., Mar. 8, 1847
Nettie, Jan. 2, 1846. GR3
Susan M. [-----], w. of Arioch, Mar. 26, 1812. GR3
Violent Sophia, d. of Caesar and Mary, Mar. 19, 1797 [Trans. note: they may have meant to write "Violet," but they put down "Violent," so that's the way it appears here.].
Ferdinande E. [-----], w. of Robert, ----, 1801. GR2
Mary Sarah Fraser [-----], w. of Walter, Feb. 27, 1846. GR2
Robert, ----, 1796. GR2
Gustaf, ----, 1837. GR2
Stina, ----, 1835. GR2
WESSON (also see Wason, Wasson)
Charles Curtis, s. of William and Mary, bp. Dec. 27, 1812. CR1
Charlotte Lucretia Ross, d. of William and Mary, bp. July 16, 1815. CR1
Elizabeth Frederick, d. of William, bp. Dec. 19, 1802. CR1
Helen Ann, d. of William and Mary, bp. June 17, 1810. CR1
John, in Barnet, Vt., Jan. 16, 1802. GR3
Mercy S., ----, 1816. GR3
William Mason, s. of William, bp. June 14, 1807. CR1
Emma Adams [-----], w. of Capt. William, Nov. 13, 1844. GR3
Forrest W., s. of Levi H. and Rebecca W., Sept. 14, 1847
Levi H., July 22, 1820. GR2
Lewisa C. [-----], w. of William B., ----, 1828. GR2
Louisa B., d. of William C. and Louisa, in Boston, Mar. 1, 1844
Maria [-----], w. of John, ----, 1835. GR2
Martha Poland, Aug. 20, 1823. GR3
Matilda L. [-----], w. of Forrest W., Sept. 14, 1847. GR2
Sarah, ----, 1847. GR2
William, Capt., Oct. 7, 1839. GR3
William B., ----, 1816. GR2
William Watson, ----, 1820. GR3
WESTCOTT (also see Westgott)
Henry, Rev., Oct. 30, 1831. GR3
Sarah Read [-----], w. of Rev. Henry, Feb. 24, 1838, GR3
WESTGOTT (also see Westcott)
Bathsheba Hale [-----], w. of George Melville, Apr. 10, 1827. GR3
Frances Erving Valentine [-----], w. of Samuel Martin, in Hopkinton, June 4, 1827. GR3
George Melville, in Augusta, Me., Aug. 19, 1816. GR3
Melville Moore, Aug. 11, 1848. GR3
Reuben H., s. of Reuben and Sarah, Apr. 15, 1849
Samuel Martin, 3d s. of Elephaz and Elizabeth Longfellow, in Bristol, Me., July 21, 1819. GR3
WETHERBEE (also see Weatherbee)
Clara Rand Edwards [-----], w. of Levi, Aug. 30, 1825. GR2
Emma, d. of M. H. and F. G., Mar. --, 1846. GR2
J. Otis, Jan. 16, 1832. GR3
Jeremiah, in Rindge, N.H., Dec. 31, 1779. GR2
Louisa Clark [-----], w. of Isaac F., Nov. 23, 1799. GR3
Lucy Jane, d. of George and Martha, July 16, 1846
Levi, Apr. 24, 1824. GR2
Martha L. [-----], w. of J. Otis, Apr. 19, 1841. GR3
Mary Ann, d. of George and Martha A., Aug. 15, 1844
Mercy Holden, in Barre, Dec. 1, 1790. GR2
Moses H., July 5, 1814. GR2
Hester Ann, Feb. 17, 1790. GR3
Judson M., Aug. 2, 1845. GR2
Thomas, Aug. 31, 1795. GR3
William, Oct. 30, 1749. GR3
Aurelius M., Dr., ----, 1813. GR#
John, ----, 1840. GR2
Mary A., ----, 1813. GR3
Rebecca B., ----, 1819. GR3
George, s. of George and Katherine, Apr. 19, 1653
Thomas, s. of George and Katherine, Nov. 14, 1650
George F., May 20, 1818. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Samuel, bp. May 12, 1723. CR1
Alexander, s. of John and Ann, Nov. 18, 1820
Alexander Strong, Aug. 7, 1820. GR3
Angeline Faunce, ----, 1809. GR3
Ann Catherine, d. of Lewis and Catherine, Nov. 11, 1829
Charles Lewis, s. of Lewis and Catherine, Aug. 22, 1831
Charles Stearns, in Lincoln, Dec. 19, 1816. GR3
Elisha Clap, s. of John and Ann, Nov. 22, 1823
Eliza Ann, d. of Reuben and -----, Feb. 12, 1823
Eliza Frances, d. of Jonathan and Deborah S., Dec. 5, 1837
Elizabeth, July 31, 1819. GR3
Elizabeth Ellen, d. of John and Ann, Jan. 23, 1828
Francis, s. of Jonathan and Deborah S., June 8, 1839
Frederic Lewis, s. of John and Ann, Sept. 13, 1825
Gardner, in Lempster, N.H., Oct. 1, 1821. GR3
George, s. of Jonathan and Deborah S., Aug. 3, 1840
George G., Dec. 2, 1826. GR3
George Henry, s. of Reuben and -----, Nov. 11, 1824
Hannah Maria, Oct. 25, 1825. GR3
Harriet Lord [-----], w. of Loring E., Dec. 23, 1834. GR3
Helen Augusta, d. of Jonathan and Deborah S., May 6, 1836
James Howe, s. of John and Ann, Apr. 5, 1822
John Henry Hobart, s. of Elijah and Hannah, Mar. 6, 1828
John Scammell, s. of John and Mary, Feb. 24, 1810
John Scammell, s. of John and Ann, Sept. 30, 1819
Jonathan Henry, ----, 1843. GR3
Loring E., Sept. 30, 1835. GR3
Lyman W., Apr. 7, 1835. GR3
Margaret, ----, 1783. GR2
Maria Frances, May 13, 1841. GR3
Mary Ann, d. of Elijah and Hannah, Sept. 2, 1831
Mary Blake Emmons [-----], w. of George Woodman, Dec. 18, 1846. GR3
Mary G., ----, 1847. GR3
Mary Merry [-----], w. of Lyman W., Mar. 23, 1837. GR3
Sally Gay, d. of John and Mary, June 13, 1808
Sarah [-----], w. of Emerson, Feb. 20, 1805. GR3
Sarah A. [-----], w. of Gardner, June 6, 1823. GR3
Sarah S., ----, 1782. GR3
William H., ----, 1845. GR2
William P., ----, 1798. GR2
William W., s. of Elisha and Lydia, Aug. 14, 1846
Patrick, s. of Michael, Dec. 6, 1846
Daniel K., Apr. 30, 1833. GR3
Gill, Feb. 7, 1790. GR3
Mary J., June 6, 1817. GR2
Charles H., youngest s. of Lot and Susan, in Boston, May 29, 1813. GR3
Susan, d. of Lot and Susannah and w. of Capt. John CANDLER Jr. of Marblehead, in Boston, Oct. 27, 1798. GR3
Susan, Apr. 17, 1828. GR3
Charles M., Lt. Col., ----, 1821. GR3
Sarah J., ----, 1840. GR2
WHETCOMB (also see Whitcomb)
Jemima, d. of Job and Mary, Mar. 30, 1678
-------, d. of Edward and Mary A., Apr. 29, 1848
Adeline L. (Adeline Louisa, CR11), d. of John (and Charlotte W., CR11), May 30, 1847
Charlotte, in West Boylston, Aug. 28, 1809. CR11
Charlotte B., ----, 1821. GR3
Edwin Perry, ----, 1819. GR3
John, in Boylston, Aug. 26, 1811. CR11
John Leach, July 3, 1813. GR3
Samuel Austin Fay, s. of John and Charlotte, Aug. 9, 1838. CR11
William Henry, s. of Lyman and Sarah, b. Aug. 9, 1846. CR4
William, Jan. 1, 1827. GR3
WHITCOMB (also see Whetcomb)
Charles Henry, s. of Henry M. and Matilda F., Mar. 30, 1832
Frances A. [-----], w. of Henry F., ----, 1815. GR3
Francis E., May 17, 1840. GR3
Henry F., ----, 1814. GR3
Irvine A., ----, 1839. GR3
Mary Abigail Lawrence [-----], w. of William Wirt, June 20, 1840. GR3
Mary E., d. of John A. and Mary L., Sept. 24, 1845
Mary Hyde [-----], w. of William W., July 3, 1835. GR3
William H., ----, 1844. GR3
-------, d. of Elijah R., July 30, 1846. Twin
-------, s. of Elijah R., July 30, 1846. Twin
-------, d. of Curtis, Mar. 8, 1847
Alice Hillyer, ----, 1848. GR3
Alice Lavina, d. of John P. and Laura, Aug. 20, 1849
Amos, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Aug. 7, 1806
Angelina [-----], w. of Artemas, Jan. 5, 1806. GR3
Anna Tufts, Mar. 11, 1832. GR3
Benjamin F., in Cavendish, Vt., Aug. 4, 1791. GR3
Benjamin F. Jr., in Boston, July 24, 1822. GR3
Charles, s. of Timothy and Ellen, Aug. 15, 1848
Charles H., Feb. 24, 1817. GR3
Charles Robert, Dec. 19, 1825. GR3
Charlotte (Charlotte Avery dup.), d. of Joseph A. (Joseph Avery dup.) and Charlotte, Dec. 21, 1846
Cordelia R. [-----], w. of Thomas, -----, 1836. GR2
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Mary, May 18, 1695
Daniel, Dec. 6, 1804. GR3
Daniel, Sept. 12, 1815. GR3
Daniel F., Nov. 16, 1835. GR3
Daniel W., ----, 1838. GR3
Dorothy Hancock, ----, 1799. GR3
Ellen Elizabeth, d. of Ferdinand E. and w. of Isaiah T. WILLIAMS, Oct. 21, 1826. GR3
Ellen Maria [-----], w. of Ralph H., Dec. 25, 1842. GR3
Emmeline K., ----, 1805. GR3
Fannie E. Rogers [-----], w. of George D., Aug. 25, 1832. GR3
George B., ----, 1843. GR3
George D., Oct. 26, 1825. GR3
George McAllister, Capt. U.S.N., July 22, 1814. GR3
George W., June 16, 1799. GR3
Hannah, d. of Thomas of Charlestown, bp. Aug. 21, 1698. CR1
Hannah M. [-----], w. of Charles H., Sept. 9, 1825. GR3
Helen A. [-----], w. of Charles E., Aug. 28, 1832. GR3
Henrietta Nickels [-----], w. of Capt. George McAllister, ----, 1819. GR3
Hiram L., ----, 1840. GR3
James, s. of Timothy and Ellen, Dec. 1, 1849
Jason L., Apr. 5, 1838. GR3
Jerome T., ----, 1825. GR3
John, s. of Daniell and Mary, Feb. 16, 1699
John, s. of Thomas and Margaret, Oct. 26, 1847
John Gardner, in Boston, Feb. 23, 1833. GR3
Jonathan Huntingdon, July 25, 1836. GR3
Joseph, s. of Daniel and Mary, Apr. 17, 1704
Juliet A. [-----], w. of Martin K., Jan. 5, 1800. GR2
Laura, d. of Curtis and Louisa, June 20, 1848
Louisa Bigelow [-----], w. of Lyman, in Brattleboro, Vt., ----, ----, GR3
Louisa R., ----, 1816. GR2
Lucy A., July 7, 1830. GR3
Lucy Ward [-----], w. of Charles Robert, July 25, 1830. GR3
Lyman, in Easton, ----, 1800. GR3
Martha A. Ellis [-----], w. of James C., Aug. 13, 1838. GR3
Martin K., Nov. 24, 1796. GR2
Mary, d. of Daniell and Mary, Oct. 24, 1697
Mary, d. of Thomas and Margaret, Mar. 6, 1849
Mary A. [-----], w. of Maurice W., ----, 1835. GR2
Mary Beach, in Hartford, Dec. 23, 1833. GR3
Mary E., Feb. --, 1829. GR3
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Thomas J. and Sarah, Dec. 19, 1846
Mary F. Butler [-----], w. of George B., ----, 1842. GR3
Mary Josephine, d. of Ferdinand Elliot and w. of Dr. Freeman J. BUMSTEAD, Sept. 16, 1829. GR3
Mary May, July 13, 1848. GR3
Maurice W., ----, 1835. GR2
Miriam, ----, 1822. GR3
Roxanna, Jan. 6, 1801. GR3
Samuel K., July 7, 1830. GR3
Sarah, d. of Daniell and Mary, Aug. 23, 1711
Sarah A. M. [-----], w. of -----, Apr. 10, 1814. GR3
Sarah F. [-----], w. of Daniel W., ----, 1839. GR3
Sibbel, d. of Daniell and Mary, May 12, 1706
Sophia R., May 10, 1815. GR3
Stephen, s. of Daniell and Mary, Apr. 27, 1709
Susan Rogers [-----], w. of Benjamin F., in Gloucester, Jan. 28, 1796. GR3
Thomas, s. of Daniell and Mary, Feb. 22, 1701
Ward Jackson, ----, 1829. GR3
William, Sept. 30, 1849. GR3
William H., ----, 1819. GR2
Zeruah, d. of Adonijah and Keziah Howard, in Easton, ----, ----, GR3
Margaret N., d. of John, b. in Boston, and Sarah B., b. in Salem, Dec. 8, 1849
Ada F., Oct. 15, 1828. GR3
Almeria F. Locke [-----], w. of Newell, June 7, 1841. GR3
Newell, Feb. 18, 1837. GR3
WHITING (also see Whyting)
Arthur N., ----, 1845. GR3
Caleb, s. of Charles and Harriet Homer, in Boston, Mar. 7, 1830. GR3
Elizabeth, ----, 1807. GR3
Emeline A., d. of Rufus C. and Sarah B., July 22, 1848
Emma L. [-----], w. of Charles E., Aug. 10, 1839. GR3
Fernando, s. of Rufus and Sarah, Apr. 23, 1844
Frances L. [-----], w. of Arthur N., ----, 1847. GR3
George F., June 4, 1828. GR2
James, Jan. 30, 1805. GR3
John, ----, 1814. GR3
Mary Ann B. Lillie [-----], w. of James, May 28, 1810. GR3
Nathaniel, ----, 1802. GR3
Rebecca, ----, 1819. GR3
William D., Dec. 13, 1844. GR3
William H., ----, 1843. GR3
Eliza Gibson, ----, 1847. GR2
Frances Adeline Harlow [-----], w. of Bennet of Union, S.C., in Boston, Aug. 25, 1806. GR3
Alfred, s. of Edmund B. and Nancy R., Oct. 9, 1842
Emma P. [-----], w. of William D. A., Oct. 13, 1835. GR3
Ephraim Parks, Jan. 11, 1809. GR2
George Henry, Feb. 10, 1808. GR3
Hannah E. Gove [-----], w. of Hiram, Mar. 24, 1811. GR3
Hannah Thompson, May 6, 1800. GR3
Henry, Aug. 5, 1839. GR3
Hiram, Nov. 8, 1814. GR3
James A., ----, 1839. GR2
James Nicholas, s. of Edmund B. and Nancy R., Apr. 11, 1847
Joseph, ----, 1775. GR2
Lucy Parks, ----, 1776. GR2
M. Josephine [-----], w. of James A., ----, 1841. GR2
Minerva B. Rogerson [-----], w. of James H., Oct. 22, 1847. GR3
Russell, s. of Edmund B. and Nancy R., Aug. 24, 1844
Sarah Caroline, ----, 1822. GR2
Sophronia A., ----, 1813. GR2
William D. A., Dec. 28, 1835. GR3
WHITMORE (also see Whittemore, Whittmore, Wittemore)
Abigail, d. of Francis and Isabell, July 3, 1660
Ann, called Nanny, d. of Francis, bp. Apr. 13, 1707. CR1
Charles J., in Dorchester, Apr. 27, 1834. GR3
Charles O., in Bath, Me., Nov. 2, 1807. GR3
Daniel, ----, 1842. GR2
Elizabeth, d. of Francis and Isabell, May 1, 1649
Elizabeth Jane, May 18, 1847. GR3
Fanny T. W., ----, 1849. GR3
Frances, d. of Frances and Isabell, ----, 1650
Francis, s. of Francis and Margarett, Mar. 3, 1671
Francis, s. of Samuel and Rebekah, Dec. 9, 1686
Hannah, d. of Francis and -----, bp. Feb. 15, 1667. CR1
Hannah, d. of Francis and Margarett, Sept. 9, 1668
John, s. of Francis and Isabell, Oct. 1, 1654
John, s. of John and Lydia, Apr. 24, 1737
John, in Leicestershire, Eng., ----, 1840. GR3
Lydia, d. of John, bp. Jan 14. 1741. CR1
Margery, d. of Francis and Isabell, bp. Mar. 27, 1664. CR1
Martha Hudson, d. of Charles O. and Lovice Ayres, Sept. 5, 1838. GR3
Mary, d. of John and Lydia, Sept. 3, 1735
Mary E., Aug. 17, 1809. GR3
Samuel, s. of Francis and Isabell, May 1, 1658
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Rebekah, Apr. 1, 1688
Samuel, s. of John and Lydia, July 4, 1744
Sarah, d. of Francis and Isabell, Mar. 7, 1662
William, s. of Samuell Jr., bp. Oct. 29, 1732. CR1
William H., in Dorchester, ----, 1836. GR3
WHITNEY (also see Whittney)
Abbie A. [-----], w. of Richard D., ----, 1834. GR2
Abby, in Derby, Conn., Aug. 16, 1788. CR11
Abel, in Northboro, May 23, 1783. GR3
Abigail White, d. of Abel and Susanna, bp. May 20, 1827. CR1
Alfred Henry, s. of William and Elizabeth, Aug. 11, 1830
Alice Orne, d. of Benjamin D. and Elizabeth, bp. July 28, 1839. CR1
Amos P., s. of Amos and Sophia W., in Boston, May 27, 1847
Andrew J., s. of Hosea, Dec. 20, 1846
Anna A., Mar. 18, 1843. GR2
Anna B. [-----], w. of Joseph S., June 23, 1831. GR3
Anna M. Fairbanks [-----], w. of E. Herbert, Aug. 22, 1849. GR3
Augustus Anson (s. of Abel and Susanna, CR1), Dec. 4, 1812. GR3
Benjamin L., June 24, 1810. GR2
Benjamin Lincoln, s. of B. L. and Caroline St. A., bp. Apr. 25, 1842. CR9
Benjain White (s. of Abel and Susanna, CR1), Aug. 9, 1815. GR3
Caroline F., d. of Benjamin L., b. in Hingham, and Caroline St. A., b. in Lincoln, Oct. 2, 1849
Caroline St. Aubyn, ----, 1814. GR2
Caroline St. Aubin, d. of B. L. and Caroline St. A., bp. Apr. 25, 1842. CR9
Charles, Dec. 11, 1828. GR3
Charles Edward, s. of Charles and Caroline F., Jan. 5, 1840
Charles Henry, s. of Benjamin D. and Elizabeth, in Boston, Apr. 16, 1849
Christiana K. S., Feb. 8, 1837. GR3
Clara Maria, d. of Charles and Caroline F., Jan. 4, 1845
Clarence, Jan. 1, 1838. GR3
Deborah A., d. of Adam and Mary A., in West Cambridge, Nov. 3, 1847
Edward Zaccheus, s. of Edward t. and Lydia L., Nov. 24, 1833
Electa B. [-----], w. of Martin, Jan. 31, 1813. GR2
Elias B., ----, 1821. GR3
Elizabeth Pratt [-----], w. of Joseph, Aug. 29, 1800. GR3
Ella C., d. of Charles and Caroline, Mar 15, 1847
Emily B., ----, 1822. GR3
Emma S. [-----], w. of William H., Nov. 20, 1843. GR3
Eunice, d. of Israel and Mary H., Sept. 22, 1834. GR3
Evelyn Augusta Sawyer [-----], w. of Augustus Anson, May 11, 1844. GR3
Fanny Lawrence [-----], w. of Henry Austin, Aug. 19, 1828. GR3
Frances A., Mar. 22, 1808. GR3
Frederick William, in Boston, Jan. 21, 1833. GR3
Frederick William, in Boston, Aug. 1, 1834. GR3
George, Nov. 1, 1832. GR3
George Drucker, Apr. 15, 1849. GR3
George F., June 4, 1828. GR2
Hannah L., Oct. 7, 1828. GR3
Harriet Josephine, Dec. 10, 1833
Henrietta Parker, Mar. 14, 1837. GR3
Henry Austin, Oct. 6, 1826. GR3
Israel, Nov. 4, 1797. GR3
Israel Goodwin, Jan. 30, 1831. GR3
John, s. of John and Mary B., Apr. 9, 1831
Joseph, June 11, 1796. GR3
Joseph H., ----, 1822. GR2
Julia A. [-----], w. of Clarence, Apr. 4, 1841. GR3
Julia Ann, d. of William L. and Rebecca R., Aug. 1, 1847
Laura A. [-----], w. of Nathaniel D., Oct. 11, 1819. GR3
Laura E., June 26, 1840. GR3
Laura Leffingwell, d. of Hammond and L. L., June --, 1843
Levi, Aug. 23, 1795. GR3
Lorinda Carleton, Mar. 12, 1822. GR3
Lucy, d. of Adam and Mary A., Nov. 13, 1848
Lucy A., Mar. 18, 1814. GR3
Lucy A. Jones [-----], w. of William L., ----, 1812. GR3
Lucy Ann, d. of William L. and Rebecca R., Aug. 14, 1841
Luther Farwell, Mar. 8, 1819. GR3
Martin, Aug. 16, 1810. GR2
Mary A., June 20, 1800. GR3
Mary Elizabeth, d. of William and Elizabeth H., Mar. 2, 1837
Mary H. [-----], w. of Israel, July 21, 1804. GR3
Nathaniel D., Dec. 11, 1816. GR3
Prudence [-----], w. of William, ----, 1790. GR3
Rebecca R. Brackett [-----], w. of William L., ----, 1809. GR3
Richard D., ----, 1828. GR2
Richard Sullivan, s. of Hammond and Laura L., June 19, 1847
Sarah, in Wiscasset, Me., Nov. 24, 1817. CR11
Sarah Frances, d. of Edward and Lydia L., Oct. 25, 1835
Sarah Josephine, Jan. 18, 1837. GR3
Sarah K., Apr. 8, 1827. GR3
Seraphina Homer, d. of B. L. and Caroline St. A., bp. Apr. 25, 1842. CR9
Sophia Paine, Oct. 31, 1834. GR3
Stanton, Sept. 21, 1836. GR3
Susan [-----], w. of Joseph, ----, 1793. GR2
Susan, in Wiscasset, Me., Nov. 24, 1817. CR11
Susan Abiel, d. of Leonard and Abigail E., in Paxton, July 24, 1844
Susan Elizabeth, d. of Abel and Susanna, bp. Mar. --, 1817. CR1
Susannah [-----], w. of Abel, in Brookline, July 7, 1786. GR3
Walter H., s. of Amos, b. in Waltham, and Sophia W., b. in Newport, R.I., Nov. 12, 1849
William, ----, 1784. GR3
William, s. of wid. Adeline, bp. Oct. 1, 1837. a. 3 y. CR2
William F., May 19, 1803. GR3
William L., ----, 1811. GR3 (William Lambert, s. of Abel and Susanna, CR1)
William Lambert, s. of William L. and Rebecca R., Feb. 1, 1844
William S., s. of William and Elizabeth, June 15, 1828
WHITON (also see Whitten, Whittin, Whitton)
-------, s. of John P. and Lydia, Feb. 21, 1847
Anna E. Martin [-----], w. of Loring L., ----, 1836. GR2
Charles Henry, s. of John (John P., GR3) and Maria, in Boston, Sept. 23, 1843 (1844. GR3)
James Morris, ----, 1809. GR3
John P., ----, 1811. GR3
John W., s. of John P. and Maria E., ----, 1838. GR3
John Wilson, s. of I. M. and Maria, bp. Dec. 25, 1840. CR9
Lincoln B., Mar. 4, 1808. GR3
Loring L., ----, 1832. GR2
Lucy Wellington, d. of James Morris and Mary Elizabeth, Mar. 27, 1842. GR3
Lydia B. [-----], w. of John P., ----, 1818. GR3
Maria E. [-----], w. of John P., ----, 1814. GR3
Mary Elizabeth [-----], w. of James Morris, ----, 1809. GR3
Susan J. [-----], w. of Lincoln B., Mar. 29, 1815. GR3
WHITTACKASS (also see Whittacus, Whittaker)
Samuell, s. of Nathaniell and Hannah, Oct. 17, 1706
WHITTACUS (also see Whittackass, Whittaker)
Nathaniell, s. of Nathaniell and Hannah, Dec. 4, 1707
WHITTAKER (also see Whittackass, Whittacus)
Harriet Amelia, d. of Francis and Mary Ann, May 20, 1843
WHITTEMORE (also see Whitmore, Whittmore, Wittemore)
Abby Elmira, d. of Thomas and Lovice, Apr. 30, 1831
Abby Riggs, d. of Joseph and Comfort, in Charlestown, Oct. 22, 1807
Alden Edgell, Sept. 6, 1819. GR3
Alice Hunting [-----], w. of G. F., Feb. 19, 1844. GR3
Ann [-----], w. of George, Mar. 18, 1797. GR3
Benjamin Bruce, s. of Thomas and Lovice C., June 8, 1838
Benjamin Franklin, ----, 1805. GR3
Clarissa, d. of Josiah and Olive, June 22, 1797
Edward, s. of Capt. Josiah and Olive, Nov. 22, 1799 (Nov. 8, 1799 dup.)
Edwin Francis, ----, 1839. GR3
Eliza Ann, d. of Thomas and Lovice, Feb. 10, 1829. Twin
Elizabeth, d. of Samuell and Margaret, Nov. 24, 1716
Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Love, Oct. 20, 1753
Elizabeth C., d. of Dr. James R. and Lucy J., Apr. 25, 1848
Elizabeth Carteret, d. of William and Abigail, Apr. 4, 1763
Elizabeth Carteret, d. of William and Abigail, Oct. 6, 1764
Elizabeth St. Clair, ----, 1835. GR3
Ellen Frances, d. of Jeremiah of Watertown and Marinda, in Springfield, Aug. 30, 1843
Elmira, d. of Capt. Josiah and Olive, Dec. 28, 1801
George, May 8, 1780. GR3
George, s. of George and Ann, Mar. 13, 1828. GR3
George W., May 5, 1812. GR3
Hannah, d. of Samuell (Jr., CR1) and Elizabeth, Nov. 15, 1727
Hannah, d. of Samuell (Jr., CR1) and Margaret, Dec. 19, 1730
Hannah, ----, 1817. GR3
Hannah Elizabeth, ----, 1845. GR3
Helen, July 8, 1845. GR3
Henry, Jan. 18, 1813. GR3
John M. Jr., Jan. 6, 1846. GR3
John Murray, s. of Thomas and Lovice C., Sept. 19, 1835
Jonathan, s. of Samuel and Love, Nov. 9, 1762
Joseph, s. of Thomas and Lovice C., May 14, 1833
Josiah, s. of Samuel and Love, Dec. 4, 1764
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Olive, May 8, 1795
Katherine, d. of Samuell Jr., bp. Mar. 23, 1735. CR1
Lidia, d. of Samuell and Margaret, Dec. 15, 1722
Louisa, d. of Josiah and Olive, Feb. 22, 1792
Lovice C. [-----], w. of Thomas, Nov. 27, 1801. GR3
Lovice Corbett, d. of Thomas and Lovice (Lovice C., GR3), Apr. 8, 1826 (w. of John E. COWLES, GR3).
Lydia Ann, d. of Thomas and Lovice, Feb. 10, 1829. Twin
Margaret, d. of Samuell (Jr., CR1) and Margaret, Aug. 9, 1718
Maria, d. of Thomas Jr. and Sukey, Oct. 6, 1797
Mary, d. of Samuell and Margaret, Nov. 22, 1726
Mary, d. of Samuell and Elizabeth, May 6, 1741
Mary, d. of Capt. Josiah and Olive, July 27, 1804
Mary Elizabeth, ----, 1847. GR3
Miranda, d. of Jonathan and Rebecca, Sept. 22, 1797
Nathan, s. of Samuel and Love, Nov. 18, 1757
Olive, d. of Josiah and Olive, Dec. 6, 1786
Ruth, d. of Samuell and Margaret, Nov. 5, 1720
Sally, d. of Josiah and Olive, Sept. 15, 1788
Samuel, s. of Samuel, bp. Jan. 28, 1722. CR1
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Margerett, June 13, 1733
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Love, May 6, 1748
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Lydia, Dec. 19, 1797
Samuell, s. of Samuell and Margaret, Dec. 15, 1728
Sarah, d. of Samuel Jr., bp. Mar. 20, 1726. CR1
Sarah Appleton Burnham [-----], w. of Augustus, Sept. 22, 1818. GR3
Sarah C. [-----], w. of Thomas, Nov. 3, 1819. GR3
Sarah T. C., d. of Thomas Jr. and Sarah T. C., Jan. 24, 1847 (w. of William F. Ward, GR3)
Sophia, d. of Josiah and Olive, Nov. 22, 1790
Susannah, d. of Samuell (Jr. CR1) and Elizabeth, Mar. 22, 1730-1
Sylvia K. ----, 1810. GR3
Synia H. [-----], w. of George W., Dec. 3, 1818. GR3
Thomas, s. of Samuell and Elizabeth, Oct. 29, 1729
Thomas, Rev., Jan. 1, 1800. GR3
Thomas, s. of (Rev., GR3) Thomas and Lovice, Sept. 19, 1822
Thomas, s. of Thomas Jr. and Sarah T., Apr. 12, 1845
William, s. of Aaron and Lucy, Nov. --, 1804
Winnifred L., ----, 1849. GR3
WHITTEN (also see Whiton, Whittin, Whitton)
James Orville, May 11, 1833. GR3
Ellen M. [-----], w. of Isaac F., ----, 1821. GR3
Isaac F., ----, 1821. GR3
Laura A. [-----], w. of Leroy A., ----, 1840. GR2
Leroy A. June 5, 1836. GR2
Nathaniel, s. of Joseph M. and Mary E., July 12, 1844
Walter, s. of Joseph M., June 21, 1846
WHITTIN (also see Whiton, Whitten, Whitton)
Ann B. [-----], w. of Hiram B., Mar. 29, 1824. GR2
Hiram B., July 26, 1814. GR2
WHITTMORE (also see Whitmore, Whittemore, Wittemroe)
Abigail, d. of Samuel and Rebeckah, May 8, 1698
Daniel, s. of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 22, 1701
Francis, s. of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 5, 1696
Mary, d. of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 4, 1700
Mary, d. of John, bp. July 20, 1707. CR1
Nathaniel, s. of Samuell and Rebeckah, May 7, 1702
Rebecka, d. of Samuell and Mary, Feb. 9, 1689-90
Samuel, s. of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 22, 1698
Sarah, d. of Samuell and Rebeckah, Apr. 10, 1701
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 4, 1694
WHITTNEY (also see Whitney)
Elijah, s. of Isaiah and Sarah, Aug. 2, 1707
Isaiah, s. of Isaiah and Sarah, June 1, 1700
John, s. of Isaiah and Sarah, Dec. 6, 1698
Jonas, s. of Isaiah and Sarah, Nov. 27, 1711
Sarah, d. of Isaiah and Sarah, Nov. 9, 1705
WHITTON (also see Whiton, Whitten, Whittin)
Harriet R. [-----], w. of James H., Nov. 27, 1824. GR2
James H., Feb. 18, 1825. GR2
Benjamin, in Boston, June 4, 1817. GR3
Catharine, May --, 1779. GR3
Elisabeth H., Nov. 2, 1815. GR3
Eliza, Sept. --, 1787. GR3
Henry, s. of Samuel and Sophia, Mar. 9, 1819. GR3
Lucy C., Jan. 5, 1788. GR3
Mary, Oct. --, 1783. GR3
Mary Greene Hubbard [-----], w. of William S., Feb. 21, 1814. GR3
Mary Hubbard, May 25, 1847. GR3
Samuel, July 28, 1786. GR3
Samuel Horatio, s. of Samuel and Sophia, May 15, 1823. GR3
Sarah, Sept. --, 1785. GR3
Sophia [-----], w. of Samuel, Mar. 3, 1787. GR3
Sophia L., d. of Samuel and Sophia, Sept. 13, 1821. GR3
William S., Dr., Apr. 14, 1846. GR3
William Scollay, in Augusta, Me., May 23, 1809. GR3
WHYTING (also see Whiting)
John, s. of John and Sybil, bp. ----, 16--. CR1
Sybill, d. of John and Sybil, bp. ----, 16--. CR1
William, s. of John and Sybil, bp. Feb. 19, 1659. CR1
Henrietta [-----], w. of Christian, May 2, 1844. GR3
Joseph, Oct. 17, 1827. GR2
Ruth, d. of Robert of Charlestown, bp. Jan. 16, 1697-8. CR1