VITAL RECORDS of CAMBRIDGE Massachusetts, to the Year 1850.
Compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

* = Intention not recorded.
Susanna and John Burns, Dec. 11, 1791*.
Elizabeth Ann of Boston, and Eliot Leighton, int. May 22, 1831.
James of West Cambridge, and Emily Cook, int. Oct. 18, 1828.
John Jr. of Boston, and Nancy Warner (of Townsend, int.), May 3, 1827.
Nathaniel and Sally Swan, int. Sept. 21, 1803.
NAUGHTON (also see Norton)
Charles and Mary Ann Naven, int. Sept. 10, 1848.
Mary Ann and Charles Naughton, int. Sept. 10, 1848.
Clement of Charlestown, and Martha Caroline Kimball, int. Oct. 13, 1833.
Isaac A., s. of Jedediah, a. 26 y., b. in Raymond, N.H., and Caroline M. Snow, dau of Philip T., a. 24 y., b. in Pomfret, Vt., Sept 23. 1846.
John R., s. of Ebenezer, a. 24 y., b. in Raymond, Me., and Hepzibah J. Hanscom, du of William, a. 20 y., b. in Durham, Me., Aug. 10, 1848.
Mary Ann and Milton Bonney of Lowell, Jan. 22, 1845.
NEADOM (also see Needham)
Elizabeth and John Maynard of Sudbury, Dec. 9, 1713. (Dec. 10, CR1)*.
Mehitabel and Jonathan Maynard of Sudbury, Dec. 10, 1714*.
John and Mary Carlin, int. Apr. 6, 1849.
Martin and Mary Magnall, int. Sept. 30, 1849.
NEAL (also see Neale)
Andrew and Harriet Morton, July 18, 1843.
Caleb Henry of Charlestown, and Charlotte Allen, Jan. 15, 1846*.
Clarissa A. and George W. Hale, Dec. 10, 1843.
John W. of Boston, and Lucy Jane Warner, Mar. 22, 1832*.
NEALE (also see Neal)
Robert of Boston, and Silence Carter, Oct. 28, 1836.
NEEDHAM (also see Neadom)
Jno. and Elizabeth Hicks, Oct. 10, 1679*.
Mary and William Leighton, Mar. 8, 1829.
Peter and Abigail F. Bang, June 23, 1833.
Peter, widr., a. 39 y., and Eveline Cook, a. 24 y., May 20, 1845.
Diana P. and Rev. William R. G. Mellen of Taunton, int. Nov. 16, 1844.
Ezra T. (Ezra Thayer, int.) of Grand Rapids, Mich., s. of ------, of Milford, a. 24 y., and Augusta M. (Augusta Maria, int.) Valentine, dau of Charles, a. 24 y., Oct. 8, 1848.
George and Mary Ann Murray, int. Jan. 9, 1846.
John and Jane Robinson, Nov. 8, 1835.
Martha M. of Milford, and Ambrose Chamberlain, int. Mar. 26, 1838.
Merrick and Ellen Crosby, both of Boston, in Boston, Mar. 16, 1837*.
Milton of Roxbury and Julia F. Huntoon, int. Dec. 1, 1836.
Moses B. and Mary A. Morrison of Sanbornton, N.H., int. Nov. 23, 1841.
Peter Jr. and Lucy Dorrison, Mar. 3, 1841.
Thomas (Thomas S., int.) of Wrentham, and Susan B. (Susan Bowen, int.) Messenger, Dec. --, 1824.
Thomas and Fanny Hamblet (of Boston, int.), Oct. 20, 1825.
Elijah and Rebecca Farrington, Nov. 28, 1833*.
Harriet B. and Joseph A. Holmes, int. May 13, 1837.
Martha and Edward Gearfield (Garfield, int.) of Waltham, in Waltham, May 23, 1771.
Mary E. and Alvan Roundy Jr. of Boston, int. Feb. 13, 1848.
Martha E. and Metcalf B. Clark of Boston, Sept. 22, 1833.
Ruth W. of Hardwick, and John Hastings Jr., int. Aug. 8, 1821.
NEWEL (also see Newell)
Eunice of Brooklyn, and John Smith, in Boston, Mar. 28, 1733*.
Grace and William Lock of Woburn, int. May 14, 1747.
NEWELL (also see Newel)
Andrew and Elizabeth Wyeth, Feb. 14, 1785*.
Andrew H. and Martha Valentine, int. Sept. 21, 1839.
Charles S. and Eliza Shuttleworth, Apr. 11, 1839.
Francis and Esther M. Beaverstock, int. Sept. 21, 1844.
Frederick R. and Abigail C. Newhall of Lynn, int. July 16, 1842.
Sarah A. and John Kidney, int. Aug. 15, 1847.
William, Rev., and Frances B. Wells, Apr. 23, 1835.
Abigial C. of Lynn, and Frederick R. Newell, int. July 16, 1842.
Edward of Charlestown, and Hannah Atkinson, Feb. 12, 1837.
George and Maria Bates of Boston, int. June 1, 1837.
Harriet H. and Simon P. Clark, Oct. 27, 1835.
Harriot and E. A. G. Roulstone, both of Boston, Oct. 24, 1839*.
Jacob and Elizabeth Hodgskins, Aug. 21, 1766.
William Henry, s. of Archelaus, a. 27 y., and Climena R. Adams, a. 25 y., both of Lynn, June 9, 1845*.
Elizabeth and James Fillebrown Jr., Apr. 2, 1795*.
Andrew and Sarah Parsons, Dec. 8, 1827.
Andrew (Jr., int.) and Elizabeth S. Hill, Oct. 5, 1834.
Andrew and Sarah W. Parsons, int. May 16, 1840.
Edward and Ann McCue, int. Jan. 11, 1835.
Edward and Mary Tobin, int. Apr. 10, 1837.
Mary Ann of Roxbury, and John Wyeth, in Roxbury, Nov. 12, 1839.
Mary G. and Danforth Lawrence, Mar. 19, 1829.
Patience and Nathaniel Sparhawke, Oct. 3, 1649*.
Rachel C. of Troy, N.H., and Joel H. Conant, int. Mar. 14, 1840.
Samuel of Rehoboth, and Hannah Bunker, May 2, 1689*.
Sylvanus C. of Boston and Deborah B. Tufts, int. May 10, 1823.
Brigham and Eliza Ann Hunt, May 22, 1826.
Cynthia and Perry Farrow, Apr. 4, 1824.
Eliza and John M. St. Clair, Jan. 1, 1832.
Maria and Ebenezer P. Holman, Apr. 24, 1836.
Mary Jane and William D. Merrill, July 4, 1841.
NICHOLS (also see Nickolls, Nickols)
Affa of Carlisle, and Henry Felsted, Aug. 2, 1817. (Colored, CR1).
Benjamin Jr. of Haverhill, and Mary Smith of Sharon, Aug. 21, 1836*.
Elizabeth (Mrs. Elizabeth H., int.) and Enoch Rider, Oct. 13, 1844.
Frederic W., s. of Jonathan, a. 24 y., b. in So. Reading, and Laura Jane Thompson of Medford, dau of Luther, a. 23 y., b. in Danvers, int. Nov. 25, 1849.
George and Susan F. Treadwell of Salem, int. Sept. 14, 1834.
Ichabod, Rev. (of Portland, Me., int.) and Martha S. Higginson, May 2, 1832.
James of Reading and Eunice Walton, Oct. 14, 1794*.
John and Elizabeth Stanly, Feb 19, 1732-3. (Feb. 14, CR1)*.
John, Rev., of Quincy, and Martha Ann Adams of Newton, int Newton, Dec. 28, 1837*.
John and Arvella Rice, int. Jan. 23, 1845.
Margaret S. of Andover, and Nathan Towne, int. May 29, 1845.
Martha A. and Charles Willard of Taunton, int. Oct. 23, 1842.
Mary D., dau of Jacob L., a. 19 y., b. in Hingham, and John M. Colcord, s. of Job of Effingham, N.H., a. 26 y., May 17, 1846.
Mary G. of Charlestown, and Samuel R. Estabrook, Apr. 27, 1834.
Rebecca and Charles Redding, Oct. 13, 1824. Colored.
Rebecca P., dau of James, a. 29 y., and Elisha (Elijah, int.) R. White of Boston, s. of Elisha R., dec., a. 21 y., Feb. 19, 1846.
Susan and John A. (John Adams, int.) Bates, July --, 1827.
Susan (Susan W., int.) and Horace M. Fisk, s. of William, a. 24 y., June 28, 1847.
Zuba and Enoch Lewis, Apr. 30, 1823. Colored.
Bridget, dau of John, a. 20 y., b. in Ireland, and John Crowley of Lexington, s. of John, a. 21 y., b. in Ireland, Nov. 28, 1849.
Frances J. and Benjamin L. Mayhew, int. Oct. 17, 1847.
Mary M. and Seth M. Robbins, Oct. --, 1833.
NICKOLLS (also see Nichols, Nickols)
James and Mary Poole, Nov. 9, 1682*.
NICKOLS (also see Nichols, Nickolls)
Arsenith and William Sherburn, int. Sept. 27, 1817. Colored.
Sarah of Boston, and Josiah Tenney, int. June 11, 1815.
Sarah Ann and Roland Litchfield Jr., int. Aug. 14, 1837.
Ann and Michael Hanley, int. Nov. 1, 1847.
Jabez and Rosanna Dickson, Aug. 22, 1798*.
John and Abigail Frost, Mar. 27, 1803.
Ann Maria, and Franklin E. Hunt of New York, July 26, 1830.
Jonathan E. (J. G., int.) of Boston, and Sarah D. Lovejoy, May 31, 1846.
John of Lexington, and Ellen Congreve, int. Nov. 13, 1837.
John and Caroline Kelly, int. June 20, 1848.
Josias of Boston, and Jane Remote, int. Dec. 26, 1747.
NOLTON (also see Knowlton)
Elizabeth and Daniel Stearns, Sept. 7, 1783*.
Bridget and Patrick Pelliou, July 31, 1849.
Elmira H. and George A. Young, Oct. 27, 1842.
Ann Maria and John English, both of Brighton, June 1, 1826*.
Asa and Elizabeth Greenwood of Newton, in Newton, Apr. 20, 1760.
John and Peggy Everett, Aug. 8, 1799.*
John of Brighton, and Eleanor Estabrook, Apr. 23, 1826.
Mary of Watertown, and John Stearns, in Watertown, Apr. 2, 1713*.
Mary and Daniel Robbins (of Lancaster, int.), June 11, 1755.
Mary and Henry Coolidge, int. Apr. 3, 1776.
Mercy (of Watertown, int.) and John Stratton, May 3, 1749 (1750, CR1).
Mercy (of Boston, int.) and Nathaniel Clark, in Boston, July 7, 1776.
Nehemiah and Ruth Bugbee of Roxbury, int. June 2, 1764.
Samuel H. and Lucinda Sargeant, int. May 15, 1824.
Mary and Edmund Goffe, Esq., in Marblehead, July 24, 1728*.
Elizabeth and John Lodge of Roxbury, int. Sept. 10, 1848.
Erasmus Addison, s. of Rev. Thomas F., and Caroline E. Bird, dau of Charles of Somerville, Dec. 15, 1844.
Eunice T. (Eunice N., int.) and Rev. Samuel Chapman, Apr. 18, 1844.
Lucinda (Lucinda S., int.) and Peter R. Dunham of New York (Boston, int.), Apr. 11, 1843.
Thomas A. B. and Elizabeth M. Kaulbach of Boston, Jan. 3, 1839.
Eliphalet (of Scituate, int.) and Mary Sanderson, May 6, 1755.
NORTON (also see Naughton)
Andrews, Prof., and Catharine Eliot of Boston, int. Apr. 28, 1821.
Ann K. (Ann Kent, int.) and Rufus Kingsbury of Needham, Oct. 6, 1825.
Henry and Rebbecca G. Pease, June 15, 1823.
Irene G. and Jonathan Carey Clark (of Boston, CR1), Dec. 15, 1831*.
Louisa M., dau of Henry, a. 21 y., and James W. Bettinson, widr., s. of William, of Wisconsin, a. 25 y., June 17, 1847.
Lydia and William A. Rush, July --, 1826 (int July 7, 1826).
Lydia B. and Nehemiah K. Childs, Apr, 28, 1832.
Michael and Nancy Hemenway, int. Oct. 21, 1837.
Michael and Ann McKen, int. Aug. 10, 1839.
Thomas and Julia McDermott, int. July 25, 1835.
Benjamin F., s. of William, a. 24 y., and Mary C. Sargent, dau of Moses, a. 19 y., Jan. 14, 1849.
Eliza of Boston, and Levi Lufkin, Jan. 8, 1835.
Mary and Nathaniel Gamage, in Gloucester, May 23, 1734*.
NOURS (also see Nourse)
John B. and Zebiah Bixby, Oct. 22, 1826*.
NOURSE (also see Nours)
Benjamin F. of Boston, and Susan H. Roberts, May 26, 1833.
Francis and Sarah E. Conant, May 10, 1842.
Nathan and Sybil Bowman of Charlestown, Mar. 24, 1803.
Henry and Abigail Jacobs, Nov. 4, 1821.
Mark and Jane Folling of Boston, int. Mar. 5, 1821.
Mark and Mrs. Hannah Elliot, Apr. 23, 1835.
Mary and John Feseondon, in Charlestown, Sept. 19, 1723.*
Emeline and George W. Jordan, both of Charlestown, Aug. 16, 1842*.
Lucinda and Edward Burbank, Aug. --, 1838 (int. Aug. 13, 1838).
Mary Ann and Joshua F. Ward, Nov. 8, 1831.
Mary C. and John R. Davis, Mar. 13, 1839.
Mary F. C. of Newburyport, and John A. Cockran, int. Aug. 21, 1824.
Samuel and Esther H. Messenger, Aug. 30, 1838.
Samuel A. (of Worcester, int.) and Catherine (Catherine M., int.) Belcher, Dec. 13, 1836.
Sarah B. C. of Boston, and Samuel Capen of Braintree, May 25, 1843*.
Jacob and Harriet A. Litchfield, int. Sept. 19, 1835.
Ellen and Richard Stevens, int. Sept. 6, 1844.
Sarah and James Lynch of Boston, Jan. 28, 1849*.
Joanna Antonetta and John C. Reynolds, May 11, 1824*.
James C. and Hannah Harley of Newcastle, Me., int. Aug. 2, 1843.
Sibilla and John Dolittle, Oct. 30, 1674*.
Francis H. (James H., int.) of Brighton, and Frances Russell, Dec. 12, 1837.
Lavinia and Joseph R. Pettingill, both of Boston, Dec. 19, 1844.
Abigail and Adino Carter (of Woburn, int.), Feb. 12, 1756.
Asenath (of Boston, int.) and John Underwood, Jan. 2, 1832.
Catharine E. and John C. Burdakin, June 20, 1838.
Elizabeth Jr. and John Hicks, Apr. 26, 1748.
Grafton F. and Mary Jane Stevens, Feb. 27, 1848. (Grafton T. Nutter, int.).
Hannah and John Gross of Boston, Apr. 17, 1710*.
James and Mercy Barnard, in Watertown, Feb. 17, 1726-7*.
James and Mary Townsend (of Boston, int.), June 28, 1754.
Jonathan of Medford, and Hannah Billings, in Medford, June 15, 1725*.
Mary and Solomon Holbrook, June 10, 1832.
Pamela W. and Joseph Holbrook, int. Dec. 6, 1829.
Phillip and Mary (Mary Russell, int.) Dickson, Oct. 31, 1832.
Frances Almira and Gideon Keith of Boston, int. Aug. 10, 1833.
OAKES (also see Oaks)
Catharine V. and R. M. Devens of Charlestown, July 18, 1846. CR11.
Elizabeth and Seth Switchzer, Apr. --, 1661*.
Hope and Levi Oakes, Feb. 28, 1805.
Levi and Hope Oakes, Feb. 28, 1805.
Martha R. and Francis Houghton, July 18, 1846. CR11.
Sophronia M. of Boston, and Amory Houghton, in Boston, Oct. 5, 1836.
Thomas and Elizabeth ------, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
OAKS (also see Oakes)
Josiah and Charlotte Richardson, Feb. 24, 1805.
Benjamin H. and Mary Harris, Dec. 4, 1834.
O'BRIEN (also see O'Bryan)
Alice and James O'Reily, June 10, 1849*.
Ellen and Michael O'Brien, int. July 20, 1845.
Hannah and Thomas Wiseman, int. Jan. 27, 1844.
Mary and James Hickey, int. Aug. 27, 1845.
Mary Ann and Michael Lynch, int. Sept. 10, 1848.
Michael and Ellen O'Brien, int. July 20, 1845.
Michael and Margaret Murray of Boston, int. Jan. 12, 1849.
Patrick and Margaret McCue, both of Charlestown, May 24, 1846*.
Patrick and Elizabeth Sullivan of Boston, int. Feb. 13, 1848.
O'BRYAN (also see O'Brien)
Laurance and Mary Ann McEvoy, int. June 29, 1839.
Christopher Jr. and Bridgett Elizabeth Murray, int. Oct. 12, 1845.
John and Ellen Crow, int. Oct. 12, 1845.
Isadore and Luzina Kraft, int. Apr. 9, 1849.
Catharine and James McCann, both of Boston, Sept. 21, 1837*.
Bridgett and Patrick Landregan, int. May 14, 1836.
Mary E. and Robert H. Watts, int. Mar. 14, 1847.
Morris and Sally Robbins, int. Mar. 22, 1823.
Elizabeth C. and George Livermore, Oct. 1, 1839.
William H. and Isabella Redman, July --, 1832.
Patrick and Joanna Kelly, int. Sept. 25, 1845.
Thomas, s. of Cornelius, a. 26 y., b. in Ireland, and Elizabeth Murphy, dau of Michael, a. 19 y., b. in Ireland, int. Dec. 26, 1849.
Samuel and Elizabeth Dearborn, Apr. 2, 1838*.
Margaret and John McPeck, int. Nov. 13, 1845.
OLDAM (also see Oldham)
Jno. and Abigail Wood, July 22, 1675*.
Martha (wid. of Richard, CR1) and Thomas Browne, Oct. 7, 1656*.
Richard and Martha ------, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
Samuel and Hannah Dana, Jan. 5, 1670*.
OLDHAM (also see Oldam)
Abigail and Capt. Samuell Frothingham of Charlestown, Nov. 23, 1708*.
Anne and Benjamin Goddard of Charlestown, int. [1737 or 1738].
Hannah and Amos Gates, May 19, 1703*.
John and Mindwell Parker, Nov. 1, 1720*.
John and Mary (Sarah, int. and CR1) Chadwick, June 2, 1743.
Mary and James Reade, Apr. 3, 1722*.
Mindwell and Joseph Fessenden, Dec. 6, 1733*.
Abigail and Benjamin Prescott of Groton, June 12, 1718*.
Charles W. of Worcester, and Irene E. Grossman, Dec. 30, 1839.
David and Sarah Hapgood Carter, July 8, 1815.
Elizabeth and Edward Jacson, Mar. 14, 1648-9*.
Elizabeth of Roxbury, and Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, in Roxbury, June 1, 1788*.
Hephsibah and John Wyman (of Woburn, int.), Aug. 1, 1765.
Lucinda, a. 16 y., and George Mumler, a. 20 y., Sept. 2, 1845.
Lucy Ann and Jerome S. (Jerome Snow, int.) Breck, May 19, 1842.
Mary and Thomas Sparhawke, Jan. 14, 1730-1*.
Mary and Abraham Frost, June 8, 1747.
Peter and Mary Maddocks, in Watertown, Mar. 20, 1715-16*.
Rebecca and William Manning Jr., Nov. 26, 1772.
Sarah and Rev. Caleb Trowbridge, Mar. 10, 1714*.
Thomas and Grace Prentice, Nov. 27, 1667*.
Thomas and Mary Wilson, Apr. 19, 1682*.
Thomas, Col., and Elizabeth Vassall, int. May 17, 1760.
Samuel of Providence, R.I., and Jerusha Stone of Watertown, Oct. 10, 1826*.
Samuel and Lucinda Stone, both of Watertown, June 30, 1830*.
Sarah G. of Watertown, and Morton P. Brasee, int. Dec. 15, 1840.
Mary and Michael Comeford, int. May 6, 1846.
O'NEAL (also see O'Neil, O'Neill)
Thomas and Jane McKenna of Boston, int. Feb. 6, 1848.
O'NEIL (also see O'Neal, O'Neill)
Patrick and Maria Henessy, July 31, 1849.
O'NEILL (also see O'Neal, O'Neil)
James of Wilmington, and Ann Hennissy, Apr. 8, 1849.
Hannah M. and Albert L. Sanborn, both of Somerville, July 2, 1848*.
Mary Jane and Jewett Palbridge, May 14, 1833.
Mehitable and William H. Bettinson, Jan. 31, 1843.
Olive and Torrey Hancock, Feb. 28, 1805.
Pelham and Lucy Preston of Salem, int. Mar. 24, 1841.
Sarah Ann of Charlestown, and Albert Tufts, int. June 24, 1837.
Sarah B. and Edward C. Wheelock, both of Boston, Sept. 20, 1840*.
Ann M. of Newbury, and John S. Holt, int. July 23, 1844.
John P. and Eleanor Blake, Oct. 11, 1849.
O'REILEY (also see O'Reily)
Maria and Eliysha Sargent, both of West Cambridge, Nov. 27, 1849*.
O'REILY (also see O'Reiley)
James and Alice O'Brien, June 10, 1849*.
William and Sarah Williams, int. Mar. 11, 1837.
Caroline of Wolfboro, N.H., dau of Charles B., a. 27 y., and Rev. E. S. Hiscox of Westerly, R.I., a 28 y., May 9, 1844.
Maria E. and J. P. (John P., int.) Whiton of Boston, Feb. 5, 1838.
Samuel and Hannah Maria Cox, Feb. 26, 1826.
Sarah Wendell and Loring Austin of Boston, int. Oct. 24, 1818.
OSBORN (also see Osborne, Ozborn, Ozburn)
Adolphus, s. of Joseph, a. 19 y., and Sarah L. Green, dau of James, a. 19 y., Sept. 14, 1848.
Eli and Mary Saunderson of Weston, int. Mar. 30, 1827.
Elizabeth and William Eaton, Jan. 1, 1781*.
Ephraim and Jane Matson, Oct. 21, 1697. CR1*.
Lucinda and John Warner, int. Apr. 29, 1837.
William and Sarah Perry, in Medford, Oct. 7, 1720*.
OSBORNE (also see Osborn, Ozborn, Ozburn)
Maria and James Luke, Mar. 27, 1834.
Isaac P. and Mary Ann Price Valentine, wid. of Lawson, and dau of Maj. William Price, Aug. 2, 1841. GR3*.
James H. and Mary A. Barnard of Lynn, int. Apr. 24, 1840.
John of Boston, and Susanna McClenten, int. Aug. 24, 1771.
Richard H. and Mary E. Buswell, int. Oct. 22, 1848.
Samuel Jr. (of Andover, int.) and Martha Brandon, Jan. 4, 1775.
Humphrey and Elizabeth Hide, Mar. 7, 1666-7*.
Henry and Hannah (Priscilla, int.) Cox, Feb. 15, 1826.
Prince H. (Prince Howland, int.) and Hannah Look, Feb. 24, 1805.
Sarah C. of Woburn, and Samuel G. Sewall, int. Mar. 25, 1845.
John and Sylvia C. Lampson of Duxbury, int. Jan. 4, 1835.
Salesmith W. (a. 42 y., CR1) and Charles Cushman of Boston (s. of Charlemagne and Sarah, a. 34 y., CR1), June 2, 1847.
OZBORN (also see Osborn, Osborne, Ozburn)
Elizabeth (of Charlestown, int.) and Nathan Champney, June 24, 1760.
OZBURN (also see Osborn, Osborne, Ozborn)
David and Margaret Tapley, July 20, 1738.
Alonzo, a. 21 y., and Henrietta Wheelock, a. 18 y., Mar. 9, 1848.
Hannah and Nehemiah Cutter Jr., Nov. 24, 1808.
Susannah of North Bridgewater, and Henry Blanchard of Stoughton, in North Bridgewater, June 24, 1832*.
Rebecca and Caleb Buckman (Bucknam, int.), Apr. 11, 1832.
Jonathan and Mary Blanford, Oct. 5, 1652*.
PAGE (also see Paige)
Ann and William T. Black, Aug. 24, 1841.
Elizabeth G. and James W. Hurd of Wiscasset, Me., int. Oct. 26, 1834.
Elizabeth R. of Manchester, N.H., and Eric W. Stewart, int. July 31, 1845.
Gilman and Hannah Ann Blaney of Roxbury, int. Apr. 29, 1835.
Isaac and Ann Hill, Dec. 27, 1821.
Jacob and Sally Shed, Apr. 21, 1793*.
Sarah of Charlestown, and Harvey Grout, int. Mar. 8, 1834.
Thomas R. and Elizabeth H. Tufts, int. Apr. 13, 1829.
PAIGE (also see Page)
Lucius R. and Clarinda Richardson, dau of Ezekiel and Sally, b. in Brookfield, in Brookfield, Sept. 14, 1826*.
Lucius Robinson (Rev., int.) and Abby (Abigail, int.) Riggs Whittemore (of Charlestown, dup.), Oct. 5, 1834.
Lucius Robinson and Lucy Comins Richardson, dau of Barnabas and Mary Comins (of Brookfield, int.), in Brookfield, Oct. 22, 1845.
Timothy (of Bedford, int.) and Margaret Willington, May 12, 1766.
PAIN (also see Paine, Payn, Payne)
Bethiah and Isaac Wheeler, both of Charlestown, Apr. 3, 1700*.
Stephen Jr. (of Malden, int.) and Mary Brown, Feb. 28, 1754.
PAINE (also see Pain, Payn, Payne)
Charity Ann, b. in Lansingburgh, N.Y., and James W. Bettinson, Jan. 2, 1845.
Hannah of Worcester, and Ebenezer Bradish (Jr., int.), in Worcester, Oct. 22, 1772.
Solomon and Clarissa Quimby, Sept. 1, 1839.
Jewett and Mary Jane Orcutt, May 14, 1833.
PALFORY (also see Palfray, Palfrey)
Rebecca and John Swan, Feb. 1, 1650*.
PALFRAY (also see Palfory, Palfrey)
Mary and Ebenezer Williams, Oct. 1, 1700. CR1*.
Rebeccah and Jos Hicks, Nov. 29, 1716. CR1*.
PALFREY (also see Palfory, Palfray)
John and Rebeccah Boadman, Aug. 4, 1664*.
Martha and Benjamin Goddard, May 30, 1689*.
William H. and Persis H. Jones, int. Oct. 11, 1832.
Benjamin E. and Hannah Stackpole, June 1, 1843.
Bethiah and John Ellis Jr., Oct. 24, 1749 (1750, CR1) (Oct. 6, 1750, int.).
Elihu H. and Nancy M. Drew of Dover, N.H., int. May 5, 1838.
Eliza Ann and Leonard Lynch, Apr. --, 1832.
Elizabeth and Joseph Gibbs (of Framingham, int.), Sept. 11, 1749 (Sept. 14, CR1).
Eunice and Ephraim Cook 3d, int. Apr. 11, 1807.
George W. (of Boston, int.) and Elizabeth A. Bates, Nov. 22, 1838.
Hannah B. of Danvers, and Josiah Priest, int. Apr. 19, 1834.
Harriet, dau of Thomas, a. 21 y., and John F. Beal, s. of David, a. 22 y., Dec. 30, 1849*.
Jeremiah R. and Caroline Tandy of Charlestown, int. Sept. 3, 1845.
John and Susanna Stratton, Nov. 28, 1781*.
John and Lydia W. Holmes, May 10, 1836.
Joseph and Lucy Sawin of Watertown, in Watertown, May 24, 1784*.
Joshua and Mara Cooper, May 23, 1791*.
Lorenzo S. and Sarah Porter, Feb. 13, 1838.
Margaret H. of Londonderry, Vt., and Nathan P. Savage, int. Apr. 15, 1843.
Marry W. and Ebenezer A. Hollis, Sept. 29, 1836*.
Mary and Ebenezer Day, Feb. 13, 1783*.
Mary and Benjamin M. Braman, Mar. 20, 1832.
Peter and Hannah Cluff, Dec. 15, 1821.
Polly and Samuel Frost Wyman, Nov. 10, 1796*.
Samuel and (Mrs. int.) Matilda F. Whitcomb, Mar. 3, 1842.
Sarah and Jacob Hill Jr., Sept. 14, 1732*.
Sarah and Lemuel Brown of Charlestown, Dec. 7, 1797*.
Sarah and John Warland, Feb. 5, 1806.
Stephen and Sarah Grant of Watertown, in Watertown, Mar. 3, 1714-15*.
Stephen Jr., and Sarah Gammage, Jan. 17, 1750 (1750-1, CR1).
Stephen Jr. and Thankfull Child (of Watertown, int.), June 16, 1774.
Stephen Jr. and Mary Bemus of Waltham, in Waltham, Mar. 12, 1777.
Susan and Isaac Jones, Apr. 2, 1809.
PARK (also see Parkes, Parks)
Abigail of Newton, and Samuel Davis, Apr. 30, 1801.
Deborah and Reuben Hastings, int. May 17, 1806.
Dolly and Benjamin Putnam, int. July 9, 1803.
Edward of Milton, and Jerusha Server, in Milton, -----, 1766. (Int. Sept. 25, 1766).
Elizabeth and George Dana, int. Jan. 19, 1771.
Thomas and Elizabeth Herrington of Newton, in Newton, Apr. 14, 1748.
Thomas H. of Chelsea, and Clarisa B. Eaton, int. July 17, 1837.
William H. of Dorchester, and Dorcas B. Stacy, Sept. 10, 1843*.
Aaron and Lydia Bates, Jan. 1, 1801.
Abby Maria and Kendall P. Sweetser, both of Boston, Jan. 27, 1847*.
Abraham Jr. of Newton, and Eliza Ann Hammond, int. Dec. 29, 1839.
Amelia D. (Parks, int.) and James Thwing of Salem, Nov. --, 1821.
Ann of Newton, and Eben Wiswall, int. May 7, 1803.
Anna Elizabeth of Boston, and J. Winthrop Taylor of U.S. Navy, in Boston, Aug. 15, 1842*.
Anne and William Warland, July 3, 1718*.
Antoinette P. and Charles R. Cutter of Boston, int. Dec. 5, 1847.
Betsy and Rev. Sherman Hall, June 10, 1831.
Caroline F. of Somerville, and Frederic Boothe of Boston, Apr. 2, 1844. CR11*.
Catherine and James Pettinger, both of Charlestown, Aug. 19, 1836*.
Catherine and William Buckley, int. Jan. 24, 1847.
Catherine M. of Shrewsbury, and Isaac Davis, int. July 21, 1836.
Charles and Jane R. Miller of Boston, int. July 27, 1834.
Charles and Sarah Brackett of Lowell, Oct. 28, 1838.
Charles and Lucy C. Lovejoy, Aug. 11, 1839.
Charles G. of New Bedford, and Martha B. Miller (of Providence, int.), Aug. 10, 1843.
David and Elizabeth Tufts of Medford, in Medford, July 27, 1790*.
Ebenezer (of Stoneham, int.) and Anna Williams, Oct. 25, 1749.
Ebenezer of Boston, and Sally Tarbell, int. Apr. 25, 1801.
Eleazer and Hannah Humphreys, Mar. 24, 1719-20*.
Eliza and John Richmond, int. Aug 9, 1823.
Elizabeth and Samuel Livermore, Nov. 15, 1699. CR1*.
Elizabeth and Aaron Bordman, Oct. 14, 1708*.
Elizabeth and Benjamin Cheney, Jan. 3, 1744-5.
Elizabeth (of Newton, int.) and Jonathan Fessenden Jr., Sept. 2, 1763.
Elizabeth and Thomas Thwing (Jr., int.), Mar. 6, 1764.
Elizabeth and Jonas Goddin, Mar. 27, 1796*.
Elizabeth of Charlestown, and Dr. Anson Hooker, int. Sept. 4, 1828.
Emily Ann of Lexington and Charles Miller of Charlestown, July 6, 1830. CR10*.
Ephraim of Newton and Relief Willington, in Newton, Mar. 27, 1794*.
Experience and Thomas Foster, Nov. 30, 1686*.
Francis of New York and (Mrs., int.) Louisa W. Goldsmith, Sept. 22, 1844.
George and Deborah S. Cornwall of Watertown, int. Mar. 10, 1836.
George and Harriot M. Dunbar, Sept. 30, 1827.
George L. (of Roxbury, int.), s. of Benjamin, a. 23 y., and Caroline A. Low of Springvale, dau of Samuel R., a. 20 y., Nov. 29, 1847.
Hervey I. and Sylvia A. Ammidon, in Boston, Feb. 8, 1842*.
Isaac and Mary Parker, May 4, 1687*.
Jacob of Boston, and Ursula Eaton, Apr. 29, 1708*.
James and Adeline Reed, in Lexington, Nov. 2, 1842.
Jane and Lieut. Jonas (Nathan, Jr., int.) Colburn of Temple, N.H., Oct. 28, 1830.
John and Mary Hancock, Dec. 20, 1711*.
John F. and Lydia D. Stearns, May --, 1832.
Jonathan and Mary McLane, Apr. 15, 1832.
Joshua and Mary Fessenden, June 15, 1712*.
Joshua (of Westford, int.) and Hannah Kidder, Apr. 26, 1774.
Luther Lawrence, and Harriet Loring of Boston, int. Apr. 5, 1846.
Martha E. and Edward (Edmund, int. and CR10) Boynton of Boston, July 28, 1836. (July 26, CR10).
Mary and Isaac Parker, May 4, 1687*.
Mary and Thomas Dana, Jan. 22, 1718-19*.
Mary and Joseph Grant of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Oct. 3, 1745.
Mary Ann and John F. Mason, int. Nov. 18, 1842.
Mary Antoinette and Dwight Ruggles, Oct. 20, 1841.
Mary S. and Cephas P. Thayer, Dec. 15, 1824.
Mindwell and John Oldham, Nov 1, 1720*.
Nancy of Charlestown, and David Edmands, Sept. 2, 1824*.
Nathan and Abigail Blanchard of Billerica, in Billerica, Dec. 14, 1773.
Nathaniel and Mary Hovey, Jan. 27, 1736-7*.
Noah and Hannah Livermore, Dec. 4, 1777.
Patience and Coolidge P. Woods, May 2, 1793*.
Rachel and Clarke Daniels, Aug. 6, 1818.
Reuben W. and Susan Burnham, Mar. 4, 1838.
Robert W. and Huldah Hurd, int. Jan. 25, 1845.
S. Jane and Jonathan L. Farr, int. Dec. 6, 1846.
Sally and Joseph Wetherbee, June 7, 1821.
Samuel of Reading, and Martha Browne, Jan. 3, 1688-9*.
Samuel D. and Elizabeth, dau of Jonathan and Susan Powell Mason. GR3*.
Sarah and Stephen Cooledge, Apr. 30, 1702*.
Sarah and Ephraim Hammond, in Newton, Mar. 24, 1768.
Sarah Danforth and Sylvanus Jordan, June 1, 1823.
Scarborough and Hannah Goddin of Watertown, Apr. 27, 1794*.
Susannah and (Capt., CR1) Samuell Gookin Jr., Feb. 28, 1711-12 (Feb. 29, CR1)*.
Thomas A. of Lowell, s. of Willard, a. 22 y., and Julia M. Bowen, dau of Josiah, a. 20 y., Sept. 29, 1844.
William and Martha Willington of Waltham, int. Nov. 7, 1807.
William and Hannah Stearns of Newton, int. Feb. 8, 1835.
William Henry of Boston, and Mary West Hayden, int. May 1, 1843.
PARKES (also see Park, Parks)
Sarah G. (Sarah Gibbs, int.) and James G. (James Gillman, int.) Hunter of Boston, Nov. --, 1821.
Thomas and Abigail Deekes, Dec. 1, 1653*.
Ebenezer, Rev., and Mary Champney, July 7, 1724*.
Mary H. of Boston, dau of Daniel, Esq., dec., and Charles F. Shimmin, Esq., in Boston, Sept. 14, 1847. CR2*.
PARKS (also see Park, Parkes)
Betsey Bucknam, and Nehemiah Lovejoy of Boston (Claremont, N.H., int.), Oct. 10, 1815.
Charles T. of Woburn, and Susan Snow, int. Dec. 17, 1848.
Dolly and (Capt., int.) Isaac Gleason of East Sudbury, Sept. 2, 1812.
Emily and Abraham Underwood, July 16, 1825.
Franklin B. and Hannah F. Stone, May 11, 1845.
George W. and Esther T. Houghton, Oct. 30, 1834.
Joseph Jr. of Concord, and Susanna Swan, int. Mar. 3, 1753. Banns forbidden Mar. 19 by Joseph Garfield.
Josiah and Sarah Parmenter of Sudbury, int. Feb. 18, 1804.
Louisa and David Morrison of Boston, int. Feb. 23, 1839.
Lovey and Tristram Bly, Dec. 29, 1805.
Maria, dau of Royal M., and Benjamin F. Bridden, May 18, 1844.
Martha W. and Conrad C. Carleton of Boston, Jan. 1, 1829.
Mary E. and Joel C. Pettingell, Apr. 22, 1844.
Mary G. (Mary Goddard, int.) and John S. (John Shaw, int.) Abbot of Norfolk, Va., Mar. --, 1821.
Mary Jane and Clark Moore, Apr. 8, 1830.
Nathan and Nancy Hawes, both of Concord, June 7, 1805.*
Royal M. and Betsey T. Alley of Brookline, int. Sept. 1, 1822.
Sarah and Alexander R. (Alexander Rolston, int.) Bullock, Dec. 21, 1818.
Susan and John Breman, int. Aug. 20, 1831.
Nicholas and Sarah Hammore, Nov. 30, 1665*.
Lieffy and Reuben G. Metcalf of Wrentham, Dec. 13, 1835*.
Mary Ann of Marlborough, and Samuel Rowe, int. Sept. 13, 1839.
Sarah of Sudbury, and Josiah Parks, int. Feb. 18, 1804.
William and Dolly Hagar, int. Apr. 5, 1812.
Allen B. and Augusta M. Stone, Feb. 19, 1840.
David and Sally Dickson, Aug. 19, 1824.
George M. and Jane Swan (both, int.) of Columbus O., Oct. 19, 1843.
John of Harrison, Me., and Rosalinda D. Robins, Oct. 16, 1834.
John of Boston, and Abigail Brewer, Nov. 24, 1843*.
John A. and Mary C. Chandler of Goshen, N.H., int. Oct. 12, 1844.
Joseph and Martha Smith, June 14, 1742.
Lovey and Israel P. Dunham, int. Mar. 30, 1837.
Mary and James Simms, Oct. 31, 1799*.
Ruth and Edmund Bloyce, Sept. 27, 1675*.
Sarah and Andrew Newman, Dec. 8, 1827.
Sarah W. and Andrew Newman, int. May 16, 1840.
Thomas and Abigail Weld, May 3, 1792*.
Usher, Dr., of Providence, and Mary Jackson Holmes, Sept. 23, 1822.
Caroline of Medfield, and Daniel W. Stevens, int. July 19, 1846.
PASQUELL (also see Pasquill)
Richard and Sarah Ann Wright Porter, Feb. 26, 1829. CR10.
PASQUILL (also see Pasquell)
Sarah and Adornis L. Melvin, int. Nov. 25, 1843.
Esther and William Lawrence of Salisbury, Conn., int. May 10, 1811.
Henry (J. Henry, int.) and Elizabeth B. Batchelder of Charlestown, Apr. 7, 1844. CR10.
Elizabeth H. of Boston, and Harvey M. Briggs, July 1, 1839.
PATIN (also see Patten, Pattin)
Nathaniell and Deborah Wright of Woburn, in Woburn, Feb. 17, 1701*.
Mary of Roxbury, and Thomas Wilson, in Roxbury, May 6, 1784*.
Susannah and Thomas Willson, Aug. 29, 1785*.
PATTEN (also see Patin, Pattin)
Albert G. and Mary Emma Jones, Oct. 22, 1849.
Elizabeth and James Talbot, int. Aug. 13, 1848.
Emeline S. and Jesse B. Dow, Apr. 11, 1841.
Laura A. (Laura Ann, int.) and Silas Wilcox, May 28, 1843.
Mary and Walter Russell, May 17, 1699. CR1*.
Nathaniel and Rebeccah Adams, Nov. 24, 1669*.
Nathaniell and Sarah Cooper, Oct. 8, 1678*.
Olive, wid., dau of Jeremiah Esq., dec., a. 43 y., b. in Durham, N.H., and William Griffin, widr., s. of Edward, dec., a. 50 y., b. in Gorham, Me., Jan. 20, 1845.
Sarah and Joseph Hambleton, in Boston, May 2, 1728*.
Sarah and John Henley, Sept. 18, 1776 (both late of Boston, int.).
William and Abigail Willis of Medford, in Medford, Jan. 3, 1770-01*.
PATTERSON (also see Patteson)
Anna and Jacob Cromel of Roxbury, in Sudbury, May 30, 1769.
George W. and Joanna Raymond, both of Charlestown, Oct. 8, 1843*.
Harriet and Alexander C. McLean, June 15, 1834.
John, s. of Andrew, of Brookline, a. 29 y., and Sarah Johnson, both of Boston, Aug. 19, 1845*.
Louisa of Lunenburgh and Luther Coolidge of Watertown, Apr. 11, 1802*.
Mary, a. 18 y., and Richard Penny, a. 22 y., both b. in Ireland, June 16, 1846.
Sally and Ebenezer Putnam, int. Mar. 9, 1806.
William and Ann Read, Apr. 23, 1844.
PATTESON (also see Patterson)
James and Rebeccah Stevenson, May 29, 1662*.
PATTIN (also see Patin, Patten)
Elizabeth and James Wright of Medford, May 7, 1702*.
Elizabeth and John Russel, Mar. 30, 1710*.
Hannah and William Pike of Boston, int. Nov. 1, 1755.
John and Margaret Luxford, Mar. 13, 1699-1700. CR1*.
Luxford and Rebeckah Robbins, May 11, 1727*.
Margaret and Charles Hunnewell of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Nov. 8, 1733*.
Nathaniell and Sarah Hancock, Oct. 15, 1710. CR1*.
Nathaniell and Sarah Frost, May 17, 1720*.
William and Mary -------, in England, -----, 16 --. CR1*.
Jeremiah, s. of John, of Sanford, Me., a. 25 y., and Esther D. Littlefield, dau of Obadiah of Sanford, Me., a. 21 y., Apr. 21, 1848.
PAYN (also see Pain, Paine, Payne)
Elizabeth of Braintree, and Peter Towne, in Braintree, Apr. 8, 1697*.
Mary and John Maddox, Mar. 31, 1724*.
PAYNE (also see Pain, Paine, Payn)
Hannah and William Robbins Jr., Mar. 5, 1767.
Ruth and Jason Belknap, Jan. 9, 1770.
Susan and Moses Wise, Dec. 16, 1825.
Susanna and John Wilson Jr., Oct. 10, 1765.
Eleanor A., dau of Samuel (and Hannah, CR1), a. 22 y., and Samuel H. Locke, s. of William (and Sarah, CR1), a. 27 y., Mar. 10, 1846.
Joseph and Susan Emerson of Tyngsboro, int. Apr. 18, 1847.
Samuel and Hannah Pierce, Feb. 19, 1824.
Thomas and Mary Thacher, May 12, 1785*.
Amasa and Caroline N. Cummings of Lowell, int. Dec. 18, 1846.
Betsey G. of Boston, and Oliver B. Durell, int. Sept. 8, 1846.
David, Rev., of Lynn, and Lucy Maria Brigham, Sept. 11, 1834.
John of Boston, and Margaret Allen, Apr. 5, 1849.
George N. M. and Nancy Carter, Oct. 10, 1833.
PEARCE (also see Peirce, Pierce)
James, widr., s. of James, a. 37 y., b. in Birmingham, Eng., and Mary Kevan of Boston, dau of James, a. 31 y., b. in Wigton, Scot., int. Dec. 23, 1849.
William and Mrs. Mary H. Lewis, int. Aug. 11, 1838.
George, s. of Benjamin of Porter, Me., a. 24 y., and Isabel Lowry, dau of John, a. 19 y., Apr. 22, 1846.
Mary and Stephen Stearns of Watertown, in Watertown, May 5, 1748.
PEARSON (also see Peirson, Pierson)
Charles S. of Boston, and Eliza Ann Dodge, Sept. 29, 1835.
Charles S. and Elizbeth S. Haley, Feb. 14, 1842.
Sally of Haverhill, and Nathaniel Wilson, int. Aug. 14, 1802.
William H. (William Henry, int.) and Hannah J. Emery of Portsmouth, N.H., May 28, 1846.
PEASE (also see Pees)
Elizabeth B. and Seth Perkins (of Kingston, int.), July 3, 1842.
Hannah and William Brown of Watertown, in Watertown, Jan. 10, 1704*.
Hannah and Sylvanus Bruce, May 11, 1823.
Harriet and David A. Valentine, both of Fall River, Oct. 30, 1836*.
Rebecca G. and Henry Norton, June 15, 1823.
PEASLEE (also see Peasley)
Jane S. of Newbury, N.H., and Joseph W. Brown, int. Oct. 5, 1839.
PEASLEY (also see Peaslee)
Charles and Susan Sargeant, Nov. 28 ,1842.
Simon A. and Emily Robinson of Goshen, N.H., int. Aug. 28, 1838.
William D. (William Dandridge, int.) and Harriet Hilliard, Apr. 27, 1810 (May 27, CR1).
Asa and Lucy White, both of Boston, June 29, 1835*.
Keziah and David Watkins (of Boston, int.), Feb. 22, 1805.
PEES (also see Pease)
Martha and Uriah Clark of Watertown, in Watertown, Nov. 21, 1700*.
Mary and William Goddin of Watertown, in Watertown, Mar. 26, 1701*.
PEIRCE (also see Pearce, Pierce)
Abby Hinckley of Northampton and Allen Putnam, int. Nov. 8, 1831.
Benjamin and Sarah H. Mills of Northampton, int. June 19, 1833.
Caroline and William Armstrong, both of Boston, Aug. 31, 1846*.
James and Patty W. Warren of Brighton, int. Mar. 21, 1835.
Joseph of Watertown, and Elizabeth Winship, in Watertown, June 15, 1698*.
Joseph (Joseph B., int.) and Sarah Lord, Aug. 15, 1830.
Mary of Woburn, and Thomas Dill of Cambridge Farms, in Woburn, Jan. 17, 1705*.
Mary E. and Jason H. Sulloway, int. Apr. 6, 1842.
Nathaniel and Mary Fisk, June 28, 1776*.
Rebeckah of Woburn, and Nathaniell Winship, Feb. 11, 1713-14*.
Richard and Anna Dickson, Oct. 21, 1784*.
Salome of Boston, and William B. Moffitt, int. Nov. 1, 1843.
Sarah Ann J. of Boston, and Daniel Tourtell, int. Oct. 26, 1845.
Thaddeus and Lucy Learned, int. Aug. 3, 1804.
PEIRSON (also see Pearson, Pierson)
Mary of Woburn, and John Richardson, Oct. 28, 1673*.
Patrick and Bridget Noon, July 31, 1849.
Sarah and Samuel Gibson, Oct. 30, 1668*.
Martha and Phineas Child, Feb. 7, 1783*.
Richard, a. 22 y., and Mary Patterson, a. 18 y., both b. in Ireland, June 16, 1846.
Bridget and Daniel McDermott of Somerville, int. Sept. 10, 1842.
Edward and Sarah Littlefield of Charlestown, int. Sept. 7, 1830.
William, Esq., of Kittery, and Elizabeth Royal of Mystick, Nov. 12, 1767. CR2*.
William (native of France, int.) and Elizabeth Smith, Nov. 10, 1800. (Nov. 30, CR1).
Benoni of Chelmsford, and Sarah Robbins, in Concord, Dec. 6, 1704*.
Betsey of Boston, and Moses Binney, Oct. 24, 1838.
PERIMAN (also see Perriman)
Elizabeth and Francis Moore, Dec. 6, 1653*.
Abram and Sarah Loring, int. Nov. 9, 1845.
Eliza J. of Middleton, and Daniel Brown, int. Mar. 6, 1849.
Ephraim and Elisabeth Reed, both of Watertown, May 5, 1799*.
Jane N. of Bristol, Me., dau of Enoch (and Mary, CR1), a. 19 y., and Francis Barker of Boston, s. of John (and Mary, CR1), a. 23 y., Nov. 14, 1847*.
Nancy A. and Thomas R. Ramsay, Nov. 18, 1832.
Seth (of Kingston, int.) and Elizabeth B. Pease, July 3, 1842.
Thomas H. and Malinda S. Burbank, Sept. 4, 1843.
Martha H. of Rowley, and William Clines, int. Aug. 9, 1846.
John and Mary Pierce of Woburn, in Woburn, Apr. 26, 1727*.
Dinah of Natick, and Jacob Speene, in Natick, Feb. 2, 1776*.
PERREY (also see Perry)
Elizabeth and John Tufts of Medford, in Medford, May 19, 1778.
PERRIMAN (also see Periman)
Francis and Isacke Amsden, June 8, 1654*.
Rebeccah and Daniel Farrabas, Mar. 27, 1660*.
Noah Jr. and Philenia W. Stone, Oct. 21, 1847.
PERRY (also see Perrey)
Anna and George Douglass, Sept. 2, 1773.
Benjamin and Deborah Cook, Dec. 4, 1794*.
Charles C. and Hannah Hurd, June 12, 1842.
Charles H. (of Boston, int.) and Sarah Ann Train, Nov. 29, 1832.
Clarke, Rev., of Newbury, Vt., and Mary Jarvis Stone, Aug. 4, 1828.
David and Almira Drury of Ward, int. Aug. 15, 1829.
Ebenezer and Abigail Russel of Lexington, int. Dec. 19, 1741.
Ebenezer (of Boston, int.) and Abigail Learned, Sept. 26, 1776.
James and Sarah Adams, Oct. 19, 1773.
James and Rebecca Brown of Lexington, June 10, 1798*.
John and Marcy Swan, in Watertown, Dec. 19, 1706*.
John and Persis Mixer of Waltham, in Waltham, Feb. 28, 1775.
Jonathan and Ruhamah Johnson, Apr. 11, 1787*.
Lydia and Ephraim Frost 3d, June 6, 1765.
Lydia and Josiah Mixer of Waltham, Nov. 29, 1773.
Lydia and Samuel Whittemore, July 19, 1796*.
Mary and Joseph Hassall, Aug. 21, 1667*.
Mary of Watertown, and Edward Manning, in Watertown, Mar. 17, 1718*.
Mary Ann of West Cambridge, and James Brown, int. Apr. 9, 1825.
Mary Ann and Henry A. Hobbs, both of Boston, in Boston, Apr. 2, 1839*.
Mercy Jr. and William Hill, Oct. 3, 1767.
Ruth and John Adams, Dec. 2, 1773.
Sarah and William Osborn, in Medford, Oct. 7, 1720*.
William G. and Mary E. Stillman, both of Roxbury, Dec. 4, 1845*.
William of Salem, and Elizabeth Smith, in Watertown, June 18, 1740.
Abigail, Mrs., of Boston, and Robert Montgomery, int. Sept. 4, 1826.
Mary B. and William W. Foster (of Brighton, int.), Jan. 29, 1832.
Henry of Boston, and Mary Donnett, int. Oct. 24, 1840.
Lydia and John Smith, resident at Castle William, int. July 28, 1744.
PETTINGELL (or Pettingill)
Joel C. and Mary E. Parks, Apr. 22, 1844.
James and Catharine Parker, both of Charlestown, Aug. 19, 1836*.
PETTINGILL (also see Pettingell)
Joseph R. and Lavinia Nutter, both of Boston, Dec. 19, 1844.
Samuel S., s. of Amos (and Joanna, CR11), a. 22 y., and Mary A. Shapeligh, dau of Ivery (and Sarah Chick, CR11), a. 19 y., both of Newburyport, Oct. 17, 1848*.
Mesheck of Tewksbury, and Eliza Ann Seawyeard, int. Nov. 25, 1828.
Asahel and Mary Ann Pike, both of Boston, Sept. 13, 1836*.
C. P. and Elizabeth C. Hastings Judkins, -----, 1833. GR3*.
Hannah and John Adams, July 6, 1786*.
Henry B., s. of Merrick, a. 23 y., b. in Marlboro, and Adeline P. Andrews, dau of Winthrop, a. 25 y., b. in Newcastle, Me., May 6, 1849.
John B. and Susanna Beals, int. Oct. 9, 1803.
Maria L. (of Boston, dup.), dau of Eliza, a. 25 y., and Isaac A. Kenney, s. of Enoch, a. 25 y., Oct. 8, 1846.
Mary Ann of Marlborough, and John Warland, int. Apr. 6, 1833.
Abigail of Portsmouth, N.H., and Josiah H. Sanborn, int. Aug. 22, 1835.
Sarah Ann and Peter Lord of Charlestown, int. Apr. 5, 1838.
Mary S. of Boston, and Daniel Sanborn of Charlestown, Aug. 14, 1836.
PHILIPS (also see Phillips)
Cyrus and Sarah Sargeant, both of Brookline, July 15, 1821*.
PHILLEBROWN (also see Filibrown, Fillebrown, Fillebrowne)
Mary of Charlestown, and Nathaniel Cutter, Oct. 8, 1788*.
Thomas of Charlestown, and Rebekah Cutter, Dec. 19, 1688*.
PHILLIPS (also see Philips)
Abby S. (Abby Salisbury, int.) and Edward E. (Edward Elbridge, int.) Salisbury (of New Haven, Conn., int.), Apr. 27, 1836.
Fanny, dau of James, a. 20 y., b. in England, and George L. Child, s. of Oliver L., a. 22 y., June 16, 1846.
George and Minerva R. Danforth, Dec. 13, 1838.
Hannah and John Ireland, May 13, 1794*.
James and Agnes Cox, May 14, 1778.
James B. and Susannah P. Clark, Oct. 28, 1832.
John and Mary Pillar (of Marblehead, int.), June 19, 1744.
John and Lydia Kemp (of Westford, int.), May 18, 1764.
John Jr. and Christian Balch, Nov. 30, 1767.
Joseph of Charlestown, and Elizabeth Gibson, in Charlestown, Oct. 4, 1711*.
Lydia and James Winship (of Lexington, int.), Apr. 15, 1762.
Samuel (Jr. of Andover, int.) and Pheba Foxcroft, July 6, 1773 (July 1, CR1).
Sarah and Joel White of Woodstock, int. Nov. 24, 1775.
Sophia of Templeton, and Joel Bartlett, int. Aug. 22, 1823.
Theresa, Mrs., of Boston, and Charles Beck, int. Sept. 7, 1831.
Thomas and Hannah Reed (of Woburn, int.), in Woburn, Dec. 28, 1769.
Willard (of Boston, int.) and Hannah B. Hill, June 12, 1833.
Willard and Harriet Hill, Sept. 3, 1838.
Sarah and Robert Houghton, Sept. 8, 1688*.
Sally and Edmund Boardman (of Meredith, N.H., int.), Nov. 30, 1831.
PHIPPS (also see Phips)
Abigail of Charlestown, and John Butterfield, in Chalrestown, Jan. 30, 1772.
Elizabeth and Hopestill Foster of Boston, Nov. 15, 1705*.
Elizabeth and Benjamin Willington, in Watertown, Dec. 25, 1712*.
Elizabeth M. and William F. Booth of Boston, Jan. 18, 1842. CR2.
Elloner and Joseph Sprague, Feb. 1, 1727-8*.
James M. and Sarah Lucy Bagin, both of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Dec. 26, 1839*.
Joshua and Martha Ruggles, June 26, 1760.
Mary and Maj. Thomas Brown, Esq., of Sudbury, Mar. 1, 1703-04*.
Samuel Jr. and Sarah Clark of Newton, in Newton, Sept. 16, 1760.
Samuel and Mray Maxfield, Sept. 26, 1776.
Sarah and Caleb Gardner of Brookline, Apr. 10, 1707*.
Sarah of Roxbury, and Jasaniah Crosby, int. Dec. 12, 1774.
PHIPS (also see Phipps)
David, Esq., and Mary Greenleaf of Boston, Sept. 13, 1753.
Hannah of Portsmouth, N.H. and Jonathan Sprague, int. Oct. 9, 1738.
Mary and Richard Lechmere of Salem, int. Mar. 1, 1754.
Mary and Eli Cooley (of Springfield, int.), Oct. 20, 1757.
Rebecca and Joseph Lee of Boston, int. Feb. 15, 1755.
Sarah and Andrew Bordman Jr., Feb. 25, 1731-2*.
Nancy and Rowland Powers, Oct. 5, 1809.
John A., s. of Joseph, a. 25 y., and Sarah E. Mathes of Durham, N.H., dau of Benjamin, a. 24 y., May 30, 1844.
Mary Ann S. of Portsmouth, N.H., and George W. Hackett, int. Sept. 4, 1839.
Mary F., dau of Joseph, a. 39 y., and Ezra Merrill of Andover, s. of Joel, a. 29 y., Feb. 18, 1845.
Samuel F. and Aroline A. Jerauld of Boston, int. Oct. 6, 1842.
PICKET (also see Pickett)
Samuel and Nancy Gilson of Dunstable, N.H., int. Oct. 16, 1818.
PICKETT (also see Picket)
Ann M. (Ann Maria, dau of Samuel and Nancy, CR4) and James C. Blanchard of West Cambridge, Nov. 26, 1846.
PIERCE (also see Pearce, Peirce)
Abijah H. and Sarah Hartwell of Lincoln, int. Dec. 5, 1818.
Alice and Thomas Reed, Apr. 1, 1773.
Almira of Newton, and Flavel Coolidge Jr., int. Nov. 7, 1844.
Anna and John Goddard, Mar. 18, 1824.
Atlantic and Josiah D. Hovey, Dec. 27, 1835.
Benjamin (of Lexington, int.) and Elizabeth Symmes Jr., Mar. 28, 1771.
Benjamin, s. of Joseph, a. 24 y., b. in Boston, and Estella S. Simpson, dau of David, a. 19 y., b. in Saugus, Nov. 26, 1849.
Betsy and Amos Russell, Dec. 30, 1793*.
Elijah and Rebecca Ransford, Feb. 19, 1797*.
Esther of Woburn, and Ammi Cutter, int. May 11, 1751.
Hannah and Samuel Payson, Feb. 19, 1824.
James and Mary Prentice, Feb. 10, 1731-2*.
James (of Charlestown, int.) and Alice Fessenden, June 26, 1760.
John and Susannah Marrett, Sept. 27, 1722*.
Jonas of Lexington, and Sarah Bridge, int. Jan. 8, 1753.
Joseph and Hannah Munrow, Dec. 21, 1692*.
Joseph and Elizabeth Baker, Oct. 21, 1821.
Joseph and Ruthy Teel of Boston, June 30, 1823*.
Joseph and Julia E. Hicks, int. Apr. 22, 1849.
Keziah of Woburn, and Richard Cutter, int. July 3, 1747.
Lucy and Joseph Ditson of Boston, Apr. 15, 1797*.
Mary of Woburn, and John Permon, in Woburn, Apr. 26, 1727*.
Mary of Charlestown, and Jonas Prentice, in Charlestown, Apr. 22, 1736*.
Mary (of Charlestown, int.) and Benjamin Look, Aug. 2, 1757.
Mary and James Rand, Nov. 6, 1823.
Mary Jane of Boston and Murch Judd, int. Aug. 25, 1843.
Nabby of Weston, and Richard Thayer, in Weston, June 26, 1796*.
Oliver of Dedham, and Mary Gardiner of West Cambridge, Jan. 15, 1843*.
Samuel and Sophia Stedman, Mar. 20, 1796*.
Sarah of Charlestown, and Ebenezer Prentice, in Charlestown, Aug. 21, 1835*.
Mary and Thomas Wybert, both late of Boston, Feb. 27, 1776.
PIERSON (also see Pearson, Peirson)
Jonathan and Abigail Gates, Mar. 17, 1729-30*.
Carlos L. and Elizabeth C. George, Dec. 6, 1846.
Mary Ann and Asahel Phelps, both of Boston, Sept. 13, 1836*.
William of Boston, and Hannah Pattin, int. Nov. 1, 1755.
William and Elizabeth (Elizabeth M., int.) Stone of Boston, in South Boston, May 5, 1840.
Mary (of Marblehead, int.) and John Phillips, June 19, 1744.
Thomas and Mary Salisbury, May 28, 1833.
Thomas W. of Dorchester, and Laura Farnsworth, Oct. 15, 1843.
Darius and Elizabeth Hudson, Apr. 7, 1842.
Maria W. and Benjamin Jenness of Charlestown, int. July 4, 1829.
William J. of Boston, and Harriet Emma Gay, int. Apr. 26, 1846.
Edmund and Anna Cooper, Aug. 2, 1664*.
Laura E. and Eleazer D. Weeks, int. May 30, 1845.
Marcy and Otis Whitney, July 20, 1823.
Mary of Lexington, and Jason Winship, int. Jan. 16, 1768.
Elizabeth (Potts, CR1) and Josiah Temple, Apr. 22, 1772.
Frances and Charles Merrill of Portland, Me., Dec. 5, 1836.
Mary and Samuel Fillebrown, Nov. 9, 1775.
Mary and George Stafford, Oct. 24, 1837.
Mary Ann and Ezra Warren of Chelmsford, int. Nov 20, 1824.
Walter and Sarah Emeline Spear of Camden, Me., int. Sept. 20, 1846.
Anthony and Catherine Murphy, int. Jan. 5, 1844.
PLUMER (also see Plummer)
Judith B. and Stillman Jewett, int. Oct. 18, 1828.
Sedgwick L., Esq., of Gardiner, Me., and Lydia Ann Edwards, int. Sept. 6, 1846.
PLUMMER (also see Plumer)
Ann Augusta and George D. Gookin, int. Aug. 30, 1846.
Mary L. and Daniel S. Smith, Dec. 6, 1827.
Mary W. and Stark Davis, both of Lowell, in Lowell, Aug. 16, 1840*.
Czarina of Woburn, and Otis Danforth, int. Sept. 6, 1827.
Frances A. (Frances Ann, int.) and James Wemple of Natchez, Miss., Aug. 11, 1839.
Mary Elizabeth, dau of Dr. Sylvanus (and Mary B., CR1), a. 23 y., and Rev. Joshua Young of Boston, s. of Aaron (and Mary, CR1) of Bangor, Me., a. 25 y., Feb. 14, 1849.
Sylvanus (Dr., int.) and Mary Bell Warland, Feb. 18, 1823.
William of Boston, and Nancy Shuttlesworth, Oct. 26, 1815.
Almira of Lancaster, and Moses B. Houghton, int. Apr. 29, 1831.
John S. and Eliza A. Dyer of Townsend, int. Oct. 22, 1848.
Lucy S. and Samuel W. Dudley, int. Oct. 22, 1848.
Mary J. and Hosea Spencer, Dec. 30, 1829.
POLLEY (also see Polly)
Ruth (of Medford, int.) and William Swan, Apr. 13, 1743.
POLLY (also see Polley)
Martha and Loring Bradock of Boston, in Duxbury, Aug 13, 1733*.
Samuel and Sally Robinson of North Yarmouth, int. June 5, 1814.
Sarah F. and Royal Douglass, Apr. 3, 1840.
POOL (also see Poole)
Luke and Susanna Hill Bates, int. Oct. 25, 1800.
Mary and Jabez Kendal, int. Jan. 7, 1769.
Scipio (of Medford, int.) and Rose Cutter, Sept. 1, 1768. Negroes.
POOLE (also see Pool)
Mary and James Nickolls, Nov. 9, 1682*.
Daniel of Boston, and Elizabeth Dane, int. Oct. 28, 1836.
Augustus, Rev. (Augusta A., int.) of Boston, and Lucy A. (Lucy Ann, int.) Meacham, June 2, 1843.
Daniel E. of Waltham, and Sophia Barker, int. July 5, 1837.
Alfred H. and Ann A. Scott, int. Jan. 1, 1839.
Anna of Newton, and Ezra Cooper, in Newton, Feb. 16, 1774.
Calvin A. and Ann Eliza Tyler, Nov. 8 ,1849.
Charles (Charles S., int.) Rev. of New York, and Jane E. Fisk, July 19, 1837.
Eleazer, a. 20 y., and Caroline A. Alexander, a. 20 y., Sept. 5, 1849.
Elisabeth and Amasa T. Thompson, Aug. 14, 1828. CR10*.
Hannah and Jacob Brown of Needham, Apr. 4, 1796. CR1*.
Hannah and William Locke Jr., int. May 25, 1806.
Israel and Martha Chadwick, Jan. 29, 1772.
Israel of Concord, and Sarah Moore, Mar. 10, 1796*.
John and Mary Barry, int. Apr. 30, 1825.
Joseph and Eunice Winship, Jan. 24, 1799*.
Joseph and Susan Maria Bent, int. Dec. 29, 1832.
Martha and Augustus Stedman, Feb. 16, 1843. CR2.
Obed of Boston, s. of Joseph (and Esther, CR1), a 26 y., and Martha Ballard, dau of Joseph (and Priscilla, CR1), a. 20 y., Nov. 30, 1848.
Sally of Bedford, and Israel Hadley, int. June 23, 1816.
Samuel, Rev., and Mary Coolidge, Oct. 30, 1735.
Samuel L. and Julia M. Harvicker, July 15, 1847.
Sarah of Hadley, and Rev. Samuell Cook, int. Aug. 29, 1740.
Sarah and Lorenzo S. Palmer, Feb. 13, 1838.
Sarah Ann Wright, and Richard Pasquell, Feb. 26, 1829. CR10.
William and Salome Barrows of N. Providence, June 9, 1824*.
William and Alice Maria Brown, Nov. 29, 1832. CR2.
Henry and Abigail L. Giles of Somerville, Aug. 15, 1843.
Joseph S. and Sarah E. Adams, int. Nov. 8, 1846.
Mary and John Dodge, int. Dec. 12, 1813.
Anna and John Linton, both of Watertown, May 2, 1838*.
James B. of New York, s. of James B. of Ireland, a. 21 y., and Lucinda P. Ward, dau of Moses, a. 20 y., Sept. 19, 1847.
Mary and William Wilcocke, Feb. 22, 1650*.
POWER (also see Powers)
Isaac of Concord, and Mary Winship, in Concord, Apr. 14, 1701*.
POWERS (also see Power)
John and Joanna Braman, int. Feb. 20, 1848.
Rowland and Nancy Phirson, Oct. 5, 1809.
Mary of Medford, and Samuel Winship, Apr. 12, 1687*.
Peter M. (Peter Morris, int.) and Eliza Collier, Oct. 14, 1835.