VITAL RECORDS of CAMBRIDGE Massachusetts, to the Year 1850.
Compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

* = intention not recorded.
HACKELTON (also see Hackleton)
Mary and Benjamin Butterfield, Apr. 4, 1776.
HACKET (also see Hackett)
Sally (Sarah O., int.) and Thomas J. Johnson, June 16, 1825.
HACKETT (also see Hacket)
George W. and Mary Ann S. Pickering of Portsmouth, N.H., int. Set. 4, 1839.
Michael and Rose Weems, int. May 21, 1839.
HACKLETON (also see Hackelton)
Bethiah and Ebenezer Freeman, July 5, 1789.*
Benjamin of Charlestown, and Martha Ireland, May 19, 1811.*
Charles E. C. and Elizabeth Taylor, Aug. 26, 1849.
Edward, s. of Israel (and Sarah, CR1), a. 22 y., and Sarah Augusta Stone, dau of William (and Keziah, CR1), a. 19 y., Aug. 18, 1844.
Elizabeth of Lexington, and William Blackington, in Lexington, Dec. 25, 1793.*
Israel and Sally Porter of Bedford, int. June 23, 1816.
Nathaniel J. and Elizabeth Redding, Jan. 22, 1843.
Nathaniel J., widr., s. of Benjamin of Somerville, a. 29 y., and Mary D. Bennett, wid., dau of John Morrison of Moultonboro, N.H., a. 33 y., Oct. 3, 1844.
Rowena H., dau of Israel, a. 24 y., and William Howe, s. of Tyler, a. 25 y., b. in Spencer, Nov. 29, 1848.
Ruth of Lexington, and James Fowle, in Lexington, Nov. 30, 1780.*
Samuel P. and Elizabeth Blood, Aug. 19, 1849.
Sarah H. and Robert H. Hovey, Nov. 16, 1836.
William P. and Martha j. Gunnison, Jan. 21, 1847.
HAGAR (also see Hager)
Dolly and William Parmenter, int. Apr. 5, 1812.
Elisha and Mary Fessenden, Aug. 19, 1752.
Harriet M. and Frederic Kidder, Jan. 12, 1841.
James and Jerusha D. (Jerusha Dana, int.) King, Jan. 1, 1843.
Jonathan and Lois Mixer of Weston, int. Oct. 25, 1806.
Jonathan and Mrs. Mary Mixer, June 4, 1826.
Josiah B. of Boston, and Mary Ann Davis, Sept. 7, 1847.
Mary and David Smith (of Weston, int.), June 2, 1757.
Sally and Joseph Barrett of Barre, int. Apr. 3, 1830.
HAGER (also see Hagar)
Joanna F. of Newton, and Charles Davenport, int. May 30, 1834.
Jonas (of Weston, int.) and Hannah Ellis, Nov. 14, 1751.
Edward and Bridgett Maria Mullen, Jan. 21, 1849. (Bridgett Maria Deechan, int.).
James and Hannah Dougherty, int. Sept. 20, 1846.
Isaac of Harvard, and Sarah Bowers, Aug. 5, 1766.*
HAINES (also see Haynes)
Charles and Harriot Hill, Sept. 17, 1826.
Dorcas L. and David Goddard, Dec. 29, 1816.
George W. and Lucretia Whitcomb, May 10, 1840.
George W. and Clarissa A. Neal, Dec. 10, 1843.
Mercy of Boston, and Ephraim Cook Jr., int. July 18, 1755.
Nancy of Northborough, and Calvin Gove, Mar. 21, 1843.
Orissa M. and Edward Gray, Oct. 5, 1831.
Catharine of Boston, and William Covany, int. Aug. 15, 1838.
Daniel and Abiel Hunnewel of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Dec. 26, 1769.
Elizabeth (of Boston, int.), and Henry Prentice, in Boston, Nov. 8, 1749.
Elizabeth S. and Charles S. Pearson, Feb. 14, 1842.
Jesse and Emily M. Fellows of Canterbury, N.H., int. Aug. 3, 1833.
Maria and John Brooks, July 3, 1835.
Mary and Rev. Joshua Prentice (of Holliston, int.), Jan. 9, 1770.
Mary Ann and James Galvin, int. Aug. 8, 1849.
Nancy and Moses Chenery Jr. of Watertown, int. Sept. 30, 1827.
Rachel and Antipas Steward (of Salem, int.), Sept. 8, 1773.
William of Boston, and Parthena Smith, Jan. 26, 1836.
Abigail and Jonathan Ward of Newton, Dec. 31, 1700.*
Abigail R. and John Redding, Apr. 28, 1844. CR10.
Christopher and Mary Homer, Feb. 5, 1699-1700. CR1.*
Ebenezer and Esther Ruhamah Cutter, Mar. 26, 1787.*
Ebenezer M. and Roxana w. Keezer of Lowell, int. Aug. 11, 1841.
Edward and Margaret ------, -----, 16--. CR1.*
Edward and Mary Reynar, June 18, 1677.*
Edward B. of Northampton, and Harriet Ware, int. Oct. 7, 1826.
Elizabeth and Jazanaih Cook, int. May 24, 1806.
Ezekiel (of Medford, int.) and Anna Cook, Oct. 24, 1765.
Hannah and Steeven Francis, Dec. 27, 1670.*
Hannah and Joseph Adams Jr., Sept. 11, 1750.
Hannah of Newton, and Ezra Dana, in Newton, June 11, 1782.*
James and Mary Robbins, Apr. 3, 1838.
Jesse and Mary D. Meriam of Framington, int. Aug. 14, 1830.
John of Medford, and Jemimah Sill, in Charlestown, Dec. 21, 1687.*
Josiah and Elizabeth Cummings of Woburn, in Woburn, Aug. 31, 1773.
Josiah of Newton and Elizabeth Brown, in Newton, Feb. 8, 1776.
Lewis and Louise Jackson of Newton, int. Sept. 7, 1839.
Lidea and Gershom Cutter, Mar. 6, 1677-8.*
Mary and Israel Mede, Feb. 26, 1669.*
Mary and Thomas Brown, May 23, 1681.*
Mary R. of Chelsea, and Jonathan R. Dow, Feb. 8, 1844.
Mary T., dau of James, dec., a. 30 y., b. in Northbridge, and Stephen Bump, s. of Nathan, a. 29 y., b. in Providence, R.I., Oct. 7, 1846.
Orrin and Sarah N. Stickney, int. Aug. 25, 1838.
Patience Jr. and Daniel Cutter (of Medford, int.), Nov. 18, 1756.
Prentice and Mrs. Elizabeth Elliot, Aug. 6, 1827.
Rebecca and William Cutler, Jan. 19, 1773.
Rebecca Barns and John Codman of Boston, int. Jan. 31, 1824.
Royal F. and Matilda S. Baker, int. Mar. 18, 1849.
Sally of Charlestown, and Otis Knight, int. Jan. 29, 1832.
Sarah A. and Edwin H. Locke of Charleston, S.C., Oct. 15, 1845. CR10.
Sherman, Rev., and Betsy Parker, June 10, 1831.
Stephen 4th (of Medford, int.) and Mary Hill, July 12, 1770.
Stephen and Mary Holt of Falmouth, int. July 4, 1778.
Thomas and Elizabeth ------, -----, 16 --. CR1.*
Thomas and Martha Bradshaw, May 24, 1683.*
Thomas and Patience Allen, July 10, 1729.*
Thomas (Jr., int.) and Rebeccah Cutter of Medford, in Medford, Nov. 11, 1756.
Thomas and Elizabeth Meriam of Concord, in Concord, Oct. 5, 1785.*
William and Mary C. Ayers, int. Oct. 20, 1844.
William A. and Julia A. Wright of Concord, int. Apr. 27, 1844.
Zachariah B. and Judith B. Daley, June 9, 1825.
Johanna and John Moore, Dec. 4, 1849.*
John and Mary Crafford, int. Sept. 14, 1848.
HAMBLET (also see Hamlet)
Alpheus and Elizabeth Stevens, int. Feb. 14, 1824.
Eli and Lucy Frost of Tyngsboro, int. June 6, 1839.
Fanny (of Boston, int.) and Thomas Nelson, Oct. 20, 1835.
Friend and Clarissa Ann Spalding, June 7, 1842.
HAMBLETON (also see Hamilton)
Joseph and Sarah Patten, in Boston, May 2, 1728.*
HAMILTON (also see Hambleton)
Benjamin and Hannah Wilson, Mar. 24, 1841.
HAMLET (also see Hamblet)
William and Sarah ------, -----, 16 --. CR1.*
Elizabeth B. and William Hurd Jr., both of South Boston, Dec. 11, 1843.*
Ellen B. and William P. Stearns, both of South Boston, Dec. 11, 1843.*
Harriet of Boston, and Thomas Seaver, int. Jan. 24, 1847.
Catherine of Boston, dau of Charles, a. 23 y., and Jacob Schnatz, s. of George, a. 29 y., both b. in Germany, int. Nov. 6, 1849.
HAMMOND (also see Hamond)
Betsy of Waltham, and Edward Richards, Apr. 13, 1809.
Deborah and Daniel Hastings of Boston, Apr. 6, 1815.
Edward A. and Louisa Whall of Newton, int. Feb. 6, 1836.
Eliza Ann and Abraham Parker Jr. of Newton, int. Dec. 29, 1839.
Elizabeth and Thomas Chamberlin, Apr. 18, 1681.*
Ephraim and Sarah Parker, in Newton, Mar. 24 1768.
Georgianna and Silas W. (Silas Wellington, int.) Keeler of Boston, Apr. 3, 1838.
Hannah and Zechariah Shed, Dec. 22, 1791.*
Jemima and Isaac Champney, May 8, 1792.*
Lucy and Jabez Whiting, Apr. 28, 1805.
Lydia of Newton, and Benjamin Cook, in Newton, Apr. 4, 1765.
Lydia of Boston, and Dea. Thomas Thwing, int. Sept. 9 1803.
Margaret and Patrick Collier, int. July 12, 1847.
Rebecca of Newton, and Silas Robbins, May 20, 1792.*
Sarah and Nicholas Parlen, Nov. 30, 1665.*
HAMOND (also see Hammond)
Thomas and Elizabeth Stedman, Dec. 17, 1662.*
HANCOCK (also see Hancocke)
Abigail and Richard Davenport, Nov. 8, 1722.*
Ann Susan and Belcher Hancock of Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. --, 1834.
Anne Elizabeth and John Dolbeer of New York City, July 19, 1831.
Belcher of Philadelphia, Pa., and Ann Susan Hancock, Sept. --, 1834.
Dorothy and Caleb Lampson of Charlestown, Nov. 24, 1720.*
Ebenezer and Susannah Clark, Jan. 14, 1702. (1702-03, CR1).*
Elizabeth and Benjamin Wyman of Woburn, Jan. 20, 1702. (1702-03, CR1).*
Elizabeth and John Wyeth, Dec. 20, 1733.*
Henry of Wrentham, and Mary Delaway, Jan. 17, 1705.*
Horace A., s. of Torrey, a. 24 y., and Nancy Maria Fuller, dau of Oliver, dec., a. 21 y., Sept. 21, 1848.
Isabella, dau of Torrey, a. 31 y., and Shepard A. Laughton of Pittston, Me., s. of Ebenezer, a. 41 y., Aug. 11, 1846.
John of North Cambridge, and Elizabeth Clark of Chelmsford, in Chelmsford, Nov. 11, 1700.*
John Jr. (of Charlestown, int.) and Martha Sparhawk, Nov. 20, 1760.
Mary and John Parker, Dec. 20, 1711.*
Mary T. and Jonas Wyeth, Jan. 1, 1833.
Nathaniel and Sarah Green, Dec. 26, 1699. CR1.*
Prudence and Abraham Hill, Dec 18, 1718.*
Royal B. and Abigail S. Thayer, June 10, 1832.
Royal B. and Mrs. Sarah B. Valentine, int. Sept. 22, 1842.
Samuel (of Wells, int.) and Tabitha Champney, Sept. 12, 1774.
Samuel and Ann Bird, Nov. 20,1808.
Sarah and Nathaniel Pattin, Oct. 15, 1710. CR1.*
Sarah and John Cooper (Sr., CR1), June 21, 1720.*
Sarah and William Colson, Oct. 21, 1779.
Sarah, wid., and Dea. James Munro, July 23, 1783.*
Sarah and Josiah W. Cook, Oct. 11, 1829.
Solomon and Susanna B. (Susanna Baker, int.) Bird of Boston, Jan. 13, 1803.
Solomon and Nabby Hews of Westin, int. Nov. 6, 1817.
Susanna and Jacob Hill, Sept. 29, 1714.*
Tabitha and Daniel Champney, Sept. 4, 1723.*
Torrey and Sarah Wyeth, July 5, 1774.
Torrey and Olive Orcutt, Feb. 28, 1805.
Torrey and Isabella Rice of East Sudbury, int. Apr. 28, 1811.
HANCOCKE (also see Hancock)
Nathaniel and Mary Prentice (dau of Henry and Joana, CR1), Mar. 8, 1663-4.*
Thomas and Elizabeth Gill of Boston, int. June 26, 1834.
Alice and Daniel McGrath, int. Apr. 1, 1847.
HANDFORD (also see Haniford)
Horace (of Stow, int.) and Susan Spear, Dec. 24, 1834.
Lucy M. of Boston, and Moses Lunt, int. Aug. 31, 1839.
HANIFORD (also see Handford)
Rachel of Boston, and Joseph S. Damrell, Dec. 7, 1835.
Joseph of Boston, and Abby E. Symonds, int. Oct. 5, 1845.
James and Sophia Gray, int. Jan. 25, 1846.
Michael and Ann Niles, int. Nov. 1, 1847.
Ruth of Charlestown, and Charles Hunnewell, int. Aug. 23, 1813.
Hannah and Abel Hyde of Boston, Jan. 22, 1809.
Hannah and Dennis Desmond, int. Aug. 16, 1845.
John and Ann Kelly, int. Sept. 24, 1848.
Patrick and Ellen Flynn, int. Apr. 8, 1849.
HANNASY (also see Henessy, Hennesy, Hennissy)
Margaret and John Whelan, int. June 10, 1842.
Jeanette, a. 17 y., and A. Augustine Mackintire, s. of Ebenezer of Worcester, a. 22 y., Apr. 9, 1846.
Hepzibah J., dau of William, a. 20 y., b. in Durham, Me., and John R. Nay, s. of Ebenezer, a. 24 y., b. in Raymond, Me., Aug. 10, 1848.
Lydia H. F. and Person Davis, int. Mar. 22, 1846.
Benjamin W. and Henrietta C. Hanson of Atkinson, Me., int. May 7, 1848.
Betsy and Edward Farrar, Apr. 26, 1827.
Henrietta C. of Atkinson, Me., and Benjamin W. Hanson, int. May 7, 1848.
S. Cordelia (Sophronia C., int.) and Thomas W. Harris, Apr. 27, 1843.
Thomas of Brookline, and Charlotte Willson, Jan. 19, 1797.*
Mary and Benjamin Cheney, in Charlestown, Nov. 14, 1706.*
David and Harriet B. Messinger of Medway, int. June 7, 1829.
Harriet of Marblehead, and Francis W. Broad, int. May 14, 1831.
Atwood and Elizabeth Walker, both of Somerville, Oct. 27, 1842.*
Dudley of Rutland, and Mrs. Charity Sanderson, Dec. 3, 1795.*
Mary Jane, dau of Bradbury, a. 16 y., b. in Canaan, N.H., and Joseph S. Day, s. of Jacob, a. 21 y., b. in Bradford, N.H., Oct. 25, 1846.
Noah of Brookline, and Sally Dearborn, Apr. 10, 1821.
William and Susan W. Robinson, int. Oct. 12, 1845.
William, s. of Thomas, a. 24 y., b. in Boston, and Angeria Henderson, dau of Moses O., a. 20 y., b. in Portland, Me., Sept. 19, 1847.*
Margaret of Boston, and Thomas Conaln, int. Nov. 1, 1846.
Mary and James Murray, int. Aug. 10, 1840.
Mary and Barnard Quaan, int. Sept. 24, 1845.
Hannah of Newcastle, Me., and James C. Nute, int. Aug. 2, 1843.
Andrew B. and Abigaill S. Edes, Sept. 13, 1832.
Charles and Eliza M. Hunt of Boston, int. Dec. 22, 1838.
Joshua and Phebe Richardson, Nov. 14, 1805.
Mary (Mary S., int) and Samuel Mason, May 15, 1803.
Noah R. and Sarah A. Hunt, May 25, 1841.
Naphlely (Napthali of York, int.) and Anna Greenleaf, Oct. 18, 1744.
John and Mary Carr, int. Sept. 6, 1846.
Owen and Mary Cawfield, int. Oct. 10, 1844.
Sally of Charlestown, and William Winship Jr., in Medford, Oct. 11, 1784.*
Joanna and John Murphy of Boston, int. Sept. 23, 1843.
HARRINGTON (also see Herrington)
Andrew and Fanny Ranuff of Boston, Oct. 17, 1809.*
Anne and William Flannagan of North Bridgewater, int. June 24, 1846.
Avis of Watertown, and Nathan Crane, int. Sept. 27, 1806.
Benjamin of Charlestown, and Betsey Frost, Oct. 1, 1792.*
Betsy of Lexington, and Walter R. Mason, int. May 22, 1819.
Clara of Lexington, and Samuel B. Rindge, int. Mar. 29, 1845.
Daniel and Catherine Mulloy, int. Nov. 9, 1847.
Dinah of Worcester, and Seth Russell, in Worcester, May 8, 1755.
Elizabeth and George Dale, Nov. 8, 1833.
Emmeline and Benjamin B. Read of Salem, int. Oct. 31, 1829.
Hannah, Mrs., of Lexington, and Luther Brooks, June 1, 1830. CR10.
Hiram (of Charlestown, int.) and Julia Ann C. Lane, Jan. 22, 1835.
Joanna and John Hayes, int. Jan. 12, 1847.
Jonathan and Ruthy Britton, Nov. 10, 1799.*
Joshua (Joshua M., int.) and Susan G. Reed, Nov. 29, 1832.
Julia Ann and James B. Bossuet of Charlestown, int. Mar. 18, 1849.
Mary and Jno. Hinckson, Apr. 13, 1680.*
Mary and Quinlan Harrington, Apr. 15, 1849.
Matilda and Jonathan P. Hastings, int. Aug. 21, 1830.
Moses and Deborah Winship, June 23, 1760.
Peter and Nancy Savage, both of Billerica, int. Nov. 9, 1800.
Quinlan and Mary Harrington, Apr. 15, 1849.
Ruth of Weston, and William Cutter, in Weston, May 11, 1780.
Sally of Lexington, and Edward Blackington, in Lexington, Dec. 30, 1793.*
Sumner and Eliza Maynard of Waltham, int. Nov. 24, 1826.
Ann and Stephen Burke, Mar. 7, 1843. Colored.
Elizabeth Kneeland of Boston, and Joseph Neal Howe Jr., int. Aug. 23, 1822.
Josiah of Charlestown, and Hannah King, in Charlestown, Nov. 28, 1723.*
Mary and Benjamin H. Ober, Dec. 4, 1834.
Rebecca of Malden, and Dr. John Wheeler of Dover, N.H., Mar. 12, 1793.*
Thomas and Mary Dana, Apr. 24, 1735.*
Thomas W. and S. Cordelia (Sophronia C., int.) Hanson, Apr. 27, 1843.
Caroline O. (Caroline P., int.) and Nathan Childs, July --, 1823.
Jane N. and Moses W. Copeland of Boston, Oct. --, 1824.
Dolly D. and John K. Brown of West Cambridge, int. Apr. 27, 1839.
Jarvis W. of Fredericton, N.B., and Prudence B. Brown, int. June 22, 1839.
Elizabeth and George Tuffts (of Medford, int.), Nov. 12, 1767.
George A. C. and Mrs. Sophia Damrell, Jan. 1, 1844.
Hannah (of Charlestown, int.) and Samuel Cutter, Dec. 1, 1760.
Hannah (of Charlestown, int.) and William Robbins, Oct. 17, 1764.
Otis and Sarah B. Spear, int. Apr. 7, 1838.
Sarah of Lincoln, and Abijah H. Pierce, int. Dec. 5, 1818.
Alley and James Cullerton, int. Apr. 4, 1845.
Elizabeth C. and Anson Burton of Boston, Dec. 6, 1842.
Henry, s. of John, a. 41 y., b. in Charlestown, and Elizabeth Burnham of So. Bridgton, Me., dau of E., a. 26 y., int. Oct. 29, 1849.
Lucia L. of Boston, and Atherton H. Stevens Jr., int. Nov. 12, 1848.
Sarah of Nashua (Barnet, Vt., int.) and Fordyce M. Stimson, Dec. 3, 1835.
Henry and Margaret Shackey, both of Boston, Dec. 18, 1841.*
Jonathan and Julia ann Wyman, Apr. 21, 1844.
Julia A. and Samuel L. Porter, July 15, 1847.
Mary of Concord, and Thomas Merriam, in Concord, Dec. 23, 1696.*
HASCALL (also see Haskell)
John and Mary Squire, Mar. 2, 1698-9. CR1.*
Moses of Somerville, s. of Nathaniel of Compton, Canada, a. 24 y., and Sarah Kimball, dau of Abraham of Lyman, Me., a. 24 y., Oct. 30, 1844.*
Abraham and Jemima Felch, Jan. 17, 1739-40.
Jemima and Samuel Cox, Feb. 16, 1775.
HASKELL (also see Hascall)
Charles and Joanna H. Andrews, Mar. 22, 1838.*
George, Dr., and Eunice P. Edwards of Westford, int. May 12, 1827.
George L. of Boston, s. of Elisha, a. 24 y., and Sarah E. Burditt, du of Henry, a. 22 y., Oct. 28, 1845.
Martha and Moses R. Edwards of Boston, Oct. 20, 1844.*
Sally D. of Boston, and Abner C. Godell, int. July 4, 1829.
Unity and John McLaughlin, both of Boston, Jan. 9, 1849.
Joseph and Mary Perry, Aug. 21, 1667.*
HASSARD (also see Hazard, Hazzard)
Flora (Florana, int.) of Springfield, and Thaddeus Wyman, in Springfield, Oct. 1, 1754.
Thomas of Baltimore, and Augusta P. Greene of Roxbury, in Roxbury, Nov. 5, 1835. CR2.*
HASSEL (also see Hassell)
Betsey and Othniel Thomas, Aug. 15, 1826.
HASSELL (also see Hassel)
Richard and Joane ------, -----, 16 --. CR1.*
Eunice and John Lord, Oct. 28, 1817.
HASTING (also see Hastings)
Abigail and Moses Bordman, July 25, 1700.*
Daniel and Abigial Cooksey, Nov. 13, 1701.*
John and Anne Mean, -----, 16 --. CR1.*
Stephen and Hannah Stacey, Oct. 28, 1708.*
Walter, Dea., and Elizabeth Clark, Jan. 7, 1702. (1702-03. CR1)*
HASTINGS (also see Hasting)
Adeline of Boston, and Jacob C. Demick, Sept. 14, 1842.
Adeline C. of Waltham, and William O. Barrows, int. Feb. 4, 1832.
Adino and Mehitabel Watson, June 21, 1795.*
Amitai B. and Daniel Davis of Boston, int. Sept. 14, 1834.
Andrew J. and Mary A. Barber, int. Oct. 17, 1849.
Benjamin of Brighton, and Betsey Gould, May 28, 1828.
Charles and Martha Tuttle of Lexington, int. Oct. 4, 1846.
Daniel of Boston, and Deborah Hammond, Apr. 6, 1815.
Edmund Trowbridge and Elizabeth Spring (of Boston, int.), in Boston, June 1, 1815.
Eliza M. and Levi E. Houghton of Springfield, int. Aug. 3, 1849.
Eliza W. (Eliza Watson, int.) and Henry Wheeler of Boston, Dec. --, 1821.
Elizabeth (wid., CR1) and Josiah Learned, Apr. 28, 1799.*
Elizabeth C. and M. S. Judkins, ----, 1808. GR3.*
Hannah and Samuel Cooper, Dec. 4, 1682.*
Hannah and William Howe, int. Jan. 16, 1779.
Harriet M. of Brighton, and John F. Brown of Concord, N.H., May 26, 1836.*
Hepzibah of Newton and Alexander Sampson, in Newton, May 23, 1754.
Isaac H. and Minerva Cherry, Apr. 24, 1848.
James P. and Mary Littlefield of Somerville, Aug. 10, 1845.
Jane of Waltham, and Uriah York, int. Sept. 8, 1821.
John and Hannah Moore, Mar. 1, 1665-6.*
John and Lidea Champney, May 20, 1668.*
John and Rebecca Eaton, Sept. 28, 1691.*
John and Elizabeth Prentice, Apr. 30, 1780.*
John, Capt., and Lydia Dana, Dec. (7, CR1), 1783.*
John Jr., and Ruth W. Newcomb of Hardwick, int. Aug. 8, 1821.
Jonathan and Elizabeth Cotton of Newton, in Newton, Oct. 31, 1750.
Jonathan Jr. and Christina Wainwright, Nov. 24, 1780.*
Jonathan P. and Matilda Harrington, int. Aug. 21, 1830.
Joseph and Elizabeth Edwards of Reading, in Reading, Jan. 17, 1699.*
Lucretia and William Richardson, Apr. 18, 1803 (Apr. 10, CR1).
Mary and Rennew Martin, int. -----, 1745.
Mary and Josiah Shattuck, Jan. 11, 1753.
Mary and Josiah Moore, Sept. 19, 1768.
Mary and Franklin Sawyer, Feb. 20, 1806.
Mary A. (Mary Adeline, int.) and Gilbert Cutting of Boston, in Boston, Nov. 25, 1832.
Mary E. and George A. Reed, int. Sept. 20, 1846.
Mehitabel and Thomas Hastings of Newton, Oct. 3, 1802.
Oliver and (Mrs., int.) Huldah Tribou, Sept. 28, 1843.
Philemon and Sarah Cole, Mar. 19, 1766.
Polly, Mrs., of Weston, and Joseph Butterfield, late of Cambridge, Mar. 12, 1792.*
Rebecca of Watertown, and John Frost Jr., int. Mar. 7, 1807.
Reuben and Deborah Park, int. May 17, 1806.
Richard C. and Nancy Wyeth, June 5, 1823.
Samuel and Mary Meene, Nov. 12, 1661.*
Samuel and Hephzibah Dana, May 8, 1735.*
Samuel and Mary Whittemore, int. Nov. 7, 1746.
Samuel and Rebecca Johnson, June 14, 1789.*
Samuel E. and Elizabeth Vose, Oct. 29, 1828.*
Sarah and James Hill, Jan. 29, 1791.*
Sarah and Simon S. Gates of Worcester, Apr. 12, 1821.
Seth (of Watertown, int.) and Hannah Soden, Dec. 30, 1747. (Dec. 31, CR1).
Sophia G. of Newton, and Charles Frothingham Jr., int. Apr. 13, 1816.
Susan and George W. Hubbard, Mar. 4, 1827.
Susan E. and Nathaniel S. Rand, Aug. 5, 1849.
Susanna and Nathan Crane, int. Dec. 6, 1813.
Sylvania and Rufus Cox, both of Watertown, Apr. 2, 1846.*
Thomas and Lydia Shed of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Apr. 11, 1745.
Thomas of Newton and Elizabeth Jackson, int. Apr. 7, 1800.
Thomas of Newton and Mehitabel Hastings, Oct. 3, 1802.
Thomas and Martha Livermore of Brighton, int. Apr. 25, 1823.
Walter (s. of John, CR1) and Sarah Meen, Apr. 10, 1655.*
Walter and Elizabeth Bright, July 23, 1674.*
Pyam C. and Sarah Wilkins, Dec. 19, 1834.
Sewall and Sarah Forsaith, in Boston, Feb. 15, 1847.
Susan J. of Lowell, and Isaac W. Calef, int. Sept. 14, 1847.
William and Rhoda Dean, int. Apr. 14, 1832.
John and Asenah Puffer of Sudbury, int. Sept. 6, 1806.
Samuel, Rev. (of Portsmouth, N.H., int.), and Mehetable Appleton, Jan. 11, 1753.
Samuel of Dedham, and Elizabeth Foster, Jan. 24, 1799.*
William of East Sudbury, and Mrs. Lucy Shephard of Weston, Aug. 30, 1792.*
HAWES (also see Haws)
Abigail H. and Foster C. Dodge, Oct. 29, 1837.
Hannah and Joseph Dolliver, int. June 19, 1845.
Increase S. of Oxford, and Abigail Derby, Feb. 5, 1837.
Isaac H. and Mary Ann Schweiring, May 5, 1839.
Isaac H. and Augusta Brackett, Dec. 12, 1841.
Mary and David (David C., int.) Bartlett, May 16, 1832.
Nancy and Nathan Parks, both of Concord, June 7, 1805.*
Sarah Gray of Boston, and Prof. Joseph Lovering, int. Jan. 19, 1844.
HAWKES (also see Hawks)
Cynthia Ann and Benjamin F. Farnsworth, both of Lancaster, in Lancaster, Feb. 22, 1841.*
James of Holliston, and Mrs. Harriet Dickey, Aug. 2, 1843.
William S. of North Bridgewater, and Eliza A. Knights, Sept. 29, 1844.
Caroline and Ebenezer K. Griffin, Nov. --, 1834.*
Eunice and John Walker, Mar. 18, 1841.*
Hannah and Theophilus Griffin, Nov. --, 1834.*
Nathaniel, Col. (of South Kingston, R.I., int.) and Sarah Kent, Mar. 5, 1778.
Rebecca and Hiram Cutler, both of Somerville, Oct. 27, 1844.*
Sarah and Samuel Swan, int. June 4, 1737.
Sarah and Gorham Jewett of Lexington, Dec. 30, 1841.*
Sarah K. (Sarah Kent, CR1) of Charlestown, and Henry Adams of Lexington, Oct. 8, 1835.*
HAWKS (also see Hawkes)
Alvin M. and Mrs. Mary Jane Richardson, Sunday, Dec. 6, 1840.
Farrington and Phelena C. Dean of Boston, int. June 1, 1822.
HAWS (also see Hawes)
Daniell of Wrentham, and Bridgett Cheever, Nov. 22, 1720.*
HAY (also see Hayes, Hays)
Peter (Hayes, int.) of Stoneham, and Ruth Marret, in Stoneham, Oct. 29, 1742.
Richard and Anna Adams, Mar. 25, 1781.*
Anna of Hopkinton, and Farnum Abbott, int. Sept. 14, 1809.
Ann Elizabeth and Henry D. Morse of Boston, May 22, 1849.
Edward M. and Lydia M. Holt of Boston, int. Mar. 9, 1839.
Elijah and Rixanna (Roxana, int.) Maria Priest, Mar. 19, 1829.
Elizabeth Ann and Robert Montgomery, Nov. 10, 1839.
John and Abigail Crafts of Roxbury, int. June 9, 1811.
John and Jane Hyslop of Brookline, int. Apr. 30, 1825.
Mary B. and Calvin S. Taylor of Quincy, Mar. 30, 1828.
Mary West and William Henry Parker of Boston, int. May 1, 1843.
Susannah and Andros Randall, Mar. 4, 1762. CR2.*
William H. Jr. and Sarah M. Holmes of Hamilton, int. Nov. 12, 1848.
HAYES (also see Hay, Hays)
Calvin, s. of Samuel, a. 27 y., and Charlotte A. Carter, a. 27 y., both of Roxbury, Apr. 8, 1849.*
Charles and Rebecca Goodwin of Lancaster, int. Nov. 17, 1832.
Ephraim of Boston, and Caroline Duntlin, int. Jan. 7, 1843.
George (George W., int.) and Meriam Gordon, May 3, 1837.
John and Joanna Harrington, int. Jan. 12, 1847.
Luther S. and Emeline Swett of Limerick, Me., int. Mar. 14, 1847.
Roxanna of Dover, N.H., dau of Benjamin, dec., and Solomon H. Foye, s. of Richard of Dover, N.H., a. 21 y., Aug. --, 1847.*
Sarah Ann of Limerick, Me., and John L. Sands, int. Feb. 17, 1839.
Sarah M. of Barrington, N.H. and William Wiggin, int. Oct. 19, 1839.
Elizabeth and William Brattle, in Boston, Nov. 3, 1697.*
Mary and Rev. Israel Loring, May 25, 1709. CR1.*
HAYNES (also see Haines)
Charles N., s. of Charles, dec., a. 22 y., and Ella G. D'Eon, dau of Frederic, dec., a. 22 y., Feb. 1, 1849.
Eliza, wid., dau of Abigail Oliver of Littleton, a. 37 y., b. in Acton, and Henry Foy of Boston, s. of Jacob, dec., a. 27 y., b. in Boston, Sept. 17, 1848. Colored.
Harriet and Milton V. Wilkins, int. Apr. 26, 1845.
Joseph and Eliza L. Swan, Sept. 4, 1837.
Lucia A. of Sudbury, dau of Israel, a. 22 y., and Augustus Baird, s. of Lewis, a. 28 y., b. in Shrewsbury, int. Oct. 21, 1849.
Lydia of Watertown, and Ellis Prentiss, int. Mar. 1, 1806.
HAYS (also see Hay, Hayes)
William and Rebecca H. Loring, Oct. 31, 1847.
Eunice of Waltham, and Cyrenius Bates, int. Oct. 11, 1837.
HAYWARD (also see Heywood)
Caroline A. of Boston, and Daniel Chaplin, int. Mar. 8, 1845.
Harriet A. (Harriet Avery, int.) of Boston, and John Farrow (Sept. 19, 1840, int.).
Harriet B. of Lexington, and Lewis Clark, int. Apr. 8, 1844.
Harriet N. and Hiram Thurston, int. May 25, 1844.
James and Catharine (Catharine S., int.) Frisbie, Nov. 27, 1828.
Mather Jr. and Caroline Chaponil, June 27, 1843.
Mathew and Ann G. Holbrook of Boston, int. Oct. 1, 1838.
William of Boston, s. of Benjamin of Gardner, Me., a. 30 y., and Frances B. Shuttleworth, dau of James, dec., a. 26 y., Nov. 13, 1844.
HAZARD (also see Hassard, Hazzard)
William M., s. of Henry, colored, a. 33 y., b. in Worcester, Md., and Louisa Marshall, dau of Thomas, a. 22 y., Oct. 13, 1846.*
HAZELTINE (also see Hazelton)
Lydia and Benjamin F. Gurse, Oct. 24, 1836.
Martha A. and Stephen P. Brooks of Boston, int. Apr. 29, 1843.
Susan E. and Lucian B. Brooks (of Boston, int.), Apr. 8, 1841.
HAZELTON (also see Haxeltine)
Albert (Hazeltine, int.) and Lucinda Mitchell, July 5, 1835.
Asia and Cornelius Green, int. Aug. 13, 1840.
Sarah, of Boston, and Ira Moe, June 17, 1849.*
HAZZARD (also see Hassard, Hazard)
Jason and Lois Jones (of Boston, int.), Dec. 9, 1757.
Charles of Boston, and Sarah Winslow Tyng, June 28, 1814.
Frances W. and Amos B. Bridges of Hopkinton, Mar. 26, 1835.
Joseph G. of Pepperell, and Ann Jane Ames, int. Aug. 5, 1840.
HEALE (also see Healey, Healy)
William and Grace Butterice, Oct. 14, 1653.*
HEALEY (also see Heale, Healy)
Hannah and Patrick Sweeny, int. Sept. 3, 1849.
Jane M. R. of So. Weymouth, and John A. Jackson, int. July 29, 1849.
HEALY (also see Heale, Healey)
Mary and Jacob Watson, Nov. 12, 1702.*
William and Phebe Greene, Aug. 15, 1661.*
William and Sarah Brown, Nov. 29, 1677.*
HEARD (also see Hurd)
Cynthia of Waltham, and James Johnson, Oct. 7, 1841.
Elizabeth of Charlestown, and Isaac Richardson of Woburn, Dec. 20, 1801.*
Hannah Staniford of Ipswich, and Prof. Sidney Willard, int. Jan. 2, 1819.
Richard of Waltham, s. of Henry of Dublin, N.H., a. 24 y., and Sarah Jane Gunnison, dau of Arronett, a. 21 y., b. in Goshen, N.H., Nov. 6, 1845.
HEARSEY (also see Hersey)
Ezra and Rachel Clap of Boston, Apr. --, 1825.
Jonathan and Hannah Hill, July 8, 1792.*
Elizabeth of Hallowell, and John McGrath, Oct. 25, 1798.
Joshua, a. 25 y., and Huldah Webber, a. 20 y., Feb. 1, 1847.
Susan H. of Cabot, Vt., and Zenas Crowell, Sept. 17, 1843.
William Jr. (of Roxbury, int.) and Sarah Lernard, Apr. 19, 1759.
Elizabeth H. and William Hedge (of Montreal, Can., int.), Jan. 31, 1831.
Harriet and Freeman Hill, both of Boston, Nov. 18, 1838.*
Levi and Mary Kneeland, Jan. 15, 1801.
William (of Montreal, Can., int.) and Elizabeth H. Hedge, Jan. 31, 1831.
Bridgett and John Kelleher, Feb. 13, 1844.
Michael and Rachel T. Smith, Feb. 16, 1835.
Patrick and Ann Carr, int. Sept. 2, 1849.
Hannah E. and Nathaniel G. Manson, Mar. 29, 1831.
Luke and Hannah Ellis of Boston, int. Oct. 5, 1805.
Nancy and Michael Norton, int. Oct. 21, 1837.
Phoebe and Christopher Bruce, Feb. 23, 1834.
Angeria, dau of Moses O., a. 20 y., b. in Portland, Me., and William Hardy, s. of Thomas, a. 24 y., b. in Boston, Sept. 19, 1847.*
HENESSY (also see Hannasy, Hennesy, Hennissy)
Maria and Patrick O'Neil, July 31, 1849.
Alice and John Murphy, int. Jan. 2, 1848.
John and Sarah Patten, Sept. 18, 1776 (both late of Boston, int.)
HENNESY (also see Hannasy, Henessy, Hennissy)
Michael and Mary Ann Regan (of Medford, int.), Aug. 12, 1849.
Isaac (Herriman, int.) and Eliza Herrick, June 9, 1824.
HENISSY (also see Hannasy, Henessy, Hennesy)
Ann and James O'Neill of Wilmington, Apr. 8, 1849.
Mary G. of Roxbury, and John Rice Jr., int. Dec. 24, 1847.
John and Mary Stedman, May 14, 1730.*
Mary E. and J. Lincoln Edmands of Boston, int. Jan. 1, 1848.
William and Sarah A. (Sarah H., int.) Wetherbee, Aug. 19, 1833.
Peter and Margaret Dority, int. Aug. 27, 1838.
Eliza and Isaac Henniman (Herriman, int.), June 9, 1824.
Susan C. and Daniel N. Bray, both of Boston, Aug. 7, 1843.*
HERRIN (also see Herring)
William and Margaret White, int. Nov. 11, 1847.
HERRING (also see Herrin)
John M. of Boston, and Deborah B. (Deborah C., int.) Tufts, Sept. 7, 1848.
HERRINGTON (also see Harrington)
Anne and Samuel Cutter, Nov. 10, 1720.*
Elizabeth of Newton, and Thomas Park, in Newton, Apr. 14, 1748.
John of Watertown, and Elizabeth Cutter, in Watertown, Apr. 12, 1705.*
Jonathan of Lexington, and Abigail Dunster, int. June 9, 1750.
Thomas and Abigail Rice, Feb. 5, 1712-13.*
HERSEY (also see Hearsey)
Daniel of Boston, and Lydia Gilman Hersey, May 23, 1826.
Lydia Gilman and Daniel Hersey of Boston, May 23, 1826.
HEWS (also see Huhges)
Alexander of Charlestown, and Mary McCroggan, int. Dec. 30, 1836.
Catherine W. and Charles W. Moore of Charlestown, int. Feb. 23, 1848.
Horace, s. of Abraham, a. 30 y., and Lydia B. Jacobs, dau of Rev. Bela, dec., a. 31 y., Aug. 16, 1846.
James of Boston and Bethiah Swetman, Dec. 12, 1692.*
Jonathan and Elizabeth Underwood, Mar. 25, 1709.*
Louisa and Henry Tileston of Charlestown, int. Oct. 16, 1835.
Nabby of Weston, and Solomon Hancock, int. Nov. 6, 1817.
Patrick of Somerville, s. of John, a. 25 y., b. in Ireland, and Mary Flaherty, a. 22 y., b. in Ireland, int. Dec. 30, 1849.
Susan of Woburn, and Patrick Cary, int. Jan. 1, 1842.
HEYWOOD (also see Hayward)
Adelaide and Henry B. Hull, Feb. 22, 1846.
HICKES (also see Hicks)
Elizabeth and Ebenezer Fisher of Boston, Oct. 19, 1716.*
John and Rebeckah Champney, May 8, 1721.*
Margaret and John Fuller of Newton, Oct. 14, 1714.*
Margaret (Mary, CR1) and Samuell Whittemore, Oct. 13, 1715.*
Mary and Samuell Larken, Mar. 3, 1723-4.*
Zachariah and Elizabeth Scill, Oct. 28, 1652.*
Zechary and Seeth Andrews, June 26, 1704.*
Bridget and Wililam Hickey, Sept. 30, 1849.
James and Mary O'Brien, int. Aug. 27, 1845.
Mary and Jeremiah Callenan, Feb. 15, 1849.
William and Bridget Hickey, Sept. 30, 1849.
Sarah of Boston, and John A. Webber, int. Feb. 5, 1821.
Frances A. and Jackson D. Colby, June 26, 1842.
HICKS (also see Hickes)
Elizabeth and Jno. Needham, Oct. 10, 1679.*
Hannah and Thomas Stacie, June 20, 1683.*
John and Elizabeth Nutting Jr., Apr. 26, 1748.
Jos. and Rebeccah Palfray, Nov. 29, 1716. CR1.*
Julia E. and Joseph Pierce, int. Apr. 22, 1849.
Mercy and Michael Bently of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Nov. 12, 1724.*
Rebecca and Thomas P. Fradenburg, Oct. 12, 1847.
Sarah T. and Thomas Grieves, Apr. 9, 1845.
Zechariah and Ruth Greene, Nov. 18, 1685.*
Stephen G. of Concord, and Elizabeth Dennis, July 30, 1838.
HIDE (also see Hyde)
Elizabeth and Humphrey Osland, Mar. 7, 1666-7.*
Jno. and Mary Kinnerick, Jan. 20, 1682.*
Jonathan and Mary Rediat, Jan. 8, 1673.*
Jonathan Jr. of Newton, and Hannah Dana, Apr. 4, 1706.*
Mary of Newton, and Ebenezer Brown, in Newton, June 21, 1781.*
Samuel and Hannah Stedman, Jan. 20, 1673.*
Samuel of Newton, and Mary King, in Newton, June 24, 1765.
Sarah and Thomas Woolson, Nov. 20, 1660.*
Mary Ann and Edward Burk, int. Jan. 29, 1848.
Sarah and John Keeler, Oct. 7, 1843.
Elizabeth S. (Elizabeth Sewall, CR2) and Rev. Reuel Keith of Alexandria, D.C., Aug. 16, 1831.*
Francis J., Dr., and Susan C. Channing, int. May 24, 1831.
John of Salem, and Ruth Bordman, Dec. 4, 1719.*
Martha S. and Rev. Ichabod Nichols (of Portland, Me., int.), May 2, 1832.
HILARD (also see Hilliard)
Rebecca (Hiland, CR1) and Franklin Gerry of Brookline, late of Cambridge, Jan. 30, 1820.*
Abijah E. of Boston, and Eliza Parker White, Nov. 30, 1837.
George B. of Westford, and Nancy Childs, Mar. 21, 1839.
Hannibal H., s. of Joseph of Stow, a. 28 y., and Eliza Worthen, dau of Jonathan of Candia, N.H., a 26 y., both of Boston, Jan. 9, 1843.*
John (late of Boston, int.) and Sarah Angier, Jan. 5, 1776.
Jonas and Hepzibah Jones of Ashby, Dec. 28, 1804.*
Sarah and David Stone, Dec. 31, 1674.*
HILL (also see Hills)
Abigail and Rev. Stephen Badger, Sept. 20, 1753.
Abigail and Edward Bradbury of Roxbury, int. Sept. 15, 1804.
Abraham and Mary Grant, of Watertown, in Watertown, Aug. 27, 1718.*
Abraham and Prudence Hancock, Dec. 18, 1718.*
Abraham (Aaron, int.) and Susanna Taynter of Watertown, in Watertown, May 31, 1753.
Abraham and Susanna Willington, Feb. 16, 1758.
Abraham Jr. and Elizabeth Robbins, May 9, 1782.*
Abraham and Ruth Blodgett, Sept. 9, 1784.*
Ann and Isaac Page, Dec. 27, 1821.
Ann (of Charlestown, int.) and Albert Sawin, Oct. 25, 1838.
Anna and (Rev., CR1) Rufus A. Johnson (of Grafton, int.), Mar. 11, 1834.
Benjamin and Hannah Manning, Feb. 4, 1761.
Benjamin and Mary Winship, July 5, 1782. (July 15, CR1).*
Benjamin Jr. and Patty Meyrick, July 16, 1786.*
Betty and Jonathan Perry, June 29, 1780.*
Charles (of Berwick, int.) and Sarah Prentice, Sept. 15, 1757.
Cherry and Gershom Swan, Jan. 4, 1787.*
Clarissa of Roxbury, and Nathaniel Hunt, of Dublin, Mar. 29, 1825.*
Daniel and Lydia Lock, Aug. 27, 1761.
David and Betsy Adams, Sept. 13, 1799.*
Deborah and Nehemiah Cutter, Jr., Oct. 30, 1781.*
Dorcas and Samuel Frost, Oct. 15, 1789.*
Edward and Anna Hyde, Aug. 6, 1795.*
Elizabeth and Benjamin Eustis (Jr., of Boston, int.), May 11, 1749.
Elizabeth and Isaac Clark (of Weston, int.), June 7, 1764.
Elizabeth and Samuel Gowen of Medford, Feb. 26, 1793.*
Elizabeth J. and Joseph Hurd, int. Nov. 5, 1848.
Elizabeth S. and Andrew Newman (Jr. int.), Oct. 5, 1834.
Freeman and Harriet Hedge, both of Boston, Nov. 18, 1838.*
Hannah and Andrew Grover, Feb. 7, 1673.*
Hannah and Thomas Cheeney, Feb. 22, 1787.*
Hannah and Jonathan Hearsey, July 8, 1792.*
Hannah B. and Willard Phillips (of Boston, int.), June 12, 1833.
Harriet and Willard Phillips, Sept. 3, 1838.
Harriot and Charles Haines, Sept. 17 1826.
Henry and Mary Sever, int. Apr. 6, 1806.
Isaac and Sarah Bicknall, Jan. 12, 1679.*
Jacob and Susanna Hancock, Sept. 29, 1714.*
Jacob Jr. and Sarah Palmer, Sept. 14, 1732.*
James and Sarah Hastings, Jan. 29, 1791.*
James and Anna Adams, Oct. 11, 1796.*
Jane and Samuel Brooks, int. Apr. 2, 1806.
John and Anna Remington, June 24, 1708.*
John and Dorcas Bowes, Aug. 1, 1765.
John Jr. and Sukey Billing, in Stoughton, Mar. 23, 1794.*
Jonathan and Lydia Cooper, Jan. 10, 1763.
Jonathan, Capt., of Billerica, and Laura W. Hill, Apr. 4, 1839.
Joseph and Presscilla Dana, Aug. 24, 1727.*
Joseph and Persis Munro, Nov. 18, 1788.*
Laura W. and Capt. Jonathan Hill of Billerica, Apr. 4, 1839.
Lucy and Caleb Blanchard of Medford, in Medford, Mar. 2, 1788.*
Lydia and George Prentice, June 21, 1770.
Lydia and Jeremiah Fogg Jr., Esq., of Kensington, N.H., in Boston, Dec. 18, 1785.*
Lydia and Jonathan Teel 3d of Charlestown, int. Mar. 2, 1805.
Margaret of Boston, and Edward Wigglesworth, int. Oct. 5, 1765.
Marianne S. of Concord, N.H. and Charles F. Eaton, int. Aug. 8, 1847.
Mark P. of West Cambridge, and Mary Davis, Oct. 7, 1839.
Martha and William Bell (of Boston, int.), Aug. 9, 1767.
Martha and John Burback, Feb. 1, 1781.*
Martha and Samson Tarbell, July 21, 1811.
Martha and Luke Moore, Oct. 14, 1821.
Mary and John Butterfield, Mar. 1, 1725-6.*
Mary and William Codner (Codren of Boston, int.), Dec. 25, 1745.
Mary and Abraham Snow of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Mar. 25, 1746.
Mary and Stephen Hall 4th (of Medford, int.), July 12, 1770.
Mary (Maria, int.) and Abraham Randall of Stow, Mar. 26, 1805.
Mary and Jeremiah Smith of Boston, Dec. 29, 1825.
Mary Ann and Josiah Learnard Jr. of Watertown, Apr. 3, 1842.
Mary S. and Benjamin F. Davies, Aug. 20, 1843.
Nancy of Boston, and Aaron Everett Jr. of Brighton, Apr. 27, 1830.*
Nathan r. and Augusta Sanderson of Boston, int. Oct. 24, 1847.
Nathaniel and Patience Quassont of Newton, in Newton, July 7, 1732.*
Nathaniel and Abigail Simonds of Lexington, in Lexington, Jan. 28, 1794.*
Phebe and Joel Winship of Lexington, Nov. 14, 1792.*
Priscilla and John Warland, Sept. 8, 1825.
Prisscilla and Capt. Samuel Gookin, May 15, 1740.
Prudence and Joseph Clark (of Boston, int.), Mar. 27, 1741.
Rebecca Jr. (3d, int.) and John Cutter 3d, Jan. 24, 1765.
Rebecca and Samuel Carter (of Woburn, int.), Dec. 11, 1770.
Rebecca and Samuel Cutter Jr., Sept. 29, 1780.*
Rebecca and Benjamin Stimpson of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Sept. 29, 1788.*
Rebecca and Walter Russell 2d of Charlestown, int. Oct. 19, 1805.
Rhoda and Samuel Kent, June 20, 1782.*
Samuel and Sarah Cutler, Feb. 24, 1764.
Samuel and Martha Bennet (of Charlestown, int.), Oct. 15, 1765.
Samuel D. and Mary A. C. Morrill, Aug. 3, 1846.
Sarah and Samuel Jones, Mar. 15, 1704 (1704-05, CR1).*
Sarah and Henry Prentice 3d, Aug. 19, 1735.*
Sarah and William Adams, June 14, 1750.
Sarah and Nathaniel Kingsbury (of Norwich, Conn., int.), Sept. 4, 1755.
Sarah and Rev. Nathan Fisk (of Brookfield, int.), Oct. 19, 1758.
Sarah and Seth Frost, Nov. 20, 1781.*
Sarah and Thomas Rand of Charlestown, Dec. 19, 1786.*
Stephen and Hannah Burnett of Southborough, int. Mar. 14, 1812.
Susanna and Thomas Francis (of Charlestown, int.), July 11, 1771.
Susanna Jr. and John Frost Jr., Nov. 21, 1780.*
Tabitha and William Warland, Feb. 3, 1701-02.*
Tabitha and William How, resident at Castle William, int. Aug. 24, 1744.
Thomas and Mary Smith, June 18, 1765.
William and Mercy Perry Jr., Oct. 3, 1767.
William (3d, int.) and Mary Bowman (Bordman, int.), Apr. 4, 1802.
William of Boston, and Sarah M. Buker, int. Dec. 1, 1847.
Zach. and Rebecca Cutter, Feb. 10, 1731-2.*
Zachariah and Ruth Robbins, May 9, 1771.
Zechariah and Abigail Blodget, Mar. 25, 1783.*
Zechariah (Jr. int.) and Rebecckah Wellington of Waltham, in Waltham, Feb. 10, 1757.
HILLIARD (also see Hilard)
Ann and (Dr., int.) Thomas Flanders of Lee, N.H., June 8, 1823.
George S. of Boston, and Susan T. Howe, int. Sept. 21, 1834.
Harriet and William D. (William Dandridge, int.) Peck, Apr. 27, 1810. (May 27, CR1).
John D. and Mary Jane Kent of Boston, int. Oct. 11, 1843.
Mary and Francis Sales of Boston, July 24, 1796.*
Sarah Anne and Charles Coffin Little of Boston, Jan. 1, 1829.
Sarah Lovering of Kensington, N.H., and William Hilliard, int. Oct. 30, 1802.
William and Sarah Lovering Hilliard of Kensington, N.H., int. Oct. 30, 1802.
HILLS (also see Hill)
William H. and Elizabeth Tenney of Monson, Me., int. July 12, 1846.
Abigail and Albert F. Sullivan, both of Boston, June 27, 1841.*
John F. and Lavina F. Ames of Boston, int. Oct. 31, 1825.
Mary and James Barker, Jr., int. Nov. 25, 1825.
Victory and Willard Smith of Boston, int. June 26, 1829.
HINCKLEY (also see Hinkley)
Pettingale of Gloucester and Mary E. Burnham, in Gloucester, Aug. 2, 1835.*
Jno. and Mary Harrington, Apr. 13, 1680.*
Elizabeth and John Clark, Oct. 25, 1757.
Israel and Sarah Swan, Feb. 20, 1755.
Jenny and Jonathan Davis, June 1, 1784.*
Mary and Ephraim Cook, int. Oct. 13, 1776.
HINKLEY (also see Hinckley)
Charles and Eliza H. Collins of New Gloucester, Me., int. Jan. 23, 1845.
Nancy and Daniel Holmes, int. Dec. 19, 1847.
Adaline and Andrew Boardman, Oct. 26, 1817.
Catharine and Jonathan Abbott, Nov. 4, 1813.
Esther and Lewis Barlow (of Daysville, Ill., int.), Oct. 17, 1842.
Joseph and Esther Boardman, Sept. 23, 1821.
Mary (Mary B., int.) and William C. Tainter, Apr. 15, 1827.
Sarah and William Lawrence, Apr. 17, 1832.*
Sewall of Boston and Cynthia J. Gibbs, Aug.1 2, 1832.
E. S., Rev., of Westerly, R.I., a. 28 y., and Caroline Orne of Wolfboro, N.H., dau of Charles B., a. 27 y., May 9, 1844.
Gad, Rev. (of Hanover, int.), and Dorothy Angier (Jr. int.), Dec. 22, 1748.
Harvey C. and Catherine J. Bowles, Nov. 21, 1848.*
Maria and Thomas Carpenter, int. July 22, 1849.
Farwell of Watertown, and Maria Stone, Oct. 26, 1829.*
David S. of Audobon, Ill., and Abby G. Stimson, July 12, 1841.
Emma and Joel H. Prescott, Oct. 18, 1840.
John and Sarah Ann Wigglesworth, Oct. 8, 1834.
John of Braintree, and Lucy Butler of Boston, Nov. 17, 1842.*
Olive and Charles C. Mead of Boston, int. Feb. 27, 1840.
Curtis and Nancy Tufts, int. Jan. 13, 1838.
Henry A. and Mary Ann Perry, both of Boston, in Boston, Apr. 2, 1839.*
John (of Boston, int.) and Pheba Cox, June 24, 1777.
John and Lucy Ann Walker, int. Feb. 26, 1836.
Susan A. and Jonas H. Chamberlin, May 20, 1841.
William, Rev., and Lucy Remington, Oct. 21, 1734.*
William and Elizabeth McCalvin of Boston, int. July 16, 1836, forbidden.
John and Elizabeth Rutter, int. June 27, 1832.
Charles W. and Elizabeth S. Tallack, Mar. 17, 1844.
Deborah (Mrs., int.) and John Fleming, Aug. 1, 1844.
John D. and Mary A. Kent, int. June 24, 1843.
Clara M., dau of David C., a. 21 y., b. in Taunton, and William A. (William Albert, int.) Mason, s. of Samuel, a. 31 y., May 23, 1847.
John W. (John N., int,) of Boston, and Mrs. Martha S. Gardiner, Mar. 4, 1835.
Sarah and Thomas Moore, Nov. 9, 1653.*
Elizabeth and Jacob Newhall, Aug. 21, 1766.
Joseph (of Falmouth, int.) and Mary Boynton, Nov. 9, 1778.
Catherine of Roxbury, and John Joseph, int. Jan. 3, 1848.
HOFFMASTER (also see Hofmaster)
Andrew and Martha Abrams, Mar. --, 1805.
Harriet M. of Salem, and Frederic M. Lord, int. Apr. 26, 1846.
HOFMASTER (also see Hoffmaster)
Abigail and David French of Charlestown, Jan. 26, 1807.
Julia and Michael Kenigan, both of Lexington, Sept. 30, 1849.*
HOIT (also see Hoyt)
Ezekiel and Mrs. Arabella Weston, July 30, 1840.
Ann G. of Boston, and Mathew Hayward, int. Oct. 1, 1838.
Cyrus of Boston, and Sarah Winship, Sept. 28, 1800.
Elizabeth of Andover, and Moses Griggs, in Andover, Apr. 30, 1771.
Joseph and Pamela W. Nutting, int. Dec. 6, 1829.
Rufus H. of Charlestown, and Catherine E. Boardman, int. May 4, 1848.
Solomon and Mary Nutting, June 10, 1832.
Sophia of Northboro, and Francis L. Gould, int. Dec. 24, 1848.
HOLDEN (also see Holdin, Holding)
Abigail of Charlestown, and Ammi Cutter, Nov. 12, 1772.
Anna Sawtill of Charlestown, and James Livingston of Boston, Jan. 17, 1796.*
Catherine and James Carl, int. June 13, 1840.
Ezekiel of Dorchester, and Mrs. Patty Glover, int. July 20, 1838.
Henry and Sarah Fuller, Oct. 14, 1756.
James and Hannah Adams, in Charlestown, Feb. 17, 1708-09.*
Joseph of Watertown, and Elizabeth Russell, in Watertown, June 11, 1729.*
Joseph and Sarah Holden, Dec. 24, 1778.
Justinian and Ruth Sawyer of Harvard, int. Jan. 28, 1740-1.
Mary of Barre and Jeremiah Wetherbee, int. Sept. 14, 1809.
Mary and Geoffrey Sullivan, int. Nov. 15, 1842.
Nancy and Joseph Boss, Dec. 8, 1843.
Sarah and Gershom Swann, Dec. 20, 1677.*
Sarah and Joseph Holden, Dec. 24, 1778.
HOLDING (also see Holden, Holdin)
Ebenezer and Elizabeth Read, both of Charlestown, Feb. 5, 1712-13.*
HOLIOAKE (also see Holyoke)
Edward, Rev., and Mary Epps of Ipswich, int. Jan. 30, 1741-2.
Ruth of Watertown, and Jonathan Underwood, in Watertown, Nov. 17, 1709.*
Sarah and Arthur Sumner Jr. of Roxbury, int. Feb. 27, 1833.
Silas H. and Sarah S. Locke of Lancaster, int. Apr. 20, 1844.
Joanna, dau of Patrick, a. 25 y., b. in Ireland, and John Moor, s. of Edward, a. 26 y., b. in Ireland, both of Boston, Dec. 3, 1849.*
David and Jane Read, Mar. 15, 1844.
Ebenezer A. and Marry W. Palmer, Sept. 29, 1836.*
Ebenezer P. and Maria Newton, Apr. 24, 1836.
Martha of Sterling, and Edward Brown Jr., int. Dec. 31, 1808.
Nathaniel and Elizabeth Downes of Beverly, int. Feb. 23, 1822.
Seth and Thomas Ross, Jan. 16, 1661.*
HOLMES (also see Homes)
Abiel, Rev., and Sarah Wendell of Boston, int. Feb. 14, 1801.
Amelia Ann of Charlestown, and Isaac Sargent, Oct. 11, 1832.*
Ann Susan and (Rev., int.) Charles Wentworth Upham of Salem, Mar. 29, 1826.
Betsy and Jonathan Hunt, int. Jan. 19, 1828.
Daniel and Nancy Hinrahan, int. Dec. 19, 1847.
Elisha and Lucy Davis of Brookline, in Brookline, May 25, 1762.
Emeline S. of Norton, and Nathan P. Godfrey, Mar. 28, 1844.
Galen, s. of Galen of Boston, a. 35 y., and Mary Ann Gilson, dau of Asa, a. 24 y., both of Boston, July 30, 1848.*
Isaac C. and Ann Maria Bailey, Apr. 2, 1846.
Jerusha of Stoughton, and Archibald Ware, in Stoughton, June 3, 1784.*
John and Hannah Thatcher, -----, 16 --. CR1.*
Joseph and Lydia Watson, May 12, 1803.
Joseph A. and Harriet B. Nevers, int. May 13, 1837.
Judith of Charlestown, and Thomas Williams, int. June 29, 1825.
Lydia W. and John Palmer, May 10, 1836.
Mary and William Wakefield, Dec. 24, 1747.
Mary Jackson and Dr. Usher Parson of Providence, Sept. 23, 1822.
Orpheus and Sally Gray, June 1, 1830.
Orpheus and Martha Ann Dodge of Hamilton, int. Aug. 17, 1842.
Robert and Jane ------, -----, 16 --. CR1.*
Sarah M. of Hamilton, and William H. Hayden Jr., int. Nov. 12, 1848.
Cornelius and Nora Gleason, int. May 22, 1844.
John and Mary Gargan, int. Jan. 3, 1847.
Patrick of Boston, and Joanna Conner, int. Aug. 8, 1835.
Thomas and Rosanna Mellen, int. June 22, 1834.