VITAL RECORDS of CAMBRIDGE Massachusetts, to the Year 1850.
Compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

James, eldest s. of John T. and Marinette, Oct. 13, 1837. GR3
John Theodore, Rev., s. of Rev. James, in Tunbridge, Eng., Mar. 31, 1811. GR3
Marinette Dickinson [-----], w. of Rev. John Theodore, in Chatham, Conn., Oct. 7, 1813. GR3
Abbie C. [-----], w. of Robert B., Nov. 17, 1844. GR3
De Forest, s. of Truman Henry and Louisa P., formerly of Royalston, Vt., Mar. 17, 1840. CR2
Edward, s. of Truman Henry and Louisa P., formerly of Royalston, Vt., Mar. 29, 1842. CR2
Eleanor, d. of Truman Henry and Louisa P., formerly of Royalston, Vt., Mar. 10, 1838. CR2
Frederic, s. of Truman Henry and Louisa P., formerly of Royalston, Vt., Nov. 19, 1845. CR2
Frederick H., Nov. 19, 1845. GR3
George Blagden, ----, 1832. GR3
Lucy Jackson, s. of Aaron H. and Mary H., Dec. 4, 1843
Margaret J., d. of Aaron H. and Mary H., Oct. 14, 1848
Mary Ballard Gould [-----], w. of George Blagden, ----, 1827. GR3
Robert Burns, s. of Truman Henry and Louisa P., formerly of Royalston, Vt., Aug. 23, 1844. CR2
Sarah, June 19, 1812. GR3
Truman Henry, s. of Truman Henry and Louisa P., formerly of Royalston, Vt., Jan. 8, 1836. CR2
William H., ----, 1822. GR3
William H., s. of George W., b. in Exeter, N.H., and Sarah E., b. in Concord, N.H., Sept. 23, 1849
Ann Gardner, in Boston, Dec. 16, 1809. GR3
Daniel Waldo, s. of Samuel and Nancy, in Boston, Sept. 12, 1818. GR3
Elizabeth P. [-----], w. of Dr. Stephen, Feb. 28, 1824. GR3
Elizabeth Sewall, d. of Samuel and Nancy and w. of Nathaniel CHAUNCEY, July 5, 1807. GR3
Nancy S. [-----], w. of Samuel, Apr. 13, 1786. GR3
Rebecca, d. of Samuel and Nancy, in Boston, Oct. 6, 1816. GR3
Samuel, Aug. 10, 1769. GR3
Sarah, d. of Samuel and Nancy and w. of ----- AUSTIN, Apr. 18, 1811. GR3
Stephen, Dr., in Boston, Sept. 10, 1812. GR3
Abbie Wheeler, July 25, 1811. GR3
Emma Gertrude [-----], w. of P. H. Jr., ----, 1848. GR3
Richard Henry, Aug. 2, 1808. GR3
Augustus N., ----, 1839. GR3
Calvin C., in Marshfield, Nov. 5, 1812. GR3
Edwin Holbrook, ----, 1831. GR3
Ellen Catharine [-----], w. of J. Frederic, Apr. 13, 1837. GR3
George, in Plymouth, ----, 1825. GR3
Hannah H., Feb. 8, 1818. GR2
John F., ----, 1833. GR3
Joshua, Nov. 14, 1801. GR3
Joshua, Nov. 5, 1828. GR3
Martha B., Apr. 8, 1822. GR3
Mary C. [-----], w. of Albert P., July 8, 1833. GR3
Olive H., Apr. 27, 1846. GR3
Sarah H. [-----], w. of Ebenezer, ----, 1802. GR2
Susan, Feb. 14, 1799. GR3
Albert L., ----, 1826. GR3
Alfred S., ----, 1813. GR3
Alfred S., ----, 1840. GR3
Amos C., Nov. 16, 1805. GR3
Ann Sarah [-----], w. of David Augustus, Aug. 13, 1830. GR3
Caroline, ----, 1809. GR3
Charles Fred, ----, 1836. GR3
Clarissa, ----, 1786. GR2
David Augustus, Apr. 21, 1828. GR3
Elizabeth B. Davis [-----], w. of Amos C., Oct. 9, 1804. GR3
Frances C., ----, 1841. GR3
George A., ----, 1824. GR3
George O., June 10, 1837. GR3
Harriet Newell, June 29, 1834. GR3
James Forrest, Feb. 19, 1833. GR3
James Solomon, Mar. 29, 1835. GR3
Loring, s. of Greenleaf and Eleanor, in Boston, Sept. 5, 1843
Lucy M., ----, 1849. GR2
Lyman F., May 19, 1839. GR3
Mary Norton, ----, 1829. GR3
N. Warren, ----, 1829. GR3
Sarah Louisa [-----], w. of Lewis W., Feb. 9, 1844. GR2
Silas, ----, 1835. GR3
SANDERS (also see Saunders)
Abiah, d. of Jonathan and Abiah, Oct. 25, 1673
Addie E. [-----], w. of George A., Dec. 19, 1847. GR2
Benjamin, s. of Jonathan and Abiah, May 28, 1679
Charles, May 2, 1783. GR3
Charlotte, Nov. 26, 1788. GR3
Cynthia, d. of John, Oct. 7, 1845
Edward, Feb. 24, 1825. GR3
Harriet Amelia, d. of Samuel and Susan, Mar. 19, 1825
Homer, Nov. 24, 1822. GR3
John, s. of Jonathan and Abiah, Mar. 25, 1677
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Abiah, Oct. 25, 1673
Samuel, s. of Jonathan and Abyah, May 28, 1681
Samuel, ----, 1801. GR2
Susan N. [-----], w. of Samuel, ----, 1803. GR2
Thomas, s. of Jonathan and Abyah, Mar. 10, 1674-5
Charles, s. of Joseph and Mary B., Feb. 3, 1842
Christopher C., Aug. 2, 1832. GR3
Ede, June 10, 1792. GR2
Elizabeth B. Gordon [-----], w. of Christopher C., Feb. 10, 1834. GR3
Ellen, Jan. 31, 1832. GR2
George French, s. of Joseph and Mary, Feb. 4, 1846
George Rowe, s. of George H. and Sarah D., in Boston, June 21, 1848
Harriet F., May 14, 1814. GR3
John, Oct. 29, 1793. GR2
John, Jan. 15, 1820. GR2
Joseph, in Sweden, Me., Oct. 4, 1816. GR2
Joseph Byron, s. of Joseph and Mary B., Sept. 20, 1845
Leon, s. of Joseph and Mary B., Feb. 17, 1844
Mary B. French [-----], w. of Joseph, of Norway, Me., May 2, 1815. GR2
Mary C., Apr. 9, 1805. GR2
Mary Frances, d. of Joseph and Mary B., June 2, 1849
-------, ch. of Ivory, May 26, 1847
Agnes Reid Bain [-----], w. of George M., June 13, 1826. GR2
Annie M., Oct. 1, 1846. GR2
Benjamin F., Mar. 15, 1840. GR2
Charles Edward, s. of Hiram and Sarah S., May 31, 1848
Eliza D. Ward [-----], w. of Ivory, in Plymouth, N.H., ----, 1805. GR3
George Hiram, s. of Hiram and Sarah S., Aug. 16, 1844
Ivory, in Lyman, Me., ----, 1807. GR3
John Newton, s. of John L. and Sarah A., Sept. 17, 1844 (Sept. 12, GR2)
Josephine M. H., d. of Hiram and Sarah A., June 6, 1846
Robert L., Dec. 24, 1846. GR3
Sarah Frances, d. of Ivory and Eliza D., Aug. 12, 1843
Albert, in Readsboro, Vt., Mar. 17, 1824. GR3
Charles Solomon, s. of Charles M. and Miriam H., Feb. 18, 1844
Edward H., June 1, 1823. GR3
Mary [-----], w. of Edward H., in Boston, Nov. 15, 1827. GR3
Mary Jane [-----], w. of Albert, in Whitingham, Vt., Sept. 12, 1834. GR3
Albert Augustus, s. of Henry and Mary, Feb. 11, 1845
Charlotte Kingman [-----], w. of Rev. Ralph, D.D., Aug. 5, 1792. GR3
E. G., ----, 1840. GR3
Elizabeth Sherburne [-----], w. of George P., Dec. 14, 1819. GR3
George P., Nov. 27, 1819. GR3
Ralph, Rev., D.D., in Duxbury, June 22, 1786. GR3
SARGEANT (also see Sargent, Serjeant)
Abigail R., July 14, 1820. GR3
Esther [-----], w. of Samuel S., Aug. 27, 1777. GR3
Esther C., Jan. 9, 1816. GR3
Nancy, Jan. 9, 1823. GR3
Sarah W., June 8, 1814. GR3
SARGENT (also see Sargeant, Serjeant)
-------, d. of Philip and Ann M., Feb. 28, 1844
-------, d. of Philip and Ann Maria, Feb. 19, 1846
Aaron, ----, 1787. GR3
Abiel Hovey, ----, 1740. GR3
Adeline, ----, 1810. GR3
Amelia Jackson Holmes [-----], w. of Turner, Oct. 20, 1843. GR3
Andrew, ----, 1767. GR3
Anna, d. of Epes and w. of John PARKER, Nov. 13, 1783. GR3
Charles Henry, s. of John and Lucetta T., Sept. 23, 1841
Charles Lenox, Apr. 18, 1776. GR3
David, ----, 1775. GR3
Elijah, ----, 1781. GR3
Elizabeth A., d. of George and Elizabeth, Sept. 27, 1848
Elizabeth Bush, only ch. of Solomon and Persis, and w. of George M. OSGOOD, Sept. 9, 1834. GR3
Elizabeth H., ----, 1822. GR3
Emma Amorite, ----, 1831. GR3
Fanny Ruggles, in Roxbury, July 21, 1784. GR3
Foss W., July 28, 1832. GR3
Francis, in Fishkill, on Hudson, May 5, 1844. GR3
Frederick William, ----, 1819. GR3
George Darius, June 19, 1831. GR3
George Frederick, July 14, 1841. GR3
George Tuttle, s. of John and Lucetta T., May 18, 1838
George W., s. of Benjamin and -----, July 31, 1848
Hannah Jane, Sept. 3, 1822. GR3
Helen Janvrin, ----, 1828. GR3
Henrietta, Oct. 1, 1811. GR3
Henry Jackson, s. of John T. and Christina K., Nov. 14, 1808. GR3
Henry Jackson, s. of Henry Jackson and Margarettt A. Williams, Apr. 18, 1834. GR3
Horace Binney, eldest s. of Horace Binney and Elizabeth Little Swett, Apr. 2, 1847. GR3
Ignatius, Jan. 20, 1800. GR3
James Hovey, in York, Me., ----, 1782. GR3
Joann, ----, 1812. GR3
John D., ----, 1833. GR3
John Osborne, Sept. 20, 1811. GR3
Joseph, May 15, 1849. GR3
Julia Ann, d. of William and Julia, Oct. 31, 1834
Louisa, ----, 1811. GR3
Lucius Manlius, youngest s. of Daniel and Mary Turner, June 25, 1786. GR3
Lucius Manlius, 2d ch. of Horace Binney and Elizabeth Little Swett, July 5, 1848. GR3
Mary Motley [-----], w. of George Frederick, Oct. 4, 1843. GR3
Mary Turner, d. of Charles Lenox, Feb. 3, 1809. GR3
Moses, Feb. 6, 1821. GR3
Nathaniel, ----, 1743. GR3
Sarah Bagley [-----], w. of Tappan, in Candia, N.H., Aug. 13, 1807. GR3
Sarah Rowell [-----], w. of Aaron, ----, 1787. GR3
Sidney, ----, 1826. GR3
Susan Frances, d. of John and Lucetta T., Mar. 30, 1845
William Edward, s. of John and Lucetta, June 8, 1843
William Phillip, Nov. 24, 1819. GR3
SAUNDERS (also see Sanders)
Augusta Brooks, Sept. 24, 1838. GR3
Charles Hicks, s. of William and Sarah F., Nov. 10, 1821
Edward, s. of Jonathan and Abigail, Mar. 3, 1683-4
Eliza A., Aug. 17, 1828. GR3
Francis E., Aug. 14, 1826. GR3 (Francis Edward, s. of William and Sarah, CR1)
George Saville, s. of William, in Quincy, and Sarah D., Oct. 2, 1823
Hannah, d. of Jonathan and Abiah, May 31, 1689
Horace, Dec. 6, 1830. GR3
Joseph B., ----, 1831. GR2
Keturah P. Gavitt [-----], w. of Capt. Peleg, ----, 1824. GR3
Mary Elizabeth, d. of George S. and Lucy C., Nov. 10, 1849
Mary P. [-----], w. of William A., Feb. 23, 1817. GR3
Mary Prentiss, d. of William A. and Mary, Feb. 27, 1843. CR4
Mehitable H., ----, 1796. GR3
Peleg, Capt., ----, 1820. GR3
Sarah A., Mar. 8, 1828. GR3 (Sarah Ann, d. of William and Sarah, CR1)
Sarah F. [-----], w. of William, Dec. 9, 1789. GR3
William, in Quincy, May 14, 1787. GR3
William, Dr., Nov. 27, 1817. GR3
William Augustus, s. of Wililam and Sarah F., June 9, 1818
Abraham H., s. of Abraham and Susan, Oct. 10, 1841
Daniel W., s. of Abraham and Susan, July 1, 1844
Edward C., ----, 1849. GR2
Elizabeth Otis [-----], w. of James, May 23, on monument, May 12, on stone, 1792. GR3
Elizabeth W., ----, 1823. GR3
Hannah E., d. of Abraham and Susan, Aug. 1, 1832
Hope, d. of Dr. Samuel of Barnstable and w. of Lemuel SHAW, June 12, 1793. GR3
James, July 13, 1784. GR3
James, Lieut., only s. of James of Boston, Apr. 21, 1832. GR3
Lucy, youngest d. of James and Elizabeth Otis, Sept. 11, 1829. GR3
Mary, d. of James S. and Mary, July 7, 1829. GR3
Mary Jane, d. of Abraham and Susan, Dec. 15, 1836
William H., s. of Abraham and Susan, May 10, 1839
SAVERY (also see Savory)
Everett C., s. of Moses L. and Almira, June 3, 1847
Henry M., Dr., July 29, 1833. GR3
Rebecca H. Gould, ----, 1835. GR3
SAWIN (also see Sawing)
Albert, s. of Joshua and Abigail, Jan. 21, 1805
Albert, s. of Albert and Nancy, July 20, 1833
Anna Florence, d. of Daniel H. and Abby, Jan. 15, 1846
John, s. of John, bp. Feb. 25, 1786. CR1
John, s. of John and Lydia, Aug. 4, 1807
Joshua, s. of Albert and Ann, July 10, 1839
Sally, d. of John and Hepzibah, Sept. 4, 1782
Selina, d. of Joshua and Abigail, Oct. 20, 1806
Susanna, d. of Joseph and Sally, Nov. 13, 1793
SAWING (also see Sawin)
Mary Kendall, d. of Joseph and Sally, bp. Oct. 25, 1801. CR1
Sally, d. of Joseph and Sally, bp. Sept. 13, 1795. CR1
Almira Swallow [-----], w. of Andrew, in Dunstable, Dec. 23, 1810. GR3
Andrew, in Groton, Aug. 10, 1802. GR3
George E., s. of Andrew and Almira Swallow, May 28, 1833. GR3
James Andrew, in Charlestown, Apr. 13, 1838. GR3
Thomas Albert, s. of Andrew and Almira, in Charlestown, Aug. 16, 1848. GR3
Albert J., Oct. 5, 1840. GR3 (Albert Josiah, s. of Josiah and Mary D., bp. Nov. 3, 1844. CR9)
Amanda N., May 22, 1826. GR3
Ann Maria Dillaway [-----], w. of Joseph, Apr. 3, 1823. GR3
Anna M. T. [-----], w. of John J., ----, 1816. GR3
Calvin P., Mar. 26, 1830. GR3
Caroline, d. of Samuel F. and Patience, bp. July 19, 1812. CR1
Caroline Brooks, d. of Eusebius and Deborah, July 18, 1829
Caroline Burgess [-----], w. of Frederic W., ----, 1821. GR3
Caroline M. Fisher [-----], w. of Thomas J., ----, 1812. GR3
Charles Augustus, s. of Eusebius and Deborah, Sept. 5, 1833
Charles W., Feb. 28, 1833. GR3
Daniel Allen, s. of Eusebius and Deborah, June 23, 1827
Edward Howard, s. of Eusebius and Deborah, Aug. 11, 1831
Ellen R., ----, 1842. GR3
Enos D., Feb. 9, 1839. GR2
Franklin, s. of Franklin and Mary, bp. June 25, 1809. CR1
Frederic W., ----, 1810. GR3
George Eusebius, s. of Eusibius and Deborah, June 11, 1825
Henry E., Feb. 2, 1824. gR3
Israel, ----, 1771. GR2
Jabez Augustus, ----, 1824. GR3
Jesse Lee, s. of Eusebius and Deborah, in Concord, Oct. 26, 1822
John J., ----, 1814. GR3 (John James, s. of Samuel F. and Patience, bp. Aug. 7, 1814. CR1)
John S., s. of Jeremiah and Susan S., June 27, 1847
Joseph, Oct. 22, 1823. GR3
Joseph, ----, 1832. GR3
Josiah, ----, 1802. GR3
Julia A. [-----], w. of Charles W., May 8, 1833. GR3
Lilian C., d. of Clark and Louisa, in Boston, Dec. 8, 1848
Louisa Tufts [-----], w. of John J., ----, 1812. GR3
Lucy Downing, d. of Samuel and Patience, bp. Oct. 27, 1816. CR1
Lucy J. Allen [-----], w. of Warren, Nov. 17, 1836. GR2
Lucy Maria [-----], w. of Calvin P., May 27, 1842. GR3
Lucy Tufts [-----], w. of Samuel, ----, 1807. GR3
Marcus M., Dec. 25, 1842. GR3
Martha, d. of Samuel and Patience, bp. Feb. 25, 1810. CR1
Mary A. B., Mar. 8, 1835. GR3
Mary Ann, d. of Samuel Flagg and Patience, Jan. 15, 1806
Mary D. Dench [-----], w. of Josiah, ----, 1810. GR3
Mary E., ----, 1826. GR3
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Franklin and Mary, bp. Nov. 29, 1807. CR1
Mary Ellen, d. of Josiah and Mary D., bp. Nov. 3, 1844. CR9
Mary H., ----, 1771. GR2
Mary Stockman [-----], w. of Timothy T., Mar. 25, 1820. GR3
Mary Tilton [-----], w. of Warren, May 28, 1829. GR2
Matthias Plant, July 11, 1788. GR3
Minerva Hoyt, d. of Eusebius and Deborah, Aug. 25, 1835
Patience [-----], w. of Samuel F., ----, 1778. GR3
Rachel A., ----, 1824. GR3
Samuel, s. of Samuel Flagg and Patience, Mar. 20, 1804
Samuel F., ---, 1744. GR3
Sarah Caroline [-----], w. of Jabez Augustus, ----, 1827. GR3
Susan Ellen, d. of William and Susan M. Gibbs, Dec. 16, 1836. GR3
Susan M. Gibbs [-----], w. of William, Apr. 15, 1817. GR3
Thomas, ----, 1783. GR3
Thomas J., S.T.D., L.L.D., ----, 1804. GR3
Timothy T., Jan. 7, 1817. GR3
Timothy T. Jr., July 19, 1848. GR3
Warren, ----, 1825. GR3
William, in Newburyport, ----, 1771. GR3
William, Dec. 15, 1807. GR3
William Henry, s. of Eusebius and Deborah, Nov. 30, 1837
Francis Willard, Sept. 29, 1823. GR3
Jane Herford, Jan. 11, 1825. GR3
Maria Francoeur, Dec. 25, 1793. GR3
Willard, Ma. 1, 1793. GR3
Henry R., Mar. 29, 1832. GR3
Francis Philip, s. of James and Eleanor, Sept. 29, 1844
Joseph, s. of Timothy, Aug. 1, 1847
Mary, June 10, 1797. GR4
Ann E. (Ann Ellen, CR2), d. of Robert and Jane, Apr. 28, 1848
Jane Elizabeth, d. of Robert and Jane, Nov. 8, 1849
Ingerborg, ----, 1836. GR2
Mary Elizabeth, ----, 1845. GR3
Maria Elizabeth, Feb. 2, 1794. GR3
Anna Marie [-----], w. of -----, Dec. 25, 1848. GR2
Catherine, Nov. 20, 1834. GR2
Dorothe, July 18, 1810. GR2
F. Christian, Dec. 19, 1848. GR3
George, Apr. 30, 1831. GR2
John, June 22, 1805. GR2
Adeline, ----, 1802. GR3
Ann, ----, 1806. GR3
Arthur, ----, 1800. GR3
Charles, ----, 1813. GR3
Ellen, ----, 1804. GR3
Isaac, ----, 1772. GR3
Isaac Jr., ----, 1810. GR3
Joseph, ----, 1808. GR3
Sarah, ----, 1772. GR3
Harriet Ann, d. of William and Frances, bp. ----, 1841. CR2
James, s. of William and Frances, bp. ----, 1841. CR2
William, s. of William and Frances, bp. ----, 1841. CR2
Marthinus Lauritz, in Norway, Aug. 27, 1824. GR2
Franz, Nov. 11, 1818. GR3
Henrietta [-----], w. of Franz, June 13, 1825. GR3
Charles F., Aug. 30, 1824. GR#
Louisa H. Behrend [-----], w. of Charles F., May 24, 1826. GR#
Eliza H., ----, 1835. GR3
John, ----, 1827. GR3
Mary Anna Sawyer [-----], w. of Philip J. of New York, ----, 1786. GR3
William Sawyer, ----, 1807. GR3
Joseph F., Jan. 6, 1791. GR3
Mary G., Sept. 29, 1802. GR3
Amelia D., Dec. 9, 1826. GR3
Frances E. Grant [-----], w. of Rev. Louis B., Nov. 4, 1828. GR3
Louis B., Rev., June 12, 1821. GR3
Fredericka Haartz [-----], w. of Adam, Mar. 25, 1834. GR2
Andrew, s. of Joseph and Jemima, Feb. 5, 1665
Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Jemima, Sept. 12, 1668
Jemimah, d. of Joseph and Jemimah, Sept. 21, 1667
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Jemima, Oct. 12, 1662
-------, s. of Lieut. Gustavus H. and Julia T., Dec. 30, 1846
Abraham, s. of John and Lydia, June 27, 1732
Benjamin, s. of Benjamin, July 5, 1646
Caroline A. [-----], w. of James, Nov. 26, 1820. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin and Margaret, May 27, 1650
Ester, d. of Samuell and Sarah, Feb. 28, 1716-17
Jacob R., ----, 1815. GR3
James, ----, 1813. GR3
John, s. of Benjamin and Margaret, July 2, 1648
Joseph, s. of Benjamin and Margaret, July [hard to read], 1644
Joseph, ----, 1818. GR2
Mary, Nov. 1, 1790. GR3
Samuel, s. of Samuell and Sarah, Sept. 22, 1712
Sarah, d. of Samuell and Sarah, Jan. 9, 1714-15
Thomas, s. of Samuell and Sarah, July 31, 1710
W. H., Oct. 7, 1833. GR2
Henry S., ----, 1830. GR2
Mary Reaville [-----], w. of Henry S., ----, 1832. GR2
Alicia Blatchford, Jan. 9, 1821. GR3
Charles, in Hyannis, June 5, 1789. GR3
Charles William, Jan. 4, 1820. GR3
David Coit, s. of Charles and Sarah L., in Boston, Oct. 27, 1835. GR3
Elisha, s. of Charles and Jane M., Aug. 6, 1824. GR3
Eugenia Ibbotson, d. of Charles and Jane M., Nov. 23, 1830. GR3
Evarts, s. of Charles and Jane M., Jan. 2, 1838. GR3
Harriet, d. of Edwin and Harriet N., both b. in Barnstable, in Barnstable, Aug. 4, 1849
Horace, Sept. 24, 1802. GR3
Horace Elisha, Oct. 16, 1838. GR3
Jane Marshall, d. of Charles and Jane M., May 20, 1828. GR3
Jeannie Blatchford, ----, 1841. GR3
Marshall Sears, May 31, 1818. GR3
Samuel Hubbard, ----, 1837. GR3
Gideon, May 26, 1833. GR3
Gardner T., ----, 1839. GR3
Charles Stowe, Capt., ----, 1836. GR2
Watie Almeda Scott [-----], w. of Capt. Charles Stowe, ----, 1839. GR2
SEARL (also see Searles)
John E., s. of John, July 17, 1846
SEARLES (also see Searl)
Elizabeth, Feb. 12, 1825. GR2
William G., s. of John and Elizabeth, May 24, 1844
Cyrus A., ----, 1841. GR3
Elizabeth Prescott Jones [-----], w. of Alexander Pomroy, May 14, 1841. GR3
Ellen Victoria, Dec. 7, 1837. GR3
Fear, Nov. 24, 1788. GR3
Frances A. Todd [-----], w. of Isaac Henry, Aug. 26, 1837. GR3
George, Sept. 8, 1795. GR3
George Jr., May 2, 1830. GR3
Isaac Henry, Sept. 17, 1833. GR3
Marian Shaw, Dec. 22, 1828. GR3
Olive, June 9, 1822. GR3
Oliver Gray, Mar. 7, 1828. GR3
Sarah N. [-----], w. of Capt. Isaac, Mar. 4, 1796. GR3
Susan, Jan. 3, 1798. GR3
Susan Gray, June 12, 1825. GR3
Thomas W., ----, 1812. GR3
SEAVER (also see Sever)
Catharine, d. of Jonathan and Peggy, Mar. 6, 1797
Charles E., s. of Isaac, Nov. 7, 1847
Elizabeth Prentice, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Apr. 2, 1798
Francis E., ----, 1844. GR2
Charles H., Aug. 14, 1847. GR2
Mary E., d. of Nahum and Mary, Sept. 19, 1846
SEAVEY (also see Seavy)
Caroline M. [-----], w. of Theodore H., ----, 1832. GR3
Charles A., June 6, 1849. GR2
Charles E., ----, 1838. GR3
Eben, ----, 1814. GR3
Emily Eastman, May 4, 1827. GR2
George F., ----, 1835. GR3
Gilman S., Nov. 8, 1828. GR3
Joshua R., May 10, 1797. GR3
Mary J., ----, 1814. GR3
Theodore H., ----, 1819. GR3
SEAVY (also see Seavey)
Charles T., Mar. 15, 1821. GR2
Manson, ----, 1838. GR3
Frances A., July 27, 1819. GR3
Samuel, Aug. 18, 1815. GR3
Sarah L., Aug. 27, 1811. GR3
William Henry, in Montgomery, Wales, Dec. 4, 1806. GR3
Franklin B., May 14, 1832. GR2
Alexander, s. of Mary, Sept. 1, 1848
SARJEANT (also see Sargeant, Sargent)
Mary Browne, d. of Winwood and Mary, bp. June 25, 1769. CR2
Elizabeth, d. of Chester and Sarah, Feb. 3, 1809
Lucy, d. of Chester and Sarah, Dec. 7, 1810
Sarah Grosvenor, d. of Chester and Sarah, June 30, 1807
SEVER (also see Seaver)
Abigail, d. of Andrew and Elizabeth, Apr. 9, 1752
Andrew, s. of Andrew and Elizabeth, Mar. 28, 1736
Anna, d. of Andrew and Elizabeth, Aug. 9, 1759
Ebenezer, s. of Andrew and Elizabeth, Apr. 17, 1740
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer, bp. May 1, 1768. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of Andrew and Elizabeth, Mar. 25, 1738
Hannah, d. of Andrew and Elizabeth, May 1, 1763
John, s. of Andrew and Elizabeth, Aug. 11, 1749
Joshua, s. of Andrew, bp. Dec. 24, 1742. CR1
Mary, d. of Andrew and Elizabeth, Jan. 19, 1755
Richard, s. of Andrew and Elizabeth, June 30, 1757
Sarah, d. of Ebenezer, bp. July 15, 1764. CR1
Clarissa Fowler [-----], w. of Roswell, ----, 1826. GR2
Ella, Oct. 30, 1845. GR2
Horace M., ----, 1822. GR2
Roswell, -----, 1819. GR2
Ruby Y. Titus [-----], w. of Horace M., ----, 1822. GR2
Benjamin, Jan. 29, 1790. GR3
Caroline [-----], w. of Freeman H., Oct. 3, 1829. GR2
Freeman C., Dec. 25, 1816. GR3
Freeman H., Oct. 22, 1841. GR2
John L., Sept. 20, 1830. GR3
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Hester, bp. June 29, 1766. CR2
Louisa Bowman [-----], w. of John L., July 1, 1830. GR3
Louisa L. B. [-----], w. of Benjamin, Dec. 22, 1799. GR3
Lucy E., d. of S. E. and L. W., ----, 1837. GR3
Medora E., Dec. 22, 1847. GR3
Stephen, s. of (Prof., CR1) Stephen and Rebecca, Dec. 30, 1767
Susannah T., Jan. 13, 1815. GR3
William Bull, Sept. 13, 1832. GR3
George E., ----, 1844. GR2
Charles W., ----, 1823. GR3
George, Aug. 6, 1818. GR3
Leonard, ----, 1825. GR2
Edmund Sherman, s. of Ebenezer and Esther, Apr. 13, 1845
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Eben and Esther, Jan. 30, 1847
Rebecca, ----, 1804. GR2
Michael, s. of Michael, Feb. 28, 1847
Catherine [-----], w. of Manfred A., ----, 1836. GR2
Manfred A., ----, 1836. GR2
William, s. of Dennis and Catherine, Feb. --, 1849
Ellen, d. of John and Mary, Oct. 26, 1849
Nathaniel Southgate, Feb. 20, 1841. GR3
Mary Jane, d. of Thomas and Hannah, Aug. 30, 1846
Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, both b. in Germany, Nov. 25, 1849
Amy A. Wentworth [-----], w. of Samuel C., May 23, 1812. GR3
Catharine M., May 10, 1845. GR3
Charles H., Sept. 4, 1838. GR3
Ellen Louisa, d. of Samuel G. and Amy, Sept. 4, 1836. GR3
Emma F., Jan. 10, 1847. GR3
Frederick W., Dec. 20, 1848. GR3
Henrietta W., Dec. 29, 1836. GR3
John R. W., July 15, 1846. GR3
Mary C., Aug. 17, 1844. GR3
Richard W., Feb. 5, 1807. GR3
Samuel C., Aug. 31, 1809. GR3
Sarah Adelaide, ----, 1845. GR3
William T., July 3, 1833. GR3
Charles A., in Boston, June 22, 1821. GR3
Ann, d. of Rev. Daniel, D.D., and w. of George Henry LORING, July 27, 1813. GR3
Ann Cauldwell [-----], w. of Rev. Daniel, in Birmingham, Eng., Dec. 19, 1792. GR3
Clement John, s. of James and Susan G., Jan. 1, 1842. GR3
Daniel, Rev., D.D., in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, Eng., Dec. 25, 1783. GR3
Daniel, Mar. 17, 1821. GR3
Daniel Jr., Apr. 1, 1849. GR3
James Shuster, Sept. 22, 1846. GR3
John Cauldwell, July 9, 1826. GR3
Mary W., May 3, 1824. GR3
Sarah Thwing, d. of James and Susan G., and w. of Charles H. COOLIDGE, Feb. 22, 1823. GR3
Susan Scott, d. of James and Susan G., Dec. 7, 1828. GR3
SHATTICK (also see Shattuck)
Elizabeth W., Feb. 19, 1822. GR2
SHATTUCK (also see Shattick)
Amelia Hepsibeth, Nov. --, 1791. GR3
Anne Henrietta, Mar. 14, 1809. GR3
B. F., Lieut., Jan. 2, 1814. GR3
Caleb Davis, Dec. 18, 1816. GR3
Eleanor Elizabeth, Jan. 27, 1819. GR3
Eliza Holbrook, ----, 1818. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan, bp. Nov. 11, 1722. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of Rufus, Mar. 1, 1848
Frank Chester, s. of B. F. and Anna B., Dec. 5, 1845. GR3
George Cheyne, July 17, 1783. GR3
George Cheyne, July 22, 1813. GR3
John Derby, Feb. 21, 1815. GR3
John Derby, May 22, 1825. GR3
John E., s. of John and Sarah A., June 8, 1848
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan of Watertown, bp. May 21, 1721. CR1
Josiah, s. of Benjamin and Rachel, Feb. 20, 1714
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Abigail, Oct. 13, 1744
Lemuel, in Ashby, Oct. 15, 1793. GR3
Lucy Cheever, Jan. 9, 1823. GR3
Mary A. David [-----], w. of Harrison C., Feb. 8, 1848. GR2
Mary J., d. of John, Mar. 15, 1847
Minnie L. [-----], w. of ----- and mother of Lieut. B. F., July 11, 1785. GR3
Sarah, d. of Benjamin and Rachel, Jan. 25, 1712-13
Adela, in Boston, Dec. 29, 1845. GR3
Albert M., May 3, 1819. GR3
Almira R. [-----], w. of Lewis, Apr. 5, 1829. GR2
Amelia Copeland [-----], w. of Benjamin S., in Bridgewater, July 22, 1834. GR3
Benjamin Shirtleff, in Boston, Sept. 12, 1827. GR3
Caroline D., May 14, 1828. GR3
Caroline S. [-----], w. of John O., Nov. 29, 1821. GR3
Charles B., in Boston, Nov. 8, 1797. GR3
Charles F., s. of Lewis and Almira L., Feb. 5, 1849
Charles R., Oct. 5, 1836. GR3
Edward Lathrop, s. of Southworth, in Boston, May 14, 1841. GR3
Eliza Willard, Mar. 31, 1785. GR3
Elizabeth Willard, Dec. 5, 1842. GR3
Ester, d. of Roger and Anne, June --, 1638
Francis George, Apr. 18, 1844. GR3
Franklin Allerton, in Boston, June 15, 1839. GR3
George Nichols, s. of Benjamin and Sarah, July 22, 1831
George Shattuck, in Boston, Mar. 21, 1829. GR3
Georgianna [-----], w. of George S., in Roxbury, Dec. 12, 1830. GR3
Hannah Buck, Sept. 6, 1819. GR3
Harriet Ellen [-----], w. of Jacob Bartlett, Oct. 23, 1840. GR2
Jacob Bartlett, June 23, 1837. GR2
James M., ----, 1819. GR3
John Oakes, Mar. 26, 1820. GR3
John W., ----, 1816. GR3
Joseph Coolidge, Jan. 22, 1821. GR3
Lemuel, in Barnstable, Jan. 9, 1781. Chief Justice of Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1830-60. GR3
Lemuel Jr., s. of Lemuel and Hope S., July 15, 1828. GR3
Lewis, July 28, 1822. GR2
Lewis A., s. of Lewis and Almira R., Oct. 25, 1847
Mary, d. of Roger and Anne, Sept. 29, 1645
Mary A., Feb. 5, 1815. GR3
Mary L., Oct. 24, 1820. GR3
Mary Patterson [-----], w. of Charles B., in Boston, Mar. 14, 1802. GR3
Nancy, Sept. 26, 1790. GR3
Noah, in Abington, May 23, 1768. GR3
Robert G. Jr., Sept. 17, 1815. GR3
Robert Gould, June 4, 1776. GR3
Sally [-----], w. of Noah, Sept. 23, 1776. GR3
Samuel Parkman, Nov. 19, 1813. GR3
Sarah E. Arnold [-----], w. of George W., ----, 1819. GR3
Sarah Frances, Dec. 16, 1846. GR3
Southworth, in Plymouth, Oct. 13, 1801. GR1
Susanna [-----], w. of Rev. Oakes of Barnstable, Jan. 5, 1745, O.S., GR3
William, Dec. 2, 1789. GR3
SHAY (also see Shea)
Bridgett, d. of Michael and Mary, Dec. 25, 1848
SHEA (also see Shay)
Catherine, d. of Daniel and Catherine, Apr. --, 1845.
Lydia B., ----, 1837. GR2
Joseph P., Feb. 13, 1821. GR3
Lois G. [-----], w. of Joseph P., Sept. 11, 1823. GR3
Jeremiah, in County Cork, Irel., Sept. 4, 1798. GR4
Mary [-----], w. of Jeremiah, in County Cork, Ire., Dec. 25, 1807. GR4
Chloe, Feb. 6, 1783. GR3
Daniel L., Nov. 5, 1819. GR3
Dorothy Dickinson, Mar. 6, 1813. GR3
James White, Oct. 5, 1813. GR3
John, Nov. 6, 1783. GR3
John Harris, Sept. 3, 1817. GR3
Leonard Baker, July 28, 1808. GR3
SHED (also see Shedd)
Abiel Russel, s. of Zacharias (Jr.) and Hannah, bp. Jan. 11, 1795. CR1
Abigail, d. of Ebenezer, bp. Mar. 31, 1728. CR1
Alonzo Foster, s. of James and Fanny, Nov. 5, 1806
Ann, d. of Ebenezer Jr., bp. Jan. 19, 1752. CR1
Caroline, d. of James and Fanny, Mar. 30, 1808
Cyrene, d. of James and Anna, July 11, 1806
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Apr. 10, 1726. CR1
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer Jr., bp. Dec. 16, 1753. CR1
Ebenezer, s. of John and Rhoda, Nov. 19, 1792
Edward Simpson, s. of Alonzo F. and Sally, Aug. 27, 1845
Eliza, d. of John and Rhoda, bp. June 6, 1802. CR1
Eliza Ann, d. of James and Fanny, Apr. 23, 1804
Eliza Ann, d. of Alonzo F. and Sally, in Canton, Oct. 2, 1836
Elizabeth, d. of Ebenezer Jr., bp. Dec. 3, 1769. CR1
Elizabeth Bixby, d. of Zacharias Jr., bp. Aug. 21, 1796. CR1
James alonzo, s. of Alonzo F. and Sally, Dec. 24, 1838
John, s. of Joseph, bp. Oct. 1, 1721. CR1
John, s. of Ebenezer Jr., bp. Dec. 15, 1765. CR1
John, s. of Zechariah, bp. Apr. 28, 1782. CR1
Joseph, s. of John and Rhoda, June 15, 1794
Luke, s. of John, bp. Jan. 30, 1791. CR1
Lydia, d. of Ebenezer, bp. June 28, 1724. CR1
Lydia, d. of Zachary, bp. Apr. 26, 1767. CR1
Marshall, s. of Zechariah, bp. Aug. 20, 1786. CR1
Mary, d. of Ebenezer, bp. Mar. 3, 1733-4. CR1
Polly Bordman, d. of Zacharias, bp. Nov. 11, 1792. CR1
Samuel, s. of Ebenezer, bp. May 30, 1736. CR1
Samuel Bixby, s. of Zacharias Jr., bp. Nov. 17, 1793. CR1
Samuel Cook, s. of John and Rhoda, Mar. 25, 1789
Sarah, d. of Zechariah, bp. Sept. 30, 1770. CR1
Sarah, d. of Ebenezer, bp. Jan. 23, 1780. CR1
Solomon, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Feb. 1, 1729-30. CR1
Sukey, d. of John and Rhoda, Jan. 25, 1791
Susannah, d. of Joseph and Mary, Aug. 5, 1725
Thomas, s. of Zechariah, bp. Feb. 15, 1784. CR1
William, s. of John and Rhoda, Dec. 9, 1799
William Edmund, s. of Alonzo F. and Sally, Nov. 30, 1840
Zechariah, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Feb. 10, 1744-5. CR1
Zechariah, s. of Zechariah, bp. Nov. 6, 1768. CR1
SHEDD (also see Shed)
Abigail [-----], w. of -----, ----, 1796. GR2
Catherine Cyrena, d. of Alonzo F. and Sally, Apr. 26, 1843. Twin
Eliza Prentiss, d. of Alonzo F. and Sally, Dec. 4, 1849
Fanny Foster, d. of Alonzo F. and Sally, Apr. 26, 1843. Twin
Jefferson J., ----, 1843. GR2
John H., in Jeffrey, N.H., Mar. 19, 1805. GR3
Leander, s. of ----- and Abigail, ----, 1833. GR2
Mary, d. of Ebenezer, bp. Aug. 2, 1772. CR1
Sarah G. [-----], w. of Leander, ----, 1836. GR2
John, ----, 1819. GR4
Mary [-----], w. of John, ----, 1825. GR4
SHEEN (also see Sheene)
Catherine, d. of Patrick and Catherine, in Boston, Aug. 23, 1844
Thomas, s. of Patrick, June 18, 1845
SHEENE (also see Sheen)
George, in Lyme, O., Aug. 11, 1849. GR2
SHEILDS (also see Shields)
Rosanna, d. of John and Ann, ----, 1845. GR4
Francis, ----, 1818. GR3
Sarah Tremere, ----, 1825. GR3
Eugene E., Maj., Dec. 28, 1840. GR3
Georgianna A., Sept. 22, 1810. GR3
Henry S., Capt., June 9, 1844. GR3
Philo S., Dec. 15, 1805. GR3
Philo S., Dec. 2, 1836. GR3
SHEPARD (also see Shephard, Shepheard, Shepherd)
Abigail, d. of Edward and Violet, bp. in England, CR1
Charles H., ----, 1829. GR3
Deborah, d. of Edward and Violet, bp. in England, CR1
Edward, s. of John and Rebecca, July 31, 1662
Elizabeth, d. of John and -----, bp. July 29, 1660. CR1
Elizabeth Fairbanks [-----], w. of Preston, Jan. 29, 1785. GR3
Helen Augusta, d. of Sumner P. and Harriet A., Sept. 28, 1848
Jeremiah, s. of Rev. Thomas, bp. -----, 16--. CR1
Jno, s. of Jno and Rebecca, Jan. 22, 1657
Lee P., s. of Franklin and Julia Ann, in Boston, Dec. 26, 1847
Preston, June 9, 1778. GR3
Rebecca, d. of John and -----, bp. -----, 16--. CR1
Samuel, s. of Rev. Thomas, bp. -----, 16--. CR1
Samuel, s. of John and -----, bp. July 3, 1664. CR1
Sarah, d. of Jno and Rebecca, Mar. 5, 1655
Thomas, s. of Rev. Thomas, bp. -----, 16--. CR1
Thomas, s. of Jno and Rebeccah, Nov. 12, 1665
Violet, d. of John and -----, bp. ----, 16--. CR1
SHEPHARD (also see Shepard, Shepheard, Shepherd)
Hannah, d. of Samuel and Hannah, June 20, 1642
Jemimah, d. of Thomas and Margaret, Aug. 11, 1648
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Feb. --, 1639
SHEPHEARD (also see Shepard, Shephard, Shepherd)
Jane, d. of Samuel and Hannah, May 16, 1645
John, s. of Thomas and Joan, July 2, 1645
Thomas, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Nov. 5, 1638
SHEPHERD (also see Shepard, Shephard, Shepheard)
Franklin C., ----, 1820. GR2
Harriet A. [-----], w. of Sumner P., Jan. 18, 1825. GR3
Sumner P., Nov. 22, 1822. GR3
Frances P. [-----], w. of Lieut. J. H., U.S.N., May 15, 1825. GR3
Henry, s. of Reuben b. and Sally R. Staples, ----, 1825. GR3
John H., Dec. 7, 1845. GR3
Mary H., d. of Reuben B. and Sally R. Staples, ----, 1823. GR3
Reuben B., in Pelham, N.H., Aug. 23, 1796. GR3
Sally R. Staples [-----], w. of Reuben B., in Newmarket, N.H., July 4, 1794. GR3
Sarah Damon [-----], w. of Charles W., May 18, 1843. GR3
Sarah G., d. of Reuben B. and Sally R. Staples, ----, 1820. GR3
Thomas, s. of John, bp. Jan. 4, 1729-30. CR1
SHERIFF (also see Shirreff)
Charles C., s. of John L. and Ellen, Dec. 25, 1848
Frank Augustus, s. of Charles H., b. in Exeter, N.H., and Olive, b. in Kennebuck, Me., July 28, 1849
Abigail S. Whitman [-----], w. of Ephraim B., May 20, 1820. GR2
Abraham P., Dec. 23, 1796. GR2
Charles B., Dec. 6, 1798. GR3
Charles J. F., ----, 1821. GR3
Edward Lowell, s. of Abraham P. and Mary, bp. May 25, 1834. CR10
Eleazer C., Oct. 5, 1818. GR3
Elizabeth B. Whitman [-----], w. of Ephraim B., Oct. 1, 1826. GR2
Ephraim B., Mar. 3, 1823. GR2
George Edwards, s. of Abraham P. and Mary Fay, Apr. 8, 1827. GR2
Harriet Maria, d. of Abraham P. and Mary (Mary Fay, GR2), bp. July 3, 1836. CR10
Jessie Gordon [-----], w. of Gardiner, Aug. 23, 1848. GR3
John R., Feb. 11, 1848. GR3
John W., s. of Ephraim B. and Elizabeth B., Feb. 21, 1849
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Abraham P., Mar. 23, 1800. GR2
Mary Fay, d. of Abraham P. and Mary Fay, Jan. 5, 1820. GR3
Sarah [-----], w. of Charles, ----, 1792. GR3
Sarah C. Rice [-----], w. of Charles B., Feb. 6, 1818. GR3
William H., July 23, 1841. GR2
William Henry, s. of Dea. -----, bp. Jan. 1, 1843. CR10
Mary, d. of John and Mary, Sept. --, 1848
SHIELDS (also see Sheilds)
Margaret J., d. of James and Ann, June 28, 1845
Betsey [-----], w. of Joel, Sept. 10, 1787. GR3
Joel, Apr. 17, 1782. GR3
Martha F., ----, 1840. GR3
William R., D.D., L.L.D., ----, 1836. GR3
-------, d. of Peter, Feb. 15, 1848
Albert, s. of Peter and Ann, Sept. 21, 1843
Mary T., d. of George, Jan. 21, 1845
Mary T., d. of George, b. in Halifax, N.S., and Lydia Ann, b. in Medford, June 12, 1849
Phebe J., d. of Peter, May 19, 1845
James Thomas, s. of Thomas W. and Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 17, 1826. CR2
William J., ----, 1839. GR2
Annie E. [-----], w. of Charles F., ----, 1835. GR3
Patrick, s. of Thomas and Hannah, Feb. 20, 1848
Abbie H., Oct. 14, 1849. GR2
Abby Atwood, d. of Dr. Benjamin and w. of Southworth SHAW, in Boston, May 26, 1804. GR3
Benjamin, Dr., in Plympton, Nov. 7, 1774. GR3
Hiram Smith, Capt., Aug. 23, 1841. GR3
Nathaniel B., Capt., Jr., in Boston, Mar. 16, 1839. GR3
Nathaniel Bradstreet, June 19, 1810. GR3
Sally Shaw [-----], w. of Dr. Benjamin, in Plymouth, May 4, 1778. GR3
Sarah Eliza [-----], w. of Nathaniel Bradstreet, Mar. 28, 1814. GR3
Caroline Rust [-----], w. of James, ----, 1833. GR3
Charles H., ----, 1838. GR2
Ellen Damon [-----], w. of James M. Jr., ----, 1839. GR3
James, ----, 1824. GR3
James M., ----, 1812. GR3
James M. Jr., ----, 1838. GR3
Mary E. [-----], w. of James M., ----, 1817. GR3
Georgiana, June 7, 1840. CR7
James, Apr. 26, 1842. CR7
Chloe B., ----, 1813. GR3
Isabella F., ----, 1846. GR3
Samuel S., ----, 1843. GR3
William, ----, 1809. GR3
William W., ----, 1845. GR3
-------, d. of Freeman K., b. in Auburn, and Mary G., b. in Boston, Dec. 8, 1849
Charlotte Augusta Landon [-----], w. of John Langdon, in Boston, Oct. 5, 1819. GR3
John Langdon, in Union, Me., Dec. 29, 1804. Librarian Harvard College. GR3
Charles A., June --, 1842. GR2
Amelie Louise Rives [-----], w. of Henry, July 8, 1832. GR3
Henry, July 25, 1783. GR3
Henry, June 18, 1831. GR3
Margaret B. [-----], w. of Henry, May 31, 1806. GR3
SILLOWAY (also see Sullaway, Sulloway)
Joseph E., Feb. 23, 1836. GR3
Susan, Aug. 3, 1809. GR2
Thomas, Mar. 20, 1806. GR2
Thomas W., Rev., Aug. 7, 1828. GR2
SILSBEE (also see Silsby)
Henry Bellows, s. of Rev. William and Charlotte, Oct. 11, 1843
SILSBY (also see Sillsbee)
Alice Needham [-----], w. of Enoch, Oct. 30, 1775. GR3
Emeline, ----, 1820. GR3
Enoch, Sept. 29, 1778. GR3
Hannah Gregg [-----], w. of Ithiel, May 19, 1789. GR3
Homer M., Oct. 4, 1848. GR3
I. H., Dec. 12, 1817. GR3
Ithiel, Dec. 23, 1788. GR3
Sarah N., July 16, 1811. GR3
Eunice [-----], w. of Thomas, ----, 1806. GR2
Thomas, ----, 1817. GR2
SIMMONDS (also see Simmons, Simonds, Simons, Symonds, Symons)
John H., Jan. 1, 1800. GR3
Maria C. [-----], w. of John H., Apr. 17, 1806. GR3
SIMMONS (also see Simmonds, Simonds, Simons, Symonds, Symons)
Ann [-----], w. of John, in Provincetown, Sept. 1, 1797. GR3
Benjamin, Jan. 20, 1799. GR3
Betsey G., ----, 1803. GR3
Edward M., May 6, 1839. GR3
Elizabeth, ----, 1827. GR3
Elizabeth T., ----, 1802. GR3
Hiram, Apr. 5, 1801. GR3
John 3d, s. of John Jr. and Martha P. Hills Vinton, ----, 1845. GR3
Margaret Dearborn [-----], w. of Benjamin, Apr. 17, 1797. GR3
Mary H., d. of Benjamin and Margaret Dearborn, Apr. 26, 1826. GR3
Rowena A. [-----], w. of Edward W., Oct. 17, 1844. GR3
William B. D., s. of Benjamin and Margaret Dearborn, Apr. 27, 1823. GR3
SIMONDS (also see Simmonds, Simmons, Simons, Symonds, Symons)
Delia A. [-----], w. of Warner W., ----, 1843. GR2
George Henry, Oct. 5, 1827. GR3
Grace Ann Clinton [-----], w. of Joseph, July 20, 1824. GR3
Henry C., ----, 1810. GR3
Horatio Nelson, s. of Stephen Hartle and Alice, Oct. 8, 1805
James S., ----, 1817. GR3
Jane Elvira, d. of Stillman and Elvira, Oct. 9, 1844
Joanna T., ----, 1782. GR3
Joseph, May 13, 1809. GR3
Marinda E. [-----], w. of Hiram D., ----, 1832. GR3
Mary, d. of Joseph and Mary, Dec. 15, 1684
Mary J., ----, 1821. GR2
(Sarah E., GR4a) [-----], w. of -----, June 4, 1829
Shepherd, ----, 1781. GR3
Warner W., ----, 1848. GR2
SIMONS (also see Simmonds, Simmons, Simonds, Symonds, Symons)
Joshua, s. of Joseph and Mary, Jan. 23, 1686-7
Caroline, d. of Rev. John and Olive of Brewster, Jan. 28, 1795. GR3
John, s. of Dea. John, in Boston, Apr. 16, 1768. GR3
Samuel Grant, s. of Rev. John and Olive of Brewster, Sept. 15, 1802. GR3
SIMPSON (also see Sympson)
Albert M., Apr. 5, 1812. GR3
Amelia M., ----, 1849. GR2
Annabella Vassal, d. of Jonathan and Jane, Mar. 2, 1795
Bartlett P., ----, 1826. GR2
Caroline, July 15, 1820. GR3
Charlotte, Apr. 9, 1846. GR3
Elizabeth Davis [-----], w. of Michael H., Sept. 25, 1817. GR3
Elizabeth Ellen [-----], w. of William A., ----, 1835. GR3
Emeline, Apr. 10, 1842. GR3
Henrietta, d. of Jonathan and Jane, June 19, 1789
James M., June 22, 1819. GR3
Jane Borland, d. of Jonathan and Jane, Apr. 30, 1787
Jesse, in Windham, N.H., Oct. 1, 1810. GR3
John, s. of Jonathan and Jane, Jan. 25, 1793
John D., Capt., ----,1806. GR3
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Jane, May 7, 1791
Lydia A., Oct. 30, 1824. GR3
Mary Bradstreet [-----], w. of Capt. John D., ----, 1817. GR3
Michael H., Nov. 15, 1809. GR3
Olive E., May 26, 1837. GR3
Paulina Grover [-----], w. of Jesse, in York, Me., Jan. 28, 1805. GR3
Sarah G. Brown [-----], w. of Bartlett P., ----, 1832. GR2
William A., ----, 1835. GR3
Caroline T. [-----], w. of Thomas, Mar. 24, 1815. GR3
James, ----, 1800. GR2
Mary, ----, 1812. GR2
Matilda Smith [-----], w. of Robert, ----, 1823. GR2
Robert, ----, 1817. GR2
Thomas, Aug. 22, 1803. GR3
Eliza A., Oct. 3, 1835. GR3
Thomas C., Oct. 2, 1802. GR3
Thomas C., Jan. 19, 1838. GR3
Albert Fleetwood, July 13, 1832. GR3
Charlotte Hickley Sturgis [-----], w. of Francis Parker, June 16, 1841. GR3
Francis Parker, Jan. 30, 1835. GR3
Harriet F., d. of George H. and Mary, Aug. 7, 1843
G. A. F., ----, 1830. GR3
Nancy T., Apr. 24, 1817. GR3
John, s. of Barnard and Ann, July 18, 1844
Abbie W. [-----], w. of Levi, ----, 1827. GR2
Angelia C., d. of Lendall and Sarah, Nov. 19, 1845
Eunice, ----, 1785. GR3
Henry Carter, s. of Lendall and Elizabeth, Sept. 24, 1837
Horace H., s. of Horace, b. in Bedford, and Frances E., b. in Boston, Oct. 23, 1849
John Lendall, s. of Lendall and Elizabeth, Oct. 20, 1832
Levi, ----, 1828. GR2
Maria D., d. of Horace and Eleanor (Frances E., dup.), Oct. 15, 1847 (Oct. 15, 1846, dup.)
Martha Jane, d. of Lendall and Elizabeth, Oct. 23, 1834
Mary Ann, d. of Horace and Frances E., Oct. 15, 1845
Mary Eliza, d. of Lendall and Mary, Mar. 23, 1844
Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Lendall and Elizabeth, May 29, 1830
John, s. of Thomas and Ellen, Apr. 11, 1643
SKILLING (also see Skillings)
SKILLINGS (also see Skilling)
Angela M. Streeter [-----], w. of Otis Ainsworth, D.D., Aug. 2, 1808. GR3
Eliza Blanchard, May 28, 1846. GR3
Francis, Sept. 3, 1840. GR3
George W., Mar. 30, 1813. GR3
Hannah, d. of Thomas, bp. Aug. 31, 1729. CR1
Jonathan, s. of Thomas, bp. Oct. 30, 1725. CR1
Martha W. Horsman, d. of Jacob and Mary, Aug. 23, 1818. GR3
Mary [-----], w. of Jacob, June 9, 1782. GR3
Mary E., May 14, 1846. GR3
Mehetable, d. of Thomas, bp. Sept. 8, 1723. CR1
Otis Ainsworth, D.D., in Royalston, Vt., July 3, 1807. GR3
William Stephen, in London, Dec. 7, 1775. GR3
Mary E. Jennison [-----], w. of Calvin, Mar. 7, 1822. GR3
Alice, d. of Patrick F., Oct. 9, 1845
Jacob, Nov. 21, 1802. GR3
Jacob Henry, in Boston, Apr. 6, 1839. GR3
Mary, Sept. 19, 1846. CR7
Oliver, June 10, 1810. GR3
Solomon S., ----, 1815. GR3
T. Merritt, ----, 1837. GR2
Aldenia C., ----, 1842. GR2
James, native of Scotland, Mar. 7, 1819. GR3
Joseph A., ----, 1840. GR2
Mary Austin [-----], w. of James, native of Scotland, ----, 1831. GR3
Patrick, s. of Patrick and Ann, Mar. 1, 1849
Thomas H., s. of Thomas and Mary A., Sept. 17, 1848
William L., s. of William L., b. in Dorchester, and Elizabeth, b. in Boston, Jan. 6, 1849
SLOCOMB (also see Slocumb)
Edward, s. of Rufus and Mary, Mar. 1, 1844
Eliza Allen [-----], w. of Samuel, ----, 1800. GR3
Emmons, s. of Charles E. and Emily, Oct. 22, 1848
Mary Emmeline, d. of James and Mary, Oct. 7, 1825
Mary Lowell Stone, adopted d. of Samuel and Eliza Allen, ----, 1847. GR3
Oscar J., s. of Benjamin F. and Frances A., Aug. 18, 1844
Samuel, ----, 1805. GR3
SLOCUMB (also see Slocomb)
George Bond, s. of George and Lucy, Feb. 23, 1808
Lucy Ann, d. of George and Lucy, June 27, 1811
Mary H. [-----], w. of -----, in Callington, Eng., Aug. 26, 1781. GR3
Benjamin, June 1, 1801. GR2
Charles F., ----, 1830. GR3
Elizabeth Edwards, Mar. 14, 1804. GR2
Francis W., Mar. 2, 1822. GR3
Frank Milton, May 8, 1842. GR3
Mary E., d. of Benjamin, May 8, 1847
Mary Stayner [-----], w. of Frederick, Feb. 20, 1814. GR3
Susan H., June 2, 1829. GR3
Zebina, Sept. 19, 1837. GR2
Ellen E., ----, 1835. GR3
Jeremiah W., Jan. 14, 1817. GR2
Lucretia [-----], w. of -----, in Medford, Jan. 10, 1783. CR11
Mary A. [-----], w. of Frank, ----, 1845. GR2
Mary D. [-----], w. of Jeremiah W., Aug. 26, 1819. GR2
William (William A., GR2), s. of Jeremiah and Sarah R., Oct. 20, 1843 (1844. GR2)
Mary Batterbury [-----], w. of John, Nov. 14, 1845. GR2
Mary Ormond [-----], w. of J. Boden, Mar. 20, 1827. GR3
Thomas, in Macclesfield, Eng., Oct. 11, 1792. GR3
George, Aug. 19, 1822. GR3
Gustavus A., May 7, 1835. GR2
Helen M., d. of Richard and Helen M., June 17, 1848
Lucretia, Oct. 2, 1782. GR2
Susan P., Sept. 16, 1845. GR2
William H., June 10, 1840. GR2
-------, d. of Isaac and Mary E., Sept. 26, 1845
-------, s. of William P., Feb. 15, 1847
-------, d. of Lewis G., May 11, 1847
-------, d. of Henry R. and Maria, Feb. 4, 1848
-------, d. of Elbridge and Sarah S., Apr. 12, 1849
Abigail, d. of Henry Jr., bp. Nov. 30, 1718. CR1
Addison, ----, 1822. GR2
Adelaide F., Aug. 31, 1843. GR2
Adeline, Jan. 22, 1824. GR3
Albert, in Hanover, Jan. 3, 1793. GR3
Almeda Del [-----], w. of Charles F., May 15, 1845. GR2
Alpheus K., Mar. 23, 1834. GR2
Amos, Rev., -----, 1816. GR3
Amos, s. of Amos and -----, Mar. 15, 1832
Anna M., June 30, 1796. GR3
Anna Matilda Adams, d. of Ralph and Ann Matilda, bp. May 1, 1836. CR10
Anne, d. of Samuell and Sarah, Nov. 6, 1725
Annie M., Oct. 20, 1843. GR2
Benjamin, s. of Samuell and Sarah, Jan. 13, 1735-5
Benjamin F., Sept. 30, 1834. GR3
Caroline L. C., d. of Alva C., b. in Unity, N.H., and Phebe A., b. in Hamilton, May 15, 1849
Caroline W., ----, 1836. GR2
Charles A., in Genoa, Italy, ----, 1798. GR3
Charles A., Jan. --, 1816. GR3
Charles Clarence, Apr. 3, 1843. GR3
Charles H., May 19, 1839. GR3
Charles Lawson, ----, 1829. GR3
Charles Macomber, Rev., D.D., ----, 1835. GR3
Chauncey, in Waitsfield, Vt., ----, 1819. GR3
Clara Montfort [-----], w. of Frank Hill, July 10, 1845. GR3
Cornelia, d. of Ralph, bp. Sept. 20, 1829. CR10
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Mary, Mar. 10, 1710-11
Daniel, s. of John, bp. Apr. 22, 1711. CR1
Daniel, s. of Daniel, bp. Dec. 30, 1744. CR1
Daniel, in Durham, N.H., Jan. 27, 1823. GR3
Daniel Ferson, s. of Daniel S. and -----, Sept. 8, 1828
David, s. of David, bp. Apr. 9, 1758. CR1
Dorcas H. [-----], w. of Addison, ----, 1824. GR2
E. A. Frances Ward [-----], w. of George F., Dec. 9, 1818. GR3
Ebenezer, s. of Henry and Lydia, Mar. 9, 1689
Ebenezer, s. of Joseph and Mary, Aug. 18, 1708
Ebenezer, s. of John and Martha, Mar. 15, 1712
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Aug. 7, 1748. CR1
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Mar. 8, 1752. CR1
Ebenezer, s. of Parsons and Waitstill, Jan. 26, 1777
Ebenezer Morton, s. of Ebenezer and Mary Ann, Dec. 3, 1843
Edmund, Aug. 15, 1807. GR3
Edward, s. of William and Sarah, bp. Oct. 23, 1763. CR2
Edward, s. of James and Rebecca, Nov. 9, 1845
Edwin E., Aug. 18, 1837. GR3
Eleanor, d. of John and Ann, Apr. --, 1849
Elisabeth Hall, ----, 1843. GR3
Eliza A. [-----], w. of Charles A., Nov. 29, 1805. GR3
Eliza A., Nov. 18, 1832. GR3
Eliza B., d. of Amos and -----, Jan. 2, 1837
Eliza C. [-----], w. of Martin L., Apr. 17, 1817. GR3
Eliza Fowle [-----], w. of Charles, July 24, 1795. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of John and Martha, May 4, 1715
Elizabeth, d. of Joseph, bp. Aug. 11, 1771. CR1
Elizabeth [-----], w. of Frederick, Jan. 25, 1824. GR3
Elizabeth, -----, 1831. GR2
Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Catherine, in Liverpool, Eng., July 8, 1848
Ellen Frances, d. of Amos and -----, Nov. 4, 1839
Ellen J., d. of Daniel and Martha A. Page, Jan. 9, 1848. GR3
Ellen Maria, d. of Sydney and Mary, Mar. 27, 1840
Ellen McLennan, ----, 1824. GR3
Elnathan, s. of John of Charlestown, bp. Oct. 2, 1698. CR1
Emeline Binny, d. of Amos and -----, Jan. 9, 1824
Emeline Binny, d. of Amos and -----, July 12, 1841
Emily A., July 8, 1830. GR3
Emma F., d. of Sidney and Mary, Sept. 2, 1848
Emma S., d. of James and Rebecca K., both b. in Orleans, July 8, 1849
Erastus, June 14, 1825. GR3
Esther W. [-----], w. of William H. L., May 4, 1830. GR3
Eunice Georgiana, d. of Samuel and Mehitabel, Jan. 26, 1844
Eunice Jacobs, ----, 1829. GR3
Euniss, d. of Jno and Mary, Sept. 1, 1704
Everett, July 7, 1836. GR3
Fannie M. [-----], w. of Louis F., ----, 1833. GR2
Frances Barnard [-----], w. of Thomas Carter, ----, 1804. gR3
Frances C. [-----], w. of Frederick, July 3, 1814. GR3
Frances Mary, d. of Jesse D. and Frances T., and w. of W. C. BOLLES, in New London, Conn., July 30, 1816. GR3
Frank Hill, Oct. 15, 1842. GR3
Franklin B., s. of Atwood B. and Elizabeth J., Apr. 13, 1845
Frederick, in Gilmanton, N.H., Apr. 29, 1799. GR3
Frederick, in Stanstead, Can., Jan 17, 1814. GR3
George F., May 27, 1811. GR3
George W., ----, 1839. GR2
Grace, d. of Daniel, bp. Ma. 20, 1743. CR1
Green, Mar. 27, 1800. GR3
Hannah, d. of Joseph and Hannah, Sept. 25, 1708
Hannah, d. of Joseph, bp. Jan. 24, 1773. CR1
Hannah, ----, 1834. GR3
Hannah B. W., ----, 1822. GR3
Hannah Carter [-----], w. of William, ----, 1764. GR3
Hannah Hill, d. of Amos and -----, Nov. 26, 1825
Hannah Webster [-----], w. of Jeremiah, Jan. 29, 1835. GR3
Harriet Augusta, d. of Sidney and Mary, Jan. 14, 1844
Harriet Fowle, Sept. 10, 1784. GR3
Harriet M. [-----], w. of Samuel K., ----, 1829. GR2
Harriet R., ----, 1848. GR3
Harriet S., ----, 1815. GR2
Harriet S., d. of Elbridge and Sarah, in Worcester, May 9, 1847
Harriot M., ----, 1817. GR2
Helen E., ----, 1833. GR3
Henry, s. of Henry and Lidya, Oct. 17, 1679
Henry, s. of Joseph and Hannah, Sept. 26, 1705
Henry, s. of Joseph, bp. June 22, 1777. CR1
Henry, in Milton, Dec. 14, 1789. GR3
Henry R., s. of Henry R. and Maria, Aug. 31, 1845
Hezekiah, s. of Joseph and Mary, Apr. 2, 1705
Hiram Carruth, s. of Perez and Martha W., July 16, 1848. GR3
Hiram W., ----, 1821. GR2
Holland, Jan. 20, 1821. GR3
Horace Holley, s. of Henry and Zabiah May, in Boston, Nov. 6, 1836. GR3
Hiram W., ----, 1821. GR2
Holland, Jan. 20, 1821. GR3
Horace Holley, s. of Henry and Zabiah May, in Boston, Nov. 6, 1836. GR3
Isaac, ----, 1792. GR3
Isaac Plummer, s. of Daniel S. and Mary L., Nov. 11, 1833
Israel, s. of John and Mary, Jan. 23, 1701-02
James, Capt., July 19, 1803. GR3
James, s. of James and Rosanna, Dec. 22, 1843
James Charles, ----, 1847. GR3
James W., s. of Capt. James and Rebecca K., June 14, 1843. GR3
Jane, ----, 1829. GR2
Jared E., May 9, 1824. GR2
Jeanie Stevens, d. of Perez and Martha W., Oct. 9, 1849. GR3
Jeremiah, in Salem, N.H., Aug. 9, 1796. GR3
Jesse, s. of John and Sarah, Dec. 10, 1710
John, s. of Jno and Sarah, Mar. 2, 1677-8
John, s. of Henry and Sarah, Apr. 2, 1714
John, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Feb. 10, 1754. CR1
John, s. of Parsons and Waitstill, Feb. 1, 1770
John, ----, 1823. GR2
John, s. of John and Ann, in Charlestown, May 15, 1845
John Barney, s. of J. W., bp. Apr. 4, 1806. a. 9 y. CR1
John H., ----, 1813. GR2
Joseph, s. of John and Sarah, Aug. 9, 1687
Joseph, s. of Samuell and Sarah, July 7, 1734
Joseph, s. of Ebenezer, bp. July 13, 1740. CR1
Joseph, s. of Joseph, bp. Feb. 21, 1768. CR1
Joseph, s. of Joseph, bp. Sept. 3, 1769. CR1
Josephine M., d. of Elbridge, b. in Wayland, and Sarah S., b. in Weston, Apr. 12, 1849
Joshua Bowen, ----, 1813. GR3
Josiah P., Dec. 24, 1838. GR2
Katherine, d. of Katherine, bp. Oct. 24, 1789. CR1
Lavinia Winship [-----], w. of George A., ----, 1830. GR3
Lewis, s. of Levi G. and -----, Jan. 23, 1849
Lidya, d. of Henry and Lidya, July 20, 1677
Lois [-----], w. of Edmund, Sept. 23, 1820. GR3
Louis F., ----, 1829. GR2
Lucy, d. of Daniel, bp. May 8, 1748. CR1
Lucy Ann [-----], w. of Louis F., ----, 1829. GR2
Lydia, June 16, 1792. GR3
Lyman G., Apr. 27, 1833. GR3
M. Olivia [-----], w. of William H., June 11, 1828. GR3
Marcellus Parker, s. of Ralph and Ann Matilda, bp. May 29, 1831. CR10
Maria [-----], w. of George, June 19, 1812. GR3
Maria [-----], w. of Thomas F., Sept. 15, 1845. GR3
Martha, Jan. 30, 1829. GR3
Martha A. Page [-----], w. of Daniel, Oct. 26, 1823. GR3
Martha G., d. of Daniel and Martha A. Page and w. of ----- SMITH, Feb. 24, 1846. GR3
Martha Hill [-----], w. of Jeremiah, May 6, 1800. GR3
Martha Jane, May 28, 1841. GR3
Martha Louisa, d. of Perez and Martha Whipple, in Boston, Nov. 19, 1843. GR3
Martin L., June 8, 1820. GR3
Mary, d. of Joseph and Mary, Apr. 23, 1701
Mary, d. of Daniel and Mary, Mar. 13, 1708-09
Mary, d. of Isaac of Redding, bp. Nov. 13, 1710. CR1
Mary, d. of Hannah, alias Hannah Daniels, bp. Aug. 30, 1741. CR1
Mary, d. of John and Eunice, Dec. 8, 1744
Mary, d. of Mary, Mar. 8, 1849
Mary Almira Prescott, ----, 1848. GR3
Mary Ann, d. of Ebenezer and Mary Ann, Nov. 19, 1841
Mary Ellen, d. of William P. and Mary Ann, ----, 1845
Mary Elizabeth [-----], w. of Rev. Amos, ----, 1808. GR3
Mary Hill [-----], w. of Jeremiah, Feb. 28, 1798. GR3
Mary Jane, d. of Sydney and Mary, Jan. 7, 1834
Mary L. [-----], w. of Daniel S., July 20, 1802. GR3
Mehitable, May 11, 1786. GR3
Melissa T., ----, 1822. GR2
Michal, s. of Samuell and Sarah, June 12, 1732
Nancy Elizabeth, d. of Amos and -----, ----16, 1829
Olivia Tuttle [-----], w. of Edward J., ----, 1846. GR2
Parsons, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Jan. 2, 1742-3. CR1
Parsons, s. of Parsons and Waitstill, May 8, 1772
Peletiah, s. of Samuell and Sarah, Jan. 24, 1727-8
Perez, Feb. 17, 1797. GR3
Rachel, d. of John and Sarah, Dec. 19, 1685
Rebecca K. [-----], w. of Capt. James, Feb. 9, 1812. GR3
Rebeckah, d. of Joseph and Hannah, Jan. 23, 1702-03
Rebeckah, d. of William and Sarah, bp. Oct. 9, 1768. CR1
Robert, s. of Samuell, bp. Dec. 31, 1738. CR1
Robert, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Dec. 10, 1741
Robert Dickson, Apr. 23, 1838. GR3
Rosanna, d. of R. J. and R. and w. of Robert J. CHESTNUT, ----, 1848. GR2
Roxy, in Oakham, Mar. 20, 1797. GR3
Ruth C., ----, 1831. GR2
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Dec. 8, 1729
Samuel, s. of Parsons and Waitstill, Sept. 26, 1774
Samuel, Nov. 17, 1780. GR3
Samuel, ----, 1823. GR3
Samuel K., ----, 1827. GR2
Samuel Washington Marshall, s. of Jacob and Olive, July 18, 1823
Sarah, d. of Jno and Sarah, Mar. 31, 1677
Sarah, d. of Jno and Sarah, Aug. 17, 1681
Sarah, d. of John and Mary, Feb. 9, 1698-9
Sarah, d. of Henry and Sarah, June 24, 1715
Sarah, d. of Samuell and Sarah, Apr. 13, 1717
Sarah A., Mar. --, 1818. GR3
Sarah Ann, d. of Sydney and Mary, Jan. 26, 1835
Sarah Ann, d. of Henry and Mary, Jan. 4, 1849
Sarah Brackett [-----], w. of Silas, ----, 1818. GR3
Sarah F. [-----], w. of George W., ----, 1847. GR3
Sarah Harris, d. of Henry and Zabiah May, Nov. 9, 1824. GR3
Sarah K. [-----], w. of Judson C., ----, 1839. GR2
Simeon, Apr. 18, 1798. GR3
Simeon B., Jan. 8, 1831. GR3
Sophiah, d. of Joseph and Mary, Oct. 20, 1711
Susan, July 3, 1834. GR3
Susanna, d. of Parsons and Waitstill, Apr. 18, 1780
Susanna [-----], w. of Green, Sept. 7, 1806. GR3
Susannah, d. of Samuell and Sarah, Aug 24, 1720
Tabitha, d. of Ebenezer, bp. Aug. 4, 1745. CR1
Thomas, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 25, 1740
Thomas Carter, in Boston, ----, 1796. GR3
Thomas Delap, in Machias, Me., Jan. 1, 1810. GR3
Thomas L., Mar. 16, 1824. GR3
Thomas Millett, in Durham, N.H., June 2, 1810. GR3
Victoria [-----], w. of Willard W., Aug. 30, 1813. GR2
Voila C., Oct. 10, 1839. GR3
Willard W., Apr. 5, 1809. GR2
William, s. of Joseph and Mary, June 25, 1703
William, s. of William and Elizabeth, Dec. 11, 1753
William, in Boston, ----, 1755. GR3
William, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Sept. 26, 1756. CR1
William Jr., ----, 1788. GR3
William, Nov. 19, 1789. GR3
William, s. of John and Sarah, both b. in Nova Scotia, Oct. 23, 1849
William A. May 6, 1829. GR3
William Francis, s. of William and Eliza, Sept. 11, 1843
William H., Capt., July 10, 1840. GR3
William H. L., Nov. 16, 1824. GR3
William J., ----, 1829. GR2
Winthrop, s. of Daniel and Martha A. Page, Dec. 16, 1849. GR3
Zabiah May [-----], w. of Henry, in Boston, Oct. 8, 1794. GR3
Zebediah, s. of John and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1707-08
Frank W., s. of Robert M. M. and Jane, July 5, 1847
Mary A. [-----]. w, of Nathaniel G., ----, 1835. GR3
Nathaniel G., ----, 1823. GR3
-------, s. of James H. and Aurilla, Mar. 19, 1849
Asa, s. of Asa H. and -----, Feb. 14, 1849
Bernard, s. of Bernard, May 10, 1847
Caroline Augusta, d. of Eli W. and Dorcas, in Charlestown, June 6, 1843
Charles A., Nov. 21, 1839. GR3
Charles Edward, s. of William and Nancy, Sept. 28, 1840
Charlotte W. [-----], w. of Daniel F., ----, 1822. GR3
Daniel F., ----, 1813. GR3
David, Dec. 10, 1827. GR3
Eben, Feb. 23, 1817. GR3
Edward F., Nov. 4, 1837. GR3
Edwin F., Sept. 29, 1835. GR3
Eleanor G., ----, 1787. GR3
Elizabeth A., Mar. 5, 1836. GR3
Elizabeth O. Pray [-----], w. of Eben, June 10, 1817. GR3
Elizabeth Whittington, Jan. 23, 1817. GR3
Ezekiel Lincoln, July 21, 1813. GR3
Francis W., Dec. 22, 1828. GR3
Georgianna Coburn [-----], w. of David, Nov. 20, 1836. GR3
Hannah E. [-----], w. of Francis W., June 7, 1836. GR3
Henry Curtis, Jan. 23, 1835. GR3
Laura Slade, ----, 1821. GR3
Lemuel H., July 5, 1833. GR2
Mary, d. of Abraham, bp. May 29, 1748. CR1
Mary A., ----, 1829. GR3
Mary W. [-----], w. of Charles, Feb. 7, 1830. GR2
Ophelia Annie [-----], w. of Samuel, ----, 1834. GR2
Samuel. See Salvador Sabatey Morell.
Samuel Jr., Jan. 1, 1820. GR3
Samuel, ----, 1832. GR2
Samuel Thomas, July 18, 1824. GR3
Sarah E., Feb. 1, 1845. GR3
Sarah Elizabeth, d. of William and Nancy, July 25, 1835
Sarah H., Sept. 30, 1824. GR3
Sarah Simpson [-----], w. of -----, in Boston, Nov. 23, 1794. GR3
Seymour B., ----, 1832. GR3
Simeon, in Eastham, Jan. 7, 1829. GR2
Thomas H., May 16, 1833. GR3
Thomas Rogers, Jan. 1, 1820. GR3
William Edgar, in Boston, Jan. 20, 1837. GR3
William Henry Harrison, s. of William and Nancy, Feb. 18, 1838
Hannah, d. of Thomas and Hannah, June 2, 1728
Robert, s. of Thomas, bp. Oct. 27, 1734. CR1
Samuel, s. of Thomas and Hannah, July 23, 1730
Susannah, d. of Thomas and Hannah, Jan. 18, 1724-5
Thomas, s. of Thomas, bp. May 10, 1726. CR1
William, s. of Thomas, bp. Aug. 6, 1732. CR1
Edward Dexter, s. of William Davies and Elizabeth Amory Dexter, Apr. 24, 1816. GR3
Elizabeth Amory Dexter [-----], w. of William Davies, Sept. 6, 1789. GR3
Elizabeth Dexter, d. of Edward Dexter and Hannah Louisa Amory, June 26, 1841. GR3
Elizabeth Dexter, d. of Edward Dexter and Hannah Louisa Amory, May 20, 1847. GR3
Elizabeth Dexter, Dec. 25, 1849. GR3
George Brimmer, in Boston, Nov. 19, 1832. GR3
Hannah Louisa Amory [-----], w. of Edward Dexter, Jan. 5, 1812. GR3
Joseph Foster, s. of William Davies and Elizabeth Amory Dexter, June 18, 1811. GR3
Martin, s. of Edward Dexter and Hannah Louisa Amory, Mar. 6, 1840. GR3
William Davies, s. of Edward and Mary Davies, Mar. 14, 1787. GR3