VITAL RECORDS of CAMBRIDGE Massachusetts, to the Year 1850.
Compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Rebecca E. [-----], w. of Horace P., Dec. 30, 1840. GR3
Maria Louise Blake [-----], w. of Geo. A., ----, 1835. GR3
Rebecca Ann, d. of E. D. and w. of Henry STEARNS, in Pictou, N.S., May 23, 1815. GR3
MINOT (also see Minott)
Charles, in Haverhill, Aug. 30, 1810. GR3
George T. (George Stephen, GR3), s. of George and Emily P. (Emily Phillips, GR3), Aug. 22, 1845
MINOTT (also see Minot)
George A., Feb. 22, 1840. GR3
Mary Augusta, d. of Otis and Elizabeth Bartlett and w. of George SCAMMON, ----, 1842. GR3
Otis, Mar. 9, 1803. GR3
MIRIAM (also see Meriam, Merriam, Mirriam)
Jonathan, s. of Robert and Abigail, July 25, 1705
Mary, d. of Joseph and Sarah, June 14, 1664
Mary, d. of John and Mary, Jan. 6, 1689
MIRICK (also see Myrick)
Abraham, s. of Abraham, bp. Apr. 27, 1777. CR1
Edward, s. of Benjamin of Charlestown, bp. Nov. 16, 1777. CR1
MIRRIAM (also see Meriam, Merriam, Miriam)
Benjamin, s. of Jno and Mary, Jan. 6, 1700-01
David, s. of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 22, 1711
Ebenezer, s. of Dea. Jno and Mary, Mar. 2, 1705-06
Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Sarah, May 20, 1660
Hannah, d. of Robert and Abigail, Apr. 16, 1701
Hezekiah, s. of Robert and Abigail, Mar. 30, 1708
John, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 30, 1662
John, s. of Jno and Mary, Feb. 13, 1703
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah, May 25, 1658
Joshua, s. of Dea, Jno and Mary, Feb. 27, 1707-08
Lidea, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 3, 1656
Lidia, d. of Thomas and Mary, July 23, 1703
Mary, d. of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 3, 1697
Nathaniel, s. of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 6, 1705
Robert, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Feb. 17, 1667
Robert, s. of Robert and Abigail, July 18, 1703
Sarah, d. of Robert and Abigail, July 25, 1710
Simon, s. of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 23, 1708
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary, Apr. 15, 1700
William, s. of John and Mary, Sept. 24, 1712
Julia M., Feb. 17, 1824. GR3
MITCHELL (also see Michel, Michell)
Charles A., Sept. 19, 1835. GR3
Cornelia F., d. of George L. and Maria A., Jan. 8, 1844
Ella O., d. of Lorenzo D. and Hannah H., May 12, 1846
George E., ----, 1833. GR2
George Edwin, s. of Lorenzo Dow and Hannah H., May 28, 1844
Isabella Bourne, Apr. 22, 1819. GR3
John, s. of Jonathan and Margaret, bp. ----, 165 -. CR1
John W., May 18, 1837. GR2
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Margaret, Oct. 7, 1666. CR1
Joseph Franklin, Nov. 11, 1833. GR2
Lorenzo D., July 11, 1809. GR2
Margaret, d. of Jonathan and Margaret, Mar. --, 1663-4. CR1
Maria A. [-----], w. of George L., Jan. 14, 1820. GR2
Maria L., d. of George L. and Maria, Aug. 4, 1837
Maria Louisa, ----, 1834. GR3
Samuel, s. of Jonathan and Margaret, Oct. 14, 1660. CR1
Sarah, July 28, 1794. GR3
Sarah Downing, d. of George L. and Maria A., Sept. 14, 1839
Theodore, Nov. 22, 1808. GR3
Theodore L., Dec. 13, 1837. GR3
William Henry, May 26, 1849. GR3
MITCHELSON (also see Michelson, Mitchenson)
Edward, s. of Edward and Ruth, Nov. 11, 1644
MITCHENSON (also see Michelson, Mitchelson)
Abigail, d. of William and Mary, bp. Mar. --, 1665-6. CR1
Alse, d. of William and Mary, bp. Apr. --, 1663. CR1
Caroline Esther, d. of Josiah and Mary, Nov. 2, 1821
Eunice [-----], w. of -----, ----, 1754. GR2
Josiah, s. of Eunice, Oct. 14, 1777. GR2
Mary Ann, d. of Josiah and Mary, Apr. 23, 1818
Axel B., ----, 1840. GR3
Christian B., Apr. 9, 1848. GR2
Mary [-----], w. of Robert, ----, 1828. GR2
William H., Nov. 28, 1846. GR4
Ellen, d. of John and Honora, Jan. 14, 1847
Albert N., s. of Jonathan and Susannah, Feb. 20, 1819. GR3
James P., s. of Jonathan and Susannah, Feb. 5, 1822. GR3
Jane B. [-----], w. of William H., July 28, 1806. GR3
William H., Feb. 29, 1804. GR3
James, s. of James and Mary Jane, Dec. 27, 1846
Adelia A. Bowman [-----], w. of David H., Mar. 31, 1829. GR3
Charlotte [-----], w. of George, ----, 1811. GR2
George, ----, 1810. GR2
John W., s. of Mark, Mar. 26, 1846
Abby (Abby Minot, CR11), d. of Bradstreet D. (and Martha, CR11), Sept. 20, 1847
Eliza F. [-----], w. of Abner J., Dec. 29, 1832. GR3
Martha Adams, d. of Bradstreet D., b. in Bath, Me., and Martha, b. in Exeter, Me., July 26, 1849.
Thomas Bradstreet, s. of Bradstreet D. and Martha, Sept. 5, 1845. CR11
Sarah Bowker, ----, 1846. GR3
Ann M. [-----], w. of Samuel S., Feb. 10, 1828. GR3
Edward Lawrence, only s. of Edward and Laura A. Blanchard, Feb. 1, 1848. GR3
John T., s. of David, Sept. 1, 1847
Laura A. Blanchard [-----], w. of Edward, Jan. 1, 1826. GR3
Samuel S., July 30, 1822. GR3
MOOR (also see Moore, Moores, Moors)
C. R., Rev., May 15, 1825. GR3
James C., ----, 1840. GR3
Maria Niles [-----], w. of Rev. C. R., in Windsor, Conn., Nov. 3, 1822. GR3
MOORE (also see Moor, Moores, Moors)
-------, d. of Thomas and Margaret, Feb. 25, 1845
-------, s. of Clark, Feb. 25, 1845
Abby Louisa, d. of Luke and Martha, bp. July 3, 1836. CR1
Abel, s. of Josiah and Mary, Apr. 10, 1780
Adino Ned, s. of Adino Nye and Nancie W., Jan. 22, 1844. GR3
Adino Nye, in Lancaster, N.H., Oct. 27, 1809. GR3
Angela King, ----, 1836. GR3
Ann Jane (Ann Jane Hill, CR1), d. of Luke and Martha, Sept. 17, 1825
Anniah, Sept. 17, 1825. GR3
Artenatus, s. of (Ensign, CR1) Josiah and Mary, Oct. 15, 1777
Arthur Weld, Nov. 24, 1848. GR3
Asa, s. of Asa, bp. Mar. 31, 1793. CR1
Augusta Holyoke, d. of Artenatus and S., bp. Nov. 24, 1811. CR1
Augustus, s. of Josiah, bp. June 28, 1789. CR1
Carlota, d. of Josiah and Hannah and w. of Caetan Mabille Du Chene, Comte de Thiene, in Manila, Phillipine Islands, Jan. 23, 1845. GR3
Catherine, d. of Thomas and Margaret, Dec. 3, 1843
Catherine H., d. of Patrick and Mary, Jan. 9, 1848
Charles Adino, s. of Adino Nye and Nancie W., Dec. 31, 1837. GR3
Charles E., Sept. 21, 1837. GR2
Edward Robinson, Mar. 14, 1838. GR2
Edward White, s. of Edward N. and Harriet, Oct. 29, 1848
Ellen P., Oct. 2, 1833. GR3
Ellen Sophia, d. of Clark and Mary, Oct. 2, 1845
Emery A., s. of Clark and Mary, Nov. 10, 1848
Francis, s. of Francis Jr. and Phoebe, Mar. 30, 1782
Frank C., in Natick, Aug. 8, 1820. GR3
George Dalton, s. of Luke and Martha, Feb. 19, 1829
Hannah, d. of Goulden and Jane, Mar. 15, 1643
Hannah, d. of Josiah and Mary, Mar. 4, 1772
Hannah Elgar [-----], w. of Josiah, in Maidstone, Kent, Eng., Feb. 23, 1815. GR3
Harriet, d. of Reuben and Henrietta, bp. Apr. 28, 1793. CR1
Harriet, d. of Edward and Harriet, Aug. 12, 1846
Harriet, d. of Edward and Harriet, Aug. 12, 1846
Harry Woodbury, s. of Adino Nye and Nancie W., June 30, 1840. GR3
Helen C., May 12, 1821. GR3
Henry M., in Natick, July 13, 1828. GR3
Henry Russell, s. of Josiah and Hannah Elgar, in Manila, Feb. 25, 1846. GR3
Hopkins E., ----, 1837. GR3
Ira Louston, Dr., Nov. 24, 1824. GR3
J. Augustus, ----, 1840. GR3
James, ----, 1828. GR2
James B., ----, 1835. GR3
James Henry, s. of Clark and Mary Jane, Aug. 21, 1843
James M., ----,1818. GR3
James M., ----, 1840. GR3
Jane, ----, 1807. GR2
Jenny, d. of Josiah and Mary, Jan. 14, 1769
John, s. of Francis and Katherine, Mar. 20, 1644-5
John, s. of Reuben and Henrietta, bp. Apr. 28, 1793. CR1
John E., Apr. 2, 1818. GR3
Joseph Henry, s. of Luke and Martha, Mar. 20, 1831
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Mary, Mar. 8, 1774
Josiah, in Malden, Apr. 6, 1811. GR3
Lucy Howard [-----], w. of James M., ----, 1817. GR3
Luke Winthrop, s. of Luke and Martha, Mar. 26, 1827
Lydia, d. of Goldin and Joane, bp. ----, 16--. CR1
Margaret Sturgis, d. of Josiah and Hannah Elgar, in Manila, May 7, 1843. GR3
Martha Lyman, d. of Luke and Martha, Oct. 14, 1823
Martin, Rev., in Sterling, Apr. 22, 1790. GR3
Mary, ----, 1825. GR2
Mary Ann, d. of Patrick and Maria, Oct. --, 1845
Mary F. [-----], w. of Hollis, Dec. 1, 1828. GR3
Mary Frew [-----], w. of Thomas, ----, 1846. GR3
Mary H., Sept. 7, 1804. GR3 (Mary Hastings, d. of Artenatus and Susan, bp. Sept. 23, 1804. CR1).
Mary J. Bailey [-----], w. of Hopkins E., ----, 1836. GR3
Mary P., ----, 1836. GR3
Matthew R., ----, 1824. GR2
Nancy Priscilla Watson, d. of Artenatus and Susanna, May 4, 1806
Nathaniel H., ----, 1812. GR2
Persis Ellen, d. of Luke and Martha, bp. July 3, 1836. CR1
Phebe Preston, d. of Francis and Phoebe, Aug. 16, 1784
Polly, d. of Josiah, bp. June 5, 1785. CR1
Rachel H., ----, 1843. GR3
Ruth, d. of Goldin and Joane, bp. ----, 16--. CR1
Sally, d. of Francis Jr. and Phebe, Apr. 17, 1783
Sally Preston, d. of Francis Jr. and Phoebe, Feb. 14, 1780
Sally Warland, d. of Lieut. Josiah, bp. Aug. 17, 1783. CR1
Samuel, s. of Francis and Elizabeth, in England, CR1
Sarah, d. of Francis and Katherine, Apr. 3, 1643
Sarah Ann, d. of Artenatus and Sarah Skinner, bp. Aug. 20, 1809. CR1
Sarah B. Hathaway [-----], w. of Benjamin P., ----, 1837. GR3
Sarah E., May 12, 1832. GR3
Sarah Fisk [-----], w. of Rev. Martin, in Natick, Aug. 21, 1786. GR3
Seth Hasting, s. of Josiah and Mary, Nov. 18, 1775
Susan E. [-----], w. of Nathaniel H., ----, 1827. GR2
Susan W., Dec. 6, 1802. GR3
Susannah Wheth, d. of Artenatus and Sukey, bp. Jan. 16, 1803. CR1
William, s. of Francis and Phoebe, Jan. 24, 1787
William Warland, s. of Josiah, bp. July 24, 1791. CR1
MOORES (also see Moor, Moore, Moors)
Lydia, d. of Richard, bp. Mar. 1, 1712-13. CR1
MOORS (also see Moor, Moore, Moores)
Charles H., ----, 1830. GR3
Clara A., ----, 1835. GR3
Joseph B., Oct. 9, 1831. GR3
Daniel, s. of Michael and Mary, both b. in Ireland, Sept. 9, 1848
James, s. of Richard, July 28, 1845
Mary, ----, 1847. GR2
Patrick, ----, 1842. GR3
Arthur Burnett, s. of Thomas and Mary L., Oct. 25, 1849
Salvador Sabatey, in Milasega, Tarragona, Sprain, Apr. 1, 1790. Naturalized Apr. 9, 1816, as Samuel Snow. GR3
-------, s. of John E. and Harriet, Mar. 21, 1845
-------, s. of John E. and Harriet, Mar. 28, 1849
Eliza A. Torrey [-----], w. of Richard K., ----, 1827. GR3
Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1816. GR2
James Edwards, s. of John and Harriet, May 20, 1843
Richard K., ----, 1813. GR3
Alfred, ----, 1826. GR2
Emily Hayes [-----], w. of Alfred, ----, 1833. GR2
Henry, Rev., in Newtown, Conn., Mar. 3, 1825. GR3
Mary B. [-----], w. of George F., Mar 17, 1849. GR2
Sarah A., ----, 1841. GR3
Caroline, in Department of the Loire, France, ----, 1824. GR3
Anna L., June 20, 1833. GR3
C. H. F., Dec. 10, 1816. GR3
MORISON (also see Morrison)
Lucy Fiske [-----], w. of Frank, in Boston, June 25, 1843. GR3
Dennis, s. of James and Margaret, June 28, 1847
James, s. of James, Aug. --, 1846
Adam, s. of Adam and Mary, Apr. 7, 1845
Frances Sophia [-----], w. of Dr. William Wallace, Mar. 12, 1824. GR3
Harriet, Jan. 6, 1792. GR3
Robert, Feb. 8, 1786. GR3
William Wallace, Dr., Sept. 1, 1818. GR3
MORRELL (also see Morrill)
Ambrose, ----, 1779. GR3
Sally, ----, 1786. GR3
MORRILL (also see Morrell)
Ann R. [-----], w. of Samuel, Apr. 26, 1804. GR3
Charles James, Feb. --, 1820. GR3
Daniel K., Apr. 3, 1818. GR2
Ferdinand Gordon, Dr., Dec. 23, 1843. GR3
Ferdinand Gorges, s. of Samuel and Ann R., Apr. 9, 1839. GR3
Harriet E., d. of I. Sanborn and Harriet, Dec. 30, 1846
James, Nov. -- 1800. GR3
Mary Glover, Aug. --, 1830. GR3
Merrit, s. of Moses and Mille, bp. Oct. 11, 1812. CR1
Mille, d. of Moses and Mille, bp. Oct. 11, 1812. CR1
Moses, s. of Moses and Mille, bp. Oct. 11, 1812. CR1
Pamelia [-----], w. of James, Apr. --, 1798. GR3
Samuel, Feb. 4, 1800. GR3
Albert Freeman, s. of Charles H. and mary, Mar. 28, 1844
Caroline, d. of Christopher and Jane, Sept. --, 1846
Caroline D. [-----], w. of Lieut. Charles W., Jan. 30, 1818. GR3
Caroline V., d. of Charles H. and Mary, July 20, 1847
Catherine E., d. of Charles H. and Mary, July 25, 1842
Charles Robert, s. of Charles H. and Mary, Mar. 3, 1834
Charlotte M., d. of Charles H. and Mary, Nov. 6, 1831
Eliza, in Woolwich, near London, Eng., ----, 1814. GR3
Elizabeth Ann, d. of Charles H. and Mary, Apr. 3, 1839
Guy N., s. of Charles H. and Mary, Jan. 25, 1833
Joseph, s. of Christopher and Jane, Jan. 29, 1844
Mary Frances, d. of Charles H. and Mary, Dec. 13, 1835
Oliver, s. of Charles H. and Mary, Apr. 29, 1845
Stephen D., s. of Charles H. and Mary, Feb. 25, 1837
William Bowen, Dr., s. of Commodore Charles and Harriet, Mar. 4, 1826. GR3
William Henry, s. of Charles H. and Mary, Apr. 14, 1829
William T., s. of Christopher, b. in Castine, Me., and Jane, b. in Boston, July 25, 1849
MORRISON (also see Morison)
-------, d. of James S. and Mary J., May 11, 1846
Frank, Mar. 18, 1844. GR3
I. Edwin, Apr. 14, 1826. GR3
J. Annie, ----, 1849. GR3
Louis Philip, ----, 1819. GR3
Nathaniel, Dec. 18, 1828. GR3
Philinda P. [-----], w. of Nathaniel, Apr. 15, 1836. GR3
Rebecca Thacher [-----], w. of Louis Philip, ----, 1825. GR3
Sarah M. [-----], w. of I. Edwin, Aug. 12, 1830. GR3
MORRSE (also see Morse, Morss)
Emily A. [-----], w. of Charles R., Feb. 26, 1839. GR3
MORSE (also see Morrse, Morss)
-------, d. of Ichabod, b. in Hinsdale, and Rachel, b. in Lancaster, June 5, 1849
Abigail P. G., Nov. 10, 1818. GR3
Albert H., Apr. 16, 1843. GR3
A. Mary (Ann Mary, CR11), d. of Lyman and Mary S., Nov. 2, 1847
Anna, d. of William and Anna, June 15, 1724
Anna, d. of Josiah, bp. Mar. 19, 1775. CR1
Asa Porter, Sept. 1, 1818. GR3
Benjamin, s. of Josiah, bp. Apr. 18, 1773. CR1
Caroline Maria, d. of Ichabod and Rachel, Feb. 7, 1845
Charles, s. of Daniel and -----, ----, 1822
Charles, s. of Cyrus and Mary B., Dec. 29, 1818
Cyrus, s. of James B. and Adeline, Oct. 20, 1846
David, s. of John, bp. Mar. 7, 1756. CR1
Dorcas Louisa [-----], w. of Asa Porter, Aug. 28, 1822. gR3
Eleanor, d. of Joseph, bp. July 24, 1763. CR1
Eliza [-----], w. of Samuel F., ----, 1808. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Daniel and -----, ----, 1819
Enoch R., July 25, 1822. GR3
Eunice Dowse ['-----], w. of Henry, in Charlestown, Sept. 10, 1757. GR3
George, s. of Daniel and -----, ----, 1815
George C., ----, 1828. GR2
George Edwin, s. of Ichabod and Rachel, June 26, 1841
George Lyman, s. of Lyman and Mary S., in Boston, Sept. 27, 1846. CR11
George W., ----, 1828. GR2
Hannah Maria, d. of Charles H. and Alice M., Nov. 11, 1842
Harriet Jane, d. of Charles H. and Alice M., Sept. 21, 1847
Harriot H., Feb. 6, 1805. GR3
Helen Hutchins [-----], w. of Richard Dana, ----, 1833. GR3
Helen Prentiss, d. of George E. and Leutetia, Jan. 19, 1847
Henry Alfonso, Mar. 27, 1832. GR3
Horace Augustus, s. of George A. and Lois Ann, Jan. 6, 1846
Isabella [-----], w. of Enoch R., Oct. 11, 1824. GR3
James, s. of Cyrus and Mary B., Apr. 6, 1820
Joanna Page [-----], w. of John Crafts, June 19, 1824. GR3
Joey Dunckley [-----], w. of Henry Alfonso, May 2, 1836. GR3
John, s. of William, bp. Dec. 16, 1733. CR1
John, s. of John and Tabitha, Dec. 25, 1734
John, s. of Josiah, bp. Apr. 18, 1773. CR1
John Crafts, Apr. 4, 1818. GR3
John Quincy Adams, s. of Daniel and ------, ----, 1824
John Torrey, Mar. 27, 1813. GR3
Josephine Sweetser [-----], w. of William H., Oct. 14, 1831. GR3
Josiah, s. of William and Anna, May 4, 1727
Josiah, s. of Josiah, bp. Apr. 18, 1773. CR1
Julia A., d. of Ichabod, b. in Hinsdale, and Rachel, b. in Lancaster, in Boston, Nov. 23, 1846
Justin, s. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. Sept. 22, 1793. CR1
Katharine, d. of Josiah and Anna, Oct. 20, 1756
Katharine, d. of Royal and Hannah, May 3, 1800
Kendall, s. of Cyrus and Mary B., Feb. 28, 1823
Leonard, s. of Susanna, bp. Feb. 2, 1777. CR1
Leopold, in Wachenheim, Bavaria, Aug. 15, 1831. GR3
Lucy Cabot, Mar. 4, 1815. GR3
Martha A., ----, 1828. GR2
Mary, d. of John, bp. July 5, 1747. CR1
Mary, d. of Daniel and -----, ----, 1817
Mary Ann, d. of John, in Charlestown, Oct. 12, 1845
Mary Anne, d. of Royal and Hannah, Mar. 26, 1806
Mary Johnson, d. of Ichabod and Rachel, Apr. 2, 1835
Mary Louisa, Nov. 16, 1847. CR7
Mason W., Nov. 17, 1813. GR3
Matilda Ann, d. of Ichabod and Rachel, Feb. 26, 1843
Matilda S., d. of Ichabod and Rachel, Mar. 18, 1838
Mehitabell, d. of William and Ann, Sept. 14, 1738
Mercy, d. of John, bp. Jan. 7, 1732-3. CR1
Nathan, July 24, 1824. GR3
Nathaniel, s. of John, bp. July 7, 1745. CR1
Nathaniel, s. of John, bp. Dec. 24, 1752. CR1
Persis, d. of John, bp. Aug. 14, 1757. CR1
Rachel B., d. of Ichabod and Rachel, Mar. 13, 1833
Rebeckah, d. of William and Anna, July 5, 1722
Richard Dana, ----, 1823. GR3
Royal, s. of Katherine, bp. Jan. 12, 1782. CR1
Samuel F., ----, 1801. GR3
Samuel Henry, ----, 1833. GR3
Samuell, s. of Josiah, bp. Apr. 18, 1773. CR1
Sarah, d. of John, bp. July 31, 1737. CR1
Sarah A., June 27, 1829. GR3
Seth Hastings, s. of Josiah, bp. Dec. 3, 1775. CR1
Susanna, d. of William, bp. Apr. 27, 1729. CR1
Susanna, d. of Josiah and Anna, Dec. 30, 1754
Tabitha, d. of John and Tabitha, Sept. 22, 1732-3
William, s. of John, bp. Nov. 25, 1739. CR1
William, s. of Josiah and Anna, Nov. 9, 1758
William Horace, ----, 1840. GR3
MORSS (also see Morrse, Morse)
Charles Anthony, Oct. 15, 1822. GR3
Charles W., Aug. 24, 1831. GR3
Frances Leonard [-----], w. of Charles W., Oct. 22, 1834. GR3
Mary Elizabeth [-----], w. of Charles Anthony, Feb. 11, 1831. GR3
Sarah [-----], w. of William, Oct. 19, 1811. GR3
William, Mar. 23, 1810. GR3
William T. G., Aug. 9, 1819. GR3
MOSELEY (also see Mosely)
Alexander, Dec. 1, 1822. GR3
Frances A. [-----], w. of Alexander, Apr. 14, 1826. GR3
MOSELY (also see Moseley)
Charles B., Mar. 24, 1817. GR3
Emeline A., Sept. 1, 1819. GR3
W. B. Jr., Dr., in Boston, Oct. 9, 1848. GR3
William Oxnard, Rev., Apr. 27, 1815. GR3
Thomas, in Portsmouth, N.H., Apr. 12, 1797. GR2
MOSMAN (also see Mossman)
Rufus, Mar. 29, 1788. GR3
MOSSMAN (also see Mosman)
George, s. of Timothy and Sarah, Aug. 14, 1714
Anna Lathrop, Nov. 11, 1785. GR3
Charles Davis, Jan. 4, 1848. GR3
Eben Preble, Jan. 3, 1822. GR3
Edward, Jan. 27, 1816. GR3
Ellen Rodman, June 11, 1824. GR3
Maria Bussey Davis [-----], w. of Thomas, Mar. 26, 1814. GR3
Thomas, Aug. 17, 1781. GR3
Thomas, Feb. 1, 1812. GR3
Thomas, June 17, 1847. GR3
Annie Louise, ----, 1837. GR3
Ellis Loring, ----, 1836. GR3
Marianne A., -----, 1812. GR3
Mellish I., ----, 1801. GR3
Albert W., s. of Albert and Hannah, Aug. 8, 1846
Charles H., ----, 1835. GR2
Louis Chandler, Apr. 10, 1835. GR3
Rufus H., Feb. 14, 1811. GR2
Susan, May 5, 1812. GR2
Susan S., ----, 1846. GR2
William Upham, Feb. 14, 1825. GR3
Dorothy, d. of John of Charlestown, bp. July 31, 1698. CR1
Sarah, d. of Ralph of Charlestown, bp. Sept. 18, 1698. CR1
Albert E., June 7, 1829. GR2
Clementina L., July 24, 1843. GR2
Andrew C., ----, 1823. GR3
Joanna Hewes, Apr. 19, 1801. GR3
William S., ----, 1819. GR3
Mary Drake Hinckley Alger [-----], w. of Dr. Frederick, ----, 1827. GR3
MULDOON (also see Muldune)
Catherine [-----], w. of William H., ----, 1837. GR2
Mary, ----. 1807. GR2
William H., ----, 1840. GR2
MULDUNE (also see Muldoon)
Christopher, s. of William and Mary, Mar. 26, 1845
Sarah, d. of James and Mary, Dec. 27, 1843
MULHERREN (also see Mulherrin)
John, s. of Patrick and Dolly, Feb. 3, 1844
MULHERRIN (also see Mulherren)
Mary Ann, d. of John and Bridgett, June 3, 1848
MULLAN (also see Mullen)
Maria C. [-----], w. of William, ----, 1830. GR3
MULLEN (also see Mullan)
Catherine, d. of James, Apr. 13, 1846
Christopher, s. of Christopher and Ellen, Mar. 10, 1845
Ellen, d. of Michael and Ann, in Boston, Oct. 12, 1843
John, s. of John, Sept. --, 1845
Joseph, s. of James and Catherine, Jan. 2, 1844
Mary, d. of Andrew and Bridgett, in Boston, Mar. 17, 1845
Salome [-----], w. of William, Feb. 2, 1817. GR3
William, Oct. 15, 1815. GR3
MULLET (also see Mullett, Mullit)
Edmund, s. of John and Mary, Dec. 18, 1716.
John, s. of John and Mary, Dec. 27, 1712
Robert, s. of John and Mary, Dec. 28, 1714
William, s. of John and Mary, May 10, 1719
MULLETT (also see Mullet, Mullit)
Josephine Varney [-----], w. of Thomas W., Jan. 19, 1844. GR3
Thomas W., Mar. 27, 1843. GR3
Ellen, d. of Michael and Mary, Dec. 25, 1845
Patrick, s. of Michael and Bridgett, Dec. 17, 1849
Catherine, d. of Michael and Mary, May 16, 1844
John, s. of John and Ann, Aug 27, 1848
Clara Melville, adopted d. of Sophia Dean, Nov. --, 1815. GR3
Sophia Dean, Dec. 21, 1784. GR3
Hannah A., July 24, 1828. GR2
J. G. J., Mar. 31, 1802. GR2
J. G. Julius, Aug. 18, 1825. GR2
John F., Dec. 31, 1833. GR2
Lucia J., Sept. 4, 1836. GR2
Lucinda, d. of George F. and Lucinda, July 24, 1844
Ellen, d. of Cornelius and Ann, Aug. 6, 1843[last digit hard to read]
MUNRO (also see Munroe)
Charles, s. of Nathaniel and Rebecca, bp. Aug. 17, 1828. CR1
Charles Augustus, s. of James, bp. Apr. 11, 1813. CR1
Daniel, s. of William and Mary, Aug. 12, 1673
David, s. of William and Mary, Oct. 6, 1680
George Frederic Handell, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, bp. Aug. 9, 1812. CR1
Isaac, s. of James and Margaret, bp. May 28, 1815. CR1
James, s. of Nathaniel and Patty, Nov. 29, 1805
John Hancock, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, bp. May 4, 1817. CR1
Lydia, d. of James and Lucy, Apr. 30, 1777
Martha, d. of William and Martha, Nov. 2, 1667
Martha, d. of Nathan and Martha, bp. Aug. 16, 1807. CR1
Mary, d. of William and Mary, June 28, 1678
Mary, d. of Nathaniel, bp. Aug. 4, 1822. CR1
Nathaniel, s. of James and Sarah, Mar. 7, 1784
Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, bp. Aug. 5, 1804. CR1
Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Patty, bp. Oct. 28, 1810. CR1
Polly, d. of (Dea., CR1) James and Sarah, Dec. 19, 1788
Rebecca Rockwell, d. of Nathaniel and Rebecca, bp. Oct. 1, 1826. CR1
Sarah, d. of James and Sarah, Aug. 20, 1785
Sarah, d. of Nathaniel and Martha, bp. July 2, 1815. CR1
Sarah Tapley, d. of Dr. -----, bp. Aug. 21, 1785. CR1
Susanna, d. of (Dr., CR1) James and Sarah, Aug. 8, 1786
William Watson, s. of James and Margaret, bp. Apr. 15, 1810. CR1 (b. ----, 1810. GR3)
MUNROE (also see Munro)
-------, ch. of Enoch, Nov. 11, 1846
-------, s. of Enoch, b. in Charlestown, and Emeline, b. in Townsend, May 24, 1849
Adeline Matilda, d. of Henry P. and Eunice Matilda Ayres, Feb. 28, 1828
Amos, ----, 1811. GR2
Andrew T. Hall, in Paris, Dec. 27, 1849. GR3
Benjamin, s. of William and Mary, Aug. 16, 1690
Caleb S., s. of Caleb S. and Mary A., June 24, 1846
Charles W., ----, 1821. GR2
Charlotte, July 25, 1817. GR2
Dorothy, d. of George and Sarah, Nov. 19, 1703
Edmund, Oct. 29, 1780. GR2
Edwin Augustus, s. of Caleb S. (Caleb Strong, CR7) and Mary Ann, July 13, 1843
Eliner, d. of William and Mary, Feb. 24, 1682-3
Elisha Prestiss, s. of Caleb Strong and Mary Ann, Mar. 6, 1837. CR7
Elizabeth, d. of John and Hannah, Mar. 4, 1703-04
Emeline E., ----, 1818. GR2
Enoch, ----, 1816. GR2
Francesca, d. of Augustus and Sarah E., Jan. 24, 1848
George, s. of John George and Sarah, Oct. 17, 1707
Georgiana, d. of Otis and Sophia, Jan. 4, 1839. GR3
Hannah Foster, ----, 1823. GR3
Harriet, Nov. 25, 1816. GR3
James, s. of James and Lucy, June 14, 1775
James, Dec. 15, 1808. GR3
James Allen, s. of John H. and Susan, Feb. 6, 1844
John, s. of William and Martha, Mar. 10, 1666
John, in Northboro, Apr. 10, 1811. GR3
John I., s. of Jacob and Martha, ----, 1839. GR3
John Woods, s. of John H. and Susanna, Nov. 17, 1845
Jonas, s. of John and Hannah, Nov. 22, 1707
Joseph, s. of William and Mary, Aug. 16, 1687
Lucy, d. of James and Lucy, June 1, 1764
Lydia, d. of George and Sarah, Dec. 13, 1705
Lydia, d. of James and Lucy, May 22, 1772
Maracellus, June 17, 1834. GR2
Margaret Anna, d. of James and Sarah (Sarah R. M., CR1), Aug. 20, 1840
Margaret Watson, ----, 1773. GR3
Marian Hall, in Boston, Aug. 19, 1829. GR3
Mary, d. of William and Mary, Apr. 3, 1699
Mary A. B., ----, 1809. GR2
Mary C., Dec. 12, 1810. GR2
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Henry P. and Eunice Matilda Ayres, Apr. 4, 1830
Mary Elizabeth, d. of James and Sarah (Sarah R. M., CR1), Aug. 9, 1842
Mary W. [-----], w. of Marcellus, July 29, 1835. GR2
Nathan Watson, s. of James and Margaret, July 7, 1807
Nathaniel, s. of John and Susan N., bp. Nov. 13, 1842. CR4
Nathaniel W., s. of William A. and Mary A., Dec. 22, 1843
Otis, Nov. 26, 1798. GR3
Rebecca, d. of James and Lucy, Nov. 6, 1768
Robert, s. of George and Sarah, May 4, 1712
Royal K., Dec. 13, 1822. GR2
Sarah, d. of William and Mary, Mar. 18, 1684
Sarah, d. of George and Sarah, Oct. 17, 1701
Sarah Augusta [-----], w. of Royal K., May 15, 1830. GR2
Sarah R. M. [-----], w. of James, Dec. 16, 1808. GR3
Selina [-----], 1826. GR2
Sophia [-----], w. of Edmund, Mar. 18, 1788. GR2
Sophia [-----], w. of Otis, Aug. 25, 1801. GR3
Susan M., ----, 1821. GR2
Susan Mariah, d. of Caleb Strong and Mary Ann, Dec. 14, 1838. CR7
Susannah, d. of John and Hannah, June 23, 1705
William, s. of William and Martha, Oct. 10, 1669
William, s. of George and Sarah, Jan. 6, 1699-1700
William, s. of Jno and Hannah, Feb. 1, 1700-01
William, s. of Wililam W. and Harriet F., Nov. 9, 1843
William, s. of Wililam A., Nov. --, 1846
William Adams, ----, 1843. GR3
William E., ----, 1843. GR2
William H., s. of Caleb S. and Mary A., Mar. 21, 1849
Israel, in New Haven Conn., Feb. 3, 1767. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of James and Elizabeth, Dec. 21, 1705
James, s. of James, bp. Sept. 28, 1707. CR1
Mary, d. of James and Elizabeth, Oct. 2, 1707
Susannah, d. of William, bp. Feb. 7, 1741-2. CR1
William, s. of James, bp. Sept. 28, 1707. CR1
-------, d. of Robert and Hannah S., Nov. 5, 1844
Ann Jane, d. of Robert and Hannah S., Jan. 7, 1831
Anne M. Fairbanks [-----], w. of William C., ----, 1809. GR3
Asa, June 2, 1792. GR3
Caroline, d. of Horace and Sarah, Mar. 1, 1848
Edward, s. of Asa and Sabrina, June 24, 1833
Frances, d. of Asa and Sabrina, Jan. 10, 1839
Hannah Soden, d. of Robert and Hannah S., July 23, 1829
Henry Judson, Dec. 8, 1831. GR3
Isaac Pierpont, s. of Jacob Watson and Fanny, Dec. 21, 1800. Twin
Jane, eldest d. of James Edq. of Schenectady, N.Y., and w. of Dr. Enoch HALE, Feb. 25, 1798. GR3
John Goodwin, s. of Jacob and Frances, Apr. 10, 1799
Judith M. [-----], w. of Judson, Oct. 9, 1797. GR3
Judson, Aug. 24, 1794. GR3
Maria, d. of Asa and Sabrina, May 10, 1831
Mary Lucretia, d. of Robert and Hannah S., Dec. 13, 1826
Sabrina [-----], w. of Asa, July 31, 1797. GR3
Samuel, s. of Aaron and Lydia, Mar. 29, 1761
Sarah F. Livermore [-----], w. of Henry Judson, Apr. 23, 1834. GR3
Walter, s. of Robert and Hannah S., May 23, 1837
William C., ----, 1810. GR3
William Robert, s. of Robert and Hannah S., Nov. 10, 1825
William Watson, s. of Jacob Watson and Fanny, Dec. 21, 1800. Twin
-------, s. of John and Mary, Dec. 5, 1849
Anna, d. of John and Ellen, both b. in Ireland, Apr. 18, 1849
Bridget, ----, 1829. GR4
Cornelius, s. of John, Dec. --, 1847
Edmund, s. of John, July 19, 1847
Edward, s. of James and Ellen, both b. in Ireland, Nov. 25, 1849
Ellen, d. of James, Jan. 10, 1848
James, s. of John and Ellen, Sept. --, 1848
Jeremiah, s. of James and Ellen, both b. in Ireland, Nov. 22, 1837
John, s. of Patrick and Mary Ann, Dec. 11, 1844
John L., s. of Peter, b. in Newfoundland, and Bridgett, b. in Halifax, Aug. 5, 1849
Mary Ann, d. of Otis and Honora, Jan. 21, 1846
Patrick, s. of Patrick and Mary, both b. in Ireland, Sept. 3, 1849
Thomas, s. of James, July --, 1846
Thomas, s. of Daniel and Honora, Nov. --, 1847
Thomas, s. of Daniel and Honora, Sept. 27, 1848
Catherine, d. of Timothy, Mar. 3, 1846
Charles, ----, 1841. GR2
Elizabeth, sister of Edward Mullans, ----, 1830. GR2
Elizabeth, Jan. 15, 1835. GR2
Emma, ----, 1841. GR2
James, ----, 1788. GR3
James Washington, ----, 1828. GR3
John, Rev., in Alton, Eng., Dec. 10, 1744. GR3
John, s. of Timothy and Mary, July 26, 1844
Louisa J., Apr. 27, 1817. GR3
Mary, d. of Coleman and Bridgett, both b. in Ireland, Aug. --, 1840
Mary B., Mar. 12, 1819. GR3
Richard Fletcher, in Hill, N.H., Apr. 2, 1826. GR3
Talfred, May 1, 1828. GR2
Thomas, ----, 1825. GR2
Thomas, s. of Hugh and Bridgett, both b. in Ireland, Nov. 18, 1849
Thomas Boylstone, Dec. 8, 1818. GR2
William, Sept. 1, 1816. GR3
William C., Sept. 8, 1848. GR3
George, July 12, 1827. GR2
Mary Hewson [-----], w. of George, Nov. 7, 1828. GR2
James A., ----, 1843. GR2
MUSSEY (also see Muzzey, Muzzy)
Benjamin B., in Bradford, Vt., Apr. 28, 1804. GR3
Betsey Woodbury [-----], w. of Benjamin B., in Antrim, N.H., May 8, 1808. GR3
Edward W., ----, 1848. GR3
Ellen Elisabeth, July 27, 1841. GR3
Frank B., ----, 1837. GR3
Helen Frances, July 13, 1835. GR3
MUZZEY (also see Mussey, Muzzy)
Artemas B., ----, 1802. GR3
Bethiah, d. of Benjamin and Sarah, Apr. 15, 1701
Charles, May --, 1804. GR3
David Patterson, s. of A. B. and H. P., bp. May 5, 1839. CR9
Elizabeth, d. of John and Elizabeth, Apr. 15, 1710
Ellen Maria, d. of Artemas B. and H. P., bp. Nov. 2, 1834. CR9
Henry Ware, ----, 1832. GR3
Hepsibeth P., ----, 1804. GR3
Mary, d. of John and Elizabeth, Mar. 14, 1711-12
Mary Patterson, d. of Rev. A. B. and H. P., bp. Sept. 4, 1836. CR9
Sarah [-----], w. of Charles, Aug. --, 1805. GR3
MUZZY (also see Mussey, Muzzey)
Amos, s. of Benjamin and Sarah, Jan. 6, 1699-1700
Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Sarah, Feb. 20, 1689
Mary, d. of Benjamin and Sarah, July 13, 1683
Charlotte, ----, 1836. GR2
MYRICK (also see Mirick)
Daniel, s. of Thomas and Mary, June --, 1848
Margaret J. [-----], w. of Samuel, ----, 1828. GR3
Samuel, ----, 1827. GR3
Bennett Hubbard, July 6, 1834. GR3
Eliza C., Nov. 30, 1832. GR3
Elizabeth [-----], w. of -----, ----, 1834. GR3
Francis J., Sept. 21, 1825. GR3
Francis Philip, Dec. 5, 1836. GR3
George Beza, s. of Joshua of Boston and Paulina Tucker, Dec. 8, 1811. GR3
Joshua of Boston, Jan. 22, 1795. GR3
Paulina Tucker [-----], w. of Joshua of Boston, Oct. 21, 1809. GR3
Carleton W., Aug. 26, 1849. GR3
Caroline J. [-----], w. of James B., July 4, 1812. GR3
Helen M. [-----], w. of J. Henry, Nov. 18, 1837. GR3
James B., in West Cambridge, July 1, 1808. GR3
Joseph, Dec. 31, 1815. GR3
Lucy A., July 6, 1842. GR3
Mary J. [-----], w. of Z., Sept. 27, 1823. GR2
Nancy Dodge, Sept. 22, 1782. GR3
Sarah C., Nov. 13, 1815. GR3
Sarah Lizzie, Mar.10, 1847. GR3
Thomas Mason, s. of Charles and Sarah, Jan. 6, 1845
Walter Lowell, June 23, 1845. GR3
Z., May 20, 1823. GR2
Emma E., ----, 1825. GR3
John, ----, 1817. GR3
Caroline M. Snow [-----], w. of Isaac A., ----, 1822. GR2
Frank T., s. of Isaac A. and Caroline M., June 14, 1847
Frederick M., s. of Samuel T., b. in Raymond, N.H., and Sarah E., b. in Hiram, Me., May 11, 1848
Frederick Mason, s. of Samuel F. and Mary J. West, ----, 1848. GR3
Isaac A., ----, 1820. GR2
Mary J. West [-----], w. of Samuel F., May 16, 1830. GR3
Samuel F., Aug. 23, 1819. GR3
William F., s. of Samuel T., b. in Raymond, N.H., and Sarah E., b. in Hiram, Me., Nov. 3, 1849
William Freeman, s. of Samuel F. and Mary J. West, ----,1849. GR3
Patrick, s. of Michael, in Ireland, Nov. 15, 1845
Rebecca A. [-----], w. of William, Feb. 23, 1824. GR3
NEAL (also see Neale, Neall)
-------, d. of Thomas S. and Sarah Ann, Apr. 18, 1845
Addison, s. of Nathaniel and Abigail, July 29, 1846
Clara J., Mar. 26, 1838. GR2
Elizabeth F., Oct. 21, 1833. GR2
Mary, d. of Jeremiah and Mary, Dec. 29, 1843
Samuel Francis, s. of Samuel and Sarah A., Sept. 23, 1847. GR3
Statira P., Apr. 18, 1845. GR2
William H., July 15, 1840. GR3
NEALE (also see Neal, Neall)
Abigail Emerson [-----], w. of Nathaniel, ----, 1813. GR2
Abigail S., in Portsmouth, Aug. 29, 1787. GR2
Caroline M., ----, 1819. GR2
Harriet, d. of Robert and Silence, bp. Aug. 27, 1837. a. 11 m., CR2
Jeannette Plumb, d. of Rollin H. and Melisa Yale, Mar. 30, 1840. GR3
John, ----, 1819. GR2
Melissa Yale [-----], w. of Rev. Rollin Heber, Jan. 23, 1812. GR3
Nathaniel, ----, 1812. GR2
Robert, Feb. 5, 1809. GR3
Rollin Heber, Rev., Feb. 13, 1808. GR3
NEALL (also see Neal, Neale)
Jane Elizabeth, d. of Alonzo F. and Polly B., Aug. 24, 1828. GR3
NEALLEY (also see Neely)
George S., ----, 1836. GR2
Almira P., ----, 1826. GR3
Lillias B. [-----], w. of William W., ----, 1834. GR3
William W., ----, 1821. GR3
NEELY (also see Nealley)
Charles P., s. of Peter, July 17, 1846
Abby Tufts, Aug. 20, 1814. GR3
Patrick, s. of Michael and Ann, Apr. 20, 1849
Hannah, ----, 1845. GR4
Maurice, ----, 1838. GR4
NELLSON (also see Nelson)
Augustus W., ----, 1838. GR2
Lavina [-----], w. of Augustus W., ----, 1840. GR2
NELSON (also see Nellson)
Abbie F., ----, 1841. GR2
Adelaide, d. of Horatio and Adelaide, Jan. 24, 1841
Alex J., ----, 1822. GR2
Alexander, s. of Betsy, bp. Feb. 8, 1789. CR1
Bethany, ----, 1819. GR2
Betsey S., ----, 1833. GR2
Frances Dumaresq, Feb. 23, 1821. GR3
Henry Wells, July 28, 1811. GR3
Horatio, ----, 1807. GR2
Horatio, s. of Horatio and Adelaide, Oct. 21, 1835
James, ----, 1818. GR2
James, s. of Joseph and Mary Ray, bp. ---- [1842 or 3] CR2
James H., s. of John and Jane, May 16, 1848
Jane, ----, 1814. GR2
Jane Howard, Aug. 27, 1816. GR3
John, ----, 1810. GR2
John, s. of John, Dec. 2, 1845
Lucy, ----, 1818. GR2
Mary, ----, 1787. GR2
Mary A., d. of Joseph, Aug. 30, 1845
Mary Ann, d. of Joseph and Mary J., Apr. 9, 1845
Peter, ----, 1780. GR2
Peter, ----, 1815. GR2
Richard, s. of Betsy, bp. Feb. 8, 1789. CR1
Thomas, Mar. 4, 1845. GR3
William Farwell, in Castine, Me., July 7, 1809. GR3
J. I., Nov. 28, 1829. GR3
A. R., Nov. 6, 1809. GR3
Henrietta A., ----, 1836. GR3
Lizzie, Jan. 23, 1849. GR3
Elizabeth, Feb. 14, 1814. GR3
Henry Coffin, Jan. 10, 1843. GR3
Harriet, d. of Judge Daniel and w. of Rev. Henry West Holland, in Keene, N.H., June 3, 1809. GR3
John Jay, Mar. 14, 1813. GR3
Mary S., Oct. 18, 1818. GR3
Adelaide, ----, 1834. GR2
Adeline Chappolin, ----, 1822. GR3
Andrew, s. of Andrew H. and Martha, Dec. 26, 1841
Charles A. (Charles Andrew, CR7), s. of Charles S. and Eliza, Dec. 13, 1846
Charles Sheen, June 10, 1811. CR7
Charles Stark, s. of Charles Stark and Alice, bp. Sept. 15, 1844. CR2
Dana Brigham, s. of Fisher A. and Ann E., Jan. 19, 1844
Eliza [-----], w. of Charles Sheen, Apr. 26, 1814. CR7
Eliza M., Mar. 18, 1828. GR3
Elizabeth Stark [-----], w. of Samuel, ----, 1792. GR3
Emeline C. [-----], w. of Richard Austin, 2d, Dec. 29, 1832. GR3
Francis Boot, s. of William and Frances B., Oct. 10, 1840
George A., Nov. 25, 1823. GR3
Georgiana, d. of Charles S. and Eliza, June 7, 1840
Herbert Charnock, s. of George and Olive, Nov. 1, 1843
James Shuttlesworth, s. of George S. and Eliza, Apr. 26, 1842
John Stark, s. of Charles S. and Alice, bp. Mar. --, 1847. CR2 (John Stark Newell, b. June 17, 1846. GR3).
Joseph, May 24, 1794. GR3
Josephine [-----], w. of Walter H., July 19, 1837. GR3
Kirk Boott, s. of Rev. William and Frances, Oct. 15, 1847 (1848. GR2)
Lavinia [-----], w. of Joseph, Jan. 2, 1801. GR3
Maria D. [-----], w. of Charles H., May 1, 1834. GR3
Mary Adeline, ----, 1844. GR3
Mary Love, d. of Rev. William and Frances B., Jan. 27, 1843
Richard Austin, 2d, Oct. 23, 1829. GR3
Robert Ralston, s. of Rev. William and Frances B., Dec. 22, 1843
Robert Wingate, ----, 1814. GR3
Samuel, ----, 1783. GR3
Walter H., Feb. 21, 1827. GR3
Washington Allston, s. of Charles S. and Eliza, July 6, 1844
William Wells, s. of William and Frances B., Jan. 24, 1839
Rozilla J. George [-----], w. of Thomas G., ----, 1834. GR2
Thomas G., ----, 1832. GR2
Adeline M. [-----], w. of Elbridge G., Jan. 11, 1817. GR3
Alfred Augustus, s. of Alfred A. and Margery F., Jan. 7, 1844
Ebenezer, Rev., ----, 1789. GR2
Elbridge G., Dec. 31, 1813. GR3
George, Dea., June 23, 1802. GR3
Sarah Burr [-----], w. of Rev. Ebenezer, ----, 1799. GR2
Andrew, ----, 1754. GR2
Anne, d. of Thomas, bp. Apr. 2, 1749. CR2
Annie M., ----, 1831. GR2
Charles H., s. of Andrew Jr. and Elisabeth, Feb. 7, 1849
Joseph F., s. of Edward and Mary, Sept. 25, 1848
Julius F., Apr. 12, 1845. GR2
Leonard B. Griffing, s. of Andrew Jr. and Elizabeth, July 4, 1844
Thomas J., s. of Edward, May 8, 1845
H. Augusta, ----, 1828. GR2
Hannah [-----], w. of Samuel, Mar. 30, 1799. GR2
Joseph, in Newburyport, Aug. 20, 1816. GR2
Josephine, ----, 1841. GR2
Marion E., in Boston, Aug. 9, 1848. GR2
Mary J., Jan. 31, 1834. GR2
S. Fannie, ----, 1837. GR2
Samuel, Sept. 5, 1801. GR2
Samuel Jr., July 25, 1822. GR2
Abigail [-----], w. of Abraham, Apr. 5, 1787. GR3
Abraham, Nov. 22, 1784. GR3
Charlotte L., ----, 1816. GR3
Harriet Frances, d. of Joel and Harriet Dudley, Apr. 4, 1840
Henry P., Nov. 14, 1829. GR3
Sarah [-----], w. of William Greenough, in Leominster, Jan. 11, 1799. GR3
William Greenough, Sept. 14, 1792. GR3
NICHOLS (also see Nickels)
-------, s. of Richard Chamberlain and Hepsa, Feb. --, 1820. GR3
A. F., June 13, 1821. GR3
Albion H., s. of John and Esther T., in Mt. Desert, Me., Apr. 18, 1826. GR3
Anna L. [-----], w. of John C., Dec. 17, 1825. GR3
Catharine [-----], w. of John L., Feb. 23, 1798. GR3
Charles, s. of Timothy of Amherst, N.H., and 6th in descent from Richard of Ipswich, Dec. 9, 1808. GR3
Charles H., Sept. 9, 1835. GR2
Charlotte Peabody, Apr. 24, 1839. GR3
Clara, Dec. 1, 1840. GR2
Clarissa, d. of Cushing and Charlotte, Sept. 10, 1848
Custis C., Mar. 6, 1814. GR3
Edward Towne, May 121, 1830. GR3
Elizabeth A. [-----], w. of Edward O., ----, 1819. GR3
Esther T. [-----], w. of John, in Mt. Desert, Me., Oct. 5, 1794. GR3
Esther Towle, May 25, 1831. GR3
Frances E., d. of John and Amelia, Aug. 22, 1845
Francis H., Dec. 23, 1838. GR3
George, ----, 1809. GR3
George Crafts, ----, 1833. GR3
George Henry, Aug. 26, 1814. GR3
Harriet Farley, d. of George and Susan F., Aug. 14, 1840
Hellen Augusta [-----], w. of John C., Apr. 11, 1831. GR3
Henry, Dec. 18, 1793. GR3
Hepsa [-----], w. of Richard Chamberlain, Sept. 10, 1835. GR3
Isaac, July 5, 1845. GR3
James C., s. of John and Arvilla, Jan. 23, 1849
James W., s. of John and Arvilla, Nov. 25, 1847
John, in Durham, Me., June 7, 1790. GR3
John Howard, Dec. 18, 1837. GR3
John L., June 6, 1797. GR3
John Taylor Gilman, Aug. 11, 1837. GR3
Lyman, June 29, 1806. GR3
Lyman, Nov. 18, 1843. GR3
Martha Ann Moriarty [-----], w. of Lyman, Nov. 6, 1815. GR3
Martha S. [-----], w. of I., June 6, 1801. GR3
Mary, d. of Francis, bp. Mar. 30, 1729. CR1
Otis, s. of John and Hannah, Dec. 29, 1810. GR3
R. Annie [-----], w. of Henry, Jan. 5, 1813. GR3
Richard Chamberlain, Aug. 9, 1827. GR3
Sarah Atherton [-----], w. of George Henry, June 30, 1813. GR3
Sarah Peirce, d. of George and Susan F., June 14, 1837
Sophia, d. of John and Hannah, Apr. 16, 1809. GR3
Susan Treadwell, d. of George and Susan F., Nov. 20, 1835
Thomas E., in Concord, N.H., Apr. 2, 1825. GR3
William, Sept. 26, 1842. GR3
Peter, ----, 1836. GR2
Rachel [-----], w. of Peter, ----, 1845. GR2
NICKELS (also see Nichols)
Caroline F., ----, 1845. GR3
Edward C., ----, 1846. GR3
Mary Elizabeth, Aug. 23, 1817. GR3
Abby B. [-----], w. of David, Mar. 26, 1813. GR3
Adeline, d. of Frederic and Adeline T., ----, 1841. GR3
Anna Lincoln, d. of Thomas and Sylvina, Nov. 2, 1837. GR3
Carrie T., d. of Thomas and Sylvina, Nov. 11, 1839. GR3
Charles, s. of David and Emily Crosby, Oct. 23, 1838. GR3
Charles Thomas, s. of Thomas and Sylvina, June 23, 1848. GR3
Clara Freeman [-----], w. of Francis F., June 20, 1815. GR3
David, Aug. 11, 1799. GR3
David, s. of David and Emily Crosby, July 13, 1827. GR3
Emily Crosby [-----], w. of David, Mar. 26, 1803. GR3
Emily Crosby, d. of David and Emily Crosby, June 22, 1836. GR3
Fred W., ----, 1835. GR3
Frederic, Dec. 15, 1808. GR3
Frederic Augustus, s. of David and Emily Crosby, Mar. 24, 1830. GR3
Georgiana P., July 11, 1848. GR3
Isadore, d. of Thomas and Sylvina, Nov. 22, 1841. GR3
Isaiah, Mar. 30, 1819. GR3
James Crosby, s. of David and Abby B., Apr. 30, 1845. GR3
Joan O. [-----], w. of Jona S., Mar. 5, 1820. GR3
Jona S., Mar. 18, 1807. GR3
Joseph Frank, s. of Francis F. and Clara Freeman, Feb. 2, 1845. GR3
Lucy B., ----, 1837. GR3
Mary Smith, d. of David and Emily Crosby, Aug. 19, 1824. GR3
Octavia M., d. of Frederic and Adeline T., ----, 1838. GR3
Priscilla Snow, sister of David, May 10, 1814. GR3
Sylvina [-----], w. of Thomas, Feb. 7, 1817. GR3
Thomas, Sept. 19, 1810. GR3
Anna Hale [-----], w. of George H., ----, 1822. GR3
Charles C., Dec. 2, 1830. GR3
George H., ----, 1821. GR3
Mary J. [-----], w. of Charles C., Oct. 8, 1827. GR3
Abbie A. Stone [-----], w. of Sullivan, ----, 1833. GR3
Anna Hale, Apr. 18, 1840. GR3
Catherine [-----], w. of Nathaniel Sr., ----, 1809. GR3
Daniel W., Dr., in Portland, Me., Jan. 28, 1826. GR2
Ebenezer, July 14, 1820. GR3
Emily Hale, Mar. 18, 1839. GR3
Franklin H., Apr. 11, 1847. GR3
George Edward, Jan. 19, 1837. GR3
John B., Sept. 17, 1835. GR3
Mary Ann, Mar. 14, 1812. GR3
Mary J., Mar. 23, 1837. GR3
Minnie W. [-----], w. of Stephen R., Jan. 12, 1831. GR2
Nathaniel Sr., ----, 1786. GR3
Nathaniel, July 25, 1838. GR3
Rhoda B., Apr. 22, 1814. GR3
S. D. Harris, Aug. 16, 1823. GR3
Sarah, Sept. 29, 1800. GR3
Stephen R., Apr. 9, 1827. GR2
Sullivan, ----, 1831. GR3
Thomas, Mar. 6, 1797. GR3
Thomas, Jan. 25, 1825. GR3
William Harmon, ----, 1838. GR3
William J., Feb. 20, 1828. GR3
William Jenkins, Sept. 13, 1800. GR3
Anna, in Sweden, ----, 1840. GR2
Pamelia S. Charter, ----, 1824. GR3
James Barton, ----, 1840. GR3
Alexander, ----, 1844. GR2
Isabella [-----], w. of Alexander, ----, 1844. GR2
Augustus E., Sept. 2, 1831. GR3
John, Apr. 14, 1829. GR3
Joseph Jr., Dec. 20, 1835. GR3
Mary, d. of John and Mary, Aug. --, 1848
Arthur John, s. of Arthur and Sarah Charlotte, Feb. 18, 1833
Catherine, d. of Arthur and Sarah Charlotte, Dec. 11, 1824
Elizabeth, d. of Arthur and Sarah Charlotte, Jan. 3, 1821
Elmira, d. of Arthur and Sarah Charlotte, Mar. 3, 1819
John Arthur, s. of Arthur and Sarah Charlotte, Jan. 15, 1830
Mary Ann, d. of Arthur and Sarah Charlotte, May 24, 1826
Sarah Charlotte, d. of Arthur and Sarah Charlotte, Apr. 22, 1814
Ann Maria, d. of John and Margaret, Jan. 18, 1806
Elijah, s. of Samuell, bp. Mar. 21, 1773. CR1
Eliza, d. of John and Margaret, Oct. 30, 1799
Elizabeth, d. of Samuell, bp. Aug. 27, 1769. CR1
Emily D., Nov. 15, 1848. GR3
Emily G., Feb. 10, 1825. GR3
Hannah, d. of Samuell, bp. Jan. 17, 1768. CR1
John, s. of John and Margaret, Sept. 27, 1803
Mary, d. of Samuel, bp. Jan. 9, 1763. CR1
Mary [-----], w. of Hiram, Mar. 17, 1823. GR3
Otis, in Boston, Nov. 2, 1811. GR3
Sarah, d. of Samuel, bp. Feb. 23, 1766. CR1
Susannah, d. of Samuell, bp. Oct. 27, 1771. CR1
W. Rowland, Sept. 2, 1820. GR3
Albert, ----, 1827. GR2
Albert L., Dr., ----, 1839. GR2
Charles Augustus, s. of Peter R. and Mary T., Apr. 23, 1848
Clara E. [-----], w. of Dr. Albert L., ----, 1848. GR2
Elijah Stevens, ----, 1830. GR2
Eliza T., Sept. 6, 1832. GR3
Esther, ----, 1785. GR2
Eunice Augusta, Nov. 15, 1830. GR3
Hannah Elizabeth [-----], w. of Albert, ----, 1834. GR2
Henry G., s. of Thomas A. B. and Mary E., Mar. 10, 1844
Joseph Cummings, s. of David and Ruth, Feb. 24, 1794. CR2
Maria Francina, d. of Porter R. and Mary Theresa, Jan. 6, 1846
Martha A., ----, 1832. GR2
Martha J., June 29, 1837. GR3
Wilfred A., s. of E. Addison, Sept. 11, 1847
William H., ----, 1824. GR2
Caroline Frazier, Feb. 9, 1844. GR3
Charles Henry, s. of Henry and Rebecca G., Apr. 6, 1824
D. C., Mar. 26, 1823. GR3
David Woodman, Maj., Jan. 31, 1837. GR3
Elizabeth Hills, s. of Henry and Rebecca G., Sept. 14, 1829
Elizabeth, d. of Moses, bp. Jan. 10, 1779. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of Moses, bp. Jan. 23, 1780. CR1
Elizabeth [-----], w. of William, ----, 1807. GR2
Grace, d. of Andrews and Catherine, bp. Nov. 16, 1834. CR1
Hannah Lucretia, d. of Henry and Rebecca G., May 15, 1833
Henry, s. of Henry and Rebecca G., Sept. 18, 1827
Henry, s. of Henry and Rebecca G., Sept. 9, 1838
Horace P., ----, 1838. GR3
Jane B. [-----], w. of Perkins, ----, 1812. GR3
John, s. of Patrick and Mary, Apr. 2, 1849
Louisa Maria, d. of Henry and Rebecca G., Dec. 18, 1825
Lucy [-----], w. of -----, Apr. 16, 1780. GR3
Martha Rebecca, d. of Henry and Rebecca G., Aug. 25, 1836
Mary Ann, d. of Henry and Rebecca, Aug. 7, 1845
Mary Eliot, d. of Andrews and Catherine, bp. June 27, 1832. CR1
Michael, ----, 1812. GR3
Nancy, ----, 1810. GR3
Orinda [-----], w. of D. C., May 9, 1821. GR3
Perkins, ----, 1809. GR3
Thomas, s. of Patrick and Mary, Nov. --, 1846
Thomas Abbott, s. of Henry and Rebecca G., Apr. 11, 1835
William, ----, 1802. GR2
William, s. of Henry and Rebecca G., Aug. 6, 1831
Elizabeth T., d. of William, in Boston, Nov. 11, 1846
Lucy J. [-----], w. of -----, ----, 1840. GR3
Frank, ----, 1848. GR2
Margaret, ----, 1840. GR2
Frances B. [-----], w. of William H., ----, 1812. GR2
Jane L., ----, 1818. GR2
John M., Apr. --, 1821. GR2
William H., ----, 1798. GR2
NOURSE (also see Nurse)
B. F., Aug. 2, 1816. GR3
Benjamin F., Feb. 28, 1814. GR2
Benjamin Francis, s. of Francis and Sarah E., Feb. 25, 1843
Benjamin Frederick, s. of Benjamin F. and Susan, Apr. 15, 1843
James Edward, s. of Francis and Sarah, bp. Mar 19, 1848. CR4
John Arken, s. of Francis and Sarah E., Sept. 17, 1844
Laura E., ----, 1821. GR3
Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Francis and Susan E., July 1, 1846
Sarah L., July 19, 1833. GR2
Susan M., Apr. 3, 1815. GR2
Susan M., d. of Benjamin F. and Susan, Aug. 24, 1846
Andrew Cragie, s. of Henry and Abigail, bp. May 2, 1830. CR1
Ann Maria, d. of Henry and Abigail, bp. June 12, 1825. CR1
Charles H., July 11, 1849. GR2
Charles Henry, s. of Henry and Abigail, bp. Apr. 1, 1827. CR1
Charles Webster, s. of Mark and Jane, Nov. 30, 1827
Eliza C. [-----], w. of Shadarach, in Newburyport, Feb. 2, 1808. GR2
Elizabeth Cragie, d. of Henry and Abigail, bp. Aug. 25, 1822. CR1
George Fillmore, s. of Mark and Jane, May 13, 1822
Harriet Augusta, d. of Mark and Jane, Dec. 2, 1825
Henry Franklin, s. of Mark and Jane, Dec. 12, 1829
Isaiah W., Sept. 29, 1831. GR2
John, s. of Henry and Abigail, bp. May 4, 1828. CR1
Laura J. [-----], w. of Isaiah W., June 22, 1831. GR2
Mary, d. of Paul, bp. Mar. 9, 1734-5. CR1
Mary Ann, d. of Mark and Jane, May 1, 1824
Mary Jacobs, d. of Henry and Abigail, bp. Oct. 12, 1823. CR1
Paul, s. of Paul, bp. Mar. 9, 1734-5. CR1
Shadarach, in Biddeford, Me., Jan. 4, 1804. GR2
William Folling, s. of Mark and Jane, Sept. 7, 1831
-------, ch. of Henry, Mar. 31, 1847
-------, s. of Henry and Hannah, Dec. 4, 1848
Eliza Wheeler Buttrick [-----], w. of George Rapall, ----, 1804. GR3
Esther Hinckley [-----], w. of Samuel, ----, 1821. GR2
George Emery, in Carthage, Me., June 14, 1840. GR3
George L., May 22, 1830. GR3
George Rapall, ----, 1798. GR3
Henrietta C. Atwood [-----], w. of Increase E., Jan. 18, 1835. GR3
Henry, s. of Henry, Mar. 31, 1848
Henry M., s. of Samuel and Esther, Feb. 22, 1847
Jane C. [-----], w. of Thomas R. P., Dec. 16, 1815. GR3
John Buttrick, Capt., ----, 1838. GR3
Mary Elizabeth [-----], w. of Samuel Jr., ----, 1848. GR2
Samuel, ----, 1814. GR2
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Esther, Sept. 15, 1844
John J., s. of Jacob and Harriet A. N., Aug. 8, 1847
NURSE (also see Nourse)
Eliza J., d. of Abner, Sept. 22, 1845
James C., Jan. 15, 1815. GR2
Lewis W., Feb. 17, 1820. GR3
Priscilla Farrar [-----], w. of Lewis W., Dec. 6, 1819. GR3
Volney, s. of James C. and Hannah, Nov. 6, 1844
Voleny, s. of James C., Nov. 2, 1846
Ann Maria, d. of Philip and Mary R., May 19, 1846
Ebenezer, s. of Jonathan, bp. Mar. 25, 1705. CR1
Ebenezer, s. of James, bp. Jan. 30, 1737. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan, bp. Oct. 9, 1698. CR1
Elizabeth, d. of John, bp. May 6, 1770. CR1
Hannah, d. of Jonathan, bp. July 18, 1697. CR1
James, s. of Jonathan, bp. Apr. 25, 1703. CR1
John, s. of Jonathan, bp. July 18, 1697. CR1
John, s. of John and Mary, Mar. 3, 1764
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, bp. July 18, 1697. CR1
Jonathan, s. of Samuell, bp. June 15, 1735. CR1
Jonathan, s. of James, bp. June 14, 1741. CR1
Joseph, s. of Samuell, bp. Aug. 14, 1737. CR1
Joseph, s. of Samuell, bp. May 6, 1739. CR1
Mary, d. of John and Mary, Apr. 26, 1762
Mercy, d. of John, bp. Mar. 3, 1766. CR1
Samuel, s. of Samuel, bp. Dec. 28, 1729. CR1
Samuel, s. of James, bp. Apr. 15, 1744. CR1
Samuell, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Aug. 1, 1701
Sarah, d. of Jonathan, bp. July 18, 1697. GR1
Sarah Willis, d. of Philip and Mary, July 26, 1843
Bartlett S., Apr. 12, 1833. GR3
Charles R., in Barre, Oct. 29, 1831. GR3
David C., in Barre, Sept. 22, 1805. GR3
Charlotte, ----, 1836. GR2
Samuel C., ----, 1824. GR2
OAKES (also see Oaks)
Charlotte, d. of Josiah and Charlotte, Jan. 19, 1806
Edward, s. of Edward, bp. in England. CR1
Elisabeth, d. of Thomas and Elisabeth, Nov. 3, 1646
Elizabeth, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, May 26, 1650
Elizabeth, d. of Richard and Elizabeth, Mar. 18, 1797
Georgiana, only d. of -----, June 15, 1847. GR3
Hannah, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, May 4, 1657
James, May 22, 1807. GR3
Mary, d. of Edward, bp. -----, 16--. CR1
Sarah C. Pierce [-----], w. of James, Dec. 10, 1794. GR3
Thomas, s. of Edward and Jane, Apr. 18, 1644
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Elisabeth, Nov. 5, 1648
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Mar. 18, 1659
Thomas, in Stourbridge, Eng., ----, 1838. GR2
Urian, s. of Edward, bp. in England. CR1
George, s. of Thomas and Mary, Mar. 4, 1848
OAKS (also see Oakes)
George Partridge, s. of Josiah and Charlotte, Aug. 6, 1809
Mary Ann, d. of Josiah and Charlotte, Oct. 1, 1807
O'BRIEN (also see O'Brine)
Catharine, d. of John, Nov. 9, 1847
Catherine, d. of James and Mary, July 17, 1843
Don, s. of Thomas and Joanna, in New Brunswick, Feb. 22, 1847
Edward, ----, 1837. GR2
Grace Cornish [-----], w. of William, ----, 1846. GR2
James, s. of Patrick, Dec. 26, 1847
John, s. of David, Jan. 8, 1847
John, s. of Thomas and Bridgett, Sept. --, 1847
Margaret, d. of John O. and Rosanna, Oct. 26, 1848
Mary, d. of John and Mary, both b. in Ireland, July 4, 1840
Mary, d. of Michael and Margaret, both b. in Ireland, Nov. --, 1849
Sarah Wilson [-----], w. of Edward, ----, 1843. GR2
Thomas, s. of Michael and Mary, Dec. 1, 1848
William, ----, 1845. GR2
O'BRINE (also see O'Brien)
James, s. of Thomas and Ann, Feb. 8, 1849
Margaret Mary, d. of Patrick and Elizabeth, Mar. 11, 1849
Isadore, s. of Isadore, Dec. 21, 1845
Daniel, ----, 1814. GR4
William Francis, s. of Dennis and Bridgett, Oct. 16, 1844
Hannah, d. of Dennis and Bridgett, Dec. 17, 1846
John Anthony Lawson, ----, 1835. GR2
Emily A. [-----], w. of James K., ----, 1835. GR2
James K., ----, 1834. GR2
Clarissa Gilman [-----], w. of Samuel Tufts, in Exeter, N.H., Nov. 14, 1790. GR3
David W. (David Whiton, CR7), s. of Henry B. and H. S. B. [Hannah Miller Brackett], Mar. 27, 1845.
Eliza Gilman, d. of Samuel Tufts and Clarissa Gilman, in Norwich, Conn., Apr. 24, 1819. GR3
Emma, Mar. 18, 1842. CR7
Frederick, s. of William H. and Isabella, Jan. 20, 1836
Thomas Redman, s. of William H. and Isabella, Mar. 6, 1841
William H. (William Henry, CR9), s. of William H. and Isabella, Sept. 7, 1833
-------, s. of Patrick and Catherine, May 3, 1845
James, s. of John and Ann, June 5, 1846
William, s. of John and Ann, May 17, 1849
OLDAM (also see Oldham)
Abigail, d. of Jno and Abigail, Nov. 28, 1679
Abigail, d. of -----, wid. of John, bp. Oct. 14, 1733. CR1
Andrew, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Apr. 22, 1677
Elizabeth, d. of -----, wid. of John, bp. Oct. 14, 1733. CR1
Hannah, d. of Samuel and Hannah, Mar. 25, 1676
Hannah, d. of Samuel and Hannah, Oct. 10, 1681
John, s. of Richard and Martha, bp. -----, 16--. CR1
John, s. of Jno and Abigail, July 20, 1676
Jonathan, s. of -----, wid. of John, bp. Oct. 14, 1733. CR1
Mary, d. of Samuel and Hannah, June 1, 1679
Samuel, s. of Richard and Martha, bp. -----, 16--. CR1
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Hannah, May 27, 1672
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Jan. 15, 1673
OLDHAM (also see Oldam)
Abigail, d. of John and Sarah, Mar. 18, 1743-4
Abigail, d. of John and Sarah, Apr. 3, 1752
Elizabeth, d. of -----, wid. of John, bp. May 22, 1757. CR1
John, s. of John and Mindwell, Dec. 18, 1720
John, s. of John and Sarah, Nov. 1, 1754
Mary, d. of John and Mindwell, Mar. 10, 1727-8
Samuell, d. of John and Mindwell, Aug. 26, 1722
Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, July 30, 1746
Susannah, d. of John and Sarah, Mar. 11, 1748-9
Arthur, Dr., Oct. 8, 1829. GR3
Jeremiah, s. of Dennis, Nov. 22, 1845
James W., Dec. 29, 1821. GR3
Maria McAllaster [-----], w. of James W., Apr. 27, 1827. GR3
Andrew J., ----, 1828. GR3
Anne, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 4, 1764. CR2
Caroline S., July 18, 1838. GR3
Charles Augustus, ----, 1834. GR3
Daniel, M.D., L.L.D., s. of Rev. Thomas Fitch, Sept. 9, 1787. GR3
Edward Brattle, ----, 1822. GR3
Elizabeth, d. of Thomas and Grace, Apr. 11, 1670
Elizabeth, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 17, 1766. CR2
Elizabeth Carter, d. of David and Sarah H., May 20, 1816
Elizabeth W., Feb. 3, 1823. GR3
Frank Shaw, Jan. 13, 1849. GR3
Franklin, Aug. 5, 1820. GR3
George, s. of David and Susan Parkman, ----, 1818. GR3
George W., Oct. 20, 1825. GR3
Grace, d. of Thomas and Grace, Nov. 15, 1668
Grace A., in Boston, Sept. 24, 1844. GR3
Hannah, d. of Thomas and Grace, Aug. 16, 1674
Henry Jackson, July 27, 1788. GR3
Henry Jackson, ----, 1815. GR3
Hepzibah, d. of Thomas, bp. Apr. 27, 1746. CR1
Jno, s. of Thomas and Mary, July 9, 1683
John, s. of Thomas and Grace, Nov. 22, 1671
Lucinda Bowers, ---, 1822. GR3
Lucy Ann, d. of David and Sarah Hapgood, Jan. 2, 1818
Lydia W., Oct. 4, 1819. GR3
Marshall, Jan. 12, 1816. GR3
Mary, d. of Thomas and Mary, Mar. 20, 1687-8
Mary, d. of Nathaniell and Bethiah, Sept. 15, 1716
Mary, d. of Thomas, bp. Oct. 30, 1743. CR1
Mary Louise, ----, 1824. GR3
Mary Powers, Jan. 29, 1807. GR3
Nathaniel, s. of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 1, 1684-5
Penelope, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 2, 1768. CR2
Samuel, s. of Thomas and Grace, May 18, 1679
Samuel, s. of Capt. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 12, 1702
Samuel P., eldest s. of David and Susan, ----, 1811. GR3
Sarah, d. of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 14, 1690
Sarah, d. of Dr. -----, bp. Dec. 20, 1696. CR1
Sarah Wilson [-----], w. of Samuel P., ----, 1814. GR3
Susan Parkman [-----], w. of David, ----, 1782. GR3
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Grace, Aug. 22, 1676
Thomas, s. of Capt. Thomas and Mary, July 17, 1700
Thomas, s. of Peter, bp. Oct. 12, 1718. CR1
Lucinda [-----], w. of Samuel, in Watertown, June 15, 1795. GR3
Samuel, in Providence, R.I., Feb. 27, 1793. GR3
O'NEAL (also see O'Neil)
Charles, s. of Thomas and -----, Dec. 8, 1848
Charles H., s. of Dennis, July 25, 1845
Dennis, s. of Dennis, Jan. 12, 1848
John, s. of James and Bridgett, May 1, 1848
John T., s. of James, July 5, 1845
Michael, s. of James and Sarah, Nov. 22, 1848
O'NEIL (also see O'Neal)
Catharine, Dec. 20, 1848. GR4
Hugh, May 7, 1847. GR4
Mary [-----], w. of Patrick, Feb. 17, 1819. GR4
Alfred A., s. of Alfred H., Dec. 13, 1845
Ira B., Oct. 23, 1812. GR3
James H., s. of Alfred H., Mar. 23, 1847
Jane H., d. of William H. and Jane H., Dec. 20, 1844
John W., ----, 1827. GR2
Mary W., Apr. 14, 1815. GR3
William John, Nov. 5, 1846. GR2
George Henry, s. of Frederic J. and Cynthia, Aug. 31, 1843
Helen A., d. of Frederic J., Jan. 29, 1846
Joseph M., in Amesbury, Nov. 28, 1809. GR3
Mary A. [-----], w. of Joseph M., in Brewster, Oct. 13, 1824. GR3
Rebecca Freeman [-----], w. of Joseph M., in Brewster, Dec. 2, 1810. GR3
Susan B. [-----], w. of -----, Oct. 14, 1818. GR3
Francis J., s. of James and Catherine Gorman, May 17, 1846
Mathilde Jeanne, ----, 1844. GR3
Caroline F., Sept. 5, 1818. GR3
Emma Seaton [-----], w. of Charles P., Apr. 19, 1849. GR3
Joel Stone, Aug 12, 1833. GR3
Rachel Atwood, July 4, 1830. GR3
John, ----, 1828. GR3
Margaret C., d. of Oliver M. and Susan, in Boston, Mar. 18, 1848
OSBORN (also see Osborne, Osburn, Ozborn, Ozburn)
-------, s. of Adolphus and Sarah L., b. in Augusta Me., June 28, 1849
Almira, d. of Dalphone and Bethia, May 30, 1846
Alonzo, s. of Joseph and Nancy, Jan. 29, 1830
Eldorado, s. of Dalphon and Bethia, Sept. 19, 1843
Eleanora, d. of William and Sarah, Oct. 21, 1849
Elijah, ----, 1810. GR2
Eliza A., ----, 1831. GR2
Eloisa, d. of Dalphon and Bethia Y., Mar. 29, 1839
Ephraim, s. of Ephraim, bp. Jan. 2, 1708-09. CR1
Hannah Stone, d. of Joseph and Nancy, in Charlestown, Feb. 3, 1824
Helen Georgiana, d. of Leonard and Eliza, in West Cambridge, May 24, 1844
James Dalphon, s. of Dalphon and Bethia Y., Sept. 26, 1834
James H., ----, 1844. GR3
Jane, d. of Ephraim, bp. May 12, 1706. CR1
Jesse, s. of Joseph and Nancy, Oct. 11, 1828
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Nancy, Dec. 20, 1826
Joseph A., Aug. 5, 1821. GR3
Joseph Henry, s. of Joseph and Nancy, in Charlestown, July 6, 1825
Leonard, ----, 1809. GR2
Leonard W., ----, 1833. GR2
Mary, d. of Ephraim, bp. Oct. 3, 1703. CR1
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Leonard and Elizabeth, Feb.3, 1847
Sarah, d. of Ephraim, bp. Sept. 25, 1698. CR1
Sarah Anne [-----], w. of James H., ----, 1835. GR2
Sarah L. [-----], w. of Adolphus, May 16, 1830. GR3
Thomas, s. of Ephraim, bp. May 11, 1712. CR1
OSBORNE (also see Osborn, Osburn, Ozborn, Ozburn)
William McKinely, Apr. 26, 1842. GR3
OSBURN (also see Osborn, Osborne, Ozborn, Ozburn)
Abigail, d. of Ephraim, bp. June 29, 1701. CR1
Margaret, d. of David, bp. Feb. 11, 1739. CR1
Rachel, d. of Ephraim, bp. Jan. 4, 1741. CR1
Anna E. [-----], w. of Peletiah, Aug. 14, 1812. GR2
Clara Call, Jan. 2, 1792. GR3
Delia M., Nov. 4, 1805. GR3
Elizabeth L., Apr. 15, 1847. GR3
Emily Francis, d. of Nathaniel and Sarah, Mar. 11, 1847
George, Sept. 14, 1819. GR3
Harriet A. [-----]. w. of Herman D., Aug. 20, 1840. GR2
Herman D., Nov. 8, 1835. GR2
Isaac P., in Peterborough, N.H., Feb. 20, 1793. GR#
Jacob Newton, ----, 1828. GR3
Lemuel H., ----, 1789. GR3
Mary A., ----, 1832. GR3
Mary G., ----, 1821. GR3
Nathaniel, ----, 1818. GR2
Samuel S., June 9, 1809. GR3
Sarah Greenough [-----], w. of George, June 4, 1823. GR3
Sarah H., ----, 1821. GR2
Sarah R., ----, 1793. GR3
Sarah Theresa, ----, 1836. GR2
Elizabeth, d. of Humphrey and Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1667
John, s. of Humphrey and Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1669
Sarah, d, of Humphrey and Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1683
Angelo Eugene Philip, s. of Giovanni Angelo, Marquis, and Margaret Fuller, in Rieti, Italy, Sept. 5, 1848. GR3