VITAL RECORDS of CAMBRIDGE Massachusetts, to the Year 1850.
Compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

* = intention not recorded.
Eliza L. of Boston, and Charles F. T. Follen, int. Aug. 28, 1828.
Elizabeth of Boston, and Rev. John T. Kirkland, int. Aug. 6, 1827.
George L. and Hannah E. Smith, May 27, 1849.
Jane F. and Alvaro Blodgett, Dec. 29, 1839.
Margaret R., dau of George L., dec., a. 20 y., and Roland Y. Barber, s. of Samuel, a. 21 y., b. in Mt. Vernon, Me., Nov. 25, 1849.
Aaron and Mercy Fuller, Mar. 23, 1709-10 (Mar. 22, CR1).*
Ann and Andrew Lang of Boston, int. Mar. 28, 1845.
Daniel and Mary Thomas, int. May 10, 1846.
John W. and Rebecca W. Littlefield, int. Mar. 16, 1844.
Catherine and Patrick Bellau (or Belyea), int. May 13, 1844.
Elizabeth and Joseph Wilson, Mar. 6, 1785.*
John R. and (Mrs., int.) Emily Bowtwell, Dec. 27, 1840.
Lucinda E. of Rindge, N.H., and Thomas Wallis, int. Sept. 4, 1824.
Lydia of Woburn, and Isaac Munroe, June 16, 1791.*
Lydia J. and Thomas Waters, Apr. 16, 1823.
Ruth C. and Holland Blackmar, Aug. --, 1825.
Ruthe C. of Burlington, and Joshua B. Burley, int. May 24, 1823.
Sarah and Noah Price (of Boston, int.), June 23, 1776.
William F. and Almira Fillebrown, May 7, 1843.
Isaac W. and Susan J. Hatch of Lowell, int. Sept. 14, 1847.
Richard and Mary King, Jan. 15, 1727-8.*
Bridgett and Francis McCarthy, both of West Cambridge, May 2, 1849.
George and Mary Ann McKeown, Jan. 21, 1849.
John and Jane Daly, May 21, 1849.*
Timothy and Julia Sullivan, both of Boston, June 3, 1849.*
Ellen and James Kennedy, int. Apr. 10, 1845.
Jeremiah and Mary Hickey, Feb. 15, 1849.
Charles A. (of Boston, dup and int.), s. of Charles, a. 26 y., and Emeline A. Callender, dau of I. P., a. 25 y., Sept. 16, 1846.
Emeline A., dau of I. P., a. 25 y., and Charles A. Callender (of Boston, dup and int), s. of Charles, a 26 y., Sept. 16, 1836.
Mary, dau of Joseph, dec., a 43 y., and George Vinton, widr., s. of Josiah of Boston, a. 30 y., Nov. 28, 1844.
Rosina and Justus D. Watson of Somersworth, N.H., int. Aug. 2, 1845.
Mary and John Donvana, int. Aug. 19, 1849.
Patrick and Margaret Mahar of Boston, int. Oct. 23, 1848.
Sarah, dau of Samuel and Henesy Richardson, s. of George Warfold, a. 22 y., both of Boston, Nov. 17, 1847.*
CAMBELL (also see Campbell)
Catherine and Owen Dougherty, int. Feb. 5, 1846.
CAMPBELL (also see Cambell)
Ann and Joseph Keen, Jan. 27, 1837.
Charles and Margaret Tierney, int. Sept. 25, 1848.
Elizabeth and John Q. A. Thayer, June 4, 1848.
Jane and Robert McCracken, Feb. 19, 1839.
John of Roxbury, and Deborah Lovett of Boston, Jan. 25, 1829. CR10.*
Patrick and Mary Murray, both of Woburn, Apr. 26, 1849.*
Ruthe of Wentham and Caleb Emerson, int. Nov. 12, 1817.
Ira of Wakefield [prob. New Hampshire], and Hannah S. Estabrook of West Cambridge, Oct. 20, 1829.*
CANE (also see Cain, Kane)
Bridgett and John Welch, int. Mar. 26, 1849.
Christopher and Margery -----, -----, 16--. CR1.*
Joanna, a. 30 y., b. in Ireland, and William Foley, widr., s. of Michael, a. 30 y., b. in Ireland, int. Nov. 18, 1849.
John and Margaret Gilkerson, int. May 7, 1848.
Jonathan and Deborah Welch, May 14, 1674.*
Ruth and Marmaduke Johnson, Apr. 28, 1670.*
John and Sally Childs, int. Oct. 17, 1807.
Mary and Almon Lawrence, Jan. 30, 1840.
Ann Maria and Jacob S. Whitney of Milton, Dec. 25, 1838.
Sophia and William Clay, Nov. 30, 1848.
Cynthia and Ebenezer Putnam, both of Groton, Dec. 27, 1840.*
CAPEN (also see Capin)
Betsy and Abijah Brown, Sept. 24, 1789.*
Elizabeth and Jonathan Brown, in Newton, ------, 1778 (int. Mar. 28).
Hannah and Samuel Moor of Boston, Nov. --, 1826.*
Jonathan and Abigal Warren, Apr. 8, 1795,*
Lydia and James Robbins, Mar. 30, 1780.
Samuel of Braintree, and Sarah B. C. Noyes of Boston, May 25, 1843.*
Susan and Joseph G. Gunderson of Boston, May 25, 1843.*
CAPIN (also see Capen)
Samuel and Abigail Prentiss, Oct. 14, 1792.*
Michael and Rosanna Fitzpatrick of Boston, int. Jan. 10, 1829.
James and Catherine Holden, int. June 13, 1840.
CARLETON (also see Carlton)
Conrad C. of Boston, and Martha W. Parks, Jan. 1, 1829.
Eliza M. of Derry, N.H., and Henry C. Waters, int. Oct. 19, 1847.
Emily M., a. 21 y., and Charles H. Richardson, a. 25 y., Aug. 27, 1848.
Harriet and John P. Brown, int. Apr. 26, 1832.
Rhoda and Moses Babcock of Boston, May 26, 1831.
Mary and John Neagle, int. Apr. 6, 1849.
CARLTON (also see Carleton)
Charles and Mary Clark of West Cambridge, int. Aug. 17, 1833.
Peter and Sally Fields of Merrimac, N.H., int. Apr. 10, 1834.
Hannah and Nathaniel Whiitecor of Concord, in Charlestown, Dec. 20, 1705.*
Elizabeth H. and Joshua Atkins, Aug. 28, 1825.*
John and Mehitabel Wentworth, both of Boston, July 3, 1845.*
Patrick and Mary McCann, May 21, 1849.
Thomas and Sarah Loane, int. Aug. 21, 1823.
Benjamin (Esq., int.) and Deborah Austin, July 16, 1823 (July 14, CR1).
Daniel of Natick, s. of David, a. 25 y., b. in Boston, and Elizabeth M. Williams, wid., of Natick, dau of Daniel Savage, a. 33 y., b. in Wiscasset, Me., Feb. 26, 1845.*
Darius and Zerviah M. Leathe of Lowell, int. Dec. 1, 1847.
Rebecca B. of Freetown, and Daniel Clark, int. Aug. 20, 1848.
Thomas and Maria Hixon, int. July 22, 1849.
Ann and Patrick Hegan, int. Sept. 2, 1849.
Bridgett and Archibald McCaffrey (McCafferty, int.), Nov. 4, 1849.
John and Eliza Doyle, int. Jan. 28, 1846.
Mary and John Harney, int. Sept. 6, 1846.
Rebecca Jane of Deering, N.H., and David Bass Jr., int. Mar. 12, 1845.
Timothy and Ellen Murphy, int. Sept. 12, 1847.
Patrick and Ann McQuade, int. Apr. 9, 1833.
Charles H. of Baltimore, Md., and Rebecca White, Jan. 25, 1832.
Horatio T. of Northborough, and Charlotte E. Martin, Nov. 1, 1827.
Jane and James P. Richardson, Dec. 31, 1842.
Robert and Issabella (Rebecca, int.) Miller, Apr. 4, 1834.
Adono (of Woburn, int.) and Abigail Nutting, Feb. 12, 1756.
Ann and Josiah T. Livermore, int. Sept. 6, 1846.
Charlotte A., a. 27 y., and Calvin Hayes, s. of Samuel, a. 27 y., both of Roxbury, Apr. 8, 1849.*
George C. and Eliza Maxwell of Boston, int. Nov. 23, 1822.
Jabez and Abigail Maning, June 27, 1723.*
Joseph of Woburn and Anna Cooper, Feb. 12, 1718-19 (Feb 13, CR1).
Judith (of Woburn, int.) and John Winship, Dec. 5, 1763.
Lidia and Daniell Tidd, in Woburn, Dec. 21, 1694.*
Lucy Elizabeth of Lancaster, and Dr. William W. Wellington, int. Sept. 11, 1841.
Maria and Henry Franklin Delano of North Charlestown, N.H., May 11, 1836.
Martha and Joseph W. Leland, int. Nov. 8, 1837.
Martha B. and Dr. William W. Wellington, Oct 5, 1847.
Mary Ann and John Henry Warland of Medfield, Sept. 9, 1832.
Mehitable and Nathan Whittemore, Feb. 7, 1781.*
Nancy and George N. M. Pear, Oct. 10, 1833.
Nathan E. (Nathan C., int.) and Alice Morse, Nov --, 1821.
Ruth of Woburn, and Jason Winship, in Woburn, Apr. 26, 1764.
Samuel (of Woburn, int) and Rebecca Hill, Dec. 11, 1770.
Samuell of Woburn, and Margary Dickson, June 30, 1719.*
Sarah and John Whitcomb of Littleton, in Littleton, June 5, 1782.*
Sarah Hapgood and David Oliver, July 8, 1815.
Silence and Robert Neale of Boston, Oct. 28, 1836.
Simon and Fanny Connell, int. Sept. 20, 1846.
Susannah and Richard Eccles, June 4, 1677.*
Sybil and Isaac Goddin, Oct. 16, 1800.
Thomas of Woburn, and Susannah Winship, Apr. 1, 1713.*
William and Maria Leeds, both of Boston, Nov. 27, 1845.*
Mary Louisa of Boston, and Prof. Cornelius Conway Felton, int. Aug. 16, 1846.
Patrick and Susan Hews of Woburn, int. Jan. 1, 1842.
Catharine and William Foley, June 10, 1849.
Dennis and Catherine Sullivan, int. Apr. 15, 1849.
Elizabeth of Boston, and Richard Burke, int. Sept. 3, 1848.
John and Hannah Mahoney of Boston, int. Nov. 8, 1847.
Julia and Michael McGuire, int. June 2, 1836.
Michael, s. of Thomas, a. 25 y., and Catherine McDermot, dau of John, a. 21 y., both b. in Ireland, int. Nov. 23, 1849.
Patrick and Mary Dewire, int. Nov. 14, 1848.
William C. of Boston, and Sarah J. Sawyer, Aug. 31, 1834.
CASSIDEY (also see Cassidy, Cassity)
Matthew and Mary Ann Sharp, both of Woburn, Aug. 19, 1849.*
CASSIDY (also see Cassidey, Cassity)
John and Catherine Slane, int. Apr. 1, 1845.
CASSITY (also see Cassidey, Cassidy)
Timothy K. and Deborah H. Merick, int. June 28, 1817.
Joseph of Boston, and Mary Kilroy, int. May 21, 1835.
Hannah and Stephen G. Dally, both of Newton, July 24, 1832.*
Elizabeth A. and Rev. William Barrows of Norton, Oct. 24, 1832.*
James of Boston, and Louisa L. Tolman, May 28, 1835.*
Norman S. (of Charlestown, int.) and Martha Flanders, Feb. 27, 1842.
Margaret and Michael Keenan, int. Jan. 23, 1848.
Sarah and John Rooney of Watertown, int. Nov. 5, 1848.
Charles of Boston, and Henrietta Brackett, int. Oct. 2, 1830.
Ellen and Ebenezer Daily, int. Oct. 12, 1845.
Mary and Owen Harney, int. Oct. 10, 1844.
Eunice and Thomas Stearns, Dec. 20, 1832.
John and Margaret Murry, int. May 7, 1841.
Benjamin of Watertown, and Hannah Welch, May 10, 1711.*
Jno and Mary Barlow, Oct. 30, 1674.*
Margaret and Spencer Goddling, int. Dec. 26, 1772.
Martha and Israel Porter, Jan. 29, 1772.
Mary (Sarah, int. and CR1) and John Oldham, June 2, 1843.
Nathaniel and Mary Burgis, Oct. 24, 1738.
Nathaniel and Susanna Mullard, Dec. 25, 1759.
Samuel and Sarah Rice, both of Boston, Jan. 1, 1845.*
George M. and Harriet A. Smith, both of St. Thomas, W.I., in West Cambridge, Sept. 27, 1840. CR2.*
CHAMBERLAIN (also see Chamberlin)
Ambrose and Martha M. Nelson of Milford, int. Mar. 26, 1838.
Ann M. (Ann Marie, int.) and (Rev., int.) John Alden (Jr of Shelburne, int.), Nov. 24, 1833.
Ebenezer and Hannah Foster, Oct. 3, 1824.
Eliza and William Lovett, both of Malden, Jan. 20, 1828.*
Ephraim and Ann Hovey, int. May 10, 1811.
Henry M. (Esq., int) and (Mrs., int.) Caroline Fox, Oct. 15, 1833.
Joshua and Anna Gould of Danvers, in Danvers, Nov. 11, 1792.*
Mary E., dau of John (and Harriet, CR1), a. 22 y., and Adam Clinton Smith, s. of Adam (and Sarah D., CR1), a. 30 y., Sept. 12, 1849.
Mehittabel and William Butterfield, May 1, 1740.
Nathaniel W. and Lucy M. Bond, both of Holliston, July 4, 1832.*
CHAMBERLIN (also see Chamberlain)
Daniel U., s. of John (and Harriet, CR1), a. 23 y., and Ann Maria Stimson, dau of Royal (and Lieffy, CR1), a. 24 y., Apr. 28, 1847.
Elizabeth and Benjamin Winchester of Brookline, June 22, 1726.*
Elizabeth of Newton, and Ebenezer Thwing, in Newton, July 8, 1756.
Harriet of New Ipswich, N.H., and James Y. Dennis, int. Dec. 19, 1840.
John of Boston, and Harriot King, int. Oct. 25, 1807.
John and (Mrs. int) Mary Lyon, Feb. 13, 1842.
John C. of Charlestown, and Hannah B. Robbins, int. May 23, 1839.
Jonas H. and Susan A. Hobbs, May 20, 1841.
Louisa W. and Andrew S. Waitt, Apr. 14, 1842.
Sarah (of Newton, int.) and John Thwing, Dec. 22, 1757.
Sylvester S. of Marblehead, and Ann M. Snider (of Canterbury, N.H., CR11), June 29, 1843.
Thomas and Elizabeth Hammond, Apr. 18, 1681.*
John Thomas, and Margaret Searles Grieve, int. June 22, 1839.
CHAMPNEY (also see Champny)
Bethiah and John Coltson, int. Dec. 9, 1779.
Daniel and Dorcas Bridge, Jan. 3, 1665.*
Daniel and Hephsibah Minott, June 9, 1684.*
Daniel and Tabitha Hancock, Sept. 4, 1723.*
Daniel Jr. and Hannah Emmons, Sept. 22, 1746.
Dorcas and Nicholas Bow, May 6, 1690.*
Downing Jr. and Hannah Reed, July 4, 1765.
Isaac and Jemima Hammond, May 8, 1792.*
Isaac and Betsy Shed, May 17, 1795.*
John and Hannah Winship of Lexington, int. May 17, 1801.
Lidea and John Hastings, May 20, 1668.*
Lucy S. of Brighton, and Jonathan L. Reed of Abington, Mar. 20, 1827.*
Mary and Rev. Ebenezer Parkman, July 7, 1724.*
Nathan and Elizabeth Ozborn (of Charlestown, int.), June 24, 1760.
Noah and Martha Hubbard, Oct. 26, 1725.*
Rebecca (wid.,in pencil) and James Holton (Houghton, int.) Jan. 2, 1766.
Rebeckah and John Hickes, May 8, 1721.*
Ruth and John Barret, May 5, 1737.*
Samuel and Hannah Corey, int. Dec. 17, 1772.
Samuell Jr. and Abigail Stearns of Concord, int. Oct. 24, 1739.
Sarah and William Barrat, Aug. 19, 1656.*
Sarah and James Clarke, Sept. 24, 1685.*
Solomon and Elizabeth Cunningham, May 8, 1723.*
Solomon and Abigail Stearns, int. Sept. 18, 1737.
Solomon and Abigail Macksparron, int. Apr. 12, 1738.
Solomon (Jr., int.) and Rebecca Brown of Concord, in Concord, Oct. 13, 1756.
Tabitha and Samuel Hancock (of Wells, int.), Sept. 12, 1774.
CHAMPNY (also see Champney)
Joane, wid. of John and Goldin Moore, -----, 16--. CR1.*
John and Joane -----, -----, 16 --. CR1.*
Richard and Jane -----, in England, -----, 16--. CR1.*
Samuel and Sarah -----, -----, 16 --. CR1.*
CHANDLER (also see Chaundler)
Caroline M. of Waltham, dau of ------- of Portland, Me., a. 19 y., and Oliver C. Wyman, s. of Samuel, of Waltham, a. 25 y., b. in Concord, Dec. 27, 1846.*
Hannah of Concord, and David Goddard, in Concord, Oct. 10, 1778.*
Jacob of Charlestown and Sarah Beetle, Oct. 19, 1828.
Martha and Edward Webber of Boston, Apr.1 2, 1798.*
Mary C. of Goshen, N.H., and John A. Parsons, int. Oct. 12, 1844.
Phebe of Andover, and Caleb Dana, in Andover, July 14, 1726.*
Samuel and Lois Thompson, Apr. 19, 1759.
Samuel and Anna Rand, Feb. 15, 1776.
Samuel, Capt., and Mary Dickson, Nov. 4, 1777.
CHANEY (also see Cheaney, Cheeney, Cheeny, Cheney)
Elizabeth A. and James C. Davis, Dec. 31, 1846.
Susan C. and Dr. Francis J. Higginson, int. May 24, 1831.
CHAPLAIN (also see Chaplin)
James P. (Dr., int.) (Chapin, CR1) (Chaplin, int.) and Hannah Gardner of Brighton, Dec. 10, 1807.
Martha and Amos Bryant, June 15, 1785.*
CHAPLIN (also see Chaplain)
Charles F., Dr., and Sarah R. Trowbridge, Nov. 11, 1835.
Daniel and Caroline A. Hayward of Boston, int. Mar. 8, 1845.
Eliza O. and William J. Hubbard of Boston, Jan. 15, 1828.
Joanna G. and Rev. Jonathan F. Stearns of Newburyport, Nov. 3, 1840.
Edmund A. and Harriet Brown of Lexington, int. Sept. 1, 1832.
Francis L. and Lucy A. Lord of Portsmouth, N.H., int. Mar. 15, 1846.
Samuel, Rev., and Eunice T. (Eunice N., int.) Norris, Apr. 18, 1844.
Sophronia and John Putnam of Mason, N.H., int. Oct. 5, 1834.
Ann Maria and Charles M. Hovey, Dec. 25, 1835.
Caroline and Mather Hayward Jr., June 27, 1843.
Louise and Henry V. (Henry Vose, int.) Spurs of Boston, Apr. 28, 1830.
Daniel of Marlboro, Vt., and Susan Dennison, Dec. 5, 1813.*
Achsah M., dau. of John Of Tuftonboro, N.H., a. 21 y., and Simon B. Bean, s. of James of Tuftonboro, N.H., a, 23 y., b. in Sandwich, N.H., Aug. 24, 1845.
Hannah and Oliver Whitney, June 9, 1780.*
Henry and Sylvia Lovell of Barnstable, int. Mar. 18, 1810.
Hiram L., Dr., and Caroline A. N. Jones of Boston, int. Sept. 9, 1849.
James Jr. of Freeport, and Sarah Gummer, Mar. 3. 1811.
Sophia W. of Stratham, N.H., and William J. Doloff, int. Dec. 20, 1846.
Charles and Catharine, -----, ----, 16--. CR1.*
CHAUNDLER (also see Chandler)
Philemon and Hannah Cheaney, Apr. 18, 1700, CR1.*
Margaret of Boston and Timothy Collins, int. Jan. 30, 1841.
CHEANEY (also see Chaney, Cheeney, Cheeny, Cheney)
Hannah and Philemon Chaundler, Apr. 18, 1700. CR1.*
CHEAVERS (also see Cheever, Cheevers, Chevers, Chiveers)
Daniel and Esther, -----, -----, 16--. CR1.*
CHEENEY (also see Chaney, Cheaney, Cheeny, Cheney)
Jane and Thomas Belknap, in Boston, Mar. 6, 1693-4.*
Thomas and Hannah Hill, Feb. 22, 1787.*
CHEENY (also see Chaney, Cheaney, Cheeny, Cheney)
Mary, wid., and Michael Fallshaw of Connecticut Colony, in Charlestown, Apr. 16, 1723.*
Thomas and Isabell, -----, ---- 16 --. CR1.*
CHEEVER (also see Cheavers, Cheevers, Chevers, Chiveers)
Brigett and Daniel Haws of Wrentham, Nov. 22, 1720.*
Eleanor, dau of William Downs and Elizabeth Edwards, and Caleb Davis, Sept. 3, 1787. GR3.*
Elizabeth, dau of William Downs and Elizabeth Edwards, and John Derby, s. of Richard, Oct. 9, 1787. GR3.*
Elizabeth of Chelsea and John Cook, int. Nov. 14, 1804.
Ester and Rev. Henry Messenger of Wrentham, Jan. 5, 1719-20.*
Louis of Chelsea, and Josiah Mixer, int. Aug. 24, 1805.
Mary of Saugus and Joseph Alden, int. Oct. 7, 1825.
Margaret of Chelsea, and Abraham Grant, int. Apr. 11, 1807.
William and Miriam Cleveland, in Watertown, June 21, 1717.*
CHEEVERS (also see Cheavers, Cheever, Chevers, Chiveers)
Mary and William Taylor, Nov. 28, 1683.*
Moses Jr. of Watertown, and Nancy Haley, int. Sept. 30, 1827.
CHENEY (also see Chaney, Cheaney, Cheeney, Cheeny)
Abigail and Thomas Brown, Oct. 9, 1722.*
Amos and Mary Holmes Morse of Roxbury, int. Apr. 19, 1823.
Benjamin and Mary Harbert, in Charlestown, Nov. 14, 1706.*
Benjamin and Elizabeth Parker, Jan. 3, 1744-5.
Benjamin and Margaret Stedman, Nov. 9, 1752.
Ephraim and Bethshebe Seger of Newton, in Newton, Jan. 15, 1767.
John and Martha Fessenden, int. Sept. 23, 1738.
Joseph A. and Maria Davenport of Newton, int. Sept. 22, 1832.
Mary and Thomas Dill, May 11, 1713.*
Mehitable and Benjamin Emms of Watertown, in Watertown, June 1, 1725.*
Rebecca and John Mullis, Apr. 28, 1748.
Ruth and Elias Mason, Nov. 7, 1740.
Sarah and Daniel Burnap, Dec. 14, 1731,*
Thomas and Sarah Fessenden, July 30, 1729.*
William and Sybil Cox, in Waltham, Apr. 11, 1765.
Minerva and Isaac H. Hastings, Apr. 24, 1848.
Benjamin, s. of Eleazar of Enfield, N.H., a. 22 y., b. in Barnstead, N.H., and Mary Elizabeth Burroughs, dau of Abel W., a. 17 y., b. in Hartland, Vt., Aug. 2, 1846.
Elizabeth and Frederick Coombs, in Salem, Sept. 8, 1839.
CHEVERS (also see Cheavers, Cheever, Cheevers, Chiveers)
Israel and Bridget Woodhead, June 10, 1690.*
Horace and Hannah Wells of Kennebunk, Me., int. July 20, 1839.
CHILD (also see Childs)
Ann Eliza and Rufus Roberts, Oct. 2, 1814.
Eunice (Emma, int.) A. and Nathaniel M. Adams, Jan. 1, 1838.
George L., s. of Oliver L., a. 22 y., and Fanny Phillips, dau of James, a. 20 y., b. in England, June 16, 1846.
James and Mary (Mary W., int. and CR1) Wilkins, July 26, 1818.
James S. (George S., int.) and Mary Jane Goodwin of Lebanon, Me., Apr. 14, 1845.
John and Experience Fuller, both of Newton, Jan. 27, 1714-15.*
Lucy and Thomas Melcalf (Jr. int.) of Wrentham, Jan. 18, 1809.
Lucy M. and Andrew P. Clark, June 23, 1836.
Lydia of Newton, and Thomas Williams Jr., in Newton, Apr. 18, 1754.
Kate and Jeremiah (Jasaniah, int.) Thayer of Brookline, in Brookline, May 25, 1761.
Oliver (Oliver L. Jr., int) and Mary F. Spear of Dedham, Jan. 4, 1842.
Phineas and Martha Pendergrass, Feb. 7, 1783.*
Samuel Jr. and Elizabeth Flucker, Jan. 8, 1801.
Samuell of Dudley and Lydia Stratton, Oct. 24, 1734.*
Sarah and Prentice Bowen of Brookline, int. Oct. 9, 1765.
Thankfull (of Watertown, int.) and Stephen Palmer Jr., June 16, 1774.
William B. and Caroline Ann Alberts of Boston, int. July 5, 1836.
CHILDS (also see Child)
Caroline and William Edes, Apr --, 1832.
George H. of Charlestown and Emeline Fellows, Aug. 27, 1837.
Grace and Martin Smith, July 11, 1819.
Israel and Margaret McDuffee of Londonderry, N.H., int. Mar. 7, 1832.
John of Charlestown, and Susanna S. Dickson, Nov. 14, 1832.
Nancy and George B. Hildreth of Westford, Mar. 21, 1839.
Nathan and Caroline O. (Caroline P., int.) Harrison, July --, 1823.
Nehemiah K. and Lydia B. Norton, Apr. 28, 1832.
Persis and Solomon Sargent (Sergeant, int.), Oct. 19, 1831.
Rebecca D. and George Hyde of Newton, Oct. 16, 1839.
Sally and John Canfield, int. Oct. 17, 1807.
Sally and Joseph D. Wallage, Jan. 3, 1817.
Samuel and Lucy Mason, July 8, 1779.
Simeon and Grace Winship, Sept. 28, 1788.*
John of Marblehead, and Elizabeth Brown, July --, 1744.
CHIVEERS (also see Cheavers, Cheever, Cheevers, Chevers)
Alfred and Margaret Kieff, Aug. 28, 1841.
CHOAT (also see Choate)
Stephen of Roxbury, and Rebecca Bowman, in Roxbury, Feb. 4, 1730-1.*
CHOATE (also see Choat)
John and Eunice Welsh of Charlestown, Mar. 18, 1784. CR1.*
Rebecca of Charlestown, and Samuel Crafts, in Charlestown, Dec. 14, 1797.*
Samuel and Margaret Wyman of Salem, in Salem, May 15, 1793.*
Bridgett and Coleman Murray, int. Oct. 19, 1848.
Tongui (Tongauy Christian, int.) and Jane Veitch Grieve, Jan. 18, 1843.
John B. of Charlestown, s. of John of Johnson, Vt., a. 25 y., and Louisa L. Cooke of Morristown, Vt., a. 24 y., May 1, 1845.*
William of Bartlett, N.H., and Margaret Colquohon of MIlton, June 11, 1847. CR9.*
Mary of Watertown, and William Barrett, in Watertown, Dec. 28, 1727.*
Francis and Phoebe Leathers of Charlestown, Sept. 24, 1786.*
CLAP (also see Clapp)
Charles of Dorchester, s. of Thomas, a. 74 y., and Mary P. Richards, wid., of Roxbury, dau of Jonathan Bixby, a. 49 y., Jan. 7, 1847.*
Rachel of Boston, and Ezra Hearsey, Apr. --, 1825.
CLAPP (also see Clap)
Dexter of Charleston, S. C., and Susan F. Preston of Bangor, Me., Sept. 1, 1845.
Susan B. of Lexington, and John M. Johnson of Concord, N.H., in Lexington, Jan. 14, 1835.*
William G., s. of George H., of Charlestown, a. 23 y., and Sarah N. Holt of Boston, dau of Eli of Charlestown, a. 19 y., May 3, 1849.*
CLARK (also see Clarke, Clearke, Clerk)
Albert G. and Abigail G. Burpee, int. Oct. 10, 1847.
Andrew P. and Lucy M. Child, June 23, 1836.
Asa C. of Lawrence, s. of Robert, a. 30 y., b. in Stow, Me., int. Dec. 19, 1849.
Belinda and Simon W. Bean of Deerfield, N.H., int. Nov. 29, 1839.
Benjamin of Watertown, and Lydia Holdin, Feb. 2, 1726-7.*
Benjamin T. and Julia Ann Emerson of Waltham, int. Apr. 9, 1841.
Charles and Mary Jones of Falmouth, int. Dec. 15, 1810.
Chester N. and Mary A. Glover of Boston, Mar. 17, 1844.
Cornelius and Abigail Wright of Charlestown, int. July 3, 1822.
Daniel and Rebecca B. Carpenter of Freetown, int. Aug 20, 1848.
Edward and Martha L. Wood, Mar. 7, 1844.
Edward and Elizabeth Brackett of Limington, Me., int. Jan. 17, 1847.
Eliza of Newton, and Thomas Hovey Jr., int. Sept. 16, 1820.
Elizabeth of Chelmsford, and John Hancock of North Cambridge, in Chelmsford, Nov. 11, 1700.*
Elizabeth and Dea. Walter Hasting, Jan. 7, 1702 (1702-3, CR1)*
Hannah B. of Watertown, and Josiah Mason Jr., int. Sept. 25, 1824.
Hosea and Louisa Bruce, Apr. 23, 1826.
Isaac (of Weston, int.) and Elizabeth Hill, June 7, 1764.
Isaac H. and Mary Jane Barker of Charlestown, May 25, 1843.*
James Jr. and Mary Lamson, Nov. 4, 1703.*
James and Elizabeth Collis, Oct. 29, 1723.*
Jeremiah of Medfield and Patience Dana, Apr. 19, 1711.*
Johanna and Ebenezer Knight of Stoneham, int. Jan. 8, 1742-3.
John and Hannah Dane, Dec. 29, 1709.*
John and Judith Cocks, int. Jan. 7, 1748 [crossed out on record.]
John and Elizabeth Hinds, Oct. 25, 1757.
John and Catherine Whittemore, Jan. 7, 1834.
Jonas and Elizabeth Cook, Aug. 19, 1673.*
Jonathan Carey (of Boston, CR1) and Irene G. Norton, Dec. 15, 1831.*
Joseph (of Boston, int.) and Prudence Hill, Mar. 27, 1741.
Judith and Martin Welch, int. Jan. 8, 1836.
Laurania of Tewksbury, and Jesse M. Ray, int. Mar. 22, 1844.
Lewis and Harriet B. Hayward of Lexington, int. Apr. 8, 1844.
Louisa of Charlestown, and Joseph Wheeler, Dec. 27, 1840.
Lucy of Lexington, and Rev. Thaddius Fisk, in Lexington, June 17, 1789.*
Major and Mary Prodlock, May 26, 1834.
Margaret of Waltham, and George Dana, in Waltham, Feb. 14, 1764.
Martha W. of Warren, Me., and Charles R. Gove, int. Apr. 11, 1847.
Mary and James C. Kent, in Boston, Feb. 4, 1818.
Mary of West Cambridge, and Charles Carlton, int. Aug. 17, 1833.
Mercy and Joseph Gibbs of Framingham, July 1, 1712.*
Metlcalf B. of Boston, and Martha E. Newcomb, Sept. 22, 1833.
Metcalf B. of Boston, and Frances M. Ruggles, Nov. 1, 1835.
Nathaniel and Mercy Norcross (of Boston, int.), in Boston, July 7, 1776.
Ozias and Sybil Sweetser, Aug. 19, 1838.
Prescott and Mary Colburn of Billerica, int. Mar. 18, 1826.
Rachel and Benjamin Shattuck, Mar. 27, 1712.*
Richard (of Watertown, int.) and Elizabeth Willington, July 2, 1761.
Sarah of Newton and Samuel Phipps Jr., in Newton, Sep;t. 16, 1760.
Sarah and Stephen Reed, int. Mar. 11, 1840.
Sarah A., dau of Smith, a. 18 y., and Joshua Winslow of Malden, s. of Joshua, a. 24 y., Mar. 29, 1849.
Simon P. and Harriet H. Newhall, Oct. 27, 1835.
Simon P. and Mary Jaquith of Boston, int. Oct 14, 1837.
Simon P., widr., s. of Jonathan, a. 36 y., and Anstiss Damon, dau of Samuel, a. 34 y., July 13, 1844.
Susannah and Ebenezer Hancock, Jan. 14, 1702 (1702-03, CR1)*
Susannah P. and James B. Phillips, Oct. 28, 1832.
Uriah of Watertown and Martha Pees, in Watertown, Nov. 21, 1700.*
William of Malden, and Hannah Reed, June 25, 1802.
William and Hannah Frothingham, June 6, 1813.
CLARKE (also see Clark, Clearke, Clerk)
Eliza and Charles Morse of Boston, Apr. 15, 1827.
Elizabeth and John Woodmancy, July 23, 1672.*
Hannah and Nathan Barns, June 19, 1803.
James and Sarah Champney, Sept. 24, 1685.*
Sarah and Samuel Greene, Feb. 23, 1662.*
Caroline of Boston, and Samuel Saxton of New York, in Boston, Jan. 21, 1836.*
Francis P. (Francis Prince, int.) of Boston, and Maria J. (Maria Jane, int.) Lewis, Oct. 31, 1843.
Franklin of Amoskeag, N.H., and Elizabeth Williams, Jan. 21, 1846.
Mary N. and William Gates, int. Aug. 13, 1848.
William and Sophia Cannell, Nov. 30, 1848.
George T. and mrs. Betsey Thomas, int. Oct. 1, 1838.
CLEARKE (also see Clark, Clarke, Clerk)
Eliza and Jonas Clearke, July 30, 1650.*
Jonas and Eliza Clearke, July 30, 1650.*
CLEAVLAND (also see Cleeveland, Cleveland)
Anthony Benezet (of Baltimore, int) and Mary W. (Mary Woods, int.) Manning, July 26, 1838.
CLEMANCE (also see Clement)
William and Ann Taylor, Apr. 3, 1660.*
CLEMENT (also see Clemance)
Sarah L. and Lyman Whipple of Somerville, Apr. 24, 1845.
Mary and William Howland, May 12, 1784.*
CLERK (also see Clark, Clarke, Clearke)
Joseph and Elizabeth Codman of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Apr. 21, 1702.*
CLEVELAND (also see Cleavland, Cleeveland)
Miriam and William Cheever, in Watertown, June 21, 1717.*
Mary, Mrs., and Michael Coyle of Boston, int. June 27, 1844.
Mary and Charles Runey, int. Mar. 22, 1845.
Elizabeth and William Barber, June 17, 1765.
William and Martha H. Perley of Rowley, int. Aug. 9, 1846.
CLOUGH (also see Cluff)
Abel of Belchertown, and Esther Richardson of Newton, May 29, 1788.*
CLUFF (also see Clough)
Hannah and Peter Palmer, Dec. 15, 1821.
Mary and Jonathan Stevens, Jan. 3, 1830.
Dorcas of Malden, and Thomas Hopping of Charlestown, Oct. 6, 1785.*
William J. and Catherine Morton, int. Aug. 28, 1848.
COALE (also see Cole)
Arthur and Lidea Barrett, Nov. 27, 1673.*
Mary and Samuel Frost, Oct. 12, 1663.*
Sarah and Richard Welch, July 14, 1776.
Frances (Frances P., int.) and Abner Atwood of Boston, Apr. 23, 1838.
COBURN (also see Colburn)
Nathan S. of Hopkinton, and Calista A. Johnson, Sept. 13, 1835.
Thankful of Boston, and James H. Tileston, int. Nov. 23, 1834.
COCHRAN (also see Cockran)
Penelope and Joseph A. Willard, Sept. 5, 1841.
COCKRAN (also see Cochran)
John A. and Mary F. C. Noyes of Newburyport, int. Aug. 21, 1824.
COCKS (also see Cox)
Judith and John Clark, int. Jan. 7, 1748 [crossed out on record].
Elizabeth of Charlestown, and Joseph Clerk, in Charlestown, Apr. 21, 1702.*
John of Boston, and Rebecca Baras Hall, int. Jan. 31, 1824.
William (Codren of Boston, int) and Mary Hill, Dec. 25, 1745.
Augustus A. of Boston, and Malvina F. Fisher, int. Sept. 20, 1846.
Edward L. (Dr., of Lynn, int.) and Frances Cutler, June --, 1831.
James, s. of James, a. 20 y., and Mary Moore, dau of Charles, a. 23 y., Nov. 4, 1847.
Sarah B. and Oliver Sparhawk, July 21, 1834.
John W. and Sarah Myrick, both of Charlestown, July 11, 1842.
COGGIN (also see Cogin)
Elizabeth of Natick, and Jonathan Winship, int. Mar. 23, 1800.
COGIN (also see Coggin)
Daniel of Milford, N.H., and Elizabeth (Elizabeth W., int.) Bryer, Feb. 5, 1846.
Horatio (Coggeshall, dup) and Adaline Burt, Oct. 7, 1832.
Mary of Westford, and Leonard Jarvis, int. Mar. 5, 1808.
Susanna of Concord, and Simon Hunt, int. Aug. 29, 1801.
COLBURN (see Coburn)
Elizabeth J. and Elisha May of West Fairlee, Vt., int. Oct. 22, 1847.
George W. of Boston, and Sarah H. Foster, June 8, 1842.
Jonas (Nathan Jr., int.) Lieut., of Temple, N.H., and Jane Parker, Oct. 28, 1830.
Mary of Billerica and Prescott Clark, int. Mar. 18, 1826.
Mehitable and James Matten, Nov. --, 1827 (int. Nov. 15, 1827).
Esther W., dau of Ebenezer of Sanbornton, N.H., a. 19 y., and Nehemiah F. Taylor, s. of Henry B., of Kingston, N.H., a. 28 y., b. in Effingham, N.H., Jan. 25, 1846.
Jackson D. and Frances A. Hickman, June 26, 1842.
Lucius M. and Lydia Ann Miles, May 31, 1835.
Olive, dau of Levi, a. 27 y., and Samuel Stapley, s. of John, a. 38 y., Dec. 28, 1846.
John M., s. of Job, of Ellingham, N.H., a. 26 y., and Mary D. Nichols, dau of Jacob L., a. 19 y., b. in Hingham, May 17, 1846.
Mary B. and John D. Brown of Boston, int. Apr. 23, 1831.
COLE (also see Coale)
Adam and Elizabeth Kimball of Salem, N.H., int. Aug. 13, 1774.
Ambrose and Mary Tufts of Charlestown, Apr. 1, 1804.*
Hester and William Aegur, Apr. 13, 1680.*
Hiram F. (of Boston, int.) and Laura M. Webb, Dec. 31, 1848.
John and Catharine Sparhawke of Brighton, int. Jan. 7, 1825.
Lyman and Susan Tufts, both of Boston, Nov. 4, 1849.*
Mary and Henry Dickson, in Boston, Feb. 22, 1787.*
Richard G. and Elizabeth W. Cutler, Oct. --, 1822.
Sarah and Philemon Hastings, Mar. 19, 1766.
COLEMAN (also see Colman)
Henry and Abigail T. Houghton, int. July 30, 1836.
Elbridge G. and Lydia Ann Weeks of Exeter, N.H., int. Apr. 11, 1829.
William W. and Ann Maria Bucknam of Boston, int. Aug. 3, 1822.
Abram and Susanah Sanders, int. Apr. 9 [1737].
Martha of Marblehead, and William Hook, int. July 26, 1740.
Susanna and John Mullarb, Sept. 29, 1748. (Sept. 2, 1748, CR1).
Ezra of Charlton, and Fanny Warner, Feb. 5, 1799.*
Eliza and Peter M. (Peter Morris, int.) Praetor, Oct. 14, 1835.
Jemima G. and Sumner O. Marshall, Jan. 1, 1843.
Mary A. T. and John B. Fraser, July 21, 1844.
Patrick and Margaret Hammond, int. July 12, 1847.
Sally and John Prentiss, Nov. 1, 1807.
Catherine and Patrick Sullivan, int. July 28, 1847.
Edward, Dea., and Martha -----, -----, 16--. CR1.*
Edward and Ann McCann, int. Oct. 11, 1846.
Eilza H. of New Gloucester, Me., and Charles Hinkley, int. Jan. 23, 1845.
Elizabeth and James Raybold, July 23, 1832.
Ellen of Lexington, and Timothy White, int. May 23, 1847.
Mary E. of Plymouth, and Sargent S. Swett, int. Aug. 8, 1847.
Matthew and Eliza Conlan of Providence, R.I., int. Apr. 16, 1848.
Susanna and Benjamin Mead, Feb. 26, 1781.*
Sybill, d. of Edward, and Rev. John Whyting, -----, 16--. CR1.*
Timothy and Margaret Chean of Boston, int. Jan. 30, 1841.
Elizabeth and James Clark, Oct. 29, 1723.*
Betsey, white, and James Lisher, colored, int. Oct. 3, 1843.
COLMAN (also see Coleman)
Catherine and William Buckley, int. Jan. 2, 1848.
Ezekiel A. and Mary J. Wendall, both of Boston, Nov. 22, 1838.*
Mary and Michael Tobin, int. Aug. 20, 1849.
Noah, widr., a. 26 y., and Cornelia Snow, dau of Philip of Pomfret, Vt., a. 20 y., both of Boston, Apr. 27, 1847.*
Margaret of Milton, and William Chubbuck of Bartlett, N.H., June 11, 1847. CR9.*
COLSON (also see Coltson)
Hannah and John Lovel, Dec. 9, 1731.*
John and Abigail Bordman, Feb. 18, 1730-1*
Martha (Mrs., int) and James H. Thayer, July 28, 1841.
Rebecca and Joseph Bailey, Aug. --, 1826 (int. Aug. 12, 1826).
William and Sarah Hancock, Oct. 21, 1799.
Catherine and Patrick Waters, int. Jan. 6, 1837.
Zealous and Jenny Barber, Oct. 12, 1788.*
COLTSON (also see Colson)
John and Bethiah Champney, int. Dec. 9, 1779.
COMEE (also see Comy)
Mary and James Leah (Leahy, int.), July 21, 1768.
Ruhamah and Isaac Corey (of Groton, int.), Dec. 9, 1762. (Evening Thanksgiving Day, CR1).
Michael and Mary Omar, int. May 6, 1846.
Ezra and Anna Porter of Newton, in Newton, Feb. 16, 1774.
Michael and Catherine McSoley, int. Apr. 25, 1848.
COMINGS (also see Comins)
Seth P., s. of Samuel (and Mary, CR1), a. 26 y., and Augusta B. Cottle, dau of Thomas (and Dorothy, CR1), a. 18 y., both of Boston, Sept. 1, 1847.*
COMINS (also see Comings)
Lucy, dau of Barnabas and Mary, and Solomon Richardson of Brookfield, Jan. 17, 1821.*
Paschal B. of Boston, and Mrs. Hannah E. (Hannah Elizabeth, int.) Webb, Mar. 24, 1839.
John Nichols L. and Mary Rice of Charlestown, int. July 2, 1836.
COMY (also see Comee)
John of Concord, and Martha Roe, June 21, 1688.*
Frederic A. of New Orleans, La., and Hannah B. Lovejoy, Jan. 27, 1842.
Hannah S. (L. int) and Isaac A. Bassett, Mar. 23, 1842.
Isaac of Abington, and Ruth Bradshaw, Apr. 27, 1820.
Joel H. and Rachel C. Newman of Troy, N.H., int. Mar. 14, 1840.
Mary and (Dr., int.) Andrew Foster of Dedham, Nov. 19, 1813.
Mary of Acton, and Charles H. Spaulding, int. Apr. 15, 1837.
Nahum and Eliza Ann Gilson of Boston, int. Nov. 22, 1831.
Sarah E. and Fracis Nourse, May 10, 1842.
Seneca F. and Eliza Lovejoy, Feb. 22, 1849.*
Silas and Eliza Wheeler, both of Acton, Feb. 22, 1825.*
CONELLY (also see Conley, Connelly, Connely)
Catherine and Henry Roak, int. Oct. 26, 1845.
John of Somerville, and Bridgett Quirk, int. Jan. 29, 1848.
Susan and Patrick McBride, int. Jan. 29, 1848.
Ellen and John Nolen, of Lexington, int. Nov. 13, 1837.
Eliza of Providence, R.I., and Matthew Collins, int. Apr. 16, 1848.
Thomas and Margaret Harkin of Boston, int. Nov. 1, 1846.
CONLEY (also see Conelly, Connelly, Connely)
Margaret and James McAleer, int. Apr. 8, 1842.
Winnifred and Joseph Connors, int. Apr. 10, 1849.
Ann and James Kehew, int. Sept. 26, 1847.
Ann and Ignatius Sullivan, int. Oct. 15, 1848.
Anthony and Margaret Connell, int. June 24, 1849.
Edward and Hannah Sullivan, int. June 1, 1844.
Fanny and Simon Carter, int. Sept. 20, 1846.
Jane and Henry Price, Aug 18, 1846.
Margaret and Anthony Connell, int. June 24, 1849.
Rebecca and David S. Swett, Feb. 3, 1848.
Sarah and Cornelius Daley, int. Jan. 6, 1844.
CONNELLY (also see Conelly, Conley, Connely)
Michael of Providence, R.I., and Mary Ann Kelly, Aug. 16, 1849.
CONNELY (also see Conelly, Conley, Connelly)
Mary and John Kilfoil, int. Jan. 28, 1843.
CONNER (also see Conners, Connor, Connors)
Albert G. and Anne Adams Cox, both of Boston, Apr. 2, 1840.*
Joanna and Patrick Holohan of Boston, int. Aug. 8, 1835.
Rosetta of Lowell, and E. Fairbanks Judkins, int. Oct. 3, 1847.
CONNERS (also see Conner, Connor, Connors)
John of Charlestown, and Judith Donovan, int. Aug .28, 1841.
Patrick and Mary Burns, int. June 13, 1847.
Hannah (of Boston, int.) and Gaius Thayer, Apr. 14, 1808.
CONNOLLY (also see Conolly)
Bernard and Mary McCrossen, int. Sept. 4, 1848.
CONNOR (also see Conner, Conners, Connors)
Catherine and John Vaughn, int. Jan. 17, 1847.
Margaret and Edward Raughnen, int. Jan. 19, 1838.
CONNORS (also see Conner, Conners, Connor)
Joseph and Winnifred Conley, int. Apr. 10, 1849.
CONOLLY (also see Connolly)
William and Catherine McPeck, int. Nov. 8, 1846.
Barney of Boston, and Margaret Dougherty, int. Sept. 20, 1846.
CONVERS (also see Converse)
Joseph of Medford, and Abigail Adams, Oct. 19, 1800.
Robert (of Woburn, int.) and Mary Lamb, Dec. 16, 1773.
CONVERSE (also see Convers)
Abigail and Abiel Richardson, July 9, 1751.
James (of Woburn, int.) and Sarah Swan, Sept. 10, 1767.
Joshua and Molley Wyman, Jan. 3, 1765.
Rachel and Capt. Joseph Fitch (of Bedford, int.), Feb. 19, 1754
COOK (also see Cooke)
Aaron and Elizabeth Mullet of Charlestown, int. June 7, 1766.
Aaron S. W., s. of Ephraim, a 25 y., and Eliza S. Stevens, dau of Abram, a. 25 y., Nov. 2, 1848.
Abigail and Joseph Farley of Billerica, May 8, 1712.*
Abigail and John Melledy of Lexington, int. Feb. 10, 1738-9.
Abigail and Ebenezer Tufts (of Medford, int.), Apr. 23, 1760.
Anna and Ezekiel Hall (of Medford, int.), Oct. 24, 1765.
Benjamin and Lydia Hammond of Newton, in Newton, Apr. 4, 1765.
Benjamin Jr. and Eliza (Elizabeth, int.) Slocomb, Apr. 9, 1826.
Benjamin H. and Mary L. Brackett, both of Brighton, Nov. 24, 1842.*
Deborah and Benjamin Perry, Dec. 4, 1794.*
Elizabeth and Jonas Clark, Aug. 19, 1673.*
Elizabeth and Samuel Prentice, Dec. 23, 1736.*
Elizabeth and Thomas Barrett, Dec. 6, 1771.
Elizabeth and Josiah Saunderson, Oct. 25, 1775.
Ellen and Andrew Stewart, June 25, 1848.
Emily and James Nason of West Cambridge, int. Oct. 18, 1828.
Ephraim and Sarah Swan, Dec. 14, 1727.*
Ephraim Jr. and Mercy Hale of Boston, int. July 18, 1755.
Ephraim and Hannah Crosby of Lexington, in Lexington, Jan. 20, 1776.
Ephraim and Mary Hinds, int. Oct. 13, 1776.
Ephraim Jr. and Susan Willington, Dec. 18, 1803.
Ephraim 3d and Eunice Palmer, int. Apr.11, 1807.
Eunice and Ebenezer Bradish, int. June 10, 1739.
Eunice and Joseph Reed, July 4, 1775.
Eveline, a. 24 y., and Peter Negress, widr., a. 39 y., May 20, 1845.
George L. and Martha F. Brown, int. Mar. 16, 1839.
Hannah and Eliphalet Easterbrooks, in Medford, Jan. 22, 1795.*
Hannah W. and William S. Spring, Nov. 6, 1833.
Harriet A., dau of Ephraim, a. 22 y., and Stephen F. Gates of Boston, s. of Israel, a. 28 y., b. in Stow, int. Dec. 2, 1849.
Isaac and Mary Cutter of Charlestown, int. Aug. 26, 1804.
James M. and Emily W. Fifield, Aug. 30, 1837.
Jazaniah and Elizabeth Hall, int. May 24, 1806.
Joanna and Benjamin Hurd of Charlestown, Mar. 29, 1791.*
John and Sarah Young, in Gloucester, Oct. 29, 1750.*
John and Elizabeth Cheever of Chelsea, int. Nov. 14, 1804.
John and Susan Bowen of Boston, int. Sept. 29, 1811.
John B. and Susan M. Hunnewell, Apr. 18, 1841.
Jonathan and Esther Johnson, Nov. 8, 1770.
Joseph and Elizabeth ------, -----, 16--. CR1.*
Joseph (Jr. of Newton, int.), and Elizabeth Stratton, June 7, 1739.
Joseph Jr. and Abigail Winship, May 22, 1746.
Joseph Jr. and Margery Dickson (of Charlestown, int.), May 13, 1756.
Joshua and Polly Learned, Aug. 28, 1785.*
Josiah W. and Sarah Hancock, Oct. 11, 1829.
Lucy and Walter Foss, Jan. 10, 1786.*
Lydia and James Mann of Mason, N.H., May 29, 1793.*
Martha and Jonathan Dickson (of Charlestown, int.), Mar. 7, 1771.
Mary Sr. and William Johnson, Feb. 18, 1690-1.*
Mary and Jonathan Willard, Jan. 23, 1728-9.*
Mary and Samuel Sprague (of Stoneham, int.), May 10, 1740.
Mary and Benjamin Saunderson of West Cambridge, int. Sept. 27, 1823.
Mary L. and Phineas B. Hovey Jr., Nov. 10, 1828.
Mehitable P. (Mehitable Preble, int.) and Oliver Merriam, July 16, 1820.
Mercy and Thomas Barrett, Feb. 4, 1787.*
Micah W. and Sarah Fillebrown, in Boston, Oct. 9, 1838.
Naomi and Ebenezer Wyeth, int. Mar. 1, 1800.
Philip and Mary Lampson, dau of Barnabas, -----, 16 --. CR1.*
Philip and Sarah Reed, Mar. 18, 1698. CR1.*
Sally and Josiah Tilton, in Boston, Apr. 17, 1799.*
Samuel, Rev., and Lucy Bowes of Bedford, in Bedford, Nov. 25, 1762.
Samuel Jr. and Elizabeth Dickson, Apr. 26, 1764.
Samuell and Joanna Prentice, Mar. 31, 1726.*
Samuell, Rev., and Sarah Porter of Hadley, int. Aug. 29, 1740.
Samuell, Rev., and Anna Cotton of Newton, int. Sept. 5, 1742.
Sarah and Joseph Frost, Feb. 8, 1753.
Sarah and Henry Dickson, Nov. 15, 1774.
Sarah and Rev. Jonathan Burr, July 19, 1787.*
Sarah and Tarrant Putnam Meriam, int. Feb. 12, 1806.
Sarah T. and Thomas Whittemore Jr., Oct. 19, 1843.
Sophia of Brighton, and Abel Rice, int. Dec. 26, 1829.
Sophia S. of Newburyport, and David G. Taylor, int. Aug. 26, 1826.
Susan L. of Malden, and Samuel F. Brown, int. May 16, 1847.
Susanna and Aaron Teal (of Medford, int.), Sept. 5, 1754.
Thomas and Augusta Wallace, int. Apr. 20, 1849.
William and Jane Sewall of Salem, in Salem, Mar. 25, 1723.*
William and Mary Learned, May 25, 1798.*
William and Catherine White, May 5, 1804.
COOKE (also see Cook)
Abraham and Naomi Russell, July 5, 1781.*
Barnabas and Mary Goodwin, in Charlestown, Dec. 3, 1689. (Dec 4, dup.)*
Ellis of Boston and Elizabeth Earl, Apr. 6, 1815.
Hannah Gibbs and Henry Bradshaw, June 3, 1781.*
Joseph and Martha Stedman, Dec. 4, 1665.*
Louisa L. of Morristown, Vt., a. 24 y., and John B. Christy of Charlestown, s. of John, of Johnson, Vt., a. 25 y., May 1, 1845.*
Malvina of West Cambridge, and Gilman Mansur, int. Mar. 7, 1829.
Mercy and Ephraim Mullet, May 28, 1782.*
Phillip and Mary Kidder, in Watertown, Feb. 7, 1725.*
Rhoda E. of Alstead, N.H., and James Easterbrook, int. Apr. 2, 1848.
Samuel and Abigail Griggs, Nov. 14, 1681.*
Abigail and Daniel Hasting, Nov. 13, 1701.*
Elizabeth and Samuel Woodberry of Rowley, Oct. 27, 1709.*
COOLEDGE (also see Coolidge, Coollidge)
Charles and Elizabeth H. Cooledge, Feb. 14, 1828.
Elizabeth H. and Charles Cooledge, Feb. 14, 1828.
Sarah and Nicholas Fessenden, Aug. 8, 1706.*
Stephen and Sarah Parker, Apr. 30, 1702.*
Eli (of Springfield, int.) and Mary Phips, Oct. 20, 1757.
Margaret and Lawrence Fallen, July 31, 1849.
Whiting and Clarisa Allen of Windsor, Conn., int. Sept. 25, 1819.
COOLIDGE (also see Cooledge, Coollidge)
Ann of Watertown, and John B. Dana, int. May 28, 1825.
Caleb Jr. and Sarah Read, May 3, 1798.*
Caroline E. and James B. Davis, June 21, 1838.
Charles, s. of George, a. 28 y., b. in Watertown, and Mary C. Greenwood of Brighton, dau of James, a. 26 y., b. in Boston, int. Oct. 28, 1849.
Daniel and Jerusha Fuller of Brookline, in Brookline, Sept. 23, 1799.*
Elizabeth and Gilbert Crackbone, June 17, 1656.*
Elizabeth and George Brown, Apr. 24, 1777 (Apr. 23, CR1)*
Elmira, dau of George (and Caroline, CR1), a. 25 y., and Isaiah C. R. Farrington of Boston, s. of Thomas (and Abigail, CR1), a. 35 y., May 17, 1849.
Eunice and Joseph Miller (of Charlestown, int.), Apr. 15, 1765. (Apr. 18, CR1).
Fanny and John Russell of Boston, Sept. 7, 1800.
Flavel and Nancy Wilds of Lancaster, int. Nov. 7, 1844.
George 2d and Caroline Durrell, Nov. 1, 1843.
Henry and Mary Norcross, int. Apr. 3, 1776.
Isaac of Boston and Mehetible Segar, int. Apr. 29, 1809.
James T., Rev., of Boston, and Mary H. Rogers, int. Mar. 9, 1843.
Joseph G., a. abt 26 y., and Emily Griggs of Boston, a. abt 24 y., May 4, 1847.
Julina A. and George W. Houghton of Boston, Sept. 27, 1835.
Lucy Ann, dau of George (and Caroline, CR1), a. 21 y., and Jacob Amee of Boston, s. of Jacob (and Abigail, CR1), a. 23 y., Oct. 6, 1847.
Luther of Watertown, and Louisa Patterson of Lunenburg, Apr. 11, 1802.*
Martha Ann and Ira Stratton, Nov. 8, 1835.
Mary of Watertown, and Nathaniel Robbins, in Watertown, Apr. 19, 1768.
Mary Ann and Daniel L. Brown, Dec. 15, 1842.
Merick A. and Sarah Anne Tucker, Dec. --, 1831.
Nathaniel of Watertown, and Grace Bowman, in Watertown, Mar. 10, 1726-7*
Nathaniel, Capt., and Almira Maxwell, Jan. 1, 1826.
Peter of Framingham, and Sarah Tapley Munroe, June 28, 1813.
Sally of Watertown, and Martin Stone of Framingham, Apr 6, 1802.*
Sarah of Watertown, and Ebenezer Seaver, in Watertown, Nov. 29, 1763.
Sarah B. and Francis W. Munroe, int. July 28, 1829.
COOLLIDGE (also see Cooledge, Coolidge)
Henry and Phebe Dana, Sept. 12, 1747.
Lucy of Watertown, and Samuel Learned, Apr. 2, 1795.*
Mary and Rev. Samuel Porter, Oct. 30, 1735.*
Rebecca and Rev. Edward Wigglesworth, Sept. 10, 1729.*
Frederick and Elizabeth Chester, in Salem, Sept. 8, 1839.
Anna and Edmund Pinson, Aug. 2, 1664.*
Anna and Joseph Carter of Woburn, Feb. 12, 1718-19 (Feb 13, CR1).*
Hannah and Benjamin Crackbone, int. Sept. 30, 1738.
John and Anne Sparrowhawke, dau of Nathaniel, -----, 16--. CR1.*
John, s. of Lydia and Anna ------, -----, 16--. CR1.*
John and Elizabeth Bordman, Apr. 28, 1686.*
John (Sr., CR1) and Sarah Hancock, June 21, 1720.*
John and Lydia Prentice, Apr. 6, 1721.*
John and Hannah Johnson, Oct. 21, 1725.*
Jonathan and Sarah Prentice, Oct. 25, 1732.*
Jonathan Jr. and Mercy Prentice, June 5, 1755.
Lidia and Jonathan Gove, Dec. 16, 1706.*
Lois and Chase Rogers of Newburyport, int. Mar. 27, 1776.
Lydia and John Francis, Jan. 5, 1687-8.*
Lydia and Jonathan Hill, Jan. 19, 1763.
Lydia and Samuel Cox, Nov. 16, 1768.
Mara and Joshua Palmer, May 23, 1791.*
Mary and John Mirriam, Oct. 21, 1663.*
Mary and Nathaniell Goddard, Nov. 26, 1723.*
Mary and Thomas Beals (of Newton, inf.) June 6, 1779.
Sally and Josiah (Isaiah, CR1) Dickson, July 10, 1788.*
Samuel and Hannah Geohegan (of Charlestown, int.), May 5, 1763.
Samuell and Sarah Kidder, Mar. 29, 1720.*
Sarah and Nathaniell Patten, Oct. 8, 1678.*
Sarah and Eprahim Frost, Sept. 9, 1714.*
Simon and Judith, negroes of Samuell Smith, Aug. 26, 1740.
Walter and Martha (Mary, CR1) Goddard of Charlestown, June 7, 1722.*
Walter and Lydia Kidder, Mar. 13, 1755.
William and Rebecca Jenkins, Apr. 24, 1780.*
William and Borridell Fessenden, Sept. 1, 1784.*
Moses W. of Boston, and Jane N. Harrison, Oct. --, 1824.
Caroline and Stephen Alexander, Oct. 14, 1827.
Margaret and Michael Byrne, int. Jan. 7, 1849.
Luke and Mary Ann Savage, int. May 29, 1840.
John of Boston, and Ann Ruggles, Jan. 1, 1766. CR2.
CORE (also see Corey)
Elizabeth and John Green, Jan. 25, 1711-12.*
COREY (also see Core)
Aaron of Brookline, and Amelia Brown, Dec. 25, 1822.
Elijah of Brookline, and Polly Richards of Brighton, May 5, 1822.*
Elijah and Mrs. Lucy Davis, both of Brookline, Jan. 18, 1829.*
Elizabeth G. of Brookline, and Rev. Barnes Sears of Hamilton, N.Y., Feb. 16, 1830.*
Hannah and Samuel Champney, int. Dec. 17, 1772.
Isaac (of Groton, int.) and Ruhamah Comee, Dec. 9, 1762 (Evening Thanksgiving Day, CR1).
Susannah of Brookline, and John Dean, int. Apr. 14, 1813.
Sarah and John Griffin, int. Nov. 25, 1842.
CORLET (also see Corlett)
Elijah and Barbara ------, -----, 16 --. CR1.*
CORLETT (also see Corlet)
Hephziba and James MInott, May 21, 1673.*
Nancy S. (Nancy L., int.) and George W. H. Richardson of Fitchburg, Apr. 13, 1840.
Deborah S. of Watertown, and George Parker, int. Mar. 10, 1836.
Catharine and Patrick Egan, int. June 11, 1837.
Thomas, s. of James, a. 29 y., b. in Ireland, and Margaret Dougherty, dau of Robert, a. 20 y., b. in Ireland, Mar. 9, 1845.
Abishai of Waltham and Rebecca Tenny, int. Aug. 1, 1802.
Augusta B., dau of Thomas (and Dorothy, CR1), a. 18 y., and Seth P. Comings, s. of Samuel (and Mary, CR1), a. 26 y., both of Boston, Sept. 1, 1847.*
Martha and Edward Battles of Salem, int. Dec. 22, 1828.
Martha A. P., and Jonathan Teel, int. Oct. 19, 1845.
Anna of Newton, and Rev. Samuell Cook, int. Sept. 5, 1742.
Elizabeth of Newton, and Jonathan Hastings, in Newton, Oct. 31, 1750.
Martha of Newton, and Ebenezer Thayer, in Newton, Oct. 2, 1766.
Theophillus, Rev., of Hampton, and Mary Gedney, Aug. 16, 1711.*
Robert and Bridgett Gollerhor, int. Nov. 6, 1839.
Richard and Elizabeth Johnson of Woburn, in Watertown, Sept. 27, 1716.*
Hugh and Mary Ann Lynch, int. July 6, 1838.
William and Catharine Haleston of Boston, int. Aug. 15, 1838,
Thomas B. and Rosanna Augusta Morrin, int. Nov. 2, 1845.
Elizabeth of Reading, and John Swan, in Woburn, Mar. 25, 1725.*
Isaac of Reading, and Ruthy Prentice, Aug. 30, 1795.*
Sabrina of Newton and Asa Murdock, int. Sept. 25, 1824.
Cyrus of Brookfield, and Susannah Coxe, int. July 26, 1810.
COX (also see Coxe)
Agnes and James Phillips, May 14, 1778.
Anna M., dau of Lemuel, dec., a. 16 y., b. in Boston, and James West, s. of Samuel, dec., a 22 y., b. in Minot, Me., Dec. 12, 1847.
Anne Adams and Albert G. Conner, both of Boston, Apr. 2, 1840.*
Annes and Charles Smith of Pittsfield, int. May 24, 1777.
Benjamin and Susannah Leeds of Dorchester, in Dorchester, Oct. 14, 1779.
Elbridge and Olivia F. A. Gray of West Cambridge, int. Feb. 17, 1831.
Elizabeth and Dennis Ryon, int. July 25, 1763.
Elizabeth and Henry Dickson, July 24, 1766.
Fanny and Ira Moe, int. May 3, 1834.
Hannah (Priscilla, int.) and Henry Otherman, Feb. 15, 1826.
Hannah Maria and Samuel Orne, Feb. 26, 1826.
Henry S. and Hannah E. Snow, Mar. 29, 1849.
Jemima and John Christian Frieka (prisoner of war, int.), Aug. 18, 1778. (John Christian Fricke, a German, CR1).
Judith and Asa Flagg of Watertown, int. Sept. 23, 1749.
Leonard, s. of Leonard, a. 23 y., and Lydia P. Brown, dau of Edward, a. 23 y., Oct. 5, 1844.
Mary of Woburn, and Eliphalet Dodge of Danvers, Feb. 13, 1802.*
Matthew and Elizabeth Russell, int. Mar. 30, 1739.
Pheba and John Hobbs (of Boston, int.), June 24, 1777.
Priscilla and Robert Reeves, both of Boston, Jan. 20, 1836.*
Rebecca and Lucius (Rufus, int.) I. Cummings of Dedham, Dec. 10, 1833.
Rufus and Sylvania Hastings, both of Watertown, Apr. 2, 1846.*
Ruth and Samuel Russell, Feb. 21, 1754.
Samuel and Lydia Cooper, Nov. 16, 1768.
Samuel and Jemima Hasey, Feb. 16, 1775.
Samuel and Rebecca Watson, Mar. 14, 1793.*
Samuel Jr. and Lucy A. (Lucy Ann, int.) Bailey, Oct. 31, 1839.
Susanna and Nathaniel Faulkner of Acton, Jan. 21, 1798.*
Sybil and William Cheney, in Waltham, Apr. 11, 1765.
Walter and Judith Deland of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Nov. 16, 1769.
Walter and Susanna Smith, Dec. 11, 1796.*
William and Mary (Polly, int.) Sawen, Nov. 25, 1779.
COXE (also see Cox)
Susannah and Cyrus Cowl of Brookfield, int. July 26, 1810.
Charles and Julia A. (Julia Ann, int.) Stearns, Mar. 18, 1849.
Michael of Boston, and Mrs. Mary Clifferty, int. June 27, 1844.
CRACKBON (also see Crackbone)
Abigail and George Macsparran, Apr. 2, 1730.*
CRACKBONE (also see Crackbon)
Benjamin and Elizabeth Dutton, Nov. 6, 1657.*
Benjamin and Hannah Cooper, int. Sept. 30, 1738.
Elizabeth and Richard Robbins, Mar. 26, 1673.*
Elizabeth and Joseph Hunnewell of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Apr. 28, 1726.*
Gilbert and Elizabeth Coolidge, June 17, 1656.*
Joseph and Abigail Rice, May 11, 1698. CR1.*
Joseph and Abigaile Dean, in Ipswich, Mar. 29, 1705.*
Sarah and William Baker, Oct. 17, 1698. CR1.*
Mary and John Halloran, int. Sept. 14, 1848.
Abigail of Roxbury, and John Hayden, int. June 9, 1811.
Ebenezer and Sarah H. Spooner of Brookline, int. May 9, 1806.
Joseph and Eunice Dowse of Sherborn, int. Jan. 31, 1813.
Samuel and Rebecca Choate of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Dec. 14, 1797.*
Susan, a. 42 y., and Daniel McQueston of Litchfield, N.H., a. abt 50 y., Jan. 27, 1848.
CRAGGIN (also see Cragin)
Ephraim and Phebe Smith of Westminster, Mar. 16, 1819.
CRAGIN (also see Craggin)
Alvah and Sarah Winslow of Boston, int. Mar. 15, 1826.
John, Capt., and Frances L. Reed of Boston, int. May 29, 1829.
John of Temple, N.H., and Caroline (Caroline E., int.) Read, Dec. 6, 1838.
James and Hannah Quinn, int. Sept. 14, 1834.
Jane and David Young of Somerville, int. Oct. 12, 1845.
Oliver H. P. of Rumney, N.H., and Ann L. Ditson, Nov. --, 1834.
Andrew and Elizabeth Shaw of Nantucket, Jan. (10, CR1), 1793.*
CRAIN (also see Crane)
Elisha of Walpole, N.H., and Abigail F. Stone, June 28, 1838.
Sarah and Peter Murfy of Lexington, in Lexington, Oct. 30, 1738.
David, s. of Benjamin of North Stonington, Conn., a. 28 y., and Eilzabeth H. Gove, dau of Rufus, a. 25 y., Nov. 12, 1845.
CRANE (also see Crain)
Andrew, s. of John, a. 29 y., b. in Elizabethtown, N.J., and Elizabeth A. Bradbury, dau of Caleb, a. 20 y., int. Dec. 16, 1849.
Margerett of Canton, and Timothy Fuller, int. May 11, 1809.
Nathan and Nancy Baker of Lincoln, int. Aug. 26, 1804.
Nathan and Avis Harrington of Watertown, int. Sept. 27, 1806.
Nathan and Susanna Hastings, int. Dec. 6, 1813.
William and Mary Lynch, int. Oct. 16, 1844.
CRAYTON (also see Creighton)
Hannah A. and Alden Brooks, Nov. 25, 1830.
CREIGHTON (also see Crayton)
John and Mary Rafferty, both of Woburn, Apr. 15, 1849.*
Charles H. of Somerville, N.H., and Sally P. Ireland, July 2, 1843.
Zachariah J. and Aurelia (Pamelia, int.) Boughton of Boston, Feb. 27, 1844.
James and Martha Delamore of Boston, int. June 18, 1831.
CROELL (also see Crowell)
Robert and Elizabeth Burgis, Mar. 1, 1744.
Catherine and William Thomas (of Boston, int.), Aug. 23, 1831.
Jacob of Roxbury, and Anna Patterson, in Sudbury, May 30, 1769.
Mary of Charlestown, and Daniel Gartfield, in Charlestown, Nov. 1, 1715.*
Asa S., of New York, and Mary A. Gilson, int. Aug 8, 1835.
Charles and Sarah B. Kendall of Waltham, int. Oct. 2, 1841.
Ellen and Merrick Nelson, both of Boston, in Boston, Mar. 16, 1837.*
Gardner of Boston, and Susanna Russell, Jan. 2, 1803.
Hannah of Lexington, and Ephraim Cook, in Lexington, Jan. 20, 1776.
Hannah of Billerica, and Joshua Learned, int. Mar. 1, 1819.
Jasaniah and Sarah Phipps of Roxbury, int. Dec. 12, 1774.
Jeremiah of Billerica, and Lucy Winship, Dec. 25, 1810.
John, s. of Patrick, a. 24 y., b. in Ireland, and Catherine Farlin, dau of James, a. 24 y., b. in Ireland, int. Dec. 29, 1849.
Joseph and Sarah W. Prentiss, int. Apr. 28, 1839.
Josiah (of Boston, int.), and Abigail Felch, Dec. 16, 1741.
Mary A. and William Manning, int. July 1, 1849.
Michael and Asenah Blanchard, both of Billerica. [Notice of publishment of banns dated Mar. 26, 1792.]
Rebecca (of Billerica, int.) and Gershom Cutter Jr., Mar. 15, 1757.
Rhoda and Thomas Reed (of Charlestown, int.), July 2, 1761.
Sarah of Billerica, and Timothy Swan, int. Sept. 24, 1748.
Simeon and Lydia Frost, May 7, 1787.*
Charles of Newark, N.J., and Hannah T. Lawrence, July 3, 1844.
Mary and William Marrow, int. Feb. 9, 1846.
Charlotte and Benjamin Braman, Feb. 5, 1804.
Irene E. and Charles W. Oliver of Worcester, Dec. 30, 1839.
Martha of Brighton, and George Meynard, int. Oct. 1, 1825.
Ellen and John O'Callahan, int. Oct. 12, 1845.
CROWELL (also see Croell)
Peter and Susan Jourdan, int. Feb. 5, 1815.
Zenas and Susan H. Heath of Cabot, Vt., Sept. 17, 1843.
Catherine and Lawrence Dusey, int. Jan. 14, 1843.
Daniel and Catherine E. V. McLean, int. Nov. 11, 1847.
Dennis and Elizabeth Gorman, Aug. 9, 1849.
James and Catherine Sullivan, int. Dec. 21, 1846.
James and Julia Crowley, int. Dec. 24, 1847.
John of Lexington, s. of John, a. 21 y., b. in Ireland, and Bridget Nicholson, dau of John, a. 20 y., b. in Ireland, Nov. 28, 1849.
Julia and James Crowley, int. Dec. 24, 1847.
Mary and George D. Davis, int. Apr. 3, 1831.
James, widr., of Boston, a. 46 y., b. in New York, and Mary Hovey, a. 43 y., b. in Salem, Apr. 17, 1849.*
William G. and Eliza Ann Soward, int. Mar. 19, 1820.
Sarah of Boston and Alexander Small, int. Jan. 3, 1823.
Hannah H. (of Salem, int.), and Nathaniel Jackson, Mar. 6, 1831.
James and Alley Harvey, int. Apr. 5, 1845.
Peter and Mary E. McCanna, int. Mar. 22, 1845.
Abraham of Freeport, and Mrs. Hannah Leathe of Watertown, Sept. 23, 1798.*
Caroline N. of Lowell, and Amasa Peabody, int. Dec. 18, 1846.
Elizabeth of Woburn, and Josiah Hall, in Woburn, Aug 31, 1773.
Lucius I. (Rufus, int.) of Dedham, and Rebecca Cox, Dec. 10, 1833.
Mary Jane and John Blake, int. Dec. 5, 1844.
Nancy (Mary, int.) Jane, dau of Elisha, a. 23 y., and Levi F. Babbidge, s. of Levi, of Deer Island, Me., a. 24 y., Oct. 24, 1848.
Ralph and Mrs. Ellen Soraghan, Jan. 28, 1833.
Rebecca and Ora Bucknam, Feb. 25, 1838 (Feb 24, CR9).
Sarah and Joseph Lord, int. Dec. 11, 1840.
Sarah Ann, dau of Elisha, a. 26 y., and Robert E. Leighton, s. of Thomas, a. 24 y., July 1, 1847.
Michael of Boston, and Margaret Leonard, int. May 9, 1847.
Abigail of Boston and John L. James, Sept. 5, 1828.*
Daniel and Eliza Moore, int. Oct. 18, 1844.
Elizabeth and Solomon Champney, May 8, 1723.*
George and Comfort White of Charlestown, int. Sept. 10, 1825.
Nathaniel and Sarah Kilby (of Boston, int.), in Boston, June 20, 1754.
Nathaniel of Roxbury, and Susanna Wilton, Feb. 9, 1786.*
Peggy and Amasa Williams, Apr. 17, 1796.*
Rachel and William Stevens, int. Jan. 29, 1776.
Mary Ann and Michael Galvin, int. Aug. 14, 1844.
Alfred B. and Mary Dakin of Concord, int. Aug. 21, 1824.
Catharine and John McDonald, Mar. 23, 1837.*
Hannah of Lowell, and Asa Hoyt, int. Feb. 15, 1842.
John O. of Amesbury, s. of Enoch (and Loiza, CR1), a. 22 y., and Mary S. Hough, dau of William (and Sarah, CR1), a. 24 y., May 5, 1846.
Vienna of Boston, and James Marden 2d of Portsmouth, Apr. 14, 1842.*
Abigail B. of Roxbury, and John Weld, int. Apr. 18, 1807.
George and Harriet E. Hood, int. Oct. 10, 1847.
George Ticknor of Bostn (Esq., int.), s. of Benjamin (and Lois, CR1), a. 31 y., and Mary Oliver Story, dau of Hon. Joseph (and Waldo, CR1), a. 28 y., Oct. 17, 1844.
Olive and Simeon Duncan, both of Boston, May 22, 1843.*
Anna of Waltham, and William Hunnewell, int. Feb. 25, 1809.
Betsey and Otis Smith, Mar. 2, 1834.
Levi L., s. of Levi L., of Boston, a. 22 y., and Sarah Billings, dau of Mary of Boston, a. 21 y., Jan. 16, 1848.
Samuel A., Rev., and Caroline E. Lane of Stratham, N.H., int. Apr. 27, 1844.
Charles of Boston (s. of Charlemagne and Sarah, a. 34 y., CR1) and Salesmith W. Owen (a. 42 y. CR1), June 2, 1847.
Jeremiah of Boston, and Monicha Welch, Oct. 11, 1849.*
Nancy of Attleborough, and Charles R. Metcalf, int. June 26, 1824.
CUTLER (also see Cutter)
Aaron B. and Mrs. Charlotte Bacon, int. Apr. 6, 1844.
Allice and Ephraim Jones Jr. (of Concord, int.), Nov. 16, 1752.
Andrew and Rebecca Cutler Jr., Nov. 15, 1779.
Anne and Richard Blosse of Watertown, Sept. 26, 1688.*
Elizabeth W. and Richard G. Cole, ----, 1822.
Emily and Abel W. Bruce, June --, 1827 (int. June 2, 1827).
Frances and (Dr., int.) Edward Coffin (of Lynn, int.), June --, 1831.
George H., s. of Isaac, a. 23 y., b. in Concord, and mary A. Rice, dau of Amos, a. 22 y., b. in Pomfret, Vt., int. Dec. 9, 1849.
Hiram and Rebecca Hawkins, both of Somerville, Oct. 27, 1844.*
Issabel and Jonathan Winship (of Lexington, int.), Oct. 1, 1741.
Jonas and Lydia Frost, Oct. 19, 1786.*
Joseph, s. of Christopher G. (and Mary T., CR1) of Sudbury, a. 30 y., and Sarah Ann Warland, dau of John (and Sarah, CR1), a. 27 y., Apr. 9, 1846.
Mary and William Row, in Concord, Oct. 3, 1697.*
Mary and Cato Bancroft, Dec. 4, 1791. Negroes.
Mehitabel and Jonathan Amory Jr. of Boston, int. Sept. 12, 1801.
Nabby and Samuel Cutter, Jan. 21, 1787.*
Nathaniel (of Princeton, int.) and Mary Locke, Nov. 20, 1777.
Polly D. and Thaddeus B. Bigelow, Oct. --, 1822.
Rebecca (dau of Robert of Charlestown, CR1) and Abraham Errington [1649 or 50].*
Rebecca Jr. and Andrew Cutler, Nov. 15, 1779.
Samuel and Nabby Cutler, Jan. 21, 1787.*
Sarah and Samuel Hill, Feb. 24, 1764.
William and Elizabeth Whittemore, Sept. 15, 1743.
William and Rebecca Hall, Jan. 10, 1773.
CUTT (also see Cutts)
Samuel (of Portsmouth, N.H., int.) and Anna Holyoke, Dec. 9, 1762 (A.M. Thanksgiving Day, CR1).
A. Sullivan and Martha A. Swain, int. Jan. 6, 1847.
Aaron and Mary Moor, Apr. 1, 1745.
Aaron and Abigail Bowman, Dec. 17, 1772.
Aaron and Polly Putnam of Medford, Aug. 23, 1796.*
Aaron of Charlestown, and Sally Putnam, Jan. 14, 1798.*
Abigail and Samuel Frost, Feb. 19, 1741.
Abigail and Thomas Goodwin of Charlestown, Dec. 24, 1776.
Abigail and Calvin How of Rindge, int. Apr. 7, 1803.
Ammi and Esther Pierce of Woburn, int. May 11, 1751.
Ammi and Abigail Holden of Charlestown, Nov. 12, 1772.
Ammi Jr. and Esther Winship, Feb. 6, 1776.
Ammi of Charlestown and Lucy Tufts, Dec. 2, 1819.
Anna and Thomas Whittemore, Feb. 1, 1753.
Anna and William Whittemore Jr., both of Charlestown, Feb. 2, 1796.*
Anne (of Charlestown, int.) and Walter Dickson, May 3, 1750.
Benjamin and Elizabeth Wyeth, Mar. 6, 1785.*
Catherine of Boston, and Jonathan W. Ford, Nov. 26, 1829.
Charles and Sarah Robbins, Nov. 9, 1784.*
Charles R. of Boston, and Antoinette P. Parker, int. Dec. 5, 1847.
Clara C. of Boston, and William Fillebrown, Feb. 14, 1843.
Daniel (of Medford, int.) and Patience Hall Jr., Nov. 18, 1756.
Ebenezer and Sarah Cutter, July 19, 1722.*
Ebenezer and Catherine Brooks of Medford, in Medford, May 26, 1768.
Ebenezer of Charlestown, and Abigail Brown Bowman, Dec. 6, 1789.*
Edmund F. of Somerville, and Charlotte M. Watson, Nov. 20, 1845. CR10.
Eliza A. and Henry Whittemore, both of West Cambridge, May 26, 1828.*
Elizabeth and John Herrington of Watertown, in Watertown, Apr. 12, 1705.*
Elizabeth and Samuel Fay (of Westboro, int.), Apr. 6, 1756.
Elizabeth and William Whittemore, Nov. 2, 1783.*
Ephraim and Bethya Wood, Feb. 11, 1678.*
Ephraim and Deborah Locke, Mar. 13, 1791.*
Esther P. (Esther Pearce, int.) and Jonas Gleason, Oct. 31, 1805.
Esther Ruhamah, and Ebenezer Hall, Mar. 26, 1787.*
Frances and Walter Russell of Charlestown, June 26, 1788.*
Francis and Susanna Whittemore, Dec. 29, 1782.*
George and Jane Butterfield, July 10, 1729.*
George Jr. (of Charlestown, int.) and Sarah Robbins, Oct. 21, 1756.
Gershom and Lidea Hall, Mar. 6, 1677-8.*
Gershom Jr. and Mehitabel Abbit, June 11, 1701.*
Gershom 3d and Anna Fillebrown, Feb. 13, 1728-9.*
Gershom Jr. and Rebecca Crosby (of Billerica, int.), Mar. 15, 1757.
Gershom Jr. and Catherine Sumner of Roxbury, June 23, 1786.*
Hannah and Ephraim Winship, June 17, 1708.*
Hannah and Thomas Emmons, Nov. 17, 1726.*
Hannah and Benjamin Lock Jr., Dec. 3, 1789.*
Hannah L. and James Wade, Oct. 20, 1834.
Isaac and Sarah Bucknam, July 23, 1784.*
Isabella of Charlestown and William Webber, Mar. 7, 1784. CR1.*
Issabel and Thomas Fillebrown Jr., Dec. 9, 1713, (Dec. 10, CR1)*
James and Harrington (Anna, CR1) Russell, Aug. 11, 1785. (Aug 21. CR1).*
James and Mehitabel Cutter, int. Apr. 25, 1807.
James and Mary Jane Simons, July 3, 1845.
Joannah and Philip Russell, June 19, 1680.*
John Jr. and Lucy Adams, May 21, 1745.
John 3d and Rebecca Hill Jr. (3d, int.), Jan. 24, 1765.
John 3d and Lucy Adams, Feb. 4, 1777.
Jonathan and Anna Jennings, Nov. 23, 1749.
Jonathan and Lydia Trask of Lexington, in Lexington, Sept. 15, 1788.*
Leander, s. of Leander (and Rachel, CR1), a. 24 y., and Susan M. (Susan Maria, CR1) Cutter, dau of Asa (and Susanna, CR1), a. 23 y., Sept. 21, 1845.
Lucy and Aaron Dickson of Charlestown, Nov. 21, 1797.*
Lydia and John Whitmore, June 24, 1735.*
Lydia and John Bowers, Jan. 21, 1773.
Lydia and Jonathan Teel of Medford, Apr. 7, 1776.
Lydia and Nehemiah Mason, Oct. 16, 1803.
Martha and Jonathan Stone (of Watertown, int.), May 21, 1747.
Martha and Henry Luckis (of Boston, int.), Feb. 12, 1767.
Martha and Henry Gardner, Nov. 16, 1784.*
Mary and Ephraim Frost Jr., Mar. 16, 1738-9.
Mary and Benjamin Richardson Jr., Feb. 16, 1783.*
Mary of Charlestown, and Isaac Cook, int. Aug. 26, 1804.
Mary Bowman and Isaac Lawrence, both of Boston, Feb. 13, 1791.*
Mehitabel and James Cutter, int. Apr. 25, 1807.
Mehitable and Thomas Hopkins of Boston, int. Dec. 19, 1778.
Nathaniel Jr. of Charlestown, and Sarah Winship, Dec. 11, 1712.*
Nathaniel and Mary Phillebrown of Charlestown, Oct. 8, 1788.*
Nehemiah and Martha Bowman, July 17, 1739.
Nehemiah Jr. and Deborah Hill, Oct. 30, 1781.*
Nehemiah Jr. and Hannah Packard, Nov. 24, 1808.
Oliver T. of Boston, and Harriet B. Low, Oct. 2, 1831.
Rachel of Charlestown, and William Dickson Jr., May 15, 1792.*
Rebecah and Joseph Addams, Jan. 18, 1710-11.*
Rebecca and Zach Hill, Feb. 10, 1731-2.*
Rebecca (of Charlestown, int.) and Jason Dunster, Oct. 26, 1749.
Rebecca, Mrs., and Wallis Rust of Boston, Oct. 19, 1797.*
Rebecca and John Tufts, Dec. 13, 1798.*
Rebeccah of Medford, and Thomas Hall (Jr., int.), in Medford, Nov. 11, 1756.
Rebecca and Dea. John Whittemore, June 3, 1724.*
Rebekah and Thomas Phillebrown of Charlestown, Dec. 19, 1688.*
Richard and Elizabeth --------, ----- 16--. CR1.*
Richard and Frances Emsden, Feb. 14, 1662.*
Richard and Keziah Pierce of Woburn, int. July 3, 1747.
Richard and Meriam Brown, May 25, 1781.*
Rose and Scipio Pool (of Medford, int.), Sept. 1, 1768. Negroes.
Samuel and Hannah Hartwell (of Charlestown, int.), Dec. 1, 1760.
Samuel Jr. and Rebecca Hill, Sept. 29, 1780.*
Samuel L. (Samuel Locke, int.) of Boston, and Ann Maria Grant, Oct. 31, 1830.
Samuell and Anne Herrington, Nov. 10, 1720.*
Sarah and James Lock, in Woburn, Dec. 5, 1700.*
Sarah and Ebenezer Cutter, July 19, 1722.*
Sarah and Joshua Swan, July 20, 1762.
Sarah and James Foster of Boston, Jan. 26, 1773.
Sarah and Nathan Locke, Nov. 14, 1797.*
Solomon and Sarah Wyman, June 30, 1793.*
Stephen and Mary Meads of Medford, in Medford, Oct. 8, 1776.
Sukey and Thomas Whittemore, Nov. 16, 1783.*
Susan M. (Susan Maria, CR1), dau of Asa (and Susanna, CR1), a. 23 y., and Leander Cutter, s. of Leander (and Rachel, CR1), a. 24 y., Sept. 21, 1845.
Susanna and John Adams Jr., Apr. 5, 1798.*
Thomas and Hannah Whittemore, July 19, 1757.
Thomas Jr. and Elizabeth Brown, Oct. 15, 1780.*
Washington of Charlestown, and Elizabeth Robbins, Mar. 16, 1800.
William Jr. and Mary Blackman, Nov. 6, 1774.
William and Ruth Harrington of Weston, in Weston, May 11, 1780.
Abraham and Prisscilla Sparhawk, Oct. 3, 1745.
Abraham and Merrial Brown, Jan. 10, 1755.
Gilbert of Boston and Mary A. (Mary Adeline, int.) Hastings, in Boston, Nov. 25, 1832.
Hannah (of Watertown, int.) and William Preston, Nov. 27, 1739. (Nov. 29, CR1).
Louisa of Sudbury, and Neal Magoun, int. Apr. 11, 1838.
CUTTLER (also see Cutler)
James and Abigail Dunster, int. ---- 29 [1737].
John of Cambridge Farms, and Hannah Snow, in Woburn, Feb. 6, 1700.*
CUTTS (also see Cutt)
Ann Elizabeth and William F. Milles int. Aug. 19, 1836.
Edward, Hon., and Sarah Kent, Oct. 30, 1780.*