VITAL RECORDS of CAMBRIDGE Massachusetts, to the Year 1850.
Compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

David W., June 30, 1844. GR2
Ellen, July 18, 1848. GR2
Mary H., July 24, 1847. GR2
MACCANN (also see McCann)
Alfred D., Dec. 7, 1835. GR2
MACCONNELL (also see McConnell)
Sarah A. [-----], w. of John, ----, 1833. GR3
MACDONALD (also see McDonald)
Donald, in Ulvas Isle, Argyleshire, Scot., Mar. 19, 1824. GR3
Edmund J., ----, 1838. GR2
Emily Wilbur Conant [-----], w. of W. L., ----, 1837. GR3
Hugh, in Glasgow, Scot., Oct. 12, 1810. GR2
Lachlan, ----, 1827. GR3
Maria Ann [-----], w. of Hugh, June 22, 1815. GR2
William L., July 12, 1835. GR3
A. C., ----, 1806. GR3
E. S., ----, 1819. GR3
Edwin Forrest, s. of A. C. and S. P., ----, 1842. GR3
Eliza, d. of Charles, Jan. 16, 1848
Herbert Eugene, s. of Richard and V. A., Feb. 20, 1844
Leander Lewis, s. of A. C. and S. P., ----, 1843. GR3
Lyman R., ----, 1833. GR3
MACGREGOR (also see McGregor)
Duncan, ----, 1824. GR2
Margaret [-----], w. of Duncan, ----, 1829. GR2
MACINTIRE (also see McIntire, McIntyre)
Arabella W. [-----], w. of George E., Nov. 15, 1833. GR3
George E., Dec. 2, 1833. GR3
Dana, s. of Patrick and Mary, June --, 1846
David, s. of David and Harriet L., bp. Sept. 21, 1837. CR1
Thomas, June 25, 1826. GR3
MACKAY (also see Mackey, McKay)
Amelia Hussey [-----], w. of William, ----, 1774. GR3
Charlotte L. Lodge [-----], w. of Robert C., Oct. 25, 1813. GR3
Frances Mary, in Boston, Nov. 26, 1812. GR3
Katherine Ross, Oct. 17, 1826. GR3
Robert C., May 26, 1800. GR3
T. Barnard, in Boston, Feb. 16, 1802. GR3
William, in Boston, ----, 1767. GR3
MACKENZIE (also see McKenzie)
Amelia A., ----, 1843. GR3
MACKEY (also see Mackay, McKay)
Nathaniel, s. of Daniel and Sarah, Oct. 1, 1665
Sarah, d. of Daniel and Sarah, Jan. 10, 1663
MACKINTOSH (also see McIntosh)
Agnes G. Agnew [-----], w. of John, May 28, 1819. GR2
Ellen Lane, d. of Stephen and Martha L., July 3, 1840
Henry B., ----, 1820. GR3
Henry Stephen, s. of S. D. and Martha, bp. Oct. 4, 1839. CR9
James White, ----, 1818. GR3
John, ----, 1821. GR2
Louise H., ----, 1824. GR3
Sarah Burdett, ----, 1827. GR3
Stephen Davis, brother of Marianne, in Boston, Feb. 26, 1814. GR3
William, s. of Royal and Abigail, Sept. 25, 1843
MACKQUEDE (also see McQuade)
Daniel, s. of Archebel of Charlestown, bp. Aug. 21, 1698. CR1
MACKUSICK (also see McKusick)
LeRoy C., ----, 1844. GR2
Martha E. Rand [-----], w. of LeRoy C., ----, 1847. GR2
MACLEAN (also see McLane, McLean)
Margaret, ----, 1842. GR3
Joseph, Nov. 10, 1806. GR2
Mary [-----], w. of Joseph, Mar. 17, 1800. GR2
Ellen W. Murray [-----], w. of John of Scotland, ----, 1823. GR2
John of Scotland, ----, 1823. GR2
Lucia, d. of John H. and Almira, Nov. 25, 1846
MACOON (also see Macoone)
Margarett, d. of Jno and Mary, Feb. 20, 1671
Peter, s. of John and Mary, Feb. 21, 1673
MACOONE (also see Macoon)
Daniel, s. of John and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1668
Deborah, d. of John and Deborah, Dec. 31, 1661
Elizabeth, d. of John and Deborah, Jan. 31, 1662
Elizabeth, d. of John and Mary, Jan. 17, 1669
Hannah, d. of John and Deborah, Oct. 31, 1659
John, s. of John and Sarah, June 14, 1666
Sarah, d. of John and Deborah, Feb. 15, 1663
Ann, d. of John and Grace, Jan. 16, 1844
Catherine, d. of Morris, Oct. --, 1845
James E., s. of Morris and Catherine, July 20, 1848
John, s. of John and Grace, Nov. 26, 1846
John, s. of Barnard and Sarah, June 2, 1847
Mary Ann, d. of Morris and Catherine, Dec. 12, 1844
MADDOCKS (also see Maddox)
Ruth, d. of wid. -----, bp. Aug 7, 1743. CR1
MADDOX (also see Maddocks)
Isaac, s. of Stephen and Betsey, Nov. 28, 1845
James W., s. of Thomas and Sarah A., Jan. 4, 1844
Charles William, s. of Jacob Q. and Mary F., Nov. 27, 1845
Charlotte C., Nov. 2, 1819. GR3
Henry F., ----, 1837. GR3
John, ----, 1821. GR3
John Alexander, July 3, 1817. GR3
Martha [-----], w. of John, ----, 1829. GR3
Mary A. [-----]. w. of Henry F., ----, 1838. GR3
Pedro J., in Horta, Azores, ----, 1829. GR3
-------, s. of Elisha, Sept. 24, 1847
Aaron B., Sept. 15, 1808. GR3
Adelaide Louisa, Sept. 4, 1841. GR3
Adelia A., d. of Joseph, June 18, 1845
Edward, s. of Aaron B. and Harriet A., Mar. 6, 1849
Frank D., ----, 1842. GR2
George Calvin, s. of Aaron B. and Harriet A., Aug. 25, 1840
Harriet Adams [-----], w. of Aaron B., Jan. 11, 1816. GR3
Harriott Lombard Norcross [-----], w. of Thatcher, Oct. 17, 1837. GR3
Lyman, s. of A. B., bp. ----, 1849. CR9
Martha Tufts [-----], w. of Thatcher of Medford, in Charlestown, Aug. 1, 1810. GR3
Mary, in Medford, Sept. 2, 1783. GR3
Mary L., d. of Neal and Mary, Jan. 20, 1845
Sarah Adams, d. of Aaron B. and Harriet, bp. Feb. 1, 1843. CR9
Thatcher, in Pembroke, June 17, 1775. GR3
Thatcher, Aug. 4, 1808. GR3
Thatcher, Sept. 5, 1838. GR3
-------, d. of John H. and Caroline, Apr. 4, 1845
James, s. of James and Catherine, Dec. 15, 1843
MAGUIRE (also see Magwire, McGuire)
James E., s. of James and Mary, Feb. 18, 1849
Mary, Dec. 25, 1846. GR4
MAGWIRE (also see Maguire, McGuire)
Belina B., ----, 1844. GR2
Daniel J., s. of Thomas and Catherine, Mar. 20, 1848
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Catherine, May 7, 1846
Ellen, d. of Michael and Ann, Jan. --, 1845
Ellen, d. of John and Mary, both b. in Ireland, Oct. 2, 1849
John, s. of William and Bridgett, Dec. 25, 1844
Mary, d. of William, Aug. --, 1845
-------, d. of Frederic and Frederica, Jan. 21, 1849
Frederick W., Aug. 5, 1805. GR3
Hattie A. Bemis [-----], w. of Louis H., in Boston, Apr. 4, 1849. GR3
Henry F., Nov. 16, 1836. GR3
-------, s. of Daniel and Eliza, Sept. 8, 1849
Bridgett, d. of William and Catherine, Jan. 9, 1844
Daniel, s. of James and Margaret, Feb. 20, 1849
MAIERS (also see Mair, Mayers)
Emma F., d. of John E. and Helen [prob. 1848 or 1849].
John B., s. of John and Helen, Jan. 15, 1847
Richard T., ----, 1836. GR2
MAIR (also see Maiers, Mayers)
Thomas, Apr. 27, 1797. GR3
MAKEE (also see Makey)
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Sarah, Aug. 17, 1670
MACKEY (also see Makee)
Ebenezer, s. of Daniel and Sarah, Apr. 20, 1680
Hannah, d. of Daniell and Sarah, Mar. 29, 1677
Jacob, s. of Daniel and Sarah, Mar. 14, 1675
Mary, d. of Daniel and Sarah, Oct. 17, 1672
Mary, d. of Daniell and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1673
James, May 2, 1833. GR3
Susan [-----], w. of James, Jan. 22, 1830. GR3
MALLET (also see Mallit)
Hannah, d. of Mathew, bp. May 29, 1743. CR1
MALLIT (also see Mallet)
Abigail, d. of Mathew, bp. Dec. 14, 1735. CR1
Andrew, s. of Ephraim, bp. Aug. 2, 1747. CR1
Edmund, s. of Mathew, bp. July 17, 1737. CR1
Ephraim, s. of Ephraim, bp. Jan. 13, 1744-5. CR1
Margaret, d. of Mathew, bp. Apr. 11, 1736. CR1
Mathew, s. of Mathew, bp. Apr. 11, 1736. CR1
Ruth, d. of Mathew, bp. Dec. 14, 1735. CR1
Andrew J., Oct. 16, 1836. GR3
Ellen, d. of Hugh and Mary, Nov. 7, 1848
John, s. of John and Margaret, Jan. 2,1848
Mary Francis [-----], w. of Andrew J., May 3, 1830. GR3
-------, s. of Richard P., Feb. 17, 1848
Anna Jane, d. of Richard P. (Richard Parrot, CR7) and Mary A.D., Sept. 2, 1843
William Henry Harrison, Feb. 9, 1841. CR7
James, s. of Hugh and Mary, in Somerville, Aug. 25, 1843
Edward Benjamin, July 7, 1841. GR3
Ellen, d. of Cornelius and Ann, July 6, 1843
John, s. of James, July 6, 1847
Margaret, d. of James, Nov. --, 1845
Mary Ann, d. of Cornelius, Nov. 5, 1845
Danelia Adaline, d. of Rev. William A. and Esther A., in Westminster, Oct. 25, 1845. GR3
Esther A. [-----], w. of Rev. William A., ----, 1814. GR3
William A., Rev., ----, 1811. GR3
John, s. of Philip and Ann, Jan. 28, 1844
MANING (also see Manning)
Elizabeth, d. of Edward and Mary, Jan. 18, 1721-2
Hannah, d. of Isaac and Margaret, Sept. 25, 1710
Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, Mar. 27, 1708
Thomas, s. of Isaac and Margaret, Jan. 19, 1722-3
Helen Mary, d. of John R. and w. of George A. FENNO, July 12, 1843. GR3
John R., Oct. 22, 1809. GR3
Mary, Apr. 1, 1812. GR3
Alexander, July 30, 1817. GR3
Betsey [-----], w. of Jonathan, Feb. 24, 1809. GR3
Briggs, Jan. 7, 1807. GR3
Charlotte Graves, Jan. 25, 1832. GR3
Desire Whitney [-----], w. of Jairus, Apr. 15, 1786. GR3
Dorcas Rice [-----], w. of Joseph, Feb. 17, 1817. GR3
Ellen M., d. of Ebenezer C. and Betsey G., May 11, 1848
Enoch W., Sept. 16, 1846. GR3
Esther E. Barney [-----], w. of William R., Apr. 1, 1835. GR3
Helen E., d. of Joseph and Elizabeth B., Apr. 1, 1849. GR3
Henry M., ----, 1831. GR2
Isabella, ----, 1838. GR2
Jonathan, Mar. 11, 1821. GR3
Joseph, Sept. 16, 1793. GR3
Joseph Rockwood, s. of Joseph and Martha, Nov. 6, 1833. GR3
Marcus H., Dec. 21, 1839. GR3
Martha Parks [-----], w. of Joseph, Jan. 10, 1800. GR3
Nellie R. Fowler [-----], w. of Henry M., ----, 1847. GR2
Sarah Roberts [-----], w. of Alexander, Apr. 26, 1832. GR3
Sarah S., d. of Jonathan H. and Philena W., both b. in Boston, Sept. 15, 1849
Sophia A. [-----], w. of Briggs, Apr. 9, 1809. GR3
Matthew, s. of Michael and Katherine, Sept. 17, 1843
John, s. of Patrick and Catherine, Jan. 11, 1845
MANNING (also see Maning)
Abby Adeline, ----, 1836. GR3
Abby Howard [-----], w. of Francis Cogswell, ----, 1814. GR3
Abby R. Hobbs, ----, 1831. GR3
Abigail, d. of William and Dorothie, Feb. 15, 1647
Abigail, d. of Samuel, bp. May 14, 1699. CR1
Abigail, d. of Edward, bp. Dec. 3, 1738. CR1
Benjamin, s. of John and Sarah, Mar. 10, 1704
Benjamin, s. of Edward and Mary, Oct. 15, 1730
Caroline A., ----, 1822. GR3
Caroline E., ----, 1847. GR3
Daniel, s. of Isaac and Margaret, Feb. 5, 1715 [1715-16]
Ebenezer, s. of William and Mary, May 8, 1743
Edward, s. of John, bp. Mar. 27, 1698. CR1
Edward, s. of Edward and Mary, Mar. 26, 1724
Elizabeth, d. of Samuell and Deborah, Nov. 21, 1701
Elizabeth, d. of Edward and Mary, June 5, 1732
Esther, d. of John, bp. Jan. 5, 1734-5. CR1
Francis Cogswell, ----, 1806. GR3
Hannah, d. of William and Dorothy, June 21, 1642
Hannah, d. of Edward and Mary, Mar. 20, 1733-4
Isaac, s. of Isaac and Margarett, Jan. 13, 1708-09
James, s. of Edward and Mary, May 16, 1729
John, s. of william and Dorathy, Mar. 31, 1649
John, s. of Samuel, bp. Jan. 17, 1696-7. CR1
John, s. of John and Abigail, July 10, 1720
John, s. of Edward and Mary, Dec. 3, 1725
John, s. of John, bp. Dec. 12, 1731. CR1
John, s. of Michael and Catherine, Mar. 15, 1846
Joseph, s. of Samuel and Deborah, ---- (bp. May 12, 1706. CR1)
Joseph, s. of John (Jr., CR1) and Abigail, July 15, 1718
Joseph, s. of William and Mary, Jan. 26, 1730-1
Leighton W., ----, 1818. GR3
Lucy, d. of Esther, dec., bp. Nov. 2, 1766. CR1
Marcus Morton, s. of Samuel D. and Juliann, Oct. 28, 1841
Margarett, d. of Edward Jr., bp. Sept. 27, 1747. CR1
Mary, d. of William and Dorothy, bp. -----, 16--. CR1
Mary, d. of Samuell and Deborah, Mar. 17, 1703
Mary, d. of Edward and Mary, May 26, 1720
Mary, d. of William and Mary, Feb. 19, 1732-3
Mary, d. of Andrew and Catherine, Dec. 15, 1846. Twin
Mary Wood, d. of Dr. Samuel (Jr., bp. Sept. 14, 1806. CR1)
Matthew, s. of Andrew and Catherine, Dec. 15, 1846. Twin
Mercy, d. of Edward and Mary, Aug. 4, 1727
Mercy, d. of Edward and Mary, Nov. 19, 1735
Rachel, d. of Dorothy, bp. June --, 1721. CR1
Rebecca, d. of William (Jr., CR1) and Rebecca, Sept. 7, 1774
Samuel, s. of William and Dorothie, July 21, 1644
Samuel, s. of John and Sarah, Apr. 20, 1703
Samuel, s. of John, bp. Nov. 10, 1723. CR1
Samuel, s. of William and Mary, Aug. 26, 1729
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, May 28, 1778
Sarah, d. of William and Dorothie, Jan. 28, 1645
Sarah, d. of Isaac and Margaret, Feb. 7, 1717-18
Sarah, d. of John and Abigaill, Jan. 2, 1721-2
Sarah, d. of William and Mary, Nov. 29, 1737
Thomas, s. of Isaac and Margaret, Aug. 16, 1714
Thomas, s. of William and Mary, May 8, 1727
Thomas, s. of Michael and Catherine, Sept. 15, 1847
William, s. of John and Sarah, May 21, 1700
William, s. of Isaac and Margarett, Oct. 24, 1712
William, s. of William and Mary, Sept. 19, 1722
William, s. of William and Mary, May 11, 1735
William, s. of William (Jr., CR1) and Rebecca, Nov. 4, 1775
William E., ----, 1848. GR3
William W., ----, 1828. GR3
Charles Francis, s. of Samuel and Ann Elizabeth, Aug. 28, 1848
Daniel Gardner, s. of Daniel and Ann Elizabeth, Mar. 6, 1846
George E., ----, 1848. GR3
James Harvey, Dec. 9, 1846. GR2
John, ----, 1818. GR3
John D., May 9, 1842. GR3
Sarah E., ----, 1830. GR2
Edwin C., s. of William and Mary Ann, July 15, 1844
Alice, d. of John, Apr. 20, 1846
Alice J., d. of John and Mary, Dec. 25, 1848
Angenette, d. of John P. and Mary S., Apr. 26, 1847
Anna, d. of Frederick and Sally, Mar. 20, 1800
Ebenezer, s. of Frederick and Sally, July 27, 1806 (s. of Ebenezer and Sally dup.)
Frederic, s. of Frederick and Sally, Dec. 10, 1801
Isabella R., d. of Eben and Ellen A., July 6, 1847
Jonas, Feb. 27, 1826. GR3
Lucie M. [-----], w. of George A., ----, 1843. GR2
Mary S. [-----], w. of John P., ----, 1823. GR2
Nathaniel Goodwin, s. of Frederick and Sally, Aug. 7, 1808
Samuel, s. of Daniel of Boston, bp. June 28, 1752. CR1
George D., ----, 1845. GR2
Eliza Clark Kimball [-----], w. of Freeland, Mar. 22, 1813. GR3
Ellen E., d. of Freeland and Eliza Clark Kimball, Jan. 17, 1842. GR3
Freeland, Nov. 14, 1812. GR3
Mary A., Sept. 17, 1810. GR3
Nathan M., Feb. 21, 1807. GR3
Nelson, Oct. 14, 1799. GR3
Sarah Richards [-----], w. of Nelson, May 24, 1802. GR3
Albert, s. of John Samuel and Sarah Carter, Oct. 8, 1843. GR2
Caroline Augusta, ----, 1836. GR3
Clement, Mar. 16, 1842. GR2
Delano, ----, 1820. GR3
Frank H., s. of John S., b. in Portsmouth, N.H., and Sarah C., b. in Boston, Nov. 12, 1849
Isabella N., ----, 1842. GR3
John Samuel, Jan. 6, 1816. GR2
John Samuel, ----, 1840. GR3
Sarah Carter Brown [-----], w. of John Samuel, Aug. 13, 1818. GR2
Sarah F., ----, 1849. GR3
Sarah P., ----. 1821. GR3
Waldo, s. of John S. and Sarah, Dec. 3, 1845 (Aug. 26, 1845. GR2)
Catharine G., Jan. 20, 1820. GR3
Jane, Sept. 10, 1818. GR3
Jules, in Salins, France, ----, 1824. GR3
Ada W., d. of James W. and Helen, in Washington, Apr. 17, 1846
Daniel Grovenor, s. of Marvin and Christian R., bp. Mar. 16, 1828. CR10
John H., May 8, 1832. GR2
Lydia Richards Rogers, d. of Marvin and Christian R., bp. July 3, 1831. CR10
Sarah Wendell, Sept. 17, 1836. GR3
Abigail F. [-----], w. of Asa, ----, 1816. GR2
Asa L., ----, 1811. GR2
Joseph Mason, Sept. 12, 1849. GR3
Rosanna, d. of Richard and Rosanna, June 27, 1843
Maria Tomasa, d. of Don Francisco of Florida and w. of Jesse Andrus BRUSH, in St. Augustine, Fla., Dec. 21, 1814. GR3
MARIOT (also see Marret, Marrett, Marriot, Marritt)
Abigail, d. of Jno and Abigail, Aug. 16, 1666
Charles Larnard, s. of Larnard and Sarah F., Aug. 20, 1840
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Elizabeth, Nov. 1, 1671
Elizabeth, d. of Daniel and Elizabeth, July 13, 1673
Emma Frances, d. of Larned F., b. in Acworth, N.H., and Sarah F., b. in Lunenburg, Dec. 22, 1849
Emma Hobart [-----], w. of C. L., Jan. --, 1844. GR2
James, s. of Daniel and Elizabeth, Mar. 1, 1674
Larnard F., ----, 1808. GR2
Sarah F., ----, 1815. GR2
Sarah H., ----, 1845. GR2
George F. H., ----, 1840. GR3
Annie Tuten, in Chepstow, Wales, ----, 1836. GR2
Sarah Ellen Yeaton [-----], w. of Samuel R. Jr., Apr. 28, 1846. GR3
Isabella M., Sept. 3, 1831. GR2
Catherine, d. of William and Mary, Aug. 21, 1849
Helen Louise [-----], w. of J. Trafton, Oct. 6, 1834. GR3
Mary Ann, d. of John, Sept. 23, 1847
MARRET (also see Mariot, Marrett, Marriot, Marritt)
Abigal, d. of Amos (Jr., CR1) and Mary, Aug. 25, 1733
Amos, s. of Amos (Jr., CR1) and Mary, Feb. 6, 1738-9
Amos, s. of Amos and Mary, Feb. 8, 1739-40
Amos, s. of Amos and Abigail, Oct. 4, 1763
Mary, d. of Amos and Mary, Aug. 17, 1740
MARRETT (also see Mariot, Marret, Marriot, Marritt)
Abigail, d. of Edward and Hannah, Feb. 28, 1700-01
Abigail, d. of Amos, bp. June 6, 1762. CR1
Amos, s. of Edward and Hannah, Sept. 5, 1703
Edward, s. of John and Abigail, Aug. 2, 1670
Edward, s. of Edward and Hannah, Nov. 5, 1713
Edward, s. of Edward (Jr., CR1) and Mary, Jan. 21, 1738-9
Hannah, d. of Edward, bp. Dec. 27, 1696. CR1
John, s. of Edward, bp. July 29, 1711. CR1
John, s. of Amos and Mary, Sept. 10, 1741
Judah, d. of Edward Jr., bp. Dec. 21, 1740. CR1
Lidya, d. of Jno and Abigail, Feb. 22, 1673
Mary, d. of John and Abigail, Mar. 7, 1671-2
Mary, d. of Edward, bp. Apr. 28, 1706. CR1
Mary, d. of Edward Jr., bp. Mar. 13, 1737. CR1
Ruth, d. of Amos (Jr., CR1) and Mary, Apr. 30, 1735
Susanna, d. of John and Abigail, Jan. 19, 1659
Susanna, d. of Edward, bp. Sept. 11, 1698. CR1
Thomas, s. of Edward Jr., bp. May 16, 1742. CR1
MARRIOT (also see Mariot, Marret, Marrett, Marritt)
John, s. of Thomas and Susan, bp. in England, CR1
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Susan, bp. in England. CR1
MARRITT (also see Mariot, Marret, Marrett, Marriot)
Amos, s. of Jno and Abigaill, Feb. 25, 1657
Hannah, d. of John and Abigail, Aug. 17, 1668
John, s. of Jno and Abigaill, Dec. 13, 1656
John, s. of Jno and Abigaill, Jan. 29, 1661
John, s. of John and Abigail, June 3, 1664
Thomas, s. of Jno and Abigaill, Dec. 5, 1656
Ellen, d. of Michael and Ann, Nov. 26, 1843
Ellen [-----], w. of James, Dec. 21, 1822. GR2
James, July 3, 1823. GR2
Andrew L., July 1, 1846. GR2
Annie E. Pearl [-----], w. of Benjamin L., May 25, 1831. GR3
Benjamin L., Nov. 8, 1823. GR3
Caroline E. Mann [-----], w. of Col. Lucius B., ----, 1820. GR3
Charles, Nov. 6, 1829. GR3
David S., Dec. 30, 1826. GR3
Harrison, ----, 1816. GR3
Julia M., May 11, 1832. GR3
Kate E., d. of Lucius B. and Caroline E., Jan. 27, 1847
Lottie E. Bates [-----], w. of Lucius K., ----, 1845. GR3
Lucius B., Col., ----, 1818. GR3
Lucius K., ----, 1843. GR3
Lucy Norris [-----], w. of Oliver B., Apr. 12, 1836. GR3
Mary A., ----, 1820. GR3
Sarah Norris [-----], w. of Harrison, ----, 1822. GR3
Sylvia W. [-----], w. of Oliver B., Aug. 1, 1824. GR3
Abby, d. of Thomas and Sophia Kendal, Mar. 18, 1821. GR3
Ann G., ----, 1813. GR3
Caleb S., ----, 1812. GR3
Caroline Esther, d. of Josiah N. and Elizabeth, bp. May 22, 1831. CR1
E. Henry, ----, 1834. GR2
(Emeline B., GR3a), ----, 1819. GR3
Eugene, s. of Sumner O. and Ann, Dec. 20, 1844
Eunice [-----], w. of J. F. B., May 3, 1818. GR3
Jacob E., s. of James and Mary G., ----, 1847. GR3
James, in Lunenburg, Aug. 8, 1809. GR3
James F. B., Aug. 8, 1818. GR3
Jane, Oct. --, 1796. GR3
Jerauld D., s. of Sumner O. and Ann, June 17, 1843
Maria Jane, d. of Thomas and Sophia Kendal, July 16, 1830. GR3
Martha T. J., Nov. 29, 1824. GR3
Mary E., d. of James and Mary G., ----, 1849. GR3
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Josiah N[ottage] and Elizabeth, bp. Dec. 4, 1825. CR1
Mary G. [-----], w. of James, ----, 1818. GR3
Oriana, d. of Harrison and Mary A. and w. of Frank HARDENBERGH, June 13, 1845. GR3
Sarah, d. of Josiah N[ottage] and Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 5, 1827. CR1
Sophia, d. of Thomas and Sophia Kendal, June 7, 1841. GR3
Sophia Kendal [-----], w. of Thomas, July 15, 1786. GR3
Thomas, Jan. 18, 1781. GR3
Tommy, only ch. of James F. B. and Eunice, Aug. 29, 1844. GR3
Abbie H. [-----], w. of George S., ----, 1849. GR3
Ephraim, Dr., July 30, 1807. GR3
George A., ----, 1821. GR2
Oren P., s. of Oliver J. and Marion G., Oct. 27, 1844
Phebe [-----], w. of Jonathan, Aug. 28, 1773. GR3
Walter Channing, s. of Oliver J., Mar. --, 1846
MARTIN (also see Martyn)
Abigail, d. of Thomas and Alice, Aug. 22, 1653
Alpheus R., in Abbot, Me., Aug. 18, 1834. GR3
Augustus Pearl, in Abbot, Me., Nov.2 2, 1835. GR3
Betsey Verrill [-----], w. of Pearl, in New Gloucester, Me., July 4, 1811. GR3
Charlotte E., d. of James and Elizabeth, June 3, 1847
David, ----, 1833. GR2
E. B., May 8, 1792. GR3
Florinda, in New Gloucester, Me., Nov. 15, 1839. GR3
Henry, in Holstein, Germany, Aug. 27, 1787. GR3
James, May 25, 1811. GR2
James A., Oct. 29, 1837. GR2
John, ----, 1840. GR2
Lemuel Briggs, ----, 1844. GR2
Margaret S., May 14, 1817. GR2
Mary Tower [-----], w. of Lemuel Briggs, ----, 1843. GR2
Pearl, in New Gloucester, Me., Nov. 3, 1809. GR3
Stephen, ----, 1820. GR2
William H., July 9, 1848. GR3
Winfred B., ----, 1844. GR2
MARTYN (also see Martin)
John, s. df John, bp. June 21, 1730. CR1
Mary A. [-----], w. of Henry, Apr. 20, 1810. GR3
Charles I., Mar. 24, 1831. GR2
Charles S., Oct. 2, 1800. GR2
Margaret S., Dec. 23, 1840. GR2
Prudence [-----], w. of William J., Feb. 16, 1827. GR2
Sarah Sawyer [-----], w. of Stephen R., Oct. 6, 1813. GR2
Stephen R., June 7, 1811. GR2
William J., Feb. 17, 1827. GR3
Philip, ----, 1828. GR2
Salama [-----]. w. of Philip, ----, 1831. GR2
John, s. of John and Margaret, bp. Aug. 3, 1766. CR2
Abigail, d. of Jno and Elizabeth, Dec. 16, 1679
Agnes A. [-----], w. of Joseph, June 25, 1831. GR2
Alfred, Mar. 24, 1804. GR3
Ann McDonald, Mar. 20, 1818. GR3
Anna, d. of Josiah and Anna, July 21, 1766
Betsey Harrington [-----], w. of Walter R., ----, 1797. GR3
Charles, Rev., D.D., in Portsmouth, N.H., July 25, 1812. GR3
Charles Russell, s. of Walter Russell and Betsy, Mar. 22, 1832
Christiana F., ----, 1849. GR3
Christiana R., ----, 1824. GR3
Clara M., d. of William A. and Clara M., Mar. 28, 1848
Clara Maria Hodges [-----], w. of William A., Mar. 28, 1825. GR3
Daniel, s. of Nehemiah of Watertown, bp. Oct. 9, 1757. CR1
Edward Bromfield, July 2, 1837. GR3
Elias, s. of Elias, bp. Nov. 17, 1741. CR1
Eliza Harlow, d. of Samuel and Mary Spear, Nov. 1, 1804
Elizabeth, d. of Jno and Elizabeth, Nov. 10, 1678
Elizabeth, d. of Jno and Elizabeth, Aug. 30, 1704
Elizabeth, d. of Nehemiah of Watertown, bp. Jan. 13, 1760. CR1
Elizabeth Harrington, d. of Walter Russell and Betsy, Jan. 27, 1822
Ellen Maria, d. of Walter Russell and Betsy, May 20, 1837 (1839. GR3)
Eugene (Eugene J., GR3), s. of Walter Russell and Betsy, Feb. 9, 1834
Fanny Peabody [-----], w. of William Powell, Feb. 18, 1840. GR3
Frances Virginia, d. of Walter Russell and Betsy, Sept. 12, 1829
G. Augustus, Aug. 8, 1838. GR3
George M., Oct. 3, 1800. GR3
George W., Feb. 22, 1830. GR3
George William, s. of John F. and Mary A., Dec. 23, 1848
Hannah Ellen, d. of Josiah and Hannah B., May 25, 1833
Hannah Parkman, Aug. 24, 1805. GR3
Hannah Rogers [-----], w. of William Powell, Dec. --, 1806. GR3
Harriet Dexter [-----], w. of James W., ----, 1829. GR3
Henry, Oct. 10, 1831. GR3
Henry Clay, s. of Josiah Jr. and Hannah B., Dec. 23, 1829
Henry Lyman, s. of George and Mary Ann, Dec. 19, 1845
Herbert Cowpland, June 1, 1840. GR3
Hugh, s. of Nehemiah, bp. July 19, 1761. CR1
James, s. of Josiah and Anna, Jan. 13, 1764
James, Apr. 28, 1843. CR7
James J., June 13, 1806. GR3
James Walter, s. of Walter Russell and Betsy, Nov. 22, 1827
Jane, Aug. 17, 1808. GR3
Jeremiah, Apr. 27, 1768. GR3
Jno, s. of Jno and Elizabeth, Jan. 22, 1676
John, s. of Jno and Elizabeth, Aug. 8, 1701
John, s. of Josiah and Anna, Aug. 3, 1769
John, Dr., Dec. 18, 1789. GR3
John Franklin, s. of John F. and Mary Ann, Sept. 21, 1843
Jonathan, Sept. 12, 1756. GR3
Jonathan, Mar. 12, 1795. GR3
Joseph, s. of Nehemiah, bp. July 19, 1761. CR1
Joseph, s. of Josiah and Anna, May 22, 1771
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Anna, Sept. 11, 1761
Julia Ann, d. of Josiah Jr. and Hannah B., Oct. 16, 1827
Lillie Manley, ----, 1846. GR3
Lois Elmira, d. of Walter Russell and Betsy, Dec. 23, 1823
Lucy, d. of Josiah and Anna, Sept. 21, 1759
Maria Louisa, d. of Josiah Jr. and Hannah B., Aug. 13, 1825
Martha [-----], w. of Dr. John, Jan. 1, 1791. GR3
Mary, d. of Elias, bp. Dec. 26, 1742. CR1
Mary, Oct. 20, 1777. GR3
Mary, d. of Samuel and Mary Spear, Apr. 14, 1806
Mary C., Dec. 27, 1818. GR3
Mary E., May 18, 1802. GR3
Mary Jane, d. of Walter Russell and Betsy, Jan. 3, 1820
Mellinda Tennell, d. of Walter Russell and Betsy, Sept. 20, 1825 (1826, GR3).
Robert Means, in Portsmouth, N.H., Sept. 25, 1810. GR3
Samuel, s. of Josiah and Anna, Sept. 4, 1777
Samuel Jr., Apr, 28, 1822. GR3
Sarah Ellen [-----], w. of Robert Means, May 17, 1819. GR3
Sarah S., Sept. 2, 1814. GR3
Susanna, d. of Josiah and Anna, Sept. 25, 1775
Susannah Powell [-----], w. of Jonathan, Sept. 16, 1760. GR3
Thomas, s. of Josiah and Anna, Jan. 28, 1758
Walter R., ----, 1796. GR3
William, s. of Josiah and Anna, July 31, 1779
William A., s. of Samuel and Mary S., d. of Asaph and Phebe Harlow, May 4, 1816. GR3
William Powell, Dec. 9, 1791. GR3
William Powell, Sept. 7, 1835. GR3
William W., June 21, 1847. GR2
Elizabeth Brown, in Lunenburg, Sept. 19, 1776. GR3
Mary [-----], w. of William, in Boston, Apr. 1, 1743
Mary, d. of Lawrence and Margaret, in Roxbury, July 21, 1846
Catherine M., ----, 1798. GR3
Sarah Amanda, ----, 1833. GR3
William P., ----, 1805. GR3
Ellen Everett [-----], w. of Henry Brainard, ----, 1820. GR3
Henry Brainard, ----, 1810. GR3
Joanna W. [-----], w. of Capt. Frank, ----, 1841. GR3
Margaret, ----, 1845. GR2
MATHEWS (also see Matthews)
Margaret A., ----, 1832. GR3
George Andrew, Jan. 15, 1837. CR11
Susan E., Nov. 7, 1839. CR11
Harriet, Jan. 26, 1816. GR3
MATTHEWS (also see Mathews)
Richard, s. of George and Margaret, in New London, Can., Aug. 30, 1843
Richard Sears, May 7, 1845. GR3
James E., Mar. 11, 1848. GR3
George, s. of John and Elizabeth, Dec. 25, 1847
Marie Therese, d. of Joseph and Sophie R. S., and w. of Henry LAWRENCE, Dec. 3, 1840. GR3
Helen Grover, ----, 1833. GR3
Thomas Brown, s. of Leonard and Lydia (Lydia C. dup.), July 26, 1844 (1645 dup.)
Adelaide M., d. of William and Meriam, Feb. 29, 1848
Catharine, Dec. 13, 1799. GR3
Adaline D. French [-----], w. of Isaac W., Aug. 11, 1816. GR3
Caroline, ----, 1802. GR2
Caroline H., ----, 1841. GR2
Catharine C., d. of John and Abigail and w. of Henry EDES, D.D., in Boston, Sept. 22, 1782. GR3
Charlotte A., Jan. 16, 1795. GR3
Edward T., ----, 1824. GR3
Edwin, ----, 1816. GR3
Eliza A., ----, 1825. GR2
George, ----, 1790. GR3
George P., ----, 1833. GR3
Harriot M., ----, 1838. GR2
Henrietta [-----], w. of George P., ----, 1835. GR3
Isaac W., Oct. 10, 1816. GR3
John Edward, ----, 1829. GR3
Joseph H., ----, 1829. GR3
Josephine, ----, 1834. GR3
Katharine Horton, ----, 1841. GR3
Malvina A., ----, 1824. GR3
Mary D., Aug. 11, 1793. GR3
Rhoda B., ----, 1802. GR3
Susan N. [-----], w. of John W., ----, 1804. GR3
James O., June 27, 1839. GR2
MAYERS (also see Maiers, Mair)
Abbie R. Bell [-----], w. of F. D., June 27, 1842. GR3
Abigail M., ----, 1810. GR2
Amelia B., ----, 1835. GR2
Azor, ----, 1787. GR2
Charles C., s. of Gideon and Martha, Dec. 2, 1836
Charles H., Feb. 21, 1839. GR3
Edward F., ----, 1820. GR3
Eliza, ----, 1802. GR2
Elizabeth, ----, 1778. GR2
George Carter, s. of Gideon and Martha, Nov. 5, 1844
George P., ----, 1839. GR2
Hattie E. [-----], w. of Charles H., July 16, 1848. GR3
Henry Oliver, s. of Gideon and Martha, Feb. 3, 1832
James A., ----, 1813. GR2
Joseph Carter, s. of Gideon and Martha, July 6, 1834
Lambert M., ----, 1828. GR3
Margaret C. [-----], w. of James A., ----, 1832. GR2
Maria, ----, 1828. GR3
Martha Crossman, d. of Gideon and Martha, July 15, 1828
Mary A. Black [-----], w. of William, Feb. 11, 1818. GR2
Rose W., ----, 1828. GR3
William, Jan. 6, 1815. GR2
William Edward, s. of Gideon and -----, Aug. 28, 1840
William P., ----, 1807. GR2
Abigail, d. of Thomas, bp. June 1, 1760. CR1
Orpha A. [-----], w. of Watson C., Aug. 9, 1847. GR3
Margaret, Jan. --, 1805. GR2
McALISTER (also see McAllaster)
James B., June 4, 1829. GR3
McALLASTER (also see McAlister)
Anjanette, Jan. 23, 1823. GR3
Martha A., Feb. 10, 1821. GR3
James, s. of James and Bridgett, both b. in Ireland, Dec. 10, 1849
Patrick, s. of James and Bridgett, Apr. 12, 1847
Patrick, s. of James and Bridgett, Apr. 14, 1848
Christia A. McLellan [-----], w. of Alexander, ----, 1821. GR2
Elizabeth, ----, 1843. GR2
Matthias, in Prince Edward Island, Apr. 23, 1837. GR2
McAULEY (also see McColley)
-------, s. of Auley and Ann, Mar. 30, 1849
Mary A., ----, 1805. GR3
Mary Ann, d. of William and Catherine, May 29, 1848
Francis, s. of James and Ann, in Boston, Sept. 23, 1849
James, s. of James and Ann, both b. in Ireland, Sept. --, 1849
Miles, s. of Miles and Mary, May 17, 1847
Miles, s. of Miles and Mary, Mar. 28, 1849
Sarah, d. of James, Nov. 1, 1847
McCAFFRAY (also see McCaffrey)
Isabella, d. of Thomas and Agnes, May 8, 1843
McCAFFREY (also see McCaffray)
Anna, d. of Murphy and Catherine, May 20, 1848
Edward Hugh, s. of Thomas and Agnes, Mar. 18, 1845
Flora, d. of John, b. in St. John, New Brunswick, and Mary, b. in Portland, Me., Dec. 4, 1849
Sarah A., Feb. 15, 1825. GR2
McCANN (also see MacCann)
Francis W., s. of Patrick and Bridgett, Feb. 2, 1844
Thomas E., s. of Patrick, Jan. 17, 1846
McCARTHY (also see McCarty)
Charles, s. of Patrick and Ellen, both b. in Ireland, Sept. 26, 1841
McCARTY (also see McCarthy)
Catherine, d. of Patrick and Sarah, Mar. 2, 1847
Charles F., s. of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 2, 1849
John, s. of Patrick and Ellen, Dec. 20, 1843
John, s. of Patrick, May 16, 1845
John, s. of William, Apr. --, 1848
Margaret, d. of James and Mary, Sept. 1, 1849
Mary, d. of Matthew and Mary, in New York, Dec. 7, 1843
William F., s. of Thomas and Eleanor, in Sandwich, June 1, 1844
McCARVELL (also see McCarville)
James, Aug. 11, 1840
Margaret, d. of James and Caroline, Dec. 28, 1846
Owen, s. of James and Bridgett, ----, 1846
Peter, s. of James and Catherine, Apr. 2, 1849
McCARVILLE (also see McCarvell)
Mary, d. of James and Catherine, Dec. 22, 1844
Elizabeth, d. of John M. and Christian, Nov. 19, 1829
John Henry, s. of John M. and Lucinda, Nov. 17, 1834. Twin
Lucian, s. of John M. and Lucinda, Nov. 17, 1834. Twin
M. William, June 30, 1849. GR3
John, Sept. 28, 1845. GR3
Samuel Foster, July 14, 1822. GR3
Arthur P. (Arthur Perrin, GR2), s. of David and Sarah Ann, Dec. 8, 1847
Charles Emery, s. of David and Sarah, July 30, 1840. GR2
David, Apr. 20, 1803. GR2
David Henry, s. of David and Sarah, Mar. 6, 1839. GR2
Elizabeth [-----], w. of Arnold W., June 17, 1820. GR3
Ellen W. (Ellen Watson, w. of Charles H. STEARNS, GR2), d. of David and Sarah Ann, Nov. 21, 1836.
Emily Jane, d. of David and Sarah, Jan. 9, 1835. GR2
John Burrage, s. of David and Sarah, Feb. 6, 1844
John F., s. of John N. and Mary, Dec. 22, 1829. GR3
Manley, Dec. 25, 1849. GR3
Martha M., July 22, 1814. GR3
Sarah Burrage [-----], w. of David, Nov. 9, 1811. GR2
Sarah Elizabeth, d. of David and Sarah, July 30, 1841. GR2
William Addison, s. of David and Sarah, Nov. 3, 1845. GR2
McCOLLEY (also see McAuley)
Charles W., s. of Aulay and Ann, in Somerville, Apr. 28, 1847
James G., s. of James, Jan. 25, 1846
McCONNELL (also see Macconnell)
Anson Hooker, s. of Hugh and Mary, bp. Apr. 11, 1841. CR10
Elizabeth Jane, d. of Hugh, bp. Sept. 11, 1836. CR10
Mary Augusta Anson Hooker, d. of Hugh and Mary, bp. Sept. 1, 1848. CR10
Susannah Brown, d. of Hugh, bp. Nov. 10, 1838. CR10
McCORMACK (also see McCormic, McCormick)
Eliza, d. of Thomas, June 20, 1845
Matthew, s. of Thomas, Mar. 1, 1847
McCORMIC (also see McCormack, McCormick)
Thomas J., Mar. 31, 1841. GR2
McCORMICK (also see McCormack, McCormic)
John J., s. of Thomas and Ann, Feb. 29, 1844
Henriette, d. of James, Dec. 9, 1845
Jane, ----, 1846. GR2
Madison, ----, 1825. GR3
Rosella A., ----, 1824. GR3
Agnes A., ----, 1841. GR[2?]
John C., ----, 1839. GR2
Catherine, d. of James and Bridgett, both b. in Ireland, Apr. 20, 1839
Mary, d. of John and Mary, Aug. 22, 1848
Andrew, ----, 1833. GR2
Hannah H. Smye [-----], w. of Andrew, ----, 1835. GR2
Thomas, ----, 1840. GR2
William, s. of Jeremiah and Mary, Sept. 4, 1847
Patrick M., s. of Owen and Mary, both b. in Ireland, July 8, 1849
Mary, d. of John and Mary, Sept. 12, 1848
Elizabeth, d. of Hugh, bp. May 27, 1836. CR10
Mary Ann, inf. d. of -----, bp. Oct. 21, 1833. CR10
Samuel, s. of Hugh, bp. Feb. 21, 1837. CR10
-------, s. of Thomas and Rosanna, Dec. 29, 1849
Daniel, s. of Dennis and Margaret, July 4, 1844
James, s. of James, in Boston, Apr. 1, 1846
Hannah, d. of James and Bridgett, Apr. --, 1847
McDEMOT (also see McDermott)
Catherine [-----], w. of Michael, ----, 1830. GR4
Edward, s. of Timothy and Catherine M., Sept. 2, 1846
Ellen, d. of John, Mar. --, 1847
James, s. of James, Nov. 15, 1846
Michael, ----, 1827. GR4
Michael, s. of Michael and Catherine, May 20, 1844
McDERMOTT (also see McDermot)
Ann, d. of Matthew and Mary, both b. in Ireland, Nov. 12, 1849
McDONALD (also see Macdonald)
-------, s. of Hugh, June 18, 1847
Alexander, Apr. 28, 1829. GR3
Burns, d. of Alex and Rebecca, in Edinburgh, Scot., Dec. 24, 1813. GR3
Catherine, ----, 1831. GR2
Catherine, d. of James, Nov. 8, 1847
Elizabeth M., ----, 1838. GR2
Francis, s. of Patrick and Ann, Sept. 18, 1849
Francis Henry, s. of James, bp. July 29, 1832. CR10
George, s. of James and Catherine, both b. in Ireland, July 30, 1849
John, s. of Patrick and Ann, Oct. 22, 1844
John A., ----, 1843. GR2
Robert C., s. of Alexander and Sarah, Jan. 21, 1849
Sarah, d. of Hugh and Maria, Oct. 16, 1844
Thomas Alexander, s. of James, bp. Oct. 24, 1830. CR10
William C., s. of Alexander and Sarah, Sept. 23, 1847
Ellen [-----], w. of William, ----, 1843. GR2
Lowell Leonard, s. of wid. Elizabeth, bp. Sept. 24, 1815. CR1
William, ----, 1843. GR2
McELLROY (also see McElroy)
Lucy Ann, Feb. 3, 1826. GR2
William, Aug. 11, 1825. GR2
McELROY (also see McEllroy)
Alice, d. of Edward and Ann, Jan. 15, 1845
Catherine, d. of Edward, Apr. 27, 1847
John, s. of Daniel and Mary, in Nashua, N.H., July 2, 1848
Mary, d. of Hugh and Bridgett, Oct. 6, 1848
William, s. of Daniel, Feb. --, 1846
Agnes [-----], w. of Samuel, ----, 1818. GR2
Samuel, ----, 1814. GR2
David, Rev., ----, 1846. GR2
Adeline A., ----, 1833. GR2
Catherine Ann, d. of Joseph and Mary, Nov. 24, 1844
George, ----, 1836. GR2
Isabella, d. of Joseph and Isabella, bp. Apr. 7, 1848. CR2
Jane, ----, 1837. GR2
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Isabella, Jan. 30, 1848
John, s. of John and Ann, Jan. 19, 1845
William, s. of John, May 12, 1847
Margaret M., d. of Michael, Dec. 3, 1847
Francis, s. of John, Nov. 20, 1846
Patrick, s. of Thomas, Nov. 1, 1846
Patrick H., s. of John and Ellen, Mar. 1, 1849
Anne Frances [-----], w. of Thornton, Oct. 19, 1805. GR3
Esther T. [-----], w. of Thornton, Apr. 24, 1811. GR3
Hannah [-----], w. of John, July 25, 1774. GR3
John A., Jan. 29, 1801. GR3
Nancy Goffe [-----], w. of John A., Aug. 1, 1805. GR3
Thornton, July 24, 1799. GR3
Ellen J., d. of John, Feb. 18, 1847
Henry Edward, s. of Henry F. and Sarah Ann, Mar. 24, 1829. CR2
Sarah Anne, d. of Henry F. and Sarah Ann, Apr. 1, 1831. CR2
William Stevenson, s. of Henry F. and Sarah Ann, Feb. 1, 1833. CR2
Ellen, d. of Moses, in Boston, Jan. 31, 1847
Lydia Susanna, d. of Thomas and Abigail, Sept. 5, 1825
William T., s. of Thomas and Abigail, May 22, 1834
Ellen, d. of John, Apr. 13, 1846
Barnard, s. of John and Jane, Jan. 23, 1845
Catherine, d. of Patrick and Ann, June 23, 1846
John, s. of Peter and Hannah, July 28, 1849
Owen Martin, s. of John and Jane, Dec. 23, 1846
Alexander, s. of James and Lydia, Mar. 1, 1804. GR2
James, Apr. 21, 1781. GR2
Lydia [-----], w. of James, July 15, 1769. GR2
Olive, Feb. 8, 1806. GR2
Olivia, d. of James and Lydia, Nov. 23, 1808. GR2
Francis J., s. of Thomas, b. in Ireland, and Mary, b. in St. John, New Brunswick, May 4, 1849
William L., s. of Thomas and Mary, Jan. 1, 1848
Thomas, s. of James and Catherine, Oct. --, 1847
James, Oct. 19, 1798. GR3
John T., ----, 1833. GR3
Mary Mason [-----], w. of James, Feb. 25, 1804. GR3
Octavia M. Brackett [-----], w. of John T., ----, 1835. GR3
McGUIRE (also see Maguire, Magwire)
Ellen Maria, d. of Andrew and Ellen, both b. in Ireland, Dec. 8, 1849
James, s. of Michael and Julia, Mar. 10, 1849
Mary Ann, d. of Andrew, Nov. 11, 1846
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Ann, Oct. 19, 1847
James, s. of James and Mary A., Mar. 14, 1845
McINTIRE (also see MacIntire, McIntyre)
Amelia A. Landais [-----], w. of Ebenezer, ----, 1803. GR3
Amelia T., d. of Ebenezer and Amelia, Feb. 18, 1835
Anna Isabella, d. of Daniel and -----, bp. Apr. 4, 1841. CR9
Charles John, s. of Ebenezer t. and Amelia, Mar. 26, 1842
Ebenezer, ----, 1802. GR3
Lucy A. [-----], w. of Thomas, ----, 1816. GR2
Mary Burdett, d. of Daniel and Sarah, bp. Mar. 12, 1837. CR9
Mary Josephine, d. of Ebenezer and Amelia, Mar. 19, 1840
Russell D., s. of Thomas, in Boston, Oct. 22, 1846
Thomas, Sept. 15, 1816. GR2
Thomas T., s. of Thomas Jr., Apr. 10, 1848
McINTYRE (also see MacIntire, McIntire)
Mary W., Apr. 22, 1823. GR3
Peter, Aug. 25, 1818. GR3
McKAY (also see Mackay, Mackey)
John, s. of Thomas, Oct. --, 1845
Judith Coombs [-----], w. of Laughlan, ----, 1808. GR3
Judith Thurston, ----, 1843. GR3
Laughlan, ----, 1811. GR3
Margiana, d. of John and Ellen, in Boston, Oct. 13, 1844
McKEAN (also see McKeon)
Amy [-----], w. of Rev. Joseph, in Ipswich, Aug. 6, 1776. GR3
Amy Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Joseph, D.D., and w. of Joseph Emerson WORCESTER, Jan. 23, 1802. GR3
Charlotte Agnes, in Boston, Sept. 16, 1807. GR3
Elizabeth, in Boston, Aug. 7, 1774. GR3
Henry Swasey, in Boston, Feb. 9, 1810. GR3
Joseph, Apr. 19, 1776. GR3
Joseph William, in Milton, Sept. 17, 1800. GR3
Mary Schultz [-----], w. of John, July 6, 1811. GR3
William, Apr. 7, 1739. GR3
William, Feb. 25, 1773. GR3
James, ----,1823. GR2
Janet H., ----, 1823. GR2
Elizabeth Ann, d. of John and Mary, Jan. 10, 1847
Henrietta, d. of John and Mary, Nov. 9, 1844
Benjamin, ----, 1822. GR2
Susan, ----, 1820. GR2
McKENNA (also see McKenney, McKenny)
Catherine, d. of Edward and Elizabeth, Oct. 4, 1847
Ellen M., d. of Peter, Aug. --, 1847
McKENNEY (also see McKenna, McKenny)
Mary [-----], w. of Patrick, ----, 1840. GR4
Patrick, -----, 1839. GR4
McKENNY (also see McKenna, McKenney)
Edward, s. of Edward and Eliza, Sept. 29, 1844
Ellen M., d. of Edward and Elizabeth, both b. in Ireland, Oct. 5, 1849
Mary, d. of James and Ellen, both b. in Ireland, May 30, 1849
McKENZIE (also see Mackenzie)
Hannah [-----], w. of William, in Ireland, ----, 1830. GR2
William, in Scotland, ----, 1826. GR2
McKEON (also see McKean)
John George, s. of Joseph and Amy, Dec. 1, 1811
Francis, s. of John, May 14, 1845
Catherine, d. of John and Ellen, Jan. 23, 1848
Robert, May 2, 1804. GR3
Sarah R. Smith [-----], w. of Robert, Oct. 6, 1808. GR3
Albert Ewing, Aug. 18, 1844. GR3
McKUSICK (also see MacKusick)
Amasa A., ----, 1837. GR2
Emma F., ----, 1847. GR2
Evalina J., ----, 1837. GR2
George J., ----, 1831. GR2
Donald, in Argyleshire, Scotland, Dec. --, 1761. GR3
Margaret [-----], w. of Donald, ----, 1777. GR3
McLANE (also see Maclean, McLean)
Charlotte, d. of John, in Boston, Mar. 18, 1846
Joanna, d. of Hugh and Catherine, Mar. 10, 1845
Bridgett, d. of Christopher, July 16, 1847
Elizabeth [-----], w. of William F., May 17, 1829. GR2
Elizabeth, d. of John, Oct. 5, 1847
Ellen, d. of Christopher and Ellen, both b. in Ireland, Nov. 8, 1849
Hannah E., d. of William and Mary, Jan. 4, 1849
Joseph, s. of Dennis, Feb. 8, 1847
Mary, d. of Dennis and Hannah, Feb. 26, 1849
Richard, s. of Lawrence and Ann, Sept. 22, 1849
William F., Oct. 27, 1832. GR2
Clara Matilda Holden [-----], w. of George Thomas, ----, 1819. GR3
George Thomas, ----, 1826. GR3
McLEAN (also see Maclean, McLane)
-------, w. of C. C., ----, 1848. GR2
Ann [-----], w. of -----, ----, 1815. GR3
C. C., ----, 1846. GR2
Catherine, Nov. 4, 1826. GR2
Catherine, Mar. 1, 1840. GR2
Helen Foster [-----], w. of Alpine, Apr. 9, 1837. GR3
Jane [-----], w. of -----, ----, 1826. GR2
John, ----, 1833. GR2
Mary, ----, 1821. GR2
Nancy [-----], w. of William, Nov. 11, 1804. GR2
Norman, ----, 1817. GR2
Edward, May 15, 1801. GR3
Eliza Hall [-----], w. of Isaac, June 22, 1784. GR3
Isaac, May 21, 1806. GR3
Malcolm, ----, 1833. GR2
Robert F., s. of Robert and Caroline, Apr. 29, 1848
Robert Randall, ----, 1841. GR3
Thomas, s. of Dennis, Oct. 16, 1845
James, s. of James, May 25, 1847
Alice, d. of John and Mary, Feb. 28, 1849
Mary Jane, d. of Thomas and Eliza, July 27, 1849
Sarah, d. of Patrick, in Boston, June 30, 1845
James, ----, 1834. GR2
Mary [-----], w. of James, ----, 1839. GR2
Jane A. [-----], w. of Peter, ----, 1842. GR2
J. Franklin, Dec. 28, 1848. GR2
Mary A., d. of William and Mary, Sept. 13, 1843
John, s. of Richard, Oct. --, 1845
Mary, d. of Richard, Oct. 15, 1846
Richard, s. of Richard, Mar. 24, 1848
Robert, s. of John, Nov. --, 1846
Ann Buckner [-----], w. of George D. R., ----, 1817. GR2
Diana, ----, 1841. GR2
Ewen Ross, ----, 1845. GR2
George D. R., ----, 1818. GR2
Le Moyne, in Montreal, Mar. 23, 1837. GR3
Thomas E., ----, 1843. GR2
McQUADE (also see Mackquede)
Hannah M., d. of Patrick and Margaret, Apr. 22, 1849
Catherine, Aug. 12, 1845. GR4
Charles, Aug. 12, 1848. GR4
Kenneth, Oct. 25, 1831. GR2
Mary A., July 14, 1841. GR2
Owen, s. of Dennis, Oc6t. 1846
Prudence, Feb. 14, 1827. GR2
Lucy Ann, d. of ------, and w. of Augustus Russell POPE, Sept. 14, 1820. GR3
MEAD (also see Meads, Mede)
Alpheus, Mar. 4, 1821. GR3
Anna B. [-----], w. of William W., Apr. 27, 1828. GR3
Hannah, d. of David and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1676.
Henry O., ----, 1833. GR3
Jonas, s. of Elijah, bp. Sept. 6, 1789. CR1
Lucille Western [-----], w. of James H., Jan. 8, 1842. GR3
Mary [-----], w. of -----, May 23, 1795. GR2
Mina W., ----, 1804. GR3
Samuel O., ----, 1800. GR3
William R., ----, 1836. GR2
William W., ----, 1824. GR3
John Fowle, s. of Jacob O. and Mary F., June 19, 1847
John R., s. of John D., b. in Durham, N.H., and Comfort A., b. in Campton, N.H., May 29, 1848
MEADS (also see Mead, Mede)
Abigail, d. of Hopestill and Elizabeth, Dec. 26, 1712
Elizabeth, d. of Thomas and Hannah, June 13, 1711
Joshua, s. of David and Hannah, Mar. 12, 1709-10
Moses, s. of David and Hannah, Oct. 21, 1711
MEANE (also see Means)
John, s. of John and Anne, Feb. 3, 1638
John, s. of John and Anna, Sept. 19, 1646
Mary, d. of John and Anne, Apr. 3, 1644
Sarah, d. of John and Anne, Feb. --, 1639
MEANS (also see Meane)
Elizabeth [-----], w. of Robert, Mar. 25, 1810. GR3
MEARES (also see Mears, Meer)
Sarah Jane, d. of John G. and Sarah, bp. July 9, 1837. a. 6 m., CR2
MEARS (also see Meares, Meer)
Catharine M. [-----], w. of Elijah, Dec. 25, 1778. GR3
Catherine, Mar. 1, 1808. GR3
Charlotte, d. of John and -----, July 10, 1845
Elijah, May 11, 1778. GR3
Granville, Aug. 16, 1809. GR3
John Robert, s. of John Goldsmith and Sarah, bp. Dec. 27, 1841. CR2
Margaret Goldsmith, inf. d. of John G. and Sarah, bp. Sept. 22, 1839. CR2
Mary Ann, d. of John G. and Sarah, May 9, 1843
MEDE (also see Mead, Meads)
Ebenezer, s. of Israel and Mary, May 10, 1686
Margarett, d. of Israel and Mary, Jan. 20, 1682
Mary, d. of Israel and Mary, Feb. 10, 1682
Ruth, d. of Israel and Mary, Aug. 10, 1684
Eliza Rice [-----], w. of Almon R., Oct. 25, 1838. GR3
Darius, May 10, 1810. GR3
MEER (also see Meares, Mears)
Sarah, in Boston, Feb. 3, 1758. GR2
Mattie M. Clark [-----], w. of William P., Dec. 23, 1842. GR3
George, ----, 1815. GR3
Mary A. [-----], w. of George, ---, 1818. GR3
Adrian L., Apr. 9, 1832. GR2
Caroline N., d. of Rev. William R. G. and Diana P., Dec. 19, 1845
Charles, Apr. 16, 1833. GR3
George W., ----, 1830. GR2
Harriet A. Fisk [-----], w. of Charles, Aug. 4, 1834. GR3
Isabella A., d. of Rev. William R. G., Feb. 23, 1847
Joseph, s. of Hugh and Mary, Feb.12, 1845
L. Emily [-----], w. of Henry A., Nov. 24, 1826. GR3
Susan M., ----, 1832. GR3
David G., ----, 1821. GR2
Seviah Horton [-----], w. of David G., ----, 1819. GR2
Charles M., -----, 1848. GR3
Edward, Aug. 25, 1830. GR2
Augustus A., ----, 1809. GR3
Augustus L., ----, 1839. GR3
Eliza Jane, in Woolwich, Me., Dec. 13, 1828. GR3
Mehitable S., ----, 1811. GR3
Weare Tappan, in Bradford, N.H., June 29, 1820. GR3
Josephine T., June 18, 1842. GR2
Sidney F., ----, 1848. GR3
Sidney R., ----, 1819. GR3
Eliza, d. of John and Sarah, in Philadelphia, June 4, 1846
Sarah Ann, d. of Thomas and w. of Henry HALL, in Philadelphia, Jan. 26, 1790. GR3
Ann Augusta, ----, 1846. GR3
J. Frank, ----, 1847. GR3
John, ----, 1820. GR3
Olive P., ----, 1826. GR3
Emma Lane, d. of James and Dorothea, Feb. 21, 1848
Joseph H., in Winchester, Va., Aug. 20, 1821. GR3
Mary E. [-----], w. of Joseph H., in Wincheser, Va., Oct. 17, 1826. GR3
Mary Farnsworth, d. of Joseph H. and Mary E., in Baltimore, Oct. 10, 1848. GR3
MERIAM (also see Merriam, Miriam, Mirriam)
Emeline [-----], w. of William, Feb. 7, 1825. GR3
Silas P., Dec. 31, 1801. GR3
Susan M. [-----], w. of Silas P., Feb. 13, 1811. GR3
William Porter, s. of William and Eliza, Oct. 21, 1810
MERRIAM (also see Meriam, Miriam, Mirriam)
Caroline, Feb. 19, 1808. GR3
Charles, Nov. 8, 1803. GR3
Charles Henry, s. of William and Eliza, Apr. 3, 1813
Daniel B., Aug. 27, 1837. GR3
Fannie Keith [-----], w. of Albert, Feb. 9, 1815. GR3
Galen, Dec. 5, 1797. GR3
Galen, Feb. 10, 1831. GR3
George D., Dec. 8, 1847. GR3
Lewis, ----, 1821. GR3
Patience, Jan. 6, 1825. GR3
Persis, d. of Albert and Fanny, Mar. 21, 1847
Sarah Neal [-----], w. of Lewis, ----, 1825. GR3
Silence S. [-----], w. of Galen, June 22, 1801. GR3
Waldo, Feb. 23, 1839. GR3
William A., July 17, 1825. GR3
Frederick, ----, 1821. GR2
Hannah [-----], w. of Frederick, in Wilmington, N.C., Oct. 25, 1828. GR2
Mary Ann, d. of Joshua B. and Julia H., Aug. 19, 1849
-------, d. of Levi, b. in Maine, and Rosanna, b. in Boston, Sept. 14, 1849
Jacob C., in Waterboro, Me., Feb. 15, 184[0 or 2; hard to read]. GR3
Abigail Hart [-----], w. of Rev. Abraham D., Sept. 30, 1810. GR2
Abraham D., Rev., May 1, 1796. GR2
Amelia G. [-----], w. of Nathan, Feb. 23, 1814. GR3
Amelia Grigg [-----]. w. of Joshua, Dec. 25, 1829. GR2
Amos B. Esq., in Lyman, N.H., ----, 1815. GR3
Arthur Tappen, in Franklin, N.H., July 21, 1836. GR3
Charles H., ----, 1833. GR3
Charles Henry, s. of Nathan and Amelia G., in Charlestown, Jan. 15, 1842. GR3
David G., ----, 1826. GR2
Edward Owen, in Durham, Me., Nov. 22, 1847. GR3
Edwin A., ----, 1843. GR3
Eliphalet H., ----, 1806. GR3
Eliza B. [-----], w. of Silas W., Dec. 7, 1818. GR3
Elizabeth M. [-----], w. of Charles H., ----, 1832. GR3
Florence [-----], w. of Rev. George E., July 1, 1848. GR3
George Alfred, s. of Arthur and Sarah E., Nov. 23, 1849
George Edmands, Dec. 19, 1846. GR3
George H., ----, 1845. GR3
George Parker, s. of George W. and Frances, Feb. 1, 1849
George S., Nov. 19, 1831. GR3
H. W., Apr. 9, 1815. GR3
Hannah [-----], w. of George H., ----, 1849. GR3
Hannah Brown, Dec. 31, 1826. GR3
Harriet D. Barnes [-----], w. of Jacob S., -----, 1814. GR2
Herbert S., Sept. 21, 1842. GR2
Jacob S., ----, 1821. GR2
James C., Aug. 9, 1822. GR3
Jesse, Dr., in Peacham, Vt., Aug. 1, 1794. GR3
John, Dec. --, 1809. GR3
John Milton, ----, 1819. GR2
John Motley, s. of John and Mary W., Aug. 2, 1847
Joseph Warren, Dec. 13, 1819. GR3
Joshua, Oct. 6, 1828. GR2
Josiah, Rev., Jan. 31, 1819. GR2
Juliette J., d. of Dr. Jesse and Sarah J. and w. of ----- PIERCE, Mar. 16, 1831. GR3
Martha A. M., d. of Jacob S. and Harriet D., Feb 23, 1849
Martha Mehitable, d. of Rev. Abraham Dow and Nancy Morrison and w. of Samuel R. ALLEN, ----, 1817. GR2.
Mary B. Partridge [-----], w. of John Milton, ----, 1819. GR2
Mary W. [-----], w. of John, ----, 1813. GR3
Nancy Morrison [-----], w. of Rev. Abraham D., Aug. 17, 1796. GR2
Nathan, in Southampton, N.H., May 27, 1797. GR3
Philomelia H. Converse [-----], w. of Rev. Josiah, Dec. 12, 1827. GR2
Priscilla, d. of Jesse and Sarah Johnson, in Franklin, N.H., July 4, 1821. GR3
Samuel Allen, in Franklin, N.H., July 23, 1834. GR3
Sarah Johnson [-----], w. of Dr. Jesse, in Peacham, Vt., Jan. 16, 1795. GR3
Silas W., Feb. 25, 1816. GR3
Thomas Wattson, Apr. 9, 1849. GR3
William Cullen, in Franklin, N.H., Dec. 10, 1828. GR3
Betsy C., June 22, 1805. GR3
Ira A., Aug. 22, 1835. GR3
James C., May 17, 1832. GR3
Sarah P. [-----], w. of Weston, Dec. 12, 1806. GR3
Weston, Oct. 26, 1805. GR3
Isabella, ----, 1794. GR2
Isabella, -----, 1836. GR2
John Langdon, Apr. 12, 1838. CR7
Lincoln Radford, Oct. 16, 1835. CR7
Charles W., s. of William and Catherine, Oct. 4, 1848
Gorham B., July 12, 1838. GR2
Martha L., d. of Samuel, b. in Lunenburgh, and Lucinda, b. in West Cambridge, Dec. 26, 1849
Daniel, in Wrentham, June 17, 1768. GR3
Daniel Jr., in Boston, Feb. 3, 1796. GR3
G. W., Feb. 5, 1813. GR3
Mary Ann [-----], w. of Daniel Jr., Feb. 10, 1799. GR3
Robert Hinckley, Mar. 25, 1811. GR3
Susan Dorcas, Nov. 16, 1826. GR3
William Smith, Oct. 15, 1824. GR3
Caleb, July 22, 1777. GR3
Catharine Eliza Dennison, d. of Eliab W. and Lydia, Dec. 7, 1811
Charles Carroll, s. of Charles R. and Nancy, Oct. 6, 1829
Charles R., in Wrentham, Feb. 19, 1797. GR3
David Ray, s. of Eliab Wight and Lydia, Aug. 28, 1816
Eliab Wight, s. of Eliab Wight and Lydia, June 10, 1814
Eliab Wight, s. of Eliab W. and Lydia, bp. Apr. 10, 1825. CR1
Eliab Wight, s. of Charles R. and Nancy C., Apr. 7, 1838
Elizabeth Freeman, ----, 1833. GR3
Ellen Maria, d. of Eliab and Lydia, bp. Aug. 10, 1828. CR1
Harriet Augusta, d. of Eliab W. and Lydia, bp. Sept. 17, 1826. CR1
Henry Brewer, ----, 1829. GR3
John Porter, s. of Eliab Wight and Lydia, Feb. 2, 1810
Louisa C., ----, 1831. GR3
Lydia Stedman, d. of Eliab W. and Lydia, bp. Oct. 29, 1820. CR1
Mary, Apr. 4, 1793. GR3
Nancy Cushman [-----], w. of Charles R., in Attleborough, Dec. 3, 1803. GR3
Sarah Ann, d. of Charles R. and Nancy, Mar. 31, 1827
Susan Harrod, d. of Eliab W. and Lydia, bp. Nov. 10, 1822. CR1
William Stearns, s. of Charles R. and Nancy C., Oct. 1, 1846
MICHEL (also see Michell, Mitchell)
Nathaniel, s. of Jonathan and Margarett, Mar. 4, 1656
MICHELL (also see Michel, Mitchell)
Jno, s. of Jonathan and Margarett, Mar. 16, 1658
Margaret, d. of Jonathan and Margarett, Feb. 26, 1652
MICHELSON (also see Mitchelson, Mitchenson)
Alice, d. of William and Mary, Jan. 20, 1656
Bethia, d. of Edward and Ruth, Dec. 6, 1642
Elisabeth, d. of Edward and Ruth, Oct. 29, 1646
Mary, d. of William and Mary, Jan. 13, 1654
Ruth, d. of Edward and Ruth, Nov. 9, 1638
Ruth, d. of William and Mary, June 10, 1653
Thomas, s. of Edward and Ruth, Sept. --, 163 - [prob. 1639]
Thomas, s. of William and Mary, Jan. 8, 1656
Harriet B. [-----], w. of Capt. Thomas, ----, 1822. GR3
Thomas, Capt., May 14, 1814. GR3
Benjamin Crowninshield, Dec. 7, 1839. GR3
Charles, Dr., July 18, 1805. GR3
Mary Crowninshield [-----], w. of Dr. Charles, Aug. 9, 1806. GR3
Caroline Pierce Read [-----], w. of Henry, in Boston, Feb. 18, 1821. GR3
Charles A., Mar. 10, 1834. GR3
Edmund, ----, 1825. GR2
Edmund Elisha William, s. of Edmund and Elizabeth, May 10, 1849
Elizabeth, ----, 1828. GR2
Ellen M. [-----], w. of Henry T., July 11, 1837. GR3
Henry A., D.D., May 30, 1809. GR3
Henry T., s. of Henry A. and Augusta, July 30, 1834. GR3
J. Frank, ----, 1840. GR3
Katharine, Dec. 21, 1840. GR3
Sarah E., Mar. 28, 1807. GR3
Hannah D. [-----], w. of Alex, Jan. 24, 1845. GR3
MILLAR (also see Miller)
Alexander, in Scotland, Mar. 10, 1825. GR3
Annie Porter [-----], w. of Alexander, Oct. 29, 1829. GR3
William K., Aug. 30, 1845. GR3
Harrison, ----, 1830. GR3
Samuel, in Bedfordshire, Eng., Dec. 7, 1791. GR3
MILLER (also see Millar)
Ellen E. Searle [-----], w. of Russell A., in Fitchburg, July 17, 1827. GR3
Ellis F., ----, 1821. GR3
Elvira W. [-----], w. of James, ----, 1807. GR2
Emilie L., Mar. 27, 1847. GR3
Harriet Susan [-----], w. of Ellis F., ----, 1828. GR3
Harriott O. [-----], w. of Moses, ----, 1798. GR3
Isaac, s. of Joseph, bp. Nov. 29, 1767. CR1
Jacob R., s. of Stephen, June 28, 1845
James, s. of James, bp. Feb. 16, 1772. CR1
James, ----, 1806. GR2
James Franklin, s. of James and Elvira W., ----, 1839. GR2
John, s. of Charles and Rosanna, Mar. 25, 1848
John H., Feb. 28, 1821. GR3
Joseph, s. of Joseph, bp. Jan. 25, 1766. CR1
Maria, d. of Thomas and Mary, bp. Apr. 12, 1795. CR1
Mary E., Nov. 9, 1823. GR3
Moses, ----, 1793. GR3
Penelope, d. of Stephen and Hannah, bp. May 27, 1764. CR2
Peter, s. of Charles, b. in New York, and Rosanna, b. in Ireland, Dec. 16, 1849
Russell A., in Chichester, N.H., Feb. 18, 1824. GR3
Sally, Oct. 8, 1790. GR3
Samuel, s. of Joseph and Mary, Sept. 24, 1678
Samuel Edward, s. of James and Elvira W., ----, 1845. GR2
Thomas, s. of Joseph and Mary, Apr. 9, 1675
Thomas, s. of Joseph, bp. Feb. 12, 1774. CR1
William, s. of Joseph, bp. Feb. 25, 1770. CR1
William Aldrich, s. of James and Elvira W., ----, 1843. GR2
Francis A., Dec. 6, 1838. GR3
Josephine A., Dec. 21, 1840. GR3
Abraham, ----, 1800. GR3
Sarah, ----, 1807. GR3
Isabella Dean, ----, 1826. GR2
James, ----, 1826. GR2
Luther T., ----, 1848. GR2
C. F., Dec. 25, 1846. GR3
E. T., Apr. 10, 1809. GR3
Emily Motley [-----], w. of E. T., Dec. 17, 1827. GR3
Mary Ann [-----], w. of E. T., Aug. 15, 1822. GR3
Ella M., d. of Elisha and Marie E., in Charlestown, July 23, 1847
George Arthur, s. of Adam D. and S. H., bp. July 21, 1839. a. 8 y. CR2
Harriette Blake, d. of Elijah Hunt and w. of Admiral Charles Henry DAVIS, in Northampton, Jan. 21, 1818. GR2
James, s. of James, b. in Salem, and Mary, Oct. 22, 1849
James K., in Cummington, Apr. 18, 1799. GR3
Mary, only ch. of James K. and Sarah Harris Colman, Dec. 3, 1830. GR3
Sarah Ann, d. of William and Ann Elizabeth, Nov. 27, 1845
Sarah Harris Colman [-----], w. of James K., in Hingham, July 6, 1810. GR3
Sarah Mann, ----, 1801. GR3
Sophia Purkit, d. of Kezia, bp. Aug. 9, 1795. CR1
William, ----, 1813. GR3