VITAL RECORDS of CAMBRIDGE Massachusetts, to the Year 1850.
Compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

* = Intention not recorded.
John (George, CR1) of Boston, and Betsey Brown, Aug. 31, 1806.
John S. and Adelia Babson of Rockport, int. June 28, 1841.
John S., Esq., and Mary Ann Butler of Bedford, int. Aug. 22, 1847.
Willard and Lucinda T. Ireland of Somerville, int. Aug. 2, 1846.
Philip and Catherine Manion, int. Nov. 8, 1846.
Sally, a. 17 y., and William Lake of Newburyport, a. 23 y., June 21, 1846.
William of Newburyport, a. 23 y., and Sally Lake, a. 17 y., June 21, 1846.
Daniel and Elizabeth Greenwood, int. Mar. 4, 1804.
Harriet S. and Joshua Kennison, both of Boston, Mar. 5, 1838.*
Rebecca B. and Joshua Burt of Peru, Vt., Feb. 21, 1848.
Sarah R. and Charles C. Scott, int. Oct. 1, 1836.
George (of Springfield, int.) and Sarah Dana, Dec. 1, 1757.
George Whitfield of New Orleans, La. (s. of George and Jane, CR1), a. 25 y., and Jane Minot Fales, dau of William A. (dec., CR1), a. 23 y., Aug. 26, 1844.
Mary and Robert Converse (of Woburn, int.), Dec. 16, 1773.
Anna Amelia and Joseph Winn, int. Nov. 8, 1837.
George and Sarah K. Whipple of Newburyport, int. Mar. 25, 1845.
Mehitable Ann Clay of Charlestown, and Caleb Eaton, int. Aug. 27, 1832.
Olive and James (Jonas, int.) Lee Barnes of Boston, May 13, 1827.
LAMPSON (also see Lamson)
Caleb of Charlestown, and Dorothy Hancock, Nov. 24, 1720.*
Mary, dau of Barnabas and Philip Cook, -----, 16 --. CR1.
Sylvia C. of Duxbury, and John Owen, int. Jan. 4, 1835.
LAMSON (also see Lampson)
Consider and John Lacore, in Charlestown, Mar. 23, 1707-08.*
Henry and Eliza Ann Hough, Mar. 3, 1831.
Mary and James Clark Jr., Nov. 4, 1703.*
Rufus Jr. and Mary Jane Butler of Boston, int. Dec. 8, 1832.
Sewall of Gorham, and Judith Gorham, int. May 31, 1806.
Augustine Amelia of Boston, and Ebenezer Louis McIntire, int. Sept. 9, 1830.
Charlotte M. (Charlotte McClennan, int.) and William J. Whipple (Esq., int.), May 27, 1841.
LANDREGAN (also see Landrigan)
Patrick and Bridgett O'Conner, int. May 14, 1836.
LANDRIGAN (also see Landregan)
Margaret and Nicholas Baldwin, int. Jan. 23, 1848.
Caroline E. of Stratham, N.H., and Rev. Samuel A. Cushing, int. Apr. 27, 1844.
David H. and Harriet L. Bettinson, July 13, 1845.
James, Capt., of Bedford, and Cherry Wellington, in Lexington, Aug. 9, 1763.
Julia Ann C. and Hiram Harrington (of Charlestown, int.), Jan. 22, 1835.
Martha and Stephen D. Mackintosh (of Boston, int.), Sept. 3, 1835.
Nancy and Nathan Wilson, int. Dec. 24, 1836.
Susan F. (Susan Frances, int.), a. 29 y., and James H. (James Howe, int.) Storrs (of New York, int.), a. 30 y., Nov. 13, 1849.
Andrew of Boston, and Ann Cahill, int. Mar. 28, 1845.
Bickford and Laura S. Bailey of Charlestown, May 31, 1845.
Frances, Mrs., and Thomas Wallace, Nov. 30, 1839.
Frances G. and William Gray, int. Feb. 9, 1817.
John, s. of Wililam, a. 26 y., and Elizabeth Stevenson, dau of James, a. 22 y., Jan. 2, 1848.
William H. and Elizabeth Brady, int. May 2, 1847.
George of Boston, and Abigail Bagley, int. May 15, 1836.
John W. and Emily A. Stebbins, both of Wilbraham, Apr. 24, 1845.*
John and Celestina Elbridge of Barnstable, int. Nov. 28, 1847.
Elizabeth D. and Joseph W. Welch, Sept. 11, 1834.
Emily Ann and Asahel Wheeler of Boston, June 8, 1843.
Hannah M. and William Elliot of Pepperell, int. Oct. 14, 1827.
Henry, s. of Henry of Ossipee, N.H., a. 23 y., b. in Marblehead, and Betsey Fernald, dau of Mark of Wakefield, N.H., a. 21 y., b. in Ossipee, N.H., Mar. 26, 1845.
Joseph C. and Eley T. Ballard, Jan. 18, 1846.
Loring F. and Olive E. Bartlett, int. Sept. 28, 1844.
Noah W. and Eliza Wheeler, Sept. 7, 1824.
Tholmas I. and Janette Brown, int. Oct. 17, 1827.
Ann Eliza and Japhet Gray of Grafton, int. Mar. 12, 1840.
Susan and Silas P. Somes, May 4, 1840.
James and Hannah Manning, July 25, 1743.
Patrick and Mary McLaughlin, both of Boston, Apr. 15, 1849.*
John (Lacore, CR1) and Sarah Ferguson, Aug. 11, 1701.*
John, Esq., and Lucy Vassall, June 16, 1768. CR2.
Samuell and Mary Hickes, Mar. 3, 1723-4.*
LARNARD (also see Larned, Learnard, Learned, Lernard, Lerned)
Catharine and Thomas Welch, Feb. 20, 1838.
Samuel Smith and Mary Fiske of Weston, in Weston, May 15, 1770.
Samuell Smith and Sarah Gardner, Oct. 22, 1765.
LARNED (also see Larnard, Learnard, Learned, Lernard, Lerned)
Halijah and Sarah Smith, in Newton, Feb. 3, 1735-6.
Mary and William Boyes (of Boston, int.), in Boston, May 14, 1772.
Ann and Richard Quinn, int. Oct. 31, 1845.
Bethany and Samuel Moore of Boston, Sept. 5, 1827.*
John of Roxbury, and Elizabeth Williams, Dec. 24, 1829.
Jeremiah and Julia Twomay of Boston, int. Jan. 8, 1842.
John and Mary Sullivan, int. Sept. 27, 1841.
James M. of Somerville, s. of Matthew (of Maine, CR1), a. 27 y., and Mary F. Woodbridge, dau of Dudley of Norway, Me., a. 26 y., Dec. 1, 1844.
Marcus of Boston, and Joanna Bailey, Apr. 29, 1845.
Catherine and Thomas Godfrey of Boston, int. Feb. 3, 1846.
Margaret and Owen Daily, int. May 16, 1847.
Michael and Ann McGlaughlin, int. Feb. 13, 1848.
Shepard A. of Pittston, Me., s. of Ebenezer, a. 41 y., and Isabella Hancock, dau of Torrey, a. 31 y., Aug. 11, 1846.
LAWARANCE (also see Lawrance, Lawrence)
Isaac and Mary Bowman Cutter, both of Boston, Feb. 13, 1791.*
Dennis Joseph and Caroline F. Littlefield, Feb. 18, 1847.
LAWRANCE (also see Lawarance, Lawrence)
Elizabeth and William Dickson Jr. (of Charlestown, int.), Dec. 3, 1741.
LAWRENCE (also see Lawarance, Lawrance)
Abigail and Edward Wyer Jr., Sept. 1, 1684.*
Almon and Mary Canfield, Jan. 30, 1840.
Betsey of Lincoln, and Samuel S. Green, Apr. 18, 1813.
Danforth and Mary G. Newman, Mar. 19, 1829.
Elizabeth and Phillip Beemus, Nov. 21, 1723.*
Elizabeth of Lexington, and Thaddeus Bowman, in Lexington, Nov. 7, 1764.
George and Lucretia A. Proctor of Lunenburgh, int. Dec. 6, 1846.
Hannah T. and Charles Crosland of Newark, N.J., July 3, 1844.
Hannah T. and William Groneo, both of Boston, May 18, 1845. Colored.*
Hubbard (Rev., late of Lane Seminary, Cincinnati, int.) of Ohio, and Martha Sawyer, Sept. 28, 1841.
Isaac and Abigail Bellows, Apr. 19, 1682.*
Jonas and Mary Ann Bridge, Jan. 28, 1819.
Jonathan and Rebeccah Rutter, Nov. 5, 1677.*
Jonathan (of Medford, int.) and Mary Fillebrown, Jan. 1, 1778.
Joseph and Hannah Marret, Feb. 17, 1714-15.*
Susanna I. of Boston, and John Giddings, int. Sept. 16, 1820.
William of Salisbury, Conn., and Esther Patch, int. May 10, 1811.
William and Abigail Flint of Concord, int. Sept. 15, 1811.
William and Sarah Hiscock, Apr. 17, 1832.*
Lemuel (a. 21 y., CR11) and Eliza Reed (a. 22 y., CR11), both of Boston, May 25, 1843. Colored.*
Catherine F. of Somerville, a. 21 y., and Randall Taylor, a. 27 y., July 7, 1846.
Catherine and William Tucker of Dorchester, June 18, 1822.
James (Leahy, int.) and Mary Comee, July 21, 1768.
LEARNARD (also see Larnard, Larned, Learned, Lernard, Lerned)
Jonas and Tabitha Morse, Sept. 18, 1753.
Josiah Jr. of Watertown, and Mary Ann Hill, Apr. 3, 1842.
LEARNED (also see above)
Aaron and Sally Wood of Hopkinton, in Hopkinton, June 27, 1793.*
Abigail and Ebenezer Perry (of Boston, int.), Sept. 26, 1776.
Benjamin Gilson and Lucy Learned of East Sudbury, int. Mar. 4, 1809.
Deborah and Cyrus French, both of Watertown, Dec. 30, 1802.
Elijah and Lucy Trowbridge, Jan. 17, 1813.
Elizabeth H. and John Greenleaf, Apr. 10, 1820.
Grant and Patty Garfield, July --, 1797.*
Hannah and Samuel Locke Jr., Nov. 12, 1797.*
Hannah and Thomas Woodward, Apr. 7, 1803.
Hannah and John Baker, Apr. 21, 1806.
Hannah and John Stowell, Oct. 6, 1807.
Isaac and Elizabeth Winship, July 8, 1784.*
Isaac and Lucy Fitterton of Medford, int. Feb. 10, 1821.
Jedidiah of Watertown, and Mary Grant, in Watertown, Sept. 20, 1759.
Joshua and Hannah Crosbyof Billerica, int. Mar. 1, 1819.
Josiah and (wid., CR1) Elizabeth Hastings, Apr, 28, 1799.*
Katharine and Bezaleel Locke, Oct. 13, 1796.*
Laura and John P. White (of Woburn, int.), Aug. 28, 1842.
Lucy and Edmund (Edward, CR1) Winship, Nov. 22, 1789.*
Lucy and Thaddeus Peirce, int. Aug. 3, 1804.
Lucy of East Sudbury, and Benjamin Gilson Learned, int. Mar. 4, 1809.
Lydia (Leonard, int. and CR1) and Nathan Wheeler of Rehoboth, Apr. 4, 1805.
Lydia and Samuel Hutchins, Feb. 25, 1841.
Mary and Samuel Walker, Dec. 25, 1785.*
Mary and William Cook, May 25, 1798.*
Miranda and John McIntier, June 15, 1821.
Nathaniel and Hannah Underwood, in Watertown, Apr. 15, 1781.*
Polly and Joshua Cook, Aug. 28, 1785.*
Sally (Leonard, CR1 and int.) and Martin Bullock, Nov. 4, 1806.
Samuel and Lucy Coollidge of Watertown, Apr. 2, 1795.*
Sarah and Edmund Gookin, Oct. 18, 1791.*
Susan and William Hovey of Brighton, Sept. 21, 1819.
Thomas (Jr., int.) of Watertown, and Deborah Brown, in Watertown, Mar. 22, 1759.
John and Mary Sullivan, int. Jan. 14, 1843.
Edwin T. and Mary Ann Royal, May 9, 1847.
Hannah, Mrs., of Watertown, and Abraham Cummings of Freeport, Sept. 23, 1798.*
Isabella W. and Charles Stone, Nov. 4, 1846.
John D. and Sarah B. Simonds of Woburn, int. Oct. 19, 1845.
Mary Ann and Daniel H. Richards, int. June 23, 1838.
William and Isabella Hovey, July 4, 1811.
William F., s. of William, a. 29 y., and Margaret J. Turnbull, a. 26 y., Feb. 21, 1847.
Zerviah M. of Lowell, and Darius Carpenter, int. Dec. 1, 1847.
Phoebe of Charlestown, and Francis Churchill, Sept. 24, 1786.*
Ruth of Charlestown, and Joseph Bird, Nov. 19, 1788.*
John and Hepsy Fisk of Lexington, int. Mar. 12, 1802.
Richard of Salem, and Mary Phips, int. Mar. 1, 1754.
Hannah and Marshall Spring of Watertown, Aug. 31, 1797.*
Joseph of Boston and Rebecca Phips, int. Feb. 15, 1755.
Joshua and Susanna March (of Watertown, int.), Sept. 24, 1767.
Louisa and Benjamin Waterhouse, Sept. 19, 1819.
Silvia and Peter Deming, Dec. 8, 1791. Free negroes.*
Thomas Jr. of Boston, and Eliza Buckminster, June 27, 1827.
Margaret M., a. 24 y., and J. Q. Adams Prescott of Brighton, s. of James and Lydia, a. 24 y., May 4, 1848.*
Alpheus and Eunice Russell, int. Sept. 28, 1805.
Daniel, B.A. (of Dorchester, int.), and Abigail Gove, Dec. 30, 1762.
Maria and William Carter, both of Boston, Nov. 27, 1845.*
Susannah of Dorchester, and Benjamin Cox, in Dorchester, Oct. 14, 1779.
Daniel of Roxbury, and Lucy P. Leonard, June 19, 1842.
Elbridge and Relief Flint, Sept. 16, 1838.
Eliot and Elizabeth Ann Nason of Boston, int. May 22, 1831.
John and Jane Barnes, int. Aug. 10, 1834.
Margaret and Thomas Thompson, Mar. 11, 1831.
Mary Ann and James Wallace, May 9, 1834.
Relief and Nathan Ellenwoord, int. Dec. 18, 1843.
Robert E., s. of Thomas, a. 24 y., and Sarah Ann Cummings, dau of Elisha, a. 26 y., July 1, 1847.
Thomas and Emily Butler, Dec. 6, 1833.
William and Mary Needham, Mar. 8, 1829.
Joseph W. and Martha Carter, int. Nov. 8, 1837.
Warren S., s. of Caleb of Somerville, a. 25 y., and Mary A. Sanborn, dau of David of Somerville, a. 25 y., Dec. 5, 1847.*
Marcus and Rebecca Jahoh of Natick, in Natick, Feb. 3, 1776.*
Jane T. and William F. Bryant of Charlestown, int. Oct. 13, 1844.
John and Alice McCaffrey of Lowell, int. June 13, 1847.
Charles and Seney Rogers, July 21, 1811. (Blacks, CR1).
Charles and Mary Joseph Gallitee, int. Apr. 7, 1849.
Anne and Patrick Leonard, int. Jan. 25, 1844.
Cromwell, Hon., widr., of Norton, s. of Jonathan (and Rebecca Smith Leonard, CR11), a. 60 y., and Harriet Morse, dau of Dr. Caleb (and Ann Ambrose Morse of Moultonborough, N.H., CR11), a. 38 y., June 20, 1849.
Gilman P. and Mary P. Springer, int. Sept. 5, 1837.
John and Ann Rorke, int. Jan. 18, 1847.
Loomis G. and Mehitabel A. Fisk, int. Aug. 27, 1836.
Lucy P. and Daniel LeFavour of Roxbury, June 19, 1842.
Margaret and Michael Cummiskey of Boston, int. May 9, 1847.
Mary Ann and Robert I. Rogers (of Milbury, int.), July --, 1835.
Mary Ann and Edward McCaffray, int. May 28, 1848.
Nancy of Dorchester, and Thomas F. Fletcher, int. July 14, 1839.
Patrick and Anne Leonard, int. Jan. 25, 1844.
Sarah Swann and Philemon Robbins, in Waltham, Apr. 5, 1781.*
LERNARD (also see Larnard, Larned, Learnard, Learned, Lerned)
Abijah and Abigial Bisco, int. Jan. 27, 1753.
David and Mercy Morse, Nov. 4, 1754.
Sarah and William Heath Jr. (of Roxbury, int.), Apr. 19, 1759.
Asiel H. and Charlotte H. Burnham of Boxford, int. Feb. 20, 1848.
Emeline and Jonathan W. Teel of Charlestown, Apr. 13, 1836.
Thomas (Thomas P., int.) and Elsie Kendall, Aug. 4, 1836.
Thomas P. and Sarah C. Bruce of Boston, int. Nov. 28, 1848.
George L. (George Lindsey, int.) and Sarah S. (Sarah Smith, int.) Upham of Malden, Nov. 9, 1825.
Susan Caroline and John Semple, int. Oct. 15, 1825.
Rachell and Samuel Bucke, Mar. 16, 1669-70.*
LEVERET (also see Leverett)
John and Margaret Berry, in Boston, Nov. 25, 1697.*
LEVERETT (also see Leveret)
Louisa A. and Elbridge G. Grames, Nov. 22, 1849.
Mary and Maj. Jno. Denison of Ipswich, Apr. 9, 1719.*
Rachel and Josiah Dana, Oct. 31, 1782.*
Sally and Oliver Pratt, Sept. 29, 1788.*
Sarah and Rev. Edward Wigglesworth, June 15, 1726.*
Thomas J. (of Brighton, int.) and Louisa Dascomb, Nov. 29, 1827.
John and Sophia Lewis, July 8, 1822 (persons of color, CR1).
Abner K., s. of John C., a. 27 y., and Christiana (Christiana S., int.) Knowlton, dau of John, a. 25 y., May 1, 1848.
Andress V. and Urania Silver, int. July 5, 1846.
Diana S. and William F. Bassett of Boston, Apr. 24, 1827. Colored.
Enoch and Zuba Nichols, Apr. 30, 1823. Colored.
Enoch L. and Mary M. Webster, Sept. 18, 1846.
Fanny, dau of Henry, and Henry Burnell, s. of Melzer, of Northampton, a. 27 y., Apr. 6, 1845.
George W. and Eleanor R. Williams, Jan. 20, 1846.
John of Boston and Charlotte Gould, July 23, 1815.
Maria J. (Maria Jane, int.) and Francis P. (Francis Prince, int.) Clary of Boston, Oct. 31, 1843.
Mary Ann and George Wilkins, int. June 29, 1848.
Mary H., Mrs., and William Pearcey, int. Aug. 11, 1838.
Patty and Nathaniel Munro, Dec. 12, 1802.
Samuel and Elizabeth Munroe, -----, 1841. (int. Dec. 29, 1841).
Samuel A., a. 25 y., and Letitia J. Green, a. 21 y., both of Dracut, Feb. 14, 1847. Colored.*
Sarah and Calvin Simonds, both of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Oct. 24, 1839.*
Simpson H. and Susan M. Jackson, both of Boston, June 17, 1841. Colored.*
Sophia and John Levi, July 8, 1822 (persons of color, CR1).
Walker and Elizabeth Lovejoy, May 26, 1825. Colored.
Mary Ann of Portland, Me., and Edwin Davenport, int. Jan. 4, 1846.
Seth and Elizabeth Warner, int. Sept. 27, 1844.
LIEW (also see Low, Lowe)
Relief (Low, CR10), and Stephen W. Farmer, both of Boston, Dec. 11, 1831. Colored.*
Sophia and Jacob B. Weaver of Boston, Sept. 23, 1832.
Ruth and Luther Towne of Boston, int. Aug. 28, 1824.
LIMAN (also see Lyman)
Elizabeth and Henry Johnson, Aug. 3, 1731.*
Elizabeth, dau of John, a. 20 y., b. in Ireland, and Robert Bellew, s. of Lawrence, a. 37 y., b. in Ireland, Nov. 8, 1849.
LINCH (also see Lynch)
Catharine and John McDonald, int. Oct. 25, 1828.
Hiram of New Boston, N.H. and Martha Seaver, Mar. 8, 1829.
Allen and Lucy Richardson of Goffstown, N.H., int. Apr. 11, 1840.
Charles A., s. of George (and Louisa Lord, CR11), a. 26 y., and Elvina M. Reynolds, dau of James (and Olive, CR11), of Ossipee, N.H., a. 20 y., Apr. 9, 1848.
Jairus of Duxbury, and Mary C. Ware, Dec. 3, 1818.
Louisa L. and William V. Thompson, Nov. 7, 1847.
Mary and (Rev., int.) Henry Ware, Feb. 9, 1807.
Oshea, s. of Oshea (and Polly Smith, CR11) of Chelsea, Vt., a. 30 y., and Emeline Buswell, dau of James (and Mary, CR11) of Acworth, N.H., a. 20 y., both of Charlestown, June 24, 1847.*
Sarah and Benjamin Shaw, Apr. 15, 1830.
Thomas and Lucy C. Stone of Watertown, int. Nov. 7, 1835.
George of N.Y., and Matilda Smallwood of Newton, Oct. 11, 1841. CR2.*
Mary P. of Somerville, and Franklin Dakin of Concord, July 6, 1845. CR10.*
Timothy and Ellen Shean, int. Apr. 19, 1846.
John and Hannah Randall of Rutland, in Rutland, Dec. 21, 1797.*
LINN (also see Lynn)
Abigail and Matthew Mallett, Jan. 25, 1703-04.*
John and Martha Miller, in Charlestown, Aug. 30, 1785.*
John and Anna Powell, both of Watertown, May 2, 1838.*
James, colored, and Betsey Colly, white, int. Oct. 3, 1843.
Ann C. and Abraham P. Boardman of Boston, Apr. 9, 1829.
Harriet A. and Jacob Nudd, int. Sept. 19, 1835.
Roland Jr. and Sarah Ann Nickols, int. Aug. 14, 1837.
Charles Coffin of Boston, and Sarah Anne Hilliard, Jan. 1, 1829.
Samuel B. of Brookline, s. of Joshua, a. 21 y., b. in Newburyport, and Mary L. Gould of Brighton, dau of Jared, a. 20 y., Nov. 29, 1849.*
Caroline F. and Dennis Joseph Lawlor, Feb. 18, 1847.
Esther D., dau of Obadiah of Sanford, Me., a. 21 y., and Jeremiah Paul, s. of John of Sanford, Me., a. 25 y., Apr. 21, 1848.
Jane (Jane G., int.) and Gardner H. Thwing, Nov. 19, 1839.
Joshua and Czarena Wood of Woburn, int. Sept. 7, 1838.
Martha A. and Louis C. Edgerly, both of Somerville, in Somerville, June 13, 1843.*
Mary of Somerville, and James P. Hastings, Aug. 10, 1845.
Rebecca W. and John W. Calder, int. Mar. 16, 1844.
Reuben and Dorothy Tallick, Apr. 21, 1845.
Sarah of Charlestown, and Edward Pepper, int. Sept. 7, 1830.
Anna of Mason, and Nathan Fiske, July 13, 1805.*
Charles of Brighton, and Mary S. Mason, Aug. 20, 1829.
Eliza C. and Rufus P. Stebbins of Wilbraham, Sept. 11, 1837 (Sept. 21, CR9).
Eunice T. of Newton, and Charles Stratton, Mar. 21, 1844.
George and Elizabeth C. Odiorne, Oct. 1, 1839.
Hannah of Watertown, and Dea. Samuell Whittemore, int. May 24, 1764.
Hannah and Noah Parker, Dec. 4, 1777.
Isaac and Eunice Hovey, Nov. --, 1822.
Jane C. and Anson Burlingame of Boston, June 3, 1847.
John and Caroline H. Stone, Oct. 4, 1838.
Jonathan and Martha Robbins of Newton, in Newton, June 22, 1786.*
Josiah T. and Ann Carter, int. Sept. 6, 1846.
Martha of Brighton, and Thomas Hastings, Apr. 25, 1823.
Oliver of Watertown, and Ruth Bowman, in Watertown, Aug. 4, 1726.*
Ruth (of Watertown, int.) and Thomas Soden, Mar. 16, 1763.
Samuel and Elizabeth Parker, Nov. 15, 1699. CR1.*
Samuel B. and Abigail H. Vinal of Boston, int. Aug. 31, 1833.
Sarah of Brighton, and Jabez Fisher, int. Apr. 23, 1819.
William and Esther (Esther M., int.) Barnard, July 19, 1836.
Abigail of Charlestown, and John W. (John W. H., int.) Morse, Dec. 3, 1835.
James of Boston, and Anna Sawtill Holden of Charlestown, Jan. 17, 1796.*
Jane and Charles B. Stevens, Nov. 8, 1842.
William and Alice R. Runey, both of Somerville, Jan. 26, 1847.*
Sarah and Thomas Carney, int. Aug. 21, 1823.
Elizabeth and Benjamin Green, June 8, 1699. CR1.*
Elizabeth of Boston, and Elphraim Frost 3d, July 14, 1793.*
LOCK (also see Locke)
Abraham of St. Georges, and Hannah Lock, June 20, 1776.
Bathsheba of Lexington, and Neptune Frost, in Lexington, Mar. 22, 1787. Negroes.*
Benjamin and Mary Pierce (of Charlestown, int.), Aug. 2, 1757.
Benjamin Jr. and Hannah Cutter, Dec. 3, 1789.*
Deborah and William Butterfield, Jan. 12, 1768.
Elizabeth and Zachariah Symmes (of Charlestown, int.), June 16, 1748.
Elizabeth and Jason Russell Jr., Oct. 28, 1762.
Francis and Martha Dunster, Mar. 15, 1759.
Francis Jr. and Phebe Lock, Nov. 1, 1772.
Francis and Jenny Davis, Nov. 23, 1786.*
Hannah and Abraham Lock of St. Georges, June 20, 1776.
James and Sarah Cutter, in Woburn, Dec. 5, 1700.*
James and Sarah Symmes, int. Dec. 14, 1776.
John and Mary Frost Jr., Jan. 2, 1752.
John and Sukey Sawyer, Feb. 6, 1777.
John and Lucy Turner, Nov. 12, 1822.
Jonathan and Mary Frost, Jan. 3, 1775.
Joseph and Mary Butterfield, Nov. 19, 1772.
Lydia and Daniel Hill, Aug. 27, 1761.
Mary and Oliver Stone (of Harvard, int.), May 12, 1757.
Mary of West Cambridge, and Charles McIntier, int. Jan. 19, 1823.
Mary Furnald of Lexington and Cesor Wentworth, in Lexington, Dec. 14, 1795.*
Phebe and Francis Lock Jr., Nov. 1, 1772.
Rebecca and Lieut. John Batts of Lynn, int. Apr. 11, 1778.
Ruth and Isaac Watson (of Medford, int.), Sept. 26, 1771.
Ruthy and David Russell, in Medford, Feb. 17, 1795.*
Samuel and Mehettable Butterfield, June 6, 1770.
Samuel Jr. (3d, int.) and Margeret Adams, May 16, 1771.
Sarah and Aaron Fessenden of Lexington, int. Nov. 18, 1768.
Vilate of Newton, and Peter Waters, in Newton, Apr. 8, 1790.*
William of Woburn, and Grace Newel, int. May 14, 1747.
William and Hannah Putnam of Medford, in Medford, Sept. 22, 1788.*
LOCKE (also see Lock)
Benjamin and Susanna Keys, May 22, 1796.*
Benjamin and Ame Brown of Charlestown, int. Feb. 12, 1807.
Bezaleel and Katharine Learned, Oct. 13, 1796.*
Daniel and Mary Williams, Nov. 15, 1802.
Deborah and Ephraim Cutter, Mar. 13, 1791.*
Edwin H. of Charleston, S.C., and Sarah A. Hall, Oct. 15, 1845. CR10.
Francis Jr. and Patty Davis, int. Jan. 28, 1804.
Isaac and Hannah Butterfield, int. Jan. 24, 1807.
Joseph 3d, and Mehittabel Locke, Mar. 2, 1800.*
Joseph Jr. and Abigail Munro, June 24, 1801.
Josiah and Susanna Frost, Jan. 30, 1803.
Louisa R. and William H. White, in Somerville, Dec. 19, 1848. CR9.
Lucy A., a. 20 y., and George T. Denton of Newton, a. 24 y., Apr. 11, 1847.
Margaret and James Frost 3d, Feb. 1, 1795.*
Martha and Peter Tufts Jr. of Medford, Apr. 5, 1798.*
Mary and Nathaniel Cutter (of Princeton, int.), Nov. 20, 1777.
Mehittabel and Joseph Locke 3d, Mar. 2, 1800.*
Nathan and Sarah Cutter, Nov. 14, 1797.*
Sally and Joseph Dane of Medford, int. Nov. 16, 1806.
Samuel Jr and Hannah Learned, Nov. 12, 1797.*
Samuel H., s. of William (and Sarah, CR1), a. 27 y., and Eleanor A. Payson, dau of Samuel (and Hannah, CR1), a. 22 y., Mar. 10, 1846.
Sarah S. of Lancaster, and Silas H. Holland, int. Apr. 20, 1844.
William Jr. and Hannah Porter, int. May 23, 1806.
John of Roxbury, and Elizabeth Norris, int. Sept. 10, 1848.
Abigail and Nathaniel Prentice, Nov. 22, 1764.*
David and Susanna Mackfedery (Mackfedera, int.) (Macpederas, CR1), Nov. 8, 1744.
Margaret and James Johnson, Jan. 4, 1738-9.
LOMBARD (also see Lumbard)
Sarah Jane and Henry B. Roberts of Portland, Me., Oct. 2, 1845.
Dennis and Hannah Sullivan, int. Oct. 16, 1848.
Dennis and Sarah A. (Sarah Ann, int.) Barnes, June 9, 1849.
Elizabeth and John Wyatt, Oct. 8, 1674.*
Henry Wadsworth, Prof., and Fanny Elizabeth Appleton of Boston, int. June 13, 1843.
Bethya and Amos Marritt, Nov. 2, 1681.*
Hannah and Prince H. (Prince Howland, int.) Otis, Feb. 24, 1805.
Orrick and Rebecca Griswold of Walpole, N.H., int. ----, 1812.
Julia and William Sweeney, int. Dec. 21, 1846.
LOPAS (also see Lopaus, Lopauz, Lopez)
John (of Woburn, int.) and Catherine Wilson, Nov. 6, 1760.
LOPAUS (also see Lopas, Lopauz, Lopez)
Andrew and Sarah Kidder, Nov. 19 ,1788.*
LOPAUZ (also see Lopas, Lopaus, Lopez)
Katharine and William Watson, Dec. 29, 1791.*
LOPEZ (also see Lopas, Lopaus, Lopauz)
Joseph, widr., s. of Benjamin, a. 47 y., and Elizabeth Beck, wid., a. 33 y., June 6, 1847.
Frederic M. and Harriet M. Hoffner of Salem, int. Apr. 26, 1846.
John and Eunice Hasset, Oct. 28, 1817.
Joseph and Sarah Cummings, int. Dec. 11, 1840.
Joseph H. and Judith Mansfield of Salem, int. Feb. 26, 1819.
Joshua and Lucy Eastey of Walpole, int. May 6, 1830.
Lucy and John Slade Jr. of Boston, int. Nov. 4, 1830.
Lucy A. of Portsmouth, N.H., and Francis L. Chapman, int. Mar. 15, 1846.
Peter of Charlestown, and Sarah Ann Philbrick, int. Apr. 5, 1838.
Sarah and Joseph (Joseph B., int.) Peirce, Aug. 15, 1830.
Alexander and Evelina Atkinson, int. Jan. 12, 1839.
Harriet of Boston, and Luther Lawrence Parker, int. Apr. 5, 1846.
Israel, Rev., and Mary Hayman, May 25, 1709. CR1.*
Jane L., dau of Charles G. and Prof. Asa Gray, May 4, 1848. CR4.*
Rebecca H. and William Hays, Oct. 31, 1847.
Richard and Elizabeth Rand, Nov. 9, 1780.*
Sarah and Abram Perkins, int. Nov. 9, 1845.
Sarah Dana of Boston, and Richard Saltonstall Greenough, int. Sept. 26, 1846.
Anselm and Ruth J. Johnson, Feb. 27, 1831.
George B. of Boston, and Eunice W. Wheeler, int. July 16, 1842.
S. Kirkland, and Mary Lyman Buckminster, June 3, 1829. GR3.*
Uriah L. and Eliza F. Knight, Nov. 20, 1831.
Edward and Mary Toby, int. Jan. 27, 1816.
Edward and Mary Toleman, Feb. 11, 1816.*
William and Ann Garland, Oct. 25, 1837.
Charles and Harriet J. Humphrey of Boston, int. Dec. 24, 1844.
Eliza and Seneca F. Conant, Feb. 22, 1849.*
Elizabeth and Walker Lewis, May 26, 1825. Colored.
Hannah B. and Frederic A. Conant of New Orleans, La., Jan. 27, 1842.
Harriet and Nathan S. Walton, Dec. 9, 1835.
Lucy C. and Charles Parker, Aug. 11, 1839.
Nehemiah of Boston (Claremont, N.H., int.) and Betsey Buckman Parks, Oct. 10, 1815.
Philip and Sarah Ann Tarbell, Sept. 19, 1833.
Sarah D. and Jonathan E. (J. G., int.) Noble of Boston, May 31, 1846.
LOVEL (also see Lovell)
John and Hannah Colson, Dec. 9, 1731.*
LOVELL (also see Lovel)
Harriet S. and Benjamin A. Burditt (olf Boston, int.), Mar. 9, 1834.
John and Mary A. Simonds, Nov. 26, 1845.
Joseph and Jane Britt, June 3, 1833.
Joshua Jr. of Boston, and Hannah Binney (of Charlestown, int.), June 17, 1834.
Mary and George Studley, Apr. 22, 1824.
Olive G. and Stillman L. Symonds of Boston, int. Feb. 16, 1837.
Sarah A. of Boston, and James W. Denton, int. Feb. 11, 1849.
Sylvia of Barnstable, and Henry Chase, int. Mar. 18, 1810.
William S. of Boston, and Elizabeth M. Gagetty, Sept. 27, 1835.
Joseph, Prof., and Sarah Gray Hawes of Boston, int. Jan. 19, 1844.
Anne L., and William Frazier, both of Charlestown, Dec. 21, 1834.*
Deborah of Boston, and John Campbell of Roxbury, Jan. 25, 1829. CR10.*
Susannah and Renold Bush, Sept. 2, 1678.*
William and Eliza Chamberlain, both of Malden, Jan. 20, 1828.*
LOW (also see Liew, Lowe)
Caroline A. of Springvale, dau of Samuel B., a. 20 y., and George L. Parker (of Roxbury, int.), s. of Benjamin, a. 23 y., Nov. 29, 1847.
Charlotte and Richard Fillebrown, May 26, 1819.
Clara H. and Royal F. Weller, int. Oct. 7, 1849.
Elizabeth H. and Thomas P. Gault, int. Oct. 30, 1842.
Harriet B. and Oliver T. Cutter of Boston, Oct. 2, 1831.
John and Sarah Homer, both of Boston, in Boston, May 23, 1838.*
John and Sarah Steevenson, May 29, 1662.*
LOWE (alsos ee Liew, Low)
Samuel P. and Mary Ann McDuffie (wid., CR11), Oct. 9, 1843.
Diana of Dedham, and Samuel Woods, int. Sept. 1, 1838.
James Russell, s. of Rev. Charles, a. 25 y., and Maria White, dau of Abijah of Watertown, Dec. 26, 1844.
Isabel, dau of John, a. 19 y., and George Pearl, s. of Benjamin, of Porter, Me., a. 24 y., Apr. 22, 1846.
Jane and William Proudfoot, int. May 20, 1837.
Edmund G. (Edmund George, int.) of Boston, and Lydia Ann Whittemore, Apr. 29, 1847.
John Mortimer of New Orleans, and Margaret Flynn, int. Aug. 28, 1848.
Henry (of Boston, int.) and Martha Cutter, Feb. 12, 1767.
Susanna of Boston, and Daniel Procter, Mar. 5, 1808.
LUFFKIN (also see Lufkin)
Ezra and Judith Dane, May 19, 1833.
LUFKIN (also see Luffkin)
Levi and Eliza Norwood of Boston, Jan. 8, 1835.
Lucy, Mrs., and Caleb Prentiss, Nov. 26, 1823.
Mary of North Yarmouth, Me., and Joseph K. Tarbox, int. Aug. 17, 1838.
Elijah H. and Lois Elmira Mason, Sept. 24, 1846.
James and Maria Osborne, Mar. 27, 1834.
James, s. of James, Esq., a. 23 y., b. in Boston, and Lydia Ann Howe, dau of Tyler, a. 18 y., b. in Spencer, Jan. 5, 1848.
Benjamin and Hannah Fowler, int. July 25, 1747.
Fanny Alzen and Edward Hyde, Esq., Apr. 27, 1837.
Sally Jeannette and Francis Faulkner, int. Aug. 10, 1827.
LUMMARD (also see Lombard)
Theophilus and Mrs. Lucy Prentiss, May 14, 1832.
Thomas and Elizabeth Bowker, Mar. 28, 1679.*
Moses and Priscilla Stearns, May --, 1828.
Moses and Lucy M. Handy of Boston, int. Aug. 31, 1839.
Harriet and Martin Fitzpatrick of Lowell, int. June 6, 1844.
George Jr. and Katharine Jackson, both late of Boston, int. Dec. 10, 1775.
Elizabeth and Phillip Goodwin, in Boston, June 14, 1694.*
Lydia and Nathaniel Billings, Mar. 29, 1709. CR1.*
Margaret and John Pattin, Mar. 13, 1699-1700. CR1.*
LYMAN (also see Liman)
Annie Jean, dau of Hon. Elisha, dec., of Enfield, and Charles Short, in Greenfield, Me., Oct. --, 1849. CR4.*
LYNCH (also see Linch)
Hugh and Mary McDermot of Boston, int. Aug. 11, 1848.
James of Boston, and Sarah Nugent, Jan. 28, 1849.*
Lawrence and Mary Maloy, int. Aug. 27, 1839.
Leonard and Eliza Ann Palmer, Apr. --, 1832.
Mary and Chrisostom Sullivan, int. Jan. 22, 1836.
Mary and William Crangle, int. Oct. 16, 1844.
Mary Ann and Hugh Courlay, int. July 6, 1838.
Mary Ann and Martin Miley, int. Aug. 8, 1847.
Michael and Mary Ann O'Brien, int. Sept. 10, 1848.
Stephen and Margaret Minnon, int. Jan. 1, 1844.
Elizabeth, dau of John, a. 20 y., b. in Ireland, and Robert Belyea, s. of Lawrence, a. 37 y., b. in Ireland, int. Oct. 23, 1849.
LYNN (also see Linn)
Elizabeth and Francis Begar, Feb. 15, 1697-8. CR1.*
LYON (also see Lyons)
Ann Maria and Thomas Freeman Worcester (of Chelsea, int.), Apr. 3, 1842 (Apr. 4, 1841, dup.).
Eunice P. and John Balch, Sept. 8, 1835.
Jason and Lucy Winship, Nov. 5, 1789.*
Leonard and Mary D. Farley, int. Oct. 6, 1843.
Mary (Mrs., int.) and John Chamberlin, Feb. 13, 1842.
Mary W. and Isaac Hyde, Apr. 6, 1834.
Rebecca and Joseph Reed, May 15, 1842.
Samuel (of Roxbury, int.) and Mary Robbins, Nov. 24, 1742.
LYONS (also see Lyon)
Mary and James Rogers, int. June 4, 1845.
Stephen and Ellen McDevitt, Jan. 21, 1849.