VITAL RECORDS of CAMBRIDGE Massachusetts, to the Year 1850.
Compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

* =Intention not recorded.
Ann and Samuel Hancock, Nov. 20, 1808.
Caroline E., dau of Charles of Somerville, and Erasmus Addison Norris, s. of Rev. Thomas F., Dec. 15, 1844.
Edmond F. and Cordelia M. Martin, int. Sept. 17, 1846.
Edmund F. and Elizabeth Williams, int. Apr. 20, 1846.
Elizabeth M., dau of Joseph (and Mary C., CR1) of Watertown, a. 30 y., and Samuel Flint, s. of Samuel (and Louisa, CR1), a. 29 y., both of Watertown, Nov. 30, 1848.*
Joseph and Ruth Leathers of Charlestown, Nov. 19, 1788.*
Joseph, widr., s. of Joseph (and Mary C., CR1) of Watertown, a. 38 y., and Ann E. (Ann Elizabeth, int) Warland, dau of John (and Priscilla, CR1), 1. 26 y., Dec. 10, 1848.
Martha and John Thatchel, May 4, 1825.
Martha M., dau of Joseph (and Mary, CR1), a. 24 y., and Benjamin K. Flint, s. of Samuel (and Louisa, CR1), a. 22 y., both of Watertown, Aug. 6, 1848.*
Mary C. of Watertown, and Charles H. Hunnewell, int. Dec. 30, 1841.
Samuel J. of Boston, and Julia Lord, May 6, 1830.
Sarah F. (Sarah Frances, int.) of Medford, and Franklin E. Gregory, May 26, 1847.
Susanna B. (Susanna Baker, int.) of Boston, and Solomon Hancock, Jan. 13, 1803.
Maria Eloisa and Antonio Joseph Gouvea, int. Oct. 20, 1814.
BISBY (also see Bigsbe, Bixby)
Charlotte L. and Hervey Bennett (Burnett, int) of Boston, Mar. 6, 1820.
Abigaiil and Abijah Lernard, int. Jan. 27, 1753.
Hannah of Watertown and Samuell Gookin, Sept. 23, 1708 (Sept 17, CR1).*
John of Watertown, and Sarah Remington, Feb. 1, 1710-11.*
Maria M. (Maria H., int.), and George Street of New York, Mar. 22, 1832.
Sarah and Daniel Gookin, July 9, 1716.*
Thomas and Bathsheba Howe of Framingham, int. May 4, 1807.
Sarah and Henry Seager, Jan. 21, 1673.*
Ann of Boston, and Ebenezer Smith Jr., int. Apr. 21, 1739.
BIXBY (also see Bigsbe, Bisby)
Zebiah and John B. Nours, Oct. 22, 1826.*
Elizabeth O. (A., int.), and Oliver Wetherbee, Aug. 24, 1841.
George and Esther Garland, Nov. 25, 1847. CR2
James and Sarah Allen, Aug. 1, 1848.
William and Margarett Johnson, both of Boston, Dec. 12, 1838.*
William T. and Ann Page, Aug. 24, 1841.
BLACKINTON (also see Blackington)
Abigail and Caleb Winship, Sept. 28, 1802.
BLACKINGTON (also see Blackinton)
Edward and Sally Harrington of Lexington, in Lexington, Dec. 30, 1793.*
Israel (of Wrentham, int.), and Abigial Russell, Apr. 13, 1755.
William and Elizabeth Hadley of Lexington, in Lexington, Dec. 25, 1793.*
Elizabeth G. and Samuel P. Merrill, both of Boston, June 18, 1843.*
Mary and William Cutter Jr., Nov. 6, 1774.
Thomas and Tryphena Reed, both of Somerville, Feb. 27, 1848.*
Holland and Ruth C. Caldwell, Aug. --, 1825.
Eleanor of Frankfort and Samuel Smith, int. May 5, 1805.
Mary (of Chelmsford, int.), and Jonathan Stedman, in Chelmsford, June 10, 1742.
Darius and Mary A. Getchell of Charlestown, int. May 10, 1845.
Eleanor and John P. Ordway, Oct. 11, 1849.
Fanny J. and Isaiah W. Tuttle, Oct. 28, 1849.
George C. and Harriet Simons, int. Sept. 19, 1829.
James of Boston, and Susanna Fillebrown, Nov. 29, 1773.
John and Mary Jane Cummings, int. Dec. 5, 1844.
John and Mary Elizabeth Stone of Charlestown, June 4, 1845.
John B. of Hampton, N.H., and Sarah H. Titcomb, May 5, 1844.
Lucinda M. and John Dudley (Jr., int) of Weston, Sept. -- 1820.
Lydia of Boston and Nathaniel Sparhawke, int. June 16, 1753.
Newell and Barbarie Morey, int. Apr. 5, 1834.
Oliver and Sarah Barrett, Nov. 29, 1798.*
Oliver and Rutha Barrett, Nov. 30, 1813.
Abigail of Billerica, and Nathan Parker, in Billerica, Dec. 14, 1773.
Asenah and Michael Crosby, both of Billerica. (Notice of publishment of banns dated Mar. 26, 1792).
Caleb of Medford, and Lucy Hill, in Medford, Mar. 2, 1788.*
Delia of Charlestown, and Samuel Prescott, int. Mar. 18, 1827.
Delia and James M. Ireland of Griggsville, Ill., Sept. 5, 1839.
Henry of Stoughton, and Susannah Packard of North Bridgewater, in North Bridgewater, June 24, 1832.*
James C. of West Cambridge, and Ann M. (Ann Maria, dau of Samuel and Nancy, CR4) Pickett, Nov. 26, 1846.
John and Sarah Dickson, int. Jan. 6, 1767.
Joseph and Rhoda W. Goodwin, int. Mar. 1, 1835.
Lydia, Mrs., and Joseph Thorndike of Jaffrey, N.H., July 30, 1795.*
Richard of Boston, and Eliza Mason, July 3, 1823.
Sarah of Roxbury, and Emmons Slocomb Jr., int. Jan. 24, 1824.
Stephen of Medford, and Betsy Estebrook, May 25, 1788.*
Polly of Newton, and Benjamin Williams, int. Dec. 31, 1803.
Hannah Ann of Roxbury, and Gilman Page, int. Apr. 29, 1835.
Mary and Jonathan Padlfoot, Oct. 5, 1652.*
BLODGED (also see Blodget, Blodgett)
Nathan (Blodgett, int.) and Mary Whittemore of Medford, Apr. 27, 1775.
BLODGET (also see Blodged, Blodgett)
Abigail and Zechariah Hill, Mar. 25, 1783.*
Lydia and Silas Robinson, Nov. 18, 1779.
Jonathan of Boston, and Sarah Tufts of Medford, Apr. 5, 1768. CR2*
Nathan Jr. of Lexington, and Susanna Frost, int. May 18, 1805.
Sarah C. of Lexington, and Billings Smith, int. Oct. 14, 1820.
BLODGETT (also see Blodged, Blodget)
Alvaro and Jane F. Cade, Dec. 29, 1839.
Elias and Elizabeth Brown of Lexington, int. Oct. 29, 1848.
James and Abby Wellington of Lexington, int. Dec. 21, 1843.
James, s. of James of Lexington, a. 27 y., and Sarah A. Jackson, dau of Joseph of Ashby, a. 24 y., Nov. 10, 1844.
Ruth and Abraham Hill, Sept. 9, 1784.*
Elizabeth and Samuel P. Hadley, Aug. 19, 1849.
Hannah and Daniel Dascomb, Jan. 26, 1823.
Malinda and Lyman Mason of Brighton, Nov. 20, 1825.
Sarah Jane of Pepperell, dau of Jonathan Jr., a. 17 y., b. in Groton, and Samuel L. Furniss of Pepperell, s. of William of Jamaica, Vt., a. 26 y., Feb. 10, 1845.*
Richard of Watertown, and Anne Cutler, Sept. 26, 1688.*
Elizabeth and Thomas Symmes, July 9, 1701. CR1.*
Piam and Elizabeth Belcher, Mar. 31, 1668.*
Edmund and Ruth Parsons, Sept. 27, 1675.*
Lovy R. (Lucy Richardson, int.) (Lovey Richardson, CR1) and Benjamin Goult (Gault, int.) of Boston, Mar. 10, 1811.
Tristram and Lovey Parks, Dec. 29, 1805.
BOARDMAN (also see Bordman)
Abraham P. of Boston, and Ann C. Litchfield, Apr. 9, 1829.
Adeline A. and Carlon Buffum of Boston, int. Oct. 29, 1841.
Andrew and Abigail Richardson, in Woburn, Sept. 23, 1798.*
Andrew (Aaron, int. and CR1), and Patty P. (Patty Potter, int.) Davis, Feb. 8, 1807.
Andrew and Adaline Hiscock, Oct. 26, 1817.
Andrew and Anne Emery, June 21, 1835.
Catherine E. and Rufus H. Holbrook of Charlestown, int. May 4, 1848.
Charles and Christiana Reed, June 14, 1827.
Charles and Ruth Ann Gunnison, Oct. 19, 1843.
Edmund (of Meredith, N.H., int.), and Sally Phippen, Nov. 30, 1831.
Esther and Joseph Hiscock, Sept 23, 1821.
James and Mary E. Gunnison of Dedham, int. Feb. 27, 1840.
James and Abigail B. Wheeler, Jan. 28, 1813.
Martha and Joseph Kent of Charlestown, Aug. 7, 1812.
Mary and Josiah Stearns of Watertown, in Watertown, Apr. 23, 1752.
Mary C. and Joshua Upham, both of Malden [1831 or 1832].*
Prudence and Levi Farwell, May 21, 1818.
Sally and Isaac Bosworth, Dec. 1, 1805.
Sally of Charlestown, and Barnabas Turner, int. Dec. 1, 1814.
Willard and Mary T. Ellms of Boston, int. July 12, 1834.
Mary Ann of Methuen and Ebenezer Smith, int. Oct. 8, 1839.
Christopher and Margaret Wild, int. Aug. 2, 1834.
William of Boston, and Sarah Brooks, Nov. 28, 1819.
Elizabeth and Josiah Dewen (of Brookline, int.), June 3, 1773.
Hannah (of Watertown, int.), and Peter Richardson, Apr. 13, 1780.
Levina of Manchester, and Joseph Reed, in Manchester, Mar. 26, 1778.
Lucy M. and Nathaniel W. Chamberlain, both of Holliston, July 4, 1832.*
Elizabeth and Jonathan Garry, int. Oct. 8, 1812.
George and Elizabeth Ireland, Sept. --, 1795.*
Mary and John Ireland Jr., both of Somerville, in Somerville, Oct. 22, 1843.*
Phillip of Boston, and Mary Stone of Charlestown, Jan. 1, 1804.*
Milton of Lowell, and Mary Ann Nay, Jan. 22, 1845,
Sophia and Capt. David Story of Bowdoinham, Me., int. Aug. 13, 1831.
BOOTH (also see Boothe)
William F. of Boston, and Elizabeth M. Phipps, Jan. 18, 1842. CR2
Horace A. of Boston, and Harriet N. Ferrin, int. Feb. 2, 1844.
BOOTHE (also see Booth)
Frederic of Boston, and Caroline F. Parker of Somerville, Apr. 2, 1844. CR11.*
BORDMAN (also see Boardman)
Aaron and Elizabeth Parker, Oct. 14, 1708.*
Aaron and Eleanor Fortune, int. May 27, 1772.
Abigail and John Colson, Feb. 18, 1730-1.*
Andrew and Ruth Bull, Oct. 15, 1669.*
Andrew and Elizabeth Tuesdell, in Boston, Dec. 16, 1697.*
Andrew Jr. and Sarah Phips, Feb. 25, 1731-2.*
Andrew and Mary Townsend of Boston, int. Oct. 1, 1770.
Elizabeth and John Cooper, Apr. 28, 1686.*
Elizabeth and Abraham Williams, Nov. 5, 1730.*
Elizabeth and Andrew Brown, Dec. 13, 1775.
Elizabeth and John Brown, May 13, 1776.
Martha and Stephen Willis of Medford, Sept. 30, 1708.*
Martha and John Williams (of Lynn, int.), Oct. 9, 1740.
Mary and Ebenezer Dorr of Roxbury, Feb. 16, 1709-10.*
Moses and Abigail Hasting, July 25, 1700.*
Moses Jr. and Elizabeth Fillebrown, Dec. 25, 1746.
Rebeccah and John Palfrey, Aug. 4, 1664.*
Ruth and Rev. Benjamin Wadsworth, Dec. 30, 1696. CR1.*
Ruth and John Higginson of Salem, Dec. 4, 1719.*
William and Frances, -----, --, 16 --. CR1.*
William and Susannah Binksey, Mar. 15, 1753.
William and Sarah McClary, Mar. 17, 1784.*
Zachariah and Mary Stebbins, Aug. 16, 1743.
McGuire and Julia Forbe, Feb. 19, 1841.
Joseph and Nancy Holden, Dec. 8, 1843.
Mary Ann and James P. Drown, Nov. 10, 1844.
James B. of Charlestown, and Julia Ann Harrington, int. Mar. 18, 1849.
Isaac and Sally Boardman, Dec. 1, 1805.
Aurelia (Pamelia, int.) of Boston, and Zachariah J. Crockett, Feb. 27, 1844.
Timothy of Sandwich, and Mary Fessenden, int. Oct. 26, 1741.
BOUTELL (also see Boutelle, Bowtell, Bowtelle, Bowtwell)
David and Ruth B. Huntington of Boston, int. Nov. 20, 1818.
George and Emily Buckman, June --, 1825.
BOUTELLE (also see Boutell, Bowtell, Bowtelle, Bowtwell)
Eliza of Boston and Thomas H. Bailey, int. Aug. 4, 1825.
Esther of Somerville, dau of Samuel S. and Esther of Lancaster, N.H., a. 25 y,m and James T. Starr of Somerville, s. of Parley S. and Jemima of Milton, Vt., a. 29 y., Sept. 1, 1845. CR11.*
Nicholas and Sarah Hubbard, June 26, 1684.*
Nicholas and Dorcas Champney, May 6, 1690.*
Dinah and Darby Miller, Dec. 27, 1789.*
Francis and Arabella Stuart, int. Oct. 8, 1848.
Julia M., dau of Josiah, a. 20 y., and Thomas A. Parker of Lowell, s. of Willard, a. 22 y., Sept. 29, 1844.
Mary Anne and Caleb S. Munroe, Dec. 8, 1836.
Mary R. of Boston, and Enoch M. Dickson, int. May 28, 1843.
Prentice of Brookline, and Sarah Child, int. Oct. 9, 1765.
Susan of Boston, and John Cook, int. Sept. 29, 1811.
Abigail of Groton, and Charles D. Gibson, Oct. 12, 1838.
Alexander and Mary Johnson of Boston, int. July 5, 1805.
Benanuell and Elizabeth Dunster, Dec. 9, 1653.*
Elizabeth and Henry Bowtell, June 25, 1657.*
George and Elizabeth Worthington, Apr. 15, 1649.*
John and Lydia Cutter, Jan. 21, 1773.
John M. and Bridget Belford of Boston, int. Aug. 8, 1840.
Sarah and Isaac Haild of Harvard, Aug. 5, 1766.*
Dorcas and John Hill, Aug. 1, 1765.
Elizabeth and (Rev., int.) Henry Ware, Sept. 15, 1807.
Lucy of Bedford, and Rev. Samuel Cook, in Bedford, Nov. 25, 1762.
Nicholas, Capt., of Boston, and Martha Remington, Jan. 29, 1718-19.*
Elizabeth and Thomas Lun, Mar. 28, 1679.*
Laura of Fitzwilliam, N.H., and Ebenezer Roby, int. Nov. 24, 1826.
Catherine J. and Harvey C. Hitchcock, Nov. 21, 1848.*
John and Mary Brown, Mar. 20, 1734 (1735, CR1).
William (of Roxbury, int.), and Sarah Brown, Nov. 26, 1761.
Abigail and William Winship Jr., Dec. 30, 1755.
Abigail and Aaron Cutter, Dec. 17, 1772.
Abigail Brown and Ebenezer Cutter of Charlestown, Dec. 6, 1789.*
Betty and William Bridge of Waltham, in Lexington, Dec. 11, 1783.*
Deborah and Nathaniel Kidder, Sept. 17, 1741.
Elizabeth and Thomas Adams, Sept. 15, 1754.
Elizabeth and Francis Whitmore 3d (of Medford, int.), Dec. 30, 1764.
Elizabeth and John Jarvis, Oct. 30, 1765.
Grace and Nathaniel Coolidge of Watertown, in Watertown, Mar. 10, 1726-7.*
John and Hannah Elliot, int. Apr. 11, 1766.
Joshua and Abigail Fowle of Watertown, in Watertown, Apr. 9, 1767.
Lydia and John Davis Jr., in Lexington, Apr. 9, 1795.*
Martha and Nehemiah Cutter, July 17, 1739.
Martha and Abraham Smith, in Lexington, May 8, 1788.*
Mary of Cambridge Farms, and John Evelith, schoolmaster of Chebacco (alias Ipswich), in Charlestown, Dec. 2, 1792.*
Mary (Bordman, int.), and William Hill (3d, int.), Apr. 4, 1802.
Noah and Hannah Winship of Lexington, int. July 14, 1744.
Phebe and Jonathan Bridge of Lexington, in Lexington, Feb. 22, 1781.*
Rebecca and Stephen Choat of Roxbury, in Roxbury, Feb. 4, 1730-1.*
Richard (Bordman, dup.) and Prudence Dockum, Apr. 10, 1794.*
Ruth and Oliver Livermore of Watertown, in Watertown, Aug. 4, 1726.*
Samuel (Jr. int.) and Hannah Frost, Mar. 20, 1745 (1746, CR1) (June 8, 1745, int.)
Samuell and Rebeckah Andrews, Nov. 21, 1700.*
Sarah and Samuel Stearns Jr. of Watertown, in Watertown, Feb. 3, 1731-2.*
Solomon and Abigail Brown, Mar. 1, 1768.
Susanna and Joshua Reed Jr. of Hollis, N.H., Feb. 16, 1794.*
Sybil of Charlestown, and Nathan Nourse, Mar. 24, 1803.
Thaddeus and Elizabeth Lawrence of Lexington, in Lexington, Nov. 7, 1764.
William and Mary Reed of Lexington, in Lexington, May 1, 1753.
BOWTELL (also see Boutell, Boutelle, Bowtelle, Bowtwell)
Henry and Elizabeth Bowers, June 25, 1657.*
BOWTELLE (also see Boutell, Boutelle, Bowtell, Bowtwell)
Louisa and William Warren, Jan. --, 1833 (int. Jan. 5, 1833).
BOWTWELL (also see Boutell, Boutelle, Bowtell, Bowtelle)
Emily (Mrs. int.), and John R. Caldwell, Dec. 27, 1840.
James and Martha Reed of Charlestown, int. Sept. 1, 1753.
Adin S., Rev., of Georgia, s. of Jacob, a. 27 y., b. in Georgia, and Anna S. Rhodes of Boston, dau of Eliphalet, a. 21 y., Dec. 20, 1847.*
William (of Boston, int.), and Mary Larned, in Boston, May 14, 1772.
Mary Ann and Charles Sanguinetti, Apr. 22, 1849.
BOYLESTON (also see Balstone)
Mary of Charlestown, and Ephraim Frost Jr., in Charlestown, June 3, 1794.*
Alonzo C. of Salem, and Mary A. Morgan of Manchester, in Salem, Dec. 15, 1833.*
Catherine E. and Calvin Stevens of Boston, Oct. 27, 1840.
Edward (Edmund, int. and CR10) of Boston, and Marha E. Parker, July 28, 1836 (July 26, CR10).
Federal and Charlotte Maria Maynard, int. Jan. 10, 1829.
Federal and Eliza A. Barny (Benny, int.), May 8, 1834.
J. T. and Mary Adams of Lexington, int. May 7, 1843.
Lois of Watertown, and Hubbard Russell, in Watertown, June 12, 1759.
Mary and Joseph Hodson (of Falmouth, int.), Nov. 9, 1778.
Mary Jane of Newburyport, and Thomas Brackett, int. June 3, 1849.
Patrick, s. of Hugh, a. 21 y., b. in Ireland, and Mary McQuede, dau of John, a. 20 y., b. in Ireland, int. Oct. 29, 1849.
BRACKET (also see Brackett)
Peter and wid. Sarah Foster, in Billerica, Mar. 30, 1687.*
BRACKETT (also see Bracket)
Augusta and Isaac H. Hawes, Dec. 12, 1841.
Elizabeth of Limington, Me., and Edward Clark, int. Jan. 17, 1847.
Henrietta and Charles Cavelry of Boston, int. Oct. 2, 1830.
Isaac of Weston, and Keziah Webber Mann, Jan. 22, 1818.
Jerusha and George King, Sept. 6, 1818.
John and Sarah Stedman, Aug. 23, 1662.*
John Jr. and Eliza Rumrill, Oct. 1, 1815.
Joseph and Elizabeth Prentiss, Apr. 4, 1819.
Joseph Augustus, s. of Joseph (and Elizabeth, CR1), a. 24 y., and Elizabeth Wentworth of Brighton, dau of Clark (and Margaret, CR1), a. 20 y., Sept. 11, 1849.
Loce L. (Love Lawrence, int.) and Gilbert Rollins, June 27, 1833.
Mary L. and Benjamin H. Cook, both of Brighton, Nov. 24, 1842.*
Rebecca R. of Quincy, and William L. Whitney, int. July 2, 1840.
Sarah and Samuel Alcock, Mar. 24, 1667-8.*
Sarah of Lowell, and Charles Parker, Oct. 28, 1838.
Thomas and Mary Jane Boynton of Newburyport, int. June 3, 1849.
Anna of Malden and Ebenezer Simonds of Lexington, Apr. 20, 1785.*
Caleb C. and Almira E. Brown, Oct. 23, 1827.
Edward of Roxbury, and Abigail Hill, int. Sept. 15, 1804.
Elizabeth A., dau. of Caleb, a. 20 y., and Andrew Crane, s. of John, a. 29 y., b. in Elizabethtown, N.J., int. Dec. 16, 1849.
BRADEY (also see Brady)
Ellen and Charles Kiernan, both of Roxbury, Aug. 4, 1849.*
Ebenezer and Eunice Cook, int. June 10, 1739.
Ebenezer (Jr., int.) and Hannah Paine of Worcester, in Worcester, Oct. 22, 1772.
Elizabeth W. (Elizabeth Willard, int.), and Walter Burling of New York, June 22, 1800.
Esther and John Goodwin 3d (of Charlestown, int.), Nov. 21, 1764.
John and Sarah Sweetser of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Dec. 24, 1728.*
John and Abigail Tucker of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Jan. 31, 1737-8.
Mary and John Green, Nov. 22, 1684.*
Ruth and Thomas Ford of Marshfield, Apr. 4, 1711.*
Sarah and John Morse, July 29, 1726.*
Sarah and Ebenezer Hunt (Jr. of Northampton, int.), Nov. 5, 1772.
Mary Ann, dau of Patrick, a. 17 y., b. in South Reading, and John Talbot, widr., s. of Felix, a. 25 y., b. in Ireland, Oct. 22, int. Oct. 22, 1849.
Nancy and Patrick Bradley, both of Boston, Nov. 24, 1849.*
Patrick and Ann Cain, int. Sept. 21, 1834.
Patrick and Nancy Bradley, both of Boston, Nov. 24, 1849.*
Loring of Boston, and Martha Polly, in Duxbury, Aug. 13, 1733.*
BRADSHAW (also see Bredsha)
Henry and Hannah Gibbs Cooke, June 3, 1781.*
Martha and Thomas Hall, May 24, 1683.*
Mary and William Michelson, Apr. 26, 1654.*
Mary C. of Boston and Charles Jordan, int. Sept. 27, 1846.
Ruth and Isaac Conant of Abington, Apr. 27, 1820.
BRADY (also see Bradey)
Catherine and John Dennin, int. Oct. 31, 1847.
Elizabeth and William H. Lang, int. May 2, 1847.
Mary and Charles Kairnan, int. Feb. 1, 1846.
Mary and J. McCambridge, int. May 3, 1846.
Benjamin and Charlotte Crossman, Feb. 4, 1804.
Benjamin M. and Mary Palmer, Mar. 20, 1832.
Chloe E. and Charles F. Gill of Nashua, N.H., int. Oct. 27, 1839.
Daniel and Patty Gilbert of Norton, int. Dec. 25, 1804.
Elias G. and Mrs. Mary Braman, Feb. 5, 1840.
Joanna and John Powers, int. Feb. 20, 1848.
Juann and James McCoart, int. Oct. 19, 1845.
Mary of Norton, and Ebenezer Stedman, Apr. 13, 1817.
Mary, Mrs., and Elias G. Braman, Feb. 5, 1840.
Benjamin (of Boston, int.), and Elizabeth Foxcroft, Jan. 4, 1749. (1749-50, CR1).
Martha and Samuel Osgood Jr. (of Andover, int.), Jan. 4, 1775.
Morton P. and Sarah G. Olney of Watertown, int. Dec. 15, 1840.
BRASIER (see Brazer, Brazier)
Mary and Nathaniel Robbins, Aug. 4, 1669.*
Katharine and John Mico Wendell (of Boston, int.), Aug. 13, 1752.
William and Elizabeth Hayman, in Boston, Nov. 3, 1697.*
William, Esq., Hon., and Martha Allen of Boston, int. Oct. 11, 1755.
Daniel N. and Susan C. Herrick, both of Boston, Aug. 7, 1843.*
Sally and James Fullerton, Apr. 13, 1826.
Neale of Boston, and Rosanna Rogers, int. Jan. 2, 1836.
BRAZER (also see Brasier, Brazier)
Eliza F. of Charlestown, and Horace W. Brown, int. Nov. 4, 1826.
Lucinda and Isaac P. French of Malden, int. Nov. 11, 1838.
Jerome S. (Jerome Snow, int.) and Lucy Ann Oliver, May 19, 1842.
Rose and Thomas Gibbs, Apr. 18, 1790.*
BREDSHA (also see Bradshaw)
Humphry and Martha Russell, Mar. 24, 1665.*
Sarah N. of Unity, N.H., and Joseph Burridge Jr., int. Mar. 5, 1848.
Alice and James Riley, int. May 13, 1849.
William of Newton and Ann McShary, int. July 5, 1846.
John and Susan Parks, int. Aug. 20, 1831.
William and Phebe Tatterton, Nov. 22, 1846.
Abigail and John Parsons of Boston, Nov. 24, 1843.*
Charles and Ann McLaughlin, int. Apr. 11, 1845.
Benjamin F. and Maria Parks, dau of Royal M., May 18, 1844.
James and Catherine Greenham, int. Jan. 18, 1844.
BRIDGE (also see Bridges)
Dorcas and Daniel Champney, Jan. 3, 1665.*
Edward of Boston and Frances Wright, Nov. 3, 1793.*
John, Dea., and Elizabeth -----, ---- 16--. CR1.
Jonathan of Lexington, and Phebe Bowman, in Lexington, Feb. 22, 1781.*
Mary Ann and Jonas Lawrence, Jan. 18, 1819.
Matthew and Anne Danforth, dau of Nicholas and Elizabeth, ----, 1843. GR1.*
Nathaniel and Mary Fisk of Waltham, in Waltham, Apr. 5, 1753.
Sarah and Jonas Pierce of Lexington, int. Jan. 8, 1753.
William of Waltham, and Betty Bowman, in Lexington, Dec. 11, 1783.*
BRIDGES (also see Bridge)
Albert and Eliza Ann Kimball, Oct. 15, 1839.
Amos B. of Hopkinton, and Frances W. Heald, Mar. 26, 1835.
Frances W., wid., dau of Charles (and Fanny Williams Hale, CR11) of Pepperell, a. 40 y., and Edward King, widr., s. of James (and Betsey Young, CR11) of Haverhill, N.H., a. 64 y., May 6, 1849.
Emeline M. and Oliver Taylor of Charlestown, int. Sept. 12, 1835.
John L., s. of Abel, of Somerville, a. 26 y., and Hortensia A. Wood, dau of Augustus, a. 21 y., Oct. 10, 1844.
Ellen E. and John Stone, Dec. 25, 1834.
Harvey M. and Elizabeth H. Pates of Boston, July 1, 1839.
Mary of Waltham, and Charles Houghton, Apr. --, 1822.
Mary Jane (Mrs. int.) and Isaac (Isaac M. Teasdale, int.) Tisdale of Milton, June 9, 1844.
Freeman and Harriot Gilson, int. May 18, 1823.
Harriet of Westborough, and William F. Stone, Esq., int. Sept. 22, 1826.
Joseph L. and Sally G. Wheeler, Nov. 14, 1830.
Lucy Maria and Rev. David Peabody of Lynn, Sept. 11, 1834.
Luther and Betsy Ayres of North Brookfield, int. Oct. 14, 1827.
Lydia of East Sudbury, and Matthias Walker Jr., int. Aug. 21, 1830.
Lydia L. of Northborough, and Edward t. Whitney, int. May 18, 1833.
Peter and Lydia Maynard of Worcester, Sept. 17, 1832.
Taylor of Westboro, and Ann L. Jacobs, Mar. 11, 1827.
William and Abby Ann Muzzy, both of Lexington, Aug. 3, 1835 (Aug. 4, CR9).*
Abigail (of Watertown, int.) and William Soden, July 20, 1757.
Elizabeth and Walter Hastings, July 23, 1674.*
Henry and Elizabeth S. Judkins, Mar. 15, 1847.
Jonathan B. and Maria G. Harding of Boston, int. Oct. 5, 1833.
Morton P. and Maria Underwood of Lincoln, int. Jan. 29, 1828.
Jane and Joseph Lovell, June 3, 1833.
Phebe and Daniel Adams, June 3, 1793.*
Ruthy and Jonathan Harrington, Nov. 10, 1799.*
Francis W. and Harriet Harding of Marblehead, int. May 14, 1831.
Anne and Rev. Nathaniel Williams, Nov. 21, 1700.*
Lucy of Medford, and Jonathan Remington, Sept. 5, 1711.*
Sophia and Frederick Ludewig Phillip Verelas of Cleveland, O., int. Nov. 1, 1846.
Elizabeth and Daniel Dennison Rogers of Boston, Jan. 18, 1796.*
Alden and Hannah A. Crayton, Nov. 25, 1830.
Caroline W. and James Gould of Charlestown, Mar. --, 1826.
Catherine of Medford, and Ebenezer Cutter, in Medford, May 26, 1768.
Catherine W. and James A. Smith of Boston, Nov. --, 1826 (int. Nov. 2, 1826).
Cyrus and Mary Freeman, Mar. 13, 1825.
Ebenezer of Woburn, and Elizabeth Symms, int. Nov. 16, 1776.
Ebenezer of Medford, and Elizabeth Whittemore, Mar. 31, 1796.*
Elbridge G. (Elbridge Gerry, int.) Rev., and Martha F. Munroe of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Nov. 7, 1839.
Elizabeth and John C. Beck Jr., int. Feb. 2, 1822.
Elizabeth and James S. Simmons of Boston, int. Nov. 15, 1846.
Elizabeth W. of West Cambridge, and Lot Wheelwright, int. June 25, 1840.
Hepzibeth of Lincoln, and Asa Abbott, in Lincoln, May 16, 1793.*
Hyram and Caroline Mason, July 20, 1828.
James (of Concord, int.) and Elizabeth Bathrick, Dec. 26, 1745.
John 3d (of Lancaster, int.) and Mary Brown, Oct. 3, 1767.
John and Maria Haley, July 3, 1835.
John W. of Dover, N.H., and Charlotte L. (Charlotte Louisa, int.), Apr. 21, 1842.
Lucian B. (of Boston, int.) and Susan E. Hazeltine, Apr. 8, 1841.
Luther and Mrs. Hannah Harrington of Lexington, June 1, 1830. CR10.
Nabby J. (Nabby Jones, int.) of Concord, and Ira Wadsworth, Nov. -- 1822.
Nancy and James Emmitt, int. July 25, 1823.
Ruth W. (Ruth Wetherbee, int.) and Otis B. (Otis Brigham, int.) Prescott, Feb. --, 1823 (int. Feb. 15, 1823).
Sally and Joseph Wright of Charlestown, int. Oct. 28, 1801.
Samuel and Jane Hill, int. Apr. 2, 1806.
Sarah of Medrford, and Phillip Russel, Oct. 18, 1705.*
Sarah and William Bogle of Boston, Nov. 28, 1819.
Sarah Ann and Stephen Barker, July 27, 1823.
Sarah B. and David S. Walton, Dec. 20, 1835.*
Stephen B. and David S. Walton, Dec. 20, 1835.*
Stephen P. of Boston and Martha A. Hazeltine, int. Apr. 29, 1843.
Susanna and Joseph Ayres, Mar. 6, 1765.
BROWN (also see Browne)
Abigail and Moses Gleason (of Oxford, int.), Dec. 12, 1752.
Abigail and Solomon Bowman, Mar. 1, 1768.
Abijah and Betsy Capen, Sept. 24, 1789.*
Abijah of Rindge, and Elizabeth Gates, int. Mar. 10, 1810.
Alice Maria and William Porter, Nov. 29, 1832. CR2
Almira and Moses L. Savory, int. Nov. 7, 1840.
Almira E. and Caleb C. Bradbury, Oct. 23, 1827.
Ame of Charlestown, and Benjamin Locke, int. Feb. 12, 1807.
Amelia and Aaron Corey of Brookline, Dec. 25, 1822.
Andrew and Elizabeth Bordman, Dec. 13, 1775.
Ann Maria of Boston, and John Goodrich, int. Sept. 27, 1846.
Benjamin S. and Mary Tufts, int. Oct. 5, 1825.
Betsey and John (George, CR1) Labottiere of Boston, Aug. 31, 1806.
Charles A. H. and Mary M. Gammell of Providence, R.I., int. Oc. 2, 1841.
Clara, d. of Eben, b. in Londonderry, N.H., and William G. Stevens, s. of Elijah, a. 23 y., b. in Concord, Apr. 22, 1847.
Clarissa and Augustus Richardson, Sept. --, 1823 (int. Sept. 7, 1823).
Daniel and Eliza J. Perkins of Middleton, int. Mar. 6, 1849.
Daniel L. and Mary Ann Coolidge, Dec. 15, 1842.
Deborah and James Green, Mar. 20, 1734. (1735, CR1)*
Deborah and Thomas Learned (Jr. int), of Watertown, in Watertown, Mar. 22, 1759.
Dorothy and Nathaniel Johnson, int. Oct. 19, 1839.
Ebenezer and Elizabeth Jamneson, in Newton, June 19, 1754.
Ebenezer and Mary Hide of Newton, in Newton, June 21, 1781.*
Ebenezer and Amelia Robbins, Apr. 21, 1799.*
Edward and Mary Greenwood, Oct. 6, 1802.
Edward Jr. and Martha Holman of Sterling, int. Dec. 31, 1808.
Edward Jr. and Miranda Richardson, Dec. 25, 1828.
Edward Jr. and Frances Ann Goddard of Boston, int. Jan. 4, 1839.
Eleanor and Stephen Dana, Sept. 16, 1762.
Eleanor of North Kingston, R.I., and Dr. Samuel A. Toothaker, int. June 29, 1838.
Elisha and Elizabeth Davis (Davies, int.) of Concord, in Concord, May 17, 1744.
Eliza and Oscar Grout, both of Brighton, May 6, 1841.*
Elizabeth and John Chipman of Marblehead, July --, 1744.
Elizabeth and Thomas Hovey, Apr. 21, 1763.
Elizabeth of Brookline, and Nathaniel Wilton, int. June 16, 1775.
Elizabeth and Josiah Hall of Newton, in Newton, Feb. 8, 1776.
Elizbeth and Thomas Cutter Jr., Oct. 15, 1780.*
Elizabeth of Waltham, and Lemuel King, in Waltham, Nov. 29, 1787.*
Elizabeth and Benjamin Wilson, Mar. 12, 1787.*
Elizabeth of Lexington, and Elias Blodgett, int. Oct. 29, 1848.
Elizabeth Allen, dau of Jonathan (and Mary, CR1), a. 24 y., and Thomas Foster Ryan, s. of William (and Esther, CR1), a. 23 y., Nov. 28, 1845.
Elizabeth L. and Nathan Wilson, Apr 25, 1830.
Elizabeth S. of Boston, and John Davis, Oct. 7, 1828.
Else and William Goss, int. Feb. 8, 1800.
Elsey and Stephen (Stephen H., int.) Simons, Dec. 28, 1804.
Francis and Hannah S. Mordough of Wakefield, int. Apr. 1, 1839.
George and Elizabeth Coolidge, Apr. 24, 1777. (Apr 23, CR1).
Hannah and Thomnas Fillebrown, Dec. 1, 1778.
Hannah of Concord, and David Goddard, int. Apr. 18, 1805.
Harriet of Lexington and Edmund A. Chapman, int. Sept. 1, 1832.
Henry and Catherine Elizabeth Donohoe, int. Dec. 24, 1847.
Hepsibah and Thomas Holt, Apr. 3, 1800.
Horace W. and Eliza F. Brazer of Charlestown, int. Nov. 4, 1826.
Isaac (of Waltham, int.) and Mary Balch, Apr. 19, 1738.
Isaac and Sally Flagg of Mason, N.H., int. Nov. 24, 1818.
Jacob of Needham, and Hannah Porter, Apr. 4, 1796. CR1.*
James and Mary Ann Perry of West Cambridge, int. Apr. 9, 1825.
James of Brighton, and Rebecca Wyman, int. Feb. 4, 1826.
James and Mary McCrea, int. Jan. 23 ,1847.
James K. of Hingham, and Lydia Foster, Sept. 9, 1843.
Janette and Thomas I. Langley, int. Oct. 17, 1827.
John and Esther Hovey of Brookline, int. Dec. 7, 1739.
John and Johannah Proctor of Boston, int. Apr. 19, 1753.
John and Elizabeth Bordman, May 13, 1776.
John, Lieut., and Abigail Bemus, Mar. 19, 1778.
John D. of Boston, and Mary B. Colcord, int. Apr. 23, 1831.
John F., of Concord, N.H., and Harriet M. Hastings of Brighton, May 26, 1836.*
John K. of West Cambridge, and Dolly D. Hartley, int. Apr. 27, 1839.
John P. and Harriet Carleton, int. Apr. 26, 1832.
Jonathan and Hannah Gore of Roxbury, in Roxbury, Nov. 4, 1831.*
Jonathan and Elizabeth Capen, in Newton, -----, 1778. (int. March 28).
Joseph of Newton, and Sarah Ireland, int. Nov. 7, 1750.
Joseph and Abigail Foster of Lunenburg, in Lunenburg, Jan. 18, 1753.
Joseph W. and Jane S. Peaslee of Newbury, N.H., int. Oct. 5, 1839.
Josiah and Mary Sever of Brookline, int. Sept. 14, 1737.
Josiah of Brookline, and Abigail Smith, int. May 8, 1756.
Julia and Daniel A. Edwards, Apr. 16, 1828.
Lemuel of Charlestown and Sarah Palmer, Dec. 7, 1797.*
Lucy and Seth Ingersol Brown, July 7, 1774.
Lucy and Ephraim Fenno, Mar. 20, 1788.*
Lucy of Boston, and James Williams, int. Sept. 28, 1800.
Lydia and Nathaniel Wilson, Feb. 22, 1787.*
Lydia C. and Leonard Maxham, int. Oct. 22, 1836.
Lydia P., d. of Edward, a. 23 y., and Leonard Cox, s. of Leonard, a. 23 y., Oct. 5, 1844.
Martha and William Fessenden, Jan. 4, 1727-8.*
Martha and Eben Bryant, int. Jan. 1, 1830.
Martha F. and George L. Cook, int. Mar. 16, 1839.
Mary (Sarah, CR1) and Samuel Belcher, Dec. 27, 1726.
Mary and John Bowles, Mar. 20, 1734 (1735, CR1).
Mary and Stephen Pain Jr. (of Malden, int.), Feb. 28, 1754.
Mary and John Brooks 3d (of Lancaster, int.), Oct. 3, 1767.
Mary and Samuel Tilton, both of Brighton, int. Feb 28, 1807.
Mary of Brighton and Thomas T. Gookin, int. Sept. 23, 1820.
Mary and James Ball, int. Dec. 6, 1823.
Mary F. and David H., Nov. 5, 1836.
Mehitable and Stephen H. (Stephen Hartwell, int.) Simmonds, Oct.12, 1806.
Merriam and Richard Cutter, May 25, 1781.*
Merrial and Abraham Cutting, Jan. 10, 1755.
Nancy A. and James Good, Oct. 7, 1837.
Oliver and Abigail Richardson (of Watertown, int.), Mar. 26, 1776.
Priscilla and Noah Sparhawke, Sept. 24, 1724.*
Prudence B. and Jarvis W. Hartt of Fredericton, N.H., int. June 22, 1849.
Rebecca of Concord, and Solomon Champney (Jr., int.) in Concord, Oct. 13, 1756.
Rebecca of Lexington, and James Perry, June 10, 1798.*
Sally and Alonzo (Alonzo F., int.) Shed of Worcester, Nov. 21, 1831.
Samuel and Gertrude Glyar (Glyde, int.), Feb. 16, 1812.
Samuel F. and Susan L. Cook of Madlen, int. May 16, 1847.
Sarah and William Healy, Nov. 29, 1677.*
Sarah and William Bowles (of Roxbury, int.), Nov. 26, 1761.
Sarah, Mrs., and Jonas W. Russell, int. Aug. 22, 1829.
Sarah B. and (Dr. int.) John W. Valentine (of Charlestown, int.), Nov. 11, 1833.
Sarah E. H. and Charles H. Mendum of Portsmouth, N.H., Dec. 24, 1846.
Sarah Jane and Francis M. Jennings, int. Jan. 29, 1832.
Seth Ingersol and Lucy Brown, July 7, 1774.
Seth Ingersoll and Sarah Goddin, Oct. 5, 1786.*
Stephen D. and Sarah Ann Greenwood of Boston, int. Dec. 14, 1832.
Susan Elizabeth of Thomaston, Me., and Elijah Walker, int. Oct 12, 1844.
Susanna of Waltham (Watertown, int.) and Henry Prentice (3d, int.), in Waltham, Jan. 13, 1737-8.
Susanna and Horace Skilton, Dec. 8, 1841.
Susannah and Stephen Frost, Dec. 22, 1772.
Thaddeus and Catherine Jackson Stratton, Jan. 29, 1815.
Thomas and Mary Hall, May 23, 1681.*
Thomas, Maj., Esq., of Sudbury, and Mary Phipps, Mar. 1, 1703-04.*
Thomas and Abigail Cheney, Oct. 9, 1722.*
Thomas of Waltham, and Susanna Kendall, June 30, 1793.*
William and Deborah Squire, Nov. 11, 1703.*
William of Watertown, and Hannah Pease, in Watertown, Jan. 10, 1704.*
William, Lieut., and Mary Bayley, int. Oct. 13, 1744.
William of Fitchburg, and Martha Farrar, June 30, 1808.
BROWNE (also see Brown)
Elizabeth and Richard Jackson, May 12, 1662.*
Martha and Samuel Parker of Reading, Jan. 3, 1688-9.*
Robert and Barbara Eden, May 8, 1649.*
Thomas and Martha Oldam (wid. of Richard, CR1), Oct. 7, 1656.*
Abel W. and Emily Cutler, June --, 1827 (int. June 2, 1827).
Betsy and Nathaniel Watts Jr., both of Medford, Apr. 16, 1800.*
Chandler and Sarah C. Kern, Jan. 2, 1828.
Christopher and Phoebe Hemenway, Feb. 23, 1834.
Louisa and Hosea Clark, Apr. 23, 1826.
Nancy J. of Hopkinton, and Stephen Gibson, int. Oct. 9, 1843.
Rufus L. of Boston, and Louisa Barnes (Barney, int), May 21, 1834.
Sarah C. of Boston, and Thomas P. Lerned, int. Nov. 28, 1848.
Sylvanus and Hannah Pease, May 11, 1823.
Amos of Reading, and Eleanor Morse, in Reading, Dec. 9, 1779.
Amos and Martha Chaple, June 15, 1785.*
Amos and Mrs. Torrey of Boston, int. July 9, 1815.
Amos Jr. and Sarah S. Hurd, Mar. 20, 1842.
Charles and Charlotte Barry, int. Feb. 2, 1833.
Eben and Martha Brown, int. Jan. 1, 1830
Joseph and Hepsabeth Underwood, Oct. 15, 1834.
Timothy and Huldah Welch, int. Apr. 19, 1765.
William F. of Charlestown, and Jane t. Lenakin, int. Oct. 13, 1844.
Elizabeth (Elizabeth W., int.) and Daniel Cogin of Milford, N.H., Feb. 5, 1846.
BUCK (also see Bucke)
David (David W., int.) and Lucy A. Divoll, Oct. 12, 1842.
Elizabeth and Joshua Wood, Aug. 28, 1678.*
John S. and Betsey Richardson of Boston, int. Mar. 21, 1843.
Mary Davis, and Jeremiah W. Smalledge, both of Boston, Apr. 28, 1842.*
Silas B. of Boston, and Sarah Elizabeth Smallidge, int. Apr. 30, 1837.
BUCKE (also see Buck)
Lidea and Henry Smith, Mar. 3, 1762-3.*
Samuel and Rachel Leven, Mar. 16, 1669-70.*
Charles E., Dr., of Boston, s. of Joseph T. (and Melinda, CR1), a. 26 y., and Mary Elizabeth Marshall, dau of Josiah N. (and Elizabeth, CR1), a. 21 y., Sept. 23, 1847.
William and Catherine Parker, int. Jan. 24, 1847.
William and Catherine Colman, int. Jan. 2, 1848.
BUCKMAN (also see Bucknam, Bucknom)
Caleb (Bucknam, int.) and Rebeccaa Paddock, Apr. 11, 1832.
Emily and George Boutell, June --, 1825.
Hannah and John Vail of West Cambridge (Dec. 17, CR1), 1816.
Lydia and Josiah Wright of Woburn, in Woburn, Feb. 2, 1773.
Mary and Benjamin Dana, May 24, 1688.*
Eliza and Thomas Lee Jr. of Boston, int. June 27, 1827.
Lucy Maria of Brookline, and John Farrar, Esq., int. Aug. 7, 1819.
Mary Lyman and S. Kirk Lothrop, June 3, 1820. GR3.*
Olivia and George B. Emerson (of Boston, int.), May 20, 1824.
BUCKNAM (also see Buckman, Bucknom)
Ann Maria of Boston, and William W. Colesworthy, int. Aug. 3, 1822.
Harriet A. and Samuel Abbott, Sunday, Jan. 26, 1823.
Harriet Jane and Samuel Davis of Portland, int. July 30, 1837.
Margaret of Medford, and William Bucknam, July 28, 1785.*
Ora and Rebecca Cummings, Feb. 25, 1838 (Feb. 24, CR9).
Sarah and Isaac Cutter, July 23, 1784.*
Spencer of Medford, and Mary Frost, Nov. 9, 1794.*
William and Margaret Bucknam of Medford, July 28, 1785.*
BUCKNOM (also see Buckman, Bucknam)
James and Mehitabel Pratt of Dedham, July 17, 1838.
William Lindsey and Mary Ann Dexter of Smithfield, R.I., int. July 25, 1823.
James of Charlestown, and Elizabeth Stearns, int. Aug. 2, 1746.
Ruth of Charlestown, and Benjamin Rice of Winchendon, int. Mar. 20, 1776.
Carlon of Boston, and Adeline A. Boardman, int. Oct. 29, 1841.
Ruth of Roxbury, and Nehemiah Norcross, int. June 2, 1764.
Sarah M. and William Hill of Boston, int. Dec. 1, 1847.
F. V. and Mary, ------, in Georgia, Nov. 25, 1834. GR3.*
Mary and William Mackmanara, int.Aug. 14, 1837.
Thomas of Charlestown, and Ellen Tobin, int. Jan 22, 1837.
Elizabeth and Peter Green, Aug. 7, 1770. CR2.*
Elisha and Deborah Wilson, June 7, 1689.*
Jacob and Rebecca Gammage, Mar. 25, 1756.
Robert and Mellisent Mason (of Lexington, int.), Oct. 7, 1771.
Ruth and Andrew Bordman, Oct. 15, 1669.*
Samuel and Elizabeth Goddin of Watertown, in Watertown, Jan. 23, 1700.*
Sarah and James Miller Jr. of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Nov. 20, 1759.
John H. of Randolph, and Susan Kinsley of Charlestown, in Charlestown, June 20, 1841.*
Lucinda and Annis Bartells (Bartles, int.), Mar. --, 1821.
Mary and William Belknap, int. Oct. 26, 1827.
William and Mary -----, -----, 16--. CR1.
Alexander R. (Alexander Rolston, int.) and Sarah Parks, Dec. 21, 1818.
Martin and Sally Learned (Leonard, CR1 and int.), Nov. 4, 1806.
Richard and Jane Dunbrey, int. July 17, 1840.
Thomas and Anne Ross, Feb. 25, 1779.
Stephen, s. of Nathan, a. 29 y., b. in Providence, R.I., and Mary T. Hall, dau of James, dec., a. 30 y., b. in Northbridge, Oct. 7, 1846.
Shubael L. and Phebe N. Gorton, May 1, 1834.
Alfred and Sarah F. Gerry, Feb. 19, 1837.
Dorothy and Martin Twambley, int. July 16, 1830.
Ebenezer and Mrs. Margaret Evans, Oct. 26, 1826.
Hannah and Samuel Newman of Rehoboth, May 2, 1689.*
John and Rebecca Eaton, Apr. 28, 1690.*
Polly of Charlestown, and Ebenezer Austin, Dec. 26, 1786 (Dec. 25, CR1).
Rebeckah and John Stimson of Charlestown, July 5, 1709.*
Stephen S. and Sarah Eliza Elliott, May 18, 1837.
BURBACK (also see Burbeck)
John and Martha Hill, Feb. 1, 1781.*
Edward and Lucinda Noyes, Aug. --, 1838 (int. Aug. 13, 1838).
Malinda S. and Thomas H. Perkins, Sept. 4, 1843.
Mary S., dau of William of Conway, N.H., a. 23 y., and Nahum Seavens (sl of ---------, of Brookline, CR11), a. 28 y., Dec. 7, 1845.
Paul D. (of West Cambridge, int.) and Irena H. Tyler of Portsmouth, N.H., int. Aug. 6, 1831.
BURBECK (also see Burback)
Martha and Nathaniel Walker of Westmoreland, int. June 15, 1805.
Harriet and George W. Robbins, Apr. 23, 1837.
John C. and Catharine E. Nutting, June 20, 1838.
Joseph and Hannah R. Southwick, Apr. 5, 1835.
Mary Anne and George W. Putnam, Oct. 24, 1839.
Nancy, Mrs., and Victor Eaton, Dec. 1, 1830.
Benjamin A. (of Boston, int.) and Harriet S. Lovell, Mar. 9, 1834.
Sarah and Daniel McIntyre of Boston, Dec. 19, 1830.
Sarah E., dau of Henry, a. 22 y., and George L. Haskell of Boston, s. of Elisha, a. 24 y., Oct. 28, 1845.
Moses and Lois Ralf of Boston, int. Dec. 3, 1778.
BURGES (also see Burgess, Burgis, Burgiss)
William and Ellenor Monrow, in Charlestown, Aug. 21, 1707.*
BURGESS (also see Burges, Burgis, Burgiss)
Rhoda P. and Samuel N. Davis, Oct. 3, 1843.
William and Hannah Steevinson, May 20, 1684.*
BURGIS (also see Burges, Burgess, Burgiss)
Elizabeth and Robert Croell, Mar. 1, 1744.
Mary and Nathaniel Chadwick, Oct. 24, 1738.
BURGISS (also see Burges, Burgess, Burgis)
Achrah and Daniel Wyman, Nov. 18, 1804.
Ebenezer and Mary Fowle, in Medford, Oct. 22, 1718.*
BURK (also see Burke)
Edward and Mary Ann Higgins, int. Jan. 29, 1848.
Joanna of Boston and Martin McDonald, int. Jan. 4, 1819.
BURKE (also see Burk)
Margaret and James Eagan, int. June 6, 1848.
Mary Ann of Charlestown, and James Farney, int. Jan. 6, 1844.
Richard and Elizabeth Casey of Boston, int. Sept. 3, 1848.
Stephen and Ann Harris, Mar 7, 1843. Colored.
BURLEIGH (also see Burley)
Lydia F. of Wakefield, N.H., and Rufus C. Keyes, int. Aug. 1, 1840.
BURLEY (also see Burleigh)
Joshua B. and Ruthie C. Caldwell of Burlington, int. May 24, 1823.
Walter of New York, and Elizabeth W. (Elizabeth Willard, int.) Bradish, June 22, 1800.
Anson of Boston, and Jane C. Livermore, June 3, 1847.
Stutley and Charlotte McFarland of Hopkinton, int. Mar. 8, 1805.
Daniel and Sarah Cheney, Dec. 14, 1731.*
Henry, s. of Melzer of Northampton, a. 27 y., and Fanny Lewis, dau of Henry, Apr. 6, 1845.
Hannah of Southborough, and Stephen Hill, int. Mar. 14, 1812.
Lewis and Mary Augusta Morse, Nov. 27, 1834.
Charlotte H. of Boxford, and Asiel H. Lerned, int. Feb. 20, 1848.
Elizabeth of So. Brigton, Me., dau of E., a. 26 y., and Henry Harvey, s. of John, a. 41 y., b. in Charlestown, int. Oct. 29, 1849.
Emeline (Eunice, int.) and Samuel T. Steele of Somers, Conn., Oct. 22, 1837.
Mary E. and Pettingale Hinckley of Gloucester, in Gloucester, Aug. 2, 1835.*
Matilda of Boston, and Nathaniel A. Virgin, int. Nov. 10, 1838.
Susan and Reuben W. Parker, Mar. 4, 1838.
Edward of Tariffville, Conn., and Mary Ryan, int. Oct. 2, 1827.
Ellen and James McKeown, int. Jan. 4, 1845.
John and Susanna Nash, Dec. 11, 1791.*
John and Charlotte White, July 20, 1837.
Mary and Jonas Barker, May 17, 1786.*
Mary and Patrick Conners, int. June 13, 1847.
William L. of Boston, and Amelia Wharff, int. Sept. 4, 1824.
Abigail G. and Albert G. Clark, int. Oct. 10, 1847.
Joseph E. and Louisa Richards of Newton, int. Nov. 9, 1829.
Samuel W. and Mary Ann Masterman, int. Oct. 10, 1847.
Jonathan, Rev., and Sarah Cook, July 19, 1787.*
Samuel and Dorothy Shore, in Charlestown, Dec. 16, 1700.*
BURRAGE (also see Buridge)
Josiah Jr. and Abigail Studly, May 16, 1833.
Martha of Leominster, and John Dallinger Jr., int. Nov. 10, 1836.
Sarah Ann of Leominster, and David McClure, int. Apr. 25, 1834.
BURRELL (also see Burrill)
Frances of Roxbury, and Eli Thurston, int. Apr. 10, 1806.
Sarah of Boston, and Benjamin Sawtell, July 30, 1843.
BURRIDGE (also see Burrage)
Ephraim (of Newton, int.) and Elizabeth Sever, June 16, 1768.
Joseph Jr. and Sarah N. Breed of Unity, N.H., int. Mar. 5, 1848.
BURRELL (also see Burrell)
Mary and Titus Strong, Apr. 30, 1786.*
BURRILL (also see Burrell)
Mary and Titus Strong, Apr. 30, 1786.*
Sarah of Malden, and Horatio N. Simmons, int. Sept. 30, 1826.
Henry and Susan Whitcomb of Rockingham, Vt., int. Nov. 14, 1835.
James and Eliza Williams, June --, 1826.
Leonard, s. of Abel W., a. 19 y., b. in Topsham, Vt., and Mary Jane Day, dau of Jacob, a. 20 y., b. in Bradford, N.H., Nov. 13, 1845.
Mary Elizabeth, dau of Abel W., a. 17 y., b. in Hartland, Vt., and Benjamin Chesley, s. of Eleazar, of Enfield, N.H., a. 22 y., b. in Barnstead, N.H., Aug. 2, 1846.
Adaline and Horatio Cogswell (Coggeshall, dup.), Oct. 7, 1832.
Eunice M. E. and Henry P. Munroe, Oct. --, 1827 (int. Oct. 6, 1827).
Joshua of Peru, Vt., and Rebecca B. Lakin, Feb. 21, 1848.
Anson of Boston, and Elizabeth C. Harvey, Dec. 6, 1842.
Warren, Rev., and Sarah Flint of Wilton, N.H., int. June 4, 1828.
Abigail W. and Robert Morris of Boston, int. July 16, 1803.
Deborah and John Macoone, Nov. 8, 1656.*
Lydia D. of Fall River, and William A. Pratt, int. Oct. 29, 1844.
Mary E. and Erastus Spaulding of Troy, N.H., June 28, 1848.
Renold and Susannah Lovett, Sept. 2, 1678.*
Desire, dau of James of Acworth, N.H., a. 16 y., and John S. Dennett of Boston, s. of Moses B. of Pittsfield, N.H., a. 21 y., b. in Gilmanton, N.H., Dec. 8, 1844.*
Emmeline, dau of James (and Mary, CR11) of Acworth, N.H., a. 20 y., and Oshea Lincoln, s. of Oshea (and Polly Smith, CR11) of Chelsea, Vt., both of Charlestown, a. 30 y., June 24, 1847.*
Mary E. and Richard H. Osgood, int. Oct. 22, 1848.
Nancy Jane, dau of James, a. 22 y., b. in Acworth, N.H., and John G. Wheeler, s. of Abel of Sutton, N.H., a. 23 y., b. in Wendell, N.H., Sept. 15, 1844.
Caroline (Caroline S., int), a. 22 y., b. in Boston, and Charles W. (Charles William, int.) Dexter of Boston, s. of Charles, a. 27 y., b. in Cracow, Poland, Oct. 25, 1846.
David and Mary Dunn, Dec. 23, 1838.
Eldad and Nancy D. Adams of Lowell, Oct. 11, 1846.
Emily and Thomas Leighton, Dec. 6, 1833.
Livinia and Jeremiah Witherell, July 3, 1845.
Lucy of Boston, and John Hobart of Braintree, Nov. 17, 1842.*
Mary and Sidney Smith, Sept. 29, 1829.
Mary Anne of Bedford, and John S. Ladd Esq., int. Aug. 22, 1847.
Mary Jane of Boston, and Rufus Lamson Jr., int. Dec. 8, 1832.
Oliver S. and Sarah M. Ferguson, both of Danvers, June 25, 1847.*
Thomas and Mary Morine, int. Aug. 10, 1840.
Abby P. and David Kenrick, both of Somerville, Apr. 7, 1844. CR10.*
Abigail and Joseph Wheeler, Mar. 2, 1726-7.*
Benjamin and Mary Hackelton, Apr. 4, 1776.
Eunice M. and William M. Ashby, May 4, 1845.
Hannah and Isaac Locke, int. Jan. 24, 1807.
Jane and George Cutter, July 10, 1729.*
John and Mary Hill, Mar. 1, 1725-6.*
John and Abigail Phipps of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Jan. 30, 1772.
Jonathan and Rachel Stow of Lexington, in Lexington, Jan. 2, 1721-2.*
Jonathan and Mary Dickson, Aug. 4, 1772.
Jonathan and Suky Whittemore, int. Aug. 30, 1806.
Joseph, late of Cambridge, and Mrs. Polly Hastings of Weston, Mar. 12, 1792.*
M. Q. and Elizabeth McKechnie of Morridgewowk, Me., int. Sept. 23, 1845.
Mary and Thomas Frost, Oct. 25, 1716. CR1.*
Mary and Abraham Watson, Jan. 4, 1750.*
Mary and Joseph Lock, Nov. 19, 1772.
Mary and John Giles, both of Charlestown, July 20, 1834.*
Mehettable and Samuel Lock, June 6, 1770.
Ruth and William Robbins, July 13, 1733.*
Samuel and Elizabeth Bemis of Charlestown (Watertown, int.), July 14, 1774.
Samuel and Polly Downing of Lexington, int. Apr. 6, 1805.
Sarah and John Dickson Jr., Oct. 6, 1771.
Sarah and Joel Tufts of Medford, int. Nov. 29, 1805.
William and Sarah Robbins, Dec. 12, 1733.*
William and Mehittabel Chamberlain, May 1, 1740.
William and Deborah Lock, Jan. 12, 1768.
Grace and William Heale, Oct. 14, 1853.*
Ephraim, Esq., and Mary King, int. Apr. 25, 1828.
William Jr. of Dracut, and Mary Bartlett, Apr. 28, 1799.*
William D. of Charlestown, and Lydia Williams, Apr. 16, 1829.
Mary Ann and Urban S. Keay, int. Sept. 19, 1842.
Michael and Margaret Corbliss, int. Jan. 7, 1849.