Richard married.
Children from this marriage were:
John married Mary Franklin on 7 Feb 1612/13 in St. Peters, Marlboro, Wiltshire, Eng. (Mary Franklin was born in 1590 in Kinnett, Wiltshire, Eng.)
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were: 1. Town Service; 16 Apr 1639; Cambridge, Suffolk Co., MA 5. -- Itt is Agreed with mathew Hichecocke to haue his lad for the summer for to helpe keepe the drie heard ouer the water till the calues should bee fente ouer whiche was the xxth of may, and from thence to keepe the Calues to ye end of the yere. And he is to haue for his hire eighteene pounds to be payd either in monye or conre: And futher itt is agreed thatt the towne is to prouide one to keepe ye calues eache sabba^ and there is to be alowed by the sayd mathew 5s for euerye calfe yt shall be lofte by the keepers defaulte.
2. Census; 1669; New Haven, New Haven Co., CT 6.
3. Will; Nov 1669; New Haven, New Haven Co., CT 7. The will of Matthias, dated Nov., 1669, is as follows: 4. Inventory Taken; After 16 Nov 1669; New Haven, New Haven Co., CT 7. £469-05-08; taken by Nathaniel Merriman & James Denison.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Inventory Taken; 7 May 1659; New Haven, New Haven Co., CT 7. £195-00-04; taken by Richard Miles & John Cowper.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Emigrant Ancestor; Bef 1644.
2. Jury Duty; 5 Jun 1646; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 8.
3. Jury Duty; 2 Mar 1647/48; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 9.
4. Jury Duty; 7 Sep 1648; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 10.
5. Jury Duty; 28 Dec 1648; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 11.
6. Jury Duty; 6 Sep 1649; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 12.
7. Jury Duty; 6 Dec 1649; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 13.
8. Jury Duty; 6 Jun 1650; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 14.
9. Jury Duty; 5 Sep 1650; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 15.
10. Jury Duty; 5 Dec 1650; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 16.
11. Jury Duty; 1 Jun 1651; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 17.
12. Owed Debt; 21 Oct 1651; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 18. A noate of Kircums debts owned by him in this Courte: Luke Hitchcock 00-06-03
13. Lawsuit; 6 Jun 1652; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 19. Thomas Coleman in the behalfe of the Towne of Wethersfeild plt Contra John Rose and Luke Hitchcock in an Action of the Case to the damage of 7£. In the Action betweene Thomas Coleman plt and Joh Rose and Luke Hitchcock defendts, the Jury findes for the plt damages 41s 6d and Costs of the Courte.
14. Jury Duty; 4 Dec 1653; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 20.
15. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 26 Feb 1653/54; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 7. Legacy of 'one suite and coate of wearinge apparrell' in the will of his brother-in-law, William Gibbons. Named as 'my brother Hitchcok'.
16. Witnessed Will; 26 Feb 1653/54; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 21. Witnessed the will of William Gibbons,
17. Jury Duty; 3 Sep 1654; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 22.
18. Fine; 15 Nov 1654; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 23. Item that there is Severall in wetherfield hath not uphled theire howses upon theire home lotts according as the Law requires. Luke Hitchcocke one:
19. Lawsuit; 15 May 1655; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 24. John Gutteridge plt Contra John Rose & Luke Hitchcock defentants in an action of ye Case about destreining for ye keeping of Cattle to ye damage of 8sh. In ye action betwene John Gutteridge plt & John Rose & Luke Hitchcock defendants the Courte adiudgeth the defendants to pay vnto the plt dammages 2s 6d and costs of Court 24d.
20. Jury Duty; 11 Oct 1655; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 25.
21. Lawsuit; 2 Mar 1655/56; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 26. Luke Hitchcock plt: Contra John Edwards defendt in an action of debt witht he dammage to the valve of 50 shill... the jury findes for the plt debt and dammage 42 shill 6d and Costs of Courte. Execution deliuered the 21th march 56/67 for 2:10:06.
22. Jury Duty; May 1656; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 27.
23. Jury Duty; 5 Jun 1656; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 28.
24. Jury Duty; 4 Mar 1657/58; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 29.
25. Jury Duty; 3 Jun 1658; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 30.
26. Jury Duty; 5 Oct 1658; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 31.
27. Will; 17 Oct 1659; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 32. OCT. 17th, 1659. 28. VR - Death; 1 Nov 1659; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 33.
29. Probate; 1 Dec 1659; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 34. The Will and Inventory of Luke Hitchcock was exhibited into the Court and approued.
Luke married Elizabeth Gibbons, daughter of Thomas Gibbons and Elizabeth Perpoint, in 1641 in Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT. (Elizabeth Gibbons was born in 1618 in Fenny Compton, Warwick, Eng 1 and died on 25 Apr 1696 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 26 Feb 1653/54; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 7. Legacy of £5 in her brother, William Gibbson's, will; named as 'my sister Hidgecok'.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 17 Oct 1659; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 35. Given full power of disposal of her husband's estate with the provision that if she remarried it be cut to 1/3.
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 5 Jun 1655; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 38 39.
2. Medical; 2 Apr 1659; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 40. Treated by John Winthrop Jr.: Hitchcock, Luke almost 4 years
3. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 17 Oct 1659; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 35. Legacy in father's will.
4. VR - Marriage; 14 Feb 1675/76; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 37. Married Sarah [Burt] Dorchester, dau. of Jonathan Burt; marriage performed by Judge John Pynchon.
5. Provided Bond; 28 Mar 1676; Hadley, Hampshire Co., MA 41. Provided bond, along with Isacck Harrison, for Jonathan Gilbert who was accused fo promoting a riot in Hadley on 15 Feb 1675/6
6. Military Service; 19 May 1676; Upper Falls of the Connecticut River, MA 42. Listed in 1736 as being among those who fought under Capt. Wm. Turner against the Indians in the Falls Fight.
7. VR - Birth of Child; 1 Apr 1678; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 43. Hitchcock, Sarah, d. Luke & Sarah
8. Oath of Freemanship/Allegiance; 1 Jan 1678/79; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 41 44. Pynchon's court records read "Luke Hitchcock admitted to freedome at General Court May 1678.. sworne at Springfeild Court September 1676 [?]
9. VR - Birth of Child; 19 Mar 1679/80; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 45. Hitchcock, Elizabeth, d. of Luke & Sarah
10. VR - Birth of Child; 1 Feb 1681/82; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 46. Hitchcock, Mercy, d. of Luke & Sarah
11. Witness; 7 May 1683; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 47. Luke Hitchcock witnessed the bill of sale between John Pynchon & Tho. Wells for Pynchon's “11 comon Lot of Meddow at Pacomtuck which I had of fishers & my 9 Commons more that I had from Major Lusher with the 2 Homlots belonging to them & that Land I bought of John Barnard to the Homlot by his for which Land Tho Wells is to pay me 50 li..”
12. VR - Birth of Child; 18 Mar 1683/84; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 48. Hitchcock, Hannah, d. Luke & Sarah
13. Served as Attorney; 20 Sep 1686; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 41. Served as attorney for Mr. William Gibbons of Hartford as Plantiff agains Thomas Huntur Late df Springfield. [William Gibbons was probably his uncle]
14. VR - Birth of Child; 18 Oct 1686; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 49. Hitchcock, Thankful, d. of Luke & Sarah
15. Jury Duty; 19 May 1688; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 41.
16. VR - Birth of Child; 21 Oct 1688; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 50. Hitchcock, Mary, d. Luke & Sarah
17. Residence; 13 May 1691; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 41. Listed as a Freeman of the town of Springfield, Hampden Co., MA
18. VR - Birth of Child; 13 Jul 1691; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 51. Hitchcock, Luke, s. of Luke & Sarah
19. VR - Birth of Child; 4 Sep 1693; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 52. Hitchcock, Jonathan, s. Luke & Sarah
20. Debt; 8 Jun 1695; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 53. From John Pynchon's Account book: 21. Town Office; 1696; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 41. Mr. Luke Hitchcock chosen Representative.
22. Lawsuit; 12 Apr 1697; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 41. Luke Hitchcock of Springfield Senior, Plantiff agains John Trumbell of Suffeild Senior defendant (according to attachment returned served on a coverlid Rug, and warming Pan of said Trumbels) notice and warning thereof being left at said Trumbels House In a Plea concerning Twelve shillings Money due to the Luke Kitchcock for 2 pair of shooes To fht evalue of 24s damages as it sal appeare etc. The Plantiff appearing, The defendant John Trumbell 3 times Caled and not answering or appearing I adjourned to 2 aclock in the afternoone: when Vicory Sikes in Trumbels behalfe appeared and tooke up the matter with Like Hitchcok which Luke sent to me under his hand: and so Issued this case Victory Sikes paying is for the Atachment.
23. Lawsuit; 12 Jul 1698; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 41. Luke Hitchcock of Springfield Senior Cordwainer Plantiff against Joseph Wolcot late of Brookefeild Defendant according to attachment returned served (and Summons left at his said Woolcots Place of usual or last aboad there) on the 24th of Jun 1698, upon about 30 acres of Land of said Woolcots lying or being at the Place or Towne Caled Brookfeild when was present at the serving of it Benjamin Smith of Westfeild and John Hillet. The summons left at Henry Gilberts Garrison of Giving Wolcot notice of it for his appearence accordingly this 12th day of July 1898 at 9 of the clock in the Forenoon. 24. Lawsuit; 15 Mar 1698/99; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 41. Luke Hitchcock Senior of Springfeild Plantiff against Isaac Frost of Springfeild husbandman according to Summons returned Served in an action or Plea concerning Moneys due to said Hitchcock upon Ballance of accounts about a Horse agreed: To the Sum of seventeen shillings Money or ther about according as shal appear with damages Palntiff and defendant both appearing: The plantiff presenting the Sale of the Horse and delivery of it to the defendant and that payment towards it was to the sum of 5.13s as the plantiff ownes to have Received: wanting 17s to make up the sum of sixe Pounds Ten shillings the price of the Horse agreed: I find for the Plantiff Seventeene shillings mone and Costs of Court as per Bil allowed Seven shillings I say 7s.
25. Lawsuit; 31 Jan 1700/01; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 41. Josiah Marshfield entring Complaint against Luke Hitchcock Senior and Joseph Williston of Sprinfield for that one or both of them in clandestine way tooke a Deed of Sale of Land by said Marshfeud to them, away out of Mr. Holyokes hand where it was left: from or without his said Marshfeilds delivery of the same or allowance they should have it, and before S[ ]ty given by them for certain sums of money due or [ ] that Land said Deed of sale refers to: I thereupon [ ] said Hi[ ]cock & Willistons appearing before [ ] of Marshfield: who appearing say [ ]ney and are ready to give Security [ ] the Deed was Thay said Mr. John [ ]th it to Record [ ] mater of giving Security for [ ] gave them time to draw aside for d[ ] matters betweene themselves or o[ ]wise to deliver [ ]eed to Mr. Holyoks hands were it was, and from whom it was taken sometime to Morrow and in meane time Forbide the Recorder from Recording it til agreement betwen al parties and mattes Issued: al which I rad to them and Read and declared it to and before the Register or Recorder and so dismissed al persons.
26. Gravestone; 24 Jan 1726/27; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 54. "here rest the body of Luke Hitchcock,Esq. After he has served God and Documented events in her life were:
1. Medical; 25 May 1658; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 55. Treated by John Winthrop Jr.: Hitchcock, Hanna 12 years
2. Medical; 2 Apr 1659; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 40. Treated by John Winthrop Jr.: Hitchcock, Hanna 13 years pain in head & sick in stomach.
3. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 17 Oct 1659; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 35. Legacy of £40 in her father's will.
4. VR - Marriage; 2 Oct 1661; Hadley, Hampshire Co., MA 56. Married Chiliab Smith
5. VR - Birth of Child; 7 Jul 1662; Hadley, Hampshire Co., MA 57. Smith, Hannah, d. Chiliab & Hannah
6. VR - Birth of Child; 9 Mar 1663/64; Hadley, Hampshire Co., MA 58. Smith, Samuell, s. Chiliab & Hannah
7. VR - Birth of Child; 16 Apr 1666; Hadley, Hampshire Co., MA 59. Smith, Luke, s. Chiliab & Hannah
8. VR - Birth of Child; 11 Jul 1668; Hadley, Hampshire Co., MA 60. Smith, Ebenezer, s. Chiliab & Hannah
9. VR - Birth of Child; 8 Apr 1671; Hadley, Hampshire Co., MA 61. Smith, John, s. Chiliab & Hannah
10. Gravestone; 31 Aug 1733; Hadley, Hampshire Co., MA 54.
Hannah married Ensign Chileab Smith 62, son of Lieut. Samuel Smith and Elizebeth Smith. (Ensign Chileab Smith was born on 1 Apr 1636 in Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT and died on 7 Mar 1730/31 in Hadley, Hampshire Co., MA 54.)
Documented events in his life were:
1. Gravestone; 7 Mar 1730/31; Hadley, Hampshire Co., MA 54.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 26 Feb 1653/54; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 7. Legacy in the will of his uncle, William Gibbson.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 17 Oct 1659; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 35. Legacy in father's will.
3. Signed Petition; 2 Feb 1668/69; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 63. Signed a petition protesting the imposition by England of customs upon goods being exported into and from Massachusetts Colony.
4. Town Office; 16 Aug 1672; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 41. John Hitchcock was Sworne Constable of Springfield
5. Military Service; 19 May 1676; Upper Falls of the Connecticut River, MA 42. Listed in 1736 as being among those who fought under Capt. Wm. Turner against the Indians in the Falls Fight.
6. Oath of Freemanship/Allegiance; 25 Sep 1683; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 41.
7. Tax Rate; Dec 1684; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 64. From John Pynchon's Account books: 8. Jury Duty; 19 May 1688; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 41.
9. Military Service; 20 Sep 1688; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 65. Sept 20 1688 Same Phelps & Wm Randal coming from the Bay this eveing & Informing me that the Inhabitants of Quabaug were in some Danger, they being few & weake could not send on Purpose but by these Travelers & [torn] syred them to acquaint me with their wants & that 3 Indians were there last Night sculking & running into a Swamp as before [torn] same day they discovered Tracks &c & desiring some assistance [torn] 10. Will; 5 Feb 1711/12; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 35. I, John Hitchcock of Springfield, being weak in body but blessed bee God of sound mind & understanding. To the end I may Settle peace among my Relations after my decease and that Righteousness may bee attended with those I am concerned I do make ordain & constitute this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following, believing there is but one only & True God & that their are three persons United in the Godhead the father son & Holy Ghost &c &c. * * * * And for the outward Estate which the Lord hath Graciously blessed me. I Despose of that as followeth. John married Hannah Chapin 66, daughter of Deacon Samuel Dee Chapin and Cicely Penny, on 27 Sep 1666 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 36 37. (Hannah Chapin was born on 2 Dec 1644 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 66 and died on 21 May 1719 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 2 Dec 1644; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 66 67.
2. Testimony in Court; 17 Apr 1661; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 41. "Hannah Chapin Saith shee saw Joseph Leanord one Sabbath day and Samuell Harmon wip & whisk one another with a stick before the meting house in sermon tyme. Joseph Leanord for his playing and sporting on the Sabbath as aforesaid, was fyned to the County five shillings being that he had formerly bin admonished for his misdemeanor on the Sabbath."
Documented events in their marriage were:
1. VR - Marriage; 27 Sep 1666; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 37. Marriage performed by Judge John Pynchon
2. VR - Birth of Child; 23 Mar 1674/75; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 68. Luke Sone of John & Hannah Hitchcock, born Mch 23, 1674-5
3. VR - Birth of Child; 7 Feb 1679/80; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 69. David Son of John & Hannah Hitchcocke, born Feb 7, 1679
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 10 Sep 1668; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 66.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 5 Feb 1611/12; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 35. Legacy of £10 in her father's will. Her brothers later increased her portion. Named as Hannah Porter.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 13 Apr 1670; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 66.
2. Residence; 13 May 1691; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 41. Listed as a Freeman of the town of Springfield, Hampden Co., MA
3. VR - Marriage; 24 Sep 1691; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 37. Married Mary Ball; marriage performed by Judge John Pynchon
4. VR - Birth of Child; 14 Dec 1692; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 52. Hitchcock, John, s. of John Jr..
5. VR - Birth of Child; 20 Mar 1694/95; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 70. Hitchcock, Mary, d. of John & Mary
6. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 5 Feb 1711/12; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 35. Legacy in his father's will.
7. Military Award; 23 Jun 1736; Falltown, MA 71. Granted land in Falltown, MA, near the Upper Falls of the Connecticut River where the Falls Fight took place on 19 May 1676, by right of his father-in-law, Samuel Ball, who participated in the fight.
John married Mary Ball 72, daughter of Samuel Ball and Mary Graves. (Mary Ball was born on 12 Jun 1673 in Springfield, Erie Co., PA 72.)
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 21 Aug 1672; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 66.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 5 Feb 1711/12; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 35. Legacy in his father's will.
3. Church Membership; 21 Nov 1716; Milford, New Haven Co, CT 73. Listed as one of the first members of the First Church. His wife, Sarah, is listed as "recommended from Springfield."
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 28 Aug 1677; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 43.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 5 Feb 1611/12; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 35. Legacy in his father's will.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 7 Feb 1679/80; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 45.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 5 Feb 1611/12; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 35. Legacy in his father's will.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 26 Nov 1682; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 74.
2. VR - Death; 26 Feb 1683/84; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 74.
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Death; 17 Apr 1690; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 76. Hitchcock, Sarah, daughter of John
Luke married Elizabeth Walker, daughter of Jacob Walker and Elizabeth Wheeler, on 3 Nov 1699 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA. (Elizabeth Walker was born on 2 Jul 1676 in Stratford, Fairfield Co., CT and died on 21 Oct 1765.)
Children from this marriage were:
Ruth married 77, son of Richard Church and Elizabeth Noble, on 14 Nov 1728 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 77. (Deacon Jonathan Church was born on 7 Dec 1700 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 77 and died on 27 Oct 1760 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 77.)
Children from this marriage were:
Ruth married Lieut. Stephen Noble, son of Thomas Noble and Sarah Root, on 7 Mar 1753 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA. (Lieut. Stephen Noble was born on 16 Apr 1727 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 2 Apr 1791 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA.)
Documented events in his life were:
1. Revolutionary War Service; 12 Jun 1782; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 82. During the War of the American Revolution, he served for at least eight months in 1777. also - private, Capt. Silas Fowler's co., David Mosely's regt.; enlisted June 12, 1782; discharged June 17, 1782; service, 7 days; company probably mounted and stationed in Springfield and Northampton for defense of the government. Roll sworn to at Westfield (Eighth Call - men who joined the Continental Army in May, 1777, for eight months.
1. Richard Hiscockes , son of Unknown Hiscockes, was born about 1556 in All Cannings, co Wiltshire, England, died about 1586 in All Cannings, co Wiltshire, England and was buried on 1 Dec 1586 in All Cannings, co Wiltshire, England 1.
+ 2 M i. John Hiscockes 2 was born on 1 Jul 1586 in All Cannings, co Wiltshire, England and died on 12 Jun 1629 in All Cannings, co Wiltshire, England.
2. John Hiscockes 2 (Richard1) was born on 1 Jul 1586 in All Cannings, co Wiltshire, England and died on 12 Jun 1629 in All Cannings, co Wiltshire, England.
+ 3 M i. Luke Hitchcock 3 4 was born in 1614 in St. Peters, Marlboro, Wiltshire, Eng and died on 1 Nov 1659 in Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 1.
4 M ii. Matthias Hitchcock was born about 1610 in Fenny Compton, Warwick, Eng and died on 16 Nov 1669 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., CT.
"I Matthias Hitchcock being under the afflicting hand of God, & willing to
set things in order, & to put my house in order.
"I doe give the halfe of my two farms to my deare wife during her
lifetime, & the other parts, yt is to say, the two halves of the two farms
for John and Nathaniel to improve for their mother to ye halfe.
"I doe give to my son Eliaser two swine and a wagoon, also I doe give unto
my son Eliaser one acre of ground adjoining to Goodman Pattison's lott. I
also give unto Eliaser one Hoarse.
"I doe also give unto Eliaser my son my first farme after my widows
decease the two lots-I-except, they are to go along with the other farme.
At the entering those two farmes, & when ye sd sons do take possession the
two farms are to pay twenty pounds ye year ten pounds a farme to be paid
to Elizabeth.
"Nathaniel hath of his own proper estate already in possession, one mare
one cow one heifer one calf.
" John hath of his own estate proper already in possession, one hoarse one
hog one sow and one sheepe.
"Elizabeth hath already in posession of her proper owne, one hoarse hobby.
All debts are to be payed out of ye stocke remaining & all Ye stocks
remaining after ye debts are paid are to be divided between my two younger
sons and daughter.
"Within house all my movable goods & household stuff I give to my deare
wife & daughter Elizabeth. All cartes and ploughs & tackling are for ye
improvement of ye farm.
Witnessed, The markes of
" Memoranda
"That ye two witnesses did express before they took oath yt the testators
mind in these expressions about ye improvement Of the two farms during his
wifes lifetime were that his two sons John and Nathaniel should improve
the whole two farms for their mother to ye halfe."
We consider Eliaser of the will to be the same as Eliakim of later
records, for Dodd in his history of East Haven so states and Eliakim
occupied the identical land.
5 M iii. Edward Hitchcock was born in Marlborough, Wilts, Eng and died on 7 May 1659.
6 F iv. Thirza Hiscockes 2 was born about 1614 in London, Essex, Eng 2.
3. Luke Hitchcock 3 4 (John2, Richard1) was born in 1614 in St. Peters, Marlboro, Wiltshire, Eng and died on 1 Nov 1659 in Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 1.
I, Luke Hitchcock, being at present though in some weakness of Body yet in soundness of mind & strong of memory considering my mortality and knowing it to be my duty to provide for my own family & settle my estate that I may leave no occasion of trouble to them when I am gone and that I may Free myself before I die I do therefore leave this testimony upon record as my last will and testament.
First I do profess my faith & hopes to be in the free grace alone of God in Jesus Christ whose I am and to whom I have forever given up myself both soul and body, being fully persuaded of his unchangeable love and good will both in life and death. And then for my outward estate I dispose of the same as follows.
First I do therefore bequeath and give unto my wife Elizabeth the full power and disposal of all that estate which God has given me in houses, lands, cattle and goods whatsoever within doors and without Provided that in case she marry again that she betake herself to the thirds of my lands and houses and that she give unto my son John the house I now dwell in with the outhouses thereunto belonging with the home lot and half in quantity of the lot or pease of land that I lately bought of W. Chester, the homeward pease, and, to my son Luke the other half of that the line betwixt them running so that both may have the benefit of the water, furthermore to my son John that pease of meadow lying in mile meadow that I bought of William Smith and my 4 acres in Benner meadow also to my son Luke that pease of land in the great meadow with passage through his Brothers lands, also to give unto my daughter. Hanna Forty pounds with her Uncles gift, these portions to be paid to either of them at the age of eighteen years or at the death of my wife, which comes soonest, and my will is what estate is in her hands, beyond and above the foresaid portions at the time of her marriage that she divide the same equaly among my aforesaid three children excepting thirds of all my household stuff and in case of any of my said children dye before they have issue then such lands & houses to remain to the surviving and his heirs and I do desire that Mr John Russell pastor of the church would together with the church appoint some to see this my will performed. Hereunto I have subscribed my hand the day & year above written
The estate was valued at œ461: 13, with debts of œ9.
+ 7 M i. Deacon John Hitchcock 4 was born on 27 Sep 1642 in Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT and died on 9 Feb 1711/12 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.
8 M ii. Luke Hitchcock was born on 5 Jun 1655 in Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT and died on 24 Jan 1726/27 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.
Luke Hitchcock
June 8th 1695
To allowance for my Copper to Boile Rossin 9s at 00 13 06
Luke Hitchcock aforesaid appearing Atachment Read (which is on File) Joseph Woolcot 3 times caled and not answering or appearing waiting until 10 a clock and past, I proceeded upon Luck Hitchcocks presenting his Booke of account wherein said Woolcot is Debtor 2.8.3 and hath Credit To which account and Booke said Luke Hitchcock made oath which is on File so that I find accordingly for the Platife 18s and Cost of Court as per Bil allowed 12s 8d
his generation in pubick offices, deceased Jany 24,1727, in ye 72d
year of his age"
9 F iii. Hannah Hitchcock was born in 1645 in Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT and died on 31 Aug 1733 in Hadley, Hampshire Co., MA.
7. Deacon John Hitchcock 4 (Luke3, John2, Richard1) was born on 27 Sep 1642 in Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT and died on 9 Feb 1711/12 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.
Account received for Mr. John Richards, the Schoole Mr. DR
Dec 1684
To paymt by John Hitchcock Ind C & some wt per the pportion
00 11 02
This 21th of Sept I accordingly sent to their assistance Henry Gilbert, John Hitchcock, James Warrinar, Eben Pars[torn] Thomas Gilbert Sam Pars[torn]
To my well beloved wife I give the use of that room I do Now live in with the chamber over it & so much Cellar as she stands in need of Alsoe I do give to my Welbeloved wife the use and improvement of all my lands I am possest of Except those hereafter expressed as First.
Itm I give to my son John Hitchcock that house & homelot he does now live in alsoe two acres in the meadow which lyes betwixt his houselot & the Round hill on ye upper side of that meadow, As alsoe five acres in the plaine. Two acres in the Cross piece & next to that which is not improved, Alsoe one half of that which is not improved. Alsoe that piece which is Upland at Black Pond on the Westward side of the River & being upland as also half of my mill River Meadow with ye springs on this side ye sd Mill River Meadow and also half my meadow at ye sixteen acres and six acres up at Chicubee in that piece now in fence taking four acres next to the great River and then to take six acres together.
Itm I give to my son Samuel Hitchcock all the rest of my house I now live in with so much of the Cellar as his mother can spare and so much of the barn as his mother can spare above ye half of it, as also five acres of Upland in the plain next to the Great River and alsoe two acres in the meadow against my house and alsoe my upper lot in ye neck and ye half of my Mill River meadow and half my meadow at sixteen acres. And my will is that those meadows be divided equally as to Quantity and Quality as near as may be as also four acres in Chicubee next to the Great River and more. Two acres next to his Brother John on the East side of his Brothers land, and that any of my said sons having need of a way to their land shall have passable way where it is Judged most convenient for them and less prejudicial to his kinsman or those that improve it, and also half the other land in the plain not Improved.
I give to my son Luke Hitchcock that house and homelot he now lives on as alsoe all the rest of my wood lot from his brother David's to the Eastward end as alsoe four acres of my land on Garden Brook and half of what will be within fence of my land in Chicubee plain after John and Samuel have theirs laid out.
I give to my son Nathaniel Hitchcock Twenty acres of my land in Chicubee Plain if he does ever come to improve it, as also my grant of land upon three corner meadow Brook so called. But if he should never come to enjoy it or if he should die without a child lawfully begot. Then those lands to be equally divided between Luke & David my two sons.
Itm I give to my son David Hitchcock the other half of my land upon Garden Brook as alsoe twenty acres in Chicubee plain and my right in the saw mill, & Mill & land, and stream at Skanungenuck and my will is that all my sons do enjoy all those several proportions herein set down at my decease, And my will is if my wife should marry again then that she should betake herself to a third of what and is not yet measured. And after the Decease of my Welbeloved Wife, my will is that my son John Hitchcock enjoy all that meadow by his house as alsoe the half of my land in the plain being the half which lies next to that I have willed to him already & my two lower lots in the neck and my lot at Black pond as alsoe a equall proportion of any outland belonging to me with the rest of his brethren. And my will is that my son Samuel Hitchcock shall have the rest of all my housing & homelot with the meadow excepting one acre at the rear or Easterly End which meadow is against ye homelot as alsoe my other two lots in the Neck and alsoe the other halfe of my land in the plain & his share and proportion of my outlands with ye, rest of his brethren where-ever I have any right. And my will is that my son David Hitchcock shall have the wood lot at the Easterly End of my house lot meadow as far as the highway that is on the easterly end of it and one acre of the meadow that belongs to the homestead and to lie at the North Easterly end of it as it may join to the said Wood lot. And also my will is that David Hitchcock my son shall not alienate or dispose of the wood lot & meadow herein given but only to his brothers or some of the family if he shall see cause to remove and sell.
And my will is that after my decease and wives that then all that three score acres of land that I am Possest of at Chicubee should be equally divided between my three sons (viz) Luke Nathaniel and David. And if any of them should die without issue then to fall equally to ye two next that do survive or if two should die without issue as Nathaniel & David then it shall fall to Luke Hitchcock my son & his heirs.
& My will is that my son Samuel should have all my cart & plow tackling that is to say one sett of them if there be a set left. And my will is that my daughter Hannah Parsons should have my great Kettle and so much of my movable goods as shall make up ten Pounds besides what she has already. And my will is that my Grandson John Hitchcock should have my Carbine gun & Cutlass, and my Grandson Samuel Hitchcock should have my Pistols and my grandson Jonathan Hitchcock should have my great gun, and my belt I give to my son Luke Hitchcock. And my will is that my two sons Nathaniel & my son David Hitchcock have twenty pounds apiece out of movable estate & if there be not enough to do that then that my two sons John and Samuel make it up to them in two years time after the decease of their Mother & my will is that every one should have
their platters I did buy and put their names to & my intent is that what I give my Daughter Hannah Parsons & what my sons have out of moveables or if their brothers do pay this to them it shall be as in provision at town price & I appoint my sons John, Samuel, Luke & David Hitchcock executors of my estate." This will was signed Feb. 5, 17 11/12 & Ad. to Probate March 25, 1712. In the settlement of this estate the brothers increased the legacy left to their sister Hannah Parsons.
+ 10 M i. Deacon Luke Hitchcock was born on 23 Mar 1674/75 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 1 Apr 1752.
11 F ii. Daughter Hitchcock was born on 4 Sep 1667 and died on 4 Sep 1667.
12 F iii. Hannah Hitchcock 3 66 was born on 10 Sep 1668 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 66 and died on 17 Jul 1748 in Enfield, Hartford Co., CT.
13 M iv. Ensign John Hitchcock 1 66 was born on 13 Apr 1670 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 1 66 and died on 4 Jul 1751 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 1.
14 M v. Samuel Hitchcock 66 was born on 21 Aug 1672 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 1 66 and died on 9 Dec 1727 in New Milford, Litchfield Co., CT 1.
15 M vi. Nathaniel Hitchcock was born on 28 Aug 1677 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 1 and died on 27 Apr 1777 in Brimfield, Hampton Co., CT.
16 M vii. David Hitchcock 45 was born on 7 Feb 1678/79 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 1 45 and died on 28 Apr 1762 1.
17 M viii. Jonathan Hitchcock 74 was born on 25 Nov 1682 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 74 and died on 26 Feb 1682/83 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 74.
18 F ix. Sarah Hitchcock 75 was born on 11 Jan 1686/87 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 75 and died on 17 Apr 1690 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 75 76.
10. Deacon Luke Hitchcock (Deacon John7, Luke3, John2, Richard1) was born on 23 Mar 1674/75 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 1 Apr 1752.
+ 19 F i. Ruth Hitchcock was born on 18 Sep 1704 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 30 Sep 1742 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.
20 F ii. Eunice Hitchcock 78 was born on 2 Mar 1712/13 and died on 27 May 1796 in East Hampton, Middlesex Co., CT.
21 F iii. Elizabeth Hitchcock was born on 22 Jan 1700/01.
22 F iv. Hannah Hitchcock 79 was born on 27 Nov 1702.
23 M v. Luke Hitchcock 79 was born on 11 Dec 1706.
24 M vi. Jacob Hitchcock 79 was born on 4 Mar 1707/08.
25 M vii. Moses Hitchcock 79 was born on 20 Jan 1710/11 and died on 22 Feb 1710/11.
26 M viii. Aaron Hitchcock 79 was born on 23 Sep 1715.
27 M ix. Moses Hitchcock 79 was born on 13 Apr 1718.
19. Ruth Hitchcock (Deacon Luke10, Deacon John7, Luke3, John2, Richard1) was born on 18 Sep 1704 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 30 Sep 1742 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.
28 F i. Ruth Church 80 was born on 11 Jul 1733 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 80 81 and died on 4 Jul 1794 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.
29 F ii. Eunice Church 80 81 was born on 28 May 1741 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 80 81.
30 M iii. Jonathan Church 80 was born on 11 Apr 1731 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 80.
31 M iv. Moses Church 80 was born on 15 Mar 1735/36 80.
1. Jennings Genealogical Database, ( (08/16/98)).
2. Stephen W. Norris, Genealogical Hotline, (
3. Judy Gresko's Family Cairn, ( Website with Greenfield, Hitchcock, and others).
4. Joan's Genealogy Site, (
5. The Records of the Town of Cambridge (Formerly Newtowne) Massachusetts, 1630-1703, (Cambridge, 1901). p 35.
6. 1669 Census, New Haven, New Haven Co., CT, (on line at
7. Mrs. Winifred Alcorn, Abstracts of the Early Probate Records of New Haven, Book I, Part I, 1647-1687, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 81, April 1927, p 121-135).
8. Records of The Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663, (Hartford, 1928). p 40.
9. ibid. p 49.
10. ibid. p 52.
11. ibid. p 57.
12. ibid. p 69.
13. ibid. p 72.
14. ibid. p 83.
15. ibid. p 86.
16. ibid. p 90.
17. ibid. p 101.
18. ibid. p 105.
19. ibid. p 110.
20. ibid. p 119.
21. Donald Lines Jacobus & Edgar Francis Waterman, Hale, House and Related Families, (Hartford, CT: 1952). p 612; courtesy of Mary Beth Wheeler,
22. Records of The Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663, (Hartford, 1928). p 130.
23. ibid. p 137.
24. ibid. p 142.
25. ibid. p 151.
26. ibid. p 159-160.
27. ibid. p 162.
28. ibid. p 164.
29. ibid. p 185.
30. ibid. p 191.
31. ibid. p 194.
32. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 1, p 129.
33. R. R. Hinman, Records of Wethersfield, Connecticut, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 15, Jul 1861, p 241 & subsequent).
34. Records of The Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663, (Hartford, 1928). p 207.
35. Mary L. Hitchcock, The Hitchcock Genealogy, (Mass. 1894). p 208-211.
36. James Savage, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, 4 Vols., (Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., c. 1981). Vol 2, pg 428.
37. Judge Pynchon's Marriage Records, 1685-1711, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 123, October 1969, p 258 & subsequent).
38. The Barbour Collection, (The Connecticut Nutmegger; on-going series). Wethersfield Births, Vol 20, #4, March 1988.
39. R. R. Hinman, Records of Wethersfield, Connecticut, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 15, Jul 1861, p 241 & subsequent). Vol 18, p 58.
40. John Winthrop, Jr., Winthrop Medical Journal, (Transcribed from microfilms of the original by Pam; on line at [9 Nov 2000]). p 344.
41. William Pynchon, John Pynchon, Elizur Holyoke, Pynchon Court Records, (Families of the Pioneer Valley, Regional Publications, West Springfield, MA, 2000).
42. Rev. George M. Bodge, Soldiers in King Philip's War, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 43, July 1889, p 259-279). 41:211; citing 'A List of ye Soldiers yt were in ye Fall Fight under Capt. Wm. Turner, approved off by ye Committee of ye Gen. Court (Dated June 1736).
43. John Pynchon, Pynchon Birth Marriage & Death Records, (Families of the Pioneer Valley, Regional Publications, West Springfield, MA, 2000). Springfield, p 11.
44. Inhabitants of Springfield, Massachusetts, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 5, January 1851, p 83).
45. John Pynchon, Pynchon Birth Marriage & Death Records, (Families of the Pioneer Valley, Regional Publications, West Springfield, MA, 2000). Springfield, p 12.
46. ibid. Springfield, p 13.
47. Carl Bridenbaugh & Juliette Tomlinson, eds., The Pynchon Papers, Vol II, Selection from the Account Books of John Pynchon, 1651-1697, (The Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Boston, 1985). Volume V, Part 2, 1672 - 1693 . Page 376 [p 303].
48. John Pynchon, Pynchon Birth Marriage & Death Records, (Families of the Pioneer Valley, Regional Publications, West Springfield, MA, 2000). Springfield, p 7.
49. ibid. Springfield, p 16.
50. ibid. Springfield, p 17.
51. ibid. Springfield, p 18.
52. ibid. Springfield, p 19.
53. Carl Bridenbaugh & Juliette Tomlinson, eds., The Pynchon Papers, Vol II, Selection from the Account Books of John Pynchon, 1651-1697, (The Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Boston, 1985). Volume VI, 1683 - 1694 . Page 112 [p 242].
54. Thomas Bridgman, Inscriptions on the Grave Stones in the Grave Yards of Northampton and of Other Towns in the Valley of the Connecticut, as Springfield, Amherst, Hadley, Hatfield, Deerfield, &c. with Brief Annals of Northampton, (1850).
55. John Winthrop, Jr., Winthrop Medical Journal, (Transcribed from microfilms of the original by Pam; on line at [9 Nov 2000]). p 328.
56. John Pynchon, Pynchon Birth Marriage & Death Records, (Families of the Pioneer Valley, Regional Publications, West Springfield, MA, 2000). Hadley, p 223.
57. ibid. Hadley, p 177.
58. ibid. Hadley.
59. ibid. Hadley, p 178.
60. ibid. Hadley, p 179.
61. ibid. Hadley, p 180.
62. Ancestory.Com, (
63. Transcribed from the Massachusetts Archives by William B. Trask, Petitions Against Imposts, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 9, January 1855, p 81).
64. Carl Bridenbaugh & Juliette Tomlinson, eds., The Pynchon Papers, Vol II, Selection from the Account Books of John Pynchon, 1651-1697, (The Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Boston, 1985). Volume VI, 168301694, Page 126 [p 376-377].
65. ibid. p 447.
66. Charles H.S. Davis, Records of Springfield, Mass., (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 18, January 1864, p 82-86; April 1684, p 142-146).
67. John Pynchon, Pynchon Birth Marriage & Death Records, (Families of the Pioneer Valley, Regional Publications, West Springfield, MA, 2000). Springfield, p 40.
68. Charles H.S. Davis, Records of Springfield, Mass., (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 18, January 1864, p 82-86; April 1684, p 142-146). Vol 19, p 249.
69. ibid. Vol 19, p 251.
70. John Pynchon, Pynchon Birth Marriage & Death Records, (Families of the Pioneer Valley, Regional Publications, West Springfield, MA, 2000). Springfield, p 21.
71. Rev. George M. Bodge, Soldiers in King Philip's War, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 43, July 1889, p 259-279). 41:213; citing 'A List of ye Soldiers and Descendants of such as are Deceased that were in the fight called the Falls Fight above Deerfield, who are intituled to the township granted by the Generall Court".
72. John Pynchon, Pynchon Birth Marriage & Death Records, (Families of the Pioneer Valley, Regional Publications, West Springfield, MA, 2000).
73. Original Members of the First Church in Milford, CT, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 8, April 1854, p 176).
74. John Pynchon, Pynchon Birth Marriage & Death Records, (Families of the Pioneer Valley, Regional Publications, West Springfield, MA, 2000). Springfield, p 14 & 75.
75. H.G. Cleveland, compiler, Excerpts from the Hitchcock Genealogy, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 40, July 1886, p 307 & subsequent).
76. John Pynchon, Pynchon Birth Marriage & Death Records, (Families of the Pioneer Valley, Regional Publications, West Springfield, MA, 2000). Springfield, p 77.
77. Timothy Tucker, ( 27 Jun 1999.
78. Charles Edwin Booth, One Branch of the Booth Family, (1910). p 38.
79. Nancy C. Thurrott. <> 1 Nov 1998.
80. Thomas Warren,, Springfield Families, (privately published; typed and indexed by Ella May Lewis).
81. LDS, International Genealogical Index. C541431.
82. Hugh A. Lamb, Jr., Westfield Patriots, Those Who Served 1775-1783, (1997).