1. Thomas Noble was born about 1632 in England 1 2 and died on 20 Jan 1703/04 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 3 4 5. Documented events in his life were: 1. Emigrant Ancestor; 1652; Boston, Suffolk Co., MA.
2. Residence; 5 Jan 1652/53; Boston, Suffolk Co., MA 6. At the State House, Boston, Ma.: 3. Debt; Bet 1653-1671; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 7. The Pynchon Papers, Vol II, Selection from the Account Books of John Pynchon, 1651-1697; Carl Bridenbaugh & Juliette Tomlinson, eds.; The Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Boston, 1985 4. Travel; Abt 1657; England 8. Thomas most likely traveled to England and returned to New England around this time as an item in John Pynchon's account book lists: "To what I pd. for yor passage to and fro. Engld, and for yor charges (beside what I give you) as in my pocket booke, £16 00. 00".
5. Jury Duty; 7 Apr 1660; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 9. Served on the jury investigating the death by drowning of Ebenezer Herman, youngest child of John Herman who was found dead in the brook in Nathaneell Pritchard's yard. The death was ruled accidental.
6. Oath of Freemanship/Allegiance; 25 Mar 1662; Northampton, Hampshire Co., MA 9.
7. Lawsuit; 30 Sep 1662; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 9. Thomas Noble of Springfield Plantiffe contra Widdow Sackett late of Springfield defendant in an action of debt with damage to the vallue of 3£. In the action depending betweene Thomas Noble & Widdow Sackett the Jury fynd for the Plantiffe the summe of three pounds:
8. Occupation; 1664-1667; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA. From Ted & Freda Noble research notes: At the Pynchon Memorial Library, Springfield, Ma.: 9. Investment; 8 Dec 1664; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 10. Was granted the right to build a sawmill with Samuel Marshfield, Thomas Miller & Elizur Holyoke.
10. Town Service; 21 Jan 1668/69; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 11. "Voted, that Ja. Cornis, Geo. Phelps, Thomas Dewey and Thomas Noble shall go to Springfield the first Tuesday in February next, at a Towne meeting, to propound for the settlement of our place and affayres, in particular to determne where the lyne shall run betwixt Springfield and us, and to appoynt persons to lay out the bounds granted us by the honored Genll court, and to allow us to be a Township by ourselves and signify the same to the honuored Genll Court."
11. Signed Petition; 2 Feb 1668/69; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 12. Signed a petition protesting the imposition by England of customs upon goods being exported into and from Massachusetts Colony.
12. Town Office; 7 Apr 1674; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 9 13. He was chosen constable of Westfield; the records of Hampshire county court show, that on the 7th April 1674, he "was sworne to dischardge ye sd office," which in those days was one of honor and trust.
13. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 26 Sep 1676; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 14. Received 1/6 [1/3 of 1/2] of the estate of his father-in-law, William Warriner, by right of his wife, Hannah. 1/6 went to each of Hannah's brother's, James & Joseph, and 1/2 of the estate was left to the widow, Elizabeth.
14. Will; 11 May 1697; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15. "The last will and testament of Thomas Noble of Westfield, in ye county of Hampshire, in ye Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, being weak in body, but of perfect understanding. 15. VR - Death; 20 Jan 1703/04; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 4.
16. Inventory Taken; 18 Feb 1703/04; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15. An inventory of the estate of Thomas Noble, Senr of Westfield deceased, taken Februry ye 18th, 1703/4. Thomas married Hannah Warriner 17, daughter of William Warriner and Johanna Searle, on 1 Nov 1660 in Hampden Co., MA 16. (Hannah Warriner was born on 17 Aug 1643 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 17 and died on 12 May 1721 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 1.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 17 Aug 1643; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 17.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 11 May 1697; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15. I give unto my beloved wife, Hannah Noble, an acre of land reserved out of my son John's homelot; also half my dwelling house, that is to say, that end next the street, and halfe the land and orchard and barn we dwell on, and the other halfe of the house lot and barn to my son James, as also the thirds of all that I here will to my sons
Documented events in their marriage were:
1. VR - Marriage; 1 Sep 1660; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 18.
2. VR - Birth of Child; 6 Jan 1662/63; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 19. Birth of John Noble, s. of Thomas Noble, borne the 6 day of ye 1 mon. 1662
3. VR - Birth of Child; 24 Feb 1663/64; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 19. Birth of Hannah Noble, d. of Thomas Noble - "borne ye 24 Feb 1663'
4. VR - Birth of Child; 4 Jan 1665/66; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 20. Thomas Noble s. of Thomas Noble borne 4 Jan 1665
5. VR - Birth of Child; 9 Feb 1672/73; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 21. Birth of Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Noble & wife Hannah.
6. VR - Birth of Child; 15 Jul 1675; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 21. Birth of Luke, son of Thomas Noble & wife Hannah
7. VR - Birth of Child; 1 Oct 1677; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 21. Birth of James, son of Thomas Noble & wife Hannah
8. VR - Death of Child; 20 Jan 1703/04; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 21. Death of James, son of Thomas Noble & wife Hannah
9. VR - Birth of Child; 29 Jun 1680; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 21. Birth of Mary, daughter of Thomas Noble & wife Hannah
10. VR - Birth of Child; 4 Jan 1681/82; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 21. Birth of Rebecca, daughter of Thomas Noble & wife Hannah
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were:
1. No Name. Took his 8 year old daughter and settled with indians
2. VR - Birth of Child; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Birth of William, son of John Noble & his second wife.
3. VR - Birth; 6 Mar 1661/62; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 17.
4. VR - Marriage; 13 Sep 1682; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24 28. married Abigail Sacket.
5. VR - Birth of Child; 30 Jun 1683; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Birth of Abigail, daughter of John Noble & his wife, Abigail Sacket.
6. VR - Death of Spouse; 3 Jul 1683; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Death of Abigail, wife of John Noble.
7. VR - Birth of Child; 15 Feb 1684/85; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Birth of John, son of John Noble & his second wife.
8. VR - Birth of Child; 15 Aug 1688; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Birth of Stephen, son of John Noble & his second wife.
9. VR - Birth of Child; 25 Jan 1694/95; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Birth of David, son of John Noble & his second wife.
10. VR - Birth of Child; 2 Nov 1697; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Birth of Hannah, daughter of John Noble & his second wife.
11. Lawsuit; 21 Mar 1697/98; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 9. Suit against Abraham Temple for monies due.
12. VR - Birth of Child; 22 Mar 1698/99; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Birth of Sarah, daughter of John Noble & his second wife.
13. Lawsuit; 1 Sep 1701; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 9. John Noble the defendant appearing: and the Plantiff viz John Stedman of Hartford as Mr. Blackleech attourny shewing his Power etc) The Plantiff producing an account out of his Booke attested and sworne (which is on File) the defendant owning the debt (though he says he pait it yet giving no demonstration thereof) I find for the Plantiff one pound one hilling 10d ½ in wheat and Pease: and Costs of Court as per Bil allowed eleven shillings which is on File.
14. VR - Birth of Child; 28 Feb 1704/05; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Birth of Mabel, daughter of John Noble & his second wife.
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 24 Feb 1662/63; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 17.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 11 May 1697; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15. Received legacy of £20 in her father's will.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Settler. 1st settler, Sheffield, MA
2. Lawsuit; 27 Feb 1695/96; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 9. Mathew Noble of Westfield Being Summoned to appeare this day to answer John Gun of Westfield in a Plea of Trespass for Felling and Taking away Pine Trees of said Guns Ground Granted him by the Towne for turpentine to said Guns damage 40s. John Gun absenting: The Defendant Mathew Noble demands his Costs and charges which by Reson of the constbles not returning the Summons: Three men (as on file) [which is on file viz Thomas Myryk, John Myryck, Adiya Dewey oaths (Marginal notation)] made oath to the Constable Deputy John Sakcuts serving the summons. Read it and required Nobles appearing accordingly: Whereuppon I Grant the Defendant Mathew Noble his Costs viz 2s and a witness to himselfe that was summoned viz 2s Deacon Nathanel Dolbee appearing. For the plantiff to pay: unless he should make appeare that the defect is in the constable for not returning the summons and then said Noble is to pay it.
3. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 11 May 1697; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15. Received legacy of land in his father's will.
4. Lands Recorded - Gifted; 7 Feb 1725/26; Sheffield, Berkshire, MA 30. Sheffield Deeds at Hampden County Registry, Springfield, Mass. Matthew married Hannah Dewey 24 31, daughter of Thomas Dewey and Constant Hawes, on 10 Dec 1690 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. (Hannah Dewey was born on 21 Feb 1671/72 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24 31 and died after 9 Jul 1745 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 12 Feb 1671/72; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in their marriage were:
1. VR - Marriage; 10 Dec 1690; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 32.
2. VR - Birth of Child; 8 Oct 1691; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 33. Birth of Joseph, son of Matthew Noble and his wife, Hannah Dewey.
3. VR - Birth of Child; 14 May 1694; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 33. Birth of Hezekiah, son of Matthew Noble and his wife, Hannah Dewey.
4. VR - Birth of Child; 19 Sep 1698; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 33. Birth of Mathew, son of Matthew Noble and his wife, Hannah Dewey.
5. VR - Birth of Child; 23 Dec 1700; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 33. Birth of Solomon, son of Matthew Noble and his wife, Hannah Dewey.
6. VR - Birth of Child; 9 Feb 1701/02; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 33. Birth of Elisha, son of Matthew Noble and his wife, Hannah Dewey.
7. VR - Birth of Child; 19 Oct 1705; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 33. Birth of Obediah, son of Matthew Noble and his wife, Hannah Dewey.
8. VR - Birth of Child; 11 Oct 1707; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 33. Birth of Hannah, daughter of Matthew Noble and his wife, Hannah Dewey.
9. VR - Birth of Child; 17 Apr 1717; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 33. Birth of Rhoda, daughter of Matthew Noble and his wife, Hannah Dewey.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 11 May 1697; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15. Received legacy of land in his father's will.
2. VR - Birth of Child; 5 Mar 1697/98; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Birth of Noah, son of Mark Noble and his wife, Mary.
3. VR - Birth of Child; 20 Dec 1701; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Birth of Maryl, daughter of Mark Noble and his wife, Mary.
4. VR - Birth of Child; 7 Jul 1704; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Birth of Abigail, daughter of Mark Noble and his wife, Mary.
5. VR - Birth of Child; 21 Dec 1706; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Birth of John, son of Mark Noble and his wife, Mary.
6. VR - Birth of Child; 4 Jan 1708/09; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Birth of Miriam, daughter of Mark Noble and his wife, Mary.
7. VR - Birth of Child; 23 May 1713; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. Birth of Noah, second of that name, son of Mark Noble and his wife, Mary.
8. VR - Death; 16 Apr 1741; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 15 Jul 1675; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 11 May 1697; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15. Received legacy of land in his father's will.
3. VR - Marriage; 1 Feb 1698/99; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 28. 'Luke Noble & Hannah Stebbins daughter of Tho. Stebbins joined in Marriage certification being produced'; marriage performed by Judge John Pynchon.
4. Military Award; 23 Jun 1736; Falltown, MA 35. Granted land in Falltown, MA, near the Upper Falls of the Connecticut River where the Falls Fight took place on 19 May 1676, by right of his father-in-law, Thomas Stebbins, who participated in the fight.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 1 Oct 1677; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 11 May 1697; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15. Received legacy of land in his father's will.
3. Something doesn't add up. Records from NEHGR do no correspond with dates found on website - double check
4. VR - Death; 20 Jan 1702/03; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 29 Jun 1680; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 11 May 1697; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15. Received legacy of £20 in her father's will.
3. VR - Marriage; 1 Feb 1696/97; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24. m. Ephraim Colton
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 4 Jan 1681/82; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 11 May 1697; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15. Received legacy of £20 in her father's will.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 14 Jan 1665/66; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 39.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 11 May 1697; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15. Received legacy of land in his father's will.
3. VR - Death; 29 Jul 1749-1750; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Thomas married Elizabeth Dewey 31, daughter of Thomas Dewey and Constant Hawes, on 19 Dec 1695 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 23 24. (Elizabeth Dewey was born on 10 Jan 1676/77 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24 31 and died on 2 Oct 1757 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 31.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 10 Jan 1676/77; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
2. VR - Death; 2 Oct 1757; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 28 Jan 1698/99; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
2. VR - Death; 25 Jun 1699; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 1 May 1700; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
2. VR - Death; Nov 1719; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 30 Oct 1702; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
2. VR - Death; 4 Dec 1702; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 20 Sep 1703; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 3 Sep 1705; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 4 Jul 1708; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 11 Oct 1711; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 31 May 1714; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 30 Oct 1716; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 23 May 1721; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 9 Feb 1671/72; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 11 May 1697; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15. Received legacy of £20 in her father's will.
Elizabeth married Richard Church 25, son of John Church and Sarah Beckley, on 3 Mar 1691/92 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24 25 26. (Richard Church was born in 1663 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 25 and died on 1 Apr 1730 in Colchester, New London Co., CT 25.)
Documented events in his life were:
1. Town Office; 27 Dec 1714; Colchester, New London Co., CT 41. Chosen as one of four town Rate Collectors
2. Town Office; 30 Dec 1717; Colchester, New London Co., CT 42. Chosen as town Way Warden
3. Residence; 8 Dec 1729; Colchester, New London Co., CT 43. Listed among the freemen of the town.
Documented events in their marriage were:
1. VR - Marriage; 3 Mar 1690/91; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24 26 28.
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 5 Oct 1692; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 1 Mar 1694/95; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 10 Sep 1769; Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
Thomas married Sarah Root, daughter of Deacon John Root and Sarah Stebbins, on 1 Sep 1722 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 40. (Sarah Root was born on 9 Mar 1701/02 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 19 Jul 1760 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15.)
Children from this marriage were:
Jonathan married Ruth Hitchcock, daughter of Deacon Luke Hitchcock and Elizabeth Walker, on 14 Nov 1728 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 25. (Ruth Hitchcock was born on 18 Sep 1704 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 30 Sep 1742 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.)
Children from this marriage were:
Ruth married Lieut. Stephen Noble, son of Thomas Noble and Sarah Root, on 7 Mar 1753 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA. (Lieut. Stephen Noble was born on 16 Apr 1727 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 2 Apr 1791 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA.)
Documented events in his life were:
1. Revolutionary War Service; 12 Jun 1782; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 49. During the War of the American Revolution, he served for at least eight months in 1777. also - private, Capt. Silas Fowler's co., David Mosely's regt.; enlisted June 12, 1782; discharged June 17, 1782; service, 7 days; company probably mounted and stationed in Springfield and Northampton for defense of the government. Roll sworn to at Westfield (Eighth Call - men who joined the Continental Army in May, 1777, for eight months.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Revolutionary War Service; 12 Jun 1782; Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 49. During the War of the American Revolution, he served for at least eight months in 1777. also - private, Capt. Silas Fowler's co., David Mosely's regt.; enlisted June 12, 1782; discharged June 17, 1782; service, 7 days; company probably mounted and stationed in Springfield and Northampton for defense of the government. Roll sworn to at Westfield (Eighth Call - men who joined the Continental Army in May, 1777, for eight months.
Stephen married Ruth Church 47, daughter of Deacon Jonathan Church and Ruth Hitchcock, on 7 Mar 1753 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA. (Ruth Church was born on 11 Jul 1733 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 47 48 and died on 4 Jul 1794 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.)
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were:
1. Census; 1800; Warren, Herkimer Co., NY 54. Noble, Stephen--4-0-0-1-0--1-0-0-1-0--0-0
Stephen married Esther Smith, daughter of Thomas Smith and Esther Ball, on 7 Apr 1790 in Massachusetts. (Esther Smith was born in 1772 in West Springfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 27 Oct 1814 in Markham, York Co., Ontario, Canada.)
Documented events in their marriage were:
1. Marriage Intentions; 10 Mar 1790; West Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 55. The Intention of Marriage between Stephen ___ of Westfield & Esther Smith of West Springfield was entered March 10th, & published the 14th, 1790 [91?]
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were:
1. Census; 1837; Concession 8, Lot 16, York Co., Markham Twp., Ontario 15.
2. Maybe Living; King Twp, York Co, Ontario 15 57. Lot 5, Concession 9
Documented events in his life were:
1. Witness; 18 Jun 1830; Markham Twp., York Co., Ontario, Canada 58. Witnessed marriage of Abram Norton & Mary McDonald of Markham - Stephen Noble & Edward Saunders; marriage #303 performed by Rev. William Jenkins of Richmond Hill
2. Census; 1851 59.
3. Census; 1861; Mariposa Twp, Victoria County, ON, Canada 60.
4. VR - Death of Spouse; 11 Aug 1870; Mariposa Twp, Victoria County, ON, Canada 61. Name & surname of deceased - Elizabeth Noble 5. VR - Death; 21 Feb 1874; Mariposa Twp, Victoria County, ON, Canada 62. Name & surname of deceased - Stephen Noble Documented events in his life were:
1. Census; 1837; Concession 8, Lot 12, York Co., Markham Twp., Ontario.
2. VR - Death of Child; 23 Nov 1853; Mariposa Twp, Victoria County, ON, Canada 63. Death of Trueman Noble, son of Austin & Mary [Lightly] Noble
Documented events in his life were:
1. Occupation. Was a farmer and tanner
2. Alt. Buried. First Baptist Chruch/Zion Baptist Church,
3. Immigration; 1810 65. Arrived in Markham with parents, brothers and sisters by way of Herkimer Co., N.Y.
4. VR - Marriage; 14 May 1822; Markham Twp., York Co., Ontario, Canada 66. Married Hannah Badgrow. Witnesses: Phillip Badgrow & Trueman Pennock.
5. Naturalization; 1834; Markham Twp., York Co., Ontario, Canada. Upper Canada Naturalization Records 1828-1850 6. Census; 1837; Markham Twp., York Co., Ontario, Canada. Concession 8, Lot 16, Special York Cty Census
7. Census; 1851; Markham Twp., York Co., Ontario, Canada 67 68. Microfilm #C11759: Noble, Ambrose, 51, US, BP, Hannah, 46, Meth, 189
8. Census; 1861; Markham Twp., York Co., Ontario, Canada 68. Census: Noble, Ambrose, 66, Mass, BP, Hannah, 53, NY, 131
9. Census; 1871; Markham Twp., York Co., Ontario, Canada 68 69. Born: US, Eth: Scotch, age 76, Dist 045, subdist D, Div pg 6 28 page 10. Census; 1881; Markham Twp., York Co., Ontario, Canada. Census: Noble, Ambrose, 86, (Wr), US, BP, 141/2
Documented events in her life were:
1. 1837 Census; York Co., King Twp., Ontario, Canada. Lot 18, Con 7
2. Living; 1850; York Co., King Twp., Ontario, Canada. Lot 17, Con 7
3. 1851 Census; York Co., King Twp., Ontario, Canada. Wismer, Moses, 59 y.o., Penn, CR, Eunice, 50 y.o., NY
Documented events in her life were:
1. Census; 1850; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 70. Esther Marr, 45, F, Penn [?]; living with husband John, 50; children: Cyrus, 20; Duston, 22; Harlem, 18; Erastus, 16, Leaoma, 11; Randal, 10; Thos. 6, & Enos, 1
Esther married John Marr 71, son of John Marr and Barbara Brooks, on 31 Dec 1822 in Markham Twp., York Co., Ontario, Canada. (John Marr was born on 1 Sep 1800 in Upper Mt. Bethel Twp., Northampton Co., PA 71, died on 16 Feb 1860 in Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 71 and was buried in Marr Cemetery, Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 56.)
Documented events in his life were:
1. Residence; 1837; Brock, York Co., Ontario 72. 1837 - Marr John Concession 7 Lot 13 Brock
2. Census; 1837; Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada. Marr John 7 13 Brock M600
3. Census; 1840; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 73. John Marr 022101000000 / 1010010000000
4. Census; 1850; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 70. John Marr, 50, M, Farmer, $1200, Penn 5. Town Office; 1859; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 74. Elected Justice of the Peace
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were:
1. Organizations; 1853; Livingston Co., MI 78. Charter member of the Livingston County Agricultural Society
2. Census; 1860; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 79. Jesse Marr, 35, M, Farmer, $2000, $300, Canada West; 3. Residence; 1868; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 80. Listed as one of six settlers in Section 8 [two of the others being his brothers Cyrus & Harlem]; settled in 1839
4. Town Office; 1868; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 74. Elected to office of Highway Commissioner.
5. Census; 9 Aug 1870; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 81. Marr, Jesse, 47, M, W, Farmer, Canada West; 6. VR - Death; 8 Nov 1874; Howell, Livingston Co., MI 82. 51 years of age of typhoid fever.
7. Lands Recorded; 1875; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 83. Jesse Marr is shown holding 130 acres on the 1875 Howell Twp. plat map. The land is located in the north west corner of the township, on Marr Road just east of Fleming Road. The Atlas was published in 1875 but probably prepared before Jesse's death in 1874 and therefore does not reflect that fact.
Jesse married Lydia Hildebrant, daughter of Robert Hildebrant and Polly (Maria) Frey, on 4 Feb 1847 in Livingston Co., MI. (Lydia Hildebrant was born on 7 Jul 1828 in Lockport Twp. Niagra Co., NY 84, died on 29 Oct 1912 in Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI and was buried in West Howell / Fleming Cemetery, Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. Census; 1860; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 79. Lydia Marr, 32, F, New York, living with husband Jesse, and children.
2. Census; 9 Aug 1870; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 81. Marr, Lydia, 43, F, W, Keeping House, New York; living with husband Jesse & children.
Documented events in their marriage were:
1. VR - Marriage; 4 Feb 1847; Livingston Co., MI 85.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Residence; 1839; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 71 86. Settled Section 8
2. Residence; 1868; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 80. Listed as one of six settlers in Section 8 [two of the others being his brothers John & Harlem]; settled in 1839
3. Census; 1850; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 70. Cyrus Marr, 20 M, Farmer, Canada; living with parents & siblings
4. Census; 9 Aug 1870; Howell, Livingston Co., MI 87. Cyrus Marr, 45, M, W, Farmer, 6000, 1000, Canada 5. Lands Recorded; 1875; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 83. Cyrus Marr is shown holding 159 acres on the 1875 Howell Twp. plat map. The land is located in the north west corner of the township, on either side of Marr Road just west of Burkhart Road next to his brother Jesse Marr's land. The Marr or Pioneer Cemetery is on the east side of this land on Burkhart Road.
Cyrus married Olive Maria Chase.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Census; 1850; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 70. Dunston Marr, 22 M. Farmer, Canada; living with parents & siblings
Documented events in his life were:
1. Residence; 1839; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 86. Settled Section 8
2. Residence; 1868; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 80. Listed as one of six settlers in Section 8 [two of the others being his brothers Cyrus & John]; settled in 1839
3. Census; 1850; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 70. Harlem Marr, 18, M, Farmer, Canada; living with parents & siblings.
4. VR - Marriage; 1861; Livingston Co., MI 89. Married Mary Ann Jorden.
5. Census; 9 Aug 1870; Howell, Livingston Co., MI 90. 220/219: 6. VR - Death of Child; 20 Sep 1874; Howell, Livingston Co., MI 91. Death of Thomas Marr, son of Harlan & Mary A. Marr. age 2 yrs, 6 months of inflamation of the lungs.
7. Census; 1900; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 92.
Harlem married Polly Hildebrant, daughter of Robert Hildebrant and Polly (Maria) Frey, on 4 Jul 1855. (Polly Hildebrant was born on 26 Apr 1836 in Lockport Twp. Niagra Co., NY 93.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. Census; 1850; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 70.
2. VR - Marriage; 1855; Livingston Co., MI 94. Married Erastus Marr.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Census; 1850; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 70. Erastus Marr, 16, M, Farmer, Canada; living with parents & siblings.
2. VR - Marriage; 1855; Livingston Co., MI 94. Married Polly Hildebrant.
3. Lands Recorded - Purchased; 10 Feb 1852; Livingston Co., MI 95. 40 acres, Meridian 19, Towship 12 N, Range 8E, Section 4
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Marriage; 1862; Livingston Co., MI 96. Married Charles Damon.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Census; 1850; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 70. Randal Marr, 10, M, Michigan; living with parents & siblings
2. Military Service 71. Randall left home and went south and it was reported that when the Civil War broke out he joined the confederate army and was never heard from.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Census; 1850; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 70. Thos. Marr, 6, M, Michigan; living with parents & siblings
2. Military Service 71. Joined Company A, 5th MI Voluntary Infantry and died in Andersonville Prison
Documented events in his life were:
1. Census; 1850; Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 70. Enos Marr, 1, M, Michigan; living with parents & siblings
Cynthia married James Osborn II in Ontario, Canada. (James Osborn II was born about 1784 in USA 97 and died on 16 Sep 1854 in Pickering Twp., Ontario County, Ontario, Canada 98.)
Documented events in his life were:
1. Loyalist Information. OC 30 July 1811
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in her life were:
1. Living; 1850; Pickering Twp., Ontario County, Ontario, Canada. Lot 35, Con 6
2. 1851 Census; York Co., King Twp., Ontario, Canada. Windsor, Wm, 29 y.o., Eng, CE, Charity, 30 y.o., Can
3. 1871 Census; Middlesex Cty, Mcgillivray Twp., Ontario. On this Census William stated that he was a farmer and a Methodist.
Charity married William Windsor, son of Stephen Windsor and Shusanah Young, on 4 Nov 1844 in Ontario, Canada. (William Windsor was born on 29 May 1823 in England, died on 4 Dec 1908 in Parkhill, Ontario, Canada and was buried on 6 Dec 1908 in St. James Anglican Cemetary, Clandeboye, Middlesex Cty. Biddulp Twp, Ontario.)
Documented events in his life were:
1. Living; 1850; Pickering Twp., Ontario County, Ontario, Canada 57. Lot 35, Con 6
2. Census; 1851; Markham Twp., York Co., Ontario, Canada 68. Windsor, Wm, 29 y.o., brn Eng, CE, Charity, 30 y.o., Can 231
3. Census; 1871; Ontario, Canada. Ont. Dist 008, Subdist 'E', Div pg 3, McGillivray 4. Age at Death. 85 years, 6 months, 6 days
1. Examined microfilm of the early Boston Town records and
found:" on 5th day, 11th month 1651, at a meeting of Mr. Richard Parker,
Mr. Edward Tinge, Mr. Jeremy Houchin, Deacon Marshall and Anthony
Stoddard, Thomas Noble was admitted an inhabitant."
[p 400-401 ]
Volume 1, 1651-1655. Page 76
Sept 13th 53 00 00 00
[To 3 yds of frise at 5s 6d per yd]*
Decembr 1653
To ¾ of a yd of wt Cotton 00 02 06
3 yds ¾ linnen cloth at 2s 6d 00 09 04 ½
1 Case of pen knives 00 01 09
Pap 00 00 01
4 doz buttons 00 01 08
3 yds rib 00 01 06
6 yds ¼ kersy at 8s 8d 02 14 02
7 yds lockr at 3s 1d 01 01 07
6 yd lock at 30d 00 10 00
3 yds red napt Cotton at 2s 10d 00 08 06
1 lb 2 oz bb & bro thrid 00 04 04
11 li Coll thrid 00 05 00
14 doz buttons 20d silke 4d ½ 00 02 00 ½
¾ yd fuston 00 01 04
1 pr stockens 00 03 00
4 doz of buttons 20d 00 01 08
Needles 00 01 00
1 pr shooes of the 12s 00 06 04
1 pr of the 11s 00 05 10
1 hat 00 18 00
7 thimbles 00 01 06
1 ppnt of Lickquors 00 02 00
2 yds ½ lockram in dear skins 00 05 00
a Coate 01 05 00
a [sheepskin making the trades
a hatt To make me a coate] 01 00 00
a suite 02 01 00
8 yds ½ Kersy at 12s per yd is
5 li 2s, silke & lace 12d 05 03 00
8 sc of stucking silk 00 01 00
40 yds Pakcing Canvas 00 05 00
posted to p 256 27 16 00
Volume 1, 1651 – 1655 . Page 317
Thomas Noble DR
To 6 yds of locram at 2s 2d 00 13 00
To page 24 for several pticulars the 27 16 00
Sum off [torn]
Recd by Taylering as in Tho Nobles
book 08 06 06
Recd more by Taylering as in Thomas Noble
his booke all his worke being acoted 02 18 06
Recd by what I pay you for Rich Maund 01 02 00
Recd by paying for James Taylor 00 10 04
Recd by Mary Copsey 00 19 00
13 16 04
Octobr 9th 1656
Acoted & Thomas Noble owes mee the Sum of fourteene pounds twelve shillings & Eight pence as witness his hand 14 12 08
To 6 oz of thrid 18d |
To ½ oz of Coll Thrid 2s 6d | 4s 00 04 00
1 li ¾ of bb Thrid 00 06 08
5 yds ½ of dimity drawers 00 10 01
To what I pd for your passade to &
from Engld & for your charges
(besides what I give you) as in my
pocket booke 16 10 00
Sept 1st 1157 [sic]
the whole Sume that is due me is 32 03 06
[ p 402]
Volume II, 1657-1666 . Page 97
Thomas Noble CR
March 15th 1661/62
Dlrd to Tho Noble to make into Coates (which he is to mak at 18s ber doz)
16 yds of bb shag beys
25 yds red shag
11 yds ½ blew shag
in all 52 ½ which at 2 yds & ql to a Coate will make 2 doz wat 1 yd & ½
more dlrd 30 yds of red cotton plaines
& 21 yds ½ greene kersy
24 ¾ Red kersy
16 Blew Kersy
62 ¼ all for Coate
8 bunches of lace Buttons about 13 doz
[p 403]
Volume III, 1664 – 1667 . Page 134
Thomas Noble DR
Sept 3 64
To Severalls brought from day booke 01 02 06
To Severals dlrd Sept 6 64 as inday Booke 02 18 07
To a Sieth 5s cotton riban 6d 00 05 06
To Severalls Sept 20th 64 01 00 01
To paymt for Billings: 6 li 1 pr stockens
4 s 4 d 06 04 04
Sept 26
To Severalls 02 06 00
Oct 7 64
To Severalls 01 06 05
To Severalls 01 11 11
Oct 10th
To 1 yd ¾ Searge 00 10 00
To 4 yds Gallome 00 01 02
Nov 1 64
To Severalls 01 03 11
N [II (illegible)] 7
To 01 03 09
Nov 25
To 4 li sugar 00 04 00
Jan 12 64
6 yds Cotton rib 15d 4 yds 12d 00 02 03
[illegible]rry Comb ½ M pins 00 01 09
Febr 3 64
To 1 lanthorne 4s Gimblet 6d 00 04 06
3 yds ½ kersy at 10s 01 15 00
2 doz Buttons 2s 4d
5 yds Gallome 2s 1d 00 04 04
1 li of Powder 1 Bar of lead 00 04 00
To 44 li of fat (abote) the Tub
at 4 li at guess 01 00 00
To 4 C of rod Nayls at 14d 00 04 08
[p 404]
March 7 1664
To a psell of land below Schonunganick of 22 acres
& 2 acres & ¼ at 5s your & Abell Wright your pt is
01 05 00
1 yd ¼ Gallome 5s Serage 4yds ½ ql 01 05 09
Stockens 12 d Comb 9d 00 01 09
To Payment for you to Sam Bliss 01 00 00
To payment for you to the Swead 00 02 06
1 pr Sissars 00 00 06
Brought from day Booke 03 11 00
Brought from old booke the sum of 05 08 03
36 11 06
Recd per Contra 26 li 15s 04d
Rests 09 16 02
December 24 1666
By Porke 122 li & 68 li is 190 li abate 2 li on the
Light hog & tis 02 07 00
By John Ponder 00 09 06
[02 16 06]
2 day worke 3 you agreed to allow me for taking in the Country Rate 1664
Thomas Noble DR
To 6 Needles 3d 00 00 03
1 yard ½ Searge when I was in the Bay 00 09 09
1 Oz black thrid 00 00 06
To 1 peck salt 18d 2 yds Cotton 8s 4d 00 09 10
Octo 2d 69
To 1 pr Stockens 5s 1 doz ½ Buttons 2s 3d
00 07 03
6 yd looplace 00 00 03
To 1 bush of Salt 00 06 00
¾ yard black ribban 00 00 09
Nov 18 69
To 2 yds red shage 8s 8d 2 yds wt cotton 8s
00 16 08
3 yds blew linned 5s 3d 1 m Pins 18d 6 Laces 6d
00 07 03
¾ yd rib cooton rib 6d sissars 6d 00 01 11
To your County Rate 1668 00 08 02
May 4 1670
¼ Searge 1s 11d Pap of pins 7d 1 knife 9d Comb 10d
00 04 01
July 27 1670
To 2 yds fillet 4d 1 pr large Sissors 8d 00 01 00
To 2 bush of Indian you had from G. Dorchester in Aug 1669
More 3 bush of Ind. 00 12 06
26 bush wt Againe 2 bush of Ind from G. Dorchester
00 05 00
04 11 06
Over this leafe forward is the sum of & forward over the leafe on the right hand is
07 12 02
& 04 05 02
22 12 08
Posted to New Booke this 22nd May 1671.
Posted to N. Booke this 22nd May 1671 Tho Noble being psent when I cast up : he desyring to se hou much is debt is & psently (he geing gon first) I caryed the sum to the N booke & so cross it here.
Volume III, 1664-1667 . p 136
Thomas Noble DR
March 27 1667
To 3 li sugar 2s June 10 67 Needles 6d 00 02 06
May 1
To 3 li sugar 00 02 00
To 1 horn booke 00 00 08
June 13
To 2 li Powder 00 07 06
June 16 00 03 11
Jun 18
Thrid 3 scaines 00 00 04
To 4 li sugar 00 02 08
Aug 8
To 3 Thimbls 00 00 09
To 3 li sugar when I was in the Bay 00 02 00
Oct 67
To 1 bush of Salt 00 08 00
To 4 li of sugar 00 02 08
To 8 li of cotton woole 00 08 00
To Needles 6d 00 00 06
To a miscast is day Booke 00 03 03
To the last side back brought from hence hither
33 17 04
35 17 04
Recd per Contra 12 19 09
Rests 22 17 07
To the hire of a bull9ck of Capt Clark last y 20s & this y out the end of Febr 20s all is
02 00 00
24 17 07
Jan 3d 1667
Acoted & rests due to Balance 24 17 07
Jan 4 67
To 6 lb sugr at 8d per lb 00 04 00
Feb 1 67
To 4 li sugar 00 02 08
25 04 01
Rec'd this whole debt per land & also he pays me what he owes on Bills & for Skeepmuch & for Broth Smiths debt all that is due to me upon the severall Bill which are dlrd up to him all is betwixt 61 li & 62 li all which I acknowledge to haue Recd by his How [illegible] allow me one Twenty bush of wheate more which he is to pay me sometime.
In case he Faile of the Twenty bush of wheate next
Winter he is Dr 03 10 00
A chaticise 00 00 04
March 67/68
To searge to Tho Stebbins Jr. 00 10 00
Tho Jone 1 lb shott 6d hornbook 6d 00 01 00
1 M of Nayls May 18 68 00 12 00
March 18 67/68
To 4 lb sugr at 8d per lb 00 02 08
March 21
To 16 lb hogs fatt at 6d per lb 00 08 00
Apr 23 68
To 7 li of hogs fat 00 03 06
Aug 8th 68
To 3 lb of sugr 00 02 00
¼ Annisseed 00 00 07
Aug 12 1668
12 Needles 00 00 06
Dec 13 68
To 2 li sugar is 4d Buttons in Jun last is 6 Button ag 9d
01 03 07
4 li sugar July 29 2s 8d 1 pr Ind breeches 7s
00 07 00
06 03 10
Vol V, Part I, 1672 – 1693 . Page 220
Tho Noble DR
Aug 25 1670
To 1 Bible 00 09 08
Nov 30 70
To 2 yds of Holland at 9s 8d 00 19 06
Jan 11 70
50 8 doz of Coate Buttons per Tho Gunn
00 08 00
Feb 3 70
To your Lad T Joanes 4 doz Buttons 00 04 00
To the Sum in the old Booke which Sum I bring from thence hither this 22th May 1671 viz 22 12 08
To the purchase of Westfield of the Indian
03 12 06
[5 Feb 1671]
To your Contributions to his Maj's fleete in Aug 1667 3 bush of Ind C 7s 6d which I Pd for you & forgot to acot it till now 00 07 06
Volume V, Part I, 1672-1693 . Page 221
Tho Noble CR
[6 September 1673]
By my Son John at Boston
Balanced Per Contra 45 09 00
1. Photocopied five pages of a transcription of the account book of Major John Pynchon, Springfield, Ma., Vol. III, 1664-1667, pages 133-135. These pages contain numerous transactions of Thomas, such as purchases of tailoring supplies, (thread, needles or pins, cloth, shears, etc.,) as well as food, sometimes in exchange for wheat and labor. The pages give evidence that Thomas was a tailor. They also reveal Thomas's accumulating indebtedness to Pynchon.
Impr, I commend my soul into the hands of Christ my blessed Lord and Saviour and my body to Christian burial, in full faith of a blessed resurrection, through the rich Grace of God in Christ my Saviour.
Item, I give unto my son Thomas, that parcel of land lying in the farm purchased from Mr. Jn. Pynchon, from the gate beyond the house entering into the field bounded by the plowing land, the way to Springfield, John Noble's land and the drain all along the swamp.
Item, to my son Matthew, a tract of land in the same farm, lying by a ditch easterly and bounded at both ends by the river.
Item, I give unto my sons Mark and Luke, my little meadow, lying against the orchard of Noah Cooke and that homelot that I have bought and they have raised frames upon.
Item, I give the lot that the town gave me on the top of the hill against my house on the same farm, to all my six sons for pasture. Item, to my son James, a parcel of land and house upon it, on that farm that is fenced in, being six or seven acres more or less.
Item, I bequest the rest of this my farm lying bounded upon James northerly, Thomas on the east, Matthew on the south, ye river on the westerly sides, to all my sons, i.e., to my sons John, Thomas, Matthew, Mark, Luke and James, equally to be divided amongst them by my brother James Warriner and John Hitchcock of Springfield and by Capt Isaac Phelps of Westfield.
Item, I give to my son James, all my land in the plain, on this side the hundred acres and the lot by the way to Pochastuck.
Item, I give to my son John, the rest of my lot in ye fort meadow.
Item, I give unto my beloved wife, Hannah Noble, an acre of land reserved out of my son John's homelot; also half my dwelling house, that is to say, that end next the street, and halfe the land and orchard and barn we dwell on, and the other halfe of the house lot and barn to my son James, as also the thirds of all that I here will to my sons and after her decease, I give to my son James the whole of the house, houselot and barn and the acre reserved out of my son John's homelot.
Item, I give unto my four daughters, Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary and Rebecca £20 apiece, to be paid them by my sons (viz.), Thomas, Matthew, Mark, Luke and James, to Mary and Rebecca about half a year after their marriage and a cow apiece at their marriage. And in case any of my children should dye, not leaving any issue behind them, then my will is that the legacies that I here give them, be equally divided among the surviving and also I order these my sons to find my wife fewel wood and two load of hay every year, so long as she shall remain widdow. Item, I give unto my wife also a cow and heifer, also all my household goods, which household goods I would have her at her pleasure dispose of to my two youngest daughters.
Item, my team (one yoak of oxen excepted), I give unto my three youngest sons, Mark, Luke and James. And for the well and faithful execution of this my last will, I ordain and make my beloved wife Hannah Noble and my son Thomas Noble joynt executors, to defray all my lawful debts and for that end leave one yoke of working cattle, a yoak and fatt oxen and the money in the Bay due me and all other dues, the which, when my debts are defrayed, the remainder I would have go to pay my daughter's portions. But in case the same shall be too little to clear my due debts, that then they are to raise what is sufficient out of the legacies, I have here given to my children, to do the same. In witness whereof I set to my hand and seal this eleventh day of May, Ano Dom., 1697.
Thomas Noble and a [seal]
Signed & sealed in the presence of
Edward Taylor
Victory Sikes
James Warriner
In Springfield, Sept: 5th, 1704
Mr. Edward Taylor and Victory Sikes, two of the witnesses to this instrument, appeared before the Judge of Probates in Hampshire, viz., Samuel Partridge, Esq., and made oath that they saw Thomas Noble, deceasd, sign and seal the sd instrument, as his last will and testament, and that he was of a sound mind and memory, whe he did it, according to there judgment and that they with James Warriner signed as witnesses to the same, in the testators' presence. Which sd will (the executors there in name having accepted sd trust), was by the sd judge approved and allowed of. Attest, JOHN PYNCHON, Regt.
Impr. £ s. d.
To a house & barn & homestead in the town plott 035 00 00
To a lot in the plain by estimation eleven acres 036 00 00
To four acres of land in the fort meadow 006 00 00
To six acres of upland or pasturing 012 00 00
To an acre of homelot land in the town platt 018 00 00
To ninety acres of land in the farm 270 00 00
To fifty acres of land or thereabouts called the
pasture lying against the farm. 005 00 00
To the old building upon the farm 002 00 00
To two and one halfe acres of land with a frame
upon it cald Mark's homestead 10 00 00
To two acres of homelot land near the Widw Dewey's 005 00 00
To a yoak of three yeares old stears at £5 005 00 00
To two cows, & one calfe at £5, & a heafer & two
steers at £3 15s 008 15 00
To a horse at £2 10s & six swine at £2 004 10 00
To a cart at £1 12s, & plow & plow chain at £1 15s,
together with other implements belonging
to the team £1 15s; & ye halfe of a timber
chain at 13d 004 14 00
To axes, hatchels, howes, & forks at 18d, & hay
knife & pease hoods 4d 001 02 00
To wareing apparel £3; & arms & ammunition £1 15s.,
& bed, bolster, & 2 pillows at £2 16s, &
blankets £1 10s 007 11 00
To 4 toe ruggs £1 4s, and a blankett 4s, 2 down beds
& 2 bolsters at £1 2s 002 10 00
To two pillows 7s, and curtaines & valiants 15s, &
4 bedsteads and cords £1 3s 002 05 00
To 1 dozn of napkins, & 2 table cloathes, & 3 towels,
£1 8s., & 5 pillow beers 8s 001 16 00
To 9 sheets £1 15s, and 3 large pewter platters £1 4s,
& 6 plates a 15s 003 16 00
To old pewter 13s, & a tankerd, & 2 porringers &
salt cellar 8s. 001 01 00
To brass kittles & skillets & warming pan 001 16 00
To an iron pot & kittles £1 2s, & tin & earthern
ware 6s. 001 08 00
To pott hooks, trammels & fire irons & chaffen dish
13s 000 13 00
To barrels, tubbs, chaires, & wheels, & some other
small things, £1 15s 001 15 00
To pailes, bowls, dishes, trenchers, spoons, & cann 13s 000 13 00
To wheat, peas, rye, indian corn & oats £7 9s 6d 007 09 06
To wool, flax, & sacks, £1 5s; & chests, boxes, hooks
& hatchels £1 15s 003 00 00
To a shovel, frying pann, & bridle, & sadle 13s; and
provision in ye house £1 10s 002 03 00
To scieths, sickles, & scieth tackling 6s 000 06 00
To bettle rings, & wedges, & other small things, 5s;
& 2 bb of turpentine at £1 10d, and linnen &
woolen yarn, 8s 002 03 00
Totall £448 06s 06d
pr Isaac Phelps, Nathl Wellar, Jos. Sexton
"Hampshr ss. Springfield Septemr 5th 1704
"Hannah Noble widw and Thomas Noble, executors of the last will & testament of Thomas Noble (late of Westfield dedeasd) made oath before Saml Partridge, Esq., Judge of the Probate of will &c, for sd County, that the within is a true inventory of the estate of sd deceasd, so far as the know of, and if any more appear, they will readily make discovery thereof from time to time, to sd Judge, or his successors.
Attest, JOHN PYNCHON, Regr"
+ 2 M i. Deacon Thomas Noble 15 16 22 was born on 14 Jan 1665/66 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 16 22 and died on 29 Jul 1750 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 22.
+ 3 F ii. Elizabeth Noble 16 was born on 9 Feb 1672/73 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 16 and died on 10 Aug 1751 in Colchester, New London Co., CT.
4 M iii. John Noble 16 17 was born on 6 Mar 1661/62 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 16 and died on 17 Aug 1714 in New Milford, Litchfield Co., CT 27.
5 F iv. Hannah Noble 16 17 was born on 24 Feb 1663/64 16 17.
6 M v. Matthew Noble 16 was born on 9 Sep 1668 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 8 Aug 1744 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 29.
Vol G Page 279 Feb 7, 1725/26
Matthew NOBLE Sr. of Westfield to son Elisha NOBLE of Westfield, One
half of his right at Housatunnock, which land is not yet laid out, which
came to him from the General Court.
7 M vi. Mark Noble 34 was born about 1670 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 34 and died on 16 Apr 1741 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24 34.
8 M vii. Luke Noble 16 was born on 15 Jul 1675 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 1 16 and died on 21 Mar 1743-1744 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 1.
9 M viii. James Noble 16 34 was born on 1 Oct 1677 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 16 34 and died on 22 Apr 1712 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 34.
10 F ix. Mary Noble 16 34 36 was born on 29 Jun 1680 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 16 and died after 15 Oct 1750 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 37.
11 F x. Rebecca Noble 16 38 was born on 4 Jan 1682/83 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 16 and died after 19 Dec 1720.
2. Deacon Thomas Noble 15 16 22 (Thomas1) was born on 14 Jan 1665/66 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 16 22 and died on 29 Jul 1750 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 22.
+ 12 M i. Thomas Noble 22 24 was born on 10 Sep 1696 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 22 24 and died on 18 Feb 1775 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA.
13 M ii. Job Noble 22 24 was born on 28 Jan 1698/99 22 24 and died on 25 Jun 1699 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 22 24.
14 M iii. Jonathan Noble 22 24 was born on 1 May 1700 22 24 and died in Nov 1719 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 22 24.
15 M iv. Seth Noble 22 was born on 30 Oct 1702 22 and died on 4 Dec 1702 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 22.
16 M v. Israel Noble 22 24 was born on 20 Sep 1703 22 24 and died on 5 Jun 1759 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 22.
17 F vi. Elizabeth Noble 22 24 was born on 3 Jan 1705/06 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 22 24 and died on 12 Nov 1793 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 22.
18 M vii. Lois Noble 22 24 was born on 4 Jul 1708 22 24.
19 M viii. Ebenezer Noble 22 24 was born on 11 Oct 1711 22 24 and died in Jul 1775 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 22.
20 M ix. Thankful Noble 22 24 was born on 31 May 1714 22 24.
21 F x. Anna Noble 22 24 was born on 30 Oct 1716 22 24.
22 M xi. Jonathan Noble 22 24 was born on 23 May 1721 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 22 24 and died about 1780 in Simsbury, CT 22.
3. Elizabeth Noble 16 (Thomas1) was born on 9 Feb 1672/73 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 16 and died on 10 Aug 1751 in Colchester, New London Co., CT.
+ 23 M i. Deacon Jonathan Church 25 was born on 7 Dec 1700 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 25 and died on 27 Oct 1760 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 25.
24 M ii. Joseph Church 44 was baptized on 11 Dec 1698 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 44.
25 M iii. Samuel Church 44 was baptized on 29 Nov 1702 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 44.
26 M iv. John Church 44 was born on 12 Jan 1693/94 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24 and was baptized on 19 Aug 1694 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 44.
27 F v. Hannah Church 24 was born on 5 Oct 1692 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24.
28 F vi. Rachel Church 24 44 was born on 1 Mar 1694/95 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 24 and was baptized on 3 Mar 1694/95 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 44.
29 M vii. James Church 44 was baptized on 1 Nov 1696 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 44.
30 F viii. Elizabeth Church 44 was baptized on 1 Apr 1705 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 44.
12. Thomas Noble 22 24 (Deacon Thomas2, Thomas1) was born on 10 Sep 1696 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 22 24 and died on 18 Feb 1775 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA.
+ 31 M i. Lieut. Stephen Noble was born on 16 Apr 1727 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 2 Apr 1791 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA.
32 F ii. Sarah Noble was born on 11 Aug 1723 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 26 Mar 1796 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA.
33 M iii. Thomas Noble 45 was born on 6 Feb 1724/25 and died on 21 May 1801.
34 F iv. Eunice Noble was born on 9 Mar 1728/29 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 19 Sep 1750.
35 M v. John Noble was born on 7 Sep 1731 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 15 Sep 1807.
36 M vi. Silas Noble 46 was born on 28 Aug 1733 and died on 17 Jul 1775 in Roxbury, Suffolk Co., MA.
37 M vii. Aaron Noble was born on 24 Dec 1735 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 26 Nov 1760 45.
38 F viii. Elizabeth Noble was born on 2 Feb 1737/38 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 7 Mar 1803 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA.
39 M ix. Caleb Noble was born on 1 Apr 1741 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA, was baptized on 28 Jun 1741 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA and died in 1804 in Ashtabula, OH.
40 M x. Seth Noble was born on 15 Apr 1743 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 15 Sep 1807 in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH. [data from John J. Noble]
23. Deacon Jonathan Church 25 (Elizabeth Noble3, Thomas1) was born on 7 Dec 1700 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 25 and died on 27 Oct 1760 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 25.
41 F i. Ruth Church 47 was born on 11 Jul 1733 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 47 48 and died on 4 Jul 1794 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.
42 F ii. Eunice Church 47 48 was born on 28 May 1741 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 47 48.
43 M iii. Jonathan Church 47 was born on 11 Apr 1731 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA 47.
44 M iv. Moses Church 47 was born on 15 Mar 1735/36 47.
31. Lieut. Stephen Noble (Thomas12, Deacon Thomas2, Thomas1) was born on 16 Apr 1727 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 2 Apr 1791 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA.
+ 45 M i. Stephen Noble 50 was born on 7 Apr 1765 in Wakefield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 28 Aug 1823 in Bay Of Quinta, Mariposa Twp., Victoria Co., Ontario, Canada 51.
46 F ii. Lovisa Noble was born on 5 Jun 1754.
47 F iii. Ruth Noble 15 was born on 1 Jul 1756 15 and died on 16 Nov 1790 15.
48 M iv. Bildad Noble was born on 13 May 1759.
49 M v. Aaron Noble 52 was born on 19 Mar 1761.
50 F vi. Lois Noble 15 was born on 1 Jul 1767 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15.
51 F vii. Eunice Noble 15 was born on 30 Apr 1770 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15.
52 F viii. Lucinda Noble 15 was born on 27 Jan 1774 in Westfield, Hampden Co., MA 15 and died on 29 Oct 1857 in Hadley, Hampshire Co., MA 53.
45. Stephen Noble 50 (Lieut. Stephen31, Thomas12, Deacon Thomas2, Thomas1) was born on 7 Apr 1765 in Wakefield, Hampden Co., MA and died on 28 Aug 1823 in Bay Of Quinta, Mariposa Twp., Victoria Co., Ontario, Canada 51.
+ 53 F i. Esther Noble was born on 23 Apr 1804 in Warren, Herkimer Co., NY, died on 27 Sep 1884 in Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI and was buried in Marr Cemetery, Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 56.
54 M ii. Thomas Smith Noble 15, died in Jul 1840 in Lake Ontario 15.
55 F iii. Achsah Noble .
56 M iv. Stephen Noble was born on 18 Jan 1791 in West Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.
When died - 11th August 1870
Sex - Female
Age - 60 Years
Rank or profession - [blank]
Where born - Lower Canada [i.e. Quebec]
Certified cause of death, and duration of illness - Dropsy, 1 year
Name of physician, if any - Dr. Tweedie
Signature, description and residence of informant - S. Noble, Farmer,
When registered - 22nd November 1870
Religious denomination - Episcopal Methodist
Signature of registrar - JF Cummings
Division - Mariposa County - Victoria
Remarks - [blank]
When died - 21st February 1874
Sex - M
Age - 84 Years
Rank or profession - Gentleman
Where born - United States
Certified cause of death, and duration of illness - Old age
Name of physician, if any - [blank]
Signature, description and residence of informant - William Wallis,
Farmer, Mariposa When registered - 2nd March 1874 Religious denomination - Episcopal Methodist
Signature of registrar - JF Cummings
Remarks - No medical man attended
Source: Death registration for Stephen Noble, Mariposa Township,
Victoria County, RG 80-8, Appendix A7, registration #11214, Microfilm MS 935 reel 9, Archives of Ontario.
57 M v. Austin Noble was born on 8 Nov 1792 in Newfane, VT.
58 M vi. Ambrose Noble was born on 27 Feb 1795 in West Springfield, Hampden Co., MA, died before 17 Oct 1889 in Markham Twp., York Co., Ontario, Canada 64 and was buried in Markham, York Co., Ontario, Canada.
Author: Donald A. MCKenzie
Ontario Genealogical Society
Volume/Pgs: 34
70, Markham / 100/6
59 F vii. Susanna Noble was born about 1795 in West Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.
+ 60 F viii. Cynthia Noble was born on 16 Jan 1797 in Warren, Herkimer Co., NY and died on 21 Nov 1848 in Pickering Twp., Ontario County, Ontario, Canada.
61 F ix. Eunice Noble 65 was born about 1801 in Warren, Herkimer Co., NY.
62 F x. Christiana Noble was born in 1802 in Wareen, Herkimer Co., NY and died about Aug 1841 in Brock, York Co., Ontario.
53. Esther Noble (Stephen45, Lieut. Stephen31, Thomas12, Deacon Thomas2, Thomas1) was born on 23 Apr 1804 in Warren, Herkimer Co., NY, died on 27 Sep 1884 in Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI and was buried in Marr Cemetery, Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 56.
Esther Marr, 45, F, Penn [?]
Cyrus Marr, 20 M, Farmer, Canada
Dunston Marr, 22 M. Farmer, Canada
Harlem Marr, 18, M, Farmer, Canada
Erastus Marr, 16, M, Farmer, Canada
Leaoma Marr [?], 11, F, Canada
Randal Marr, 10, M, Michigan
Thos. Marr, 6, M, Michigan
Enos Marr, 1, M, Michigan
63 M i. Jesse Marr 71 75 76 was born on 13 Nov 1823 in Markham Twp., York Co., Ontario, Canada 71, died on 8 Nov 1874 in Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 71 77 and was buried in West Howell / Fleming Cemetery, Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 71.
Lydia Marr, 32, F, New York;
Ransom Marr, 11 M, Mich;
Chalista Marr, 7, F, Mich;
Urias Marr, 4, M, Mich;
Clarissa Marr, 3, F, Mich;
Lewis Marr, 4/12, M, Mich
Marr, Lydia, 43, F, W, Keeping House, New York;
Marr, Ransom, 21, M, W, Works on Farm, Michigan;
Marr, Calista, 17, F, W, At Home, Michigan;
Marr, Darius, 15, M, W, At Home, Michigan;
Marr, Clarissa, 13, F, W, At School, Michigan;
Marr, Lewis, 11, M, W, At School, Michigan;
Marr, John, 7, M, W, , Michigan;
Marr, Douglas, 6, M, W, , Michigan;
Marr, Caroline, 4, F, W, , Michigan;
Marr, Ellen, 1, F, W, , Michigan
64 M ii. Cyrus Marr 71 was born on 29 Sep 1825 in Markham Twp., York Co., Ontario, Canada 71 and died on 2 Mar 1897 in Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 71.
Margaret Marr, 41, F, W, Keeping House, Germany
Cynthia Marr, 10, F, W, At School, Michigan
Rosa Marr, 1, F, W, -, Michigan
65 M iii. Duston Marr 71 was born on 22 Nov 1827 in Markham Twp., York Co., Ontario, Canada 71 and died on 6 Feb 1897 in Nixa, Christian Co., Missouri 71 88.
66 F iv. Emily Marr 71 was born on 3 Feb 1830 in Canada 71 and died on 12 Apr 1848 71.
67 M v. Harlem Marr was born on 29 Jul 1832 in Canada and died on 16 Feb 1909 in Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 88.
Marr, Harlem, 39, M, W, Farmer, Canada West
Marr, Mary, 39, F, W, Keeping House, Michigan
Marr, John, 7, M, W, Michigan
Marr, Thomas, 4, M, W, Michigan
68 M vi. Erastus Marr 71 was born on 31 Aug 1834 71 and died between 1860-1870 in Virginia City, Idaho 71 88.
69 F vii. Naomi Marr 71 was born on 17 Feb 1837 71 and died in Jun 1920 in Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI 71 88.
70 M viii. Randall Marr 71 was born on 5 Aug 1840 71.
71 M ix. Thomas Jefferson Marr 71 was born on 2 Apr 1843 71 and died on 7 Jul 1864 71 88.
72 M x. Enos Marr 71 was born on 16 Jul 1849 71 and died on 14 Mar 1913 in Gratiot Co., MI 71 88.
60. Cynthia Noble (Stephen45, Lieut. Stephen31, Thomas12, Deacon Thomas2, Thomas1) was born on 16 Jan 1797 in Warren, Herkimer Co., NY and died on 21 Nov 1848 in Pickering Twp., Ontario County, Ontario, Canada.
73 F i. Charity Osborne was born about 1822 in Ontario, Canada, died on 4 Nov 1909 in Parkhill, Ontario, Canada and was buried on 6 Nov 1909 in St. James Anglican Cemetary, Clandeboye, Middlesex Cty. Biddulp Twp, Ontario.
On this census, William stated that he was a farmer, and a Methodist
1. Wilda Kaye Foster, Calahan-Foster Clan Web Site, (http://www.spambusters.ml.org/calahan/).
2. Compiled by Lucius M.. Boltwood., History and Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Noble of Westfield, Massachusetts with Genealogical Notes of other Families by the Name of Noble., (Privately Printed, Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, Hartford, Conn.: 1878). p 19; Boltwood gives the approximate year, but does not speculate on where in England, Thomas was born.
3. James Savage, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, 4 Vols., (Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., c. 1981).
4. Westfield Vital Records, (microfilm - transcribed by Ted & Freda Noble.)
5. Compiled by Lucius M.. Boltwood., History and Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Noble of Westfield, Massachusetts with Genealogical Notes of other Families by the Name of Noble., (Privately Printed, Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, Hartford, Conn.: 1878). p 19.
6. John T. Priest, Boston Town Records, 1634-1660, (Municipal Printing Office. Boston. 1902.) courtesy of Ted & Freda Noble [30 Jul 2000].
7. Carl Bridenbaugh & Juliette Tomlinson, eds., The Pynchon Papers, Vol II, Selection from the Account Books of John Pynchon, 1651-1697, (The Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Boston, 1985). p 400 - 410.
8. Compiled by Lucius M.. Boltwood., History and Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Noble of Westfield, Massachusetts with Genealogical Notes of other Families by the Name of Noble., (Privately Printed, Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, Hartford, Conn.: 1878). p 19, citing John Pynchon's Account Book.
9. William Pynchon, John Pynchon, Elizur Holyoke, Pynchon Court Records, (Families of the Pioneer Valley, Regional Publications, West Springfield, MA, 2000).
10. Compiled by Lucius M.. Boltwood., History and Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Noble of Westfield, Massachusetts with Genealogical Notes of other Families by the Name of Noble., (Privately Printed, Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, Hartford, Conn.: 1878). p 19, citing Springfield Town Records.
11. ibid. p 19, citing Westfield Town Records.
12. Transcribed from the Massachusetts Archives by William B. Trask, Petitions Against Imposts, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 9, January 1855, p 81).
13. Compiled by Lucius M.. Boltwood., History and Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Noble of Westfield, Massachusetts with Genealogical Notes of other Families by the Name of Noble., (Privately Printed, Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, Hartford, Conn.: 1878). p 19, citing Hampshire Court Records.
14. L.E. deForest & A.L. deForest, James Cox Brady & His Ancestry, (New York: The deForest Publishing Co., 1933). p 372-377; courtesy of J. Edmund White <jewhite@siue.edu>.
15. Compiled by Lucius M.. Boltwood., History and Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Noble of Westfield, Massachusetts with Genealogical Notes of other Families by the Name of Noble., (Privately Printed, Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, Hartford, Conn.: 1878).
16. William Richard, New England Families Genealogical and Memorial: Volume IV, (1913). p 1750-1751.
17. Charles H.S. Davis, Records of Springfield, Mass., (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 18, January 1864, p 82-86; April 1684, p 142-146).
18. John Pynchon, Pynchon Birth Marriage & Death Records, (Families of the Pioneer Valley, Regional Publications, West Springfield, MA, 2000). Springfield, p 57.
19. Charles H.S. Davis, Records of Springfield, Mass., (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 18, January 1864, p 82-86; April 1684, p 142-146). p 146.
20. ibid. p 147.
21. Rev. Emerson Davis, A Record of Marriages, Births & Deaths in Westfield, Mass. Prior to the year 1700, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 6, Jaly 1852, p 265 & subseq.) p 266.
22. Adelbert M. Dewey, Life of George Dewey Family History, (Weed-Parsons, Albany, N. Y. 1898). p 245-246.
23. Ingersoll / Inkersall / Ingerson Family Research, (http://www.my-ged.com/inger/ (08/25/98)).
24. Rev. Emerson Davis, A Record of Marriages, Births & Deaths in Westfield, Mass. Prior to the year 1700, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 6, Jaly 1852, p 265 & subseq.)
25. Timothy Tucker, (ttucker1@ix.netcom.com). 27 Jun 1999.
26. William Montgomery Clemens, American Marriage Records before 1699, (Pompton Lakes, NJ: Biblio Co., 1926.)
27. James Savage, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, 4 Vols., (Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., c. 1981). Vol III, p 285.
28. Judge Pynchon's Marriage Records, 1685-1711, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 123, October 1969, p 258 & subsequent).
29. Ancestors of Wilda Kaye Foster, (Wilda Kaye Tietjens, 8495A SW Hemlock, Tigard, OR 97223, 503-244-3908, sandpipr@aracnet.com).
30. Sheffield Deeds at Hampden County Registry, Springfield, Mass., (Courtesy of Susan Carlson, [7 Jan 2001]). Vol G, p 279.
31. Adelbert M. Dewey, Life of George Dewey Family History, (Weed-Parsons, Albany, N. Y. 1898). p 230-246.
32. John Pynchon, Pynchon Manuscript Records, (Families of the Pioneer Valley, Regional Publications, West Springfield, MA, 2000).
33. Compiled by Lucius M.. Boltwood., History and Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Noble of Westfield, Massachusetts with Genealogical Notes of other Families by the Name of Noble., (Privately Printed, Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, Hartford, Conn.: 1878). p 270.
34. Descendants of Thomas Noble, Sr., (Janet Dorothy Wind Nixon, 3366 Wood Lane, Shingle Springs, CA 95682-9136, bjnixon@cwnet.com).
35. Rev. George M. Bodge, Soldiers in King Philip's War, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 43, July 1889, p 259-279). 41:213; citing 'A List of ye Soldiers and Descendants of such as are Deceased that were in the fight called the Falls Fight above Deerfield, who are intituled to the township granted by the Generall Court".
36. Descendants of Thomas Noble, Sr., (http://www.familytreemaker.com/plweb-cgi/).
37. Noble Family Forum. osted by Margaret Noble Nelsen on August 05, 1998 at 16:44:54:.
38. Charles Edwin Booth, One Branch of the Booth Family, (1910). p 63.
39. John Pynchon, Pynchon Birth Marriage & Death Records, (Families of the Pioneer Valley, Regional Publications, West Springfield, MA, 2000). Springfield, p 6.
40. James Savage, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, 4 Vols., (Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., c. 1981). Vol 3, p 286.
41. Charles Taintor, Extracts From the Records of Colchester, With Some Transcripts From the Recording of Michaell Taintor, (Hartford, 1864). p 13.
42. ibid. p 18.
43. ibid. p 12.
44. LDS, International Genealogical Index. C502601.
45. Charles Henry James Douglas, A Collection of Family Records, (E. L. FREEMAN & CO., PUBLISHERS, 1879,).
46. GENWEB Archives, (ftp://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/). Massachuttes.
47. Thomas Warren,, Springfield Families, (privately published; typed and indexed by Ella May Lewis).
48. LDS, International Genealogical Index. C541431.
49. Hugh A. Lamb, Jr., Westfield Patriots, Those Who Served 1775-1783, (1997).
50. Original Family Document from the files of Sally Jenkins.
51. Family Pedigrees: United Ancestries 1500-1990 CD #100, (Broderbund).
52. Bernice Eggerman, (Hampden Co., MA GenWeb Queries.)
53. Marriages & Deaths, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, on-going department). Vol 12, Apr 1858, p 183.
54. 1800 Census, Warren, Herkimer Co., NY, (On-line at Herkimer Co. GenWeb http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyherkim/census/1800warren.html [11 Jun 2000]).
55. Marriages in West Springfield, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 35, October 1881). p 365.
56. Pam Rietsch, Livingston County GenWeb Site, (http://www.livgenmi.com/ [4 Sep 1999]). Cemetery Listings.
57. Norman K. Crowder, (Ontario Genealogical Society, Toronto Branch, 1992).
58. A. J. Clark, Rev. William Jenkins of Richmond Hill, (on-line http://www.tbaytel.net/bmartin/jenkins.htm).
59. 1851 Census Microfilm #C11759, (Extracts from the 1851 federal census of Markham, York County,
National Archives of Canada). page 167.60. 1861 Federal Census, (National Archives of Canada, Ottawa). page 20.
61. Mariposa Twp., Victoria County, Ontario, Canada, Death Records, (Microfilm MS 935 reel 9, Archives of Ontario; [courtesy of Eileen McElroy
].) RG 80-8, Appendix A7, registration #06792, Microfilm MS 935 reel 2. 62. ibid. RG 80-8, Appendix A7, registration #11214, Microfilm MS 935, reel 9.
63. Rev. Donald A. McKenzie, More Notices From Methodist Papers 1830-1857, (Lambertville, NJ: Hunterdon House,1986). p 325.
64. Markham Economist. 17 Oct 1889; courtesy of Steve Marsh <sjmarsh@attcanada.ca>; posted to the Can-Ont_York-L 10 Sep 2000.
65. Markham District Historical Society, Markham 1793-1900, (Isabel Champion, Editor, Publ. 1989).
66. A. J. Clark, Rev. William Jenkins of Richmond Hill - Marriages Performed, (http://www.tbaytel.net/bmartin/jenkins.htm [14 Apr 2000]; originally published by: ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Papers and Records, Volume 27, Published in Toronto in 1931, Pages 15-76.)
67. 1851 Census Microfilm #C11759, (Extracts from the 1851 federal census of Markham, York County,
National Archives of Canada).68. Compiled by Louise I. Hope, Markham, Ontario Census Indexes 1851-1881, (Ontario Genealogical Society, Toronto Branch, Toronto, Ontario, Canada).
69. Ontario Archives Online 1871 Federal Census Index.
70. 1850 Census, Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI.
71. Harriet Marr Wheeler, William Marr of Northampton County, Pennsylvania and His Six Children, (Ann Arbor, 1984). p 44-51.
72. 1837 Toronto & Home District Directory.
73. 1840 Census, Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI.
74. Evert & Abbott, History of Livingston County, (1880). p 190.
75. Michigan Genealogical Death Indexing System 1867-1876, (http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/PHA/OSR/gendis/search.htm). Ledger Page 161, Record 25.
76. 1850 Census, Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI. LIHW 678.
77. MICHIGAN: DAR Cemetery Lists for Livingston Co.
78. Evert & Abbott, History of Livingston County, (1880).
79. 1860 Census, Howell Twp., Livingston Co., NY. [1564/1589].
80. Elisha H. Smith, History of Howell, Michigan, (Lansing, 1868; on-line at Livingston Co.GenWeb site, http://www.livgenmi.com/1868historyhowelltitle.htm [5 Sep 2000]). p 49.
81. 1870 Census, Howell Twp., Livingston Co., MI. p 24, line 22-32, household 192/191 [roll 687, p 147R].
82. Michigan Genealogical Death Indexing System 1867-1876, (http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/PHA/OSR/gendis/search.htm). Pg 161, record 25.
83. F.W. Beers, Atlas of Livingston County, Michigan, (F.W. Beers Co., NY, 1875). Howell Township map.
84. Harriet Marr Wheeler, William Marr of Northampton County, Pennsylvania and His Six Children, (Ann Arbor, 1984).
85. Ancestory.Com, (http://search.ancestry.com). Marriage Records Michigan to 1850.
86. Michigan Pioneer & Historical Society, Michigan Pioneer & Historical Collection, (Lansing, 1912). Vol. 38, pg. 190.
87. 1870 Census, Howell, Livingston Co., MI. p 24, lines 12-15, household 190/189 [Roll 687, Page 147R].
88. Lynne Shoalts, (shoalts@inter-pc.com; 20 Oct 1998).
89. Livingston County Index to Marriage Records, 1836 - 1933, (Livingston County GenWeb Site; http://www.livgenmi.com/marriageindex.htm [24 Apr 2000]). Vol 2, p 358.
90. 1870 Census, Howell, Livingston Co., MI. p 27, lines 32-35.
91. Michigan Genealogical Death Indexing System 1867-1876, (http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/PHA/OSR/gendis/search.htm). Pg 161, Record 26.
92. 1900 Census, Howell, Livingston Co., MI.
93. LDS, International Genealogical Index. Batch # 9017333, sheet #50.
94. Livingston County Index to Marriage Records, 1836 - 1933, (Livingston County GenWeb Site; http://www.livgenmi.com/marriageindex.htm [24 Apr 2000]). Vol 2, p 157.
95. Livingston County, MI, Land Records, (on-line database at RootsWeb.Com). Document #2830, Serial #MI1720__324.
96. Livingston County Index to Marriage Records, 1836 - 1933, (Livingston County GenWeb Site; http://www.livgenmi.com/marriageindex.htm [24 Apr 2000]). Vol 3, p 4.
97. Ingeneas on Internet, (Taken from Archives of Canada database of Immigrants).