Vital Records Of Brockton, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts
To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

- Abbreviations & Explanations below.
- Births, ADAMS to CUTLER
- Births, DALIE to GRAVES
- Births, HALL to KNOWLTON
- Births, LAIRD to OSGOOD
- Births, PACKARD to SLACK
- Births, SMALLY to YOUNGQUIST & Negros
- Marriages, ADAMS to CUSHMAN
- Marriages, DAGGETT to GUSEE
- Marriages, HALL to KNOWLTON
- Marriages, LADD to PERKINS
- Marriages, PERRY to SYLVESTER
- Marriages, TALBOT to YOUNG, Unidentified & Negroes
- Deaths, ADAMS to LUTHER
THIS publication is issued under the authority of a vote passed by the NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL Society, November 6, 1901, as follows:
Voted: That the sum of $20,000, from the bequest of the late Robert Henry Eddy, be set aside as a special fund to be called the Eddy Town-Record Fund, for the sole purpose of publishing the Vital Records of the towns of Massachusetts, and that the Council be authorized and instructed to make such arrangements as may be necessary for such publication. And the treasurer is hereby instructed to honor such drafts as shall be authorized by the Council for this purpose.
Committee on Publications
THE TOWN OF BROCKTON, Plymouth County, formerly known as North Bridgewater, was established June 15, 1821, from a part of Bridgewater. January 26, 1825, bounds between North Bridgewater and West Bridgewater were established. March 28, 1874, the name was authorized to be changed. May 5, 1874, Brockton was adopted as the name. April 9, 1881, Brockton was incorporated as a city. Popultion by Census:
1820 (U.S.), 1480
1830 (U.S.), 1953
1840 (U.S.), 2616
1850 (U.S.), 3939
1855 (State), 5205
1860 (U.S.), 6584
1865 (State), 6332
1870 (U.S.), 8007
1875 (State), 10578
1880 (U.S.), 13608
1885 (State), 20783
1890 (U.5.), 27294
1895 (State), 33165
1900 (U.S.), 40063
1905 (State), 47794
1910 (U.S.), 56878.
I. WHEN places other than Brockton and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy.
2. In all items from town records the original spelling is followed, and no attempt is made to correct errors appearing in the records or to harmonize conflicting names or dates.
3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual might be found under different spellings.
4. Marriages and intentions marriages are printed under the names of 89th parties. When 89th the marriage and intention of marriage are recorded, only the marriage record is printed.
5. Additional information which does not appear in the original text of an item, i.e. any explanation, query, inference, or difference shown in other entries of the record, is bracketed. Parentheses are used to show the difference in the spelling of a name in the same entry, to indicate the mwiden name of a wife, to enclose an imperfect portion of the original text, and to separate clauses in the original text such as the birthplace of a parent in late records.
Co. county
C.R.1.-church record, Fourth Church of Christ of Bridgewater, now the First Congregational Church of Brockton
C.R.2.- church record, New Jerusalem Church
C.R.3. church record, Methodist Episcopal Church of North West Bridgewater, now the Pearl Street Methodist Episcopal Church of Brockton
C.R.4. church record, South Congregational Church of Campello
C.R.5.- church record, Second Methodist Episcopal Church of Brockton
d. daughter; died; day
Dea. deacon
dup. duplicate entry
G.R.1. gravestone record. Main Street Cemetery
G.R.2. gravestone record. Summer Street Cemetery
G.R.3. gravestone record, Leach Cemetery near Crescent Street
G.R.4. gravestone record, West Street Cemetery
G.R.5.- gravestone record, Coweeset Cemetery, Pearl Street
G.R.6. gravestone record, North End or Ashland Cemetery
G.R.7. gravestone record, Union Cemetery, Centre Street
G.R.8. gravestone record, Melrose Cemetery, North Pearl Street
G.R.9. - gravestone record, Thayer Cemetery, Pleasant Street
G.R.10.- gavestone record, Old Cemetery, Mulberry Street
G.R.11.- gravestone record, small private cemetery, Ames Street
h. husband
hrs. hours
inf. infant
int. publishment of intention of marriage
Jr. junior
m. married; month
mn. minutes
P.R.1.- private record, from a descriptive catalogue of the members of the South Congregational Church of Carnpello, now in the possession of and compiled by Warren T. Copeland of Brockton
P.R.2.- private record, from the record kept by Rev. John Porter, now in the possession of Loring W. Puffer. D.D.S., of Brockton
P.R.3.- private record, from a Bible, now in the possession of S. Fremont Packard of Brockton
P.R.4.- private record, from a Bible, now in the possession of Charles E. Tribou of Brockton
P.R.5.- private record, from a Bible, now in the possession of Miss Julia A. Packard of Brockton
P.R.6.- private record, from a Bible, now in the possession of Miss Julia A. Packard of Brockton
P.R.7. private record. from a Bible, now in the possession of Fred Packard of Brockton
P.R.8.- private record, from a family record, now in the possession of Isaac N. Reynolds of Brockton
P.R.9. - private record, from the Brett family Bible, now in the possession of Joseph Battles of Brockton
P.R.10.- private record, from the family Bible, now in the possession of Joseph Battles of Brockton
P.R.11. private record, from a Battles family Bible, now in the possession of Joseph Battles of Brockton
P.R.12.- private record, from the Leach family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. De Vitt C. Packard of Brockton
P.R.13.- private record, from a Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Harriet G. Cary of Brockton
P.R.14. private record, from a private record, now in the possession of Mrs. Mary E. Robinson of Brockton
P.R.15. private record, from a Bible, now in the possession of Lida W. Copeland of Brockton
P.R.16. private record, from a Jones Bible, now in the possession of Everett Augustus Jones of Brockton
R.R.- Rebellion Record
rec. recorded
S. son
Sr. senior
w. wife; week
wid. widow
widr. widower
y. year