Vital Records Of Brockton, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts
To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Marriages - DAGGETT to GUSEE
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Isaac R. of Stoughton, and Arethusia M. Snell, int. Oct. 10, 1841.
DAILY (see Dalie, Dalis)
Lewis and Mary Willis, Aug. 8, 1782. C.R.1.
Lydia and Reuben Lyon, -------, 1810. C.R.1.
Martha and Dorninicus Record, Aug. 19, 1768. C.R.1.
DALIE (see Daily, Dalis)
Lewis and Rebecca Dickerman, Dec. 31, 1801. C.R.1.
Lewis and Nancy Faught of Sidney, Me., int. Dec. 11, 1838.
Rebecca [int. Rebeca Dailiel, 40, d. Lewis and Rebecca, and Enoch P. Towne, widr. [int. Town, omits widr.], 42, shoe maker, of Easton, s. John and Louisa, Sept. 18, 1849.
Sarah B. and Timothy Remick, int. Aug. 13, 1837.
Zoa and Hezekiah Simmons, Nov. 23, 1830.
DALIS (see Daily, Dalie)
Mary Ann and Albert Mitchell of Easton, int. Sept. 17, 1826.
Susan F. and Brackley W. Shaw, int. Jan. 9, 1848.
Charles H., 21, shoemaker, of Plymouth, b. Plymouth, s. Henry and Martha of P[lymouth], and Phoebe Reynolds, 20, of Plymouth, b. Plymouth, d. William and Phoebe, Jan. 30, 1848, in Middleborough. C.R.4.
Eliza R. of Marshfield, and Horatio R. Packard, int. Sept. 25, 1836.
Simeon and Susanna Pratt, Feb. 27, 1788. C.R.1.
Andrew J., 27, mariner, of Tiverton, R. I., s. Joseph and Prudence H., and Betsey H. Brightman, 18, of Fall River, d. Nathan and Hannah, Oct. 23, 1849.
Helen M. of Boston, and Franklin O. Howard, int. Jan. 7, 1844.
Joseph C. of Roxbury, and Hebzibah Alger, int. Dec. 23, 1827.
DEAN (see Deans)
Dexter of Boston, and Ruth A. Lincoln, int. Apr. 12, 1840.
James B. of Easton, and Elizabeth D. Holmes of Easton, Apr. 21, 1832.
DEANS (see Dean)
Eliza, wid. [dup. and int. omit wid.], b. Taunton, and Elbridge S. P. Wilbur, shoemaker, Nov. 12, 1843.
Fearing [int. adds W.] and Tyly [int. Tily] Packard, Jan. 8, 1843. [Fearing W. and Tiley Packard, C.R.1.]
John and Betsy Harris, OCt. 11, 1805. C.R.1.
DELANO (see Dillino)
Elizabeth and William Bolles, int. July 21, 1833.
Huldah and Moses Poland of W. Bridgewater, int. Aug. 21, 1836.
Maria and Rev. Asa Meech, Nov. 30, 1809. C.R.1.
Drusilla, 19, d. Freeman and Abigail, and Solomon Leighton, 22, carpenter, s. Sam[ue]l and Dorothy, Dec. 27, 1849.
Freeman, widr. [int. omits widr.], 47, carpenter, s. Freeman and Polly, and [int. adds Mary] Eliza Baker, 36, d. Joshua and Rebeker, June 23, 1846.
Mary J., 19, of Wayne, Me., d. John and Mary, and Sawyer B. Norris, 22, carpenter, s. Sam[ue]l and Phebe, Jan. 2, 1848.
DICKEMAN (see Dickerman)
Mercy S. and Shepard A. Burnham of Quincy, int. Nov. 13, 1842.
DICKERMAN (see Dickeman)
Charlotte, 23, of Wareham, d. Sam[ue]l and Vesta, and John N. Crossley, 23, of Wareham, s. Ja[me]s and Mary A., June 24, 1849.
Clara A., Mrs., and William Keith, Mar. 2, 1834.
Daniel and Ruth Tuel, Mar. 20, 1777. C.R.1.
Daniel Tuel and Becca Smith, Aug. 9, 1803. C.R.1.
Enoch and Mercy H. Britton of Easton, int. July 17, 1825.
Ira and Eliza B. White of Bridgwater, int. Nov. 6, 1842.
Julia A. and Artemas C. King, int. June 9, 1833.
Lydia W. and Hiram Dunbar, Dec. 12, 1841.
Lyman and Vienna Sproat of Middleborough, int. Apr. 25, 1824.
Manasseh and Mary Ann Hunt of Milton, int. Sept. 18, 1831.
Mary of Bridgewater, and Ebenezer Shaw of Middleborough, May 9, 1816. C.R.1.
Olive and Joseph Shaw, Apr. 9, 1805. C.R.1.
Olive and Samuel Thayer, int. Feb. 16, 1823.
Oren and Mary W. Erskine, int. Feb. 25, 1838.
Polly and William Badger, Jan. 19, 1786. C.R.1.
Rebecca and Lewis Dalie, Dec. 31, 1801. C.R.1.
Rebecca [int. adds wid.] and Francis S. W. Blanchard, Sept. 2, 1830.
Ruth of Bridgewater, and John Guineth of Taunton, Sept. 23, 1814. C.R.1.
Samuel and Olive Packard, May 23, 1799. C.R.1.
Samuel and Clara Augusta Packard of W. Bridgwater, int. Feb. 24, 1822.
Stephen G. and Mary Keith of W. Bridgewater, int. Dec. 27, 1835.
Thirza, wid., and Benjamin J. Sweet of Boston, int. June 25, 1826.
Vesta and Samuel Cook of Plainfield, int. May 26, 1833.
Vesta and Silas Snow Jr., May 5, 1836.
Zophar of Easton, and Nancy J. Webster, int. Jan. 14, 1849.
DIKE (see Dyke)
Mary P., 27, d. Samuel and Betsey, and William Lemmar, 30, cordwainer, s. Robert and Mary, Aug. 2, 1846.
Rebecca and Ira Bissbee, Oct. 25, 1804. C.R.1.
Samuel Jr. and Mehetabel Howard, Jan. 31, 1793. C.R.1.
Verrin E. of Taunton, and Eliza Ann French, int. June 14, 1840. [Ann Eliza, m. July 16, C.R.2.]
Eunice of Bridgewater, and James Cleverly of Braintree, Dec. 1, 1814. C.R.1.
Lorenzo and Lucy A. Durfee of New Bedford, int. Apr. 27, 1845.
DILLINO (see Delano)
Hannah and Ephraim Jackson, Feb. 5, 1784. C.R.1.
Eliza T. and Avery F. Howe of Templeton, Oct. 8, 1842.
Mary, Mrs., and Rev. Samuel Niles, June 8, 1772. C.R.1.
Mary Ann of Newcastle, Me., and Liberty Packard, int. Oct. 3, 1830.
John and Joanna B. Rathbee, int. June 14, 1846.
Katherine, and Edward Spear, Dec. 7, 1773 C.R.1. Mary, "Dorman alias McIntire," wid., and Robert Morrison, Jan. 22, 1761. C.R.1.
Rufus B. and Eliza Perkins, int. June 24, 1832.
James and Lucy Ramsdel, July 16, 1797. C.R.1.
Sally of Abington, and Edward Wheeler, int. Sept. 21, 1836.
Sarah H. of Weymouth, and Barden H. Reynolds, int. Apr. 29, 1838.
Aaron B. and Jane Bransdon of Milton, int. Dec. 6, 1840. [Aaron Bullock Drake and Jane Bronsdon of Milton, m. Dec. 24, P.R.1.]
Adaline Hewett and Stafford Drake, May 14, 1825. P.R.1.
Cephas W., 24, merchant, b. Easton, s. James and Eliza, and Abby [int. Abbey] S. Whiting, 21, b. Canton, d. Lemuel and Esther, July 22, 1845. [Cephas W., s. James and Eliza of Taunton, and Abby S. Whiting, d. Lemuel and Esther of Canton, July 21. C.R.4.]
Ebenezer and Martha Gurney, Jan. 17, 1782. C.R.1.
Elijah and Susanna Churchill. Oct. 10, 1800. C.R.1.
Elisha O. and Mrs. Zibeah C. French of Turner, Me., int. July 6, 1845.
Elizabeth of Bridgwater, and David Packard 2d, int. Nov. 17, 1822. [m. Dec. 5, P.R.5.]
Hannah, wid. [dup. Mrs., dup and int. omit wid.], and Joseph Place, widr. [dup. and int. omit widr.], laborer, Nov. 22, 1843.
James C. and Lydia T. Packard, ------- [int. Aug. 18] [1833]. [Lydia P., Sept. 26, C.R.1.]
John and Molly Cole, Apr. 24, 1782. C.R.1.
Jonathan W., 25, mechanic, s. Reuben and Olive, and Betsey Thayer, 18, of Randolph, d. Eben[ezelr and Nancy, Mar. 25, 1849.
Lyman of Sharon, and Mary Ann Hayward, int. Mar. 28, 1841.
Mary of Easton, and Benjamin [int. Benjamine] D. Jackson, Nov. 11, 1838.
Sarah Jane and Orren Bartlet, May 2, 1841. [Bartlett, C.R.4.]
Stafford and Adaline Hewett Drake, May 14, 1825. P.R.1.
Timothy and Polly Dunbar, Apr. 12, 1789. C.R.1.
Thomas and Jane C. Churchill of Abington, int. Apr. 12, 1840.
Isaac W. and Betsey Waterman of Middleborough, int. Nov. 16, 1845.
Abel and Sarah Howard, Mar. 23, 1784. C.R.1.
Abel and Phebe Brett, Mar. 9, 1806. C.R.1.
Amy and Elias Sewell, blacks, Oct. 28, 1776. C.R.1.
Barnabas of W. Bridgewater, and Samantha Alger of W. Bridgewater, Nov. 15, 1832.
Bethiah and Appollos Randal, May 22, 1796. C.R.1.
Bradford and Catharine Eaton, Dec. 25, 1838.
Charles and Polly Chipman of Easton, int. Sept. 11, 1824.
Charles A. of Easton, and Lucy E. [int. Lucy Alice] Lincoln, July 8, 1838. [Lucy E., C.R.4.]
Daniel and Abagail Kingman, May 2, 1771. C.R.1.
Daniel, 18, farmer, s. Josiah and Sybil, and Mary E. Perkins, 20, of E. Bridgewater, b. Norwich, Conn., d. Isaac and Nancy, May 18, 1845. [Mary E. of E. Bridgewater, d. Isaac and Nancy of Norwich, Conn., C.R.4.] [Mary Elizabeth, P.R.1.]
David and Harriet Bryant, July 5, 1801. C.R.1.
Edwin and Betsey H. Dunham, int. Nov. 1, 1835.
Eliza Jane of W. Bridgewater, and Cyrus Porter Jr., Apr. 30, 1837.
Elizabeth of W. Bridgewater [int. W. Bridgwater] and Dimon [int. Diman] Hamilton, Oct. 5, 1834.
Elvira and Edmund B. Strange, int. Apr. 24, 1842. [Stranger, m. May 8, C.R.3.]
Emily and Nathan Packard, Apr. 3, 1836.
Enna of Hingham, and Hervey M. House, int. Apr. 29, 1826.
Francis and Matilda A. Dunbar of E. Bridgewater, Apr. 23, 1837.
Francis and Lucy Ann Packard of Easton, June 1, 1841.
George B., wid., [dup. and int. omit widr.], carpenter, and Betsey M. Kingman, Apr. 24, 1843. [George B., C.R.1.]
Hannah and Eleazer Snow 3d, Apr. 20, 1780. C.R.1.
Hannah of Bridgewater, and Avery Lothrop of Bridgewater, Mar. 23, 1819. C.R.1.
Hannah and Solomon [int. Soloman] Thayer, shoe maker, Sept. 3, 1843.
Harriet and Albert Hunt, Feb. 12, 1835.
Henry S. of Easton, and Charlotte G. Sanford, June 17, 1838.
Hiram and Lydia W. Dickerman, Dec. 12, 1841.
Hosea and Jennet Hendry, Oct. 22, 1767. C.R.1.
Jacob and Hannah Randall, July 8, 1756. C.R.1.
Jacob Jr. and Hannah Hayward, Nov. 2, 1794. C.R.1. P.R.2.
Jacob Jr. and Polly Willis, Oct. 28, 1802. C.R.1.
Jane and David Ford Jr. of Quincy, Feb. 13, 1833.
Jason and Susan Randall of Easton, Oct. 20, 1831.
Josiah and Abia Goodspeed, July 8, 1782. C.R.1.
Josiah and Sibbel Perkins, Nov. 25, 1807. C.R.1. [Josiah, s. Silas and Amy (Reynolds), and Sybil Perkins, d. Mark and Tabithy (Washburn), Nov. 26, P.R.1.]
Josiah Jr. and Jane B. Perkins, int. June 24, 1832.
Laura [and] Lucius Gurney, Mar. 19, 1829.
Lemuel and Polly Morey, Aug. 13, 1795. C.R.1.
Lemuel of E. Bridgwater, and Eliza Bonney of E. Bridgwater, Aug. 8, 1830.
Liefe and Benjamin Ager, May 3, 1801. C.R.1.
Lucretia S. of W. Bridgewater, and Jabez Gould, int. Dec. 23, 1838.
Lydia of Easton, and Alva Holcomb, Feb. 23, 1832. [Alvah, C.R.1.]
Mark P. and Susan P. Reed of W. Bridgwater, int. July 22, 1832.
Martin Jr. and Vesta Hayward of Easton, Jan. 29, 1839.
Mary and Abraham Tarbet, Sept. 3, 1787. C.R.1.
Mary and Simeon Linfield of Stoughton, July 30, 1828.
Mary Ann, 19, d. Charles and Polly, and George Johnson, 28, shoemaker, s. Isaac and Betsey, May 27, 1849.
Mary T., 19, d. Tho[ma]s and Hannah, and Samuel Sewall, 24, mechanick, s. John and Dorcas, May 5, 1849.
Matilda A. of E. Bridgewater, and Francis Dunbar, Apr. 23, 1837.
Mercy and Oliver Packard, May 19, 1785. C.R.1.
Nancy, wid., and Peres Dunbar of Bridgwater, Oct. 18, 1821. [Perez of Bridgewater, C.R.1.]
Oliver and Sally Willis, Dec. 10, 1807. C.R.1.
Parna B. of B[ridgewater], and Henry B. Ruggles of B[ridgewater] [May] 31, 1836.
Patty and Joseph Reynolds, Apr. 19, 1798. C.R.1.
Polly and Timothy Drake, Apr. 12, 1789. C.R.1.
Rhuamy of Randolph, and Albert G. Thurston of Randolph, Apr. 7, 1833.
Ruel and Nancy Willis, Aug. 23, 1805. C.R.1.
Ruhamah (see Rhuamy).
Sabra S. (see Sebra S.).
Samantha and Henry K. Curtis, Feb. 13, 1831.
Sarah and James Eason, blacks, Dec. 11, 1783. C.R.1.
Sarah of Bridgewater, and Peter Howard of New Bedford, May 2, 1814. C.R.1.
Sarah B. and Rufus E. Howard, Jan. 19, 1836.
Sebra S., Mrs., of Bridgewater, and John C. H. Eaton, int. Aug. 26, 1849.
Seth and Deborah Belcher, Dec. 3, 1761. C.R.1.
Sibbil and Elijah Pratt, Aug. 23, 1795. C.R.1.
Silas and Amy Reynolds, July 2, 1772. C.R.1.
Silas and Susanna Reynolds, Sept. 24, 1806. C.R.1.
Silas of W. Bridgewater, and Anna Lothrop of W. Bridgewater, June -------, 1836. C.R.3.
Simeon. [int. adds Lt.] and [int. adds Mrs.] Sally Packard, June 25, 1837. [Simeon and Sally Packard, C.R.1.]
Simeon and Mrs. Ann Thayer of Randolph, int. June 20, 1841.
Stilman [int. Stillman] and Eliza S. Packard of W. Bridgwater, Sept. 22, 1833.
Susanna and Jacob Tarbit, Sept. 16, 1794. C.R.1. [blacks, P.R.2.]
Thomas and Hannah Thayer, Oct. 1, 1810. C.R.1.
Vesta and William Tribou, Zug. 21, 1832.
Betsey H. and Edwin Dunbar, int. Nov. 1, 1835.
Cornelius H. and Lucia Brett, int. Aug. 5, 1838.
Ezra and Polly Cary, Nov. 30, 1809. C.R.1.
Isaac and Abigail Cary, ---- [1811]. C.R.1.
Isaac A., 22, boot maker, b. Belfast, Me., s. Isaac and Abbgail, and Augusta L. Packard, 18, b. Canton, d. Nathan and Emily M., Apr. 29, 1849. [Isaac A., s. Isaac and Abigail, C.R.4.]
Lydia and Nathaniel B. Harlow 2d, int. Oct. 29, 1848.
Lydia H. and Hazen W. Coburn, Apr. 28, 1839.
DUNLAP (see Dunlop)
Hannah, 21, d. Robert and Lydia, and Horatio N. Turner, widr. [int. omits widr.], 37, mechanic, s. James and Eliza, Dec. 19, 1844.
Jane S. 24, d. ----- and Mary, and Thomas Young, 21, cabinet maker, s. Thomas and Abigail, June 21, 1849.
Sarah and Addison Shaw, Jan. 1, 1838.
DUNLOP (see Dunlap)
Margaret of Foxboro, and Josiah W. Kingman, int. Feb. 8, 1835. [Dunlap, d. John and Mary (-----) of Pelham, and Josiah Washburn Kingman, s. Seth and Judith (Washburn), m. Feb. 26, P.R.1.]
Mary F. and Pedro Adolfo Gonzalez, int. Sept. 12, 1847.
Lucy A. of New Bedford, and Lorenzo Dillinghan, int. Apr. 27, 1845.
Joannah C., 24, of W. Bridgewater, d. Abraham and Abigail, and George H. Shadduck, 24, bootmaker, of W. Bridgewater, s. David and Chloe, July 9, 1848.
DWELLEY (see Dwelly)
Elizabeth E. of Hanover, and Waldo Bradford, int. Nov. 14, 1847.
DWELLY (see Dwelley)
Sally and Luther Brett, Apr. 6, 1794. C.R.1. [Dwelley, P.R.2.]
John, Rev., b. Shirley, s. Francis and Maria (Blanchard), and Sarah Ann Hastings, d. Benjamin and Sally (Jarvis), Apr. 14, 1837. P.R.1.
Sarah and William Coots, int. July 15, 1849.
Clarinda of Stoughton, and Charles Goldthwait, int. Sept. 26, 1841.
John 2d and Susanna Thayer, Nov. 6, 1783. C.R.1.
DYKE (see Dike)
Mary and Job Ames, Dec. 12, 1782. C.R.1.
Oliver and Sibbil Howard, Nov. 29, 1810. C.R.1.
Samuel and Lois Fuller, Nov. 12, 1772. C.R.1.
Sarah and Ephraim Noyes, Jan. 20, 1780. C.R.1.
EAMES (see Ames, Emms)
Betsey and Ira Bisbee, June 10, 1839, in Bridgewater. C.R.2.
Daniel and Lucy Kingman, Nov. 2, 1837.
Diantha and Asa Stone Jr. of Coventry, R. I., Nov. 11, 1841.
Ephraim N. of Bridgwater, and Lois Leach of Abington, Apr. 15, 1840.
Josiah and Rebecca Noyes, Oct. 20, 1808. C.R.1.
Lucinda H. and Samuel F. Alden, int. Oct. 7, 1849.
Lucy B. and Richard Ford of Randolph, int. Nov. 18, 1838.
Luther and Betsey C. Hathaway of Fall River, int. Apr. 14, 1838.
Rebecca [int. Rebecah] Noyes and Josiah Leonard, Dec. 4, 1827. [Rebecca Noyes Eames, C.R.1.]
Sally Packard and Daniel French Ames, int. Nov. 6, 1831.
Susan, d. Isaac and Abigail, and George Sawyer, farmer, of Medford, Nov. 15, 1843. [Dea. George, b. Boston, Nov. 16, P.R.1.]
EASON (see Easton, Eaton, Eatson)
Cesar and Eunice Sewell, blacks, Mar. 19, 1778. C.R.1.
James and Sarah Dunbar, blacks, Dec. 11, 1783. C.R.1.
EASTON (see Eason, Eaton, Eatson)
Cloe [int. Chloe] A. and Lemuel R. Matrick [int. Martrick], "coloured persons," May 8, 1840.
Hozea and Loeza D. Martrick of Stoughton, int. Jan. 14, 7827.
Sarah of Bridgewater, and Robert Roberts of Boston, Aug. 29, 1813. C.R.1.
EATON (see Eason, Easton, Eatson)
Catharine and Bradford Dunbar, Dec. 25, 1838.
Edwin and Abigail P. Allen of Franklin, int. June 12, 1831.
John C. H. and Eliza S. Alger of W. Bridgewater, int. Mar. 12, 1837.
John C. H. and Mrs. Sebra S. Dunbar of Bridgewater, int. Aug. 26, 1849.
Sarah of W. Bridgewater, and Thomas T. Ames of W. Bridgewater, Dec. 2, 1832.
EATSON (see Eason, Easton, Eaton)
Mary of Bridgwater, and John Wainer of Westport, May 13, 1821. [Easton of Bridgewater, C.R.1.]
Henry, Rev. [int. omits Rev.], widr. [dup. and int. omit widr.], of Stoughton, and Sarah H. Torry [int. Torrey], teacher, Aug. 22, 1843. [Rev. Henry of Stoughton, and Sarah H. Torry, C.R.1.] [Henry and Sarah H. Torrey, P.R.16.]
Moses and Kezia. Keith, Dec. 30, 1788. C.R.1.
Sally, 17, of Norton, d. Asahel and Roby, and Joseph C. Place, 24, mechanic, of Norton, s. Joseph and Melinda, Aug. 10, 1848.
EDSEN (see Edson)
David and Mehetable Fullerton, int. Dec. 15, 1844.
Rebeccah and Ebenezar Alger of E. Bridgwater, int. Oct. 25, 1840.
EDSON (see Edsen)
Abagail and Josiah Perkins, Aug. 17, 1755. C.R.1.
Abi and Cyrus Howard, May 11, 1823.
Abigail and John Harris, Dec. 20, 1787. C.R.1.
Albert of Bridgewater, and Abigail Brett of Bridgewater, Nov. 10, 1817. C.R.1.
Arnasa and Sally Howland of Pembroke, int. Oct. 18, 1829.
Barnabas of Bridgewater, and Betsey Gurney of Bridgewater, Jan. 1, 1815. C.R.1.
Daniel and Olive Fuller, Oct. 21, 1765. C.R.1.
David and Susanna Gannett, Jan. 1, 1746. C.R.1.
David and Sarah Edson, Dec. 8, 1756. C.R.1.
David 3d and Sarah Chandler of Pembroke, int. Sept. 3, 1826.
David Jr. and Clinthe Sylvester [int. Clintha Silvester], Apr. 28, 1827. [Clinthe Sylvester, C.R.1.]
Ebenezer and Lucy Packard, Nov. 7, 1751. C.R.1.
Eliza and Azel H. Warren of Abington, July 9, 1829.
Esther and Ambrose Kingman, Nov. 29, 1810. C.R.1.
Fanny B. of E. Bridgewater, and Levi B. Parker of E. Bridgewater, Oct. 28, 1840, in Bridgewater.
Hannah and John Smith, Nov. 29, 1804. C.R.1.
Harriet A. and Andrew Murdock of E. Bridgewater, Oct. 7, 1838.
Henry, 24, leather cutter, of E. Bridgewater, s. Jonah and Jenette, and Mary A. Stetson, 20, of E. Bridgewater, d. Ethan and Hannah L., July 26, 1847. [Mary Alice [of] E. Bridgewater, C.R.2.]
Jacob and Betty Packard, May 14, 1759. C.R.1.
James and Charlotte A. Curtis of Scituate, int. July 18, 1849.
Jenny and Seth Kingman, -----— [1811]. C.R.1. [Jeney, Apr. 18, P.R.15.]
Jesse and Lydia Packard, Mar. 26, 1754. C.R.1.
Joanna and Isaac Perkins, May 2, 1754. C.R.1.
Joanna and Thomas Packard Jr., Oct. 19, 1788. C.R.1. [Joanna, d. Ichabod and Jemima (Packard), and Thomas Packard, s. Thomas and Mary (Howard), P.R.1.]
Josiah 2d and Patience Fuller, Apr. 2, 1777. C.R.1.
Josiah and Elvira Sharp of Abington, int. Apr. 7, 1844.
Lucinda and Ziba B. Bryant, int. Mar. 16, 1828.
Lucy and Alexander Thayer, Apr. 3, 1788. C.R.1.
Mary and Joseph Pettengill, Feb. 25, 1745. C.R.1.
Mary and Dea. Jacob Fuller, May 24, 1829. ["Mary or Polly" and Dea. Jacob Fuller, s. Isaiah and Mary (Keyzer), P.R.1.]
Mehetabel and Benjamin Clark, Dec. 21, 1775. C.R.1.
Mehitable [int. Mehetable] and [int. adds Capt.] Nehemiah Lincoln, Nov. 9, 1823. [Mehitable and Capt. Nehemiah Lincoln, C.R.1.]
Mehitable [int. Mehetable W.] and Fearing [int. Fearring] W. Bent of W. Bridgewater, [June] 12, 1836. [Mehitable and Fearing W. Bent of W. Br[idgewater], C.R.1.]
Melinda [int. Melinda] and Enos Talbot of Stoughton, May 25, 1828. [Melinda, C.R.1.]
Nancy of Bridgewater, and Nathaniel Shepardson of Dedham, Apr. 17, 1815. C.R.1.
Nathan and Susanna Allen, May 28, 1778. C.R.1.
Noah and Molly Willis, June 21, 1787. C.R.1.
Olive of Bridgewater, and Jacob Noyes of Bridgewater, Dec. 28, 1818. C.R.1.
Patty and Phillip Packard, Mar. 2, 1786. C.R.1.
Peter and Sarah Southworth, Mar. 28, 1745. C.R.1.
Phebe and Ira Bryant, int. July 15, 1835.
Polly B. of W. Bridgwater, and Timthy French, int. Nov. 3, 1822.
Reliance of Bridgewater, and Joel Ames of Bridgewater, Dec. 7, 1818. C.R.1.
Relief and Oliver Packard, Nov. 20, 1777. C.R.1.
Sally and Ira Hayward, Apr. 3, 1806. C.R.1.
Sally and Nathaniel Shepardson, Dec. 1, 1808. C.R.1.
Sally and Benjamin Keith 3d, ----- [1811]. C.R.1.
Sarah and David Edson, Dec. 8, 1756. C.R.1.
Sarah of Bridgewater, and John Burrell Jr. of Bridgewater, June 18, 1816. C.R.1.
Simeon H. of W. Bridgwater, and Lydia Chedel of Pomfret, Vt., May 2, 1842. [Lydia of Pomfret, Conn., C.R.2.]
Susanna and Joshua Beals, Oct. 17, 1768. C.R.1.
Susanna and Israel Packard, Dec. 27, 1801. C.R.1.
William and Martha Haward, Nov. 27, 1734. C.R.1.
William Jr. and Mary Randall, July 11, 1790. C.R.1.
Zibia and Timothy West, Nov. 29, 1787. C.R.1.
Zilpha and Eliphalet Kingman, Nov. 26, 1801. C.R.1.
Eunice (see Unice).
Molly and John Willis 2d, July 5, 1781. C.R.1.
Unice and Ephraim Willis Jr., Sept. 23, 1779. C.R.1.
Lucy, 22, [of] Yarmouth, d. John and Keziah, and Dr. George Shore, 32, [of] Yarmouth, s. Enoch, Nov. 11, 1849. C.R.2.
Sarah of Yarmouth, and Warren Goddard, int. Dec. 10, 1848. [m. Jan. 1, 1849, in Yarmouth, C.R.2.]
Ann Maria, 21 [int. of New Bedford], d. Silas and A., and Cyrus Copeland, 21, mechanic, s. Caleb and Olive, Dec. 17, 1848.
Elizabeth of Hanover, and Charles E. Tribou, int. Feb. 6, 1848. [m. Feb. 24, P.R.4.]
John, 27, of Abington, s. Joseph and Relief, and Mary E. Hobart [int. Hobert], 19, d. Joseph and Mary, Nov. 18, 1847.
EMMS (see Ames, Eames)
John B. [int. Emmes] and Charlotte T. Wild, [Nov.] 21, 1839. [Emmes, C.R.1.]
Mary W. and Oren Dickerman, int. Feb. 25, 1838.
Robert Jr. and Ann Maria Morse of Bradford, int. Feb. 10, 1839.
E. Copeland and Mary Jane Fuller of Middleborough, int. Oct. 25, 1846.
Nancy of Sidney, Me., and Lewis Dalie, int. Dec. 11, 1838.
Addison and Mrs. Mehetable Faunce of Buckfield, Me., int. July 17, 1842.
Enos E. and Mary Stetson of Randolph, int. Mar. 1, 1835.
Leonard and Juliaette Hunt, Oct. 23, 1842. [Juliette, Oct. 11, P.R.14.]
Mehetable, Mrs., of Buckfield, Me., and Addison Faunce, int. July 17, 1842.
Mehetable and John Adams Jr. of Randolph, int. Mar. 1, 1829.
Susannah and Moses French of Randolph, Nov. 29, 1827.
William and Mary Ann Howard, int. July 10, 1825.
Lewis, 23, awl manufacture, s. Moses and Lydia, and Sarah E. Brainard, 26, dress maker, b. Winthrop, Me., d. James, June 9, 1844. [Sarah Eveline, C.R.2.]
Barzilla and Patty Packard, Dec. 25, 1794. C.R.1. P.R.2.
Charles C., 22, provision dealer, s. Zophar and Bernice, and Lucy C. Cross, 17, d. Nath[anie]l H. and Lucy, Oct. 3, 1848.
Daniel and Hannah Snell, July 13, 1786. C.R.1.
Daniel and Jane Soule of Stoughton, int. Sept. 4, 1836.
Ephraim and Rubie Brett, Dec. 14, 1786. C.R.1.
Eustace, 23, cabinet maker, s. John and Olive, and Maria M. Snow, 20, of Chelsea, d. William and Mary, Nov. 25, 1847, in Chelsea.
Hannah, 21, d. Zopher and Bernice, and Cyrus Howard Jr., 26, mechanic, s. Cyrus and Sylvia, Nov. 7, 1844.
Harriett and William G. Howard, int. Oct. 13, 1833.
John and Olive -------, Nov. -------, 1819, in Falmouth, Me.
Louiza and George F. Matthews, Mar. 31, 1836.
Lucius and Mary B. Thomas of Hanson, int. Oct. 31, 1847.
Martha (see Patty).
Mary and Samuel Noyes, Mar. 16, 1749. C.R.1.
Mary of Bridgewater, and Zibeon Cole of Bridgewater, Jan. 14, 1819. C.R.1.
Mary (see Polly).
Mary of Abington, and Luther Noyes, int. Nov. 18, 1838.
Olive and Elisha B. Bumpus, Nov. 10, 1839.
Patty and Gustavus Sylvester, Nov. 30, 1809. C.R.1. [Martha and Gustavus Silvester, P.R.3.]
Perez P., 21, mechanic, of Stoughton, s. Waldo and Sally, and Lovice M. White, 19, of Stoughton, d. Loring and Lovice, Nov. 13, 1847.
Polly [int. Mary] and Obadiah Thayer of Braintree, May 25, 1826. [Polly, C.R.1.]
Susanna and Nathan Hartwell, Oct. 16, 1746. C.R.1.
Susanna and Jesse Perkins, June 5, 1769. C.R.1.
Susanna and Moses Cary, Apr. 13, 1773. C.R.1.
Waldo of Bridgewater, and Abigail Marshall of Bridgewater, Dec. 4, 1816. C.R.1.
Waldo, 27, mechanic, s. Waldo and Sally, and Ellen F. Hayden, 20, d. Samuel and Lois, Nov. 30, 1848.
Zilpha and Linus Howard Esq., June 5, 1832.
FINNEY (see Finny, Phiney, Phinney)
Esther and Barnabas Curtis, June 6, 1774. C.R.1.
Hannah and Ephraim Howard, int. Sept. 10, 1837.
FINNY (see Finney, Phiney, Phinney)
Lurana and Benjamin Packard, Aug. 22, 1775. C.R.1.
Julia A., 28, of Bridgewater, d. Isaac and Susan, and Eli Wheeler Jr., 25, farmer, of Bridgewater, s. Eli and Lydia, Nov. 21, 1847 [Fiske, C.R.2.]
Elizabeth L. of W. Bridgewater, and Enos W. Thayer, int. Oct. 19, 1845.
Lewis Jr. and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] B. Howard, June 4, 1840. [Elisabeth B., C.R.1.]
Julia A. (see Julia A. Fish).
Michael [int. Fits], 24, shoemaker, s. Phillip and Ellen, and Mehitable [int. Mehetable] A. Reynolds, 23, of W. Bridgewater, d. John and Fally, Mar. 31, 1846. [Fitz, b. Belgrade, Me., s. Philip and Ellen, and Mehitable A. Reynolds of W. Bridgewater, b. Belgrade, Me., C.R.4.] [Fitz, and Mehitable Reynolds, d. John Perkins and Falley (Wales), P.R.1.]
Rosey and James Maloy, int. Oct. 22, 1848.
William C. and Maria L. Beach, int. Aug. 31, 1846.
Ruel and Sibbil Battles, Nov. 10, 1806. C.R.1.
Asa and Sarah Beal, Nov. 11, 1793. C.R.1. P.R.2.
Bathsheba and Lemuel Fuller, Apr. 10, 1800. C.R.1.
Benjamin and Sarah Brett, Feb. 18, 1773. C.R.1.
Daniel and Susan Ann Coburn of Lowell, int. May 25, 1828. [m. June 24, P.R.13.]
David and Olive Packard, Apr. 24, 1794. C.R.1. P.R.2.
David Jr. of Quincy, and Jane Dunbar, Feb. 13, 1833.
David and Anna Wilbar of Bridgewater, int. Sept. 25, 1836.
Eliza of Abington, and Lewis Howard, int. Mar. 30, 1828.
Hannah and Joshua Ames, Oct. 5, 1786. C.R.1.
James and Parna Howard, Oct. 26, 1800. C.R.1.
John and Mehitabel Kingman, Dec. 11, 1794. C.R.1. [Mehetabel, P.R.2.]
Mark and Hannah Brett, Nov. 22, 1764. C.R.1.
Mary A. of B[ridgewater], and William Johnson of B[ridgewater], June 2, 1836.
Mehetabel and Isaac Reynolds, Dec. 23, 1805. C.R.1.
Noah and Silence R. Richmond of Middleborough, int. Dec. 12, 1830.
Olive of Bridgewater, and John Foster of Stoughten, Jan. 18, 1821. C.R.1.
Rachel and Oliver Fullerton of Abington, int. Mar. 22, 1829.
Rhoda Packard of Bridgewater, and Elisha Belcher of Randolph, Dec. 24, 1818. C.R.1.
Richard of Randolph, and Lucy B. Eames, int. Nov. 18, 1838.
Roxana and Caleb Phillips, int. June 12, 1825.
Susan M. and Samuel Tribou, Jan. 1, 1828.
Thomas A., widr. [int. omits widr.], 28, and Eliza C. White, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 29, d. Silas W. Packard and Catharine, Sept. 27, 1846. [Thomas A. and [Mrs.] Eliza Cobb (Packard) White, d. Silas Packard and Catherine (Cobb), P.R.1.]
Betsey and Cyrus A. Willis, Aug. 24, 1838.
D. Augusta of Randolph, and Sanford O. Alden, int. Jan. 7, 1849.
Julia Ann and Edward J. Snow, July 11, 1842.
Nelson J., 22, shoe maker, b. Wayne, Me., s. Phineas and Dororthy of Livermore, Me., and Susan H. Copeland, 20, of W. Bridgewater, b. E. Bridgewater, d. Seth and Susanna of W. Bridgewater, Jan. 1, 1845. [Nelson J., s. Phinehas and Dorothy of Livermore, Me., and Susan H. Copeland of W. Bridgewater, d. Seth and Susannah of W. Br[idgewater], C.R.4.] [Nelson Junkins Foss, s. Phineas and Dorothy (Junkins) of Wayne, Me., and Susan Hayward Copeland, d. Seth and Susan (Hayward), P.R.1.]
Rebekah and Apollos Everett Howard, Sept. 25, 1831.
Betsey of Kingston, and John L. Packard, int. July 8, 1838.
Caroline and Sylvanus Packard, int. Dec. 25, 1842.
Emily Ann and Robert A. Stoddard, May 23, 1830.
John of Stoughton, and Olive Ford of Bridgewater, Jan. 18, 1821. C.R.1.
Lucia M. and Samuel M. Holmes, July 19, 1840, in Kingston.
Mary C. and John L. Hollis, int. Oct. 30, 1836.
Mary Jones of Hanover, and Isaac Packard of Bridgewater, Dec. 19, 1816. C.R.1.
Rosanda of Bridgewater, and James N. Willis of Bridgewater, Sept. 13, 1818. C.R.1.
Ruby E. and James L. Wales, int. Aug. 23, 1835.
Thaxter and Electa Converse of Lyme, N. H., int. Oct. 14, 1838.
Frederick and Lucia H. Willis, int. Apr. 6, 1834.
FOY (see Foye)
John and Dinah Talbot, blacks, Sept. 29, 1785. C.R.1.
FOYE (see Foy)
Boston and Betty Cordner, blacks, Feb. 26, 1778. C.R.1.
John and Sarah Wood, Jan. 4, 1774.
Andrew, "a trantient man formerly a resident in this town," and Gemima C. Cooper of Freetown, int. Dec. 6, 1824.
Jane of Middleborough, and Oliver G. Tinkham, int. Feb. 8, 1846.
Alma of Boston, and Rev. Daniel Huntington, int. Oct. 10, 1823. [Alma, d. Benjamin of Boston, and Rev. Daniel Huntington, s. Gen. Jedediah and Ann Moore, m. Oct. 28, P.R.1.]
Alpheus and Mehetabel Brett, May 11, 1800. C.R.1.
Arnie and Barnabas Pratt, Aug. 23, 1787. C.R.1.
Arnie, wid., and George Monk, July 15, 1798. C.R.1.
Ann Eliza (see Eliza Ann).
Austin B. and Sarah J. Atkins of Randolph, int. Oct. 28, 1849.
Betsey and Isaac Webster, int. June 3, 1826.
Calvin Jr. of Randolph, and Harriet F. Battles, int. July 5, 1835.
David and Abigail Owen, July 4, 1751. C.R.1.
Dependence and Rebecca Hammond, Feb. 7, 1765. C.R.1.
Dependence and Hannah Harris, Sept. 4, 1794. C.R.1. [Dependance, P.R.2.]
Edward C., shoemaker, s. William and Ann, and Marcia B. Vaughn [dup. Vaughan], tailoress, May 3 [dup. May 2], 1843. [Edward Capen French and Marcia B. Vaughan, May 2, C.R.2.]
Elisebath and Seth Bryan, Feb. 7, 1765. C.R.1.
Eliza Ann and Verrin E. Dike of Taunton, int. June 14, 1840. [Ann Eliza, m. July 16, C.R.2.]
Elizabeth (see Elisebath).
Emily J. of Turner, Me., and Hovenden L. Howard, int. July 12, 1846.
Emily W. and Nahum Harding of E. Bridgewater, int. June 7, 1835.
Ethan of Stoughton, and Sarah L. Wentworth of Stoughton, Nov. 25, 1829.
Eunice B., wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 38, b. Winthrop, Me., d. James Brainard and Sarah, and Levi Perkins, widr. [int. omits widr.], 37, shoemaker, b. Plympton, s. Levi and Jane, Apr. 26, 1849. [Mrs. Eunice B., wid., d. James Brainard and Sarah of Winthrop, Me., and Levi Perkins, widr., s. Levi and Jane of Plympton, C.R.4.]
Francis M., widr. [int. omits widr.], 36, boot and shoe manufacturer, s. William and Ann, and Mary Ann Maglue, 23 [int. of Salem], d. John and Mary, June 13, 1848.
Francis Mortimer and Nancy Lucinda Blake, Dec. 24, 1837.
Hannah and Luther Swan, Nov. 10, 1796. C.R.1.
Henry, Capt., and Emily S. Bryant, int. May 20, 1838.
Henry V. and Rebecca Stetson of Stetson, Me., int. Nov. 19, 1848.
Hiram and Lucy Ann Richards, Jan. 6, 1835.
Isaac and Polly Reynolds, Nov. 26, 1801. C.R.1.
Isaac K. and Susanna [int. Susannah] Wade, Apr. 19, 1830. [Susanna, C.R.1.]
John and Damaris Howard, Jan. 20, 1779. C.R.1.
Lemuel and Hannah Noyes, Mar. 18, 1830.
Levi and Amy Packard, Nov. 29, 1764. C.R.1.
Levi and Betty Merrit, May 5, 1799. C.R.1.
Levi and Rachel C. Sumner of Stoughton, int. May 11, 1834.
Lidda and Isaac Keith, Apr. 9, 1801. C.R.1.
Lucius, 21, mechanic, s. Sylvanus and Silence, and Lucia W. Alden, 21, d. Daniel and Olive T., Nov. 26, 1846. [Lucius, s. Dea. Sylvanus and Silence (Keith), and Lucia Ware Alden, d. Dea. Daniel and Olive (Tucker), P.R.1]
Lydia (see Lidda).
Lydia and John Leach, int. Aug. 11, 1833.
Martha and John Packard, Jan. 17, 1803. C.R.1.
Mary and Jeremiah Beal, June 20, 1768. C.R.1.
Mary B. [of] Stoughton, and Lysander Howard, Feb. 16, 1826.
Mary R., 22, d. Eli and Silence, and William Mackey, 25, shoemaker, s. James and Mary, July 21, 1849.
Merritt and Mary Carr of Stoughton, int. May 3, 1835.
Moses of Randolph, and Susannah Faxon, Nov. 29, 1827.
Moses of Randolph, and Elizabeth G. Copeland, Mar. 27, 1836.
Phoebe of Stoughton, and Nathaniel Wales of Stoughton, Jan. 1, 1815. C.R.1.
Polly and Abia Packard Jr., Oct. 22, 1788. C.R.1.
Rebecca and Jacob Packard 3d, May 5, 1774. C.R.1.
Rebecca and Theophilus Curtis, Apr. 11, 1791. C.R.1.
Rebecca and Cyrus Porter, Mar. 9, 1800. C.R.1.
Ruhamah and Noah Ames, Oct. 5, 1778. C.R.1.
Sally of Bridgewater, and Asa Cushing of Randolph, Aug. 22, 1813. C.R.1.
Samuel and Ann J. Alden of Randolph, int. Nov. 10, 1844. [Ann Judson Alden, d. Dea. Daniel and Abigail (Marsh), m. Dec. 11, P.R.1.]
Samuel, widr. [int. omits widr.], 33, farmer, s. Sylvanus and Silence, and Abigail A. Alden, 19, d. Daniel and Abigail, Feb. 13, 1849. [Samuel, widr., farmer and drover, and Abigail A. Alden, b. Randolph, d. Daniel and Abigail of Randolph, C.R.4.] [Samuel [widr.] and Abigail Amanda Alden, d. Dea. Daniel and Abigail (Marsh), Feb. 17, P.R.1.]
Sarah and Jedediah Jordan, June 4, 1744. C.R.1.
Sibyl (see Sybil).
Silence and Ephraim Churchill Jr., Dec. 25, 1783. C.R.1.
Silvanus (see Sylvanus).
Silvanus Jr. and Olive H. Marshall of Easton, int. Nov. 11, 1832. [Sylvanus and Olive Hayward Marshall, m. Nov. 29, P.R.1.]
Silvanus, Dea., and Jane Keith of Easton, int. Sept. 20, 1835. [Sylvanus, s. Levi and Amy (Packard), m. 1836, P.R.1.]
Susan, wid. [int. Mrs. Susannah, omits wid.], 33, d. David Wade and Chloe, and Abijah Holmes, widr. [int. omits widr.], 35, shoemaker, of W. Bridgewater, b. W. Bridgewater, s. John and Abigail, Sept. 15, 1844. [Susannah, wid., b. Easton, d. David Wade and Chloe of Easton, and Abijah Holmes, widr., of W. Bridgewater, s. John and Abigail of W. Br[idgewater] C.R.4.] [Susannah, wid. Isaac Keith French, and Abijah T. Holmes [widr.], P.R.1.]
Susan [int. adds W.], 25, d. William and Ann, and John O. Battles, 28, carpenter, s. John and Millicent, Dec. 30, 1849.
Susanna [int. Susan] and Davis Kingman, Apr. 22, 1838. [Susannah, C.R.4.] [Susanna, d. Sylvanus and Silence (Keith), and Davis Kingman, s. Eliphalet and Zilpha (Edson), P.R.1.]
Sybil of Stoughton, and Zenas Brett of Bridgewater, June 27, 1813. C.R.1.
Sylvanus and Silence Keith, Feb. 9, 1805. C.R.1. [Sylvanus s. Levi and Amy (Packard), and Silence Keith, d. Jonathan and Hannah (Snell), P.R.1.]
Timthy and Polly B. Edson of W. Bridgwater, int. Nov. 3, 1822.
William and Mary Perkins, July 8, 1773. C.R.1.
William and Alice Washburn, Aug. 12, 1773. C.R.1.
William and Anna Wales, Nov. 1, 1810. C.R.1.
William of Stoughton, and Martha Brett, Apr. 10, 1831.
William Jr. and Mary Ann Torry of Easton, int. Nov. 26, 1843.
Zibeah C., Mrs., of Turner, Me., and Elisha O. Drake, int. July 6, 1845.
Zibeon and Lucy Jeffers of W. Bridgwater, int. Sept. 25, 1825.
Zilpha and Benjamin Ames, Oct. 15, 1803. C.R.1.
Benjamin C. 24, boot maker, s. B. C., and Melinda A. Cary, 23, d. C., and Bethia, Mar. 19, 1848. [Benjamin C., b. Boston, s. Benj[amin] C. and ----- of Dorchester, and Melinda A. Cary, d. Martin and Bethiah, C.R.4]
FULLARTON (see Fullerton)
Hervey and Mary Gurney of Abington, int. Feb. 25, 1827.
Abigail and Joseph D. Corkins of Abington, ----[int. Dec. 22] 1833.]. [Jan. 7, 1834, G.R.1.]
Benjamin and Sarah Ames, Sept. 8, 1777. C.R.1.
Betey [int. Betsey] and Francis Packard, Sept. 30, 1824. [Betsey, C.R.1.]
Elisabeth and Mason Johnson, Jan. 3, 1790. C.R.1.
Eliza B. of Kingston, and Daniel P. Sherman, int. Sept. 3, 1848.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth)
Franklin A., Dr., 22, of Middleboro, s. John S. and Ann G., and Mary F. Preble, 20, of Middleboro, d. William and Sarah, Sept 16, 1848.
Isaiah and Mary Kezer, Sept 30, 1768. C.R.1.
Jacob and Abigail Leonard, Feb. 20, 1800. C.R.1. [Dea. Jacob, s. Isaiah and Mary (Keyzer), P.R.1.]
Jacob and Hannah Orcutt, Sept. 9, 1806. C.R.1. [Dea. Jacob, s. Isaiah and Mary (Keyzer), P.R.1.]
Jacob, Dea., and Mary Edson, May 24, 1829. [Dea. Jacob, s. Isaiah and Mary (Keyzer), and "Mary or Polly" Edson, P.R.1.]
Josiah and Almira Holbrook, June 16, 1825.
Lemuel and Bathsheba Ford, Apr. 10, 1800. C.R.1.
Lois and Samuel Dyke, Nov. 12, 1772. C.R.1.
Maria A., 17, of Middleboro, d. Consider and Mersy, and William H. Crosby, 23, shoe maker, s. Nath[anie]l and Olive, Nov. 29, 1849.
Mary, mid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 56, d. Seth Edson and Theodora, and Joseph Holbrook, widr. [int. omits widr.], 71, farmer, of Braintree, s. John and Anna, Oct. 15, 1849. [Mrs. Mary, wid., and Joseph Holbrook, widr., of Braintree, b. Braintree, C.R.4.]
Mary Jane of Middleborough, and E. Copeland Fales, int. Oct. 25, 1846.
Mille and Richard Stowell, Nov. 6, 1794. C.R.1. [Stowel, blacks, P.R.2.]
Olive and Daniel Edson, Oct. 21, 1765. C.R.1.
Patience and Josiah Edson 2d, Apr. 2, 1777. C.R.1.
Susanna and Ashley Curtis, Apr. 12, 1770. C.R.1.
Titus and Christiana Grant, blacks, Aug. 14, 1788. C.R.1.
FULLERTON (see Fullarton)
Calista and Harrison T. Mitchell of E. Bridgwater, Aug. 16, 1829.
James P. and Lemira H. Mitchell of Easton, int. Oct. 17, 1841.
Marcus and Sally A. Reynolds of Stoughton, int. Nov. 1, 1840.
Mehetable and David Edsen, int. Dec. 15, 1844.
Noah Jr. of Abington, and Martha T. Packard, Dec. 1, 1836.
Oliver of Abington, and Rachel Ford, int. Mar. 22, 1829.
William and Polly Porter, Nov. 24, 1796. C.R.1.
William Jr. and Mary Johnson of Sharon, int. July 1, 1832.
Robert and Agnes Thompson, July 23, 1767. C.R.1.
Andrew and Betty Tamson, Oct. 27, 1756. C.R.1.
GANNET (see Gannett, Gannitt)
Sarah and Daniel Pettengill, Apr. 9, 1755. C.R.1.
GANNETT (see Gannet, Gannitt)
Susanna and David Edson, Jan. 1, 1746. C.R.1.
GANNETT (see Gannet, Gannett)
Mehitabel and Zebulon Cary, Oct. 8, 1747. C.R.1.
Andrew G., 24, mechanic, s. James and Betsey, and Abigail A. [int. omits A.] Packard, 17 [int. of Easton], d. Oren R. and Sally L., Feb. 29, 1848.
Charles W., 25, mechanic, s. Samuel and Tiley, and Elizabeth F. Wales, 21, d. Nathaniel and Sarah, June 3, 1848.
Mehetable W. and Caleb Phillips, int. May 12, 1833.
Samuel P. and Tiley [int. adds H.] Holbrook, Oct. 10, 1822. [Tiley H., C.R.1.]
Sarah J., 20, d. Sam[ue]l P. and Tily H., and Lewis Ames Jr., 21, blacksmith, of Wareham, S. Lewis and Hannah, July 2, 1848.
Ebenezer, Rev., b. Walpole, and Laura Saunders of Wrentham, May 13, 1818. P.R.1.
Eliza of Sharon, and Sidney Perkins, int. Aug. 27, 1848.
Lemuel Jr. of Stoughton, and Hannah Sumner of Stoughton, Apr. 17, 1838.
Olive K. and' Oliver Reynolds, Dec. 2, 1830.
Rebeccah G. of Stoughton, and Benjamin C. Hatch, int. Mar. 31, 1833.
John and Mary Sheehan, int. Jan. 7, 1849.
GERNSEY (see Gurney)
Elisabeth and Ephraim Willis, Apr. 13, 1758. C.R.1.
GIFFIN (see Griffin)
Elisabeth and John Morrison, Oct. 27, 1766. C.R.1.
Angeline D., 19, d. Thaddeus and Abigail, and Henry W. Blake, widr. [int. omits widr.], 25, mechanic, of Foxborough, s. Warren and Sylvia, Sept. 11, 1849.
Caleb A. and Harriet Witherell, int. July 2, 1837.
Edwin B. and Abba B. Studley of Scituate, int. Oct. 22, 1843.
Susan, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 30, tailoress, d. Elias Harris and Polly, and William H. Whitman, 24, shop dresser, s. Amos and Wealthy, Apr. 28, 1844.
William and Sarah C. Harlow of Taunton, int. Sept. 9, 1849.
Benjamin and Content Glover, Sept. 8, 1791. C.R.1.
Mary and Edward McGuire, int. July 23, 1848.
Abijah Austin and Louiza Phillips, int. Feb. 20, 1831.
Amasa S. and Sophia Packard, ----- [int. Nov. 4] 1838. [Nov. 29, C.R.4.]
Content and Benjamin Gill, Sept. 8, 1791. C.R.1.
Nancy of Sharon, and Henry Whiting, int. Aug. 12, 1832. "This certificate never taken."
Rebekah of Stoughton, and Edmund Packard, int. Oct. 6, 1844.
William of Stoughton, and Content Porter of Stoughton, Aug. 10, 1786. C.R.1.
Warren and Sarah Eldridge of Yarmouth, int. Dec. 10, 1848. [m. Jan. 1, 1849, in Yarmouth, C.R.2.]
Rufus Jr. of Randolph, and Mary Kingman, int. Sept. 14, 1834.
Sally and Calvin Jackson, July 5, 1810. C.R.1.
Benjamin [int. Benjaman] of Stoughton, and Eliza Ann Carlile, May 21, 1840. [Benjamin of Stoughton, C.R.1.]
Charles and Clarinda Dyer of Stoughton, int. Sept. 26, 1841.
Pedro Adolfo and Mary F. Dunphe, int. Sept. 12, 1847.
Abia and Josiah Dunbar, July 8, 1782. C.R.1.
Polly and Lewis Phillips, Sept. 22, 1795. C.R.1.
Jesse R. of Randolph, and Sarah Ann Reynolds of W. Bridgwater, May 22, 1842.
Isaac and Patty ------, Apr. 3, 1805. C.R.1.
Jabez and Lucretia S. Dunbar of W. Bridgewater, int. Dec. 23, 1838.
Christiana and Titus Fuller, blacks, Aug. 14, 1788. C.R.1.
David and Anna L. Harvey of W. Bridgewater, int. Jan. 1, 1837.
Frances [sic] D., 24, harness maker, of Foxborough, s. Lewis and Lousa, and Esther B. Bird, 24, of Foxborough, d. Warren and Esther, Aug. 1, 1847. [Francis D. [of] Foxboro, C.R.2.]
William, 24, carpenter, s. Lewis and Judith, and Sarah B. White, 18, d. Thomas and Muriel, Dec. 11, 1845. [William, b. Kingston, and Sarah B. White, b. Randolph, C.R.4.]
Sophia C., 23, d. John and Sophia, and Samuel Waterman, 25, mechanic, s. Elisha and Betsey, Aug. 15, 1847.
Adelaid A. and James Humphrey, int. Apr. 21, 1833.
Benjamin G. of Boston, and Margaret Humphey, int. July 17, 1831.
Maria Bradly of Stoughton, and John Humphrey, int. Aug. 30, 1823.
GRIFFIN (see Giffin)
Simon and Jennet Brown, wid., Jan. 5, 1758. C.R.1.
Jane [int. Griswould] of Guild Hall, Essex Co., Vt., and James Judevine, June 2, 1839.
Ephraim and Jenny Southworth, wid., Apr. 28, 1789. C.R.1.
Otis and Ruth S. Richards of W. Bridgwater, int. Nov. 6, 1831.
Joanna M. and Daniel L. Allen, May 29, 1837.
Nancy F. of Canton, and Eliphalet L. Thayer, int. July 1, 1849.
John of Taunton, and Ruth Dickerman of Bridgewater, Sept. 25, 1814. C.R.1.
GURNEY (see Gernsey)
Augusta, 20, d. Azel and Mary, and Barzillia Cary Jr., 34, shoe manufacturer, s. Barzillia and Vashti, Nov. 29, 1849.
Azel of Bridgewater, and Polly Knapp of Bridgewater, Apr. 13, 1815. C.R.1.
Betsey of Bridgewater, and Barnabas Edson of Bridgewater, Jan. 1, 1815. C.R.1.
Betsey H., 25, d. Azel and Mary, and Nathan S. Cary, 27, mechanic, s. Barzillia and Vashti, Nov. 28, 1844.
Charles of Abington, and Louisa Crocker, Jan. 1, 1823.
Elisha and Jane Kingman, Mar. 15, 1760. C.R.1.
John and Mehetabel Southworth, Jan. 29, 1777. C.R.1.
Josiah R. of Abington, and Emily J. Leach, int. Sept. 21, 1845.
Leander P. of Abington, and Sarah A. Packard, int. Oct. 30, 1842.
Louisa J., 20, d. Charles and Louisa, and Eleazer C. Sherman, 31, merchant, of Plymouth, s. Levi and Lydia, May 15, 1849.
Lucius [and] Laura Dunbar, Mar. 19, 1829.
Lucius and Arvilla Packard, Aug. 1, 1837.
Martha and Ebenezer Drake, Jan. 17, 1782. C.R.1.
Mary and James Churchill, Dec. 21, 1794. C.R.1. [Churchil, P.R.2.]
Mary of Abington, and Hervey Fullarton, int. Feb. 25, 1827.
Mary of B[ridgewater], and Isaac F. Curtis of Bridgewater, [May] 26, 1836.
Matilda of Bridgewater, and Hezekiah Packard of Bridgewater, Apr. 20, 1820. C.R.1.
Micah and Hopestill Jackson, Apr. 25, 1765. C.R.1.
Olive and Oliver Jackson, May 6, 1807. C.R.1. [Olive, d. Capt. Zachariah and Matilda (Packard), and Capt. Oliver Jackson, P.R.1.]
Ozen of Paris, Me., and Melinda Howard of Bridgewater, Dec. 11, 1820. C.R.1.
Susan F. of Abington, and John W. Burns, int. Dec. 30, 1849.
Thomas J. and Elizabeth Norton, int. Dec. 7, 1834.
Thomas Jefferson and Fidelia Wade, int. Mar. 20, 1825.
Zachariah and Mary Ames, Jan. 9, 1754. C.R.1.
Zarchariah, Lt., and Mary Southworth, wid., Aug. 7, 1800. C.R.1.
Zechariah Jr. and Matilda Packard, June 30, 1783. C.R.1.
Rhoda and Samuel Briggs Jr., Sept. 1, 1763. C.R.1.