Vital Records Of Brockton, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts
To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Births - LAIRD to OSGOOD
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Jeannette A. [? m.], ----, 1836. G.R.7.
Robert W., ----, 1832. G.R.7.
Emma F. [------], w. Paul, -------, 1838 G.R.8.
Paul [h. Emma F.], -----, 1837. G.R.8.
Charles J., -------, 1839. G.R.2.
Julia E. [? m.], -----, 1845. G.R.2.
William, -------, 1841. G.R.8.
Charles Edward, Dec. 23, 1832. G.R.7.
Sarah M. [--------], w. Charles E., Sept. 1, 1833. G.R.7.
John Jennison [dup. Tennison], ch. ----- [dup. adopted ch. Adoniram Bisbee], bp. Apr. 1, 1849 [dup. a. 6 or 7]. C.R.2.
Elizabeth, d. Jabez D., painter, and Sybil, Dec. 15, 1843.
Emma, w. William Poole, -----, 1839. G.R.8.
Margaret, [ch.] Antoinette, shoe maker, and Margaret, Aug. 16, 1849.
Sarah, d. Anthony, shoemaker, and Margaret, July 29, 1846.
Hanna [? m.], Nov. 23, 1847. G.R.8.
LATHROP (see Lothrop)
John, s. Joseph, bp. June 30, 1754. C.R.1.
Edith Eva, d. Henry K., last maker, and Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1845.
Alfred, h. Clara Maria (Balch), -------, 1831. G.R.8.
Charlotte [------], w. W[illia]m A., -------, 1835. G.R.7.
Frank H., h. -------, Sept. 16, 1845, in Sweden. G.R.7.
Hannah [? m.], -------, 1831. G.R.7.
John, ------, 1819. G.R.7.
Benjamin F., -------, 1809. G.R.8.
Agnes [------], w. James, -------, 1839. G.R.8.
Aaron, ch. Oliver and Sally Brown, -------, 1807, in Pelham. P.R.12.
Aaron Davis, ch. Oliver and Mercy Stetson, Jan. 18, 1823. P.R.12.
Allen [h. Huidah G. (Morey)], ------, 1813. G.R.3. [ch. Oliver and Sally Brown, Dec. 9, P.R.12.]
Ann Eliza, d. Dexter, shoe maker, and Harriet, Mar. 17, 1849.
Charlotte Eveline, ch. Oliver and Mercy Stetson, Feb. 17, 1834. P.R.12.
Chastina M., d. Allen, mechanic, and Mary J., Apr. 4, 1848.
Clarissa Jane, d. Oliver, farmer, and Susannah, Apr. 1, 1844.
Clarissa Stetson, ch. Oliver and Mercy Stetson, Apr. 1, 1820.
Daniel Howland, ch. Oliver and Lusannah C. (Howland), July 27, 1839. P.R.12.
Daniel Howland, ch. Oliver, bp. Mar. -------, 1842. C.R.1.
Edward B., ch. Dexter and Harriet, Sept. 27, 1839.
Elbridge, ch. Oliver and Sally Brown, Dec.. -------, 1803. P.R.12.
Eliza Paris [------], w. Marcus, Mar. 31, 1824. G.R.7.
Elizabeth F., d. Elbridge, farmer, and Deborah, June 1, 1846.
Emily Jane, ch. Oliver and Mercy Stetson, Mar. 8, 1825. P.R.12.
John, ch. Oliver and Sally Brown, -------, 1810. P.R.12.
John M., ch. John and Lydia, Sept. 12, 1838.
Lambert, h. Lydia, Apr. 29, 1810. G.R.7.
Levi, ch. Oliver and Mercy Stetson, Jan. 2, 1832. P.R.12.
Lot, twin ch. Simeon, bp. Oct. 28, 1770. C.R.1.
Lucius, ch. Oliver and Mercy Stetson, Feb. 21, 1828. P.R.12.
Lusannah Adaline, ch. Oliver, bp. Mar. -------, 1842. C.R.1.
Lusannah Adeline, ch. Oliver and Lusannah C. (Howland), Apr. 29, 1835. P.R.12.
Lydia [--------], w. Lambert, Mar. 22, 1809. G.R.7.
Marcus, ch. Oliver and Mercy Stetson, Apr. 1, 1820. P.R.12.
Maria Augusta, ch. Oliver and Mercy Stetson, Oct. 10, 1838. P.R.12.
Mary A., d. Lambert and Lydia, Mar. 26, 1844. G.R.7.
Oliver, s. Nathan and Deborah, May 1, 1782. P.R.12.
Oliver, ch. Oliver and Sally Brown, Dec. 15, 1805, in Pelham. P.R.12.
Oliver Francis, ch. Oliver and Lusannah C. (Howland), Feb. 26, 1831. P.R.12.
Oliver Francis, ch. Oliver, bp. Mar. -------, 1842. C.R.1.
Peleg S., Apr. 4, 1830. G.R.7. [Peleg Stetson Leach, ch. Oliver and Mercy Stetson, P.R.12.]
Phebe, d. Phebe, wid., [of] Middleboro[ugh], bp. Oct. 13, 1765. C.R.1.
Relief, d. Simeon, bp. Oct. 28, 1770. C.R.1.
Ruth Gurney, ch. Oliver and Mercy Stetson, Feb. 25, 1827. P.R.12.
Sarah, ch. Oliver and Sally Brown, May 12, 1816. P.R.12.
Vesta, twin ch. Simeon, bp. Oct. 28, 1770. C.R.1.
Wendell, [ch.] Marcus, shoe maker, and Eliza, Oct. 1, 1848.
--------, ch. Oliver and Mercy Stetson, Jan. 3, P.R.12.
--------, s. Oliver and Mercy Stetson, Nov. 20, 1821. P.R.2.
Alexander, s. Alexander, harness maker, and Rebecca, Feb. 28, 1847.
Almira B. [? m.], ----, 1820. G.R.7.
Andrew J., Mar. 1, 1836, in Turner, Me. G.R.8.
Andrew J., [twin] s. Alex[ande]r M., harness maker, and Rebecca S., Jan. 14, 1849.
Charles, ------, 1817. G.R.7.
Elizabeth, w. Timothy T. Hazeltine, -------, 1831. G.R.8.
George W., [twin] s. Alex[ande]r M., harness maker, and Rebecca S., Jan. 14, 1849.
Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah and Margaret, June 17, 1824, in Parsonstield, Me. R.R.
William Wallace, "Member Co. A, 8th Reg't. Maine Vol. Inf'y, also Co. B, 1st U. S. Vet. Vol. Inf'y.," Mar. 10, 1840, in Naples, Me. G.R.8.
Charles B., s. Daniel F., tailor, and Harriet D., Dec. 26, 1843.
Cyrus, h. Mary S., -----, 1820. G.R.7.
Edward W., s. John, shoe maker, and Rhoda, Sept. 15, 1847.
George, s. Josiah and Rebecca, Jan. 10, 1833. G.R.1.
Henry Bradford [h. Lydia Frances (Beals)], Nov. 14, 1831. G.R.7.
Jacob, s. Capt. Eliphalet, bp. Dec. 16, 1746. C.R.1.
Joseph F. [h. Laura A. (Goff)], July 9, 1835. G.R.8.
Mary Ann, d. Josiah and Rebecca, June 18, 1829. G.R.3.
Mary S. [-----], w. Cyrus, -------, 1829. G.R.7.
Nancy [------], W. Seth, Nov. 28, 1787. G.R.3.
Rebecca N. [-----], w. Josiah, Nov. 28, 1839, in Islesboro, Me. G.R.3.
William, s. Daniel F., tailor, and Harriet, Sept. 8, 1846.
William, s. William C., mechanic, and Martha, Feb. 20, 1848.
-------, s. Seth, shoemaker, and Martha, Apr. 7, 1846.
John, ------, 1817. G.R.8.
Abigail C. A., d. William, painter, and Mary P., June 25, 1843. [Abigail Carver Ames Lewis, C.R.1.]
Benjamin Franklin, ch. William, bp. Oct. -------, 1839. C.R.1.
Charles Winslow, ch. W[illia]m, bp. July 31, 1846. C.R.1.
Cyrus Anthony, ch. Thomas and Betsey (Eddy), bp. Feb. 24, 1840, a. 8, in Pawtucket. C.R.2.
Edward Luther, ch. Thomas and Betsey (Eddy), bp. May 31, 1840, a. 11 or I2, in Providence, R. I. C.R.2.
Eliza Taft, ch. Thomas and Betsey (Eddy), bp. Feb. 1, 1840, a. 1, in Pawtucket. C.R.2.
Horatio Packard, ch. William, bp. Oct. 8, 1837. C.R.1.
James, "Co. G. 2nd U. S. Col. Cav." [h. Martha], -----, 1845, G.R.5.
John Edward, ch. William, bp. Sept. -------, 1842. C.R.1.
Joseph C., h. Sarah J., -----, 1828. G.R.7.
Lydia Lefavour, ch. Thomas and Betsey (Eddy), bp. Feb. 24, 1840, a. 4, in Pawtucket. C.R.2.
Martha [------], w. James, -------, 1835. G.R.5.
Mary Carpenter, ch. Thomas and Betsey (Eddy), bp. Feb. 24, 1840, a. 6, in Pawtucket. C.R.2.
Mary Elizabeth, inf. W[illia]m and Mary P., bp. Mar. 29, 1832. C.R.1.
Richard Anthony, ch. Thomas and Betsey (Eddy), bp. Feb. 24, 1840, a. 9, in Pawtucket. C.R.2.
Sarah Abigail, ch. Thomas and Betsey (Eddy), bp. Feb. 24, 1840, a. 3, in Pawtucket. C.R.2.
Sarah J. [------], w. Joseph C., -------, 1832. G.R.7.
Wealthy A., d. William, painter, and Mary P., Oct. 7, 1844.
Wealthy Abigail, ch. W[illia]m, bp. Nov. 22, 1845. C.R.1.
William Bradford, ch. William, bp. Oct. 3, 1837. C.R.1.
------, d. William, shoe maker, and Mary P., Jan. 10, 1848.
Thomas P., s. Michael and Mary, Dec. 4, 1834, in Ireland. R.R.
LILLEY (see Lilly)
Mary A., d. Theodore, mechanic, and Ann, July 9, 1846.
Theodore, -------, 1819. G.R.7.
LILLY (see Lilley)
Clara, d. Theodore, boot and shoe maker and Anna R., Feb. 2, 1844. [Clara Anna Lilley, [w., Henshie, Mar. 2, P.R.1.]
Amelia, d. Nehemiah and Mehitable, bp. Mar. 24, 1833. C.R.1.
Charles Beals, ch. Charles and Rebecca W., July 27, 1835.
Cornelia A. [------], w. Rev. Nehemiah, -------, 1827. G.R.7.
Daniel Edson, s. Nehemiah and Mehitable, bp. Sept. 3, 1826. C.R.1. [s. Capt. N. and M. E., b. -------, 1826, G.R.7.]
David Edson, inf. Nehemiah and Mehitable, bp. May 17, 1829. C.R.1. [s. Capt. N. and M. E., b. -------, 1828, G.R.7.]
Elbridge G., -------, 1811. G.R.7.
Eliza Jane, [ch.] Elbridge G., shoe maker, and Sarah, June 17, 1849.
Ella, d. Nehemiah Jr., shoe maker, and Cornelia, Nov. ----, 1847.
Ellen Aureen, ch. Luke P. and Stella, Jan. 22, 1826.
Emily Ann [------], w. Cha[rle]s B., Jan. 22, 1835. G.R.7.
Hannah Hoit [? m.], Feb. 22, 1829. C.R.7.
I. Augustus [h. Helen K. (Bell)], -------, 1843. G.R.7.
I. F. [------], w. -----, ------, 1845. G.R.7.
Josiah Sears, ch. Charles and Rebecca W., Dec. 1, 1820. [Dec. 1, 1821, G.R.7.]
Lucia, [ch.] Nehemiah Jr., shoe maker, and Cornelia, Jan. 14, 1849.
Lucy Jane, ch. Charles and Rebecca W., Aug. 24, 1825.
Lyman White, ch. Luke P. and Stella, Jan. 1, 1823.
Mary Emma, ch. Luke P. and Stella, July 11, 1830.
Mary Porter, ch. Charles and Rebecca W., Oct. 10, 1816.
Nehemiah, Capt. [h. Patty (Packard), h. Mehitable (Edson)]. -----, 1783. G.R.7.
Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah and Mehitable, bp. July 17, 1823. C.R.1. [Rev. Nehemiah [h. Cornelia A.], b. -------, 1824, G.R.7.]
Rebecca Frances, ch. Charles and Rebecca W., Feb. 3, 1831.
Sarah A. [? m.], ------, 1816. G.R.7.
Sarah Ann, d. Elbridge G., shoemaker, and Sarah Ann, Oct. 30, 1845.
Carl A., s. Augustusson, Feb. 28, 1836, in Sweden. R.R.
Alice W. [? m.], -----, 1845. G.R.7.
Benjamin, s. David, bp. Apr. 5, 1770. C.R.1.
Elisabeth, d. David, bp. May 10, 1762. C.R.1.
John (Linffield), s. David, bp. Aug. 17, 1760. C.R.1.
Rebecca, d. David, bp. Oct. 6, 1765. C.R.1.
William, s. David, bp. Feb. 14, 1768. C.R.1.
Margaret, d. Timothy, farmer, and Ellen, Mar. 1, 1847.
William of W. Bridgewater, s. Timothy and Ellen, Mar. 2, 1834, in Ireland. R.R.
Abagail, d. Samuel, bp. May 20, 1795. C.R.1.
Anna, d. Edmund, bp. Aug. 3, 1760. C.R.1.
Asa, s. Edmund, bp. Aug. 8, 1762. C.R.1.
Cassander, s. Samuel, bp. July 13, 1806. C.R.1.
Catherine (see Katharine).
Dorothy, d. Nathaniel, bp. Jan. 20, 1765. C.R.1.
Dorothy, d. Samuel, bp. Apr. 11, 1784. C.R.1.
Dorothy, d. Samuel, bp. June 4, 1786. C.R.1.
Elisabeth, d. Edmund, bp. May 2, 1773. C.R.1.
Elisha, s. Edmund, bp. Feb. 11, 1770. C.R.1.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Frederic H., May 10, 1834. G.R.7.
George Cary, s. James and Mary, bp. Apr. 22, 1827. C.R.1.
Hannah, d. Nathaniel, bp. Mar. 12, 1758. C.R.1.
Hannah, d. Samuel, bp. Apr. 10, 1803. C.R.1.
Hovenden, s. Samuel, bp. Aug. 23, 1795. C.R.1.
Jedediah, s. Edward, bp. June 18, 1758. C.R.1.
Jesse, s. Edmund, bp. Aug. 23, 1767. C.R.1.
John Shepard, s. Samuel, bp. Jan. 16, 1791. C.R.1.
Josiah, s. Edmund, bp. June 30, 1765. C.R.1.
Josiah, s. Daniel, bp. Sept. 23, 1766. C.R.1.
Katharine, d. Daniel, bp. June 10, 1764. C.R.1.
M. Adeline, w. Martin Thayer, -------, 1833. G.R.7.
Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel, bp. Oct. 31, 1762. C.R.1.
Nathaniel P., [ch.] Henry M., carpenter, and Mary, May 10, 1848.
Rachel, d. Daniel, bp. May 30, 1763. C.R.1.
Ralph, s. Daniel, bp. Sept. 2, 1759. C.R.1.
Rebecca Tucker, d. James and Mary, bp. June 4, 1824. C.R.1.
Sally, d. Samuel, bp. Apr. 12, 1801. C.R.1.
Theodore, inf. James and Mary, bp. Dec. 29, 1825. C.R.1.
Adoniram Judson, ch. James and Jannet, Apr. 20, 1820.
Augustus B., s. George and Hannah H., Sept. 15, 1840, in Plympton. R.R.
George, -------, 1815. G.R.7.
Hannah H. [? m.], -------, 1820. G.R.7.
Martha C. [? m.], -------, 1842. G.R.7.
Mary P. [------], w. George, -------, 1817. G.R.7.
Simeon, ch. James and Jannet, Jan. 12, 1824.
LOTHROP (see Lathrop)
Annie, w. Andrew Jackson, July 17, 1841. G.R.7.
Elizabeth, w. Edmund Packard, -------, 1824. G.R.8.
George W., s. Edw[ar]d W., shoemaker, and Delphina P., Oct. 19, 1845.
Seraphina, w. Benjamin Keith, Aug. 29, 1819. G.R.7.
Alden Bradford, s. Alden of Thicket, bp. Aug. 21, 1836, a. 2, [in] Abington. C.R.2.
Lucy Packard, d. Alden of Thicket, bp. Aug. 21, 1836, a. abt. 4, [in] Abington. C.R.2.
Sarah B. [? m.], -------, 1830. G.R.7.
Daniel B., s. Daniel and Eliza E., Oct. 9, 1839, in Barnstable. R.R. [[h. Emma B.] G.R.7.]
Emma B. [------], w. Daniel B., Oct. 30, 1841. G.R.7.
Marietta F., w. Edwin L. Howard, -------, 1845. G.R.7.
Caroline P. [-----], w. Thomas P., May 23, 1833. G.R.7.
Thomas P. [h. Caroline P.], May 18, 1822. G.R.7.
Albert N., -------, 1838. G.R.8.
Charles R., -------, 1827. G.R.8.
Chloe Richmond (see ---- Lyon).
Danford T., -------, 1827. G.R.7.
Ellen L. [------], w. -------, Sept. 16, 1836. G.R.5.
Granville W., s. Vinal, carpenter, and Dameris, Oct. 7, 1846.
Isaac A., -------, 1848. G.R.7.
Martha Ann, [w.] ------ Fanning, Nov. 10, 1842. P.R.1.
Mary, [ch.] Vinal, carpenter, and Dameris, Sept. 16, 1840.
R. Jane [? m.], ------- 1837. G.R.8.
--------, d. Vinal, carpenter, and Dameris W., Apr. 5, 1845. [Chloe Richmond Lyon, [w.]----- Gurney, P.R.1.]
Eliza Ann [------], w. Nelson, -------, 1828. G.R.8.
Frances Ann, ch. Nelson and Eliza Ann, -------, 1845. G.R.8.
Nelson [h. Eliza Ann], -------, 1821. G.R.8.
Caroline [------], w. Ira L., -------, 1821. G.R.8.
Ira L. [h. Caroline], -------, 1824. G.R.8.
Andrew J. [h. Caroline], Jan. 10, 1830. G.R.7.
Caroline [------], w. Andrew J., Mar. 8, 1833. G.R.7.
Edward, Aug. 15, 1822. G.R.7.
H. H., "Served in U. S. Navy during the war of the Rebellion," May 5, 1837. G.R.7.
John N., Jan. 10, 1834. G.R.7.
MAITLAND (see Martland)
William J., s. William and Isabelle, Aug. 4, 1831, in England. R.R. Martland, "Band Master 12th Mass. Regt." [h. Hannah C.], G.R.7.]
Catharine, 6. James, mechanick, and Rose, Dec. 27, 1849.
Daniel C., -------, 1845. G.R.8.
Francis A., s. Isaac and Harriett, Jan. 9, 1828, in New Bedford. R.R.
Lois K. [? m.], Feb. -------, 1816. G.R.6.
Mary E., w. John M. Sharpe, -------, 1833. G.R.7.
MANLEY (see Manly)
Daniel, s. Daniel, bp. Nov. 21, 1756. C.R.1.
David, ch. lza(?) and Salmon, Mar. 4, 1831.
Galen, Dec. 25, 1794. G.R.5.
Henry, s. Salman and Iza, Aug. 31, 1841. R.R.
Iza A. [? m.], July 18, 1804. G.R.5.
Mylo, ch. Iza and Salmon, Feb. 25, 1834.
Nathaniel, s. Daniel, bp. Nov. 21, 1756. C.R.1.
Olive, d. Daniel, bp. Nov. 21, 1756. C.R.1.
Salmon, Dec. 25, 1794. G.R.5.
MANLY (see Manley)
Betsey, w. Abel Kingman, -------, 1783. G.R.3.
Charles Galen, [ch.] Salmon (Manley), farmer, and Iza A., Aug. 3, 1849.
Eliza F., ch. Howard and -------, July 18, 1830.
Harriet Jane, d. Salmon, farmer, and Iza A., Feb. 18, 1844.
Herbert, ch. Howard and -------, Jan. 5, 1836.
Julius, ch. Howard and -------, Feb. 1, 1834.
Nathaniel, ch. Howard and -------, Sept. 10, 1824.
Sarah, d. Daniel, bp. June 3, 1792. C.R.1.
Sarah H., ch. Howard and -------, July 30, 1818 [Sarah Hayward Manley, P.R.1.]
William H., ch. Howard and -------, May 25, 1838.
Lydia M., d. Lemuel S., shoe tool maker, and Lucy, Dec. 27, 1844.
-------, [ch.] Jacob B., shoe tool manufacturer, and Julia R., Dec. 2, 1846.
-------, s. Lemuel S., shoe tool maker, and Lucy, Feb. 2, 1847.
Benoni, s. Eleanor, bp. Apr. 21, 1771. C.R.1.
Charles T. [h. Lavinnia], -------, 1822. G.R.7.
George, -------, 1844. G.R.7.
Lavinia [------], W. Charles T., -------, 1827.
Mary [? m.], --------, 1846. G.R.7.
Francis M., s. Francis L. and Charlotte, July 17, 1840. R.R.
Albert Leander, ch. Perez and Elizabeth, Apr. 21, 1842.
Edward E., s. Perez, merchant, and Elizabeth, Sept. 10, 1846.
Emma Jane, [ch.] Perez, shoe manufacturer, and Elizabeth, June 12, 1848.
Eugene, ch. Hayward Jr. and Almira, July 10, 1832.
Howard Tisdale, ch. Perez and Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1839.
Louisa Ann, d. Perez, shoe manufacturer, and Elizabeth, Feb. 29, 1844.
Olive Howard, ch. Hayward Jr. and Almira, Feb. 28, 1828. [Olive Hayward Marshall, w. Frederick Lucius Trow, C.R.5.]
Susan ElizAbeth, ch. Perez and Elizabeth, Jan. 9, 1841.
Charles F. [h. Maria K.], Apr. 9, 1841. G.R.7.
Maria K. [------], w. Charles F., Oct. 19, 1840. G.R.7.
Zenas L., h. Rhoda C. (Young), Aug. 5, 1823. G.R.7.
Benjamin K., -------, 1821. G.R.7.
Harriet W. [? m.], ------, 1826. G.R.7.
MARTLAND (see Maitland)
Hannah C. [------], w. William J., -----, 1832. G.R.7.
Charles [h. Hannah T. (d. Samuel Tabor)], Apr. 19, 1811, in Bristol, R. I., G.R.7.
Samuel, -------, 1814. G.R.7.
William E. F., s. Charles and Hannah T., June 13, 1840. G.R.7.
MATHEWSON (see Mathison)
M. Frances, w. Jerome B. Briggs, Nov. 30, 1848. G.R.8.
MATHISON (see Mathewson)
Albert, s. James and Susan, June 4, 1844, in New Brunswick. R.R.
Georg Heinrich, second s. Leonhard and Barbara, Nov. 5, 1833, in Regensburg, Germany. G.R.6.
Hannah A., d. Thomas A., boot maker, and Hannah A., June 12, 1844.
McBRIDE (see McBridge)
Ann, d. John, bp. Oct. 7, 1759. C.R.1.
Jennet, d. John, pb. Mar. 29, 1761. C.R.1.
Samuel, s. John, bp. Dec. 4, 1763. C.R.1.
McBRIDGE (see McBride)
--------, d. Michael, tailor, and Jane, Oct. 2, 1849.
Mary Ann, [ch.] William, boot former, and Bridget, Feb. 21, 1849.
Uriah, s. -----— and Mary, Feb. 7, 1862 [sic], in Wareham. R.R.
John, s. Daniel, laborer, and Mary, July 15, 1844.
Philip, s. John and Ellen, May 1, 1844, in Ireland. R.R.
Eliza, d. John, laborer, and Mary, Jan. 30, 1849.
Arthur, s. Daniel and Abbie, May 12, 1839, in Ireland. R.R.
Theresa P. [-----], w. Tho[ma]s W., May 31, 1822, in Spain. G.R.7.
McLAUTHLEN (see McLauthlin)
Hannah B. [? m.], -------, 1826. G.R.7.
Samuel, ------, 1822. G.R.7.
McLAUTEILIN (see McLauthlen)
Charle W., s. Samuel, mechanic, and Fnnnah M., Feb. 7, 1848.
Catherine, [twin] d. James, laborer, and Mary, June 24, 1849.
James, [twin] s. James, laborer, and Mary, June 24, 1849.
James [h. Martha (Hayden)], -------, 1810. G.R.7.
Abagail Clement, d. Asa, bp. Aug. 12, 1810. C.R.2.
Asa, s. Asa, bp. Aug. 21, 1803. C.R.1.
Henry DeWitt, ch. Asa, bp. Sept. 15, 1805. C.R.1.
Mary, ch. Asa, bp. Sept. 15, 1805. C.R.1.
Samuel Niles, s. Rev. Asa, bp. ---- 29 [1810]. C.R.1.
---------, s. Asa and Mary, June 9, 1807. G.R.6.
Nathaniel, s. Edward and Nancy, Sept. 7, 1824, in Belgrade, Me. R.R. [Sept. 7, 1826, G.R.7.]
Sherman T., s. Timothy and Mary, May 20, 1835, in Ireland. R.R.
MERITT (see Merritt)
Azel, ch. Ezekiel and Lydia, bp. Oct. 27, 1816. C.R.1.
Ezekiel, ch. Ezekiel and Lydia, bp. Oct. 27, 1816. C.R.1.
Isaac, ch. Ezekiel and Lydia, bp. July 22, 1821. C.R.1.
Isaac E., s. Isaac, shoe maker, and Harriet, Sept. 5, 1848.
Nancy, ch. Ezekiel and Lydia, bp. July 22, 1821. C.R.1.
Phoebe, ch.. Ezekiel and Lydia, bp. Oct. 27, 1816. C.R.1.
Mary J. [? m.], -------, 1808. G.R.7.
Reuben, -------, 1784. G.R.8.
MERRITT (see Meritt)
Ira. [h. Mary Ann], -------, 1818. G.R.7.
Mary Ann [------], w. Ira, -----, 1817. G.R.7.
Mary Jane, d. Ira and Mary Ann, -------, 1845. G.R.7.
Emma, d. Jason E., shoemaker, and -------, Sept. 15, 1843.
MILLAR (see Miller)
Ann, d. James, bp. Apr. 16, 1749. C.R.1.
Gennit, d. James, bp. June 15, 1746. C.R.1.
MILLER (see Millar)
Alice, w. James Herrod, ----, 1823. G.R.7.
Abigail H., w. Charles H. Eldredge, Dec. 10, 1834. G.R.7.
John A., Feb. 25, 1832. G.R.7.
MINZEY (see Minzy)
Harriet Abby, [ch.] Geo[rge] W., shoe maker, and Harriet, July 14, 1849.
MINZY (see Minzey)
George E., s. Geo[rge] W., shoemaker, and Harriet, Jan. 5, 1846.
MITCHEL (see Mitchell)
John, s. Thomas, mulatto, bp. Oct. 5, 1746. C.R.1.
Thomas, S. Thomas, bp. May 8, 1748. C.R.1.
MITCHELL (see Mitchel)
Benj[amin] G., -------, 1828. G.R.7.
Bethia W. [------], w. Timothy A., -------, 1834. G.R.7.
Clarinda E. [? m.], -------, 1834. G.R.8.
Frederick Roscoe, s. Tho[mals S., shoe manufacturer, and Harriet, Apr. 5, 1844.
Harvey, -------, 1811. G.R.7.
Maria J. [? m.], -------, 1843. G.R.7.
Susan M. [? m.] ------, 1821. G.R.7.
Timothy, father of T. A., May 17, 1800. G.R.7.
Timothy A. [h. Bethia W., s. Timothy], -------, 1832. G.R.2.
Bathsheba, d. Elias, bp. May 12, 1745. C.R.1.
Elisabeth, d. Elias, bp. June 24, 1750. C.R.1.
Eliza F., W. Daniel S. Tolman, Apr. 30, 1837. G.R.7.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Hiram A., July 16, 1829. G.R.8.
Lucinda F. (? m.], Mar. 16, 1834. G.R.8.
Mary, d. Elias, bp. Apr. 12, 1747. C.R.1.
Sylvia, July 6, 1791. G.R.6.
MONROE (see Munroe)
Diantha N., w. Lewis Gibson, -------, 1848. G.R.5.
MOORE (see Moors)
Agnes, d. Michael, boot former, and Ann, June 27, 1848.
Lydia S. [? m.], Apr. 10, 1821. G.R.5.
Margaret, d. Michael, laborer, and Ann M., Mar. 23, 1846.
MOORS (see Moore)
Elizabeth M. [? m.], Jan. 10, 1836. G.R.8.
George H., Aug. 17, 1835. G.R.8.
Mary J. [------], w. Samuel, Jan. 12, 1844. G.R.8.
Samuel [h. Mary J.], Jan. 21, 1837. G.R.8.
MOREY (see Mowry)
Geo[rge] Spencer, s. Isaiah S., shoemaker, and Eunice, Sept. 15, 1846.
Huldah G.. w. Allen Leach, -------, 1815. G.R.3.
Mary J., d. Isaiah S., shoe maker, and Unice R., Nov. 23, 1849.
William S., s. Isaiah S., shoe maker, and Uunice R., Sept. 5, 1848.
Margaret [? m.], -----, 1825. G.R.8.
Robert, s. William, bp. Mar. 24, 1751. C.R.1.
Frances L., w. Abel D. Tyler, Mar. -------, 1818. G.R.7.
Elbridge G. [h. Julietta. H. (Williams), h. Rhoda J. (Wade)], -----, 1810. G.R.7.
Elbridge W. [h. Elizabeth H.], -------, 1837. G.R.7.
Elizabeth H. [------], w. Elbridge W., -------, 1834. G.R.7.
Luther M., s. John and Esther, Feb. 6, 1837. R.R.
Nancy Jane, [ch.] Anson, cabinet maker, and Abigail C., June 2, 1849.
Sarah S. [-----], w. Timothy H., ------, 1840. G.R.5.
Timothy H. [h. Sarah S.],-----, 1840, in Nantucket. G.R.5.
Wilson, -----, 1834. G.R.7.
-------, d. Anson, cabinet maker, and Abigail, May 1, 1848.
Henry [h. Lydia T.], -------, 1829. G.R.7.
Lydia T. [-----], w. Henry, -----, 1831. G.R.7.
-------, s. Ellis J., hat manufacturer, and Abby S., Apr. 14, 184$.
Elizabeth Catherine [------], w. James H., Sept. 27, 1832. G.R.8.
James H. [h. Elizabeth Catherine], Apr. 19, 1834. C.R.3.
MOWRY (see Morey)
A. Wesley, "Co. C. 60th. Regt. Mass. Vol.," May 25, 1845. G.R.7.
James, [ch.j Patrick, laborer, and Catherine, Mar. 6, 1849.
MUNROE (see Monroe)
Nelson H., Oct. 15, 1833. G.R.8.
Albert, s. Andrew, shoemaker, and Harriet, Feb. 9, 1844.
David, s. James and Alice, May 3, 1837, in Ireland. R.R.
Julia, d. James, laborer, and Alice S., Mar. 16, 1846.
John B. [h. Margaret E.], -------, 1819. G.R.7.
Caleb, s. Experience, bp. Sept. 18, 1768.
Frances [sic] H., Jan. 31, 1812. G.R.7.
Henry F., S. Francis H. and Susan, Oct. 29, 1834. R.R.
Lois [? m.], Nov. ----, 1789. G.R.6.
------, d. Daniel C., butcher, and Nancy, Mar. 12, 1845.
Henry Bradford, s. Elias and Susanna (Keith), June 22, 1831. P.R.1.
Josiah S. [h. Lucinda H.), -----, 1825. G.R.7.
Lucinda H. [------], w. Josiah S., -----, 1832. G.R.7.
Martha [------], w. Stephen, -------, 1816. G.R.7.
Mary [? m.],-----, 1820. G.R.7.
Stephen [h. Martha], -------, 1818. G.R.7.
Benjamin F., h. Clara F. ----, 1836. G.R.8.
Clara F. [------] w. Benjamin F., -------, 1841. G.R.8.
Zephaniah H., -------, 1847. G.R.7.
John, s. Thomas (Neagle), laborer, and Elizabeth, Sept. 14, 1849.
J. Arthur, -------, 1838. G.R.7.
L. M., Apr. 10, 1848, in Sweden. G.R.7.
Henry O., s. Rapha H. and Jerusha, Oct. 1, 1842, in Londonderry, N. H. R.R.
Ida Sofia [---], w. Olof, Aug. 15, 1847. G.R.8.
Olof [h. Ida Sofia], June 15, 1845. G.R.8.
John W. [h. Laura A. (Brown)], Nov. 6, 1819. G.R.8.
Mary, d. Deliverance, wid., bp. June 23, 1745. C.R.1.
George B., July 3, 1846. G.R.1.
Cordelia A. [? m.], May 11, 1847. G.R.8.
Ellen A. [------], w. Jeptha L., -------, 1838. G.R.7.
Ephraim, s. Ephraim, bp. June 4, 1780. C.R.1.
John F., -------, 1847. G.R.8.
Maria C. [-------], w. John G., Oct. 8, 1831. C.R.8.
George A., s. Sawyer B., carpenter, and Mary J., Sept. 9, 1849.
Abagail, ch. Moses and Lucy E., Aug. 3, 1823.
Albion K., [ch.] Rufus S., shoe maker, and Diantha, Mar. 10, 1849.
Almira Cushing, d. Isaiah, bp. Mar. 29, 1835, a. 2 y. 5 m. 22 d., [in] Abington. C.R.2.
Alva [h. Sophronia S.], 1799. G.R.7.
Augustus E., ch. Spencer W. and Mary P., Mar. 9, 1845. G.R.7.
Avery, ----, 1828. G.R.7.
Daniel H., ch. Spencer W. and Mary P., Mar. 27, 1846. G.R.7.
Daniel Leonard, s. Daniel, bp. Mar. 1, 1835, a. 11, [in] Abington. C.R.2.
Diantha [------], W. Rufus S., -----, 1825. G.R.7.
Edward O., ch. Alva and Sophronia, Oct. 18, 1841. [[h. Rebecca C.] -------, 1840, G.R.7.]
Elizabeth Merritt, d. Isaiah, bp. Mar. 29, 1835, [in] Abington. C.R.2.
Ephraim, ch. Alva and Sophronia, Apr. 24, 1826.
Eunice A., ch. Alva and Sophronia, July 1, 1823.
Francis I., ch. Moses and Lucy E., Dec. 23, 1818.
Francis S., s. Ephraim, farmer, and Nancy R., Nov. 5, 1849.
Harmony, ch. Alva and Sophronia, July 10, 1824.
Henry Augustus, inf. Jacob and Olive, bp. Aug. 12, 1821. C.R.1.
Isaiah, s. Isaiah, bp. Mar. 29, 1835, [in] Abington. C.R.2.
Jacob [h. Polly (Snell)], -------, 1799. G.R.7.
Lucy Eldridge, ch. Moses and Lucy E., Nov. 25, 1820.
Lucy Morton, d. Isaiah, bp. Mar. 29, 1835, [in] Abington. C.R.2.
Maria Williams, ch. Moses and Lucy E., Jan. 2, 1827.
Mary Packard [? m.], Nov. 3, 1816. G.R.7.
Polly, w. Capt. Ziba Keith, Apr. 16, 1798. G.R.7. [d. Daniel and Huldah (Jenkins), P.R.1.]
Polly,-------, 1826. G.R.7.
Rebecca C. [------], w. Edward O., -------, 1843. G.R.7.
Rufus S. ch. Alva and Sophronia, Nov. 15, 1822. [[h. Diantha] G.R.7.]
Sarah H., [ch.] Spencer W., shoe maker, and Mary [Mary P., G.R.7.], Sept. 24, 1849.
Sophronia S. [-----], w. Alva, -------, 1798. G.R.7.
Spencer Williams, Sept. 2, 1817. G.R.7. [Spencer of Abington [dup. Spencer W., s. Daniel and Hannah (Shaw) (second w.), Sept. 7] P.R.1.]
Susan Pratt, d. Isaiah, bp. Mar. 29, 1835, [in] Abington. C.R.2.
Joseph B. [h. Susan W.], -------,1822. G.R.7.
Susan W. ------, w. Joseph B., -------, 1826. G.R.7.
O'BREIN (see O'Brien)
Mary, d. Dennis, laborer, and Mary, Aug. 9, 1847.
O'BRIEN (see O'Brein)
Alice, d. Dennis, laborer, and Mary, Jan. 30, 1849.
Hugh, s. John and Mary, July 4, 1841, in Ireland. R.R.
Andrew P., -------, 1838, in Sweden. R.R.
Stina [--------], w. Nils, June 24, 1835, in Sweden. G.R.8.
Sherman T. (see Sherman T. Merea).
O'NEIL (see O'Neill)
Arthur, ch. Michael and Bridget, Nov. 28, 1824.
Clarisa Alice, ch. Michael and Bridget, Oct. 3, 1828.
Edward, ch. Michael and Bridget, Oct. 29, 1822.
John James, ch. Michael and Bridget, Apr. 1, 1836.
Malvina Cecelia (see Melvina Cecelia).
Margaret Ellen, ch. Michael and Bridget, July 8, 1832.
Mary Ann, ch. Michael and Bridget, Dec. 23, 1820.
Melvina Cecelia, ch. Michael and Bridget, Oct. 29, 1826.
Michael Frances, ch. Michael and Bridget, June 28, 1837.
Rosaline Therressa, ch. Michael and Bridget, May 30, 1834.
William, ch. Michael and Bridget, Jan. 14, 1819.
William Henry, ch. Michael and Bridget, Nov. 9, 1829.
O'NEILL (see O'Neil)
Eliza Ann, d. Charles, tailor, and Julia, Dec. 27, 1849.
Gershom [h. Sarah (White)], s. Dea. Eph[rai]m of W. Bridgewater, -------, 1794. G.R.7.
Joseph Howard, s. Gershom and Sarah (White), July 30, 1826. G.R.7.
Julia Ann, d. Melville, cabinet maker, and Sally, May 13, 1843.
Lucia, d. Melville, cabinet maker, and Sally, May 15, 1846.
Sarah Jane, ch. Melville and Sally, Dec. 8, 1830.
Wilson, s. Melville and Sallie, Apr. 27, 1836. R.R.
Ellen S., [ch.] Isaac P., shoe maker, and Ellen S., Jan. 24, 1849.
Frank, "61, 1, Heavy Art. 4 Cav.. M. V. M. '65 Mustered Out," -----, 1832. G.R.7.
Isaac P., s. Peleg and Sallie, July 13, 1825, in E. Bridgewater. R.R.
Fidelia E. [? m.], -----, 1822. G.R.5.