1. James Olmstead 1, son of James Olmstead and Alice Hawkins, was born about 1551 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 1 2 and died on 2 Dec 1595 in England 1. Documented events in his life were: 1. Will; 20 May 1592; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 3. Commissary of London for Essex and Herts, 20th May, 1592 Abstract of the will of James Hampstead of Much Leighs, County Essex, yeoman. To Thomas Hampstead, my oldest son, land &c in Braintre Manor, called Lowes pasture, containing 16 acres and a rod Calves Croft, 3 acres, a meadow called Alms House, &c. To Richard my second son tenements called Fords and Marshalls and 26 acres of land in my occupation and that of John Allen, joyner. To James Hampstead, my third son, land called Broomes Croft, in the tenure of one Huckerbye and other landholders of the same maner. To Nicholas my fourth son a free tenement called Beeves als Bells in the ph of Braintre. To John my fifth son, a messuage called Mair and a house in Halfieldwick in Terling. To my daughter Mabel, œ40. To my daughter Elizabeth, œ40 when 21 or married. [Signed] JAMES Holmestede, Witnesses: wife Jane extrix. THOMAS HUBBARD RICHARD-HYDE. ROBERT TURNER. THOMAS TANNACK. Proved 8th January, 1594-5.(*)
James married Jane Bristow 1 on 12 Aug 1576 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 2. (Jane Bristow was born about 1554 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 2 and died about 10 Sep 1630 in Essex, ENG.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 20 May 1692; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 3. Names as Extrix of her husband's will.
Documented events in their marriage were:
1. VR - Marriage; 12 Aug 1576; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 7 Jun 1577; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 20 May 1592; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 3. To Thomas Hampstead, my oldest son, land &c in Braintre Manor, called Lowes pasture, containing 16 acres and a rod Calves Croft, 3 acres, a meadow called Alms House, &c.
3. CR - Marriage; 4 Feb 1599/00; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4. Married Margaret Sache
4. CR - Baptism of Child; 7 Sep 1603; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4. Baptism of Jane; died young
5. CR - Baptism of Child; 21 Jun 1606; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4. Baptism of Thomas
6. CR - Burial of Child; 12 Nov 1606; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4. Burial of Thomas
7. CR - Baptism of Child; 9 Nov 1607; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4. Baptism of John; died young
Documented events in his life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 22 Mar 1579; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 20 May 1592; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 3. To Richard my second son tenements called Fords and Marshalls and 26 acres of land in my occupation and that of John Allen, joyner.
Documented events in her life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 2 Sep 1582; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
2. CR - Burial; 19 Dec 1582; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
Documented events in his life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 24 Nov 1583; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 20 May 1592; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 3. To Nicholas my fourth son a free tenement called Beeves als Bells in the ph of Braintre.
3. Will; 19 May 1627; Much Parndon, co Essex, ENG 3. Commissary of London 214, 19th May, 1627 Will of Nicholas Holmsted of Much Parrendon (Parndon) Co: Essex. Documented events in her life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 10 Oct 1585; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
2. CR - Burial; 22 Dec 1594; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
Documented events in her life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 16 Jul 1587; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 20 May 1592; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 3. To my daughter Mabel, £40
3. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 19 May 1627; Much Parndon, co Essex, ENG 3. Received legacy of 10s in the will of her brother Nicholas
Documented events in his life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 20 Feb 1592/93; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 20 May 1592; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 3. To John my fifth son, a messuage called Mair and a house in Halfieldwick in Terling.
3. CR - Marriage; 25 Apr 1623; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4. Married Deborah Robinson, daughter of the incubent of Fairsted Parish.
4. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 19 May 1627; Much Parndon, co Essex, ENG 3. Received legacy of 10s in the will of his brother Nicholas.
5. CR - Burial; 2 Dec 1595; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
Documented events in his life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 4 Dec 1580; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
2. Executor or Overseer of Will; 19 May 1627; Much Parndon, co Essex, ENG 3. Named as Overseer in the will of his brother Nicholas
3. Emigrant Ancestor; 1632; Boston, Suffolk Co., MA 8 9. Sailed on the LYON. The Lyon departed London June 22, 1632, with 123 passengers (including 50 children) and arrived at Boston September 16, 1632. "They had been twelve weeks aboard and eight weeks from 'Land's End'." (Winthrop's "Journal", I, 92) 4. Oath of Freemanship/Allegiance; 6 Nov 1632; Boston, Suffolk Co., MA 10.
5. Lands Recorded - Granted; 7 Jan 1632/33; Cambridge, Suffolk Co., MA 11. Common Pales devided as ffollo:-- James Olfted 25 Rod
6. Lands Recorded - Granted; 5 Aug 1633; Cambridge, Suffolk Co., MA 12. Lotts granted for Cowyardes:-- [ ] Omfted 1 Acker
7. Town Service; 2 Jun 1634; Cambridge, Suffolk Co., MA 13. It is orderd that the Conftable fhall pay James Omfted xs for making the hyeway by William Butlers pales.
8. Town Office; 3 Nov 1634; Cambridge, Suffolk Co., MA 14. James Olmfted is Choffen Counftable for the yeare followinge and tell a new be chofen in his Roome and prefently fowrne.
9. Town Office; 3 Feb 1634/35; Cambridge, Suffolk Co., MA 15. James Olmfted chosen Constable; chosen to survey town lands: James Olmfted & William Spencer [plus 3 others]; James Olmfted & William Spencer chosen as two of the five men to order business for the town.
10. Lands Recorded - Granted; 20 Aug 1635; Cambridge, Suffolk Co., MA 16. ffurrther it is ordered that the fame [all the meaddow ground and undeuided belonging to the Newtowne] fhalbee deuided acordinge to every mans seuerall proporcion herevnder written vntell it bee all difpoffed of viz:-- James Olmfted 5
11. Lands Recorded; Feb 1638/39; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 17.
12. Will; Bef 28 Sep 1640; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 5 18. Olmstead, James, Hartford. Invt. £397-19-02. Taken 28 Septmber, 1640, by John Steele, Edward Stebbing. 13. Inventory Taken; 28 Sep 1640; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 5 19. Sep: 28th. An Inventory of the goods and Cattell of James Olmestead of Hartford, deceased in the yere of or Lord, 1640 14. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 20 May 1692; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 3. To James Hampstead, my third son, land called Broomes Croft, in the tenure of one Huckerbye and other landholders of the same maner.
James married Joyce Cornish 20 on 26 Oct 1605 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 6. (Joyce Cornish was born about 1582 in Fairsted, Essex, Eng 21 and was buried on 21 Apr 1621 in Fairsted, Essex, Eng 6 20.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. CR - Burial; 21 Apr 1621; Fairsted, Essex, Eng 20. Buried three days after the birth of her daughter, Mary. Mary was buried on 24 Apr 1621.
Documented events in their marriage were:
1. CR - Marriage; 26 Oct 1605; Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in her life were:
1. CR - Burial; 3 Mar 1627/28; Fairsted, Essex, Eng 20.
Documented events in her life were:
1. CR - Burial; 14 Feb 1609/10; Fairsted, Essex, Eng 20.
Documented events in her life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 30 Sep 1610; Fairsted, Essex, Eng 20.
2. CR - Burial; 18 Feb 1621/22; Fairsted, Essex, Eng 20.
Documented events in his life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 22 Jan 1615/16; Fairsted, Essex, Eng 20.
Documented events in his life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 10 Nov 1618; Fairsted, Essex, Eng 20.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 28 Sep 1640; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 5. Legacy of one half his father's estate.
3. Lands Recorded; Sep 1648; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 26.
4. Lawsuit; 16 May 1649; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 27. Nehemiah Olmsted plt Contra Richard Lyon defendt in an Action of the Case to the dammage of 12£. In the Action betweene Nehemiah Olmsted plt and Richard Lyon defendt the Jury findes for the plt dammages 11£ and Costs of the Courte.
5. Provided Bond; 7 May 1650; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 28. Nicho Olmsted Acknowledgeth himselfe Bound to this Common wealth in a Recogniscance of 20£, and Nehemiah Olmstead in a Recogniscance of 20£ that the said Nicholas Shall Carry good behauior thill the Courte sees Cause to free him from this Bond.
Documented events in her life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 18 Apr 1621; Fairsted, Essex, Eng 20.
2. CR - Burial; 24 Apr 1621; Fairsted, Essex, Eng 20.
Documented events in his life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 15 Feb 1612/13; Fairsted, Essex, Eng 20.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 19 May 1627; Much Parndon, co Essex, ENG 3. Received legacy of 6s 8d in the will of his uncle Nicholas Olmsted
3. Military Service; 1637; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 29. Served in the Pequot War
4. Court Appearance; 4 Jun 1640; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 30. Nicholas Olmsteed for his laciuious Caridge & fowle Mysdemenors at sundry tymes wth Mary Brunson is adiudged to pay twenty pownd fyne to the Country and to stand Vppon the Pyllery at Hartford the next lecture day dureing the time of the lecture, he is to be sett on a lytle before the beginning & to stay thereon a litle after the end. The foresaid Nicholas Olmsteed acknowledgeth hymself to be bownd in a Recognizance of xxx£ to the Country to Repaire the foresaid next lecture day by nyne of the clocke tot he Constable of Hartford to submitt to the said Judgment of the Courte.
5. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 28 Sep 1640; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 5. Legacy of one half his father's estate, provided that "my brother Lymus doe make his word good to make my sonne Nicholas wifes portion as good as any child he hath, for so I understand his prmise is, but if he shall refuse so to doe, I shall then refuse to give my sonne any prte of my moveable goods, cattell or debts.."
6. Lawsuit; 7 Sep 1648; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 31. Nicho: Olmsted plt Contra John Halls Senior in an Action of the Case damages 40s. In the Action of Nicho: Olmsted plt Contra Jo: Halls defendt the Jury finds for the lpt damages 5s and Costs of the Courte.
7. Provided Bond; 17 Oct 1648; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 32. John Betts acknowledgeth himselfe Bound in this Comonwealth in a Recogniscance of 10£ to Carry good behauior in his Course of life, and Nicho: Olmsted is his security in that behalfe:
8. Lawsuit; 28 Dec 1648; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 33. Jespr Gunn plt Contra Nicho: Olmsted defendt in an Action of the case damages 41s. In the Action of Jespr Gunn plt Contra Nich: Olmsted defendt the Jury findesfor the defendt.
9. Lawsuit; 1 Mar 1648/49; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 34. Nicho: Olmsted plt Contra Jeames Northam defendt in an Action of the Case damages 25s. In the action of Nicholas Olmsted plt agt Jeames Northam defendt the Courte Adiudgeth the plt to pay to the devendt cost 2 s vid because hee wanted witnessed to proceed in his Acton agt the defendt.
10. Court Appearance; 7 May 1650; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 28. Nicho Olmsted Acknowledgeth himselfe Bound to this Common wealth in a Recogniscance of 20£, and Nehemiah Olmstead in a Recogniscance of 20£ that the said Nicholas Shall Carry good behauior thill the Courte sees Cause to free him from this Bond.
11. Release From Bond; 6 Jun 1650; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 35. Nicho: Olmsted is freed from his recognisc for ye sa[me] - [for his good behauior till this Courte.]
12. Lawsuit; 7 Dec 1651; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 36. Nicholas Olmsteed plt Contra Renold Marvin defendt in an Action of Debt with the damages to the value of 16£. 13. Lawsuit; 21 May 1653; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 37. Rich: Fellows plt: agt: Nicholas Olmsted in an Actyon of the Case to the damage of 12£. In the actyon of Rich: Fellows plt: agt Nich: Olmested deft the Jury find for the plt: 9£ 6ss 9d damage & cost of courte executyon dd 29th Jun 53 for 9£ 14ss 00d.
14. Provided Bond; 2 Mar 1653/54; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 38. And Nich: Olmsted is alsoe ordered forthwith to giue security either to Mr. Webster of Cap: Culleck to appeare next quarter Courte to answer such things as shall be objected him Concering the Busines of Will Chapman & Elizabeth Bateman. [Will Chapman appears to have married Elizabeth Bateman without the permission of her master, Capt: John Cullick, and then slandered the Captain & his family. Chapman was fined 5£ and sentenced to prison for 14 days.]
15. Lawsuit; 6 Sep 1655; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 39. Wiliam Wadsworth plt Contra Nicho: Olmstead defendt in an Action of Debt with the Dammage about mowing of grass to the dammage of 41 shillings. The Jury findes for the Plt: two Shill six pence dammage and Costs of Courte.
16. Lawsuit; 2 Dec 1655; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 40. Nicholas Olmested Plt Contra John Mynard Defendt in an Action of Slaunder tothe Dammage of twenty pounds. [no resolution of the case is given]
17. Debt; 18 Jan 1655/56; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 41. The Debts which appeared to the Courte to be owing by the estate of John Skinner are as followeth: To Nicholas Olmested to this day 11£ 18s 05d
18. Lawsuit; 4 Jun 1657; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 42. Tho: Wells plt: contra Nich: Olmsteed in an Action of the case to the damage of 35ss. Nich: Olmsteed complaines of Tho: Wells for not giuing him security of his land according to law, bought of his prdecessors. [no resolution of case is given]
19. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 2 Dec 1658; Windsor, Hartford Co., CT 43. Signed an agreement to the division of father-in-law's estate.
20. Jury Duty; 3 Mar 1658/59; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 44. Nicholas Olmstead was taken out of the Mill Action and replaced by another juror. He was not named in the action so it is unclear why he and three others were replaced for hearing the case.
21. Jury Duty; 1 Mar 1659/60; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 45.
22. Military Service; 7 Jun 1660; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 46. Established as Ensigne of the Hartford Train Band
23. Jury Duty; 7 Mar 1660/61; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 47.
24. Military Service; Sep 1661; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 48. "In another case Nicholas Olmstead petitioned the General Court to 25. Lawsuit; 4 Dec 1662; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 49. Ens: Nicholas Olmstead Plt on Att: con Robert Lyman in an action of Debt by Bill wth dam: to ye sum of Eight pounds. [No resolution of case given]
26. Town Service; 14 May 1674; Waterbury, New Haven, CT 50. May the : 14: 1674 the committy apointed by the general cort for the veiuing of mattatuck return that they judg it a sutabul plas to acomydate thurty famylis this court nomynat and apoint Major John Talcut: Lef Robbert Webster Lef. Nichlis Omsted Insin Samuel Stell Insin John Wadsworth to be a committy to regulat and order the setling of a plantation att matitack in the most sutabul way that may be: A True Copy of Record Test Hez: Wyllys Secry.
27. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 28 Feb 1674/75; Lyme, New London, CT 51. Received a large tract of land in the will of Joshua Uncas, Sacham.
28. Letter; 10 Jul 1675; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 52. From Nicholas Olmsted to Wait Winthrop-- 29. Will; 20 Aug 1683; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 53. Olmsted, Capt. Nicholas. Hartford. Died 31 August 1684. Invt. £421-08-00. Taken by Caleb Stanly, John Marsh. Will dated 20 August, 1683. 30. Lands Recorded; 15 Apr 1684; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 54.
31. Inventory Taken; After 31 Aug 1684; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 53. £421-08-00
Nicholas married Sarah Loomis 22, daughter of Joseph Loomis and Mary White. (Sarah Loomis was born in 1617 22 and died in 1667 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 22.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 2 Dec 1658; Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. While not mentioned by name, her husband, Nicholas Olmstead, signed an agreement to the division of father's estate.
Documented events in their marriage were:
1. VR - Birth of Child; 12 Mar 1646/47; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 55. Rebecka Ollmsted was borne March the twell one thousand six hundreth forty and seuen, wich is ye daughter of Nicholas Ollmsted.
2. VR - Birth of Child; 3 Feb 1649/50; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 56. John Olmsted sunn of Nicholas Olmsted was baptised Febeuary ye third one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 20 Aug 1683; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 53. Referred to as Sarah Gates; legacy of 20 shillings in her father's will.
2. VR - Death; 7 Nov 1709; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 58.
Sarah married Capt. George Gates 60 in 1662 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 22 60. (Capt. George Gates was born in 1634 in Chelmsford, Essex, ENG 60, died on 12 Nov 1724 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 60 61 and was buried in Unmarked Grave In Cove Cemetery 62.)
Documented events in his life were:
1. Emigrant Ancestor; 1651; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT.
2. Witnessed Will; Mar 1677/78; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 63. Witnessed the will of Richard Piper
3. Took Inventory; After 3 Apr 1678; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 63. Along with James Bates, took inventory of the estate of Richard Piper of Haddam, who died 3 Apr 1678.
4. Witnessed Will; 30 Jun 1681; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 64. Witnessed the will of William Clark of Haddam
5. Took Inventory; 19 Aug 1681; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 64. Along with William Ventrus, took inventory of the estate of William Clark
6. Took Inventory; 7 Aug 1682; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 65. Along with Joseph Arnold, took inventory of the estate of John Spencer, who died 3 Aug 1682.
7. Took Inventory; After 8 Jul 1686; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 66. Along with Simon Smith, took inventory of the estate of John Parents of Haddam, who died 8 Jul 1686.
8. Took Inventory; After 11 Jan 1692/93; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 67. Along with Alexander Rollo, took inventory of the estate of James Cockshott of Machamoodas, who died 11 Jan 1692/3
9. Debt Owed To; 7 Sep 1693; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 67. Owed debt of unstated amount by the estate of James Cockshott of Machamoodas who died 11 Jan 1692/3.
10. Probate; 5 Jan 1724/25; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 61. Name: George Gates Location: East Haddam Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 21 Nov 1646; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 69 70.
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 12 Mar 1646/47; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 70 72.
2. Medical; 3 Jun 1666; Connecticut 73. Biggelo, John vide Jun 3 1666 gonorrea, now married to Rebec. Omsted
3. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 20 Aug 1683; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 53. Referred to as Rebeckah Bigelow in father's will.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 30 Dec 1649; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 70 74.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Medical; Bet Jan 1661 And Mar 1661; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 76. Treated by John Winthrop Jr: Olmsted, Sam. 9½ years.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 20 Aug 1683; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 53. Legacy of 1/2 his father's home lot, barn, all of the dwelling house, rights in future land divisions.
3. VR - Marriage; 1697; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 58. Married Mary Rowle.
4. VR - Birth of Child; 1699; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 58. Birth of Sarah, daughter of Samuel Olmstead & Mary Rowle, his wife.
5. VR - Birth of Child; 18 Sep 1701; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 58. Birth of Mary, daughter of Samuel Olmstead & Mary Rowle, his wife.
6. VR - Birth of Child; 8 Sep 1703; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 58. Birth of Samuell, son of Samuel Olmstead & Mary Rowle, his wife.
7. VR - Death of Child; 10 May 1704; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 58. Death of Sarah, age abt. 5
8. VR - Birth of Child; 21 Nov 1705; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 58. Birth of William, son of Samuel Olmstead & Mary Rowle, his wife.
9. VR - Birth of Child; 9 Nov 1707; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 58. Birth of Jonathan, son of Samuel Olmstead & Mary Rowle, his wife.
10. VR - Birth of Child; 21 Mar 1714/15; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 58. Birth of Dorraty, daughter of Samuel Olmstead & Mary Rowle, his wife.
11. VR - Birth of Child; 10 Jun 1716; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 58. Birth of Abygall, daughter of Samuel Olmstead & Mary Rowle, his wife.
12. Probate; 5 May 1726; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 77. Page 150 Name: Samuel Olmsted Location: East Haddam 13. VR - Burial; 13 Jan 1726/27; Old Cove Burial Ground, East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 78. Olmsted, Samuel, d. 13 Jan 1726, age: 73 yrs, s/o Cap't Nicholas Olmsted in Hartford being ye first of that Name that Came to that place,
Documented events in his life were:
1. Medical; 26 Mar 1661; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 79. Treated by John Winthrop Jr: Joseph Olmsed, 7½ years
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 20 Aug 1683; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 53. Legacy of land on East side of the Great River in father's will.
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 20 Aug 1683; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 53. Referred to as Mabel Butler in her father's will.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Medical; 6 Nov 1658; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 81. Treated by John Winthrop Jr: Olmstead, Thomas
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 20 Aug 1683; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 53. Legacy of 1/2 his father's home lot, barn, rights in future land divisions.
3. Will; 23 May 1735; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 80. Olmsted, Thomas, Hartford. Invt. £111-09-08. Taken 28 May 1741, by David Ensign and Daniel Webster. Will dated 23 May 1735. 4. Inventory Taken; 28 May 1741; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 80. £111-09-08.
+ 2 M i. James Olmstead 4 5 was baptized on 4 Dec 1580 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4 and died before 28 Sep 1640 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 1 2.
3 M ii. Thomas Olmstead 4 was baptized on 7 Jun 1577 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4 and died on 4 Feb 1598/99 7.
4 M iii. Richard Olmstead 4 was baptized on 22 Mar 1579 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4 and died on 16 Nov 1641 in Fairsted, Essex, Eng.
5 F iv. Elizabeth Olmstead 4 was baptized on 2 Sep 1582 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4 and was buried on 19 Dec 1582 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
6 M v. Nicholas Olmstead 4 was baptized on 24 Nov 1583 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4 and died on 7 Mar 1626/27 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 7.
To my son John 2 tenements in Braintre called Beers als Bells now in
occupation of John Corby and Burnham.
To Mary, my daughter, œ60, when 18 or married.
To John my son, when 21, œ40.
To John, my brother Richard's son, 20s.
To Elizabeth my eldest brother's dau., 20s.
To Nicholas, my brother James' son, 6s. 8d.
To my sister Mabell, 10s.
To my brother John, 10s.
My wife Rachel to keep and educate my brother Richard's son, John
Wife Rachel exor.
William Wood, the elder, of Rye Hill and my brother James to be overseers.
Proved at Stortford, 7th March, 1627-8, Invent: œ147:"01:"08.
The wife Rachel had had for first husband Thomas Graves, the younger, of Stansted Abbott, County Herts. She claimed his share in the "Red Lion" Inn and involved Nicholas Olmsted in a lawsuit (in 1610 or so) which was decided in her favor. He prays in his will that his son John shall have the Inn.
7 F vi. Mary Olmstead 4 was baptized on 10 Oct 1585 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4 and was buried on 22 Dec 1594 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
8 F vii. Mabell Olmstead 4 was baptized on 16 Jul 1587 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4 and was buried on 22 Dec 1594.
9 M viii. John Olmstead 4 was baptized on 20 Feb 1592/93 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4 and was buried on 2 Dec 1595 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4.
2. James Olmstead 4 5 (James1) was baptized on 4 Dec 1580 in Great Leighs, Essex, Eng 4 and died before 28 Sep 1640 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 1 2.
James Olmstead, of Fairstead, Essex, bound for Cambridge
Mrs. Joyce Olmstead
Nehemiah Olmstead
Nicholas Olmstead
Richard Olmstead
John Olmstead
Rebecca Olmstead
Will: It is my will to give my estate betweene my two sonns, that is to say, the on halfe to my son Nicholas, and the other halfe to my sonne Nehemiah, equally divyded etween the both, with this reservation, that if my brother Lymus doe make his word good to make my sonne Nicholas wifes portion as good as any child he hath, for so I understand his prmise is, but if he shall refuse so to doe, I shall then refuse to give my sonne any prte of my moveable goods, cattell or debts; but my will is to leave the thing with Richard Webb and William Wodsworth to see my Brother Lumus doe prforme his prmise, and as the said Richard Webb and Will Wodsworth shall doe I shall be content. And if my brother Lumus doe preforme his prmise, then my will is their portions shall be a like, only Nicholas shall abate so much as I have given him before. And my wil is that my sonne Nehemiah shall give out of his portion ten pound to my Cossen Rebeca Olmstead that now dwelleth with me, and he shall pay yt her withh in three yeares after my decease, and I leave her to be disposed by Richard Webb and Will Wadsworth, and as shee shall carry herselfe yt shall be in their power ether to give her the ten pound or to detayne yt fro her. I doe give my servant Will Corby five pound, to be paid when his tyme comes forth, and I doe will my sonne Nehemyah to pay him out of his owne protion; And I doe will that Will Corby doe searve his tyme with my son Nehemiah. And I leave my sonne Nehemiah wth Richard Webb and Will Wadsworth, intreating the to have the ouer sight of him and the disposeing of him as their owne child. But if my sonne Nehemiah shall goe contrary in Bestowing himselfe any way contrary to the judgement of my two friends, Rich. Webb and Will Wadsworth, then yt shall be in their power to comannd and take a hundred pound of his estate and dispose of yt as they thinke fitt. I give to my two frynds, Richard Webb and Will Wadsworth, wch I put in trust, six pounds and a marke to be paid equally betwixt them, and my two sonnes shall pay the, the one pay the one halfe and the other pay the other halfe. Ja. Olmstead
Witness: Richard Webb
Will Wadsworth
A Decision and an Agreement by Richard Webb & Will Wadsworth with Nicholas Olmstead & Nehemiah Olmstead, that is to say, to his Kynsman Richard Olmstead, £5, and to his Kynsman John Olmstead, £5, to be paid within 3 years after his decease. An unto the church of Christ in Hartford, £20, to be paid at the same tyme of 3 years after the decease of their said Father.
Will Wadsworth Nicholas Olmstead
Nehemiah Olmstead.
Wee whose names are hereunder written, the frynds intrusted by the decesed wthin named, haueing litell acquayntance wth things of this nature, and being by him suddenly caled hereunto, in a sore stresse and pang of his sicknes, wherein he expected a prsent deprting, he being senceble of his owne weakenes, hasted to an issue of this busines, did seuerall tymes desire vs to aduise him what he should doe, and many times did wishe us to doe what we thought meet orselues.
Now we haueing since his disease, togather wth his two sonns, Nicholas & Nehemiah, to who he hath bequethed his estate, taken into more serious consideration what is done, and obsearueing some things to be ouerpast, of wch we are prswaded that if ether they had com to his owne mynd, or otherwise had then bine suggested by vs, he would redily and cherefully haue attended
thereunto: Wee therefore, togather wth the reddy & free consent of his sonns abouesaid, (well knowing, out of long and good experience, the disposition and
constant practice of their father,) hath mutually agreed, as desierus to fulfil
that wch we conceaue to be his mynd, to ad to those bequethed wch are spesified
wthin, these legases following:
That is to say, to his Kynsmen Richard Olmstead fiue pownd, and to his Kynsman John Olmstead fiue pownd, to be paid vnto them wthin three yeres after his disease. And vnto the Church of Christ in Hartford, Twenty pownds, to be paid at the same tyme of three yeres after the decease of there said father.
In witnesse whereof we haue sett to our hands.
Imprs one horse, 20.0.0
It. one mare, 15.0.0
It. one mare colt, 10.0.0
It. one yoke of steeres, 30.0.0
It. one single steere, 13.0.0
It. four cowes, 47.13.4
It. three calues, 10.10.0
It. thirteene hoggs, 18.0.0
It. eightscore bushl of Indean corne, 24.0.0
It. 30 bushl of sumer wheat, 7.0.0
It. 12 bushl of pease, 2.10.0
It. 15 load of hay, 10.0.0
It. 8 bushl of molt, 2.0.0
It. one young heifer and on young steere, 13.0.0
It. one young steere at Paq'nuck, 8.0.0
It. one cow hide, 0.10.0
It. 3 ewe goats & a wether, 7.0.0
It. one wayne, 3.0.0
It. 2 yoaks & the Iron worke, 0.6.0
It. one plow, two plow irons, & a chayne, 1.12.0
It. one gang of harrow tynes, 0.16.0
It. one smale chest wth old iron & some tooles, 3.0.0
It. old sithes & on new on, 0.10.0
It. one pyke & Costlitte(*), 1.10.0
It. two hand sawes, one frameing saw, one hack saw, 1.0.0
It. one nayle boxe, 1.10.0
It. four howes, 0.7.0
It. two mattocks, on, 1.0.0
It. one chese prsse, old hogsheads & a pype, 1.3.0
It. 2 beare hogsheads, two beare barrells, 2 powdring tubbs, 4 brueing vessells, 1 cowle, 2 firkins, 2.0.0
It. wymbles, chysells, hammers, pynsers, 0.13.0
It. collers & harnes, saddell and pannell(+), halters & brydle, 1.7.0
It. fiue pyke forks, one rope, on fanne, 0.8.0
It. 3 axes, 2 wedges, 2 ryngs for a beetell, 0.13.0
It. 4 brasse, 3 skilletts, one skimer, on ladle, on candlestick, on morter, all of brasse, 1 brasse pott, 5.0.0
It. 7 small peuter dishes, 1 peuter bason, 2 chaber potts, 6 poringers, 2 peuter candlesticks, 1 frudishe, 2 little sasers, 1 smale plate, 1.12.6
It. 7 bigger peuter dishes, one salt, 2 peuter cupps, one peuter dram, 1 peuter bottle, 1 warmeing pan, 13 peuter spoones, 2.3.0
It. 2 Iron potts & a pott posnette, 1 dripping pan, 1 frying pan, 1 gridiron, one squar, 2 spitts, 2.2.0
It. 2 Irons, 2 tramells, 1 perre of tongs, 2 perre of pothooks, 2 perre of cobirons, 1 fier pan, 1 cole dishe and a perre of bellowes, one peale, 1.13.0
It. one stupan, 3 bowles & a tunnell, 7 dishes, 10 spoones, one woodden cuppe+, 1 woodden platter, wth 3 old latten?? pans, & 2 doz. and halfe of trenchers and two wyer candlesticks, 0.11.1
It. 2 Jacks, 2 bottells, two drinkeing horns, 1 little pott, 0.10.0
It. 3 bibles & 3 other bookes, 2.5.0
It. one payle, one pecke, one halfe bushell, 0.3.8
It. one smoothing iron, two brushes, 0.2.8
It. 3 musketts, one fowleing peece, 3 perre of bandaleres, one sword, one rapier, 1 dagger, 2 rests, 2 pistolls, wth powder, shott & match, 6.0.0
It. one Table, one Chire, sixe cushions and one little forme, 1.7.0
It. fiue sacks, 0.10.0
It. two fether bedds, two flockebedds 6.10.0
It. 3 ruggs, one Couerled, 6 blanketts, one pre of curtens & curten rods, & a course bedcase, 7.15.0
It. 2 fether pillowes, 1 flocke pillow, 1 bedsteed, 0.19.0
It. 3 pre of fyne sheets & 5 pre of course sheets, 3.10.0
It. 3 course pillowbeers, & 2 fine ons, 1 doz. of napkins, 1.3.0
It. two shorte Table Cloathes & two course ons, 2 to wells, 0.11.0
It. diuers smale things in a trunke, 3.0.0
It. 20 little smale peeces of childing lyning, 0.10.0
It. 15 quire of paper, 0.6.3
It. 27 yards of course Canuas, 1.0.10
It. 19 yards of Lockru(*), 1.4.0
It. 5 yards of woollen cloath, 1.5.0
It. 2 trunks, one chest and 2 smale boxes, 1.6.0
It. 12 Caps, 8 bands, 1.2.0
It. 3 shirts, 0.15.0
It. one little peece of course Lockru, 0.4.6
It. 3 suits of apparrell, wth hatts, stocking & shues, 13.5.0
It. 2 acres of Englishe corne of the grownd, 4.0.0
It. 13 acres of grownd broke vp, 12.0.0
It. in mony and debts, 55.0.0
It. one case of bottells, 00.15.0
The whole some, £397.19.2
+ 10 M i. Nicholas Olmstead 1 6 22 23 was born in Feb 1612/13 1 22, was baptized on 15 Feb 1612/13 in Fairfield, Essex, Eng 6 23 and died on 31 Aug 1684 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 1 23.
11 F ii. Faith Olmstead 6 21 24 was baptized on 7 Jan 1605/06 in Fairsted, Essex, Eng 6 24 and was buried on 3 Mar 1626/27 in Fairsted, Essex, Eng 6 24 25.
12 F iii. Frances Olmstead 6 20 was buried on 14 Feb 1608/09 in Fairsted, Essex, Eng 6 20.
13 F iv. Mabel Olmstead 6 20 was baptized on 30 Sep 1610 in Fairsted, Essex, Eng 6 20 and was buried on 18 Feb 1620/21 in Fairsted, Essex, Eng 6 20.
14 M v. James Olmstead 6 was baptized on 22 Jan 1615/16 in Fairsted, Essex, Eng 6 20 and died in Young.
15 M vi. Nehemiah Olmstead 1 6 20 21 23 24 was baptized on 10 Nov 1618 in Fairsted, Essex, Eng 6 20 23 24 and died on 2 Oct 1657 in Fairfield, Fairfield Co., CT 21 23 24.
16 F vii. Mary Olmstead 20 was baptized on 18 Apr 1621 in Fairsted, Essex, Eng 20 and was buried on 24 Apr 1621 in Fairsted, Essex, Eng 20.
10. Nicholas Olmstead 1 6 22 23 (James2, James1) was born in Feb 1612/13 1 22, was baptized on 15 Feb 1612/13 in Fairfield, Essex, Eng 6 23 and died on 31 Aug 1684 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 1 23.
Richard Fellows plt Contra Nicho: Olmsteed defendt in an Action of Debt to the damage of 10£
The pltiffs not appearing in Courte being Called to psecute theire Actions against theire defendts, they are to pay the Costs of theCourte & looss theire suitts.
free him from military training, and his request was granted in September
1651. Less than a month later he was back on the list of trainees. The
Court discovered that he had falsified the plea in order to dodge his
obligations."" [Conn. Records, I, 225-226]
"Dated, PETEQUOMSEUT ATT MR. BULLS. July the 10th, '75.
"These for the honnored Captayne Mr. Waite Winthrop, Commander
in chife of his Maiesty's forces of Conetecoote present.
"Sir, After my seruice presented to your selfe these are enform you that ther is yet hopes of a compliance with the Indians, if they be tenderly dealte withall; for heare was yesterday seuerall to speak with Mr. Bull, if he had binn att home, ther was one came for that purpose as he sayd; and much desired to speak with your selfe, and promised to bring either Suckquame this day or some other of his chife men to speak with your selfe. It is desired that you would make what convienient speed you can, because night will grow on, and tomorrow is the Saboth, and you will be put by of the opertunytye.
"Not else but remayne,
"Your hubble servant to my peuer, "NICHO. OLMSTED."
Mr. Bulls' house was in South Kingston, R. I.
I Nicholas Olmsted of Hartford do make this my last Will & Testament: I give to my wife £5 a year during her Widowhood, and £4 a year if she marry, during her natural life, to be paid her yearly by my sons, Samuel 40 Shillings and Joseph 40 Shillings and Thomas 20 Shillings. I give to my son Samuel Olmstead my Dwelling house in Hartford after my decease, only the Use of some part of it it his Mother. I give unto my son Samuel 1/2 of my Barne, and all that part of my Homelott not given to my son Thomas. I give the other half of the Barne to my son Thomas, and I give my Barn Yard equally to my sons Samuel & my son Thomas, with my Well in the same. I give to my son Thomas that part of my Homelott next Mr. Haynes' and Mr. Hooker's Homelott, to be divided from my son Samuel's part of my Homelott as followeth: From the Barne to the Highway to be divided by the fence that fenceth in the Barn yard, and above the Barn from the middle of the Barn Floor up to Jeremy Addam's Homelott. The remainder of my Homelott I give to my son Samuel, and to his heirs, forever. I give to my son Thomas my Meadow Lott in the Long Meadow lying between Deacon Butler's and Lt. Joseph Wadsworth's Land. I give unto my son Thomas my Upland Lott in the West Division of Hartford. I give unto my son Joseph Olmstead & his heirs all that Division of Upland, & the Swamp Land belonging to the same, upon which he hath built his house on the east sied of the Great River. I give unto my son Joseph all my Meadow Land on the east side of the Great River, he paying 20 Shillings unto his sister Gates, and 40 Shillings per Annum to his Mother. I give my Farme of Land lying inthe Woods, adjoining to Jeremy Addam's land in the Road to New London, unto my son Samuel and my son Thomas to be equally divided between them. I give to my daugher Sarah Gates 20 Shillings. I give all muy Right & Title to that Land purchased of Joshua, son of Uncas, by the town of Hartford, on the East side of the Great River to my son Samuel Butler and my daughter Rebeckah Bigelow and my daughter Mable Butler, to be equally divided between them. I give to my son Samuel, my son Josesph and my son Thomas all my Right in a parcell of Land given by Joshua, son of Uncas, in his last Will, to be divided amongst several persons in Hartford. I give to my daugher Bigelow 40 Shillings. I make my son Thomas Olmsted my sole Executor, and appoint Mr. William Pitkin and Caleb Standly Overseers.
Witness: Caleb Standly Nicholas Olmsted
Timothy Cowles
Court Record, Page 95 -- 25 November, 1684: Will & Invt Exhibited.
17 F i. Sarah Olmstead 22 57 58 was born in 1641 in Connecticut 22 and died on 7 Nov 1709 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 22 58 59.
He died 12 November, 1724. Inventory taken by John Booge, Sen., and Isaac Spencer.
Court Record, Page 62--5 January, 1724-5: Adms. to Capt. Thomas Gates, son of the decd. Exhibit of inventory.
Page 63--And whereas, several of the heirs haveing already received some portions of sd. estate by deeds of gift, this Court order such portions to be appraised at the value when given, and bring account to this Court, in order to have distribution made as the law directs. John Booge, Isaac Spencer and James Bates, of Haddam, appointed appraisers.
Page 75--22 March, 1724-5: The Court here reverse the former order to appraise gift lands at the value when given, to an order to appraise at the present value and at the same time with other estate.
Page 86--1st June, 1725: Adms. account exhibited: Paid in debts and charges, œ55-06-06. The heirs had formerly received œ986-17-02. Whereas, the inventory of the estate on record is œ529-00-05, from which deduct œ55-06-06, there remains œ407-15-11 to be distributed, to which adding the sum of œ986-14-02, will make the whole sum œ1460-08-01 to be distributed, includeing what has already been given by deeds of gift. To the heirs of Thomas Gates, eldest son, deceased, œ324-10-08; to Samuel Gates, to Thomas Gates, to Daniel Gates, to George Gates, to Sarah Shaylor, to Mary Cone, to each of them, œ162-05-04. And appoint John Bogue, John Bates and Isaac Spencer, distributors.
Page 110--7 December, 1725: Adms. is granted a Quietus Est.
18 F ii. Elizabeth Olmstead 68 was born on 20 Nov 1642 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 24 68 and died on 12 Oct 1681 in Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 24.
19 F iii. Mary Olmstead 68 was born on 20 Nov 1646 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 68 and died on 17 Oct 1681 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 68.
20 F iv. Rebecca Olmstead 71 was born on 12 Mar 1646/47 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT.
21 M v. John Olmstead 56 68 was born on 30 Dec 1649 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 68, was baptized on 3 Feb 1649/50 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 56 and died on 22 Dec 1704 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 68.
22 M vi. Samuel Olmstead 68 75 was born about 1662 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 76, died on 13 Jan 1725/26 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 68 75 and was buried in Cove Cemetery, East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT.
Died 13 January, 1726. Inventory taken by Joshua Brainard, Isaac Spencer and Samuel Emmons.
Court Record, Page 129--5 May, 1726: Adms. to Mary Olmsted, widow, and John Olmsted, son of sd. decd. Recog., œ300, with Samuel Olmsted.
Page 131--3 June, 1726: John Olmsted, Adms. on the estate of Samuel Olmsted, late of Haddam decd., exhibited an account of Adms. of the estate: Paid in debts and charges, œ16-08-09; the inventory, with addition, œ580-13-04; subtracting œ16-08-09, there remains œ564-04-07 to be dist. Order: To Mary Olmsted, widow, œ78-05-02 with dower; to Samuel Olmsted, eldest son, œ2-18-00 with what he has received of his father's estate (œ452-11-03), which is his double portion; to John, 2nd son, œ79-15-00, he having formerly received œ148; to Sarah Cone, eldest daughter, œ202-14-11, she having formerly received œ25-01-00. To Elizabeth Church, another daughter, œ200-10-09, she having formerly received œ27-04-03; which, with what they have respectively received, is their single portion of sd. estate. And appoint Joshua Brainard, Isaac Spencer and Thomas Cone, of Haddam, distributors.
Page 122--14 March, 1726-7: John Olmsted, and also the distributors, vizt., Joshua Brainard, Isaac Spencer and Thomas Cone, inform this Court that in sd. dist. therein ordered out of the homested of the decd. (to Sarah Cone œ44-02-07 and to Elizabeth Church œ4-10-07) will much damnify it, and desire that the sd. John may pay the sd. daughters in money and save the homested entire. Allowed.
23 M vii. Joseph Olmstead 68 was born in 1654 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 68 and died on 5 Oct 1726 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 68.
24 F viii. Mabel Olmstead 68 was born in 1656 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 68 and died on 28 Mar 1692.
25 M ix. Thomas Olmstead 68 was born on 25 Jun 1657 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 68 and died before 28 May 1741 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 80.
I, Thomas Olmsted of Hartford, so make this my last will and testament: I give to my sons Thomas and Stephen my north lott which they have improved some years past, to each of them an equal part of it. I give to my son Daniel 16 acres at the west end of the lott on which my dwelling house stands, the remainder of which I give to my three sons, Thomas, Stephen, and Daniel, to each of them an equal part. And my will is that Thomas shall have his part of the south side of the lott, and Daniel his part next to him, and Stephen his part on the north side. This is the order in which I would have the land on the west side of the highway divided. And east of the highway Stephen's part shall be next to Thomas's and Daniel shall have the north side of the lott. And I will have it understood that if Stephen's part east of the highway shall be found to take in the barnyard or any part of it, that Daniel shall notwithstanding have the yard entirely to himself and his own use, and shall make a proportionable allowance to Stephen out of the land that shall fall to him eastward. It is moreover my will that Thomas and Stephen shall have and enjoy the buildings, viz, the houses and barns that stand upon their respective shares of land. And also I give to my son Daniel my dwelling house and barn and my team, that is to say, a yoke of oxen and the brown mare that leads the team, etc. I will 20 shillings to my daughter Sarah and 5 shillings to my daughter Damarus; and to my other daughters, viz., Rebeckah, Hannah and Jerusha, I will and bequeath £40 apiece to be paid out of my moveable estate.
Witness: Benjamin Woodbridge, Thomas Olmsted, LS.
Reuben Ely, Ruth Cotton.
Court Record, Page 94 -- 7 July, 1741: Will exhibited by the witnesses, there being no executor named in the will. Adms. with the will annexed, to Thomas Olmsted. Recog., £1000, with Daniel Olmsted, son of the deceased.
1. Ancestors of Peter Paul Dziekan, Jr., (Peter P Dziekan, 64 Wayside Inn Rd, Marlborough, MA 01752, 508-481-7421, dziekan@ultranet.com).
2. Ancestors of Melissa Jane Mytinger, (Melissa Mytinger, 1924 A Channing Way. Berkeley, CA 94704, 510-845-6575, MMytinger@aol.com).
3. Henry King Olmstead, Genealogy of the Olmsted Family in America, (New York, A.T. De La Mare Printing and Publishing Company, 1912.) citing Essex Probate Records.
4. ibid. citing Great Leighs Church Records.
5. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 1, p 28-29.
6. The Great Migration Begins. p 1357-1359.
7. Ancestors of Timothy Charles Zimmerman, (Timothy C. Zimmerman, CMR 454, Box 1965, APO, AE 09250, A-United States, 011-49-981-481-7010, Fax: 011-49-9802-832-486, zimmert@email.ansbach.army.mil).
8. American Plantations and Colonies, (http://www.primenet.com/~langford/gen_page.htm (19 Jun 1999)).
9. Charles Edward Banks, The Planters of the Commonwealth; A Study of the Emigrants & Emigration in Colonial Times: to which are added Lists of Passengers to Boston and to the Bay Colony; the Ships which Brought Them; Their English Homes, and the Places of Their Settlement in Massachusetts, 1620-1640, (1930). p 101.
10. Rev. Lucius E. Paige, List of Freemen [from Colonial Records], (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 3, January 1849, p. 89 & subsequent).
11. The Records of the Town of Cambridge (Formerly Newtowne) Massachusetts, 1630-1703, (Cambridge, 1901). p 4.
12. ibid. p 5.
13. ibid. p 8.
14. ibid. p 10.
15. ibid. p 11-12.
16. ibid. p 12-13.
17. Albert C. Bates, Hartford, Connecticut, Land Records,1639-1688; Births, Marriages and Deaths: 1644-1730. Vol 1, p 314-317.
18. Henry King Olmstead, Genealogy of the Olmsted Family in America, (New York, A.T. De La Mare Printing and Publishing Company, 1912.) p 8.
19. ibid. p 8-9.
20. ibid. citing Fairsted Church Records.
21. Ancestors of Pamela Joy Heck, (Pamela Joy Robinson, 5271 Tattershall Avenue, Westminster, CA 92683-3443, 714-895-5142, robbie4@earthlink.net).
22. My Gedcom, (http://www.my-ged.com/). Rayfield GedCom, p 6827.
23. America's First Families, (http://www.linkline.com/personal/xymox/ (15 Jun 1999)). James Olmstead page.
24. Stephen M. Lawson, (http://kinnexions.com).
25. Mow Family Page, (Arlene Mow Stalzer, 5616 S. College Ave, Tempe, AZ, 85283-1817, (602) 838-1029, E-Mail:arlene@futureone.com; http://www.surnames.com/gedcom/stalzer_arlene/index.htm).
26. Albert C. Bates, Hartford, Connecticut, Land Records,1639-1688; Births, Marriages and Deaths: 1644-1730. Vol 1, p 252-253.
27. Records of The Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663, (Hartford, 1928). p 64.
28. ibid. p 78.
29. Hosea Starr Ballou, Dr Thomas Starr, Surgeon in the Pequot War, and his Family Connections, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 89, April 1935, p 172 & subsequent).
30. Records of The Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663, (Hartford, 1928). p 12.
31. ibid. p 52.
32. ibid. p 55.
33. ibid. p 57.
34. ibid. p 60.
35. ibid. p 84.
36. ibid. p 106.
37. ibid. p 117-118.
38. ibid. p 125.
39. ibid. p 151.
40. ibid. p 154.
41. ibid. p 158.
42. ibid. p 179.
43. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 1, p 136-137.
44. Records of The Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663, (Hartford, 1928). p 197.
45. ibid. p 208.
46. ibid. p 214.
47. ibid. p 222.
48. Mary Jeanne Anderson Jones, Congregational Commonwealth, Connecticut, 1636 - 1662, (Wesleyan University Press, Middletown, CT, 1968). p 135, citing The Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, ed. J.Hammond Trumbull (Hartford, 1850).
49. Records of The Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663, (Hartford, 1928). p 256.
50. Katharine A. Prichard, trans. & ed., Proprietors' Records of the Town of Waterbury Connecticut, 1677-1761, (Mattatuck Historical Society, 1911). p 1.
51. Will of Joshua Uncas, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 13, July 1859, p 236 - 238).
52. Henry King Olmstead, Genealogy of the Olmsted Family in America, (New York, A.T. De La Mare Printing and Publishing Company, 1912.) p 13.
53. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 1, p 344.
54. Albert C. Bates, Hartford, Connecticut, Land Records,1639-1688; Births, Marriages and Deaths: 1644-1730. Vol 1, p 317-319.
55. Lucius M. Boltwood, Births, Marriages & Deaths in Hartfort, CT, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 12, April 1858, p 173 & subsequent). Vol 12, p 197.
56. ibid. Vol 12, p 198.
57. General Society of Mayflower Descendants, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Vol 4 - Edward Fuller, (1990).
58. transcribed by D. W. Patterson, East Haddam Land Records, Vol 1 - 2, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 11, p 243 & subsequent).
59. East Haddam Genealogy, (http://free.prohosting.com/~cas1 (22 Jul 1999)).
60. Haddam, Connecticut, Genealogical Site, (http://haddam.com/tucker/).
61. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 2, p 44-45.
62. Descendants of George Gates, (Kathleen Holland, Northridge, California, kdholland@earthlink.net).
63. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 1, p 4.
64. ibid. Vol 1, p 61-62.
65. ibid. Vol 1, p 99-100.
66. ibid. Vol 1, p 240.
67. ibid. Vol 1, p 158-159.
68. Ross D. Andrews Genealogical Site, (http://www5.pair.com/vtandrew/index.htm).
69. Albert C. Bates, Hartford, Connecticut, Land Records,1639-1688; Births, Marriages and Deaths: 1644-1730. p 577.
70. The Barbour Collection, (The Connecticut Nutmegger; on-going series). Hartford Births, Vol 27, #1, June 1994.
71. Lucius M. Boltwood, Births, Marriages & Deaths in Hartfort, CT, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 12, April 1858, p 173 & subsequent). Vol 12, p 196.
72. Albert C. Bates, Hartford, Connecticut, Land Records,1639-1688; Births, Marriages and Deaths: 1644-1730. p 579.
73. John Winthrop, Jr., Winthrop Medical Journal, (Transcribed from microfilms of the original by Pam; on line at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~pamw/Winthrop.htm [9 Nov 2000]). p 783.
74. Albert C. Bates, Hartford, Connecticut, Land Records,1639-1688; Births, Marriages and Deaths: 1644-1730. p 581.
75. Mrs. M. M. LeBrun, Inscriptions at East Haddam, Connecticut, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 80, October 1926, p 415-436).
76. John Winthrop, Jr., Winthrop Medical Journal, (Transcribed from microfilms of the original by Pam; on line at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~pamw/Winthrop.htm [9 Nov 2000]). p 250.
77. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 2, p 557.
78. Irma Carper-Miller, transcriber, Old Cove Burial Grounds Records, (Cemetery Records On-Line; http://www.interment.net/data/us/ct/middlesex/oldcove.htm [30 Dec 2000]).
79. John Winthrop, Jr., Winthrop Medical Journal, (Transcribed from microfilms of the original by Pam; on line at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~pamw/Winthrop.htm [9 Nov 2000]). p 252.