1. William Clark 1 was born on 6 Feb 1610/11 in Westhorpe, Suffolk, England 1 and died on 22 Jul 1681 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1. Documented events in his life were: 1. Emigrant Ancestor; 1639; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT.
2. Court Appearance; 2 Jan 1639/40; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 2. Wm Clarke servant to Jno Crow as fined 40s for misdemeanor in drinking & corporall punishment was remitted uppon his promise of his care for the future to avoyd such occations.
3. Lawsuit; 4 Sep 1643; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 3. In the ac of Math Allen pl agt Nich: & Will Clarke defts the jury finds for the pl damages 3L 3s 3d & Costs of Court vijs.
4. Forfited Bond; 16 May 1649; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 4. William Clark being called to this Corute to appeare uppon his recognescance of 10£ and not answering thereunto hath forfeited same.
5. Lawsuit; 6 Mar 1652/53; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 5. Will Clarke plt: Contra John Griffin defendt in an actyon of debt with the Damage to the value of 6L .. p 116: ye defendt not appearing an Attachment is to Issue out against his person to answer his ------- at the next Courte and also to answer ye plt if he not be satisified by him before said courte.
6. Court Appearance; 6 Oct 1659; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 6. The Magestrates being mett and examining the case respecting Willm Clarks wiues trading Liquors to ye Indians Doe determine yt for yt misdeamenou in breaking the ord phibiting the same William Clarke is to pay Tenne pounds to ye publique Treasury.
7. Lands Recorded; 10 Nov 1660; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 7. "Land In Hartford upon Conecticutt belonging to William Clark & his heires for euer: 8. Lawsuit; 6 Dec 1660; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 8. Robt Reeve plt contra Wm Clark Dt in an action of ye case respecting ye possession of Houseing & Land formerly belonging to John Skinner. Jury find for the Dft. Court Costs.
9. Medical; 23 May 1664; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 9. Treated by John Winthrop, Jr.: Clark, William his wife Katherine of Hartford.
10. Sold livestock; 7 Jul 1665; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 10. Richard Lord purchased, for resale in New York, "one Sorill mare bald face three white legs & a whole cutt through & a halfe penny cutt out of the Back side of the off eare towards the top bought of Wm Clarke"
11. Lands Recorded - Sold; 23 Dec 1673; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 11. In the lands registered to Thomas Standly in the Hartford Land Records: "more one parcel of land which Nathaniel Standly purchafsed of Wm Clarke wth a mefsuage or tenement Standing there on together wth an orchard therein being the land is all that parcell with in these abutments viz on the high way on the Sowth & on the west & on mr Allyns land on the east & John Morrice his land on the North: purchafsed Decembr 23d, 1673. [margin note: Decembr 24th 1673 this parcel Sold unto John Skiner]
12. Took Inventory; After 2 Nov 1674; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 12. Along with Symon Smith & James X Wells, took inventory of the estate of Thomas Smith, who died 2 Nov 1674.
13. Will; 30 Jun 1681; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13. From Probate Records, Volume IV, 1677 To 1687, Page 61-2. 14. Inventory Taken; 19 Aug 1681; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13. £412-18-00
William married Katherine Bunce, daughter of James Bunce and Elizabeth Raynor. (Katherine Bunce died after 3 Aug 1683 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT.)
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 30 Jun 1681; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13. Charged with keeping his mother's cow over the winter.
Thomas married Elizabeth Bailey 18, daughter of John Bailey and Lydia Backus. (Elizabeth Bailey was born in 1662 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 18 and died after 1728 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 18.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 3 Jul 1696; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 19. Mentioned in a codicil of her father's will where he leaves "To my Daughter Elizab. Clark fifty shills in pay for a weding gown I promised her."
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth of Child; 18 Jun 1669; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 20. Birth of Mary, daughter of William & Susanah Clarke
2. VR - Birth of Child; 25 Dec 1671; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 20. Birth of Susanah, daughter of William & Susanah Clarke
3. VR - Birth of Child; 9 Feb 1676/77; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 20. Birth of William, son of William & Susanah Clarke
4. VR - Birth of Child; 18 Aug 1679; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 20. Birth of Elizabeth, daughter of William & Susanah Clarke
5. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 30 Jun 1681; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13. inheritance of £25 in his father's will.
6. VR - Marriage of Child; 9 Nov 1694; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 21. Susanna, daughter of William Clark, m. Josiah Bowin
7. VR - Death of Child; 8 Apr 1708; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 20. Death of William Clark, Jr. by drowning
8. VR - Marriage of Child; 9 Dec 1708; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT. Hannah, dau. of William Clark, m. Jonathan Blin.
9. Will; 15 Jan 1710/11; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 22. Clark, William, Sen., Wethersfield. Invt. £35-05-00. Taken 11 Februaray, 1711/12, by George Kilbourn, James Patterson & Josiah Churchill. Will dated 15 Jan, 1710/11. 10. VR - Death; Dec 1711; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 20.
11. Inventory Taken; 11 Feb 1711/12; Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 22. £35-05-00
Documented events in his life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 30 Jun 1681; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13. Inheritance of £20 of Land in his father's will.
2. VR - Death; 26 Jul 1731; Middletown, Middlesex Co., CT 23.
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 30 Jun 1681; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13. Listed as 'my daughter Welles' in her father's will.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Medical; 21 May 1666; Connecticut 25. Treated by John Winthrop, Jr.: Clarke, Joseph, son of Wil.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 30 Jun 1681; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13. Inheritance of £15 of Land and 1 1/2 acre of Bogg in the upper meadow besides in his father's will.
Joseph married Ruth Spencer 16, daughter of Ensign Gerard Spencer and Hannah Joannis Hills, about 1674 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1 15. (Ruth Spencer was born between 1654-1658 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16 and died on 28 Nov 1744 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16.)
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were:
1. Will; 24 Apr 1732; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 26. Clarke, Daniel, Haddam. Died 28 Apr 1732. Inventory taken by Jared Spencer, Elijah Brainard and Hez: Brainard. Will dated 24 April 1732. 2. Inventory Taken; After 28 Apr 1732; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 26.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Will; 19 Feb 1731/32; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 28. Courtesy of David Hoffman: William married Mary Day 14, daughter of John Day and Mary Gaylord, on 14 Nov 1699 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1. (Mary Day was born in 1678 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 14 and died in 1729 14.)
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 19 Feb 1731/32; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 28. "Item-As touching my oldest son William I have already by a deed of gift 2. Lands Recorded - Sold; 2 Oct 1735; Durham, Middlesex Co., CT 29. William Clark signed a quit claim deed for property in Durham received in the will of his father-in-law, Nathaniel Sutlief Jr. [see Petaliah's notes for details]
William married Judith Sutliff 14, daughter of Nathaniel Sutliff Jr. and Sarah Savage. (Judith Sutliff was born in 1704 in Branford, New Haven Co., CT 14 and died on 24 Feb 1764 in Durham, Middlesex Co., CT 14.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 25 Jun 1728; Guilford, New Haven Co., CT 30. Received 1/10th share of father's estate in his will. Named as Judeth Sutleif.
2. Lands Recorded - Sold; 8 May 1735; Durham, Middlesex Co., CT 31. Judith Sutlief along with husband William Clark signed a quit claim deed for property in Durham received in the will of her father, Nathaniel Sutlief Jr.
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 19 Feb 1731/32; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 28. Received 1/5 of her father's personal estate, minus what he had already paid on her account, in his will.
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 19 Feb 1731/32; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 28. Received 1/5 of her father's personal estate, minus what he had already paid on her account, in his will.
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 19 Feb 1731/32; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 28. Received 1/5 of her father's personal estate, adjusted to reflect the smaller shares her older sisters, Lois and Ruth received [perhaps because their father had paid doweries?].
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 19 Feb 1731/32; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 28. Received 1/5 of her father's personal estate, adjusted to reflect the smaller shares her older sisters, Lois and Ruth received [perhaps because their father had paid doweries?].
He never married.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 19 Feb 1731/32; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 28. "Item-I give to my loving son Benajah his heirs and assigns forever my Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 19 Feb 1731/32; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 28. Received 1/5 of her father's personal estate, adjusted to reflect the smaller shares her older sisters, Lois and Ruth received [perhaps because their father had paid doweries?].
Documented events in his life were:
1. Lands Recorded - Sold; 2 Oct 1735; Durham, Middlesex Co., CT 29. Peletiah Clark signed a quit claim deed for property in Durham received in the will of his father-in-law, Nathaniel Sutlief Jr.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 19 Feb 1731/32; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 28. "Item-I give to my loveing son Peletiah his heirs and assigns forever the 3. Lands Recorded - Sold; 8 May 1736; Durham, Middlesex Co., CT 29. Peletiah Clark signed a quit claim deed for property in Durham received in the will of his father-in-law, Nathaniel Sutlief Jr.
Pealtiah married Anna Sutliff 14, daughter of Nathaniel Sutliff Jr. and Sarah Savage, on 26 Jun 1735 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1 14. (Anna Sutliff was born on 30 May 1715 in Durham, Middlesex Co., CT 1 14 and died on 16 Mar 1738/39 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1 14.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 25 Jun 1728; Guilford, New Haven Co., CT 30. Received 1/10th share of father's estate in his will. Named as Anna Sutlief.
2. Lands Recorded - Sold; 2 Oct 1635; Durham, Middlesex Co., CT 31. Ann Sutlief along with husband Peletiah Clark signed a quit claim deed for property in Durham received in the will of her father, Nathaniel Sutlief Jr.
3. Lands Recorded - Sold; 8 May 1736; Durham, Middlesex Co., CT 31. Ann Sutlief along with husband Peletiah Clark signed a quit claim deed for property in Durham received in the will of her father, Nathaniel Sutlief Jr.
4. VR - Death; 16 Mar 1738/39; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 32.
Documented events in their marriage were:
1. VR - Marriage; 26 Jun 1735; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33.
2. VR - Birth of Child; 26 Nov 1735; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33. Birth of Ruben
3. VR - Birth of Child; 16 Jun 1737; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33. Birth of Hannah
4. VR - Birth of Child; 17 Feb 1738/39; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 32. Birth of Daniel & Eli
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 16 Jun 1735; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33. Birth appears to have been recorded, along with those of other children, after the death of their mother, Anna Sutliff Clark.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 17 Feb 1738/39; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33. Birth appears to have been recorded, along with those of other children, after the death of their mother, Anna Sutliff Clark on 16 Mar 1738/9.
2. VR - Death; 10 Jun 1741; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33.
He never married.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 17 Feb 1738/39; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33. Birth appears to have been recorded, along with those of other children, after the death of their mother, Anna Sutliff Clark on 16 Mar 1738/9.
2. VR - Death; Apr 1739; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33. The record does not give a year. Most likely 1738/39.
He never married.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Revolutionary War Service; 1777-1780; Sheffield, Berkshire, MA 36. Clark, Reuben. Private, Capt. Enoch Noble's co., Col. John Ashley's (Berkshire Co.) regt.; enlisted Aug. 1, 1777; discharged Aug. 20, 1777; service, 20 days; marched to Bennington by order of Brig. Gen. Fellows and Committee of Safety on the request of Gen. Stark; roll certified at Sheffield; also, Capt. Samuel Warner's co., Col. John Brown's (Berkshire Co.) regt.; enlisted July 18, 1780; discharged Oct. 23, 1780; service, 3 mos. 13 days; enlistment, 3 months
2. VR - Birth; 26 Nov 1735; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33. Birth appears to have been recorded, along with those of other children, after the death of their mother, Anna Sutliff Clark.
Ruben married Mary Tryon 35, daughter of Thomas Tryon and Mary Andrews, on 14 Nov 1754 1. (Mary Tryon was born on 24 Nov 1735 in Middletown, Middlesex Co., CT 37.)
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were:
1. Lands Recorded - Purchased; 1806; Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 39. Holland Land Purchases 2. Census; 1810; Genesee Co., NY 40. Clark, Samuel NY GENESEE CO. 094 1810 22011-10201
3. Lands Recorded; 24 Apr 1813; Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 41. Township number thirteen in the second Range of said township distinguised by Lot number three in the first section in said township
4. Gravestone; 15 Mar 1815; Pine Hill Cemetery, Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 42. Willow Tree - Urn - Willow Tree 5. Probate; 30 Jan 1818; Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 43. Lemuel & Rosanna Clark signed over their interest in Lot #2 of Section #1 to Lemuel's brother Samuel for $200.
Samuel married Mary Lee 34, daughter of Abijah Lee and Abia Smith, on 14 Mar 1779 14 38. (Mary Lee was born on 17 Dec 1760, died on 12 Jul 1844 in Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 14 and was buried in Jul 1844 in Pine Hill Cemetery, Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 17 Dec 1760; Middletown, Middlesex Co., CT 44.
2. Gravestone; 17 Jul 1814; Pine Hill Cemetery, Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 42. MARY Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were:
1. Census; 1810; Genesee Co., NY 46. Clark, William NY GENESEE CO. 095 1810 30110-01010
2. Gravestone; 21 Nov 1812; Pine Hill Cemetery, Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 42. [joint stone with sister, Hannah (Clark) Rice, and father, Samuel Clark] Documented events in her life were:
1. Gravestone; 19 Nov 1804; Pine Hill Cemetery, Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 42. Willow Tree - Urn - Willow Tree Documented events in his life were:
1. Lands Recorded - Purchased; 1803; Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 39. Holland Land Purchases, 2. Lands Recorded - Purchased; 1804; Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 39. Holland Land Purchases, 3. Census; 1810; Genesee Co., NY 49. Clark, Lemuel L. NY GENESEE CO. 094 1810 20010-20100
4. Lands Recorded - Sold; 30 Jan 1818; Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 43. Lemuel & Rosanna Clark signed over their interest in Lot #2 of Section #1 to Lemuel's brother Samuel for $200.
5. Census; 1830; Barre, Orleans Co., NY 50. From the Index: Clark, Lemuel L. NY ORLEANS CO. BARRE 019 1830
Lemuel married Rosanna Rich 34 on 19 Jun 1800 in New York 45. (Rosanna Rich died on 29 Sep 1825 in New York 34 51.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. Lands Recorded - Sold; 30 Jan 1818; Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 43. Lemuel & Rosanna Clark signed over their interest in Lot #2 of Section #1 to Lemuel's brother Samuel for $200.
2. VR - Death; 29 Sep 1825; New York 51.
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were:
1. Will; 3 Dec 1886; Sheldon, Allen Co., Indiana 56. Orson Clark Will: I, Orson Clark of the village of Sheldon in the county of Allen and state of Indiana, bein of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainly of this frail and transitory life, do make ordain publish and declare this to be my las Will and Testament: That is to say first after all my lawful debts are paid and discharged the residue of my estate real and personal, I give bequeath and dispose of as follows: Documented events in her life were:
1. Census; 23 Jul 1850; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 58.
2. Census; 1860; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 59.
3. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 12 Jun 1867; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 60.
4. Census; 15 Jun 1870; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 61. Julia Ann Dunham 55 F. Keeping House $2000 / $400 b. NY; Eunice Dunham 22 F. At Home b. MI; Morton Dunham 11 M. At School b. MI
5. Census; 7 Jun 1880; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 62. Julia Dunham F 65 Mother b. NY f.b. NY m.b. NY; Living with son, Orson Clark Dunham, age 43; daughter-in-law, Selina, age 40; and grandson, Charles, age 6.
6. VR- Death; 19 Mar 1891; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 63. Julia died of a 'granulated'(?) stomach
7. Gravestone; 19 Mar 1891; Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 53.
Julia married Daniel Dorrance Dunham 52 in New York. (Daniel Dorrance Dunham was born on 19 Jul 1813 in Batavia, Genese Co., NY 52 64, died on 11 Nov 1867 in Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 52 65 and was buried in Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 53.)
Documented events in his life were:
1. Lands Recorded - Purchased; 5 May 1837; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 66. 40 acres, Meridian 19, Twp. 3N, Range 7E, Section 31
2. Census; 1840; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 67. age between 30 & 40. Listed as D.D. Dunham; males under 5: 1, males 5 to 10: 1, males 30-40: 1; females 5-10: 1; females 10 to 15: 2; females 30-40: 1
3. Census; 23 Jul 1850; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 68. age 37, Farmer, $600 (real estate value), born in New York. Others listed in household are Julia Ann, age 35; Jane, age 15; Orson, age 14; Amanda, age 12; Emeline, age 11.
4. Town Office; 1859; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 69. Elected to the position of township treasurer.
5. Census; 1860; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 59. age 47, Farmer, $1700 / $705; others listed in household are Julia Ann, age 45; Orson, age 24, Jr. Carpenter; Emeline, age 21, domestic; Morton, age 1.
6. Will; 12 Jun 1867; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 60. Will of Daniel Dorrance Dunham (hand written) 7. Gravestone; 11 Nov 1867; Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 53. Gravestone is engraved Dorrance D. Dunham. Joint stone with Julia Ann.
8. Inventory Taken; 7 Jul 1868; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 60. (Printed form with details filled in by hand) Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in his life were:
1. Census; 1860; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 59. age 1, born in Michigan. Also in the household, parents Dorrance [Daniel] (47) & Julia Ann (45), brother Orson (24), sisters Amanda (21) & Eunice (12).,
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 12 Jun 1867; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 60. Received $200 in his father's will, to be paid within two years.
3. Census; 1870; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 70. age 11, at school; living with mother Julia Ann (55) and sister Eunice (22).
4. Census; 1900; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 71. age 41, Head of household; with wife, Minnie, age 35; sons, Dorrance, age 9, & Orson, age 6, both at school, & daughter Sarah, age 5. At this point, they were renting a farm.
5. Gravestone; 20 Dec 1923; Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 53.
Morton married Erminna Smith 52, daughter of Seth Smith and Sarah Hubbell, on 25 Oct 1888. (Erminna Smith was born on 5 Jun 1864 in Michigan 52, died on 28 Apr 1908 in Michigan 52 53 and was buried in Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 52.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. Census; 1 Jun 1870; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 70. Listed as Amanda, age 6, attending school.
2. Census; 2 Jun 1880; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 72. Erminna, 16, daughter, at home.
3. Graduation; 1882; Armada, Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 73. Graduated from Armada High School.
4. Census; 1900; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 71. Minnie, Wife, F, b. Jun 1864, age 35, Married 10 years, three births, three living children.
5. Gravestone; 28 Apr 1908; Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 53.
6. VR - Death; 28 Apr 1908; Macomb Co., MI 74. Minnie I. Dunham, Female, White, Married, 43y 10m 23d, Armada, Acute Bright's Disease, Michigan, none, Seth Smith, Sarah S. Hubbell, recorded 5 May 1908.
Documented events in her life were:
1. Census; 23 Jul 1850; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 58. age 15
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 12 Jun 1867; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 60.
3. Census; 8 Aug 1870; Richmond, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 75. 278/279 4. VR - Death of Child; 30 Sep 1872; Macomb Co., MI 53. Death of Nellie Hathaway, daughter of James & Jane.
5. VR - Death of Spouse; 29 Jun 1901; Macomb Co., MI 53. Death of James Madison Hathaway.
6. Gravestone; 18 Dec 1915; Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 53. Joint stone with husband, James Hathaway. One of the largest stones in the cemetery.
7. Residence; 1916; Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 76. Listed as Mrs. J. M. Hathaway in Section 26. Since this is after Jane's death in late 1915, it is obvious that the map was printed earlier.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Census; 23 Jul 1850; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 58. age 14
2. Census; 1860; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 59. age 24, Jr. Carpenter
3. VR - Marriage; 13 Nov 1864; Macomb Co., MI 79. Married Celina Watter
4. Census; 10 Jun 1870; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 80. 96/97: 5. VR - Birth of Child; 2 Feb 1874; Macomb Co., MI 81. Charles J. Dunham, son of Orson C. Dunham & Salina Watson
6. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 12 Jun 1867; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 60.
7. Census; 7 Jun 1880; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 62. age 43, Farmer, born in Ohio, parents both born in NY; wife Selina, age 40, Keeping House, born in Mich, parents both born in RI; son Charles, age 6, b. in Mich; mother Julia, age 65, Keeping House, born in NY, both parents born in NY (?)
8. VR - Death; 5 Aug 1899; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 82.
9. Gravestone; 5 Aug 1899; Willow Grove Cemetery, Armada, Macomb Co., MI 78. Joint stone with first wife Selina who died in 1887 and second wife Cassie A. who died 1 Sep 1899.
Documented events in her life were:
1. Census; 23 Jul 1850; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 58. age 12
2. VR - Marriage; 10 Oct 1858; Macomb Co., MI 83. Married Homer Sutton.
3. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 12 Jun 1867; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 60.
4. Census; 1880; Richmond, Macomb Co., MI 84. Amanda/Horace Sutton Documented events in her life were:
1. Census; 23 Jul 1850; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 58. age 11
2. Census; 1860; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 59. age 21, domestic.
3. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 12 Jun 1867; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 60.
4. VR - Marriage; 4 Mar 1869; Macomb Co., MI 85. Married Clark R. Young
5. Gravestone; 23 Nov 1870; Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 53.
She never married.
Documented events in her life were:
1. Alt. Birth; 27 Sep 1841; Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 52.
2. Census; 23 Jul 1850; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 58. age 8
3. VR - Marriage; 28 Mar 1861; Macomb Co., MI 83. Married Abel S. Hathaway.
4. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 12 Jun 1867; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 60.
5. Census; 1880; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 86. Cordelia Hathaway, age 38; listed with husband, Sheldon Hathaway, age 44, Farmer; daughters Emma, age 18, & Belle, age 15.
Documented events in her life were:
1. Census; 23 Jul 1850; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 58. age 2
2. Census; 1860; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 59. Age 12
3. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 12 Jun 1867; Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 60.
4. VR - Marriage; 4 Dec 1870; Macomb Co., MI 85. Married Ozmi S. Perry
One Parcel of land wch he Bought of Enf: Nicho: Olmfteed wth a mefsaug or tenement Standing there on together wth a Barn & orchard, ye afoarsayd Parcel of land Containeth by estimation three Acres (be it more or lefs) & abutteth on a high way leading from ye Cowe pafture into the old ox pafture, on ey weft, on mr Allyns land on ye eaft on a highway leading from ye mill into ye Country on ye Sowth, on John morices Land on ye North: Nou: 10th: 1660: [margin note: December 23 - 73 This parcel of Land Sold Nath Standly.]"
Clarke, William sen., Haddam. Died 22 July, 1681. Invt. 412-18-00. Taken 19 August, 1681, by George Gates, Wm. X Ventrus, Simon Smith, John Spencer, Selectmen. Will dated 30 June, 1681.
I William Clarke of Haddam do make this my last Will & Testament: I give to my wife 4 a year during her natural life. I also give unto her the use of my Dwelling house & the little Orchard, half the Garden so long as she live a Widow. Moreover I give unto my wife a Cow, which my son Thomas shall winter for her during his Mother's life. Also I give unto her half my Household Stuff, & that in her half she be suited with a Bed & Bedding & such things as are most suitable for her, which she shall dispose of at her death to which she please of her Children. I Will unto my son William 25 out of my Estate, which shall be in my Land as it is prised in the Inventory. I do Will unto my son John 20 worth of my Land. I do give by Will unto my son Joseph, nothwithstanding anything I have formerly given him, 15 worth of Land, and 1 1/2 acre of the Boggs in the lower Division in the upper Meadow besides the 15. I give by Will unto my daughter Welles & to my daughter Fennoe & to my daughter Spencer 8 to each of them, and to my daughter Hannah 10. All these to be paid out of my Estate as prised with the Inventory. I give unto my son-in-law Daniel Hubbard 5 Shillings, & to my gr. Child Daniel Hubbard I do give 40 acres of Land in my second Division at Machamodus, and a 50 Freehold or Right in the Undivided Lands there as it is laid out to 50 Estate. And it is my Will that he be learned to read & to write. And I declare him to the dispose of my wife so long as she liveth, and then to the dispose of my son Thomas; & in Case my son Hubbard make trouble about him he shall satisfy for his bringing up. At the age of 21 years he shall be free. I give to my son Thomas my Lott I bought of Joseph Arnold in the Home Field, and all my whole Meadow Lott, and my Cow Meadow Lott, and the 6 acres on which my Dewlling house standeth, & the Ort Yards and Houses, at his Mother's decease, or Marriage after my death. My Will also is that my sons William, John, & Joseph have their portions in the Land that are not given away particularly and expressly to Thomas in my Will, and that they agree, by casting Lotts, which allotment shall belong to each of them, not exceeding the value above given to them. I do make my son Thomas Clarke sole Executor.
Witness: Nicholas Noyes, WILLIAM X CLARKE George Gates.
Court Record, Page 44-3 September, 1681: Will & Inventory exhibited by Thomas Clarke, Executor. Approved.
+ 2 M i. Joseph Clark 14 was born in 1652 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14 and died on 24 Oct 1716 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14.
3 F ii. Sarah Clark 16 was born about 1657 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT and died about 1704 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 17.
4 F iii. Mary Clark 1 was born about 1646 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 1 and died on 24 Dec 1673 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1.
5 M iv. Thomas Clark 1 was born about 1647 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 1 and died about 1746 1.
6 M v. William Clark 1 was born about 1649 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 1 and died in Dec 1711 in Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT 1.
I, William Clark of Wethersfield, capenter, do make this my last will and testament: I give to Susannah, my wife, the use & improvement of all my household goods during the time of her widowhood. I give to my son Thomas Clark, whom I make my only & sole executor, my great brass ketttle and all carpenter tools and husbandry utenails. I give to my daughter Elizabeth Morie £5, to be paid out of my household goods. The remainder of my goods I give to my other daughters, to be equally divided among them. William X Clark, L.S.
Witness: Josiah Churchill, Hezekiah Deming, James Francis.
Court Record, page 73 -- 5 May 1712: Will exhibited by Thomas Clark, who refused to be the executor. And this Court grant letters of Adms. to Susannah the widow, with the will annexed. Page 206 -- 15 Jul 1715: Susannah Clarke, Adms, exhibited an account of her Adms.: Paid in debts and charges, £37-03-02, which is more than the sum contained in the inventory account. Allowed, and grant the Adms. a Quietus Est.
7 M vi. Sergt. John Clark 23 was born about 1651 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT and died on 26 Jul 1731 in Middletown, Middlesex Co., CT 23.
8 F vii. Elizabeth Clark was born about 1655 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT and died after 5 Jan 1697/98 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT.
9 F viii. Rebecca Clark 24 was born about 1659 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 24 and died after 1693 in Connecticut 24.
10 F ix. Hannah Clark 24 was born about 1659 in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 24 and died about 1681 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 24.
2. Joseph Clark 14 (William1) was born in 1652 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14 and died on 24 Oct 1716 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14.
+ 11 M i. William Clark 1 was born about 1675 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1 and died on 22 Oct 1747 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1.
12 M ii. Joseph Clark 14 was born about 1674 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14 and died on 23 Jan 1749/50 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14.
13 M iii. Daniel Clark 14 was born between 1676-1687 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14 and died on 28 Apr 1732 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 26.
I, Daniel Clarke of Haddam, in the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticut, do make this my last will and testament: I give to my wife Mary the use of 1/2 my dwelling house and half my barn, and the use of half my lands now under improvement, during the time that she shall remain my widow, and also 1/3 part of all my personal estate. I give to my eldest son Daniel my dwelling house, barn and homestead, viz., all the land which I have there adjoining and 15 acres of land which I bought of the Town, abutting on the 7th division lott of Haddam West Side, laid out on the right of William Ventrus, and a piece of land on the east side of the Great River given me by the Town, adjoining land of Lt. William Brainard, and 1/4 part of all my right and title in and to the undivided lands on both sides of the Great River, and my fulling mill, and taintor hooks and bars, and all the tools belonging to sd. mill, and also my press. I give to my son Hezekiah a certain piece of land which I had of Capt. Caleb Cone, lying near the house of Richard Wakelye, and -- acres of land more or less on the southeast side of Cedar Poll Hills, and the 1/2 of all my lands in the upper meadow, both meadow and swamp, except what I have herein given to Daniel, and 1/4 part of all my right in the undivied land on both sides of the river. I give to my son Joseph the 5th division lott on Haddam West Side, laid out on the right of Samuel Spencer, containing 20 acres, and 21 1/2 acres of the 5th division lott, laid out on the right of Mr. Nicholas Noyes. Sd. whole lot contains 75 acres. And 13 acres of the 8th division lot, laid out on sd. Noyes's right. Sd. whole lott contains 45 acres. And also my own 8th division lott, laid out on my inhabitant right, and also the 8th division lott laid out on the right of Samuel Spencer, and also 1/4 part of all my right and title in and to the undivided lands on both sides of the Great River. I give to my four daughters, viz., Abigail, Sarah, Deborah and Mary, all my lands which I have not given to my four sons. Also, I give to my four daughters all my personal estate of all sorts, except what I have alread disposed of in this will. I make my wife Mary sole executrix.
Witness: Caleb Cone, Jr. Daniel Clarke, LS.
Richard Wakely Jr., Hezekiah Brainard
Court Record, Page 74 --- 3 October 1732: the last will and testament of Daniel Clarke, late of Haddam decd., was now exhibited in Court by Mary Clarke, executrix. Sd. will being proved, is with the invt. approved and ordered to be recorded.
Page 16 (Vol XII) 13 December, 1734: Daniel Spencer of Haddam, in right of his wife, moves this court for a division of some part of the real estate given by will of the decd. to the four daughters, viz., Abigail, Sarah, Deborah and Mary, and their heirs forever. This Court appoint Elijah Brainard, Thomas Brooks and Hezekiah Brainard, of Haddam, to divide sd. estate inequal proportions according to the will.
Page 41 -- 19 Mar 1735-6: Report of the Distributors.
Page 37 (Vol XIII) 5 December 1738: James Clark, age 18 years and Deborah Clark, age 16 years, children of Daniel Clark, chose their brother Hezekiah Clark to be their guardian. Recog., £500. Cert: Hezekiah Brainard, J.B.
Page 87 -- 20 April 1741: Mary Clark, 12 years of age, daughter of Daniel Clark, cholse Daniel Spencer of Haddam to be her guardian. Recog., £200. Cert. Hezekiah Brainard, J.P>
14 F iv. Ruth Clark 14 was born about 1680 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14 and died before 1728 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14.
15 M v. John Clark 14 was born in 1690 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 27 and died before 1751 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14.
16 F vi. Hannah Clark 14 was born about 1682 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14 and died about Mar 1717/18 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14.
17 F vii. Katherine Clark 14 was born about 1677 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 27 and died in 1756 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14.
11. William Clark 1 (Joseph2, William1) was born about 1675 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1 and died on 22 Oct 1747 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1.
[Colchester Probate Records Vol. 1 pp. 132 ff.]
In the name of God amen the 19th day of Feb in the year of our Lord 1731 I William Clark of Haddam in the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticut in New England being considerably advanced in years and now come to my declining age though at present in a comfortable state of health and also of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to God considering my own declining years now looking and drawing towards the grave and not knowing how soon it may please God in whose hands my breath is and whose ______ to call me hence to be here no more do therefore make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul to God that gave it and my body I bequeath to the earth to be buried in a decent and Christian manner at the _____ of my descendants hereinafter named-and as touching that portion of worldly goods ___ it hath pleased God to give me in this life, I now give demise and dispose of the same in the following form and manner viz.
Imprimis I give and bequeath to my dear wife Prudence the use of my southeast lower room during the time she shall remain my widow and also the use of two acres of my plow land at the northwest end of my homestead and butting souwest on the country road during the aforementioned term and also the use of twelve apple trees upon the southeast side of my orchard during the said term and also the use of sixteen pounds of my personal estate _____ she choose to be let out taken at inventory appraisement to use so long as she shall remain my widow and then to belong to my daughters as hereafter mentioned.
Item-As touching my oldest son William I have already by a deed of gift given him his full portion and therefore add not thing herein
Item-I give to my loveing son Peletiah his heirs and assigns forever the southeasternmost end or half of the fourth Division lot on Haddam next to the land on the right of Daniel Cone late of _____ Haddam deceased the whole lot containing 124 acres and is butted and bounded as in the records and also the sixth division lot laid out upon the right of Joshua Arnold of _____ Haddam containing 27 acres more or less being butted and bounded as in the record and also the one half of all my right and title in and to the undivided land on the west side of the great river viz. one half of my inhabitant right and of no other.
Item-I give to my loving son Benajah his heirs and assigns forever my
dwelling house barn and homestead viz. all the land which I have there
adjoining, being butted and bounded as followeth viz. noreast upon the great
river, norwest upon land of Caleb Brainerd partly and partly upon land of
Gideon Arnold southeast upon land of John Clark and southwest of the country
road-and also my land upon the east side of the great river to be same more
or fewer acres, and also ten acres and thirty two rods of said 7th division
lot on Haddam westside lain out upon the right of Mr. Nicholas Noyce some
time of Haddam deceased which whole lot containing fifteen acres and is
butted and bounded as in the records-and also three acres of land which I
have in partnership with Caleb Cone Junior-and also the other half of my
inhabitant right in all the undivided land on the west side of the river.
Item-I give to my loving son Uriah his heirs and assigns forever all my land
divided and undivided except what I have given to my three other sons herein
be the same more or fewer acres
Item-I give to my five daughters viz. Mary, Lois, Ruth, Anne and Lydia all my personal estate of all sorts equally to be divided to and amongst them five excepting Lois and Ruth which are to have so much less than their sisters as I have already paid and am paying to them on account whereof I will leave upon my book-And I do make and ordain my eldest son William sole executor of this my last will and testament and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannull and _____ every other or former wills testaments legacies and bequeaths and executed heretofore by me named wills and bequeaths ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament in witness whereof and for full confirmation I have hereunto let my hand and affixed my seal the day and date above let down.
William Clark, sig. and seal
Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and
declared by the said Will. Clark as his
last will and testament in presence of us said
Hez. Brainerd
Mary Brainerd Junr.
Jerusha Brainerd
Will proved Middletown 31 Oct 1747
+ 18 M i. Pealtiah Clark 14 was born on 5 Mar 1712/13 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14 and died about 1754 14.
19 M ii. William Clark 1 was born on 27 Nov 1700 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1 and died before 1746 in Connecticut 1.
given him his full portion and therefore add not thing herein." William was sole executor of his father's will.
20 F iii. Lois Clark 1 was born on 21 Feb 1704/05 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1.
21 F iv. Ruth Clark 1 was born on 15 Aug 1707 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1.
22 F v. Anne Clark 1 was born on 30 Apr 1712 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1.
23 F vi. Mary Clark 1 was born on 24 Aug 1702 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1 and died on 10 Oct 1702 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1.
24 M vii. Benejah Clark 1 was born on 5 Nov 1716 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1 and died about 1765 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1.
dwelling house barn and homestead viz. all the land which I have there
adjoining, being butted and bounded as followeth viz. noreast upon the great
river, norwest upon land of Caleb Brainerd partly and partly upon land of
Gideon Arnold southeast upon land of John Clark and southwest of the country
road-and also my land upon the east side of the great river to be same more
or fewer acres, and also ten acres and thirty two rods of said 7th division
lot on Haddam westside lain out upon the right of Mr. Nicholas Noyce some
time of Haddam deceased which whole lot containing fifteen acres and is
butted and bounded as in the records-and also three acres of land which I
have in partnership with Caleb Cone Junior-and also the other half of my
inhabitant right in all the undivided land on the west side of the river."
25 F viii. Lydia Clark 1 was born on 15 Oct 1719 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1.
18. Pealtiah Clark 14 (William11, Joseph2, William1) was born on 5 Mar 1712/13 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14 and died about 1754 14.
southeasternmost end or half of the fourth Division lot on Haddam next to
the land on the right of Daniel Cone late of _____ Haddam deceased the whole
lot containing 124 acres and is butted and bounded as in the records and
also the sixth division lot laid out upon the right of Joshua Arnold of
_____ Haddam containing 27 acres more or less being butted and bounded as in
the record and also the one half of all my right and title in and to the
undivided land on the west side of the great river viz. one half of my
inhabitant right and of no other."
+ 26 M i. Ruben Clark 14 34 was born on 26 Nov 1735 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 27 and died in Western New York State 35.
27 F ii. Hannah Clark 33 was born on 16 Jun 1737 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33 and died in Connecticut 1.
28 M iii. Daniel Clark 33 was born on 17 Feb 1737/38 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33 and died on 10 Jun 1741 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33.
29 M iv. Eli Clark 33 was born on 17 Feb 1738/39 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33 and died in Apr 1739 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33.
26. Ruben Clark 14 34 (Pealtiah18, William11, Joseph2, William1) was born on 26 Nov 1735 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 27 and died in Western New York State 35.
+ 30 M i. Samuel Clark 34 was born on 19 Mar 1757 in Middlesex Co., MA 34, died on 15 Mar 1815 in Elba, Genesee, New York 14 and was buried in Mar 1815 in Pine Hill Cemetery, Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 14.
31 F ii. Ann Clark 1 was born on 11 Sep 1755 1.
32 M iii. Daniel Clark 1 was born in 1759 1 and died before 1 Oct 1814 1.
33 F iv. Mary Clark 1 was born on 12 Dec 1760 in Farmington, Hartford Co., CT 1.
34 M v. John Clark 1 was born on 4 Jul 1762 1.
35 M vi. Ruben Clark 1 was born on 6 May 1764 in Durham, Middlesex Co., CT 1.
36 M vii. Thomas Clark 1 was born in 1766 1.
37 F viii. Hannah Clark 1 was born in 1768 in Middletown, Middlesex Co., CT 1.
38 F ix. Phoebe Clark 1 was born in 1770 in Wall, CT 1.
30. Samuel Clark 34 (Ruben26, Pealtiah18, William11, Joseph2, William1) was born on 19 Mar 1757 in Middlesex Co., MA 34, died on 15 Mar 1815 in Elba, Genesee, New York 14 and was buried in Mar 1815 in Pine Hill Cemetery, Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 14.
1806 PURCHASES Samuel Clark Township 11, Range 6
In Memory of
Samuel Clark
who died
March 15, 1815
aged 58 years
[joint stone with daughter Hannah (Clark) Rice, & son William H. Clark]
Wife of Samuel Clark
died July 17
Aged 81 Yr
+ 39 M i. Lemuel Lee Clark 34 was born on 26 Jan 1780 34 and died on 15 Apr 1834 in Barre, Orleans Co., NY 34.
40 M ii. William Henry Lee Clark 34 was born on 4 Mar 1782 and died on 21 Dec 1812 in Battle Of Youngstown 14.
William H. Clark
died in the defence of his
Country at Youngstown
Nov 21, 1812
41 F iii. Hannah Clark 34 was born on 28 Nov 1783 34 and died on 19 Nov 1804 in Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 34.
In Memory of
Hannah, wife of
Peter Rice
who died
Nov 19, 1804
aged 21 years
[joint stone with father, Samuel Clark, and brother, William H. Clark]
42 F iv. Abiah Clark 14 34 was born on 27 Nov 1785 14 and died after 1855.
43 F v. Betsy Clark 34 was born on 19 Sep 1787 14.
44 F vi. Amy Clark 1 34 was born on 21 Dec 1789 1 and died on 4 Feb 1879 1.
45 F vii. Urania Clark 34 was born on 30 May 1792 and died on 21 Jul 1851 14.
46 F viii. Mary Lee Clark 34 was born on 13 Jul 1794 34 and died on 22 Nov 1866 34.
47 M ix. Samuel J. Clark was born on 26 Jun 1796 14.
48 M x. Bahman Clark 34 47 was born on 15 Aug 1798 in Fort Anne, Washington Co., NY 27 and died on 2 Sep 1893 in Hebron, WI 48.
39. Lemuel Lee Clark 34 (Samuel30, Ruben26, Pealtiah18, William11, Joseph2, William1) was born on 26 Jan 1780 34 and died on 15 Apr 1834 in Barre, Orleans Co., NY 34.
1803 PURCHASES Lemuel L. Clark Township 13, Range 2
1804 PURCHASES Lemuel L. Clark Township 12, Range 2
+ 49 F i. Julia Ann Clark 52 53 was born on 18 Mar 1815 in Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 34 52 53, died on 19 Mar 1891 in Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 52 53 54 and was buried in Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI.
50 F ii. Almira Clark 34 was born in Mar 1803 34.
51 M iii. Orson Clark 34 was born on 25 Feb 1804 in Batavia, Genese Co., NY 34 55, died on 22 Dec 1886 in Wells Co., IN 56 and was buried in St. John's Cemetery, Zanesville, Wells Co., IN 56.
To my daughter Mary Jane Prough, I give 8 acres of land off of the west side next to or adjoining the Wissel farm off of my 40 acres known as the Orson Clark farm situated in union township, Wells County, Indiana.
To my daughter Isabell Corson I give 10 acres of land next to Mary Jane Prough. Also 2 acres of timbered land next to the Krewson property running East and West on the south side. Also House and Lot and all pertaining thereto situated in the Village of Sheldon Allen County Indiana. Also all of my personal property excepting one young cow known by the family as the "Heifer" which I give to my grandchild Bertha May Corson. Also I give to my daughter Issebell Carson all the rents and proceeds off of my 40 acres farm for one year after my death. I give to my two sons Zachus Clark and Jacob Clark and to my daughter Rosanna or her heirs each $1.00. I give to my son Orman Clark and to my daughter Almira Smith the Balance of my real estate containing----------------more or less in which they shall----------. (this was torn) Dec. 3, 1886. signed Orson Clark, witnesses, Rev. Wm. Waltman, pastor of Lutheran Church, residence, Noble Co., Indiana, Rev. H. L. Watson, pastor of M.E. Church, Sheldon, Indiana, William Dalman, trustee, Pleasant twp., Allen Co., Indiana, Wm. D. Ruhl, M.D., Sheldon, Indiana.
52 F iv. Lorilla Clark 34 was born on 28 May 1805 34 and died on 20 Oct 1885 in Hamlin Twp, Eaton Co., MI.
53 M v. Orman Clark 1 34 was born on 1 Mar 1809 1 34 and died on 19 Nov 1895 in Lyndon Twp., Washtenaw Co., MI 1.
54 M vi. Orlean Clark 34 was born on 21 Nov 1810 34.
55 F vii. Emeline Clark 34 was born on 10 Sep 1812 34 and died on 21 Jan 1875 in LaClaire, DeKalb Co., IL 57.
56 M viii. William Henry Clark 34 was born on 1 Jul 1817 34.
57 M ix. Oliver Perry Clark 34 was born on 24 Dec 1819 34.
58 M x. Lemuel Lee Clark Jr. 34 was born on 4 Mar 1822 34.
59 F xi. Mary Malvina Clark 34 was born in Jul 1825 34.
49. Julia Ann Clark 52 53 (Lemuel Lee39, Samuel30, Ruben26, Pealtiah18, William11, Joseph2, William1) was born on 18 Mar 1815 in Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY 34 52 53, died on 19 Mar 1891 in Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 52 53 54 and was buried in Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI.
In the name of God Amen.
I, Daniel D. Dunham, of the Township of Armada in the County of Macomb and State of Michigan of the age of fifty four years being in sound mind and memory do make publish and declare this to be my last will and testament in manner following that is to say.
First, I give and bequeath to my wife Julia Ann Dunham, the use of my real estate which I am possessed during her natural life. After the decease of my said wife, I will and devise all my property both real and personal in the manner following that is to say.
I give to my son Morton N. Dunham two hundred dollars to be paid in two years, to my daughters Emiline and Eunice Dunham fifty dollars each. To my daughter Cordelia Hathaway (the beginnings of the word fifty or fifteen is crossed out) twenty five dollars, to my daughter Amanda Sutton fifteen dollars, to my daughter Jane Hathaway five dollars, to my sone <sic> Orson C. Dunham the residue and remainder of my estate both real and personal.
In witness whereof I have herewith set my hand this 12th day of June AD 1867 and I hereby appoint Julia Ann my wife and Orson C. Dunham executors of this my last will and testament.
<signed> Daniel D. Dunham
Daniel Flagler of Richmond
Robert Mills of Armada
Inventory County of Macomb. A True and Perfect Inventory of the Real Estate, Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of Daniel D. Dunham late of Armada in the County of Macomb deceased which by law are administered, made by Julia A. Dunham and Orson C. Dunham, Administrators of said deceased - That is to say:
One Farm of 48 acres at $40 per acre $1920.00
Six Sheep 51.00
1 Cow 40.00
1 Calf 5.00
1 Harrow 8.00
1 plow 2.00
1 set harness 10.00
1 Horse 125.00
1 Farning Ball <?> 7.00
3 Forks 1.00
1/2 set of Bob Sleighs 2.50
1 set of Whiffle Trees 2.00
Dishes 8.00
2 Stoves 8.00
2 Beds & Bedding 25.00
Total 2214.50
Credits from J. M. Hathaway 35.00
60 M i. Morton M. Dunham 52 was born on 22 Mar 1859 in Michigan 52, died on 20 Dec 1923 in Michigan 52 53 and was buried in Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 52.
61 F ii. Jane P. Dunham 52 was born on 9 Dec 1834 in Henrietta, Monroe Co., NY 52, died on 18 Dec 1915 52 and was buried in Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 52.
Hathaway, James M., 42, M, W, Farmer, New York
Hathaway, Jane P., 36, F, W, Keeping house, New York
Hathaway, Julia A., 15, F, W, Attending school, Michigan
Hathaway, Eliza J., 14, F, W, Attending school, Michigan
Hathaway, Dorrance R., 12, M, W, Attending school, Michigan
62 M iii. Orson Clark Dunham 52 was born on 11 Jan 1836 in Rockport, Cuyahoga Co., OH 52 and died on 5 Aug 1899 in Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 52 77 78.
Dunham, O.C., 34, M, W, Farmer, 500, 200, Ohio
Dunham, Selina, 31, F, W, Keeping House, Michigan
63 F iv. Amanda M. Dunham 52 was born on 13 Dec 1837 in Rockport, Cuyahoga Co., OH 52 and died on 10 Dec 1923 52.
1880 Census Ed 210 pg 8 Richmond Village, lists Horace Sutton age 43
,agent for Musical work ??? b:NY parents B NY; Amanda 42 B:OH, parents :NY and servant Etta Campbell age 21
64 F v. Emeline Dunham 52 was born on 23 Mar 1839 in Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 52, died on 23 Nov 1870 53 and was buried on 23 Nov 1870 in Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 53.
65 F vi. Cordelia Dunham 52 was born on 13 Mar 1841 in Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI 52, died on 30 Apr 1896 52 and was buried in Richards Cemetery, Richmond Twp., Macomb Co., MI 52.
66 F vii. Eunice Eliza Dunham 52 was born on 12 Sep 1847 in Macomb Co., MI 52.
1. Michael C. Owens, (mcowens@mcowens.com).
2. Records of The Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663, (Hartford, 1928). p 7.
3. ibid. p 23.
4. ibid. p 66.
5. ibid. p 115-116.
6. ibid. p 204.
7. Albert C. Bates, Hartford, Connecticut, Land Records,1639-1688; Births, Marriages and Deaths: 1644-1730. Vol 1, p 519.
8. Records of The Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663, (Hartford, 1928). p 219-220.
9. John Winthrop, Jr., Winthrop Medical Journal, (Transcribed from microfilms of the original by Pam; on line at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~pamw/Winthrop.htm [9 Nov 2000]). p 446.
10. Albert C. Bates, Hartford, Connecticut, Land Records,1639-1688; Births, Marriages and Deaths: 1644-1730. Vol 1, p 629.
11. ibid. Vol 1, p 460.
12. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 1, p 139-140.
13. ibid. Vol 1, p 290.
14. Darryl Boyd, (http://www.geocities.com/~boydsplace/).
15. Nathaniel Goodwin, Genealogical Notes of Connecticut and Massachusetts, (Hartford. 1856.) p 204.
16. Enfield-Bryant Genealogy, (http://www.gendex.com/users/Enf_Bry/Enf_Bry/index.html (9 Sept 1998)).
17. Nathaniel Goodwin, Genealogical Notes of Connecticut and Massachusetts, (Hartford. 1856.)
18. Ancestors of Harold Monroe Jr. Walden, (Harold Monroe Walden, 30214 Briarcrest Drive, Georgetown, TX 78628-1149, (512)863-8678 hmwalden@flash.net).
19. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 1, p 535.
20. R. R. Hinman, Records of Wethersfield, Connecticut, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 15, Jul 1861, p 241 & subsequent).
21. ibid. Vol 16, p 21.
22. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 1, p 168.
23. The Barbour Collection, (The Connecticut Nutmegger; on-going series). Middletown Deaths, Vol 31, #2, Sept 1998, p 294.
24. Harold Waldon.
25. John Winthrop, Jr., Winthrop Medical Journal, (Transcribed from microfilms of the original by Pam; on line at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~pamw/Winthrop.htm [9 Nov 2000]). p 653.
26. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 3, p 25.
27. Nancy Vogt, (nrvogt@webtv.net). 22 Jan 1999.
28. Colchester, New London Co., CT, probate records. Courtesy of David Hoffman.
29. Durham Town Records. courtesy of Tracy Tomaselli.
30. Guilford Probate Records. Vol III, p 36.
31. Durham Town Records.
32. Haddam Vital Records (book labeled 1848-1884?), (Cited by Tracy Tomaselli). p 203.
33. ibid. p 202.
34. Scott D. Benz, Historian, Elba, Genesee Co., NY, (sdbenz@eznet.net). 19 Jan 1999.
35. Episcopal Magazine, (December 1943).
36. Secretary of the Commonwealth, Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, (Boston: Wright and Potter Printing Co., 1896.) Vol III, p 567.
37. Wes. M. Tryon, The Tryon Family in America, (1969). p 53.
38. Albert C. Bates, Hartford, Connecticut, Land Records,1639-1688; Births, Marriages and Deaths: 1644-1730. p 607.
39. O. Turner, Pioneer History of the Holland Purchase of Western New York, (http://c-23.rootsweb.com/usgenweb/archives/ny/deeds/holland.txt (02 Jun 1999)).
40. 1810 New York Federal Census. Genesee Co., NY.
41. Genesee County Deeds. Vol 3, Page 398.
42. Gravestone, Pine Hill Cemetery, Elba Twp., Genesee Co., NY, ([photograph courtesy of Elaine Child]).
43. Genesee County Deeds. Vol 10, p 383-384.
44. The Barbour Collection, (The Connecticut Nutmegger; on-going series). Middletown Births, Vol 24, No 1, June 1991, p 88-89.
45. LDS, International Genealogical Index. Film # 2078035.
46. 1840 Census Index, Genesee Co., NY, (on-line @ GenealogyLibrary.Com).
47. Nancy Vogt, (nrvogt@webtv.net).
48. Ednamary Letson, Some of the Descendants of Samuel Clark of Batavia and Elba, New York, (Compiled by Ednamary Letson, 3218 East Third Street, Tulsa 4, Oklahoma, April of 1945, privately published. (data sent by Nancy Vogt, 17 Mar 1999)).
49. 1810 New York Federal Census. Genesse Co.
50. 1830 Census, Barre, Orleans Co., NY [Index}.
51. Fred Q. Bowman, 10,000 Vital Records of Western New York, 1809-1850, (New York, 1985). Record #1802.
52. Orson Clark Dunham, Personal Knowledge, (1968).
53. Gravestone, Richards Cemetery, Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI.
54. Macomb County Death Records, (Macomb County Court House, Mt. Clemens, MI).
55. Marjorie A. Kientz.
56. ibid. Orson Clark GedCom.
57. Helen (Burgess) Lindhorst, Genealogical Study of the Family of Josiah Fisher Wilson Sanborn and Alberteen Adelaide Eaton, with a special section on other ancestral lineages, Privately Published 1978, Idaho Falls; [courtesy of Beverly Paine]
58. 1850 Census, Armada Twp., Macomb County, MI. Roll 357, p 34.
59. 1860 Census, Armada, Macomb Co., MI.
60. Probate Records. File of Daniel D. Dunham; Macomb County, MI.
61. 1870 Census, Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI. p 13, [106/107].
62. 1880 Census, Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI. p 841, [149/153].
63. Macomb County Death Records, (Macomb County Court House, Mt. Clemens, MI). Book B, p 30.
64. Robert Eldridge, Past & Present of Macomb County, (The SJ Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, IL c. 1905).
65. Macomb County Death Records, (Macomb County Court House, Mt. Clemens, MI). Book A, p 7.
66. Macomb County, MI, Land Records, (on-line database at RootsWeb.Com). Document #20026, Serial #MI0700__489.
67. 1840 Census, Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI.
68. 1850 Census, Armada Twp., Macomb County, MI. Roll 357: p 34.
69. History of Macomb County, MIchigan, (M. A. Lesson & Co., Chicago, 1882).
70. 1870 Census, Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI.
71. 1900 Census, Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI.
72. 1880 Census, Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI. 23 / 25; p 3.
73. ARHIJAN, Armada School Yearbook, (Armada, MI, 1950).
74. Macomb County Death Records, (Macomb County Court House, Mt. Clemens, MI). Book C, Page 1, Line 8.
75. 1870 Census, Richmond, Macomb Co., MI, (on-line at U of M library website). page 33, lines 36-40.
76. Ursula B. Adamson, Property Owners in Richmond Township as Shown on the 1916 Plat Map, (On-line: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Creek/3029/1916Ripropowners.html).
77. Macomb County Death Records, (Macomb County Court House, Mt. Clemens, MI). Book B, p 165.
78. Gravestone, Willow Grove Cemetery, Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI.
79. LDS, International Genealogical Index. M518583, Marriage records, 1819-1927 Macomb County (Michigan). County Clerk.
80. 1870 Census, Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI. p 12, lines 23-24.
81. LDS, International Genealogical Index. Batch # C518581; Birth records 1867-1923; index to births 1874-1905, Macomb Co., MI.
82. Macomb County Death Records, (Macomb County Court House, Mt. Clemens, MI). Book B, p 165 [courtesy of Doug Spencer].
83. Macomb County, MI, Marriage Index, 1852 - 1861, (K.N. Mulberry Publishing.)
84. 1880 Census, Richmond Village, Macomb Co., MI. p 8, [courtesy of Elaine Childs].
85. LDS, International Genealogical Index. M518583.
86. 1880 Census, Armada Twp., Macomb Co., MI. p 814, [152/156].