Vital Records Of Westport Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England H1storic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1918.
Marriages - RICHARDS to TILTON
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Silas W. of New Bedford and Hariot B. Teal of New Bedford, July 9, 1832.
Bradford and Mary Weaver of Troy, Feb. 13, 1810.
Deborah and Samuel Pitts of Pittstown, N.Y., Dec. 13, 1801.
Hannah and William Pitts of Pittstown, N.Y., Dec. 19, 1802.
John C., Capt., of Dighton [int. Providence, omits Capt.], and Eliza Cory, May 8, 1826.
Jonathan of Scipio, Cyuga Co., N.Y., and Rebecca Almy, Feb. 11, 1807.
London and Deborah Peagin, int. Mar. 7, 1789.
Mary Jane and Alexander Brownell, Apr. 30, 1839.
Rowan [int. Roanna] T. and William Sisson of Troy, Jan. 1, 1829.
Susan and Charles Fowler of Livonia, N.Y., int. Feb. 2, 1814.
Thomas, Dr., of Swanzey, "Now Residing in Westport," and Mary Shearman of Swanzey, int. Dec. 14, 1811.
Apollos of Dartmouth and Mary Sowle, Nov. 27, 1832.
Clark of Dartmouth and Rhoda Willcox, int. Aug. 30, 1794.
RIDER (see Ryder)
Edward of Dartmouth and Mary Gifford, d. John, Nov. 21, 1805.
Samuel of Dartmouth and Keziah Tripp, Dec. 20, 1795.
RIDINGTON (see Wrightington)
James M. of Fallriver and Hannah R. Hammond of Fallriver, June 8, 1835.
Elijah, s. William, and Hannah Castino, d. Raymond, May 5, 1805.
James of New Bedford and Sarah Potter, Aug. 2, 1835.
Mary, d. William, and Tillinghast Gifford, s. George and Eunice, Mar. 10, 1805.
Nancy and George Wilbur of Little Compton, int. Oct. 31, 1801.
Silvia and Humphry Hammond, Sept. 24, 1797.
Francis C. of Fall River and Maria Seabury, d. Capt. Benjamin, Sept. 15, 1844.
Elias and Fanny Underwood, d. Nicholas dec'd, Feb. 3, 1805.
Isaac, 24, farmer, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, s. Jeptha and Mercy of Dartmouth, and Ann Reynolds, 23, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, d. Michael and Martha of Dartmouth, Dec. 6, 1846.
Mariah of New York and Ellery Taber, int. Jan. 9, 1832.
Alfred of Tiverton and Rachel Devol, int. Sept. 4, 1790.
Elizabeth [int. of Tiverton], d. David (Round) of Tiverton, and Benjamin Devol, s. Benjamin, Feb. 16, 1800.
Hannah of Tiverton, R.I., and Stephen Tripp, Dec. 17, 1795.
John of Tiverton, R.I., and Rebecca Lake of Tiverton, R.I., "residing in Westport," Dec. 5, 1805.
Mary of Tiverton and Isaac Tripp, int. July 18, 1792.
RUSSEL (see Russell)
Charles [int. Russel] of Dartmouth and Amanda M. Potter, Apr. 15, 1842.
RUSSELL (see Russel)
Benjamin of Dartmouth and Deborah Tripp, Jan. 29, 1795.
Christopher of Dartmouth and Lydia Gifford, Dec. 31, 1794. [Russel of Dartmouth, Dec. 31, 1793, B.C.R.]
Christopher and Nancy Almy, int. Feb. 4, 1797.
Hannah of New Bedford and John Lewis of New Bedford, July 14, 1826.
Holder of New Bedford and Clarrissa Brownell, Oct. 10, 1830.
Lydia, wid. Stephen, d. William Sisson dec'd and Lydia dec'd, and Isaac Sanford of N. Eastown, Dutches Co., N.Y., s. William and Rebecca, 20th, 3 mo. 1799, C.R.
Lydia G. of Dartmouth and Ephraim Gifford 2d, int. Nov. 25, 1841.
Mary, d. Savia, wid., and David Sowle, Jan. 13, 1799.
Mathew and Elizabeth Brownell, Mar. 24, 1803.
Parnal [int. Parnold] of Dartmouth and Samuel Shearman, ---- 4 [int. Nov. 8], 1788.
Phebe of Dartmouth and Edward Wing Jr., int. Aug. 19, 1795.
Rebecca of Dartmouth and Stephen Davis, Feb. 24, 1805.
Ruth [int. of Dartmouth] and Perry Gifford, Mar. 8, 1795. [Ruth of Westport, B.C.R.]
Stephen, s. Timothy and Roba dec'd of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Lydia Howland, d. William Sisson and Lydia dec'd, 22d, 6 mo. 1796, C.R.
William and Mehitabel Cornell of Dartmouth, int. Aug. 2, 1816.
RYDER (see Rider)
Leonard W. 22, meriner, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, s. David C. and Clarisa of Dartmouth, and Lydia P. Gifford, 21, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, d. Lewis and Elizbeth of Dartmouth, Sept. 10, 1846.
SABENS (see Sabin, Sabins)
William and Ruth Borden, Dec. 5, 1811.
SABIN (see Sabens, Sabins)
Wesson G. [int. Weston G. Sabins] and Eliza Grinnell, Nov. 15, 1840.
SABINS (see Sabens, Sabin)
Gideon B. and Elizabeth Devol, Dec. 23, 1832.
Lydia Ann and Daniel H. Crapo of Dartmouth, int. Feb. 22, 1845.
Samuel and Lillis Sowle, int. Dec. 6, 1826.
Stephen, 26, labourer, s. William and Ruth, and Mary J. A. Mosher, 18, d. Abner and Charity, Nov. 28, 1847.
William H., 26, labourer, s. William and Ruth, and Ann Maria Tripp, 19, d. Ichabod and Hannah, Apr. 19, 1846.
Ebenezer of Fallriver and Rebecca Ann Little of Dartmouth, Apr. 13, 1842.
John, 24, labourer, b. Dartmouth, s. Araba and Annah of Dartmouth, and Hannah Craw, 16, b. Tiverton, R.I., d. Simeon and Nabby, Nov. 16, 1845, in Dartmouth.
Nancy of Troy and Abraham Gifford of Dartmouth, Aug. 2, 1829.
Susan and Willard Gifford, int. June 14, 1823.
Jacob of Warren and Mary H. Sowle, int. Apr. 11, 1834.
Nathaniel W. of Troy and Deborah G. Sowle, int. June ----, 1827.
SANDFORD (see Sanford)
Priscilla [int. Pricilla] and Stephen Tripp, May 18, 1817.
SANFORD (see Sandford)
Abraham and Betsy Church of Troy, int. Oct. 19, 1804.
Anne, d. Philip, and William Brownell, s. James, May 22, 1801.
Barbara (see Barbara Sowle).
Catharine, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Job Sowle of Tiverton, Nov. 12, 1818.
Clarrissa [int. Clarissa] and Ira Sanford of Tiverton, Aug. 1, 1824.
David and Patty Simmons of Tiverton, int. June 13, 1796.
David, s. Philip dec'd, and Eunice [int. Elnice] Simmons of Tiverton, Oct. 29, 1809.
David Jr. and Anritta [int. Henrietta] Gifford, June 13, 1842.
Eliza and Ellery Taber, int. Dec. 14, 1827.
Eunice, 25, d. David and Eunice, and John Perry, 24, labourer, b. Tiverton, R.I., s. Arnold and Lydia of Tiverton, int. Apr. 2, 1846. "Not married."
George and Lucy Ann Chase, int. May 8, 1826.
Henrietta and Restcome Borden, Oct. 9, 1836.
Ira of Tiverton and Clarrissa [int. Clarissa] Sanford, Aug. 1, 1824.
Isaac of N. Eastown, Dutches Co., N.Y., s. William and Rebecca, and Lydia Russell, wid. Stephen, d. William Sisson dec'd. and Lydia dec'd, 20th, 3 mo. 1799, C.R.
John and Mary Pettey, July 20 [sic, int. Aug. 18], 1821.
Lusinda of Tiverton and Benajah Tripp, int. Dec. 22, 1810.
Peleg and Elizabeth Cornell of Tiverton, int. Oct. 19, 1804.
Peleg of Tiverton and Deborah Gifford, int. Oct. 5, 1822.
Peleg and Sarah A. Sherman of Tiverton, int. Dec. 6, 1830. [Peleg S., m. Jan. 6, 1831, P.R.4.]
Phebe of Tiverton and Green Allen, int. Sept. 12, 1806.
Philip, s. Peleg, and Catharine Tripp of Tiverton, d. Samuel, Sept. 30, 1798.
Philip [int. of Tiverton], s. Ephraim of Tiverton, Newport Co., R.I., and Sarah Tripp, d. Caleb, Mar. 26, 1807.
Philip and Phebe Castino, Nov. 1, 1810.
Phillip and Ruth Weaver of Dartmouth, int. Sept. 14, 1829.
Priscilla B. of Tiverton and Otis Macomber, int. Nov. 2, 1844.
Prissillia of Tiverton and Joseph Tripp, int. Mar. 1, 1808.
Rebecca of Dartmouth and Joseph Head, May 15, 1788. [Rebecah of Dartmouth, B.C.R.]
Rhoda and Thurston Gifford of Tiverton, int. Feb. 12, 1797.
Rhoda of Fallriver and John Burt of Fallriver, Nov. 13, 1831.
Ruth and Thomas Wrightington [int. Ridington] of Troy, Nov. 15, 1818.
Sarah, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Capt. Abner Howland, May 19, 1825.
Silas B. [int. R.] and Lydia Macomber, May 23, 1842.
Stephen, s. Philip, and Betsy Tillson [int. Tilson], d. Jacob, Nov. 25, 1798.
Thankful of Tiverton and Benson Manchester, int. Oct. 7, 1811.
Thomas, s. Philip, and Charity Davis, Oct. 2, 1797.
Thomas and Almeda H. Miller of Dartmouth, int. Sept. 18, 1827.
Thomas and Susannah [int. Susanah] Pettey, Dec. 8, 1842.
SAUNDERS (see Sanders)
Sarah of Tiverton and William Wood, Nov. 28, 1804, [Sawdey and William Wood Sr., P.R.24.]
James of Little Compton and Lydia Snell, int. Aug. 31, 1799.
Stephen, Col., of Little Compton, and Nancy Earle, Mar. 21, 1813.
Abigail, d. Samuel and Lydia, and William Watkins, Aug. 12, 1781 [in Little Compton].
Albert, 32, meriner, s. Benjamin and Ruth, and Mary Ann Bolls, 20, of Rochester, b. Rochester, d. William and Abigail of Rochester, ---- [int. Aug. 26, 1846], in Rochester.
Alexander, 27, painter, of New York, s. Benjamin and Ruth, and Lydia B. Manchester, 22, d. Abraham and Lydia, Aug. 22, 1848.
Benjamin Jr., Capt., and Elizabeth Tompkins of Little Compton, int. Feb. 9, 1830.
Catharine, 33, of Tiverton, b. Tiverton, d. Elizabeth of Tiverton, and Barnea Hicks, 35, carpenter, s. Barnea and Sarah, ---- [int. Mar. 6, 1846], in Little Compton.
Eliza and Capt. William B. Hicks, Jan. 29, 1840.
Franklin P. and Edith Howland of Dartmouth, Jan. 3, 1830.
Harriet of Fallriver and Asa Eames of Fallriver, Jan. 2, 1843.
John and Mariah Shaw of Little Compton, int. Feb. 8, 1836.
Lydia of Little Compton and John Manchester, int. June 5, 1812.
Maria, d. Capt. Benjamin, and Francis C. Rodman of Fall River, Sept. 15, 1844.
Pearce of Tiverton and Elizabeth Hazard, int. Mar. ----, 1793.
Pindar of Little Compton and Polly Brownell, int. May 31, 1839.
Sarah and Zimri Cleveland of Nantucket, int. May 22, 1812.
Susan, d. Pearse, and Christopher S. Allen, s. Williams, Oct. 25, 1826.
Bridget and John M. [int. Mirick] Whitney [int. of Ga.], May 28, 1792.
Benjamin T., 36, laborer, of New Bedford, b. Tiverton, R.I., s. Elizabeth, and Luvenia Coggshall of New Bedford, b. Tiverton, R.I., d. John and Abigail of Tiverton, Dec. 9, 1848, "in Connetictut R.I."
Bethena of Little Compton and Gilbert Manchester, int. Nov. 30, 1810.
Clarinda of Tiverton and Elias Potter, int. Feb. 15, 1834.
Jediah and Rhoda Slocum, int. Dec. 21, 1812.
Job [int. of Tiverton], s. Nathaniel of Tiverton, and Amy Macomber [int. Maccomber], d. Humphrey, May 14, 1809.
Lydia of Little Compton and Abraham Manchester, int. Mar. 22, 1817.
Mariah of Little Compton and John Seabury, int. Feb. 8, 1836.
Sarah and Bradford H. Coggeshall of New Bedford, int. Sept. 22, 1841.
SHEAPARD (see Shepard)
John, 28, meriner, b. England, s. John and Ellen of England, and Mary N. Manchester, wid., 27, d. Daniel Cushman and Lydia, Apr. 23, 1848.
SHEARMAN (see Sherman)
Anthony and Susan Chase, int. Aug. 13, 1827.
Anthony, widr., 44, farmer, s. Abner and Hannah, and Ruth Ann Thurston, 20, of Fall River, b. Fall River, d. James and Ruth of Fall River, Dec. 27, 1848.
Asenith, 18, d. Anthony and Susan, and Leonard M. Chace, 25, farmer, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, s. Isaac dec'd and Priscilla dec'd., Oct. 5, 1845, in Dartmouth.
Barbara, d. Preservid, and Tillinghast [int. Tilinghast] Sowle, s. Oliver, Apr. 21, 1811.
Cynthia and Lawton Case, Nov. 20, 1816.
Ebenezer and Sally Gifford, int. Oct. 21, 1823.
Edith, d. Gideon dec'd, and Isaac Gifford, s. John, Jan. 15, 1809.
Freelove of Dartmouth and Perry Briggs, May 6, 1810.
Hannah, 23, d. Pardon and Nancy, and Tillinghast Kirby, 27, farmer, s. Ephraim and Hannah, Mar. 30, 1847.
Julia A., 19, d. Pardon and Nancy, and Luthurn D. Tripp, 20, farmer, s. Gideon W. and Phebe, ---- [int. June 16, 1847].
Lydia, d. John and Experience of Rochester, Plymouth Co., and Isaac Potter, s. Stephen and Sussanah, 17th, 3 mo. 1802, C.R.
Marcy [int. of Fretown, "Residing in Westport"] and Gardner Briggs, Aug. 7, 1795.
Mary of Swanzey and Dr. Thomas Richmond of Swanzey, "Now Residing in Westport," int. Dec. 14, 1811.
Matilda and Thomas T. Cornell, Sept. 5, 1813.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Pardon and Nancy Davis, int. May 21, 1814.
Patience, d. Preservid, and Silas Kirby, s. William, Nov. 19, 1809.
Preserved, s. Robert, and Ruth Allen, d. Daniel, Sept. 15, 1779.
Rhoda and Isaac Palmer, Sept. 15, 1814.
Ruth of Tiverton and Charles Wodell, int. Nov. 22, 1824.
Sampson of Tiverton and Sarah Davis, int. Apr. 3, 1824.
Samuel and Parnal [int. Parnold] Russell of Dartmouth, ---- 4 [int. Nov. 8], 1788.
Sarah W. and David Brownell, s. Jeremy [int. Jeremiah], Dec. 10, 1817.
Sibil and Uriah Brownell, int. Oct. 11, 1824.
Susanna of Tiverton and George Gifford, int. Oct. 10, 1793.
William of Dartmouth and Catharine Cory of Dartmouth, Aug. 27, 1822.
SHEPARD (see Sheapard)
Nathaniel and Ruth Howland, Sept. 10, 1829.
SHERMAN (see Shearman)
Albert G. of Newport and Meribah Ann Winslow, June 19, 1836. [Meribah Ann, d. Thomas and Lydia (Cornell), June 18, P.R.19.]
Catharine and Stephen K. Cornell, Oct. 6, 1833.
Elizabeth and Gideon Jennings of New Bedford, int. Oct. 10, 1835.
Gideon and Eliza A. Perry, Aug. 16, 1839.
James H. and Adeline E. Brownell, int. Dec. 4, 1841.
Justus and Clarrissa Gifford, Apr. 24, 1831.
Kempton and Rosanna [int. Rosannah] Chace, Nov. 8, 1835, in Dartmouth.
Lot, s. Jonathan and Patience of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Isabel Baker, d. Charles and Sarah, 20th, 5 mo. 1812, C.R.
Mary [int. Shearman] of Dartmouth and Elijah Gifford Jr., Mar. 2, 1797.
Nathaniel of Dartmouth and Abigail Wing, d. David, Oct. 26, 1806.
Obed of Dartmouth and Lucy Thompson, Nov. 22, 1829.
Peace, d. Robert [dup. Robert and Alice], and David Sowle, s. Isaac [dup. Isaac and Sarah], Apr. 26, 1789. [Shearman, B.C.R.]
Peleg [int. Shearman] and Hannah P. Case, Dec. 7, 1828.
Preserved and Sarah Manchester, Sept. 15, 1799.
Rachel [int. Shearman of Dartmouth], d. Israel (Shearman) of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Ebenezer [int. Ebunezer] Eddy, s. Ichabod, Dec. 30, 1790. [Shearman of Dartmouth and Ebenezer Eddy of Dartmouth, B.C.R.]
Robert, s. Preserved, and Elizabeth Kerby [int. Kirby], d. Justus, Nov. 22, 1807.
Sampson Jr. of Tiverton, R.I., and Rachel Brownell, d. Thomas, Apr. 8, 1804.
Sarah, d. Preserved, and Abner Willcox, s. Silvanus, Oct. 19, 1806.
Sarah A. of Tiverton and Peleg Sanford, int. Dec. 6, 1830. [Peleg S., m. Jan. 6, 1831, P.R.4.]
Silias of Dartmouth and Richard Cornel, Jan. 11, 1797.
Theresa of Dartmouth and Jethro Howland, int. Jan. 24, 1834.
Thomas and Meriba [int. Mereba] Allen, d. Ebenezer, May 3, 1800.
Thomas of Dartmouth and Sally P. Chace of Dartmouth, July 2, 1840, in New Bedford.
Thomas B. andLovisa Davis, Nov. 22, 1838.
Wilson of Tiverton and Mary Davis, int. Oct. 8, 1834.
Charles of Fallriver and Patience Borden, int. Sept. 2, 1839.
Amy [int. Amie], d. Daniel, and David Allen, s. Humphry, Dec. 20, 1798.
Mary and William Willcocks, July 2, 1767.
Mary and Wesson Allen, May 31, 1795. [Shreive, B.C.R.]
Rebecca and Joseph Dennis of Tiverton, int. Dec. 28, 1787.
SIMMONS (see Simons)
Eber C. of Dartmouth and Penelope Brownell, int. July 8, 1839.
Elisha of Little Compton and Susannah Devol, int. May 1, 1832.
Eliza of Little Compton and Jonathan Brownell, int. Oct. 17, 1815.
Eunice [int. Elnice] of Tiverton and David Sanford, s. Philip dec'd, Oct 29, 1809.
Freelove of Tiverton and Charles Petty, int. Feb. 21, 1795.
George of Little Compton and Ruth Head, int. Feb. 6, 1794.
Hannah and Andrew T. Wilbour of Dartmouth, int. Oct. 27, 1838.
Hannah S. of Little Compton, d. Perry, and Holder Records, s. Jonathan, Oct. 24, 1839 [? in Little Compton, R.I.].
Job of Tiverton and Ruth Beedon, int. Nov. 5, 1808.
Lewis of Little Compton and Nancy Davis, int. Jan. 12, 1823.
Lois and Gilbert Reed, int. June 6, 1826.
Mary B. of Little Compton and Osmon Brownell, int. Sept. 27, 1834.
Pardon of Little Compton and Hannah Palmer, int. Aug. 17, 1794.
Pardon of Little Compton and Betsey Church, int. Dec. 24, 1813.
Patty of Tiverton and David Sanford, int. June 13, 1796.
Phebe, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], of Tiverton, and William Hicks Jr., Apr. 25, 1790, in Tiverton.
Rachel of Tiverton and Godfrey King, int. May 9, 1835.
Reuben and Patience Tripp, int. Mar. 23, 1835.
Rhoda and Willard Tripp, int. June 4, 1828.
Sarah Ann, 19, of Dartmouth, d. Pardon and Sarah of Dartmouth, and Bradford Coggshall, 21, labourer, b. Tiverton, s. Abner and Phebe of Tiverton, Jan. 1, 1849.
Stephen [int. of Little Compton], s. John and Hannah of Little Compton, and Prissilla Head, d. John, Nov. 29, 1798.
Susanah of Tiverton and Nathaniel Pearce, int. Oct. 10, 1809.
Washington and Prudence Tripp, July 29, 1838.
SIMONS (see Simmons)
Deborah [int. Sims] of Dartmouth and Nathaniel Sowle [int. Sole], Jan. 13, 1793. [Simms of Dartmouth and Nathaniel Sowle, B.C.R.]
Phebe of Little Compton and Edward Mason, int. May 28, 1814.
Abner of N.Y. [int. [" now resident in Westport"] and Abigail Cory, Jan. 29, 1915 [sic, 1815].
Abner and Judith Wood of Dartmouth, int. Nov. 6, 1826. [Abner, s. David and Nancy (Howland), and Edith Wood, m. ----, P.R.15.]
Alden T., 24, labourer, s. George and Mahala, and Elizabeth Stodard, 21, b. Providence, d. Henry C. and Eliza of Providence, Jan. 21, 1847.
Allen and Eliza Eastes of Dartmouth, int. June 27, 1812.
Amy and Stephen Kirby, May 26, 1812.
Ann [int. Anna] and Christopher Gifford, Nov. 27, 1823. [Anna, d. David and Nancy (Howland), P.R.15.]
Anna and Benjamin Cory, Oct. 31, 1779.
Charlotte [int. Charlottee] of Tiverton, d. Elizabeth, and Frederick Brownell, s. Abner, Nov. 29, 1812, in Tiverton.
Daniel, s. James and Hannah, and Rhoda Sisson, d. Philip and w., July 29, 1784.
Daniel and Fally Devol, int. Feb. 12, 1816.
Daniel H. and Phebe C. Tripp, int. June 12, 1841.
David and Nancy Howland, int. Dec. 20, 1800. [m. Feb. 22, 1801, P.R.15.]
David and Penelope Howland, June 13, 1819. [June 11, P.R.15.]
David, s. David and Nancy (Howland), and Almira Smith, ----, P.R.15.
Elisabeth, d. William dec'd and Lydia of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Thomas Howland, s. Thomas and Ruth of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 14th, 10 mo. 1773, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Elizabeth of Tiverton and Lemuel Brightman, int. Oct. 9, 1809.
Elizabeth A., 31, d. George and Mahala, and Humphrey Tripp, 43, labourer, s. Elihu and Mary, ---- [int. Sept. 7, 1848], in Dartmouth.
George and Mahala Tripp, July 9, 1815.
George F., s. David and Penelope (Howland), and Clarinda C. Macomber, Feb. 18, 1848, P.R.15.
Gideon and Anna Cornell, int. Mar. 26, 1790.
Gideon, 24, carpenter, s. David and Penelope, and Angaline B. Tripp, 18, d. David and Nancy, Nov. 1, 1847. [Gideon, s. David and Penelope (Howland), and Angeline B. Tripp, Nov. 4, P.R.15.]
Green [int. Greene] B. and Ropey Potter, Mar. 26, 1815.
Hannah, d. Jonathan and Mary dec'd. of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Charles Willbur, s. William (Willber) and Esther dec'd of Little Comton, Newport Co., R.I., 23d, 11 mo. 1780, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Hannah and Ezekiel Brownell, Jan. 20, 1820.
Hannah and Alexander B. Gifford, May 31 [sic, int. Oct. 12], 1841.
Isaac and Meriam Gifford, Oct. 22, 1829. [Isaac, s. David and Nancy (Howland), and Miriam Gifford, P.R.15.]
Joanna, d. Lemuel and Deborath of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Abraham Swift, s. Zebulon and Rebacca of Sanwich, Barnstable Co., 18th, 11 mo. 1775, in Dartmouth, C.R.
John H., s. David and Penelope (Howland), and Nancy Bliss, Sept. 16, 1849, P.R.15.
Jonathan Jr. and Eady Gifford, int. Feb. 27, 1796.
Joseph, s. William, and Mary Peckens [int. Pirkins] of Middleborough [int. "Now Residing in Dartmouth"], Dec. 26, 1811.
Leonard and Almy Gifford, Feb. 12, 1843. [Leonard, s. David and Nancy (Howland), P.R.15.]
Leonard and Charlotte W. Gifford of Dartmouth, int. Dec. 14, 1844. [Leonard, s. David and Nancy (Howland), m. Jan. 1, 1845, P.R.15.]
Lydia, d. William dec'd and Lydia of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Daniel Howland, s. Samuel and Ruth of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 4th, 3 mo. 1778, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Mary R. and Daniel K. Andrus of Berkley, int. Sept. 4, 1833.
Nancy H., 27, d. David and Penelopy, and Charles F. Brownell, 26, farmer, of Tiverton, R.I., s. Ezekiel and Hannah of Tiverton, Feb. 13, 1847. [Nancy H., d. David and Penelope (Howland), Feb. 18, P.R.15.]
Perry, s. William, and Elizabeth Macomber [int. Maccomber of Dartmouth], d. Perry of Dartmouth, Feb. 22, 1810, in Dartmouth.
Polly and John Thompson of Tiverton, int. Oct. 22, 1800.
Rhoda, d. Philip and w., and Daniel Sisson, s. James and Hannah, July 29, 1784.
Rhoda, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs], and James Gifford 2d [int. omits 2d] of Dartmouth, Apr. 18, 1802. [Rhoda and James Gifford 2d of Dartmouth, P.R.24.]
Richmond and Mary Weaver of Tiverton, int. July 6, 1799.
Ruth and Willard Slocum, int. Jan. 19, 1816.
Ruth of Newbedford and Charles Macomber, int. Sept. 7, 1834.
Stephen and Lillis Tripp, Apr. 1, 1813.
Stephen Jr. of Dartmouth and Sarah B. Morton of Dartmouth, Oct. 12, 1820.
Stephen of Newbedford and Lydia Tripp, int. Aug. 19, 1822.
Warren and Nancy Bliss of Dartmouth, int. Aug. 10, 1817.
William and Ruth Boomer, int. Sept. 10, 1799.
William and Sarah Cook of Tiverton, int. Aug. 4, 1804.
William of Troy and Rowan [int. Roanna] T. Richmond, Jan. 1, 1829.
William A., 22, blacksmith, s. David dec'd. and Penelope, and Permelia [dup. Pamelia] Jane Gifford, 19, tailoress, d. Stephen B. dec'd. and Permelia [dup. Pamelia], Jan. 1, 1846. [William A., s. David and Penelope (Howland), and Permelia J. Gifford, P.R.15.]
SLADE (see Slaid, Slead, Sleade)
Alexander P. of Somerset and Ruth H. Macomber, int. Sept. 28, 1827.
Anna, d. Samuel and Peace, and Joseph Davis of New Bedford, s. James dec'd and Deborah dec'd of New Bedford, Bristol Co., 21st, 9 mo. 1842, C.R.
Lucy H. and Andrew Slocum, Nov. 15, 1835.
Nathan of Troy, s. Henry and Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth] of Troy, Bristol Co., and Phebe Macomber, d. Isaac and Anna, 27th, 10 mo. [dup. 6 mo.] 1824, C.R.
SLAID (see Slade, Slead, Sleade)
Zephaniah [int. Slead] of Dartmouth and Mary Ann [int. adds Wilbour] Gifford, Apr. 8, 1819.
SLEAD (see Slade, Slaid, Sleade)
Caleb of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Edward and Eliphel dec'd, and Hannah Davis, d. Eber and Mary, 23d, 3 mo. 1808, C.R.
Edward and Isabella Davis, Mar. 14, 1813.
Mary, d. Edward and Eliphel dec'd, and John Macomber, s. Nathaniel and Susanna, 25th, 1 mo. 1809, C.R.
Mercy, d. Edward and Elphel dec'd, and John A. Gifford, s. Stephen and Rhoda dec'd. of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 24th, 3 mo. 1813, C.R.
SLEADE (see Slade, Slaid, Slead)
Elisabeth, d. Edward (Slead) and Eliphel dec'd, and Eber D. Baker, s. James and Sarah, 24th, 10 mo. 1832, C.R.
Abner of Chilmark and Deborah Gifford, int. Oct. 26, 1813.
Andrew and Lucy H. Slade, Nov. 15, 1838.
Ann of Portsmouth,. R.I., "and resident in Westport," and Calvin H. Field of Cranston, R.I., "but resident in Westport," Mar. 30, 1841.
David of Tiverton, R.I., s. Elijah dec'd, and Rhoda Manchester, d. Philip, July 6, 1800 [sic, int. June 19, 1806].
Elihu, s. Giles and Silvei dec'd. of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Sarah White, d. Peleg and Rachel of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 29th, 12 mo. 1774, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Eliza Ann of Dartmouth and Willard Almy of Dartmouth, Aug. 28, 1828.
Judith W. and Benjamin Gardner of Tiverton, int. June 7, 1836.
Patience of Dartmouth and John Allen, int. Sept. 10, 1817.
Priscilla of New Bedford and Frederick Washington of New Bedford, Nov. 30, 1832.
Rhoda and Jediah Shaw, int. Dec. 21, 1812.
Sareh [int. Sarah], "Slocum alias Dick" [int. "alias Dice], and Boston Durfee of Tivertown [int. Freetown], Nov. 11, 1788. [Sarah Dice "alias Slocum" and Boston Durfy of Freetown, Nov. 16, B.C.R.]
Willard and Ruth Sisson, int. Jan. 19, 1816.
Williams of Dartmouth and Anna Chace, int. Jan. 11, 1803.
Almira and David Sisson, s. David and Nancy (Howland), ----, P.R.15.
Amy of Dartmouth and Jabez Barker, int. Dec. 3, 1801.
Andrew F. of Fairhaven and Sophia Ann Devol, Mar. 3, 1844.
Benjamin of Dartmouth and Elizabeth Jane Tripp, int. Mar. 18, 1844.
Betsey of Dartmouth and Pardon Howland, int. Sept. 26, 1814.
Betsy Jane, 16, d. William and Charity, and David C. Briggs, 24, carpenter, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, s. Elihu and Polly of Dartmouth, ---- [int. June 19, 1847].
Ezra of Little Compton and Ruth Church, int. Feb. 26, 1793.
Henry of Dartmouth and Ruth L. Wilcox, int. Sept. 7, 1844.
Jeremiah, s. Samuel dec'd and Mary of Easthoosuck, Barkshire Co., and Rachel Macomber, wid. Caleb late of Dartmouth, d. George Willbur dec'd and Deborah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 21st, 11 mo. 1782, in Dartmouth, C.R.
John [int. of Dartmouth], s. Peleg of Dartmouth, and Roba Brightman, d. Henry, Jan. 21, 1802.
John P. of Troy and Martha Gidley of Dartmouth, Dec. 2, 1824.
Jonathan and Lydia Macomber, int. Sept. 25, 1819.
Louisa and Simmons Besse, Feb. 9, 1840.
Lucy and Lemuel Besse, June 30, 1841.
Margaret of New Bedford and Jonathan Bell of New Bedford, Nov. 15, 1840.
Mary of Tiverton and Stephen Davis, Jan. 3, 1802.
Mary of Freetown and Dedamus Butts of Dartmouth, Sept. 18, 1823.
Meriam [int. Miriam of Dartmouth], d. Peleg dec'd of Dartmouth, and Peleg Cornell, s. Peleg dec'd, Apr. 29, 1810, in Dartmouth.
Ruth of Dartmouth and Perry Brownell, int. May 9, 1814.
Samuel [int. adds H.] of Temple, Me., and Mary Ann Sowle, Jan. 15, 1843.
William and Charity Tripp, int. Jan. 16, 1815.
William and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Eliza Davis, Sept. 26, 1840.
Barnea and Rebecca Taber, Nov. 3, 1813.
Daniel D., 21, labourer, s. Peleg and Rhoda, and Roanah Pettey, 22, d. Elias and Dilila, Apr. 6, 1848.
Hannah of Harwich and Asa Church, Dec. 23, 1798.
Hannah and Wilbour Palmer of Little Compton, int. Oct. 2, 1815.
Henry and Martha Macomber, Oct. 21, 1810.
Henry, 25, labourer, s. Henry and Marthar, and Charity Ann Jane Mosher, 18, d. Abner and Charity, Jan. 11, 1847.
Humphrey [int. Humphry] W. and Clarinda T. Potter, Oct. 1, 1840.
Isaac, s. Peter, and Pheby [int. Phebe] Cornell, d. William, Dec. 23, 1790. [Phebe Connell, B.C.R.]
Isaac and Martha White, Mar. 25, 1822.
Isaac and Almira Case, int. Feb. 3, 1842.
James, s. Peter, and Mary Tripp, d. James, Mar. 10, 1799.
James and Thankful [int. Thankfull] Case, July 20, 1821.
Jane and Joseph Haley Jr. of Tiverton, int. May 7, 1795.
John, s. Job, and Nancy Gifford, d. John, Dec. 31, 1801.
John and Armida Manley of Little Compton, int. Mar. 30, 1814.
Lydia and James Sawyer of Little Compton, int. Aug. 31, 1799.
Lyman and Clarrissa Tripp of Tiverton, int. June 30, 1832.
Mahala of Troy and Peleg Dennis, int. Sept. 25, 1813.
Nancy and Job Gifford, Dec. 2, 1821.
Nicholas T. and Mary Henderson of Salem, int. Sept. 6, 1835.
Peleg and Rhoda Devol, Oct. 26, 1823.
Phebe and Royal Gifford, May 30, 1842.
Phebe and Edmund French of Fallriver, int. Dec. 6, 1842.
Pheby [int. Phebe] and Abiah [int. Abiel] Tripp of Tiverton, R.I., Dec. 26, 1793. [Phebe and Abial Tripp of Tiverton, Nov. 26, B.C.R.]
Polly and William Tripp of Tiverton, int. Feb. 8, 1800.
Simion [int. Simeon] and Lucy Tabor [int. Taber], June 30, 1814.
Wait, d. Peter, and William Tripp, s. Isaac, Feb. 21, 1802.
Eliza of Dartmouth and Ezra Wing, int. Nov. 9, 1840.
James L., 21, carpenter, of New Bedford, b. New Bedford, s. James and Hannah of New Bedford, and Louisa Pettey, 17, d. Moses and Phebe, Mar. 12, 1846, in New Bedford.
Judith of Middleborough and David Tompson, int. May 21, 1831.
SOWL (see Sowle)
Phebe, d. Isaac dec'd and Sarah, and Humphry Anthony, s. William and Sarah dec'd of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 22d, 12 mo. 1808, C.R.
Susanna and Zadok Maxfeald of Dartmouth, July 27, 1791, B.C.R. [Sowle, d. Joseph and Ruth, and Zadok Maxfield of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Edmund and Rachel of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., C.R.]
SOWLE (see Sowl)
Abby and Gideon Davis Jr., Dec. 4, 1826.
Abel and Mary Hammond, Aug. 31, 1817.
Abigail and Jonathan Mosher, int. July 23, 1825.
Abigail (see Abby).
Abner [int. of Tiverton], s. Abner of Tiverton, R.I., and Nancy Hazard, d. Oliver dec'd, Oct. 2, 1803.
Anna and William Wood Jr., May 28, 1778. [Ann Soule, d. Weston, and William Wood, s. William and Deborah, grand s. George and Ann, abt. 1776, in Dartmouth, P.R.14.]
Avery and Alice Taber of Tiverton, int. Oct. 27, 1819.
Barbara [int. Sanford] and Abraham King, June 26, 1836.
Bathsheba [int. Bersheba W.] and Jeremiah D. Tripp, Nov. 12, 1840.
Benjamin, s. Stephen and Sarah, and Sarah Potter of Richmond, R.I., July 24, 1793. [July 4, B.C.R.]
Benjamin and Mary Sowle, int. July 1, 1807.
Benjamin and Nancy Sowle, d. Tillinghast, July 9, 1843. [Benjamin, s. Henry and Miriam Potter (Sowle), June 9, P.R.23.]
Caroline A. and Frederick A. Hitch of Fairhaven, Sept. 2, 1833.
Catharine and Jonathan Mosher, int. Apr. 13, 1824.
Catharine and Noah Tripp, int. Nov. 14, 1834.
Charles P. and Phebe M. Tripp, Dec. 28, 1842.
David, s. Isaac [dup. Isaac and Sarah], and Peace Sherman, d. Robert [dup. Robert and Alice], Apr. 26, 1789. [Shearman, B.C.R.]
David of Dartmouth and Phebe Kirby, July 22, 1790.
David and Mary Russell, d. Savia, wid., Jan. 13, 1799.
Deborah B. and Elihu Borden, int. Nov. 10, 1824.
Deborah G. and Nathaniel W. Sanders of Troy, int. June ----, 1827.
Ebenezer and Deborah Mahew, int. June 14, 1801.
Edward G. and Hannah Hicks, Apr. 10, 1832.
Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth Sowl], d. Wesson, and James Earl, s. Caleb, May 22, 1788. [Elizabeth Sowle, B.C.R.]
Elisha and Elizabeth Tallman, Nov. 10, 1817.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth, d. Nathaniel, and Benjamin Woodle, s. Phineas, Feb. 3, 1805.
Elizabeth, d. Oliver, and Jonathan Tripp, s. Nathan, Dec. 20, 1810.
George and Sylvia Tripp, Nov. 10, 1818.
George, Capt., and Lydia Tripp, int. Dec. 9, 1831.
George W., and Almira T. Hall of Portsmouth, R.I., int. Dec. 4, 1827.
Gideon and Patience Howland, Sept. 16, 1828.
Hannah and Joseph Howland, Apr. ----, 1799.
Henry, s. Henry of Dartmouth, and Sarah Millet of Newport, Dec. 1, 1770.
Henry and Meriam Sowle, Dec. 27, 1818. [Miriam Potter Sowle, P.R.23.]
Irene [int. adds R.] and Daniel H. Wate, Dec. 7, 1842.
Isaac and Lucy Sowle, int. Aug. 5, 1812.
Isaac and Sarah Ann Albro, Mar. 13, 1843.
Israel [int. Israel Lawton] and Abigail Hammond, May 18, 1817.
James, s. Wesson, and Patience Maccumber [int. Macomber], d. William, Dec. 6, 1789. [Macomber, B.C.R.]
Jethro and Mary Grinnell of Little Compton, int. Feb. 11, 1845.
Job of Tiverton, R.I., s. Joseph, and Lillis Allen, d. Adam, Nov. 12, 1801.
Job of Tiverton and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Catharine Sanford, Nov. 12, 1818.
John H. and Sophia Gray of Tivertown, int. Sept. 5, 1802.
Jonathan and Amy Gifford, May 12, 1803.
Jonathan and Hannah Tripp, Jan. 24, 1808.
Julia Ann and Charles F. Tripp, Aug. 14, 1836, in Dartmouth.
Lemuel and Mary P. Taber, Sept. 3, 1837.
Lillis and Samuel Sabins, int. Dec. 6, 1826.
Lorinda and Benjamin Tripp Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of New Bedford, Sept. 12, 1833.
Louisa and Lilly Tripp of Little Compton, int. July 5, 1834.
Lucia and Frederick Tripp, Sept. ----, 1831.
Lucy and Isaac Sowle, int. Aug. 5, 1812.
Lucy A., 20, d. Henry and Merium, and Albert A. Gifford, 21, meriner, s. Anthony A. and Hannah S., Apr. 23, 1848. [Albert Agustus, s. Anthony Almy and Hannah (Swift), P.R.20. Lucy Ann, d. Henry and Miriam Potter (Sowle), P.R.23.]
Lydia and Seabury Case, int. June 8, 1832.
Mary, d. Jonathan and Lydia of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Preservid Tripp, s. Benjamin and Martha of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 14th, 4 mo. 1774, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Mary and David Maxfield of Dartmouth, June 3, 1793. [Jan. 3, B.C.R.]
Mary and Benjamin Earl, Mar. 18, 1794.
Mary and Elisha Francis, Aug. 9, 1801.
Mary and Benjamin Sowle, int. July 1, 1807.
Mary and Apollos Ricketson of Dartmouth, Nov. 27, 1832.
Mary Ann and Samuel [int. adds H.] Smith of Temple, Me., Jan. 15, 1843.
Mary H. and Jacob Sanders of Warren, int. Apr. 11, 1834.
Melina and Isaac Lawton, Nov. 5, 1826.
Mercy and David Crapo of Dartmouth, int. Sept. 17, 1831.
Meriam and Henry Sowle, Dec. 27, 1818. [Miriam Potter Sowle, P.R.23.]
Meriam P. and Frederick [int. Frederic] P. Potter, Feb. 16, 1843. [Miriam P., d. Henry and Miriam Potter (Sowle), P.R.23.]
Nancy and Warren Reed, int. Oct. 26, 1831.
Nancy and Alexander S. Devol, Aug. 14, 1836.
Nancy, d. Tillinghast, and Benjamin Sowle, July 9, 1843. [Benjamin, s. Henry and Miriam Potter (Sowle), June 9, P.R.23.]
Nathaniel [int. Sole] and Deborah Simons [int. Sims] of Dartmouth, Jan. 13, 1793. [Sowle and Deborah Simms of Dartmouth, B.C.R.]
Nathaniel, s. Isaac, and Hulda [int. Huldah] Maccumber, d. Noah [Noah written above Nathaniel crossed out], May ----, 1800.
Oliver and Sussanna Trafford of Dartmouth, Nov. 12, 1815.
Patience T. and William Phillips, Oct. 2, 1823.
Phebe and Goram Thacher of Dartmouth, July 27, 1813.
Rebecca, d. Oliver, and Benjamin Petty, s. Isaac, Dec. 2, 1804.
Rebecca Tillinghast, d. Nathaniel, and Pardon Brightman, s. George, Apr. 4, 1802.
Resolved and Sophia T. [int. omits T.] Gifford, Mar. 31, 1833.
Roba and John Dennis of Tiverton, R.I., Dec. 29, 1799.
Robert P., 20, labourer, s. Israel and Abby, and Sylvia Davis, 17, d. Alfred and Aner, Feb. 16, 1847.
Russell [int. Russel] and Mercy Tripp, Apr. 28, 1833.
Ruth R., d. Capt. Jonathan, and Seth Crowell Jr. of New Bedford, Nov. 6, 1842.
Sarah, d. Henry and Sarah, and Barney Cory of Tiverton, s. Philip and Comfort, Aug. 30, 1801.
Sarah and Adam Gifford, Sept. 30, 1801. [Sowl, d. David dec'd. and Hannah, and Adam Gifford, s. William and Freelove, C.R.]
Sarah, d. David, and John W. Howland Jr., s. John W., Dec. 15, 1811.
Sophia and Dea. [int. omits Dea.] Manasseh Kempton of New Bedford, Sept. 12, 1838.
Stephen and Lydia Tallman, Jan. 6, 1818.
Susanah of Tiverton and Warren Gifford, int. Aug. 21, 1796.
Thankfull, d. Joseph, and Abner Kerby [int. Kirby], s. Justice, May 12, 1796.
Tillinghast [int. Tilinghast], s. Oliver, and Barbara Shearman, d. Preservid, Apr. 21, 1811.
Wesson and Philena [int. Philena] Manchester, Aug. 24, 1803.
William of Troy and Lydia Kirby, int. Aug. 9, 1816.
Prudence and Lawton Manchester, July 13, 1815.
Samuel, 24, mechan1st, of Boston, b. Boston, s. Benjaman and Bitsy, and Sarah A. Tallman, wid., 23, of Fall River, b. Fall River, d. Sylvia Collins, June 30, 1848.
Walter Esq., Hon., of New Bedford, and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Margaret Davis, Sept. 1, 1798.
Hannah of Tiverton and Stephen Wood, int. Nov. 1, 1800.
Joseph of Tiverton and Ruth Wood, Jan. 13, 1793.
Averick of Plimpton and John A. Parker, Jan. ----, 1788.
Benjamin of Providence, s. Nathaniel and Malley of Windham, Cumberland Co., Me., and Judith Gifford, d. Noah dec'd and Martha of Little Compton, Newport Co., R.I., 20th, 8 mo. 1840, C.R.
George W., Capt., widr., 39, mariner, of Dartmouth, b. Baltimore, s. James (Stewate) dec'd. and Lear dec'd, and Louisa Briggs, 28, b. Dartmouth, d. Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 11, 1849.
STODARD (see Stoddard)
Elizabeth, 21, b. Providence, d. Henry C. and Eliza of Providence, and Alden T. Sisson, 24, labourer, s. George and Mahala, Jan. 21, 1847.
STODDARD (see Stodard)
Justin J. [int. T.] of Newport, R.I., and Abigail Macomber, July 31, 1836.
Martha [int. Stodard of Little Compton], d. Nathaniel and Emlin of Little Compton, and Elijah Davis, s. Stephen and Reliance, Mar. 12, 1797.
Betsey [int. Betsy Stowel] of New Bedford and Stephen Church, Dec. 24, 1797.
Columbus of Dartmouth and Nancy Chace of Dartmouth, May 31, 1840, in New Bedford.
Deborah and William Jackson of Taunton, int. Dec. 14, 1799.
Augustus and Abbie Davis, Nov. 30, 1847 [? in Providence, R.I.].
Ruth and Cuffe Cottle of New Bedford, "Both People of Coular," Apr. 5, 1812.
Abraham, s. Zebulon and Rebacca of Sanwich, Barnstable Co., and Joanna Sisson, d. Lemuel and Deborath of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 18th, 11 mo. 1775, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Hannah, of Fairhaven and Anthony A. Gifford, int. Dec. 6, 1823. [Hannah, d. Samuel and Elenor of Marion, and Anthony Almy Gifford, m. Apr. 14, 1824, P.R.20.]
Deborah (see Deborah Simons).
TABER (see Tabor, Tabour)
Abigail of Little Compton and Pardon Brownell, int. Nov. 16, 1822.
Alice of Tiverton and Avery Sowle, int. Oct. 27, 1819.
Benjamin of Little Compton and Abigail Dyer, Mar. 20, 1796.
Edith of Tiverton and Dr. Micah Eldridge, int. Mar. 25, 1809.
Ellery and Mary P. Pettey of Dartmouth, int. Sept. 14, 1820.
Ellery and Eliza Sanford, int. Dec. 14, 1827.
Ellery and Mariah Roody of New York, int. Jan. 9, 1832.
Ellery and Abby Manchester, Dec. 11, 1842.
Gideon and Nancy Maccumber, Dec. 28, 1800.
Hannah of Little Compton, and Joseph Manchester, int. Aug. 20, 1787.
Hannah G. of Little Compton and Peleg B. Brownell, int. Jan. 13, 1827.
Hopey [int. Hope] and Ephraim Manchester, Mar. 28, 1816.
Jacob of Tiverton, R.I., and Susana Briggs, Jan. 13, 1805.
John, s. Jacob and Lydia of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Eunice Howland, d. Samuel and Ruth of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 14th, 10 mo. 1773, in Dartmouth, C.R.
John B. of Newbedford and Mrs. Bathsheba T. Gifford, int. May 7, 1831.
Jonathan and Sylvia Eldridge of Little Compton, int. June 5, 1819.
Jonathan and Abigail Manchester of Tiverton, int. Mar. 16, 1820.
Joseph of Tiverton and Mary Earl, int. Nov. 2, 1796.
Mary Ann and Joseph A. Gifford, Jan. 13, 1828.
Mary P. and Lemuel Sowle, Sept. 3, 1837.
Mercy and John Grey of Tiverton, Dec. 3, 1809.
Noel Jr. of Dartmouth and Mary Gifford, int. Sept. 9, 1827.
Patience, d. Philip, and Perrigrine [int. Perigrine] White of Tiverton, R.I., Dec. 23, 1804.
Peleg and Sarah Briggs, int. Oct. 5, 1799.
Peleg, s. Eseck, and Mary Johnson [int. of E. Greenwich], d. Allen Esq. of E. Greenwich, Kent Co., R.I., Jan. 24, 1803, in E. Greenwich.
Phebe of Fairhaven and Pardon Potter, int. Nov. 6, 1824.
Polly and John Tripp, s. David, June 19, 1823.
Rebecca and Barnea Snell, Nov. 3, 1813.
Rhoda, d. Job [dup. (Tabour)] and Lydia, and Daniel Devol, s. David and Hannah, May 22, 1791. [Davol, B.C.R.]
Ruth [int. of Tiverton], d. Stephen of Tiverton, and Philip Gifford, s. Abraham and Roba, Sept. 20, 1801.
Ruth of Tiverton and Gardiner Tripp, int. Apr. 27, 1818.
Samuel M. [int. omits M.] of Providence, R.I., and Mary Eddy, Dec. 29, 1822.
Sarah of Tiverton and Benjamin Willcox Jr., int. Sept. 8, 1807.
Stephen and Mary Pearse, int. Sept. 6, 1827.
Thomas and Sarah Palmer of Little Compton, int. Dec. 19, 1788.
Vincent of New Bedford and Mary Crowell [int. Crowel], d. John, Jan. 29, 1809.
Warren of Dartmouth and Nancy F. Cowin, int. May 29, 1834.
William and Ruth Briggs, Mar. 26, 1820.
TABOR (see Taber, Tabour)
Lucy [int. Taber] and Simion [int. Simeon] Snell, June 30, 1814.
TABOUR (see Taber, Tabor)
Prissilla of Tivirton and Isaac Manchester, int. June 2, 1792.
Elizabeth and Wilson Tallman, int. May 9, 1808.
Elizabeth and Elisha Sowle, Nov. 10, 1817.
Lydia and Stephen Sowle, Jan. 6, 1818.
Mary of Tiverton and Samuel Willcox, int. July 30, 1804.
Rachel [int. Talman] and Daniel MacKeown, Aug. 15, 1793. [Tawlman, B.C.R.]
Rebecca and Nathaniel Grinnell of Dartmouth, int. June 5, 1819.
Sarah A., wid., 23, of Fall River, b. Fall River, d. Sylvia Collins, and Samuel Spooner, 24, mechanist, of Boston, b. Boston, s. Benjaman and Bitsy, June 30, 1848.
Stephen and Betsey Davis, int. Oct. 4, 1816.
Stephen and Susannah Bosworth of Dartmouth, Apr. 10, 1819.
Wilson and Elizabeth Tallman, int. May 9, 1808.
Abby of Little Compton and Sylvester Brownell Jr., int. Aug. 22, 1811.
Hariot B. of New Bedford and Silas W. Richards of New Bedford, July 9, 1832.
Goram of Dartmouth and Phebe Sowle, July 27, 1813.
THOMPSON (see Tompson)
Abner [int. Tompson of Dartmouth] and Nancy H. Gifford, Dec. 1, 1822.
Alvah [int. Tompson] and Lydia Chace [int. Chase], Oct. 19, 1828.
Barshaba [int. Barthsheba] and David M. Gifford, Mar. 9, 1817.
Jeremiah T. [int. Thomson] and Sarah A. Case, Jan. 12, 1834.
John of Tiverton and Polly Sisson, int. Oct. 22, 1800.
Joseph, 35, cloathier, b. Middleborough, s. Ephraim and Lucy, and Caroline Little, 19, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, d. Lucy, wid., of Dartmouth, Sept. 21, 1845, in Dartmouth.
Lucy and Obed Sherman of Dartmouth, Nov. 22, 1829.
Adam M., 23, farmer, b. Fall River, s. James and Ruth of Fall River, and Lucy C. Harvey of N. Providence, R.I., b. N. Kingston, ---- [int. Feb. 18, 1848].
Hannah of Troy and Abraham Wodell, int. Nov. 15, 1813.
Rachel M. of Fallriver and Weston Gifford, Jan. 6, 1842.
Ruth Ann, 20, of Fall River, b. Fall River, d. James and Ruth of Fall River, and Anthony Shearman, widr., 44, farmer, s. Abner and Hannah, Dec. 27, 1848.
TIBBETS (see Tibbits)
Lydia and James H. Gifford, int. Oct. 30, 1820.
TIBBITS (see Tibbets)
Hannah and Benjamin Almy of Pourtsmouth, R.I., June 9, 1794. [Tibbitts, B.C.R.]
Keziah [int. Tibbitts] and Willson [int. Wilson] Wing, Feb. 8, 1801.
Lydia and Harvey Gifford, Nov. 30, 1820.
TILLSON (see Tilson)
Betsy [int. Tilson], d. Jacob, and Stephen Sanford, S. Philip, Nov. 25, 1798.
TILSON (see Tillson)
Hannah and Philip Peckham, Dec. 28, 1800.
Francis W. and Mary D. Brownell, int. July 6, 1844.
Mercy formerly of Chilmark and Thurston White, int. Apr. 6, 1816.
Parnell of Chilmark and Ephraim Briggs, int. June 23, 1832.