Vital Records Of Westport Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England H1storic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1918.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

MACCOMBER (see Maccumber, Macomber)
Abial Jr. and Judah Pettey of Dartmouth, int. June 24, 1809.
Deborah [int. of Dartmouth], d. Perry of Dartmouth, and John Chace, June 12, 1814, in Dartmouth.
Elijah of Dartmouth and Ruth Howland, int. July 1, 1816.
Fally and Pardon Case, int. May 1, 1814.
Hope of Tiverton and Stephen Pettey, int. Apr. 18, 1812.
Humphrey and Mary Manchester [int. wid.], Mar. 9, 1817.
Joshua of Grandvill, N.Y., and Mary Brownell, int. Sept. 6, 1809.
Judith and Joseph Briggs, Dec. 29, 1815.
Lurena [int. Lurenda] and Humphry Davis, Mar. 16, 1815.
Mary [int. Maccumber], d. Wanton, and Allen Tripp, Feb. 9, 1817.
Pardon, s. Wanton, and Pamela Brownell, d. George, Sept. 22, 1815.
Phalla (see Fally)
Rebecca and Edward Brownell of Dartmouth, int. Oct. 15, 1816.
MACCOMBER (see Maccomber, Macomber)
Alice and Humphry Howland, Sept. 8, 1803.
Charles, s. Abial and Phebee, and Peace Gifford, d. Christopher and Deborah, Sept. 8, 1793. [Macomber, B.C.R.]
Clarissa of Dartmouth and Philip Davis, int. July 27, 1796.
Comfort of Tiverton and Warren Gifford, int. Nov. 21, 1799.
Cynthia [int. Synthia] and Ichabod Potter Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Mar. 9, 1794. [Cynthia Macomber and Ichabod Potter Jr., B.C.R.]
Ephraim, s. Timothy, and Ruth Hely [int. of Tiverton], d. Joseph of Tiverton, Dec. 3, 1801.
Ephraim, s. Timothy, and Hannah Miller [int. of Troy], d. David of Troy, Jan. 31, 1805.
Hulda [int. Huldah], d. Noah [Noah written above Nathaniel crossed out], and Nathaniel Sowle, s. Isaac, May ----, 1800.
Jacob and Nancy Petty, Feb. 10, 1805. [Macomber and Nancy Pettey, P.R.24.]
John, s. William, and Mary Claning [int. Clanning] of Newport, Jan. 10, 1793. [Macomber and Mary Charming of Newport, Jan. 13, B.C.R.]
John and Abigail Miller of Troy, int. Feb. 22, 1808.
Levy, s. Abial, and Avis Woodle of Tiverton, d. Gershom, May 8, 1796.
Lucy, d. Noah, and John Castino, s. Raymond, June ---- [int. June 1], 1807.
Lusannah [int. Macomber], d. William, and George Case, s. Wanton, Nov. 2, 1789. [Luannah Macomber, B.C.R.]
Mary and Recompense [int. Recompencel Gifford of Tiverton, R.I., Feb. 27, 1803.
Mary, d. William, and Nathaniel Potter, s. Nathaniel dec'd., Mar. 26, 1807.
Nancy and Gideon Taber, Dec. 28, 1800.
Nancy and Halliday [int. Hallida] Potter, June 26, 1803.
Patience [int. Macomber], d. William, and James Sowle, s. Wesson, Dec. 6, 1789. [Macomber, B.C.R.]
Peter, s. William and Lusanah, and Rhoda Allen, d. Daniel and Betty, Apr. 15, 1793. [Macomber, B.C.R.]
Richard of Tiverton and Lavina [dup. Levina] Butts, int. Sept. 21, 1803.
Samuel and Mary Fisher, int. Nov. 10, 1795.
Simeon, s. William and Sarah, and Abigail Hoxsey [int. Hoxsy of Little Compton], d. Peleg and Francis dec'd of Little Compton, Dec. 29, 1804, in Little Compton.
Tabitha of Dartmouth and Warren Gifford, int. Dec. 23, 1795.
Thurston and Rhoda Mosher of Tiverton, int. Feb. 6, 1796.
Wanton, s. Abial 2d and Phebe, and Judith Potter, wid. Elias, July 17, 1806.
William [int. Jr.], s. William, and Rachel Brightman, d. Israel, Sept. 16, 1804.
William, s. George, and Lucinda Albert [int. of Tiverton], d. Lewis of Tiverton, Dec. 12, 1805.
Zebede [int. Zebedee] and Sarah Earl, Feb. 17, 1805. [Zebedee Macomber, P.R.24.]
Daniel and Rachel Tallman [int. Talman], Aug. 15, 1793. [Tawlman, B.C.R.]
Savia and Ephraim Leonard of Midleborough, Plymouth Co. [int. s. Phillip], May 7, 1794. [Savea. Aug. 7, B.C.R.]
MACOMBER (see Maccomber, Maccumber)
Abby and Joseph Wood, Apr. 2, 1835.
Abby B. of Dartmouth and William Howland, int. May 10, 1836.
Abigail and Justin J. [int. T.] Stoddard of Newport, R.I., July 31, 1836.
Abraham, s. Isaac and Anna, and Mary Gifford, d. John 3d and Eunice, 25th, 9 mo.. 1833, C.R.
Alexander, 26, labourer, s. Simeon (Maconber) and Aby, and Nancy Louisa King, 20, of Tiverton, b. Tiverton, d. Godfrey and Rhoda of Tiverton, Apr. 26, 1848.
Alexander H. and Clarinda Wood, Feb. 25, 1840.
Alice and Adam Lawton, Feb. 19, 1812.
Amy [int. Maccomber], d. Humphrey, and Job Shaw [int. of Tiverton], s. Nathaniel of Tiverton, May 14, 1809.
Angeline and William Dyer, Feb. 19, 1840.
Ann R. of Tiverton and George S. Allen, int. July 12, 1833.
Ardelia D. of Dartmouth and James Allen, int. Oct. 28, 1843.
Betsey and Pardon Cornell, Apr. 14, 1822.
Caleb, s. Nathaniel dec'd. and Susannah [dup. Susanna], and Abby Gifford, d. Noah dec'd. and Martha of Little Compton, Newport Co., R.I., 24th, 9 mo. 1840, C.R.
Charles and Ruth Sisson of Newbedford, int. Sept. 7, 1834.
Clarinda C. and George F. Sisson, s. David and Penelope (Howland), Feb. 18, 1848. P.R.15.
Cynthia H. of Dartmouth and Joseph Mosher Jr. of Dartmouth, Nov. 14, 1841.
Deborah and Valentine Mason Jr. of Swanzey, int. Dec. 6, 1844.
Elery [int. Ellery] and Mercy Francis, Sept. 18, 1820.
Elijah Jr. of Dartmouth and Sarah Brightman, int. Oct. 18, 1820.
Elijah G. of Dartmouth and Phebe Howland of Dartmouth, Mar. 23, 1820.
Elizabeth [int. Maccomber of Dartmouth], d. Perry of Dartmouth, and Perry Sisson, s. William, Feb. 22, 1810, in Dartmouth.
Elizabeth and Joseph Cornell, Jan. 13, 1828.
Ellery (see Elery).
Ezra and Sophia Tripp, Oct. 19, 1828.
George B. and Isabel D. Ball, int. Sept. 25, 1843.
Gilbert and Nancy Wood of Dartmouth, Jan. 20, 1791, in Dartmouth. [Macomber, B.C.R.]
Gilbert and Peace Davis, int. Mar. 21, 1828.
Hannah and Ichabod Tripp, int. Jan. 22, 1819.
Hannah, d. John and Mary, and Benjamin Davis, s. Job and Patience dec'd, 26th, 11 mo. 1846, C.R.
Hope [dup. crossed out, Mrs., int. Maccomber] and Jonathan Gifford, May 22, 1817.
Isaac, s. Wesson and Mary, and Anna Weeden, d. John and Phebe, 22d, 9 mo. 1802, C.R.
Israel and Mary E. Manchester, May 7, 1835.
James and Anna [int. Ann] Potter, Nov. 30, 1828.
Jane and Alden Reynolds of Fallriver, Sept. 25, 1836.
John, s. John dec'd. and Bethiah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co. and Marcy Davel, d. Peter and Susanna of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 30th, 7 mo. 1772, in Dartmouth, C.R.
John, s. Nathaniel and Susanna, and Mary Slead, d. Edward and Eliphel dec'd, 25th, 1 mo. 1809, C.R.
John and Mary Hazard, May 19, 1839.
Jonathan [int. Maccumber], s. Timothy, and Nancy Davenport of Tiverton, May 4, 1808.
Jonathan of Dartmouth and Cynthia Briggs of Dartmouth, Mar. 3, 1811. [in Dartmouth, P.R.18.]
Joshua, s. John and Desire of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Martha Potter, d. Ephraim and Judith of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 25th, 10 mo. 1780, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Julia A.,18, d. Varnum and Lydia, and Samuel Devol, 24, meriner, s. John and Hannah, Mar. 19, 1848.
Leonard, s. John and Mary, and Esther Austin, d. Joshua and Diana of Little Compton, Newport Co., R.I., 23d, 11 mo. 1842, C.R.
Levi Jr. and Ruby Francis, int. May 8, 1826.
Lilly of Dartmouth and Ann Cory of Troy, June 3, 1819.
Lucy, 21, d. Simeon and Abigail, and John H. Brightman, 24, carpenter, s. Perry and Hannah, Aug. 24, 1845.
Lydia, d. Abial and Rest, and Daniel Anthony, s. William and Sarah dec'd of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 30th, 5 mo. 1798, C.R.
Lydia and Jonathan Smith, int. Sept. 25, 1819.
Lydia and Silas B. [int. R.] Sanford, May 23, 1842.
Lydia Ann, 18, d. Varnum and Lydia [Lydia written above Abigail crossed out], and James R. Hart, 34, mason, of New Bedford, b. Dartmouth, s. Benjamin and Delila of Dartmouth, Sept. 28, 1845.
Lydia R. and George Chadwick, int. Feb. 24, 1828.
Maria B. and Timothy R. Cushman of New Bedford, Dec. 8, 1839.
Maria L. and Pardon C. Potter, Mar. 9, 1843.
Mariah and John W. Tripp, int. Nov. 8, 1819.
Martha and Henry Snell, Oct. 21, 1810.
Mary, d. Wesson, and Martin Bessee, June 16, 1811.
Mary and Willard Mason of New Bedford, Nov. 13, 1834.
Mary Ann and Pardon Macomber, ---- [int. Aug. 29], 1843.
Mercy and William Anthony of Dartmouth, Mar. 31, 1791, B.C.R. [Mercy, d. Peter Devol dec'd and Susanna, and William Anthony, s. William dec'd. and Alice of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., C.R.]
Mercy, d. Nathaniel and Susannah, and Nathaniel Gifford of Little Compton, Newport Co., R.I., s. Noah and Martha of Little Compton, Newport Co., R.I., 27th, 11 mo. 1828, C.R.
Moses and Mary V. Davis of Dartmouth, int. Mar. 25, 1836.
Nancy and Alfred King of Tiverton, Dec. 30, 1827.
Nathaniel, s. John dec'd and Desire dec'd of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Susanna Macomber, d. Abial and Rest of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 20th, 1 mo. 1785, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Noah and Polly Miller of Troy, int. Feb. 10, 1810.
Otis and Priscilla B. Sanford of Tiverton, int. Nov. 2, 1844.
Pardon and Mary Ann Macomber, ---- [int. Aug. 29], 1843.
Peace [int. Maccomber], d. Wesson, and George Lawton Jr., s. George, Jan. 5, 1809.
Perry of Dartmouth and Sarah Gifford of Dartmouth, Aug. 31, 1809.
Perry G. [dup. Capt.] and Betsey Allen, Apr. 19, 1821.
Perry R. and Amy [int. Amey] Cornell, May 1, 1821.
Peter and Almira Cowen of Dartmouth, int. Jan. 26, 1828.
Phebe, d. Isaac and Anna, and Nathan Slade of Troy, s. Henry and Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth] of Troy, Bristol Co., 27th, 10 mo. [dup. 6 mo.] 1824, C.R.
Phebe [int. Maccomber] and Henry Brightman, Dec. 16, 1835.
Rachel, wid. Caleb late of Dartmouth, d. George Willbur dec'd and Deborah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Jeremiah Smith, s. Samuel dec'd and Mary of Easthoosuck, Barkshire Co., 21st, 11 mo. 1782, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Rest, d. Abiel and Rest of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and David Wood formerly of Dartmouth, "now a resident in Dighton," s. Daniel dec'd and Susanna dec'd of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 18th, 1 mo. 1786, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Restcome and Mary S. Brightman, int. May 20, 1836.
Richard and Hannah Briggs, Feb. 20, 1835.
Ruth and Charles Ball, July 9 [sic, int. July 15], 1834.
Ruth of Tiverton and Perry Davis, int. Oct. 8, 1834.
Ruth H. and Alexander P. Slade of Somerset, int. Sept. 28, 1827.
Sally and Pardon Tripp of Fairhaven, int. June 16, 1823.
Sally and Allen Gifford, int. Feb. 1, 1833.
Samuel and Peace Kirby, int. Jan. 26, 1827.
Sarah Ann and Alvan B. Tripp of New Bedford, Jan. 30, 1831.
Sarah Ann, 19, d. Sarah, wid., and Sylvester Jinnings, 24, cooper, of New Bedford, b. New Bedford, s. Perry and Florana of New Bedford, Nov. 23, 1845.
Simeon and Elizabeth Gifford, July 1 [sic, int. July 5], 1834.
Sophia [int. of Dartmouth], d. Constant of Dartmouth, and Squire Gifford, s. John, Jan. 16, 1812.
Susanna, d. Abial and Rest of Dartmouth, Bristol CO., and Nathaniel Macomber, s. John dec'd and Desire dec'd of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 26th, 1 mo. 1785, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Sylvesta of Troy and Allen Gifford, int. Sept. 4, 1827.
Thankful [int. Maccomber] and John Cornell Jr., Apr. 15, 1813.
Varnum [int. Maccomber] and Lydia Davis, Sept. 17, 1812.
Wanton, s. Abiel, and Hannah Willcox, d. William, Dec. 7, 1788. [Wilcox, B.C.R.]
Weston Jr. and Catharine Tripp, int. Oct. 8, 1819.
MAHEW (see Mayhew)
Deborah and Ebenezer Sowle, int. June 14, 1801.
Abby and Ellery Taber, Dec. 11, 1842.
Abby E. and Charles Howland, Mar. 26, 1844, in New Bedford.
Abigail of Tiverton and Jonathan Taber, int. Mar. 16, 1820.
Abraham and Lydia Shaw of Little Compton, int. Mar. 22, 1817.
Almy of Tiverton and Benjamin Potter, int. Oct. 25, 1788.
Andrew of Little Compton and Sophia Manchester, int. Oct. 2, 1834.
Ann and Eben Gifford of Little Compton, int. June 26, 1824.
Ann Eliza and Charles F. Briggs, int. Nov. 13, 1841.
Anna, d. Joseph dec'd and Elizabeth, and William Davis, s. Stephen and Peace, Oct. 25, 1789.
Barney, s. James and Hannah, and Mary Howland, d. Prince and Pheby, Dec. 13, 1801.
Barton [int. adds D.] and Ann E. Brown [int. Brownell] of Little Compton, R.I., Feb. 3, 1841.
Benajah and Lois Munnion of Tiverton, int. Feb. 17, 1798.
Benson and Thankful Sanford of Tiverton, int. Oct. 7, 1811.
Beriah C., 30, meriner, s. Charles and Fanna, and Phebe Mosher, 17., of Little Compton, b. Dartmouth, d. Michael and Lavinah of Little Compton, Apr. 5, 1846, in Dartmouth.
Calven and Sally Burr Manly [int. Manley] of Little Compton, Sept. 25, 1812, in Tiverton.
Charles and Fanny Palmer of Little Compton, Providence Plantation, R.I., Oct. 24, 1813.
Comfort and Simeon Potter, May 20, 1815.
Content D. [int. omits D.] and Philander Gifford of Little Compton, Apr. 25, 1841.
Deborah and James Peck, Mar. 22, 1798.
Diana [int. Dianna] and Elias P. Brightman, May 20, 1832.
Dorothy [int. adds B.] and Jeremiah Mayhew, Dec. 23, 1835.
Elery and Hannah Manchester, int. Apr. 9, 1815.
Elisabeth of Tiverton and Pardon Hicks, int. Feb. 20, 1790.
Eliza and Job Tripp, Jan. 1, 1816.
Eliza and Edward Hazard, int. Jan. 3, 1826.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Ellery [int. Elery] and Nancy Cory, Apr. 9, 1809. [Ellery, P.R.24.]
Ellery (see Elery).
Emily C. and George L. Dyer of New Bedford, int. Nov. 3, 1833.
Ephraim and Hopey [int. Hope] Taber, Mar. 28, 1816.
Ephraim and Ann M. Colson of Newbedford, int. May 31, 1829.
Fobes and Ruth B. Howland of Tiverton, int. June 23, 1828.
Gilbert and Mary Tomkins of Little Compton, int. Nov. 22, 1788.
Gilbert and Bethena Shaw of Little Compton, int. Nov. 30, 1810.
Hannah and Elery Manchester, int. Apr. 9, 1815.
Hannah and Allen Gifford of Troy, July 1, 1832.
Hannah and Gideon Brightman of Dartmouth, May 10, 1835.
Hercules and Abigail Tripp, Feb. 14, 1808.
Hiram L. [int. Sowle] and Lidia [int. Lydia] Earl, June 24, 1798.
Ichabod and Sarah Durfee of Tiverton, int. Dec. 23, 1798.
Isaac and Prissilla Tabour of Tivirton, int. June 2, 1792.
Jabez and Alice Burden of Tiverton, int. Jan. 9, 1796.
James Jr. and Mary Gifford, Oct. 23, 1803.
James and Hannah Burroughs of Tiverton, int. Jan. 20, 1804.
James and Clarrissa Davenport of Little Compton, int. June 15, 1841.
John and Lydia Gifford, Dec. 23, 1802.
John and Lydia Seabury of Little Compton, int. June 5, 1812.
Joseph and Hannah Taber of Little Compton, int. Aug. 20, 1787.
Joseph and Martha La Munnion of Tiverton, int. Aug. 25, 1798.
Lawton and Prudence Spooner, July 13, 1815.
Lemuel, s. James and Margaret, and Phebe Lake [int. of Tiverton], d. Noah of Tiverton, R.I., Oct. 23, 1806.
Lemyra W., 17, d. Herculus and Abby, and Richard W. Carter, 22, meriner, b. Scarborough, Me., s. Rufus and Olive H. of Scarborough, Me., Dec. 9, 1846.
Lucy and Joshua M. Craw of N.Y., int. Dec. 28, 1836.
Lydia and Silas Lake of Tiverton, int. Jan. 28, 1826.
Lydia and Alvan W. Pope of New Bedford, Dec. 30, 1830.
Lydia B., 22, d. Abraham and Lydia, and Alexander Seabury, 27, painter, of New York, s. Benjamin and Ruth, Aug. 22, 1848.
Mary [int. wid.] and Humphrey Maccomber, Mar. 9, 1817.
Mary and Bennet [int. Bennett] Wilbour of Little Compton, Oct. 5. 1828.
Mary and Abner Kirby, int. Jan. 25, 1830.
Mary E. and Israel Macomber, May 7, 1835.
Mary N., wid., 27, d. Daniel Cushman and Lydia, and John Sheapard, 28, meriner, b. England, s. John and Ellen of England, Apr. 23, 1848.
Matthew of Tiverton, R.I., and Pheby Manchester, int. Dec. 26, 1793.
Meribah and Pearce Tompkins of Little Compton, int. Apr. 27, 1816.
Otis and Patience Devol of Tiverton, int. Dec. 13, 1828.
Otis of New Bedford and Mary Ann Devol of New Bedford, Dec. 1, 1833.
Peleg and Abigail Brownell, Dec. 5, 1826.
Phebe and Silbert Tripp, Sept. 3, 1829.
Pheby (Manchester) and Matthew Manchester of Tiverton, R.I., int. Dec. 26, 1793.
Phibe and Arowit Lamunion, int. Oct. 21, 1817.
Philena [int. Philina] and Wesson Sowle, Aug. 24, 1803.
Rebecca, d. Edward, and Seth Lincoln, s. Abraham of Tiverton, Oct. 26, 1806.
Rebecca R. and William Mosher of Little Compton, int. Sept. 6, 1841.
Restcome and Mary Wood, Jan. 1, 1843.
Rhoda, d. Philip, and David Slocum of Tiverton, R.I., s. Elijah dec'd, July 6, 1800 [sic, int. June 19, 1806].
Rhoda and Epaphroditus Lavare, Nov. 7, 1816.
Roby and Christopher Gifford of Little Compton, int. Mar. 25, 1821.
Ruth and Luther Gifford, int. ----.
Sally B., Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and John Hoxie [int. Hoxsey] of Little Compton, R.I., ---- [between May 19 and Nov. 24], 1825.
Sarah and Preserved Sherman, Sept. 15, 1799.
Sarah and Thomas Brownell, s. Sias, Jan. 25, 1813.
Sophia and Andrew Manchester of Little Compton, int. Oct. 2, 1834.
Thaddeus of Tiverton and Ruby Brownell, int. Mar. 6, 1819.
Wanton and Hannah D. Brownell, int. Aug. 25, 1827.
Wilbour P., 23, meriner, s. Charles and Anna, and Druzilla Gifford, 19, of Little Compton, b. Little Compton, d. Robbin and Bithina of Little Compton, R.I., ---- [int. Mar. 25, 1848].
William W., 24, meriner, s. Herculus and Abby, and Bithyna [int. Bethyna] B. Manley [dup. and int. Manly], 19, d. John and Bithyna of Little Compton, Aug. 31, 1845.
MANLEY (see Manly)
Armida of Little Compton and John Snell, int. Mar. 30, 1814.
Bithyna [int. Bethyna] B. [dup. and int. Manly], 19, d. John and Bithyna of Little Compton, and William W. Manchester, 24, meriner, s. Herculus and Abby, Aug. 31, 1845.
John of Little Compton and Bethana [int. Bethany] Brightman, Dec. 29, 1811.
MANLY (see Manley)
Job I. of Dartmouth and Hannah Besse, int. July 10, 1833.
John of Little Compton and Pamelia Palmer, int. Jan. 22, 1834.
Sally Burr [int. Manley] of Little Compton and Calven Manchester, Sept. 25, 1812, in Tiverton.
John [int. Masten] and Mary Wainer, d. Mikiel, "People of Coular," Feb. 12, 1809.
Edward and Phebe Simons of Little Compton, int. May 28, 1814.
Reuben P. of Fallriver and Clarissa Anderson, int. Aug. 17, 1835.
Valentine Jr. of Swanzey and Deborah Macomber, int. Dec. 6, 1844.
Willard of New Bedford and Mary Macomber, Nov. 13, 1834.
MAXFEALD (see Maxfeld, Maxfield)
Zadok of Dartmouth and Susanna Sowl, July 27, 1791, B.C.R. [Maxfield of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Edmund and Rachel of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Susanna Sowle, d. Joseph and Ruth, C.R.]
MAXFELD (see Maxfeald, Maxfield)
Abigail of Dartmouth and Borden H. Howland, Apr. 9, 1818, in Dartmouth.
MAXFIELD (see Maxfeald, Maxfeld)
David of Dartmouth and Mary Sowle, June 3, 1793. [Jan. 3, B.C.R.]
Lydia T. of Dartmouth and Perry Gifford, int. Oct. 10, 1840.
Ruth of Dartmouth and Abner Cornell, int. Nov. 10, 1817.
MAYHEW (see Mahew)
Almira and Thomas Durfee of Little Compton, int. Nov. 2, 1823.
Edwin L. and Nancy Hicks, May 1, 1834.
Hilyard, Capt., and Mrs. Ruth White of Little Compton, int. Nov. 2, 1792.
Jeremiah and Dorothy [int. adds B.] Manchester, Dec. 23, 1835.
Jonathan, s. Hilyard, and Judith Brownell, d. George, Apr. 8, 1798.
Mary and William Dunham of Edgarton, Chilmark Co., Oct. 6, 1791. [Mayshaw, B.C.R.]
Matthew and Drusilla Dunham of Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard, int. July 23, 1798.
Matthew, Capt. [int. omits Capt.], and Clarrissa Devol, Oct. 11, 1835.
Nancy and [int. Capt.] William Howland of Dartmouth, Oct. 31, 1791. [Mahew and William Howland of Dartmouth, Oct. 31, 1790, B.C.R.]
Ruth and Capt. Isaac Cory, int. Nov. 3, 1804.
Susan and Nathaniel Hathaway of Nantucket, Oct. 11, 1815.
Thomas W. and Betsey Tripp of Yarmouth, Barnstable Co., Jan. 27, 1817, in Yarmouth.
Albert Cazeme and Sarah S. Hammond, June 6, 1837.
Polly of Tisbury and Joseph Brownell, int. Nov. 4, 1806.
Harriet and Samuel Cuffee [int. Cuffe], June 14, 1835.
Olive of Bridgewatter and Dr. Rufus Walker, int. Oct. 26, 1814.
Abigail and Benjamin Brownell Jr., Mar. 13, 1784.
Alice and Elijah Blossom Jr. of Freetown, Sept. 23, 1802.
Cynth [int. Cynthia] and Holder White of Dartmouth, Aug. 30, 1788. [Cynthia, B.C.R.]
Job and Phebe Brownell, Nov. 8, 1781.
John and Eunice Allen, Dec. 31, 1832.
Phebe and Othniel Tripp of Dartmouth, int. Feb. 19, 1791.
William and Mary Hathway of Dartmouth, int. Feb. 20, 1801.
Abigail of Troy and John Maccumber, int. Feb. 22, 1808.
Almeda H. of Dartmouth and Thomas Sanford, int. Sept. 18, 1827.
Hannah [int. of Troy], d. David of Troy, and Ephraim Maccumber, s. Timothy, Jan. 31, 1805.
Lavina of Rehoboth and Gideon Horton Jr. of Rehoboth, Apr. 11, 1841, in Rehoboth.
Lucy of Dartmouth and Edward Covel of Wareham, Sept. 18, 1816, in Dartmouth.
Polly of Troy and Noah Macomber, int. Feb. 10, 1810.
Priscilla of New Bedford and William Fich of Dartmouth, Jan. 10, 1837.
Robert, Capt., of Troy, and Alice Borden, int. Sept. 19, 1829.
Mary of Newport, R.I., and William Almy, s. Peleg and Rebecca, Feb. 16, 1780.
Sarah of Newport and Henry Sowle, s. Henry of Dartmouth, Dec. 1, 1770.
MITCHELL (see Michell).
MONROE (see Munro)
Sarah B. of Dartmouth and Stephen Sisson Jr. of Dartmouth, Oct. 12, 1820.
Abner and Charity Tripp, d. John, Oct. 13, 1816.
Anna and Joseph Tripp, Mar. 30, 1820.
Bethany of Dartmouth and Isaac Mosher, Oct. 15, 1795.
Betsey of Dartmouth and Reuben Mosher, int. Feb. 2, 1828.
Brice of Dartmouth and Peace Gifford [int. Devol], Dec. 7, 1797.
Caraline A. E., 21, d. Abner and Charity, and Howard F. Mosher, widr., 37, farmer, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, s. Joseph and Lurana of Dartmouth, ---- [int. Nov. 18, 1848].
Charity [int. of Dartmouth], d. Maxin of Dartmouth, and Lemuel Butts, s. James dec'd, June 9, 1808.
Charity Ann Jane, 18, d. Abner and Charity, and Henry Snell, 25, labourer, s. Henry and Marthar, Jan. 11, 1847.
Daniel A. [int. omits A.] and Phebe Tripp, Mar. 21, 1841.
Edmond and Mehitable Brownell, Dec. 23, 1779.
Edmond Jr. and Olly Allen, int. Oct. 3, 1812.
Elizabeth of Dartmouth and Benjamin Reed of Dartmouth, Feb. 1, 1824.
Ephraim, s. John, and Nancy Tripp of Tiverton, R.I., Dec. 22, 1796.
Esther, d. Obadiah and Hannah of Tiverton, Newport Co., R.I., and Samuel Newitt late of Galoway, N.Y., "now resident in Westport," s. Samuel dec'd and Mary dec'd of Great Briton, 21st, 2 mo. 1805, C.R.
Esther A. and Alexander H. Gifford, int. Sept. 25, 1841.
George Jr. of Dartmouth and Phebe Brownell, int. May 23, 1807.
Hannah of Dartmouth, d. Maxen of Dartmouth, and Jeremiah Gidley of Dartmouth, s. Samuel of Dartmouth, Nov. 9, 1809, in Dartmouth.
Hannah and Ephraim Kerby [int. Kirby], Jan. 9, 1814.
Hope, d. Edmund, and Isaiah Kerby [int. Kirby], s. Nathaniel, July 10, 1803.
Howard F., widr., 37, farmer, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, s. Joseph and Lurana of Dartmouth, and Caraline A. E. Mosher, 21, d. Abner and Charity, ---- [int. Nov. 18, 1848].
Isaac and Bethany Mosher of Dartmouth, Oct. 15, 1795.
John and Ardelia Wilkey of Tiverton, int. Jan. 21, 1833.
Jonathan and Catharine Sowle, int. Apr. 13, 1824.
Jonathan and Abigail Sowle, int. July 23, 1825.
Joseph Jr. of Dartmouth and Cynthia H. Macomber of Dartmouth, Nov. 14, 1841.
Julia Ann Almy Maria [int. Mariah] and Edward B. Pettey, Apr. 14, 1844.
Lorenzo D. and Sally Bessey [int. Besse], Mar. 22, 1832.
Lurana of Dartmouth and Perry Jennings of New Bedford, Sept. 19, 1841, in Dartmouth.
Mary of Dartmouth and Job Durfee of Dartmouth, Oct. 27, 1840, in Dartmouth.
Mary J. A., 18, d. Abner and Charity, and Stephen Sabins, 26, labourer, s. William and Ruth, Nov. 28, 1847.
Nancy and Israel Chase, int. Oct. 23, 1827.
Patience of Dartmouth and Robert Crocker, int. Jan. 29, 1796.
Patience, d. Joshua Potter and Lydia dec'd of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Peter Devol, s. Benjamin and Patince dec'd, 28th, 5 mo. 1829, C.R.
Peace, d. Obadiah and Hannah of Tiverton, Newport Co., R.I., and Nathaniel Potter of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Ephraim and Judith of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 10th, 10 mo. 1791, C.R.
Phebe and Joseph Coggeshall of Tiverton, June 26, 1836.
Phebe, 17, of Little Compton, b. Dartmouth, d. Michael and Lavinah of Little Compton, and Beriah C. Manchester, 30, meriner, s. Charles and Fanna, Apr. 5, 1846, in Dartmouth.
Reuben and Sareh Gifford of Dartmouth, Dec. 27, 1798.
Reuben and Betsey Mosher of Dartmouth, int. Feb. 2, 1828.
Rhoda of Tiverton and Thurston Maccumber, int. Feb. 6, 1796.
Sarah (second w.), d. John dec'd and Hannah dec'd of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Benjamin Davol, s. Peter (Devol) dec'd and Susanna of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., Sept. 21, 1783, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Sarah of Dartmouth and Brownell Lawton, int. Feb. 7, 1828.
Stephen [int. of Tiverton], s. Obadiah of Tiverton, Newport Co., R.I., and Deborah White, d. William, Feb. 14, 1788. [Stephen of Tiverton, B.C.R.]
Susanna, d. Robert and Sarah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Rice Baker, s. Job and Mehetabel of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 5th, 11 mo. 1772, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Sylvia of Dartmouth and Gershom Wodell, int. Aug. 26, 1827.
Wesson and Amy Bennet of Tiverton, int. Apr. 23, 1791.
Wesson and Silvia Davis, int. Oct. 25, 1795.
William of Little Compton and Rebecca R. Manchester, int. Sept. 6, 1841.
Adam, s. Adam and Rachel of Abbets, Kannabeck Co., and Rachel Davis, d. Eber and Mary, 26th, 2 mo. 1800, C.R.
Alice, d. Samuel and Hope of Newport, R.I., and Nathaniel Tripp, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Apr. 11, 1745.
MUNNION (see Lamunion, La Munnion)
Lois of Tiverton and Benajah Manchester, int. Feb. 17, 1798.
Rebecca B. of Tiverton and Ellery W. Reed, int. Sept. 18, 1844.
NEAGURS (see Negus, Nigers)
Sarah of Tiverton and Ezekiel Brownell, int. Dec. 7, 1816.
NEGUS (see Neagurs, Nigers)
Betsey and Willard Gifford, May 29, 1835.
Isaac of Tiverton and Sally Cory, Oct. 25, 1818.
Samuel late of Galoway, N.Y., "now resident in Westport," s. Samuel dec'd. and Mary dec'd. of Great Briton, and Esther Mosher d. Obadiah and Hannah of Tiverton, Newport Co., R.I., 21st, 2 mo. 1805, C.R.
NICHOLS (see Nicols)
Leonard of Dartmouth and Ruby Tripp, int. Dec. 7, 1827.
Malachi, Capt., widr., 54, meriner, of Wareham, b. Harwich, s. Uriah and Patience of Sandwich, and Harriet B. Pierce, wid., 42, b. Little Compton, d. Christopher Tabor and Rhoda of Little Compton, June 3, 1847.
Sarah H., 18, b. Dartmouth, d. Elchanah and Cyntha, and Samuel Reed, 22, labourer, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, s. Benjamin and Eliza of Dartmouth, Apr. 20, 1847.
Susannah of Dartmouth and Admiral Tripp, int. Apr. 12, 1828.
Thacher of Dartmouth and Martha Reed of Dartmouth, Nov. 25, 1821.
Watson T. and Adeline Gifford, June 20, 1842.
Israel of Rehoboth and Mary Pierce of Rehoboth, Nov. 3, 1840, in Rehoboth.
NIGERS (see Neagurs, Negus)
Silvia of Tiverton and Thomas Gifford, int. Aug. 27, 1810.
Charles "now resident in Dartmouth" and Patty Amos, int. Sept. 1, 1816.
Abigail of Little Compton and Canaan G. Dyer, int. Nov. 20, 1826.
Alice and Hezekiah [int. Hezikiah] Wilbour of Little Compton Newport Co., R.I., Dec. 13, 1792. [Alee and Hezekiah Wilbor of Little Compton, B.C.R.]
Almy A., 20, d. Christopher and Merabah, and Almedus W. Tripp, 21, meriner, of Tiverton, R.I., s. Weston and Deborah of Tiverton, R.I., Nov. 15, 1846.
Bethany, d. Silvester and Almy, and Israel Brightman, s. Henry and Hannah, Oct. 15, 1772, in Little Compton.
Christopher and Meribah Allen, int. Nov. 9, 1822.
Deborah [int. of Little Compton], d. Restcome of Little Compton, and John Allen, s. Daniel and Betsy, May 1, 1796.
Deborah of Troy and Phillip Grinnell, int. Mar. 29, 1832.
Dudley and Patty Wilbur of Little Compton, int. Oct. 10, 1803.
Elisabeth of Little Compton and Noah Potter, int. Oct. 19, 1789.
Elizabeth of Little Compton and Canaan Gifford Dyer, int. Apr. 18, 1807.
Fanny of Little Compton, Providence Plantation, R.I., and Charles Manchester, Oct. 24, 1813.
Gideon, s. John and w., and Lois Head [int. of Little Compton], d. Daniel and w. of Little Compton, Aug. 3, 1806.
Hannah and Pardon Simmons of Little Compton, int. Aug. 17, 1794.
Hannah and Mason Davis, int. Dec. 5, 1800.
Henry of Little Compton, s. Silvester dec'd, and Mary Cornell, d. Christopher, Apr. 8, 1795.
Henry and Mary Allen Brightman, June 3, 1847, P.R.1.
Isaac and Rhoda Shearman, Sept. 15, 1814.
Isaac 2d [int. omits 2d] and Nancy Allen, Nov. 30, 1825.
Jonathan Davenport of Little Compton, R.I., and Deborah Wood, Apr. 27, 1794.
Mary of Little Compton and Peris Palmer of Dartmouth, June 7, 1781, in Tiverton.
Pamelia and John Manly of Little Compton, int. Jan. 22, 1834.
Peris of Dartmouth and Mary Palmer of Little Compton, June 7, 1781, in Tiverton.
Sarah of Little Compton and Thomas Taber, int. Dec. 19, 1788.
Wilbour of Little Compton and Hannah Snell, int. Oct. 2, 1815.
John A. and Averick Standish of Plimpton, Jan. ----, 1788.
Deborah and London Richmond, int. Mar. 7, 1789.
PEARCE (see Pearse, Pierce)
Henry R., 32, labourer, of Middleborough, b. Middleborough, s. Gilbert and Abby of Middleborough, and Almira Howland, 28, d. Wing and Rebecah, ---- [int. Mar. 28, 1848].
Lucy, 20, d. George R. and Lydia, and John R. Adams, 24, labourer, b. Wilton, Me., s. John and Phebe of Wilton, Me., Aug. 13, 1848.
Maria and Canaan Gifford, int. Aug. 1, 1829.
Nathaniel and Susanah Simmons of Tiverton, int. Oct. 10, 1809.
PEARSE (see Pearce, Pierce)
Catharine L. of Fallriver and Abraham Brownell, int. Sept. 20, 1844.
George R. and Lydia Tripp, int. Jan. 2, 1828.
Mary and Stephen Taber, int. Sept. 6, 1827.
PEASE (see Peaze)
Mary, wid. [int. Polly, omits wid.], and Joseph Hicks, Aug. 23, 1814.
PEAZE (see Pease)
Henry of Edgartown, Dukes Co., and Ruth Devol, int. Nov. 1, 1797.
George of Swanzey and Mary Davis, Feb. 17, 1825.
James and Deborah Manchester, Mar. 22, 1798.
PECKENS (see Perkins)
Mary [int. Pirkins] of Middleborough [int. "Now Residing in Dartmouth "] and Joseph Sisson, s. William, Dec. 26, 1811.
Amey [int. Amy] and Peleg White of Dartmouth, May 15, 1791, in Dartmouth. [Almy Peckham, B.C.R.]
Elizabeth, d. Jonathan and Hannah, and Abner Gifford, s. William and Freelove, Jan. ----, 1806. [Elisabeth and Abner Gifford, s. William and Freelove of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 22d, 1 mo. 1806, C.R.]
George of Littlecompton and Lydia Head, int. June 19, 1790.
Hannah, d. Jonathan and Hannah, and Isaac R. Gifford, s. William and Freelove of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 6th, mo. 1822, C.R.
Isaac of Little Compton, s. John (Peckcom) and Mary of Little Compton, Newport Co., and Phebe Wilbour, d. Charles (Willbor) and Hannah of Little Compton, Newport Co., 29th, 9 mo. 1785, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Jacob, 32, labourer, s. Philip and Hannah, and Mary P. Cummings, 19, of Freetown, b. Freetown, d. Benjamin and Susan of Freetown, ---- [int. Apr. 5, 1849], in Tiverton, R.I.
Jacob T. and Mary M. Heath of New Bedford, int. Aug. 25, 1843.
Lydia, d. Stephen, and Roger White, s. Peleg and Rachel, Jan. 13, 1761.
Paul and Zimroda Barrows, int. Apr. 1, 1805. [m. Sept. 11, B.C.R.]
Peleg W. and Elizabeth Cummings of Dartmouth, int. Nov. 30, 1811.
Peleg W. and Alice Tucker of Dartmouth, Feb. [Feb. written above March crossed out] 29, 1816, in Dartmouth.
Phebe A., 23, of Fair Haven, b. Fair Haven, d. Phinehas and Merabah of Fair Haven, and Howard T. Wardell, 24, farmer, of Fall River, b. Fair Haven, s. Pardon and Elizabeth of Fall River, Mar. 18, 1849.
Philip and Hannah Tilson, Dec. 28, 1800.
Phillip and Patience Brown, int. Dec. 29, 1826.
Rachel and John C. Borden of Dartmouth, int. Feb. 24, 1839.
Rachel W., d. Jonathan and Hannah dec'd, and David R. Akin of Yarmouth, s. Abiel and Catharine dec'd. of Yarmouth, Barnstable Co., 23d, 6 mo. 1824, C.R.
Samuel "now resident in Dartmouth" and Rebeckah Borden of Dartmouth, Aug. 20, 1812.
William and Lydia Cowen of Dartmouth, int. Apr. 6, 1827.
Lydia and Thomas Wainer, int. Jan. 16, 1800.
PERKINS (see Peckens)
Ruth [int. Parkins] and Daniel Boomer of Tivertown [int. Jr. of Freetown], Mar. 3, 1791. [Perkins and Daniel Boomer of Freetown, B.C.R.]
Reisa of Little Compton and Glasco Cory Jr., int. Feb. 7, 1809.
Betsey and Jonathan Reed of Dartmouth, int. Feb. 9, 1822.
Eliza A. and Gideon Sherman, Aug. 16, 1839.
John, s. Phinehas, and Phildelphia [int. Philadelphia] Butts, July 15, 1814.
John, 24, labourer, b. Tiverton, R.I., s. Arnold and Lydia of Tiverton, and Eunice Sanford, 25, d. David and Eunice, int. Apr. 2, 1846. "Not married."
Pamelia and Nathaniel Potter [int. Jr.], Oct. 23, 1836.
Phebe and Isaac Willistone of Tiverton, int. Nov. 24, 1820.
Phineas and Rachel [int. Rachell] Booth [int. of Fretown, "Residing in Westport"], Aug. 7, 1795.
Phinehas and Eunice Howland, Nov. 7, 1824.
Samuel and Freelove Devol, int. Aug. 24, 1824.
Sarah and Albert Hathaway of Freetown, int. Oct. 15, 1841.
Zada and Nathaniel Grinnell of Dartmouth, Mar. 29, 1813.
PETTEY (see Petty)
Abner T. and Rebecca Davis, Apr. 30, 1837.
Asa and Rhubey Davis of Troy, int. Sept. 2, 1808.
Bathsheba (see Bersheba).
Benjamin and Phebe Lake of Tiverton, int. Oct. 20, 1821.
Bersheba [int. Bathsheba] and Holder Earl [int. of Tiverton], Oct. 23, 1823.
Clarasa, 21, d. Philip and Ruth, and Elihu Gifford, 25, labourer, s. John and Elizabeth, Oct. 19, 1846.
Edward B. and Julia Ann Almy Maria [int. Mariah] Mosher, Apr. 14, 1844.
Elizabeth and Job Lake of Tiverton, int. Dec. 22, 1829.
Ephraim and Drusilla Davenport of Tiverton, int. Jan. 5, 1839.
George S., 23, labourer, of Fall River, b. Fall River, s. Philip and Ruth, and Mary A. Grinnell, 16, d. Loisa of Fall River, Aug. 10, 1845.
Hannah and Warren Gifford, int. Aug. 19, 1832.
Harvey and Lusanna [int. Lusany] Fish of Tiverton, Nov. 19, 1832.
Isaac and Elizabeth Lake of Tiverton, int. Aug. 6, 1825.
Jemima of Dartmouth and John Pettey of Dartmouth, Oct. 24, 1822.
John of Dartmouth and Jemima Pettey of Dartmouth, Oct. 24, 1822.
Judah of Dartmouth and Abial Maccomber Jr., int. June 24, 1809.
Louisa, 17, d. Moses and Phebe, and James L. Snow, 21, carpenter, of New Bedford, b. New Bedford, s. James and Hannah of New Bedford, Mar. 12, 1846, in New Bedford.
Lucy and Nathaniel Tripp Jr., int. May 19, 1829.
Mary and John Sanford, July 20 [sic, int. Aug. 18], 1821.
Mary of Dartmouth and Harvey Freelove of Troy, Aug. 23, 1823.
Mary and Reuben Tripp, Nov. 29, 1829.
Mary P. of Dartmouth and Ellery Taber, int. Sept. 14, 1820.
Meribah of Dartmouth. and Joseph Whalon of Dartmouth, Feb. 24, 1837.
Moses and Phebe Albro of Portsmouth, R.I., int. May 4, 1827.
Nathan and Rhoda Allen of Tiverton, int. Mar. 7, 1815.
Pardon 2d [int. omits 2d] and Peace Tripp, Mar. 16 [sic, int. Sept. 24], 1831.
Patience T. and Samuel Tripp, int. Jan. 22, 1830.
Peace and Elisha Francis, June 7, 1840.
Phebe and Eliphalet Tripp, Dec. 20, 1821.
Phillip [int. Petty], s. John, and Ruth Briggs, d. Ephraim, July 19, 1815.
Potter and Deborah Tripp, June 13, 1830.
Roanah, 22, d. Elias and Dilila, and Daniel D. Snell, 21, labourer, s. Peleg and Rhoda, Apr. 6, 1848.
Samuel and Freelove Briggs, Aug. 30, 1823.
Sarah and James Booth, int. Oct. 26, 1831.
Silas and Freeborn Briggs, July 28, 1822.
Stephen and Hope Maccomber of Tiverton, int. Apr. 18, 1812.
Stephen and Judith Hart, July 8, 1841.
Susan and Peleg T. Wodell, Jan. 27, 1825.
Susannah [int. Susanah] and Thomas Sanford, Dec. 8, 1842.
PETTY (see Pettey)
Benjamin, s. Isaac, and Rebecca Sowle, d. Oliver, Dec. 2, 1804.
Charles and Freelove Simmons of Tiverton, int. Feb. 21, 1795.
Elias, s. Isaac, and Della Tripp, d. John, Apr. 12, 1807.
Job [int. Pettey], s. Daniel dec'd, and Hannah Kirby, d. Jonathan dec'd., Mar. 9, 1809.
John Jr. and Meribah Allen, int. Feb. 28, 1818.
Lydia and James Kerby Jr. [int. Kirby, omits Jr.] of Pourtsmouth, R.I., July 19, 1798.
Margaret and Thurston Devol of Tiverton, int. May 20, 1807.
Melintha [int. Malintha Pettey] and Lathrop Bessy [int. Bessee], Oct. 15, 1812.
Nancy and Jacob Maccumber, Feb. 10, 1805. [Pettey and Jacob Macomber, P.R.24.]
Pardon, s. Isaac, and Desire Tripp, d. Nathan, Aug. 9, 1801.
Rhoda [int. Rhody] and Silas Petty of Tiverton, R.I., July 17, 1803.
Silas of Tiverton, R.I., and Rhoda [int. Rhody] Petty, July 17, 1803.
Stephen, s. Isaac, and Ester Tripp, d. Francis, Jan. 4, 1807.
Tabitha (see Tabitha Potter).
Alvan of Rochester and Mary Cuffe, d. Paul, Oct. 26, 1806.
PHILIPS (see Phillips)
Edwards [int. Edward Phillips] and Mary [int. Amie] Tripp, d. Daniel, Dec. 16, 1798.
Tillinghast [int. Phillips] and Betsey Hammond, May 29, 1828.
PHILLIPS (see Philips)
Hannah and Leonard Ashley of Freetown, Jan. 6, 1825.
John, Eld., and Ruth Gifford of Dartmouth, int. Dec. 3, 1836.
Lillis [int. Philips] of Dartmouth and Oliver Bailey, Mar. 3, 1844.
Nancy and [int. Capt.] Jacob Collins of Dartmouth, Apr. 20, 1820.
Pearce of Freetown and Susan Woddell, int. Nov. 23, 1814.
Pierce of Freetown and Anna Wodell, int. Nov. 2, 1825.
William and Patience T. Sowle, Oct. 2, 1823.
PIERCE(Pearce, Pearse)
Ann [int. Pearce] of Little Compton, d. Col. Joseph, and Thomas Records, s. William dec'd, Feb. 12, 1826.
Elisha D. of New Bedford and Lydia P. Potter, int. Apr. 12, 1832.
George F., 23, labourer, b. Dartmouth, s. Elishar and Harriet, and Eliza J. Gifford, 20, d. David H. and Merina, May 7, 1846, in New Bedford.
Harriet B., wid., 42, b. Little Compton, d. Christopher Tabor and Rhoda of Little Compton, and Capt. Malachi Nickerson, widr., 54, meriner, of Wareham, b. Harwich, s. Uriah and Patience of Sandwich, June 3, 1847.
Mary of Little Compton and Dennice Recards, int. Dec. 2, 1808.
Mary of Rehoboth and Israel Nicols of Rehoboth, Nov. 3, 1840, in Rehoboth.
Pardon and Elipal Allen, int. Mar. 12, 1814.
Perry of New Bedford and Lydia Brownell, Dec. 12, 1831.
Samuel of Pittstown, N.Y., and Deborah Richmond, Dec. 13, 1802.
William of Pittstown, N.Y., and Hannah Richmond, Dec. 19, 1802.
Major of Dartmouth and Mariah Reed of Dartmouth, Jan. 31, 1819.
Alvan W. of New Bedford and Lydia Manchester, Dec. 30, 1830.
Abner S., 24, meriner, s. Peleg and Ruth, and Mary Elizabeth Tripp, 16, d. Allen and Mary M., July 27, 1845.
Alice and Peleg Butts, Aug. 12, 1798.
Amanda M. and Charles Russel [int. Russell] of Dartmouth, Apr. 15, 1842.
Anna [int. Ann] and James Macomber, Nov. 30, 1828.
Asa and Almeda W. Brownell, int. Apr. 11, 1823.
Barnibas [int. Barnabas] and Lucy Case, Feb. 23, 1800.
Benjamin and Almy Manchester of Tiverton, int. Oct. 25, 1788.
Benjamin of Dartmouth and Patty Allen, int. Aug. 28, 1800.
Benjamin of Dartmouth, s. William H. dec'd and Patience dec'd of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Nancy S. Tucker, d. Elihu Slocum dec'd. and Sarah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 27th, 4 mo. 1836, C.R.
Betsy and Edward Potter, Apr. 22, 1798.
Candace of Freetown and Stephen Wate, int. Dec. 28, 1791.
Charles and Phebe Tripp, int. Jan. 18, 1834.
Clarinda T. and Humphrey [int. Humphry] W. Snell, Oct. 1, 1840.
Cynthia [int. Synthia], d. Peleg. and Pardon Kerby, s. Nathaniel, Oct. 16, 1796.
Daniel of Newbedford and Lydia Law, int. Sept. 25, 1819.
David, s. Ephraim and Judith of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Mary Chase, d. Benjamin and Elisabeth of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., formerly of Tiverton, 24th, 3 mo. 1779, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Deborah (see Deborah Price).
Deborah and Jeremiah Brightman, s. William, Sept. 4, 1808.
Deborah, d. Edward, and Wesson Tripp [int. 2d], s. John, Jan. 14, 1810.
Deborah D. of New Bedford and Jesse W. Dyer of New Bedford, Dec. 25, 1837.
Delilah and Harvey W. Kirby, Nov. 3, 1839.
Desire and Charles Devol, s. David, Mar. 13, 1788.
Edward, s. Ichabod, and Lydia [int. Lyda] Devol, d. Benjamin, Sept. 25, 1791. [Lidda Davol, B.C.R.]
Edward and Betsy Potter, Apr. 22, 1798.
Elias and Judah Brightman, int. Mar. 23, 1791.
Elias and Clarinda Shaw of Tiverton, int. Feb. 15, 1834.
Elizabeth and Jotham Tripp, Apr. 22, 1821.
Eunice and John Davis of Dartmouth, Feb. 29, 1792, B.C.R. [Eunice, d. Stephen and Susanna, and John Davis of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. John and Mary of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., C.R.]
Frederick [int. Frederic] P. and Meriara P. Sowle, Feb. 16, 1843. [Miriam P., d. Henry and Miriam Potter (Sowle), P.R.23.]
Freelove, d. Abner and Patience of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and William Gifford, s. Adam dec'd and Anne of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 31st, 5 mo. 1781, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Halliday [int. Hallida] and Nancy Maccumber, June 26, 1803.
Hannah of Dartmouth and Abner Tripp, int. May 9, 1803.
Hannah and William Wilcox [int. Willcox], Mar. 13, 1831.
Hopey and Green [int. Greene] B. Sisson, Mar. 26, 1815.
Howard and Eliza Hathaway of Dartmouth, int. Mar. 18, 1809.
Ichabod Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Cynthia [int. Synthia] Maccumber, Mar. 9, 1794. [Ichabod Jr. and Cynthia Macomber, B.C.R.]
Ichabod and Mercy Dennis of Tiverton, int. June 1, 1828.
Isaac, s. Stephen and Sussanah, and Lydia Shearman, d. John and Experience of Rochester, Plymouth Co., 17th, 3 mo. 1802, C.R.
John and Rhoda ---- [int. Potter], Jan. 2, 1803.
John A., s. John and Rhoda, and Rebekah Tripp, d. Phillip and Margaret dec'd of Troy, Bristol Co., 27th, 5 mo. 1830, C.R.
Jonathan and Cynthia Howard, Apr. 23 [? 23 or 28.], 1816.
Joshua, s. Abner, and Elizabeth Wood, d. George, Feb. 6, 1803.
Joshua of Dartmouth and Deborah White, Nov. 24, 1825.
Judith, wid. Elias, and Wanton Maccumber, s. Abial 2d and Phebe, July 17, 1806.
Louisa, d. Elijah, and Zoath Howland, s. Prince, Nov. 22, 1801.
Lucy H. of Little Compton and George L. Dyer, int. Jan. 29, 1842.
Lydia P. and Elisha D. Pierce of New Bedford, int. Apr. 12, 1832.
Lyman G. and Amy S. Barker of Dartmouth, int. Nov. 1, 1838.
Margaret and Abraham Tripp, May 13, 1824.
Margaret of Dartmouth and Warren S. Potter, int. Feb. 8, 1843.
Margret and John Briggs of E. Greenwich, int. May 3, 1790.
Martha, d. Ephraim and Judith of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Joshua Macomber, s. John and Desire of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 25th, 10 mo. 1780, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Mary, d. Stoaks and Rebacca "originally" of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Joseph Wing, s. Edward and Rebacca of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 21st, 2 mo. 1782, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Mary and Eli Tripp, Oct. 22, 1826.
Nancy and Andrew Davis, Mar. 30, 1837.
Nancy S. and William G. Allen, Dec. 24, 1837.
Nathaniel of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Ephraim and Judith of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Peace Mosher, d. Obadiah and Hannah of Tiverton, Newport Co., R.I., 20th, 10 mo. 1791, C.R.
Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel dec'd., and Mary Maccumber, d. William, Mar. 26, 1807.
Nathaniel [int. Jr.] and Pamelia Perry, Oct. 23, 1836.
Noah and Elisabeth Palmer of Little Compton, int. Oct. 19, 1789.
Pardon and Phebe Taber of Fairhaven, int. Nov. 6, 1824.
Pardon B. and Rhoda Tripp, int. May 8, 1825.
Pardon C. and Maria L. Macomber, Mar. 9, 1843.
Patience of Dartmouth, d. John of Dartmouth, and Ebeneazer Cook of Dartmouth, Nov. 18, 1810.
Patrick of Dartmouth and Hannah Tripp, Jan. 15, 1835.
Philip,s. Abner, and Roby [int. Ruby] Brownell, d. George, Mar. 10, 1799.
Philip, 25, meriner, b. Tiverton, s. Peleg and Ruth, and Roann Reed, 20, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, d. Samuel and Betsy of Dartmouth, ---- [int. Oct. 23, 1847].
Rachel and Perry Kirby, int. Jan. 25, 1834.
Rebeccah and Perry Davis, int. Feb. 15, 1792.
Restcom [int. Restcom] and Esther Gifford, d. Richard, Apr. 28, 1808.
Restcome and Deborah Doublday of Newport, R.I., int. June 28, 1789.
Rhoda (----) [int. Potter] and John Potter, Jan. 2, 1803.
Rhoda Ann and Oliver H. Childs of New Bedford, int. Jan. 31, 1842.
Ruth, d. John, and Aron [int. Aaron] Davis, s. Jonathan, Aug. ----, 1789. [Aaron, B.C.R.]
Ruth and George Lawton Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Nov. 26, 1826.
Sarah of Richmond, R.I., and Benjamin Sowle, s. Stephen and Sarah, July 24, 1793. [July 4, B.C.R.]
Sarah and James Robertson of New Bedford, Aug. 2, 1835.
Simeon and Comfort Manchester, May 20, 1815.
Stephen and Mary West, Sept. 19, 1792, B.C.R. [Stephen, s. Benjemin and Ruth, and Mary West, wid. Stephen late of Saratoga, N.Y., d. Gideon Hally dec'd and Experience dec'd of Sandwich, Barnstable Co., C.R.]
Stephen and Deborah Price [int. Potter sic] of New Bedford, Feb. 23, 1797.
Sylvia and Daniel Tripp, int. Feb. 1, 1828.
Tabitha [int. Petty] and George Freelove [int. Frelove] of Freetown, May 18, 1798.
Warren S. and Margaret Potter of Dartmouth, int. Feb. 8, 1843.
Wesson and Mary Kirby, Aug. 12, 1792. [Kerby, B.C.R.]
William and Ann [int. Anna] Tripp, Dec. 18, 1836.
William H. and Hannah Davis, Dec. 13, 1821.
Deborah [int. Potter sic] of New Bedford and Stephen Potter, Feb. 23, 1797.
QUONOWELL (see Quonwell)
Meriah of Dartmouth and George Baley, int. Aug. 14, 1822.
QUONWELL (see Quonowell)
Peter of New Bedford and Hannah White, "Both People of Coular," Sept. 23, 1810.
Phebe of New Bedford and John Cory, int. May 20, 1807.
Clement of Rochester, Plymouth Co., and Bethiah Bosworth, Apr. 17, 1802.
READ (see Reed)
Sarah of Dartmouth and Restcom Tripp, Dec. 28, 1809.
RECORDS (see Reckards, Records)
Dennice and Mary Pierce of Little Compton, int. Dec. 2, 1808.
RECKARDS (see Recards, Records)
Owen and Salley Wilber of Little Compton, int. Nov. 13, 1808.
RECORDS (see Recards, Reckards)
Dennis and Thankfull Wilber of Little Compton, int. Sept. 2, 1804.
Holder, s. Jonathan, and Hannah S. Simmons of Little Compton, d. Perry, Oct. 24, 1839 [? in Little Compton, R.I.].
Jonathan and Prissilla Hilyard of Little Compton, int. Jan. 25, 1807.
Jonathan and Mary Brownell of Little Compton, int. Dec. 7, 1815.
Mary of Little Compton, d. Rachel of Little Compton, and Benjamin Brownell of Little Compton, s. Stephen of Little Compton, Nov. 4, 1798.
Mary and Asa Devol of Tiverton, int. Oct. 29, 1822.
Rhoda, d. William and Judith, and William Hilyard [int. of Little Compton], s. Jonathan and Susana of Little Compton, Newport Co., R.I., Nov. 2, 1806.
Thomas, s. William dec'd., and Ann Pierce [int. Pearce] of Little Compton, d. Col. Joseph, Feb. 12, 1826.
REED (see Read)
Abby of Dartmouth and Thomas Gifford, int. Oct. 2, 1823.
Abner of Dartmouth and Hannah Gifford, int. Sept. 10, 1829.
Allen of Dartmouth and Coroline Tripp, int. Oct. 17, 1839.
Benjamin of Dartmouth and Elizabeth Mosher of Dartmouth, Feb. 1, 1824.
Cynthia [int. of Dartmouth], d. Thomas Jr. of Dartmouth, and Durfee Tripp, s. Ebenezer, Feb. 16, 1804.
Ellery W. and Rebecca B. Munro of Tiverton, int. Sept. 18, 1844.
Gilbert and Lois Simmons, int. June 6, 1826.
Hiram of Dartmouth and Sally King, Oct. 2, 1828.
Jonathan of Dartmouth and Betsey Perry, int. Feb. 9, 1822.
Joseph of Dartmouth and Elizabeth Woodle, int. Apr. 30, 1803.
Mariah of Dartmouth and Major Pool of Dartmouth, Jan. 31, 1819.
Martha of Dartmouth and Thacher Nickerson of Dartmouth, Nov. 25, 1821.
Mary and Warren Gifford, July 8, 1822.
Mercy [int. Marcy, wid.] of Freetown and Isaac [int. Isaiah] Borden, Mar. 15, 1789.
Oliver Jr. of Dartmouth and Julian Borden, int. Nov. 22, 1829.
Phebe of Dartmouth and Noah Tripp of New Bedford, Feb. 12, 1843.
Rhoda of Dartmouth and Nathaniel Woodle, int. Aug. 28, 1805.
Roann, 20, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, d. Samuel and Betsy of Dartmouth, and Philip Potter, 25, meriner, b. Tiverton, s. Peleg and Ruth, ---- [int. Oct. 23, 1847].
Rodney R., 21, labourer, b. Dartmouth, s. Lemuel B. and Falla of Dartmouth, and Prudence W. Cottle, 17, of Chilmark, b. Chilmark, d. Fracis and Sofrona of Chilmark, Nov. 6, 1846, in Chilmark.
Rowena (see Roann)
Samuel, 22, labourer, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, s. Benjamin and Eliza of Dartmouth, and Sarah H. Nickerson, 18, b. Dartmouth, s. Elchanah and Cyntha, Apr. 20, 1847.
Sarah M. of Dartmouth and Benjamin B. Blossom, int. Dec. 7, 1833.
Warren and Nancy Sowle, int. Oct. 26, 1831.
Willard of Dartmouth and Elizabeth Borden, int. Dec. 30, 1833.
Alden of Fallriver and Jane Macomber, Sept. 25, 1836.
Ann, 23, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, d. Michael and Martha of Dartmouth, and Isaac Rogers, 24, farmer, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, s. Jeptha and Mercy of Dartmouth, Dec. 6, 1846.
Jeremiah of Freetown and Betsey [int. Betsy] Brownell, d. George and Rhoda, Feb. 9, 1806.
Lydia of Fretown and Francis Weeden, int. Feb. 5, 1804.
Sarah A., 20, of Dartmouth, b. Little Compton, d. Humphrey and Sarah of Dartmouth, and George L. Dyer, widr., 36, cooper, b. Dartmouth, s. Head and Abby of Little Compton, ---- [int. May 23, 1847].
Thaddeus [int. Thadeus] of Fretown and Patience Brownell, NOV. 11, 1802.