Vital Records Of Westport Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England H1storic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1918.
Marriages - ADAMS to CLOSSEN
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

John R., 24, labourer, b. Wilton, Me., s. John and Phebe of Wilton, Me., and Lucy Pearce, 20, d. George R. and Lydia, Aug. 13, 1845.
AKIN (see Akins)
David R. of Yarmouth, s. Abiel and Catharine dec'd of Yarmouth, Barnstable Co., and Rachel W. Peckham, d. Jonathan and Hannah dec'd, 23d, 6 mo. 1824, C.R.
AKINS (see Akin)
David of Dartmouth and Sylvia Briggs, int. May 19, 1817.
Lucinda [int. of Tiverton], d. Lewis of Tiverton, and William Maccumber, s. George, Dec. 12, 1805.
Perry of Troy and Meribah Crocker, int. Dec. 29, 1827.
Phebe of Portsmouth, R.I., and Moses Pettey, int. May 4, 1827.
Sarah Ann and Isaac Sowle, Mar. 13, 1843.
Abby and Andrew Lawrence, int. Mar. 25, 1843.
Abby D. and Elijah Gifford Jr., Dec. 27, 1835.
Abby D., 22, d. Stephen and Hannah, and Isaac B. Tompkins, 22, mariner, of New Bedford, b. Little Compton, s. Pierce and Merabah of New Bedford, ---- [int. Oct. 27, 1848].
Abigail and Joseph Cornell of N.Y. [int. Cambridge, N.Y.], Oct. 15, 1797.
Abigail [int. Nabby], d. Williams, and Ichabod Kerby [int. Kirby], s. Nathaniel, Aug. 16, 1804.
Abner and Rachel Gifford of Dartmouth, int. Sept. 4, 1843.
Abraham and Elizabeth Allen, int. May 20, 1797.
Adam, s. Adam dec'd. and Betty dec'd, and Anstis Anthony, wid. Daniel, d. Eber Davis and Mary, 23d, 11 mo. 1808, C.R.
Ann Maria and Ezra P. Brownell, int. May 22, 1841.
Barbara and Jeremiah Devol 2d, Nov. 15, 1821.
Betsey and [dup. Capt.] Perry G. Macomber, Apr. 19, 1821.
Betty [int. Betsy], d. Humphry and Phebe, and Abner Davis, s. John and Isabel, Dec. 20, 1798.
Catherine (see Content).
Charles, s. Thomas, and Hannah Davis, d. John, Jan. 9, 1806.
Charles and Mercy Cornell of Dartmouth, Jan. 25, 1827.
Christopher S., s. Williams, and Susan Seabury, d. Pearse, Oct. 25, 1826.
Content [int. Catherine] and Ebenezer Allen 3d [int. omits 34d] of Dartmouth, Nov. 20, 1792. [Content and Ebenezer Allen 3d of Dartmouth, B.C.R.]
Daniel Anthony and Lucretia Gifford, int. Sept. 19, 1833.
David, s. Humphry, and Amy [int. Amie] Shrieve, d. Daniel, Dec. 20, 1798.
Deborah, d. Jedediah, and Stephen Head [int. of Dartmouth], s. Gamaliel of Dartmouth, July 10, 1808.
Deborah D. and Barnabas Kirby of Dartmouth, Mar. 5, 1843.
Delilah and Russell Gifford, int. Jan. 11, 1821.
Diana [int. Dianna] and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Anthony Cory, Aug. 26, 1824.
Drusilla (see Presilla).
Ebenezer 3d [int. omits 3d] of Dartmouth and Content [int. Catherine] Allen, Nov. 20, 1792. [Ebenezer 3d of Dartmouth and Content Allen, B.C.R.]
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer, and Roba Allen, d. Thomas, Apr. 3, 1800.
Elipal and Pardon Pierce, int. Mar. 12, 1814.
Eliza Ann, 24, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, d. John and Patience of Dartmouth, and David S. Howland, 26, carpenter, s. John W. and Sarah, ---- [int. Dec. 17, 1845], in Dartmouth.
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] of Dartmouth and Wilbour Gifford, Oct. 22, 1789. [Elisabeth of Dartmouth and Wilbor Gifford, B.C.R.]
Elizabeth and Abraham Allen, int. May 20, 1797.
Emeline and William S. Hammond, July 7, 1836.
Ester, d. Humphry, and John Case, s. Wanton, Mar. 28, 1804.
Eunice [int. Unice Almy] and Daniel Willcox, s. John, Feb. 20, 1794.
Eunice and John Milk, Dec. 31, 1832.
Frederick and Hannah C. Brownell, Apr. 3, 1839.
George and Jemima Allen, int. Aug. 23, 1800.
George S. and Ann R. Macomber of Tiverton, int. July 12, 1833.
Gideon and Almira Wilbur of Little Compton, int. Dec. 1, 1820.
Gideon, 28, meriner, s. Green, and Avice Little, 26, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, d. Isaac and Mary of Dartmouth, ---- [int. Jan. 30, 1847], in Dartmouth.
Green and Phebe Sanford of Tiverton, int. Sept. 12, 1806.
Hannah, d. David, and Daniel Brownell, Nov. 11, 1810.
Hannah of Little Compton and William W. Underwood, May 5, 1822.
Hannah and Robert Greble of Philadelphia, int. May 22, 1831.
Hannah and Ichabod Kirby, Nov. 21, 1832.
Howard and Patience Bowen of Tiverton, int. Jan. 4, 1804.
Humphrey B. and Mary M. Gifford, int. June 22, 1829.
Humphry, s. Daniel and Betty, and Phebee Burgis of Little Compton, July 17, 1775.
Israel, s. Stephen, and [int. Mrs.] Emily H. Coffin, Nov. 17, 1844.
Jacob, s. Humphrey, and Roba Howard, d. Daniel, Dec. 14, 1809. [Rhoby, Jan. 15, 1810, P.R.13.]
Jacob and Lydia Howard, Mar. 22, 1820. [Mar. 23, 1819, P.R.13.]
James and Ardelia D. Macomber of Dartmouth, int. Oct. 28, 1843.
Jedediah Jr. and Priscillia Gidley of Dartmouth, int. June 22, 1809.
Jemima and George Allen, int. Aug. 23, 1800.
Job, s. Jedediah, and Mary Wait, d. John, Jan. 26, 1809.
John, s. Daniel and Betsy, and Deborah Palmer [int. of Little Compton], d. Restcome of Little Compton, May 1, 1796.
John and Patience Slocum of Dartmouth, int. Sept. 10, 1817.
John, Capt., of Dartmouth, and Eliza White, June 22, 1826.
John and Content H. Wilcox, int. Jan. 28, 1836.
Joseph, s. Daniel and Betty, and Prudence Earl, d. Caleb and Elizabeth, June 27, 1784.
Judith, d. Humphrey, and James Cornell, s. Stephen, Feb. 6, 1812.
Lillis, d. Adam, and Job Sowle of Tiverton, R.I., s. Joseph, Nov. 12, 1801.
Lydia, d. Thomas, and Jeremiah Brightman [int. of Dartmouth], s. Gardner of Dartmouth, Feb. 15, 1810.
Major, s. Thomas, and Mary Almy, d. Mary, wid., Feb. 12, 1801.
Margaret, d. George, and Thomas Dunham formerly of Vt. [int. of Rochester], Feb. 21, 1811.
Martha, d. Jedediah, and Levi Willcox, s. Sylvanus, Nov. 6, 1808.
Mary, d. Daniel, and Daniel Cornell, s. Joshua, Jan. 15, 1797.
Mary and John F. Underwood, Aug. 11, 1814.
Mary and Jephtha W. Gifford, int. May 20, 1820.
Mary of Little Compton, d. William, and Job Davis, s. Gideon, Sept. 23, 1821.
Meriba [int. Mereba], d. Ebenezer, and Thomas Sherman, May 3, 1800.
Meribah and John Petty Jr., int. Feb. 28, 1818.
Meribah and Christopher Palmer, int. Nov. 9, 1822.
Mira E. and William Weeks of Dartmouth, int. Apr. 9, 1836.
Nabby (see Abigail).
Nancy and Isaac Palmer 2d [int. omits 2d], Nov. 30, 1825.
Nancy S. of Newbedford and Sylvester Little, int. Oct. 14, 1826.
Noel and Hannah Dunham of Dartmouth, int. Mar. 16, 1803.
Oily and Edmond Mosher Jr., int. Oct. 3, 1812.
Pardon and Mary Dunham [int. Dunum] of Martha's Vineyard, "now Residing in Westport," Mar. 24, 1794. [Dunham, both of Martha's Vineyard, B.C.R.]
Patience A. of Dartmouth and Holder S. Borden Jr. [int. omits Jr.], ---- [rec. July 3], 1844.
Patty and Benjamin Potter of Dartmouth, int. Aug. 28, 1800.
Peleg S. and Valeriah Allen, int. June 9, 1812.
Phebe A., 22, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, d. John and Patience of Dartmouth, and John B. Cornell, 24, butcher, b. Pourtsmouth, R.I., s. Thomas T. and Marthar, Mar. 17, 1847, in Dartmouth.
Phebe B. and Rufus W. Brightman, Nov. 29, 1841.
Philip and Nancy Gifford of Dartmouth, int. June 12, 1797.
Presilla [int. Druzilla] and John [int. adds S.] Davis, Oct. 25, 1812.
Rachel, d. Humphrey, and Cornelius Brightman, s. Israel, Dec. 17, 1809.
Rachel B. and Perry G. Wing, Apr. 9, 1837. [Perry G., s. Barney and Abby, P.R.5. P.R.6.]
Rebecca and Job Davis, Sept. 4, 1814.
Reuby [int. Ruby] and Brownell Tripp, Jan. 28, 1821.
Rhoda, d. Daniel and Betty, and Peter Maccumber, s. William and Lusanah, Apr. 15, 1793. [Macomber, B.C.R.]
Rhoda of Tiverton and Nathan Pettey, int. Mar. 7, 1815.
Rhoda and Humphrey D. Howland, Feb. 21, 1836.
Roba, d. Thomas, and Ebenezer Allen, s. Ebenezer, Apr. 3, 1800.
Roba H. and Daniel K. Brown of New Bedford, int. July 28, 1841.
Roby and Allen Case, Feb. 16, 1825.
Ruby (see Reuby).
Ruth, d. Daniel, and Preserved Shearman, s. Robert, Sept. 15, 1779.
Ruth, d. Thomas, and Jeremiah Willcox [int. Wilcox], s. Benjamin, Jan. 29, 1809.
Ruth and John S. Brightman of Dartmouth, int. Dec. 30, 1841.
Sally and Thomas Allen of Dartmouth, int. Sept. 10, 1826.
Samuel G. and Patience K. Lawton, int. Dec. 9, 1843.
Sarah of Dartmouth and Jonathan Gifford, int. June 20, 1795.
Sarah, d. Adam, and Emanuel [int. Imanuel] Devol, s. Samuel, May 20, 1804.
Sarah and Robert Lawrence, int. Apr. 20, 1812.
Stephen, s. Robert dec'd and Esther [dup. Ester] dec'd of New Bedford, and Ann Davis (second w.), d. Job and Sarah dec'd, 25th, 2 mo. 1841, C.R.
Susan, Mrs., and Asa Gray of Tiverton, int. Jan. 17, 1834.
Susan P. and Perry G. Wing, Mar. 3, 1844. [Perry G., s. Barney and Abby, P.R.5. P.R.6.]
Susanah and Abraham Gifford of Dartmouth, int. Dec. 4, 1805.
Sussanna [int. Susana], d. Humphry, and Tillinghast Tripp, s. Daniel, Jan. 21, 1798.
Sylvia of New Bedford and Jacob Tripp 2d, int. Sept. 2, 1816.
Thomas of Dartmouth and Sally Allen, int. Sept. 10, 1826.
Thomas D. and Silvia A. Gifford, d. Elijah, Sept. 18, 1843.
Valeriah and Peleg S. Allen, int. June 9, 1812.
Wesson and Mary Shrieve, May 31, 1795. [Shreive, B.C.R.]
William and Phebe Tripp of Little Compton, int. Jan. 19, 1818.
William of Newbedford and Sophronia [int. Sophrona] Tripp, Oct. 18, 1818.
William and Nancy Cornell, int. Oct. 4, 1829.
William G. and Nancy S. Potter, Dec. 24, 1837.
Abigail of Dartmouth and Perry Gifford, Nov. 13, 1788. [Pery, B.C.R.]
Benjamin of Pourtsmouth, R.I., and Hannah Tibbits, June 9, 1794. [Tibbitts, B.C.R.]
Caroline B. and John Hicks, Aug. 2, 1831.
Eliphal and Cornelius White, Jan. 12, 1794. [Elephal, B.C.R.]
Elizabeth S. of Dartmouth and Charles White, Aug. 16, 1826.
Eunice (see Eunice Allen).
Joseph and Phebe Williams of Dartmouth, int. ----.
Mary, wid., of Dartmouth, and Jupiter Cory, Nov. 4, 1787.
Mary and Gamaliel Church of Dighton, int. July 6, 1799.
Mary, d. Mary, wid., and Major Allen, s. Thomas, Feb. 12, 1801.
Mary and Isaac Cory Jr., int. Oct. 26, 1814.
Nancy and Christopher Russell, int. Feb. 4, 1797.
Pardon of Dartmouth and Abigail Davis, int. Sept. 12, 1822.
Rebecca and Jonathan Richmond of Scipio, Cyuga Co., N.Y., Feb. 11, 1807.
Richard [int. of Dartmouth], s. Christopher of Dartmouth, and Patience Willcox, d. Benjamin, Apr. ----, 1799.
Samuel, Capt. [int. omits Capt.], s. William and Mary, and Mercy Brownell, d. Dea. Silvester and Mercy, Jan. 19, 1808, in Little Compton.
Sarah of Tiverton and Samuel Brownell, int. Oct. 16, 1824.
Willard of Dartmouth and Eliza Ann Slocum of Dartmouth, Aug. 28, 1828.
William, s. Peleg and Rebecca, and Mary Millet of Newport, R.I., Feb. 16, 1780.
AMES (see Eames).
Mary and Joseph White, "Black people," Aug. 9, 1792.
Patty and Charles Niles "now resident in Dartmouth," int. Sept. 1, 1816.
Silvia and Samuel Wickett [int. Wicket of New Bedford], Sept. 29, 1800.
Simon and Silvia Dick, int. Nov. 19, 1791.
Sylvia (see Silvia).
Thomas of Freetown and Patience Ginnins, int. Nov. 1, 1788.
Clarissa and Reuben P. Mason of Fallriver, int. Aug. 17, 1835.
Daniel K. of Berkley and Mary R. Sisson, int. Sept. 4, 1833.
Virtue and William Gifford, int. May 3, 1823.
Anstis, wid. Daniel, d. Eber Davis and Mary, and Adam Allen, s. Adam dec'd and Betty dec'd, 23d, 11 mo. 1808, C.R.
Content, d. John, and Josiah Leonard of Midleborough, May 5, 1793.
Daniel, s. William and Sarah dec'd. of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Lydia Macomber, d. Abial and Rest, 30th, 5 mo. 1798, C.R.
Daniel of New Bedford, Bristol Co., s. Abraham and Mary dec'd. of Portsmouth, R.I., and Anstis Davis, d. Eber and Mary, 29th, 12 mo. 1802, C.R.
Daniel B. and Mariah L. Winslow, June 29, 1837. [Maria L., d. Thomas and Lydia (Cornell). P.R.19.]
Edwin and Susan Gidley of Dartmouth, Oct. 14, 1824.
Humphry, s. William and Sarah dec'd. of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Phebe Sowl, d. Isaac dec'd and Sarah, 22d, 12 mo. 1808, C.R.
John and Meriam Cornell [int. wid.], Aug. 24, 1815.
John L. and Mary W. Kirby, Mar. 24, 1839.
Nancy and Peleg Cornell [int. Jr.], Nov. 15, 1799.
Nicolas B. of New Bedford and Betsey L. Grinnell, Mar. 28, 1841.
Rhoda, d. Job and Sarah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Stephen Gifford, s. Job and Martha of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 13th, 11 mo. 1777, In Dartmouth, C.R.
William of Dartmouth and Mercy Macomber, Mar. 31, 1791, B.C.R. [William, s. William dec'd and Alice of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Mercy Macomber, d. Peter Devol dec'd. and Susanna, C.R.]
Betsy R., 20, of New Bedford, b. Dartmouth, d. Warren and Hannah of New Bedford, and Philip H. Devol, widr., 39, farmer, s. David and Zilpha, Mar. 25, 1849, in Little Compton.
Leonard of Freetown and Hannah Phillips, Jan. 6, 1825.
Richard C. [int. omits C.] of Dartmouth and Rachel C. Davis, Aug. 16, 1842.
Dorcas, d. Jeremiah and Margreat of Little Comton, Newport Co., R.I., and Jonathan Westgate, s. Silvenas dec'd and Mary of Tiverton, Newport Co., R.I., 21st, 4 mo. 1788, C.R.
Elizabeth, d. Jeremiah and Margrete dec'd. of Little Comton, Newport Co., R.I., and Preserved Fish of Portsmouth, Newport Co., R.I., s. David dec'd. and Jemima dec'd of Portsmouth, Newport Co., R.I., 27th, 1 mo. 1813, in Little Compton, C.R.
Esther, d. Joshua and Diana of Little Compton, Newport Co., R.I., and Leonard Macomber, s. John and Mary, 23d, 11 mo. 1842, C.R.
Mary, d. Joshua and Dianna of Little Compton, Newport Co., R.I., and Gideon Gifford of Little Compton, Newport Co., R.I., s. Noah dec'd and Martha of Little Compton, Newport Co., R.I., 25th, 10 mo. 1837, in Little Compton, C.R.
Avis of Dartmouth and John Wainer, "black people," int. Sept. 20, 1812.
Robey [int. Roby] of Dartmouth and Michael Wainer Jr. [int. "Colorered people "], Dec. 17, 1814.
BAILEY (see Baley, Baly)
Ase of Wickford and Holder Howard, int. June 11, 1808.
Hannah of Tiverton and Henry Willcox, int. Jan. 5, 1821.
James and Abigail Coe of Little Compton, int. Oct. 5, 1832.
Meriah and Charles Hall, int. July 2, 1828.
Oliver and Lillis Phillips [int. Philips] of Dartmouth, Mar. 3, 1844.
Amos C. and Lydia Brownell, int. Nov. 1, 1822.
Apphia, d. Ebenezer and Susanna, and Stephen Chace, s. John and Elizabeth dec'd of Swansey, Bristol Co., 21st, 9 mo. 1814, C.R.
Charles of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Job dec'd and Mehetable of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Sarah Wever, d. Thomas (Weaver) dec'd and Hannah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 23d, 3 mo. 1791, C.R.
Eber D., s. James and Sarah, and Elisabeth Sleade, d. Edward (Slead) and Eliphel dec'd, 24th, 10 mo. 1832, C.R.
Ensign Jr. of Dartmouth and Lydia Ann Devol, int. Jan. 22, 1832.
Isabel, d. Charles and Sarah, and Lot Sherman, s. Jonathan and Patience of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 20th, 5 mo. 1812, C.R.
James of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Job dec'd and Mehetable of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Sarah Davis of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., d. Eber and Mary, 28th, 5 mo. 1794, C.R.
Job of Dartmouth, s. Job dec'd. and Mehetable of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Rachel Wever, d. Thomas (Weaver) dec'd and Hannah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 25th, 5 mo. 1791, C.R.
Michael of Dartmouth and Nabby B. Davol, int. Sept. 3, 1821.
Rachel, wid. Job, d. Thomas Weaver and Hannah dec'd of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Stephen Gifford of Dartmouth, s. Job dec'd and Martha dec'd of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 25th, 12 mo. 1811, C.R.
Rice, s. Job and Mehetabel of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Susanna Mosher, d. Robert and Sarah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 5th, 11 mo. 1772, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Thomas W. and Ann Wing, Apr. 14, 1830.
BALEY (see Bailey, Baly)
Deborah of Little Compton and Oliver P. Earl, int. Dec. 22, 1798.
George and Meriah Quonowell of Dartmouth, int. Aug. 14, 1822.
Charles and Ruth Macomber, July 9 [sic, int. July 15], 1834.
Isabel D. and George B. Macomber, int. Sept. 25, 1843.
Meribah D. and Leander Brightman, Aug. 7, 1836, in Dartmouth.
Peter formerly of New York, "now residing in Westport," and Almy [int. Amy] Davis, d. Gideon, Sept. 4, 1808.
BALY (see Bailey, Baley)
Humphry [int. Baley] of Little Compton, Newport Co., R.I., and Meribah [int. Meriba] Davis, Sept. 19, 1792. [Humphery Baley of Little Compton and Merebah Davis, B.C.R.]
Abraham of Dartmouth, s. Stephen, and Elizabeth [int. Eliza] White, d. Roger, May ----, 1807.
Amy S. of Dartmouth and Lyman G. Potter, int. Nov. 1, 1838.
David M. of New Bedford and Phebe G. Hazard, int. Nov. 8, 1834.
Jabez and Amy Smith of Dartmouth, int. Dec. 3, 1801.
Jabez 2d of Dartmouth and Sarah Jane White, int. May 3, 1840.
Lemuel 2d of Dartmouth and Ruth S. Willcox, July 29, 1832.
Meribah and Jonathan Tripp, Mar. 16, 1825.
Samuel [int. of Dartmouth], s. Stephen of Dartmouth, and Sarah White, d. Roger, Feb. 16, 1804.
Sarah W. of Dartmouth and William W. Gifford, int. Oct. 4, 1844.
Elbridge G. of Fallriver and Patience A. Wordell, int. Oct. 16, 1841.
Phebe of Dartmouth and Samuel S. Barrows of Dartmouth, June 13, 1819.
Samuel S. of Dartmouth and Phebe Barrit of Dartmouth, June 13, 1819.
Zimroda and Paul Peckham, int. Apr. 1, 1805. [in. Sept. 11, B.C.R.]
Joseph S. [int. of New Bedford] and Hannah M. Gifford, Aug. 11, 1835.
Betsy of Rochester and Eseck Carr, int. Feb. 6, 1795.
BEADON (see Bedon, Beedon)
Richard B. of Dartmouth and Hannah Whalon of Dartmouth, Dec. 8, 1822.
BEDON (see Beadon, Beedon)
Dianna of Dartmouth and Ichabod Gifford of Dartmouth, Aug. 12, 1819.
BEEDON (see Beadon, Bedon)
Ruth and Job Simmons of Tiverton, int. Nov. 5, 1808.
Jonathan of New Bedford and Margaret Smith of New Bedford, Nov. 15, 1840.
BENNET (see Bennett)
Amy of Tiverton and Wesson Mosher, int. Apr. 23, 1791.
Robert and Abigail Hathaway, Jan. 12, 1815.
BENNETT (see Bennet)
Adoniram J. 28, labourer, of Fall River, b. Fall River, s. Sweet and Mary of Fall River, and Miranda B. Tripp, 25, d. Rufus and Patience, Feb. 26, 1848.
BESSE (see Bessee, Bessey, Bessy)
Hannah and Job I. Manly of Dartmouth, int. July 10, 1833.
Lemuel and Lucy Smith, June 30, 1841.
Martin and Anne Gifford, int. Dec. ----, 1806.
Simmons and Louisa Smith, Feb. 9, 1840.
BESSEE (see Besse, Bessey, Bessy)
Martin and Mary Macomber, d. Wesson, June 16, 1811.
BESSEY (see Besse, Bessee, Bessy)
Mary [int. Besse] and Phillip [int. Philip] Tripp, Apr. 7, 1833.
Sally [int. Besse] and Loenzo D. Mosher, Mar. 22, 1832.
BESSY (see Besse, Bessee, Bessey)
Lothrop [int. Bessee] and Melintha Petty [int. Malintha Pettey], Oct. 15, 1812.
Ebenezer of Bristol and Angeline Wing, int. Oct. 29, 1832.
Nancy of Dartmouth and Warren Sisson, int. Aug. 10, 1817.
Nancy and John H. Sisson, s. David and Penelope (Howland), Sept. 16, 1849, P.R.15.
Benjamin B. and Sarah M. Reed of Dartmouth, int. Dec. 7, 1833.
Clarissa of Troy and Amos Bordin, int. Aug. 5, 1809.
Elijah Jr. of Freetown and Alice Milk, Sept. 23, 1802.
Asa, Capt. "Bly alias Tripp," and Elizabeth Cory, int. June 30, 1808.
BOLLES (see Bolls, Bowles)
Isaac Jr. of New Bedford and Sarah Davis, Dec. 27, 1841.
BOLLS (see Bolles, Bowles)
Mary Ann, 20, of Rochester, b. Rochester, d. William and Abigail of Rochester, and Albert Seabury, 32, meriner, s. Benjamin and Ruth, ---- [int. Aug. 26, 1846], in Rochester.
Benjamin and Mary Collins of Dartmouth, Nov. 22, 1787.
Caleb and Mary Cole of Tiverton, int. Aug. 25, 1798.
Daniel of Tivertown [int. Jr. of Freetown] and Ruth Perkins [int. Parkins], Mar. 3, 1791. [Daniel of Freetown and Ruth Perkins, B.C.R.]
David M. and Phebe R. Wing, Mar. 20, 1836.
Elizabeth and William Gifford Jr. of Tiverton, Feb. 17, 1791.
Isaac of Fretown and Eady Wate, int. Oct. 18, 1796.
Joseph of Fretown and Sarah Brownell, Jan. 6, 1803.
Matthew Jr. and Sarah Wooddle of Tiverton, int. Mar. 6, 1789.
Ruth and William Sisson, int. Sept. 10, 1799.
Caraline, 28, d. Jonathan and Rhoda, and Thomas Borden 2d, 21, labourer, s. Elihu and Deborah, Dec. 24, 1848.
Cynthia, Mrs., and Adam Gifford Esq., int. July 19, 1828.
James and Sarah Pettey, int. Oct. 26, 1831.
Jonathan and Rhoda Brownell, Dec. 24, 1820.
Rachel [int. Rachell of Fretown, "Residing in Westport "] and Phineas Perry, Aug. 7, 1795.
William of Tiverton and Susanna Briggs, int. Nov. 13, 1814.
Zebudee of New Bedford and Mary Davis, int. Dec. 14, 1816.
BORDEN (see Bordin, Burden)
Alice and Capt. Robert Miller of Troy, int. Sept. 19, 1829.
Amaritta and John Wait 2d, int. Dec. 30, 1828.
Bradford and Hannah Jones of Dartmouth, int. Jan. 27, 1813.
Christopher of Tiverton and Lucy Davis, Feb. 11, 1839.
Edward and Alice Westgate of Tiverton, int. Feb. 5, 1818.
Edward Jr. and Patience Crapo, int. Jan. 13, 1824.
Elihu and Deborah B. Sowle, int. Nov. 10, 1824.
Eliza of Tiverton and Samuel Borden, int. Sept. 29, 1816.
Elizabeth, Mrs. [int. Eliza, omits Mrs.], and John T. Gifford, Dec. 12, 1817.
Elizabeth and Willard Reed of Dartmouth, int. Dec. 30, 1833.
Elizabeth and Isaac Haskell, Mar. 17, 1842.
Gideon R. and Joann Tripp, Sept. 23, 1838.
Hannah and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Peleg Cornell, Apr. 4, 1841.
Holder S. and Elizabeth Chace, May 7, 1837.
Holder S. Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Patience A. Allen of Dartmouth, ---- [rec. July 3], 1844.
Isaac [int. Isaiah] and Mercy [int. Marcy] Reed [int. wid.] of Freetown, Mar. 13, 1789.
Isaac and Sarah Winslow of Troy, int. Oct. 16, 1810.
Job and Rachel Brownell, int. Aug. 28, 1822.
John C. of Dartmouth and Rachel Peckham, int. Feb. 24, 1839.
Julian and Oliver Reed Jr. of Dartmouth, int. Nov. 22, 1829.
Patience and Charles Short of Fallriver, int. Sept. 2, 1839.
Rebeckah of Dartmouth and Samuel Peckham "now resident in Dartmouth," Aug. 20, 1812.
Restcome and Henrietta Sanford, Oct. 9, 1836.
Ruth of Tiverton and Lawton Earl, int. Nov. [worn], 1789.
Ruth and William Sabens, Dec. 5, 1811.
Samuel and Eliza Borden of Tiverton, int. Sept. 29, 1816.
Sarah of Troy and Holder White, int. Oct. 12, 1816.
Stephen and Prudence Brightman of Troy, int. Nov. 1, 1816.
Stephen and Catharine Hart, Nov. 22, 1818.
Stephen and Phebe Tripp, Nov. 14, 1822.
Thomas 2d, 21, labourer, s. Elihu and Deborah, and Caraline Booth, 28, d. Jonathan and Rhoda, Dec. 24, 1848.
BORDIN (see Borden, Burden)
Amos and Clarissa Blossom of Troy, int. Aug. 5, 1809.
Bethiah and Clement Randal of Rochester, Plymouth Co., Apr. 17, 1802.
Susannah of Dartmouth and Stephen Tallman, Apr. 10, 1819.
Elihu of Scituate, Providence Co., R.I., s. Elihu and Cloe, and Anna Kirby, wid., d. Job Anthony and Sarah, 21st, 7 mo. 1819, C.R.
Mary of Tiverton and Perry Howland, int. Mar. 3, 1809.
Nancy Ann and Edwin Lawton, int. Sept. 16, 1843.
Patience of Tiverton and Howard Allen, int. Jan. 4, 1804.
Richard of Tiverton, R.I., and Olive Howland, d. Charles, Apr. 4, 1805.
Sarah [int. Sally of Tiverton], d. John Jr., and Humphry Willcox, s. Samuel, Mar. 9, 1800.
BOWLES (see Bolles, Bolls)
Betsey of New Bedford and William B. Brown of New Bedford, Jan. 10, 1830.
William, 21, cooper, b. Edgarton, s. Edmond and Jane C. of Edgarton, and Elenor S. Gifford, 18, d. Anthony A. and Hannah, Dec. 13, 1846.
BRAWLEY (see Browley)
Hannah W. of Tiverton and Peter Davis, int. July 3, 1841.
Abigail and Robert Tripp, Oct. 1, 1817.
Allen of Schoharrie, N.Y., and Roby Willcox, Mar. 2, 1823
Caleb of Dartmouth and Joanah Gifford of Dartmouth, Oct. 28, 1810, in Dartmouth.
Charles and Lydia Head of Dartmouth, int. July 13, 1840.
Charles F. and Ann Eliza Manchester, int. Nov. 13, 1841.
Cornelius, Capt., of Little Compton, and Fallee Brownell, int. Nov. 28, 1792.
Cynthia of Dartmouth and Jonathan Macomber of Dartmouth, Mar. 3, 1811. [in Dartmouth, P.R.18.]
David and Elisabeth Wilbur, int. Mar. 15, 1789.
David C., 24, carpenter, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, s. Elihu and Polly of Dartmouth, and Betsy Jane Smith, 16, d. William and Charity, ---- [int. June 19, 147].
Ephraim and Parnell Tilton of Chilmark, int. June 23, 1832.
Freeborn and Silas Pettey, July 28, 1822.
Freelove and Samuel Pettey, Aug. 30, 1823.
Gardner and Marcy Shearman [int. of Fretown, "Residing in Westport"], Aug. 7, 1795.
Hannah and Abner Crocker, int. Apr. 7, 1807.
Hannah and Richard Macomber, Feb. 20, 1835.
Job and Phebe Wate, int. Jan. 19, 1790.
John and Mary Butts of Dartmouth, Aug. 9, 1789.
John of E. Greenwich and Margret Potter, int. May 3, 1790.
Joseph and Judith Maccomber, Dec. 29, 1815.
Louisa, 28, b. Dartmouth, d. Thomas and Sarah, and Capt. George W. Stewarte, widr., 39, mariner, of Dartmouth, b. Baltimore, s. James (Stewate) dec'd. and Lear dec'd, Feb. 11, 1849.
Mary of Little Compton and Jonathan Brownell, int. Nov. 28, 1791.
Mary of Dartmouth and Leonard Brightman, int. Apr. ----, 1823.
Mary A. and Oliver Brower, June 13, 1839.
Nancy A. and Frederick Tripp, s. William, Nov. 30, 1834.
Patience and David Brownell, s. Benjamin, int. Sept. 1, 1817.
Perry and Freelove Shearman of Dartmouth, May 6, 1810.
Phebe and George Gifford, int. Oct. 9, 1815.
Ruth, d. Ephraim, and Phillip Pettey [int. Petty], s. John, July 19, 1815.
Ruth and William Taber, Mar. 26, 1820.
Samuel of Dartmouth and Dilla West, int. June 22, 1840.
Sarah and Peleg Taber, int. Oct. 5, 1799.
Sarah and William Fisher, Nov. 15, 1812.
Susana and Jacob Taber of Tiverton, R.I., Jan. 13, 1805.
Susanna and William Booth of Tiverton, int. Nov. 13, 1814.
Sylvia and David Akins of Dartmouth, int. May 19, 1817.
Thomas of Little Compton and Roby Hazard, int. Jan. 6, 1829.
Walter Jr. of Dartmouth and Mary S. Tripp, int. Apr. 13, 1839.
William [int. Jr.], s. William, and Patience Burden, d. Gideon, May 15, 1806.
William Jr. and Deborah Crapo, Mar. 23, 1815.
Zelpha of Dartmouth and Barnea Gifford, Feb. 28, 1815, in Dartmouth.
Arnold, s. Thomas, and Martha Gifford, d. Richard, July 23, 1809.
Bethana [int. Bethany] and John Manley of Little Compton, Dec. 29, 1811.
Christian, d. Israel and Bethany, and John Dyer, s. Preservid [dup. Preserved] and Susanah, June 19, 1791. [Job, B.C.R.]
Comfort (see Cumfort.)
Cornelius, s. Israel, and Rachel Allen, d. Humphrey, Dec. 17, 1809.
Cumfort and Holder Butts of Dartmouth, int. Sept. 3, 1818.
Cynthia [int. Synthia] and Stephen Davis, Jan. 19, 1794. [Cynthia, B.C.R.]
Elias P. and Diana [int. Dianna] Manchester, May 20, 1832.
Eliphal T. and George Farnhum [int. Farnum], Mar. 7, 1839.
Elizabeth and Lemuel Brownell, int. Oct. 10, 1817.
Ellis [int. of Dartmouth], s. Henry of Dartmouth, and Lydia [int. Lyddia] Willcox, Dec. 11, 1788. [Ellis of Dartmouth and Lydia Wilcox, B.C.R.]
Garner [int. of Dartmouth], s. Henry of Dartmouth, and Judith Willcox, d. Samuel, Dec. 9, 1787. [Gardner of Dartmouth and Judah Wilcox, B.C.R.]
Gideon of Dartmouth and Hannah Manchester, May 10, 1835.
Henry, s. Henry dec'd and Zilpha, and Mary Childs of Little Compton, d. Jerimiah and Rebecca, Oct. 28, 1792, in Little Compton.
Henry and Nancy Wilbour of Little Compton, int. June 2, 1832.
Henry and Phebe Macomber [int. Maccomber], Dec. 16, 1835.
Isaac and Rebecca Churchill, Apr. 7, 1819.
Isaac L. and Anna Kirby, Dec. 14, 1828.
Israel, s. Henry and Hannah, and Bethany Palmer, d. Silvester and Almy, Oct. 15, 1772, in Little Compton.
Jeremiah, s. William, and Deborah Potter, Sept. 4, 1808.
Jeremiah [int. of Dartmouth], s. Gardner of Dartmouth, and Lydia Allen, d. Thomas, Feb. 15, 1810.
John, s. Israel, and Ester Wilber [int. of Little Compton], d. Brownell of Little Compton, Nov. 27, 1803.
John H. 24, carpenter, s. Perry and Hannah, and Lucy Macomber, 21, d. Simeon and Abigail, Aug. 24, 1845.
John S. of Dartmouth and Ruth Allen, int. Dec. 30, 1841.
Joseph and Mary Fisher, int. Dec. 22, 1817.
Juda, d. George, and Joseph Davis, s. John, Nov. 8, 1801.
Judah and Elias Potter, int. Mar. 23, 1791.
Judith [int. Juda], d. Thomas and Rebecca, and William Wood [int. 2d], s. John and Sarah, June 23, 1806.
Judith and Nicholas W. Kirby, int. Apr. 15, 1830.
Leander and Meribah D. Ball, Aug. 7, 1836, in Dartmouth.
Lemuel and Elizabeth Sisson of Tiverton, int. Oct. 9, 1809.
Leonard and Mary Briggs of Dartmouth, int. Apr. ----, 1823.
Lucy of Dartmouth and Beriah Howland, Dec. 2, 1792.
Lydia and Alfred Wade11, int. Nov. 6, 1824.
Mary and Peleg Gifford of New Bedford, Mar. ---- [int. Mar. 6], 1830.
Mary Allen and Henry Palmer, June 3, 1847, P.R.1.
Mary S. and Restcome Macomber, int. May 20, 1836.
Matilda [int. of Dartmouth], d. Henry, and Samuel Wilcox [int. Jr.], s. Samuel, May 23, 1793. [Matilda of Dartmouth and Samuel Willcox, B.C.R.]
Mira and Simeon Hawes of New Bedford, int. Mar. 29, 1841.
Pardon, s. George, and Rebecca Tillinghast Sowle, d. Nathaniel, Apr. 4, 1802.
Perry and Hannah Hazard, Jan. 22, 1804.
Phebe A. and Stephen G. Chace of New Bedford, int. Mar. 29, 1841.
Prudence of Freetown and Isaac Warren, Oct. 6, 1791.
Prudence of Troy and Stephen Borden, int. Nov. 1, 1816.
Rachel, d. Israel, and William Maccumber [int. Jr.], s. William, Sept. 16, 1804.
Rebecca and Zoeth Howland, Jan. 31, 1813.
Roba, d. Henry, and John Smith [int. of Dartmouth], s. Peleg of Dartmouth, Jan. 21, 1802.
Rufus W. and Phebe B. Allen, Nov. 29, 1841.
Samuel and Philena Wood, June 22, 1813.
Samuel, s. Ellis, and Esther Gifford, d. Wilbour, July 18, 1815.
Sanford [int. of N.Y.] and Betsey White, Jan. 17, 1833.
Sarah and Elijah Macomber Jr. of Dartmouth, int. Oct. 18, 1820.
Sarah and James M. Warner 2d of Providence, R.I., int. Jan. 7, 1829.
Thankfull and Jeremiah Willcox of Tiverton, int. June 1, 1827.
William of Little Compton and Judith Wait, int. Apr. 3, 1835.
William Potter, s. George, and Rebecca Lawrence, d. Isaac dec'd, July 28, 1805.
Oliver and Mary A. Briggs, June 13, 1839.
William of New Bedford and Mariah Gifford, int. Sept. 1, 1833.
Adeline, 20, of Tiverton, R.I., b. Tiverton, R.I., d. Lawton and Peace of Tiverton, R.I., and Hiram Wodell, 20, farmer, of Fall River, b. Fall River, s. Charles and Lavina of Fall River, Dec. 15, 1846.
Ann E. [int. Brownell] of Little Compton, R.I., and Barton [int. adds D.] Manchester, Feb. 3, 1841.
Daniel K. of New Bedford and Roba H. Allen, int. July 28, 1841.
George W. [int. Washington] of Rehobeth and Patience Crocker, Aug. 6, 1813.
Joseph D. of Troy and Malintha D. Tripp, Nov. 6, 1831.
Mary Ann, Mrs., and John Devol of Little Compton, int. Sept. 4, 1844.
Nancy, 18, d. Druzilla, and Benjamin Clapp, 34, labourer, of Little Compton, b. Little Compton, s. Isaiah and Polly of Little Compton, ----, [int. Jan. 21, 1849], in Little Compton.
Nancy Avon of New Bedford and John Fisher, int. July 15, 1836.
Patience and Phillip Peckham, int. Dec. 29, 1826.
Salisbury of Little Compton and Mary R. Gifford, Sept. 16, 1838.
William A. of Little Compton and Prudence Brownell, int. Apr. 12, 1815.
William B. of New Bedford and Betsey Bowles of New Bedford, Jan. 10, 1830.
Abigail and Peleg Manchester, Dec. 5, 1816.
Abigail and Lawton [int. adds H.] Cory, Oct. 11, 1818.
Abner and Hannah Crary, Sept. 5, 1784.
Abraham and Phebe [int. Esther] Tripp, Apr. 21, 1823.
Abraham and Catharine L. Pearse of Fallriver, int. Sept. 20, 1844.
Adeline E. and James H. Sherman, int. Dec. 4, 1841.
Alexander and Mary Jane Richmond, Apr. 30, 1839.
Alice of Little Compton and Major Brownell, int. Dec. 30, 1815.
Almeda W. and Asa Potter, int. Apr. 11, 1825.
Amy S. and Holder White Jr., Apr. 17, 1836, in New Bedford.
Ann E. (see Ann E. Brown).
Ann Eliza, 18, d. George M. and Falla, and Luthur M. Dayton, 22, meriner, b. Lloid, N.Y., s. Caleb and Sarah of Lloid, N.Y., Jan. 11, 1848.
Benjamin Jr. and Abigail Milk, Mar. 18, 1784.
Benjamin of Little Compton, s. Stephen of Little Compton, and Mary Records of Little Compton, d. Rachel of Little Compton, Nov. 4, 1798.
Benjamin, s. Josiah, and Sarah Case, d. Wanton, Feb. 17, 1811.
Betsey [int. Betsy], d. George and Rhoda, and Jeremiah Reynolds of Freetown, Feb. 9, 1806.
Charity and Jonathan Devol of Tiverton, Sept. 30, 1826.
Charles F., 26, farmer, of Tiverton, R.I., s. Ezekiel and Hannah of Tiverton, and Nancy H. Sisson, 27, d. David and Penelopy, Feb. 13, 1847. [Nancy H., d. David and Penelope (Howland), Feb. 18, P.R.15.]
Christopher and Mary Crandell of Tiverton int. Oct. 6, 1820.
Clarrissa and Holder Russell of New Bedford, Oct. 10, 1830.
Cynthia M. and Charles Little, Nov. 1, 1840.
Daniel and Hannah Allen, d. David, Nov. 11, 1810.
Daniel, 26, labourer, s. William and Anna, and Patience [int. adds R.] Tripp, 24 [int. of Tiverton], b. Tiverton, d. Weston and Deborah of Tiverton, Aug. 14, 1846.
David, s. Benjamin, and Patience Briggs, int. Sept. 1, 1817.
David, s. Jeremy [int. Jeremiah], and Sarah W. Shearman, Dec. 10, 1817.
David M. and Zilpha Devol, int. Feb. 13, 1819.
Diadama and Thomas Wood, Nov. 20, 1815.
Edward of Dartmouth and Rebecca Maccomber, int. Oct. 15, 1816.
Eliza and Howland Tripp, May 11, 1823.
Eliza F. of Fallriver and Isaac W. Horton of Fallriver, Nov. 8, 1840.
Elizabeth and Mathew Russell, Mar. 24, 1803.
Elizabeth of Little Compton and Nathan C. Brownell, int. Nov. 24, 1840.
Ezekiel and Penelope Burden of Fretown, May 11, 1797.
Ezekiel and Sarah Neagurs of Tiverton, int. Dec. 7, 1816.
Ezekiel and Hannah Sisson, Jan. 20, 1820.
Ezra P. and Ann Maria Allen, int. May 22, 1841.
Fallee and Capt. Cornelius Briggs of Little Compton, int. Nov. 28, 1792.
Frederick, s. Abner, and Charlotte [int. Charlottee] Sisson of Tiverton, d. Elizabeth, Nov. 29, 1812, in Tiverton.
Frederick and Hannah A. Gifford, May 15, 1842.
Frederick W. and Harriet S. Brownell, Apr. 28, 1840.
Gamaliel and Mary Gifford of Little Compton, int. Sept. 1, 1792.
George A., 21, meriner, s. George M. and Falla, and Caroline Gifford, 20, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, d. Zacheus and Waty of Dartmouth, Jan. 11, 1848.
George Cook and Content Howard, June 23, 1808.
George M. [int. 3d, omits M.] and Mary Davis, Oct. 19, 1809.
George M. and Falley [int. Mrs. Fallee] Tripp, Jan. 23, 1822.
George R. 24, farmer, s. Frederick and Charlotte, and Hannah R. Whalen, 19, b. Dartmouth, d. Jeptha and Hope of Tiverton, R.I., ---- [int. Oct. 23, 1847].
Hannah, d. Benjamin and Martha, and Warren Dwelly of Tiverton, Newport Co., R.I., s. Jeremiah and Elizabeth, Dec. 19, 1805.
Hannah C. and Frederick Allen, Apr. 3, 1839.
Hannah D. and Wanton Manchester, int. Aug. 25, 1827.
Hannah P., 22, d. George C. and Content, and Perry G. Lawton, 22, farmer, s. Obediah and Betsy, Apr. 8, 1847.
Harriet A. [int. N.] and Stephen P. Kirby, June 30, 1839.
Harriet S. and Frederick W. Brownell, Apr. 28, 1840.
Isaac W. and Abigail White, Nov. 13, 1823.
James and Phebe Devol, Aug. 26, 1832.
Jeremiah of Dartmouth and Rebecca Kerby [int. Kirby], Nov. 19, 1789. [Brownel of Dartmouth and Rebeca Kirby, B.C.R.]
Jirith and Sarah Kirby int., Dec. 4, 1812.
John D. and Elizabeth W. Little, May 1, 1836.
John D. and Rhoda A. Howland, Feb. 24, 1839.
Jonathan and Mary Briggs of Little Compton, int. Nov. 28, 1791.
Jonathan and Eliza Simmons of Little Compton, int. Oct. 17, 1815.
Joseph and Polly Merry of Tisbury, int. Nov. 4, 1806.
Judith, d. George, and Jonathan Mayhew, s. Hilyard, Apr. 8, 1798.
Judith E. and Abner Kirby of Little Compton, Sept. 8, 1840.
Lavinia (see Levina).
Lemuel and Elizabeth Brightman, int. Oct. 10, 1817.
Leonard and Mary A. Howland of Tiverton, int. Sept. 28, 1844.
Levina [int. Lavina] and Abner Willcox, Mar. 13, 1796.
Lurany and Philip H. Devol, int. Oct. 26, 1832.
Luthun and Elizabeth Dyer, Nov. 10 [sic, int. Nov. 15], 1793. [Luther, Nov. 10, B.C.R.]
Lydia and Amos C. Baker, int. Nov. 1, 1822.
Lydia and Perry Pike of New Bedford, Dec. 12, 1831.
Major and Alice Brownell of Little Compton, int. Dec. 30, 1815.
Mary and Gilbert Tomkins of Little Compton, int. Jan. 14, 1789.
Mary and Ely Handy, June 15 [sic, int. June 22], 1790. [Jan. 15, B.C.R.]
Mary of Dartmouth and Elihu Tripp, Oct. 9, 1794. [Oct. 9, 1795, B.C.R.]
Mary and Joshua Maccomber of Grandvill, N.Y., int. Sept. 6, 1809.
Mary of Little Compton and Jonathan Records, int. Dec. 7, 1815.
Mary Ann [dup. and int. add S.], 22, d. George and Content, and George F. Wood, 24, farmer, s. George and Hannah, July 22, 1845.
Mary D. and Francis W. Tilton, int. July 6, 1844.
Mehitabel and Edmond Mosher, Dec. 23, 1779.
Mercy, d. Dea. Silvester and Mercy, and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Samuel Almy, s. William and Mary, Jan. 19, 1808, in Little Compton.
Nathan C. and Elizabeth Brownell of Little Compton, int. Nov. 24, 1840.
Nathan Crary and Hannah Borden Wilbour of Little Compton, int. Dec. 15, 1810.
Nathaniel, s. George and Sarah dec'd., and Sarah Tompkins [int. of Little Compton], d. Michael dec'd and Sarah of Little Compton, May 25, 1790, in Little Compton.
Osmon and Mary B. Simmons of Little Compton, int. Sept. 27, 1834.
Pamela, d. George, and Pardon Maccomber, s. Wanton, Sept. 22, 1815.
Pardon and Abigail Taber of Little Compton, int. Nov. 16, 1822.
Patience and Thaddeus [int. Thadeusl Reynolds of Fretown, Nov. 1, 1802.
Patience and Job Tripp, s. George, Feb. 5, 1812.
Patty and Benjamin Willcox, int. Oct. 28, 1820.
Peleg of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Martha Irish of Little Compton, R.I., May 4, 1786 [in Tiverton, R.I.].
Peleg and Desire [int. Desiah] Tripp, Jan. 29, 1824.
Peleg and Mary Gifford of Little Compton, int. May 10, 1826.
Peleg B. and Hannah G. Taber of Little Compton, int. Jan. 13, 1827.
Penelope and Eber C. Simmons of Dartmouth, int. July 8, 1839.
Peris, s. Pardon and Prudence, and Mary Grinnell, d. William dec'd and Lydia dec'd, Nov. 12, 1786, in Little Compton.
Perry and Ruth Smith of Dartmouth, int. May 9, 1814.
Phalla (see Fallee).
Phebe, d. Paul dec'd and Deborah, and Nicholas Underwood, s. Nicholas and Amey, Dec. 10, 1780, in Little Compton.
Phebe and Job Milk, Nov. 8, 1781.
Phebe and George Mosher Jr. of Dartmouth, int. May 23, 1807.
Phebe and Peleg Gifford, int. Nov. 27, 1807.
Phebe and Giles Cornell, int. Jan. 30, 1816.
Polly, d. George, and Richard Lawton, s. George, Oct. 27, 1800.
Polly and Pindar Seabury of Little Compton, int. May 31, 1839.
Prudence and Levi Gifford, int. Oct. 6, 1809.
Prudence and William A. Brown of Little Compton, int. Apr. 12, 1815.
Rachel, d. Thomas, and Sampson Sherman Jr. of Tiverton, R.I., Apr. 8, 1804.
Rachel and Job Borden, int. Aug. 28, 1822.
Rebecca, d. George, and George Chace [int. of Dartmouth], s. Jacob of Dartmouth, Oct. 13, 1793. [Brownel and George Chace of Dartmouth, B.C.R.]
Rhoda and Jonathan Wright of Newbedford, Aug. 8, 1819.
Rhoda and Jonathan Booth, Dec. 24, 1820.
Rhoda M., 19, d. David M. and Zilpha, and Nathaniel W. Winchester, 23, merchant, b. Stoughton, s. George and Betsy of Middleborough, Apr. 20, 1845.
Roby [int. Ruby], d. George, and Philip Potter, s. Abner, Mar. 10, 1799.
Ruby and Thaddeus Manchester of Tiverton, int. Mar. 6, 1819.
Rufus W. and Phebe B. Allen, Nov. 29, 1841.
Ruth, d. Silvester, and Joseph Church Jr. of New Bedford, Oct. 5, 1806.
Sally of Rochester [int. Sarah of New Bedford] and Lemuel Howland, Dec. 2, 1798.
Samuel and Sarah Almy of Tiverton, int. Oct. 16, 1824.
Sarah (see Sally).
Sarah and Joseph Boomer of Fretown, Jan. 6, 1803.
Sarah and John Wodell, int. Nov. 25, 1813.
Silvester and Marcy Church, July 11, 1779.
Sylvester Jr. and Abby Taylor of Little Compton, int. Aug. 22, 1811.
Thomas, s. Sias, and Sarah Manchester, Jan. 25, 1813.
Thomas and Nancy Bennet Case of Tiverton, int. June 8, 1818.
Uriah and Sibil Shearman, int. Oct. 11, 1824.
Wate and Restcome Tripp, Dec. 12, 1831.
William, s. James, and Anne Sanford, d. Philip, May 22, 1801.
William, s. Prince and Mary, and Patience Earl, d. Christopher and Mary, Sept. 12, 1802.
William M. and Mary Devol of Tiverton, int. Jan. 14, 1824.
Jashel [int. Jashub] and Christiana Churchell [int. Churchill], Oct. 29, 1796.
BURDEN (see Borden, Bordin)
Alice of Tiverton and Jabez Manchester, int. Jan. 9, 1796.
Patience, d. Gideon, and William Briggs [int. Jr.], s. William, May 15, 1806.
Peace and Gershom Wordell [int. Woodle] Jr. of Tiverton, July 27, 1794. [Wodel Jr. of Tiverton, B.C.R.]
Penelope of Fretown and Ezekiel Brownell, May 11, 1797.
Stephen [int. of Tiverton], s. John of Tiverton, and Martha Earl, d. Robert, Mar. 21, 1802.
Phebee of Little Compton and Humphry Allen, s. Daniel and Betty, July 17, 1775.
Dorothy A. of New Bedford and Tillinghast Kirby, Sept. 25, 1840.
Louisa Maria [int. Burrill], 25, of N. Weymouth, b. Weymouth, d. Robert Jr. and Amanda of Weymouth, and Dr. Azel Parkhurst Ladd, 34, b. Haverhill, N.H., s. Abigail, wid., of Little Fort, Ill., Sept. 10, 1845, in Weymouth.
Hannah of Tiverton and James Manchester, int. Jan. 20, 1804.
Mary of Little Compton and Elisha Wilbour of Little Compton, Feb. 21, 1808.
Phebe of Tiverton, R.I., and Levy Walker of Livermore, int. June 1, 1807.
John of Fallriver and Rhoda Sanford of Fallriver, Nov. 13, 1831.
Rufus K., widr., 36 [? 6], labourer, of New Bedford, b. Maine, s. Abraham E. dec'd and Mary dec'd. of Dartmouth, and Roseman P. King, 19, d. Alfred and Nancy, June 11, 1848.
Adaline, 17, b. Dartmouth, d. William and Lydia of Dartmouth, and Samuel F. Gifford, 23, farmer, s. James and Sylvia, Sept. 26, 1847.
Amey [int. Almy] of Dartmouth and Thomas Hart, May 20, 1824.
Amy [int. of Dartmouth], d. Stephen of Dartmouth, and Asa Davis, s. Benjamin, Oct. 13, 1796.
Dedamus of Dartmouth and Mary Smith of Freetown, Sept. 18, 1823.
Elizabeth and Benjamin Tripp, Nov. 24, 1811.
George N., 25, meriner, s. Pardon and Clarasa, and Sally S. Hitt, 24, d. Thomas and Nancy, ---- [int. Nov. 6, 1847].
Hannah of Dartmouth and Thomas B. Gifford, int. Nov. 19, 1842.
Holder of Dartmouth and Cumfort Brightman, int. Sept. 3, 1818.
Lavina [dup. Levina] and Richard Maccumber of Tiverton, int. Sept. 21, 1803.
Lemuel, s. James dec'd, and Charity Mosher [int. of Dartmouth], d. Malin of Dartmouth, June 9, 1808.
Mary of Dartmouth and John Briggs, Aug. 9, 1789.
Peleg and Alice Potter, Aug. 12, 1798.
Phildelphia [int. Philadelphia] and John Perry, s. Phinehas, July 15, 1814.
Stephen and Lucinda Lake of Tiverton, int. Jan. 25, 1807.
Nathan B. of Charlton, N.Y., and Lydia R. Gifford, Sept. 10 [sic, int. Sept. 22], 1829.
Eseck and Betsy Bates of Rochester, int. Feb. 6, 1795.
Mary [int. of Portsmouth, R.I.], d. Robert of Portsmouth, and Daniel Willcox, s. William, Mar. 20, 1804.
Benjamin, 21, cabinet maker, of Fall River, b. Fall River, s. Leonard and Bathana of Fall River, and Emaline J. Gifford, 16, of Fall River, d. Isaac and Edoth, Feb. 6, 1846.
Richard W., 22, meriner, b. Scarborough, Me., s. Rufus and Olive H. of Scarborough, Me., and Lemyra W. Manchester, 17, d. Herculus and Abby, Dec. 9, 1846.
Abner, s. Moses and Ruth, and Cynthia [int. Cinthia] Tompkins of Little Compton, d. Gideon and Cynthia, Oct. 8, 1818, in Little Compton.
Alice of Dartmouth and Charles Little, int. Aug. 6, 1798.
Alice (Cace) [int. Case], d. Edmond, and Richard Tripp, s. Joshua, Nov. 25, 1798.
Allen and Roby Allen, Feb. 16, 1825.
Almira and Isaac Snell, int. Feb. 3, 1842.
Cynthia and Edmund Tripp Jr., Nov. 13, 1822.
George, s. Wanton, and Lusannah Maccumber [int. Macomber], d. William, Nov. 2, 1789. [Luannah Macomber, B.C.R.]
Hannah and Ephraim H. Wade of New Bedford, int. Sept. 7, 1834.
Hannah P. and Peleg Sherman [int. Shearman], Dec. 7, 1828.
Isaac and Thankfull Tripp, d. Constant, Sept. 16, 1804.
Isaac and Margaret P. Jenne of Newbedford, int. July 7, 1820.
John, s. Wanton, and Ester Allen, d. Humphry, Mar. 28, 1804.
Lawton and Cynthia Shearman, Nov. 20, 1816.
Lucy and Barnibas [int. Barnabas] Potter, Feb. 23, 1800.
Nancy, d. Edmond dec'd., and Benjamin Tripp, s. Edmond, Sept. 13, 1810.
Nancy Bennet of Tiverton and Thomas Brownell, int. June 8, 1818.
Pamela of New Bedford and George Wood of New Bedford, Oct. 1, 1837.
Pardon and Fally Maccomber, int. May 1, 1814.
Peace and Peter Devol 2d [int. omits 2d], July 25, 1838.
Phebe and Gideon W. [int. omits W.] Tripp, Dec. 1, 1825.
Pheby [int. Phebe] and Pardon Davis, May 21, 1789. [Phebe Cap [sic] and Parden Davis, B.C.R.]
Sarah, d. Wanton, and Benjamin Brownell, s. Josiah, Feb. 17, 1811.
Sarah A. and Jeremiah T. Thompson [int. Thomson], Jan. 12, 1834.
Sarah W. of New Bedford and Stephen P. Haskins of New Bedford, Oct. 9, 1842.
Seabury and Lydia Sowle, int. June 8, 1832.
Thankful [int. Thankfull] and James Snell, July 20, 1821.
Wanton Jr. and Abigail Hart of Tiverton, int. Mar. 17, 1802.
William, s. Wanton and Sarah, and Mary Cornell, d. Thomas, Nov. 1, 1801.
William and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Mary Coltman formerly of Boston, Suffolk Co., Dec. 30, 1838, in New Bedford.
Hannah, d. Raymond, and Elijah Robertson, s. William, May 5, 1805.
John, s. Raymond, and Lucy Maccumber, d. Noah, June ---- [int. June 1], 1807.
John of Troy and Huldah Wodell, int. Aug. 25, 1828.
Phebe and Philip Sanford, Nov. 1, 1810.
Sally [int. Sarah] and Bradford Trafford of Dartmouth, Nov. 1, 1810.
Sarah of New Bedford and Stephen K. Howland of New Bedford, Apr. 7, 1833.
CHACE (see Chase)
Abigail R. of Dartmouth and Washington B. Tripp, int. Nov. 23, 1843.
Anna and Williams Slocum of Dartmouth, int. Jan. 11, 1803.
Asenath and Job Crassman. [int. Crossman], July 14, 1836, in Dartmouth.
Elizabeth, d. Peleg, and Abner Willcox [int. Wilcox Jr.], s. Abner, Feb. 9, 1812.
Elizabeth and Holder S. Borden, May 7, 1837.
Emily of Dartmouth and Andrew A. Gifford, Apr. 29, 1849, in Tiverton, R.I.
Frederic P. and Elizabeth P. West of New Bedford, int. Mar. ----, 1842.
George [int. of Dartmouth], s. Jacob of Dartmouth, and Rebecca Brownell, d. George, Oct. 13, 1793. [George of Dartmouth and Rebecca Brownel, B.C.R.]
Gideon R., 28, labourer, b. Wilton, Me., s. Preserved and Rhoda of Wilton, Me., and Mary A. Little, 24, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, d. Isaac and Mary of Dartmouth, Dec. 31, 1848, in Dartmouth.
Hannah, d. Peleg, and Luthan Wing, s. Edward, Sept. 25, 1808.
Jared and Rhoda King of Tiverton, int. Mar. 11, 1832.
John and Deborah Maccomber [int. of Dartmouth], d. Perry of Dartmouth, June 12, 1814, in Dartmouth.
Leonard M., 25, farmer, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, s. Isaac dec'd and Priscilla dec'd., and Asenith Shearman, 18, d. Anthony and Susan, Oct. 5, 1845, in Dartmouth.
Lydia [int. Chase] and Alvah Thompson [int. Tompson], Oct. 19, 1828.
Mary of Dartmouth and Isaac Tripp, June 4, 1795.
Nancy of Dartmouth and Columbus Stowell of Dartmouth, May 31, 1840, in New Bedford.
Peleg of Swansey, s. Eber (Chase) and Sarah dec'd of Bristol Co., and Debrah Tripp, d. Philip and Sarah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 30th, 6 mo. 1785, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Philip T. [int. Phillip T. Chase] and Ruth Willcox, Apr. 14, 1825.
Rosanna [int. Rosannah] and Kempton Sherman, Nov. 8, 1835, in Dartmouth.
Sally P. of Dartmouth and Thomas Sherman of Dartmouth, July 2, 1840, in New Bedford.
Sarah, d. Peleg and Deborah dec'd, and Lilly Gifford of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Abraham and Sarah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 27th, 10 mo. 1825, C.R.
Simeon of Dartmouth and Lucy Howland, int. Nov. 27, 1806.
Stephen, s. John and Elizabeth dec'd of Swansey, Bristol Co., and Apphia Baker, d. Ebenezer and Susanna, 21st, 9 mo. 1814, C.R.
Stephen G. of New Bedford and Phebe A. Brightman, int. Mar. 29, 1841.
George and Lydia R. Macomber, int. Feb. 24, 1828.
Otis of Providence and Amey Underwood, int. Mar. 24, 1801.
William of Dartmouth and Rhoda Tripp, d. Jacob, Jan. 1, 1812.
CHANNING (see Claning).
CHASE (see Chace)
Benjamin, s. Stephen and Esther formerly of Freetown, Bristol Co., late of Seckernuter, N.S., and Mehetabel Wood, wid. Daniel of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., d. Jonathan Thuston dec'd and Lydia of Newport, Newport Co., Province Plantation, 19th, 2 mo. 1777, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Deborah, d. Peleg and Deborah dec'd, and Anthony Gifford of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Stephen and Rhoda dec'd of Dartmouth, Bristol CO. 26th, 2 mo. 1824, C.R.
Israel and Nancy Mosher, int. Oct. 23, 1827.
James of Little Comton, s. James and Alice of Little Comton, Newport Co. R.I., and Esther Gifford, wid. Ephraim, d. William Co., and Esther dec'd of Little Comton, Newport Co., R.I., 21st, 9 mo. 1780, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Jonathan and Martha ----, 17th, 3 mo. 1774, P.R.9.
Lucy Ann and George Sanford, int. May 8, 1826.
Mary, d. Benjamin and Elisabeth of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., formerly of Tiverton, and David Potter, s. Ephraim and Judith of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., 24th, 3 mo. 1779, in Dartmouth, C.R.
Susan and Anthony Shearman, int. Aug. 13, 1827.
Mary of Little Compton, d. Jerimiah and Rebecca, and Henry Brightman, s. Henry dec'd and Zilpha, Oct. 28, 1792, in Little Compton.
Oliver H. of New Bedford and Rhoda Ann Potter, int. Jan. 31, 1842.
Asa and Hannah Snell of Harwich, Dec. 23, 1798.
Betsey and Pardon Simmons of Little Compton, int. Dec. 24, 1813.
Betsy of Troy and Abraham Sanford, int. Oct. 19, 1804.
Christopher A. and Rebecca A. Tucker of Dartmouth, int. Oct. 11, 1834.
Gamaliel of Dighton and Mary Almy, int. July 6, 1799.
Joseph Jr. of New Bedford and Ruth Brownell, d. Silvester, Oct. 5, 1806.
Lemuel and Elizabeth Gibbs of Little Compton, int. Oct. 30, 1792.
Marcy and Silvester Brownell, July 11, 1779.
Nathaniel, Col., of Little Compton, and Lydia Hicks, Aug. 24, 1828.
Ruth and Ezra Smith of Little Compton, int. Feb. 26, 1793.
Stephen and Betsey Stowell [int. Betsy Stowell of New Bedford, Dec. 24, 1797.
CHURCHELL (see Churchill)
Christiana [int. Churchill] and Jashel [int. Jashub] Buffington, Oct. 29, 1796.
CHURCHILL (see Churchell)
Rebecca and Isaac Brightman, Apr. 7, 1819.
Mary [int. Clanning] of Newport and John Maccumber, s. William, Jan. 10, 1793. [Charming of Newport and John Macomber, Jan. 13, B.C.R.]
Benjamin, 34, labourer, of Little Compton, b. Little Compton, s. Isaiah and Polly of Little Compton, and Nancy Brown, 18, d. Druzilla, ---- [int. Jan. 21, 1849]) in Little Compton.
James of Little Compton and Mrs. Rhoda Levere, int. Oct. 10, 1829.
Zimri of Nantucket and Sarah Seabury, int. May 22, 1812.
Joseph and Patience Cornel, int. Feb. 6, 1789.