Vital Records Of Westport Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England H1storic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1918.
Births - SIMMONS to WRIGHT & Unidentified
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Ichabod B., ----, 1833, G.R.3.
Jeremiah W., s. Eber, labourer (b. Tiverton, R.I.), and Panelope, July 27, 1849.
Nancy W., d. Eber, mariner, and Penelope, June 2, 1843.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Reuben, farmer, and Patience, Nov. 13, 1844.
Sarah M., d. Eber C., meriner, and Penelope, Feb. 5, 1847.
----, d. Reuben, farmer, and Patience, Feb. 18, 1847.
Abner, h. Edith (Wood), s. David and Nancy (Howland), Mar. 27, 1804, P.R.15.
Alden T., h. Elizabeth W. (Stoddard), h. Phebe A. (Gifford), ----, 1822, G.R.1.
Anna, w. Benjamin Cory, June 10, 1761.
Anna, w. Christopher Gifford, d. David and Nancy (Howland), Nov. 18, 1801, P.R.15.
Benjamin, Feb. 11, 1761, P.R.16.
Charles, h. Mary J., Feb. 16, 1822, G.R.3. [s. David and Penelope (Howland), P.R.15.]
Charles H., s. Alden, farmer, and Elizabeth, Nov. 22, 1846.
Daniel, ch. Daniel (s. James and Hannah) and Rhoda (d. Philip Sisson and w.), June 23, 1795.
Daniel, ch. Jonathan and Edith, Aug. 15, 1802.
David, h. Nancy (Howland), h. Penelope (Howland), Apr. 4, 1779, P.R.15.
David, h. Almira Smith, s. David and Nancy (Howland), Nov. 17, 1812, P.R.15.
Deborah, d. David and Nancy (Howland), July 13, 1809, P.R.15.
Edith, ch. Jonathan and Edith, Feb. 29, 1804.
Esther, ch. Jonathan and Edith, Aug. 30, 1806.
George, Jan. 14, 1759, P.R.16.
George, ch. Daniel (s. James and Hannah) and Rhoda (d. Philip Sisson and w.), Sept. 21, 1789.
George F., h. Clarinda C. Macomber, s. David and Penelope (Howland), Jan. 25, 1821, P.R.15.
George F., ----, 1829, G.R.4.
Gideon, h. Angeline B. (Tripp), s. David and Penelope (Howland), May 26, 1823, P.R.15. [May 24, P.R.16.]
Gideon, July 27, 1766, P.R.16.
Hannah, ch. Daniel (s. James and Hannah) and Rhoda (d. Philip Sisson and w.), Oct. 7, 1786.
Hitty [? m.], Feb. 5, 1795, P.R.16.
Humphry, Apr. 24, 1752, P.R.16.
Isaac, h. Miriam Gifford, s. David and Nancy (Howland), Oct. 8, 1807, P.R.15.
John H., h. Nancy, ----, 1828, G.R.2. [h. Nancy Bliss, s. David and Penelope (Howland), Sept. 17, P.R.15. Sept. 17. P.R.16.]
Jonathan, Nov. 5, 1756, P.R.16.
Jonathan, h. Edith, Apr. 27, 1764. [Apr. 27, 1769, P.R.16.]
Jonathan, ch. Jonathan and Edith, Jan. 4, 1801.
Lascomb F., ----, 1839, R.R.
Leonard, h. Almy Gifford, h. Charlotte W. Gifford, s. David and Nancy (Howland), July 2, 1818, P.R.15.
Liscomb F. (see Lascomb F.).
Louisa S., w. Joseph M. Wright, ----, 1826, G.R.3. [d. David and Penelope (Howland), July 28, P.R.15.]
Lydia, ch. Jonathan and Edith, May 19, 1797.
Mary [? m.], June 20, 1754, P.R.16.
Mary [? m.], Aug. 27, 1768, P.R.16.
Mary J. [? M.], 1829, G.R.2.
Mary J. [----], w. Charles, Aug. 1, 1831, G.R.3.
Mehitable (see Hitty).
Nancy, Dec. 11, 1827, P.R.16.
Nancy [----], w. John H., ----, 1833, G.R.2.
Nancy H., w. Charles F. Brownell, d. David and Penelope (Howland), Dec. 14, 1819, P.R.15.
Pamela J. (see Permelia J.).
Parden, Dec. 8, 1787, P.R.16.
Permelia J. [----], w. William A., ----, 1828, G.R.2.
Phebe C. [----], "Mother," June 16, 1811, G.R.2.
Polly, ch. Daniel (s. James and Hannah) and Rhoda (d. Philip Sisson and w.), Aug. 30, 1784.
R[illegible] [? Reuel], June 22, 1776, P.R.16.
Sary [? m.], Sept. 13, 1748, P.R.16.
Silvanis, July 27, 1749, P.R.16.
Uriah, h. Nancy Allen, s. David and Nancy (Howland), Sept. 25, 1805, P.R.15. [Uriel, P.R.16.]
Warren, ch. Daniel (s. James and Hannah) and Rhoda (d. Philip Sisson and w.), Dec. 21, 1792.
William A. h. Permelia J., ----, 1824, G.R.2. [h. Permelia J. (Gifford), s. David and Penelope (Howland), June 24, P.R.15. William Aldn [? Alden] Sisson, June 26, P.R.16.]
Wilson, Oct. 25, 1770, P.R.16.
----, May 4 [? 14], 1703, P.R.16.
----, [? ch. David and Nancy (Howland)], Apr. 19, 1811, P.R.16.
----, s. Leonard, carpenter, and Almy, Sept. 22, 1843.
Anna, ch. Samuel and Peace, 25th, 9 mo. 1805, P.R.3. [w. Joseph Davis, P.R.4.]
Benjamin, ch. Samuel and Peace, 3d, 6 mo. 1801, P.R.3.
Edward, s. Samuel and Peace, 7th, 10 mo. 1798, P.R.3.
Edwin, ch. Nathan (s. Henry and Elizabeth) and Phebe (d. Isaac Macomber and Anna), 25th, 3 mo. 1826, C.R.
Elizabeth Ann, ch. Nathan (s. Henry and Elizabeth) and Phebe (d. Isaac Macomber and Anna), 26th, 1 mo. 1828, C.R.
Nathan, h. Phebe (d. Isaac Macomber and Anna), s. Henry and Elizabeth, 20th, 1 mo. 1803, C.R.
Samuel, h. Peace, 26th, 6 mo. 1777, P.R.3.
William, s. Samuel, 25th, 11 mo. 1802, C.R. [s. Samuel and Peace, P.R.3.]
Andrew, ch. Humphrey and Sarah, Nov. 26, 1816.
Judith W., ch. Humphrey and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1814.
Edward S., h. Lucy J. Allen, May 10, 1832, G.R.1.
Lucy J. Allen [----], w. Edward S., Sept. 25, 1827, G.R.1.
Mary T. [----], w. Cornelius, ----, 1802, G.R.2.
Robert, fireman, of Fall River, s. Henry and Jane, ----, 1827, in Ireland, R.R.
Theophilus, Oct. 7, 1841, G.R.65.
William W., s. Andrew, meriner, and Sophia Ann, Jan. 16, 1845.
----, s. Henry, mariner, and Ruth, [dup. still born] Oct. 23 [dup. Oct. 28], 1847.
Angles, Capt., h. Mary A., ----, 1812, G.R.3.
Charles Frederick, s. Henry, labourer, and Jane, Nov. 16, 1848.
Clarinda T. [----], w. Humphrey W., Aug. 26, 1824, G.R.1.
Clarissa [----], w. Lyman, Dec. 21, 1816, G.R.1.
David K., s. Moses, mariner (b. Tiverton), and Rachel (b. Tiverton), July 2, 1849.
Deborah, ch. Benjamin and Phebee, Apr. 6, 1785.
Elizabeth, ch. Peter and Phebe, Feb. 26, 1764.
Grace [----], w. Capt. Moses, ----, 1819, G.R.2.
Hannah, ch. Benjamin and Phebee, May 7, 1793.
Humphrey White, ch. Isaac and Martha, Sept. 17, 1823. [h. Clarinda T., Sept. 16, G.R.1.]
Isaac, ch. Peter and Phebe, Apr. 2, 1767.
Isaac, ch. James and Mary, Mar. 10, 1801.
Isabel, ch. Peter and Phebe, Dec. 14, 1779.
James, ch. Peter and Phebe, Dec. 15, 1770.
Jane, ch. Peter and Phebe, Feb. 24, 1773.
John, ch. Benjamin and Phebee, July 9, 1787.
Lydia, d. Benjamin and Phebee, Mar. 24, 1782.
Lyman, h. Clarissa, Mar. 6, 1812, G.R.1.
Martha [----], w. Isaac, Mar. 30, 1797. [Martha (White), P.R.11.]
Mary, ch. Benjamin and Phebee, Dec. 2, 1778.
Mary A. [----], w. Capt. Angles, ----, 1822, G.R.3.
Moses, Capt., h. Grace, h. Rachel S., ----, 1809, G.R.2.
Obed, ch. Benjamin and Phebee, Apr. 20, 1791.
Peleg, ch. James and Mary, Apr. 24, 1798.
Phebe, ch. Peter and Phebe, May 16, 1777.
Phebee, ch. Benjamin and Phebee, Apr. 29, 1776.
Rachel S. [----], w. Capt. Moses, ----, 1824, G.R.2.
Sarah, ch. Peter and Phebe, Nov. 2, 1781.
Wait, ch. Peter and Phebe, Mar. 10, 1775.
----, s. Lyman, farmer, and Clarasa, Apr. 23, 1848.
Asa, farmer, Sept. 14, 1829, in France, R.R.
Otis, Oct. 15, 1812, G.R.3.
----, d. James, carpenter, and Louisa, Mar. 23, 1848.
SNYDER (see Snider)
SOULE (see Sowl, Sowle)
Oliver, Jan. 1, 1818, G.R.4.
SOWL (see Soule, Sowle)
Benjamin, h. Maribah, 18th, 9 mo. 1719, C.R.
Deborah, d. James and Mary, 2d, 4 mo. 1768, G.R.
Eunice, d. James and Mary, 31st, 3 mo. 1775, C.R.
James, s. Jonathan and Lydia, 12th, 8 mo. 1742 "old Stile," C.R.
Joan (see Jone).
Jonathan, s. James and Mary, 11th, 5 mo. 1772, C.R.
Jone [----], w. Nathanael, 25th, 3 mo. 1717, C.R.
Levinah, d. James and Mary, 30th, 6 mo. 1766 "new Stile," C.R.
Lydia, d. James and Mary, 6th, 5 mo. 1770, C.R.
Maribah [----], w. Benjamin, 20th, 5 mo. 1720, C.R.
Martha, w. David Kerby, d. Benjemin and Maribah, 1St, 10 mo. 1743 "old Stile," C.R.
Mary [----], w. James, 4th, 4 mo. 1746 "old Stile," C.R.
Meribah (see Maribah).
Nathanael, h. Jone, 23d, 1 mo. 1718, C.R.
Rebakah, ch. Nathanael and Jone, 9th, 10 mo. 1757, C.R.
Sarah [dup. w. Adam Gifford], d. David, Jan. 21, 1779. [Sowle, d. Hannah (later w. Jonathan Peckham), C.R.]
SOWLE (see Soule, Sowl)
Abner, s. Henry and Miriam Potter (Sowle), Apr. 4, 1830, P.R.23.
Alexander H., Jan. 18, 1838, G.R.4.
Almeda, w. ----, d. Henry and Miriam Potter (Sowle), July 2, 1837, P.R.23.
Amelia A., d. Benjamin [(s. Henry and Miriam Potter (Sowle)) P.R.23], mariner, and Nancy, July 23, 1849.
Anna, w. William Wood Jr., Sept. 7, 1757. [Ann Soule, d. Weston, P.R.14.]
Barbary, d. Henry (s. Henry) and Sarah Millet, Apr. 2, 1771.
Barbary, Nov. 14, 1781.
Barbary, ch. David (s. Isaac and Sarah) and Peace (d. Robert Sherman and Alice), Sept. 28, 1803.
Benjamin, s. Henry and Miriam Potter (Sowle), Feb. 20, 1819, P.R.23.
Charles P., h. Phebe M., Nov. 18, 1819, G.R.4.
David, h. Peace (d. Robert Sherman and Alice), s. Isaac and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1761. [19th, 2 mo. 1766, C.R.]
Edward G., h. Hannah H., May 12, 1809, G.R.4.
Elizabeth Ann, d. Benjamin [(s. Henry and Miriam Potter (Sowle)) P.R.23.], mariner, and Nancy, Jan. 30, 1844.
Emily Francis, d. Russel, farmer, and Mercy, Aug. 5, 1849.
Fedora E. (see Phidora E.).
Gideon, Jan. 1, 1777.
Hannah, ch. David (s. Isaac and Sarah) and Peace (d. Robert Sherman and Alice), Apr. 4, 1795.
Hannah H. [----], w. Edward G., May 24, 1809, G.R.4.
Hannah R., d. Robert, mariner, and Sylvia, Jan. 18, 1848.
Henry, h. Miriam Potter (Sowle), July 7, 1784, P.R.23.
Henry, h. Maria L., Jan. 13, 1823, G.R.1. [s. Henry and Miriam Potter (Sowle), P.R.23.]
Isaac, s. Nathaniel and Jane, 2d, 9 mo. 1742, C.R.
Isaac, ch. David (s. Isaac and Sarah) and Peace (d. Robert Sherman and Alice), July 25, 1791.
Iserel, s. Benjamin and Sarah (Potter), May 7, 1795, P.R.22.
James H., seaman, s. Gideon W. and Patience, Feb. 20, 1840, R.R.
James M., Capt., h. Ruth A., h. Phebe A., Apr. 17, 1825, G.R.4.
Jona, ch. David (s. Isaac and Sarah) and Peace (d. Robert Sherman and Alice), Mar. 13, 1790.
Lemuel, s. Isaac and Sarah, 24th, 12 mo. 1774, C.R.
Leonard, twin s. George, mariner, and Lydia, Dec. 10, 1843.
Lucretia, twin d. George, mariner, and Lydia, Dec. 10, 1843.
Lucy Ann, d. Henry and Miriam Potter (Sowle), Mar. 11, 1827, P.R.23.
Maria, ch. David (s. Isaac and Sarah) and Peace (d. Robert Sherman and Alice), Dec. 7, 1801.
Maria L. [----], w. Henry, Sept. 8, 1829, G.R.1.
Martha, d. Isaac and Sarah, 28th, 4 mo. 1769, C.R.
Mary, Sept. 28, 1773.
Mary F. [? m.], Sept. 27, 1841, G.R.4.
Meriam, d. Benjamin and Sarah (Potter), Nov. 12, 1798, P.R.22. [Miriam Potter Sowle, w. Henry Sowle, P.R.23.]
Miriam P., d. Henry and Miriam Potter (Sowle), Jan. 17, 1825, P.R.23.
Nathaniel, s. Isaac and Sarah, 9th, 10 mo. 1772, C.R.
Pardon, ch. David (s. Isaac and Sarah) and Peace (d. Robert Sherman and Alice), June 25, 1798.
Patience, ch. David (s. Isaac and Sarah) and Peace (d. Robert Sherman and Alice), Mar. 5, 1797.
Phebe, d. Isaac and Sarah, 26th, 6 mo. 1778, C.R.
Phebe, ch. Nathaniel, Nov. 15, 1794.
Phebe A. [----], w. Capt. James M., May 25, 1834, G.R.4.
Phebe M. [----], w. Charles P. Feb. 16, 1821, G.R.4.
Phidora E., d. Pardon, farmer, and M(?)nn, Dec. 4, 1848.
Rebecca, ch. Nathaniel, Nov. 10, 1(?).
Robert F., farmer, s. George and Lydia, May 11, 1840, R.R.
Ruby, d. Benjamin and Sarah (Potter), June 5, 1802, P.R.22.
Ruth A. [----], w. Capt. James M., Nov. 16, 1827, G.R.4.
Sarah [----], w. Isaac, 1st, 10 mo. 1743, C.R.
Sarah, June 15, 1779.
Sarah, ch. David (s. Isaac and Sarah) and Peace (d. Robert Sherman and Alice), Dec. 28, 1792.
Sarah Potter, w. ----, d. Henry and Miriam Potter (Sowle), Dec. 27, 1820, P.R.23.
Sophia [? m.], Dec. 16, 1835, G.R.4.
Stephen, ch. Nathaniel, June 29, 1793.
Theadore J., s. George, meriner, and Lydia, Jan. 1, 1847.
William, s. Isaac, laborer, and Sarah Ann, Jan. 30, 1844.
----, d. Edward G., mariner, and Hannah, Aug. 31, 1843.
----, s. Edward, mariner, and Hannah, Oct. 13, 1847.
----, d. Isaac, labourer, and Sarah Ann, Apr. 11, 1848.
----, s. Benjamin, mariner, and Nancy, May 3, 1848.
Benjamin W., May 8, 1810, G.R.20.
Osia A. [----], w. Benjamin W., Oct. 1, 1827, G.R.20.
John A., ----, 1831, R.R.
Elizabeth W., w. Alden T. Sisson, ----, 1825, G.R.1.
James, laborer, ----, 1841, in Cork, Ire., R.R.
----, s. Augustus, "all sorts " (b. Strafford]) [S written in pencil], and Abby (b. Strafford) [Strafford written in pencil] of Strafford, Conn., Aug. 8, 1848.
Benjamin O., hostler, s. Benjamin, Aug. 3, 1828, in Boston, R.R.
Hannah, w. Anthony Almy Gifford, d. Samuel and Elenor of Marion, Oct. 26, 1797, P.R.20.
Elizabeth, ch. Eseck and Roba, Apr. 17, 1784.
Fanny, ch. Eseck and Roba, Feb. 10, 1795.
John Edwin, h. Jane Frances, ----, 1834, G.R.3.
Peleg, ch. Eseck and Roba, Dec. 10, 1780.
Rhoda, w. Daniel Devol (s. David and Hannah), d. Job and Lydia, Oct. 12, 1766.
Roba, ch. Eseck and Roba, Oct. 20, 1786.
Abbie A. Cornell [----], w. George C., ----, 1848, G.R.1.
Betsy, ch. Ezekiel and Catharine, Sept. 13, 1790.
Ezekial Sanford, ch. Stephen and Susan, Aug. 18, 1822.
Ezekiel, ch. Ezekiel and Catharine, Dec. 9, 1800.
George C., h. Abbie A. Cornell, ----, 1845, G.R.1.
James Alexander, ch. Stephen and Susan, Sept. 15, 1819.
Jethro, h. Rebecca Brownell, ----, 1821, G.R.1.
Lydia, ch. Ezekiel and Catharine, Sept. ----, 1797.
Rebecca Brownell [----], w. Jethro, ----, 1828, G.R.1.
Roba, ch. Ezekiel and Catharine, July 10, 1784.
Saviah, ch. Ezekiel and Catharine, July 11, 1786.
Silvia, ch. Ezekiel and Catharine, Aug. 10, 1788.
Stephen, ch. Ezekiel and Catharine, June 8, 1795.
Stephen William, ch. Stephen and Susan, Feb. 20, 1821.
Sylvia (see Silvia).
Zeruiah (see Saviah).
Abby A., d. William, tailor, and Abby, Apr. 26, 1845.
George Oliver, s. William, tailor, and Abby R., Aug. 5, 1847.
Sarah Ann G., d. Samuel J., meriner, and Elizabeth of Salem, collard, Mar. 13, 1847.
Charles Mason, h. Dighton Millard, Jan. 4, 1783, G.R.2.
Dighton M. M., ch. Charles Mason and Dighton Millard, Oct. 4, 1828, G.R.2.
Dighton Millard [----], w. Charles Mason, Jan. 25, 1795, G.R.2.
Mary M., ch. Charles Mason and Dighton Millard, Mar. 9, 1821. G.R.2.
Olive, ch. Charles Mason and Dighton Millard, Apr. 5, 1818, G.R.2.
Jeremiah T., h. Sarah A., ----, 1807, G.R.2.
Marcus M., ----, 1840, G.R.2.
Sarah A. [----], w. Jeremiah T., ----, 1814, G.R.2.
Benjamin S., h. Sarah J., Dec. 9, 1846, G.R.3.
Sarah J. [----], w. Benjamin S., Apr, 12, 1836, G.R.3.
Mary, d. Francis W., mariner, and Mary, Jan. 15, 1849.
Isaac B., h. Abby D. [(Allen)], Aug. 17, 1826, G.R.4.
James, ch. Gilbert and Polly, Apr. 28 [dup. Apr. 29], 1799.
Lucey, ch. Gilbert, Nov. 18, 1806.
Meribah [----], w. Perce, Feb. 12, 1792, G.R.4.
Perce, h. Meribah, Feb. 28, 1792, G.R.4.
Phebe, ch. Gilbert, Oct. 23, 1802.
Philip, ch. Gilbert, Mar. 29, 1804.
TRACEY (see Tracy)
William, laborer, of Fall River, s. Michal and Ann, Nov. ----, 1823, in Ireland, R.R.
TRACY (see Tracey)
John, seaman, ----, 1842, in Dublin, Ire., R.R.
Abbie B. [----], w. Eli F., Sept. 20, 1841, G.R.2.
Abigail [----], w. Jonathan (s. William), Oct. 13, 1743.
Abigail, ch. Joseph and Judith, 7th, 7 mo. 1757 "new," C.R.
Abner, ch. Joseph and Judith, 19th, 6 mo. 1751 "old stile," C.R.
Abner, ch. James and w., June 28, 1772.
Abner, ch. Elihu (s. Anthony and Mary), May 26, 1803.
Abraham, ch. Jonathan (s. William) and Abigail, Aug. 10, 1765.
Abraham, s. Edmund and Sarah, 9th, 8 mo. 1782, C.R.
Abraham K., Oct. 2, 1835, G.R.2.
Abram, h. Margaret, Apr. 25, 1800, G.R.1.
Admiral Warren, s. Job and Mahitabel, July 15, 1814.
Agustus W., seaman, s. Alden and Patience W., Dec. 23, 1842, R.R.
Albert Edward, s. Clark, labourer, and Elizabeth Almy [dup. Betsey], June 12 [dup. June 5], 1844.
Alden W., seaman, s. Alden and Patience W., Dec. 16, 1835, R.R.
Alexander, s. Job and Mehitable, Mar. 26, 1818.
Alexander A., Capt., h. Emma E., Feb. 10, 1823, G.R.2.
Alfred C. (see ---- Tripp).
Alfred Rounds, s. Stephen T., labourer, and Anna, Jan. 22, 1845.
Algerine O. [? m.], June 11, 1833, G.R.3.
Allen, Capt., Jan. 20, 1791, G.R.4.
Allen H., laborer, s. Howland and Elizabeth, Sept. 27, 1837, R.R.
Almeda, ch. Rufus and Patience, May 7, 1807.
Almenza, painter, ----, 1842, R.R.
Almira, ch. Rufus and Patience, Mar. 31, 1806.
Almiranda Barnwell, ch. Rufus and Patience, Sept. 9, 1822.
Amanda Fitzellen, d. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Aug. 29, 1822.
Anna, d. Nathaniel (s. Benjamin and Elizabeth) and Alice (d. Samuel Mott and Hope of Newport, R.I.), Mar. 7, 1749.
Anthony, h. Rebeccah (Havans), June 16, 1739.
Anthony, ch. Elihu (s. Anthony and Mary), Feb. 27, 1799.
Arabella H. Lumbert [----], w. Charles A., ----, 1845, G.R.21.
Augusta Gifford, ch. Rufus and Patience, Feb. 1, 1824.
Augustus W. (see Agustus W.).
Azariah Shove, ch. Phillip and Phila., Feb. 21, 1826.
Bathsheba W. [----], w. Jeremiah D., Apr. 26, 1812, G.R.2.
Benajah, Sept. 12, 1791.
Benjamin, s. Edmund and Sarah, 24th, 11 mo. 1787, C.R.
Benjamin, s. Wilkison and Anne, Aug. 6, 1797.
Bethiah, Nov. 6, 1792.
Betsey [? m.], ----, 1801, G.R.2.
Bradford Richmond, ch. Jonathan (s. Nathan) and Elizabeth, Oct. 1, 1811.
Caleb, s. Joshua and Sarah, Jan. 31, 1763.
Caleb, July 20, 1798.
Catherine, d. Joseph and Elisabeth, 21st, 4 mo. 1823, C.R.
Charles, ----, 1840, R.R.
Charles A., h. Arabella H. Lumbert, ----, 1847, G.R.21.
Charles F., Oct. 28, 1837, G.R.2.
Charles F., Corp., s. Clark H. and Betsey, ----, 1841, R.R.
Charles G., s. Joseph and Elisabeth, 24th, 6 mo. 1830, C.R.
Charles G., s. Nathaniel and Lucy, Apr. 19, 1831, G.R.2.
Charles M., s. Gilbert, farmer, and Phebe, Sept. 5, 1845. [Reg. 5, Battery, R.R.]
Christopher B., Reg. 5, Battery, blacksmith, s. Gilbert and Phebe, Nov. 24, 1832, R.R.
Cook G. (see ----, Tripp).
Daniel, Capt., Dec. 11, 1802, G.R.37.
Daniel H., h. Rosetta, ----, 1826, G.R.2.
Daniel H., blacksmith, s. Howard and Mercy, Dec. ----, 1835, in Dartmouth, R.R.
David, h. Lucy (Tripp), July 19, 1758.
David Gifford, ch. Rufus and Patience, Jan. 24, 1819.
David R., Apr. 18, 1807, G.R.2.
David R., seaman, s. Alden and Patience W., Oct. 13, 1834, R.R.
Deborah, ch. Joseph and Judith, 4th, 10 mo. 1741 "old stile," C.R.
Deborah, ch. Philip and Sarah, 3d, 2 mo. 1757, C.R.
Deborah, d. Joseph and Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth], 28th, 5 mo. 1812, C.R.
Desire, ch. Nathan and Lyddia, Dec. 22, 1778.
Diana, w. ----, Devol, d. Isaac Jr. and Mary Rounds, ----, 1792, G.R.2.
Ebenezer, ch. James and w., Dec. 28, 1775.
Edey, ch. Jonathan (s. William) and Abigail, Sept. 1, 1768.
Edey, d. Abraham (s. Jonathan and Abigail) and Mary (d. Cornelius Warren and Mary), Nov. 1, 1798.
Edmund, s. Philip and Sarah, 1st, 6 mo. 1755, C.R.
Edmund W., ch. Philip and Phila., Jan. 16, 1828. [Edmond W., C.R.]
Edwin, farmer, ----, 1841, R.R.
Edwin Ladd, s. Thomas E., farmer, and Edith, Mar. 21, 1845.
Eli F., h. Abbie B., Aug. 8, 1840, G.R.2.
Elihu, ch. Anthony and Rebeccah (Havans), June 29, 1772.
Elisabeth, ch. Joseph and Judith, 4th, 1 mo. 1743 "old stile," C.R.
Elisabeth, d. Edmund and Sarah, 21st, 11 mo. 1789, C.R.
Eliza A. [? m.], Oct. 29, 1820, G.R.5.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth [----], w. Joseph, 8th, 4 mo. 1787, C.R.
Elizabeth [----], w. Job, July 15, 1788, G.R.4.
Elizabeth [----], w. Wilcason, ----, 1797, G.R.1.
Elizabeth, ch. Phillip [Philip, C.R.] and Margaret, Nov. 21, 1813.
Elizabeth B., d. H. P. and E. M., Sept. 27, 1841, G.R.3.
Ellen M.[----], w. Cook G., Apr. 14, 1845, G.R.1.
Emeline W., d. Eliphalet and Phebe, Nov. 21, 1821.
Emerson H., d. Lawton C., farmer, and Almarill, May 4, 1849.
Emily E., d. Gilbert, farmer, and Phebe, Mar. 15, 1849.
Emily F. [? m.], July 1, 1834, G.R.2.
Emily M. [----], w. Howard P., Sept. 21, 1812, G.R.3.
Emma E. [----], w. Capt. Alexander A., Feb. 25, 1838, G.R.2.
Emmanuel Gilgory Konshar Killy, ch. Ichabod and Hannah, Dec. 18, 1821.
Ephraim T., ch. Ezekiel and Roba, Dec. 31, 1807.
Ephraim T., seaman, s. Samuel and Patience, May 21, 1838, R.R.
Ester [dup. Esther B.], ch. Ezekiel and Roby [dup. Roba], Dec. 27, 1798.
Esther, d. Lovat and Margret, 30th, 4 mo. 1781, C.R.
Eunice, ch. David and Lucy (Tripp), Nov. 15, 1784.
Ezekiel, ch. Nathan and Lyddia, Jan. 10, 1776.
Ezekiel, ch. David and Lucy (Tripp), Dec. 12, 1786.
Ezra B., h. Mary E., ----, 1835, G.R.2.
George F., s. Nathaniel and Lucy, June 7, 1838, G.R.2.
George Franklin, s. Abner F., meriner, and Caroline, Oct. 3, 1844.
George H., h. Lydia E., ----, 1848, G.R.1.
Gilbert, ----, 1846, G.R.2.
Grace [----], w. Isaac L., ----, 1842, G.R.3.
Hannah, ch. David and Lucy (Tripp), Mar. 21, 1780.
Hannah, ch. Elihu (s. Anthony and Mary), Apr. 3, 1797.
Hannah Brownell, d. Nathan and Lydia, Apr. 9, 1793.
Hannah C. Wing [----], w. Pardon A., Feb. 18, 1839, G.R.4.
Hannah D. [? m.], ----, 1846, G.R.2.
Hannah W., d. Joseph and Elizabeth, 31st, 7 mo. 1819, C.R.
Harriet M., d. H. P. and E. M., Oct. 3, 1835, G.R.3.
Hope Almy, d. Nathaniel, farmer, and Mehitable, Nov. 15, 1848.
Horace Nichols, ch. Ichabod and Hannah, July 1, 1819.
Howard F., Jan. 1, 1841, G.R.2.
Howard P., h. Emily M., Dec. 29, 1809, G.R.3.
Howard S., s. Howard P., farmer, and Emily, Mar. 15, 1849. [Levi M., s. H. P. and E. M., Mar. 17, G.R.3.]
Humphrey, ch. Elihu (s. Anthony and Mary), Aug. 15, 1805.
Humphrey D., s. Joseph and Elizabeth, 22d, 3 mo. 1822, C.R.
Ichabod, s. Nathan and Lydia, July 1, 1798.
Isaac, h. Edith Russel, ----, 1736, G.R.2.
Isaac, ch. James and w., Dec. 14, 1770.
Isaac Jr., h. Mary Rounds, s. Isaac and Edith Russel, ----, 1772, G.R.2.
Isaac L. h. Grace, ----, 1836, G.R.3.
Isabel, L., Joseph and Judith, 15th, 4 mo. 1755 "new," C.R.
Isaiah Kirby, s. Nathaniel, farmer, and Mehitable, Sept. 2, 1844.
Jacob, Apr. 8, 1795.
James, s. Joseph and Elilabeth, 23d, 6 mo. 1817, C.R.
James Alexander, Reg. 5, Battery, s. Gilbert and Phebe, Apr. 20, 1838, R.R.
James N., ----, 1841, G.R.2.
Jeremiah Brownell, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Aug. 27, 1816.
Jeremiah D., h. Bathsheba W., May 1, 1822, G.R.2.
Job, ch. James and w., May 2, 1783.
Job, h. Elizabeth, Nov. 15, 1793, G.R.4.
Job, ----, 1793, G.R.2.
Job, s. Abraham (s. Jonathan and Abigail) and Mary (d. Cornelius Warren and Mary), July 9, 1794.
Job White, ch. Rufus and Patience, Dec. 10, 1811.
John, s. David and Lucy, Nov. 4, 1798.
John Edwin, s. Howland, carpenter, and Mercy Ann (b. Dartmouth), Nov. 30, 1849.
Jonathan, h. Abigail, s. William, Jan. 30, 1741.
Jonathan, ch. Joseph and Judith, 11th, 7 mo. 1748 "old stile," C.R.
Jonathan, ch. Nathan and Lydia, Feb. 10, 1785.
Jonathan, ch. Stephen and Hannah, Aug. 27, 1798.
Joseph, h. Judith, 28th, 5 mo. 1719, C.R.
Joseph, s. Edmund [dup. Edmond] and Sarah, 23d, 11 mo. 1785, C.R.
Joseph, Aug. 5, 1789.
Joseph, s. Edmund and Elisabeth, ---- [rec. before ch. b. 28th, 5 mo. 1812], C.R.
Joseph H., Reg. 22, Co. C, farmer, s. Preserved and Lydia, 1844, R.R.
Joshua, s. Wilkison and Anne, Dec. 20, 1794.
Jotham, s. Jotham, farmer, and Elizabeth, Mar. 20, 1844.
Judith [----], w. Joseph, 1st, 4 mo. 1723, C.R.
Judith, ch. Joseph and Judith, 13th, 7 mo. 1763 "new," C.R.
Levi, s. Thomas and Mary, 10th, 9 mo. 1767, C.R.
Levi M. (see Howard S.)
Lewis C., s. Stephen, laborer, and Ann, June 5, 1843.
Lovat, s. Timothy and Patience, 6th, 10 mo. 1747 "old Stile," C.R.
Lucinda, ch. Rufus and Patience, June 16, 1815.
Lucy, w. David Tripp, June 12, 1759.
Lucy, d. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Aug. 5, 1821.
Lusanna, d. Wilkison and Anne, Jan. 30, 1793.
Luthan, Aug. 6, 1767, G.R.37.
Lydia, ch. Job and Sarah, Dec. 22, 1804.
Lydia, ch. Rufus and Patience, Feb. 9, 1809.
Lydia E. [----], w. George H., ----, 1848, G.R.1.
Lyman, ch. Stephen and Hannah, May 3, 1801.
Mahala, ch. Stephen and Hannah, Mar. 4, 1796.
Marcy, ch. James and w., Dec. 12, 1784.
Margaret [----], w. Abram, Jan. 11, 1807, G.R.1.
Margret [----], w. Lovat, ----, 3 mo. 1749, C.R.
Maria W. D., d. Jeremiah, labourer, and Bethsheba W., Oct. 29, 1845.
Mary [----], w. Thomas, 25th, 9 mo. 174[?], "old Stile," C.R.
Mary, d. Nathaniel (s. Benjamin and Elizabeth) and Alice (d. Samuel Mott and Hope of Newport, R.I.), Nov. 10, 1756.
Mary, ch. James and W., Mar. 13, 1774.
Mary, d. Lovat and Margret, 5th, 1 mo. 1789, C.R.
Mary [----], w. Capt. Allen, Aug. 11, 1794, G.R.4.
Mary A. [----], w. Hervey W., ----, 1849, G.R.4.
Mary D. [----], w. David R., Dec. 10, 1809, G.R.2.
Mary E. [----], w. Ezra B., ----, 1839, G.R.2.
Mary Loisa, d. Lyman, farmer, and Almira, Mar. 9, 1845. [Mar. 9, 1846, G.R.2.]
Mary Rounds [----], w. Isaac Jr., ----, 1772, G.R.2.
Matilda, d. Jacob and Judith, Aug. 31, 1789.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Meribah, ch. Nathan and Lyddia, Apr. 16, 1787.
Meribah A., ch. Stephen and Anna G., Oct. 29, 1838, G.R.60.
Moses, s. Thomas and Mary, 15th, 12 mo. 1782, C.R.
Nicholas D., s. Joseph and Elizabeth, 5th, 11 mo. 1813, C.R.
Orlando J., Capt., "Father," Oct. 7, 1839, G.R.1.
Othniel, h. Abigail, 23d, 7 mo. 1697, C.R.
Pardon, s. Timothy and Patience, 5th, 10 mo. 1754, C.R.
Pardon A., h. Hannah C. Wing, Sept. 13, 1834, G.R.4.
Patience [----], w. Thomas (s. Daniel; s. Joseph; s. John), Jan. 15, 1740.
Patience, d. Lovat and Margret, 19th, 7 mo. 1779, C.R.
Patience, ch. David and Lucy (Tripp), Feb. 6, 1783.
Patience, d. Nathan and Lydia, Nov. 28, 1795.
Patience B. [? m.], Dec. 4, 1835, G.R.3.
Phebe, w. Prince Howland, Apr. 18, 1747.
Philip, h. Sarah, 3d, 2 mo. 1725, C.R.
Philip, ch. James and w., Dec. 8, 1777.
Philip, s. Edmund [dup. Edmond] and Sarah, 17th, 5 mo. 1784, C.R.
Philip, s. Luthan, farmer, and Julia A., Nov. 9, 1849.
Phillip Jarvis, ch. Phillip and Phila., Oct. ----, 1822. [Philip, 28th, 10 mo., C.R.]
Prince Albert, Mar. 12, 1845, G.R.61.
Rebbeca W., w. David Lawton, Jan. 1, 1825, P.R.4.
Rebecah, d. Constant and Ann, 19th, 12 mo. 1749 "old Still," C.R.
Rebecah, d. Isaac S., farmer, and Asenith, Aug. 13, 1846.
Rebecca, ch. Elihu (s. Anthony and Mary), Dec. 31, 1801.
Rebecca, ch. Phillip and Margaret, Aug. 6, 1810. [w. John A. Potter, d. Philip, C.R.]
Reuben, s. Edmund and Sarah, 12th, 8 mo. 1791, C.R.
Rhoda, d. Thomas and Mary, 8th, 11 mo. 1764 "new Stile," C.R.
Richmond W., Nov. 24, 1833, G.R.3.
Roba, ch. Anthony and Rebeccah (Havans), Aug. 12, 1778.
Robert Carr, ch. Rufus and Patience, Oct. 11, 1813.
Robert L., seaman, s. Alden and Patience W., Nov. 9, 1804, R.R.
Rosetta [----], w. Daniel H., ----, 1828, G.R.2.
Sarah [----], w. Philip, 2d, 9 mo. 1727, C.R.
Sarah, d. Thomas and Mary, 10th, 4 mo. 1779, C.R.
Sarah, ch. Nathan and Lyddia, Jan. 2, 1782.
Sarah, d. Caleb (s. Joshua and Sarah) and Abigail, Jan. 20, 1787.
Sarah, ch. Phillip and Margaret, Apr. 29, 1808 [w. Noah Gifford, d. Philip, C.R.]
Sarah B., w. Peleg H. Gifford, ----, 1825, G.R.2.
Sarah D., d. Joseph and Elizabeth, 30th, 4 mo. 1815, C.R.
Sarah E. B., d. H. P. and E. M., Apr. 1, 1840, G.R.3.
Silvia, ch. Elihu (s. Anthony and Mary), Feb. 22, 1795.
Sophia Ann Elizabeth, d. Howland, carpenter, and Elizabeth, June 11 [dup. June 16], 1844.
Sophrona, Mar. 16 [? 18], 1800.
Stephen, Sept. 7, 1774, G.R.60.
Stephen, ch. David and Lucy (Tripp), Oct. 3, 1781.
Susan, d. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Jan. 24, 1819.
Susan A. [? m.], Aug. 7, 1839, G.R.61.
Susan T. Brownell [----], w. Richmond W., ----, 1824, G.R.1.
Susanna, d. Thomas and Mary, 4th, 12 mo. 17[?] [rec. between ch. b. 4th, 12 mo. 1767 and ch. b. 10th, 4 mo. 1779], C.R.
Susanna, d. Abraham, May 12, 1811.
Sylvia (see Silvia).
Sylvia, d. David, farmer, and Sarah, Oct. 6, 1844.
Thankfull, ch. James and w., Dec. 21, 1780.
Theodore Abner, ----, 1849, G.R.2.
Thomas, h. Patience, s. Daniel (s. Joseph; s. John), May 19, 1734.
Thomas, h. Mary, s. Timothy and Patience, 31st, 5 mo. 1741 "old Stile," C.R.
Timothy, ch. James and w., July 24, 1786.
Timothy, s. Lovat and Margret, 24th, 2 mo. 1792, C.R.
Warren, s. Abraham (s. Jonathan and Abigail) and Mary (d. Cornelius Warren and Mary), July ----[illegible], 1805.
Wesson, ch. Joseph and Judith, 15th, 8 mo. 1746 "old stile," C.R.
Weston, h. Almeda M., Apr. 2, 1826, G.R.1.
Weston F., s. Weston, mariner, and Amy, June 1, 1843.
Wilcason, h. Elizabeth, Jan. 12, 1800, G.R.1.
Wilkinson, s. Joshua and Sarah, Jan. 10, 1767.
William Jr., Aug. ----, 1808, G.R.1.
William, Aug. 1, 1837, G.R.61.
William A., s. Nathaniel and Lucy, Aug. 1, 1833, G.R.2.
William D., s. John M., farmer, and Ruth S., Nov. 12, 1846.
William G., ----, 1845 [? in Westport], R.R.
William Hayden, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1814.
William R., ----, 1829, G.R.2.
William W., s. William and Susan, June 25, 1840, G.R.1.
Zilphah, d. Nathan and Lydia, Aug. 8, 1789.
----, s. John and Bathshebe, ----, 1806, G.R.17.
----, [twin] sons Admiral and Susan B., Feb. 9, 1832, G.R61.
----, d. Abner D., farmer, and Almira, July 20, 1843.
----, s. Hannah, Sept. 14, 1843.
----, s. Jeremiah D., farmer, and Basheba, Dec. ----, 1843.
----, s. Benjamin F., farmer, and Patience, Feb. 16, 1844. [Cook G., h. Ellen M., G.R.1.]
----, d. Thomas E., laborer, and Edith, Mar. 1, 1844.
----, d. Howard P., farmer, and Emily, Apr. 1, 1844.
----, d. Nathaniel, farmer, and Lucy, Apr. 29, 1844.
----, s. Alden, farmer, and Patience, Nov. 3, 1844.
----, d. David, carpenter, and Nancy, Dec. 25, 1844.
----, s. Francis Jr., labourer, and Elizabeth, Mar. 29, 1845.
----, s. Daniel, farmer, and Ruth, Apr. 14, 1845.
----, s. John, farmer, and Ruth, June 30, 1845.
----, d. Howard P., labourer, and Emily M., Dec. 1, 1845.
----, s. Holder C., labourer, and Merabah, Jan. 13, 1846.
----, ch. Stephen and Anna G., Nov. 15, 1846, G.R.60.
----, s. Clark, meriner, and Betsy A., Jan. 3, 1847.
----, s. Alden, farmer, and Patience, Apr. 18, 1847.
----, s. Howard P., labourer, and Emily, Oct. 27, 1847.
----, s. Nathaniel, farmer, and Lucy, Mar. 17, 1848.
----, d. Stephen, mariner, and Ann, Apr. 2, 1848.
----, s. Clark, labourer, and Betsy, Sept. 25, 1848. [Afred C., G.R.4.]
----, d. Alden, farmer, and Patience, Jan. 9, 1849.
----, d. Weston S., mariner, and Amy W., Feb. 14, 1849.
----, d. Eli, farmer, and Polly, July 6, 1849.
----, s. Abner F., mariner (b. Tiverton), and Caroline (b. Tiverton), Nov. 8, 1849.
Arnie, ch. Nicholas (s. Nicholas and Amey) and Phebe (d. Paul Brownell dec'd and Deborah), Aug. 10, 1782.
Charles W., ch. Nicholas and Phebe, May 20, 1789.
Edward S., ch. Nicholas and Phebe, Mar. 12, 1796.
Fannie, ch. Nicholas (s. Nicholas and Amey) and Phebe (d. Paul Brownell dec'd and Deborah), Oct. 2, 1784.
Frederick Arnold, ch. Nicholas and Phebe, July 8, 1799.
John F., ch. Nicholas and Phebe, Aug. 29, 1791.
Marcy, ch. Nicholas (s. Nicholas and Amey) and Phebe (d. Paul Brownell dec'd. and Deborah), Dec. 28, 1780.
Nicholas, ch. Nicholas (s. Nicholas and Amey) and Phebe (d. Paul Brownell dec'd and Deborah), Nov. 28, 1786.
William W., ch. Nicholas and Phebe, Dec. 7, 1793.
Almira [----], "Mother," ----, 1807, G.R.3.
WAINER (see Weyner)
Asa Franklin, ch. Paul, June 21, 1813.
Cynthia, ch. Gardner and Rhoda, Jan. 24, 1804.
David, ch. Capt. Micah and Mary, Mar. 19, 1780.
David F., ----, 1825, G.R.1.
Diana, ch. Gardner and Rhoda, May 14, 1798.
Gardner, ch. Capt. Micah and Mary, Oct. 1, 1774.
Ira Warner, ch. Paul, Aug. 29, 1808.
James Harris, ch. Paul, July 17, 1805.
Jeremiah, ch. Capt. Micah and Mary, July 10, 1778.
Jeremiah, ch. Gardner and Rhoda, June 29, 1805.
John, ch. Capt. Micah and Mary, Jan. 27, 1782.
Mary, ch. Capt. Micah and Mary, Sept. 20, 1789.
Maryann, ch. Gardner and Rhoda, Aug. 8, 1802.
Micah, ch. Capt. Micah and Mary, Feb. 12, 1793.
Paul, ch. Capt. Micah and Mary, Oct. 17, 1776.
Perry, ch. Gardner and Rhoda, Jan. 29, 1800.
Thomas, ch. Capt. Micah and Mary, Jan. 27, 1773.
Uriah Varnum, ch. Paul, June 16, 1811.
WAIT (see Waite)
Reuben, h. Delight, Jan. 21, 1773, G.R.63.
WAITE (see Wait)
Edward M., s. Daniel, carpenter, and Irene, Feb. 12, 1849.
Ishmael S., painter, of Fall River, s. William A. and Charlotte, ----, 1822 [? in Fall River], R.R.
----, d. Reuben, carpenter, and Phidelia, Nov. 1, 1848.
Sarah, d. William and Abigail (d. Samuel Seabury and Lydia), Dec. 7, 1786.
Thomas, s. William and Abigail (d. Samuel Seabury and Lydia), Sept. 9, 1781.
William, h. Abigail (d. Samuel Seabury and Lydia), Jan. 1, 1744.
WEARE (see Wire).
John, shoemaker, ----, 1842 [? in Westport], R.R.
Emily, d. Benjamin, laborer, and Phebe, Mar. 1, 1844.
WEYNER (see Wainer)
Caroline Maria, d. Asa F., farmer, and Mary (b. New Bedford), collard, Aug. 29, 1849.
----, d. Asa F., meriner, and Mary, collard, Apr. 15, 1847.
Susan J., d. John R., laborer, and Martha, Jan. 14, 1844.
Alice H., d. John, farmer, and Eliza Ann, Nov. 18, 1832.
Almyra Cory, d. John, farmer, and Eliza, Mar. 14, 1846. [Almira, w. ---- Dana, Mar. 15, G.R.2.]
Amy S. Brownell [----], w. Holder, Oct. 30, 1814, G.R.2.
Andrew J., s. John, farmer, and Eliza Ann, Dec. 6, 1841.
Ann S., d. John, farmer, and Eliza Ann, Mar. 15, 1835.
Anna, ch. William 2d [dup. (s. Peleg) omits 2d] and Cynthia (Cornell), Sept. 25, 1796.
Betsey, [twin] ch. Jerathmeel and Alice, May 17, 1803.
Caroline E., d. Charles, farmer, and Elizabeth, July 19, 1843.
Charles, ch. William 2d and Cynthia (Cornell), Mar. 4, 1801.
Eliza, ch. William 2d and Cynthia (Cornell), Sept. 22, 1807.
Elizabeth, ch. Roger (s. Peleg and Rachel) and Lydia (d. Stephen Peckham and w.), Feb. 1, 1790.
Frederick B., s. John, farmer, and Eliza, June 25, 1848.
George, June 20, 1792, G.R.12.
George Borden, ch. Nicholas and Rhoda, Feb. 6, 1820.
George F. S., M. D., h. Mary C., ----, 1818, G.R.1.
Hannah, w. Jonathan Peckham, d. Peleg, Aug. 1, 1757.
Hannah, ch. William 2d and Cynthia (Cornell), May 22, 1799.
Hannah, ch. Nicholas and Rhoda, Jan. 30, 1819.
Hannah N., d. John, farmer, and Eliza Ann, July 1, 1837.
Holder, h. Amy S. Brownell, June 20, 1812, G.R.2.
James, s. Holder, wheelwright, and Amy, Jan. 6, 1848. [William J., s. Holder and Amy S. Brownell, Jan. 18, G.R.2.]
John, ch. Jerathmeel and Alice, May 1, 1796.
Lydia, ch. William 2d and Cynthia (Cornell), Feb. ----, 1803.
Martha (see Martha Snell).
Mary C. [----], w. George F. S., M. D., ----, 1821, G.R.1.
Mehitable, ch. Roger (s. Peleg and Rachel) and Lydia (d. Stephen Peckham and w.), Oct. 26, 1785.
Nancy, [twin] ch. Jerathmeel and Alice, May 17, 1803.
Nicholas, ch. Jerathmeel and Alice, July 17, 1794.
Ocia Ann, ch. William 2d and Cynthia (Cornell), Nov. 9, 1809.
Phebe A., d. John, farmer, and Eliza Ann, Oct. 27, 1839.
Priscilla, ch. William 2d and Cynthia (Cornell), Feb. 17, 1805.
Rhoda T. [----], w. George, Jan. 27, 1795, G.R.12.
Roger, h. Lydia (d. Stephen Peckham and w.), s. Peleg and Rachel, Oct. 10, 1760.
Sarah Peck, ch. Roger (s. Peleg and Rachel) and Lydia (d. Stephen Peckham and w.), Sept. 28, 1783.
Thurston, s. William, May 27, 1767.
William [dup. 2d, h. Cynthia (Cornell)], s. Peleg, June 26, 1773.
William, s. Dr. George F. S. and Mary C., Sept. 27, 1846.
William H., s. John, farmer, and Eliza, Mar. 15, 1844.
William J. (see James).
Zachariah, s. Jane, Apr. 20, 1791.
----, d. Holder, carpenter, and Amy, Apr. 6, 1845.
----, s. Abraham C., farmer, and Nancy, Mar. 4, 1847.
----, d. George B., farmer, and Rebecah (b. N.Y.) [N.Y. written in pencil], July 9, 1848.
WILBOR (see Wilbour, Wilbur, Wilbur)
Arthur T., ch. Peleg (Wilbour) and Elisabeth (Gifford), ----, C.R.
Daniel G., ch. Peleg (Wilbour) and Elisabeth (Gifford), 26th, 7 mo. 1842, C.R.
WILBOUR (see Wilbor, Wilbur, Wilbur)
Abby Elisabeth, ch. Peleg and Elisabeth (Gifford), 28th, 1 mo. 1832, C.R.
Noah Harvey, ch. Peleg and Elisabeth (Gifford), 8th, 6 mo. 1834, C.R.
Peleg, h. Elisabeth (Gifford), 11th, 6 mo. 1799, C.R.
Philander, s. Nathan and Phebe, ----, 1819, in Little Compton, R.I., R.R.
WILBUR (see Wilbor, Wilbour, Willbur)
Samuel, s. Ichabod, Sept. 19, 1788.
WILCOX (see Willcocks, Willcox)
Levi, June 26, 1779.
Mary, d. Preserved, mariner, and Mary, Aug. 14, 1849.
Sarah S., d. Preserved S., mariner, and Mary G. of "New Bedford & Westport," Dec. 5, 1845.
----, s. Seabury, farmer, and Deborah, Feb. 18, 1846.
WILLBUR (see Wilbor, Wilbour, Wilbur)
Abigail [----], w. Joseph, 25th, 9 mo. 1757, C.R.
Elijah, s. Joseph and Abigail, 13th, 7 mo. 1783, C.R.
Ephraim, s. Joseph and Abigail, 25th, 5 mo. 1792, C.R.
Eunice, d. Joseph and Abigail, 27th, 12 mo. 1780, C.R.
John, s. Joseph and Abigail, 21st, 3 mo. 1795, C.R.
Joseph, s. William and Hannah, 25th, 5 mo. 1757, C.R.
Richard, s. Joseph and Abigail, 16th, 7 mo. 1787, C.R.
Ruth, d. Joseph and Abigail, 11th, 7 mo. 1785, C.R.
Ruth, d. Joseph and Abigail, 24th, 12 mo. 1789, C.R.
Sarah, d. Joseph and Abigal, 7th, 9 mo. 1797, C.R.
William, s. Joseph and Abigal, 12th, 7 mo. 1800, C.R.
WILLCOCKS (see Wilcox, Willcox)
Daniel (Willcoks), ch. William and Mary Shrieve, Sept. 3, 1778.
Hannah (Willcoks), ch. William and Mary Shrieve, Feb. 1, 1768.
Ruth (Wilcoks), ch. William and Mary Shrieve, Sept. 3, 1772.
William Whitridge (Willcoks), ch. William and Mary Shrieve, June 17, 1787.
WILLCOX (see Wilcox, Willcocks)
Abner, h. Elizabeth C., Apr. 26, 1783.
Betsy, ch. Daniel (s. John) and Eunice (Allen), June 13, 1794.
Comfort [----], w. Samuel, July 4, 1739.
Content H., ch. Abner and Elizabeth C., Feb. 26, 1816.
Deborah C. ch. Abner and Elizabeth C., May 22, 1812.
Elizabeth C. [----], w. Abner, Jan. 27, 1791.
Henry, ch. Willard and Ruth, Apr. 22, 1795.
Humphry, ch. Samuel and Comfort, Aug. 6, 1780.
Jeremiah, ch. Samuel and Comfort, Aug. 23, 1763.
John Brightman, ch. Daniel (s. John) and Eunice (Allen), Feb. 2, 1799.
Judith, ch. Samuel and Comfort, July 22, 1765.
Lydia, ch. Samuel and Comfort, Feb. 19, 1767.
Mary, ch. Samuel and Comfort, June 23, 1762.
Mary, ch. Samuel Jr. and Matilda, Apr. 28, 1793.
Rhoba, ch. Samuel Jr. and Matilda, Jan. 29, 1796.
Samuel, h. Comfort, Sept. 29, 1739.
Samuel, ch. Samuel and Comfort, Oct. 29, 1770.
Samuel, ch. Samuel Jr. and Matilda, July 5, 1804.
Seabury, ch. Samuel Jr. and Matilda, Sept. 27, 1801.
Edward, seaman, ----, 1839, in Reanes, France, R.R.
James, seaman, ----, 1837, in Dublin, Ire., R.R.
Cornelia D. [----], w. N. W., Apr. 16, 1827, G.R.2.
Nathaniel W. May 1, 1821, G.R.2.
----, d. Nathaniel W., merchant, and Rhoda M., Apr. 3, 1849.
Abby, d. Perry, painter, and Susan, Mar. 19, 1849. [Abby A., d. Perry G. and Susan P. (Allen), P.R.5.]
Abby S., w. Richard S. Gifford, ----, 1823, G.R.1. [d. David and Sophia (Gifford), Feb. 19, P.R.17.]
Adam, ch. Benjamin and Peace, 7th, 4 mo. 1771, P.R.3.
Almy W. [? m.], Apr. 15, 1841, G.R.1.
Anna, ch. Benjamin and Peace, 28th, 7 mo. 1769, P.R.3.
Barney, h. Abby (Gifford), Aug. 3, 1788, G.R.4. P.R.S. [Barnabas, P.R.10.]
Barnybas, ----, 1800, P.R.10.
Benjeman, s. Prince and Jemima, 20th, 2 mo. 1786, C.R.
Catharine, d. Prince and Jemima, 24th, 4 mo. 1779, C.R.
Charles, s. David and Sophia (Gifford), Oct. 17, 1827, P.R.17.
Charlotte [? m.], Nov. 12, 1806, G.R.2.
Christiana, ch. Benjamin and Mary, 25th, 9 mo. ---- [rec. after ch. b. 16th, 9 mo. 1785], P.R.3.
Content, d. Prince and Jemima, 18th, 2 mo. 1776, C.R.
Daniel, ----, 1769, P.R.10.
Daniel, 9th, 5 mo. 1785, P.R.10.
David, s. Benjemin and Rhoda (second w.), 2d, 1 mo. 1744, C.R.
David, h. Sophia (Gifford), Apr. 30, 1789, P.R.17.
David A., s. David and Sophia (Gifford), June 6, 1835, P.R.17.
Edward, Feb. 1, 1835, G.R.2.
Eliza [----], w. Capt. Frederick A., Nov. 27, 1815, G.R.4.
Eliza H., d. Frederic A. [Capt. Frederick A., G.R.4.], mariner, and Eliza, Dec. 21, 1847.
Ezra, ----, P.R.10.
Frederick A., ch. Barney and Abby, Jan. 13, 1812, P.R.5.
Israel, s. Perry G. and Rachel B. (Allen), Mar. 18, 1843, P.R.5. [Israel A., P.R.6.]
Jemima [----], w. Prince, 15th, 11 mo. 1757, C.R.
John A., June 27, 1839, G.R.1. [s. Perry G. and Rachel B. (Allen), P.R.5. P.R.6.]
John T., Apr. 15, 1806, G.R.2.
Joseph, ch. Barney and Abby, Jan. 1, 1818, P.R.5.
Joseph, s. Perry G. and Rachel B. (Allen), Jan. 22, 1841, P.R.5. [Jan. 23, P.R.6.]
Lusanna, ch. Benjamin and Mary, 16th, 9 mo. 1785, P.R.3.
Lydia, w. Pardon Cornell, d. Joshua and Mercy (Almy), Mar. 8, 1781, in Dartmouth, P.R.14.
Lydia, d. George, farmer, and Lydia, Apr. 4, 1845.
Mary [? m.], 25th, 2 mo. 1762, P.R.10.
Mary, d. Benjamin and Mary, 1st, 6 mo. 1783, P.R.3.
Mary, d. David and Sophia (Gifford), Jan. ----, 1831, P.R.17.
Mary A., ch. Barney and Abby, Dec. 2, 1826, P.R.5.
Peace, ch. Benjamin and Peace, 21st, 4 mo. 1773, P.R.3.
Perry G., h. Rachel B. (Allen), h. Susan P. (Allen), s. Barney and Abby, Sept. 10, 1813, P.R.5. [Sept. 10, 1814, P.R.6.]
Prince, s. Benjeman and Rhoda (second w.), 27th, 7 mo. 1750, C.R.
Rachel A., ch. Perry G. and Susan P. (Allen), Sept. 22, 1846, in Providence, R.I., P.R.5.
Rhoda, d. Prince and Jemima, 16th, 7 mo. 1783, C.R.
Rhoda A., d. George W., farmer, and Lydia, Nov. 1, 1843.
Ruth, d. Prince and Jemima, 27th, 4 mo. 1799, C.R.
Sarah [----], w. David, 15th, 11 mo. 1748, C.R.
Stephen A., s. Perry G. and Rachel B. (Allen), Feb. 8, 1838, P.R.5. P.R.6.
Thomas, s. Prince and Jemima, 23d, 11 mo. 1793, C.R.
Zacheas, s. Benjamin and Mary, 5th, 8 mo. 1778, P.R.3.
Zacheas, ch. Benjamin and Mary, 11th, 9 mo. 1789 [89 blurred, see death], P.R.3.
----, s. George W., farmer, and Lydia, Jan. 21, 1849.
Hannah Evins, d. Thomas and Lydia (Cornell), Dec. 8, 1818, P.R.19.
Mariah Louisa, w. Daniel B. Anthony, d. Thomas and Lydia (Cornell), June 22, 1820, P.R.19.
Meribah A. [Winslow], w. Albert G. Sherman, June 8, 1817, G.R.3. [Meribah Ann Winslow, d. Thomas and Lydia (Cornell), P.R.19.]
Thomas, h. Lydia (Cornell), s. Oliver, ----, 1779, in Hardwick, P.R.19.
Whittock, laborer, s. Joseph and Mary, June 4, 1835, in New York City, R.R.
WODELL (see Woodle, Wordell)
Adaline W., ch. Bradford and Eunice, June 1, 1827.
Alvira, ch. Taber, June 6, 1828.
Daniel H., ch. Bradford and Eunice, Oct. 25 [? 5 over 0], 1824.
Daniel H., ch. Bradford and Eunice, Mar. 12, 1829.
Eli, July 12, 1805, G.R.48.
Elvira (see Alvira).
George Allen, s. Allen, farmer, and Ruth, July 8, 1844.
Hopey, ch. Richard and Susanna, July 6, 1802.
Jireh S., ch. Taber, July 1, 1830.
Rebecca, ch. Richard and Susanna, Nov. 5, 1799.
Rebeccah B., ch. Taber, July 29, 1832.
Richard, ch. Taber, July 3, 1825.
Susan, ch. Taber, Apr. 6, 1823.
Tabor, ch. Richard and Susanna, Sept. 3, 1796.
----, d. Peleg T., farmer, and Susan, Jan. 29, 1844.
----, s. Elcanah, farmer, and Judith, Dec. 15, 1847.
Abigail, d. Daniel and Susanna, 31st, 1 mo. 1754, C.R.
Abner, ch. William Jr. and Anna (Sowle), Oct. 30, 1784.
Angeline R., d. Capt. Nathan and Annie, June 30, 1825, G.R.1.
Angeline R., w. Joshua H. Cornell, d. Nathan and Ann, Aug. 11, 1827, P.R.14.
Ann Mariah, d. Thomas W., farmer, and Susanah, Sept. 18, 1843.
Arnold, h. Sarah (d. Robert Esterbrooks and Mary of Fretown), s. William and Deborah, Sept. 13, 1757.
Barbara, ch. William Jr. and Anna (Sowle), Jan. 14, 1787.
Daniel, s. Jonathan and Peace, 14th, 9 mo. 1729, C.R.
Daniel, s. Daniel dec'd and Mehetabeel, 5th, 2 mo. 1774, C.R.
David, s. Daniel and Susanna, 7th, 5 mo. 1764, C.R.
David, s. David and Rest, 26th, 1 mo. 1793, C.R.
David H., "Father," brother of Russell G., Apr. 29, 1835, G.R.1.
Deborah B., d. Lawton, farmer, and Alameril, Mar. 15, 1844.
Deborah B., d. Lawton C., farmer, and Alameril, Mar. 10, 1845.
Esther, d. Daniel and Susanna, 4th, 7 mo. 1758, C.R.
George F., h. Mary A. S., ----, 1820, G.R.1.
George P. s. Lawton, farmer and Alamercel, Aug. 16, 1846.
Hannah, ch. William Jr. and Anna (Sowle), Oct. 11, 1781.
Horatio, s. Joseph, farmer, and Abby, May 14, 1844.
Horatio M., sailor, ----, 1824 [? in Westport], R.R.
Israel, 10th, 7 mo. 1738, C.R.
James Williams, s. William 2d, Aug. 23, 1809.
Jonathan, s. Daniel and Susanna, 9th, 12 mo. 1760, C.R.
Jonathan, s. David and Rest, 6th, 1 mo. 1791, C.R.
Joseph, ch. William Jr. and Anna (Sowle), July 19, 1783.
Joseph, s. Arnold (s. William and Deborah) and Sarah (d. Robert Esterbrooks and Mary of Fretown), Oct. 19, 1809.
Lydia, d. Daniel and Mehetabeel, 13th, 7 mo. 1770, C.R.
Marcy, ch. William Jr. and Anna (Sowle), Oct. 27, 1788.
Martha Ann, d. Arnold (s. William and Deborah) and Sarah (d. Robert Esterbrooks and Mary of Fretown), Jan. 25, 1804.
Martha Ann, ch. Arnold (s. William and Deborah) and Sarah (d. Robert Esterbrooks and Mary of Fretown), Jan. 9, 1814.
Mary, ch. Arnold (s. William and Deborah) and Sarah (d. Robert Esterbrooks and Mary of Fretown), Dec. 27, 1805.
Mary A. S. [----], w. George F., ----, 1822, G.R.1.
Mary Maria, d. George F., farmer, and Maryann, June 21, 1848.
Mehetabeel [----], w. Daniel, 13th, 9 mo. 1741, C.R.
Melvina J. [----], w. Robert E., Dec. 31, 1832, G.R.1.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Nancy, ch. William Jr. and Anna (Sowle), Apr. 17, 1780.
Nathan, s. William Jr. and Anna (Sowle), July 14, 1793. [h. Anna (Gifford), s. William and Ann (Soule), July 14, 1794, P.R.14.]
Nathan W., h. Almira (Dyer), ----, 1821, G.R.1.
Peace, d. David and Rest, 13th, 9 mo. 1787, C.R.
Robert E., s. Arnold (s. William and Deborah) and Sarah (d. Robert Esterbrooks and Mary of Fretown), May 27, 1802.
Robert E., h. Melvina J., June 13, 1826, G.R.1.
Ruhamah, ch. William Jr. and Anna (Sowle), Dec. 9, 1778.
Russell G., brother of David H., Mar. 8, 1837, G.R.1.
Ruth, d. David and Rest, 15th, 4 mo. 1789, C.R.
Stephen, s. Daniel and Susanna, 29th, 1 mo. 1756, C.R.
Susanna [----], w. Daniel, 1st, 1 mo. 1735, C.R.
Susanna, second w. Daniel Wood, 7th, 3 mo. 1746, C.R.
Susanna, d. Daniel and Mehetabeel, 26th, 3 mo. 1772, C.R.
Sylvester, ch. William Jr. and Anna (Sowle), Dec. 5, 1789.
Weston S., ch. William Jr. and Anna (Sowle), July 28, 1792.
William Jr., h. Anna (Sowle), Oct. 15, 1755. [h. Ann (Soule), s. William and Deborah, grand s. George and Ann, P.R.14.]
WOODLE (see Wodell, Wordell)
Benjamin, ch. Phineas and Rhoda, June 12, 1783.
Bradford, ch. Phineas and Rhoda, Jan. 29, 1801.
Elizabeth, ch. Phineas and Rhoda, Dec. 28, 1784.
John, ch. Phineas and Rhoda, Jan. 23, 1795.
Jonathan, ch. Phineas and Rhoda, Oct. 1, 1790.
Peleg Taber, ch. Phineas and Rhoda, Apr. 2, 1797.
Ruth, ch. Phineas and Rhoda, Feb. 14, 1787. [w. John Crapo, Feb. 14, 1786, G.R.3.]
WORDELL (see Wodell, Woodle)
Deborah [----], w. David, May 23, 1785, G.R.48.
Gershom Abiel, h. Mary Hix, Mar. 21, 1834, G.R.3.
Mary Ann, d. Gershum, farmer, and Sylvia, Oct. 17, 1844.
Mary Hix [----], w. Gershom Abiel, May 16, 1839, G.R.3.
Olive [? m.], ----, 1834, G.R.3.
Ruth B. [----], w. Charles, June 2, 1808, G.R.49.
Susanna [----], w. Richard, ----, 1773, G.R.49.
Joseph M., h. Louise S. (Sisson), ----, 1825, G.R.3. [Joseph N., July 19, P.R.15.]
Sylvanius, carpenter, of Boston, ----, 1818 [? in Boston], R.R.
William H., Corp., blacksmith, of Fall River, s. William and Charlotte, Dec. 13, 1835, in England, R.R.
----, Albert A., h. Lucy A., h. Sarah P., July 22, 1825, G.R.4.
----, Lucy A. [----], w. Albert A., Mar. 11, 1827, G.R.4.
----, Sarah P. [----], w. Albert A., Dec. 27, 1820, G.R.4.