Vital Records Of Westport Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England H1storic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1918.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Edward C., laborer, ----, 1826, R.R.
----, 1842 [? in Westport], R.R.
DOGGETT (see Daggett)
Andrew, weaver, of Fall River, s. John and Alice, ----, 1822 [? in Fall River], R.R.
Thomas, spinner, ----, 1844, R.R.
Abby [----], w. Thomas, ----, 1821, G.R.1.
Lydia, ch. T. and A., ----, 1840, G.R.1.
Nathaniel, ch. T. and A., ----, 1842, G.R.1.
Susan J., w. ---- Sisson, d. T. and A., ----, 1846, G.R.1.
Thomas, h. Abby, ----, 1813, G.R.1.
Mary, d. Philip and Ruth, 21st, 4 mo. 1815, C.R.
Philip, 2d, 5 mo. 1780, C.R.
Ruth [----] [w. Philip], 27th, 3 mo. 1779, C.R.
James D., teamster, ----, 1842 [? in Westport], R.R.
George O., seaman, s. Richard H. and Catharine, May 1, 1841, in Cook Sochie, N.Y., R.R.
DWYER (see Dewire)
Abigail, ch. Zacheus and Ruth (Gifford), July 12, 1777.
Alexander, ch. John Jr. and Hannah, Jan. 22, 1820.
Almira, w. Nathan W. Wood, ----, 1824., G.R.1.
Ann Elizabeth, d. Henry, tailor (b. Tiverton), and Caroline E. (b. Newport, R.I.), Sept. 3, 1849.
Bethany, ch. John (s. Preservid and Susanah) and Christian (d. Israel Brightman and Bethany), Jan. 7, 1798.
Betsy A., d. Warren, farmer, and Bitsy, May 15, 1846.
Cainan Gifford, ch. Zacheus and Ruth (Gifford), Apr. 26, 1786.
Charles Tillinghast, s. Abraham, mason, and Ellen, Sept. 19, 1848.
Elizabeth, ch. Zacheus and Ruth (Gifford), Aug. 22, 1779.
Ezra, ch. Zacheus and Ruth (Gifford), Jan. 22, 1782.
George Frederick, s. George L., cooper, and Lucy, Aug. 20, 1843.
Jesse Wilbour, ch. John Jr. and Hannah, July 23, 1818.
John, h. Christian (d. Israel Brightman and Bethany), s. Preservid and Susanah, Jan. 2, 1765.
John, ch. John (s. Preservid and Susanah) and Christian (d. Israel Brightman and Bethany), Mar. 8, 1794.
Samuel, ch. Zacheus and Ruth (Gifford), June 1, 1792.
Sarah Caroline, d. Henry, tailor, and Caroline, ---- [rec. June ----, 1848].
Stephen K. (see ---- Dyer).
Zacheus, h. Ruth (Gifford), Nov. 27, 1741.
----, s. Canaan, mason, and Cynthia, Mar. 10, 1844. [Stephen K., laborer, s. Cannan G. and Cynthia, Apr. 11, R.R.]
----, s. Abraham, mason, and Ellen, Mar. 19, 1844.
----, s. Canaan G., mason, and Cyntha, Mar. 3, 1847.
EARL (see Earle)
Abel, ch. John (s. William and Mary) and Prissilla (d. David Hilyard of Little Compton), July 16, 1775 ["probably 76 " in later handwriting, see Benjamin].
Abigail, ch. Robert and Mary (Cory), Feb. 6, 1780.
Andrew R., laborer, s. Holder and Bashaba, Mar. 24, 1839, R.R.
Benjamin, ch. John (s. William and Mary) and Prissilla. (d. David Hilyard of Little Compton), Nov. 11, 1775 [sic, see Abel].
Cynthia Lake, ch. Sarah, Jan. 22, 1795.
Fany, ch. Robert and Mary (Cory), Dec. 23, 1791.
Harriot, ch. Benjamin (s. John and Mary), May 15, 1796.
Hilyard, ch. John (s. William and Mary) and Prissilla (d. David Hilyard of Little Compton), Apr. 15, 1778.
Holder Lake, ch. Sarah, Oct. 10, 1801.
John, h. Prissilla (d. David Hilyard of Little Compton), s. William and Mary, Nov. 12, 1745.
Lawton, s. Lawton and Mary, Nov. 15, 1767.
Lydia, ch. John (s. William and Mary) and Prissilla (d. David Hilyard of Little Compton), Oct. 28, 1772.
Lydia, ch. John (s. William and Mary) and Prissilla (d. David Hilyard of Little Compton), Sept. 3, 1780.
Martha, ch. Robert and Mary (Cory), July 18, 1782.
Mary, ch. Robert and Mary (Cory), Aug. 16, 1778.
Nancey, ch. Benjamin (s. John and Mary), Aug. 30, 1794.
Peleg, ch. John (s. William and Mary) and Prissilla (d. David Hilyard of Little Compton), Mar. 18, 1783.
Prudence, w. Joseph Allen (s. Daniel and Betty), d. Caleb and Elizabeth, Jan. 14, 1767.
Robert, h. Mary (Cory), Sept. 4, 1757.
Ruhama, ch. Robert and Mary (Cory), Mar. 20, 1784.
Sarah, ch. Robert and Mary (Cory), Mar. 15, 1786.
Sarah, ch. Robert and Mary (Cory), Feb. 22, 1789.
Thomas, ch. John (s. William and Mary) and Prissilla (d. David Hilyard of Little Compton), July 19, 1786.
William, ch. Robert and Mary (Cory), Mar. 24, 1787.
EARLE (see Earl)
Isaac D., h. Mary E., ----, 1834, G.R.3.
Lydia C. [? m.], 28th, 8 mo. 1815, C.R.
Mary E. [----], w. Isaac D., ----, 1840, G.R.3.
John H. W., Nov. 7, 1835, G.R.1.
John [? Easthew], ----, 1841, on Isle of Jersey, R.R.
Josiah J., mariner, of Fall River, s. John and Hannah, ----, 1838, in Maine, R.R.
Bethany, ch. Ichabod, 29th, 1 mo. 1755, C.R.
Ebenezer, ch. Ichabod, 30th, 8 mo. 1753 "New Stile," C.R.
Ichabod, 1st, 4 mo. 1712, C.R.
Lois, ch. Ichabod, 30th, 12 mo. 1759, C.R.
Nathan, ch. Ichabod, 19th, 8 mo. 1757, C.R.
Rhoba, ch. Ichabod, 29th, 10 mo. 1751 "old Stile," C.R.
Charles A., June 14, 1847, G.R.3.
William H., s. cabinet maker, and Lucy, Nov. 11, 1843.
Joseph A., laborer, of Boston, ----, 1841 [? in Boston], R.R.
Daniel B., Reg. 38, Co. K., watchmaker, or Braintree, ----, 1839 [? in Braintree], R.R.
Sarah, w. Edmund Tripp, d. Thomas and Elisabeth of Tivitown, 31st, 3 mo. 1763, C.R.
Michael [? Evenson or Everson], ----, 1835, in England, R.R.
Walderman, clerk, ----, 1836, in Denmark, R.R.
Thomas Brightman, s. George, shoemaker, and Eliphal, Sept. 6, 1847.
----, d. George, shoemaker, and Eliphal, Oct. 29, 1843.
----, s. George, painter (b. Tiverton) [Tiv written in pencil], and Eliphal (b. Tiverton) [Tiv written in pencil], Apr. 26, 1849.
William N., ----, 1826, in Rockport, R.R.
Levi, s. Thomas, cabinet maker, and Mary, July 22, 1643.
Edward A., laborer, of Fall River, s. Lyman and Sarah, ----, 1839, in Ashland, R.R.
Patrick, ----, 1838, in Boston, R.R.
John L., ----, 1835, in Providence, R.I., R.R.
Samuel, ----, 1842, in Williamsburg, N.Y., R.R.
John Briggs, ch. William and Sarah, June 1, 1814.
Lydia, ch. William and Sarah, Dec. 1, 1812.
Nancy, d. John, May 16, 1785.
Sarah, d. William and Patience, July 5, 1772.
Joseph, carpenter, ----, 1828, R.R.
George, ----, 1832, in Ireland, R.R.
Elisher, May 7, 1780, G.R.42.
Sophia [----], w. Isaac, Mar. 3, 1809, G.R.2.
Peter, cook, ----, 1826, in New Haven, Conn., R.R.
Isabella T., d. Leander, labourer (b. Fall River) [Fall River written in pencil], and Melvina J. (b. Fall River) [Fall River written in pencil] of Fall River, July 5, 1848.
William T., d. [sic] Barnabus, farmer, and Amanda M., Jan. 5, 1849.
----, d. Barnea, farmer, and Amanda, Apr. 26, 1847.
Alfred, ----, 1826, in England, R.R.
Charles G., "Date of his Indentures " June 18, 1807, "bound for Seven years and two months," born in Sweadean.
FULLAR (see Fuller)
Prescott H., ----, 1842, in Boston, R.R.
FULLER (see Fullar)
Alzina, s. Benjamin, meriner, and Lydia, May 9, 1846.
John H., s. Benjamin, mariner, and Lydia, May 27, 1843. [s. Benjamin B. and Lydia C., May 20, R.R.]
Edward, ----, 1848 [? in Westport], R.R.
Joseph, ----, 1836, in Germany, R.R.
Edward, laborer, ----, 1825, R.R.
Hannah M. [----], w. Rev. J. G. Gammons, July 1, 1837, G.R.4.
John G., Rev., Sergt., s. Mathias E. and Hannah, Jan. ----, 1836, in Rochester, R.R. [Jan. 7, G.R.4.]
Lemuel T., Dec. 9, 1828, G.R.2.
Stephen D., Capt., July 10, 1832, in Francestown, N.H., G.R.2.
Emma M. [----], w. Stephen, Oct. 8, 1838, G.R.3.
Stephen, h. Emma M., Dec. 26, 1837, G.R.3.
Frederick W., h. Nancy W., 10th, 8 mo. 1820, G.R.3.
Nancy W. [----], w. Frederick W., 2d, 2 mo. 1816, G.R.3.
Abbie A. [? m.], Jan. 6, 1831, G.R.1.
Abbie L., ch. Nathaniel and Mercy (Macomber), 9th, 3 mo. 1844, C.R.
Abby, ch. John 3d and Eunice, 6th, 6 mo. 1811, C.R.
Abigail, ch. Perry and Abigail, Apr. 25, 1792. [Abby, w. Barney Wing, G.R.4. P.R.5.]
Abigal [dup. Abby, w. Caleb Macomber (s. Nathaniel and Susanna)], d. Noah and Martha, 16th, 11 mo. 1807, C.R.
Abner, ch. Christopher and Deborah (Howland), Oct. 16, 1780.
Abner, h. Elizabeth (d. Jonathan Peckham and Hannah), s. William and Freelove, Jan. 25, 1784, in Dartmouth.
Abram, s. Thomas B., farmer (b. Dartmouth), and Hannah (b. Dartmouth), Apr. 25, 1844. [Abraham, farmer, Apr. 26, R.R.]
Ada Ann (see Adia)
Adam, h. Sarah (Sowle), June 10, 1782. [10th, 5 mo., G.R.6.]
Adia, [triplet] ch. Gideon and Mary A., 22d, 9 mo. 1846, C.R. [Ada Ann, G.R.5.]
Albert Agustus, s. Anthony Almy and Hannah (Swift), July 22, 1825, P.R.20.
Alden, s. John and Isabel, May 2, 1792.
Alice P. [----], w. Humphrey A., July 14, 1832, G.R.2.
Almenzo, moulder, s. Stephen B. and Lucy, Oct. 10, 1837, in Grafton, N.H., R.R.
Ann, ch. Russell and Betsy, May 5, 1799. [Anna, w. Nathan Wood, d. Russell and Betsey, grand d. William and Patience, P.R.14.]
Ann C., d. George B., meriner, and Almira, Oct. 28, 1846. [Ann E., d. George Borden and Almira (Davis), P.R.21.]
Anney, ch. John (s. Benjamin), Apr. 3, 1780.
Anthony, h. Deborah C. (d. Peleg Chase and Deborah), s. Stephen and Rhoda, 30th, 7 mo. 1794, C.R.
Anthony Almy, ch. George (s. Christopher) and Eunice, May 14, 1799. [h. Hannah (Swift), P.R.20.]
Audrey, ch. Christopher and Deborah (Howland), Aug. 8, 1757.
Barbara [? m.], 12th, 11 mo. 1782, C.R. G.R.6.
Barney, h. Rebecca C., Feb. 18, 1826, G.R.1.
Benjamin, ch. John (s. Benjamin), Dec. 3, 1795.
Benjamin Russell, s. Stephen and Lydia, May 25, 1807.
Benjemin, s. William and Hannah, 22d, 2 mo. 1789, C.R.
Caroline Elet, d. Peleg H., wheelwright, and Sarah B., Dec. 30, 1845.
Caroline M. S., ch. George and Ruth, Aug. 3, 1820.
Catharine, ch. George (s. Christopher) and Eunice, May 24, 1792.
Charles, ch. George (s. Benjamin) and Susanah, Sept. 4, 1799.
Charles H., s. George and Nancy, July 3, 1837, G.R.4.
Charles M. (see ---- Gifford).
Christopher, h. Deborah (Howland), ----.
Christopher Russell, ch. Jonathan and Hope, Sept. 26, 1817.
Clarkson, ch. Nathaniel and Mercy (Macomber), 7th, 7 mo. 1835, C.R.
Clother, s. Noah and Martha, 25th, 1 mo. 1800, C.R.
Cook, ch. Richard (s. William and w.) and Rebecca (d. Pardon Cook and Rebecca of Tiverton), Mar. 23, 1795.
Cynthia B., d. Edwin B., wheel wright, and Adaline, Aug. 24, 1845.
Daniel, s. Elijah and Deborah, June 17, 1775.
David H., s. George Borden and Almira (Davis), Nov. 10, 1844, P.R.21.
David Hilyard, s. Russell and Betsy, Dec. 15, 1796.
David S., ch. Adam and Sarah (Sowle), Mar. 3, 1806.
David W., s. Richard S. and Abby S. (Wing), Nov. 8, 1842, P.R.17.
Deborah, ch. Ephraim and Susanah, Nov. 10, 1794.
Eady, ch. Caleb (s. William) and Eunice, Jan. 30, 1786.
Edith [dup. w. Jonathan Sisson], ch. Elijah and Deborah, May 27, 1766.
Eleanor Swift, d. Anthony Almy and Hannah (Swift), Jan. 22, 1829, P.R.20.
Elihu, s. Stephen and Rhoda, 9th, 6 mo. 1783, C.R.
Elihu, ch. James and Rhoda, Oct. 7, 1809.
Elijah, s. Elijah and Deborah, Apr. 23, 1771.
Eliza, d. Philip (s. Abraham and Roba) and Ruth (d. Stephen Taber of Tiverton), Feb. 1,, 1802.
Eliza Jane, d. Anthony Almy and Hannah (Swift), Dec. 24, 1832, P.R.20.
Elizabeth, d. Isaac and Mary, 16th, 2 mo. 1751, C.R.
Elizabeth, ch. George (s. Benjamin) and Elizabeth (d. Gershom Woodle of Tiverton), May 27, 1792.
Elizabeth, ch. Richard (s. William and w.) and Rebecca (d. Pardon Cook and Rebecca of Tiverton), Mar. 8, 1799.
Elizabeth [dup. Elisabeth, w. Peleg Wilbour], d. Noah and Martha, 20th, 4 mo. 1802, C.R.
Elizabeth A., ch. Gideon and Mary A., 12th, 2 mo. 1844, C.R.
Ellen, d. Seabury, mariner, and Deborah, June 27, 1843.
Ellery, ch. Caleb (s. William) and Eunice, Apr. 26, 1784.
Emeline, d. Thomas B., farmer (b. Dartmouth), and Hannah (b. Dartmouth), Aug. 18, 1846.
Ephraim, s. Elijah and Deborah, Oct. 7, 1772.
Ephraim, s. William and Hannah, 6th, 2 mo. 1785, C.R.
Ester, ch. Elijah and Deborah, Feb. 20, 1768.
Ester, ch. Richard (s. William and w.) and Rebecca (d. Pardon Cook and Rebecca of Tiverton), May 3, 1789.
Ester Margaret, d. Noah and Sarah, 31st, 7 mo. 1829, C.R.
Esther [----], w. Ephraim of Little Comton, 18th, 11 mo. 1733, C.R.
Esther, d. Ephraim and Esther, 12th, 11 mo. 1769, C.R.
Esther, ch. Wilbur and Elizabeth, Jan. 28, 1795.
Eunice [----], w. John 3d, 8th, 7 mo. 1782, C.R.
Ezra, s. Clother and Prissilla, 27th, 6 mo. 1826, C.R.
Ezra Thomas, ch. Peleg and Phebe, Sept. 21, 1812.
Frances, [triplet] ch. Gideon and Mary A., 22d, 9 mo. 1846, C.R.
Freelove, ch. Adam and Sarah (Sowle), Feb. 10, 1808.
George, ch. Christopher and Deborah (Howland), July 21, 1759.
George A., ch. George (s. Christopher) and Eunice, Apr. 14, 1801.
George A. (see ---- Gifford)
George Borden, h. Almira (Davis), Oct. 7, 1823, P.R.21.
George D., s. George H., wheelwright, and Rebeckah D., Dec. 16, 1837.
George Elihu [Elihu written above Henry crossed out], s. Henry, mariner, and Keziah, Jan. 6, 1848.
George H., h. Rebeckah D., Feb. 9, 1808, G.R.2.
George Hussey, ch. Nathaniel and Mercy (Macomber), 20th, 12 mo. 1831, C.R.
George P., s. Stephen B. and Permelia, Apr. 14, 1837, G.R.2.
Gideon, ch. Caleb (s. William) and Eunice, Mar. 27, 1782.
Gideon, h. Mary A., s. Noah and Martha, 12th, 3 mo. 1813, C.R.
Hallet, ch. Nathaniel and w., May 15, 1786.
Hannah [----], w. William, 5th, 5 mo. 1765, C.R.
Hannah, ch. Christopher and Deborah (Howland), Nov. 11, 1766.
Hannah P., ch. Adam and Sarah (Sowle), Feb. 10, 1804.
Hannah W. [----], w. William, July 31, 1818, G.R.5.
Henry, ch. Wilbur and Elizabeth, Nov. 5, 1797.
Henry T., s. George H., wheelwright, and Rebeckah D., Nov. 7, 1827.
Holder, s. Thomas B., laborer (b. Dartmouth), and Hannah (b. Dartmouth), Nov. 15, 1848.
Hope G. [? m.], Aug. 8, 1829, G.R.3.
Hulda, ch. Caleb (s. William) and Eunice, Oct. 17, 1788.
Humphrey A., h. Alice P., Sept. 14, 1828, G.R.2.
Humphry A., ch. George (s. Christopher) and Eunice, Dec. 11, 1794.
Isaac, s. Jeremiah and Mary, 27th, 5 mo. 1717, C.R.
Isaac, ch. John (s. Benjamin), Jan. 15, 1787.
Isaac Jr., Mar. 19, 1835, G.R.2.
Isabella L., d. William, farmer, and Hannah, Jan. 7, 1849.
James A., w. Mary E., d. Gideon and Mary A., 28th, 1 mo. 1842, C.R.
James B., sailor, s. George and Nancy, Mar. 7, 1841, R.R.
Jane, [triplet] ch. Gideon and Mary A., 22d, 9 mo. 1846, C.R.
Jane Almy, d. Anthony Almy and Hannah (Swift), July 11, 1839, P.R.20.
John, s. Jeremiah and Mary, 7th, 3 mo. 1708, C.R.
John 3d, h. Eunice, 22d, 3 mo. 1782, C.R.
John, ch. Ephraim and Susanah, Aug. 4, 1796.
John Thurston, s. Stephen and Margaret, Jan. 6, 1798.
John W., 16th, 10 mo. 1788, C.R. G.R.6.
Jonathan, s. Ephraim and Esther, 5th, 8 mo. 1757, C.R.
Jonathan, ch. Christopher and Deborah (Howland), Oct. 19, 1761.
Jonathan, ch. Nathaniel and w., Aug. 27, 1784.
Jonathan Peckham, ch. Abner (s. William and Freelove) and Elizabeth (d. Jonathan Peckham and Hannah), Jan. 31, 1807.
Joseph Almy, ch. George (s. Christopher) and Eunice, June 25, 1803.
Judeth, d. Noah and Martha, 16th, 4 mo. 1815, C.R.
Judith, d. Joseph and Judith, 25th, 9 mo. 1770, C.R.
Julia A., d. Russell and Delila, ----, 1825, G.R.4.
Julia S., d. George H., wheelwright, and Rebeckah D., Sept. 20, 1829.
Lafaette Leroy, s. Albert A., mariner, and Lucy, Apr. 9, 1849. [Lafayette Leroy, grand s. Henry Sowle and Miriam Potter (Sowle), P.R.23.]
Laura Jane, d. Giles R., mariner, and Sarah C., Dec. 28, 1845.
Levy, ch. John (s. Benjamin), June 15, 1785.
Lucretia, ch. John (s. Benjamin), May 10, 1793.
Lucretia, ch. Peleg and Phebe, Jan. 18, 1814.
Luthan, ch. Christopher and Deborah (Howland), Mar. 6, 1771.
Luther, ch. John (s. Benjamin), Aug. 17, 1778.
Lydia, d. Ephraim and Esther, 27th, 5 mo. 1765, C.R.
Lydia, d. Elijah and Deborah, Sept. 29, 1769.
Lydia, ch. John (s. Benjamin), Oct. 24, 1781.
Lydia, d. Noah and Marther, 6th, 3 mo. 1810, C.R.
Lydia, ch. Gideon and Mary A. 5th, 6 mo. 1840, C.R.
Lydia S., ch. Adam and Sarah (Sowle), June 28, 1802.
Maria, ch. John (s. Benjamin), Sept. 2, 1788.
Maria H., d. Edwin, wheelright, and Adeline, Nov. 17, 1843.
Martha [----], w. Noah, 11th, 10 mo. 1771, C.R.
Martha, ch. Richard (s. William and w.) and Rebecca (d. Pardon Cook and Rebecca of Tiverton), July 25, 1791.
Mary [----], w. Isaac, 19th, 6 mo. 1728, C.R.
Mary, d. Isaac and Mary, 12th, 2 mo. 1760, C.R.
Mary, ch. Caleb (s. William) and Eunice, Feb. 28, 1780.
Mary, ch. Wilbur and Elizabeth, Apr. 8, 1790.
Mary, ch. John (s. Benjamin), July 2, 1790.
Mary, ch. Nathaniel and w., Dec. 9, 1793.
Mary, w. Abraham Macomber (s. Isaac), d. John 3d and Eunice, 16th, 12 mo. 1812, C.R.
Mary A. [----], w. Gideon, 2d, 12 mo. 1812, C.R.
Mary B. Stanton [----], w. William W. Gifford, ----, 1832, G.R.1.
Mary E. [----], w. James A., 27th, 12 mo. 1841, C.R.
Mary Ellet, ch. Peleg and Phebe, Dec. 24, 1810.
Mary M., ch. Nathaniel and Mercy (Macomber), 5th, 4 mo. 1840, C.R.
Mary S. [? m.], ----, 1837, G.R.2.
Matilda [----], w. Thomas, May 22, 1814, G.R.2.
Minerva, d. Abraham R., painter (b. New Bedford) [N. Bedford written in pencil], and Merabah, July 25, 1848.
Nancy [----], w. Christopher R., Dec. 12, 1830, G.R.1.
Nancy [Hitt crossed out written after Gifford], d. Alfred, labourer, and Hannah, Dec. 22, 1844.
Nancy H., d. George H., wheelwright, and Rebeckah D., Nov. 5, 1835.
Nathaniel, h. Mercy (Macomber), s. Noah and Martha, 26th, 4 mo. 1798, C.R.
Noah, s. Canan and Abigail (first w.), 8th, 2 mo. 1758, C.R.
Noah Jr., h. Sarah [(Tripp)], s. Noah and Martha, 8th, 9 mo. 1804, C.R.
Noah, ch. Nathaniel and Mercy (Macomber), 9th, 2 mo. 1837, C.R.
Noah, ch. Gideon and Mary A., 25th, 10 mo. 1848, C.R.
Pamela, (see Permelia)
Pamela J. (see Permelia J. Sisson).
Pardon A., ch. George (s. Christopher) and Eunice, June 17, 1790.
Peace, ch. Christopher and Deborah (Howland), Feb. 4, 1769.
Peleg, ch. John (s. Benjamin), Sept. 17, 1753.
Peleg C., ch. Anthony (s. Stephen and Rhoda) and Deborah (d. Peleg Chase and Deborah), 26th, 1 mo. 1828, C.R.
Peleg Hill, ch. Peleg and Phebe, Jan. 16, 1816. [h. Sarah B. (Tripp), G.R.2.]
Permelia [? m.], Oct. 14, 1794, G.R.2.
Perry, ch. Christopher and Deborah (Howland), Nov. 11, 1763.
Phebe, d. William and Hannah, 1st, 2 mo. 1787, C.R.
Phebe, d. Anne (ch. John, s. Benjamin), Aug. 21, 1797.
Phebe Ann, ch. Peleg and Phebe, Jan. 14, 1818. [w. Alden T. Sisson, G.R.1.]
Philip, h. Ruth (d. Stephen Taber of Tiverton), s. Abraham and Roba, Sept. 18, 1779.
Prude Brownell, ch. Peleg and Phebe, Apr. 26, 1809. [Prudence B., w. Daniel E. Hix, G.R.2.]
Rachel, d. Elijah and Deborah, Apr. 24, 1763.
Rebecca C. [----], w. Barney, Dec. 9, 1835, G.R.1.
Rebeckah D. [----], w. George H., Sept. 18, 1806, G.R.2.
Rhoda A., ch. Anthony (s. Stephen and Rhoda) and Deborah (d. Peleg Chase and Deborah), 5th, 3 mo. 1825, C.R.
Richard, h. Rebecca (d. Pardon Cook and Rebecca of Tiverton), s. William and w., Nov. 28, 1760.
Richard S., h. Abby S. (Wing), ----, 1817, G.R.1. [Sept. 13, P.R.17.]
Russell, s. Perry and Ruth (second w.), Oct. [blot]7 [? 17], 1796.
Ruth, w. Zacheus Dyer, June 29, 1756.
Ruth, ch. Nathaniel and w., June 7, 1789.
Ruth Ellen, d. Weston, farmer, and Rachel, May 27 [dup. June 1], 1844.
Ruth Ellen, d. Weston, farmer, and Rachel, Sept. 30, 1847.
Ruth J., d. Abraham R., painter (b. New Bedford), and Meribah, Nov. 7, 1849.
Ruth Milk, ch. Peleg and Phebe, July 15, 1820.
Sally, ch. George (s. Christopher) and Eunice, Aug. 8, 1788.
Samuel Swift, s. Anthony Almy and Hannah (Swift), May 16, 1827, P.R.20.
Sarah [----], w. William H., Jan. 8, 1826, G.R.1.
Sarah, ch. Gideon and Mary A., 2d, 8 mo. 1838, C.R.
Sarah C. [----], W. Henry H., Jan. 16, 1832, G.R.2.
Sophia, w. David Wing, Mar. 4, 1798, P.R.17.
Stephen, ch. Anthony (s. Stephen and Rhoda) and Deborah (d. Peleg Chase and Deborah), 23d, 7 mo. 1826, C.R.
Stephen B., June 20, 1795, G.R.2.
Stephen Borden, ch. George and Susan, Feb. 8, 1811.
Susanna Martha, ch. Nathaniel and Mercy (Macomber), 3d, 3 mo. 1830, C.R.
Thankful S., ch. Adam and Sarah (Sowle), Aug. 10, 1811.
Thomas, ch. Wilbur and Elizabeth, Feb. 24, 1792.
Thomas, h. Matilda, July 26, 1808, G.R.2.
Thomas Brownell, h. Hannah (Butts), 3d, 8 mo. 1817, G.R.1.
Tillinghast A., ch. George (s. Christopher) and Eunice, Sept. 20, 1785.
Warren, ch. John (s. Benjamin), July 29, 1775.
Warren, ch. Christopher and Deborah (Howland), Nov. 30, 1776.
Wesson, ch. John (s. Benjamin), Oct. 12, 1776.
Wesson, ch. John (s. Benjamin), May 21, 1796.
Wilbur, ch. Elijah and Deborah, Sept. 9, 1764.
William, h. Anna (d. Nathaniel Tripp and Alice (Mott)), s. William and Patience, May 21, 1754. [William Jr., C.R.]
William, s. Ephraim and Esther, 24th, 2 mo. 1762, C.R.
William, ch. Perry and Abigail, June 17, 1789.
William, ch. George (s. Benjamin) and Susanah, Feb. 8, 1794.
William H., h. Sarah, Feb. 8, 1825, G.R.1.
William W., h. Mary B. Stanton, ----, 1831, G.R.1.
Zillah, d. Joseph and Judith, 15th, 5 mo. 1768, C.R.
----, ch. John (s. Benjamin), Jan. 19, 1792.
----, s. Alexander, farmer, and Hannah, June 28, 1843. [George A., Reg. 22, Co. C., farmer, s. Alexander B. and Hannah, Dec. 29, R.R. George A., ----, 1842, G.R.3.]
----, d. Canaan, farmer, and Maria, Oct. 29, 1843.
----, s. Philander, mariner, and Content, Nov. 5, 1843.
----, s. George, laborer, and Nancy, Nov. 11, 1843.
----, d. Nathaniel, farmer, and Rachel, Apr. 28, 1844.
----, s. Elijah, farmer, and Abby, June 10, 1844.
----, d. Stephen B., labourer, and Lucy S., Jan. 6, 1845.
----, d. Canaan, farmer, and Maria, Mar. 20, 1845.
----, d. William, farmer, and Hannah, Apr. 24, 1845.
----, d. Alexander B., labourer, and Hannah, July 13, 1845.
----, s. Elijah Jr., farmer, and Abby, Feb. 11, 1846.
----, d. Joshua W., farmer, and Catharine, Mar. 11, 1846.
----, s. Alexander B., labourer, and Hannah, July 4, 1847.
----, d. Joshua, farmer, and Catharine, Nov. 2, 1847.
----, d. Elihu, labourer and Clarasa, Nov. 9, 1847.
----, s. William, farmer, and Hannah, Dec. 17, 1847.
----, d. Peleg H., wheelwright, and Sarah, Mar. 18, 1848.
----, d. George, labourer, and Nancy, Apr. 20, 1848.
----, s. George B., mariner, and Almyra, Apr. 29, 1848. Charles M., s. George Borden and Almira (Davis), P.R.21.]
----, d. Samuel, farmer, and Adaline (b. Dartmouth) [Dartmouth written in pencil], Nov. 17, 1848.
----, d. Alexander B., farmer, and Hannah, Jan. 30, 1849.
----, d. Elijah, farmer, and Abby D., Oct. 30, 1849.
----, s. Christopher C., carpenter, and Hannah (b. Tiverton), Dec. 23, 1849.
Lewis, ----, 1842, G.R.2.
Joseph P., s. Edward G., mechanic (b. Providence), and Hannah W., Sept. 17, 1849.
Almira B. [----], w. James, June 27, 1803, G.R.2.
James, h. Almira B., Feb. 28, 1815, G.R.2.
Charles H., clerk, of Somerville, ----, 1844 [? in Somerville], R.R.
Frederick, ----, 1816 [? in Westport], R.R.
----, s. Rev. Elihu and Amanda, Jan. 5, 1847.
GRAY (see Grey)
James, ----, 1837, in Ireland, R.R.
Denis, weaver, of Fall River, ----, 1844 [? in Fall River], R.R.
Dennis, ----, 1837, in Ireland, R.R.
John C., seaman, ----, 1826, R.R.
Joseph, spiner, of Fall River, ----, 1832 [? in Fall River], R.R.
Sydney N., seaman, s. Darias and Mary J., Feb. 18, 1836, in New Bedford, R.R.
Cornelia Ann, d. Asa, meriner, and Lydia, Jan. 24, 1845.
Mary F., d. Asa, mariner, and Lydia, Feb. 4, 1848.
Phebe J., d. Asa, mariner, and Lydia, Oct. ----, 1843.
Caroline M. [----], w. George, ----, 1830, G.R.15.
George, h. Caroline M., ----, 1824, G.R.15.
Nancy A. Simmons [----], w. William, Apr. 13, 1828, G.R.3.
William, h. Nancy A. Simmons, Nov. 29, 1837, G.R.3.
----, d. Gardner, farmer, and Hannah, June 28, 1843.
Betsy Almy, d. William, meriner, and Emaline, Dec. 23, 1845.
Almy M. (see ---- Handy).
Caroline J. [----], w. William W., Mar. 25, 1824, G.R.1.
Eli, s. William W., farmer, and Caroline, June 6, 1847.
Frances H., d. William W., farmer, and Caroline, Oct. 25, 1842.
Hannah, ch. Dr. Ely and Mary, July 31, 1797.
James Hervy, ch. Dr. Ely and Mary, Nov. 13, 1792.
Mira Ellet, ch. Dr. Ely and Mary, Mar. 10, 1802.
Polly, ch. Dr. Ely and Mary, Oct. 1, 1790.
Seraphine F., d. Hiram S. and Mercy C., Jan. 29, 1849, G.R.3.
William White, ch. James H. and Hope, Feb. 20, 1819. [h. Caroline J., Feb. 22, G.R.1.]
----, d. William W., farmer, and Caroline, Nov. 14, 1844. [Almy M., "sister," G.R.1.]
Daniel, spinner, of Fall River, s. Jeremiah and Mary, ----, 1843, in Ireland, R.R.
John, spinner, of Fall River, s. James and Margaret, ----, 1846, in Ireland, R.R.
Timothy, carder, of Fall River, ----, 1839 [? in Fall River], R.R.
Edward, seaman, ----, 1832, in Liverpool, Eng., R.R.
William, seaman, ----, 1836, in London, Eng., R.R.
Alvan A., Reg. 38, Co. K., printer, of Boston, ----, 1842 [? in Boston], R.R.
HARRINGTON (see Harington)
HARRISON (see Hanson)
Abigail, ch. Eber and Alice (Devol), Apr. 6, 1780.
Amy [----], w. Thomas, ----, 1800, G.R.1.
Eber, h. Alice (Devol), Nov. 16, 1756.
Eber Jr., ch. Eber and Alice (Devol), Nov. 29, 1788.
Elizabeth, ch. Eber and Alice (Devol), May 13, 1785.
Holder, ch. Eber and Alice (Devol), Mar. 15, 1787.
Horatio N., h. Sarah R., Jan. 21, 1839, G.R.1.
Joseph, s. Job and Catharine, Apr. 26, 1784.
Philip W., seaman, of Dartmouth, ----, 1829, in Tiverton, R.I., R.R.
Sarah R. [----], w. Horatio N., May 11, 1848, G.R.1.
Thomas, h. Amy, ----, 1802, G.R.1.
James, laborer, ----, 1843, in Dublin, Ire., R.R.
Leonidas N., June 12, 1818, G.R.3.
Clara H. [? m.], Apr. 6, 1821,, G.R.49.
Henry A., s. Charles H., farmer, and Emaline, Nov. 8, 1846.
Sarah Almy, d. William B., mariner, and Almy, Apr. 27, 1844.
Rebeccah, w. Anthony Tripp, Feb. ----, 1742.
George, s. Charles B., shoemaker, and Nancy, Dec. ----, 1843.
Susan A., d. Charles B., shoe maker, and Nancy W., Mar. 16, 1849.
Mary A. [----], Iram, Sept. 5, 1814, G.R.2.
HAZARD (see Hazzard)
Ann E., d. Edward B., meriner, and Eliza, May 10, 1846.
Hannah Maria, d. Edward B., labourer, and Elizabeth, Oct. 26, 1844.
HAZZARD (see Hazard)
John H., ----, 1834 [? in Westport], R.R.
John S., Sept. 18, 1812, G.R.4.
Theodore B., ----, 1837, G.R.1.
Benjamin T., h. Sarah T., ----, 1819, G.R.1.
Sarah T. [----], w. Benjamin T., ----, 1824, G.R.1.
Elizabeth, ch. Joseph and Jane, Dec. 4, 1799.
Lemuel M., m., Reg. 7, Co. B., mechanic, s. Lemuel and Louisa, June 27, 1841, in New York City, R.R.
Mortemer, m., Reg. 33, Co. G., rule maker, s. Lemuel and Roxelana, Aug. 31, 1813 [sic, ? 1843], in Winsor, Vt., R.R.
Susan A., d. Mortimer, rule maker (b. England) [Engd written in pencil], and Lois (b. England) [Engd written in pencil], Mar. 4, 1849.
John, spinner, of Fall River, s. William and Ann, 1820 [? in Fall River], R.R.
HICKS (see Hix)
Abner, ch. Thomas and Elizabeth, Jan. 3, 1793.
Andrew, June 17, 1799, G.R.35.
Benjamin, s. William and Susanah, Sept. 5, 1773.
Benajmin, s. Benjamin and Unice, Apr. 18, 1778.
Benjamin, [twin] ch. Capt. Benjamin and Patty, July 11, 1808.
Ellen T., d. Isaac and Huldah T., ----, 1838, G.R.1.
Joseph, ch. Thomas and Elizabeth, Feb. 15, 1790.
Lydia S., w. Henry H. Bliss, Jan. 27, 1840, G.R.2.
Maria Rodman, d. William, farmer, and Eliza, Sept. 1, 1844.
Oliver, s. Benjamin and Unice, Mar. 11, 1776.
Oliver, ch. Capt. Benjamin and Patty, July 26, 1806.
William, [twin] ch. Capt. Benjamin and Patty, July 11, 1808.
----, s. Alexander, carpenter, and Elizabeth, June 28, 1844.
----, d. William B., meriner, and Eliza, Feb. 28, 1846.
Benjamin F., ----, 1840, G.R.2.
Prissilla, w. John Earl (s. William and Mary), d. David of Little Compton, Sept. 26, 1749.
Humphrey, ch. Thomas and Nancy, Nov. 30, 1816.
Lydia Ann, d. Humphrey, labourer, and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1845.
Nancy Gifford (see Nancy Gifford).
----, d. Humphrey, mariner, and Hannah, Mar. 17, 1847.
HIX (see Hicks)
Daniel E., h. Prudence B. (Gifford), Nov. 26, 1807, G.R.2.
Jacob, h. Ruth, Feb. 5, 1809, G.R.49.
John W., s. Jacob and Ruth, Sept. 18, 1849, G.R.49.
Lucy A., w. Capt. Reuben W. Crapo, Feb. 28, 1833, G.R.2.
Ruth [----], w. Jacob, Oct. 10, 1815, G.R.49.
Ruth Ellen, w. Capt. Andrew J. Mosher, Feb. 13, 1842, G.R.2.
Sarah C. [? m.], ----, 1844, G.R.3.
John J., farmer, s. William and Unice, July 3, 1840, in New Bedford, R.R.
Michiel, carder, of Fall River, ----, 1841 [? in Fall River], R.R.
Susan Maria, d. William, meriner, and Ann, Jan. 1, 1846.
Daniel, h. Mary B., ----, 1831, G.R.2.
Lydia [Howard], w. ---- Allen, June 27, 1793, G.R.14. [Howard, w. Jacob Allen, P.R.13.]
Mary B. [----], w. Daniel, ----, 1835, G.R.2.
Roby [Howard], w. Jacob Allen, Apr. 7, 1783, G.R.4. [Rhoby Howard, P.R.13.]
William, clerk, ----, 1843, R.R.
Abby W., w. Godfrey Cornell, d. Joshua and Eunice (Wood), Mar. 7, 1810, in Dartmouth, P.R.14.
Abner, ch. Prince and Phebe (Tripp), Mar. 20, 1775.
Adeliza J., ----, 1845, G.R.3.
Albert F., clerk, s. Stephen R. and Lucy P., June ----, 1842, in Little Compton, R.I., R.R.
Alice S. [? m.] ----, 1847, G.R.3.
Amy W. [----], w. Stephen, June 9, 1802. [Amy White Howland, G.R.2.]
Amy White, ch. Stephen, May 28, 1836.
Beriah Goddard, ch. Beriah and Lucy, Sept. 9, 1793.
Burden Hazard, ch. John Wing (s. Thomas) and Meriam, Nov. 20, 1798.
Caleb, s. Resolved and Patience, 24th, 11 mo. 1804, C.R.
Caroline W., d. Stephen K., farmer, and Sarah, Dec. 24, 1843.
Catharine, ch. John Wing (s. Thomas) and Meriam, Aug. 8, 1800.
Charles Carrol, ch. Stephen, Oct. 26, 1832.
Charles Franklin, s. Charles, mariner (b. W. Islands) [W. Islands written in pencil], and Abby, Aug. 10, 1848.
Charles Wilbour, s. William and Innocent, 10th, 10 mo. 1812, C.R.
Daniel, ch. Prince and Phebe (Tripp), Apr. 23, 1774.
David Sowle, ch. John Wing and Sarah, Aug. 20, 1819.
David W., twin s. Stephen R., farmer, and Sarah, July 4, 1846.
Deborah, w. Christopher Gifford, ----.
Easton, ch. John Wing (s. Thomas) and Meriam, Dec. 11, 1785.
Ebenezer, ch. Beriah and Lucy, Aug. 8, 1795.
Edward, s. Resolved and Patience, 1st, 3 mo. 1802, C.R.
Elihu, ch. Prince and Phebe (Tripp), Dec. 22, 1782.
Elizabeth, d. Resolved and Patience, 1st, 5 mo. 1811, C.R.
Elizabeth, ch. John Wing and Sarah, June 11, 1833.
Elizabeth Gifford [----], w. Isaac, June 14, 1828, G.R.2.
Elizabeth P., w. Alexander Hicks, ----, 1825, G.R.4.
Fanney, ch. Zoeth (s. Prince) and Lavisa, Nov. 16, 1802.
George H., twin s. Stephen R., farmer, and Sarah, July 4, 1846.
George Hussey, s. Resolved and Patience, 5th, 6 mo. 1806, C.R.
George W., ch. Stephen [Stephen and Meribah C., G.R.2.], Apr. 6, 1825.
George White, ch. John Wing and Sarah, Feb. 9, 1817.
Hannah, d. Resolved and Patiance, 1st, 2 mo. 1809, C.R.
Hannah W., ch. Stephen [Stephen and Amy W., G.R.2.], July 14, 1820.
Holder, ch. William and Deborah, Dec. 27, 1812.
Isaac [dup. h. Lydia (Cornell)], s. Philip, June 30, 1763.
Isaac, ch. Stephen [Stephen and Meribah C., G.R.2.], Oct. 9, 1827.
Jethro, ch. Prince and Phebe (Tripp), Oct. 15, 1769.
Joann Sowle, ch. John Wing and Sarah, Aug. 16, 1822.
John, ch. Prince and Phebe (Tripp), Mar. 15, 1784.
John Borden, s. William and Inocent, 19th, 1 mo. 1804, C.R.
John Wing, ch. John Wing (s. Thomas) and Meriam, Aug. 12, 1789.
John Wing, ch. John Wing and Sarah, Jan. 22, 1829.
Joseph, ch. John Wing (s. Thomas) and Meriam, May 25, 1802.
Lavisa [----], w. Zoeth (s. Prince), May 9, 1782.
Lydia, ch. Prince and Phebe (Tripp), Dec. 27, 1770.
Lydia [----], w. Philip 2d, Dec. 15, 1784. [[afterwards] w. Thomas Winslow, d. Peleg Cornell, P.R.19.]
Lydia A. [----], w. G. W., ----, 1825, G.R.3.
Mary, ch. Prince and Phebe (Tripp), Jan. 8, 1773.
Mary, ch. John Wing (s. Thomas) and Meriam, Mar. 9, 1794.
Mary, ch. William and Deborah, Feb. 25, 1810.
Mary, ch. John Wing and Sarah, June 17, 1814.
Merabah Ann, ch. Stephen, Feb. 16, 1841. [Meribah A., ch. Stephen and Meribah C., G.R.2.]
Nancy, ch. Prince and Phebe (Tripp), July 12, 1778. [w. David Sisson, July 13, 1771, P.R.15.]
Nancy, ch. John Wing (s. Thomas) and Meriam, Apr. 12, 1804.
Nethaniel Hathaway, s. Resolved and Patience, 1st, 12 mo. 1797, C.R.
Nicholas, ch. John Wing (s. Thomas) and Meriam, June 2, 1784.
Osheann W., d. David S., carpenter, and Eliza, Feb. 12, 1846.
Pardon, ch. John Wing (s. Thomas) and Meriam, Mar. 19, 1792.
Patience [----], w. Resolved, 17th, 10 mo. 1778, C.R.
Patience, ch. Zoeth (s. Prince) and Lavisa, Apr. 4, 1806.
Peleg Cornell, ch. Stephen, Apr. 29, 1830.
Penelope, ch. Prince and Phebe (Tripp), Mar. 26, 1786. [w. David Sisson, P.R.15.]
Philip, Mar. 21, 1731.
Philip [dup. 2d], ch. Isaac and Lydia (Cornell), Oct. 31, 1785.
Philip Henry, ch. Stephen, Jan. 18, 1839.
Prince, s. Resolved and Patience, 19th, 6 mo. 1799, C.R.
Prince, h. Phebe (Tripp), Dec. 12, 1745.
Resolved, s. John and w. of New Bedford, 11th, 9 mo. 1769, C.R.
Robert Sowle, ch. John Wing and Sarah, May 6, 1831.
Ruth, ch. Zoeth (s. Prince) and Lavisa, Feb. 4, 1804.
Samuel D., s. William P., cooper, and Ann M., July 5, 1846.
Sarah [----], w. William, 26th, 3 mo. 1746, C.R.
Sarah, ch. Prince and Phebe (Tripp), Dec. 7, 1780.
Sarah, ch. Beriah and Lucy, Sept. 13, 1797.
Sarah, ch. Zoeth (s. Prince) and Lavisa, Mar. 21, 1810.
Sarah W. [----], w. Stephen K., Jan. 13, 1814, G.R.18.
Stephen, ch. Isaac and Lydia (Cornell), Sept. 23, 1794. [h. Amy White, h. Meribah (Cornell), h. Mary (Cornell), G.R.2.]
Stephen K., h. Sarah W., Mar. 22, 1809, G.R.18.
Stephen Russel, s. William and Inocent, 7th, 5 mo. 1816, C.R.
Thankful [----], w. Philip, Apr. 15, 1730.
Thomas, ch. John Wing (s. Thomas) and Meriam, Nov. 9, 1796.
William, s. Henry Jr. and w., Dec. 21, 1787.
Wing, ch. John Wing (s. Thomas) and Meriam, Aug. 29, 1787.
Zoeth [dup. h. Lavisa], ch. Prince and Phebe (Tripp), Jan. 3, 1777.
----, d. David S., carpenter, and Eliza Ann (b. Dartmouth), Dec. 23, 1849.
Job, ch. Bristol and Susana, June 19, 1799.
Peter, ch. Bristol and Susana, Jan. 14 [? 14 or 24, 1 written over 2 or 2 written over 1], 1792.
Richard, clerk, ----, 1839, R.R.
Sarah [? m.], ----, 1846, G.R.1.