Epitaphs From The Old Burying Ground
In Watertown, [Middlesex Co., MA]
Collected by William Thaddeus Harris, L. L. B.
With Notes by Edward Doubleday Harris
Boston, 1869
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin ]

[Transcriber's note: This file contains only the notes by Edward Harris which match with the EPITAPHS in the other file.] -
- John ABBOT, son of George & Sarah of Andover, b. 26 Aug 1662, millwright, removed with wife Jemima from Sudbury. She, after his death, mar. John BEEKS. The issue of John & Jemima ABBOT were, 1. Jemima, m. Nat'l. NORCROSS (the epitaph of a son, Josiah, to be read in this burying ground). 2. John, removed to Connt. 3. Sarah, mar. Nathaniel WILLIAMS of Cambridge. 4. Mary, mar. WHEELER. 5. Hannah, mar. John CADY of Tolland, Ct.]
- Thomas BAILEY was settled as colleague to his brother John, as minister of Watertown. He came to w. 2 Nov 1687, and a son Thomas was bapt. 19 Aug 1688. His widow Rebecca married William Brown Jr. of Salem.
- John BAILEY, assistant minister at Old South Boston, was settled as fourth minister of Wat., 6 Oct 1686, but returned to Boston in 1692, where he died 12 Dec 1697. These two inscriptions are engraved on horizontal slabs resting on brick foundations, at this time much out of repair.
- James BARNARD, b. Jan 14, 1666-7, son of John & Sarah, and grandson of the settler John, mar. 16 Dec 1692 Judith JENNISON. She mar. a second husband John BEMIS. Issue of James & Judith were James, Samuel, Isaac & Hannah.
Samuel BARNARD, son of the foregoing, b. 19 Jul 1699, mar. 25 Nov 1731, Susanna HARRINGTON. Their son Samuel was Major in the Revolutionary Army, and one of the Boston "Tea Boys".
- Hannah BARRON, second wife of Ellis or Elliz, the settler, and widow of Timothy HAWKINS.
Timothy BARRON, son of Ellis Jr. & Hannah, and grand-son of the above, b. 18 Apr 1673, mar. Rachel JENNISON, 10 Mar 1697-8 (who afterwards mar. John KING).
- Nathaniel BARSHAM, b. 1644, son of William & Annabella, mar. 13 Mar 1678-9, Elizabeth, dau. of William & Sarah BOND. They died without issue. Of the other children of William BARSHAM, John, graduated at Harvard, 1658, and settled near Exeter, N. H.; Hannah mar. SPRING; William, of whom Bond has no record; Joshua, probably died unmar.; Susanna, mar. CAPON; Sarah, mar. BROWN; Mary, mar. BRIGHT; Rebecca, mar. WINSHIP; and Elizabeth m. Adam EVE, her stone now standing in this ground.
- Michael BARSTOW, b. 1651, son of John & Hannah, was admitted freeman, 18 Apr 1690, mar. 12 Jan 1676-7, Rebecca TRAINE. Their only child Hannah, b. 20 Jan 1679, mar. John CHADWICK.
- Capt. Richard BEERS, an original proprietor, had wife Elizabeth and nine children. Jabez, the second son, a tailor, b. 4 Oct 1651, mar. Elizabeth, dau. of Jasper RUSH of Dorchester. The town records contain neither record of his death or births of any children.
- Amos BOND b. 24 Aug 1714, son of Thomas, and great grandson of the emigrant William, a weaver, mar. 4 Oct 1744 Hannah BRIGHT (who married a second husband, Timothy WHEELER of Concord). His issue were Amos, d. young; Nathaniel, H. C. 1766, d. unmar.; Amos, of Wat., Thomas who removed to Augusta, Me.
- Mary BOND, wife of William, b. 10 Oct 1688, dau. of Benoni LEARNED, mar. 11 Dec 1712, William, son of Thomas & Sarah BOND. After her death, he mar. 20 Aug 1718, Elizabeth BENJAMIN and removed to Weston, where he died 21 Jun 1745.
- Thomas BOND, son of Thomas & Sarah, b. 29 Apr 1683, mar. 25 Aug 1706, Lydia SPRING. His widow maar. John WARREN of Weston.
Elijah BOND, b. 19 Aug 1728, son of Jonas & Hannah, mar. 7 Dec 1767, Susanna BARNARD, who d. 16 Jan 1806, without issue. He was Selectman 1774, '5, '6, '7.
- Elizabeth BOND, widow of John NEVINSON, mar. William BOND, the emigrant, about May 1695 (his second wife). She bore him no children, but by her first husband had six.
- Jonas BOND, b. 13 Jul 1664, son of the first William by wife Sarah, mar. 29 Jan 1688-9, Grace, dau. of John COOLIDGE, b. 25 Feb 1663-4, d. 11 Apr 1699. He mar. 2d, Elizabeth, dau. of Edward JACKSON, and had four children, all by his first wife. He was of the militia force in Canada under Sir William PHIPPS in 1690.
- Francis BOWMAN, eldest son of the settler Nathaniel, mar. 26 Sep 1661, Martha SHERMAN, and had many descendants.
- Anne BOWMAN, widow of Capt. Nathaniel (third son of Francis above), b. Sep 1670, dau. of John BRANARD. He was b. 9 Feb 1668-9, d. 30 Jun 1848, issue 8 children.
- Benjamin BRIGHT, son of Cornet Henry, b. 25 Sep 1721, d. unmmarried.
Henry BRIGHT, Cornet, b. 16 Aug 1684, eldest son of Nathaniel & Mary, and Grandson of Deacon Henry, the settler, mar. Margaret, dau. of Abraham JACKSON, b. 1685. She bore him eight children, 1. Jemima mar. Jonathan TROWBRIDGE; 2. Elizabeth, probably died young; 3. Henry, d. young; 4. Kesia, mar. Isaac SANDERSON; 5. Henry, by wife Sarah had only child Henry. H. C., 1670 [sic]; 6. Benjamin, d. unmar.; 7. Silas, d. unmar.; 8. Mellicent, d. unmar.
John BRIGHT, b. 5 Apr 1689, son of Nathaniel, and brother of Cornet Henry, m. 17 Dec 1726, Rebecca, dau. of Thomas TRAINE, who d. 20 Jun 1736, without issue. He was constable and selectman
Mary BRIGHT, b. 11 Dec 1660, dau. of Simon & Hannah COOLIDGE, mar. 26 Jul 1681, Nathaniel BRIGHT. He was b. 5 May 1647, son of the settler Henry, and d. 11 May 1726. Their children were nine in number.
Nathaniel BRIGHT, b. 22 Jun 1718, eldest son of Nathaniel & Ann, mar. Sybil STONE, (who next mar. Samuel WHITE), and had two sons and two daughters.
Nathaniel BRIGHT, b. 28 Dec 1686, father of the preceeding, mar. Ann BOWMAN and had Ann, Nathaniel, Hannah, Sarah & Mary.
Hannah BRIGHT, b. 26 Apr 1720, dau. of the preceeding Nathaniel & Ann.
- Abigail BROWN, dau. of Nathaniel & Mary BRIGHT, mar. 20 Jul 1732, John BROWN, b. 19 Apr 1705, son of Abraham, he d. at Weston in 1784.
Ruth BROWN, then the widow of John COOLIDGE, mar. Allin BROWN of Boston, 16 Mar 1731-2. Her maiden name was HOLLAND
- Charles CHADWICK, freeman, 1631, Selectman, and Representative in 1657 and '9. His wife Elizabeth d. 22 Feb 1684
John CHADWICK, inn-holder, had wife Sarah and nine children; is supposed to have been the nephew of the above Charles
- Ebenezer CHENERY Jr., son of Ebenezer & Sally (HASTINGS). Lambert CHENERY or CHINERY, the settler, died at Dedham, 30 Jan 1673-4. His wife Tomasin died at W. 5 Jan 1669-70. His son John mar. 12 Mar 1655-6, Sarah, widow of Thomas BOYLSTON; he died 5 Sep 1675, from wounds received the day previous in a battle with the Indians in Northfield; his widow d. 14 Sep 1706; their only child:
John CHENERY, was born 7 Dec 1657, admitted freeman 1690; married 4 Jun 1684, Elizabeth STRATTON and had eight children.
John CHENERY, Jr., sixth child of John & Elizabeth, was b. 21 Jul 1695; probably d. unmar.
John CHENERY, son of Ebenezer & Ruth, was b. 11 Nov 1730. His father was son of John & Elizabeth above, b. 10 Nov 1697, mar. Hannah CUTLER, and then a second wife, Ruth. He had a son John, b. 4 Oct 1739, whose son Ebenezer,b. 23 Jan 1765, mar. Sally HASTINGS and was the father of four children buried here, Ebenezer, Jr., Sarah, John & Mary.
One Jonathan CHILD, son of Joseph & Mary of Watertown, was b. 3 Jul 1714, made his will 4 May, and it was proved 14 Jun 1774. There seems to have been no settled minister in Needham or surrounding towns by this name, nor does it occur in the list of New England graduates. If the Jonathan of Wat. was the same as the one whose epitaph is here written, we are intirely at a loss to account for the implication that he was minister of Needham. He may have been a lay preacher, and thus earned "these stones for his labours of Love."
- Hugh CLARK, the settler, freeman 1660, member of the Artillery Co., removed to Roxbury where he died. He left issue, Richard, Uriah, and Elizabeth
Benjamin CLARK, eighth child of Uriah, and grandson of Hugh, b. 6 Nov 1696, mar. 8 May 1721, Lydia HOLDEN.
Uriah CLARK, son of Uriah & Ruth, grandson of Richard, and great grandson of Uriah was b. 10 Aug 1746.
Richard CLARK, son of Uriah, b. about 1690, mar. 1st Mary RANDALL, who died 10 Aug 1728; 2nd. Sarah BARNARD, who d. 8 Feb 1734, and 3rd, 6 Oct 1741, Ann, widow of Natl. BRIGHT. Of his ten children, three only have epitaphs here, Richard, Richard again, and Benoni, the last bapt. 24 Feb 1734, and called by Dr. Bond, Benjamis.
Richard CLARK, ninth child of Richard above, bapt. 16 Jul 1732, mar. 2 Jul 1761, Elizabeth WELLINGTON, who d. 8 May 1777. He mar. 25 Nov 1777, Mary TUFTS.
Uriah, son of the settler Hugh, b. 5 Jun 1644, mar. 1674, Joanna HOLBROOK, a second wife, Mary, and even a third, Martha, and had twelve children.
Thomas, son of the above Uriah & Joanna, b. 29 Nov 1679, d. unmarried.
John COOLIDGE, Senior, a descendant of Thomas (COLYNGE) or Arrington, Eng., in 1495, and the son of William COOLIDGE of Cottenham, was bapt. 16 Sep 1604, and was among the earliest settlers of Watertown. His wife Mary d. 22 Aug 1691. Dr. Bond enumerates eight children, John, Elizabeth, Mary, Stephen (died childless), Symon, Obadiah (died unmar.), Nathaniel & Jonathan.
Hannah COOLIDGE, dau. of Ellis and Grace BARRON, mar. Symon COOLIDGE, son of the settler. He was born about 1632, mar. after her death Rriscilla ROGERS. He died in 1693.
Richard COOLIDGE, son of Ensign John, and grandson of the settler, b. 13 Apr 1666, mar. 21 Jun 1693, Mary, dau. of William BOND. He mar. in 1701, a second wife Susanna, who d. 20 Oct 1736. He had nine children, the fifth, Samuel graduated at Harvard College in 1724 and died unmarried, Jan 1767.
Nathaniel COOLIDGE, b. 13 Apr 1734, son of John, and grandson of Lieut. Richard, mar. 8 May 1760, Elizabeth LEARNED, b. 1741. He mar. 2d, 10 Jun 1777, Kezia PRENTICE.
Ebenezer & Elizabeth COOLIDGE, children of Jonas & Elizabeth, and grandchildren of Lieut. Richard. Their father, Jonas, was b. Oct 1704, and mar. Elizabeth THORNTON, 22 Feb 1743. Ebenezer was b. 2 Nov 1745, and Elizabeth, b. 21 May 1747.
Thomas COOLIDGE, b. 24 Apr 1670, son of Nathaniel & Mary, and grandson of the settler, mar. 16 Nov 1699, Sarah, dau. of Samuel EDDY. She died Nov 1711, and he mar. 15 jan 1712-13, Mary SMITH. He had children Sarah, Tabitha & David.
David COOLIDGE, b. 25 Jan 1705, son of Thomas above, mar. Mary MIXER, b. 25 Oct 1714, dau. of Deacon Joseph & Anne MIXER. He was an inn-holder of Watertown and had six children, the eldest of whom, David, is here buried.
David COOLDIGE, b. 3 Sep 1738, son of David above, mar. 1765, Dorothy, b. 4 Jun 1744, dau. of Josiah STEARNS. He died of the small pox 16 jul 1788. Of his eleven children, only one is buried here.
Peter COOLIDGE, b. 1 Mar 1770, third child of David & Dorothy above.
Benoni COOLIDGE, son of Capt. Joseph, b. 1723, died unmarried, 3 May 1754
Peter COOLIDGE, eleventh child of David & Dorothy [STEARNS], b. 2 Jul 1787, m. 28 Jun 1813, Sarah T. MUNOE, and 2d., 1 Jul 1824, Mary P. FISKE of Framingham.
Lucy COOLIDGE, b. 3 Aug 1779, dau. of Thomas, and grand dau. of David.
John COOLIDGE, b. about 1674, son of Nathaniel & Mary [BRIGH], and grandson of the settler John, mar. 16 Jan 1699-1700, Margaret, dau. of William BOND. They had ten children, but the epitaphs of none are found in this ground.
Capt. Joseph COOLIDGE, brother of the last John, mar. 9 May 1717, Elizabeth, b. 20 Mar 1784-5, dau. of John & Hannah BOND. He mar. 2d., 10 Nov 1737, Esther MASON, who afterwards mar. Edward JOHNSON of Woburn. By his first wife he had six children, of whom Samuel & Benoni were here buried.
Samuel COOLIDGE, b. 18 Feb 1721-2, son of Capt. Joseph & Elizabeth, mar. 1 Jun 1749, Ruth, b. 5 Jul 1726, dau. of Richard CLARKE. Of their three childre, Joseph, her buried, was b. 12 Mar 1759, Samuel, b. 8 Aug 1754, Harvard Coll. 1769, and Moses, b. 11 Jul 1753, probably buried in his tomb, erected in 1802 upon the high ground in this cemetery.
Richard CUTTER, the progenitor of the race, was of Cambridge in 1641. The gravestone of his first wife, Elizabeth, is still to be seen there. His fifth child, Ephraim, removed to Watertown, mar. 11 Feb 1678-9, Bethia WOOD, who died 18 Sep 1731; their issue were Ephraim, Jonathan, b. 5 May 1685; Bethiah, Mary, Hannah, Abigail, & John.
Richard DANA, the Cambridge settler, left a numberous family. A genealogy of his descendants has been prepared by the Rev. John Jay. DANA. The seventh child, Benjamin, mar. Mary BUCKMINSTER and is buried at Cambridge. The eldest child of Benj. & Mary, named Benjamin, was b. 28 Apr 1689, a ship master, mar. Anna FRANCIS and died 5 Jun1751. The eldest child of Benj. Jr. & Anna, was John, b. 10 Jul 1725, mar. Abigail SMITH and d. 26 Dec 1793. The eighth child of John & Abigail was Aaron, b. 17 Jun 1762, mar. Abigail NORCROSS, bapt. 28 Jun 1772, dau. of Josiah & Elizabeth, and had children, Aaron, b. 24 Apr 1795, buried in Watertown with his parents; Stephen; Edward; John B.; & George.
Adam EVE was of Boston. His wife, Elizabeth, was dau. of William & Annabella BARSHAM.
Elizabeth FANNING, wife of Thomas, was dau. of ____ DANIEL. She was mar. 17 May 1655. Thomas FANNING died in August 1685. Their issue were Elizabeth, b. 15 Apr 1656, d. 25 Apr 168_; Mary, b. Nov 1657, d. Feb 1657-8; Mary, b. 27 Oct 1662, mar. 10 Jun 1680, Benoni LEARNED of Sherburne; Sarah, b. 18 Jul 1665, d. 24 Aug 1691. The name seems to have died out in the first generation, and Bond records no others than those given here.
Benjamin FELTON was Constable in 1762. His widow, Joanna (?), probably mar. Samuel LIVERMORE. No others of the name are on the Records
Nathan FISK, b. 3 Jan 1672-3, son of Lieut. Nathan, and grandson of Nathan the settler, was Representative several years, mar. 14 Oct 1696, Sarah COOLIDGE, who d. 27 Nov 1723, and 2d, 22 May 1729, her cousin, Hannah (COOLIDGE), widow of Daniel SMITH. By his first wife he had eight children.
Elizabeth FOX was the widow of Charles CHADWICK. She mar. FOX, 24 Apr 1683, and at her death was buried by the side of her former husband. Thomas FOX died at Cambridge, 25 Apr 1693, aged 86, and was there buried.
Capt. Benjamin GARFIELD, b. 1643, son of Edward Jr., & grandson of Edward, mar. about 1673, Mehitabel, dau. of Timothy HAWKINS. She died in child-birth and he took a second wife, Elizabeth DRIDGE, and d. 28 Nov 1717. [The grave stone of Mehetabel GEARFIELD is one of the few in our old grounds which bear the unmistakable impress of native talent. It corresponds closely in style with those of Samuel & Thomas BRIDGE of Cambrige bearing date of 1673, and with the one of Sarah HAMAN in this ground, of 1674 - all doubtless cut by one hand.]
Henry GIBBS, b. 8 Oct 1668, son of Robert of Boston, graduated at Harvard College in 1685. He was ordained over the Church in Watertown in 1697. His wife Merch, dau. of William Greenough, bore him seven children, viz.: Elizabeth, b. 12 Jan 1695-6, and is here buried; Mercy, mar. Rev. Benjamin PRESCOTT of Danvers; Margaret, mar. Nathaniel APPLETON, D. D. of Cambridge where her epitaph may be read; Henry, b. 16 Mar 1701-2, buried here; William, b. 11 Jul 1704, buried here; Mehitabel, mar. Benj. MARSTON of Salem; and Henry, b. 13 May 1709, Harv. Coll. 1726, and Librarian there 1730-34, died at Boston in 1759. It is said that the slab bearing the above epitaph was erected by Dr. APPLETON, his son-in-law.
Widow Mary LIVERMORE was mar. to John GOODANOW, 17 Aug 1724.
Joseph GRANT, b. 27 Sep 1646, son of Christopher & Mary, mar. 24 De 1684, Mary GRAFTON, who bore him a large family of children.
Benjamin GRANT, son of the above, birth not recorded in the town books.
Joshua GRANT, b. 13 Dec 1694, son of the above Joseph & Mary, mar 3 Aug 1716 Anna NEVINSON, wd 24 Jun 1717, and 2d. Abigail COOLIDGE. Bond records six children; of these, Joshua was b. 27 Feb 1726-7 and Lydia b. Dec 1728
Christopher GRANT, fifth child of Christopher & Sarah, was b. 16 Feb 1774
Col. Christopher GRANT, b. 4 Feb 1743-4, son of Christopher & grandson of Joseph & Mary, mar. 4 Aug 1763, Sarah WATSON, and had six children. Christopher, the fifth, d. 12 Mar 1850 and is buried here.
John GREEN, an inhabitant of Watertown from 1702 to 1714, mar. 27 Jan 1701-2, Bethia, dau. of Richard SAWTEL (three of whose sons, were with himself, among the original proprietors of Groton). We find no record of her husband's death, or indeed of his presence in Watertown after her death.
Lieut. John HAMMOND, son of William & ELizabeth, and grandson of Thomas & Rose (TRIPPE) of Cavenham, Co. Suffolk, Eng., was twice married. The maiden names of his wives have not come down to us; they are both buried near him in this ground. Nine children were born to him, viz:-- John, d. young; Elizabeth, mar. John MASON; John, living in 1709, but we know no more of him; Abigail, mar. HASTINGS; Hannah, mar. POULTER; Sarah, here buried; Nathaniel, here buried; Samuel, d. young; Hepzabah, mar. SHATTUCK.
Robert HARRINGTON, married 1 Oct 1648, Susanna, dau. of John GEORGE. Their issue were thirteen in number: Susanna, who was thrice mar.; John, of Lexington, who was the father of twelve children; Robert, d. young; George, killed by the Indians Feb 1676; Daniel, who left six children; Joseph; Benjamin; Mary, wo bore fourteen children; Thomas; Samuel; Edward, who left nine children; Sarah; and David, d. young.
Samuel HARRINGTON, son of Robert & Anna (HARRINGTON) and grandson of Daniel above, by his wife Sarah, was b. 28 Jul 1712.
[For note of Nathaniel LIVERMORE, see LIVERMORE]
Nathaniel HARRIS, b. 2 may 1692, son of Daniel of Brookline, mar. 30 Jan 1717-18, Hannah FULHAM and had ten children. Priscilla was b. 29 Aug 1725.
John HASTINGS, bap. 26 Jun 1698, son of Nathaniel, and grandson of the settler Thomas. Asher was b. 9 Nov 1728 and Sarah 4 Feb 1730-1
Joseph HASTINGS, parentage not ascertained.
Mrs. Mary HASTINGS, wife of Nathaniel and mother of the preceeding John, was dau. of John NEVINSON.
Benjamin HASTINGS, bap. 19 Jul 1702, son of the following Samuel, mar. 14 Apr 1726, Mary TAINTER, and had thirteen children. This elder Mary was b. 6 Feb 1726-7, and the younger, 8 Mar 1738-9.
Samuel HASTINGS, b. 12 Mar 1665-6, son of the settler Thomas, mar. Lydia CHURCH, 2d. Elizabeth NEVINSON, and 3d, 10 Jul 1701, Sarah, dau. of Simon COOLIDGE, who was the mother of the preceeding Benjamin.
Timothy HAWKINS, b. 30 Dec 1639, only son of Timothy the settler, was four times married, but Bond records only two children. His widow, Ruhamah, mar. Daniel SMITH
Esther HOAR, wife of John, and dau. of Samuel PIERCE, was b. 22 Jun 1714, mar. 13 Jun 1734. Her husband was b. 6 Jan 1707, son of Lieut. Daniel, grand-son of Daniel, great gr. son of John HOAR< lawyer of Concord. He mar. 2d. 21 Aug 1740, Elizabeth cOOLIDGE, and d. at Lincoln, May 16, 1786. By wife Esther he had two daughters and by his second wife four sons and five daughters.
Samuel HOLDIN, Jr., b. 29 Sep 1701, son of Samuel Sr. & Susanna (SHATTUCK), probably died unmarried.
Isaac HOLDIN, son of Justinian, and grand-son of Richard of Groton, was b. 28 May 1677, and died at Cambridge, 8 May 1772. He was the brother of Samuel, Sr., above, and father of Joanna & Tabitha whose epitaphs are here given.
- The births of three children of Miles & Martha IVES are recorded, Sarah, Mary and Hannah
Samuel JENNISON, b. 12 Oct 1673, son of Ensign Samuel, and grandson of Robert the settler, mar. 2 Nov 1699, Mary STEARNS. Of eleven children, ten reached maturity and were maried, the tenth, Sarah, b. in Aug., d. Nov 1720.
Rev. William JENNISON, fourth child of the above Samuel & Mary, b. 9 Feb 1706-7; Harvard College 1724; mar. Abigail, dau. of James LINDALL. He was the grandfather of the late Dr. Timothy Lindall JENNISON of Cambridge.
Lewis JONES & wife Anna were in Watertown in 1684, and from them most of the name in the town descended. He died 1682-4, and this Pious Matron Ann, may have been his wife.
John KEMBALL, b 3 Aug 1678, son of John & Hanah, and gr. son of Henry. He mar. 17 Jun 1717, Mary CLARKE, and 2d, 2 Mar 1731-2, Mary BULLARD
Joseph KILLEY, mar 14 Dec 1745, Mary CHENEY. He is styled "of the Castle".
Elizabeth KNAP, was b. 11 Oct 1691, dau. of Deacon William BOND. She mar. 2 Apr 2, 1714, James KNAP, who was b. 4 Feb 1690-1, son of John of NEWTON, grandson of John, and great grandson of William, the settler.
Mrs. Elizabeth LEARNED, was b. 18 Apr 1714, dau. of Josiah GODDARD. She was mar. 13 Feb 1730-1 to Joshua LEARNED, b. 22 Nov 1712, son of Thomas & Mary, and gr. son of Benoni of Sherburne. He d. 25 Dec 1745.
Mrs. Hannah LEARNED, b. 23 Mar 1733, dau. of Benjamin HASTINGS. She mar. 21 Aug 1755, Amariah LEARNED, b. 19 Aug 1726, brother of the above Joshua.
Mrs. Jerusha LEARNERD, b. 14 Jul 1723, dau. of Jonas BOND, mar. 21 Nov 1745, Bezaleel LEARNED, brother of Joshua & Amariah, b. 5 mar 1720-1. After her death he mar. 26 Dec 1779, Susanna BOWMAN.
John LIVERMORE, the settler, left a widow, Grace, who died in 1691.
Samuel LIVERMORE, admitted freeman 1671, son of the settler John, mar. 4 Jun 1668, Anna BRIDGE, by whom he had twelve children. She mar. Oliver WELLINGTON and d. 28 Aug 1727.
Lieut. Samuel LIVERMORE, b. 27 Apr 1673, son of Samuel above, was thrice married. The maiden names of his first and second wives, Hannah and Elizabeth, are not known. He had eight children, of whom three are here buried, Samuel, b. Dec 1697, Samuel, b. 30 Oct 1700, and Nathaniel.
Daniel LIVERMORE, d. 3 Feb 1774-5, son of Samuel & Anna (BRIDGE), and brother of the last Samuel, mar. 28 may 1697, Mary COOLIDGE, who died in 1702, and then a secon wife Mary, who married 17 Aug 1724, John GOODANOW of Sudbury. His son Daniel, was b. 18 Mar 1704-5, and dau. Prudence, the ninth and youngest child, 30 Jun 1718.
Oliver LIVERMORE, b. 11 Mar 1697-8, eldest child of Daniel & Mary, mar. Feb. 5 1724-5, Ruth, dau. of Samuel STEARNS, and 2d, 4 Aug 1726, Ruth, widow of Natl. BOWMAN. After his death, she mar. a third husband, ___ SODEN.
Daniel LIVERMORE, eldest son of the above Oliver & Ruth, b. 28 Jan 1725-6.
Nathaniel LIVERMORE, youngest son of the above Oliver & Ruth, b. Jan 1746.
Jonathan LIVERMORE, b. 19 Apr 1678, son of Samuel & Anna, mar. 23 Nov 1699, Rebecca BARNES
John LIVERMORE, b. 27 Feb 1680-1, son of Samuel & Anna
Lucy LIVERMORE, b. 31 Dec 1767, dau. of Amos, and gr. dau. of Oliver & Ruth.
John MADDOCKS, b. 22 Jan 1692-3, son of John & Ruth. After the death of his wife Mary, he mar. a second Mary, who d. a widow, 29 Nov 1769.
Capt. Hugh MASON, the founder of his name in Watertown, was among the earliest settlers. He was for many years Representative and Selectman. His wife Esther, the mother of his seven children, he brought with him from England. She died 1 May 1692.
Joseph MASON, b. 2 Oct 1688, son of Joseph, and grandson of Hugh, mar. 14 Sep 1710 Mary MOND, who bore him twelve children.
Nehemiah MASON, b. 14 Jun 1721, son of the preceding Joseph, mar. 28 Mar 1754, Elizabeth STONE. He had a second wife, Martha, who d. 23 Jul 1761, and a third, Rebecca.
Henry MILLS, carter, of Boston, removed to Watertown before 1713. No children are recorded. His widow gave her property to the church (at Waltham) for the benefit of the poor.
Josiah NORCROSS, bap. Jun 1734, son of Nathaniel, gr.-son of Nathaiel, great gr.-son of Richard, the first school-master of Wat., mar. 6 Jan 1757 Elizabeth CHILD, and had nine children.
Jerusha & Bezaleel NORCROSS were the children of Seth and Jerusha. Seth, b. 21 May 1744, son of Philip, and cousin of Josiah, mar. 24 Jun 1766, Jerusha LEARNED.
John ORMES Sr., mar. 24 Mar 1704-5, Elizabeth PHILLIPS, moved to Spencer.
- Stephen PARKER came to Wat. from Charlestown; probably son of Joseph of Newbury.
- Samuel PEARCE, b. 22 Aug 1689, son of Benjamin, gr.-son of Anthony, and great gr.-son of John, weaver, an early settler, mar. Rebecca CONVERSE. He d. 7 Nov 1737, and she d. 4 Mar 1737-8. Their son Samuel, one of eight children, was b. 12 Feb 1730-1.
- Samuel PERRY mar. 1707 Margaret TRAINE. Their son Samuel was b. 14 Feb 1714-5.
Elizabeth PERRY, was the second wife of Josiah. He was b. 28 Nov 1684, son of John, and d. at Worchester, 16 Sep 1767. By his first wife Bethia, he had nine children.
- It seems probable that John POULTER, husband of this Abigail, was the same who afterwards married Hannah, dau. of Thomas HAMMOND, and settled at Cambridge Farms (Lexington), where he died 22 Jul 1744, aged 77 years, his grave-stone with that of wife Hannah, still to be seen there.
- Susanah RANDAL, b. Dec 1713, dau. of Samuel. He was b. 20 Mar 1668-9, son of Serj. John RANDAL, mar. 27 Jan 1708-9, Elizabeht GLEASON of Cambridge. His son John also had a son John, who was one of the Revolutionary "Tea Boys".
- Abigail RAYNSFORD, b. 28 Feb 1700-1, youngest child of John CHINERY, mar. 24 Jun 1725, David RAYNSFORD of Canterbury, Connt.
John SAWIN, son of Robert of Roxford, Suffolk Co., early settled at Watertown. His son Munning, town clerk and treasurer, had eleven children; John, the third, was b. 13 Aug 1689, mar. Elizabeth COOLIDGE and had a large family.
Daniel SAWIN, b. 26 Oct 1727, seventh child of John & Elizabeth above, by wife Susanna, had twelve children.
Daniel SAWIN, son of Daniel & Susanna, was b. 1 May 1757. His wife Lucy, buried by his side, died 24 Jun 1844.
Samuel SAWIN, son of Daniel & Susannah, b. 8 May 1762, mar. Mary MASON.
William SHATTUCK, Senior, was of Watertown in 1642. By wife Susanna he had ten children. The eldest son, John, mar. Ruth WHITNEY. John Jr., son of John & Ruth, was of Groton, where he was slain by Indians with his eldest son, 8 Mar 1809; his second son, Jonathan, was the great grand-father of Lemuel of Boston, who erects this stone.
William SHATTUCK, son of the emigrant William, b. 1653, mar. Susanna RANDALL
William SHATTUCK, Jr., son of the last William, mar. Hepzibah HAMMOND
- Bond records no others of the name. [This epitaph was on a flat slate stone, now broken in pieces.]
- Rev. John SHERMAN was b. in Dedham, Eng., 26 Dec 1613, graduated at Trinity College, and came to New England about 1635. He was ordained the third minister of Watertown about 1648; was twice married and left many descendants. His widow, Mary, d. 9 Mar 1709-10.
- Daniel SMITH is supposed to have been the eldest son of Daniel, Jr. If so, he was b. 15 Mar 1668-9, and mar. Hannah COOLIDGE, 3 Nov 1693.
- There are no early records of the Watertown Arsenal, by which names or dates of deaths can be learned.
- Ezekiel STEARNS, son of Lieut. Samuel, was b. 29 Dec 1732. His father was b. 30 Nov 1703 (son of Lieut. Samuel & Mary, grand-son of Samuel & Hannah, great grand-son of the settler Isaac), mar. 13 Feb 1731-2, Sarah BOWMAN, and d. 16 Aug 1746.
Josiah STEARNS, son of John & Abigail, was b. 14 Oct 1704. He was thrice married and Bond records eleven children.
- Bond has no mention of this Capt. Samuel.
- Deacon Simon STONE, the emigrant, came to Watertown in 1636. He died 22 Sep 1665.
Simon STONE, eldest son of the Deacon, was b. in Eng., in 1631, mar. Mary WHIPPLE, dau. of John of Ipswich, and was repeatedly selectman, town cleark and representative. He had twelve children, many of whose descendants are here buried. His sixth child, Nathaniel, graduated at Harvard College and was preacher at Harwich.
Jonahtn STONE's lineage is not ascertained.
Ensign Ebenezer STONE, b. 21 Dec 1686, son of Ebenezer (b. 27 Feb 1662-3, son of Simon & Mary), mar. 28 Jan 1712-13, Sarah BOND, b. 25 Aug 1688, dau. of John. They had nine children.
Ebenezer STONE, b. 29 Oct 1715, second son of Ensign Ebenezer, mar. 14 Mar 1756, Abigail STOWELL, she was b. 19 Sep 1717, dau. of Samuel. Their only child Cornelius, was b. 2 Nov 1756.
Nivinson STONE, b. 17 May 1737, son of James and gr. son of Ensign Ebenezer.
David STONE, eighth child of Simon & Mary, b. 19 Oct 1672, mar. 12 Dec 1710, Mary RICE. She was b. 15 Aug 1674, dau. of Joseph. They had three daughters.
Ensign Jonathan STONE, eleventh child of Simon & Mary, b. 26 Dec 1677, was thrice married. His first wife (whom he mar. 15 Nov 1669), Ruth EDDY, b. 3 Nov 1681, bore him one son, Jonathan. His second wife, Mary, d. 24 Jun 1720 without issue, and he mar. 15 Nov 1720, Hepzibah COOLIDGE, b. 27 Feb 1681, who bore him three children. His eldest son, Jonathan was b. 1702, mar. 25 Feb 1724-5, Hannah JENNISON, who, after his death, mar. John GODDARD of Brookline. His second child, Hepzibah, was b. 9 Aug 1722, and d. 14 Apr 1723.
Sophia Marsh STONE, grand-dau. of Jonathan, gr. grand-dau. of Moses, the youngest child of Ensign Jonathan & Hepzibah.
Deacon John STONE, b. 15 Aug 1635, was the youngest son of the settler Simon. He married Sarah BASS, and had ten children.
David STONE, b. 11 Nov 1747, son of Nathaniel (b. 7 May 1714) and Ruth, and grandson of Ensign Ebenezer, mar. Abigail CHILD, and had an only son, Stephen, of Waltham.
Josiah STONE, b. 22 Nov 1785, mar. Mary KING of Newton. He was the eldest son of Abijah, & grandson of Nathan & Ruth.
Joshiah STONE, b. 3 Sep 1749, son of Nathaniel & Ruth
Daniel STONE, b. 21 Dec 1750, son of Nathaniel & Ruth
James STONE, b. 13 Jun 1758, son of Nathaniel & Ruth, died unmarried.
John STRATTON, b. 24 Aug 1661, son of John & Elizabeth, by wife Abigail had five children.
John STRATTON, b. 4 May 1689, son of the last John, had wife Mercy who bore him six children. Their dau. Marcy (Mercy) was b. 22 Sep 1724, and Mercy, again, the youngest was b. 23 Mar 1734-5
Joshua STRATTON, b. 14 Nov 1722, eldest child of John & Mercy, mar. 6 Apr 1749, Mercy, dau. of Capt. Joseph COOLIDGE. She died twelve days after.
- Joseph TAINTER, the emigrant, mar. Mary, dau. of Nicholas GAY, who bore nine children and survived him.
Rebecca TAYNTER, b. 26 May 1701, dau. of Simon (b. 20 Nov 1657, son of the emigrant).
- Ebenezer THORNTON, bap. in Boston, 12 Jan 1690, youngest child of Timothy of Boston, and grand-son of Rev. Thomas of Yarmouth & Boston. He mar. 15 May 1721, Elizabeth GILBERT, and died in Wat. 12 Jun 1750.
- Thomas TRAINE, youngest son of John TRAINE the emigrant, mar. 25 Jan 1692-3 Rebecca STEARNS. They left no male issue. Deborah, their daughter was b. 16 Dec 1698.
- Cornelius WALDO was of Boston in 1735, "formerly of Watertown." He was a trader in Watertown from 1750 to 1771.
- John WILLINGTON, b. 25 Jul 1638, eldest son of Roger & Mary (the eldest daughter of Dr. Richard PALGRAVE), mar. Susanna STRAIGHT.
Oliver WILLINGTON, b. 23 Nov 1648, son of Roger & Mary, mar. widow Anna LIVERMORE. They had no issue.
Doctor Palsgrave WELLINGTON, youngest son of Roger & Mary, mar. 29 Jan 1689-90, Sarah BOND, wd without issue
Thomas WILLINGTON, b. 10 Nov 1686, son of Joseph, grand-son of Roger, d. in 1759.
- Thomas WHITEMORE, b. in Charlestown 1 Sep 1664, second son of John & Mary, mar. Mary, widow of Samuel PEASE of Boston, and had issue, a son Thomas, and daughter Martha. He probably settled in Watertown about 1712, when he purchased an estate there of John BISCOE.