Epitaphs From The Old Burying Ground
In Watertown, [Middlesex Co., MA]
Collected by William Thaddeus Harris, L. L. B.
With Notes by Edward Doubleday Harris
Boston, 1869
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin ]

[Transcriber's note: This file contains only the epitaphs from the gravestones. I am placing the NOTES by Edward Harris in another file.] -
Here Lyes ye Body of Mr. John ABOTT; Aged about 58 Years; Who Dec'd March ye 24th 1717-8
Here lies ye precious dust of THOMAS BAILEY. A painfull preacher, An Exemplary liver, A Tender Husband, A carefull Father, A brother for Adversity, A faithfull Friend, A most desireable Neighbor, A pleasant Companion, A common Good, A cheerful doer, a patient Sufferer, Lived much in a little time. A good copy for all survivors. Aged 35 years. Slept in Jesus, Jan. 21st 1688. Re. 1821.
Pious LYDIA made and given By God as a most meet Help to JOHN BAILEY Minister of ye Gospell Good Betimes X Best at Last ~ Lived by Faith X Dyed in Peace ~ Went off Singing X Left us weeping ~ Walkt with God till Translated in ye 39 Yeare of Her Age April ye 16, 1691. Read her Epitaph in Prov. 31, 10, 11, 12, 28, 29, 30, 31. Re. 1821.
Here Lyes Buried the Body of Mr. James BARNARD; Who Dec'd Jan'ry 23rd 1726. Aged 59 Years.
Here lyes Buried the Body of Mr. Samuel BARNARD; Who departed this Life Oct'r ye 31st 1762, in ye 64th year of his age
Here Lyes the Body of Hannah BARRON aged about 70 years died the 1 of September 1685.
Here Lyes the Body of Mr. Timothy BARRON Who Dec'd July ye 28th 1718, in ye 46th year of his age
Here Lyes Interr'd the Body of Cap't Nathanael BARSHAM; Who, after he has served his own Generation by ye Will of God; Using Well the office of a Deacon fel asleep Aug't 2nd MDCCXVI Aet LXXII.
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Elizabeth BARSHAM, Conƒort to ye late Capt BARSHAM; wdtl, Decem'br 23d, 1729, in ye 74th year of her age after She had long Abounded in acts of Sobriety, Righteouƒnefs & Piety.
~ Psal. 112.6. The righteous shall be had in everlaƒting remembrance. Prov. 10.7. The memory of the Just is Bleƒƒed. Rev. 14. 13. - Bleƒƒed are the dead which die in the Lord. - they reƒt from their labours; & their works do follow them. ~
Memento mori. Fugit hora. Here Lyes ye Body of Michael BARSTOW, Aged 44 Years, Died December ye 2, 1698
Here Lyes the Body of Rebeckah BESTOW, Wife to Michal BESTOW/ de'cd Jan'ry 23rd 1710-11 in the 70th year of her age.
Here Lyes ye Body of Elizabeth BEERES Wife to Jabez BEERES Who Dec'd Feb'ry ye 8th 1717, in ye 65th Yohra
Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Amos BOND wdtl Sept ye 29, 1762 in ye 49th year of his age
Here Lyes ye Body of Mrs. Mary BOND, Wie to Mr. William BOND; Who Dece'ƒed April ye 24th 1716, in ye 28th Yohra
Here Lyes ye Body of Grace BOND, wife to Jonas BOND Aged 35 Years Died ye 11 of April 1699
Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Thomas BOND; Who Died May ye 13th A. D. 1737, Aged 54 Years
In Memory of Mr. Elijah BOND Who died November 29th 1799; Aetatis 71.
~ My Soul in Chriƒt's ƒweet hands I truƒt. ~ Now I can ƒweetly ƒsleep. ~ My Body falling to the Duƒt, ~ I leave with thee to keep. ~
Erected In memory of Mrs. Susanna BOND, Relict of Mr. Elijah BOND, Who died January 16, 1806; AEtatis 74
~ Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. ~
Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Elizab'th BOND. Wife to William BOND, Eƒq'r, Who Dec'd Aug'ƒt 24th 1720, in ye 82d Yoha
Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Jonas BOND, Esq'r, Who was Called by GOD to serve ye Publick Both as a Lieutenant Colonel of a Regiment of Militia, And a Justice of the Peace; And was Careful to discharge his Trusts with Fidelity, Zeal, and Courage Who was a man of Unaffected Piety, which was attended with All those vertues that are Resquisite to accomplish a Chrstian Who was a kind husband, a tenDer Father, a steady Friend, and a hearty Lover of good men And having served his Generation By the will of God fell on sleep April 21 Anno Domini 1727 AEtatis Suz 63.
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Anne BOWMAN, Widow to Cap't Nathaniel BOWMAN; Wdtl Sept'r 16th 1757, Aged 87 Years.
~ The memory of ye Juƒt is Bleƒƒed ~
Here Lyes The Body of Francis BOWMAN Aged 57 Years Deceased December 16, 1687
Abigail Maria BRIDGE, Died Aug. 18, 1866, AEt. 15 ys. 9 ms. 24 days
In Memory of Mary H. BRIDGE who died Feb. 13, 1831, Aged 23 yrs.
Here lyes Buried the Body of Mr. Benjamin BRIGHT; Who departed this Life Feb'ry ye [10th] 1766 in ye 45th Yoha
Here Lyes Buried the Body of Mr. Silas BRIGHT, Wdtl Feb'ry ye 21st 1766 in ye 42d Yoha
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Cornet Henry BRIGHT; Who Departed this life Oct'r ye 24th 1756, in ye 73d Yoha
Here lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Margaret BRIGHT, Widow ot Cornet Henry BRIGHT, Who Departed this life April ye 16th, 1758, in ye 73d Yohra
Here lyes Buried the Body of Mr. John BRIGHT, Wdtl 22 Apr 1754, aged 65 Years
Here Lyes ye Body of Mrs. Mary BRIGHT, Wife to Mr. Nathaniel BRIGHT, aged 57 yrs, Dec'd Decem'br 1st 1717
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Rebeckah BRIGHT, wife to Mr. John BRIGHT, & Daugh'tr to Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Rebeckah TRAINE; Who Died Jun 20th A. D. 1736 in ye 34th Yohra
Here lyes Buried the Body of Mr. Nathaniel BRIGHT, Who Departed this Life Octo'r 21st 1754; Aged 36 Years 3 Months & 13 Days
~ The Memory of ye Juƒt is Bleƒƒed ~
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Nathaniel BRIGHT, Who Departed this Life December 14th Anno Dom'i 1737, in ye 51st Year of His Age
Hannah BRIGHT, Daugh'tr of Mr. Nath'al & Mrs. Anna BRIGHT, Aged 9 Mo & 12 Days, Dec'd Feb'ry 8th 1720
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Abigail BROWN, wife to Mr. John BROWN; who Departed this Life, May 4th A. D. 1733, in ye 38th Year of her Age
Here Lyes ye Body of Mrs. Ruth BROWN, Wife of Mr. Allin BROWN, Aged 41 Years, Died Dec'r 1st 1736
~ Memento Mori. Fugit Hora ~
Here Lyes ye Body of Charles CHADWICK, Aged 86 y'rs Liued Here in Watertown about 51 or 52 y'rs Dec'd April ye 10 1682
To the Memory of Ebenezer CHENERY Jr., who died Jul 3, 1833 : AEt 27
Here Lyes ye Body of Mr. John CHENERY, Who Dec'd Decem'br 19th 1723 : Aged 66 Years & 1 Day
Here Lyes ye Body of John CHENERY, Jun'r, who Dec'd Sept'br 18th 1723, Aged 28 Years, 1 Mo & 18 D's
John CHENERY, Son of Mr. Ebenezer & Mrs. Ruth CHENERY; Died May 6th, 1732 Aged 1 Year, 5 Mo & 25 Days
To the Memory of Sarah CHENERY Daughter of Ebenezer & Sally CHENERY; who died Jun 12, 1826; AEt 18
In Memory of John CHENERY, Son of Ebenezer & Sally CHENERY; Died July 5, 1836 : Aet 21 yrs
~ He sleeps in Jesus and is blest. ~ How calm his slumbers are; ~ From suffering and from sin released. ~ And freed from every care. ~
To the Memory of Mary CHENERY, Daughter of Ebenezer & Sally CHENERY, who died Feb. 2, 1836, AEt 12
~ Weep not dear friends for Heaven has called ~ Though seemingly severe; ~ Your happy friend is free from pain, ~ So wipe away each tear. ~
Here lie Interred ye Remains of the worthey Mr. Jonathan CHILD Preacher of the Goƒpel of Christ for many years in Needha'm whoƒe Example & piety are worth the practice of all the living; He died in full aƒƒurance of Faith May ye 5th 1774 : AEt 59.
~ Blessed are the Dead that die in the Lord ~ Yea faith the Spirit they reƒt from their ~ labours & their works do follow them. ~ ~ Down to the Dead all muƒt Deƒcend : ~ The Saints of God muƒt Die : ~ While Angels Guard their Souls to Reƒt, ~ In Duƒt thier Bodies Lie. ~ ~ These Stones Given in Memory of the dec'd for his Labours of Love. ~
Here Lyes the Body of Mr. Benjamin CLARK, Who Dec'd Jan'ry ye 7th 1730 in ye 35 Year of His Age
Uriah CLARK, Son of Mr. Uriah & Mrs. Ruth CLARK; Died May ye 7th 1747 in his 9th Month
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Richard CLARK; Who departed this Life November ye 6th, 1760 in ye 70th Year of His Age
~ Hark from the Tombs a doleful ƒound, ~ My Ears attend the Cyr; ~ ye living men come view the ground, ~ Where you muƒt ƒhortly lie. ~ Princes this clay muƒt be your bed, ~ in spite ofall your Towers; ~ the tall the wise the Reverend head, ~ muƒt lie as low as ours. ~
Here Lyes ye Bocy of Mrs. Mary CLARK, Wife to Mr. Richard CLARK; Who Dec'd Augu'st 19th 1728 in ye 39th Year of Her Age
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Sarah CLARK, Wife to Mr. Richard CLARK; Who Died Feb'ry 8th 1734, in ye 43rd Year of his Age. Benoni their Son Died Oct'r 31st, 1736. Aged 2 Years 9 Mo.
Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Richard CLARK, who died Feb'ry 24th 1809, Aged 77 Years.
~ Consoling thought (tho' we the loss deplore) ~ He feels the iron hand of pain no more ~ He's gone to feast on pleasures well refin'd ~ And joys as lasting as the deathless mind. ~
Here Lyes ye Body of Mrs. Elizabeth CLARK, Wife of Mr. Richard CLARK; wdtL May 8th 1777, in ye 42d Year of Her Age
Richard CLARK, Son of Mr. Richard & Mrs. Mary CLARK; Dec'd April ye 29th 1723 : Aged 4 Years, 2 Mo & 26 Days
Here Lyes ye Body of Mr. Uriah CLARK, Aged 77 Years : 1 Mo & 21 : Day's, Dec'd July : 26 1721
~ Blessed are ye Dead that Die in ye Lord. ~
Here Lyes ye Body of Mr. Thomas CLARK; Aged about 40 Years; Dec'd Feb'ry 1st, 1719.
Here Lyes ye Body of John COOLIDG Senio'r Aged 88 Years Died The 7 of May 1691
Here Lyes ye Body of Mary COOLIDGE Wife to John COOLIDGE Sen'r Aged 88 Years Died the 22 of August 1691
Hannah COOLIDG Wife to Symon COOLLIDG Aged 45 Years Dyed July ye 24 1680
Here Lyes ye Body of Priscilla COOLDIGE; wife to Simon COOLDIGE, Dec'd June ye 9th 1717; in the 70th Year of Her Age
Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Lieu't Richard COOLLIDGE Who Died Octo'br 25th Anno Dom'i 1732 in ye 67th Year of His Age
~ Memento Mori ~~ Fugit Hora ~
Here Lyes ye Body of Mary COOLIDG Wife to Richard COOL'dg Aged 31 Years, Died May 21 1700
Here lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Elizabeth COOLLIDGE, Wife of Mr. Nathan COOLLIDGE & eldest Daughter of Mr. Joƒhua & Mrs. Elizabeth LEARNED, who died of the Small-Pox Nov'r ye 6th. 1776, in ye 43d Year of her Age.
~ They that ƒleep in Jeƒus ~ Will God bring with him. ~ The Sweet Remembrance of the Juƒt ~ Shall flouriƒh when they ƒleep in Duƒt. ~
In Memory of Mrs. Kezia COOLIDGE, Wife of Mr. Nathan COOLIDGE, who died 16 March 1804, aged 59 Years
~ No human skill can warm that clay ~ With the cold blast of death has froze, ~ But God shall raise the lifeless form ~ His animating power dispose. ~
Ebenez'er COOLLIDGE Died Octob'r ye 24th 1750 Aged 5 Years ~ Eliza'bth COOLLIDGE Died Sept'r ye 12th 1749 Aged 2 Years & 4 Mo ~ The Children of Mr. Jonas & Mrs. Elizabeth COOLLIDGE
Here lyes ye Body of Mr. Thomas COOLLIDGE : Who Died May ye 15th A.D. 1737 : in ye 68th Year of His Age
In Memory of Mr. David COOLLIDGE who died Dec'r 20th 1772, in ye 67th Year of his Age
In Memory of Mrs. Mary COOLLIDGE, Late Widow of Mr. David COOLLIDGE. She died May 14th 1786 in ye 72d year of her age
In Memory of David COOLIDGE who died July 16th 1788 AEt 50
In Memory of Mrs. Dorothy COOLIDGE, Wife of Mr. David COOLIDGE, who died Nov. 2, 1815, AEt 77
~ Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. ~ Erected by their youngest Son. ~
In Memory of Peter COOLLIDGE, Son of Mr. David & Mrs. Dorothy COOLLIDGE, who fell asleep Oct'r 30th 1784 in ye 15th Year of his Age
~ Within this Grave he one doth lie ~ Who ƒaw Gods glory & did die. ~
Here Lies Buried The Body of Benoni COOLLIDGE Son of Cap't Joseph & Mrs. Elizibeth COOLLIDGE Who Died May ye 3, 1754 in ye 31 yoHA
In Memory of Mrs. Sarah Tapley, Wife of Mr. Peter COOLIDGE, who died Jan 4, 1823, AEt 37.
~ While I lie buried deep in dust, ~ My flesh shall be thy care, ~ These withering limbs with the I trust, ~ To raise them stong and fair. ~
In Memory of Lucy COOLLIDGE ye beloved dau'tr of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Lucy COOLLIDGE who died July 8th 1785, Aged 6 Years
~ Tho' death when ƒummon'd, cut off her tender years, ~ Yet t'was for greater Joys, dry up your tears. ~
Here lie the remains of John COOLLIDGE, Justly eƒteemed in his Life for his Piety and extenƒive Goodneƒs; He ƒuƒtained ye Character of Deacon for may Years, wich office he diƒcharged faithfully & to good Acceptance, a tender Father, Kind Huƒband & an exemplary Chriƒtian & in unƒhaken Confidence of His intereƒt in ye gracious Redeemer, he departed this Live, April ye 26th, 1755, Aged 81 Years.
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Cap't Joseph COOLLIDGE; Who having Served his Generation by the will of God, and Uƒing well the office of Deacon, fell a Sleep the 17th Day of April Anno Dom'ni 1749 in the 66th Year of his Age
~ Psal. 112.6 The Righteous ƒhall be in Everlasting Remembrance. ~ Rev. 14.13. Bleƒƒed are ye Dead which Die in ye Lord that they May reƒt from their labours; and their works do follow them. ~
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Samuel COOLLIDGE, Eldeƒt Son of Deacon Joseph COOLLIDGE Who Departed this Life Sep't 27th 1753, in ye 32d Year of His Age.
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs Ruth COOLLIDGE, Conƒort of Mr. Samuel COOLLIDGE Who Departed this Life Oct'r 23d 1753, in ye 28th Year of Her Age
Here lyes ye Body of Joseph COOLLIDGE, Son of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Ruth COOLLIDGE, Who died March 4th 1754 in ye 4th yohA
~ And they were lovely in their lives & in their Deaths were not divided & ye Righteous are had in Everlasting Remembrance. ~ [The last three on one stone]
Abigal CUTTER, Aged 9 Years Dyed ye 26 of Novem'r 1702
Here Lyes ye Body of Jonathan CUTTER Aged 17 Years & 7 Mo Dyed Nove'm ye 25, 1702
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Bethiah CUTTER, Wife to Mr. Ephraim CUTTER; Who Died Sept'r ye 18th 1731, inye 72d Year of his Age
Mary CUTTER, Daughter of Ephraim & Bithiah CUTTER Aged 7 Years & 10 Mo Dyed Ianuary 27, 1697
Erected AD. 1810 to the Memory of Mr. Aaron DANA who died Jan'ry 20th 1809 Aged 47 Years.
~ Jesus can make a dying bed ~ Feel soft as downy pillows are ~ While on his breast I lean my head ~ And breath my life out sweetly there. ~
Sacred to the Memory of Aaron DANA Jr., who died in Brighton August 30, 1815; aged 17
~ Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth. ~
Sacred to the Memory of Abigail DANA, Wife of Aaron DANA, who died in Cambridge, Nov. 20, 1813; aged 41
~ The Righteous hath hope in his death. ~
Martha L., Daughter of Oliver & Maria DUDLEY, d. Jan. 18; 1863; aged 5 yrs. 6 mos.
~ Jesus said Suffer little children to come unto me. ~
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Elizabeth EVE; Wife to Mr. Adam EVE, Who Died Jul 28th 1735, in ye 78th Year of His Age
Here Lyes ye Body of Ms Elizabeth FANING, RElict of Mr. Thomas FANING, Who Dec'd Janua'ry 27th 1722, Aged about 92 Years
Here lies Buried ye Body of Mr. Benjamin FELTON, who died Aug't 15th 1765 Aged 53 Ye'rs
Benjamin FELTON Jun'r died Aug't 15, 1754, aged 2 years Lucy FELTON died July 26 1766 aged 10 years
Here lyes Buried the Body of Deacon Nathan FISK, who Departed this life Jan'ry 26th Anno Dom'i 1740-1 in ye 70th Year of His Age
~ The Memory of ye Just is Bleƒƒed ~
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Hannah FISK (formerly comƒort of Mr. Daniel SMITH) Late Relict of Deacon Nathan FISK; Who Departed this Life Octo'r ye 4th A D; 1750 in ye 79th Year of Her Age
Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Sarah FISKE; Wife to Dea'cn Nathan FISKE, Who Dec'd Nov'br 27th 1723 Aged 50 Years & 26 Dayes
~ Bleƒƒed are ye Dead which die in ye Lord. ~
Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Allen FOSTER, obt. June 20th 1810, AEtat 22 Years
~ Come now dear youth & view our clay cold friend; ~ Remember death will all our pleasures end ~ Embrace religion, then you'll happy be, ~ Happy in time and in eternity ~
Figit Hora
Here Lyes ye Body of Elizabeth FOX Wife to Thomas FOX Aged About 70 Years Died February 22 1684
Mehetable GEARFIELD, The Wife of Benjamin GEARFIELD; Aged - 25 - y'rs and - Deceased the - 9 - Day of the - 9 - Month 1675
Hic Depositae sunt reliquiae viri veri venerandi Henrici GIBBS, Ecclesiae Christi apud Aquitonienses Pastoris vigilantissimi, Pietate fulgente eruditione non mediocri gravitate singulari; spectatissimi, peritia in divinis, prudentia in humanis, accuratione in conconibus, copia in precibus, praecellentis : Qui per aerumnas vitae doloresque mortis requiem tandem invenit die Octobris 21, Anno Dom MDCCXXII AEtatis Suae LVI.
Hic Etiam deponitur corpus Mercy GIBBS, conjux sua dilectissima, Quae expiravit Domino 24 Januarii Anno Mom. MDCCXVI, Aetatis Suae XLI.
~ In Christ shal all be made aliue ~
Here Lyes ye Body of Elizabeth GIBBS Daughter of Mr. Henry & Mrs. Marcy GIBBS, Aged 10 Years & 4 Mo, Died May ye 26 - 1709 [1706? handwritten in margin]
~ Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord ~
William GIBBS, Son of the Rev'd Mr. Henry & Mrs. Mercy GIBBS, Aged Eleven years, Deceaƒed Auguƒt the 10th, 1715
Henry GIBBS, Son of Henry & Mercy GIBBS, At ye Age of 1 year & Half, Dyed Sep't 16, 1703
~ Asleep in Isvs ~
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs Mary GOODANOW, Wife to Mr. Joh GOODANOW; formerly Wife to Mr. Daniel LIVERMORE; Who Died Oct'r 7th 1745, in ye 66th Year of his Age
Here Lyes the Body of Mr. Joseph GRANT, Aged 76 Years, Dec'd Feb'ry 17th 1721-2
Here lyes ye Body of Benjam'in GRANT, Son of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Mary GRANT, Who Died Novem'br 13th 1731 in ye 21st Year of His Age
Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Joshua GRANT; Who Died July 9th 1731, in ye 37th Year of His Age
Here Lyes ye Body of Mrs. Anna GRANT, Wife to Mr. Joshua GRANT : who Dec'd June ye 24th 1717 in ye 38th Year of Her Age
Joshua GRANT, Son of Mr. Joshua & Mrs. Abagail [sic] GRANT Died May 27th 1734 Aged 7 Years & 3 Month's
Lydia GRANT, Daughter of Mr. Joshua & Mrs. Abigail GRANT, Died July ye 16 1731 Aged 2 Year's 6 Months & 21 D's
In Memory of Christopher, Son of Christopher & Sarah GRANT, Who Died March 12, 1850, Aged 76 Y'rs
~ God tells us by this mournful death, ~ How vain and fleeting is our breath, ~ And bids our souls to prepare to meet ~ The trial of his Judgment seat. ~
In Memory of Col. Christopher GRANT who died April 1st 1818 : Aged 74
In Memory of Mrs. Sarah GRANT, Wife of Col. Christopher GRANT, who died March 20th 1821 : Aged 75
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Bethiah GREEN, wife to Mr. John GREEN. Dec'ed October 12th : 1714 : in ye 68th year of her age
~ Memento Mori ~ Fugit Hora ~
Here lyes buried ye body of Lieutenant John HAMMOND, aged 85 years & 4 mo who deceaƒed Nov'mbr 22nd 1709 ~ bleƒƒed are the ded that die in ye Lord ~
~ Memento Mori ~ Fugit Hora ~
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs Prudence HAMMOND, Wife to Lieu't John HAMMON'D Died Sep'mbr 1st 1711 in ye 74th Year of Her Age
~ Memento Mori ~ Fugit Hora ~
Here Lyes ye Body of Sarah HAMMON'D Wife to John HAMMOND Aged 45 Years Dec'd The 14 of January 1688
Nathanael · HAMMOND · Aged · 13 · Weeks · Died · The · 15th · of · Febrvary · 1677
Sarah · HAMAN · Aged · 8 · Years · And · Dyed · The · 12 · of · September · 1674
Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Robert HARRINGTON Aged 91 Years Died May ye 11th 1707
Here Lyeth Buried ye Body of Susanna HERRINGTON ye Wife of Robert HERRINGTON, Aged 63 Years Dec'd July ye 6 1694
Samuel HERRINGTO'N Son of Rob'rt & Anna HERRINGTO'N Died Sep't 30th 1712 Aged 9 Weeks
Also Nathanie'l LIVERMORE, Son of Samu'el & Elizabe'th LIVERMORE, At ye same Time, 1712
Here lies Buried ye Body of Nathaniel HARIS Esqr., he died May ye 13th 1761, aged 69 years.
~ When his dais on earth did end ~ We hope he found the Lord his friend. ~
Here lyes ye Body of Fullam HARRIS, Son of Nathaniel HARRIS, Esq'r, & Mrs. Hannah, his wife; Who Died Nov'br 6th 1738, Aged 1 Year, 5 Mo & 20 D's
Here lyes ye Body of Priscilla HARRIS, Daug'tr of Nathaniel HARRIS Esq'r & Mrs Hannah his Wife; Who Died May 4th 1728, Aged 2 Years, 8 Mo & 6 D's
Here lyes Buried the Body of Mr. John HASTINGS; Who Departed this Life Sep't ye 13th A D. 1746 in ye 55th Year of His Age
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Mary HASTINGS, Relict of Mr. John HASTINGS, Who Died Jul ye 1st A D. 1747, in ye 57th Year of Her Age
Sarah HASTINGS, Died Dec'br 29th, 1731, Aged about 11 Months
Asher HASTINGS Died Dec'br 3d, 1731 Aged 3 Years, 1 Mo & 12 D's ye Children of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary HASTINGS
Here Lyes ye Body of Mr. Joseph HASTINGS, Who Dec'd Decem'br ye 25th 1723, Aged about 39 Years
Here Lyes ye Body of Mrs. Mary HASTINGS, Wife to Mr. Nathaniel HASTINGS; Who Died Octo'br ye 14th 1732, in ye 64th Year of her Age
Mary HASTINGS, Died Sep't 3rd 1739 Aged 5 Mo & 24 D's
Mary HASTINGS, Died Sep't 22nd 1728, Aged 1 Year, 7 Mo & 15 D's
The Children of Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Mary HASTINGS
Here Lyes the Body of Mr. Samuel HASTINGS; Who Dec'd July ye 24th 1723 in ye 57th Year of His Age
Here Lyes ye Body of M's Sarah HASTINGS, Wife to Mr. Samuel HASTINGS, Who Dec'd Jan'ry 26th 1724, Aged about 55 Years.
~ Memento Mori Fugit Hora ~
Here Lyes ye Body of Timothy HAWKINGS, Aged 58 Years Died August 31, 1697
Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Esther HOAR, Wife to Mr. John HOAR : who Died Feb'ry ye 5th A. D. 1739 in ye 25th Year of her Age
Here lyes ye Body of Joanna HOLDIN, Daugh'tr of Mr. Isaac & Mrs Joanna HOLDIN : Who Dec'd Feb'ry 28th 1728, in her 20th Year
Here Lyes ye Body of Samuel HOLDIN, Jun'r : who Dec'd Decem'br ye 13th 1723, in ye 23rd Year of His Age
Tabitha HOLDIN Daughter of Mr. Isaac & Mrs. Joanna HOLDIN, Aged 7 Mont'hs Died Novem'br ye 11 : 1716
Here Lyes ye Body of Miles IUE Aged 76 Years Deceased August 26, 1684
Martha JUE wife to Mieles JUE Aged 77 Y'rs Dyed in ye Faith in Patienc'e Meek Louing Submiting Her Self to ye Will of God in Life or Death ye 15 of September 1683.
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Samuel JENNISON; Who Departed this Life, Decem'br 2nd 1730, Aged 57 Years
~ Mark ye Perfect Man and Behold ye Upright ~ for ye End of that Man is Peace. ~
Here lyes interr'd ye Body of ye Rev'd Mr. William JENNISON; Formerly Paƒtor of ye 2d Ch'h of Chriƒt in Salem (but late of Watertown) Who Died April ye 1st 1750, in ye 45th Year of His Age
~ The Memory of ye Juƒt is Bleƒƒed ~
Sarah JENISON, Dau'tr of Mr. Samu'el & Mrs Mary JENISON Aged 3 Mo & 6 Ds Dec'd Nov'br 23rd 1720
Here Lyeth the Body of Ann JONES, Aged 78 years Dyed The 1 of May 1680
~ Upon ye Death of ye Pious Matron, She Lived a Pious Holy Godly Life ~ Being Now Escaped Free From Hate & Strife. ~
Here lyes Buried the Body of Mr. John KEMBALL; Who Departed this Life Jan'ry ye 1st : 1758. Aged 79 Years, 4 Months & 17 Days
~ Bleƒƒed are ye Dead which Die in ye Lord. ~
Here lyes ye Body of Mr. Joseph KILLEY; Who Died March ye 11th A D. 1747. Aged 24 Years 7 Mont'hs & 10 D's.
Also Eliz'th KILLEY, Daug'tr of Mr. Joseph & Mrs Mary KILLEY; Died June 25th 1747 in her 10 Mo.
Here Lyes ye Bod of Elizabeth KNAP, wife to James KNAP; who Dec'd January ye 12th 1715-16 in the 25th Year of her Age
Here lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Elizabeth LEARNERD, Relict to Mr. Joshua LEARNED, Dec'd, Who Departed this Life, May ye 1st 1774, in ye 60th Year of her Age
~ All our inbred Sins require, ~ All our Fleƒh to ƒ the Duƒt; ~ Yet as the LORD our Saviour Roƒe, ~ So all his followers Muƒt. ~ There is an Inheritance Divine, ~ Reƒerv'd againƒt that Day; ~ 'Tis uncorrupted undefil'd, ~ And cannot Waƒte Away. ~
In Memory of Mrs. Hannah LEARNED, (Wife to Mr. Amariah LEARNED.), ƒhe died June ye 10th AD 1761, in the 29th Year of her Age.
~ Spectator! ~ Death is a Debt to Nature Due, ~ As I have Pait it ƒo muƒt You. ~
Here lies ye Body of Mrs. Jerusha LEARNED, wife of Mr. Bezaleel LEARNED, ƒhe died July ye 2d 1767 AEt 44.
~ The ƒweet remembrance of the Juƒt ~ Shall flouriƒh when they ƒleep in duƒt. ~
Here Lyes ye Body of Mary LEARNED, Daughter of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Mary LEARNED; Who Died April ye 2d 1738 in ye 16th Year of her Age
Here Lyes The Body of John LIUERMORE, Aged 78 Years Dec'd April 14, 1684
Here Lyes ye Body of Samuel LIUERMORE Aged 49 Years Deceased Ianuary The 14 1690
Here Lyes the Body of Lieu't Samuell LIVERMORE; Aged 48 Years Dec'd May ye 23rd 1719
Here Lyes ye Body of Mrs. Elizabeth LIVERMORE, Wife to Mr. Samuel LIVERMORE; Dec'd March 3rd 1715. In ye 37th yohrA
Here Lyes ye Body of Hannah LIUERMOVER, Wife ot Samuel LIUERMORE Aged 19 Years Died Nouember 12 1698
Samuel LIUERMORE, Son of Samuel & Elizabeth LIUERMORE, Aged 10 Weeks Died Ianuary 12 1700
Samuel LIUERMORE, Son of Samuel & Hannah LIUERMORE Aged 7 Weeks Died Feb'ry 3,1697
Here Lyes ye Body of Mr Daniel LIVERMORE; Who Dec'd Nov'br 16th 1720, in ye 46th Year of His Age
Daniel LIVERMORE, Son of Daniel & Mary LIVERMORE; Died September ye 3rd, 1713 : in the 10th Year of his Age
Prudence, Daugh'tr of Mr. Danill & Ms Mary LIVERMORE Dec'd Aug'st 12th : 1718 Aged 6 Weeks & 1 day.
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Oliver LIVERMORE, Who Departed this life Nov'br ye 18th 1754, in ye 57th Year of His Age
Here Lyes ye Body of Mrs. Ruth LIVERMORE, Wife to Mr. Oliver LIVERMORE; Dec'd Feb'ry 8th 1725, in ye 21st Year of her Age
Here lyes ye Body of Daniel LIVERMORE Son of Mr. Oliver & Mrs. Ruth LIVERMORE Who Died Auguƒt ye 6th 1744 in ye 20th Year of his Age
Nathaniel LIVERMORE, Son of Mr. Oliver & Mrs. Ruth LIVERMORE, Died Sep't 17th 1749 Aged 3 Years 8 Months & 11 Days
Here Lyes ye Body of Jonathan LIUEMORE Aged About 28 Year's Died Nouember ye 8th 1705
Here Lyes ye Body of John LIVERMORE; Who Dec'ed April ye 18th 1717 : in ye 36th Year of His Age
In Memory of Miss Lucy LIVERMORE, Daughter of Mr. Amos & Mrs. Hephzibah LIVERMORE, wdtl April 15th 1790 : in ye 23d year of her age
Here Lyes the Body of Mrs. Mary MADDOCKS, Wife to Mr. John MADDOCKS, who Deceaƒed November ye 13th 1715, in ye 23d Year of Her Age
Palsgrave MADDOCKS, Son of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary MADDOCKS; Aged 9 Months & 1 Day; Died Auguƒt 3rd 1716
Here Lieth ye Body of Cap't Hvgh MASON Who Deceased October ye Xth 1678 Anno AEtatis 73
~ He That Thvs Thouvght of Death ~ In Lifes Vncertentie ~ Hath Dovbtlesse Now a Life ~ That Bringeth Eternity ~ [on the footstone: Mr. Hvgh MASON ! Cap't of ye Train Band ~ In This Town Aged ~ 73 Years Died Octobe'r ~ the Xth 1678 He Or ~ Her y't Looks Here On ~ Live For to Learne ~ That Die Thov Mvst. ~
Here lyes Interred ye Body of Joseph MASON, Esq'r, late Deacon of ye Church of Chriƒt in Watertown. He was a prudent loving Huƒband, a tender Father, & an exemplary Chriƒtian. He was a man very uƒful in this Town & when he had ƒerved his Generation by ye will of God he fell a Sleep July ye 6th 1755, in ye 67th Year of His Age
~ 1 Thess. 4. 14. For if we felieve the Jeƒus died and Roƒe again; even ƒo them alƒo which Sleep in Jeƒus will God bring with him. ~
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Mary MASON, Relict of Joseph MASON, Esq'r. She departed this Life on ye 22d Day of April 1763 Aged 72 Years
~ The Sweet Remembrance of the Juƒt, ~ Shall flouriƒh when they Sleep in Duƒt. ~
In Memory of Mr. Nehemiah MASON, who died Auguƒt 6th 1775, Aged 54 Years
~ Lover and Friend thast thou put far from me; and min acquaintance into darkneƒs - Psalm 88th, 18th. ~ Bleƒƒare the dead which die in the Lord that they may reƒt from their labours and that their works may follow them. - Revel. 14th. 13th. ~
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Elizabeth MASON Conƒort to Mr. Nehemiah MASON; Who Departed this Life April ye 24th. 1755 in ye 32d Year of Her Age.
~ She was Pleaƒant and Deƒirable in her Life, and much lamented at her Death. Bleƒƒed are the Dead which Die in the Lord. ~
Here Lyes ye Body of Mr. Henry MILS, Who Dec'd Octo'br ye 10th 1725 in ye 76th Year of His Age.
Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Ann MILLS, Relict of Mr. Henry MILLS, Who Dec'd Decem'br 21st 1725, Aged 76 Years.
~ By Her Laƒt Will and Teƒtament ~ She diƒposed of ye Grater Part ~ Of Her Eƒtate to Charitable Uƒe's. ~ Bleƒƒed is He that Conƒidereth ye Poor. ~
~ The Memory of the Juƒt is Bleƒsed.
Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth NORCROSS, wife of Mr. Josiah NORCROSS, who died July 30th 1801, Aged 63 Years. ~ The saints on earth and all the dead ~ But one communion make ~ All join in Chriƒt their living bead ~ And of his grace partake.
Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Josiah NORCROSS who died Dec'r 13th 1801, Aged 68 Years ~ In such society as this ~ My weary soul would reƒt ~ The man that dwells where Jeƒus is ~ Muƒt be forever bleƒs'd. ~
Jerusha, Daugh'r of Mr. Seth & Mrs. Jerusha NORCROSS ƒhe died Jan'y ye 7th 1768 aged 1 year & 5 months
Bezalel NORCROSS died Feb'y ye 19th 1769, aged 3 weeks.
John ORMES, Son of John & Elizabeth ORMES, Aged 8 Years and 9 Months Died July 16th 1715.
Here Lyes ye Body of Mr. Stephen PARKER; Aged 66 Years & 2 Mo, Dec'd May ye 2nd 1718
Here alƒo Lyes ye Body of Mrs. Susann'a Wife to Mr. Stephen PARKER, Aged 58 Ye'rs & 2 Mo. De'cd May ye 5th 1718
Samuel PEARCE, Son of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Rebekah PEARCE; Died Oct'r 13th 1735, in ye 5th Year of his Age
Samuel PARRY, Son of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Margaret PARRY; Dec'd Decem'br 25th 1723, Aged 7 Years, 10 Mo & 11 Ds
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Elizabeth PERRY, Wife to Mr. Josiah PERRY, Who Departed this Life Sep't ye 26th 1748, in ye 62d Year of her Age
Here Lyes ye Body of Abigail POULTER Wife to Iohn POULTER Aged 22 Years Deceased ye 18 of March 1691
Susannah RANDAL, Daug'tr of Samuel & ELizabeth RANDAL; Dec'd Decm'br 4th 1723 Aged 10 Years
Here Lyes ye Body of Abigail RAYNSFORD, Wife to David RAYNSFORD; (& Daug'tr of Mr. John & Mrs. Elizabeth CHENERY.) Who Dec'd Sept'r 8th 1726, in ye 26th Year of Her Age.
To the memory of Eliza, wife of Henry REED, who died March 6, 1854, Aged 42
~ Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. ~
Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Daniel SAWIN who died Feb. 11, 1800, AEt 72.
Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Susannah SAWIN, Wife of Mr. Daniel SAWIN, who died March 23, 1794, AEt 59
Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Daniel SAWIN, Son of Mr. Daniel SAWIN, who died March 24, 1834, AEt 77
~ Friend nor physicians could not save, ~ My mortal body from the grave, ~ Nor can the grave confine me here, ~ When Christ shall call me to appear. ~
Mrs. Lucy, Wife of Daniel SAWIN, Died Jun 24, 1844, AEt 80.
~ Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. ~
Samuel SAWIN, A revolutionary Pensioner, Died at Cambridge, Jan. 12, 1849, aged 87
To the Memory of Miss Susan SAWIN, who died Aug. 22, 1848, Aged 82 yrs.
To prepetuate the memory of William SHATTUCK, who died in Watertown, Aug. 14, 1672, aged 50. The progenitor of the race that have borne his name in America.
And of his son John SHATTUCK, who was drowned in Charlestown Ferry Sept. 14, 1675, aged 28 This simple memorial was erected in 1853 by Lemuel SHATTUCK who holds in grateful veneration the character of the puritan fathers of New England.
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. William SHATTUCK; Who Departed this Life October ye 19th Anno Dom'mi 1732 in ye 80th Year of His Age
Here Lyes ye Body of Mr. William SHATTUCK; Jun'r, Who Dec'd Decem'br ye 21st 1723, in ye 46th Year of His Age
Here Lies Interred ye Body of Cap't William SHEARER, an esperienced ƒea Commander; a Gentleman of good Intellectual Powers, & an Excellent Diƒpoƒition of mind; He was for many Years maƒter of Veƒƒles trading to different parts of the world always highly eƒteemed and beloved by thoƒe under his Command: He was Diƒtinguiƒhed for his Honeƒty Uprightneƒs & Diƒƒuƒive Charity; He was an affectionate Huƒband & agreable in every ƒocial & domeƒtic Relation. His laƒt ƒickneƒs which was long and very trying he bore with exemplary Patience often expreƒsing his Concern about his future ƒtate:ye raiƒed above uneaƒ Fears of Death, truƒting in the mercy of God through the Merits of the Redeemer for eternal Life He fell on ƒleep the 20th of Auguƒt 1763 in the 51st year of his age.
Johannis SHERMANNI. Maximae Pietatis. Gravitatis & Candoris Viri in Theologia plurimum versati; in concionando vere Chrysostomi; in Artibus Liberalibus praeciepue Mathematicis incomparabilis; Aquiamensis Ecclesiae in Nov Anglia fidelissimi Pastoris; Collegii Harvardini Inspectoris & Socii; Qui postquam annis plus minus XLV Christo fuit nphreths [Greek?] in Ecclesia Fidus. Morte matura transmigravit & a Christo palma decoratus est, A. D. MDCLXXXV, Augusti 8 Aetatis Suae LXXII Memoriae.
Here Lyes ye Body of Mr. Daniel SMITH : Who Dec'd May 4th 1718, in ye 50th Year of His Age
In Memory of Mrs. Ruth SODEN, Formerly the Widow of Oliver LIVERMORE deceaƒt, ƒhe died April ye 2d 1776 in the 76th year of her age
The Remains of 5 U. S. Soldiers who died at Watertown Arsenal 1816.
Ezekiel STEARNS, Son of Mr. Samuel STEARNS Jun'r & Mrs. Sarah his Wife; Died Aug'st 25th 1734, Aged 1 Year & about 8 Mo.
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Josiah STEARNS (Who was Great Grandƒon to Mr. Isaac STEARNS, Grandƒon to Mr. Samuel STEARNS, & Son to Mr. John STEARNS.) Who Departed this Life April the 11th, A. D. 1756, in ye 53d Year of His Age
Sacred to the Memory of Capt. Samuel STETSON of Boston, who died July 21, 1804 AEt. 37.
Also to that of Catharine, his wife. She died the 18th of the same month, AE. 38
Here Lyes ye Body of Simon STONE Died Feb'ry ye 27th 1708 AEtatis suae 77
~ the memory of the just is bleƒed ~
Here Lyes ye Body of Mrs. Mary STONE (Late Widow of Mr. Simon STONE) Who Slept in Jeƒus, June 2d 1720, in ye 86th Year of Her Age
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Jonathan STONE; Who died Decemb'r ye 8th 1729, in ye 40th Year of His Age
Here lies buried the Body of Ensign Ebenezer STONE of Watertown, Son to the Hon. Ebenezer STONE of Newton, Who departed this life on the firƒt day of Feb'r 1784, aged 97 years.
~ Behold the Spirits of the Juƒt, ~ Aƒcend to God on high; ~ And tho their Bodies ƒleep in duƒt, ~ Their Souls ƒhall never die.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Sarah STONE Conƒort of Ensign Ebenezer STONE who died May ye 11th 1754 aged 66 years.
~ She was a prudent & loving Wife a tender mother & an exemplary Christian, Bleƒsed are the dead which die in ye Lord. ~
Here lies Buried the Body of Mr. Ebenezer STONE, wdtl October the 17th 1783, Aged 68 years.
~ My Soul in Christ's sweet hands I trust, ~ Now Can I sweetly sleep; ~ My Body falling to the dust, ~ I leave with thee to keep. ~
Here lies buried the body of Mrs. Abigail STONE, Relict to Mr. Ebenezer STONE, Jun'r, ƒhe departed this life March 31st 1789, aged 71 years.
~ O how the Reƒurrection light, ~ Will clarify Belivers ƒight; ~ How joyful will the Saints ariƒe; ~ And rub the duƒt from off their Eyes; ~ My ƒoul, my body, I will truƒt, ~ With him who numbers every duƒt; ~ My Saviour faitfully will keep, ~ His own, for death is but a ƒleep. ~
Here lies buried the Body of Cornelius STONE, only Child of Mr. Ebenezer & Mrs. Abigail STONE. Who Departed this Life March the 30th 1776, Aged 19 years.
~ Snatch'd from out troubles here he's wing'd his way, ~ To ƒing hoƒannah's in the realms of day. ~
Here lyes ye Body of Neverson STONE, Son of ye Rev'd Mr. James STONE of Holleƒton, Dec'd. & Mrs. Elizabeth his Wife; Who Died Decem'r 8th 1749, in ye 13th Year of his Age.
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. David STONE Who Departed this Life Octo'br 7th Anno Dom'i 1750 in ye 78th Year of His Age. He lived 56 Years Without Bodily Sight yet Was a Laborious man, an Exemplary Christian & Provided well for thoƒe of his Own Houƒe.
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Mary STONE Wife to Mr. David STONE; Who departed this Life April ye 8th A. D. 1745, in ye 71st Year of her Age
~ She was a Prudent & loving Wife a Tender Mother & Exemplary Christian ~
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Ensign Jonathan STONE; Who departed this Life January ye 7th Anno Dom'ini 1754 Aged 76 Years
Here Lyes the Body of Ruth STONE, Wife to Jonathan STONE Aged about 21 yer's Died Octo'br 7th 1702.
Here Lyes ye Body of Mrs. Mary STONE Wife to Mr. Jonathan STONE Deceaƒed June the 24th 1720, Aged about 47 Years
Here lyes Buried the Body of Mrs. Hephzibah STONE Widow to Ensign Jonathan STONE; Who departed this Life March the 25th 1763, Aged 83 Years
Hephzibah STONE, Daugh'tr of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Hephzibah STONE Dec'd April 14th 1723, Aged 8 Mo & 4 Days.
Sophia Marsh, daughter of Moses & Abby S. STONE, d. 14 Feb 1848, aged 5 yrs, & 3 ms.
~ Of such is the Kingdom of heaven. ~
Here Lyes the Body of Deacon John STONE Whos'e Life was much Desired & Whos Death is much Lamented Aged About 55 Years He Went Reioycing Out of This World in To the Other the 26 Day of March 1691.
To the memory of David STONE, who died Dec. 22, 1824, Aged 77 Years
~ And when the night of death shall come, ~ My flesh shall rest beneath the ground; ~ And wait thy voice to raise my tomb, ~ With sweet salvation in the sound. ~
To the memory of Abigail STONE, wife of David STONE, who died Apr. 21, 1846, Aged 74 Years.
~ Clay to Clay, and dust to dust, ~ Let them mingle for they must, ~ Give to earth the earthly clod, ~ For the spriti's fled to God. ~
Josiah STONE, d. Jan. 22, 1858, aged 72 years, 2 months.
~ Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. ~
Mary King, wife of Josiah STONE, died March 19, 1830, aged 40 years.
~ Blessed are the pure in heart; ~ for they shall see God. ~
Josiah STONE, Son of Mr. Nathaniel & Mrs. Ruth STONE, Died Octo'br ye 5th 1749. Aged 1 Month & 2 Days.
Here lies Buried the Body of Daniel STONE, Son of Mr. Nathaniel & Ruth STONE, he died Aug't 16th 1766 in the 16th year of his age
Here lies buried, the Body of Mr. James STONE who died on the 27th of Auguƒt, in the year 1787 : aged 29 years. He was Loving and Kind, dutiful and pleaƒant, Prudent and diligent, a Comfort and Bleƒƒing while he lived, and much lamented at his death.
~ When Blooming youth is ƒnatch'd away, ~ By Death's reƒistleƒs hand; ~ Our Hearts the mournful tribute pay, ~ Which Pity muƒt demand.
Here Lyes ye Body of Mr. John STRATTON; Who Deceaƒed Februa'ry the 20th 1715/6, in ye 57th Year of His Age
Here Lyes ye Body of M's Abigail STRATTON, Wife to Mr. John STRATTON, Who Died Octo'br 25th 1732, in ye 66th Year of her Age
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. John STRATTON; Who Died March 27th A. D. 1735, in ye 46th Year of his Age
Marcy STRATTON, Dau'tr of Mr. John & Mrs. Marcy STRATTON, Died Sep't 25, 1731. Aged 7 Years & 2 Da's
Here lyes ye Body of Mercy STRATTON Daug'tr of Mr. John & Mrs. Mercy STRATTON Who Died Aug'st 24th 1749 in ye 15th Year of her Age
Here lyes Buried the Body of Mr. Joshua STRATTON Who Departed this Life Feb'ry 2d Anno Dom'ni 1753 in ye 31st Year of His Age
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Mercy STRATTON, Conƒort of Mr. Joshua STRATTON, & Daug'tr of Cap't Joseph & Mrs. Elizabeth COOLLIDGE; Who Died April ye 18th A. D. 1749, in ye 24th Year of Her Age
In Memory of Mr. Joseph TAINTER, an early settler of Watertown who sailed from England June 1638, departed this life February 20, 1689-90 AE 77 Years.
~ "Each in his narrow cell forever laid ~ The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep." ~
Rebecca TAYNTER Dau'tr of Simon & Joanna TAYNTER; Aged 14 yea'rs & 6 mo, Died Dec'mbr ye 14th 1715
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Elizabeth THORNTON, Wife to Mr. Ebenezer THORNTON; Who departed this Life June ye 10th A. D. 1740, Aged 37 Years.
In Memory of Ezekiel M. TOWLE, who died Aug. 27, 1837, aged 25 years
~ "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was & the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." ~
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Thomas TRAINE; Who Departed this Life, January ye 22nd Anno Dom'ni 1738, in ye 86th Year of His Age
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Rebeckah TRAINE, Relict of Mr. Thomas TRAINE, wdtL Sep't 3d Anno Dom'ni 1746 in ye 85th Year of her Age
Here Lyes ye Body of Deborah TRAINE, Daugh'tr of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Rebeckah TRAINE Aged 19 Years & 5 Mo, Dec'd May ye 25th 1718
Mary Ann VETERY, Daug'tr of Mr. Edward & Mrs. Anna VETERY, Aged 2 Years, 1 Mo & 20 Days : Dec'd Sept 14th 1722
Here lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Hannah WALDO ye Wife of Mr. Cornelius WALDO who died December ye 2, 1765, aged 45 years.
Richard Richardson WATE, Born at Dorchester Jun 1, 1852, Died Jan 22, 1853
~ Fair Shadow ~
To the memory of our first born, William WATRISS, only son of Jacob N. & Elizabeth W. WATE : born at Hallowell, Me., March 29, 1835, Died at Easton, Mass. Oct 14, 1839.
~ Oh weep not over Willie's doom, ~ To this sweet child was given ~ A peaceful life, and early tomb, ~ An everlasting heaven. ~ But weep for those who live to spurn ~ A dying Saviour's merit, ~ Who coldly from his merits turn ~ And endless death inherit. ~ But over Willie's lowly bed ~ Let not one mournful tear be shed. ~
Here Lyes Buried The Body of Mr. John WILLINGTON; Who Departed this Life Auguƒt the 23 Anno Domini 1726 Aged 88 Years
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Susanna WELLINGTON, Wife to Mr. John WELLINGTON, Who died Jan'ry 27th 1728, Aged 73 Years.
Here lyes Buried the Body of Mr. Oliver WILLINGTON; (great Uncle and Benefactor to Oliver LIVERMORE) Who Departed this Life Aug't ye 30th Anno Dom'ni 1727 in ye 80th Year of His Age
Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Anna WILLINGTON : Wife to Mr. Oliver WILLINGTON, Who Dec'd Auguƒt 28th 1727, in ye 81st Year of Her Age
The Body of Doct'r Palsgrave WELLINGTON Lyes here Buried : Who was very Uƒeful in his profeƒƒion while He Lived & much Lamented at His Death w'ch was on ye 22nd of Oc'tr MDCCXV, AEt. LXII
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Rebeckah WILLINGTON Wife to Mr. Thomas WILLINGTON, Who Died Novem'r 8th 1734 in ye 53d Year of Her Age
Here lyes Buried The Body of Mr. Thomas WHITEMORE, Aged 52 Years 10 Months and 10 Days Who Departed This Life Auguƒt ye 10th 1717.
On entereing the Burial Ground by the gate on Arlington Street, several tombs are to be seen on the higher ground at the right. Some of them are without slabs, and were erected at a comparatively early date.
The first in the range, nearest the street, was built, it is said, by the VILA family, and is still used by descendants.
The second was the family tomb of Charles STONE, who was himself laid there.
The third is said to have been erected by the SANDERSONS, but eventually passed into the possession of Abijah STONE. He d. March 2, 1837 and his widow Abigail, Jan. 28, 1839. Four daughters, viz., Lucy, d. Sept. 1816, Abigail, d. Jan 1820, Catherine, d. Sept. 26, 1848, and Esther M., d. Sep 17, 1863, were, with their parents buried there.
The fourth tomb is marked Amos LIVERMORE, 1818
The fifth is without a name.
The sixth is surmounted by a freestone tablet inscribed Moses COOLIDGE, 1802.
The seventh was erected by Jonathan BIRD, and is not the property of his grandsons, Joseph & Horace BIRD.
The eighth is marked RICHARDSON and BRIGHT, 1816.
