Sharon, Norfolk Co., Ma,
Vital Records To The Year 1850
Compiled By Thomas W. Baldwin, A.B., S.B.,
Member Of The New England
Historic Genealogical Society.
Boston, Mass.
Deaths - IDE to YOUNG & Unidentified
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

----, inf. ch. of Capt. Charles and Mary, Oct. 18, 1825, a. 18 d.
Hellen Augusta, d. of Capt. Charles and Mary, Nov. 17, 1833, in her 4th
Mary, wid. of Benjamin, July 12, 1829, a. 70 y. (69, G.R.) (71, C.R.1.)
Sophia Fairbanks, w. of Benjamin, Sept. 14, 1800. G.R.
----, ch. of Joseph, bur. May 21, 1759. P.R.1.
----, Mrs., bur. July 25, 1760. P.R.1.
----, s. of Jo., Jan. 24, 1786, a. 8 m. P.R.1.
----, s. of Joshua, bur. Man 17, 1751. P.R.1.
----, widow of ----, bur. Oct. ----, 1776. P.R.1.
----, Mrs., Mar. 31, 1786, a. 80 y. P.R.1.
----, ch. of Benjamin, bur. Apr. 2, 1796. P.R.1.
----, ch. of Joshua, ---- ----, 1798. P.R.1.
----, s. of Josiah and Eleanor, July 23, 1805, a. 1 m. G.R.
----, ch. of Jacob, July 30, 1819. C.R.1.
Alfred, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, Aug. 14, 1839, a. 2 m. 8 d. G.R.
Andrew, s. of Jesse and Amy, Feb. 14, 1842, a. 9 y. (9 y. 8 m. 16 d.,
Ann Maria, d. of Lucas and Maria, Dec. 31, 1838, in her 4th y., 2 m.,
Anna, d. of Joshua and Hannah, June 26, 1801, a. 8 y. G.R.
Avilda Theresa, Aug. 30, 1842, a. 22 y.
Basheba, d. of Olive and Rachel, Sept. 1, 1817, a. 4 y. Dysentery.
Benjamin, Capt., Mar. 30, 1760, in his 63rd y. G.R.
Benjamin, July 17, 1820, a. 62 y. C.R.1.
Benjamin, Dec. 26, 1834, a. 79 y.
Betsey, d. of Caleb and Elizabeth, July 5, 1783, a. 6 y. G.R.
Caleb, Jan. 23, 1790, in his 67th y.
Caleb, Dec. 29, 1829, a. 79 y.
Charlotte, d. of Oliver and Rachel, Aug. 30, 1819, a. 3 y. 8 m. 27 d.
Clarissa, wid. of Uriah, Mar. 1, 1836, (a. 58 y., G.R.).
Cynthia, d. of Obed and Lucy, Nov. 7, 1799, a. 7 m. G.R.
Daniel, June 22, 1820. G.R.
Ednah (Edner L., G.R.), d. of Nathan and Hannah W., Aug. 8, 1839, abt.
18 m. (1 y. 10 m., G.R.).
(Edner (G.R.)), d. of Nathan and Hannah, Sept. 12 (11, G.R.), 1830, (a.
1 y. 4 m., G.R.).
Edner F. (Edner Frances, G.R.), w. of Addison H., July 5, 1849, a. 25
y., b. in Boston. Consumption of blood.
Edner Hill, w. of Otis, Aug. 5, 1827. G.R.
Edwin (Edwin H., G.R.), s. of Hobbs and Sally, Dec. 20, 1822, a. 3 m.
Eleanor, Mrs., March 21, 1807, in her 29th y. G.R.
Elizabeth, wid. of Caleb, Oct. 10, 1840, in her 87th y.
Expexience, w. of Josiah, May 26, 1828, a. 68 y.
Frederick, s. of Ellis and Hannah, Oct 30 (31, G.R.), 1828, a. 2 y.
George Franklin, s. of Otis and Martha M., Apr. 12, 1839, a. 5 m. 14 d.
George Howard, s. of Charles and Rebecca, Mar. 11, 1843, a. 2 y.
George J., s. of Benjamin and (Olive (G.R.)), Oct. 21, 1842, a. 7 y.
George Lucas, s. of Lucas and Maria, Sept. 8, 1849, 1 y. 4 m. Dysentery.
George Newton (Geo. N. Waitt, G.R.), s. of Lucas and Maria, Sept. 12,
1840, 15 m.
Hannah, w. of Isaac, Nov. 2, 1810, a. 80 y. G.R.
Hannah, w. of Ellis, Oct. 31, 1830, 36 y.
Hannah, wid. of Joshua, Aug. 16, 1839, a. 82 y.
Henry S., s. of Ebenezer and Mary, July 24, 1833, a. 1 y. 9 m. 22 d.
Hobbs, May 19, 1829, (in his 41st y., G.R.).
Isaac, Oct. 24, 1791, in his 67th y.
Isaac, Lieut., Oct. 24, 1833, in his 74th y.
Jacob, April ----, 1777, a. 43 y. G.R.
Jacob, Jan. 27, 1838 (1839, G.R.), a. 72 y. (73 y., G.R.).
Joel, Dec. 9, 1828, a. 38 y.
Joshua, Aug. 8, 1789.
Joshua, May 6, 1801, drowned in New York, a. 44 y. G.R.
Josiah Francis, s. of Josiah Jr. and Olive, July 2, 1838, in his 4th y.
(3 y. 9 m. 18 d., G.R.).
Lemuel, Feb. 11, 1830. G.R.
Lewis M., Mar. 6, 1842, a. 30 y. (29 y, 10 m., G.R.).
Lois (Lois R., G.R.), w. of Albert, Mar. 13, 1837, (in her 31st y.,
Lydia, w. of Jacob, July 10, 1828, a. 45 y.
Mary M. Kent, w. of Otis, June 15, 1836. G.R.
Matthew, s. of Isaac and Hannah, May 13, 1770, in his 3d m.
Nathan, Sept. 18, 1849, 54 y. Dysentery.
Nathaniel, s. of Benjamin and Charlotte, Mar. 30, 1796.
Nelson, s. of Oliver and Rachel, Sept. 4, 1819, a. 11 m. 10 d.
Noah, Mar. 13, 1802.
Obed, s. of Obed and Lucy, Nov. 14, 1796, in his 12th y. G.R.
Obed, Feb. 29, 1832, in his 70th y.
Obed, s. of Obed and Lucy, Mar. 23, 1845, a. 42 y. Md. Scrofula.
Olive (Olive H., G.R.), wid. of Lt. Isaac, Feb. 5, 1837, (in her 75th
y., G.R.).
Otis, s. of Caleb and Elizabeth, July 8, 1794, a. 2 y. G.R.
Rebecca, Nov. 3, 1834.
Sally, w. of Hobbs, Jan. 29 (30, G.R.), 1825, in her 30th y.
Samuel, June 24, 1829, a. 42 y.
Sarah, Apr. 1, 1781. P.R.1.
Sarah L., d. of Otis and Mary M., June 21, 1836, a. 1 m. 27 d., b. in
Uriah., Apr. 27, 1825, a. 50 y.
Walter, s. of Uriah and Clarissa, July 21, 1812, a. 10 m. 15 d. G.R.
Warren, Jan. 28, 1827, in his 40th y.
Willard, s. of Caleb and Elizabeth, Sept. 22, 1815, a. 21 y. G.R.
Willard, s. of Uriah and Relief, Sept. 15, 1840, a. 8 y.
Willard, s. of Uriah and Relief, Feb. 24, 1847, a. 1 y. 10 m. Whooping
Elisha, s. of Ransel, deceased, and Rhoda, Sept. 10, 1825, a. 19 y.
Ransel, Feb. 22, 1819, a. 51 y. 8 m. G.R.
Ransel, Col., Nov. 21, 1827, a. 34 y.
Sophia, May 29, 1819. C.R.1.
----, ch. of ----, bur. Oct. ----, 1781. P.R.1.
---- , wid. of ----, Feb. 21, 1824, a. 81 y. C.R.1.
Mary, Apr. 3, 1847, a. 30 y.
Mary, Dec. 29, 1791, in her 19th y. Unm. Consumption.
J. Martin, Oct. 8, 1843, a. 26 y. G.R.
Hannah, wid. of Nathaniel, May 4, 1817 a. 74 y.
Nancy, Oct. 24, 1825. C.R.3.
Nat., ch. of ----, Mrs., bur. Mar. 7, 1774. P.R.1.
----, Mrs. bur. May ----, 1790. P.R.1.
Nathaniel, July 11, 1801.
Mrs. Elizabeth, May 13, 1790.
----, twin child of ----, bur. Mar. 4, 1771. P.R.1.
----, ch. of Thomas, ----, 1797. P.R.1.
Royall, s. of Thomas and Abigail, Sept. 2, 1796.
LATHROP (see Lothrop) -
(Lothrop (G.R.)), Hitty, w. of Gilbert, Dec. 28, 1810, in her 22d y.
Chloe, wid. of David, Feb. 25, 1843 a. 79 y.
David, Aug. 19, 1830, a. 72 y.
Lois, W. of John J., Jan. 1, 1835.
----, ch. of Jacob, Sept. 5, 1775. P.R.1.
----, twin ch. of Mehetable, bur. Oct. 2, 1780. P.R.1.
----, s. of Nathaniel and Hannah, Aug. 16, 1847, a. 7 d.
Deborah, w. of Nehemiah, Aug. 27, 1826, a. 73 y. G.R.
Edwin E., s. of Nehemiah and Fanny, Apr. 17, 1831, a. 9 m. G.R.
F. Elvera, d. of George and Fanny, Nov. 4, 1844, a. 25 y. G.R.
Fanny, w. of George, Apr. 29, 1826, a. 35 y. G.R.
Hittee, d. of Woll, June 22, 1797. P.R.1.
Joseph B., s. of Nehemiah and Fanny, Nov. 11, 1833, a. 5 y. G.R.
Mehitable, d. of Ensign Nathaniel and Mary, late of Stoughton, Oct. 1,
1780, in her 21st y. G.R.
Nathaniel, Capt., Nov. 17, 1843, a. 77 y.
Nathaniel (of Taunton, C.R.2), June 22, 1848, a. 53 y. 23 m. 23 d. G.R.
Nehemiah, Nov. 2, 1842, a 88 y.
Nehemiah E., s. of Nehemiah and Fanny, Apr. 8, 1818, a. 7 m. G.R.
Solomon, bur. Oct. 20, 1749. P.R.1.
Susanna, d. of (Capt., G.R.) Nathaniel and Susanna, May 30, 1800, (in
her 2d y., G.R.).
Susanna (Susanna S., G.R.), w. of Capt. Nathaniel, Jan. 14, 1839 (1838,
G.R.), a. 71 y. (70 y., G.R.)
Sybil A., d. of Nehemiah and Fanny, Sept. 10, 1828, a. 4 y. 4 m. G.R.
Sybil M., d. of Nehemiah and Fanny, Nov. 21, 1823, a. 11 m. G.R.
----, ch. of Mr. ----, bur. Sept., 1778. P.R.1.
----, ch. of W----, latter end of Sept. 1778. P.R.1.
----, w. of Job, ----, 1821, aged 70 y. Black. C.R.1.
Job, ----, 1821, aged 76 y. Black. C.R.1.
LOTHROP (see Lathrop) -
Bezer Cobb, s. of Oliver and Hannah, May 22, 1838, a. 17 y.
Darius, Aug. 18, 1841, a. 64 y.
Elizabeth, d. of Darius and Nancy, May 5, 1848, (1841, a. 31 y. G.R.).
At Charlestown.
Francis (Francis C., G.R.), s. of Oliver and (Hannah (G.R.)), Feb. 2,
(3, G.R.), (2, C.R.), 1828, a. 19 y.
Hannah, d. of Oliver and Hannah, Jan. 27, 1823 a. 10 y. 6 m. 25 d., G.R.
Hannah, w. of Oliver, Apr. 30, 1829 (May 1, G.R.), a. 45 y.
Oliver, July 29, 1834, a. 54 y.
LOVEL (see Lovell)
LOVELL (see Lovel) -
Samuel, May 3, 1802, in his 93rd y.
Celia A., Sept. 13, 1836, a. 14 m. G.R.
Mary A., Dec. 31, 1834, a. 4 m. G.R.
Samuel P., June 20, 1826, a. 8 d. G.R.
MANDLY (see Manley, Manly) -
Salome, w. of David, Aug. 2, 1796.
MANLEY (see Mandly, Manly) -
David, July 9, 1820, a. 39 y. G.R.
MANLY (see Mandly, Manley) -
Sally, wid. of David, Oct. 21, 1829, a. 46 y.
Caroline (Caroline E., G.R.), d. of George H. and Rhoda (Rhoda F.,
G.R.), Oct. 21, 1846, a. 19 y. Typhus Fever.
George H., s. of Rufus and Sarah Allen, Oct. 24 (25, G.R.), 1847, a. 54
y. 1 m. 9 d. Consumption.
Mrs. Polly, w. of Joseph, Mar. 26, 1820, a. 22 y. G.R.
----, ch. of ----, bur. May 9, 1790. P.R.1.
Margaret Mehitable, d. of Robert and Rosannah, Apr. 4, 1845 a. 21 y., b.
at New Boston, N.H. Consumption.
Alonzo (Alonzo C., G.R.), (Alonzo Chase, C.R.2), s. of James C. and
Amelia E. (P. Eliza, G.R.), June 10, 1846, a. 1 y. 2 m. (14 m. 14 d.,
G.R.). Whooping Cough.
(Charles V., G.R.), s. of James C. and Amelia E. (P. Eliza, G.R.), May
19 (18, G.R.), 1849, a. 2 d.
Ellen Melissa, d. of James C. and Amelia E. (P. Eliza, G.R.), Sept. 13,
1849, a. 2 y. 7 m. (3 y. 6 m., G.R.). Dysentery.
Andrew, Sept. 6, 1840, in his 72d y.
Elisha, s. of John and Lucinda, Sept. ----, 1848. Consumption.
Lemuel Gardner, s. of John and Lucinda, Apr. 1, 1835, a. 1 y. G.R.
Lucinda, w. of John, Sept. 11, 1834 (12, in her 29th y., G.R.).
MONK (Monks (G.R.)) -
Eunice, w. of Ziba, Mar. 27, 1849, a. 40 y. Consumption.
(Frances Caroline, G.R.), d. of Daniel and Hephsibah (Hephzibah, G.R.),
Jan. 24, 1833, (a. 1 y. 3 m., G.R.)
Samuel, Mar. 5, 1814, a. 30 y. 6 m. 2 d. G.R.
----, ch. of ----, Aug. 9, 1839, a. 2 y. Run over by cars.
----, d. of Thomas and Mary, Jan. 7, 1846, a. 3 d. Hemorrhage.
----, ch. of Tim., bur. Dec. 4, 1738. P.R.1.
----, ch. of Josiah, bur. May 7, 1759. P.R.1.
----, ch. of Jo., bur. Sept. 21, 1775. P.R.1.
----, ch. of Willard 2d, Feb. ----, 1839.
Ann, w. of Elijah, Sept. 30, 1801, in her 67th y.
Anna, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 2 (3, G.R.), 1783 (a. 7 y. 10 m. 14
d., G.R.).
David L., Oct. 29, 1842, a. 38 y.
Deliverence, w. of Gilead, Oct. 8, 1785, in her 47th y.
Ebenezer, s. of John and Mary, Jan. 21, 1741.
Esrom, s. of Gilead and Deliverence, Sept. 23, 1792.
Ezra, ----, 1806 or 1807.
Frederic, s. of Jedediah, d. ----, a. 1 y., rec. Mar. 2, 1846. Cholera
Gilead, Jan. 11, 1809, in his 72d y.
Gilead, s. of Gilead and Deliverence, June 6, 1809.
Hannah, wid. of Levi, Mar. 28, 1816, a. 69 y.
Hannah, d. of Jacob and Rhoda, Sept. 4, 1825, in her 3rd y.
Jacob J., s. of Samuel P. and Anna, Apr. 9, 1827, in his 3rd y. G.R.
Javin, Mar. 30, 1813, in his 47th y.
Jeremiah, s. of Levi and Hannah, Mar. 17, 1816, in his 48th y.
(John H., G.R.), s. of John Jr. and (Esther (G.R.)), Aug. 9 (1, G.R.),
1839, a. 6 y. (6 y. 6 m. 14 d., G.R.)
Joseph, Feb. 7 (1, G.R.), 1802. (a. 71 y. 16 d., G.R.)
[Keziah, dup.], w. of Josiah, Mar. 27, 1766.
Levi Jr., Mar. 9, 1816, a. 46 y.
Levi, Mar. 12, 1816, in his 75th y.
Lois, w. of Joseph, Sept. 17, 1815, in her 43rd y. G.R.
Lucy, w. of (Capt., G.R.) John, Feb. 12, 1849, a. 83 y. Old Age.
Luther, s. of Gilead and Deliverence, Aug. 9, 1777.
Luther, Dec. 3, 1848, a. 79 y. (78 y., C.R.2.) Mortification.
Luther D., s. of David L. and Maria, June 17, 1839, a. 6 m.
Mary, d. of John and Mary, Mar. 26, 1733.
Mary, wid. of Gilead, Apr. 27, 1825, a. 82 y. (83, G.R.)
Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Susanna, Dec. 2, 1762.
Nathaniel Jr. (Lieut., G.R.), Jan. 1, 1816, in his 46th y.
Nathaniel, Capt., Oct. 17, 1822, a. 90 y.
Rebecca, wid. of Lieut. Nathaniel, Jan. 23, 1828, a. 58 y.
Richard, s. of Jacob and Rhoda, Sept. 15, 1821, a. 3 y. (5 m. 13 d.,
Sarah, wid. of Joseph, Mar. 16, 1808, (in her 77th y., G.R.).
Samuel A., s. of Samuel P. and Anna, Jan. 22, 1827, a. 1 d. G.R.
Sidney Allen, s. of Jacob and Rhoda, Jan. 6, 1820, in his 9th y.
Stillman P., Dec. 27, 1831, a. 33 y.
Stilman Porter, s. of Stilman P. and Anna, Jan. 17, 1832, a 9 y.
Susanna, w. of Capt. Nathaniel, Dec. 22, 1809, in her 82d y. G.R.
Urbane, s. of Gilead and Deliverence, Oct. 3, 1790.
Julia Ann (Munsey, Judeth, G.R.), Sept. 20, 1841, a 20 y. (19 y. 1 m. 3
d., G.R.)
----, ch. of Nehemiah, ---- ----, 1829. C.R.1.
NOISE (see Noyce) -
Mr. ----, bur. May 29, 1761. P.R.1.
NOYCE (see Noise) -
Esther, wid. of ----, May 22, 1784.
John, May 8, 1770.
----, May 4, 1770. P.R.1.
----, w. of Samuel, May. 15, 1826, a. 40 y. C.R.1.
Tillson, Dec. 16, 1839. G.R.
Maria A., d. of John and Eunice, Oct. 7, 1849, a. 6 y (6 y. 6 m., G.R.).
Sarah Smith, d. of John and Eunice, Oct. 6, 1849, a. 1 y. 10 m.
Ellen Susanah, d. of George Whitney and Silence Jordan, Aug. 7, 1844, a.
4 m. 11 d. Dropsy on Brain.
Martin Kent, s. of Levi H. and Mahala (Mahala K., G.R.), Sept. 12, 1849,
a. 6 m. Dysentery.
Mr. ----, bur. Sept. ----, 1761. P.R.1.
----, ch. of Samuel, bur. Nov. 19, 1772. P.R.1.
----, ch. of Ephraim, Dec. 11, 1779. P.R.1.
----, ch. of Cloe, bur. Apr. 15, 1791. P.R.1.
Ephraim, bur. Mar. 8, 1793. P.R.1.
Henry, Oct. 12, 1771, in his 27th y. G.R.
Judith, wid. of ----, Jan. 5, 1769.
Lydia, w. of Ephraim, Apr. 13, 1792, in her 50th y.
Mary, d. of Henry and Mary, May 12, 1794, in her 26th y. G.R.
PEIRCE (see Pierce) -
----, w. of Ezekiel, bur. May 12, 1759. P.R.1.
----, ch. of Ezekiel, bur. Sept. 4, 1762. P.R.1.
Ezekiel, ----, 1759. P.R.1.
Jacob, Nov. 5, 1758, a. 27 y. 11 m. G.R.
----, ch. of John, June ----, 1827, a. 2 y. C.R.1.
----, ch. of John, June ----, 1827, a. 3 yr. C.R.1.
----, inf. ch. of David, Sept. 22, 1826. C.R.1.
PETTEE (see Pittee),
----, d. of Seth and Amy, Feb. 16, 1840. G.R.
Althera R., d. of Seth and Amy, June 21, 1838, a. 4 d. G.R.
Amy, w. of Seth Jr., d. of Moses and Esther Richards, Feb. 18, 1840, a.
27 y. G.R.
Anna C., d. of Daniel and Sally, July 4, 1847, a. 30 y. Consumption.
Betsey D., d. of Seth and Huldah, Sept. 11, 1819, in her 4th y. G.R.
Daniel, Apr. 24, 1836, a. 57 y. (57 y. 6 m., G.R.).
Huldah, w. of Seth, Sept. 22, 1819, in her 39th y.
Seth, Sept. 3, 1836, a. 60 y. G.R.
Mary, w. of Peter, Aug. 18, 1849, a. 69 y. G.R.
Edward, s. of Rev. Libius R., June 25, 1843, a. 3 y.
John, Oct. 31, 1751. P.R.1.
----, ch of ----, 1831. C.R.1.
PIERCE (see Peirce) -
Mrs. ----, bur. Apr. 26, 1753. P.R.1.
PITTEE (see Pettee) -
----, ch. of Tyler, Sept. 22, 1817. C.R.1.
Adeline (Pettee G.R.)), w. of Daniel, Sept. 12, 1837, a. 30 y.
Ebenezer (Pettee (G.R.)), s. of Daniel and Sally, Jan. 13 (10, G.R.),
1832, a. 6 y.
(Erastus Pettee, G.R.), s. of Daniel and Adeline (Sept. 25, G.R.), 1837
(a. 4 w. G.R.).
Hannah (Pettee (G.R.)), d. of Daniel and Sally, Aug. 21, 1832, in her
20th y.
Sally (Pettee (G.R.)), Sept. 22, 1840, in her 60oth y.
Seth (Jr., G.R.)), s. of Seth and Huldah, Oct. 2, 1807 (a. 1 m. 3 d.
PLIMPTON (see Plympton) -
George P., s. of George and Mary, Jan. 13, 1833, a. 2 y.
Laura Jane, d. of Ziba and Olive, Mar. 29, Mar. 29, 1833 a. 13 y.
Ziba, Dec. 14, 1821.
PLYMPTON (see Plimpton) -
Tabitha, wid. of ----, Mar. 15, 1846, a. 86 y. Old Age.
Walter S., s. of George and Mary, Oct. 6, 1846, a. 1 y. 6 m. Croup.
Frederic A., s. of Elijah and Harriot E., Sept. 21, 1849. G.R.
----, ch. of William and Hannah, Jan. 19, 1838, a. 11 w.
----, ch. of William and Hannah, June 21, 1841, a. 2 y.
William, May 7, 1752, a. 59 y. G.R.
William, s. of Henry H. and Catherine, July 27, 1848, a. 12 y. Typhoid
----, ch. of Mr. ----, bur. Apr. 11, 1772. P.R.1.
----, ch. of Mat., Dec. 10, 1750. P.R.1.
Bathsheba, wid. of Mattathius, June 12, 1807.
Eleazer, bet. 1741 and 1747. P.R.1.
Mattathius, ----, (1806?).
Patience, w. of Seth, Dec. 22, 1790, a. 56 y. G.R.
Priscilla, w. of Matthias, Feb. 13, 1790, in her 72d y.
Rebeckah, W. of Matthias, Feb. 22, 1777, in her 68th y.
----, ch. of ----, bur. Mar. 5, 1770. P.R.1.
Edmund, beginning Dec. 1782. P.R.1.
RANDAL (see Randall, Randell) -
Mary, wid. of ----, Sept 22, 1817. C.R.1.
Thomas (Randall G.R.)), Feb. 6, 1783, in his 83rd y.
RANDALL (see Randal, Randell) -
Bess, bur. Oct. 18, 1778. P.R.1.
Betsey, w. of Dr. Randall, formerly Betsey Bullard, Dec. 4, 1822. C.R.3.
Catharine, wid. of Thomas, Nov. 24, 1802, in her 93rd y. G.R.
Elizabeth, wid. of ----, Feb. 16, 1769.
George, s. of John and Nancy, June 3, 1830, in his 21st y.
Nancy, wid. of (John (G.R.)), July 14, 1847, a. 71 y. 8 m. 11 d.
Prudence, w. of John, Feb. 14, 1799, in her 26th y. G.R.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 2, 1771.
Samuel, Nov. 25, 1772.
RANDELL (see Randal, Randall) -
Esther, w. of Joseph, Dec. 5, 1799, in her 55th y.
John (Randall (G.R.)), Mar. 17 (18, G.R.), 1816, in his 49th y.
Joseph (Randall (G.R.)), Mar. 18, 1816 (in his 73rd y. G.R.).
Benjamin, Sept. 15, 1840, in his 73rd y.
Elmira (Elmira W., G.R.), w. of Lieut. Benjamin F., Apr. 25, 1836, (a.
26 y. G.R.).
Hannah, wid. of Benjamin, Dec. 4, 1848, d. of Oliver and Susannah
Everet, a. 74 y.
Katharine (Catherine (G.R.)), wid. of (Thomas, (G.R.)), Jan. 23, 1801,
(in her 63rd y. G.R.). Dropsy.
Sarah Ann, d. of E.T. and S.H., Oct. 12, 1842, a. 21 y. G.R.
Thomas, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, July 2, 1810.
RHOADS (see Rhodes) -
Benjamin (Jr., G.R.), s. of Benjamin and Anna, Oct. 28, 1771 (in his
23rd y. G.R.).
Caroline Pitts, w. of Ellis, Jan. 5, 1843, a. 36 y.
Francis E., s. of Benjamin and Harriet, Feb. 11, 1845, a. 18 y.
Hannah, w. of Benjamin, Jan. 8, 1814, in her 33rd y.
Harriot, w. of Capt. Benjamin, Aug. 29, 1838, (a. 42 y. C.R.3.).
Jeremiah, June 5, 1802 in his 48th y. G.R.
Mehitable, wid. of Jeremiah, Jan. 27, 1843, a. 89 y.
Sarah, w. of Joseph, June 3, 1775, in her 48th y. G.R.
Stephen, Jan. 23, 1792.
RHODES (see Rhoads) -
---- ,w. of John, bur. Sept. ----, 1776. P.R.1.
----, ch. of Jos. Jr., Oct. 3, 1776. P.R.1.
Benjamin (Rhoads (G.R.)), Mar. 19, 1776, (in his 52d y. G.R.)
Joshua, Sept. 29, 1825, a. 62 y.
Nathaniel, Sept. 29, 1824, a. 45 y.
RICHARD (see Richards) -
Noah, bet. 1741 and 1747. P.R.1.
RICHARDS (see Richard) -
----, ch. of Daniel, bur. Sept. 4, 1775. P.R.1.
----, s. of Jeremiah Jr. and Susanna, Nov. 3, 1809, a. 10 d.
----, ch. of Thomas P., Oct. 7, 1818. C.R.1.
----, d. of Capt. Thomas P., June 6, 1822, a. 2 y.
----, s. of Elon and Sabrina, Aug. 15, 1849, a. 6 hrs.
Aaron, Dec. (12, G.R.) 1816, in his 44th y.
Anna (Annar (G.R.)), w. of Daniel Jr., Aug. 23, 1790, (in her 47th y.,
Barney, Lt., Mar. 31, 1837, a. 61 y.
Benjamin, Jan. ---- 1816, a. 77 y.
Benjamin F., s. of Charles and Elizabeth, Feb. 10, 1829, a. 6 w.
Billings, s. of Benjamin, Oct. 22, 1826, a. 24 y.
Daniel (Daniel 3rd, G.R.), s. of Daniel Jr. and Anna (Annar (G.R.)),
Sept. 19, 1775, (a. 4 y., G.R.).
Daniel, Oct. 12, 1795, a. 86 y. G.R.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Anna, Nov. 4, 1799, a. 21 y. G.R.
Daniel, Nov. 8, 1819, in his 78th y. G.R.
David, s. of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Mar. 29, 1801, a. 17 y. G.R.
Ebenezer Jr., Dec 28, 1804, a. 24 y. G.R.
Ebenezer, July 6, 1811, in his 66th y.
Ebenezer Tisdale, May 22, 1843, a. 31 y. G.R.
Edward, s. of Daniel Jr. and Anna (Annar (G.R.)), Sept. 17, 1775, (a. 11
y., G.R.)
Elijah, s. of Daniel and Mary, Sept 20, 1775.
Elijah, s. of Daniel and Anna, Dec. 5, 1788, a. 9 y. G.R.
Elizabeth, w. of (Ensign (G.R.)) William, Mar. 5, 1786, in her 79th y.
Elizabeth, w. of Ebenezer, Mar. 23, 1809, a. 61 y. G.R.
Enoch, s. of Jeremiah Jr. and Susanna, Mar. 10, 1816, a. 3 y.
Fanny J., d. of Eliakim and Fanny P., Oct. 9, 1828, a. 17 m. G.R.
Francis, Feb. 14, 1833, in his 37th y.
Hannah, d. of Daniell, bur. May 18, 1749. P.R.1.
Hannah, wid. of Daniel, Jan. 19, 1841, in her 87th y.
Hannah, d. of Jeremiah and Patience, Jan. 5, 1848, a. 57 y. Unm.
Henry Martin, s. of Ambrose and Sarah, Sept. 13 (19, G.R.), 1849, a. 4
m. Dysentery.
Jabez, June 9, 1846, a. 77 y. 11 d. G.R.
Jeremiah, bet. 1741 and 1747. P.R.1.
Jeremiah, Feb. 4, 1828, a. 74 y.
Jeremiah, Deacon, Feb. 5, 1844, a. 65 y.
Joel, June 15, 1840, a. 52 y.
John, bet. 1741 and 1747. P.R.1.
Joseph, s. of Daniel Jr. and Anna (Annar (G.R.)), Sept. 22, 1775.
Lucy, d. of Benjamin and Mary, July 26, 1775.
Luke, bur. Apr. 28, 1790. P.R.1.
Margarett (Margaret G.R.)), d. of Moses Jr. and Mary (Mary H., G.R.),
May 11, 1844, a. 3 m. 5 d. Dropsy on Brain.
Martha, d. of Lieut. Barney and Anna, Oct. 4, 1822, a. 4 y.
Mary, wid. of ----, a. 78 y., July 13, 1820. C.R.1.
Mary, w. of Daniel, Dec. 3 (Dec. 9, G.R.), 1784, in her 75th y. (Dec. 6,
bur., P.R.1.)
Moses Henry, s. of Moses Jr. and Mary (Mary H., G.R.), Nov. 3, 1841, a.
8 y. (7 y. 8 m., G.R.)
Nancy, d. of Jabez and Susannah, June 21, 1815, in her 8th y. G.R.
Patience, wid. of Jeremiah, Aug. 16, 1833, in her 79th y.
Prude, d. of Benjamin and Mary, July 5, 1778.
Relief, w. of Capt. Thomas P., June 23, 1821, a. 36 y.
Ruthe (Ruth Billings, G.R.), w. of Benjamin, Sept. 15, 1824, in her 47th
Sarah, d. of Daniel and Mary, May 2, 1738, abt. 2 y. 6 m. G.R.
Sarah (Sarah Kent., G.R.), w. of Ambrose, June 9, 1849, a. 35 y. (37 y.
G.R.). Canker.
Solomon, Oct. 19, 1842, a. 63 y.
Susanna, W. of Jabez, Sept. 17, 1823, a. 53 y.
Thomas, Apr. 27, 1813, a. 77 y. (77 y. 29 d., G.R.)
William, Ensign, June 19, 1797, a. 90 y. G.R.
William, Jan. 29 (28, G.R.), 1801, (a. 67 y., G.R.)
Zebiah, d. of Jeremiah, deceased, and Patience, Aug. 30, 1836, a. 49 y.
Alonzo, s. of ----, and gr. s. of Mrs. Roby Pierce, June ----, 1839, a.
6 y., by drowning.
widow, bur. Apr. 2, 1752. P.R.1.
----, Frenchman, bur. Mar. ---- 1763. P.R.1.
----, Mrs., bur. Dec. 28, 1769. P.R.1.
Patrick, Sept. 24, 1849, a. 25, apparently. Irish (native of Limerick,
C.R.2). Apoplexy.
Mary Elizabeth, w. of John, Oct. 27, 1848, a. 37 y. Consumption.
----, s. of Mr. ----, bur. OCt. 19, 1778. P.R.1.
Chloe, w. of William Jr., Apr. 5, 1799 in her 47th y.
Sarah, w. of William, Nov. 5, 1797, in her 73rd y.
Susanna, wid. of William Esq., Feb. 10, 1840, in her 76th y.
William, Mar. 1, 1806, in his 85th y.
William Esq., June 17, 1826, in his 79th y.
SAVEL (see Savell, Savells) -
Deacon Benjamin, May 4, 1775.
Benjamin Jr., Nov. 12, 1786, a. 23 y. P.R.1.
Joseph, s. of Benjamin Jr. and Susanna, (?) 6, 1773.
Susanna (Savell (G.R.)), w. of Benjamin Jr., Sept 28, 1773, (in her 39th
y., G.R.).
SAVELL (see Savel, Savels) -
John, Feb. 28, 1818, in his 53rd y.
Edward Bridge, Capt. (Savels (G.R.)), Dec. 2, 1792, (in his 59th y.,
Mary, w. of Dea. Benjamin, Jan. 1, 1772.
SAVELS (see Savel, Savell) -
Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Susanna, Dec. 15, 1786, in his 24th y. G.R.
Benjamin, May 16, 1805, in his 83rd y. G.R.
Edward, June 3, 1843, a. 78 y. (77, G.R.)
Jerusha, d. of Edward B. and Mary, Jan. 24 (Dec. 24, G.R.), 1849, a. 75
y. Heart disease.
Mary, w. of Edward B., Mar. 20, 1802, in her 66th y. G.R.
Oliver, June 7, 1827, a. 66 y. (64, C.R.)
William, Dec. 14, 1821, a. 63 y.
Amity, wid. of ---- d. of Thomas and ---- Clark, Feb. 18, 1849, a. 73 y.
Pleurisy Fever.
Susanna, w. of Oliver, Oct. 1, 1796, a. 38 y. G.R.
----, s. of Job of Foxboro, a. 6 y., bur. at Mansfield, Oct. 23, 1848.
(Lydia (G.R.)), w. of Charles (Charles H., G.R.), July 3, 1839, a. 22 y.
----, Warren B., s. of William S. and Nabby S., Aug. 1, 1844, a. 10 y.
---- ,wid. of ----, May 11, 1776.
----, ch. of Dr. ----, bur. Mar. 13, 1790. P.R.1.
Andrew, Jan. 30 (31, G.R.), 137, a. 74 y.
Anna, w. of (Ensign (G.R.)) John (2d d. of Ezekiel Capen G.R.) Jan. 12,
1801, (in her 30th y., G.R.).
Annie Maria, d. of Levi and Annie C., Mar. 18, 1848, a. 20 y. G.R.
Caroline, d. of Isarel Jr. and Ziporah, Mar. 23, 1808. (a. 4 y., G.R.)
Ellis, s. of Isarel Jr. and Ziporah, Oct. 8, 1810, in her 21st y.
Eunice, d. of John and Jemima, Dec. 7, 1766.
Hannah, w. of John, Nov. 29 (Nov. 30, G.R.), 1823, a. 70 y. (71 y.,
Irene, d. of Israel Jr. and Ziporah, Feb. 25, 1799.
Irene, w. of Warren, Dec. 30, 1829, a. 22 y.
Isarel, Nov. 13, 1811, in his 82d y.
Israel Jr., s. of Israel and Ziporah, June 29, 1823, a. 21 y.
Israel, Dec. 28 (27, G.R.), 1839, in his 78th y.
Jacob (Jacob Leonard, G.R.), s. of Jacob and Polly, Jan. 12, (11, G.R.),
1826, a. 15 y.
John, Nov. 30, 1767.
John, s. of Ensign John and Katherine, Dec. 13, 1821, a. 17 y.
John, May 26, 1825, a. 90 y.
Katherine (Catherine (G.R.)), w. of John, d. (July 12, G.R.) 1831, a. 64
Levi, Apr. 6, 1842, a. 47 y.
Mary, wid. of ----, May 11, 1776.
Mary, d. of Isarel and Mary, Mar. 28 (Mar. 21, G.R.), 1816, a. 62 y.
Mary, wid. of Isarel, Feb. 1, 1820, a. 86 y.
Mary Susan, d. of Levi and Annie C., Oct 8, 1845, a. 6 y. G.R.
Molly, d. of Isarel and Ziporah, Jan. 3, 1819, in her 22d y.
Priscilla, w. of Jacob, Apr. 18, 1783, in her 31st y. G.R.
Samuell, bet. 1741 and 1747. P.R.1.
----, wid. of Jedediah, Jan. 4, 1826, a. 88 y. C.R.1.
Bushrod, s. of Jedediah H. and Lydia, Aug. 31, 1839, a. 3 y. (1 y.,
Henrietta (Henrietta J., G.R.), d. of Jedediah H. and Lydia, Aug. 30,
1839, a. 4 y.
Henrietta (Henerety J., G.R.), d. of J. Harvey and (Lydia (G.R.)), Jan.
24, 1844, a. 3 y. (3 y. 27 d. G.R.).
Naomi Jane, d. of Jerome B. and Naomi, Aug. 8, 1848.
Russel, s. of Dwight M. and Betsey K., Dec. ----, 1846, a. 2 y. 10 m.
Whooping Cough.
Corodon (Jr. G.R.), Nov. 30, 1841, a. 3 y. 3 m. 20 d. G.R.
Sarah A., Feb. 16, 1845. G.R.
Mr. ----, bur. May 8, 1769. P.R.1.
Dr. Daniel, Aug. 27, 1842, a. 69 y.
Hitty, w. of Dr. Daniel, Apr. 4, 1811 (Apr. 3, G.R.), in her 36th y.
Sarah, Mrs., late of Roxbury, Nov. 27, 1746, in her 69th y. G.R.
Sophia, w. of Dr. Daniel, Mar. 18, 1820, a. 33 y.
----, ch. of John, Sept ---- 1828, a. 19 m. C.R.1.
William, Aug. 7, 1822, a. 45 y. G.R.
----, ch. of John, bur. May 25, 1762. P.R.1.
Benjamin, Jan. 21, 1829.
Ebenezer, May 18, 1847, a. 65 y. Heart Disease.
John, Mar. 18, 1839, a. 79 y.
Mary, Mrs., Apr. 23, 1842, a. 87 y.
Vodisa R., d. of Isaac N. and Mary, Feb. 26, 1832, a. 1 y. 5 m. 15 d.
Anna, w. of Samuel, d. of Benj. Hewins, July 6, 1843. G.R.
Betsey, d. of (Samuel (G.R.)) and Anna, Aug. 10, 1823, a. 17 y.
Charity, d. of Job, Nov. 13, 1754. G.R.
Daniel, s. of Samuel and Anna, Nov. 2, 1806, in his 3rd y. G.R.
Ezra, Sept. 6, 1841, in his 31st y. G.R.
Job, Feb. 14, 1801, in his 91st y.
Otis, Jan. 17, 1849, a. 46 y. G.R.
Patience, Feb. 12, 1768.
Phillip, s. of Job, Oct. 17, 1754. G.R.
Samuel, Mar. 3, 1821, in his 50th y.
Sarah, w. of Job, Apr. 2, 1772, (in her 59th y. G.R.).
TALBOT (see Talbott) -
----, ch. of Warren and Esther A., Aug. ----, 1832.
----, s. of Warren, Aug. 23, 1842, a. 3 w.
----, d, of Warren and Hannah, Aug. 10, 1846. a. 1 d.
Enoch Jr., s. of Enoch and Hannah, Apr. 7, 1832, in his 25th y.
Esther A., w. of Warren, Aug. 6, 1842, a. 34 y.
Josiah, Deacon, July 13, 1841, a. 85 y.
Lucee, d. of Josiah, bur. May 14, 1795. P.R.1.
Mary E., only ch. of E. F. of Trenton, N.J., a. 7 y. C.R.2.
Nathaniel, s. of Josiah Jr. and Polly (Mary (G.R.)), July 3, 1838, a. 15
Rorana, d. of Enoch and Rattill3h, Oct. 26, 1821, a. 1 y. 11 m. 4 d.
Susanna, wid. of Deacon Josiah, Apr. 27 (28, G.R.), 1842, a. 83 y.
TALBOTT (see Talbot) -
(Talbot (G.R.)), Lucy, d. of Josiah and Susanna, May 12, 1795, (a. 5 w.
3 d. G.R.).
----, ch. of Stephen and Jane, Nov. 12, 1838, a. 4 y.
Theodora Elizabeth, d. of Silas and Rebecca, Nov. 19, 1843, a. 2 y.
Shadrach, Apr. 28, 1843, a. 28 y.
TISDALE (see Tisdel) -
----, ch. of Ned, latter end of Sept. 1778. P.R.1.
Abijah A., s. of Ebenezer and Nancy, Apr. 15, 1846, a. 2 y. 8 m. 8 d.
Anna, d. of Lieut. Ebenezer and Johanna, Feb. 8, 1794, in her 18th y.
Asa, Sept. 25, 1785, a. 23 y. G.R.
Betsey Hicks, d. of Ebenezer and Nancy, Dec. 28, 1847, a. 6 m. 15 d.
Betsy H., W. of Ebenezer, Nov. 3, 1841, a. 22 y. G.R.
Ebenezer, Lieut., May 28, 1785, in his 38th y. G.R.
Ebenezer, Capt., Jan. 24, 1791, a. a. 68 y. G.R.
Ebenezer, Aug. 31, 1811, a. 27 y. 17 d. G.R.
Edward, Capt., Nov. 13, 1826, in his 72d y. (71 y. 9 m., G.R.).
Eunice, W. of Mace, June 14, 1790, a. 28 y. G.R.
Joanna, wid. of Lieut. Ebenezer, Dec. 10, 1795, in her 41st y. G.R.
Josiah B., s. of Josiah and Susan, Sept 8, 1843, a. 8 m. G.R.
Mary, Feb. 5, 1796, a. 34 y. G.R.
Priscilla, wid. of Capt. Ebenezer, Nov. 3, 1794, a. 66 y. G.R.
Susanna, w. of (Col., G.R.), Isarel, Oct. 15, 1813, in her 31st y. (30
y. 10 m. 4 d. G.R.).
Susanna, d. of Col. Israel and Susanna, Oct. 3, 1817, in her 11th y.
Zilpha, d. of Ebenezer and Joanna, Dec. 1, 1724, in her 17th y. G.R.
TISDEL (see Tisdale) -
(Tisdale (G.R.)), Ruth, w. of Capt. Edward, June (21, G.R.) 1801, (a. 45
y., G.R.).
TOLEMAN (see Tolman) -
Capt, bur. Aug. 3, 1763. P.R.1.
TOLMAN (see Toleman) -
----, ch. of William, bur. June 8, 1755. P.R.1.
----, Mrs., bur. July 5, 1755. P.R.1.
Abigail, W. of Joseph, Sept. 14, 1837, a. 50 y.
Abigail, w. of William Jr., Dec. 30, 1849, a. 30 y., b. in R.I.,
Ulceration of bowels.
Daniel, s. of William and Mary, Oct. 16, 1822, in his 4th y. G.R.
Elizabeth, Aug. 20, 1767.
Emeline, d. of William and Mary, May 7, 1835, a. 2 y. 6 m.
Eunice, w. of William, Mar. 20, 1816, in her 38th y.
Harriet, d. of William and Mary, Jan. 30, 1830, a. 6 m.
Hervey, Oct. 10, 1828, in his 29th y. G.R.
Jemima, wid. of William, Feb. 27, 1843, a. 93 y. (92 y. 9 m. 27 d.,
John, June 21, 1805, a. 81 y. G.R.
Mary, d. of William, bur. Jan. 1, 1750. P.R.1.
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Jr. and Elizabeth, Nov. 6, 1820, a. 7 m.
Sarah, wid. of John, Sept. 13, 1827, in her 88th y.
William, Mar. 11, 1810, in his 65th y.
----, ch. of ----, bur. Mar. 15, 1785. P.R.1.
Mary Ann, Nov. ---- 1826, a. 19. C.R.1.
----, wid. of Joseph, Nov. 20, 1830.
Joseph, Feb. 6, 1828, a. 94 y.
Olive (Olive Jane, G.R.), d. of William and Olive, Sept. 16, 1839, a. 3
y. (2 y. 10 m. 19 d., G.R.)
Orlando (William Orlando, G.R.), s. of William and Olive, Mar. 28, 1841,
a. 2 y. (1 y. 8 m. 16 d., G.R.)
Wealthy, d. of late Joseph, Aug. 12, 1832, a. 36 y.
William, June 3, 1845, a. 39 y. G.R.
William Henry, s. of William and Olive, Sept 5, 1834, a. 2 y. ( 1 y. 11
m., G.R.)
----, ch. of Simeon, bur. Jan. 15, 1756. P.R.1.
Anne, w. of Ruben, Nov. 15, 1768.
Ruben, July 21, 1776.
Thomas, bet. 1741 and 1747. P.R.1.
Thomas, s. of Reuben, bur. Aug. 4, 1766. P.R.1.
Anna, w. of Calvin, July 29, 1849, a. 47 y., b. at Mansfield.
Susan, w. of Nathaniel H., Dec. 22, 1847, a. 36 y. Intemperance.
Widow, bur. Apr. 6, 1760. P.R.1.
Dolly, d. of Zebulon, Oct. 8, 1830, a. 17 y. (22 y., C.R.1.)
Henrietta, d. of Zebulon, Nov. 10, 1825, a. 16 y.
Lucy, wid. of ----, May 22, 1847, a. 75 y. Consumption.
Zebulon, Jan. 6, 1831, (a. 62 y., C.R.1.)
James, Oct. 13, 1825 a. 47 y.
Lucinda, d. of ----, Jan. 26, 1833, a. 18 y.
----, ch. of David, bur. May 11, 1778. P.R.1.
----, w. of David, Sept. 28, 1819. C.R.1.
----, s. of Jared, a. 2 y., Oct. 14, 1822. C.R.1.
----, w. of John, Apr. 12, 1837.
----, ch. of John, Sept. 9, 1837, a. 4 y.
----, ch. of Noah, a. 3 y., bur. June 25, 1849. C.R.2.
Benjamin, Aug. 11, 1779.
David, Jan. 10, 1825, a. 81 y.
Joel, s. of Joseph, Feb. 18, 1825 a. 24 y.
Jonathan, s. of John, bur. Aug. 17, 1749. P.R.1.
Jos., bur. Jan. 19, 1779. P.R.1.
Joseph Jr. Jan. 17, 1829, a. 43 y. (44, G.R.)
Levi S. of John, bur. May 12, 1755. P.R.1.
Lydia, w. of Joseph, Oct. 25, 1825, a. 65 y.
Nancy, W. of Lewis, Dec. 29, 1832, in her 43rd y. G.R.
Simeon, s. of John, bur. Mar. 18, 1755. P.R.1.
Mrs. bur. Feb. 22, 1759. P.R.1.
----, Mrs., bur. Nov. 22, 1762. P.R.1.
----, ch. of ----, bur. Aug. ----, 1778. P.R.1.
----, Mr., ---- ----, 1798. P.R.1.
Hannah, w. of Joshua, Jan. 29, 1782.
Jesse, s. of Joshua and Lois, Jan. 23, 1792.
Joshua, Mar. 30, 1791, in his 79th y.
Joshua, Deacon, Aug. 19, 1823, a. 61 y.
Lois, w. of (Dea., G.R.) Joshua, Dec. 29, 1791 (1792, G.R.), in her 30th
y. (bur. Jan. 1, 1792, P.R.1.)
Lucy, wid. of (Dea. Joshua, G.R.), d. of Jonathan and Lucy Billings,
Apr. 23 (Apr. 24, G.R.), 1849, a. 72 y. (71 y., G.R.) Paralysis.
Pelatiah, bur. Jan. 30, 1758. P.R.1.
Ruth, w. of Dea. Joshua, Sept. 22, 1814, a. 57 y. G.R.
Ruth, d. of Deacon Joshua and Ruth, deceased, Aug. 9, 1821, a. 22 y.
Susanna, w. of Joshua, Sept. 7, 1778.
WHOOD (see Wood) -
----, ch. of Wiliiam, bur. Apr. 13, 1755. P.R.1.
Benjamin L., s. of Oliver, May 25, 1804.
Harriet E. (Harriet Gay, G.R.), w. of Ronsville, Jan. 13, 1818, a. 22 y.
(23, G.R.) Pneumonia.
Oliver, Aug. 6, 1833, a. 66 y.
----, ch. of Solomon, bur. Jan. 18, 1769. P.R.1.
Asa, Aug. 14, 1821, a. 39 y.
Philip, Mar. 1, 1832, in his 72d y. G.R.
John, July 31, 1844, a. 19 y. Drowned, b. in Ireland.
Emma F. (Emma. Frances, C.R.2.), d. of Charles and Adeliza (of Dover,
N.H., C.R.2.), Mar. 17, 1847, a. 7 m. 7 d. G.R.
Emily, w. of George, July 12, 1848, a. 31 y. Consumption.
Catee, d. of William and Elizabeth, May 23, 1796, in her 24th y. G.R.
Deborah, d. of Philip and Rebeckah, Nov. 4, 1776.
Elisabeth, w. of William, July 22, 1795, a. 56 y. G.R.
Elizabeth, May 11, 1804, in her 37th y. G.R.
Esther, d. of Philip and Rebecca, Mar. 9, 1791, a. 11 y. 8 m. 10 d. G.R.
Hannah, d. of Philip and Rebecca, Sept. 17, 1796, a. 32 y. G.R.
Joseph, s. of Philip and Rebeckah, Sept. 27, 1778.
Nathaniel, July 20, 1839. (a. 73 y., G.R.)
Philip, s. of Philip and Rebecca, Sept. 23, 1792, a. 25 y. G.R.
Philip, Oct. 7, 1796, a. 59 y. G.R.
Rebeckah, d. of Phillip and Rebekah, Mar. [22, 1764, dup.] (a. 12 d.,
Rebecca, Jan. 4, 1823, in her 81st y. G.R.
Sarah, d. of William and Elizabeth, Oct. 25, 1775, (in her 6th y. G.R.).
William, s. of William and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1775, (in his 12th y.
William, Sept. 2, 1806, in his 71st y. G.R.
William, s. of William and Elizabeth, Apr. 8, 1808, a. 10 m. G.R.
William, s. of William and Elizabeth, May 26, 1809, a. 5 m. 13 d. G.R.
William, Sept. 25, 1810, in his 34th y. G.R.
Zilpha, wid. of Nathaniel, Aug. 18, 1845, a. 76 y. Dropsy.
WOOD (see Whood) -
Ab--h, bet. 1741 and 1747.
----, ch. of Joseph, bur., ---- ----, 1780. P.R.1.
----, Mrs., Aug. 30, 1786, a. 70 y. P.R.1.
----, w. of Joseph, Apr. 12, 1828, a. 74 y.
Abigal, w. of William, Mar. ----, 1790, (bur. Mar. 16, P.R.1.)
Joseph, Jan. 4, 1829.
Levi, Mar. 18, 1774. P.R.1.
Living, d. of Joseph and Desire, , Nov. 11, 1802.
Sarah, Sept. 3, 1775. P.R.1.
Susanna, d. of Joseph and Desire, Mar. 7, 1795.
William, Apr. ----, 1794.
Nathaniell, bur. Oct. 19, 1749. P.R.1.
Mrs. ----, bur. Apr. ---- 1780. P.R.1.
----, Mrs bur. July 12, 1778. P.R.1.
----, Mr., bur. Aug. 13, 1778. P.R.1.
----, Mrs., mother of Jesse Johnson's wife, June 28, 1836.
Boston, formerly servant of Benjamin Randall Esq., deceased, Dec. 2,
1835, (a. 85 y. G.R.).