Sharon, Norfolk Co., Ma,
Vital Records To The Year 1850
Compiled By Thomas W. Baldwin, A.B., S.B.,
Member Of The New England
Historic Genealogical Society.
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

June 10, 1778, part of the town was set off to form part of the new town
of Foxboro.
February 25, 1783, an act of the General Court changed the name to
February 16, 1789, part of Stoughton was annexed to Sharon; also another
part by Act of February 12, 1792.
March 12, 1793, part of Sharon was annexed to Foxboro.
February 28, 1804, part of Sharon was annexed to Walpole, and another
part on June 21, 1811.
February 28, 1850, part of Sharon was annexed to Foxboro.
March 26, 1864, part of Stoughton was annexed to Sharon.
May 1, 1874, part of Sharon was annexed to Walpole.
Population by Census:-
1776 (Prow.), 1261;
1790 (U.S.), 1034;
1800 (U.S.), 1018;
1810 (U.S.), 1000;
1820 (U.S.), 10101;
1830 (U.S.), 1023;
1840 (U.S.), 1076;
1850 (U.S.), 1128;
1860 (U.S.), 1377;
1865 (State), 1393;
1870 (U.S.), 1508;
1875 (State), 1330;
1880 (U.S.), 1492;
1885 (State), 1328;
1890 (U.S.), 1634;
1895 (State), 1717;
1900 (U.S.), 2060;
1905 (State), 2085;
1. When places other than Sharon and Massauhusetts are named in the
original records, they are given in the printed copy.
2. In all records the original spelling is followed.
3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about
the same family or individual may be found under different spellings.
4. Marriages are printed under the names of both parties.
5. Additional information which does not apear in the original text of
an item, i.e., any explanation, query, inference, or difference shown in
other entries of the record, is bracketed.
a. ----age
abt. ---about
b. ----born
bapt. ----baptized
bur. ----buried
ch. ----child
C.R.1. ----church record, Orthodox Congregational
C.R.2.----church record, Unitarian Congregational
C.R.3.----church record, Baptist
d.----daughter; died; day
Dea. ----Deacon
dup. ----duplicate entry
G.R. ----grave record
hrs. ----hours
inf. ----infant
int. ----intention
Jr. ----junior
md. ----married
P.R.1. ----from copy made by Wiliam R. Mann of record of Rev. Philip Curtis
P.R.2. ----from record copied from family Bible by William R. Mann
prob. ----probably
rec. ----recorded
s. ----son
T.C.----from town copy
w. ----wife; week
wd. ----widow
y. ----year
1st. ----first
2d. ----second
3d. ----third
