Vital Records Of Phillipston, Massachusetts,
To the end of the year 1849
Worcester, Massachusetts:
Published By Franklin P. Rice,
Trustee of the Fund. 1906.
Marriages - ADAMS to KNOWLTON
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Martha G. of Oakham and Hiram W. Knights, int. March 5, 1842.
Lucy and John Shepherd, int. Oct. 25, 1833.
Mason of Barre and Eunice Bowker, Apnl 6, 1831.
Patience Holland of Shrewsbury and Reuben Lamb, int. Oct. 31, 1812.
Isaac and Achsah Maynard, April 5, 1796.
Ruth of Royalston and Seth Phillips, Nov. 20, 1794. In Royalston.
John F. of Templeton and Susan C. Lamb, Oct. 5, 1843. At house of Sumner Lamb.
Patty and Benjamin Rich, Dec. 21, 1797.
Thomas and Anna Kindall, Oct. 24, 1799. In Athol.
John and Suky Lane of New Gloucester, int. Feb. 25, 1803.
Louisa A. (d. Warren and Elvira, a. 22) and Joseph Seaver, Nov. 25, 1847.
Martha and Abraham H. Knight, int. Feb. 4, 1799.
Dr. Jason and Betsy Holman of Templeton, April 17, 1791.
Charles H. and Polly Cheney, Sept. 16, 1841.
Charles J. and Huldah Hayward of Petersham, int. March 3, 1806.
Elizabeth and Jotham Whitcomb Esq. of Littleton, June 8, 1814.
James and Lydia Goulding of Hubbardston, int. Oct. 29, 1814.
John P. and Sally E. Pike, Dec. 6, 1827.
Joseph K. and Thankful Harding of Walpole, Feb. 12, 1818.
Levi and Esther Stiles of Whately, int. Sept. 12, 1791.
Levi and Mary Conyers, Aug. 25, 1825.
Lucinda and Elijah Gould, Dec. 28, 1791.
Lucretia and Levi Briggs of Athol, Oct. 12, 1843.
Lucy and William Wyer of Livermore, Me., March 4, 1819.
Lucy A. and Antrim White, int. April 6, 1835.
Lydia and George W. Felton of Petersham, May 4 [17 in C.R.], 1814.
Lydia B. and Alvin Wait of Worcester, Feb. 8, 1842.
Mary [Polly in int.] Jackson and Josiah Bowker of Templeton, June 4, 1812.
Nancy and Israel Taft of Petersham, Sept. 11, 1822.
Polly [Patty ? in int.] and Tisdale Woodcock, Nov. 30, 1815.
Silas Jr. and Nabby Hager, Dec. 28, 1808.
Susan (d. Joseph H. and Thankfull, a. 27) and James M. Hager, April 19, 1849.
Charles H. (s. Tilly and Rebecca, a. 24, farmer) and Mary L. Powers, May 25, 1847.
Deborah L. [D. Louisa in int.] (d. Tilly and Rebecca, a. 29) and Benjamin Chickering of Athol, May 21, 1846.
Loami and Louisa A. Smith, July 6, 1843.
Lucretia and David A. Orcutt of Athol, Dec. 30, 1823.
Tilly and Mrs. Nabby Earle, Nov. 19, 1828.
Adonijah of Athol and Mary Phillips, Feb. ----, 1788. In Athol.
Almera and Robert J. Rich, int. Feb. 7, 1837.
Jacob of Athol and wid. Hannah Lamb, int. Jan. 6, 1806.
Mrs. Elizabeth and Jonathan Bancroft of Gardner, July 29, 1817.
Hannah [Hannah K. in int.] and Anson Sanborn of St. Johnsbury, Vt., Feb. 20, 1833.
John A. and Caroline G. Bates, Aug. 27, 1840.
Jonathan of Gardner and Mrs. Elizabeth Bancroft, July 29, 1817.
Julia P. and Daniel G. Livermore of Millbury, April 11, 1833.
Lucy [Lucy Stanley, in int.] and Francis Nickerson, June 2, 1832.
Moses and Lydia Seaver of Gardner, int. Jan. 11, 1829.
Sukey and Amos Piper, int. Aug. 25, 1796.
John and Anna Kendall, Jan. 8, 1795.
Ezekiel Lysander and Priscilla Elvira Foster of New Salem, int. Aug. 5, 1800.
Rev. Ezekiel Lysander and Sally Holman, int. Sept. 6, 1802.
Rev. Ezekiel' L. and Mrs. Ruth Miles of Leicester, int. Feb. 22, 1806.
Capt. Charles C. (s. Isaac and Delia of Norton, a. 40, merchant) and Lucinda S. Jones, May 29, 1845.
Lyman H. and Lydia B. Lovering, May 9, 1833.
Lyman H. and Julia Ann Stiles of Rindge, N.H., int. March 15, 1845.
Betsy B. of Royalston and Silas Hale Jr., int. Sept. 20, 1823.
Achsah and Darius Buckman of Athol, April 11, 1832.
Asa and Azuba Lamb, April 27, 1800.
Betsy and Tyler Raymond, both of Winchendon, Nov. 25, 1802.
Caroline G. and John A. Bancroft, Aug. 27, 1840.
Comfort and Charles H. Perry of Boston, int. Nov. 6, 1830.
Diana A. and Orin Doane of Springfield, May 29, 1839.
Elvira, and Levi Fullum of Fitchburgh, Nov. 29, 1827.
Emerancy and Lorenzo Woodbury of Bolton, March 31, 1829.
Ezra L. and Matilda C. Haven of Bolton, int. Feb. 17, 1832.
Frank and Mary Bigelow of West Boilston Lydia and Abel Lamb, May 29, 1804.
Marcy [Mercy in int.] and Artemas Brown of Stow, June 13, 1802.
Mrs. Mary and George W. Lamb. int. Dec. 16, 1843.
Noah and Mrs. Betsy Cutler of Stow, int. Jan. 21, 1791.
BIGELOW (see Biglo)
Abel of Athol and Eunice Sawtell, Oct. 30, 1828.
Ebenezer and Sally Goddard, Sept. 27, 1824.
[Biglo in int.] Josiah and Lucinda Biglo, Feb. 7, 1810.
Josiah S. and Mary Ann Woods, Nov. 26, 1835.
Jotham R. (s. Josiah and Lucinda, a. 28, joiner) and Lucy Covell, Jan. 17, 1849.
Lucy W. of Petersham and Alonzo Woodcock, int. June 7, 1826.
Mary of West Boilston and Frank Bates, int. April 24, 1812.
William 2d of Guilford, Vt., and Arathusa Biglo, Jan. 27, 1805.
BIGLO (see Bigelow)
Arathusa and William Bigelow 2d of Guilford, Vt., Jan. 27, 180$.
Lucinda and Josiah Bigelow, Feb. 7, 1810.
Persis Temple and John Swan, Nov. 6, 1792.
Polly and Mordecai Peckham, May 5, 1795.
Sally and Silas Goddard, April 26, 1804.
Wyman H. and Sabrina Knight, June 19, 1834.
Louisa C. (d. Levi and Adeliza, a. 24) and Lyman B. Morse of Petersham, Oct. 3, 1847.
Abigail H. and Nathaniel Felton of Petersham, int. Sept. 9, 1826.
Benjamin and Lucy Wilder, both of Petersham, June 10, 1792.
Betsey and Jonathan Stratton Jr., June 29, 1806.
Eunice and Mason Ainsworth of Barre, April 6, 1831.
Horace and Anna Maynard Smith, May 18, 1824.
John and Sally Cowee of Gardner, int. March 14, 1818.
[Bouker in int.], Jonathan and Abigail Whitehead, Oct. 12 [6 in C.R.], 1791.
Josiah of Templeton and Mary Jackson Baker, June 4, 1812.
Lucy W. (d. John and Sarah, a. 24) and Leander W. Warren of Hubbardston, Dec. 13, 1849.
Mary and Elijah Stow of Petersham, Sept. 1, 1824.
Mary H. and Dea. Joseph Knowlton, Jr., June 16, 1836.
Mary M. (d. John and Sally, a. 25, housekeeper) and Horace C. Crehore of Fitchburg, June 12, 1844.
Relief of Fitzwilliam, N.H., and William Kendall Wright, int. Dec. 28, 1814.
Sally and Cyrus Jones, May 22, 1810.
Susan and John Smith, April 26, 1808.
Mrs. Susanna and Lt. Eleazer Graves of Athol, Feb. 4, 1812.
Susan and Anson Peckham, int. Aug. 23, 1839.
John of Salsbury, Vt., and Rebeckah Goss, int. March 9, 1808.
Nathaniel Jr. of Royalston and Polly Kendall, Jan. 15, 1807.
Hachaliah of Palmer and Sarah Lovering, Jan. 1, 1833.
BRIGGS (see Brigs)
Levi of Athol and Lucretia Baker, Oct. 12, 1843.
Edward of Whitingham, Vt., and Laura Comings, May 23, 1824.
Emma [Eunice in int] and John Cobleigh of Fitzwilliam, Dec. 12, 1787. In Templeton.
John of Templeton arid Rebecca Smith, Nov. 14, 1808.
Jonas Esq. of Bakersfield, Vt., and Mrs. Abigail Smith, Jan. 23, 1804.
Martin F. of Whitingham, Vt., and Elizabeth M. Smith, Jan. 12, 1836.
Nahum and Patty Wright, Jan. 20, 1803.
Roger and Elizabeth Rich, [April 15, 1790. C.R.]
[Briggs in int.] (see Briggs), Eliphalet of Keene, N.H., and Lucy Brown, Dec. 28, 1810.
Capt. Asa of Holden and Sylvia Powers, March 11, 1816.
[Bronsdon in int.], Jane and Benjamin H. Lamb, Nov. 27, 1806.
Betsey and William Lacy of Jeoffrey, N.H., May 26, 1829.
Elizabeth A. of Athol (d. William, a. 23) and Sidney A. Pusher Of Worcester, July 2, 1845.
William Jr. and Dorcas Doane of Eastham, int. Feb. 22, 1818.
William Jr. and Phebe Lewis of Athol, int. Feb. 5, 1829.
John and Puah Holbrook, both of Petersham, April 22, 1819.
Rebecca W. of Templeton and Isaac Davis, int. Sept. 14, 1822.
Susanna of Athol and John Death, Jan. 29, 1798. In Athol.
Thomas and Lucretia Goulding of Hubbardston, April 13, 1814.
Abigail J. and Elijah White, Dec. 12, 1843. In Barre.
Almeda and Houghton Sawyer of Whitingham, Vt., int. Sept. 5, 1830.
Artemas of Stow and Marcy Bates, June 13, 1802.
Bethiah and William Pratt, Nov. 12, 1798. C.R.
Betsy of Packardsfield and Samuel Cummins, int. Sept. 24, 1794.
Betsy of Winchendon and Benjamin Upton, int. Nov. 1, 1801.
Betsey J. and Chauncey B. Swan, Sept. 2, 1835.
Jesse and Fanny King, int. Nov. 20, 1841.
John and Lucy Brown of Brookline, N.H., int. Aug. 28, 1808.
Leonard and Mary Cheney, Jan. 24, 1837.
Lorenzo and Mary C. Perry of Swanzy, N.H., int. March 14, 1835.
Lucy of Brookline, N.H., and John Brown, int. Aug. 28, 1808.
Lucy and Eliphalet Brigs of Keene, N.H., Dec. 28, 1810.
Lucy M. and Horace Kendall, int. Sept. 2, 1843.
Lydia and Avery Eaton, Jan. 22, 1818.
Lydia and Thomas D. Houghton of Petersham, int. April 1, 1848.
M. Almeda and Calvin D. Davis, Sept 27, 1842.
Nathan and Keziah May of Sterling, int. Dec. 27, 1797.
Polly and Stephen Cumings, March 1, 1792.
Ruth [Ruthy in int.] and James M. Doane, Aug. 1, 1837.
Samuel S. of Athol and Elizabeth Doane, July 4, 1839.
Thaddeus [Jr. in int.] and Patty Cheney, Feb. 28, 1803.
William and Myriam Newell of Athol, int. Aug. 4, 1794.
William and Martha Lamb, April 23, 1815.
Charles and Julia Fisher of Templeton, int. April 13, 1814.
Charles and Elizabeth Gale of Royalston, int. Nov. 3, 1816.
Charles of Athol and Cinthia Fisk, int. Aug. 23, 1829.
Charles and Anne Whitney of Gardner, int. Jan. 28, 1838.
Charles Otis and Urina Forbush of Templeton, int. Sept. 2, 1842.
Dolle of Winchendon and Francis Maynard, int. March 27, 1788.
Esther and Elisha Sawyer of Templeton, Jan. 22, 1811.
Nabby and Charles Newton [2d], Nov. 25, 1802.
Patty and Samuel Hayward of Templeton. int. Dec. 26, 1801.
Silas of Templeton and Lucy Maynard, June 1, 1794.
Simeon H. and Esther K. Wright of Templeton, int. Nov. 23, 1839.
Achsah B. and James C. Kendall, Feb. 27, 1840.
Darius of Athol and Achsah Bates, April 11, 1832.
Abijah C. and Parmelia J. Howe of Wendall, int. May 16, 1836.
Abigail of Templeton and Washington Hager, Sept. 27, 1820.
Arternas of Templeton and Hannah Smith, May 20, 1812.
Mary of Canton and Willard Pike, int. April 24, 1823.
Nathan William and Lydia Stanhope, June 2, 1805. C.R.
Nancy N. of Royalston and Ainsworth Knight, int. Oct. 20, 1840.
Abigail and Dea. Joseph Knowlton Jr., May 23, 1832.
Azubah and Oliver Powers, Oct. 31, 1804.
Daniel G. and Amnia Newhall of Chesterfield, N.H., int. Sept. 14, 1833.
Lt. James and Lucy Knight, Nov. 29, 1804.
Jemima and Jabez Sawyer of Wendell, Feb. 23, 1798. In Athol.
Levi and Lucy Hager, March 26, 1817.
Lucy and Reuben Farr, Nov. 6, 1788.
Orrill and Charles M. Thorp of Boston, Dec. 28, 1833.
Patty and Elisha Hager, Dec. 30, 1806.
Sarah and Jason Phillips of Wendall, Feb. 26, 1794.
Mary M. and Edmund Newton of Gardner, Dec. 1, 1840.
Elbridge G. and Mary S. Wheeler, both of Petersham, June 8, 1828.
Alexownia V. and Joseph M. Newton, April 5, 1843.
Francis C. and Rebecca Miller, int. April 19, 1821.
Cyrus and Polly Horton of Templeton, int. Nov. 30, 1814.
Cyrus and Mrs. Betsey Smith, Oct. 24, 1820.
Hezekiah and Sally Swan, March 18, 1798.
James Jr. and Betsey Sever, Feb. 19, 1806. C.R.
Lydia and William How of Bernard, Vt., Oct. 4, 1824.
Mary and Leonard Brown, Jan. 24, 1837.
Patty and Thaddeus Brown [Jr.], Feb. 28, 1803.
Polly and Benjamin Newell Jr. of Heath, April 14, 1803.
Polly and Charles H. Baker, Sept. 16, 1841.
Sarah L. of Southbridge and George T. Newton, int. Sept. 23, 1848.
Benjamin of Athol (s. Joseph and Sarah, a. 21, merchant) and Deborah L. Baldwin, May 21, 1846.
Henry and Martha Newton, Sept. 22, 1840.
Henry of Sturbridge (s. Calvin and Nancy, a. 26) and Lucy Maria Woodward, Dec. 27, 1848.
Rev. John W. of Lancaster and Frances E. Knowlton, Nov. 9, 1830.
Joseph Jr. of Hubbardston and Emeline Jones, April 3, 1833.
Andrew S. and Harriet Hoar of Westminster, int. July 29, 1843.
George and Susanna Marble, Jan. 20, 1799. C.R.
Lydia H. of Montague and Courtlon Sanderson, int. Nov. 11, 1837.
Walter J. [G. in int.] and Beulah H. C. Parker, Nov. 26, 1835.
CLARK (see Clarke)
Esther and Lora Wilson, April 30, 1820.
Polly of Royalston and George W. Lamb, int. March 2, 1847.
Timothy of South Royalston and Mary A. Sprague, int. March 9, 1843.
CLARKE (see above)
[Clark in int.], Willard and Priscilla Rich, Aug. 19, 1818.
[Clemons in int.], Asa. of Petersham and Esther Town, Aug. 10, 1794.
Moses of Worcester and Nancy Pike, Nov. 25, 1828.
Azubah and Timothy Hill, Dec. 23, 1810.
John of Fitzwilliam and Emma [Eunice ?) Brigham, Dec. 12, 1787. In Templeton.
Mrs. Elizabeth and Silas Sawyer, Dec. 14, 1823.
Betsey and Luke Piper of Royalston, Jan. 13, 1814.
Mercy and Abraham Seaver, Jan. 27, 1819.
Patty and Joshua Lamb 2d, Dec. 8, 1803.
Phebe and Abner Sawyer, Nov. 16, 1808.
Mrs. Sarah and Earl Cutting, Jan. 7, 1816.
[Coleman, Otis and Polley Wetherbee of Templeton, Nov. 26, 1789. C.R.].
Samuel and Polly Goss, Aug. 18, 1796.
COMINGS (see Commings, Cumings, Cummings, etc.)
Amos S. and Ruth B. [or R.) Lamb, Nov. 14, 1826.
Jonathan B. and Polly Crow! of Petersham, int. July 9, 1824.
Joseph B. and Mary L. Covil of Petersham, int. Jan. 24, 1842.
Laura and Edward Brigham of Whitingham, Vt., May 23, 1824.
Susan and Moses O. Felton of Shotesbury, July 5, 1820.
COMINS (see Comings, Cumings, Cummings, etc.)
Charles A. and Eunice Rich of Wellflett, int. Feb. 8, 1828.
COMMINGS (see above)
Augusta L. and William J. Lamb, Sept. 15, 1833.
Mary and Levi Baker, Aug. 25, 1825.
Betsy of Templeton and Elisha Cook, int. Nov. 27, 1801.
Elisha and Betsy Cook of Templeton, int. Nov. 27, 1801.
Emeline of Pelham and Lucius E. Wilder, int. July 21, 1838.
William L. of Petersham (s. William and Clarissa G., a. 22, farmer), and Abby S. Newton, June 1, 1848.
Lucy (d. Ephraim and Sarah, a. 25) and Jotham R. Bigelow, Jan. 17, 1849.
Mary L. of Petersham and Joseph B. Comings, int. Jan. 24, 1842.
Sally of Gardner and John Bowker, int. March 14, 1818.
Horace C. of Fitchburg (s. Timothy C. and Sally W. of Ashburnham, a. 32, merchant) and Mary M. Bowker, June 12, 1844.
Lucy and Job Wheeler, int. March 20, 1790.
Susanna and Loring Simmons of Stephenton, N.Y., int. Feb. 19, 1799.
Daniel [of New Salem in int.] and Amy Eaton, July 7, 1813.
Samuel S. and Phebe Piper, April 3, 1833.
Polly of Petersham and Jonathan B. Comings, int. July 9, 1824.
CUMINGS (see Comins, etc., and the forms below)
[Cummings in int.], David of Petersham and Merriam Wheeler, Feb. 23, 1793.
[Commings in Petersham V.R.], Ruhamah of Petersham and John Hadly of Westminster, March 11, 1792.
Stephen and Polly Brown, March 1, 1792.
Benjamin and Rhoda Pettengill of Greenwich, int. Feb. 26, 1791.
Betsey of Wardsboro, Vt., and Joshua Sprague, int. Dec. 11, 1814.
[Comings in int.], Polly and John Dunton, Jan. 21, 1818.
CUMMINS (see above)
Samuel and Betsy Brown of Packardsfield, int. Sept. 24, 1794.
Cynthia and Belo Woodcock Jr., March 1, 1826.
Louisa S. [D. in int.] (d. John and Zlporah, a. 26, tailoress) and Jonas S. Pollard of Bolton, May 16, 1844.
Benjamin and Maria M. Hudson, int. March 14, 1844.
Mrs. Betsy of Stow and Noah Bates, int. Jan. 21, 1791.
Caty of Sudbury resident in Phillipston and George Whitehead, March 25, 1824.
Asa and Mrs. Sarah Lamb, Nov. 20, 1795.
Debby [Deborah in int.] and James Upton, May 22, 1808.
Earl Jr. and Lois Kendall, March 7, 1815.
Earl and Mrs. Sarah Cole, Jan. 7, 1816.
Samuel [Jr. in int.] and Huldah Weatherby of Winchendon, Dec. 12, 1793. In Winchendon.
William and Lucy Stratton, int. Oct. 25, 1800.
Joseph of Boylston and Olive Lamb, int. July 2, 1842.
Sophia and James Richardson, Feb. 24, 1818.
Abraham and Grace Drury, ---- ---— 1789. [Drewry, Sept. 10, 1789, C.R.]
Abraham and Mercy Doane of Eastham, int. Sept. 11, 1819.
Calvin D. and M. Almeda Brown, Sept. 27, 1842.
[Davice in int.], Chauncey and Eunice Knight, Aug. 26, 1813.
Isaac and Rebecca W. Brooks of Templeton, int. Sept. 14, 1822.
Nancy and Seth Hunting of Templeton, Oct. 19, 1814.
Salmon and Lorinda Woodcock, Dec. 2, 1819.
Nabby and Benjamin Rich, int. Aug. 26, 1821.
Sally and Jarathmel Turner of Royalston, March 30, 1826.
Dr. Jeremiah of Newfane and Fanny Negus of Petersham, Jan. 17 1802.
John and Susanna Brooks of Athol, Jan. 29, 1798. In Athol.
James (s. Robbert and Ellis of Marblehead, a. 29, agent) and Mary Ann Dunham, Sept. 12, 1846.
William of Ware and Mrs. Mary Ann Tolman, int. Dec. 29, 1849.
Wheeler of Royalston and Rachel Rich, int. Aug. 5, 1805.
Hannah and Samuel Gates Jr., both of Petersham, Dec. 21, 1789.
Dorcas of Eastham and William Bronsdon Jr., int. Feb. 22, 1818.
Elizabeth and Samuel S. Brown, July 4, 1839.
Isaac Y. and Priscilla Mayo, April 6, 1819.
James M. and Ruth Ann Brown, Aug. 1, 1837.
Joel of Eastham and Betsey Wright, Oct. 21, 1817.
Joel 2d and Eliza Forbush of Royalston, int. Nov. 11, 1837.
Joshua of Athol and Mrs. Ruth Parker, int. Sept. 20, 1801.
Capt. Lott and Mrs. Priscilla Doane, Dec. 17, 1842.
Mercy of Eastham and Abraham Davis, int. Sept. 11, 1819.
Mrs. Priscilla and Capt. Lott Doane, Dec. 17, 1842.
Orin of Springfield and Diana A. Bates, May 29, 1839.
Sally and Abner Foster, July 4, 1820.
Dorrity in Petersham V.R.], Polly of Petersham and John Piper, int. Aug. 16, 1788.
Isabella of Worcester and Josiah Stockwell, int. July 4, 1819.
Joel Jr. of Athol and Louisa Whitcomb, int. April 6, 1835.
Grace and Abraham Davis, ---- ----, 1789. [Drewry, Sept. 10, C.R.]
Mrs. Hannah and William Mendern, a native of Great Britain, int. July 28, 1787.
Thomas and Moriah Scholl, May 21, 1828.
[Dunkin in int.], Samuel and Betsy Stanhope, March 16, 1810.
Mary Ann (d. Edwin and Anna of Oxford, a. 18) and James Devereaux, Sept. 12, 1846.
John and Martha K. Lamb, Feb. 23, 1825.
Martha A. and Joseph Gibbs of Petersham, int. Sept. 8, 1849.
Sophia and Daria Lamb, Feb. 21, 1838.
Sophia L. (d. John and Martha, a. 20) and Alden B. Lamb, Sept. 10, 1845.
Ebinezer Jr. and Mehetable Pattingle, int. Jan. 15, 1796.
Hannah and William Lamb, May 29, 1799.
John and Polly Cummings, Jan. 21, 1818.
Mary and John Nickerson, April 13, 1807.
Nehemiah and Betsey Lamb, April 15, 1807.
Submit and Joshua Harrington, June 9, 1790.
EARL (see below)
Lydia and Benjamin White of Dartmouth, Oct. 8, 1807.
Mary and Nathan Stratton, June 26, 1810.
Stephen Jr. and Nabby Stone of Greenwich, int. April 2, 1814.
Stephen and Wid. Candace Richardson of Princeton, int. Dec. 13, 1823.
John and Mrs. Sally Grow Harding of Truro, int. May 30, 1806.
Mrs. Nabby and Tilly Baldwin, Nov. 19, 1828.
EARLS (see above)
[Earl in int.], Sophia and Elijah A. Gould of Bernardston, Dec. 25, 1816.
Amy and Daniel Crossman [of New Salem ?], July 7, 1813.
Avery and Lydia Brown, Jan. 22, 1818.
Clara B. and Alvan [Almon ?] French of Petersham, May 2, 1843.
George and Apphia Smith, May 21, 1813.
Jonas and Sally Powers, Oct. 14, 1802.
Lydia S. (a. 23) and Uri Twichell of Athol, April 23, 1844.
William and Juliann Taft, June 1, 1835.
William A. and Emily Johnson of Athol, int. April 12, 1843.
Alony of Holden and Simon G. Harrington, int. Dec. 11, 1831.
Tryphena S. of Westminster and Ephraim Martin, int. Oct. 18, 1828.
Asa of Alstead, N.H., and Surphila Lothrop, Nov. 4, 1822.
Rebecca of Templeton and Henry Sawtell, int. Feb. 18, 1815.
Reuben and Lucy Carruth, Nov. 6, 1788.
Eliza F. and Emory Shumway of Rutland, April 3, 1839.
George W. [Jr. in C.R.] of Petersham and Lydia Baker, May 4,[17 in C.R.], 1814.
Moses O. of Shutesbury and Susan Comings, July 5, 1820.
Nathaniel of Petersham and Abigail H. Bowker, int. Sept. 9, 1826.
Julia of Templeton and Charles Bruce, int. April 13, 1814.
Anna of Jeffery, N.H., and Samuel Stevens, Sept. 24, 1800.
Cinthia and Charles Bruce of Athol, int. Aug. 23, 1829.
Dinah [Dianah in int.] %V. and Othaniel T. Hale, Oct. 3, 1838.
John of Petersham and Sally Gibbs, Nov. 30, 1789. C.R.
Rebekah and David Sawtell, May 10, 1791.
Ruth and James Jackson of Petersham, Feb. 5, 1793.
Samuel and Fanny Swan, Feb. 28, 1798.
Lot of Temple, N.H., and Rhoda Powers, April 23, 1822.
Rufus of Petersham and Lucy Wheeler, Oct. 30, 1811.
Samuel H. of Worcester and Joanna W. Pike, May 30, 1839.
Jonathan and Hannah White, Dec. 2, 1794.
Patty of Littleton and Thaddeus Knight, int. Dec. 17, 1798.
Peter and Lucy Wood of Littleton, int. Nov. 10, 1704.
Wid. Sarah of Templeton and Daniel Knight, int. Oct. 29, 1814.
Eliza of Royalston and Joel Doane 2d, int. Nov. 11, 1837.
Heman and Mrs. Huldah Streeter of Orange, int. July 25, 1809.
Urina of Templeton and Charles Otis Bruce, int. Sept. 2, 1842.
Rhoda M. of Orange and John P. Richardson, int. May 3, 1843.
Abner and Sally Doane, July 4, 1820.
Joseph and Rebecca Heywood of Templeton, Oct. 4, 1787. In Templeton.
Martha of Templeton and Nathan Smith, Feb. 23, 1807.
Priscilla Elvira of New Salem and Ezekiel Lysander Bascomb, int. Aug. 5, 1800.
Rhoda S. of Winchester, N.H., and George Innis, int. Nov. 14, 1849.
Sarah and Aaron P. Watson, int. Sept. 25, 1837.
William and Harriet Lamb, int. Sept. 19, 1840.
Alvan [Almon in Petersham V.R.] of Petersham and Clara B. Eaton, May 2, 1843.
Sally and Asa Town, both of Petersham, Feb. 6, 1792.
Lieut. John of Royalston and Lucinda Kendall, int. Jan. 4, 1823.
[Frye in int.], Lucy of Royalston, and Jonathan Hunter, Aug. 12, 1791 In Royalston.
Merril D. and Lucy Ann Stratton of Athol, int. May 13, 1848.
Levi of Fitchburgh and Elvira Bates, Nor. 29, 1827.
Cynthia of Royalston and Elijah B. Newton, int. Dec. 25, 1826.
Elizabeth of Royalston and Charles Bruce, int. Nov. 3, 1816.
Jesse and Hannah Holland, both of Petersham, Dec. 29, 1805. C.R.
Lucy and Oliver Houghton of Ringe, Sept. 4, 1797.
Esther J. of Barre and Isar D. Swallow Jr., int. April 6, 1847.
George and Lucy Howe, both of Petersham, Oct. 1, 1818.
Samuel Jr. and F12nrAh Dike, both of Petersham, Dec. 21, 1789.
Azubah and Samuel Phillips Jr. [Geary, March 9, 1790, C.R.]
Joseph of Petersham and Martha A. Dunn, int. Sept. 8, 1849.
Rebekah of Sullivan, N.H., and Enoch A. Parker, int. Jan. 24, 1830.
Sally and John Fisk of Petersham, Nov. 30, 1789. C.R.
Jairus [James ? in int.] and Eliza J. Lamb, Oct. 20, 1835.
John and Mary Ryan, int. July 22, 1849.
Lucinda of Petersham and Nathaniel Gleason Jr. of Hardwick, Nov. 11, 1800.
Nathaniel Jr. of Hardwick and Lucinda Gleason of Petersham, Nov. 11, 1800.
Polly of Barre and David Johnson, int. Nov. 14, 1813.
Arathusa and Tully T. Parker, March 30, 1836.
Betsy of Athol and Capt. Nathaniel Smith Jr., int. April 9, 1819.
Patty of Framingham and Simon Goddard, int. Sept. 26, 1803.
Sally and Ebenezer Bigelow, Sept. 27, 1824.
Samuel of Royalston and Catherine Parks, June 29, 1790. In Athol.
Silas and Sally Biglo, April 26, 1804.
Simon [Jr. in int.] and Betsy Rich, Nov. 25, 1802.
Simon and Patty Goddard of Framingham, int. Sept. 26, 1803.
[Godard in int.], Simon and Mrs. Allice Rice, April 30, 1816.
Thomas of Hubbardston and Mary Goulding, May 13, 1830.
Betsey and Ebenezer Prescott of Fitzwilliam, Dec. 22, 1813.
Calvin and Lucretia Harris of Worcester, int. March 28, 1789.
Calvin and Ruth Sawtell, June 3, 1790. In Athol.
Polly and Samuel Colman. Aug. 18, 1796.
Rebeckah and John Bradley of Salsbury, Vt., int. March 9, 1808.
Elijah and Lucinda Baker, Dec. 28, 1791.
Elijah A. of Bernardston and Sophia Earls, Dec. 25, 1816.
George W. and Harriet Ingalls, April 2, 1835.
Pliny P. and Harriet M. F. Morgan of Greenfield, int. Jan. 5, 1824.
Pliny P. and Mrs. Lucinda Jones, April 22, 1834.
Sophia L. [L. Sophia in int.] and Alvin Waite of Hubbardston, April 2, 1835.
Harriet and P. O. Powers, Oct. 7, 1834.
Ignatius and Mrs. Harriet Sawyer of Boylston, int. May 14, 1840.
[Capt. in int.], Jason and Cynthia Knowlton, Nov. 3, 1829.
Hon. Jason (widr., s. Ignatius and Abigail, a. 44, merchant) and Harriet B. Knowlton, March 2, 1846.
Joel and Anna How of Hubbardston, int. June 22, 1807.
Lucretia of Hubbardston and Thomas Brooks, April 13, 1814.
Lydia of Hubbardston and James Baker, int. Oct. 29, 1814.
Mary and Thomas Goodspeed of Hubbardston, May 13, 1830.
Lt. Eleazer of Athol and Mrs. Susanna. Bowker, Feb. 4, 1812.
George F. and Mary B. Whitwell, both of Templeton, Jan. 19, 1832. In Templeton.
Sarah L. and Samuel J. Lyman, both of Templeton, April 12, 1831. In Templeton.
Mary M. of Stafford, Conn., and Benjamin White, int. March 31, 1834.
Samuel S. and Caroline Lamb, May 13, 1828.
Arba of Dublin, N.H., and Nancy Seaver, March 28, 1837.
John of Winchendon and Anna Newton, March 10, 1803.
William F. of Templeton and Hopy Seaver, Nov. 11, 1837.
Micah of Greenwich and Sally Lamb, Feb. 27, 1810.
Joel Jr. and Asenath Wilder of Templeton, June 2, 1789. In Templeton.
John of Westminster and Ruhamah Cumings of Petersham, March 11, 1792.
Elisha and Patty Carruth, Dec. 30, 1806.
James M. [W. in int.] (s. Washington and Abigail, a. 27, farmer) and Susan Baker, April 19, 1849.
Lucy and Levi Carruth, March 26, 1817.
Nabby and Silas Baker Jr., Dec. 28, 1808.
Washington and Abigail Bush of Templeton. Sept. 27, 1820.
Lydia and Cyrus Holman of Royalston, Nov. 2, 1824.
Othaniel T. and Dinah W. Fisk, Oct. 3, 1838.
Silas and Hopa Rich, int. Oct. 3, 1801.
Silas Jr. and Betsy B. Batchelder of Royalston, int. Sept. 20, 1823.
Stephen and Sukey Waldron of Dover, N.H., int. Feb. 7, 1802.
HALLET, see Hollet.
Jeremiah and Hannah Johnson, Sept. 9, 1794.
Mrs. Sally Grow of Truro and John Earle, int. May 30, 1806.
Thankful of Walpole and Joseph K. Baker, Feb. 12, 1818.
HARRINGTON (see Herrington)
David and Olive G. Holmes of Amherst, int. Oct. 11, 1830.
Joshua and Submit Dunton, June 9, 1790.
Simon G. and Alony Estabrook of Holden, int. Dec. 11, 1831.
Lucretia of Worcester and Calvin Goss, int. March 28, 1789.
William Jr. and Mary Ann Ryan, int. Jan. 10, 1848.
Calvin of Templeton and Polly Severs, July 3, 1811.
Hezekiah of Charlemont and Betsey Lamb, Dec. 26, 1805. C.R.
Elijah of Framingham and Susanna Lamb, Dec. 6, 1807.
Eunice of Athol and James G. Smith, int. May 7, 1847.
Matilda C. of Bolton and Ezra L. Bates, int. Feb. 17, 1832.
Mrs. Susan and William Woodbury, of Bolton, Nov. 29, 1818.
HAYWARD (see Heywood)
Huldah of Petersham and Charles J. Baker, int. March 3, 1806.
Samuel of Templeton and Patty Bruce, int. Dec. 26, 1801.
John and Mrs. Nabby Kinsman of Hubbardston, int. March 30, 1793.
HERRINGTON (see Harrington)
Hannah of Lincoln and Bradyel Stratton, int. July 24, 1797.
HEYWOOD (see Hayward)
Rebecca of Templeton and Joseph Foster, Oct. 4, 1787. In Templeton.
Sally and Abner Maynard, Dec. 14, 1806.
Elvira of Petersham and Alvah Piper, int. Oct. 9, 1833.
Anna and William Sprague, Sept. 24, 1820.
Nancy of Royalston and Reuben Whitcomb, int. May 11, 1814.
Timothy and Azubah Cobb, Dec. 23, 1810.
Harriet of Westminster and Andrew S. Chubb, int July 29, 1843.
[Dr. in int.] Guilford and Phebe Maynard, Jan. 20, 1807.
Puah and John Brooks, both of Petersham, April 22, 1819.
Jane of New Salem and Asa F. Piper, int. May 3, 1838.
Orinda of Warwick and Jetson Spooner, int. Oct. 20, 1831.
Hannah and Jesse Gale, both of Petersham, Dec. 29, 1805. C.R.
[Hallet in Barre V.R.], Sophia and Alexander Joslin of Petersham, Aug. 19, 1792.
Betsy of Templeton and Dr. Jason Ayres, April 17, 1791.
Cyrus of Royalston and Lydia Hale, Nov. 2, 1824.
Sally and Rev. Ezekiel Lysander Bascom, int. Sept. 6, 1802.
Olive G. of Amherst and David Harrington, int. Oct. 11, 1830.
Wid. Lydia of Orleans and Capt. Nathan Nickerson, int. Jan. 17, 1824.
Polly of Templeton and Cyrus Cheney, int. Nov. 30, 1814.
Oliver of Ringe and Lucy Gallop, Sept. 4, 1797.
Thomas D. of Petersham and Lydia Brown, int. April 1, 1848.
HOW (see Howe, Howes)
Anna of Hubbardston and Joel Goulding, int. June 22, 1807.
Mrs. Betsy and Jazaniah Knapp, both of Petersham, Oct. ----, 1798.
George of Petersham and Relief Stratton, int. May 1, 1795.
Joel and Sally How, both of Petersham, Jan. 5, 1802.
John of Petersham and Grace Moor, March 15, 1810.
Lydia of Marlborough and Joshua Lamb, int. Dec. 7, 1816.
Peter and Susanna Stone of Templeton, March 14, 1792.
Sally and Joel How, both of Petersham, Jan. 5, 1802.
William and Phebe Stockwell June 14, 1792.
[Howe in intj, William of Bernard, Vt., and Lydia Cheney, Oct. 4, 1824.
Patty and Joshua Wright Jr. of Templeton, May 19, 1808.
HOWE (see How, Howes)
Mrs. Grace of Petersham and Silas Sawyer, May 11, 1841.
Lucy and George Gates, both of Petersham, Oct. 1, 1818.
Parmelia I. of Wendall and Abijah C. Bullard, int. May 16, 1836.
Phebe H. and Capt. Sumner Sawn [Swan ?], Dec. 1, 1831.
HOWES (see above)
Kimball of Ashfield and Nabby White, March 26, 1806. C.R.
Ezra and Rachel White of Barre, July 20, 1795. In Barre.
Maria M. and Benjamin Currier, int. March 14, 1844.
Jonathan and Lucy Fry of Royalston, Aug. 12, 1791. In Royalston.
Seth of Templeton and Nancy Davis, Oct. 19, 1814.
Mary of Newtown and Joseph Seaver Jr., int. June 12, 1801.
Harriet and George W. Gould, April 2, 1835.
George and Rhoda S. Foster of Winchester, N.H., int. Nov. 14, 1849.
James of Petersham and Ruth Fisk, Feb. 5, 1793.
Nathan of Petersham and Betsy Stevens, int. April 12, 1800.
Elmira and Abel Sweetser of Worcester, April 30, 1833.
Abigail and Eleazer Patridge, Dec. 8, 1800.
Asenath and James Millard Esq. of Stamford, Vt., Jan. 30, 1814.
Betsy and Thomas Johnson Jr., July 21, 1788. In Templeton.
David and Polly Gleason of Barre, int. Nov. 14, 1813.
Emily of Athol and William A. Eaton, int. April 12, 1843.
Hannah and Jeremiah Hammond, Sept. 9, 1794.
Jane and Samuel Randall, Jan. 15, 1804.
Mary Ann and Alden E. Morse [of Haverhill, N.H.], Oct. 6, 1834.
Thomas Jr. and Betsy Johnson, July 21, 1788. In Templeton.
Amos and Loisa Maynard, June 9, 1806.
Maj. Amos and Mary Rice of Templeton, Aug. 29, 1810.
Cyrus and Sally Bowker, May 22, 1810.
Emeline [of Gloucester in int.] and Joseph Chickering Jr. of Hubbardston, April 3, 1833.
George of Royalston and Lucinda Stow, Nov. 26, 1816.
Mrs. Lucinda and Pliny P. Gould, April 22, 1834.
Lucinda S. (d. George and Lucinda, a. 20, housekeeper) and Capt. Charles C. Bassett, May 29, 1845.
Edmund and Elizabeth Walker of Sudbury, int. Sept. 20, 1794.
Alexander of Petersham and Sophia Hollet of Barra, Aug. 19, 1792.
Grace of Barre and Oliver Young, int. Dec. 12, 1801.
KENDALL (see Kindall)
Anna and John Barnard, Jan. 8, 1795.
Betsy and Gamaliel Smith, N. 26, 1810.
Francis and Rebecca Stow, June 8, 1815.
Horace and Lucy M. Brown, int. Sept. 2, 1843.
James of Brookline and Hannah Wright, May 21, 1812.
James C. and Achsah B. Buckman, Feb. 27, 1840.
John of Athol and Susanna Smith, Feb. 21, 1796.
Lois and Earl Cutting Jr., March 7, 1815.
Lucinda and Lieut. John Fry of Royalston, int. Jan. 4, 1823.
Martha and Nathan Wright, int. June 8, 1815.
Mary of Royalston and Seth Whiting, int. Nov. 11, 1815.
Paul R. and Jane Nickerson, Feb. 15, 1818.
Polly and Nathaniel Bragg Jr. of Rovalston, Jan. 15, 1807.
Rebecca S. (d. Francis and Rebecca, a. 26) and Jason H. Sherman of Carthage, Ill., Aug. 18, 1847.
[Kyes in int.], Tabitha and Moses Whitney of Templeton, July 15, 1798. C.R.
Polly H. of Roxbury, N.H., and James M. L. Parker, April 1, 1835.
KINDALL (see Kendall)
[Kendall in int.], Anna and Thomas Atkins, Oct. 24, 1799. In Athol.
Fanny and Jesse Brown, int. Nov. 20, 1841.
Mrs. Nabby of Hubbardston and John Hemingway, int. March 30, 1793.
Jazaniah and Mrs. Betsy How, both of Petersham, Oct. ----, 1798.
Lucy of Petersham and Erastus Swan, int. Dec. 10, 1835.
Lydia of Petersham and Edward Powers, int. Dec. 26, 1808.
KNIGHT (see Knights)
Abraham H. and Martha Atwood, int. Feb. 4, 1799.
Ainsworth and Nancy N. Campbell of Royalston, int. Oct. 20, 1840.
Betsey and Clark Stockwell, May 4, 1813.
Daniel and Wid. Sarah Fletcher of Templeton, int. Oct. 29, 1814.
Eunice and Chauncey Davis, Aug. 26, 1813.
Lucy and Lt. James Carruth, Nov. 29, 1804.
Mehitable and Jonathan Lovell of Wormter, June 13, 1798. C.R.
Nancy and George Sprague of Athol, int. May 13, 1826. C.R.
Sabrina and Wyman H. Blakely, June 19, 1834.
Thaddeus and Patty Fletcher of Littleton, int. Dec. 17, 1798.
William of Pelham and Azubah Newcom of Greenwich, "stood up and joined themselves in marriage" Nov. 29, 1804. Ezekiel L. Bascom, Pastor of the church in Gerry.
KNIGHTS (see above)
Hiram W. and Martha G. Adams of Oakham, int. March 5, 1842.
Cynthia and Jason Goulding, Nov. 3, 1829.
Frances E. and Rev. John W. Chickering of Lancaster, Nov. 9, 1830.
Harriet B. (wid. d. Josiah and Mary Bowker of Keene, N.H., a. 28) and Hon. Jason Goulding, March 2, 1846.
Jacob and Rhoda Smith, int. Dec. 21, 1799.
Joseph and Relief Stratton, Dec. 20, 1797.
Dea. Joseph Jr. and Abigail Carruth, May 23, 1832.
Dea. Joseph Jr. and Mary H. Bowker, June 16, 1836.
Nabby and Brigham Mills, Nov. 20, 1794.
Polly and Artemas Mann, Nov. 7, 1816.
Stephen of Templeton and Comfort White, int. Sept. 30, 1795.