Worcester. Massachusetts:
Published By Franklin P. Rice, Trustee of the Fund
Deaths - JACKSON to WYMAN & Unidentified
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Ruth, wid. Samuel of Boston, Jan. 11, 1778, a. 77. G.S.1.
Abigail, w. Silas, Aug. 18, 1817, a. 66. G.S.1.
Isaac Willard, s. Silas 3d and Sally, Sept. 8, 1803.
Lucy, w. Silas, Sept. 15, 1841, a. 47.
Mary, w. Silas, May 18, 1797, a. 67. G.S.1.
Sarah Weeks, d. Lewis and Deborah, May 20, 1833.
Silas, May 20, 1803, a. 77. G.S.1.
Silas, Feb. 23, 1837, a. 83. [a. 85 y. 5 m., G.S.]
Abigail, d. John, Feb. 10, 1760.
Abigail, d. Nathaniel and Mary, Aug. 20, 1693.
David, s. Joseph and Susanah, July 16, 1732.
David, s. Joseph and Sarah, April 7, 1725.
Deborah, w. John [d. William Ward Sr.,] w.], Aug. 9, 1697.
Dorothy, Jan. 7, 1760.
Elizabeth, d. John, Oct. 30, 1756.
Hannah, 1st w. William, Dec. 18, 1696.
Hiphsiba, d. William, Jan. 19, 1718-19.
Janne, d. Nathaniel, Jan. 8, 1688.
Joanna, Jan. 26, 1760.
John, s. John and Deborah, Nov. 23, 1676. Scalded to death. M.R.
John Sr., May 4, 1713.
John, Feb. 15, 1758.
Jonathan, Oct. 12, 1708. Slain by Indians.
Jonathan Sr., April 21, 1712, about 70.
Joseph, s. Solomon, buried April ----, 1668. M.R.
Joseph, July 7, 1727.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Thankfull, Dec. 19, 1736.
Joseph Jr., Oct. 11, 1756.
Marah [(Kerley), d. Jonathan Jr., w.], wid. Nathaniel, Nov. 27, 1736, in her 87th year.
Mary, w. John, July 19, 1720, a. 39.
Mary, w. Jonathan Sr., Dec. 28, 1728.
Mary, Feb. 21, 1762.
Nathanil, July 24, 1718, a. 80.
Patience, d. Nathaniel and Esther, March 30, 1687. M.R.
Samuel, Feb. 7, 1740, in his 66th year.
Wid. Sarah [(Maynard), W.], Feb. 4, 1757.
Sarah, w. Abraham, March 21, 1757.
Solomon, s. Abraham and Sarah, April 25, 1749.
Susanah, w. Joseph, Sept. 29, 1734.
Susannah, d. Nathaniel and Sarah, April 16, 1761.
Dea. ----, June ----, 1687.
----, inf. ch. Abraham and Sarah, Dec. 8, 1749.
----, inf. ch. Abraham, Dec. 9, 1758.
Ichabod, s. Samuel and Susanah, July 31, 1734.
JOSLEN (see Joslien, Joslin, Josling)
Israel, s. Thomas, Jan. 23, 1767.
Thomas, Nov. 3, 1760. At Fort William Henry.
Nathaniel, March 5, 1726.
JOSLIN (see Joslen, Joslien, Josling)
Abraham, s. Abraham and Jemimah, March 17, 1748-9, a. 18 y. 2 m.
Azubah, d. Abraham and Jemima, Jan. 2, 1749-50.
Bridget, d. Abraham and Jemima, March 27, 1749, in her 6th year.
Hester [(Morse), W.], w. Nathaniel, Aug. 27, 1725, a. 61, lacking 16 d.
Jemima, w. Abraham, July 3, 1745.
Lucy, d. Thomas and Mary, May 23, 1743.
Martha, d. Nathaniel and Ester, May 6, 1718, a. 23.
Mary, w. Thomas, Dec. 23, 1737.
Natthaniel Sr., April 3, 1694.
Patienc, d. Natthaniel, March 30, 1687 [?].
Patience, d. Isreal and Sarah, Dec. 2, 1722.
Sarah, w. Nathaniel Sr., July 2, 1706.
Thomas, Nov. 12, 1810.
JOSLING (see above)
Nathaiel, s. Nathaniel and Esther, June 18, 1687.
John (married), s. John and Betsey, Oct. 12, 1847, a. 61 y. 11 m. 27 d. Typhus fever. Born in Burlington.
Asenath, w. William (d. Isaiah and Mary Bruce), Feb. 15, 1823, a. 38. G.S.1.
KERLY (see Carley)
Wid. Ann, Feb. 18, 1697-8.
Elizabeth (Howe, w.), w. Henry, April 26, 1710.
Capt. Henry, Dec. 18, 1713.
Ens. William, Jan., 11, 1683. M.R.
KEYES (see Keys)
Elisabeth, wid. Dea. Thomas, Aug. 18, 1764 [in her 90th year, G.S.].
Jonathan, s. James, Aug. 15, 1698.
Thomas, Feb. 23, 1733, in his 20th year. G.S.1.
Dea. Thomas, Aug. 25, 1742 [in his 68th year, G.S.].
KEYS (see above)
Dauid, s. Thomas and Elezebeth, Feb. 8, 1719-20, a. 20.
Wid. Bridget, March 11, 1685. M.R.
Feney, d. Philip and Mary, April 6, 1776, in her 5th year. G.S.2.
Mrs. Sophia, Dec. 10, 1806, in her 94th year.
Margaret, w. John, Oct. 2, 1844, a. 40. Typhus fever.
Mary, w. Capt. Benjamin of Boston, March 1, 1822, a. 63. G.S.3.
Parker, March 15, 1835, a. 38.
Elizabeth H., Oct. 26, 1839. C.R.1.
Mary T., d. Henry B. and Julia, Aug. 30, 1845, a. 2 y. 11 m. 15 d. Emphysema. Born in Bolton.
Elizabeth, wid. Joshua of Boston, Jan. 18, 1776, in her 53d year. G.S.1.
Henry, s. William 2d and Anna, July 26, 1836, a. 4.
Hollis C., Nov. 15, 1826, a. 35. G.S.1. and G.S.3.
John, s. Jonthan and Elizabeth, Sept. 3, 1748.
John [Esq., G.S.], s. Jonathan and Elisabeth, Feb. 23 [24, G.S.], 1827, a. 77.
Phebe, d. John and Mary, June 6, 1785.
Mrs. Sophia, Aug. 12, 1816, a. 29. G.S.1.
Sophia, d. William 2d and Anna, July 23, 1836, a. 9.
William (married), s. John and Mary, Nov. 2, 1843, a. 55. Fever.
Olive, w. James L., Nov. 1, 1779.
MAINARD (see Mainord, Maynard, Maynerd)
Benjamin, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, May 27, 1721.
Bethiah, d. John and Lidia, Aug. 7, 1720.
Ephraham, s. Ephraham and Sarah, May 10, 1742.
Kathrain, d. Simon and Hannah, Oct. 1, 1729.
Mary, d. John, March 28, 1717.
Phines, s. John and Lidia, July 1, 1725.
Sarah, w. Ephraim, May 24, 1742.
Tabatha, d. Simon and Hannah, April 17, 1724.
Tabitha, d. Ephraham and ----, May 24, 1742.
MAINORD (see Mainard, Maynard, Maynerd)
Benjamin, s. Simon, Oct. 27, 1711.
John Sr., Dec. 22, 1711.
Betsey, w. James, Sept. 20, 1847, a. 62 y. 1 m. 20 d. Dissentary.
Francis Dana, s. George E. and Harriot, Sept. 30, 1835, a. 5.
Silas Felton, s. George Eddy and Harriot, Sept. 4, 1826.
Jonathan, July ----, 1820, a. 31. At sea. G.S.3.
Adam, April 25, 1716.
Adam, s. Adam, Aug. 7, 1716.
Thomas Sr., Nov. 13, 1701.
Thomas, Oct. 4, 1729.
Mary, w. John, [d. Jonathan Johnson, w.], June 22, 1710.
Mary, d. John, Oct. 2, 1706.
MAYNARD (see Mainard, Mainord, Maynerd)
Bithiah, d. Hezekiah Jr. and Hannah, Oct. 12, 1770.
Calvin (married), s. Ephraim and Lydia, Nov. 14, 1846, a. 53. Typhus fever.
Charles, June 13, 1823, a. 33. G.S.1.
Charlotte, d. Mary, July 18, 1832, a. 13 m. 9 d.
Corrinda Ann, d. John C. and Abigail, April 19, 1843, a. 9 m. 1 d.
Lt. Elihu, June 20, 1806, a. 58.
Eliza, w. Capt. Ephraim, Dec. 29, 1830, a. 30. G.S.1.
Elizabeth, w. Windsor, Nov. 13, 1835, a. 23. G.S.4.
Eunice, w. Ephraim, May 9, 1812.
Hannah, w. Simon, April 5, 1748.
Hannah, w. Hezekiah, Jan. 14, 1815 [a. 66, G.S.].
Hezekiah, March 14, 1824, a. 82. G.S.1.
Isaac, Sept. 12, 1820, a. 39 y. 9 m. 5 d. G.S.1.
James, s. James, April 18, 1836, a. 17.
Ensign John, May 15, 1731 [in his 70th year, G.S.].
John C. (married), Aug. 4, 1845, a. 43 y. 29 d. Consumption. Born in Stow.
John P., Sept. 29, 1818, a. 27. G.S.1.
Luther, s. Hezekiah, Feb. 6, 1815 [a. 28, G.S.].
Lydia, w. Ensign John, Jan. 10, 1739-40.
Mary, wid. Daniel, April 4, 1805, a. 95.
Mary, w. [Capt., G.S.] Ephraim Jr., May 11, 1821 [a. 38, G.S.].
Merena, w. Samuel B. (d. Windsor Stratton of Northborough), June 25, 1839, a. 32.
Moses, s. Israel, July 2, 1818, a. 8. G.S.1.
Phebe, wid. Lt. Elihu, Feb. 9, 1807.
Silas, s. Hezekiah and Hannah, Aug. 4, 1806, in his 29th year.
Silence [wid. Simon, C.R.], Nov. 19, 1837, a. 84.
Simon, Jan. 19, 1747-8.
Willard, s. Hezekiah, Jan. 6, 1815 [a. 22, G.S.].
William, s. Samuel B., Aug. 23, 1836, a. 4.
William G., s. Calvin and Judith, Aug. 30, 1817.
Zachariah, March 26, 1775, in his 79th year. G.S.2.
Zadock, s. Hezekiah Jr. and Hannah, Jan. 8, 1776.
----, inf. s. John P. and Betsy, Sept. 21, 1814.
MAYNERD (see Mainard, Mainord, Maynard)
Bethiah, d. Hezekiah and Tabitha, Nov. 23, 1752.
Daniel, s. Daniel and Mary, Dec. 27, 1759 [in his 23d year, G.S.].
Daniel, Jan. 1, 1760 [in his 68th year, G.S.].
Israel, Oct. 18, 1835, a. 55.
Peter Behony, Dec. 17, 1732. [See Behony.]
George Washington Clapp, s. Charles, Dec. 6, 1837, a 4 m.
William, March 29, 1832, a. 42.
Francis, late of Boston, Nov. 28, 1774, a. 28. G.S.1.
Joseph, s. Benjamin and Rebecah, June 17, 1724.
Carley, July 17, 1804. He belonged to Southboro.
Hollis Galer, s. Carley and Ruth, April 13, 1804.
Josiah, May 9, 1812.
Phinehas, Jan. 26, 1837, a. 77. A Revolutionary pensioner.
Susanna, Sept. 27, 1838, a. 98.
Doratha, d. Joseph and Abigal, Feb. 11, 1718-19.
MORSE (see Mors, Morss)
Aaron, s. Jonas and Lucy, Sept. 17, 1746 [in his 5th year, G.S.].
Abagal, w. Joseph, Sept. 5, 1741 [in her 46th year, G.S.].
Abner, s. Stephen and Rebecca, Nov. 23, 1806, a. 2 y. 3 m. 23 d.
Mr. Abner, June 3, 1810.
Almira, w. William, Jan. 16, 1838, a. 31.
Betsy [Betty, G.S.], d. Stephen and Rebecca, Jan. 23, [25, G.S.], 1791 [in her 4th year, G.S.].
Bezaliel, s. Joseph and Abigail, Jan. 12, 1745-6, a. 25. At Cape Britan.
Charles, s. Windsor and Lucy, Aug. 25, 1800.
Elmira, w. William, Jan. 16, 1838, a. 30. G.S.1. and G.S.3.
Francis, Jan. 30, 1805, in his 59th year. G.S.2.
Freeman, March 12, 1843. In Boston. G.S.5.
George, s. Stephen and Elizabeth, Nov. 9, 1833, a. 3 y. 11 m. G.S.5.
Grace, wid. Joseph Sr., July 22, 1753.
Grace, w. Samuel Sr., July 10, 1758.
Jesse W., May 8, 1832, a. 47.
Mr. Jonas, Feb. 10, 1779.
Mr. Jonas, Dec. 1, 1799.
Jonathan, Jan. 8, 1754.
Joseph Sr., July 11, 1733.
Ensign Joseph, Jan. 22, 1756 [in his 64th year, G.S.].
Kezia, d. Stephen and Rebecca, Feb. 4, 1791 [in her 2d year, G.S.].
Lauina [Levina, G.S.], d. Jonas and Lucy [Lovina, G.S.], July 17, 1756 [in her 9th year, G.S.].
Leonard Whitney, s. William 2d and Almira [Elmira, G.S.1. and 3.], Oct. 16 [6, G.S.1. and 3.], 1833 [a. 16 d., G.S.1. and 3.].
Louisa, wid. Francis, Sept. 22, 1826, a. 67. G.S.2.
Wid. Lucy, Sept. 28, 1802, a. 95 y. 2 m. 2 d.
Lucy, w. Winsor, March 27, 1840, a. 68. G.S.1.
Mary, w. Jonathan, Feb. 20, 1727.
Mary, w. Jonathan, Sept. 2, 1750.
Mary, w. Stephen, July 22, 1771, in her 45th year. G.S.1.
Mary, d. Jonas Jr. and Mary, Sept. 3, 1771 [in her 10th year, G.S.]
Mary, w. Jonas Jr., Dec. 26, 1777, in her 40th year.
Nancy, w. Dana (d. John and Nancy Temple), Oct. 15 1840, a. 33.
Nanny, wid. Jonas, Nov. 3, 1814.
Nelly, d. Jonas Jr. and Mary, Aug. 25, 1771 [in her 5th year, G.S.].
Phebe, wid. Capt. William, Aug. 26, 1814, a. 74. G.S.1.
Rachel, d. Ensign Samuel and Esther, May 29, 1756.
Samuel, Oct. 22, 1726.
Samuel Jr., Sept. 7, 1755.
Seviah, July 29, 1836, a. 81. C.R.1.
Stephen, Aug. 13, 1791, a. 67. G.S.5.
Stephen, Sept. 2, 1836, a. 74 [in his 77th year, G.S.].
Vastey, d. Samuel and Lydia, Sept. 14, 1727.
Virginia, d. Freeman and Martha, Feb. 12, 1838, a. 3 y. 4 m. G.S.5.
William, s. William and Phebe, July 1, 1777.
Capt. William, Sept. 16, 1809, a. 71. G.S.1.
Windsor [Winsor, G.S.], s. Jonas and Mary, June 23, 1832, a. 66 [a. 68, G.S.]
MORSS (see Mors, Morse)
Ensign Samuel, Dec. 27, 1755.
Zephaniah, s. Jonathan, April 13, 1765.
Eliza Mariah, d. Samuel S. and Lucinda, June 26, 1839, a. 3. [3 y. 7 m., G.S.]
Samuel S., Sept. 27 [6, G.S.], 1838, a. 32. [37 y. 6 m., G.S.]
Abigail, w. Joseph, Jan. 12, 1748-9.
Allen G., s. Alexander J. and Martha A., Dec. 14, 1845, a. 5 m. 29 d., Consumption.
Amose, s. John, Feb. 13, 1718-19.
Andrew, s. Moses and Johannah, March 9, 1691.
Cathren, w. Joseph Sr. [s. Richard, W.], Jan. 26, 1716-17.
Dauid, s. Moses, April 4, 1702.
Dauid, s. Edward, Oct. 1, 1703.
Edward, April 8, 1704.
Elisabeth [(Larkin) W.], w. John, Oct. 15, 1719.
Francis, Aug. 16, 1816, a. 52. G.S.1.
George Henry, s. Ezra and Mary P., Feb. 22, 1832, a. 11 m. G.S.5.
Hannah, w. John, March 13, 1696-7.
Hannah Sr., w. Richord, Dec. 5, 1697,
Hannah, w. John, Sept. 10, 1732.
Henry B., Nov. 28, 1849, a. 41 y. 1 m. G.S.3.
Hezekiah, June 9, 1777.
James, s. James and Rachel, May 27, 172---. [1721, W.]
Jedidiah, s. Abraham, March 19, 1719.
Johanah, w. Moses Sr., Dec. 25, 1713.
John Sr., Oct. 16, 1723, a. 82.
Jonas, s. Joseph, July 1, 1729.
Joseph, s. Joseph Jr., Feb. 14, 1712.
Dea. Joseph, Sept. 24, 1727.
Joseph Jr., Oct. 3, 1744.
Joseph, July 29, 1756.
Judeth, d. Daniel Jr., March 24, 1716.
Katharen, d. Joseph Jr., Jan. 25, 1706.
Miss Lucy, May 19, 1842, a. 91. G.S.5.
Mary, w. James, March 27, 1710.
Mary, d. James, April 26, 1710.
Mary, d. Daniel Sr., Aug. 12, 1711.
Mary, d. Abraham, Sept. 19, 1716.
Mary, wid. Lt. Micah, Feb. 21, 1813.
Mary B., w. Silas Jr., July 28, 1846, a. 43 y. 9 m. 14 d. Typhus fever. Born in Sudbury.
[Lt. G.S.] Micah, Aug. 21, 1800 [a. 78, G.S.].
Nahum, s. Silas and Delia, Nov. 23, 1816, a. 7 m. 20 d.
Patience, d. Uriah and Patience, Nov. 7, 1752. N.S.
Persis, d. Ezekiel and Tabitha, March 26, 1771.
Richard, Aug. 24, 1701, "almost a hundrid years old."
Sarah, d. Moses Jr., June 24, 1713.
Sarah, w. Moses Sr., Nov. 4, 1723, a. 63.
Silas, s. Micah and Mary, March 4, 1777.
Capt. Silas (married), s. Nahum and Mercy, March 24, 1849, a. 68 y. 10 m. 16 d. Lung fever. Born in Henniker, N.H.
Solomon, s. Micah and Mary, Jan. 22, 1777.
Susana, d. Benjamin, July 23, 1716.
Tabatha, d. Jonathan, Feb. 18, 1711-12.
Tabitha, d. Micah and Mary, Feb. 27, 1777.
Uriah, May 15, 1759.
william, March 2, 1821, a. 76. G.S.5.
William (married), s. Willis, Nov. 12, 1843, a. 24. Consumption. Born in Southboro.
Zacheriah, Feb. 26, 1717-18.
Judith, Aug. 7, 1797, a. 18. [Adopted d. Solomon and Judith Barns, G.S.]
Mehitabel, w. Natthaniell, Nov. 25, 1702.
Sophronia A. (married) [w. Ebenezer, G.S.], d. William and Mary A. Felton, Dec. 20, 1847, a. 20 y. 6 m. 3 d. Typhus fever.
Ann Marsh, d. Rev. Asa, June 6, 1796, a. 5.
Catherine, Jan. 15, 1834, a. 49. [On Caleb Witherbee's monument] G.S.4.
Dollar, d. Benjamin of Southboro, Oct. 3, 1838, a. 24.
----, w. John, March 1, 1810.
PARMENTER (see Parminter)
Althea, d. Ezekiel and Kezia, May 2, 1803, a. 1 y. 7 m. G.S.5.
Althea, d. Ezekiel [and Kezia, G.S.], Feb. 4, 1836, a. 29. [29 y. 6 m., G.S.].
Deliverance, May 19, 1828, a. 42. G.S.5.
Mrs. Eliza, Nov. 13, 1847, a. 45. G.S.5.
Emily [Emeline, G.S.], d. Ezekiel, July 13, 1834, a. 25. [23 y. 11 m. G.S.].
Ezekiel Sidney, s. Ezekiel and Kezia, Feb. 2, 1823, a. 1 y. 3 m. G.S.5.
Ezra, Nov. 30, 1833, a. 67. G.S.5.
George F., s. Lucus and Lydia M., Dec. 3, 1849, a. 22 y. 22 d. Consumption.
Hannah, w. Daniel (d. John Weeks), April 4, 1838, a. 35.
[Capt., G.S.] Israel, July 13, 1834, a. 38.
Miss Jerusha, May 13, 1846, a. 16. G.S.5.
Jewel, March 22, 1832, a. 29. G.S.5.
Keziah, w. Ezekiel, July 26, 1849, a. 75. G.S.5.
Olive E., w. Willard, July 3, 1846, a. 34 y. 3 m. 22 d. Consumption. Born in Kennebunk, Me.
Patty, w. Deliverance, April 5, 1819, a. 33. G.S.5.
Sally D., d. Ezekiel and Kezia, Dec. 23, 1836, a. 24 y. 4 m. 19 d. G.S.5.
Silence Maverick, w. Jedediah, Feb. 4, 1829, a. 94 y. 10 m. G.S.1.
PARMINTER (see Parmenter)
Ezekiel (married), Aug. 23 [26 in dup. and G.S.], 1843, a. 73 [72, G.S.]. Epileptic fit.
Townsend, s. Deliverance and Martha, Aug. 31, 1813.
Abigail, [H., C.R.], w. Luther, March 13, 1847, a. 35 y. 1 m. 8 d. Liver complaint. Born in Bolton.
Adolphus, s. George and Lydia, March 6, 1814 [a. 3 y. 9 m., G.S.].
Ephraim, s. George and Lydia, Sept. 6 [7, G.5.], 1805 [a. 1 y. 10 m., G.S.].
Freeman Stow, s. George and Lydia, Sept. 15, 1826, a. 2 y. 6 m. G.S.1.
Hannah Lewis, w. George Jr. (d. Maj. Jedediah [and Lydia, G.S.] Brigham), March 31, 1832, a. 29. [29 y. 6 m. G.S.]
Irena, d. George, Jan. 18, 1833, a. 24.
James [M., G.S.], s. Peace, Oct. 17, 1835 [1836, G.S.], a. 22.
Mary [B., G.S.], d. Peace, Nov. 21, 1835, a. 18. [Nov. 20, 1836, G.S.]
Peace, Oct. 17, 1819 [a. 37, G.S.].
Simon, April 28, 1829, a. 22. G.S.1.
William, s. Peace and Hannah, May 13, 1804, a. 2.
Elizabeth, d. Roger and Elizabeth, July 29, 1805, a. 9 y. 2 m. 19 d.
Elizabeth, w. Roger, May 15, 1838, a. 72.
Emily, w. Maj. Edward, Feb. 4 [Jan. 27, G.S.], 1836, a. 29.
Dr. John, June 1, 1816, a. 25. G.S.2.
Martha, w. Stephen R., Aug. 17, 1829, a. 39.
[Maj., G.S.] Merrick, s. Roger, Nov. 21, 1829, a. 31.
Roger, May 22, 1832, a. 71.
Sarah Webber, ---- ----, 1843. G.S.3.
Winslow, s. Stephen R. and Martha, Feb. 12, 1826, a. 15.
----, twin [?] ch. Edward and Emily, Sept. 26, 1831. G.S.4.
----, twin [?] ch. Edward and Emily, Sept. 26, 1831. G.S.4.
----, inf. s. Maj. Edward and Emily, April 8, 1833. G.S.4.
----, inf. ch. Edward and Emily, Aug. 25, 1835. G.S.4.
Charles, Feb. 7, 1834, a. 35.
Ellen, d. Daniel, March 23, 1843, a. 3 1/2 m. Canker rash.
George F., s. Stephen and Sally, Feb. 8, 1828.
Lazarus, Aug. 25, 1842, a. 60.
Mary Jane, d. Daniel and Maria, Dec. 26, 1835, a. 2 y. 6 m.
Stephen, s. Daniel and Maria, Dec. 28, 1835, a. 11 m.
Vester, s. Ephraim and Chloe, June 6, 1806.
Phinias, s. John, March 26, 1716-27.
PREAST (see Priest)
Wid. Hannah, Sept. 25, 1807. C.R.2.
Candace, w. Benjamin, Sept. 12, 1807, in her 54th year. G.S.1.
Hannah, w. Benjamin, June 20, 1824, a. 53. G.S.1.
Abraham, Dec. 31, 1824 [a. 76 y. 6 d.]. G.S.2.
Henry, s. Shadrach and Lovisa, Feb. 19, 1804.
Shadrach, s. Josiah, Nov. 3, 1832, a. 62.
Anna, w. Capt. Joseph, July 7, 1819, a. 59. G.S.1.
Henry, s. Nicholson B. and Lucy, Feb. 2, 1821 [a. 6 y. 6 m., G.S.].
John Edgel, s. Nicholson B. and Lucy, Jan. 23, 1820.
Capt. Joseph, Dec. 8, 1818, a. 72. G.S.1.
Capt. Joseph, Aug. 19, 1826, a. 42. At sea. G.S.1.
Lucy, w. Nicholson B., May 5, 1837, a. 47.
Lucy Bond, d. Nicholson B. and Lucy, Jan. 24, 1823 [a. 4 y. 11 m., G.S.].
Moses E. Bond, s. Nicholson B. and Lucy, Jan. 25, 1827, a. 22 m. G.S.1.
William Bond, s. Nicholson B. and Lucy, Jan. 10, 1826 [a. 13, G.S.].
----, youngest ch. Nicholson B. and Lucy, Nov. 29, 1832, a. 3. G.S.1.
Mrs. Ann, Feb. 17, 1805, a. 80.
Abby A., w. Paul N., Aug. 28, 1849, a. 27. Fever. Born in Stow.
William (married), July 27, 1849, a. 34. Cholera. Born in Edinburgh, N.Y.
----, s. Philo A., Feb. 2, 1843, a. 6.
Jonathan, Feb. 1, 1745-6.
Widow, ---- ----, 1687. M.R.
REDIOT (see Redeat)
[Ann, W.], w. John Sr., Oct. ----, 1687.
John, April 7, 1687.
John, July 5, 1694.
Persis, d. Nathan and Susannah, May 20, 1773, a. 5 y. 3 m. 25 d. G.S.1.
Susannah, w. Nathan, Oct. 16, 1780, in her 57th year. G.S.1.
Barnabas, apprentice to the heirs of Joseph Rice, June 24, 1752.
Aaron, s. Jabez and Alice, Oct. 5, 1782.
Aaron (single), s. Abel and Betsey, Dec. 12 [11 dup.], 1843, a. 26 y. 1 m. 22 d. Consumption.
Abby, d. Jabez and Betsey, Feb. 6, 1846, a. 18 y. 5 m. G.S.4.
Abel, s. Dea. Andrew and Hannah, Nov. 1, 1752, a. 5 y. 5 m. 27 d. G.S.1.
Abel, s. Jonah and Phebe, Sept. 10, 1790.
Abel [Abel Morton in dup.], s. Abel and Betsey, July 5, 1836, a. 6 m.
Abiel, twin s. Thomas and Anah, Dec. 27, 1692.
Abigail, w. Thomas, April 18, 1828, a. 73. G.S.4.
Abigail, d. Jabez and Betsey, Feb. 6, 1846, a. 18 y. 6 m. 6 d. Consumption.
Abner, s. Simon and Grace, Nov. 21, 1733.
Alice, d. Martin and Sally, Oct. 28, 1844, a. 32. Consumption.
Dea. Andrew, Jan. 15, 1775 a. 72.
Ann, Dea. Edward, June 4, 1713, a. 83.
Anna, twin d. Thomas and Anah, Dec. 25, 1692.
Asa, s. Harvey and Thusa, April 10, 1832, a. 16.
Benjamin, Feb. 23, 1748, a. 82 y. 2 m. G.S.2.
Benjamin, s. Dea. Andrew and Hannah, April 23, 1811, a. 71.
Benjamin Esq., s. Benjamin and Susanna, Sept. 24, 1833, a. 60. [Graduate H.U. 1796, G.S.]
Bethiah, w. Daniel [d. William Ward, w.], Dec. 8, 1721, a. 63.
Betsey, d. Abel and Betsey, May 5 [4, G.S.], 1834 [a. 7, G.S.].
Betsey, w. Jabez, Dec. 31, 1845, a. 59 y. 3 m. 20 d. Consumption.
Betsy, d. [Capt., G.S.] Eli and Lucy, Aug. 27, 1819, a. nearly 11.
Betsy, w. Abel, May 20 [18, G.S.], 1825 [a. 33, G.S.].
Dea. Caleb, Jan. 5, 1738-9, in his 73d year. [72 y. 7 d. 17 d. G.S.]
Caleb, A. M., Dec. 28, 1776, a. 37. G.S.2.
Caroline, d. Jonathan, July 25, 1838, a. 17.
Charles, s. Lt. Daniel and Lucy, Dec. 11, 1781, a. 5 m. 10 d. G.S.5.
Daniel, July 14, 1737, a. about 82.
Daniel, Oct. 27, 1803, a. 33.
Ebenezer, s. Edmund, Dec. 20, 1714.
Ebenezer Jr., March 9, 1779, a. 13 y. 6 m. 8 d.
Eber, s. Andrew and Hannah, June 30, 1744, a. 8 y. 8 m.
Edmond, buried May ----, 1663. [At Sudbury, M.R.]
Dea. Edward, Aug. 15, 1712, about 93.
Mr. Edward, July 20 [21, G.S.], 1741 [in his 69th year, G.S.]
Elisha, Aug. 20, 1776, in his 26th year. G.S.1.
Eliza Grout, d. Seth, Nov. 28, 1841, a. 14.
Elizabeth, buried Oct. 30, 1667. M.R.
Elizabeth, w. Joseph, Oct. 13, 1733 [in her 49th year, G.S.].
Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Mercy [Mary, G.S.], May 29, 1752 [a. 37 y. 6 m. 19 d., G.S.].
Elizabeth, w. Zorobabel, May 25, 1770, a. 67 y. 10 m. G.S.2.
Elizabeth, wid. Jabez, Nov. 27, 1812.
Elizabeth Cole, d. Noah and Hannah, Nov. 27, 1806, a. 11 [12, G.S.].
Elizabeth K., d. Jabez 2d and Betsey, Dec. 20, 1836, a. 24.
Elisha, s. Dea. Andrew and Hannah, Aug. 20, 1776, in his 26th year.
Ellen Eliza, d. Obed and Sarah M., Aug. 8, 1846, a. 1 y. 2 m. 16 d.
Elliazer, s. Joseph and Marcy, Feb. 14, 1712-13.
Elnathan, s. Peter, Oct. 28, 1716.
Emely, d. Nathan and Arathusa, Nov. 19, 1804.
Emerson, s. Edward Jr. and Susanah, Nov. 29, 1813.
Enice [Eunice, G.S.], w. Elisha, Aug. 11, 1776, in her 26th year.
Ezekiel, s. Jonah and Phebe, April 11, 1789.
George, June 30, 1847, a. 34. G.S.4.
George Franklin, s. George F. and Lucilla B., April 5, 1847, a. 2 m. 22 d. G.S.4.
Gershom, s. Gershom and Lydia, Feb. 20, 1753, a. 7 y. 8 m. 5 d. G.S.2.
Gershom, Oct. 11, 1790, a. 80. G.S.2.
Gershom, April 12, 1837, a. 83.
Hanah, w. Noah, Sept. 17, 1826, a. 75.
Hannah, d. Jabez and Hannah, March 20, 1751 [a. 14, G.S.].
Hannah, w. Jabez, March ----, 1781. G.S.2.
Hannah, wid. Dea. Andrew, Feb. 16, 1789, a. 77.
Hannah, d. Martin and Sally, Oct. 31, 1838, a. 34 y. [4 m. 23 d., G.S.].
Icabod, s. Gershom and Lydia, Aug. 17, 1742 [a. 1 y. 9 m., G.S.].
Jabez, ---- ----, 1783, a. 81. G.S.2.
Jabez, Nov. 3, 1809, a. 63.
Jabez (widower), March 9, 1844, a. 76. Consumption.
Jacob, Oct. 30, 1746, a. 86 y. 8 m. 28 d. G.S.2.
Jedidiah, April 27, 1715.
John, s. Dea. Andrew and Hannah, Sept. ----, 1776, a. 24.
John, s. Benjamin and Susanna, April 20, 1786 [1788, G.S.], a. 5 y. 5 m.
John Handcock, s. Jabez Jr. and Miriam, Oct. 28, 1775.
Jonah, June 12, 1827, in his 85th year. G.S.2.
Jonathan, s. Gershom and Lydia, Dec. 5, 1751 [a. 1 y. 10 m. 25 d., G.S.].
Joseph, Dec. 3, 1745, in his 75th year [74 y. 5 m. 28 d., G.S.].
Joseph, s. Jesse and Beulah, Sept. 24, 1746 [a. 1 y. 3 m. 19 d. G.S.].
Joshua [s. Samuel, W.], June 23, 1734, in his 74th year.
Levinia, w. Peter, Dec. 23, 1812, a. 61.
Louisa, d. Nathan, Oct. 16, 1835.
Louisa, d. Stephen, Nov. 28, 1839, a. 34.
Lovina, w. Peter, Dec. 23, 1812, 61. G.S.4.
Lucy, d. Edward and Lydia, Jan. 14, 1741 [in her 15th year, G.S.].
Lucy, d. Thomas and Abigail, July 11, 1796, a. 4 y. 6 m. G.S.2.
Lucy, d. Eli and Lucy, Feb. 20, 1812.
Lucy Brigham, d. Eli and Lucy, Jan. 18, 1805 [a. 9 m. 16 d., G.S.].
Luke, s. Harvey and Thusa, June 6, 1832, a. 11.
Luther, s. Levi and Lucinda, Dec. 27, 1817.
Lydia, d. Dea. Andrew and Hannah, June 27, 1749, in her 12th year.
Lydia, wid. Edward, Sept. 13, 1755.
Lydia, d. Jabez and Alice, March ----, 1782.
Lydia, wid. Gersham, June 4, 1799, a. 87. G.S.2.
Marcy, w. Joseph, Oct. 16, 1727.
Marshall, s. Abel and Betsey, March 18, 1848, a. 19 y. 11 m. 12 d. Consumption.
Martha, w. Joseph, Jan. 4, 1668. M.R.
Martin (married), s. Jonah and Phebe, June 12, 1844, a. 63. Consumption and dropsy.
Martin Lafaett, s. Martin [and Sally, G.S.] April 29, 1825 [a. 10 m. 22 d, [G.S.].
Mary, w. Samuel, June 18, 1678. M.R.
Mary, d. Hezeidah and Mary, March 30, 1720.
Mary, w. Joseph, Oct. 16, 1727, a. 46 y. 5 m. 14 d. G.S.1.
Mary [(Graves), W.], w. Benjamin, Oct. 22, 1736 [in her 66th year, G.S.].
Mary, d. Edward and Lydia, Jan. 5 [15, G.S.], 1741 [in her 15th year, G.S.].
Mary, wid. Dea. Caleb, Aug. 18, 1742, a. 65 [in her 65th year, G.S.].
Mary, wid. Jacob, Oct. 6, 1752, a. 80 y. 16 d. G.S.2.
Mary, wid. Joshua, Dec. ----, 1766, a. 95.
Mary, w. Caleb, March 27, 1777, a. 34. G.R.2.
Mary Ann, d. Stephen and Anna, March 17, 1836, a. 23.
Mary H. [Perkins], w. Solomon, Feb. 20, 1840, a. 24.
Matthias, s.Peter and Lovina, May 9, 1796, a. 23. G.S.4.
Matthias, s. Jonah and Phebe, May 10, 1796.
Matthias, June 8, 1841. G.S.4.
Miriam, d. Jabez and Miriam, July 31, 1771 in her 17th year.
Miriam, w. Jabez Jr., Jan. 28, 1776.
Moses, s. Edmond, Oct. 4, 1704.
Nahor, s. Edmond, Aug. 8, 1704. Slain by Indians.
Noah, Oct. 1, 1820, a. 69.
Patience, d. Edward and Lydia, Jan. 9, 1741 [in her 25th year, G.S.].
Persis, w. Abraham, Oct. 4, 1755.
Persis, w. Benjamin Jr., Jan. 4, 1821, a. 35.
Capt. Peter, Nov. 28, 1753.
Peter, Dec. 9, 1826, in his 78th year. G.S.4.
Peter, s. Nathan, April 19, 1838, a. 21. Drowned in Gate's Pond.
Peter, s. [Dea., G.S.] Eli [and Lucy, G.S.], Feb. 26 [25, G.S.], 1841, a. 26.
Phebe, w. Jonah, April 23, 1826, in her 75th year. G.S.2.
Precilla, d. Daniel and Bethia, Dec. 24, 174---. [1721, W.]
Rebecca, w. Jabez (formerly w. Daniel Hayden), Nov. 3, 1833, a. 59. G.S.5.
Rebekah, w. Capt. Peter, May 13, 1749.
Ruth [Ruth Sophia, G.S.], d. Martin and Sally, April 24, 1843, 21 y. 7 m. 19 d. Consumpsion.
Samuel, Feb. 25, 1684. M.R.
Samuel, s. Abraham and Persis, Oct. 1, 1755 [in his 2d year, G.S.].
Sarah, d. Joshua and Mary, April 3, 1778, a. 79. [79 y. 9 m., G.S.].
Sarah, w. Noah [A.M., G.S.], March 15, 1781 [in her 28th year, G.S.].
Sarah, w. Daniel, April 17, 1799, a. 29. G.S.1.
Sarah, wid. Eber, March 7, 1846, a. 66 y. 23 d. Consumption.
Silas, s. Gershom and Lydia, Aug. 30 [31, G.S.], 1742.
Simon, May 31, 1733.
Simon, s. Simon and Grace, June 18, 1740.
Solomon, s. Gershom and Lydia, Feb. 20, 1753, a. 9 y. 7 m. 3 d. G.S.2.
Stephen, s. Benjamin and Susanna, April 19, 1788, a. 18 y. 4 m.
Surviah, d. Edward and Lydia, Jan. 19, 1741.
Susanna, wid. Benjamin (d. Col. John Weeks), Feb. 19, 1826, a. 82 y. 3 m.
Susanna, w. Gershom, April 19, 1837, a. 79.
Susanna, d. Benjamin and Susanna, Dec. 9, 1849, a. 77 [78, G.S.]. Old age.
Thomas, Oct. 29 [28, G.S.], 1840, a. 93. [92 y. 11 m., G.S.]
Thusa, w. Harvey, Jan. 16, 1849, a. 56. G.S.1.
Vnice, d. Jacob, Nov. 11, 1715.
Willard, s. Levi and Lucinda, Dec. 27, 1817.
William, s. Jonathan and Betsey, Sept. 7, 1839, a. 11.
William Casneau, s. Noah [A. M., G.S.] and Sarah, Jan. 19, 1780.
William Casneau, s. Noah [A.M., G.S.] and Sarah, April 11 1781 [a. 3 m. G.S.].
Zorobable, Aug, 27, 1773, in his 74th year. G.S.2.
----, inf. s. Andrew and Hannah, Nov. 27, ----, [1749?]
----, inf. d. Eli and Lucy, Nov. 7, 1805 [a. 5 d., G.S.]
----, inf. ch. Levi and Lucinda, Jan. 12, 1816.
William, April 29, 1715 [a. 24, W.].
John, May 15, 1685. On his journey to Boston.
Abigail, wid. Jonathan, Dec. 28, 1806, in her 97th year.
Dr. Jeremiah, Oct. 19, 1771 in his 59th year.
Thomas Amsden, s. Jerimiah and Eunice, Nov. 30, 1757.
Andrew, Sept. 25, 1836, a. 67.
Doritha, w. John, May 9, 1686.
Janne [Jane, M.R.], w. John, Feb. 9, 1688. [1687, M.R.].
[Rudduck, in dup.], Dea. John, Jan. 28 [29 in dup.], 1692-3.
Rebeckah, w. John, Dec. 28, 1694.
Patty, W. Prentice, April 8, 1793. At Wardsborough, Vt.
RUSSELL (see Russel)
Nathaniel Prentiss, March 17, 1812.
Oliver, Oct. 28, 1820 [a. 67, G.S.]. A Revolutionary pensioner.
Sally, d. Nathaniel P. and Patty, ---- ----, 1797. At Watertown.
Winslow Brigham, s. Otis and Lovinah, Jan. 31, 1820 [a. 2, G.S.]
----, inf. s. Nathaniel P. and Patty [May ?], ---- ----, 1792.
Mary A., w. George, Oct. 1, 1845, a. 39 y. 7 d. Scirrhus.
Wid. Betsey (d. Daniel and Betsey Cotting), Feb. 6, 1844, a. 75. Consumption. Born in Waltham.
Hannah, w. Capt. John, June 20, 1808.
Hannah S., w. Francis, Oct. 8, 1849, a. 26. Consumption. Born in New Hartford, N.Y.
John, June 12, 1832, a. 78.
Munning, June 28, 1807, a. 87.
Rebeccah, w. Munning, May 22, 1803.
Edmund, s. Phineas and Hannah, March 21, 1816, a. 10 m. G.S.2.
Hannah, w. Phinehas, Oct. 5, 1849, a. 76. G.S.2.
Henrietta Estella, d. Theodore W. and Lucinda, April 19, 1844, a. 1. Fever.
Mary, inf. d. James and Mary, Sept. 17, 1696.
Mary, w. James March 20, 1708-9.
Phinehas, Jan. 74, 1820, a. 51. G.S.2.
Aaron Weeks, s. Heman and Elizabeth Weeks, April 5, 1813, 3. 14 y. 11 m. 19 d. In Middlebury, Vt.
Aaron Weeks, s. Heman and Sarah C. Rice, June 1, 1819, [a. 6 w., G.S.]. In Montreal, L.C.
Elizabeth, w. Heman, Feb. 5, 1815, a. 43. G.5.2.
Heman Esq., Dec. 18, 1835, a. 66.
SHARMON (see Sherman, Shermon)
Mr. John, Nov. 11, 1756.
Lydia, w. Samuel, Aug. 1, 1756.
SHERMAN (see Sharmon Shermon)
Daniel, March 25, 1785.
Daniel, April 21, 1814, a. 26. G.S.1.
Hannah, w. Isaac, Feb. 7, 1777, in her 22d year.
Hannah, w. Isaac, Oct. 25, 1829, a. 74. In Northboro. G.S.1.
Harriot, d. Daniel and Hannah, Oct. 9, 1834, a. 23. G.S.1.
Henry Francis, s. Micah and Lydia, June 28, 1817, a. 13 m. 12 d. G.S.1.
Jane Dennison, d. Micah Esq. and Susanna, May 29, 1818, a. 16. G.S.1.
Micah, Dec. 8, 1816, in his 50th year. G.S.1.
Micah, s. Moses and Lovina, Sept. 6, 1834, a. 35.
Moses, June 28, 1833, a. 72. G.S.1.
Samuel, April 20, 1784.
Susanna Dennison, w. Micah Esq., [a. 33 G.S.]. Jan. 16, 1811.
----, ch. Isaac and Hannah, Feb. 7, 1777. G.S.1.
----, ch. Micah and Susanna D., Jan. 16, 1811. G.S.1.
SHERMON (see above)
John, s. John, April 15, 1711.
Louisa, wid. Joseph, June 7, 1825.
John, s. Thankful Robbins, Jan. 17, 1837, a. 78.
Abner B. (married), ---- ----, 1844, a. 35. Fever.
Anna, d. Rev. Aaron and Martha, Sept. 1, 1745 [a. 4 y. 10 d., G.S.].
Carolina Mariah, d. Abner B. and Caroline, Jan. 21, 1842, a. 2.
Caroline Mariah, Abner B. and Caroline, Sept. 20, 1843, a. 4. Disentary.
Charles Brigham, s. Abner B. and Caroline, March 16, 1840, a. 6.
Eunice, d. Nathaniel and Lydia, June 17, 1700, a. 21. G.S.2.
Gideon, Jan. 14, 1812.
Jeduthan, March 21, 1837, a. 69.
Mr. John, Feb. 2, 1814.
Jonas (widower), Dec. 8 [7. G.S.], 1845, a. 90 y. 11 m. 9 d. Old age. [A Revolutionary soldier, G.S.]
Martha, w. Rev. Aaron, May 12, 1755 [in her 34th year, G.S.].
Martin, s. Jonas and Susannah, Sept. 24, 1815, a. 16. G.S.1.
Nabby, d. Jonas and Susannah, Jan. 29, 1816, a. 14. G.S.1.
Nathaniel, March 20, 1782, in his 81st year. G.S.2.
Samuel, June 29, 1781, in his 48th year. G.S.2.
Susannah, W. Jonas, Jan. 12, 1849, a. 92. G.S.1.
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer, June 22, 1731.
Ebenezer, July 20, 1732, a. 28.
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Experience, Nov. 8, 1732.
Joseph G., s. Joseph and Olive M., June 27, 1846, a. 18 y. 6 m. 5 d. Consumption. Born in Starkes, Me.
Rebecca F., w. William (d. Theopholus and Rebecca Curtis), May 1, 1844, a. 44. Consumption.
STEUENS (see Stevens)
Benjamin, s. Dea. Samuel and Thankfull, Dec. 29, 1751. [Dec. 30, 1750, in his 25th year, G.S.]
Elizabeth, d. Samuel, March 11, 1712.
Dea. Samuel, Dec. 6, 1761 [in his 81st year, G.S.].
Simon [s. Cyprian and Mary (Willard, w.)], Jan. 25, 1758.
Thankfull [(Stow), w.], w. Dea. Samuel, July 13, 1763 [in her 76th year, G.S.].
STEVENS (see Stevens)
Adaline, d. John [and Mary, G.S.], Feb. 6 [7, G.S.], 1836, a. 27 [28, G.S.].
Catharine Augusta, twin d. Isaac T. and Catharine, Nov. 2, 1835.
Comfort, w. Daniel, March 19, 1771, in her 26th year. G.S.1.
Daniel, Nov. 7, 1810, a. 64.
Edward, s. Daniel and Lydia, Aug. 1, 1782, a. 13 m. 21 d. G.S.1.
Elizabeth, w. Francis, Jan. 3, 1827 [a. 72, G.S.].
Eunice, d. Daniel, May 26, 1836, a. 35.
Eunice, w. Daniel, Feb. 20, 1844, a. 69., Dropsy. Born in Concord.
Francis, June 12, 1829 [in his 81st year, G.S.].
Capt. John, Feb. 3, 1822, a. 45.
Jonas, Feb. 15, 1820 [a. 76, G.S.].
Lucy, w. Samuel, Nov. 22, 1783 [in her 57th year, G.S.]
Lydia, w. Daniel, Dec. 28, 1782, a. 29. G.S.1.
Mary Emerson, d. Isaac T. and Catharine, Sept 3, 1819.
Mary E. [(Bispham), G.S.], w. Levi L., July 9: 1849, a. 22. Consumption. Born in Sherburne.
Samuel, s. Daniel and Comfort, Aug. 20, 1775, a. 4 y. 6 m.
Samuel, Jan. 26, 1789, in his 71st year. G.S.1.
Samuel, s. Daniel and Lydia, Jan. ----, 1791, a. 14. G.S.1.
William Augustus, twin s. Isaac T. and Catharine, Nov. 4, 1835.
----, s. Levi L. and Mary E., Oct. 18, 1848, a. 5 m. 12 d.
Alexander, April 6, 1731.
Deborah [Rediat, W.], w. Alexander, April 23, 1721. [April 22, 1720, a. 68, W.]
Ebenezer, s. Daniel and Persis, Aug. 1, 1740.
John, s. Daniel and Persis, Aug. 20, 1740.
Persis, d. Daniel and Persis, Aug. 25, 1736.
George W. Dana, s. Dana, May a, 1832, a. 11 m.
Lucy Ellen, d. Nevinson and Lucy, Jan. 21, 1844, a. 1. Dropsy in the head.
Mary Ann, w. Dana, May 16, 1832, a. 22.
STOW (see How).
STOW (see Stowe)
Aaron, s. Abraham and Elizabeth, June 6, 1836, a. 43.
Abel, s. Simon and Sarah, Nov. 25, 1763.
Abigail, w. Heman, Nov. 29, 1830 [a. 77 y. 11 m. g d.]. G.S.2.
Abraham, Jan. 2, 1832, a. 76. G.S.1.
Caroline Maria, twin d. Martin L. and Eliza C., May 17, 1827.
Cate, d. Abraham and Elizabeth, April 6, 1820, a. 32. G.S.1.
Charls, s. Thomas and Hannah, June 23, 1722.
Comfort, d. Thomas, Oct. 18, 1716.
Dauid, s. Thomas and Hannah, June 12, 1722.
Elisabeth [(Brigham), w.], w. John, Oct. 11, 1757 [in her 58th year, G.S.].
Wid. Elizabeth, Jan. 17, 1736-7.
Elizabeth, d. Heman and Abigail, Oct. 10, 1772.
Elizabeth, d. Abraham and Elizabeth, Sept. 28, 1814, a. 19. G.S.1.
Elizabeth, w. Abraham, Aug. 6, 1827, a. 69. G.S.1.
Epharim, s. John and Elisabeth, Oct. 19, 1752.
Grace, w. John, May 24, 1824, a. 78. G.R.1.
Hanah, d. Thomas and Hanah, Jan. 4, 1727.
Heman, Jan. 25, 1830 [1829, G.S.], a. 79 [a. 80 y. 15 d., G.S.].
John, July 2, 1761.
John, Feb. 18, 1828, a. 87. G.S.1.
Josiah, March 28, 1818, a. 88. G.S.1.
Josiah, s. Jabez and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1823, a. 19. G.S.1.
Lidia, w. Samuel [d. James and Rebecah Minott, G.S.], Feb. 14, 1742-3 [in her 56th year, G.S.].
Lois, d. Simon and Sarah, April 4, 1747.
Lovinah, d. Heman and Abigail, June 11, 1803, in her 17th year.
Mrs. Lucy, Sept. 13, 1841, a. 88.
Martin, s. Heman and Abigail, Feb. 15, 1783 [a. 8 y. 9 d., G.S.].
Mary, d. Samuel and Sarah, March 20, 1736-7.
Miariam, d. John and Elzebath, July 17, 1741.
Phebe, d. Abraham and Elizabeth, July 4, 1820, a. 22. G.S.1.
Quartus, June 20, 1798 [in his 43d year, G.S.].
Rufus, Oct. 9, 1838, a. 49.
Ruth, w. Josiah, Nov. 18, 1810, a. 75. G.S.1.
Sabilla, d. Thomas and Hannah, Nov. 15, 1732.
Samuel, Feb. 9, 1720-1, a. 76.
Samuel, Feb. 13, 1769, in his 89th year. G.S.1.
Dea. Samuel, Jan. 12, 1813, a. 89.
Sarah, w. Dea. Simon, Dec. 22, 1794 [a. 71 y. 11 m. 20 d., G.S.].
Dea. Simon, Dec. 16, 1795 [a. 73 y. 8 m. 16 d., G.S.].
Thomas, s. Thomas, Sept. 19, 1717.
Thomas, Aug. 31, 1765.
Mr. Thomas, Jan. 11, 1810.
Capt. William, s. John and Grace, April 11, 1808, a. 35.
William B., s. Rufus and Thankful, Dec. 1, 1848, a. 20 y. 9 m. G.S.1.
----, inf. s. Thomas and Hannah, Aug. 11, 1714.
----, inf. d. Thomas and Hannah, Sept. 1, 1715.
----, inf. s. Rufus and Thankful, June 1, 1815.
STOWE (see Stow)
Alfred, s. Jerry and Lavinia H., Sept. 24, 1840, a 3 m. G.S.1. and G.S.3.
Caroline Lavinia, d. Jerry and Lavinia H., Sept. 3, 1843, a. 16. G.S.3. [16 y. 7 m., G.S.1.]
Emily L. [Lyman, G.S.], d. Jerry and Lavinia H., June 11, 1838, a. 1 y. 8 m. G.S.3.
STRATEN (see Stratton)
Aaron, s. Jonathan and Betty, Oct. 19, 1753.
Abigail, d. Jonathan and Abigail, June 11, 1771, a. 4 y. 8 m. [3 m. ?, G.S.] 20 d.
Abigail, w. Joseph, Dec. 30, 1794, a. 73. G.S.2.
Jonathan, Aug. 10, 1758 [in his 44th year, G.S.]
Joseph, Sept. 18, 1732, in his 66th year.
Joseph [s. Joseph, W.], May 7, 1774, a. 77 y. 6 m. 12 d.
Lucy [d. Jonathan and Betty, G.S.], April 1, 1771, in her 21st year. [20 y. 4 m., G.S.]
Wid. Sarah, Oct. 1, 1746.
STRATTON (see Straten)
Albert, s. Daniel and Tryphenia
---- ----, [1846], a. 4 m. Measles. Born in Bolton.
Moses, s. Jonathan and Abigail, June 10, 1832, a. 56.
[Symes, G.S.], Joseph T., March 10 [May 9, G.S.], 1835, a. 23 [22, G.S.].
TAILOR (see Tayler, Taylor)
James Sr., Feb. 11, 1712-13.
Marcy, d. William, Jan. 20, 1697-8.
Sarah, d. Janes Sr., Nov. 29, 1698.
TAINTOR (see Taynter, Tayntor)
Dauid, s. Joseph and Thankful, Feb. 15, 1739-40.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Thankful, Feb. 28, 1739-40.
Mary, d. Joseph and Thankful, Feb. 11, 1739-40.
Marian, d. Joseph and Thankful, Feb. 11, 1739-40.
Thomas, Oct. 22, 1756, a. 61. G.S.1.
TAYLER (see Tailor, Taylor)
Eliazer, June 7, 1734.
Lydia, w. Eliazer, Feb. 20, 173[9-40 ?].
Mary, w. William, Dec. 11 [1, and 11, M.R.], 1672.
William, s. John and Martha, May 9, 1746.
TAYLOR (see Tailor, Tayler)
Mary, d. William and Mary, Feb. 4, 1684. M.R.
Mary, w. William, July 28, 1697.
Samuel, s. William and Mary, buried Jan. 31, 1672-3. M.R.
William, s. William and Hannah, May 16, 1681. M.R.
William, s. James and Sarah, buried June 7, 1681, M.R.
William Jr., s. James Sr., Aug. 18, 1705.
William Sr., July 28, 1706.
Dea. Joseph, Feb. 19, 1764, in his 77th year. Served 22 years in the Church. G.S.2.
TAYNTOR (see Taintor, Taynter)
Abigail, d. Joseph and Nancy, Feb. 16, 1812 [a. 8 m., G.S.].
Abigail B. [Beels, dup], d. Joseph and Nancy, April 12, 1810, a. 1 y. 4 m.
Ann Maria, d. Joseph, Feb. 6 [3, G.S.], 1843, a. 25.
Eliza, d. Joseph and Nancy, Aug. 26, 1835, a. 34.
John, s. Jonathan and Sarah [Woods], March 17, 1807, in his 42d year.
John, s. John and Esther [Goodenow], June 7, 1807, a. 8 m. 2 d.
Jonathan, June 9, 1808, a. 75 [84, G.S., which is the correct age.l.
Jonathan, s. Joseph, March 18, 1843, a. 28.
Joseph (married), Sept. ---- [13, G.S.], 1845, a. 78 y. 8 m. [7m. G.S.] Old age.
Miss Lydia, Jan. 4, 1835, a. 70.
Sarah [(Woods)], w. Jonathan, Sept. 20, 1820, a. 86. G.S.2.
James, Jan. 13, 1776, in his 63d year. G.S.1.
Abraham, s. John and Dorothy, Dec. 29, 1790.
Mr. Benjamin, June 9, 1813.
Betsey, w. Ira, July 19, 1828 [a. 39. Formerly w. John P. Maynard, G.S.].
David, s. David and Elizabeth, Aug. 6, 1788. G.S.1.
David, Sept. 24 [25, G.S.], 1821, a. 82 [81, G.S.].
Dorathy, w. John, Dec. 28, 1838, a. 87 [84, G.S.].
Dorothy, w. John, Feb. 18, 1838, a. 83. Cancelled in original.
Eleanor, w. Ira, Oct. 20, 1817, a. 21. G.S.5.
Elizabeth, d. Ira and Betsey, Aug. 23, 1828 [a. 4 m. G.S.].
Elizabeth, w. [wid., G.S.] David, April 16, 1836, a. 86.
Grace, w. Benjamin, July 26, 1810.
Isaac, Jan. 14, 1765, a. 83 y. 11 m. 9 d. G.S.1.
Joanna, wid. John, July 25, 1797, a. 69. G.S.1.
John, Sept. 23, 1793, a. 81. G.S.1.
John, July 29, 1837, a. 44. G.S.1.
John, Feb. 11, 1838, a. 87.
Jonas [s. Isaac, w.], March 8, 1803, in his 87th year.
Jonas, June 19, 1818, a. 45. G.S.1.
Lydia, d. Jonathan and Dorothy, April 29, 1767.
Lydia, w. Silas, Sept. 7, 1818, a. 43 y. 5 m. G.S.1.
Martha, w. Isaac, Feb. 15 1768, in her 92d year.
Martha, d. Jonas and Sarah, Nov. 8, 1785, in her 9th year. G.S.1.
Moses (married), Jan. 15, 1848, a. 75 y. 3 m. 6 d. Cancer.
Polly, wid. John, July 30, 1837, a. 44.
Rebeckah, w. David, March 24, 1785 [in her 30th year, G.S.].
Sarah, d. Isaac and Martha, July 29, 1735, in her 34th year.
Sarah, w. Jonas, March 24, 1831, a. 84. G.S.1.
Sophronia, w. Aaron, Oct. 28, 1841, a. 35.
Willard, s. Silas and Lydia, Dec. 9, 1805.
----, inf. s. David and Elizabeth, Aug. 6, 1788.
Austin, s. Sullivan and Ruth, Oct. 16, 1819, a. 7 m. 7 d.
Mary Adaline, d. Sullivan and Ruth, Jan. 7, 1826, a. 2. G.S.1.
Lydia [(Eager), w.], wid. William, Oct. 12, 1735.
Sophia, d. William and Lydia, Aug. 24, 1745, a 22.
Mr. William, July 25, 1733.
William, March 5, 1837, a. 73.
Levi P., s. Thomas and Mariah, June ----, 1848, a 22 y. 3 m. Consumption. Born in Boston.
Harriet Levina, d. William and Mary, July 15, 1829, a. 13 m. G.S.4.
Maria Louisa, d. William and Mary, May 8, 1829, a. 4. G.S.4.
Mary, w. William F., Feb. 1, 1831, a. 36 y. 6 m. G.S.4.
Mary S., d. William and Mary, April 14, 1829, a. 11 y. 7 m.
Lucy, d. Joseph and Lucy, Oct. 20, 1802, a. 4. G.S.4.
Lt. Joseph, Nov. 25, 1808, a. 38. G.S.4.
----, ch. Abraham, Nov. 25, 1843, a. 1.
Ruamah, Nov. 13, 1714, a. 38.
John, s. Joseph and Ruhamah, Feb. 25, 1692.
Marieth, April 3, 1843, a. 2 y. 10 m.
Abigail, w. George W., May 27, 1845, a. 26 y. 5 m. Consumption. [May 25, 1846, a. 26, G.S.]
Catherine H., May 26, 1845. C.R.1.
Daniel (married), s. Daniel and Patience, Nov. 28 [26, dup.], 1843, a. 52. Lung fever. Born in Southborough.
Lydia Ann, d. George and Abigail, June 2, 1846, a. 1 y. 3 m. G.S.1.
Lydia Eliza, d. George and Abigail, June 3, 1845, 1 y. 3 m. 16 d. Consumption.
Alpheus, s. Beriah and Hanah, Jan. 11, 1755.
Ann, w. Daniel, Oct. 24, 1775, in her 34th year. G.S.1.
Anne, d. Daniel, and Anna, Sept. 8, 1771, in her 4th year.
Bathsheba, d. William Sr. and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1693.
Daniel, s. Samuel Sr., April 13, 1700.
Ensign Daniel, May 12, 1764, a. 63 y. 17 d.
Daniel, Feb. 10, 1775 [in his 33d year, G.S.].
Daniel, s. Daniel and Ann, Oct. 1, 1775, in his 12th year. G.S.1.
Edmund, s. Lt. Jabez and Phebe, Dec. 16, 1745, in his 9th year.
Eleazer, March ----, 1675. Slain by Indians between Marlborough and Sudbury. M.R.
Elezebeth, d. Obadiah and Elezebeth, July 26, 1721.
Elisha, s. Daniel and Anne, April 23, 1767.
Elizabeth, d. Obadiah Sr., Jan. 21, 1730.
Elliazer, April ----, 1676. Slain by the Indians between Sudbury and Marlborough upon ye Road.
Elizabeth Sr., wid. William "Grand senr," Dec. 9, 1700 [in her 87th year. "Servant of the Lord." G.S.].
Elizabeth, d. Joseph, Jan. 4, 1707.
Elizabeth, w. Obadiah Jr., Aug. 27, 1709.
Mr. Gershom, Nov. 24, 1739 [in his 47th year, G.S.].
Grace, w. Daniel (formerly w. Edward Barnes), May 16, 1788, a. 84 y. 3 m. G.S.2.
Hannah, d. Oliuer, Jan. 25, 1714-15.
Hannah, w. William, Dec. 8, 1719-20.
Hannah, d. Obediah, Feb. 23, 1739-40.
Hopestil, s. Jabez and Phebe, May 9, 1732.
Increase, Aug. 25, 1690, in his 46th year. G.S.1.
Jane, d. William, May 16, 1719.
Jedidiah, s. Obadiah and Elzabeth, Aug. 23, 1725.
Joseph, June 30, 1717.
Joseph, s. Phinehas and Mary, March ----, 1756.
Levi, June 26, 1836, a. 53. G.S.4.
Mary, w. Obadiah Sr., Aug. 22, 1706.
Mary, w. Ensign Daniel, April 4 [24, G.S.], 1750 [in her 45th year, G.S.].
Mary, d. Phinehas and Mary, Oct. 26, 1756.
Mary, w. Samuel Jr., Jan. 17, 1758.
Lt. Obadiah, Jan. 5, 1717-18.
Obadiah Jr., March 14, 1752.
Phebe, d. Daniel and Anna, Sept. 18, 1771, in her 2d year.
Phebe, d. Anna Arnold, April 14, 1806, a. 8. [a. 9, G.S.]
Phinehas, Oct. 19, 1756.
Rebekah, d. Increas, July 8, 1698.
Sarah, w. Samuel Sr., Aug. 11, 1707.
Silas, s. Daniel and Mary, March 25, 1732.
Sillence, d. Obadiah, Nov. 29, 1717.
Submeet, d. Capt. William and Jane, June 6, 1726.
Dea. William, Aug. 10, 1687.
William 2d Sr., Nov. 25, 1697.
Abigal s. [Sophia, G.S.], d. [Capt. G.S.] Samuel and Rebecca, Jan. 5, 1845, a. 19. Consumption.
Betsy, d. Thaddeus, March 22, 1816.
Betsy Winslow, w. [Capt. G.S.] Samuel, Oct. 5, 1819, a. 28.
Caroline R. [Rebekah, G.S.], d. [Capt., G.S.] Samuel and Rebecca, March 10, 1846, a. 15 y. 5 m. 21 d. Consumption.
Charlotte J., d. Samuel E. and Elizabeth, Aug. 8, 1848, a. 6 y. 6 m. Croup.
Rev. Edward, s. Thaddeus and Lucy, Aug. 11, 1818, a. 32. G.S.1.
Elizabeth, d. Thaddeus and Lucy, March 21, 1816, a. 27. G.S.1.
Emilia Goodell, [twin] d. Capt. Samuel and Rebekah, Aug. 10, 1837, a. 2 m. G.S.1.
Emily Goodhue, [twin] d. Capt. Samuel and Rebekah, Aug. 10, 1837, a. 2 m.
Grace, Jan. 13, 1767, in her 87th year.
Hastings, s. John and Zipporah, Nov. 17, 1760, a. 17 y. 8 m. 17 d. At Albany.
John, s. John and Zepporah, April 25, 1737.
Lt. John, Dec. 27, 1783, in his 83d year. G.S.2.
John Winslow, s. [Capt., G.S.] Samuel and Betsy Winslow, Oct. 23, 1819 [a. 4 w., G.S.].
Lucy, W. Thaddeus, June 17, 1821 [a. 69, G.S.].
Rebecca M., w. [Capt., G.S.] Samuel (d. Stephen Morse), Oct. 11 [12, C.R.], 1838, a. 45. 44 G.S.]
Thaddeus, June 18, 1821, a. 74.
Zipporah, wid. Lt. John, May 2, 1790, a. 85. G.S.2.
Jehial, Aug. 18, 1842, a. 22.
Samuel, Jan. 15, 1803, a. 27. Several years a school teacher in this town. G.S.2.
Aaron, s. Jonathan and Thankfull, Oct. 17 [14, G.S.], 1775.
Betsey, wid. John, May 4, 1838. C.R.1.
Dinah, w. Col. John, Dec. 15, 1784 [in her 75th year, G.S.].
Elizabeth, wid. John, May 3, 1838, a. 73.
Eunice, d. Thomas and Hannah, Noy. 18, 1731.
Francis, Sept. 6, 1771, in his 38th year. G.S.1.
Francis, s. Jonathan and Thankfall, Oct. 14, 1775.
John, July 24, 1768, in his 29th year. G.S.1.
Col. John, Feb. 11, 1787, a. 79.
Capt. Jonathan, s. Col. John and Dinah, April 5, 1805, a. 63.
Lucy, w. Capt. John, July 1, 1817, a. 65. G.S.1.
Phebe, d. Capt. Jonathan and Lucy, Aug. 14, 1812, a. 24. G.S.1.
Sarah, w. Francis, May 3, 1825, a. 34. G.S.1.
Supply, Sept. 22, 1755.
Susannah, w. Supply, Jan. 15, 1712-12.
Thankfull, w. Jonathan, Nov. 3, 1775 [in her 27th year, G.S.].
William, s. John and Betty, Sept. 29, 1805 [a. 5 y. 2 m. G.S.].
Capt. William H., s. Capt. Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Sept. 17, 1827, a. 25. G.S.1.
Icabod, s. Nathanil, July 20, 1718.
Abigail, d. Phinehas and Patty S., Oct. 21, 1835. G.S.2.
Sarah B., d. Phinehas and Patty S., Jan. 6, 1835, a. 4 y. 7 m. G.S.1.
Col. James, Oct. 15, 1809, a. 72.
Stephen (single), s. James and Ann, Nov. 9, 1849, a. 76 [75, G.S.]. Fit. Born in Brooklin.
Capt. William, March 21, 1816, a. 44. G.S.1.
WETHERBY (see Whetherbee, Witherbe, Witherbee, Witherby)
Elisabeth [(Johnson) w.], w. Joseph, Sept. 22, 1726.
WHEELER (see Wheler)
Aaron, Nov. 22, 1838.
Allen, s. Lemuel and Lovina, May 1, 1838, a. 14.
Dauid, s. Joseph and Deborah, Dec. 29, 1739.
Dinah, d. Joseph and Deborah, April 2, 1749.
George Henry, s. George N. and Mary B., Oct. 22, 1842.
John, Nov. 21, 1721.
Josiah, Dec. 5, 1721.
Lorenzo, s. Lemuel and Lovina, Dec. 30, 1838, a. 19.
Martha L., w. Isaac P., July 31, 1847, a. 26 y. 4 m. 27 d. Dropsy.
Mary, d. John, Jan. 25, 1697-8.
WHELER (see above)
WHETHERBE (see Wetherby, Witherbe, Witherbee, Witherby)
Joseph, March 29, 1720, a. 47.
Wid. Susannah, Dec. 18, 1836, a. 90.
Elizabeth, w. Ephraim, Feb. 18, 1823 [a. 75]. G.S.2.
Ephraim, July 30, 1811 [a. 61 y. 11 m., G.S.].
Fanny, w. Moses D., March 24, 1840, a. 24.
Zelotus, May 13, 1812.
Alonzo H., s. Levi and Mehitable, Sept. 2, 1824, a. 1 y. 15 d. G.S.1.
Frances Ann, d. Levi F., March 14, 1841, a. 6.
Frances A., d. Levi and Mehitable, May 14, 1841, a. 11 d. G.S.1.
Joseph Foster, s. Levi F. [and Mehitab E., dup.], July 2 [1, G.S.], 1828, a. 2. [2 y. 11 d., G.S.]
Ann Maria, d. Daniel and Sarah, March 11, 1847, a. 9 m. 11 d. Whooping cough.
Hannah, w. Joseph, Nov. 4, 1798, a. 21.
Israel (married), Feb. 12, 1849, a. 66 y. 5 m. 28 d. Rheumatic fever. Born in Watertown.
Oscar G., s. Luther P. and Sophia, Oct. 2, 1847, a. 9 m. G.S.3.
Sarah, w. Benjamin, Feb. 15, 1730.
WILDER (see Willder)
Wid. Catherine, Sept. 23, 1845, a. 93 y. 1 m. 7 d. Old age.
Eunice, Jan. 12, 1837, a. 78.
Sarah, Sept. 2, 1813, a. 63.
Solomon, s. Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 18, 1750.
WILKINS (see Willkins)
Comfort, w. Jonas, Oct. 7, 1785.
Comfort, d. Jonas and Sarah, Nov. 29, 1807, a. 20.
Comfort Priest, d. Jonas and Comfort, Feb. 23, 1786.
Edward, May 17, 1837, a. 80.
Hannah, d. Edward and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1817, a. 30. G.S.1.
Harriot, d. Edward and Sarah, July 7, 1801.
Hepzebeth, wid. Levi, March 5, 1838, a. 78.
John, May 14, 1763.
Jonas, s. Edward and Lydia, April 2, 1753.
Jonas, May 13, 1822 [a. 66, G.S.].
Jonathan, s. Josiah and Lois, Nov. 20, 1750.
Josiah, Aug. 21 [24, G.S.], 1783 [in his 66th year, G.S.].
Josiah, s. Levi and Hepzibah, May 12, 1803, a. 12 y. 1 m. 19 d. G.S.1.
Levi, Jan. 29, 1816. [Feb. 1, a. 57, G.S.].
Lois, wid. [Josiah, G.S.], May 24, 1796 [in her 76th year, G.S.].
Lucy, June 29, 1821, a. 35. G.S.1.
Mary Barnard, d. Jonas and Sarah, Jan. 31, 1808, a. 8.
Sarah, wid. Jonas, Aug. 21, 1822 [a. 57, G.S.].
Sophia, d. Levi and Hepsibah, June 29, 1805, a. 5 y. 11 m. 18 d. G.S.1.
William, s. Jonas and Sarah, April 22, 1789.
Esther, d. Simon and Phebe, April 23, 1751, a. 17 y. 10 m. 10 d. G.S.2.
WILLDER (see Wilder)
Jonathan, Aug. 19, 1707. Slain by ye Indians.
Abigail [d. Col. [Abraham and Elizabeth, G.S.], July 28, 1775 [in her 40th year, G.S.].
Abraham, Dec. 29, 1711-12.
Abraham Esq., July 10, 1781, in his 86th year.
Abraham [h. Susan], Dec. 10, 1825, in his 31st year. G.S.1.
Anna, d. Larkin and Anna, June 26, 1763, a. 4 y. 11 m. 13 d.
Anna, w. Joseph, April 7, 1814. G.S.1.
Anne [Anna, G.S.], d. Joseph and Anne [Anna, G.S.], Oct. 30, 1804, a. 23 y. 15 d. [a. 25, G.S.].
Boardman, May 3, 1777.
Breck, s. Abraham and Elizabeth, Sept. 3, 1734 [a. 10 d, G.S.].
Caroline, Oct. 4, 1830, a. 22. G.S.3.
Catherine, April 13, 1818, a. 29. G.S.4.
Charles Francis, s. Daniel and Eliza, March 8, 1842.
Daniel, s. Joseph and Anna, Oct. 15, 1810, a. 35 [a. 34, G.S.].
Elezebeth, d. Abraham and Prudence, July 14, 1723.
Elizabeth, w. Abraham, Jan. 13, 1728-9 [in her 20th year, G.S.].
Elizabeth, w. Col. Abraham, Aug. 9, 1775 [in her 71st year, G.S.].
Elizabeth, d. William and Betty, Oct. 12, 1777, in her 12th year. G.S.1.
Ephraim, s. Col. Abraham and ----, ---- ----, ----. G.S.1.
Capt. George, Jan. 2, 1813, a. 77 [1812, a. 76, G.S.]. [See Columbian Centinel, Jan. 2, 1813.]
Henry, Esq., Oct. 30, 1834, in his 43d year. G.S.1.
Isaac, s. Abraham, July 18, 1716.
Joanah, w. Abraham, Dec. 8, 1718, a. 90.
John, Jan. 3, 1717-18.
Lucy, d. Col. Abraham, ---- ----, ----. G.S.4.
Molly, wid. Capt. George, Dec. 8, 1819, a. 82. G.S.4.
Moses, June 26, 1802, a. 69.
Paul, s. [Cornet, G.S.] Abraham and Elisabeth, July 29, 1745 [a. 10 m, G.S.]
Phebe, w. Samuel (d. Benjamin and Susanna Rice), Jan. 20, 1794, in her 26th year.
Prudence, w. Abraham, Jan. 16, 1724-5, [in her 35th year, G.S.]
Rebecca, d. Joseph and Anna, April 10, 1835, a. 51. [a. 52, G.S.].
Stephen (married), s. Joseph and Anna, Sept. 15 1848, a. 78 y. 3 m. 21 d.
Thomas, s. William and Elizabeth, Sept. 19, 1692.
Thomas, s. William, May 3, 1833 [1834, G.S.], a. 70. [71, G.S.].
William [eldest s. Abraham and Joanna, W.], Aug. 30, 1702.
William, s. Abraham [and Elisabeth, G.S.], Oct. 11, 1731. [a. 7 w. 1 d. G.S.]
William, Aug. 1, 1775 [in his 35th year, G.S.]
----, s. Abraham and Susan, Feb. 22, 1823, a. 16 d. G.S.1.
----, d. Abraham and Susan, Sept. 18, 1825, a. 1 d. Interred in Boston. G.S.1.
WILLKINS (see Wilkins)
Hopstill [(Rice), w.], w. Edward, Jan. ----, 1730-31.
WILSON (see Willson)
Charles Freeman, s. William, Feb. 6, 1833, a. 13. [13 y. 4 m. 16 d, G.S.]
Edward Leonard, s. Leonard and Olive B., Nov. 30, 1846, a. 9 m. G.S.5.
Everlina Charlotte, d. Leonard and Olive Brown, March 28, 1844, 4 y. 2 m. G.S.5.
LavinA, [Lavinia, G.S.], d. William, March 3, 1842 [1841, C.R.], a. 36.
Winslow Phelps, s. William and Martha, July 15 1848, a. 4 y. 4 m. 4 d. G.S.5.
Anna d. Samuel and Sarah, May 14, 1823, a. 3.
Anne, wid. Caleb, May 14, 1823, a. 78.
Caleb, s. Samuel and Sarah, April 10, 1816, a. 4 m. 20 d.
Charles, s. Samuel and Sarah, Jan. 22, 1827, a. 28 d.
Jerome Kimball, s. William and Judith, Nov. 16, 1834, a. 1 y. 4 m. 23 d.
Maria, d. Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1822, a. 23 d.
Mary, d. Caleb and Anna, Jan. 23, ---- [Jan. 21, 1776, G.S.], a. 10 y. 10 m. 10 d.
Rufus, s. Caleb and Anna, Nov. 15 1770 [a. 8 y. 3 d, G.S.].
Rufus, s. Caleb and Anna, Jan. 21, 1776, a. 1 y. 10 m. 13 d.
William, s. [only ch., G.S.] William and Judith, Aug. 24, 1832, a. 2 y. 7 m. 8 d.
Esther, w. Oliver, Feb. 15, 1810, a. 78.
Thomas, s. Thomas, June 7, 1714.
WITHERBEE (see Whetherby, Whetherbe, Witherbe, Witherby)
Abigail, w. Dennis, April 26, 1849, a. 25. Consumption.
Betsey, w. Dennis, Sept. 24, 1843, a. 27. Consumption.
Charles Frederic, s. N. and Mary, Jan. 25, 1839 [a. 1 y. 4 m. 15 d. G.S.4.]
Charles Frederic, s. N. and Mary, Aug. 14, 1840 [a. 1 y. 1 m. 15 d. G.S.4.]
Elijah B., s. Caleb and Hepsibah, Feb. 20, 1847, a. 43. G.S.4.
Francis B., s. Jabez and Harriet, Feb. 6, 1848, a. 6. G.S.4.
John Davis, s. Jabez S. and Harriet, June 10, 1836, a. 2 [2 y. 4 m. G.S.].
Nancy M., d. Caleb, Nov. 11, 1807, a. 11 m. G.S.4.
Nancy M., d. Caleb, Nov. 21, 1829, a. 21. G.S.4.
Sarah [B., G.S.], d. Caleb [and Hepsibah, G.S.], Sept. 27, 1840, a. 22.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Dennis and Betsey, May 13, 1849, a. 10 y. 5 d. Congestion of the brain.
Susan (single), March 22, 1844, a. 25. Consumption. Born in Harvard.
----, s. Jabez and Harriet, Feb. 8, 1837, a. 7 w. G.S.4.
WITHERBY (see above)
Thomas, Jan. 23, 1712-13.
Catharine, w. Ebenezer, Feb. 3, 1837, a. 74.
Catherine, w. Silas, Oct. 4, 1816, a. 47. G.S.1.
Daniel [s. Jonathan, w.], Jan. 1, 1800 [a. 32, G.S.].
Ebenezer, Feb. 25, 1840. C.R.1.
Elisabeth, w. Samuel, May 22, 1754.
Eliza, w. Josiah, Nov. 5, 1793, a. 62. G.S.1.
Ellin, s. [sic] Ebenezer and Adaline, March 7, 1825, a. 5 m. G.S.1.
Henry, s. Asa and Lydia, Aug. 3, 1790, a. 1 y. 5 m. 11 d.
Josiah, May 2, 1803 [March 22, 1803, a. 79, G.S.].
Lucy, wid. Samuel, July 7, 1847, a. 87 y. 8 m. 6 d. Old age. Born in Acton.
Lydia, d. Asa and Lydia, July 16, 1796. At Berlin.
Miss Mary, April 2, 1831, a. 72. G.S.1.
Mary Issabella, d. Dwight and Abigail E., Sept. 13, 1843, a 1. Dropsy in the head.
Mr. Samuell, Sept. 29, 1779.
Capt. Samuel, Sept. 23, 1791, a. 74. G.S.1.
Samuel (married), s. Samuel and Lucy, May 29 [30, G.S.], 1847, a. 83 y. 5 m. 11 d. Old age.
Sarah, w. Dauid, Sept. 1, 1745.
Sibbel, d. Elias and Elizabeth, Feb. 16, 1755.
Mr. Silas, May 27, 1813 [May 26, 1812, a. 59, G.S.].
Solomon, s. Samuel and Lucy, Feb. 17, 1800.
Susanna, w. Samuel, Dec. 18, 1794, a. 96. G.S.1.
William, s. Asa and Lydia, July 30, 1790, a. 3 y. 1 m. 21 d.
Aaron, s. Peter and Sibbelah, April 27, 1769 [a. 3 y. 4 m. 9 d., G.S.].
Almira, w. Elbridge G., Oct. 17, 1839, a. 25.
Amelia, d. Moses and Rebecca, Feb. 15, 1815.
Franklin, s. [Capt., G.S.] Jedediah and Betsey, Sept. 13, 1824 [a. 2 m. 13 d., G.S.].
George L., July 28, 1845, a. 3 m. Lung fever. Born in Stow.
Maria Louisa, d. Lt. Jedediah and Betsy, July 13, 1813, a. 3 y. 4 m. G.S.1.
Peter, Esq., March 5, 1820, a. 79.
Saphrona, d. Capt. Moses, Aug. 18, 1829.
Sibbel, w. Peter, Esq., July 22, 1822, a. 82. G.S.1.
Alpheus, Oct. 25, 1794, a. 67. G.S.1.
Anne, d. Col. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Nov. 21, 1760. P.R.
Benjamin, s. Col. Benjamin and Elizabeth, March 21, 1758. P.R.
Col. Benjamin Esq. Sept. 29, 1740, in his 50th year.
Bethiah, d. James, Dec. 12, 1695.
Bethiah, June 29, 1715.
Dorothy, w. James, Nov. 10, 1734, in her 37th year.
Elisabeth, d. Alpheus and Millicent, March 9, 1759 [a. 9, G.S.].
Ellen Maria, d. James E. and Sarah S., June 20, 1842 [a. 3 m. 13 d.]. G.S.3.
Ephraim, s. Isaac, Sept 27, 1698.
Hepzibah [(Eager), W.], w. Dea. James, Dec. 31, 1768, in her 67th year.
Hepbzibah, Aug. 2, 1787. At Hardwick.
Hopestill [(Ward), W.], w. Dea. James, Dec. 23, 1718, a. 73.
Isaac, July 18, 1720.
Dea. James, Aug. 7, 1718, a. 72.
Dea. James, April 10, 1772 [a. 87, W.].
James (married), s. Moses and Molly, Aug. 23, 1844, a. 64.
John Sr., July 10, 1678 [a. 68, W.], M.R.
John, s. John Jr., Oct. 19, 1699.
Dea. John, April 5, 1716 [a. 75, W.]
Joseph, s. John and Lydiah, Nov. 1, 1681. M.R.
Joseph, s. John and Lidiah, Aug. 30, 1698.
Lydia, w. Dea. John, Sept. 24, 1723.
Lydia, d. James and Dorothy, June 12, 1726.
Margret, d. Isaac, March 12, 1719.
Martha, w. John Jr., April 1, 1697.
Mary, d. James and Hopestill, Sept. 13, 1683. M.R.
Mary, w. Isaac, Feb. 3, 1689.
Wid. Mary, Aug. 17, 1690, a. 80.
Meliscent, w. Alpheus, April 17, 1781, a. 51. G.S.1.
Sarah, wid. Alpheus, Feb. 16 [18, G.S.], 1825 [a. 90, G.S.].
Sarah Bride, d. James E. and Sarah S., Feb. 15, 1845 [a. 1 y.]. G.S.3.
Timothy, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, March 11, 1739-40 [a. 17 m., G.S.].
William B. (married), s. James and Anna, Dec. 11, 1845, a. 31 y. 10 m. Disease of the Kidney.
----, s. John, July 10, 1678. M.R.
Moses, Sept. 10 [8, G.S.], 1835, a. 64.
James, s. John, Feb. 21, 1834, a. 74.
Lydia, W. James, June 4, 1838, a. 72.
David, Feb. 3, 1838, a. 88.
Lucy, w. David, June 8, 1835, a. 81.
----, Mary, d. Joseph and Katherin, April 12, 1689.
T., S., ---- ----, 1698. G.S.1.
T., W., ---- ----, 1706. G.S.1.