Family Genealogies
Extracted From
A Historical Sketch of the Town of Hanover, Mass.
with Family Genealogies
by John S. Barry, Boston; 1853
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

David, b. Dec. 27, 1797, s. Ebed, of Ab'n., and a desc't. of the Vinings, who were early of Wey'h., m. (1) Mary Curtis, Nov. 8, 1821, who d. Feb. 18, 1826, ae. 30; and (2) Martha Briggs, May 4, 1828; lives on Main st.; is a shoemaker; and has; -
1. Mary S., July 29, 1822, m. Chas. Thomas.
2. David, Ap. 7, 1824, m. Cynthia Cobb, and lives in Midd'o.
3. Martha, A., Feb. 23, 1829.
4. Israel L., Oct. 8, 1830, m. Nancy L. Matthews, Nov. 12, 1851.
5. Hannah B., Sep. 5, 1835.
6. Chas. C., Dec. 7, 1838.
7. Asaph D., Aug. 1, 1842.
2. Joseph, s. Ebed., of Ab'n., m. Hannah, da. Caleb Gardner, 1816, lives at the corner of North and Whiting sts., is a shoemaker, and has; -
1. Hannah, Oct., 1817, m. Paul W. Hannam, E. Ab'n.
2. Abig., Nov. 1819, m. Caleb K. Gilman.
3. Julia A., Aug. 24, 1821, m. Joseph Dill, E. Ab'n.
4. Lucinda, Jan. 22, 1823, m. Isa. Gardner, of S. H'm.
5. Marietta, July 29, 1826, m. Harvey C. Burrill, E. Ab'n.
- 6. Joseph, Mar. 24, 1828.
7. Levi L, Nov. 17, 1832.
8. Wm. H., May 24, 1840.
3. Judson, s. Ebed, of Ab'n., b. Mar. 15, 1804, m. Sarah W. Briggs, Ap. 26, 1826, lives on Main st., is a shoemaker, and has; - 1. Wm. J., Ap. 2, 1826, m. Mercy T., da. Capt. Thos. M. Bates, Mar. 15, 1849, lives on King street, and has Georgiana, July 15, 1850.
2. Sally B., Oct. 5, 1831.
3. Thos. J., June 10, 1828.
4. Lydia S., Oct. 22, 1834.
Isaac, s. Isaac, and w. Lucy (Harding, m. May 23, 1776,) lives in H., on Main st., is a farmer, m. Debo. Curtis, and has; -
1. Lucy, Dec. 3, 1798, m. David Damon, Aug. 8, 1821, and lives in So. Scit.
2. Debo., Aug. 17, 1800, m. Jno. Damon, and d. July 3, 1849.
3. Louisa, Dec. 29, 1802, m. Andrew Gardner, H'm.
4. Maria, June 30, 1804, m. Thos. Wade, Bridg'r.,
5. Sarah, Sep. 15, 1807, d. Ap. 15, 1827.
6. Matilda H., July 8, 1810, m. (1) Joseph Cushing, Ap. 10, 1835; and (2) Jno. C. Perkins.
7. Isaac, Ap. 15, 1813, m. Harriet Newell, Bos'n., had. 1 ch., who d., and he has not been heard from for sev. years.
8. Mary, Oct. 4, 1816, m. Lewis Orcutt, Ab'n.
9. Dorcas, Jan. 31, 1820, m. Minot Wales, Ab'n., and d. ab. 1844.
10. Henry W., m. Maria Wilbur, lives in N. Bridg'r., and has 3 ch.
11. Sarah, June, 1830.
Dan'l., b. in Ports'h., N. H., 1789, m. Orpha Morse, lived in H., on Main st., and had; -
1. Dan'l., in Canada
2. Walter W., Ap. 1822, m. Sarah J. Curtis, Mar. 12, 1848, lives on Main st., and has Ella, Jan. 9, 1849; and another ch., b. June 11, 1841.
3. Erastus H., m. Lydia Curtis, is now in Cal'a., and has Herbert E., June 25, 1849.
4. Reuben L., in Cal'a.
5. Sam’l.
6. Julia.
Wm., with his w., and 5 ch., came to N. Eng. in the Mayflower, in 1620. Their s. Peregrine, was b. before the landing. The fa. d. the spring after, and his wid. Susannah, m. Edward Winslow, May 12, 1622, it being the first marriage solemnized in N. Eng. Peregrine, the son, lived in Mf’d., and there d., July 20, 1704, ae. 83. He m. Sarah, da. Wm Bassett, of Duey., and she d. in 1711. ch.: -
1. Dan’l.
2. Sylvanus.
3. Jonathan.
4. Peregrine.
5. Sarah.
6. Mercy, m. Wm. Sherman (?) Feb. 3, 1697. (Mf’d. Recs.)
2. Dan’l., s. Peregrine, m. Hannah Hunt, of Dux'y., Aug. 19, 1674. (Mf’d. Recs.) and had ch., -
1. Jno., 1675, m. Susannah Sherman (?) Feb. 18, 1700. (Mf’d. Recs.)
2. Joseph, 1678.
3. Thos., 1680.
4. Cornelius, 1682.
5. Benj., 1684, m. Faith Oakman (?) Dec. 2, 1714. (Mf'd. Recs.)
6. Eleazer, 1686.
7. Eben'r., 1691, m. (1) Mary Doggett (?) Sep. 29, 1712, and (2) Hannah Doggett, (?) Mar. 9, 1712-13. (Mf’d. Recs.)
3. Cornelius s. Dan’l. (2) m. Hannah Randall, May 22, 1706,
and in 1743, bought the Hatch place, on what is now Centre st., formerly part of the "Hanmer Hook," so called, which is still improved by his desc'ts. being occupied by Albert White, Esq. His ch. Were; -
1. Lemuel.
2. Cornelius, prob. m. Sarah Hewett, Bridg'r., 1747.
3. Paul, m. Elizab. Curtis, Feb. 24, 1737, and had in H., a son, b. Oct., 1737. This is all the notice of him on the H. Recs.
4. Joanna.
5. Dan’l.
6. Gideon.
7. Benj., 1721.
4. Benj., s. Cornelius (3) m. Hannah Decrow, and d. in H., Feb. 10, 1786, ae. 65, and his wid. Mar. 22, 1814, ae. 94. Lived on his father's place, on Centre st. ch.: -
1. Penniah, Mar. 24, 1744, d. Aug. 9, 1763.
2. Robert, May 3, 1747.
3. Hannah, bap. Sep. 7, 1754., m. Dan’l. Crooker, Pemb., Dec. 19, 1776:
4., Benj., bap. Sep. 7, 1754.
5. Cornelius, July 9, 1755.
5. Robert, s. Benj. (4) m. (1) Mary Crooker, Ap. 25, 1771, who d. July, 1773; and (2) Anna House, Mar. 20, 1777, and d. at Thompson, Ct., ae. 88. ch.: -
1. Penniah, bap. Aug. 8, 1773; d. Nov. 9, 1774.
2. David, bap. Sep. 9, d. Sep. 10, 1779.
3. Martin, of Ct.
4. Richmond, of Ct.
5. Charles, d.
6. Elijah., d.
6. Benj., s. Benj. (4) m. Mary Chamberlain, E. Brider., 1780, and d. in H., July 12, 1839, ae. 88, and his wid. Mar. 27, 1841; ae. 86. ch.: -
1. Lewis, Aug. 7, 1785, d. Ap. 3, 1813, being accidentally shot.
2. Cyrus, bap. Aug. 7, 1785.
3. Mary, bap. Oct. 15, 1786, m. Reuben Peterson, jr., Ap. 26, 1812, and lives in Ply'h.
4. Sylvia, bap. Sep. 26, 1790, m. Ezekl. Stetson, May 4, 1806, and moved to Me.
5. Benj., 1791, d. May 8, 1793.
5. Benj., Nov. 27, 1795, m. Mary Hall, lives in Mfd., and has
- Geo., 1832;
- Mary H., 1833,
- Lewis E., 1835,
- Benj. F., 1837, and
- Harriet S., 1841.
7. Cornelius, s. Benj. (4) m. (1) Sarah L. Hill, of Pemb., May 21, 1787; and (2) Rebecca Bates, of H., Dec. 30, 1801, and d. Mar. 30, 1841, ae. 86, and his wid. Ap. 1, 1843, ae. 78. ch. -
1. Cornelius, Jan. 26, 1788.
(By 2d.) -
2. Albert, Esq., Ap. 24, 1802, J. P.; T. C. from 1832-'39, and in 1840 and. '42; Selectman 1842-48, '50-53; also a school teacher, and a useful and enterprising citizen;m. Lydia Bates, May 1, 1836, and lives on Centre st.; no ch.
8. Cyrus, s. Benj. (6) m. Ruth S. Keen, Pemb., Aug. 10, 1806, and went to Ohio, ab. 1817, since wh. time he has not been heard from. ch.: -
1. Sylvia, m. Leonard Green, Sharon.
2. Lydia, d. ab. 1827, ae. 16.
3. Mary, Aug. 24, 1810, m, Algernon Josselyn, and lives in Lowell.
4. Cyrus, Nov. 2, 1811, m. Betsey H. Bonney, H'n., lives in S. Ab'n., and has
- Levi;
- Wm. d., ae. 1;
- Cynthia A., d., ae. 1; and
- Wm. Lloyd and Wendell Phillips, b. Mar. 28, 1847.
5. Lewis, of Bridg'r., m. (1) Catherine Gardner, of Dux'y., who d. July 1847; and wid. Anne Bell; and has Laura A.; Catherine; Lucy T.; Algernon; and Sylvia G.
6. Debo., d. Ap. 6, 1817, ae. 3.
7. Benj., Dec., 1816, m. Dolly Josselyn, lives in H’n., is a shoemaker, and has Lousia, d.; and Ellen P.
Dr. Benj., s. Benj., Esq., Bos’n., (a Lawyer, who grad. H. C., 1790, and m. Lucy Scollay,) was b. June 4, 1817, ent. at H. C., and grad. in the med. dep't., in 1848; stud. at the Tremont Med. School, under Drs. Bigelow, Storer, Jackson, &e.; and sett. first in Holyoke, Mass.; and in H., in 1850-1, under the auspices of Dr. J. B. Fobes., Lives at the Four Corners, and is unm.
James, the ancestor of the families here recorded, appears in H'm., Mass., in 1647, Dec. 30th of which year, he m. Mary Bear. In his will, his name is spelled Whiton, and by a large number of families in H‘n., it is still spelled in this way, though by others, it is spelled Whiting. The coat of arms handed down in the family, a copy of which is given above, agrees with that of the Whitings, as described by Burke, in his General Armory.
In 1657, land was granted to Jas. Whiton, and to Onesiphorus Marsh, in H'm.; and he owned large tracts in Scit., Ab'n., and Hanover. In Ap., 1676, his house, and "Jno. Jones's, Anthony Sprague's, Israel Hobart's, and Nathl. Chubbuck's,"were burned by the Indians. His w. d. Feb. 12, 1696-7, and he Ap. 26, 1710, leaving a will, dated Sep. 29, 1708, in which he gives to his eldest s. Jas., land` bo't. of Jos. Church; land bo't.. of Wm. Ripley; land at Scit., bo't. of Rich'd. Dwelley, and "butting on the pattent line;" part of a lot bo't. of Humph'y Johnson, at Great Plain; 3 shares of the corn. land in H’m.; and one fourth of a lot in the " small shares," being in Ab'n. To s. Matt., he gives 5 shares in the eighth lot, 2nd div'n. of upland in Clohas’t.; 12 acs. at Great Plain; a lot in the 4th div'n. of lands in H'm., and the meadow adjoining; the 2d part of his 3d division of Cohas't., upland; and one fourth of the "small share" lot. To Enoch, he gives one half of a lot of fresh meadow, bo't. of Rich'd Dwelley, and Humph'y Johnson, lying E. of the river, at Mast Bridge, H'm.; part of a lot in the 4th div'n. in H'm., bo't. of Jere. Beal; one fourth of the "small share" lot; two and. a half shares of the com. land in H'm.; the front part of his 3d div'n. in Cohas't.; and the lands now in his possession, adjoining his dwelling house in H'm., &c. To the ch. of his s. Thos., decs'd., he gives his dwelling house, barn, outhouses, and land on which they stand, with the orchard, of 25 acs., and all other lands and meadows that the said Thos. possessed while living; also one half the meadow at Mast Bridge; one fourth of the small shares; and two and a half shares of the com. land in H'm.; and the names of these ch. are given as Thos., Jona., Eleazer, Joanna, Jael, Leah, and Rachael. To his da. Mary Jordan, wid., he gives £36, to be paid out of what was left his 3 sons, and the ch. of Thos. The ch. of Jas., sen'r., were; -
1. Jas., Ap. 10, 1649, d. Nov. 11, 1650.
2. Jas., bap. July 15, 1651.
3. Matt., Oct. 30, 1653.
4. Jno., bap. Dec. 2, 1655, d. young.
5. David, and
6. Jona, b. d. 1657-8.
7. Enoch, Mar. 8, 1659.
8. Thos., May 18, 1662.
9. Mary, Ap. 29, 1664, m. (1) Isaac Wilder, Jan. 3, 1689, who d. Sep. 6, 1690, and (2) a Jordan.
2. Jas., s. Jas., lived in H'm., near his fa., and owned land on "Great Plain, and in Scit., and Ab'n. He d. Feb. 20, 1724-5, and his wid. Abig., May 4, 1740. In his will, which bears date Oct. 15, 1724, he gives, to w. Abig., his part of dwelling house, and all his lands, and movable estate, and liberty to cart wood from his Scit. lot.; to son Benj., 10 acs. adjoining his house, &c.; to Jas. and Jno., of Plympton, Joseph, of Rehoboth, Saml. and Solo., of H'm., and das. Hannah King, of Plymouth, Judith White, and Rebecca Whiton, his Cedar lot in Ab'n., and that part of his Scit. lot not before given to Benj., to be equally divided between them. Appoints w. Abig., and friend
Jona. Farrow, Exec's. ch.: -
1. Hannah, July 4, 1678, m. Jno. King, Plym'h., Jan. 13, 1704.
2. Jas., Feb. 17, 1679, m. Mary, da. Matt. Whiting, Dec. 26, 1704, had
- Barsheba, 1705,
- Elisha; 1706, and
- Job, 1708, and was of Plymp'n. bef. 1724.
3. Jno., Ap. 1, 1681, of Plymp'n.
4. Abig., Sep. 1, 1683, d. Dec. 10, 1695.
5. Sam'l., Nov. 12, 1685.
6. Joseph, Mar. 23, 1686-7, m. Martha Tower, Dec. 10, 1713, had
- Elijah(?) 1714,
- Abig., 1716, and
- Martha, 1718, and sett. in Rehoboth before 1724.
7. Judith, May, 1689, m. Jas. White, Dec. 13, 1722.
8. Rebecca, Dec. 1691.
9. Benj., May 21, 1693.
10. Solo., June 10, 1695.
3. Matt., s. Jas., m. wid. Debo. Howard, Dec. 27, 1677, lived in H'm., and there d. intestate, July 22, 1725, and his wid. Sep. 19, 1729. Like the rest of his bros., he was a large landholder, and was early engaged in the business of coopering, or manufacturing the wooden buckets for which H'm. has been so long noted. ch.: -
1. Mary, Sep. 25, 1678, m. Jas. Whiting, Dec. 26, 1704.
2. Jno., Jan. 10, 1680, m. Mary, da. Ibrook Tower, Feb. 3, 1704, and had
- Jno., 1705, d. 1725;
- Debo., Mar. 3, 1706, m. Solo. Bates, Scituate, May 1, 1730,
- Margaret, Feb. 3, 1708, m. John Collamore, Scituate, April 27, 1732;
- Josh., Ap. 15. 1710, sett. in Scit., was m., (w. Silence —,) and had ch.;
- Ann, June 18, 1711, prob. d. unm;, Sep. 13, 1799, ae. 88 ;
- and Lydia, May 26, 1714, d. Oct. 19, 1734.
3. David, June 5, 1681.
4. Matt., Nov. 28, 1682, prob. sett. in Pemb.
5. Elizab., Mar. 1684, m. Hezek. Tower, Jan. 13, 1704.
6. Susanna, Nov. 14, 1686, d. Aug. 22, 1750 (?)
7. Lydia, Ap. 2, 1693,. m. Sam'l. Tower (?) Nov. 26, 1719.
8. Isaac, Mar. 25, 1695.
4. Enoch, s. Jas., called "Sergeant Enoch" on the H'm. Recs., m. Mary Lincoln, Jan. 11, 1687, lived in H'm., and d. May 5, 1714, and his wid. Oct. 2, 1716. In his will, which is dated Dec. 30, 1713, he gives, to w. Mary, the improve't. of all his est., real and personal, except a few legacies, &c.; to das. Mary, Bethia, Abig., and. Marg't., £50 ea.; and the rest to his s. Enoch. Est. appraised, £1021, 8 s. ch.: -
1. Sarah, Oct. 27, 1687, m. Caleb Marsh, Dee. 19, 1711.
2. Mary, Sep. 21, 1690, d. May 28, 1692.
3. Mary, Nov. 6, 1692, m. Jeded. Lincoln, Jan. 9, 1717, and d. Sep. 24, 1734.
4. Abig., Sep. 8, 1697, m. Dan'l. Waters, Mar. 10, 1722.
5. Enoch, Sep. 25, 1699.
6. Marg't. Jan. 28, 1702.
5. Thos. s. Jas., m. Joanna Garnet, or Gardner, Jan. 26, 1689-90, lived in H’m., is called a "husbandman,” on the Prob. Rec. Suff., and was also a cooper. Family tradition says, that he owned a large tract of cedar swamp in Ab'n., which he was accustomed to visit every winter, and from which trees of a very large size were cut, and split into clapboards for the Boston market; and that he came to his death near Cedar bridge, in Ab'n., Sep. 17, 1708, by the fall of a tree, a limb from which struck his head, and killed him instantly. His wid., who admm. on his est., aft. m. Nathan Farrow, Mar. 23, 1710. ch.: -
1. Joanna, Jan. 27, 1691, m. Jona. Farrow, Oct. 27, 1714.
2. Jael, Feb. 12, 1693, m. a Hobart (?)
3. Leah, Ap. 4, 1695, m. Benj. Farrow, Dec. 14, 1715.
4. Thos., Feb. 10, 1697-8, m., and had Thos., 1719.
5. Rachel, July 12, 1700, m. Sam'l. Riccard, or Richards, Oct. 19, 1721.
6. Jona., Mar. 5, 1702-3.
7. Eleazer, Nov. 15, 1706.
6. Sam'l., s. Jas. (2) m. (1) Marg't. ----------, who d. Ap. 3, 1738; (2) Elizab. Williams, Oct. 1738, who d. May 24, 1747; and (3) Rebecca Garnet, or Gardner, Nov. 12, 1747. He was commonly known as "King Whiting, " lived near Accord Pond, and was a large landholder and farmer. ch.: -
1. Sam'l., Mar. 8, 1712-13.
2. Dan'l., born and d. 1714.
3. Moses, Dec. 2, 1715, left no desct’s., on rec.
4. Desire, Ap. 6, 1717, d. young.
5. Kezia, June 5, 1720, m. Stephen Dunbar, Dec. 13, 1739. 6. Dan'l., Nov. 15, 1722.
NOTE. It is said there was a da. Hannah in this family, who m. Sam'l. Curtis, of Hanover, Nov. 14, 1729, and d. Oct. 26, 1789, ae. 72 ; also a da. Abig., who m. Hezek. Stoddard, Nov. 22, 1743; and Marg't., who m. Obadiah Grose, Jan. 11, 1 739. Authority of Mr. Joseph Whiting, H’m.
7. Benjamin, s. Jas. (2) m. Sarah, da. Benja. Tower of H’m., Ap. 19, 1716, and sett. at "Queen Ann's Corners," his house standing in the field back of the shop of Mr. Sam'l. Waters. ch.: -
1. Benj., Dec. 28, 1716.
2. Thos., Jan. 29, 1718-19.
3. Wm., Mar. 28, 1720.
4. Jacob, Aug. 10, 1723, m. Ann Gibbs, Scit., had a da. Ann, who m. Caleb Beal, and the fa. moved to Plainfield, Mass.
5. Nath'l., b. and d. 1725.
6. Sarah, Oct. 22, 1726.
7. Lem'l., Aug. 7, 1729.
8. Abel, May 7, 1733. Left no desct's. on record.
8. Solo., s. Jas. (2) m. Jael, da. Jos. Dunbar, H’m., Oct. 19, 1721, and d. Dec. 18, 1745. ch.: -
1. Jael, July 3, 1722.
2. Solo., Dec. 5, 1724.
3. Ruth, Sep. 22, 1726.
4. Debo., Oct. 7, 1728.
5. Mercy, Sep. 22, 1730.
6. Thankful, Oct. 26, 1732.
7. Silence, Nov. 23, 1734.
8. Comfort, Sep. 15, 1736.
9. Melea, Nov. 5, 1739, m. Jas. Chubbuck, Mar. 1, 1767.
10. Rebecca, Nov. 22, 1741.
9. David, s.Matt. (3) m. Elizab. --------, and d. in H'm. May 24,
1747, being spoken of as "upright and industrious, and one who enjoyed the confidence and respect of his townsmen." ch.: -
1. David, Ap. 12, 1716.
2. Elizab., Jan. 29, 1719, m. Jere. Sprague, jr., Dec. 19, 1739.
3. Sarah, Aug. 10, 1720, m. Jona. Hersey, Nov. 19, 1741.
4. Peter, Oct. 21, 1722, m. Ann Wilder, July 4, 1746, had
- Rachael, 1746, and
- Anna, 1748;
the fa. d. Oct. 23, 1751, and the mo. Sep. 19, 1799. -
5. Abijah, Ap. 2, 1729.
6. Lydia, July 9, 1732, d. May 30, 1737 (?)
7. Ach., b. May 2, 1734 (?)
10. Isaac, s. Matt. (3) m. Lydia Garnet, or Gardner, Mar. 17, 1720, who d. Jan. 26, 1756. The fa. lived in H'm., and had ch: -
1. Isaac, Jan. 7, 1720-1, m. (1) Rachel Taylor, Jan. 7, 1745, who d. Ap. 10, 1746; and (2) Sarah Sears, Nov. 27, 1746; lived in H'm., near Hersey st.; had 3 ch., who d. young; he d. Nov. 4, 1797, ae. 90, and his wid. Sep. 15, 1804.
2. Stephen, Oct. 13, 1722.
3. Lydia, Nov. 27, 1724, d. Mar. 30, 1728.
4. Debo., Jan. 1, 1726-7, d. Jan. 24, 1756 (?)
5. Lydia, b. and d., 1728.
6. Abraham, Mar. 18, 1730, m. Mary Ripley, Feb. 21, 1751, had
- Mary, 1752;
- Abraham, 1755;
- Lydia, 1758, m. Sherebiah Corthell; and
- Rebecca, 1762.
7. Jacob, Feb. 7, 1733.
8. Israel, Aug, 1734, d. Feb. 15, 1756 (?)
9. Lydia, May 14, 1738.
11. Enoch, s. Enoch (4) m. Leah, da. Benj. Stetson, of
Scit., Nov. 16, 1732, lived on "Liberty Plain," near "Gardner's brook," and his w. d. Mar. 22, 1751. ch.: -
1. Enoch, Aug. 29, 1733, d. young.
2. Enoch, 1734.
3. Leah, 1735, m. Eben'r. Simmons, Scit.
4. Elijah, June 8, 1737.
5. Mary, 1739, d. young.
6. Grace, 1741, m. Stephen Stoddard, Cohas’t.
7. Elias, June 13, 1743.
12. Jona., s. Thos. (5) a " housewrighi," m. Hannah Dunbar, H'm., July 13, 1732, and d. in H’m., June 19, 1751, the inv'y. of his est. being dated July 24, 1751. (Prob. Rec. Suff.) His ch. were; -
1. Hannah, Oct. 17, 1733, m. Benj. Barnes, H'm.
2. Jona., May 9, 1735, m. (1) Rhoda Rose, Jan. 5, 1763, and (2) a Gardner (?) and had
- Jona., 1767; d. at sea;
- Rhoda; m. Thos. Steel; and
- Josh., who went off, and d.
3. Elisha, Nov. 3, 1737, m. Jael Dunbar, 1760, was a butcher, lived in H'm., had
- Elisha, Oct. 27, 1760, m. Chloe Wilder, Sep. 12, 1782, had Tamar, 1783, and the fa. went off;
- Hannah, Sep. 21, 1762, m. Elij. Lewis, May 16, 1784;
- Grace, June 21, 1765;
- Rachael, Aug. 23, 1767;
- Emma, Feb. 8, 1790,. m. Martm Hersey, of Bos'n.;
- Caleb, b. 1772, d. 1773; and
- Tamar, b. and d., 1775.
It is said there was another Caleb, who m. in Me., had 1 ch., and finally d. in Vt.
13. Eleazer, s. Thos. (5) a cooper by trade, m. Sarah Beal, H'm., Mar. 6, 1746, and sett. in Ab'n., where his w. d. Sep. 9, 1789, ae. 65, and he Jan. 17, 1795, ae. 98. He moved to A., at a time when the part of the town where he resided was comparatively uninhabited; built a log house first, which he occupied in the winter; and finally erected the frame house, now standing oppo. where his gr. s. Eleazer lives. ch.: -
1. Jotham, Dec. 18, 1746.
2. Thos., Sep. 10, 1753, m. Jane Smith, lived where Melvin
Gurney now does, had no ch., and d. Jan. 1, 1826, and his wid. July 13, 1838.
3. Barzillai, March 5, 1757. One ch., d. young.
14. Sam’l., s. Sam’l., (6) m. Mary Wing, of Hanover, and lived in H'm., where his wid. d. May 24, 1795. ch.: -
1. Joanna, July 26, 1734, m. Enoch Whiting, Oct. 30, 1755.
2. Mary, June 17, 1736, m. Lem'l. Whiting, Ap. 9, 1754.
3. Marg't., Aug. 4, 1738, m. David Prouty, Scituate, Nov. 27, 1777.
4. Thankful, Sep. 13, 1740.
5. Sam'l., Aug. 22, 1742.
6. Judith, 1744, m. Job Loring, H'm., Ap. 19, 1764.
15. Daniel Whiton, s. Sam'l. (6) m. Jael Damon, Scit., who d. in H'm., Aug. 1, 1812, ae. 96. ch.: -
1. Dan'l., Oct. 31, 1745.
2. Zach., Dec. 19, 1747.
3. Amasa, Aug. 24, 1749.
4. Martha, July 14, 1752.
5. Zenas, Oct. 1, 1754, m. (1) Sarah Loring, H'm., Sep. 17, 1778, and (2) Mary Loring, and had
- Sarah,, Mar. 3, 1779, m. Peakes Grose;
- Zenas L., July 3, 1780;
- Harriet, Aug. 2, 1782;
- Sophia, m. a Brownson (?); and
- Frances.
It is said that the fa. moved to Ct., and there m. a 3d w. He was a carpenter by trade, a man of superior mechanical ability, and, it is said, super intended the erection of the old Cambridge bridge, having previously superintended the erection of a bridge in Ireland. -
6. Hosea, d. unm. in the Rev'n.
16. Benjamin s. Benjamin (7) m. (1) Sarah Berry, H'm., Feb. 11, 1741, and (2) Jemima Stoddard, Nov. 7, 1783, lived in H'm., near Accord Pond, was an enterprising farmer, his w. d. Dec. 3, 1806, and he Dec. 5, 1808, ae. 92. ch.: -
1. Benj., Jan. 1744.
2. Ezek'l., May 4, 1745.
3. Joseph, d. Aug. 1, 1776, in the Am'n. Army, at Ticonderoga.
4. Abel, 1757 (?)
5. Nathaniel, m. Lydia Gardner, had
- Lydia, m. a Harrington, of Lunenburg;
- Mary;
- Nath’l., m. an Adams;
- Sarah; and
- Abig. W.;
the fa. moved to Lunenburg, in 1797, and his desct's. still live there. -
6. Abig., not m. Two ch., Abel and Sarah, d. young.
17. Thomas, s. Benjamin (7) m. Lydia Pratt, of Wey'h. and sett.
in Hanover, on Whiting st., being one of the earliest residents in that neighborhood. His house stood where stands that of Caleb Whiting; he was an enterprising farmer, and d. Sep. 23, 1793, ae. 75, and his wid. Nov. 7, 1801, ae. 82. ch.: -
1. Thos., June 3, 1743.
2. Lydia, May 22, 1745, d. Nov. 8, 1801.
3. Ozias, July 20, 1746, m. (1) a Vinal, and (2) a Fadden, had Lucy, Lillis, Ozias, and Jacob. Some of these ch. are m., and have desc'ts.
4. Lucy, Jan. 27, 1748, d. Nov. 28, 1789.
5. Sarah, Nov. 16, 1749, d. June 11, 1826.
6. Jas., July 26, 1751.
7. Elias, Feb. 8, 1753.
8. Asa, Ap. 2, 1755.
9. Priscilla, Mar. 14, 1757, m. Noah Beal, Ab'n., and d. in 1819.
10. Celia, June 8, 1759, d. unm.
11. Caleb, Aug. 9, 1761.
18. William, s. Benj. (7) m. Mary Ramsdell, ab. 1748; lived on Whiting st., his house stood where stands that of his gr. s. Wm. ch.: -
1. Wm., b. and d. 1752.
2. Abel, Oct. 12, 1752, m. Priscilla Peakes, Feb. 19, 1784, and d. Jan. 24, 1821, and his wid. Jan. 10, 1851, ae. 89; no ch.
3. Mary, Mar. 21, 1756, m. Isaac Turner, jr., Dec. 10, 1778.
- 4. Avis, May 14, 1758, d. Oct. 12, 1793.
5. Betty, May 4, 1760, m. Asa Whiting, Ap. 12, 1789.
6. Wm., May 23, 1762.
7. Grace, July 8, 1764, m. Luther Turner.
8. Homer, Aug. 24, 1766, m. (1) Anna Studley, May 8, 1785, who d. July 24, 1789; and (2) Tryphena Beal; and d, Oct. 11. 1793, and his wid. Oct. 31, 1851. His ch. were,
- Homer, bap. Sep. 14, 1788, m. Hannah White, and moved to Vt.;
- Anna, b. 1788, d. 1793; and
- Tryphena, bap. Oct. 21, 1792, m. Zadoc Beal, May 22, 1816, and lives in H.
19. Lem'l., s. Benj. (7) m. Mary Whiting, H'm., Ap. 9, 1754; and lived in H., on Whiting st., his house standing where stands that of Sylvanus Whiting. His wid. d. June 12, 1826, ae. 95. ch.: -
1. Mary, Ap. 18, 1755, d. unm., at the house of Mr. Lebbe us Stockbridge, June 21, 1849.
2. Sam’l., June 4, 1757, m. Elizab. Gardner, Sep. 6, 1778, and moved to Lunenburg.
3. Thankful, Feb. 19, 1759, m. Jas. Whiting.
4. Lucinda, Mar. 8, 1761, d. July 19, 1771.
5. Marg't., Nov. 18, 1763.
6. Beulah, Mar. 17, 1766.
7. Lem'l., b. and d. 1769.
8. Bethana, Jan. 21, 1770.
9. Lem'I., b. and d. 1772.
10. Lem'l., Nov. 5, 1773.
11. Lucinda, Dec. 14, 1766.
12. Perez, Sep. 18, 1788.
13. Buchsa, Ap. 9, 1782.
20. Solo., s. Solo. (8) m. Mary Campbell, Aug. 12, 1746, lived in H'm., and d. Oct. 15, 1813, ae. 89. He was a blacksmith by trade, and his shop stood where stands the house of Chas. Cushing, Esq., on Great Plam. ch.: -
1. Asa, Feb. 25, 1746-7.
2. Solo., Aug. 10, 1751.
3. Joseph, Ap. 19, 1754, m. Abig., da. Isaac Alden, 1778, and sett. in Bridg'r., (Mitchell's Bridg'r.)
4. Peleg, Nov. 1758.
5. Jael, m. Thos. Berry, Oct. 31, 1784.
- It is said there were other ch., Mary, Ruth, and Betsey, all of wbom d. in H'm., unm.
21. Comfort, s. Solo. (8) m. Grace Fadden, and sett. in Dorchester (?) ch.; -
1. Joanna, Ap. 27, 1759.
2. Nath'l., Jan. 28, 1761, d. young.
3. Philip, Jan. 28, 1761.
4. Mary, Dec. 1, 1762.
5. Ruth, Nov. 6, 1764.
6. Rebecca, Mar. 6, 1767, m. Peter Billings, Canton, Dec. 2, 1784.
7. Nath'l., Dec. 24, 1768.
8. Abig., Mar. 1, 1771.
9. Lem'l., 1773.
10. Grace, July, 1775.
11. Comfort, Mar. 1777.
22. David, s. David (9) m. Mary Gilbert, Oct. 29, 1739, and d in H'm., Oct. 12, 1751, and his w., (who was b. 1715,) d. Nov. 10, 1799, ae. 84. ch.: -
1. Elizab., July 20, 1740, d. young.
2. Elijah, Feb. 5, 1741.
3. Ezra, Dec. 21, 1743.
4. Elizab., m. Elijah Lewis, Ap. 14, 1762.
5. David, Jan. 31, 1748, d. Oct. 11, 1751 (?)
6. Moses, b. 1750, d. 1751.
7. Moses, Mar. 3, 1752.
23. Abijah, s. David (9) m. (1) Mary Gardner, and (2) Marian Gardner, (?) Aug. 13, 1767, and had ch.: -
1. Peter, Ap. 23, 1755.
2. Abigail, Oct. 11, 1756.
3. Lucy, Oct. 4, 1760.
4. Luther, June 21, 1764.
5. Mary, Oct. 22, 1765.
(By 2d.) -
6. Lucinda, June 8, 1768.
7. David, Nov. 10, 1769.
8. Elizab., Aug. 17, 1771.
9. Peggy, Dec. 17, 1772.
24. Stephen, s. Isaac (10) m. (1) Mercy Campbell, and (2) Sa rah Stoddard, Dec. 20, 1755, and d. in H'm., June 14, 1812, and his wid. Sep. 30, 1823. Lived near Hersey st., and was a cooper by trade. ch.: -
1. Debo., Feb. 5, 1756.
2. Israel, Sep., 1758.
3. Sarah, Nov. 8, 1759.
(By 2d.) -
4. Isaac, Oct. 21, 1778.
5. Dan’l., July, 1781.
25. Jacob, s. Isaac (10) m. Elizab. Marble, Nov. 10, 1756, lived in H'm., and was a cooper by trade. ch.: -
1. Jacob, Sep. 10, 1757.
2. Betsey, Aug. 23, 1759, m. Josi. Sprague, Mar. 4,
1785, and d. soon after.
3. Laban, Nov. 18, 1761, d. at sea, unm.
4. Susa, Mar. 2, 1764, m. Josi. Sprague, Dec. 14, 1794.
5. Chloe, m. (1) Elij. Fearing, Nov. 9, 1788, and (2) Seth Lincoln (?)
6. Lydia, m. Benj. Thomas, Aug. 19, 1798.
7. Debo., m. Amos Sprague, Oct. 21, 1796.
8. Reuben, d. unm.
26. Capt. Enoch, s. Enoch (11) m. Joanna Whiting, 1755, lived in H'm., on Liberty Plain, was a farmer by occupation, and d. June 21, 1778. ch.: -
1. Joan, m. Thomas Chubbuck, June 11, 1787.
2. Chloe, m. Samuel Gardner, Aug. 23, 1789.
3. Bethia, m. David Loring, Oct. 8, 1780.
4. Enoch, Dec. 27, 1763.
5. Leah, Mar. 8, 1765, m. Jno. Abbott, Newark, N. J.
6. Laurena, Mar. 4, 1767, m. Dan’l. Parks, Lincoln, Nov. 11, 1805.
7. Dolly, Mar. 5, 1769, m. Lewis Squier, Newark, N. J.
8. Phoebe, Ap. 12, 1771, m. Daniel Whiting, jr., Brookfield, Jan. 11, 1798.
27. Elijah, s. Enoch (11) m. Mary Wilder, H'm., July 13, 1763, and d. in H'm., June 15, 1797, ae. 60, and his wid. in Jan. 1811 (?) ch.: -
1. Mary, Oct. 7, 1764, m. Enoch Dunbar, May 7, 1786.
2. Persis, Sep. 21, 1766, m. Jacob Sprague, June 1, 1794.
3. Elizab., Aug. 7, 1769.
4. Tamsen, Oct. 2, 1771, m. Chas. Simmons, Scit., Dec. 7, 1794.
5. Charlotte, Feb. 24, 1774, m. Nath'l. Bump, Midd'o., Nov. 26, 1803.
6. Merrill, July 3, 1776, Geo. B. Lapham, of Medford, shipbuilder, of the firm of Lapham and Magoun.
7. Isaiah, Nov. 7, 1778, d. unm., Sep. 5, 1820.
8. Blossom, Ap. 30, 1781.
9. Walter, Nov. 28, 1783, a Major, in the U. S. A., was killed at the battle of Bridg'r., during the war of 1812.
28. Capt. Elias, s. Enoch (11) m. Sarah Blossom, June 22, 1769, lived in H'm., on Liberty Plain, and d. of the small pox, in 1778, and his w., who was b. in June, 1749, d. May 16, 1817, ae. 68. ch.: -
1.Elias, Dec. 18, 1769, m. Mehit., da. Daniel Whiting, July 1, 1804, and d. in Brookf'd., Mass., having had
- Elias, d. on the coast of Africa;;
- Franklin, of Ohio;
- Nymphas, and Edward of N. Brookf'd.;
- Sarah, m. a Bailey, of Worcester (?) and is d.;
- Mehitab., m. Ed. Humphrey, and lives in Chas'n;
- Abig., d. unm.; and
- Desire.
2. Sarah, Oct. 18, 1771, m. (1) Henry Cushing, H'm., Dec. 28, 1791, and (2) Seth Cushing, and is living, a wid., in H'm.
3. Priscilla, Dec. 21, 1773, m. Josiah Lane, jr., H'm., Dec. 28, 1801.
4. Martha, b. and d. 1775.
5. Martha, Oct. 10, 1776, m. Thos. Fearing, H'm., Dec. 25, 1808, and d. in 1852.
6. Marg't., Oct. 1778, m. Dimick Bowker, Scit., Feb. 10, 1798.
29. Jotham, s. Eleazer (13) m. Susanna Wilder, H'm., Jan. 1, 1771, a farmer by occupation, lived in E. Ab'n., where his w. d., Jan. 24, and he May 24, 1828. ch.: -
1. Susanna, 1771, d. 1773.
2. Susanna, Mar. 9, 1774, m. Bela Cushing, H'm., 1803, and d. Aug. 27. 1818.
3. Mary, Oct. 9, 1775, m. Jos. Turner, H'm., 1796, and d. 1800.
4. Sarah, Mar. 6, 1778, m. Melzar Beal, Ab'n., July 15, 1797, and d. Jan. 31, 1850.
5. Lydia, Jan. 14, 1780, m. Jared Shaw, Ab'n., 1802, and d. Dec. 15, 1819.
6. Lucy, Ap. 10, 1782, m. Jos. Benner, Ab'n., 1803, and d. July 3, 1836.
7. Jerusha, Aug. 12, 1785, m. Wm. Wheeler, Quincy, 1806, and d. June 5, 1810.
8. Merrill, July 24, 1787, m. Samuel Colson, Ab'n, 1812, and d. Mar. 29, 1834.
9. Eph'm., Sep. 26, 1790.
10. Emma, Sep. 3, 1793, in Mich'n.
30. Barzillai, s. Eleazer (13) m. Abig. Beal, H’m., who d. Ap. 22, 1844, ae. 84. Ch.; -
1. Abig. m. Isaac Turner, H’n., and d. Oct. 14, 1845.
2. Eleazer, Sep. 28, 1782.
3. Ithamar, 1786.
4. Joanna, Feb. 28, 1791.
5. Marilla, 1799, d. Jan. 25, 1802.
31. Daniel, s. Daniel (15) a farmer by occupation, m. Desire Stoddard, Scit., Ap. 7, 1768, who d. Feb. 28, 1820, and he ab. 1822. It is said that he lived first where Enoch Dunbar now resides, and in his latter days, at "High Hill," so called. ch.: -
1. Martha, Nov. 25, 1767, m. Enoch Whiting, H'm.
2. Mehit., Ap. 23, 1770, d. young.
3. Dan'l., Ap. 23, 1772.
4. Galen, Feb. 1, 1774, m. Rachael Prouty, of Scit. (?) sett. in Brookfield, where he d. in Dec., 1849, having had ch.:
- Galen, d. at the West;
- Leonard, and Charles, sett. in Ill's.;
- Andrew, an invalid, unm.;
- Wm., is m., and lives on his father's place;
- Louisa, unm.; and
- Rachel, m. Jere. Deming (?) and has ch.;
5. Sylvania, Dec. 7, 1776.
6. Hosea, June 24, 1778.
7. Mehit., Jan. 28, 1781, m. Elias Whiting, Brookf'd., July 1, 1804.
8. Josiah, Nov. 29, 1784, m. a Prouty, sett. in Brookf'd., and d. leaving ch.: Osborn, Josiah, Julia, A., Elizab., Merrill, (d. young,) Abig., Martha, and Mary; —-- all m., and have ch. but Elizab.
9. Abig., Mar. 1, 1788, d. Dec. 1795.
32. Zach., s. Daniel (15) m. Kezia Wilder, H'm., Dec. 12, 1770, and d. May 15, 1804 (?) and his wid. in 1833. ch.: -
1. Prudence, m. Enoch Lovell, Wey'h.; and d. in Me.
2. Chas., m. a Stoddard (?) and d. Feb. 7, 1849.
3. Theoph., Mar. 30, 1775.
4. Susan, m. Steph. Gardner, H'm., Dec. 29, 1796.
5. Sybil, Oct. 27, 1780, living unm.
6. Hosea, Sep. 11, 1782.
7. Polly, m. Joel Seymour, H'm.
8. Martha, m. Jotham Shaw, Wey'h., and d. in 1836 (?)
9. Priscilla, m. Justin Rogers.
33. Amasa, s. Dan'l. (15) m. Lydia Jacobs, Scit., and lived at “Queen's Ann's Corners," where he d. Nov. 5, 1818. He was a carpenter by trade, and lived in a house which stood where stands that now occupied by the wid. of his son Joseph J., and by his gr. s. Amasa. ch.: -
1. Davis, Aug. 20, 1773, m. Abig. Bowker, Scit., and d. Ap. 12, 1833, having had ch.,
- Mary C., 1797, m. Leonard Cushing, H'm.;
- Abig. B., January 4, 1799, m. Jas. W. Sivret, June 10, 1819, and lives in Dorch'r.; and
- Davis, Feb. 2, 1801, lost at sea, in May, 1828.
2. Perez, Ap. 3, 1775.
3. Jael, Mar. 18, 1777, d. Oct. 19, 1794.
4. Joseph J., Dec. 29, 1778.
5. Lydia, Oct. 25, 1780, m. Nath'l. Bump, Midd'o, June 15, 1807.
6. Abig., Sep. 30, 1783, m. Alex'r. Vining, Ab'n., Feb. 3, 1807.
7. Eunice, July 14, 1786, m. Neh. Ripley, jr., H'm., Feb. 4, 1807, and d. Oct. 1850. Was there another da. Jael (?) m. Harris Turner, Scit.(?) Oct. 19, 1794.
34. Benj., s. Benj. (16) m. Joanna Gardner, H'm., 1766, who d. June 14, 1807, and he Ap. 12, 1815. Lived in a house which stood where stands that of Eleazer Chubbuck, in H'm., was a farmer, and a man of great mechanical ingenuity, and industry. ch.: -
1. Joanna, Jan. 11, 1767, d. July, 1782.
2. Asenath, Ap. 10, 1770, d. Feb. 11, 1840.
3. Benj., Jan. 22, 1773.
4. Joseph, Jan, 9, 1777, lives in H'm.. near Accord Pond, m. Lucy, da. Wm. Barren, Scit., Dec. 22, 1812, and has ch.:
- Jos. M, Nov. 6, 1813;
- Lucy B., Jan. 17, 1815, m. Albert G. Mann, Oct. 19, 1844, and d. Jan. 3, 1837;
- Ruth, Jan. 26, 1818, d. Feb. 10, 1839; and
- Salome, Nov. 30, 1819.
5. Archelaus, Sep. 30, 1778, m. Elizabeth Gardner, H'm., May 4, 1799, who d. Oct., 1803, and in 1812, he enlisted from the frigate Constitution to go to the Lakes, and prob. d. there. He had 1 da., Betsey, Jan. 24, 1801, m. Eleazer Chubbuck, H'm., Jan. 13, 1838, and has 4 ch.
6. Luther, Mar. 16, 1781, m. (1) Cynthia E. Stetson, Dec. 31, 1815, who d. May 29, 1818; and (2) Lois Gardner, Dec. 27, 1818; and had, by 1st., ch.:
- Cynthia S., Mar. 21, 1818, m. Benj. White, Dux'y., Feb. 1849; and
- Sophia S., Mar. 21, 1818, m. Abner Loring, H'm., Mar. 22, 1840.
35. Ezek'l., s. Benj. (16) m. (1) Olive Stoddard, Scit., and (2) Mary Berry, Mar. 10, 1804, was a farmer, lived in H’m., and had ch.: -
1. Sarah, m. Asa Souther, Cohas't., Nov. 29, 1795.
2. Lois, m. Jos. Hill, jr., Ab'n., Ap. 10, 1803.
3. Olive, m. Peleg Dunbar, H'm., Feb. 15, 1805.
4. Abig., m. Jno. Blake, or Black, Plym'h.
5. Judith, m. (1) Quincy Gardner, and (2) Nicholas Daniels.
(By 2d.) -
6. Ezek'l., Jan. 25. 1805.
36. Abel, s. Benj. (16) m. Grace, wid. Sam'l. Stoddard, Jan. 9, 1779, and moved to Worcester, where he d. ch.: -
1. Abel, Dec. 4, 1779, m., lived in Blandford, Ct., and had ch.
2. Sarah, Mar. 19, 1782.
3. Sam'l., July, 1785, m., lived in N. Y'k. State, and has Jas. W., and others.
4. Amos, July, 1788, m. Hannah Keith, Bridg'r., and had Sidney, and others.
5. Ezek'l, May 7, 1790, m. and had ch.
6. Ambrose, m. and had ch.
7. Laban.
8. Andrew, m. Lucy Briggs, lives in Waltham, and has ch.
37. Thomas, s. Thos. (17) m. Rachael Peakes, Nov. 15, 1770, and d. in Hanover, Dec. 13, 1805, and his wid. Sep. 20, 1828, ae. 81. Lived on Whiting st., in the house now occupied by Piam Damon, and was Selectman from 1780-82, and in '89. ch.: -
1. Wm. P., Ap. 28, 1771, m. Sally Wales, Randolph, and practiced law in Bos'n., where he d., leaving ch.,
- Mary m. Levi H. Marsh, (?)
- Sarah A., d. ae. ab. 25;
- Eph'm. W, was m. had 2 ch., and was lost at sea; and
- Ella S. (?)
2. Rachael, Oct. 14, 1773, d. May 7, 1849.
3. Thos., Aug. 16, 1776, m. Hannah Mann, June 8, 1797, lived on Whiting st., where he d. in 1806, leaving ch.,
- Marcia, May, 1798;
- Jairus, moved to N. Y'k. State;
- Oren, (m. (1) Sarah C. Faxon, who d. Feb. 20, 1827, and (2) Mary Jones, May, 1831, lives on Whiting st., and has
- Lewis, Jan. 24, 1832;
- Oren T., Aug. 28, 1834;
- Lucius, Ap. 22, 1837;
- Abel H., July 1841, d. 1842,
- Abel H., July, 1843;
- Albert, March 24, 1846, and
- Jno. B., Mar. 24, 1849,);
- Lewis, d.; and Hannah M., m. Elisha Faxon, Ab'n.
4. Charles, bap. June 27, 1784, m. Betsey Pool, Ab'n., and had ch.,
- Albert, Nov. 6, 1803;
- Emily, Dec. 7, 1806, m. David Pool, E. Ab'n.;
- Nath’l. H., Nov. 24, 1808, m. Mary Clark, and lives in Mf’d., no ch.;
- Wm., sometime a clergyman, of the Univ. denom., and now sett. in H’n., da. M. a da. of Benj. Stetson, of H., for his 2d w., and has ch.; and
- Betsey, m. Reuben Loud, E. Ab'n.
5. Olive, bap. July 22, 1787, m. Piam Damon, June 15, 1814.
6. Martin, bap. July 22, 1792, d. young.
38. Jas., s. Thos. (17) m. Thankful Whiting, lived in Hanover, and d. Sep. 26, 1812, ae. 65, and his wid. Aug. 3, 1832, ae. 73. Built and occupied the house in which Jno. W. Estes now lives. ch.: -
1. Thankful, Nov. 6, 1781, d. Feb. 1, 1793.
2. Rebecca, May 28, 1784, d. Aug. 13, 1786.
3. Jas., Dec. 5, 1789, m. Ann Brooks, had no ch., d., And his wid. m. a Gray, of Me.
4. Mary, May 8, 1786, m. Uriah Lawrence, Lunenburg.
5. Horatio, Nov. 2, 1791, m. (1) Ruth Lovell, who d. Ap. 26, 1839, and (2) Lucy Lane, lives in Mf’d., and has ch.,
- Lucy, Aug. 15, 1828, d. 1848 (?)
- Flora, Ap. 24, 1830, d.;
- Marcia; and
- Alden.
6. Thankful, Dec. 1, 1794, d. unm.
7. Rufus, Aug. 7, 1797, d. Dec. 24, 1799.
8. Rebecca, Sep. 28, 1800, m. Zadoc Beal, Nov. 30, 1837.
39. Elias, s. Thos. (17) m. Debo. Jackson, and d. in H., May 20, 1790, and his wid. May 25, 1818, ae. 61. ch.: -
1. Ruth, Jan. 30, 1779.
2. Justus, Sep. 14, 1780, m. Abig. Wilder, H'm., lives on Whiting st., and is a respectable farmer; no ch.
3. Benj., Ap. 23, 1782, is m., and lives in Me.
4. Sarah, Aug. 27, 1784, d. Mar. 4, 1804.
5. Amos, Aug. 9, 1786.
6. Edmund, b. and d. 1788.
7. Elias, b. 1789, d. 1793.
40. Asa, s. Thos. (17) m. (1) Debo. Dwelley, Ap. 13, 1786, who d. Jan. 8, 1787; and (2) Betty Whiting, Ap. 12, 1789; lived on Whiting st., and finally moved to Lunenburg, where he d. ch. by 2d w; -
1. Asa, b. 1790, d. 1793.
2. Elijah, Aug. 22, 1792, a blacksmith, d. unm. ab. 1842.
3. Debo. D., Dec. 10, 1794, m. Nathan Beal, Ab'n., and d. Dec. 17, 1821, leaving a son Nathan.
4. Asa, Oct. 14, 1797, sett. in Lunenburg.
5. Betty, bap. Oct. 23, 1803, m. a Battles, and lives in Fitchburg.
41. Caleb, s. Thos. (17) m. Susa G. Mann, Ap. 23, 1785, who d. Nov. 25, 1842, ae. 77, and he May 20, 1848, ae. 87. Lived in the house now occupied by Jas. Fish, on Whiting st. ch.: -
1. Caleb, b. 1788, d. 1792.
2. Lucy, Jan. 17, 1791, d. June 15, 1840.
3. Susa G., Dec. 26, 1793, d. Oct. 11, 1794.
4. Caleb, Mar. 21, 1795, m. (1) Mary Whiting, June 9, 1823, who d. Sep. 2, 1850; and (2) Anne, da. Gideon Studley, May 11, 1852, lives on Whiting st., and had a da. Mary W., b. Mar. 21, 1829, d. Sep. 25, 1843.
5. Sage, Ap. 20, 1797, m. David Nichols, Cohas't., Nov. 28, 1817.
6. Ezra, May 21, 1800, m. Sally Curtis, lived on Main st., and d. Oct. 3, 1831, having had ch.,
- Ezra, Sep. 9, 1823, in Cohas't.;
- Josh. S., Dec. 6, 1825, m. Betsey B. Dwelley, June 20, 1847, and has Elmira E., Aug. 10, 1850;
- Lucius C., Mar. 20, 1828, in Cal’a.; and
- Edwin, Aug. 22, 1831, d. ae. 4.
- One other ch. d. young.
7. Jared, Ap. 15, 1804, m. Desire Loring, Jan. 1838, lives on Whiting st., and has
- Caleb L., Jan. 4, 1839, and
- Jared, Aug. 15, 1842.
8. Lydia P., Sep. 26, 1806, m. Briggs Freeman, Ab'n., and d. Sep. 28, 1849.
42. William, s. Wm. (18) m. Betsey Clapp, Scituate, was Selectman in 1803, and '04, lived on Whiting st., and d. Mar. 19, 1825, ae. 63, and his wid. Mar. 17, 1829, ae. 58. ch.: -
1. Avis, Mar. 17, 1803, m. G. W. Turner, Oct. 22, 1829.
2. Mary, Jan. 30, 1805, m. Caleb Whiting, June 9, 1823, and d. Sep. 2, 1850.
3. Silvanus, Feb. 9, 1808, m. Lucy Bates, Nov. 20, 1828, lives on Whiting st., is a farmer, and has ch.,
- Silvanus, Nov. 24, 1829, m. Sarah J. Torrey, Jan. 14, 1852;
- Betsey C., Oct. 7, 1831;
- Nathan, July 12, 1833;
- Lucy M., July 5, 1835;
- Laura A., July 28, 1837;
- Adelaide, Feb. 10, 1840;
- Thos. H. B., Jan. 10, 1842;
- Geo. D., Mar. 18, 1845;
- Mary R., d.; and
- Elmer, Feb. 8, 1849.
4. Wm., Feb. 5, 1811, m. Cynthia Curtis, Nov. 20, 1831, lives on Whiting st., is a farmer, was Selectman in 1845, '47, '48, and '49 ; and has ch.,
- Triphena, Dec. 13, 1832;
- Cynthia, Sep. 14, 1834;
- Wm., May 19, 1836;
- Simeon, July 16, 1838, d. Mar. 4, 1839;
- Betsey, May 18, 1840;
- Mary, Ap. 1847; and
- Walter, Mar. 6, 1850.
43. Elijah, s. David (22) m. Lydia Lincoln, H'm., Jan. 7, 1768, was a farmer, lived on "Bull's Lane," so called, and d. Mar. 16, 1814. ch.: -
1. Lydia, Aug. 29, 1768, m. Jno. Chadwick, Bos'n., Jan. 30, 1798.
2. Elij., b. 1770, d. 1778.
3. Peggy, 1771, d. 1773.
4. Peggy, June 17, 1775, m. Laban Beal, H'm., Oct. 2, 1796.
5. Olive, Dec. 3, 1777, m. a Felch, Boylston, Mass.
6. Elij., Dec. 29, 1779.
7. Bela, June 4, 1783, went South, m., and d. there.
44. Ezra, s. David (22) m. Martha Lincoln, Nov. 15, 1770, and d. in H'm., Oct. 25, 1773, and his wid. m. his bro. Moses. He had one son, Ezra, b. May 8, 1772, m. Emma, da. Thos. Jones, H'm., June 14, 1795, and d. in Mar. 1851, having had ch.: Ezra J., Ap. 5, 1797, of Bos'n.; Emma, Ap. 17, 1800, m. Benj. Andrews, H'm.; Ebed, Sep. 18, 1802, m (1) Esther C. Richardson, and (2) Mary A. Howe, and lives in Bos'n; Bela, Oct. 18, 1804, m. Martha L. Whitney, and had a son, Geo. H., b. 1829, d. 1830; Martha, Sep. 16, 1807, m. a Wiggins, Bos'n.; Susan C., Sep. 8, 1810, m. Zadoc Hersey, H'm.; Thos. L., b. 1812, d. 1813; Thos. L., Dec. 28, 1813; Peter ; and Hannah R., m. Bela H. Whiton.
45. Moses, s. David (22) m. Martha, wid. of his brother Ezra W., and lived in Wm., where he d. June 9, 1823, and his w. Nov. 13, 1812. He was a merchant in H'm., on the Plain, and was a man of excellent character, and respectable standing. ch.: -
1. David, Ap. 23, 1775.
2. Wilson, Sep. 26, 1777.
3. Mary, Aug. 26, 1780, m. Peter Sprague, Nov. 28, 1799.
4. Sarah, Jan. 11, 1783, m. Judge Abel Cushing, June 16, 1811, and lives in Dorch'r.
5. Moses, June 26, 1785.
6. Starks, June 26, 1785.
46. Israel, s. Stephen (24) m. Hannah Stowell, H'm., Jan. 14, 1781, and d. Aug. 2, 1840, ae. 82, and his w., who was b. Jan. 9, 1761, d. Ap. 11 (?) 1827. ch.: -
1. Israel, m. Rebecca Cleverly, Ap. 11 (?) 1802, and d. Nov. 6, 1825; no ch.
2. Campbell, Feb. 19, 1784, known as Kimball Whiting, m. Desire Jordan, and had ch., Henry; Kimball; Rebecca; Harriet, m. a Smith; Lydia A., m. a Watson; Mary A.; Almira, m. a Leavens; Ellen; and George.
3. Hannah, b. 1787, d. 1788.
4. Isaiah, Oct. 8, 1789, m. Martha Estabrooks, and had ch.
- , Martha D., Sep. 18, 1811;
- Isa G., May 5, 1813;
- Chas. E., Feb. 22, 1815;
- Susan A., May 24, 1817;
- Debo. C., May 19, 1820;
- Albert, b. 1823, d. 1824;
- Anna A., June 13, 1825;
- Emily E., Oct. 11, 1827;
- Albert, Oct. 10, 1829;
- Olive M., May 4, 1832; and
Wm. S., Oct. 28, 1834.
5. Royal, Feb. 2, 1792, m. Esther Cleverly, July 3, 1811, lives in Quincy, and has ch.:
- Elizab. D., Ap. 9, 1812, m. Dr. T. L. Turner, Bos'n., Ap. 3, 1843 ;
- Hannah S., Ap. 25, 1814, m. Jairus Beal, Nov. 29, 1838;
- Cath. C. A., b. 1816, d. 1818;
- Cath. C. A., b. 1818, d. 1838;
- Royal, July 26, 1820, m. Rebecca A. Lothrop, Nov. 1, 1843;
- Hiram, Mar. 22, 1823; Jas., b. 1825, d. 1826;
- Hannah J. (?) b. 1829, d. 1848;
- Rebecca E., b. 1830, d. 1832.
6. Job S., Jan.. 23, 1797, m. Lucy Fadden, of Ct., and had ch.:
- Lucy, Sep. 26, 1822;
- Lydia E.(?) b. 1825, d. 1845;
- Josi. W., Dec. 4, 1827,
- Lyman B. ; and
- Mehit. S.
47. Enoch, s. Capt. Enoch (26) m. Martha Whiting, Sep. 14, 1786, and d. in H'm., Dec. 30, 1811. ch.: -
1. Desire, Ap. 15, 1787, m. Jairus Mann, June 9, 1811. (?)
- 2. Enoch, b. 1789, d. 1790.
3. Enoch, b. 1791, d. 1792.
4. Joanna, May 30, 1793, m. Ed. Humphrey. (?)
5. Martha, Feb. 27, 1795.
6. Sam'l., Ap. 7, 1797.
7. Mary W., Ap. 5, 1799, m. Jona. D. Pratt, Nov. 17, 1823.
8. Enoch, Oct. 12, 1801, m. Sarah, da. Col. John Collamore, Scit., lived in H'm., and d. ab. 1837, leaving ch.:
- Sarah A.; and
- Mary C., m. Henry W. Clark, of Boston, April 17, 1851, and lives in Woburn.
9. Bethia, July 27, 1803.
10. Christopher, Dec. 8, 1806.
11. Leah S., Mar. 21, 1808, m. Cushing Barnes, H'm., Dec. 16, 1830.
48. Elij., s. Elij. (27) m. Charity, da. Job Loring, H'm., May 20, 1798, was a carpenter by trade, and a farmer, and d. in H’m., in Mar. 1837. ch.: -
1. Elijah, Mar. 6, 1799, m. Lydia, da. Crocker Wilder, H’m., Sep. 18, 1822, and has ch.,
- Chas., Nov. 9, 1824, (m. Sarah J., da. Capt. Seth Hersey, and has 2 ch.,
- Sarah J., 1848, and
- Chas., Mar. 27, 1850;) and
- George, Oct. 12, 1828.
2. Loring, Oct. 29,1801, a skilful carpenter, was m., and is prob. d. He had ch.,
- George, who is one of the community of Shakers, at Harvard, Mass.;
- Stephen, a mariner, drowned on a voyage to Smyrna, 1852; and
- Caroline, who is m., and lives in Bos'n.
3. Lavinia, February 2, 1804, m. Jacob Tirrell, Wey'h., and has 5 ch.
4. Elizab., 1806, unm.
5. Charlotte, b. 1808, d. 1813.
6. Alvan, Sep. 23, 1811, living unm., in H’m.
NOTE. The son Elijah, is a man of rare mechanical ability, and has been the successful inventor of various machines, several of which have been patented, and have been found highly useful; His latest invention, a machine for sawing volutes and cylinders, is now in operation, in H'm., and promises to work quite a revolution in the bucket business. Did our limits premit, we might fill a long chapter with a sketch of the life of Mr. W., whose varied incidents would be instructive and encouraging to the young. He has been somewhat in political life, and is a man of great energy of character, persevering in whatever he undertakes, and carrying it on to a successful issue.
49. Blossom, s. Elijah, (27) m. Sarah Lincoln, and lived in Chas'n., where he d. ch.: -
1. Blossom L.
2. Jas.
3. Albert.
4. Walter.
5. Henry.
6. Sarah.
7. Mary, m. Mark Warren.
50. Ephraim, s. Jotham, (29) m. Mehit. Hobart, Ab'n., in 1810, and d. Ap. 14, 1842. Lived in Ab'n., and was a shoemaker by trade. He was also a trader for a time in Bos'n. ch.: -
1. Eph'm. W., Mar. 16, 1811, of Bos'n., m. Sarah Morton, Dux'y., and has Helen E., Adelaide L., and Walter B.
- 2. Geo. L., Mar. 24, 1813, m. Maria Peterson, Dux'y., and has Sasan M, July 4, 1835.
3. Alden, May 9, 1816, m. Sophronia Huntington, Ct., and has Amelia S., and Lydia.
4. Henry, Feb. 23, 1819, m. Almedia (?) Watson, and lives in Dux'y.
5. Polly, Nov. 15, 1821, m. Jno. W. Estes, of Hanover.
6. Peter W., Dec. 3, 1825, d. Oct. 1, 1847.
7. Lydia, Dec. 3, 1825, m. Benj. H. Bowker, of Hanover.
8. Merrill, Sep. 25, 1835.
51. Eleazer, s. Barzillai (30) m. (1) Reverence Nash, Ab'n., 1810, who d. Feb. 19, 1816; and (2) Nancy Hobart, Nov. 18, 1821, lives in E. Ab'n., and has ch: -
1. Clarissa, Jan. 27, 1811, m. Vincent Blanchard, N. Ab'n. (By 2d,)
2. Elbridge, Aug. 1, 1822, surveyor; a young man of fine talents, and great promise, now engaged on one of the railroads in Ill's.
3. Leonard, May 8, 1824, m. Elizab. Hobart, Dorch'r., lives in E. Ab'n., and has
- Harriet E., July 25, 1847;
- Leonard A., Jan. 1849; and
- Henry, 1850.
4. Jacob, Dec. 28, 1825, lives in Milford.
5. Marilla, May 26, 1828, m. Jos. W. Davis, E. Ab'n., and has Willard W., and Geo. H.
6. Rowena, b. 1831, d. 1832.
7. Roxa A., July 13, 1833. Joanna E., Jan. 3, 1838.
52. Ithamar, s. Barzillai (30) m. Abig. Mann, and lived in E. Ab'n., where he d. July 31, 1820, ae. 34. ch.: -
1. Lydia G., Dec. 28, 1811, m. Gideon B. Phillips, and lives in E. Ab'n. (2) Abig., Ap. 24, 1813, m. John H. Marsh, Worcester.
3. Stephen, Ap. 13, 1819, m. (1) Mary Prouty, who d. Ap. 10, 1844; and (2) Judith A. Baker, Midd'o., lives in E. Ab'n., and has
- Stephen W., b. 1843, d. 1844;
(by 2d,) - Simeon D., June 15, 1847; and
- Herbert J., Aug. 6, 1849.
4. Rowena, May 11, 1814, d. ae. 3.
53. Daniel, s. Daniel (31) m. Phoebe, da. Capt. Enoch Whiting, and sett. in N. Brookf 'd., in 1810, where he d. in Feb. 1850. ch.; - 1. Lewis, is m., and has Caroline, Rebecca, Phoebe, and Frances.
2. Nelson, m. Cath., da. Sam'l. Gardner, H'm., and
had 1 son, Gardner, d. ae. 11.
3. Daniel.
4. Rev. Lyman, of Reading, Mass.
5. Eliza, m. Parker Johnson, of N. Brookfield.
54. Sylvanus, s. Dan'l. (31) m. Hannah Stoddard, H'm., Feb. 26, 1800, and lives in H'm. ch.: -
1. Sylvanus, m. Sibyl Gardner, H'm., Jan. 1, 1828, and has Adaline O.
2. Nathan, m. Tempe. Bicknell, Wey'h., and has Tempe., Susan A., and George.
3. Nahum, m. Meribel Orcutt, lives in E. Wey'h., and has Mary A., and Anna L.
4. Silas, m. (1) Mary Dyer, Braintree, and (2) Anne Newcomb, Wey'h., lives in W., and has Mary L., Susan and Emma J.
5. Hannah, m. Chas. Gardner, jr.
6. Lydia, M. Chas. Whiting.
7. Mary, m. Jas. Matthewson, Wey'h.
55. Theoph., s. Zach. (32) m. Hannah Collamore, Scit., who d. Sep. 25, 1824, and he May 4, 1831. ch.: -
1. Hannah C., Dec. 14, 1798, m. David Cushing, E. Ab'n., and has Wm. S., Davis, Brainerd, Urban W., Sarah C., Andrew J., Fanny W., and Henry J.
2. Lusanna, Dec. 21, 1800, m. Silas Ripley, Ab'n., 1821, and d. Feb. 15, 1830.
3. Theoph. W., Dec. 7, 1802, m. Mary Paine, Rdl'ph, and had Nancy A., b. and d. 1833, and Leonard W., d. 1840.
4. Zenas L, Oct. 3, 1804, m. Mary Lane, Ab'n., 1825, and has
- Hiram L., Nov. 1825;
- Mary A., Sep. 26, 1827, m. Andrew Rogers, Hanover;
- Edwin W., Dec. 9, 1830;
- Albert L., b. and d. 1834;
- Henry L.;
- Emily L ;
- Albert F.;
- Josephine M., and
- Wm. L., Jan. 26, 1849.
5. Maria, July 28, 1807, m. Peter W. Beal, E. Ab'n.
6. Gilman C., Feb. 16, 1809, m. Diantha Stoddard, Abington; lives in H., on Main street, has been constable, &c.; and has ch.:
- Diantha S., September 27, 1830 ;
- Mary W., August 22, 1831;
- Nathan G., April 15, 1833;
- Hannah M., June 10, 1835, d. September 27, 1852;
- Soranus W., October 1836, d. July, 1839;
- Ansan V, Aug. 1838; and
- Lusanna M., April 14, 1842.
7. Piam C., June 27, 1811. m. Sarah D. Brooks, September 15, 1831, and died Aug. 12, 1845, leaving ch.,
- Piam W., b. 1832, d. 1833;
- Edwin W, Dec. 2, 1833;
- Angeline S., Aug. 9, 1836;
- Piam A., Ap. 1838; and
- Lucy M., Feb. 28, 1843.
8. Edwin, July 19, 1813, m. Mary Battles, N. Bridg'r., and d. Jan. 2, 1844, and his wid., in 1851, leaving no ch.
- 9. Hiram, Jan. 28, 1818, d. Feb. 6, 1823.
56. Hosea, s. Zach. (32) m. (1) Anne Stoddard, H'm., Nov. 11, 1804, who d. June 16, 1844; and (2) Alice Turner; lives in H'm., and is a farmer. ch.: -
1, Hosea, Jan. 12, 1806, m. (1) Bethia Curtis, Oct. 24, 1827, who d. July 13, 1831; (2) Maria A. Hawes, 1831, who d. Sep. 1841; and (3) Mary E. Stone, June 10, 1843 ; lives in H'm., is a shoemaker, and has ch.,
- Geo. B., Oct. 19, 1828, (m. Mary Damon, Mf’d., Jan. 1, 1851, and lives in Wey'h.);
- Alfred B., June 27, 1832; and
- Florinda C., Oct. 22, 1839.
2. Ann, Mar. 6, 1808, m. Spencer Shaw, Ap. 1, 1838.
3. Chas., March 30, 1811, m. Lydia Whiting. April 1, 1838, lives in Wey'h., and has Rowena C., and Chas. D.
4. Jane, May 26, 1813, m. Chas. Shaw, Cunimington.
5. Persis, January 2, 1815, m. John Haynes, Charlestown.
- 6. Ruth, m. May 10, 1817, m. W. Penniman, H'm., Feb. 26, 1831.
7. Harriet, June 27, 1819, m. Dexter M. Wolcott, Jan. 8, 1843.
8. Dexter, Jan. 5, 1824, m. Ann Tisdale, Oct. 20, 1847, and lives in H'm.; no ch.
(By 2d) -
9. Alice R., June 6, 1846.
57. Perez, s. Aniasa (33) a carpenter by trade, m. (1) Mary Bowker, Scit., Nov. 13, 1799, who d. Ap. 4, 1823, and (20 Sarah Simmons, Du.x'y.; and lives in So. H'm. His 2d w. is also d. ch.: - 1. Perez S., Oct. 19, 1800, m. Lucy C., da. Hon. E. F. Jacobs, and lives in N. Y'k.
2. Mary, Feb. 6, 1802, m. Rev. Calvin Gardner, Waterville, Me., Dec. 26, 1825.
3. Adaline, Feb. 2, 1804, m. Ed. Jacobs, Scit., Ap. 16, 1826.
- 4. Caroline, Feb. 2, 1804, m. Laban Jacobs, H'm., Feb. 2, 1823.
5. Geo., Mar. 1, 1806, d. Ap. 7, 1823.
6. Chas., May 29, 1808, m. Anna C. Fearing, H'm., Jan. 10„ 1830, is a Mf’r. of edge tools, in H'm., near Accord Pond, and has
- Chas. D., Mar., 1831, d. June, 1848;
- Cath. B., 1835; and
- Geo. F.
7. Albert, Feb. 23, 1810, a master mason, and contractor, m. Sarah G. Fearing, H'm., and has
- Albert T., Sep. 30, 1833, clerk with J. J. Whiting & Co., Boston;
- Geo. F.; and
- Sarah H., Mar. 21, 1849.
8. Winslow L., Ap. 1, 1813, m. Ann E. Ripley, of H'm., lives in Newark, and has ch.
9. Benj. S., Mar. 22, 1815, m. Olive Fearing, H'm., who d. ab. 1849, and he is living in Ab'n. Has
- Webster A., Sep. 27, 1840;
- Shurtleff; and
- Olive A.
10. Davis J., Nov. 15, 1816, unm.
11. Julia A., Feb. 7, 1820, m. Wm. Brown, shoe manf'r., Ab'n.
58. Joseph (Capt. Joseph J.) s. Amasa (33) a house carpenter by trade, and for many years a highly respectable master mechanic in Bos'n., m. (1) Anna E. Crane, and (2) Cath. Bowker; lived latterly in S. H'm., where his son Amasa now resides, where he d. in Oct. 1838. A view of his residence is given in the Frontispiece. ch. -
1. Joseph J., b. in Bos'n., June 25, 1818, and now an ex tensive merchant in B., of the firm of Whiting, Kehoe & Galloupe, dealers in clothing, &c., on Federal st. Not m.
2. Amasa, Oct. 15, 1821, m. Hannah L. Fearing, H'm., lives on his father's place, and has ch.,
- Mary L., June 21, 1845, and
- Amasa J., Ap. 2, 1849.
3. Catherine, Jan. 24, 1823 (?) d. Oct. 9, 1826.
59. Benj., s. Benj., (34) m. Lydia Stoddard, Dec. 10, 1797, and lives in H'm., near Accord Pond. A blacksmith by trade. ch.: -
1. Jared, May 26, 1798, d. Dec. 1817.
2. Richard, Ap. 19, 1800, m. Mary Stoddard, lives in H'm., and is a shoemaker; no ch.
3. Lydia, Jan. 3, 1803.
4. Maria, Dec. 7, 1804, Freeman House, H'm.
5. Joanna, Mar., 1807, m. Freeman French, H'm., Dec. 28, 1826.
6. Joel, May, 1809, m. Eunice Ide, of Seekonk, lives in Ab'n., is a shoemaker, and has Benj. S., d. young; and Eunice I.
7. Pamela, Oct. 6, 1814, m. Benj. Mann, Hanover.
8. Jared, Mar. 31, 1819, not m.
9. Elizab., Oct. 1821, m. Jas. M. Burrill, H'm.
60. Elijah, s. Elijah (43) m. (1) Susan Beal, who d. Aug. 1, 1812; and (2) Mary Lincoln, Wey'h; lived in H'm., was a packet man, of the line running from Bos'n. to H'm., and d. in H'm., June 17, 1841, ae. 61. ch.: -
1. Susan L., Dec. 27, 1809, m. Eben'r. Pratt, Bos'n.
(By 2d) -
2. Elijah L., Jan. 15, 1814, m. Rachael C. Lincoln, H'm., Jan. 1, 1840, lives in H'm., is a hatter, and has ch.,
- Dexter B., 1842;
- Charlotte L., 1844; and
- Mary L., Aug., 1848.
3. Bela H., Feb. 14, 1816, wheelwright, lives in H'n., m. Hannah, da. Ezra Whiting, Feb. 22, 1844, and has
- Frances H., Jan. 30, 1846, and
- Elenor B., Jan. 24, 1848.
4. Fred'k., May 4, 1818, hatter, of Bos'n., m. Sarah Waters, and has Sarah W., and Susan.
5. Mary L., Ap. 17, 1820, m. Sidney Sprague, H'm.
6. Lucy, Oct. 9, 1822, m. Luther Sprague, H'm.
7. Erastus, Jan. 11, 1826, m. Priscilla Burr, in Jan. 1853, and lives in H'm.
8. Jno. C., Aug. 21, 1828, of Bos'n.; not m.
61. David, s. Moses (45) m. Nabby Fearing, H'm., Jan. 16, 1803, and was for many years a diligent and successful merchant in H'm., in the grain and flour business. He d. Aug. 14, 1843. ae. 68. ch.: -
1. Merriall, Dec. 3, 1803.
2. Nabby F., Sep. 6, 1805, m. Morris Fearing, H’m.
3. Mary R., Sep. 28, 1806, d. Jan. 2, 1808.
4. Mary R., June 18, 1808.
5. David, Oct. 9, 1809, m. (1) Lucy P. Dorr, Bos'n., Nov. 3, 1842, who d. Sep. 4, 1843; and (2) Ellen L. Kelloran, of Portland, Me., and is of the well known firm of Whiton, Train & Co., Bos'n.; no ch.
6. Wm., Nov. 3, 1811, m. Abig. Ripley, of H'm., Jan. 31, 1849, is of the firm of Whiton, Train & Co., and has ch.,
- Abby H., Jan., 20, 1840, d. ae. 2;
- Wm. T., d. ae. 3;
- Chas F., Aug. 20, 1844;
- Lucy D.;
- Abby B.; and
- Laura and Fanny, twins, b. Mar. 23, 1851.
7. Harriet, Jan. 9, 1814.
8. Lydia R., Feb. 11, 1816.
9 Thos. F., Ap. 14, 1821, merchant, Bos'n.
62. Wilson, s. Moses (45) m. Chloe White, Wey'h., Oct. 21, 1804, and for many years kept the well known packet station, at the head of Long Wharf, Bos'n. He is yet living, in H'm. ch.: -
1. Wilson, Feb. 1, 1805.
2. Jane T., Mar. 31, 1807.
3. Thos. J., Mar. 7, 1809, of Bangor, Me., is m., and has 2 ch.
4. Jno. P., June 13, (?) 1811, m. (1) Maria E. Orne, Camb., Feb. 5, 1838, who d. May 5, 1844; and (2) Lydia B. Bancroft, of Danvers, in June, 1846; is a merchant in Bos'n.,; and has ch.,
- Jno.;
- Chas. H.;
(By 2d) - Maria L. ;
- lost one son, d. young.
5. Henry, Aug. 14, 1812, (?) of Bos'n.; not m.
6. Adaline, Sep. 16, (?) 1816.
7. Elizab. H., Mar. 2, 1820.
8. Sarah C., Ap. 5, 1822, d. Sep. 29, 1823.
63. Moses, s. Moses (45) m. Ann Stoddard, H'm., Jan. 7, 1810, lives in H'm., and is a grain dealer, at the Cove. ch.: -
1. Moses L., May 1, 1814, m. Sophia M. Parker, Bos'n., Jan., 1837, lives in Somerville, and has ch.
- , Mary A., d. ae. 4:
- Geo. H., 1840; Sophia,1842;
- Caroline E., d. ae. 4; and
- Rachael June, 1848.
2. Mary A., June 8, 1816, m. Jno. W. Pierce, carpenter, Feb. 11, 1841.
3. Stark, of Bos'n.; not m. Some ch. d. young.
64. Starks, s. Moses (45) m. Hannah, da. Capt. Benj. Dyer, Wey'h., and was a merchant, in W. ch.: -
1. Joseph, of Camb.
2. Lydia, m. Jno. P. Lovell, Wey'h.
3. Benj., d. unm.
4. Lucinda (?)
5. Hannah (?) m. a Reed, and lives in Bangor. The records of this family are wanting.
Isaac, of H'm., s. Isaac, m. Ruth Mann, and lived in Hanover, on Main st., where he d. Mar. 30, 1818, ae. 41. His wid. survives. ch.: -
1. Ruth, Ap., 1803, m. Vaniah Prouty, Sep. 11, 1822.
2. Isaac M.., June 19, 1805, a trader at the Four Corners, m. Lucinda Eells, Feb. 5, 1834, and has ch.,
- Isaac, Nov. 15, 1834;
- Joseph E., Ap. 24, 1839; and
- Lucinda, July, 1841.
3. Hannah, Sep., 1807, d. Nov. 12, 1829.
4. Jno., 1809, m. Mary Tolman, and lives in Bridg'r.
5. David, 1812, of Bridg'r.
6. Caleb, d. May 22, 1818, ae. 16 mos.
2. Laban, bro. Isaac, and s. Isaac, of H'm., m. Rebecca Donnell, and d. in H., Mar. 6, 1848, ae. 63, and his w. ae. ab. 60. Lived on Main st., in the Chas. Donnell house. ch.: -
1. Rebecca, m. Ansel G. Grose, of So. Scit., Nov. 27, 1826.
2. Jane, m. Ezek'l. T. Hatch, Oct. 16, 1833.
3. Laban, m. (1) Lucy C., da. Joseph Curtis, July 15, 1832, who d. Ap. 21, 1843, and (2) Harriet, da. Daniel Chapman, July 9, 1844, is a shoemaker, lives in So. Scit., and has sev. ch.
4. Chas., Dec., 1811, m. Mary A. Hayden, lives in So. Scit., is a shoemaker, and has also sev. ch. Another da. m. a Ford.
3. Joseph C., s. Joseph, jr., of H'm., b. June 13, 1815, m. Priscilla, da. Geo. W. Bailey, lives on King st., with his fa. in law, is a shoemaker by trade, and has ch.
Five brothers of this name, ch. of Edward Winslow, of Droitwich, in Worcestershire, Eng'd., came early to New Eng'd., and from these have sprung most of that name now in the U. S. Edward, the first, known as Gov. Winslow, with his w. Elizab., came in the Mayflower, 1620; and his w. dying the spring after, he m. (2) Susanna, wid. of Wm. White, 1622, lived in Mfd., at his seat called Caresrull, and there d. Gilbert, the 2d, arrived in the same vessel, but soon after left the colony, and it is said went to Portsmouth, and d. before 1660, without issue. Jno., the 3d, came in the Fortune, in 1621, and m. Mary Chilton, the adventurous maiden, who was the first to step on the memorable rock of Plymouth. Some of his dec'ts. live in Bos'n. Kenelm, the 4th, arrived at Plymouth, in 1629, m. Elenor, wid. of John Adams, 1631, and sett. in Mf'd. He had sons Kenelm, Nath'l., and Job, and d. in 1672. From the son Nath'l., descended Maj. Nath'1., of Scit., the ancestor of Josiah Winslow, now living in H. Josiah, the 5th brother, came with Kenelm, in 1629, was in Scit. in 1637, and in Mf'd., after 1643, and d. in 1674, ae. 69, leaving ch. As but few of the descendants are now living in H., we do not deem it necessary to extend our sketch further than to show the connexion between them and the original settlers.
2. Nath'l., s. Kenelm, m. Faith Miller, 1664, was of Mf'd., and his oldest son, Nath'l., b. 1667, m. Lydia Snow, 1692, and had Oliver, 1702, who was of Scit., m. (1) Agatha Bryant, and (2) Bethia Prior, 1749, and lived near the 3d Herring Brook, where his descendants still reside. His ch., bap. in Hanover, were; -
1. Oliver, killed in the French war, in 1758, leaving a son Oliver, a Rev'n. pensioner, in Scit., now d.
2. Ruth, July 22, 1739.
3. Nath'l., Oct. 11, 1741.
4. John, Feb. 5, 1743, moved to Nobleboro', Me.
(By 2nd,) -
5. Bethiah, Sep. 29, 1751.
6. Joseph, 1753, d. early.
3. Nath'l., s. Oliver, s. Nath'l. (2) early espoused the Am. cause, in the Rev'n. War, entered the Army in 1776, rose to the rank of Major, and acquitted himself with honor in the southern expeditions. He m. Sarah Hatch, 1766, and was fa. of Nath'1., b. 1767, who m. Clarissa, da. Ebn'r. Curtis, of H., Oct. 13, 1796, and had Josiah, now of H., who m. Abigail, da. Lemuel Curtis, and lives on Washington st., ab. one mile N. of the Four Corners. No children.
4. Thomas, s. Thos., of Plym'h., m. (1) Ruth Grose, Feb. 20, 1810, who d. Feb. 13, 1828, ae. 45; and (2) Harriet Delano, of Dux'y. A carpenter by trade. ch.: -
1. Thos. G., July 20, 1800, m. (1) Susan, W. Gardner, of H'm., Oct. 28, 1822; and (2) a Pollard, of Me., lived in Boston, and d. ab. 1846.
2. Joshua, May 12, 1801.
3. Charles, May 16, 1803.
4. Richmond, July 30, 1804.
5. Pelham, Nov. 17, 1805.
6. Lucy T., Sep. 26, 1808, m. Geo. Hildreth, of Doreh'r., May 24, 1830.
7. Henry, Nov., 1810.
8. Wm., Feb. 10, 1812.
9. Ruth G., July 24, 1814.
10. Elizab., b. Feb. 9, d. June 23, 1816.
11. Elenor J., Dec. 28, 1816, m. Isaiah Jenkins, and d. 1848.
12. Samuel, Oct. 14, 1818, d. Oct. 14, 1820.
13. Mary, Nov. 22, 1819, m. David Freeman, of Dux'y.
14. Priscilla B., Dec. 28, 1821.
15. Samuel. L. F., Nov. 18, d. Dec. 27, 1825.
5. Charles, s. Thos. (4) m. Margaret L. Litchfield, in 1827, lives on Circuit st., and is a shoemaker by trade. Was Selectman
from 1846-48. ch.: -
1. Charles L., Mar. 3, 1828.
2. Rachel F., June 16, 1832, m. Chas. Josselyn, May 16, 1850
- .
3. Helen, Feb. 9, 1838.
6. Richmond, s. Thos. (4) m. Harriet Howard, of Dux'y., Jan. 10, 1828, lives on Circuit st., and is an anchor smith by trade. ch.: -
1. Samuel R., Mar. 14, 1829, m. Elizab. Bates, Mar. 22, 1849, and lives in Plym'h.
2. James B., Oct. 22, 1830.
3. Rebecca H., Sep. 22, 1832.
4. Erastus B , July 14, 1834.
5. John A., Mar. 2, 1837.
6. Joshua S., July 15, 1840.
7. Daniel W., Dec. 15, 1842.
8. Frederick R., Ap. 2, 1848.
7. Henry, s. Thos. 4, m. Harriet, da. Nath'l. Pratt, June 15, 1835, lives on Summer st., and is a shoemaker. ch.: -
1. Harriet F., Feb. 10, 1841.
Rev. Calvin, a desc't. of the noted family of Wolcotts, of Ct., m. Sarah, da. Col. Sam'l. Gardner, of Danvers, Mass., collat. desc't. of Gen. Putnam, of Ct., and was sett. in H., as Rector of St. Andrew's Church, from 1818 to 1834, and is now colleague with Rev. Dr. Tyng, of N. York. ch.: -
1. Elizab. G., b. in Marblehead, Dec. 30, 1812, m. Dr. Jacob Richards, of Braintree, and is d.
2. Augustus C., b. at Danvers, Oct. 15, 1814, d. at Havana, in 1832.
3. Sarah A., b. at Marblehead, Mar. 27, 1817. Not m.
4. Samuel G., b. in Hanover, Jan. 2, 1820, grad. Wash. Coll., Hartford, Ct., and is sett. as a Physician in Utica, N. Y.
5. Henrietta B., b. in Hanover, May 15, 1823, m. Edwin A., s. Hon. Joseph Richards, of Braintree, and lives in B.
6. Asa G., b. in Hanover, Ap. 25, 1825, grad. Wash. Coll., and is sett. in N. Y. city, as a Teacher of Languages.
7. George C., b. in H., July 15, 1827, grad. B. U., 1848, and d. Oct. 24, 1851. Principal of the Acad. in H. for one term.
Alexander, Esq., s. Ichabod, of Midd'o., b. Nov. 5, 1796, m. Louisa Bourne, of M., Oct. 1824, lives near the Four Corners, was formerly a lawyer. Is P. M., and has been engaged in trade for many years. ch.: -
1. Louisa B., Mar. 21, 1826.
2. Wm. B., Oct. 27, 1831.
3. Ed. F., Sep. 28, 1834.
4. Henry A., Oct. 22, 1836.
5. Ellen P., Dec. 25, 1838.
6. Lucy P., Jan. 16, 1843, d. Feb. 15, 1850.
2. Abner, s. Ezra, of Midd'o., m. (1) Marg't. Bessey, and (2) Mary Bessey, and lives on Centre st. ch.: -
1. Abner A., July 1, 1827.
2. Marg't. B., Mar. 1, 1831.
3. Ezra, Nov. 11, 1833.
4. Mary B., July 19, 1835.
(By 2d,) - 5. Charles R., May 12, 1848.
James, s. Barney, of Scit., m. Mary C. Bates, Nov. 24, 1850, lives on Centre street, and is a carpenter by trade. ch.: Mary V., Mar. 15, 1851.
Warren, s. Levi, of Plymp'n., m. Ruth J. Haskins, of Scit., May 29, 1839, and lives near the Four Corners, in the house built by himself. A blacksmith by trade. ch.: -
1. Warren J., Feb. 26, 1846.
2. Frances J., June 12, 1848.