Family Genealogies
Extracted From
A Historical Sketch of the Town of Hanover, Mass.
with Family Genealogies
by John S. Barry, Boston; 1853
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

1. John Stockbridge, a wheelwright by trade, came to N.
Eng., in the Blessing, John Leicester, master, in June 1635, being then 27 years of age, and his wife Anne, ae. 21, and his son Charles, ae. 1. Several of the early settlers of Scit. came in the same vessel, among who m. were elder Thos. King, Gilbert and Wm. Brooks, and Mr. Wm. Vassall. The fa. was in Scit. in 1638, at which date he took the oath of fidelity. His 1st. w. d. ab. 1642, and he m. (2) wid. Elizab. Soan, 1643, and (3) Mary
------. He was one of the Conihasset partners in 1646, and had a house near to John Hollet’s, which is supposed to have been a few rods S. W. of the late residence of Jesse Dunbar, Esq. He also owned a large tract of land, purchased of Abraham Sutliffe, near "Stockbridge's mill-pond," so called, on the north and east. In 1656, he purchased half the mill privilege of George Russell, with the sawmill, which Isaac Stedman had erected ten years before, and built a grist-mill, in partnership with Mr. Russell. In the sane year, probably, he built the Stockbridge Mansion House, which was a garrison in Philip's War. This venerable building was torn down a few years since, and in some of its timbers, were found bullets, fired at the inmates by the Indians. The will of the fa. is dated at Boston, in 1657, and in it he gives, "To eldest son Chas., my water-mill, at Scit., house, ground, and orchard belonging to it, he paying to his sis. Elizab. £10, &c. To wife, Mary, house and land at Bos'n., and the house in wh. Gilbert Brooks lives, at Scit., with the land adjoining; the same to be for her use through life, and then to belong to s. Jno., in case he survives his mo., he giving to his sis. Mary £10 ;—if he should not survive, the same to be equally divided among the rest of the ch. To da. Hester, the house in wh. Win. Ticknor lives, at Scit., with the ground and orchard, and land at Brushy Hill, and at the 4th Cliff. To da. Han'h., w. of Wm. Ticknor, 40s. To da. Sarah, £10 at marriage, or at the age of 21, &c. To w. Mary, the household goods, and to s. Chas., the working tools." From the Bos'n. Rec's., we learn, that the fa. d. 13 d. 8 mo. 1657. The Inv'y of his Est. is on the Prob. Rec. Suff.; vol. 3, p. 117. ch.: -
1. Chas., b. in Eng'd., in 1634.
2. Hannah, 1636, m. Serg't. Wm. Ticknor, 1656.
(By 2d.) -
3. Elizab., 1644, m. Thos. Hiland, Jan. 1, 1661.
4. Sarah, 1645, m. Jos. Woodworth, Jan. 6, 1669.
5. Hester, 1647.
(By 3d.) -
6. Abig., 1655.
7. Jno., b. in Bos'n., July 9, 1657, prob. d.
2. Chas., s. Jno., m. Abig. —, and lived first in Bos'n., and Chas'n., but aft. in Scit., on his father's place. He is said to have built, by contract, the 2d water-mill in the Town of Plymouth, in 1676; also the corn-mill on the 3d Herring Brook, alluded to on p. 21. He d. 1683, and his wid. m. Amos Turner. ch.; -
1. Chas., b. in Bos'n., Dec. 2, 1659, d. Feb. 1, 1659-60.
2. Abig., b. at Chas'n., Feb. 24, 1660-1, m. Henry Josselyn,
Nov. 4, 1676.
3. John, 1661 (?) d. young.
4. Chas., Feb. 4, 1663.
5. Sarah, May 30, 1665, m. Is’l. Turner.
6. Thos., Ap. 6, 1667.
7. Elizab., Aug. 13, 1670, m. David Turner.
8. Jos., June 28, 1672.
9. Benj., Oct. 9, 1667.
10. Saml., July 9, 1679.
3. Chas., s. Chas. (2) inherited part of his father's mill, on the 3d Herring Brook, and lived in that vicinity. The name of his wife, we have not learned. He was Selectman in H., in 1727, and prob. d. Ap. 7, 1731. (H. Ch. Rec.) He left no son that survived, but had several da's. These were; -
1. Rachel, Ap. 9, 1690.
2. Mary, Aug. 11, 1692.
3. Abig., Mar. 22, 1694-5, m. Gilbert Brooks (?) Mar. 12, 1718.
4. Hannah, Jan. 30, 1697-8, prob. d. unm., Sep. 19, 1788, ae. 90 (?)
5. Ruth, July 30, 1700, m. Hon. Jno. Cushing.
6. Experience, Jan. 1, 1709-4.
7. Judith, July 19, 1706.
8. Chas., Oct. 13, 1709, bap. Mar. 13, 1710, " being sick"; probably d.
4. Thos., s. Chas. (2) m. Sarah, da. Thos. Reed, of Wey'h., July 28, 1697, (Wm. Rec.,) and lived in Scit., where Eph'm. Stetson now resides. He is called Ensign, on the Rec. 2d Ch., in 1708. His wid. d. Sep. 7, 1758. ch.: -
1. Sarah, Ap. 25, 1699.
2. Mary, Mar. 31, 1701.
3. Thos., Feb. 13, 1702-3.
4. Debo., June 21, 1705.
5. Anne, May 31, 1710.
6. Micah, Nov. 22, 1714, m. Mary Jones, Nov. 30, 1738, and had
- Isaac, b. and d. 1740;
- Kezia, bap. Jan. 10, 1742, being sick; and perhaps others.
7. Sarah, Oct. 26, 1718, m. Henchman Sylvester, 1747.
NOTE. Was there a da. Lydia, m. Joseph Soper, Nov. 20, 1729 (?)
5. Joseph Stockbridge, s. Chas. (2) m. Marg't., da. Jos. Turner, and lived first in H., and then in Pemb., where Capt. Haviland Torrey now resides. He was Dea. of the Ch. in H. for many years, and a man of activity, intelligence and usefulness. His w. d. Mar. 27, 1747, and he, Mar. 11, 1773, ae. 100. Whilst in H., he was Selectman, from 1731-35. ch.: -
1. Joseph, Oct. 1, 1698.
2. Grace, 1700 (?) m. Jno. Thaxter, H'm., Jan. 15, 1719. (H'm. Rec.)
3. John, bap. July 2, 1704.
4. Barshua, bap. Dec. 1, 1706.
5. Marg't., bap. Oct. 31, 1708, m. Dea. Saral. Barstow, 1731.
6. Lusanna, bap. Nov. 25, 1711.
7. David, 1713 (?)
NOTE. Was there another da., Abigail, who m. Jona. Turner, Nov. 15, 1738(?)
6. Benj., s. Chas. (2) m. Mary Tilden, 1701, succeeded to the Stockbridge mansion in Scit., and there lived and d. His son Benj., b. 1704, was the 2d regularly bred phys'n. sett. in Scit., being educated under Dr. Bulfinch, of Bos'n., and having a practice extending all over the Old Colony; and even to Worcester, and Ipswich. He also educated many in Med., from Bos'n., and other places, among who m. was the distinguished Dr. Isaac Otis, who aft. m. his da. The w. of Dr. Benj., was Ruth, da. Job Otis; and by her, he had but one s. that survived, Dr. Chas., b. 1734, also a phys'n. of high reputation, and a gent. of pleasing manners, and accomplished in literature. His s., Dr. Chas., b. 1790, d. early, at the outset of his professional career and with him, this branch of the family, in the male line, became extinct.
7. Sami., s. Chas. (2) m. Lydia, da. Wm. Barrell, 1703, and sett.. at Mt. Blue, in Scit., in which vicinity some of his desct's. yet reside. He left a son Saml., who m. Sarah Tilden, Nov. 1, 1737, and who was fa. of James, Lydia, Sarah and others. The son Jas., d. in 1819, leaving ch.
8. Thomas Stockbridge, s. Thos. (4) m. Hannah, -----, and lived on his father's place, by the 3d Herring Brook. ch.: -
1. Thos., bap. Aug. 6, 1725, d. unm.
2. Hannah, bap. Sep. 26, 1725.
3. Stephen, bap. Mar. 24, 1734, m., but had no ch., and d. in 1800.
9. David Stockbridge, s. Joseph (5) m. (1) Deborah, da. Judge Jno. Cushing, Jan., 1736, who d. 1747; and (2) Jane Reed, and lived in H., where the new house of E. Q, Sylvester stands, near N. River bridge, where he d. Dec. 13, 1788, ae. 75. He was Rep. from 1749-'56, and fr. 1760-62, and ‘72; T. C. from 1744-74; J. P. under king George for many years; and was an extensive land holder, a man of large estate, a valuable citizen, eminently useful, and thoroughly versed in everything pertaining to public affairs. His Justice Records are still in existence, and are in the possession of his gr. s., Lebbeus, of H. ch.: -
1. Joseph, Aug. 20, 1737, grad. H. C., 1755, and d. at Falmouth, Me., Ap. 5, 1761, where he was established as a lawyer. He was also Reg. of Prob. for the Co. of Cumberland.
2. Betsey, Ap. 22, 1739, m. (1) Job Young, and (2) Benj. Stetson.
3. Jno., Dec. 7, 1741, killed in the woods by the fall of a tree.
4. Wm., Dec. 20, 1752.
5. David, 1755.
6. Debo., Aug. 18, 1761, m. Capt. Marlboro, Turner, Jan. 7, 1790.
10. Wm. Stockbridge, s. David (9) m. Ruth, da. Jno. Bailey, Oct. 9, 1774, who d. Dec. 10, 1839, and he Feb. 20, 1831. He lived first on Broadway, where Levi Perry now resides; then on King st., where Geo. Bailey lives; and finally sett. on Curtis, now Main st., and built the house occupied. by his son Lebbeus. In 1798 he was the greatest landholder then in H.; and was a man of ready wit, lively and sociable in his habits, an agreeable companion, and an industrious and upright citizen. He was Selectman in 1812. ch.: -
1. Joseph, Oct. 1, 1775, a merchant, d. unm. in N. Yarmouth, Me., Ap. 13, 1804.
2. Ruth, Nov. 8, 1777, m. Jos. Ramsdell, Feb. 3, 1800, and moved to Warren, Mass.
3. John, Ap. 18, 1780.
4. Wm. R., June 29, 1782.
5. Calvin, Sep. 19, 1784.
6. Lebbeus, Nov. 29, 1787.
7. Betsey, m. Homer Ramsdell, Oct. 27, 1816, and is living in Warren, with her son Wm.
8. Silvia B., Mar. 1, 1793, d. June 28, 1795.
9. Marcia, Ap. 7, 1795, m. Sam'l. G. Bowman, of Bath, Me., May 19, 1816, and had
- Nath’l., July 28, 1817, a lawyer, d. at the South;
- Sam'l. S., Aug. 27, 1818, m. Miss Hoover, and is in Louisiana;
- Ruth E., Sep. 17, 1820; m. Lt. Jos. F. Green, U. S. N.;
- Wm. S., Sep. 9, 1822, d. young;
- Wm. H., Nov. 18, 1823, m. Helen L. Randall, of Bath, and lives at the South;
- Marcia S., Feb. 9, 1826, m. Nath'1. C. A. Jenks, of N. Yar'h., Me.;
- Sarah W., Feb. 10, 1828;
- Francis J., May 9, 1830;
- Orville B., Dec. 13, 1832; and
- Howard D., Dec. 7, 1835, d. young. Mr. B.,
the fa., d. in Bath, Mar. 29, 1841, ae. 50. -
10. Stephen, Ap. 3, 1797, d. May 14, 1818.
11. Luther, May 19, 1801, d. Mar. 26, 1802.
11. Hon. David, s. David (9) m. Ruth, da. Hon. Jos. Cushing, Dec. 23, 1779, who d. Ap. 14, 1833, and he Feb. 26, 1843. Lived on his father's place; was Selectman in 1782, '89, '99, and 1800; T. C. from 1793-98; Rep. 1794; in the Mass. Sen. 1818; and a gent. of fine talents, sociable habits, and correct deportment. ch.: -
1. Jane R., Oct. 6, 1780, m. Miller Smith, Pemb., Sep. 15, 1803.
2. Benj., Nov. 7, 1781, m. Mary Crooker, Jan. 26, 1814, who d. Mar. 1, 1818, and he Oct. 16, 1847, having had
- Mary B., d. Mar. 4, 1817;
- Benj., d. young; and
- Mary T., m. Rob't. Eells, Jan. 20, 1838.
3. David, Nov. 25, 1783, m. Sarah B. Crooker, July 28, 1811, and has
- Caroline, Sep. 13, 1812, m. Benj. White, Fairhaven, Feb. 15, 1833;
- Maria T., Dec. 28, 1814, m. Capt. Jas. Gouch, Mar. 7, 1836, sett. in Ills., and d. in Oct., 1852;
- Jno., Aug. 23, 1816, of N. Haven, Ct.; and
- Geo. M., Dec. 6, 1821, in Cal’a.
4. Martin, Dec. 20, 1785, m. wid. Thurza Reed, who d., leaving him no ch., and he lives in Scit.
5. Horatio, Ap. 27, 1788.
6. Debo., Nov. 4, 1790, m. Thos. Turner, Pemb., May 10, 1811, and is living a wid., in H., with her son Thos.
7. Ruth, Mar. 23, 1793, m. Jas. Turner, and is living a wid., in H.
8. Joseph C., July 4, 1798, m. (1) Ann W. Clark, Dec. 29, 1833, who d. Jan. 26, 1837; and (2) Pamelia Ford, Dec. 13, 1838; lives at the Corners; was school teacher for sev. years ; and has,
- 1. Ann E., Oct. 17, 1834.
- 2. Jos. C., Nov. 3, 1836.
(By 2d,) -
3. Pamelia F., Nov. 13, 1839, d. Oct. 5, 1841.
4. Amelia F., Feb. 18, 1843.
5. Emma B., Sep. 24, 1846.
12. Dr. John, s. Wm. (10) stud. Med. with Dr. Gad Hitchcock, of Pemb., Mass., and sett. in Topsham, Me., 1804, and moved to Bath, in 1805, where he d. May 3, 1849, ae. 69. He m. (1) Theodosia, da. Rev. Tristram Gilman, of N. Yar'h., Oct.
15, 1805, who d. Nov. 4, 1822, ae. 34; and (2) Eliza I., da. Hon. Jno. Russell, of Bos'n., (for many years ed. and prop. of the Bos'n. Com’l. Gaz.) Jan. 5, 1824. She survives. Mr. S. was
devoted to his profession, and in some of its branches became highly distinguished. He received the honorary degree of M. D., at Dart. Coll. in 1822, and was in practice 48 yrs. He was a scientific and successful practitioner, a consistent and devoted friend, and an honest and upright man. ch.: -
1. Tristram G., Aug. 28, 1806, rec'd. the degree of M. D. at Bowd. Coll., 1827, is a distinguished surgeon and physician in Bath, and m. Mary R. P., da. Capt. Neh. Harding, of Bath. No ch.
2. Jno. W., Ap. 27, 1811, living in N. Orleans.
3. Marcia E., Mar. 25, 1815, d. Sep. 18, 1823.
4. Mary G., June 12, 1818, m. Capt. Wm. Drummond, of Bath, Oct. 30, 1848, and had 1 ch., b. 1849, d. 1851.
- 5. Theodosia, Sep. 20, 1819, living in Hanover, N. H.
6. Francis B., Dec. 27, 1821, d. Feb. 28, 1823.
(By 2d.) -
7. Francis B., Ap. 9, 1826.
8. Cornelia R., Dec. 18, 1827.
9. Joseph H., Feb. 18, 1831.
10. Marcia E., Oct. 27, 1832. The last ch., with their mo., are living at the West.
13. Wm. R., s. Wm. (10) m. Olive True, of N. Yar'h., Me., and was one of the oldest and most eminent merchants in that town, with his bro. Calvin. He was also engaged in ship-building and navigation; and was a man of active habits, and highly esteemed by the community in which he lived. The following record of his ch. is from Mr. Wm. Dawes; -
1. Maria, m. Dr. Nelson H. Carey, of Me., a native of Bridge'r., Mass.
2. Marcia, m. Mr. Ring, Merchant, of Calais, Me.
3. Rev. Joseph, grad. Bowd. Coll., and stud. law, but is now a chaplain in the U. S. N., and resides with his family, at Bridgeport, Ct. He m. an Everett, of N. Yar'h.
4. Wm., grad. at the Waterville Inst., stud. Med., and is sett. as a Phys'n. at the West. Not m.
5. Olive, not m.
6. Sam'l., edu. as a merchant, but is now living, an invalid, in Me.
14. Calvin, s. Wm. (10) m. Rachel W. Rogers, of Mf'd., and was a merchant in N. Yarmouth., Me., and Dea. of the Baptist Church, and died in Me., in May, 1833. A man of warm religious feelings; influential in the denomination to which he belonged; of a benevolent heart, and upright and honest. ch.: -
1. Wm. C., d. young.
2. Jno. C., ent. at Brunswick, but grad. at B. U., 1838; had charge of the female dept. of a seminary at Warren, R. I.; and sett. as a clergyman, first in Waterville, Me., in 1844, then in Woburn, Mass., 1847, and is now in Prov., R. I.; m. Mary T., da. Suchet Mauran, of Warren, R. I., and has Mary S., and Annie W.
3. Wales R., Mar., 1821, auctioneer, Bos'n., of the firm of Holt & Stockbridge; m. Marg't. T. Southwick, of Vassalboro', Me., and has Arthur B., Nov. 25, 1851.
- 4. Edward A., Sep. 1831, in Bos'n.
15. Lebbeus, s. Wm. (10) m. of H'm., in 1810, lives on his fathers place on Main st., and is a farmer. ch.: -
1. Wm., Nov. 5, 1812, m. Mary A. Damon, lives with his fa., and has
- Fred'k., Aug. 7, 1842, d. Jan. 17, 1853;
- Francis J., Oct. 3, 1844, d. Aug. 24, 1847;
- Elizab. A., Mar. 8, 1847;
- Frank, June 30, 1849; and
- Mary A., Aug. 11, 1852.
2. Leavitt L., May 5, 1815, a shipmaster; m. Abby W., da. Dr. Melzar Dwelley, July 4, 1844, and has
- Geo. E., Dec. 13, 1845;
- Ellen E., Feb. 18, 1848, d. Jan. 10, 1850; and
- Chas. L., Ap. 3, d. Nov. 2, 1850.
3. Ruth B., Dec. 5, 1818, m. Martin W. Stetson, Dec. 1, 1836.
4. Lebbeus, Feb. 15, 1825, a mariner for the past 8 yrs., m. Mary T. Sylvester, June 24, 1849, lives on Broadway, and has Edwin W., May 13, 1850.
5. Lydia L., Aug. 25, 1827.
6. Sarah L., Jan. 3, 1830, a school-teacher in Baltimore, Md.
16. Dr. Horatio, s. Hon. David, (11) at the age of 15, went to the Acad. at Bridg'r., under the charge of Mr. Zach. Eddy, and thence to the Acad. at Rochester, under the charge of Rev. Calvin Chaddock; and in 1804, ent. H. Coll., where he remained two yrs., after wh. he commenced the study of med., under Dr. Freeman Foster, of Scit., with who he remained 2 yrs., and subsequently, was with the distinguished Dr. Jas. Mann, of Wrentham, one yr. Mr. S. was sett. first in Berwick, Me.; then in Medway; then in Blackstone Village, where he remained until 1833, at which date he moved to Woonsocket, R. I., where he has since resided, and where, for 18 yrs., he was engaged in the Druggist business, from which he withdrew, in 1851. In 1810, he m. Priscilla W., da. Saml. and Priscilla Faxon, of Fox'o., Mass., who proved a kind and aff. wife, and with whom he lived happily for 38 yrs., when she d. June 29, 1848, ae. 63. ch.: -
1. Horatio, June 13, 1813, m. Data A. Kempton, of Mendon, Mass., Nov. 9, 1835, (she b. June 30, 1813) and has
- , Francis M, Ap. 20, 1837; Harriet A., Aug. 26, 1839;
- Horatio I., Dec. 27, 1841;
- Lucia A., June 1, 1843;
- Chas. E., Dec. 29, 1847; and
- Walter S., Feb. 12, 1849.
2. Harriet A., Dec. 8, 1815, m. Elisha T. Read, Cashier of a Bank in W., May 16, 1834, and has
- Jas. S., Sep. 9, 1835;
- Harriet A., Oct. 2, 1839;
- Geo. S., Sep. 22, 1842; and
- Isabella, July 20, 1850.
- Lost 2, d. young.
Henry, s. Laban, of H'm. m. (1) Polly Cudworth, and (2) Ann K. Mann; was a carpenter by trade; lived at the corner of Walnut and Main sts. and d. June 30, 1848, ae. 64. ch.: -
1. Henry, 1807, d. 1832.
(By 2d.) -
2. Ann C., Sep. 21, 1815, m. Edwin Packard, N. Bridg'r.
3. Mary C., Oct. 12, 1817, m. Thos. W. Gurney, Ab'n., Nov. 1, 1836.
4. Wm. B., Sep. 17, 1820.
5. Capt. Duncan T., Mar. 7, 1823, a carpenter, m. Mary M. Henderson, 1851, and has Duncan T., 1852.
6. Abby S. H., 1825, d. 1844.
7. Isabella R., m. Henry Mann, June 13, 1850.
8. Jos. A., Mar. 24, 1830.
9. Henry A., Jan. 12, 1833.
10. Patience E., May 6, 1835.
11. Levi M., June 14, 1838.
2. Melvin, s. Hezek. of Scit., b. Oct., 1808, m. (1) Laura Young, 1832, who d. the same year; and (2) Abig. Rogers; lives on Broadway; is a shoemaker; and has, Martha A., Dec., 1843.
An old English name, found in the County of Kent, and also in Yorkshire, the seat of the family, in the latter place, being at Studley Park, near which are the ruins of the celebrated Fountains Abbey, a famous place of resort for travellers, each one of who m. is entitled to "meat by measure, (a quarter of a yard of roast beef for dinner) and a great black jack of strong drink," on calling for the same.(Gough's British Topography, pp. 416, 443, 461, and 474.) We find two families in N. Eng. at an early date, one in Boston, and the other in Sandwich. A branch of each of these sett. in Scit., and have desct's. in H. We shall trace these separately.
1. Jno. Studley, and w. Elizab., were in Bos'n., in 1659, but when they came to the city, or how long they remained, we cannot say. Their s. Jno., was b. in Bos'n., Dec. 8, 1659; and their son Benj., was b. in B., May 23, 1661. This is all the notice we find on any of the records in B. The latter son, Benj., seems to have been in Scit., in 1683, m. Mary, da. Jno. Merritt, and sett. near Merritt's brook, a few rods S. E. of the bridge. ch.: -
1. Jno., Dec. 11, 1684.
2. Benj., Dec. 7, 1687.
3. Jas., July 15. 1690, m., Sarah Farrow, of H'm., 1717, and had
- Sarah, 1718;
- Jas., 1720; and
- Elizab., 1725.
- 4. Jona., June, 19, 1693.
5. David, Jan. 19, 1696-7, m. Susanna Vinton, 1717, and left 1 da., and 3 sons, some of whose desc’ts. yet live in Scit.
6. Mary, Sep. 23, 1698.
7. Elizab., June 8, 1701.
8. Debo., Dec. 19, 1702-3.
9. Elizab., Sep. 10. 1706.
NOTE: We think it highly probable, that Benj. Studley, who was in H'm in 1724, m. Susanna, da. Eben'r. Lane, Dec. 31, 1.724, and had Hannah, 1725; Sarah, 1727; Ruth, 1729; Lois and Eunice, 1731; Jona., 1734; d. young; Rhoda, 1735; Irania, 1737; and Jona., 1728; was a desc't. of Benj. of Scit., and prob. his son, as he is called "s. of Benj. " We think it also probable that most of this name, in H'm. and Cohas't., sprung from Jno. of Boston.
2. Eliab, s. Benj., and gr. s. Jno. m. Mary Briggs, of Scit.,
Ap. 10, 1729, and it is said, sett. in H., or what is now Pleas't. st., where David Studley resides. He was the first Studley owner of the mill long known as "Elihab's Mill, " and was a noted Tavern keeper, his house being a favorite place of public resort: He d. December 13, 1785, and his wid. October 19, 1797, ae. 90. ch. -
1. Benjamin.
2. Martha, m. Jno. Shaw, of Ab'n., April. 16, 1752.
3. Elizab., m. Jno. Robinson, Plym'h., Feb. 12, 1754
4. Jas., lost at sea.
5. Thankful, m. (1) Michael Jackson, Ab'n., Feb. 15, 1759; and (2) Seth Keith, of Bridg’r., 1775.
6. Debo., m. an Erskine.
7. Lucy, m. Seth Stetson, Ap. 11, 1765.
8. Abig., m. Thos. Curtis, June 6, 1770.
9. Japhet, July 25, 1756.
10. Joseph, m. Rebecca Stetson, Jan. 10, 1765, was killed by lightning, June 16, of the same yr., and his w. had twin ch., Rebecca, and Lucy, who were bap. Ap. 2, 1768, and the mother m. Elisha Witherell, of Chestf’d., Dec. 30, 1772.
3. Benj., s. Eliab (2) m. Han.'h. Litchfield, and was Selectman in H,, from 1778-81, and in 1787, and '88. We find his ch. on the Ch. Recs. of H., as follows; -
1. Elizab., bap. Oct. 13, 1754.
2. Benj., bap. June 5, 1757.
3. Abner, -bap. June 5, 1757, prob. d. young.
4. Hannah, hap. June 1, 1760, m. Isaac Moore, of Warren, Mass., Mar. 18, 1782.
5. Mary, bap. Sep. 2, 1764.
6. Jas., bap. Sep. 2, 1764, d. Feb. 7, 1766.
7. Zenas, bap. Oct. 7, 1764, d. Ap. 11, 1771.
8. Nabby, bap. Aug. 3, 1776, m. Jno. R. Josselyn, Nov. 1, 1785.
9. Debo., m. Arad Woodworth, of Warren.
10. Zenas, m. and d. in Leicester, leaving ch.
11. Joseph, of Leicester.
4. Japheth Studley, s. Eliab 2, m. Rachel Fearing, H'm., who d.
Sept. 28, 1826, ae. 92, and he Jan. 2, 1842, ae. 85. ch.: -
1. Rachel, May 5, 1781, m. Jesse Stoddard, Ab'n., Ap. 21, 1803.
2. David, Mar. 31, 1783.
3. Walter B., Mar. 7, 1786.
4. Lucy, Jan. 25, 1788, m. Lewis Litchfield, of H.
5. Lydia, Ap. 6, 1791, d. Mar. 11, 1793.
6. Luther, Jan. 26, 1793, m. a Cleaveland, and d. in N. Y. State, leaving a son, Eliphaz.
7. Lydia, Sep. 25, 1796, m. David Darling, Aug, 24. 1816. 8. Japhet, Oct. 31, 1799, d. May 9, 1832.
5. Eliab, s. Benj. (3) m. Betsey, da. Peleg Stetson, Ab'n., and lived on Pleas't. st., in a house which stood a little N. of where Gridley Studley resides. He d. Aug. 14, 1826, and his wid. in
Jan., 1835, ae. 79. ch.: -
1. Jas., Feb. 28, 1777.
2. Betsey, m. Capt. Thos. Stetson, Oct. 19, 1801.
3. Nathan.
4. Experience, m. Rob't. Estes.
5. Alvin, Jan. 1792, m. Nabby Stetson, who d. in 1844; he lives in E. Ab'n., is a shoemaker, and has 1 da., Nancy, not m.
6. Hannah, 1785, m. Eleazer Josselyn, Jan. 1, 1809.
7. Gridley.
8. Nancy, m. Josh. Curtis, Ab'n., Mar. 18, 1816, and is d.
6. Benj., s. Benj. (3) m. Silvester Bonney, of Pemb., Nov. 28, 1782, and, it is said, moved to Leicester, Mass. His ch., b. in P., were: -
1. Abner, May 15, 1784.
2. Silvester, Oct. 24, 1786.
3. Silvia, Jan. 30, 1789.
4. Zenas, Ap. 25, 1791.
5. Benj., May 3, 1793.
6. Wealthy, Aug. 8, 1795.
7. Sally, Sep. 24, 1797.
7. David, s. Japhet (4) learned the watchmaker's trade in H'm.; m. Hannah, da. Caleb Torrey, of Midd’o., and sett. on Pleas't., st., where he yet resides. His w. d. May 19, 1850. Mr. S., is a man of natural mechanical ability, much esteemed as a citizen, and has raised a large and respectable family of sons and daughters. ch.: -
1. Cephisa, Feb.10, 1811, m. Ezekiel Reed, Ab'n.
2. David F., Oct. 6, 1812, a jeweller in N. Bridg’r., m. Martha J. Howard, and has Martha J.
3. Philander, Nov. 5, 1814, m. Elizab. Estes, May 11, 1837, lives on Circuit st., and has Mary M., Oct. 5, 1839, d. Mar. 5, 1840; and Amelia J., May 5, 1847.
4. Joseph H., Oct. 13, 1816, shoe mfr., in H.; m. Lucinda Curtis, Nov. 2, 1838, lives on Main st., and has
- Edwin R., June 9, 1839; Maria, Aug. 7,.1842;
- Lucinda H., Oct. 19, 1846, d. Sep. 4, 1848; and
- Ellen A., June 15, 1849.
5. lantha E., Feb. 26, 1819, m. Jos. W. Gurney, May 25, 1839.
6. Luther, Dec. 28, 1820, jeweller, in N. Bridg'r.; not m.
7. Benj. F., Feb. 21, 1823, m. Betsey R., da. Amos Bates, lives on Circuit st., and has
- Benj. W., Jan. 10, 1846; and
- Betsey L., June 15, 1848.
8. Mary F., Mar. 5, 1825, d. Sep. 14, 1826.
9. Walter B., Jan. 10, 1827, a jeweller, in E. Ab'n., m. Susan Turner, Pemb., m. Nov., 1848, and has Susan L. B., and Adelaide F.
10. Henry C., June 3, 1829, of N. Bridg'r.
11. Han'h. M., June 28, 1834.
8. Walter B., s. Japhet (4) m. Matilda Crooker, Pemb., May 18, 1806, and moved to Hartford, Ct. Had one son b. in H., viz.: Danl., Aug. 25, 1806. We are informed that there were other ch., b. in Ct., but their names we have not learned.
9. Jas., s. Eliab (5) m. Mary D., da. Dr. Peter Hobart, in 1803, and lives near Hudson, N. Y. ch.: -
1. Mary C., May 18, 1806, d. young.
2. Elizab. C., Mar. 3, 1808, m. Waldo Pool, E. Ab'n., and is d.
3. Marshall L., Mar. 23, 1809, m. Sarah E. Ellis, Norwich, Ct., and d. in Demarara, leaving 1 ch., which d.
4. Elb. G., Sep. 1, 1810, m. Catherine Cole, lives in N. Y'k. State, and has ch.
5. Salome H., Jan. 30, 1812, m. Henry R. Curtis, E. Ab'n., and is d.
6. Elmira S., Jan. 28, 1814, m. Henry R. Curtis, E. Ab'n.
7. Lucy J., Sep. 27, 1817, m. Corn's. T. Stinkle, of N. Y'k. State.
8. Jas. J., Dec. 18, 1821, m. Elizab. J. Boardman, lives in E. Ab'n., is a shoemaker, and has David C.
10. Nathan, s. Eliab (5) m. Huldah Ellis, May 18, 1806, and d. in 1849. ch.: -
1. Wm., June 19, 1806, m. Elizab. J. Haskell, lives in E. Ab'n., and has
- Wm. A.,
- Mary E.,
- Hannah M.,
- Nathan F.,
- Jno. A.,
- Adaline A.,
- Jacob N., and
- Chas. E.
2. Andrew, m. Mary, da. Zenas Jenkins, lives in E. Ab'n., is a dealer in provisions, and has
- Mary A.,
- Austin, Jane B.,
- Andrew H.,
- Huldah E.,
- Sarah E.,
- Ferdinand and
- Isabella, (the latter d.,) and
- _Elvira.
3. Sophia, m. Jacob Nash, and is living a wid. in Ab'n.
4. Reuben, provision dealer, in E. Ab'n., m. Adaline
Burgess, of Harvard, Mass., and has
- Reuben;
- Geo. S.,
- Henry J., d.;
- Horace W;
- Chas. H., d.;
- Susan E.; and
- Emily M.
5. Alvin, m. Mercy Estes, and lives in Natick, Mass.
6. Sylvia, m. Bela Smith, Ab'n.
7. Elizab., m. Stephen Standish, E. Ab'n., no ch.
8. Huldah, m. N. Porter Baker, of E. Ab'n., and has
- Abby E.,
- Susan A., and
- Andrew H.
11. Gridley, s. Eliab (5) m. Rebecca Keen, of Pemb., July 11, 1820, and lives on Pleasant st. ch.: -
1. Betsey, Nov. 23, 1820, m. Nathan S. Jenkins, E. Ab'n., and has Albina, and Joseph H.
2. Ruth M.; Aug. 25, 1822, m. Jos. Hobart, N. Ab'n.; he is d.
3. Han'h. M., Dec. 15, 1824, m. Chas. Dunham, E. Ab'n., and d. leaving a da. Ellen.
4. Wm., Dec. 19, 1826, m. Sophia J., da. Enos Curtis, and
lives in E. Ab’n.
5. Gridley, Mar. 19, 1829.
6. Judson, June 3, 1831. 4, 1833.
7. Lucy J., Nov. 4, 1833.
8. Mary K., Mar. 12, 1839.
II. Benoni Studley, of Sandwich, Mass., was in that part of Scit., now Hanover, and his house, which was built in 1702, is the oldest now standing in the town, on Hanover st. He m. Abig., da. Jno. Stetson, of Scit., Dec. 22, 1701, and d. suddenly, Nov. 14, 1746, and his wid., Feb. 1, 1758-9, ae. 82. He left only a verbal will, drawn up, at his request, by Rev. Mr. Bass, and the same is now in the hands of some of his desc'ts. ch.: -
1. Abig., Aug. 13, 1702, m. Joseph House, Dec. 14, 1732.
2. Jno., Feb. 25, 1704.
3. Josh., Aug. 1707.
4. Gideon, May 5, 1710, d. Aug. 8, 1734.
5. Sarah, Mar. 31, 1716.
6. Benoni, July 15, 1720, m., and had in H. a son Benoni, bap. May 10, 1741, and it is said that the fa. moved to Rehoboth.
2. Jno., s. Benoni II, m. Elizab. Doten, of Plym'h., who d. in H., Oct. 11, 1774, and he Sep. 23, 1787. Lived for a time in the Judge Cushing house, at the Corners, and finally built the house where his grandson Jabez now lives. ch.: -
1. Sarah, July 2, 1731, m. Thos. Barstow.
2. Elizab., Oct.. 30, 1734, m. Elisha Curtis, Jan. 15, 1760.
- 3. Gideon, Mar. 13, 1736, d. Aug. 5, 1737.
4. Jabez, bap. Aug. 17, 1738.
5. Rebecca, May 19, 1744, prob. d unm.
3. Josh., s. Benoni II, m. Lydia Pratt, of Pemb., Mar. 6, 1735, who d. July 9, 1759, and he July 15, 1760. Another rec. says she d. June 27, and he, July 9, 1759. ch.: -
1. Gideon, May 15, 1738.
2. Lydia, Jan. 16, d. May 6, 1740.
3. Abig., bap. June 28, 1741, m. Danl. Crooker, Feb. 16, 1766, and d. in Sep. 1779.
4. Joshua, Sep. 26, 1742.
5. Joanna, Jan. 13, 1744, d. Ap. 16, 1779.
6. Ann, May 11, 1746, d. May 15, 1760.
7. Lydia, May 8, 1748, d. Sep. 27, 1826 (?)
8. Jno., July 22, 1750, d. Jan. 17, 1751.
9. Rebecca, Mar. 8, 1752, d. May 16, 1754.
NOTE. It is said there were twins in this fam., who young.
4. Jabez Studley, s. Jno.( 2) m. Katurah Simmons, Mf'd., who d. June 21, 1790, and he Feb. 14, 1825, ae. 86. Lived on Wash'n. st., where his son Jabez now lives and was a soldier in the Rev'n. ch.: -
1. Rebecca, bap. Jan. 2, 1774, m. Luther Sprague, Mf'd.
2. Jabez, bap. Sep. 22, 1776, m. Chloe M. Clark, Feb. 23, 1800, lives on his father's place, and has,
- 1. Katurah, Mar. 20, 1801, m. Rob't. Curtis, Ap. 16, 1826.
2. Eliza, July 10, 1803, m. Steph. Josselyn, Nov. 16, 1834.
- 3. Jno., July 20, 1805, m. Eliza A. Herrick, Chas'n., is a shipwright, and has
- Jno. m. Mary F. Hammond, and lives in Chas'n.;
- Jas. W.;
- Edwin;
- Georgiana; and
- Chas.
4. George, Aug. 25, 1807, carpenter, m. Judith Curtis, Jan. 30, 1834, and lives near his father; no ch.
5. Horace, Jan. 6, 1810, m. Marcia Rose, Jan. 15, 1834, lives on Spring st., and has
- Horace C., Nov. 1834;
- Geo., Oct. 18, 1836;
- Marg't. S., Nov. 30, 1838; T
- imo.
July 9, 1841; and
- Rebecca, Aug. 22, 1845.
6. Hiram, Ap. 28, 1812, m. (1) Sarah A. Brett, of Bridg'r., Mar. 27, 1836; and (2) Esther Hollis, May 4, 1845; lives on Cross st.; is a carpenter; and has
- Abby A.;
- Mary R, b. 1844, d. 1845; and
- Hiram A., b. 1848, d. 1849.
7. Robert C., Oct. 31, 1815, d. Jan. 19, 1817.
8. Robert H., Dec. 8, 1818, m. Lucy J., da. Josi. Bonney, and lives with his fa.; no ch.
5. Gideon, s. Josh. (3) m. Rosamond Church, Jan. 4, 1762, and d. Aug. 14, 1816, ae. 78, and his wid. Jan. 3, 1832, ae. 92. It is said that he was out in the Fr. War, in 1756, and we have seen old certificates of service, signed by Lieut. Jno. Bailey, and dated 1756, and '58. ch.: -
1. Anna, Dec. 27, 1762, m. Homer Whiting, May 8, 1785.
- 2. Sarah, July 9, 1766, d. June 26, 1847.
3. Rosamond, June 9, 1768, m. Zattu Cushing, Ab'n., July 12, 1790
4. Rebecca, Feb. 15, 1770, m. Benj. Tolman, Mf’d., Feb. 11, 1800.
5. Lucy, Oct. 12, 1773, living, unm., in H.
6. Gideon, July 19, 1776.
7. Abig., Oct. 19, 1778, m. David Pool, Ab'n., Sep. 15, 1801.
8. Dr. Joshua, Sep. 15, 1784, a physician in H. for 40 yrs.; T.C. from 1824-32; and an active and useful man. He d. unm., Feb. 28, 1848.
6. Josh., s. Josh. (3) moved to Sharon, Ct., was a carpenter by trade, and a man of successful enterprise; m. Ruth Allen, (?) and had;
1. Polly, m. a Coleman, and had Fanny, Philena, Maria, and Polly. -
2. Amy, M. a Parsons, and had Polly, Anna, Amy, and Caroline.
3. Joshua, m. and had a da. Maria, and a son, who was drowned.
4. Ruby Ruth A., m. a Hatch, and had Abig., Jno., Lydia A., and another.
5. Gideon, m. but had no ch.
6. Mary A., m. an Everett, and had a son Josh. She is d.
7. Lydia, m. an Everett, and had Thos., Ichabod, Ruby R. A., Russell, Abig., Betsey, and Caroline.
8. Ichabod, m. and had Josh., Gideon A., Enoch, and Calvin.
9. Abigail (?) not m.
NOTE. The above is from papers left by Dr. Studley.
7. Gideon, s. Gideon (5) m. Sarah, da. Jno. and Grace Butler, of Oakham, Mass., Dec. 17, 1809, 1ived on Main, near Grove st., where his w. d. July 9, 1838, and he Jan. 10, 1850. ch.: -
1. Ann, July 28, 1810, a school teacher for sev. yrs., m. Caleb Whiting, May 11, 1852.
2. Gideon, Oct. 19, 1811, a carpenter in Ab'n.; m. Priscilla B. Shaw, and has
- Gideon, d.;
- Jas. B.;
- Sarah A.;
- Anna H.;
- Alice; and
- Gideon.
3. Jim: B., June 27, 1813, living in H., not m.
4. Jas., Mar. 9, 1815, merchant, in Mobile, Ala.
5. Josh., Dec. 5, 1817, living in H., unm.
6. Sarah B., Dec. 23, 1819.
7. Geo., Nov. 11, 1822, m. Sarah, da. Croel Bonney, H'n., Nov. 28, 1850, and is a shoe m'fr, in E. Ab'n.
Rufus M., s. Geo. of Pemb., b. Feb. 17, 1830, m. Rebecca A. Woodman, Mar. 1, 1852, lives on Centre st., with Seth Harding, and is a shoemaker. No ch.
This name appears to be of French origin, and in the French language, sylvestre signifies a tree, whence the coat of arms represents an oak tree in the shield, being parlant, or speaking coat, descriptive of the name. We find the family sett. in Eng. not long after the Conquest, and the ancestor probably went over in the army of William, in 1069. Stephen Silvestre, is named by Fuller, among the gentry of Norfolk.(Worthies of Eng'd., vol. 2, p. 472.) Gabriel Sylvester, D.D., was Prebend of Weeford, Litchf'd., in 1506.(Willis' Cathedrals, p. 471.) and in 1538, Robert, was Archd'n. of Langtoft, York;(Ibid, p. 149) Preb. of York, 1541;(Ibid., p. 180) and Archd'n. of Nottingham, 1549.( Ibid, p. 106) The family is highly respectable in the old country, and is numerously represented in the U. States.
The first of the name in N. Eng., was Richard, who was of Wey'h., 1633, and of Scit., 1642, add sett. on the "Two Miles." The year in which he came over, and the name of the vessel in which he embarked, we have not been able to learn. Settlements were made at Wey'h., in 1619, 1624, and 1625. He prob. came in the company with Rev. Robert Lenthal, minister of Wey'h., and the cause of his coming to Scit., was on acc't. of difficulties, arising from his religious opinions.( Mather's Magnalia, vol. 1, p. 222.) He m. Naomi Torrey, ab. 1632, and d. in Scit. in 1663. ch.: -
1. Lydia, 1633, m. Nath'l. Rawlins, Sep. 4, 1652.
2. Jno., 1634, m. and had
- Sarah, 1671;
- John., 1672;
- Joseph, 1674, who was of Marshfield, and left ch.;
- Samuel, 1676, also of Marshfield; m., and left ch.;
- Lydia, 1679.
3. Peter, 1637, d. 1642, being. accidentally shot, on the Sabbath, by the discharge of a gun in his father's house. (See Winthrop's Journal, and Deane's Scit.)
4. Joseph, 1638.
5. Dinah, 1642, prob. d. unm.
6. Elizab., 1643, m. Jno. Lowell, Jan. 24, 1658, and d. soon after.
7. Richard, 1648, was of Milton, 1678, m. Hannah, da. " Old Jas.. Leonard, of Taunton," and was prob. ancestor of the Sylvesters of Norfolk Co.
8. Naomi, 1649, m. Jno. Lowell, 1666.
9. Israel, 1651, had a house on the margin of the 2d Herring Brook, 1670, m., and had
- Israel, Sep. 23, 1675, who left desc'ts.;
- Silence, 1677;
- Richard, 1679, m. and left desc'ts.;
- Lois, 1680;
- Martha, 1682;
- Mary, 1683;
- Elisha, 1685;
- Peter, 1687, m. and left desc'ts., who are in Leicester, Mass., and in N. Hampshire;
- Zebulon, 1689, m. and left desc'ts.;
- Barshua, 1692;
- and Debo., 1696.
10. Hester, 1653, prob. d. unm.
11. Benj., 1656, m. Lydia Standlake, 1684, and has desc'ts. in MN.
2. Capt. Joseph, s. Rich'd., lived where Sam’l. Waterman's house stands, in So. Scit., near Church Hill, and improved the farm wh. he purchased of Jno. Whiston, 1664. We have given some sketch of his life on p. 22. As a reward for his services in the Indian wars, a grant of land was made to him and his company, by the Gen'l. Court, which was designed to have been in Maine, but which, when the line was run between the Provinces, proved to be in N. Hampshire; and on a repres'n. of these facts by Chas. Turner, and others, agents for the claimants, in 1765, a new grant was made in Me., on condition that 30 families and a minister should be sett., and a meeting-house built, within six y’rs., and this is now known as the town of Turner, Me.(Williamson's Hist. Me., vol. 2, p. 528-9) His ch., by w. Mary, were; -
1. Joseph, Nov. 11, 1664.
2. Mary, Dec. 24, 1666, m. Benj. Curtis, 1689.
3. Naomi, Mar. 5, 1668.
4. Anna, May 5, 1669.
5. Benj., Dec. 11, 1680.
6. David, Ap. 20, 1683.
7. Amos, Nov. 15, 1685.
3. Benj., s. Capt. Joseph (2) m. Jerusha Wheaton, Nov. 16, 1710, and had; -
1. Benj., Nov. 15, 1711.
2. Ruth, bap. May 8, 1720.
3. Jas., bap. June 27, 1722, was m., and prob. lived on Wash'n., near East st., where remains of an old cellar are yet visible, and where wid. Sally, resided some time after his decease.
4. Jacob, bap. Oct 4, 1724, m. Mary Bates, Nov. 5, 1753, and d. July 25, 1806, and his wid. Dec. 24, 1811, ae. 86. No ch.
4. Amos, s. Capt. Joseph (2) m. Elizab. Henchman, Nov. 20, 1706, who d. Feb. 11, 1762, ae. 77, and he Oct. 23, 1753. His house stood on Wash'n. st., near where that of Rob't. Sylvester now stands, and was for many years a Tavern stand, kept by his widow after his decease. He was Selectman in 1743, and a blacksmith by trade, his shop standing near the house. When the old mansion was torn down, two chairs were preserved, one of wh. is in the possession of Rob't, and the other of Michael Sylvester. ch.: -
1. Amos, Sep. 14, 1707.
2. Wm., Feb. 22, 1709.
3. Joseph, Jan. 9, 1711.
4. Henchman, Dec. 20, 1713, M. Sarah Stockbridge, Feb. 29, 1748, had no ch., d. Ap. 23, 1758, and his wid. m. Wm. Norton, bef. 1761. His house stood oppo. his father's, and is now occupied by B. F. Burgess.
5. Michael, Oct. 27, 1714 (?)
6. Nath'l., Ap. 29, 1718.
7. Caleb, Dec, 14, 1719, m. Desire Stetson, Nov. 1, 1750, 1ived on what is now Main st., whence he moved to Townsend, Mass. His ch. were,
Desire, 1752, d. 1754 - Caleb, 1754, m. Abig, da. Dr. Jos. Jacobs, and moved to Me.;
- Desire, 1755;
- Henchman, 1758, a soldier in the Rev'n.;
- Lillis T. and Graoe, 1763;
- Joseph, 1764.
8. Edmund, June 20, 1721.
9. Mary, Oct. 19, 1723, d. Aug. 28, 1724.
10. Thos., Oct:- 19, 1723, m. Sarah, da. Matt. Estes, who d. June 20, 1794, and he Oct. 1, 1760,1eaving one son, Matt., bap. Sep. 19, 1760, who m. a Josselyn, and d. in Pemb., leaving one da. Marg't., who m. Isaac Magoun, Pemb. The father's house stood where now stands that of Dr. Garratt.
11. Elizab., July 15, 1725.
5. Benj., s. Benj. (3) m. Abig. Buck, July 27, 1737, and d. Jan. 24, and his wid., July 29, 1796. Lived back of where Jno. Sylvester now resides, on a road long since discontinued. ch.: -
1. Jerusha, Ap. 3, 1738, d. young.
2. Benj., Aug. 21, 1739, moved off.
3. Abig., bap. Ap. 8, 1742, m. (1) Abner House,
1758, and (2) an Alvord.
4. Sarah, bap. Dec. 18, 1743, m. Norton, Ab'n., 1759.
5. Jerusha, bap. Mar. 31, 1745, d. June 24, 1769.
6. Isaac, bap. Mar. 29, 1747.
7. Mary, bap. July 17, 1748, m. a Howland, Kgs'n.
8. Lydia, bap. Aug. 26, 1750, m. Jno. Oldham, Pemb.
9. Debo., bap. Dec. 31, 1752, m. Paul Webb, Scit., 1787. 10. Obadi., 1755, moved to Ohio, m., and it is said had 12 ch., who are in O.
11. Joel, bap. Aug. 14, 1757.
12. Cornelius, m. a Sprague, moved to N. Y'k. State, and had ch.
6. Amos Sylvester, s. Amos (4) m. Patience Palmer, February 7, 1732, and had; -
1. Amos, 1734, m. Desire Rose, Jan. 19, 1757, and had
- Amos, 1758;
- Thomas., 1760;
- Jacob, 1762, d. 1765;
- John, 1765;
- Desire R. 1767 and
- Hannah, 1769.
2. Abner, Ap. 28, 1738, m. Susanna Stetson, Dec. 3, 1761, and prob. moved off.
3. Job 1742, m. and had Job, m. Lydia Philips, 1790; Roland, of Durham, Me.; and Joseph, m. Ruth Estes, and is of Durham, Me.
7. William, s. Amos (4) appears to have been a man of
Some note in his day, as we often find his name attached to deeds, and other instruments. By w. Mary, he had; -
1. Wm., 1737.
2. Chas., 1739.
3. Mary, July 30, 1741.
4. Elijah, July 13, 1744.
5. Isaac June 27, 1746.
6. Hannah, Nov. 11, 1748.
7. Debo., 1761.
After this date, the family disappears, and we find no further record of it.
8. Michael, s. Amos (4) m. (1) Mary, da. Captain Thos. Bardin, Nov. 12, 1741, who d. Oct. 29, 1755; and (2) Ruth Turner, Jan. 17, 1760; and d. Nov. 12, 1798, ae. 84, and his wid., Oct. 31, 1806, ae. 70. Lived on his father's place. ch.: -
1. Bardin, d. Feb. 15, 1746.
2. Mary, bap. Mar. 12, 1745, d. Mar. 18, 1746.
3. Michal, bap. Nov. 9, 1755, m. Comel. Turner, Dec. 8, 1768, and moved to Me.
4. Bardin, bap. Nov. 9, 1755.
5. Michael, bap. Nov. 9, 1755.
6. Mary, bap. Nov. 9, 1755, m. Chas. Tolman, May 19, 1774.
(By 2d.) -
7. Bathshua, bap. Feb. 13, 1761, d. June 4, 1768.
8. Robt., bap. Oct. 19, 1766, d. June 4, 1768.
9. Lucinda, bap. Ap. 10, 1768, m. Benj. Bass, Dec. 4, 1794.
- 10. Juliette, bap. Ap. 8, 1770, d. unm., Dec. 27, 1842.
11. Robert, bap. Aug. 9, 1772.
9. Nathaniel, s. Amos (4) known as "Builder Sylvester," a shipwright by trade, lived where Rufus Farnum now resides, m. (1) Sage, da. Capt. Thos. Bardin, Jan. 26, 1743, and (2) Sarah Bates, who d. July 8, 1775, and he, Feb. 21, 1781. He was Selectman from 1765-67, and from 1772-74. ch.: -
1. Nath'l., m. Sarah, da. Galen Clapp, was a shipbuilder, Selectman from 1794-96 and moved to Winchendon, Mass. His ch. were, Polly, Lucy, Joanna, Patience, Ruth, and Bardin.
2. Lydia, m. Thos. Barstow.
3. Sarah, m. a Hill, and d. Mar. 18, 1818 (?)
4. Elijah, Nov. 24, 1767.
5. Sage, m. Prince Stetson.
10. Edmund, s. Amos (4) m. Elizab., da. Rev. Benj. Bass, Jan. 30, 1752; and d. Sep:- 20, 1783, ae. 51, and his wid. Sep. 18, 1784, ae. 50. Lived for a time on Elm st., where Josh. Stetson resides, and afterwards in the house of his brother Henchman. ch.: -
1. Edmund, 1753, d. June 16, 1757.
2. Elizab., 1755, d. March 10, 1840.
3. Olive, 1757, d. Dec. 16, 1782.
4. Molly G., 1758, d. June 12, 1784.
5. Bethiah, 1760, d. Jan. 12, 1792.
6. Edmund, 1763, d. unm. in Mar. 1829.
7. Belcher, 1765, a cabinet-maker by trade, and d. unm. May 11, 1849.
8. Christopher., 1768, d. Nov. 13, 1789.
9. Lucy, 1771, d. Feb. 3, 1773.
10. Lucy, 1773, d. Oct. 9, 1786. No desc'ts. are left of this family, and the property, passed into the hands of the desc'ts. of Michael.
11. Joel, s. Benj. (5) m. Sarah Damon, who d. Sep. 10, 1820, and
he in 1835. Lived in his father's house for a time, and finally built on Broadway, where his son Jno. now resides. A view of his house is here presented. ch.: -
1. Benj., Aug. 19, 1789, a mariner; not m.
2. Joseph, Jan. 27, 1792, m. (1) Elizab. B. Silvester, and (2) Hannah M. Stetson; lives on Broadway, is a mfr. of soap, and has Joseph B., m. Lucy W., da. Wm. Church, Feb. 8, 1847, is an anchor-smith, and lives on Broadway.
3. Sarah, June 11, 1794, m. Turner Stetson, Mar. 3, 1822, and is in Mich'n.
4. Isaac, bap. Dec. 25, d. Dec. 30, 1797.
5. Jno., July 8, 1798, the present proprietor of Sylvester's Forge, and junior partner of the firm of Jno. Taggart and Co., Bos'n., importers and dealers in iron and
steel; (see p. 140,) m. Lucy J. Bonney, in Nov. 1824, lives in the house built by his father, (see view,) and has
- Sarah T., Sep. 27, 1830;
- Benj. F., June 29, 1833;
- Laura A., Mar. 16, 1835;
- Jno. E., July 24, 1839;
- Lucy A., Aug. 25, 1840; and
- Amelia F., June 3, 1843.
12. Rob't., s. Michael (8) m. Lucy Bailey, Jan. 14, 1773, and built and occupied the house in wh. Wm. Dawes resides, until his father's decease, and then tore down the old family homestead, and built the house in wh. his son Rob't. now lives. He d. Aug. 17, 1807, and his wid. 1840. ch.: -
1. Lucy B., Sep. 1, 1797, m. Win. Church, July 29, 1821.
2. Rebecca E., Nov. 27, 1799, m. Benj. C. Pratt, Dec. 5, 1819, and d. Dec. 1, 1847.
3. Michael, May 5, 1802.
4. Robert, Oct. 19, 1805.
5. Sarah E., Mar. 21, 1808, m. Sam'l. Church, Dec. 14, 1828, and d. Dec. 28, 1850.
13. Elijah, s. Nath'l. (9) m. (1) Elizab. Briggs, Oct. 13, 1791, who d. Jan. 23, 1792; and (2) Mary Robbins, Dec. 19, 1793; and d. Dec. 28, 1828, and his wid. June 26, 1829. He was a shipwright by trade, and owned a farm in H., which was conducted with neatness and skill. ch.: -
1. Elijah, Nov. 22, 1794, m. Lucy Taylor, June 25, 1823, lived on Broadway, and d. in June, 1852, leaving ch.,
- Mary T., Aug. 13, 1824, m. Lebbeus Stockbridge, jr., June 24, 1849;
- W., Aug. 15, 1828, m. Christiana M. Bonney, Nov. 27, 1851;
- Lucy P., Feb. 26, 1831, d. Oct. 14, 1833;
- Elizab. B., Dec. 28, 1836; and
- Geo. F., Oct. 24, 1839.
2. Elizab. B., May 2, 1798, m. Joseph Sylvester, Nov. 26, 1818, and. d. July 16, 1840.
14. Michael, s. Rob't. (12) m. (1) Martha Reed, of Ab'n., Dec. 3, 1824, who d. Jan. 18, 1831; and (2) Sarah, da. Lem'l. Curtis, May 29, 1833, and lives on Wash'n. st., near his bro. Robert. A view of his residence is annexed. ch.: -
1. Michael R., June 24, 1825, m. Emily S. Spear, of Bos'n., July 3, 1849, who d. Sep. 21, 1851, and an inf. with her.
2. Edmund Q., Ap. 29, 1827. Not m.,--,the present owner of the David Stockbridge estate.
(By 2d.) -
3. Martha R, Dec. 20, 1839.
4. Lem'l. C., May 14, 1842.
5. Lydia, June 12, 1845.
15. Robert, s. Rob't. (12) m. Sarah, da. Loammi Burgess, of Harvard, Mass., Nov. 28, 1828, and lives on Wash'n. st., in the house built by his father, a view of which is annexed. ch.: -
1. Loammi B., Mar. 18, 1832.
2. Susanna F., Ap. 5, 1834.
3. Belcher, May 26, 1837, d. July 21, 1838.
4. Elizab. B., July 5, 1839.
5. Sarah E., Sep. 1, 1843.
6. Juletta, Ap. 14, 1845.
7. Robert, June 20, 1847.
16. Jona., of Mf’d., a desc't. of Rich'd. of Scit., was m. and had; - 1. Jona., m. (1) Rebecca Laphan, and (2) Ruth Jones, and had
- Tabitha;
- Luther, 1802;
- Rebecca, 1803, d. young. (?);
- Rachel O, 1812.
2. Jas.
3. Deborah.
4. Molly.
5. Tabitha.
6. Eben'r., of Me.
7. Lydia, m. a Hall.
17. Jas., s. Jona. (16) m. Sarah Osborn, and was drowned in crossing N. River bar, with two others, Andrew Keen and Peter Rogers, in returning from a fishing voyage. The bodies were found, and int. in Mf'd. His wid. m. (2) Joseph D. Ramsdell, and (3) Thos. Perry, and d. Aug. 20, 1847, ae. 84. ch.: -
1. Anthony, Oct. 27, 1787.
2. Joseph, Oct. 27, 1788, m. Elizab. T. Pratt, Ap. 2, 1815, lives at the corner of East st., and has one son, Wm. T., Feb. 19, 1816, lives in So. Scit., m. Betsey Kendar, and has Wm. K.
3. Thos. O., m. Lucy Walker, of Mf'd., is a blacksmith by trade, lives in Quincy, and has ^v Roxana, m. Hatch Carver, Mf'd.;
- Debo., m. Geo. Hunt, baker, of H'm.;
- Mary;
- Sarah; and
- Marcia.
4. James, m. Betsey Young, and d. leaving ch.: Jas., Jno Francis, and Elizabeth,.
5. Wm., d. ae. 19.
18. Anthony, s. Jas. (17) m. Nancy Taylor, Jan. 1812, lived on Broadway, and d. in 1852, ae. 64. ch.: -
1. Sarah, Feb. 1, 1813, m. Otis Sampson, Nov. 4, 1833.
2. Robert., Oct. 17, 1814, a shipwright by trade, m. (1) Hannah Sturgis, Sep. 11, 1836, and (2) Martha A. Coates, in 1852, lives in his father's house, and has
- Geo. W., 1837, and
- Helen H., 1839.
3. Almira J., Sep. 26, 1816, m. Jno. C. Damon, of Quincy, May 1, 1836.
4. Mary, July 1, 1818, m. Thos. O. Bates, jr., Dec. 11, 1836.
5. Horace, Sep. 16, 1820, m. Mary P. Holmes, Ap. 30, 1845, and is a mariner.
6. Jas., Dec. 27, 1822, in S. America.
7. Lydia A., Mar. 27, 1825, m. Austin Damon, July 11, 1841, who resides at the Corners, and is a blacksmith, with Mr. Warren Wright.
8. Nancy, June 18, 1827, m. Jno. Tower, Ap. 26, 1846.
9. Elizab. T., May 29, 1830, m. Thos. T. Lathrop, Jan. 31, 1847, and lives in Va.
10. Helen M.,, July 29, 1836, d. Feb. 9, 1837.
Edwin P., s. Wm., of Pemb., b. June, 1826, a young man of fine promise, resides in H., and works at Mr. S. Josselyn's shoe mf’y. Not m.
Eben'r., s, Barnabas, of Wey'h., and a desc't. of Richard, of Bos'n., 1640, and aft. of Braintree, m. Mary J., da. Shuble Munroe, Ap. 3, 1819, and lives on Centre st., near the site of the old Robert Stetson house. A shoemaker. ch.: -
1. Martin C., Dec. 1823.
2. Cha's. E., July 25, 1826, m. Mary D., da. Silas Hollis, Aug. 13, 1848, lives oppo. his fa., in the house built for him in 1851-2, and has
- Cha's. W., Feb. 9, 1849; and
- Mary A., Mar. 5, 1851.
Charles, of Georgetown, Mass., m. (1) Martha McFadden, and (2) Sarah B. Damon, lived on Main st., and d. Nov. 7, 1847, ae. 56. ch.: -
1. Jas., is m., and lives in Me..
2. Jno., d. at sea.
3. Mary, m. Isaac Packard.
4. Nancy, m. Sidney Everson, Kgs'n. He is d.
5. Cha's., Nov. 1821, Mary Vining, lives on Main st., and has Alonzo, Nov. 1850.
6. David, m. Maria F. Eames, Mr d., lives in E. Ab'n., and has Izora F., 1850.
(By 2d) -
7. Joseph.
8. Levi.
9. Martha.
10. Alpheus.
11. Ira, May, 1839.
12. Sarah, Mar. 16, 1842.
Wm. E., s. Andrew, (and a desc't. of Jno., of Wales, who landed at Ply'h., 1622,) m. Eliza N. Gardner, Ap. 1841, lives on Whiting st., and has. -
1. Mary E., Mar. 4, 1842.
2. Wm. F., Jan. 18, 1846.
3. Rufus D., Dec. 19, 1848.
4. Jas. F., Oct. 15, 1851.
2. Lyman, s. Francis, of Nelson, N. H., b. May 2, 1817, m. Barshaway, da. Luther Curtis, Jan. 1, 1853, and lives on Silver st., near his wife's mother.
3. Francis, bro. Lyman, b. June 28, 1823, m. Dorlisca Vinica, of Midd'o., Jan. 1, 1843, lives in the house built by his bro., on Silver street, and has; -
1. Dorlisca A.
2. Elizab. R.
3. Francis G.
4. Eliza V.
1. Job Tilden, Lieut. Job, of Elder Nathl., of Scituate, m. Elizab.
Vinal, and lived on Winter st., where, for many years, he kept a tavern. His bro. Jno., had previously occupied the same house, part of which is still standing, but on the marriage of Job, who had been fitted for Coll., and who m. against the wishes of his parents, at the early age a 17, he was sent to H., and Jno. returned to Scit. Job was a Lieut. in the Rev'n., and was a man of active habits, and good education. He d. Jan. 22, 1809, ae. 83, and his w. Mar. 2, 1799. ch.: -
1. Sarah, 1746, d. 1751.
2. Betty, 1748, m. Danl. Barstow, July 4, 1771.
3. Nathl., 1750, d. 1821.
4. Sarah, 1753, d. 1808.
5. Job, 1757.
2. Job, s. Job, m. Lydia Jackson, Scit., lived in his father's house, and there d. Sep. 27, 1820, and his wid., Aug. 23, 1848, ae. 88. He was out in the Rev'n., and his wid. drew a pension in her latter years. ch.: -
1. Betty, 1786, m. John Gardner, Bridg'r., July 27, 1806.
2. Job, 1789, d. 1806.
3. Lydia, m. Enos Bates, and d. in 1852.
4. Polly, July 3, 1791, m. Jno. Tribou, Oct. 13, 1810.
5. Debo., Sep. 29, 1793, m. Elias Barren, Bridg'r., Nov. 21, 1813, and has a da. Debo., living in H.
6. Sally, July 9, 1797, living unm. on her father's place. There was another son, Joseph, drowned at the age of 25.
A name once common in H., but now extinct in the male line. The families sett. mostly on Winter st. Benj. D., s. Caleb, of Midd'o., November 16, 1796, m. Lovisa, da., Adam Perry, Mar. 30, 1818, was a watchmaker by trade, and lived on Circuit st., in the house built by himself, where he d. July 18, 1843, ae. 47. His wid. survives. ch.: -
1. Lovisa P., May 25, 1818, m. Martin White, Mf’d.
2. Janet, Ap. 10, 1823, m. Wm. F. Tribou, of H.
3. Eliza M., April 16, 1825, m. Cyrus A. Willis.
4. Martin S., May 26, 1827, m. Caroline F. Soule, May 8, 1846, had Caro. S., Mar. 22, 1847, and d. Mar. 24, 1848, and his wid. m. Spencer Binney.
5. Charlotte B., Oct. 3, 1827, m. W. G. Perry.
6. Marietta, Aug. 4, 1831, m. Warren Estes, 1852.
7. Sarah J., Dec. 14, 1833, m. Sylvanus Whiting, jr., 1852. 8. Win. D., 1835.
9. Leander, Mar. 31, 1838.
David, b. July 1786, s. Jas., (and a desc't. of Jno., of H'm., who m. Marg't. Brook, 1639,) m. Patience Palmer, Aug. 1811, lives on Spring st., is a shoemaker, and has; -
1. Patience, 1812, d. 1817.
2. Jane, 1813, m. Jno. S. Tower, and d. Aug. 22, 1849.
3. Jno., July 1817, d. young.
4. David, Ap. 3, 1818.
5. Patience, June 29, 1821, m. Henry S. Hollis, Wey'h.
6. Jno., July 14, 1824, m. Nancy Sylvester, lives on Broadway, and has
- Horace S., May 11, 1847; and
- Jno. F., Nov. 15, 1849.
- Lost 2 ch., d. young.
7. Reuben, Ap. 17, 1828, of H'n.
8. Mahala, June 29, 1831, m. Francis Cobbin, Nov. 23, 1851, and lives in H.
John Tribou, b. Feb. 26, 1788, s. Wm., and gr. s. Thos., of France, who sett. in Bridg'r., in 1745, m. Mary, da. Job Tilden, and lived at the corner of Centre street, and Broadway, where he d. Oct. 17, 1848. His wid. survives. ch.: -
1. Mary A., Nov. 16, 1811, m. Sam'l. S. Turner, Oct. 28, 1832.
2. Jno. T., Feb. 3, 1814, m. Melissa B., da. Capt. Thos. M. Bates, Oct. 16, 1835, lives at the corner of Winter and Circuit sts., is a shoemaker, and has,
- Andrew T., Sep. 27, 1837;
- Mark J., Mar. 23, 1839;
- Ann A., Oct. 24, 1844; and
- Maria E., May 12, 1847.
3. Levi W., Mar. 22, 1816, m. Lucinda White, Dec. 1840, lives with his mo., and has Corrissand W., Oct. 1841.
- 4. Wm. F., July 27, 1819, m. Jennet Torrey, Feb. 2, 1840, lives on Summer st., is a shoemaker, and has
- Ellen M., Oct. 1842;
- Wm. E., Nov. 16, 1846;
- Walter S., July 29, 1848, d. Ap. 4, 1850;
- Mary H., May 19, 1850, d. May 31, 1851; and
- Laura J., Mar. 30, 1852.
5. Walter S., Jan. 8, 1822, went to sea, and is prob. d.
6. Emeline H., May 2, 1824, m. Seth Pratt, H'n.
7. Sarah J., June 7, 1827, m. Rufus T. Estes, of E. Ab'n., and d. Dec. 28, 1850.
8. Cynthia J., Sep. 21, 1829, m. Seth W. Harding, and lives in H.
Joseph, b. Ap. 14, 1770, s. Joseph, of Pemb., (and a desc't. of Wm., of Du.xbury, 1637,) m. Lucy Stetson, Oct. 13, 1797, and lives on Winter st., in the old Torrey house. ch.: -
1. Eunice W., Feb. 8, 1798.
2. Mary B., October. 22, 1800.
3. Harriet, Oct. 21, 1802, m. Cornelius White.
4. Lucy, Dec. 24, 1804, m. Seth Randall, Dux'y.
5. Temperance, Feb. 20, 1807, m. Paul Bates.
6. Joseph, May 9, 1809, living unm., with his fa.
7. Betsey C., July 1, 1811, m. Prescott Lathrop, E. Wey'h., and is d.
An ancient family, of Norman French origin, which appears in Eng'd. as early as 1067, the date of the Norman Conquest, when "Le sire de Tourneur," accompanied King Wm. in his expedition. (N. E. Gen. Reg., vol. 2, p. 33.) There are various coats of arms, belonging to different branches, in most of which, the mill-rind, so called, is a distinguishing feature. Burke gives the names of 35 families, to whom coats of arms have been granted, find these have produced many eminent men, distinguished in historical, and literary annals. Several families appear early in N. Eng'd., among whom are, Humphrey, of Scit., the "tanner," who arrived with his family in Plym'h., in 1628, had a house lot assigned him in 1629, and erected a house, in which he prob. lived in 1633. (Deane.) He is the ancestor of most of the Turners in Plym'h. Co., though there have been some in H. descended from Thos., of H'm., 1637, whose son Thos. was in Scit., 1680. As several sketches of the Turner family have already been published to the world, and the number who have sett. In H. is comparatively small, we do not deem it necessary to enter at large into its history here, and shall confine ourselves, therefore, principally to those that have sett. in H. We need only say, by way of introduction, that Humphrey, of Scit., had Jno., who was fa. of Amos, and Jona.; and Amos was fa. of Ezekiel, of H., and Jona. was fa. of Isaac, and he, of Wait and Jona., of H. Daniel, another son of Humphrey, had Amasa, and Abner; and Amasa was fa. of Amasa and Eliab, of H., and Abner was fa. of Abner, of H. Thos., of H'm., had Thos , of Scit., and he was fa. of Caleb, and he, of Caleb and Marlboro, of H. The descendants of these families are given in the following sketch.
2. Ezek'l., s. Amos, and gr. gr. s. (1) Humphrey, m. (1) Bathsheba Stockbridge, who d. July 14, 1731; and (2) Ruth Randall, June 17, 1736; and d. Aug. 10, 1773, and his wid. May 25. 1805, ae. 86. He was Selectman from 1742-55, from 1762-67, and for 1772; and Rep. in 1761, and '67. ch.: -
1. Mary, June 4, 1729, m. Wm. Torrey.
2. Debo., June 24, 1731, m. Freedom Chamberlain.
3. Ruth, Ap. 12, 1737, m. Michael Sylvester, Jan. 17, 1760.
- 4. Bathsheba, Ap. 9, 1739, m. Jno. Hatch, 1760.
5. Ezekiel, July 18, d. Oct. 18, 1740.
6. Amos, July 16, 1741.
7. Elizab., Mar. 30, 1743, m. Thos. Collamore, Scit., Jan. 23, 1766.
8. Abig., Ap. 9, 1744, m. Stephen Bailey.
3. Wait, or Waitstill, s. Isaac, and gr. gr. gr. s. Humphrey, lived near where the wid. of Thos. M. Jacobs resides, in Snappet, and m. Mary Staples, who d. July 15, 1768, and he. Oct. 25, 1815, ae. 93. ch.; -
1. Elisha, Mar. 15, 1762, prob. d. young.
2. Mary, bap. Oct. 6, 1764.
3. Hannah, July 23, 1765, d. young.
4. Hannah, bap. Dec. 14, 1766.
4. Jona., s. Isaac, and gr. gr. gr. s. Humphrey, m. Abig. Stockbridge, and, it is said, lived on Curtis, now Main st., where his w. d. May 13, 1756. We find no dates of birth of his ch. On the Recs. of H., but their names, as given in the Turner Genealogy, were; -
1. Asa, Feb. 20, 1743, m. Abig. Mann, June 30, 1771, and moved to Me., where he d. Aug. 25, 1821, ae. 78, and his wid. Ap. 16, 1853, ae. 72. He has many deset's. in
Me., residing principally in Orland, and Norridgewock.
2. Reuben, a shipmaster, was m., but had no ch., and, it is said, was lost at sea.
3. Lydia.
4. Calvin, moved to Me., m., and d. there.
5. Isaac.
6. Susanna, m. a McGraw, and lived in Durham, Me.
7. Persis, m. a McGraw, his 2d w.
8. Ruth, m. Abel Curtis.
9. Luther, 1760.
10. Seth..
11. Philip.
5. Amass, s. Amasa, and gr. gr.s. Humphrey, m. Elizab.
and was recom. to the Ch. in Lancaster, in 1748, whither he moved, with his family. ch.: -
1. Elizab., June 4, 1729.
2. Haamah, Ap. 28, 1731.
3. Ichabod, Mar. 3, 1732-3.
4. Zilpha, Dec. 30, 1734.
5. Nathl., Jan. 31, 1736-7.
6. Lemuel, July 10, 1738.
7. Ezra, July 22, 1740.
8. Joseph, bap. July 31, 1743.
9. Lurana, bap. Sep. 6, 1747.
10. Amasa, bap. Sep. 6, 1749.
6. Eliab, s. Amasa, and gr. gr. s. Humphrey, m. Martha Barstow, May 12, 1731, and had; -
1. David, Oct. 9, 1732.
2. A son, Feb. 3, 1735.
3. A ch., Jan. 12, 1738.
4. A ch., Mar. 4, 1740.
7. Abner, s. Abner, and gr. gr. s. Humphrey, m. Mary Munroe, Oct. 13, 1740, add had; -
1. Naomi, Aug. 3, d. Aug. 22, 1741.
2. Abner, Oct. 14, 1742.
3. Mary, Mar. 1, 1744, m. Elij. Cushing, Pemb., Jan. 18, 1768.
8. Caleb, s. Caleb, and gr. gr. s. Thomas, of H’m., Ruth Barker, was a shipwright by trade, and d. Ap. 12, 1767, and his wid. Nov. 8, 1768. ch.: -
1. Lucinda, Sep. 27, 1740.
2. Cornelius, May 5, 1742, m. (1) Michal Sylvester, Dec. 8, 1768, and (2), a Soule.
3. Briggs, Feb. 9, 1744, m. Mary Gardner, of Gardiner, Me.
4. Caleb, Aug. 8, 1746, m. Peggy McCowan (?) of Me.
5. Ruth, Oct. 10, 1748, m. Atherton Wales, Ap. 5, 1768.
6. Alexander, Aug. 1, 1750, m. Sarah Soule, Waldoboro', Me.
7. Barker, Oct. 21, 1752, d. unm.
8. Robert, Feb. 1, 1756, m. a Rhodes, of Bristol, Me.
9. Capt. Marlboro, s. Caleb, and gr. gr. s. Thos., of H'm. m. (1) Mary Curtis, Nov. 26, 1753, who d. Oct. 3, 1776; and (2), Abig. Curtis, Jan. 1, 1777; and was a Capt. in the Rev'n., and a valuable man in his day. ch.: -
1. Marlboro, bap. July 30, 1757, m. Debo. Stockbridge, Jan. 7, 1790.
2. Nabby, bap. July 30, 1757, m. Joseph Bicknell, jr., Ab'n., Nov. 8, 1775, and moved to Lunenburg.
3. Melzar, bap. Ap. 17, 1762, d. Ap. 20, 1763.
4. Joseph, bap. Sep. 1, 1765, moved to Lun'bg.
5. Lyldia S., bap. Sep. 1, 1765.
6. Molly, Oct. 30, 1768, m. John Jones, Lun'bg., Feb. 9, 1792.
10. Col. Amos, s. Ezek'l. (2) m. (1) Betsey Perry, Feb. 14, 1771, who d. Dec. 30, 1815; and (2) Mary R. Stetson, Oct. 27, 1816, and d. Mar. 14, 1822, ae. 81. He was Selectman in 1775, and was an officer in the Rev‘n. ch.: -
1. Betsey, 1772, m. Danl. Keen, Pemb.
2. Ruth, 1774, d. 1775.
3. Ezek'l., 1776, m. Lydia Stetson, Feb. 28, 1799, who d. July 15, 1819, and had
- Harriet, 1800, m. Jno. Mann;
- Wm., 1801, d. 1824, leaving one ch.;
- Ezk’l., 1804, (m. (1) Priscilla Josselyn, (2) Nancy Turner (?) and (3) wid. Mary Bowen, and has
- Sarah B., 1821,
- Priscilla J., 1823,
- Cath. P., 1825,
- Ezek'l. T., 1833,
- Maria J., 1839,
- a ch. b. 1841,
- Chas. H., 1844, and
- Jno. A., 1848;)
- Lydia S., 1807; and
- Saml. S., (a housewright in H., m. Mary A. Tribon, Oct. 28, 1832, lives on Centre st., and has
- Saml. N., Aug. 16, 1834;
- Geo. G., Oct. 9, 1837, d. Oct. 8, 1838;
- Chas. E., May 23, 1839;
- Julia, A., Oct. 25, 1842;
- Jane G., Sep. 22, 1844; and
- Walter, Ap. 27, 1847.)
4. Amos, m. Mary Reed, and had
- Mary B., 1803;
- Alice, 1805;
- Clarissa, 1808; and
- David R., 1811.
5. Ruth, 1784, m. Saul. House, and is d.
6. Seth, 1786, m. Priscilla Beal, and had
- Seth, 1811, of Bridg'r., m. Debo. House;
- Nathan, 1814;
- Priscilla P., 1817, d. 1818;
- Priscilla;
- Noah.
7. Wm., bap. and d. 1787.
11. Isaac, s. Jona. (4) m. (1) Mary, da. Wm. Whiting, Dec. 10, 1778, who. d. ab. 1795; (2) Rebecca, da. Wm. Curtis, Aug. 28, 1795 ; and (3) Esther Spaulding, of Townsend, and, it is said d. in Vt., being killed by failing from a load of hay, and striking on a stake, which pierced his body. ch.: -
1. Isaac, m. Abig. Whiting (?)
2. Priscilla, 1786, d. 1792.
3. Mary, Oct. 1794, m. Isaac Withington, Dorch'r., Dec. 15, 1799.
4. Avis, 17(?)2.(1792?)
5. Betsey, 1784, m. Peter Hobart, Bos'n.
6. Sylvia, 1790, d. 1801.
7. Wm., m. Sally Gowen, and is d.
8. Saml., d. s. Jona.
12. Luther, s. Jona. (4), m. Grace, da. Wm. Whiting, was a baker by trade, and spent most of his life in mechanical employments; lived in H., and in Scit.; and d. in H., Oct. 14, 1839, ae. 80; and his wid. June 8, 1842. ch.: -
1. Grace, Mar. 24, 1784, m. Joseph Foster, July, 1808.
2. Jane, 1791, m. David Hazen, of Vt., and is d.
3. Avis, 1793, m. Wm. Lapham, of Scit., and has one son, Wm. T., of Scit.
4. Luther, 1800, m. wid. Lucinda Whitney, and has Geo., of Ab'n., m. Rachel Bennett, and has ch.:
- Mary F., of Ab'n.; and.
- Luther, of A., m. a Stoddard, and has ch.
- 5. Geo. W., Ap. 10, 1805, m. Avis, da. Wm. Whiting, Oct. 22, 1829, lives on Whiting st., and has
- Avis H., Aug. 8, 1830, m. Phineas P. Peterson, July 4, 1848; and
- Mary E., b. Mar. 8, d. Oct. 31, 1832.
Joseph, s. Seth, of Scit., m. Sophia Darling, in April, 1848, lives on Pleasant st., and has Florence E., April 23, 1851. Mr. V. is a descendant of the widow Anna Vinal, who, with her sons, Stephen and John, and her daughter Martha, were in Scit. in 1636, and from whom probably, most of the name of Vinal in New England are descended.