Family Genealogies
Extracted From
A Historical Sketch of the Town of Hanover, Mass.
with Family Genealogies
by John S. Barry, Boston; 1853
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

An old English family, dating back several hundred years, and sett. in Cornwall, Essex, Hertford, Kent, &c. The Earl of Roden, is of the Jocelyns; and Sir Ralph Josceline, of Hertfordshire, was Mayor of London, in 1474 and 1476, being made Knight of the Bath, by King Edward IV., in the former year. The coats of arms vary in different families, and there is one extant in H., different from that which we have presented above, and handed down by tradition. In America, Jno. Josselyn, gent., was in N. Eng. in 1638, and was the author, among other works, of one called "New England's Rarities;” and Henry, his bro., (and son of Sir Thomas; of Kent,) was at Black Point, now Scarborough, Me., in 1634, being sent over, by Capt. Mason, to make "a more complete discovery," and examination of the advantages of the grant made to Capt. M. He was a memb. of the Gen. Court, at Saco, 1636; Councillor in 1639; Dep'y. Gov'r., 1645; a magistrate, and member of the gov't. of the province of Ligonia, 1650; and a commissioner and associate, under Masachusetts, 1658; and during the long period, from 1635 to 1676, he was one of the most active and influential men in the Prov., and during all the changes of proprietorship, and gov't., he held the most important offices.
(Williamson's Hist. of Me., vol. 1, pp. 265, 278, 328, 392, 396, 439 & 682; also, N.E. Gen. Reg., vol. 2, pp. 205-7.) He m. Marg't., wid. of Capt. Thos. Cammock, and it is said had one son, Henry. Family tradition, and other authorities, assert that this son sett. in Scit, Mass., in 1668, m. Abigail Stockbridge, 1676, and was the ancestor of the Josselyns of Plym'h. Co.(Deane's Hist. Scit., and the other works above quoted) but the correctness of this assertion, is somewhat doubtful. According to the Mass. Hist. Coll., vol. 8, third series, "Thos.
Jestlin, a husbandman, ae. 43; Rebecca, his W., of the same age; and their ch., Rebecca, ae. 18; Dorothy, ae. 11; Nath'l., ae. 8; Eliza, ae. 6; and Mary, ae. 1; with a maid-servant, Eliza Ward, ae. 38, came to N. Eng., in the Increase, of London, Robert Lea, master, in 1635"; and according to Lincoln's Hist. H'm., Thos., the fa., was in H'm. in 1637; and in 1654, he was in Lancaster, (Worcester Mag. 2, 280,) where he d. in 1660-1. (Midds'x. Rec.) his wid., Rebecca, being Exec'x. of his Est. She m. Wm. Kerley, 1664. Abraham, son of Thos., sen'r., was not with his fa., when he came to N. Eng., in 1635, but seems to have arrived afterward. He was in H'm., in 1647, but moved to Lanc'r. before 1663, and d. bef. 1670; and his wid., Beatrice, m. Serg’t. Benja. Bosworth, of Hull.(See the elaborate comunication of T. M. Harris, in N. E. Gen. Reg., vol. 2, p. 306, et seq.) The desc'ts, of Thos., the fa., and of Abraham, the son,
still reside in Lanc'r., and the adjacent towns. The Josselyns of
Scit., and H., are desc'ts from Abraham, through his son Henry.
2. Henry, s. Abraham, and gr. s. Thos. of London, sett. in Scit.,
1669, was a blacksmith by trade, m. Abig., da. Chas. Stockbridge, Nov. 4, 1676; his house stood in the field, 50 rods east of Judge Cushing's farm house, and he d. in H., Oct 30, 1730, being called, on the Ch. Rec., "the oldest man in the town for years." His wid. d. July 15, 1743. ch.: -
1. Abig., Ap. 1677, m. Benja. Hanmer, Dec. 15, 1715.
2. Abraham, Jan. 1678-9, left no ch. on record.
3. Anna, Feb. 1680-1, d. Nov. 17, 1683.
4. Chas., Mar., 1682-3, left no, desc'ts on rec.
5. Mary, Jan. 1684, m. Benj. Munroe, of Swansey, Dec. 3, 1713.
6. Nath'l., Feb. 1686-7.
7. Rebecca, b. Mar., d. Ap., 1689.
8. Jabez, Feb. 1690-1, m. Sarah Turner, Jan. 3, 1722 and d. July 14, 1734, and his wid. Dec. 23, 1756, having had
- Jabez, 1723, (m. Mary Lindsey, July 20, 1742 and had
- Sam'l., 1742;
- Jabez, 1744;
- Keziah, 1746, d. 1750; and
- Lindsey, 1749);
- Eliab., Oct. 21, d. Nov. 9, 1724;
Sarah, Dec. 29, 1725, d. Oct 30, 1739;
- Rebecca, Jan. 14, d. Jan. 26, 1728.
9. Rebecca, May 1693, m. Jos. Perry, Ap. 24, 1728.
10. Jemima, Dec. 1695, d. Feb. 14, 1696.
11. Kezia, Dec. 1695.
12. Henry, Mar., 1697.
13. Joseph, Dec., 1699, m. (1) Ruth Bates, Dec, 19, 1726, who d. Jan. 6, 1742; and (2) Sylvester Barker, Pemb., Oct 3, 1751; had no ch., and d. Ap. 30, 1787, ae. 88 ; and his wid., Mar. 5. 1801 ae. 91. He is called Capt. Joseph, on the H.. Rec., and was a man of great enterprise, and an early prop’r. of the old Bardin Forge. He gave to the town the bell now hanging in the Centre Meet. Ho.
14. Thomas, Sep. 1702.
3. Nath'l, s. Henry (2) m. Frances Yellings, Dec. 27, 1711 who d. a wid. Aug. 26, 1755. She lived on what is now Spring st. ch.: -
1. Mary, bap. in Scit, Mar. 29, 1713, d. Mar. 31, 1715.
2. Frances, bap. in Scit;., May 29, 1715, m. Isaac Foster, Jan. 6, 1732.
3. Abraham, b. in Boston, 1717.
4. Mary, July 29, 1719.
5. Nath'I, July 6, 1722.
4. Henry, s. Henry (2) m. Hannah Oldham, and lived and d. in Pemb. Ch.: -
1. Hannah, Oct. 1, 1719, m. Henry Munroe, Swansey, Nov. 16, 1738.
2. Lydia, Aug. 25, 1722.
3. Mary, m. Shuble Munroe, Nov. 10, 1742.
4. Henry, June 11, 1727.
5. Marg't., Dec. 9, 1729, m. Seth Ford, Jan. 7, 1747-8.
6. Josepb, Jan. 2, 1731-2 d. young.
7. Joseph, June 22, 1734.
8. Chas., May 7, 1739.
9. Lucy, Oct. 5, 1741, m. Isaac Ford, Mf'd.. Oct. 1, 1761.
- 10. Isaac, Nov. 4, 1743.
5. Tho. Josselyn, s. Henry (2) m. Ann Stockbridge, June 1, 1732 was Dea. of the First Church in H., and gave the silver Communion Cups alluded to on p. 60. With his bro. Joseph, he was prop'r of the Bardin Forge; was Selectman 1736, and from 1738-44; and Rep. in 1738, '41 and '42 ch.: -
1. Thomas, Sep. 26, 1733, m. Patience Barker, June 10, 1761 and d. in Pemb., Jan. 20, 1818, ae. 86, having had
- Thos., Sep 28, 1762, m. and d. in Me.;
- Patience H., Feb. 28, 1765;
- Bethiah T., Jan. 10, 1767, m. Barnab. Perry, 1789;
- Joseph B., June 10, 1769;
- Samuel W., Ap. 3, 1772 (m. Elizab. J. Coxe, May 20, 1798, and had
- Sam'l., 1799,
- Elizab., 1801,
- Debo.B., 1804, and
- Mehit., 1807);
- and Anna S., 1776.
2. John, May 4, 1735, called Ensign John, on the Ch. Rec., m. Sage —, and d. 1770, and his wid. 1775; having had
- John R., 1764, m. Nabby Studley, Nov. 1, 1785, moved to Warren, Mass., and there d.;
- Sage, 1764, m. a Cookey, and moved to W.;
- Cynthia, 1766, m. (1) Oliver Bonney, Nov. 29, 1787, and (2) a Cookey(?); and
- Eunice, 1769, m. Joseph Kingman, Bridg'r,Dec. 16, 1791.
3. Ann, or Nancy, Oct. 3, 1736, d. Ap. 21, 1801.
4. Stockbridge, Mar. 29, 1741.
5. Ruth, June 1743, m. a Lowden(?), Plym'h.
6. Debo., bap. July 12, 1752.
7. Philip, bap. Jan. 27, 1754, d. unm., in Pemb.
8. Isaiah, d. unm., Ap. 8, 1804.
9. Seth, m. Priscilla Standish, Dec. 17, 1787, and moved to N. Salem, N. H.
6. Abrham, s. Nath'l. (3) m. Mary Soule, Dec. 16, 1741„ and lived and d. in Pemb. ch.: -
1. Mary, Feb. 8, 1742. m. Wm. Coxe: jr., Jan. 21, 1762.
2. Abraham, Jan. 14, 1744, m., lived in Woodstock, Vt, and left ch.
3. Elizab., Dec. 21, 1746, m. Seth Coxe, Dec. 19, 1765.
4. Dorothy, Dec. 10, 1748; m. Reuben Clark, Dec. 23, 1768.
5. Abig., Sept. 26, 1755, m. Eleazer Ring, Worthington, Sep. 23, 1784.
6. Lydia, May 8, 1758.
7. Celia, July 25, 1760, m. Nathan Sprague, Mar. 31, 1785. 8. Eleazer, Sep. 14, 1762.
9. Tamar, May 1, 1765, m. Jas. Boerne, jr., Feb. 13, 1783. 10. Isaac, Aug. 15, 1768.
7. Nath'l, s. Nath'l., (8) m. Sarah Low, and d. in H., May 2,
1790, ae. 68, and his wid. in Pemb., Aug. 18, 1802 (?) ch.: -
1. Ambrose L, Mar. 13, 1752 prob. d. young.
2. Sarah, Aug. 28, 1753, m. (1) Amos Perry, Sep. 7, 1777, and (2) Belcher Cloak.
3. Nath'l., Aug. 24, 1755, moved to Freeport, Me.
4. Francis, May 27, 1757.
5. Chloe, July 23, 1759, m., and moved to Me.
6. Joshua, Aug. 30, 1761, m. Sarah Chapman, had
- Judson, 1789,
- Ambrose L., 1791,
- Ira L, 1791 and
- Abraham, 1793, and moved to Me.
7. Christiana, Nov. 10, 1763, d. Jan. 31, 1764.
8. Christiana, bap. July 28, 1765.
Henry Josselyn, s. Henry (4) m. Ann Palmer, and d. in Pemb., Mar. 1, 1818, ae. 91. ch.: -
1. Hannah, Jan. 2, 1755, m. Seth Perry, of P., and is yet living, at the advanced age of 98
2. Sylvester, Sep. 11, 1757, m. Jos. Sherman, July 26, 1780, and d. Mar. 4, 1801 and he moved to Me.
3. Nancy or Anne, Nov. 21, 1759, m. Pratt Allen, Mar. 17, 1796.
4. Henry, Oct. 12, 1761.
5. Huldah, Aug. 31, 1764, m. Jos. Dillingham, Feb. 29, 1793, and moved to Me.
6. Abigail, July 21, 1769, d. Mar. 5, 1806.
7. Charlotte, Feb. 17, 1772, m. Capt. Josh. Hall, Dux'y., July 12, 1792 and moved to Lunenburg.
8. Barzillai, Feb. 14, 1776, d. Dec. 24, 1792.
9. Harriet, Mar. 16, 1778, d. Aug. 23, 1796.
10. Joanna, Sep. 28, 1780, m. Levi Loring, Dux'y., Feb. 7, 1802.
9. Joseph, s. Henry (4) m. Mercy Waterman, of Hf’x., was an anchorsmith by trade, and lived in Pemb., where he d. ae. ab. 90. ch.: -
1. Joseph, Mar. 12 1757.
2. Waterman, Sep. 18, d. Dec. 14, 1758.
3. Jno., Mar. 30, 1761, m. Lucy Lowden, Nov. 25, 1784, and had
- Jno., 1785;
- Lucy, 1787;
- Mary W., 1791;
Edwin, 1794;
- Pamela, 1796 ; and
- Eliza, 1798.
4. Priscilla, June 12, 1763, m. Freedom Chamberlin.
5. Jona., Ap. 8, 1767.
6. Marg't., June 9, 1770, m. Matt. Sylvester, Jan. 29, 1791.
- 7. Mercy, Jan. 19, 1774, m. Timo. Rose, June 9, 1795.
8. Freeman, Aug. 25, 1778, m. (1) Debo. Turner, and (2) Dolly Pushee, and moved to Lyme, N. H., where he has desc'ts. (See Turner Geneal. p. 37.)
10. Charles, s. Henry (4) m. Rebecca Keen, July 10, 1760, and lived in Pemb., where. he d. Nov. 21, 1812. ch.: -
1. Mary, Ap. 19, 1761, m. Lem'l. Keen, and moved to Me.
- 2. Lucy, Ap. 4. 1763, m. Josi. Bonney, Mar. 27, 1794.
3. Lydia, Jan. 13, 1765, m. Sam'l. Eells, July 7, 1783.
4. Charles, Jan. 9, 1767.
5. Jabez, Nov. 4, 1768.
6. Rebecca, Dec. 6, 1770, m. (1) Beza Ames, Bridg'r., Oct. 25, 1791 and (2) a Studley.
7. Elisha K., Sep. 28, 1772.
8. Jacob, Aug. 28, 1775.
9. Josiah, Aug. 21, 1778, m. Ruth Howard, and had
- Josiah, 1799, m. a Topliff, and lives in Bridg'r., Vt.;
- Ruth H., 1801, d. 1802;
- Jairus, 1803, m, and lives in Bridg'r., Vt.;
- Lewis, Oct. 25, 1805, of Lynn, Ed. of the Bay State Democrat, and for 2 yrs. Clerk of the Mass. Ho. of Reps., is m., and has ch.; and
- Robert, 1810.
11. Isaac, s. Henry (4) m. Lois Ramsdell, Sep. 12, 1772 was engaged in the Forge, for many years; finally moved to Me., and there d. ch.: -
1. Isaac, Jan. 3, 1774, m. Christiana Josselyn, Oct. 15, 1797, and d. Oct. 24, 1799, leaving 1 da., and 1 son, the last of whom was drowned at N. Bed.
2. Almorin, July 16, 1775, m. Chloe Whiting, July 28, 1801, and has
- Eliza, 1814, d. 1817;
- Almorin, of Batavia, N. Y., is m. and has ch.;
- Houghton S., of Chelsea, Mass., is m., and has ch.; and
- Caroline K., m. Warren A. Alley, of Lynn.
3. Lois, 1776, d. 1778.
4. Roland, May 3, 1778, m. Mary Church, lived in Me., and had ch.
5. Lois, Feb. 20, 1780, m. Jno. Woodworth, Nov. 26, 1801.
- 6. Hervey, Jan. 25, 1782, m., lived in Me., and had ch.
7. Hannah, b. and d. 1783.
8. Alden, May 20, 1784, m. a Paige, lived in Me., and had ch.
9. Ezra, Jan. 3, 1787, m. lived in Me., and had ch.
10. Sylvester, June 6, 1789, m. Simeon Prescott, and
lived in Me.
11. Jno. D. June 4, 1791, m., lives in Me., and has ch.
12. Martin, 1793, d. unm. in Me.
12. Stockbridge, s. Thos. (5) m. Olive Standish, Nov. 24, 1768, who d. Sep. 10, 1803, and he May 10, 1817, ae. 76. ch.: -
1. Olive, Nov. 10, 1769.
2. Stockbridge, Feb. 23, 1772.
3. Abigail, June 23, 1774, m., and went to R. I.
4. Lucy, Ap. 9, 1777, d. unm.
5. Ruth, Ap. 1, 1779, m. Capt. Dan‘l. Hall, Dux‘y., Nov. 27, 1798.
6. Seth, Dec. 6, 1782.
7. Jas., Nov. 15, 1785.
8. Christopher, May 2, 1788.
9. Amasa, Feb. 24, 1791.
13. Eleazer, s. Abraham, (6) m. (1) Bethia Bourne, Jan. 9, 1783, who d. Dec. 3, 1801; and (2) Alice W. Howland, Mar. 5, 1807; and lived and d. in Pemb. ch.: -
1. Mary, Aug. 10, 1783, m. Jos. Munroe, Hf'x.
2. Lydia, Sep. 27, 1785, m. Jere. Stetson, H'n., Jan. 14, 1808.
3. Eleazer, Oct. 24, 1787.
4. Eph'm. A., Nov. 3, 1789.
5. Lyman, Nov. 9, 1791, m. (1) Betsey Delano; (2) wid. Bowditch; and (3) Sarah Holmes; lives in Dux'y.; no ch.
- 6. Nathan, Jan. 15, 1794, (1) a Lincoln; (2) a Lincoln; (3) a Lincoln; and (4) a Bronsden, and d. in Chas'n., leaving ch.
7. Bethia, Dec. 15, 1796, m. Wm. Estes, H'n., Sep. 10, 1815.
8. Priscilla, Mar. 10, 1789, m. Ezek'l. Turner.
9. Abraham, Jan. 20, 1801.
10. Calvin, May 7, 1803.
11. Lucy, Ap. 27, 1805, m. Job Luther, H'n.
12. Dorothy, Mar. 16, 1806, m. Benj. White, H'n.
(By 2d) -
13. Debo. H., Dec. 12, 1807, m. Elb. Leach, N. Bridg'r.
14. Luther, Mar. 6, 1809, m. Jane G. Reed, E. Ab'n., in Jan., 1844, lives in H'n., and has Luther A., d., and Jane R.
15. Elisha H., Jan. 24, 1811, m. Hannah Sawin, and lives in E. Bridg'r.
16. Julius, July 2, 1813, is m., and lives in H'n.
17. Jairus, Aug. 24, 1815, is m., and lives in Boston.
18. Issachar, Mar. 5, 1817, is m. and lives in Plymp'n.
19. Sophronia, m. Walter Reed, Ab'n.
20. Ezra, b. and d. 1819.
21. Ezra, d.
14. Isaac, s. Abraham (6) m. (1) Priscilla Bourne, Sep. 29, 1788; and (2) wid. Mary Boylston, and lived and d. in Pemb. ch.: -
1. Abigail, Ap. 3, 1788, m. Reuben Shaw, S. Ab'n., Sep. 30, 1811.
2. Christiana, Feb. 12, 1790, m. Zebulon Clark, of H.
3. Priscilla, Ap. 21, 1791, m. Isaac Harkwell.
4. Sophia, Ap. 21, 1793, m. Josi. Cushing, Ab'n.
5. Isaac B., Jan. 17, 1797, moved to Albany, N. Y.
(By 2d) -
6. Elenor, Ap. 25, 1799, m. Thos. H. Sampson, Pemb., Ap. 20, 1822.
7. Daniel, May 18, 1800, m. Debo. Damon, June 26, 1827, lives in Pemb., and has
- Isaac, Nov. 11, 1828;
- Dan'l. 1831, d. 1834;
- Marcus, 1832, d. 1834;
- Debo. M., June 14, 1835;
- Jos. W., June 28, 1837;
- Betsey J., June 22, 1839;
- and Marcus M., July 23, 1841.
8. Celia, Jan. 24, 1802, m. (1) Jno. White, and (2) Noah Bonney.
9. Lois D., Dec. 15, 1803, m. Jas. H. Dwelley, Pemb.
10. Emily, Aug. 29, 1805, m. Elij. Damon, H‘n.
11. Elizab. K., 1807, d. 1812.
12. Almira, July. 11, 1809, m. Eben'r. B. K. Gurney, H'n,
15. Franis, s. Nath'l., (7) m. Mary Hill, Feb. 17, 1782 and lived in that part of Pemb. now H'n., where he d. ch.: -
1. Thos. H., b. and d. 1783.
2. Francis, Nov. 2, 1784.
3. Peter, Feb. 16, 1787.
4. Thos. H., 1789, d. 1792.
5. Jemima L., Oct. 4. 1791.
6. Mary, Feb. 24, 1794.
7. Sarah H., Jan. 25, 1798 8.
8. Alvah, Ap. 7, 1800.
9. Chloe, Oct 7, 1802.
16. Henry, s. Henry (8) m. Lois Stetson, Ap. 15, 1793, and lived in Pemb. ch.: -
1. Almy, Nov. 20, 1793, m. Eben'r. Mann, and moved to Me.
2. Wealthy, Dec. 25, 1795.
3. Charlotte, Nov. 12, 1797, m. Gad Soper, H'n., May 13, 1823.
4. Mary A., Aug. 13, 1799, m. Richard Bowker, H'n., Aug. 26, 1818.
5. Hannah, Mar. 14, 1801, m. Wm. Taylor, and d. in N. Bed.
6. Debo. S., Jan. 10, 1803, m. Josh. Stetson, Nov. 29, 1832. 7. Joanna L., Dec. 20, 1804, m. Elisha Mitchell, H'n.
8. Abigail, d. ae. 4.
9. Henry, May 1, 1807, m. Charlotte Stetson, June 11 1833, lives in Pemb., and has
- Joanna L.,
- Helen M.,
- Henry H., and
- Charlotte E.
17. Joseph, s. Joseph, (9) m. Debo. Hatch, Aug. 23, 1784, lived in E. Bridg'r., and had; -
1. Hercules H., Sep. 3, 1784, lived in Danvers, Mass., m., and had ch.
2. Demarcus, or Marcus F., June 7, 1786.
3. Joseph, Ap. 2, 1788, m., went to sea, and i2 prob. d.
4. Cyrus, July 6, 1790, m. Jane White, and moved to Plainfield.
5. Earle, July 11, 1792.
6. Debo. H., Jan. 15, 17795, m. Marcus Howe, Boston.
7. Branch, Dec. 3, 1797, m. wid. Lamson, and lives in Danvers.
8. Theron, Nov. 28, 1799, d.
9. Freeman, Nov. 28, 1799, m. wid. Hannah Morton, and lives in Me.
10. Eliza H., Sep. 22, 1802.
11. Jno. H., Sep. 22, 1805.
18. Jona., s. Joseph, (9) m. (1) Sally Stetson, of Scit., and (2) Jenny Chase, and lived and d. in Pemb. ch.: -
1. Waterman, Sep. 30, 1791, m. Melinda, da. Jona. Stetson, Scit., and d. leaving 2 das., one of whom is d. (By 2d,)
2. Marg't., May 18, 1794, m. Thos. Ellis, Mar. 28, 1814, and lives in E. Bridg'r.
3. Sally, Sept, 1, 1796, m. Nath'l. Ellis, Dec. 21, 1813, and lives in Bridg'r.
4. Freeman M., Aug. 3, 1798, m. Priscilla L. Oldham, Dec. 11, 1820, lives in S. Boston, and has George, and Freeman.
6. Wm., Feb. 15, 1801, m. Abigail, da. Chas. Barstow, lives in Pemb., and has Wm. B., Clerk in Boston, m. Hannah Barker, of Tiverton, R. I.
7. Jane, Jan. 1, 1803, m. Dan'l. Hall, jr., Dux'y., Nov. 20, 1823.
8. Eliza, Jan. 11, 1805, m. Jason Magoun, Nov. 30, 1826.
9. Hervey, Nov. 5, 1806, merchant, E. Bridg'r., m. Elizab. Tallman, and has
- Sarah C.;
- Elizab.;
- Mary E.;
- Harriet; and
- Frank.
10. Jas. M., May 12, 1809, m. (1) Lucy Josselyn, and (2) wid. Abby Delano, liven in Pemb., and has
- Warren U.,
- Priscilla,
- Emma F and
- Amelia J.
- Two ch. d. young.
- 11. Dorothy M.. May 12, 1809, m. (1) Alex'r. Hillborn, Oct 7, 1827, and (2) Tilden Crooker, Jan. 16, 1837.
19. Charles Josselyn, s. Charles (10) m. Lacy Dwelley, Nov. 14,
1790, lived in H'n., and was for some years engaged in the Iron Business, at Sy1vester's Forge, and on King st., and also lathe Factory, in H'n. His w. d. in 1829, and he Nov. 2, 1846. ch.: -
1. Lydia, Sep. 5, 1791, m. Benj. Mann, Esq., Mar. 10, 1810, and is d.
2. Oren, July 6, 1793.
3. Lucy D., Aug. 5, 1796, m. Hira Bates, Feb. 24, 1825.
4. Ozen, Mar. 29, 1798.
5. Mary, Aug. 21, 1800.
6. Chas., 1802, d. 1830.
7. Aaron, May 4, 1804, m. Amy, da. Spencer Binney, is a clergyman, of the Meth. denom., in Dux’y., and Rep. to the Mass. Leg. for the year 1853. ch.:
- Joseph R.,
Ed. S.,
- Albert S.,
- Charles G.,
- Martin B., and
- Ann B.
- Lost
8. Angeline, Feb. 26, 1806.
9. Marcia, July 8, 1808, m. Alvin Howland, Nov. 2, 1838.
10. Edwm. June 23, 1810, m. Nyreh Chandler, and lives in Chelmsford.
11. Julia A., Aug. 25, 1812, m. Dyer Robinson, Esq., S. Bridg'r.
12. Cyrus, Oct. 2, 1814, m. Elizab. B. Bates, Oct. 24, 1833, lives on King st., and has
- Cyrus B., July 17, 1834 ;
- Lewis, Aug. 15, 1842; and
- Angeline E., June 4, 1848.
- Lost 2, d. young.
13. Alonzo, Jan. 23, 1818, m. Caroline A. Morse, Rox’y., lives in Boston, is an Iron Founder, and has
- Charles D., 1848, and
- Lucy M., d. 1851, ae. 1.
20. Jabez, s. Charles (10) m. Huldah Mann, Dec. 27, 1795, and had ch.: -
1. Betsey, July 22, 1796, m. Calvin Barstow; Matt’t., Aug. 7, 1814.
2. David, Nov. 25, 1798, m. Mary Bates, Dec. 15, 1822, lives in Pemb., and has
- David A., Dec., 1823, m. Sophronia Keen, and lives in P.;
- Benj. W., 1826, m. Lucy A. Brewster, and has Herbert A.;
- Horatio, 1848;
- Caleb, 1831;
- Albert, 1833; and
- Jabez A., 1838.
3. Morrill, Dec. 4, 1801 m. Mary A. McIntosh, and lived and d. in Boston; leaving ch.: Mary d., and Sarah E.
4. Jabez, Mar. 25, 1804, m. Eliza White, Feb. 6, 1827, and had 1 da., Arabella W., m. Laban Rose, jr., of H..
5. Rebecca, Sep. 13, 1806, m. (1) Joseph Estes, of Me., and (2) Otis Perry, of H'n.
6. Isaiah, Feb. 17, 1809, m. Serena Bray, lives in S. Boston, in a Brass Founder, and has
- Isaiah B., 1830;
- George, 1832;
- Edwin, 1834;
- Mary A., d.;
- Amelia A., 1839; and
- Charles, 1844.
7. Huldah, d. young.
8. Huldah, June 16, 1814.
9. Daniel, m. Lydia Wadleigh, lives in Me., and has Edwin, and Herbert.
10. Otis. P., May, 1823, m. Abigail P. Delano, lives in Pemb., and has Laura O., Dec., 1847.
11. Joshua, m. Mary Boylston, had 1 ch., who d.; his w. d.; and he went off in 1851, and has not been heard from since.
21. Elisha K., s. Chas. 10, m. Lydia Dwelley, Mar. 12, 1797, and is yet living in P. ch.: -
1. Emily, Feb. 4, 1798, m.Isaac O. Stetson, May 5, 1821.
2. Caroline, Mar. 30, 1804, m. Seth Jones, of P.
3. George, May 8, 1803, m. Alice Walker, lives in Brookfield, Mass., and has ch.
4. Albert, 1805, d. ae. 24.
5. Lydia S., Mar. 6, 1808.
6. Elisha, Sep. 21, 1810, m. Abby Standish, Ap. 12, 1835, and has ch.
7. Almira, Feb. 13, 1814, m. (1) Thos. Baker, and (2) Jno. Mann, and lives in E. Bridg'r.
22. Jacob, s. Chas. (10) m. Abigail Ryder, of Plym'h., and lives in New Hampshire. ch.: -
1. Wm., Aug. 19, 1796, sometime Capt. of the Han. R. Co., m. Ruth Rose, Oct 8, 1820, and lived in H. on King st., where he d. in 1852, leaving ch.:
- Abig. W, June 30, 1821, m. Ambrose Josselyn, and d. 1843;
- Wm. E., Sep. 22, 1823, m. Lucy S. Littlefield, and lives in H'n.,
- Eugene M., Sep. 2, 1826;
- Mercy W., Dec. 31, 1831;
- Priscilla, July 10, 1834; and
- Helen M., May 29, 1841.
2. Harriet, Feb. 13, 1798, m. Eli Stetson, of H'n., and is d.
- 3. Benj., May 10, 1802.
4. Elbridge, May 15, 1802, m. a Keith, lives in Lawrence, is sup’t. of a foundry, and has ch.
5. Elijah, Ap. 2, 1804, m. Ednor Pike, and lives in S. Bos'n.
- 6. Leavitt R., Oct. 1, 1807, m. Hannah E. Hildreth, and lives in Chelmsford.
7. Algernon, Dec. 22, 1809, m. Mercy White, and lives in Lowell.
8. Edward, Aug. 20, 1812.
9. Maria E., Ap. 17, 1815, m. Caleb White, H'n.
10. Elizab. C., Mar. 14, 1818; m. Hezek Reed, Ab'n.
23. Stockbridge, s. Stockbridge (12) m. Sarah Bell, Bos'n., Sep. 27, 1795, was for a time a merchant in B., and d. in Ab'n. ch. -
1. Henry E. G., Nov. 29, 1796.
2. Ralph A. S., Oct. 2, 1798, d. July 9, 1822.
3. Charlotte M. A., Feb. 4, 1801, Sep. 20, 1811.
4. Chas. O. W., Aug. 2, 1803.
5. Danl. S. S., May 27, 1805, m. a Hall, of Dux'y., and d. in N. Or's.
6. Frances S. S., Sep. 9, 1807.
7. Naomi O. R., Nov. 17, 1810, m. Silas Lane, E. Ab'n.
8. Austin M. C., Sep. 20, 1812, m. Elizab. J. Ware, Bos'n., 1841, and is proprietor of a Restorator in B. Noah.
9. Sarah C. A., Ap. 9, 1815, m. a Denton.
10. Mary A. B., b. and d. 1816.
24. Eleazer, s. Eleazer (13) m. Hannah Studley, Jan. 1, 1809, and lives in H., on Pleasant st. ch.: -
1. Mary J., May 6, 1809, m. Ludov. Pool, E. Ab'n.
2. Stephen, Dec. 28, 1811, merchant and shoe manf'r., at the Four Corners; m. Eliza Studley, Nov. 16, 1834, and has
- Eliza A., June 30, 1838, and
- Geo. S., June 17, 1842.
- 3. Robert, Oct. 30, 1814, not m.
4. Hannah S., Aug., 1817 (?) m. Jno. H. Benner, Jan. 1 1835.
5. Eleazer, Feb. 14, 1823.
25. Abraham, s. Eleazer (13) m. Polly Cushing, Oct 5, 1820, lives on Cross st., and is an anchor-smith by trade. ch.: -
1. Wm. C., June 27, 1821, merchant tailor, late of Bos'n., m. (1) Thurza B. Shaw, and (2) Mary McDuffee, and has
- Anna F., b. and d. 1845; and
- Wm. A., Jan. 20, 1848.
- 2. Abraham A., May 18, 1828, d. Dec. 29, 1832.
3. Mary C., June 25, 1825, m. Geo. S. Newhall, Dec. 21, 1843, and lives in E. Bridg'r.
4. Michal B., Oct. 9, 1827, m. Nath'l. Pratt, and d. in Aug., 1848.
5. Bela C., Jan. 23, 1830, in Springf’d., Mass.
6. Sarah J., Sep. 15, 1833.
7. Henry C., Ap. 3, 1836.
8. Is'l. N., Jan. 31, 1839.
9. Geo. H., May 23, 1841.
10. Louisa C., May 23, 1844.
26. Francis, s. Francis (15) m. Debo. House, Jan. 15, 1810, and lived and d. in H’n., leaving ch.: -
1. Hannah H., Ap. 12, 1810.
2. Mary, Ap. 29, 1811.
3. Ambrose, Dec. 17, 1812 m. Abig. w., da. Capt. Wm. Josselyn, and d. in H'n., leaving ch.
4. Ira, May 16, 1814, m. Sarah, da. Gad Bailey, lives on King st., and has
- Sarah L., Dec. 4, 1842;
- Anne A., July 18, 1845, d. Sep. 1849; and
- Francis H., Aug. 14, 1851.
5. Thacher, May 18, 1816, d. Sep. 23, 1818.
27. Demarcus, or Marcus F., s. Joseph (17) m. Eunice Sawtill, and had ch.: -
1. Marcus F.
2. Debo. H., m. Phineas Howard, of Canton.
3. Eunice S., m. Elijah Howard, of C.
4. Marcy W., m. Jas. M. Cook, Eng'r. Taunt. & N. Bed. R. R.
5. Harriet N., m. Francis Farnsworth, and is in N. Y'k.
6. Eliza F., m. C. C. Williams, of Taunton, and d. in 1851.
- 7. Abigail, d. young.
8. Joseph H., May 13, 1820, stud. med. in the Pa. Univ., lives in Bos'n., m. Jane, da. David Kingman, Bridg'r., and has no ch.
9. Priscilla C., m. Francis A. Massey, Bos'n.
10. Lydia J., m. Chas. Howe, S. Ab'n., and has
- Chas. W.,
- Emma L.,
- Edwy L., d., and
- Joel J.
11. Emily A., m. Jacob C. Young, of Bangor, and is in Cal'a.
12. Lucy F., not m.
13. Lucretia, m. Geo. H. Osborn, of S. Ab'n., and has Amy C.
14. Joel S., in Cal'a.
15. Benj. F.
28. Earl, s. Joseph (17) m. (1) Anne Brewster, and had 3 ch., all of whom d. He then m. (2) Sarah Hudson, of Bridg'r., and d. in Bangor, Me., Ap. 7, 1836, and his wid. m. Geo. W. Smith, of Bridg'r. ch.: -
1. Earl P., May 16, 1822.
2. Asa H., Feb. 6, 1824, m. Harriet Hamilton, and lives in E. Bos'n.
3. Anna B., Oct. 6, 1825, m. Chas. Dyer, and lives in E. Wey'h.
4. Sarah J., Sep. 30, 1827, m. Galen Osborn, E. Bridg'r.
5. Caleb H., July 25, 1829, m. Harriet E. Fales, of Fox'o., and lives in W. Bridg'r.
6. Oliva M., Oct., 1835, m. Thos. Lee, and d. July 15, 1851.
29. Oren, s. Chas. (19) m. Mary C. Mann, Feb. 14, 1816, lives on King st., and has been for many years connected with the foundry, in that part of H. He was Rep. from 1842-'44; T. Clk. in 1839, and '41; and from '43-'45; and Selectman in 1832, '33, '39, and from 1850-'53. ch.: -
1. Oren C., Mar. 10, 1817, d. Ap. 6, 1819.
2. Mary, C., Feb. 6, 1820.
3. Eli C., Mar. 13, 1822, m. (1) Hannah F. Robbins, Ap. 27, 1845, who d. July 14, 1846; and (2) Elener T. Ford, May 8, 1848; lives on School st., and has
- Eli E., May, 1846, and
- Florus, Sep. 14, 1849.
4. Charles, Oct. 17, 1826, m. Rachael F. Winslow, May 16, 1850, lives on King st., and has Clara, Aug. 9, 1851.
5. Jane R., June 6, 1829, d. Jan. 2, 1830.
6. Geo. R., June 7, 1834.
30. Ozen, s. Chas. (19) m. Lucy, da. Elijah Barstow, who d. Nov. 26, 1842. Mr. J. lived for a time at the Four Corners, and kept the tavern there, but has lately been connected with the Custom House in Boston, as an Inspector. ch.: -
1. Lucy B., Oct. 4, 1824, m. Caleb Packard, N. Bridg'r.
2. Ann E., May 2, 1826, m. Rob't. Barstow, Dec. 24, 1846.
- 3. Amelia W., Nov. 4, 1827, m. Henry A. Hall, Bos'n., Ap. 29, 1849.
4. Almira M., Jan. 24, 1839.
5. James O., Feb. 20, 1831 now living in H.
6. Maria C., June 14, 1834.
7. Mary, Dec. 1, 1836.
8. Melissa, June 22, 1839.
9. Helen, Nov. 1, 1841.
10. Robert, Oct. 9, 1842.
11. Sam'l., Oct. 9, 1842, d. Sep. 29, '44.
31. Henry E. G., s. Stockbridge (23) m. Minerva Gardner, lives in E. Ab'n., is a shoemaker, and has; -
1. Henry W., m. Lydia A. Pool, lives in E. Ab'n., and has Ann W., and Miranda J.
2. Charles S., m. Avis Ashley, and lives in E. Ab'n. No ch.
- 3. Harriet N., m. Jason Loud, of E. Ab'n., and has Rosalina.
4. Ann, d. ae. 15. Two other ch. d. young.
32. Marcus F., s. Marcus F. (27) m. Eliza Reed, and d. in Dec. 1846, having had; -
1. Marcus F., Ap. 1828, m. Lucy Gurney, lives in S. Ab'n., and has Walter W., July 28, 1850.
2. Wm. W., Feb., 1831, m. Amanda Fullerton, of Bridg'r., and has Alice d., 1850, and Ida W., 1852.
3. Eliza J.
4. Jas. W., d.
5. Jas. E.
6. Waldo E.
Rev. Robert L., b. June 29, 1790, s. of Asa, of Ipswich, and gr. s. of Isaac, (who descended from Austen Killam who was in Ipswich in 1637,) m. Phebe, da. Wm. Rice, of Marib., Dec. 5, 1819; sett. in the ministry first in Marlbo'., from 1819–'21; then in Att'o., from 1821-'29 ; and since that period, has resided in H., on Wash'n. st., in the "Landlord Jacobs house," a view of which is annexed. He was pastor of the Univ. Soc. in Scit., from 1829-'37 has been one of the School Com’e. of H.; as a writer, has a logical mind, and a happy wit; and as a citizen, is universally esteemed, wherever he is known. ch.: -
1. Lydia.M. P., Oct. 27, 1820, m. Benj. Jacobs, May 26, 1839, and d. Sep. 7, 1846, leaving 2 ch.
2. Robert W., Mar. 22, 1823, m. Sophia B., da,. Capt. Rufus Farrow, of Scit., May 7, 1848, and has Lydia P., Jan. 13, 1849.
3. Charles H., Dec. 22, 1832.
James, s. James of Pemb., m. Lovisa, da. Leonard Hill, June 26, 1808, who d. in May, 1842. He is yet living. ch.: -
1. Mary, July 8, 1809, m. Geo. Beals, H'n.
2. Marlin, June 19, 1811 m. Olive, da. Adam Perry, and d. July 21, 1843, leaving one son, Martin A., Ap. 4, 1833.
3. Betsey B., Mar. 14, 1815, m. Wm. H. Joice, Sep. 19, 1839.
4. Philander, Aug. 29, 1817, m. Mary Foster, lives in Wey'h., and has ch.
5. Lovisa, July 14, 1819, m. Col. Jesse Reed, of Mf'd., for a sketch of whose life, see pp. 141-47.
6. James, Jan. 20, 1824, m. Jane A. Joice, and d. in Nov., 1843, leaving no ch.
Lawrence, was of Barnstable, 1643, and bore arms. His son Josiah, b. 1647, m. Sarah, da. Rev. Nicholas Baker, and was the ancestor of Rev. Paul Litchfield, of Carlisle, Mass., and of Rev. Joseph, of York, Me., of whom we have spoken on p. 67. Frank Litchfield, of Scit., was also a desc't. of Lawrence, of Barnstable, and be was fa. of Lewis, of Hanover.
2. Lewis, s. Frank, of Scit., m. (1) Lucy Studley; (2) wid. Susan Wall; and (3) wid. Betsey Stetson formerly a Barstow; is a painter by trade; and has; -
1. Marg't. L., June 22, 1808, m. Charles Winslow, 1827, sometime Selectman of H.
2. Lewis, Sep. 23, 1811, m. Lucy L. Rogers, of Mf'd., Jan. 4, 1836, lives on Circuit st., is a shoemaker, and has
- Lucy S., Sep. 26, 1837 ;
- Delana, Aug. 27, 1839;
- Laura E., b. and d. 1841;
- Emily, Dec. 21, 1842; and
- Lewis E., May 6, 1847.
3. Luther, Feb. 27, 1829.
John, s. Constant, of Mf'd., m. Abigail, da. Samuel Stetson, in Aug., 1835, who d. June 5, 1850, and he is living on Centre st.; a shoemaker by trade. ch.: -
1. Mary F., b. 1837, d. 1838.
2. Abigail E., Aug. 13, 1839.
3. Jno. S., Jan. 24, 1843.
4. Zilpha A., b. and d. 1847.
2. Peabody, bro. of Jno., and s. Constant, of Mf'd., m. Olive, da. Benj. Stetson, in Dec., 1842, lives on Broadway, is a shoemaker, and has; -
1. Edward E., Sep. 25, 1843.
2. Augusta M., Nov. 17, 1845.
Abner, of Pemb., is prob. a desc't of Jno. Magoun, or MeGoun, who lived in the "Two Mile," now a part of Mf'd., in 1666, and who owned land in H. near Hugh's Cross. Abner, m. Mary Bates, Dec. 16, 1796, and d. July 16, 1846, ae. 78, and his wid. Nov. 28, 1847, ae. 78. ch.: -
1. Catherine, m. Jas. Bonney, of Pemb.
2. Abner, m. Mary H. Ellis, Ap. 1, 1825, lives on Circuit st., is a shoemaker, and a man of respectable standing; has
- Horatio B., Nov. 20, 1826, m. Catherine B. Bonney, May, 1850, and lives near his fa.;
- Mary H., Mar. 12, 1834;
- Abner B., Feb. 17, 1836; and
- Jane C., Dec. 30, 1839.
3. Mary S., m. Benoni Gurney, and is d.
4. Jason, m. Eliza Josselyn, and d., and his wid. and ch. are in S. Boston.
Richard, a "planter," was a youth in Elder Brewster's family, came to Plym’h. in the May-Flower, in 1620, was one on the Conihas. partners, in Scit., in 1646, and his farm was at the place known as “Mann hill." He died ab. 1655, and his wid. Rebecca, m. John Cowen, 1656. Of his ch., Thos., b. Aug. 15, 1650, was fa. of Benj., b. Feb. 19, 1697, who sett. in H. This is an old name in Eng'd., numerously represented there, the Earl of Cornwallis, being of the family, and Sir Horatio Mann, of Linton, Kent. There are other families in the U. S., besides the desc'ts. of Richard, who are sett. in Norfolk Co., and who are quite numerous in Randolph, and its vicinity. Samuel was in Dedham, 1678; and Theodore, was in Wrentham, in 1700. The Manns of H. are desc'ts. of Richard, the planter.
2. Benj., s. Thos., and gr. s. Richard, m. Martha Curtis, Feb.
4, 1724, who d. Jan. 26, 1769, and he Mar. 2, 1770. He lived on Main st., it is said, in the ancient mansion, now occupied by Mr. Hanson, not far from the Bap. M. Ho., and was Selectman in 1745. ch.: -
1. Martha, Jan. 6, 1725, m. William Curtis.
2. Benj., Aug. 4, 1727.
3. Rebecca, Aug. 13, 1729, m. Abner Curtis (?)
4. Sarah, Feb. 8, 1730, m. Robt. Gardner, H'm., June
5, 1760.
5. Ruth, May 12, 1735, m. Lem'l. Curtis, Jan. 16, 1752.
6. Mary, Aug. 13, m. Elij. Mann. Three ch. d. young. s.
3. Benj. Mann. (2) m. (1) Abigail Gill, Nov. 23, 1749; (2) the wid. of Charles Bailey, who d. in 1800; and (3) the wid. of
Abner Curtis, and d. Jan. 27, 1816, ae. 89. He was Selectman
in 1763 and '64, and erected the old grist mill, which formerly
stood near the bridge, on North st. ch.: -
1. Abigail, Sep. 9, 1751 m. Asa Turner, June 30, 1771 and d. in Me.
2. Benj., Mar. 3, 1753.
3. Olive, Ap. 18, 1754, m. Thos. Stetson, June 18, 1772.
4. Ezra, Dec. 11, 1755, d. in the Rev'n, Nov. 26, 1775.
5. Levi, Sep. 7, 1757.
6. Josh., July 14, 1759.
7. Bela, July 18, 1761, m. Ann Bryant, Scit., and moved to Lunenburg.
8. Sarah, Jan. 17, 1763, m. Jos. Neal, Cohas't., Dec.
6, 1791.
9. Susa G., Oct. 24, 1764, m. Caleb Whiting, Ap. 23, 1785.
- 10. Charles, Nov. 27, 1766, m. Abigail Gill, and d. in 1825, leaving Abigail, who m. Ithamar Whiting, of Ab'n., and Merrill, who m. Loring Curtis, of H., and others.
11. Perez, Nov. 7, 1768, m. Abigail Johnson, had ch., and d. in Beverly, Mass.
12. Sage, b. 1773, d. 1791.
13. Caleb, Sep. 13, 1775, m. Betsey Pratt, and d. Feb. 23, 1840, leaving a da. Betsey, who m. David Bann, of H.
4. Benj., s. Benj. (3) m. Hannah ---------; and d. in H., Dec. 12, 1820, and his wid. May 21, 1827. ch.: -
1. Hannah, m. (1) Thos. Whiting, and (2) Elisha Faxon.
2. Ruth, 1778 (?) m. Isaac Wilder, Aug. 8, 1802.
3. Sarah, m. Jno. Curtis, Nov. 1, 1798.
5. Levi, s. Benj. (3) m. (1) wid. Anne Cooley, and (2) Patience Donnell, and d. Jan. 12, 1818, and his wid. Mar. 8, 1846. ch.; -
1. Ezra, Ap. 21, 1780, m. Nabby Glover, of Beverly, and had ch.
2. Levi, Jan. 6, 1782, m. Marg’t. Ames, of Boston, and had ch.
3. Alexander, Feb. 9, 1785, d. in S. Caro., ae. 28.
4. Jairus, Oct. 7, 1787, m. Desire Whiting, and lived in Chas'n.
5. Patience, May 1, 1791, m. (1) Eben'r. Arnold, (2) Joseph Cole, and (3) Job Pratt.
6. Anne K., Dec. 2, 1792, m. Henry Stoddard, of H.
7. John, Jan. 25, 1795.
8. Joseph, Oct. 12, 1797, m. Eunice Jacobs, and d. Dec. 2, 1835, and his wid. m. Martin Stoddard, of Mf'd. His ch. were
- Jairus, m. Emeline Runey, lives in Somerville, and has 3 ch.; and
- Eunice, m. William H. Smith, Chas'n.
9. Sarah, June 12, 1779, m. Wm. Henderson, Mar. 11, 1821.
10. Amy, Ap. 20, 1803, m. Dea. Jno. Brooks, Dec. 4, 1823.
6. Joshua Mann, (Capt. Joshua,) s. Benj. (3) Mary Cushing, of H'm., Jan. 30, 1783, and d. Oct. 20, 1827, and his wid. July
1, 1849. He was Capt. of one of the Mil'y. Co's. of the town,
and Selectman from 1799 to 1802. Lived on Whiting st., where Albert Pool now resides. ch.: -
1. Josh., 1784, d. 1792.
2. Molly, 1785, d. 1792.
3. Benj., 1788.
4. Mary C., 1794, m. Oren Josselyn, Feb. 14, 1816.
5. Josh., July 4, 1796.
6. David, Sep. 7, 1798.
7. John, s. Levi (5) m. Harriet Turner, his w. d., and he now lives is E. Ab'n. ch.: -
1. Jno., Dec. 28, 1819, m. Sarah Chandler, lives in E. Ab'n., and has ch.
2. Josiah, Mar. 13, 1822.
3. Andrew, m. Abby O. Torrence, lives in E. Ab'n., and had 1 ch., which d.
4. Gustavus, Ap. 9, 1828, m. Elmira Vining, and lives in E. Ab'n.
5. Lucy T., 1829, m. Geo. Dunham, Oct. 16, 1850.
6. Harriet, m. Warren Lane, E. Ab'n.
7. Lydia, m. Lorenzo Foster, E. Ab'n.
8. Sarah.
9. Betsey.
8. Benj., Esq., s. Josh. (6) m. (1) Lydia Josselyn, and (2) Lydia C. Waterman, lives on Whiting st., was J. P. for many years, and a trader and farmer. ch.: -
1. Benj. L, Ap. 19, 1812, d. in N. Orleans.
2. Albert G., 1813, d. 1817.
3. Lydia J., Feb. 25, 1815, m. Jno. Pool, jr., 1833, and d. 1852.
4. Almira, 1817, d. 1818.
5. Chas. F., Sep. 5, 1818.
6. Almira C., Jan. 11, 1820, m. Lysander Nash.
7. Henrietta M., 1822 d. 1838.
8. Newton, 1825, d. 1550.
9. Lucy A., Nov. 29, 1828.
(By 2d) -
10. Marcus M., Nov. 22, 1840.
11. Albert G., July 17, 1843.
12. An inf, b. and d. 1846.
13. Everett N., June 24, 1847.
14. Abby J., May 13, 1851.
9. Maj. Josh., s. Josh. (6) m. Bethia Curtis, July 12, 1829, lives on Centre st., is a farmer, of respectable standing, and has; -
1. Josh. W., Mar. 19, 1830, at the West.
2. Nancy J., Oct. 2, 1832, m. Martin T. Stetson, Oct. 2, 1850.
3. Rodney, Mar. 9, 1835.
4. Mary A., Nov. 10, 1839.
5. Horace, Nov. 12, 1842.
6. Geo. W., Mar. 12, 1845.
10. David, s. Josh. (6) m. Betsey, da. Chas. Mann, Ap. 4, 1821, lives at the corner of Main and North sta., and has; -
1. David J., 1822, d. at sea, 1846.
2. Geo. H., Ap. 20, 1824, in Cal'a.
3. Mary J., Jan. 4, 1826.
4. Josh., Aug. 26, 1827.
5. Caleb, Ap. 3, 1829.
6. Sophronia, July 26, 1831 m. Jos. Hunt, Ab'n.
7. Russell C., July 30, 1836.
8. Albert G., June 26, 1838.
9. Howard F., Mar. 30, 1843.
10. Peres, d. ae. 18 mos.
Martin Parris, b. July 24, 1825, s. Martin, of E. Bridg'r., is the present worthy and accomplished Principal of the Academy, at the Four Corners; and is a gr. s. of Col. Jesse Reed, of Mf'd., of whom we have spoken on p. 141.
Maj. Wm., of Newburyport, m. Marg't, da. David Prouty, Esq., the "plough maker," was Selectman for 9 years; Rep. 3 yrs.; often Moderator at Town meetings; and lived on Main st., until his removal to Lawrence, in 1847. ch.: -
1. Lucy, Jan. 17, 1823, m. a Howard, of Hav'l.
2. Quincy, Dec. 14, 1824, m. wid. Elizab. M. Norton, Sep. 20, 1851, and lives on his father's place.
3. Sarah, Nov. 12, 1826, m. Wm. L. Henderson, Sep. 1, 1844.
4. Marcus, Dec. 12, 1828, m. Mary A. Leavitt, Scit., Nov. 16, 1849, lives on Main st., and has
- Mary E., Oct. 27, 1849, and
- Geg. R., Oct. 19, 1841.
5. Wm. M., Jan. 27, 1843.
Shuble, m. Mary Josselyn, Nov. 10, 10, 1742, lived in a house which stood near Eben. Thayer's, on Centre st., and d. June 14, 1795, ae. 75, and his wid. Ap. 27, 1815, ae. 91. The hill near his house is still known, as Shuble's Ridge. His son Shuble, b. Ap. 1, 1761, m. Abig. Stetson, Jan. 27, 1788, who d. June 5, 1812, and he Oct. 3, 1851 ae. 90. His ch. Were; -
1. Abig. S., m. Sam'l. Stetson, of H.
2. Jno, d., ae. 20.
3. Mary J., m. Eben. Thayer, of H.
4. Chas., of N. Y'k.
5. Isaiah, not m. Several ch. d. young.
NOTE. Tradition says that 5 bros. of the name of Munroe, came early to Am'a., and were the ancestors of the different families now existing in the U. S.; and from the N. E Gen. Reg. for 1847, p. 378, we learn that among the Scotch prisoners sent to N. Eng. in 1652, by order of the Eng. Gov't., were Robert Monrow, John Monrow, Hugh Monrow, and —- Monrow. There were also 5 of the name of Murraw, viz.: Jno., Jno., Neils, Jonas, and James; and among the Settlers of Reading, Mass., were Henry, Jno., and Sam'l., Merrow, the former of whom d. in 1685. There was early a family of Munroes in R. I., and another in Va., from which President Munroe descended.
2. Benj., s. Benj., of Dorch'r., m. Mary H. Curtis, Nov. 11, 1830, lives on Hanover st., and has; -
1. Mary C., Aug. 28, 1831.
2. Benj. W., Ap. 22, 1833.
3. Lucinda T., Mar. 7, 1835.
4. Wm. H., Feb. 21, 1837.
5. David B., Oct. 14, 1839.
6. Geo. R., Ap. 26, 1843.
3. Hiram, s. Benj., of Dorch'r., b. 1811, m. Tempe. C. Stetson,
May 6, 1832, lives on Spring st., is a shoemaker, and has: -
1. Francis M., May 4, 1834.
2. Joanna S., Oct. 7, 1835.
3. Julia M., Dec. 22, 1838.
4. Lucy S., Mar. 23, 1841.
5. Eliza L., May 18, 1843.
6. Adaline T., June 15, 1846.
7. Sarah E., July 23, 1848.
Lysander B., s. Lewis, of Wey'h., b. Mar. 22, 1822, m. Almira C. Mann, and has Henrietta C., Ap. 15, 1846, and Lysander W., May 24, 1848.
Sylvanus, b. June 20, 1796, s. Benj. of Sandwich, m. Celia Elder, of S., Nov. 14, 1816, and lives near N. River Bridge. ch.: -
1. Jno. P. T., Oct. 19, 1818, m. Drusilla Snow, and lives in Cohas't.
2. Silvanus, Mar. 8, 1820, m. Mary A. Stone, and lives in Dorch'r.
3. Celia E., Dec. 28, 1821.
4. Sam'l. W., Sep. 3, 1823, m. Lurana Cleal, and is in Cal’a.
5. Nancy W., Dec. 29, 1824.
6. Gustavus, Aug. 30, 1826, m. Josephine Josselyn, and lives in H'n.
7. Henry C., May 3, 1829, m. Maria, da. Abisha Soule, Feb. 11, 1851 and d. in 1852, leaving Henry W., b. Nov 12, 1851.
Ozias, b. June 9, 1804, s. Eben'r. of Bridg'r., (and a desc't. of David, of Beverly, who sett. in Bridg'r. bef. 1688, and was Rep., &e.) m. (1) Ann Wing, Nov. 13, 1828, who d. Sept. 25, 1831; and (2) Mary C. Bates, May 21, 1832 ; lives on Winter st.; is an anchor smith by trade, and a gent. of intelligence and respectability; has; -
1. Ann W., Sep. 12 1831.
(By 2nd(?)) -
2. Lorenzo, Oct. 12, 1836.
3. Lewis, May 15, 1839.
4. Mary C., Nov. 16, 1840.
Richard, was one of the Mass. Co., in 1629, and his name often occurs on the annals of the Co. Jno. was freeman in Bos'n., 1632-3, was aft. of Rox’y., and d. in 1643; and the same year another Jno. Perry was freem. in Taunton. Isaac Perry was a freem. in Mass., in 1631-2. Thos. Perry, ae. 34, with his w. Dorothy, and s. Benj., were pass. for Va. in 1635; and we find a Thos. early in Ipswich, who may have been the same. Arthur Perry was freem, in Bos’n., 1639, and had Seth, Jno., Elishua, &c. Wm. Perry was freem. in Scit. in 1643, and some of his deset's. are still living in Scit. and Pemb., and elsewhere.
2. Thos. Perry, from Mass., according to Deane, was in Scit. bef. 1647, m. Sarah, da. Isaac Stedman, and had his farm on the S. part of Chamberlain plain. He may have been s. of Thos. of Ipswich. There is no record of births of his ch. in Scit.; but we are told that he had Thos., Wm., Henry, Joseph, and Jno. Of these, Wm. m. Elizab. Lobdell, 1681 and had Amos, who m. Ruth Turner, June 8, 1720, lived near the 3rd Herring brook, and was fa. of Dea. Isaac, the shipbuilder, of H., who was b. Sept. 5, 1736, m. Jemima Farrow, and d. Aug. 16, 1825, ae. 89, and his w. in Nov. 1824, ae. 78. His da. Priscilla, m. Elij. Packard, June 26, 1803; and his sons Timo, and Isaac, went to St. John's, N. B.; his da,. Betsey, m. a Smith; and Ruth went to Me. Wm., s. Thos., Senr., had also another son, Benj., b. Dec. 31, 1688, who m. Ruth Bryant, Feb. 20, 1711, and had Sam'l., Nov. 28, 1712 and others. The desct's. of this son are here given, according to the best information we could obtain.
3. Sam'l., s. Benj. (?) s. Thos., lived in Pemb., and m. Eunice Witherell, Sep. 27, 1734, who d. a wid., Feb. 21, 1795. ch.: -
1. Henry.
2. Mary, m. Howland Beal, Dec. 29, 1757.
3. Sam'l.,
4. Noah, m. Jane Hobart, Oct. 1, 1772 and had
- Hobart (?) drowned, at 20;
- Mary, m. Jacob Ford, Oct. 11, 1792, and lived in Ab'n.; and
- Danl., m. a Hobart, and lives in S. Ab'n.
5. Israel.
6. Betsey, m. Col. Amos Turner, Feb. 14, 1771.
7. Seth.
8. Adam.
4. Henry, s. Sam'l. (3) m. Bethia Baker, of Dux'y., Dec. 25, 1760, lived in Pemb. and d. March 23, 1815, ae. 80, and his wid. Jan. 20, 1822 ae. 89. ch.: -
1. Sam'l. B.
2. Henry, Ap. 25, 1764.
3. Jno., m. Rhode Barker, Jan. 27, 1793, and lived and d. in Plym'h., having had 4 ch., of whom 2 are living, viz.;
Lewis, of Plym'h., and Rhoda, both bap. May 18, 1794.
4. James, d. unm. in Scit. John and James were twins.
5. Sam'l., s. Sam'l. (3) m. Alice Baker, lived in Pemb., and d: Sept. 5, 1816, ae. 76. ch.: -
1. Chas., Oct. 2, 1771.
2. Elizab., Sep. 22, 1776, m. Caleb While.
3. Lucy, m. (1) Jabez Witherell, (2) a Crooker, and (3) a Harrob.
4. Sam'l., m. Lucy Oldham, of Pemb., in 1807, and had
- Otis, Ap. 18, 1808, a carpenter by trade, m. wid. Rebecca Estes, Dec. 8, 1840, and lives in H'n., no ch.;
- Almira, Ap. 1, 1811, m. Thacher Perry, of Pemb.; and
- Horatio, May 4, 1814, living in Pemb„ unm.
6. Israel Perry, (Dea. Israel,) s. Sam'l. (3) m. (1) Abig. Baker, of Mf'd., who d. Dec. 14, 1807, ae. 61; and (2) wid. Relief Soper, Dec. 17, 1809; and d. Feb. 18, 1817, ae. 73, and his wid. Feb. 24, 1824, ae. 85. Lived back of Plain st., is the house known as the "Hanmer hook house," which has been torn down for many years. He was Selectman in 1797, and '98. ch.: -
1. Israel, Ap. 28, 1771 of Newbyp't.
2. Thos., Aug. 30, 1772, m. wid. Sarah Ramsdell, June 11, 1810, and d. July 22 1817, leaving no ch.
3. Hannah, June 18, 1775, m. Edward Stetson, Jan. 1, 1799, and is living in H.
4. Horatio, Oct. 3, 1784, sett. in Salem, Mass., and there d.
5. Paul, June 25, 1786, m. Chloe Bailey, Sep. 23, 1813, lives in Camden, Me., and has ch.
6. Oakes, Sett. in Me., and there d.
7. Nabby B., Sep. 6, 1789, not m.
8. Hayti or Ittai, of Salem, Mass.
7. Seth, s. Sam'l., (3) m. Hannah Josselyn, July 2, 1782 an d.
in Pemb. His wid. is living in P., with her son Josh., at the advanced age of 98, and retains to a remarkable degree, both her bodily and mental powers. ch.: -
1. Elijah, Ap. 14, 1783, m. Chloe Stetson, July 6, 1806, lived in P., and d. Oct. 9, 1814, ae. 32 and his w. Dec. 27, 1812 ae. 26, leaving ch.;
- Thacher, 1807, d. 1811;
- Isaiah S., Mar. 23, 1809, m. Julia A. Oldham, May 5, 1831 and lives in Me.; and
- Edward Y., Oct. 4, 1812, m. Mary Oldham, July 8, 1834, lives in P., and is a manufacturer of tacks, in H., what was formerly Dyer's works. (See p. 141.)
2. Joshua, Ap. 27, 1788, m. Mary, da. Capt. Ichabod Thomas, and lives in P. Has no ch.
8. Adam, s. Sam'l. (3) m. Elizab. House, Oct. 20, 1776, and lived in H., where be d. Aug. 23, 1830, ae. 78, and his wid. Feb. 12 1845, ae. 89. ch.: -
1. Elizab., Ap. 11, 1777, m. Moses French, Bos'n.
2. Olive, b. 1779, d. 1783.
3. Adam, Dec. 25, 1780.
4. Calvin, b. and d. 1782.
5. Sage, 1783, d. 1799.
6. Calvin, June 19, 1785, m. Mary Litchfield, lived in Scit., and had ch.
7. Gideon, Mar. 23, 1787, m. Cath. Perry, Mar. 21 1816, who d. June 3, 1822, he survives, and has
- Catherine, 1817, d. 1832;
- Franklin, May 17, 1821, living in H., not m.; and
- Henry N., Ap. 17, 1828, lives in Medford.
8. Olive, Oct. 5, 1791, m. Martin Lindsey, and is living, a wid., in H.
9. Levi, Mar. 2, 1793, m. Sarah J. Colcord, Sep. 9, 1826, and had a son Levi, d. young. The Fa. is living in H.
10. Lovisa, Sep. 1, 1797, m. Benj. D. Torrey, Mar. 30, 1818, and is living, a wid., in H.
9. Samuel B., s. Henry (4) m. Anne Bates, Feb. 2, 1786, lived in H., on Broadway, and had; -
1. Wealthy, 1786, d. 1790.
2. Nancy, 1787, living, unm.
3. Levi, Jan. 20, 1789, m. Fanny Price, of H'm., and went to Ohio, many years ago.
4. Cephas, Sep. 3, 1790, m. (1) Anne Norris, Bos'n.; and (2) Nabby Chamberlain, Oct 7, 1838, lives on Broadway, and has,
- 1. Anne, m. Levi Perry;
- Lucy, m. Wm. R. Skerry, Ap. 25, 1846;
- Cephas, Jan., 1828; and
- Jerome, Aug. 5, 1832.
5. Jno., Ap. 29, 1793, went to sea, and is prob. d.
6. Seth, Ap. 29, 1793, m. Melinda F. Cox, Feb. 5, 1828, and has
- Jno. H., Jan. 19, 1831;
- Caroline H., Oct. 20, 1832; and
- Julia A.
7. Bethia B., July 20, 1795, m. Dea. Isaac Cook, H'n.
8. Wealthy, Feb. 10, 1797, m. Albert Stetson, Nov. 29, 1830.
9. Sam'l., Jan. 24, 1799, m. Diana Brett, of E. Bridg'r., and had
- Levi, Nov. 9, 1820, (m. Anne Perry, and has
- Francena, Dec. 4, 1842;
- Alfred, Aug. 2, 1844;
- Albert B., June 1, 1847; Bradford, b. and d. 1848; and Florence, Oct. 19, 1849);
- Kilborn R., Aug. 17, 1822 (m. Rebecca. A. Gurney, Oct. 1845, lives on Centre st., is a shoemaker, and has
- Ellen A., Dec. 30, 1846;
- Sarah E., Jan. 11, 1849; and
- Emma W., May 13, 1851);
- Anna, m. Josh. S. Rose, of H.; and
- Elizab. F, ae. ab. 12.
10. Alva, Dec. 15, 1800, d. unm.
11. Perez, May 24, 1803, m. Fanny Stetson, Nov. 2, 1828, lives on Broadway, and has
- Perez E., 1829; and
- Fanny S., 1831, m. Andrew T. Damon, Ap. 22, 1851.
12. Lydia N., Feb. 11, 1805, m. Stephen S. Bowers.
13. Jerome, Sep. 15, 1807, d. unm. in Olio.
14. Ada. d. young.
10. Henry, s. Henry (4) m. (1) Content Barker, Ap. 25, 1790, who d. Mar. 20, 1821; and (2) wid. Mary Ramsdell, and d. in P., Aug. 10, 1837, ae. 73. His wid. survives. ch.: -
1. Nath'l., Jan. 1, 1791, m. (1) an Edwards, and (2) the wid. of Jno. Perry, of Plym'h., and lived in N. Bed.
2. Catherine., May 15, 1794, m. Gideon Perry, Mar. 21, 1816, and d. Jan. 3, 1832.
3. Nabby B., Dec. 25, 1796.
4. Ethan, May 11, 1802.
5. Betsey, Oct 27, 1805, m. a Dickerman, and d. Aug. 17, 1831.
6. Robert, Oct. 22 1809, m. Betsey Macomber, lives in H'n., and has ch.
11. Chas., s. Sam'l. (5) m. Hannah Bisbee, Jan. 30, 1794, lived in Pemb., and had; -
1 Chas. B.
2. Alice B., m. Levi C. Wright, E. Bridg'r., June 24, 1827.
- 3. Ruth.
4. Hannah, m. and lives in Bridg'r.
5. Jno. B., Oct 4, 1806.
6. Priscilla, Jan. 27, 1809, m. Thos. Drake, Jan. 6, 1828.
7. Thacher, Jan. 7, 1812, m. Almira, da. Sam'l. Perry, Nov. 26, 1840, and lives in P.
8. Elijah, Oct 13, 1815, of P.
9. Sherman, of Pemb.
12. Adam, s. Adam (8) m. Polly Field, lived in Dorch'r., and d. July 7, 1826, and his wid. Aug. 1, 1849. ch.: -
1. Sage, d.
2. Josiah F., Sep. 17, 1808, m. Sarah Hildreth, Feb. 9, 1836, lives on Circuit st., and has
- Sarah E., Jan. 25, 1837;
- Josiah F., July 24, 1839;
- James H., Mar. 5, 1844; and
- Anna A., Oct. 25, 1850.
3. Eliza, d.
4. Levi, of Dorch'r.
5. Louisa.
6. Mary E.
7. Oliver, of D.
13. Ethan, s. Henry (10) m. Rosilla Ramsdell, July, 1823, lives at the corner of Main and Plain sts., is a farmer, and has; -
1. Geo. B., Jan. 21, 1824, m. Adaline W. Bates, May, 1846, who d. in 1852, leaving
- Francis, Dec. 31, 1847, and
- Seth W., Mar. 10, 1850.
2. Wm. G., Oct. 23, 1825, m. Charlotte Torrey, and has 1 ch.
3. Ethan T., Ap. 1829.
4. Elijah, Sep. 15, 1831.
5. Joseph, Aug. 1, 1833.
6. Rosilla C., 1836, d. 1839.
7. Rosilla J., Aug. 6, 1841.
8. Chas., Aug. 17, 1845.
Phineas P., b. Dec. 7, 1824, s. Benj., of Paris, Me., m. Avis H., da. Geo. W. Turner, July 4, 1848, is a shoemaker, lives on Whiting st., and has Geo. R., Jan. 9, 1851.
Absalom, s. Chris'r„ of H’n., m. Abigail Baker, and has ch.: -
1. Gid. B., Jan., 1805.
2. Abig., Mar. 30, 1806, m. Chas. Lincoln, Bridg'r.
3. Almira, Dec. 29, 1808, m. Thomas Damon, and is living a wid. in H.
4. Jas., Feb., 1810.
5. Betsey, Oct. 9, 1811 m. Chas. Smith, of H.
6. Ann T., 1813, d. young.
7. Chas., 1815.
8. Thos. H., 1817.
9. William, Dec., 1820.
10. Nath'l., Feb. 4, 1822.
11. Zavan, Sep. 19, 1823.
12. Albert, Ap. 3, 1826.
2. Edmund, s. Edmond, of H'n., an anchor-smith, m. Joan Richmond, in Oct., 1845, lives on Winter st., and has; -
1. Allen June 10, 1846.
2. Geo. L., Jan. 28, 1848.
3. Nancy B., 1850,
4. Mary M., Mar. 29, 1852.
Joseph, b. Dec. 16, 1809, s. Joseph, of Bos'n„ m. Lydia Clapp, of Scit., May 20, 1835, and was the Landlord of the Tavern, at the Four Corners. ch.: -
1. Joseph E., d. 1834.
2. Augustine P., Dec. 22, 1835, drowned, Aug. 29, 1850.
3. Cerena C., Jan. 3, 1828.
4. Eunice A., Aug. 8, 1841.
5. Joseph E., 1843, d. 1846.
6. Lydia A., Ap. 7, 1847.
Jno., b. Feb., 1812, s. Jno., of Ab'n., m. Lydia J., da. Benj. Mann, Esq., in Mar., 1833, lives on North st., is a shoemaker, and has; -
1. Jno. S., Sep. 15, 1833.
2. Lydia M., May 18, 1836.
3. Benj. B., Jan. 6, 1841.
4. Marg't. A., July 11, 1849.
5. Alonzo N., Dec., 1851.
2. Joseph, s. Jno., of Ab'n., m. Debo., da. Ensign Crooker, lives on Whiting st., is a stone-mason by trade, and has; -
1. Joe. W., Jan., 1839.
2. Debo. A., May, 1843.
Jona., s. Sam'l., of Plym'h. (?), was in that part of Scit, now H., with his fa., in 1676, lived near where Martin Church does, on Wash'n. st., and d. June 28, 1729. He m. Marg't. Locke, or Low, Jan. 8, 1691-2 and had Othniel, Jan. 25, 1708, who m. Mary Prior, Dux'y., Ap. 2, 1737. She d. Mar. 12, 1758, and he June 23, 1758. His ch. Were: -
1. Jona., Oct. 15, 1740.
2. Othniel, Mar. 7, 1743, moved to Spencer.
3. Benj., Mar. 4, 1745.
4. Mary, 1750; and sev. ch. that d. young.
2. Jona., s. Othniel, m. (1) Lucy Church, Dec. 30, 1762 who d. Aug. 23, 1789; (2) Lydia Chamberlin, Ap. 15, 1790, who d. Nov. 23 of that year; and (3) Desire Palmer, Jan. 10, 1798; and d. Nov. 28, 1814. ch.: -
1. Jabez, 1769, of Me., was m., and had ch.
2. Elisha, 1771, m. Rebecca Keen, and moved to Me.
3. Mary, 1773, d. in Me.
4. Lucy, m. Josi. Chamberlin, Nov. 25, 1784.
5. Jno., of Me.
6. Sarah, 1776, m. Cyrus Leavitt, of Me., June 1, 1794.
7. Joanna, 1779, m. Nath'l. Stetson, Mar. 7, 1811.
8. Church, 1789, of Me.
9. Debo., 1789, m. Luther Merrill, Me.
(By. 2d,) -
10. Benj. C., Nov. 23, 1790.
3. Benj. C., s. Jona. (2) m. (1) Rebecca E. Sylvester, Dec. 5, 1819, who d. Dec. 3, 1847, and (2) wid. Marg't. Lane; lives on Elm st.; is a farmer, and nurseryman; and has; -
1. Rebecca E., Jan. 27, 1821, m. Silas B. Jones.
2. Lydia C., d. ae. 10 ds.
3. Lucy B., Jan. 31, 1824.
4. Benj. F., Mar. 10, 1826, in Ab'n.
5. Geo., Aug. 27, 1828, works at the Curtis Forge.
6. Mary, Sep. 14, 1831.
7. Lydia C., Dec. 28, 1834.
8. Henry, Mar. 11 1839.
4. Jno. W., s. Isaac, and gr. s. Isaac, Wey'h., b. Dec. 9, 1829, lives in H., on Centre st, and is a shoemaker, and school teacher. Not m.
David, Esq., s. David, of Scit., b. May 18. 1778, m. Lydia, da. Hezek. Stoddard, lived in H. for some years, on Curtis st., being engaged in the plough business, (see the chap. on Mfr’s.) and d. Mar. 31, 1846, ae. 68. ch.: -
1. Marg't., Feb. 4, 1796, m. Maj. Wm. Morse, now of Lawrence, Mass.
2. Veniah, Ap. 9, 1811, kept the Half-way-House in Scit. for some yrs., (now occupied by his son, Jno.) and is at present in Framingham, Mass.
3. Lorenzo, May 3, 1806, of the firm of Prouty & Mears, Bos'n., m. Lucy W., da. Jno. Mears, and has
- Lorenzo,
- Lucy C., and
- Ellen.
4. Lydia, July 19, 1807, m. Horatio Baker, Ab'n.
5. David O., June 7, 1818, m. Sarah A. Gray, lives in Philad., and has 3 ch.
Jno., s. Jno., of Ab'n., b. 1795, m. (1) Abig. S. Crooker, 1822 who d. Dec. 23, 1850; and (2) wid. Lovisa Harlow, Aug. 15, 1851; lives on Winter st.; and is a shoemaker. ch.. -
1. Abig., June 2, 1824, m. Martin W. Damon.
2. Tamar J., Oct. 31, 1827, m. Chas. Sampson, of H.
3. Mary M., 1830, m. Melzar Keen, Ab'n., Oct. 11, 1848.