Family Genealogies
Extracted From
A Historical Sketch of the Town of Hanover, Mass.
with Family Genealogies
by John S. Barry, Boston; 1853
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

An ancient English Family, settled in the Counties of Kent, and Sussex. (See Berry's Genealogies.) Stephen Curtis, was of Appledore, Kent, ab. 1450, and several of his descendants were Mayors of Tenterden, a town from which some of the first settlers of Scituate came. The earlier desc'ts. of this pedigree, are taken from an original pedigree, in the possession of the family, under the hand and seal of office of Sir Wm. Segar, Garter King-of-Arms, transcribed by John Philpot, Blanch Lion, and entitled, "This descent of the auntient familie of the Curteises, in the Co. of Kent, gents., faithfullie collected out of the office of Arms, the public records of the kingdom, private evidences of the familie, and other venerable monuments of antiquitie;" in which pedigree, and also in several old MSS., in the Harleian Coll., in the Brit. Mus., the arms of the family are given as annexed, without reference to any particular grant, but as borne by them in virtue of ancient usage.
William Curtis, came to N. Eng., in the Lion, in 1632, and was of Boston in that year, and afterwards of Rox'y., where his descendants still reside. He was the ancestor of Geo. T., and Benj. R, Esq'rs., of Boston.
Richard, William, and John Curtis, were of Scit., in 1643, and Thos., in 1649, who was of York, Me., and who returned there. John left no descendants on record. A few of the desc'ts. of Thos., are in Scit., and elsewhere; and more of the desc'ts. of Richard. The desc'ts. of Wm., are quite numerous, in Scit., Hanover, and other towns in Mass. These are here given.
1. William, bro. of Richard and John, was in Scit., in 1643, but the name of his wife is not given, nor have have we found the date of his death. His farm was on the North River, next South of the Wanton farm, (Deane,) and.he was a member of the 2nd Church. His ch. Were; -
1. Joseph, May 1664.
2. Benj., Jan., 1667.
3. Wm., Jan., 1669.
4. Jno., Feb., 1671.
5. Miriam, Ap., 1673.
6. Mehitable, Dec., 1675.
7. Stephen, Sep., 1677. Left no desc'ts. on record.
8. Sarah, Aug., 1679, m. Wm. Cook, Aug. 30, 1705.
9. Sam'l., June, 1681.
2. Joseph, s. Wm. (1) by w. Rebecca, had; -
1. Joseph, Mar. 23, 1694.
2. Josiah, Ap. 5, 1697.
3. Rebecca, May 9, 1699.
4. Martha, Feb. 14, 1701, prob. M. Benj. Mann, Feb. 4, 1724.
5. Richard, Nov. 8, 1702, prob. d. unm., in H., April 28, 1768
6. Elisha, Feb. 20, 1705.
7. Thankful, Jan. 17, 1708.
8. Jesse, Oct. 17, 1709.
9. Peleg, bap. Oct. 12, 1712. No desets. are recorded.
3. Benj., s. Wm. (1) m. Mary Silvester, in 1689, and, it is said, built the Curtis mills, on the Third Herring Brook, now owned by T. J. Gardner, Esq. ch.: -
1. Mary, Aug. 22, 1691, m. Meletiah Dillingham, Oct. 28, 1723.
2. Benj., Dec. 14, 1692.
3. Eben'r., Aug. 1, 1694.
4. Lydia, Feb. 27, 1693, m. Joseph House, jr., Dec. 13, 1716.
5. Sarah, Dec. 20, 1697, m. Sam'l. Clapp, jr., Jan. 7, 1725. 6. Ruth, Jan. 14, 1700.
7. Susanna, Mar. 23, 1702, d. Ap. 14, 1714.
8. Debo., Aug., 1704.
9. Wm., July, 1706, m. Martha Curtis, Nov. 3, 1738, lost 3 ch., d. young, and had
Anna, May 19, 1748, m. Jno. Curtis. -
10. David, June 26, 1708.
11. Peleg, Sep., 1710.
4. Wm., s. Wm. (1) was m., and prob. Had; -
1. Mary, who m. Joseph Benson, of Hull, May 17, 1727.
2. Rachel, who m. Neh'h. White, Ap. 25, 1737, and
3. a son Wm., b. ab. 1696. The records of this family are wanting.
5. John, a. Wm. (1) m. Experience Palmer, Mar. 4, 1708, and, according to Deane, settled near Hugh's Cross. We think it is prob. that his house stood where stands that of the late Lem'l. Curtis, on Washington, near Silver st. ch.: -
1. John, Mar. 14, 1709.
2. Bezaleel, Sep. 9, 1711.
3. Susannah, bap. Oct. 16, 1714.
4. Elizabeth, bap. May 28, 1721.
6. Sam'l., s. Wm. (1) m. Anna Barstow, Sep. 11, 1707, and, according to Deane, settled on the paternal farm. He owned land in H., and was part owner of the first saw-mill erected on Main street. His ch. Were: -
1. Sam'l., June 1708, m. Hannah Whiting, of H'm., Nov. 14, 1739, who d. Oct. 26, 1789, ae. 72, and he, Mar. 24, 1794, ae 86. No ch. Lived on Main st., and Mr. Sam'l. Brooks, who was named from him, has in his possession a silver watch, and a pair of buckles, a legacy from Mr. C.
2. Anna, Ap. 14, 1711, d. Dec. 30, 1787, ae 77.
3. Martha, Aug. 3, 1713, m. Wm. Curtis, Nov. 23, 1738.
4. Miriam, Jan. 7, 1715-6.
5. Debo., Feb. 7, 1717-8.
6. Simeon, June 1, 1720.
7. Amos, July 15, 1722, m. Mary Faunce, of Kigs'n., in 1744, lived in Scit., on the homestead, and d. in 1748, and his wid. m. Nath'l Church. He had ch.
- , Samuel, Feb. 19, 1745, and
- Amos, Feb. 4, 1747, d. young.
8. Mehitable, Sep. 9, 1726.
Joseph Curtis, s. Joseph (2) m. Mary Palmer, Septem. 27,
1727, who d. Ap. 9, 1750, and he, Dec. 31, 1753. Lived on Circuit st, it is said, and, with Joseph House, was proprietor of the mill, afterwards called Eliab's mill. He was known as Governor Curtis, and was a man of enterprise in his day. ch.: -
1. Mary, Aug. 1, 1729, m. Wm. Gould, of Bridg'r., Dec. 25, 1751.
2. Joseph, Sep. 21, 1731, m. Abigail —, and d. Aug. 14, 1759, having had
- Joseph, 1754, and
- Seth, 1757.
3. Joshua, Sep. 22, 1733.
4. Experience, July 28, 1735, d. June 25, 1738.
5. Stephen, bap. July 15, 1739, d. May 11, 1817 (?)
6. Thankful, Ap. 2, 1742.
8. Josiah Curtis, s. Joseph (2) m. Sarah Collamore, January 1,
1729, and d. in H., Feb. 26, 1777. Lived on Curtis, now Main st., and was an extensive land holder. ch.: -
1. Abner, 1727. (?)
2. Rebecca, bap. Dec. 19, 1731, d. Mar. 10, 1732.
3. Seth, bap. Aug. 25, 1734, d. July 27, 1751.
4. Job, bap. Aug. 17, 1736, lived on Main st., and d. unm., Ap. 6, 1804. He was Selectman in 1781.
9. Elisha, s. Joseph (2) m. (1) Martha —, and (2) Sarah Chittenden, Nov. 12, 1741, and seems to have lived on the lane now leading to T. J. Gardner's mill, in Scit. ch.: -
1. Mehitable, bap. May 18, 1735, d. young.
2. Elisha, bap. Ap. 3, 1737.
3. Zechariah, bap. Nov. 25, 1739, m. Lydia Palmer, Jan. 21, 1762, and had
- Zech., 1763, and
- Lydia, 1767.
By 2d.) -
4. Mehitable, d. Aug. 10, 1744.
5. Martha, bap. June 2, 1745.
6. Calvin, bap. Sep. 27, 1747.
7. Luther, bap. Ap. 9, 1749.
8. Mehitabel, bap. Aug. 11, 1751.
10. Jesse, s. Joseph (2) m. Sarah Mann, Sep. 20, 1739, and d. in H., July 22, 1759, and his wid. Nov. 17, 1802, ae. 80. Lived on Curtis st. ch.: -
1. Elijah, Ap. 16, 1740, d. Feb. 7, 1824.
2. Abel, Mar. 21, 1742, m. Ruth Turner, Feb. 12, 1776, and had
- Abel, 1777,
- Gideon, 1779, and
- Ruth, 1784.
3. Jesse, Mar. 27, 1744.
4. Debo., Ap. 17, 1746.
5. Gershom, Feb. 1, 1748, m. Mary Stetson, in 1780, and moved to Me. ch. b. in H.:
- Briggs, 1776 ;
- Diana, 1777
- Gershom, 1781;
- Turner, 1785; and
- Chas., 1787.
6. Sarah, Feb. 17, 1750, prob. d. Jan. 28, 1775.
7. Charles, July 10, 1752. Left no desc'ts. on record.
8. Amos, Oct. 31, 1759, d. Mar. 8, 1808.
9. Orpha, Oct. 16, 1759, m. Thos. Farrow, in 1807.
11. Benj., s. Benj. (3) m. Hannah Palmer, Dec. 13, 1716, and d. in H., Feb. 21, 1756. He was Selectman in 1727 and '28. ch.: -
1. Benj., bap. Ap. 27, 1718, d. young.
2. Thos., bap. Sep. 4, 1720, m. (1) Sarah Utter, Aug. 20, 1741, who d. Dec. 28, 1753; and (2) Ruth Rose, Feb. 26, 1756, and had
- Hannah, 1742, d. 1749 ;
- Debo., 1744, m. Levi Corthell, 1769;
- Sarah, 1746;
- Thos., 1750;
- Lydia, b. and d. 1754;
- Faith, 1757;
- Ruth, 1759; and
- Hannah 1762,
3. Luke, bap. Mar. 11, 1722. Left no desc'ts. on record.
4. Hannah, bap. Mar. 1, 1724.
5. Caleb, bap. May 8, 1726, prob. m. Mercy Low, of H'm., Oct. 30, 1752.
6. Nath'l., bap. Mar. 31, 1728, in Scit. Left no desc'ts. on rec.
7. Benj., bap. Oct. 4, 1730, in H.
8. Rachel, bap. Oct. 4, 1730, m. John Gould, Bridg'r., Oct. 26, 1749.
9. Mary, July 15, 1732, m. Marlboro' Turner, Nov. 26, 1753.
10. Relief, Oct. 1738.
NOTE.-There was a Benj., who m. Naomi Bailey, Mar. 9, 1741, and had - Ezra, Sep. 10, 1741;
- Stephen, May 15, 1744;
- Benj„ Feb. 22, 1747;
- Nath’l, Ap. 16, 1749; and
- Jacob, Mar. 22, 1753.
A little obscurity hangs over these families, which we have found it difficult entirely to clear up.
12. Ebenezer, s. Benj. (3) from the best information I can gain m. Elizabeth Ramsdell, Feb. 2, 1749, and d. Mar. 6, 1753, and his wid. m. Joseph Bates, Jan. 3, 1761. He`had ch.: -
1. Elizab., May 18, 1750, prob. d. Dec. 9, 1810.
2. Wm., Oct. 14, 1751, m. Rebecca —-, and d. June 25, 1793, and his wid. m. Isaac Turner, Aug. 28, 1795. His ch. were
- Wm. G., bap. June 25, 1775, stud. Law with Benj. Whitman, Esq., and d. June 25, 1795;
- Rufus, 1777, d. 1791;
- Rebecca, bap. May 23, 1779, m. Ozias Whiting, Mar. 2, 1797;
- Saba, bap. Sep. 16, 1787, m Richard Estes, May 15, 1803; and
- Samuel, bap. July 4, 1790, d. Sep. 12, 1792.
13. David, s. Benj. (3) m. Bethia Sprague, of Dux'y., Dec. 14, 1732, and had in H., -
1. Nehemiah, Jan. 3, 1733.
2. Ezekiel, Ap. 30, 1735.
3. Paul, May 29, 1737.
4. Michael, Ap. 30, 1739.
5. David, Aug. 23, 1741.
6. Ruth, July 31, 1743.
*After this date, the family disappears, and we find no farther trace of it. The father prob. moved from the town with his ch.,—and tradition says, to the Western part of Mass.
14. Peleg Curtis, s. Benjamin (3) m. Experience Ford, ab. 1749, and lived in Scit., in the house afterwards occupied by his son Peleg, and now owned by his gr. s. Philip. He was quite a business man; a substantial farmer, and a man of industry and thrift. ch.: -
1. Lucy, d. unm., ab. 1825.
2. Experience, m. Sam'l. Randall, of Scit.
3. Peleg.
4. Bethia, m. Jas. Gray, ab. 1785.
5. Thankful, m. Peleg Simmons, of Scit.
6. Leafy, d. young.
7. Joseph, Jan. 12, 1766.
15. William Curtis, s. Wm. (4) m. Margaret Pratt, Jan. 29, 1718, and d. in H., Mar. 4, 1737. Prob. lived on Curtis st. ch.: -
1. Abel, Nov. 24, 1719. Left no desc'ts on record.
2. Jael, or Joel(?) Aug. 14, 1721. No desc'ts. are recorded.
- 3. Wm., Aug. 27, 1724, (m. Martha Mann, Nov. 13, 1747, and d. Jan. 11, 1759 (?) leaving ch.:
- Wm., Dec. 4, 1748, m Debo. Curtis, Jan. 5, 1775, was Selectman in 1786, d. June 26, 1793, and his desc'ts. are in Me.;
- Martha, Dec. 11, 1750, m. John Barnes, jr., H'm., Feb. 16, 1772 ;
- Abel, Aug. 10, 1752;
- Joel, June 28, 1754;
- Samuel, May 24, 1756; and
- Margaret, June 28, 1758, m. Ezra Briggs, jr., May 13, 1784.)
4. Marg't., Nov. 6, 1726, m. Jno. Barnes, H'm., Dec. 24, 1746.
5. Reuben, Feb. 6, 1729.
6. Lemuel, Nov. 9, 1731.
7. Mehitable, Nov. 1, 1734, m. Elijah Waters, of H'm., Mar. 31, 1755.
NOTE.-Ebenezer, s. Wm., jr., Zintha Stetson, and had ch., of whom a da. Cynthia, m. Wm., Whiting, of H., and Mary H., m. Benj. Munroe. He had other ch., most of whom are m., and live in Me.
16. John, s. John (5) m. (1) Abigail Waters, of H'm., Sep. 23, 1738, (2) Sarah Franklin, of H'm., June 29, 1732. And (3) Mary Bryant, of Scit., Nov. 6, 1738, who d. June 2, 1797, ae. 86, and he Mar. 23, 1799, ae. 90. He had no ch. by his first w. By the 2d. w. he had; -
1. Sarah, Mar. 16, 1733.
2. Miriam, Oct. 20, 1734.
3. John, May 6, 1737, d. young.
(By 3d.) -
4. Betty, Aug. 26, 1739, m. Solo. Bryant, of Plympton, May 1, 1766.
5. John, Jan. 2, 1741.
6. An infant d., Ap. 23, 1743.
17. Bezaleel Curtis, s. John (5) m. Mary -------, who d. Mar. 8, 1792, ae. 73, and he, Ap. 26, of the same year. He built the house on the W. side of Washington st., a few rods S. of Hiram Gardner's, and there lived and d. ch.: -
1. Susanna, June 8, 1744, m. Thos. Hatch, Jan. 12, 1769.
2. Eben'r., Sep. 28, 1745, (m. Mary Randall, of Scit., who d. in Oct., 1800, and he, Aug. 12, 1807. Lived where Hiram Gardner now resides, and had
- Clarissa, bap. Aug. 16, 1778, m. Nath'l. Winslow, jr., of Scit., Oct. 13, 1796;
- Paul, bap. June 13, 1779, d. unm.; and
- Michal, bap. June 16, 1786, m. Col. John Collamore, of Scit., and had 12 ch., of whom are John, Esq., dealer in glass and china ware, Boston, and Davis and Eben'r., of N. York.)
3. Mary, bap. Oct. 2, 1748, d. ae. 18.
4. Prince, bap. Ap. 1, 1750, d. Oct. 31, 1815.
5. Experience, bap. Jan. 6, d. Jan. 7, 1754.
6. Experience, bap. Ap. 13, 1755, d. Jan. 1842.
7. Elizabeth, bap. Oct. 1757, d. Dec. 9, 1810.
8. Paul, bap. Jan. 24, 1763, d. unm.
9. Nabby, bap. Sep. 9, 1764, d. Oct. 1, 1787.
18. Simeon Curtis, (Capt. Simeon,) s. Samuel, (6) m. (1) Asenath Sprague, of Duxbury, April 20, 1742, who d. September 14, 1757; and (2) wid. Lucy Macomber, and d. March 7, 1810. Lived in the house now occupied by Thomas O. Bates, W. of Silver st., and was a man of note in the town; highly intelligent, and useful in public affairs. ch.: -
1. Simeon, July 4, 1743, d. Nov. 14, 1753.
2. Melzar, Ap. 17, 1745.
3. James, July 17, 1747. Moved to Freeport, Me., m. and had James, Simeon, &c. Was Rep. to the Mass. Leg., from Me.
4. Asenath, Nov. 21, 1749, d. Nov. 3, 1753.
5. Lusanna, Nov. 25, 1753, m. Elijah Stetson, Dec. 13, 1791.
6. Simeon; Oct. 11, 1756.
(By 2d.) -
7. Barker, bap. Nov. 18, d. Dec. 2, 1759.
8. Lucy, May 4, 1761, d. Dec. 17, 1793.
9. Asenath, bap. June 19, d. July 1, 1763.
10. Mary, July 30, 1767, m. Job Young (?)
11. Barker, Nov. 11, 1769, stud. Law with Benj. Whitman, and had an office for a time where Hiram Curtis now lives, but finally moved to Me., and m, but had no ch.
19. Joshua, s. Joseph (7) m. Abigail House, Dec. 17, 1761, and sett. in Ab'n., where both he and his w. d. ch.: -
1. Joshua.
2. Abigail, m. Ebed Vining, of Ab'n.
3. Rufus.
4. Joseph, prob. lost at sea.
5. Marlboro'.
6. Leafy, m. Isaac Barrill.
7. Seth.
20. Abner, s. Josiah (8) m. (1) Debo. Mann, in 1749; (Scit. Rec.) (2) Sally Ford, July 3, 1766, who d. May 2, 1795, ae. 64; and (3) wid. Phebe Dunbar, formerly a Howard; Ap. 6, 1799, and d. in H., Sep. 18, 1799, ae 72. A curious document, containing the marriage contract between Mr. C., and his 3rd w., is in the possession of Dea. John Brooks, of H. Mr. C. lived on Curtis, now Main st., near the Baptist Church. ch.: -
1. Abner, 1754 (?)
2. Debo., m. Wm. Curtis, jr., Jan. 5, 1775.
3. Seth.
4. Huldah, m. Eells Damon, July 6, 1775.
5. Rebecca, m. Stephen Damon.
21. Elisha, s. Elisha (9) m. (1) Elizabeth Studley, Jan. 15, 1760, who d. July 10, 1776, (2) Elizabeth Church, July 20, 1777, who d. Nov. 15, 1795, ae 55; and (3) wid. Macomber, of Mf'd. lived near Gardner's mill, also at the Tiffany place, and finally moved to N. Salem, N. H. ch.: -
1. Reuben, m. Hannah Barker, of Pemb., and prob. d. Mar. 9, 1806, ae. 44.
2. Betty, bap. Ap. 15, 1764, m. Thos. Macomber, jr., Mf'd., Ap. 3, 1794.
3. Martha, bap. Oct. 19, 1766, d. unm.
4. Temperance, m. Nath'l. Stetson, Nov. 7, 1793.
5. Philip, bap. Aug. 12, 1776, d. same year.
6. Rebecca, m. Elisha Barker, of Pemb., Feb. 15, 1797.
7. Elisha, m. Hannah Curtis, and went to N. Salem, in 1802.
8. Lucinda, 1817, d. June 21, ae. 23.
22. Calvin Curtis (Captain Calvin,) s. Elisha (9) m. Martha Bryant, and lived on Mill st., where T. J. Gardner, Esq., now resides. His old house is gone. He was an officer in the Rev'n., and one whose name is often alluded to on the Rev'y. Rolls, and the records of the town. See chapter 8. ch.: -
1. Calvin, Oct. 23. 1777, moved to Camden, Me., m. and d. there, leaving 3 sons.
2. Capt. Edward, Sep. 10, 1779, m. Desire Jacobs, Mar. 24, 1811, lived on his father's place, was a carpenter by trade, and a man much respected. He d. Nov. 12, 1845, leaving one da. Elvira, Ap.2, 1814, m T. J. Gardner, Esq., Nov. 29, 1832.
3. James, May 21, 1781, m. Prudence Bird, and lived and d. in Charlestown, Mass., leaving ch.
4. Lebbeus, May 10, 1783, lived in Chas'n., was m., and went into the Army, in the war of 1812.
5. Mary, Aug. 25, 1785, m. Joseph Tibbett, of Methuen.
6. Martha, Ap. 4, 1789, d. unm., Mar 25, 1847.
23. Jesse, s. Jesse (10) m. (1) Hannah Peterson, of Scit., July 27, 1768, who d. Aug. 5, 1791; and (2) wid. Lucy Morton, formerly a Leavitt, and d. Dec. 13, 1811, ae. 68. Lived on Main st., where the wid. Thomas now resides. ch.: -
1. Hannah, m. Elisha Curtis, Nov. 29, 1787.
2. David, Jan. 22, 1781.
3. Jesse, Dec. 24, 1783.
4. Joseph, Feb. 12, 1786.
24. Peleg, s. Peleg (14) m. Ruth Bowker, lived in Scit., was a farmer, and d. in June, 1834, and his wid. Dec. 14, 1845, ae. 86. ch.: -
1. Leafy, Mar., 1783, m. Stowers Clapp, and d. ab. 1803, leaving a son Edward, who is in Pawtucket.
2. Philip, June 5, 1786, a carpenter by trade, m. Sarah Everton, of Canton, and has
- Leafy, m. Wm. Ulman, of Boston; and
- Sarah, m. Samuel. Q. Cochran, of Boston.
- 3. Stephen, Feb. 1792.
25. Joseph, s. Peleg (14) m. Polly Bowker, Feb. 1, 1808, and lived in So. Scit., near the 3d Herring brook, where he d. Nov. 7, 1834. His wid. survives. ch.: -
1. Leafy, Nov. 29, 1808, m. Joel Bowker, and lives in Bos'n.
2. Joseph, Aug. 10, 1810, d. Aug. 5, 1811.
3. Joseph, June 11, d. Nov. 14, 1812.
4. Joshua, July 21, 1814, m. Frances M., da. Seth Curtis, lives in Brighton, and has
5. Peleg, Oct. 18, 1818, a carpenter by trade, m. Abby S., da. Seth Curtis, and has
- Sophronia L., Sep., 1849, and
- an inf. s., b. 1852.
6. Joseph, Jan. 4, 1822. Merchant, of the firm of Curtis, Sampson, & Co., Kay st., Boston. Not m.
26. Reuben, s. Wm. (15) m. Mary Randall, who d. Mar. 25, 1757, and he May 15, 1758, having one son, Snow, bap. Aug. 10, 1755. Snow Curtis, the son, was Selectman of H. for eighteen years, and possessed fine business talents. He m. Bathsheba Hatch, lived on his father's place, on Wash'n. st., where Wm. Curtis now resides, and there d. of a cancer, Dec. 31, 1823, and his wid. Nov. 2, 1831, ae 70. ch.: -
1. Reuben, Ap. 26, 1784, d. Feb. 20, 1818.
2. Bela, Nov. 20, 1785, d. Ap. 17, 1803.
3. Capt. Levi, Oct. 29, 1787, m. Ruth Rogers, in 1814, lives on Elm st., was Selectman from 1821-1826; T. C., from 1815-18; and Capt. of the H. Artil. Co. No ch.
4. Bathshua, Oct. 2, 1789, d. Oct. 28, 1794.
5. Robert, Ap. 1, 1791, m. Katurah Studley, Ap. 16, 1826, lives on Wash'n. st., and has Robert S., Feb. 12, 1827, Clerk with S. Josselyn.
6. Mary R., Ap. 28, 1793.
7. Barshua, July 31, 1798, m. Luther Curtis, Jan. 30, 1820.
8. Wm., Ap. 9, 1800, m. Sarah Winslow, Mar. 3, 1833, lives on his father's place, and has Mary W., and Sarah J.
27. Lemuel Curtis, s. William (15) m. Ruth Mann, Jan. 16, 1752, and d. Jan. 11, 1807, and his wid. July 29, 1808. He owned part of the Forge in H., now known as the Curtis Forge, and lived on Wash'n. st., where his grand-son John now resides. He was Selectman from 1773-'78. ch.: -
1. Lemuel, Ap. 1753, d. June 27, 1767, being drowned.
2. Ruth, bap. Dec. 21, 1755, d. June 28, 1790.
3. Olive, bap. Ap. 8, 1759, d. July 14, 1798.
4. Lillis, bap. Mar. 22, 1761, d. Nov. 5, 1776.
5. Reuben, Esq., bap. Ap. 24, 1763, m. Abigail Bailey, Nov. 23, 1801, who d. Dec. 24, 1841, and he Dec. 18, 1849. He was T. C. from 1807-15; Rep. from 1815-'18, and from 1823-'25; lived where Capt. Thos. B. Donnell does, on Elm st.; was part owner of the Forge, and a trader. Left one da. Ruth, b. July 18, 1805, m. Capt. Thos. B. Donnell, in 1843, and d. Jan. 23, 1849.
6. Consider, 1765.
7. Sarah, bap. Ap. 30, 1769, d. Nov. 17, 1802.
8. Lydia, bap. Jan. 6, 1771, d. unm. ab. 1838.
9. Lemuel, June 6, 1772.
10. Nath'l., Sep. 14, 1777.
28. John, s. John (16) m. Anne Curtis, Mar. 28, 1765, who d. Jan. 14, 1823, ae. 75, and he Sep. 26, 1799. Lived on Curtis st., near where Joseph Dwelley now does. His house is gone. He was Selectman in 1779. ch.: -
1. Debo., d. unm.
2. Anne, bap. Dec. 14, 1766, d. Aug, 28, 1834.
3. Charlotte, bap. Jan. 3, 1768, d. Aug. 23, 1800.
4. John, 1770.
5. Wm., bap. Ap. 24, 1774, d. July 3, 1800.
6. Alathea, bap. Oct. 27, 1776, d. June 9, 1777.
7 Alathea, bap. Dec. 20, 1778, d. Ap. 16, 1801.
8. Sam'l., bap. July 25, 1784, d. Aug. 20, 1826.
9. Lucius, bap. May 29, 1791, moved to Me., m. and has ch.
10. Mary, bap. Oct. 6, 1799, m. Thomas Brooks, Feb. 28, 1816, moved to Me., and d. there.
11. Christopher, moved to Me., and there d.
12. Nath'l., went to Me., m. and had ch.
29. Melzar Curtis, (Melzar Esq.,) s. Capt. Simeon (18) m. Keziah, da. Dr. Jere. Hall, Ap. 25, 1771, and d. Nov. 8, 1801, and his wid. Mar. 9, 1816. Lived on Silver st., where the wid. of his son Melzar resides, in the house now owned by Martin S. Bates, built by Mr. C. and his bro. Jas. He was Selectman from 1783-'85; Rep. in 1784, and from 1790-'92; and T. C. from 1787-'93. ch.: -
1. Keziah, Aug. 25, 1771, m. Joseph Cushing, Nov. 6, 1794, and moved to Me,
2. Jeremiah, Feb. 25, 1776, d. Dec. 1, 1798.
3. Joanna, July 15, 1784, m. Dr. David Bailey, of Scit., Nov. 7, 1801.
4. Lusannah, June 25, 1789, d. Ap. 16, 1790.
5. Melzar, Feb. 3, 1774, d. Jan. 25, 1777.
6. Melzar, Esq., bap. July 12, 1778, m. Sarah Collamore, sister of Col. John, of Scit., lived on Silver st., was Rep. in 1822; and '26 ; T. C. from 1818-'24; and Selectman for 11 Years. Left no ch. He d. in Jan., 1836.
7. Asenath, May 8, 1781, m. Geo. Bailey.
8. Laurentia, Feb. 4, 1787, d. May 4, 1790.
9. Luther, Ap. 20, 1791, a carpenter by trade; lived on Silver st.; m. Bathshua Curtis, Jan. 30, 1820, and d. Aug. 25, 1814, leaving
- Bathshua,, Oct. 6, 1822, and
- Wm. H., May 8, 1825, m. Susan m. Tower, of Braintree, Nov. 7, 1852, and lives in his father's house.
30. Capt. Simeon, s. Capt. Simeon (18) m. Bathsheba Sylvester, Dec. 13, 1791, and sett. in E. Bridg'r., where he d. in 1837, ae. 80. He was a soldier in the Rev'n. ch.: -
1. Bathsheba, 1791, m. Capt. Isaac Keith, of Bridg'r., in 1815, and has
- Quincy A., m. Priscilla Hathaway, has 3 ch., and lives in Ky.;
- Robert C., m. Louisa Keith, and has 1 ch. living;
- Bathsheba, not m.;
- Isaac; and Simeon C.
2. Silvester, 1795, m. Heman Keith, of East Bridg'r. No ch.
- 3. Simeon, 1797, is unm., and lives on his father's place, in E. Bridg'r.
4. Robert, 1799, m. Abby M., da. Dan'l. Bryant.
31. Joshua, s. Josh. (19) was a shipmaster in early life, m. Nancy Ridyard, of Eng'd., and sett. in Ab'n., where he d. in Ap., 1825, ae. 62. ch.: -
1. Joshua, 1791.
2. Rufus, m. a da. of Dea. Elijah Shaw, of Ab'n., lives in E. Randolph, and has ch.
3. John, 1797, m. Eliza Holbrook, lives in E. Ab'n., is a shoemaker, and has
- Eliza .E., m. Jesse Reed, of Ab'n.;
- Sarah H., m. Turner Reed ;
- Mary L., m. Wm. Fobes;
- Ann, d. 1851; and
- John H.
4. Nancy, m. Silas Lane, of Ab'n., and is d.
5. Joseph, is m., lives in Bos'n., and has
- George; and
- Rebecca, m. a Van Ambridge (?)
6. Thurza, m. Thos. Foster, of Ab'n.
7. Abigail, d. unm.
8. Marg't., d. ae. 21.
9. Salome, m. Reuben Burrill, and lives in N. Y'k.
10. Henry R., 1811, m. (1) Salome Studley, and (2) Elmira Studley, lives in E. Ab'n., is a shoemaker, and has
- Mary F.;
- Henry S.; and
- Edward C.
32. Rufus, s. Josh. (19) m. Diana Keen, of Dux'y., Nov. 29, 1802, and she is living a wid. in Scit. ch.: -
1. Diana, m. (1) Colman Jenkins, and (2) Harvey Merritt.
- 2. Rufus, m. Rhoda Briggs, Feb., 1837, and has
- Harriet A. B., July 1838;
- Wm. F., Jan. 1846; and
- Geo. H., Mar., 1851.
3. Thomas J., Nov. 17, 1808, lives at Scit. harbor, m. Jane T. Chubbuck, and has
- Mary J.;
- Laura A ;
- Julia T.; and
- James H.
4. Lydia P., July 27, 1809, m. Judson Bates, of H.
5. George, m. Debo. Lincoln, of H'm., who d., leaving ch.:
- Emma S.;
- Geo. H.; and.
- Lizzy M.
33. Marlboro, s. Josh. (19) m. Lupira Bisbee, of Pemb., who was b. Dec. 7, 1784, and d. in H'm. ch.: -
1. Abigail, m. Sam'l. Shaw, of E. Bridg'r.
2. Lupira, m. Eben'r. Joy, of S. Wey'h.
3. Joseph, m. Caroline Thomas, lives in S. Wey'h., and has
- Joseph L. ;
- Caroline F.;
- Edwin M.; and
- Prescott.
4. Elbridge, m. (1) Eliza A., da. Jere. White, of Wey'h.; and (2) Matilda W., da. David Horton, of E. Bridg'r., lives in E. B., and has
- Elbridge R.;
- Minot S.; and
- Edward B.
5. John, m. Mary A. Torrey, of Wey'h., lives in S. and has Anne F.
6. Robert.
7 Mary A., m. Chas. Thompson, of E. Bridg'r., and has Susan A. and Mary E. Mr. T. is a painter by trade, and is a. of Cha's. of Hfx.
34. Seth, s. Josh. (19) m. Sophia Pratt, of S. Wey'h., and had ch.; -
1. Seth, Sep. 1806, not m.
2. Sophia, m. Christopher S. Bass, of S. Wey'h.
3. Sally, m. Noah Vining, shoe mfr. of S. Wey'h.
4. Susan, m. Sam'l. Wales, of N. Ab'n,
5. Maria, m. Wm. Tribou, of E. Bridg'r.
6. Freeman, m. Hannah Corthell, of H'm., lives in S. Wey'h, and has
7. Joseph, m. Melinda Torrey, lived in S. Wey'h., and there d., leaving no ch;
8. Jane, d. ae. ab. 15.
35. Abner, s. Abner (20) m. Lydia Bowker, of Scit., and d. Feb. 2, 1838, ae. 84, and his wid. in 1852, ae. 94. ch..; -
1, Davis, bap. Oct. 13, 1776, m. (1) Charlotte Lovice, of H'm., (2), Mary Oliver, of Me., and (3) Marg't. Standley, lives in Me., and has
- Jas.;
- Jno. O.;
- Lydia, m. a Gould, and d.;
- Charlotte S., m. Benj. Carter;
- Polly, m. Nathan Barlow;
- Charlotte, m. Jno. Benner, and is d.; and
- Hiram, d. ae. 4.
2. Desire, Feb. 1, 1778, m. Thos. Farrow, of Townsend, Mass.
3. Job.
4. Sally L., m. Levi Nash.
5. Deborah, m. Isaac Wade, of H.
6. Mary, m. David Vining, of H.
7. Lydia, m. (1) Caleb Torrey, and (2) Dan'l. Bishop.
36. Seth, a. Abner (20) m. Persis Loring, and d. in June, 1812, and his wid. Oct. 1, 1825. Lived first where Benj. Mann, Esq., resides, and afterwards where Isaac Wade now lives, on Main st. ch.: -
1. Lucy, Nov. 5, 1791, m. Dan'l. Dunbar, of H'm.
2. Rebecca, Feb. 16, 1773, m. Ephraim Stetson, of Ab'n., Feb. 1, 1819.
3, Seth, Ap. 16, 1794, m. Ruth Loring, of H'm., lives in So. Scit., is a farmer, and has
- Charles A., Aug. 21, 1817;
- Abby S., Jan. 6, 1820, m. Peleg Curtis;
- Frances M., May 25, 1823, m. Joshua Curtis; and
- Ruth A., Mar. 9, 1827.
4. Loring, Oct, 5, 1797, lives in H., near the Bap. Church, m. Merrill Mann, Jan. 23, 1823, and has
- Nancy H., Jan. 26, 1825;
- Mary, Ap. 13, 1827; and
- Sarah J., Feb. 23, 1829, m. Walter W. Wardrobe, Mar. 12, 1848.
5. Abner, Esq., June 11, 1800; resides in E. Ab'n.; is unm., and is one of the most extensive and enterprising shoe- manufacturers in Plym'h. Co.; giving employment to several hundred hands annually, and doing business to the amount of over $200,000, at his establishment in E. Ab'n., and at his extensive warehouse, on Pearl st., Boston. Mr. C. is distinguished as a liberal and public- spirited man; always ready to aid a good work; and for business talent, and decision of character, has few superiors.
6. Hannah, Mar. 15, 1802, m. Nath'l. Ficket, of Ab'n., Mar. 4, 1821.
7. Sophia, 1804, d. Feb. 12, 1808.
8. Enos, Jan. 31, 1807, m. Mary J. Burrill, of Ab'n., lives on Whiting st., and has Sophia J., 1830, m. Wm. Studley, Dec. 17, 1851; Lysander; and Mary.
9. Sarah, Ap. 11, 1809, m. Edmund Shaw, of Ab'n.
10. Peter, m. Clarissa Ripley, lives in E. Ab'n., and has Persis, and Corinne.
37. David, s. Jesse (23) m. Sarah, da. Paul, jr., and gr.-da. Paul Revere, of Bos'n., and d. in B. ab. 1841, and his wid. in 1843. ch.: -
1. David, d. unm. ab. 1838.
2. Maria, d. ab. 1839.
3. Charles R., m. Lydia S. Barstow, lives in E. Ab'n., is a shoemaker, and has
- Chas, H.;
- David P., d. young; and
- Geo. E.
4. Wm. H., May 8, 1813, m. Jane M., da. Lem’l. Dwelley, and wid. of Geo. Merriam, in Sep., 1839, lives on Main st., and has
- Edward B., Feb. 11, 1840;
- Geo. E., Ap. 23, 1844; and
- Ellen M, Aug. 12, 1849.
5. Caroline L., d. ab. 1838.
6. Geo. R., m. Hannah Hill, lives in Bos'n., and has
7. Edward A., Feb. 22, 1822, lives in Bos'n., is a Type Founder, m. Louisa M., da. Maj. Ephraim Andrews, of Lowell, in 1851, and has no ch.
8. Sarah A.
38. Jesse, s. Jesse (23) m. Sally Nash, and d. in Chas'n., and his wid. is living on Main st. in H., in her father's house. He was a shipwright by trade. ch.: -
1. Ruth, m. Wm. Hayden, of Scit.
2. Roxa., m. Capt. Robinson.
3. Debo., not m.
4. Sophronia, m. Abner Loring, and d. in Bos'n.
5. Jesse, m. Alice Forbush, lives in Bos'n., and is a copper- smith. Has no ch.
39. Joseph, s. Jesse (23) m. Hannah Gardner, of H'm., and d. Dec. 28, 1841, ae. 56, and. his w. Mar. 21, 1840, ae. 59. A ship carpenter by trade, and worked at the Navy Yard, Chas'n. ch.: - 1. Hannah P., Ap. 5, 1806, m. Freeman Farrow, Nov. 21 1824, and is living in H.
2. Joseph, Dec. 5, 1808, m. Debo. Hayden, Nov. 26, 1829, and d. Nov. 22, 1844, and his wid. Thos. H. Gardner, Aug. 31, 1845. His ch. were:
- Henry, Feb. 23, 1833;
- Geo. W., Feb. 22, 1841; and
- Joseph H., Feb. 7, 1844.
3. Lucy C., Mar. 1811, m. Laban Wilder, Jr., July 15, 1832, and d. Ap. 21, 1843.
4. Capt. Benj. N., July 30, 1813, m. (1) Lydia S., da. Capt. Elisha Barrell, Dec. 25, 1836, who d. Mar. 24, 1840, and (2) Sarah, da. Calvin D. Wilder, May 12, 1844, lives on Walnut st., and had by 1st, Lydia M., May 30, d. Oct. 8, 1838 and by 2d, Frances A., Dec. 14, 1846.
40. Stephen, s. Peleg (24) m. (1) Lucinda Bailey, June 16, 1816; and (2) Mary S. Hitchcock, Dec. 3, 1818, and d. Mar. 6, 1831, and his wid. m. Eben'r. Simmons, Esq., and d. Ap. 30, 1837. ch.; -
1. Lucinda, d. Aug. 18, 1817.
(By 2d.) -
2. Stephen, Sep., 1820, m. (1) Matilda, da. Hon. Sam'l. A. Turner, of Scit., in Aug., 1846, who d. Oct. 2, 1847, ae. 23; and (2) Eliza F., da. Sam’l. Payson, of Boston, and is clerk in the extensive jewelry establishment of Palmer & Batchelders. No ch.
3. Henry J., June 2, 1822, m. Abby, da. R. Jacobs, Esq.; of Scit., Sep. 20, 1848, and is T. C. of So.. Scit. No ch.
41. Consider, s. Lemuel, (27) m. (1) Mary House, of Pemb., Nov. 10, 1806, who d. in 1809; and (2) Hannah Fuller, in 1811, who d. Ap. 24, 1832, and he in May, 1840, ae. 75. Was part owner of the Curtis Forge, &c. Had one son, George, b. Sep. 23, 1807, m. Nancy, da. Joel Bowker, of Salem, Nov. 11, 1834, lives on Elm st., and is the proprietor of the Curtis Forge. No ch.
42. Lemuel, s. Lemuel, (27) m. Abigail Rose, lived on Wash'n. st., where his son John now resides, and was part owner of the Curtis Forge, &c. He is d., and his wid. survives. ch.: -
1. Sally, Dec. 25, 1803, m. Michael Sylvester, of H.
2. Nabby, Aug., 1805, m. Josiah Winslow, of H.
3. Judith, Oct. 11, 1808, m. Geo. Studley, Jan. 30, 1834.
4. Jno., Nov., 1812. Not m.
5. Lucinda, Oct., 1815. Not m.
43. Nath'l., s. Lemuel 27, m. Nancy Stoddard, of Scit., Mar. 3, 1805, who d. in Oct., 1842, and he Feb. 4, 1849. Lived -where Charles Dyer does, on Water st.,- and was part owner of the -works there. ch. : - 1. Warren, Feb. 4, 1806, m. Harriet, da. Joseph Noyes, of Bos'n., May 2, 1829, lives in S. H'm., and has
- Harriet, Feb. 22, 1831 ;
- Joseph, W., d. ae. 11 mo's. ; and
- Sarah A., d. ae. 8.
2. Bethia, Jan. 27, 1808, m. Major Joshua Mann, of H., July 12, 1829.
- 3. Nath'l. IL, July 6, 1812, a merchant, in N. Y'k. Not m.
- 4. Nancy N., Jan. 20, 1815, m. Benj. B. Hall, of H., Nov. 26, 1838.
44. John, s. John 28, m. Sally Mann, Nov. 1, 1798, and d. Dec. 5, 1851, ae. 80. Was Selectman in 1822. ch. : - 1. Sally, Jan. 17, 1799, m. Ezra Whiting.
- 2. John, Aug. 3, 1801, d. Mar. 3, 1817.
- 3. Wm., Sep. 6, 1803. 4. Benj., Nov. 1, 1807, d. Aug. 28, 1833.
- 5. Martin, Feb. 6, 1810.
- 6: Alathea, July 12, 1812, m. Calvin Faxon, of Ab'n., Ap. 30, 1832, and d. June 29, 1845.
- 7. John, July 10, 1816, m. Marian A., da. Sam'l. N. Fuller, of Bos'n., in Oct., 1845, is a merchant, in Bos'n., and has Alice .8., Ap. 1847.
- 8. Lucinda, Aug. 16, 1819, m. Joseph H. Studley, Nov. 2, 1839.
45. Joshua, s. Joshua 31, m.(1) Nancy, da. Eliab Studley, Mar. 18, 1816; and 2, Marietta Gurney ; lives in E. Ab'n. ; is a shoe manufacturer ; and has - 1. Albert, d. ae. 25.
- 2. Leander, Ma. Maria L. Lane, lives in E. Ab'n., is a shoe mrr., and has
- Albert,
- Julia M.,
- Elvira L., and
- Charles W. .
- 3. Elvira, m. Leonard Blanchard, and lives in Bos'n.
- 4. Joshua, May 31, 1825, m. Antoinette Atwell, of Lynn, lives in E. Ab'n., and has
- Wendell and
- Frederick M., d. Oct., 1851, ae. 2.
- 5. Mary E.
6. Marg't.
- 7. Sam'l. G.
- 8. George.
- 9. Ellen.
46. Job. s. Abner 35, m. Bahia, da. Abiel Farrow, lived in S. Scit., and there d., in Feb., 1843. His wid. survives. ch. : - 1.. Bethia, m. Hosea Whiting, of H'm., Oct. 24, 1827, and is d..
- 2. Job, m. Manilla Vining, Sep. 15, 1827, lives in E. Ab'n., is a shoemaker, and has
- Edmund B., (m. Susan S. Cobbett, and has
Susan M., Oct., 1850) ; and
- Catherine, 1830, m. Benj. Burrill, of E. Ab'n.
- 3. Hiram, m. Lucinda Wilder, Nov. 27, 1834, lives in Snappet, and has
- Lucinda E., Sep. 15, 1835 ;
- Frederick H., Ap. 27, 1838 ;
- Sarah W., July 5, 1843 ; and
- Lucius W., Oct. 19, 1848.
- 4. Philip. 5. Harriet, m.(1) Jas. Doten, Dec. 9, 1832, and (2), Benj. Jacobs.
- 6. Nahum, m. Betsey Harlow, June, 1835, and. has
- Roza A., Mar. 1, 1836 ;
- Adaline M., July 1, 1839 ;
- Bethia C., Ap., 1841;
- Helen A., Feb. 29, 1843 ; and
- Oscar H., Sep., 1851.
- 7. Abigail, m. Calvin Wilder.
- 8. Edwin, m. — Rogers, of Mf 'd., and has ch.
- 9. Julia A., m. Henry A. Grose, July 11, 1847.
- 10. Adaline, Zenas Smith, of Ab'n.
47. Wm., s. Jno. 44, m. Cassandra Stetson, Dec. 3, 1826, lives on Union st., is a trader, and has - 1. Geo. Sep. 12, 1827, m. Emma M. Brooks, lives on Main st., and has Julia W., July 19, 1850.
- 2. Angeline, Jan., 1830.
- 3. Cassandra S., Jan. 23, d. Feb. 18, 1832.
- 4. Lucinda, 1834, d. 1836.
- 5. Lucinda, May, 1836.
- 6. Maria, Mar., 1838.
- 7. Benj., Sep., 1840.
- 8. John, May, 1842.
- 9. Avis L., May,1844.
48. Martin, s. John 44, m. Debo. Stetson, in Feb., 1834, lived on Main st., in the housebuilt by Wm. Curtis and Ezra Whiting, ab. 1827, and there d. Aug. 30, 1848, and his wid. improves his residence. ch. : - 1. Helen M., Dec. 17, 1839.
- 2. Ann M., d. ae. 3 mo's.
- 3. Ann F., Ap. 17, 1844.
Matthew, with his wife Nazareth, his sons Daniel, Jeremiah, Matthew, and John, his daughter Deborah, and his wife's sister, Frances Ricroft, widow, sailed from Gravesend, Ap. 26, 1638, in the ship Diligent, John Martin, of Ipswich, master, and arrived at Boston, on the 10th of Aug. Matt., the fa., was b. in Eng'd., in 1588, and was.s. of Peter, of Norfolk, whose gr: fa. had possessed large estates in Lombard st., London. He d. in H'm., Sep. 30, 1660, ae. 72, and his wid. in 1681, ae. 96. The Inventory of his estate may be seen in the Prob. Rec. Suff., vol. 3, pp. 219, 220. Date, Nov. 12, 1660. His four sons, and son-in-law Elatthia" s Briggs, were the appraisers. Deborah and Jeremiah, left no children. The descendants of Daniel, and Matthew, are in H'm., and elsewhere. John settled in Scituate.
2. John, s. Matt., came to Scit., in 1662, according to Deane, and purchased the farm on "Belle house neck," of Capt. John, s. Wm. Vassal, to whom it was laid out in 1634. He m. Sarah, da. Nicholas Jacob, of H'm., 1656; was Dep. to the Col. Ct., many years, from 1674; Ass't. of the Col. Gov't., 1689–'91; and Rep. to the Gen. Ct., at Boston, after the union of the Colonies. His w. d. in 1678, ae. 38, and he in 1708.
3. John, s. John (2) b. Ap. 28, 1662, m. (1) Debo. Loring, of Hull, May 20, 1687, who d. 1713; and (2) Sarah Holmes, 1714. He lived at "Belle house neck," was Chief Just. of the Inf'r. Ct., of Plym'h., from 1702-‘10; Counc'r. of Mass, from 1710–'28; and Judge of the Sup'r. Ct., from 1728-37, of which, according to John Cotton, "he was the life and soul.“ (Deane's Seit., p. 255.He d. in 1737.)
4. Eljiah Cushing, s. John (3) b. Mar. 7, 1697-8, m. Elizabeth,
wid. of Isaac Barker, of Newport, R. I., and daughter of Captain Joseph Barstow, in 1724, and resided on that part of the territory of Hanover, afterwards annexed to Pembroke, and near the spot where his grandson Elijah now resides, in Hanson. He is called Lt. and Capt., on the Rec. of H.; was for many years a Just. of the Peace; the first Rep. of the town, in 1737; and Selectman eleven years, from 1728–'39. He was one to whom much of the public business of the town was confided, and executed his trust with fidelity and success.
5. Joseph Cushing (Hon. Joseph,) s. Elijah (4) was b. Mar. 1, 1731-2, grad. at H. C., 1752, was one of the most valuable citizens of the town in his day. For a sketeh of his life, see p. 110. He was Selectman six years, from 1768–'74, and Representative from 1773–'75, and for '78-79, also Town Clerk from 1774–'78. He m. Ruth, and lived near the Four Corners, where he d. Dec. 19, 1791, and his wid. Feb. 12, 1822. ch.: -
1. Ruth, m. David Stockbridge, jr., Dec. 23, 1779.
2. Charlotte, d. Aug. 24, 1825, ae. 60.
3. Elizabeth, m. Nathaniel Barstow, Aug. 31, 1786.
4. Joseph, m. Kezia Curtis, Nov. 6, 1794, and moved to Me., where his descendants still reside. He has a son Benj., in Camden, Me.
5. Deborah, m. John Hathaway, of Camden, Me., Oct. 29, 1797.
6. Horatio.
6. Horatio, Esq., s. Hon. Joseph (5) m. Ruth, da. John Bailey, and lived in his father's house near the Four Corners. He was Selectman nine years, for 1820, '23, '24, and from 1826-'32; also Rep. in 1831, and '33. ch.: -
1. Mary B., Feb. 11, 1812, d. Sep. 1, 1815.
2. Horatio, June 13, 1813.
3. Henry W., Feb. 18, 1815.
4. Wm., Jan. 12, 1817.
5. Joseph, Dec. 6, 1818.
6. Edward, Ap. 26, 1820.
7. Mary E., June 12, 1821.
8. John H., July 8, 1822.
9. Frances, July 17, 1824.
10. Benjamin, June 20, 1825.
11. Anna O., July 17, 1826.
12. Charles S., May 22, d. Oct. 15, 1828.
13. Lucy E., May 18, 1829.
14. Charles S., Jan. 30, 1831.
NOTE.-Mrs. C., after her husband's decease, with her son Henry, built, it is said, the house now occupied by Capt. Nath'l. Barstow, near the Four Corners. She now resides in Hartford, Ct.
7. Dr. Ezekiel D. Cushing, a desc't. of Elijah (4) was in H., in
1827, and d. Ap. 5, 1828, ae. 38. See p. 100. By w. Delia, he had a son, Capt. Nath'l., who m. Elizabeth, da. Edward Barstow, and lived in H., near the Four Corners.
Rev. Samuel, s. Sam'l., and w. Lydia, (Prout,) was b. May 12, 1805, moved from Newburyport to Portland, Me., in 1826, and was there in business until 1834. In Feb. of that year, he moved to Bos'n., and was there in business until 1839. From 1836, to 1839, he spent his time in preparing for the ministry, under the Rev. Dr. Stone, and was settled in Hanover, Mass., in 1842. He m. (1) Julia A., da. Levi Cutter, of Portland, Me., Aug. 31, 1829, who d. Dec. 28, 1830, ae. 24; and (2) Elizabeth D., da. John Gardner, of Exeter. N. H., June 19, 1833. Has one son by her, Samuel G., b. Oct. 30, 1835. Mr. C. resides near the Four Corners, in the fine parsonage house, erected for him by his Society, in 1849, a view of which is annexed.
Jno., and sis. Han'h., were in Scit. as minors, in 1633, under the guardianship of their uncle, Wm. Gillson. The dese'ts. are numerous, in Scit., H., and Mfd.
2. Eells, s. Zach., of Scit., and a desc't. of John, m. Huldah Curtis, May 1, 1777, lived on Whiting st., corner of North, was a housewright, and d. Aug. 26, 1805, being drowned near Boon Island, Me., and his wid. d. Mar. 12, 1830. ch.: -
1. Zach., Dec. 17, 1775.
2. Nath'l. E., Jan. 4, 1780, d. 1781.
3. Eells, June 15, 1783.
4. Job, Nov. 9, 1785, m. Ruth Cushing, went off, and has not been heard from for 20 years.
5. Sally, June 12, 1788, m. Eliph't. Belcher, Wey'h.
6. Rufus C., July 14, 1792, went to Ill's., and m. there.
7. Huldah, May 29, 1794, m. Alvah Wood, and died in Plym'h.
8. Abner, Ap. 19, 1797, d. Ap. 30, 1799.
9. Lenthea, Aug. 22, 1800, m. Sam’l. Turner, Randolph.
3. Zach., s. Eells, (2) m. Sarah Brooks, lived on Whiting st., was a carpenter by trade, and his w. d. Ap. 4, 1847. ch.: -
1. Sarah B., Mar. 16, 1801, m. Chas. Thomas.
2. Thos., Oct. 20, 1804.
3. Joseph B., Nov. 13, 1809, edit. at Newton, m. wid. Martha Burbank, and is sett. as a Bap. Min.,, in Lake Village, N. H.
4. Zach., Sep. 7, 1812, m.. (1) Abig. Southward, Dux'y., and (2) Ann Rogers, Wey'h., and lives in Philipston, Mass.
5. Debo. C., Oct. 3, 1815, m. Benj. Bowker, jr., Hn.
6. Franklin, Oct. 21, 1818, edu. at Newton, m. Han'h. Cushing, and is sett. as a Bap. min. in Brewster, Mass.
4. Eells, s. Eells (2) m. Eleanor Brooks, lived on Curtis st., was a housewright, and d. Feb. 25, 1831, and his wid. Nov. 12, 1846. ch.: -
1. Elenor, Oct. 28, 1810, not m.
2. Eells, July 15, 1812, not m.
3. George, June 5, 1814, m. Sarah H. Crane, Dec., 1838, lives on Main st., and has
- Sarah M., Sep. 29, 1839;
- Geo. F., Aug. 6, 1841;
- Lydia A., Feb. 15, 1844; and
- Dan’l.. W., Nov. 3, 1848.
4. Esther, Mar. 25, 1816, m. Wm. Orcutt, and d. May 24, 1845.
5. Lydia, May 21, 1818, d. Oct. 22, 1850.
6. Danl., Sep. 8, 1821, m. Lucy Crane, 1843, and lives on Main st., no ch.
5. Thos., s. Zach. (3) m. Nabby Bates, Dec. 25, 1827, who d. in 1852. He is a carpenter by trade, lives near the centre of the town, was Selectman in 1839, and has been Constable, Collector, &c. ch.: -
1. Andrew T., Nov. 19, 1829, m. Fanny S. Perry, Ap. 22, 1851, and lives near the Cent. M. Ho.
2. Bernard, Aug. 17, 1831.
3. Nabby F., Oct. 15, 1838.
4. Rector, 1841.
6 Ezra, s. Joseph, of Ab'n., and a desc't. of Jno. of Scit., m. Anna Wilder, of Hm., and d. July, 1825, ae. 71, and his wid Sep. 23, 1831, ae. 75. ch.: -
1. Anna, m. Jos. Jacobs, Oct. 4, 1801, and is d.
2. Elizab., m. (1) Wm. E. Smith, June 3, 1804, and (2) Jos. Jacobs.
3. Ezra, of Quincy, Mass., is m. and has ch.
4. Joseph.
5. Calvin, Ap. 1789.
6. Piam.
7. Mary, m. Jona. Arnold, Ab'n.
8. David, m. Lucy Wade, Aug. 8, 1821, and now lives in So. Scit. Has sev. ch.
9. Sarah, m. a Palmer, and lives in Hm.
10. Thos.
7. Joseph, s. Ezra (6) m. Lucy Tower, Sep. 6, 1812, lives on Whiting st., is a farmer, and has; -
1. Lucy, July 29, 1813, m. Thos. Mann, and is d.
2. Jno., Dec. 3, 1816, m. Martha S. Chubbuck, who is d. and he lives on Whiting st., and has sev. ch.
3. Alvira, A., Jan. 3, 1819, m. Ezra Shaw, Abn.
4. Anne, July 3, 1821, m. Jas. Bates, Aug. 16, 1828.
5. Joseph, Nov. 26, 1823, m. Mary Gerrish, 1852, and lives with his fa.
6. Betsey, Sep. 15, 1825, m. Henry Shaw, Abn.
7. Debo. B., Jan. 12, 1827, d. 1847.
8. Esteria, Ap., 1828, d. Dec. 10, 1850.
9. Jas., July 3, 1821.
10. Mary A., Feb. 3, 1835.
8. Calvin, s. Ezra (6) took his mother's name, and is known as Calvin D. Wilder, lives in Snappet, and m. Sarah Barren, Jan. 15, 1815, who died in 1845. He survives. His ch. Are; -
1. Lucinda, June 9, 1816, m. Hiram Curtis.
2. Calvin, Oct. 8, 1817, m. Abig. Curtis, and lives in So. Scit. No ch.
3. Wm., d. ae. 9 days.
4. Sarah, Sep. 13, 1829, m. Capt. Benj. N. Curtis.
5. Jno. B., Sep. 9, 1824, m. Lydia J. Randall, 1843, lives on Walnut st., and has
- Ellen F., Dec. 9, 1845;
- Geo. A., 1849; and
- Mary C., Mar. 7, 1852.
9. Piam, s. Ezra (6) m. Olive Whiting, June 15, 1814, lives on
Whiting st., is a shoemaker, and has; -
1. Eliza E., Jan. 26, d. Feb. 21, 1817.
2. Martin W., May 23, 1818, m. Abig. S. Puffer, and now lives in Haverhill, Mass.
3. Ruth F., Nov. 7, 1820, m. Hosea Chubbuck, Dec. 22, 1839.
4. Jane T., May 6, 1823, m. Jno. Scott.
5. Elizab. E., Mar. 2, 1826.
6. Henry L., June 27, 1828, d. ae. 13.
7. Wm. W., Jan. 13, 1832.
10. Thos., s. Ezra (6) m. Almira Phillips, in 1828, and d. Ap. 6,
1852, leaving ch.: -
1. Thos. W., Aug. 30, 1830.
2. Ann T., Feb , 1834.
3. Almira, May, 1836.
4. Piam, Aug., 1838.
5. Henry, Jan., 1842.
6. Wash'n., June, 1843.
7. Ezra, 1850.
David, of Hull, b. July 1, 1793, s. Benj., of Pemb., m. Lydia Studley, Aug. 24, 1816, lives on Circuit st., and has; -
1. Sally L., Oct. 8, 1818, m. David J. Davis, Dec., 1834.
2. Harriet L., Jan. 3, 1821, m. Seth H. Vinal, May, 1840.
3. Sophia S., July 11, 1826, m. Joseph Vinal, Ap., 1848.
David J., of N. Yk. State, s. Jona., m. Sally L. Darling, Dec., 1834, lives with her fa., and has; -
1. Wm. F., Mar. 25, 1835.
2. Jno. T., Feb. 25, 1841.
3. Lydia A., May 14, 1843.
4. Horace L, May, 1846
Wm., b. 1790, s. Rev. Ebenr., of Scit., m. (1) Bathsheba, da. Wm.Torrey, of Pemb., Ap. 28, 1814; and (2) Amy, da. Jno. Bailey, and wid. of Edward Barstow, and lives on Wash'n. st., near the Corners. Had 2 ch., Wm. E., d. at sea, ae. 19, and Elizab. A., d. ae. 18 mos. Both by 1st w.
James, b. Nov. 18, 1806, s. Geo., of Dux'y., and a lineal desc't. of Philip de la Noye, who came to Plym'h. in the Fortune, in 1621, lives on Centre st., with Geo. Bates, is a shoemaker, and unm.
Joseph, s. Lem., of Hm., m. Julia A., da. Joseph Vining, lived in H. for a time, and had Julia A., 1841, and Caroline, Jan. 25, 1843. He now lives in E. Abn., is a shoe mfr., and has Sariah, 1845, and Joseph W., June, 1847.
Jno., s. Edward, of Plym'h., b. Feb., 1823, and a lineal desct. of Edward, of Plym'h., 1623, m. Betsey Hughes, 1845, lives on Broadway, is a shoemaker, and has Geo. D., and Jno. T., twins, b. July 14, 1849.
Joseph, was in H. 1760, m. Sarah Palmer, and had; -
1. Joseph, of Bristol, Me.
2. Thos., d. in the Rev'n.
3. Patience S., m. Levi Mann, and d. Mar. 6, 1846, ae. 85.
- 4. Samuel.
5. Rebecca, m. Laban Wilder.
6. Charles, d. Sep. 14, 1832, ae. 62.
2. Samuel, s. Joseph, m. Jane D. Barstow, lived at the Corners, and d. June 5, 1807, and his wid. June 11, 1808. ch.: -
1. Samuel, of Bath, Me., was m. and d. there.
2. Jane B., m. Calvin B. Bailey, of Bath, May 21, 1820.
3. Thos., d. Dec. 1, 1802, ae. 20 mos.
4. Jno., d. in S. Am'a.
5. Capt. Thos. B., Feb., 1804, a shipmaster for many years, now a farmer; lives on Elm st., m. (1) Ruth, da. Reuben Curtis, in Oct., 1843, who d. Jan. 23, 1849, and (2) Sarah Bailey, Jan. 13, 1850. ch.:
- Abby C., June 17, 1844;
- Jane B., Aug. 5, 1845;
(by 2d) - Reuben C., Nov. 23, 1850.
NOTE.--Hon. Sam'l. Donnell, b. 1645, one of the first Councillors of Mass., and J. P., &e., was of York, Me., where he d. in 1717, and his s. Nath. b. 1689, d. in York in 1780, ae. 90. Possibly Joseph, of H, was a desc't. of the Donnell's, of Me.
Amos, of Hm., s. Amos, b. Sep. 1, 1786, a currier by trade, and for many years a respected citizen of H., but now of So. Scit., m. (1) Abig. Gray, who d. Feb. 12, 1830, and (2) Rebecca Gray, May 18, 1835, and has; -
1. Debo., July 8, 1808, m. David Bailey, Ap. 24, 1833.
2. Amos, Aug. 23, 1811, m. Maria Lyon, and lives in Wey'h.
3. Abig., Sep. 25, 1814, m. Richmond Farrow, of So. Scit.
- 4. Lucinda, Mar. 22, 1817, m. Gilman Thompson, the enterprising express man, of Wey'h.
5. Ruth R., Feb. 16, 1820, m. Rufus K. Trott, Wey'h.
6. Elizab. G., Jan. 24, 1825, m. Jere. Bailey, and is of Wey'h.
7. Emma F., Dec. 14, 1828, m. Alexr. Sherman, of Wey'h., Ap. 25, 1'850.
(By 2d.) -
8. Jas. M., Mar. 26, 1837.
9. Harriet M., Jan. 5, d. Oct. 5, 1842.
Rev. Abel G., b. in Chester, Vt., June 25, 1802, s. Jason, jr., and w. Lucy; gr. s. Jason, and w. Sarah (Gates), an early settler of Dummerston, Vt., memb. Leg., J. P., Judge, &c.; gr.-gr.-s. Simeon, and w. Bridget (Richardson); and gr. gr. gr. s. John, of Edinburgh, Scot'd., who m. Sarah Dutton, and lived and d. in Worcester, Mass. Rev. Abel G. m. Lucia Harlow, of
Harvard, Mass., Sep. 23, 1828, who d. Oct. 12, 1851, and has; - 1. Laura J., July 9, 1829.
2. Wm. P., Ap. 1, 1831, is at Amherst Coll.
3. Lucia A., Dec. 20, 1832. See Chap. on Eccl. Hist., and obit. of his w. in the Puritan Recorder for 1851.
Richard, supposed by Deane to have been the same that was in Lancaster, 1654, and in H'm. a few yrs. after, was in Scit., 1665, and his farm was on the road leading from the 3d. Herring brook to the harbor, one mile north of the brook; and his house stood where stood, in 1831, that of Capt. Seth Foster, deces'd. He had meadow land at Tills, aft. Dwelley's creek; and in 1676, was a soldier in Philip's war, and received for his services a grant of land on what is now East st., in H. He d. May 27, 1692. We have not ascertained the place of his nativity, nor the year in which he came to N. Eng. The name is not common, and is rarely found in genealogical works. The name of his w. is not given, nor the dates of birth of his ch. We have only the bap. of Mary, in H'm., in 1664. There were sons Richard, and Jno.; and Sam'l., who d. 1690, in Phip's exped. to Canada. Richard Jr., m. (1) Eamie, da. Roger Glass, Dux'y. Ap. 4, 1682; and (2) Elizab. Simmons, 1690, and d. Dec. 24, 1708, having had; -
1. Mary, 1684;
2. Richard, 1685, m. Grace Turner, Oct. 13, 1712, (who d. Feb. 16, 1715,) and had
- Richard, 1714, and
- Grace, 1716, m. (1) Jesse Turner, Dec. 18, 1734; and (2) Joseph Church (?) Aug. 2, 1742.
3. Elizab., 1687, m. Joseph White, Mf’d„ Dec. 21, 1710.
4. Joshua, 1689;
5. Ruth, 1691, m. Thos. Slack, Nov. 9, 1715;
6. Sam'l., 1693
7. Lydia, 1695, m. Henry Burdett (?) Jan. 1, 1712;
8. Marg't, 1696, m. Henry Merritt, jr., Ap. 13, 1725.
2. John, s. Richard, sen'r., m. Rachel, da. Cornet Jno. Buck, Jan. 4, 1692-'3, and had; -
1. Jno., Jan. 15, 1693–'4, m. Judith Bryant, Dec. 20, 1721, and had
- Jno., 1722,
- Simeon, 1725,
- Ruth, 1726, and
- Benj., 1729.
2. Rachel, Sep. 27, 1695, m. Caleb Turner, Oct. 27, 1713.
3. Ichabod, Dec. 30, 1696.
4. Obadiah, Feb. 21, 1696-'7, d. Mar. 17, 1706.
5. Jedediah, Sep. 5, 1698.
6. Abner, Mar. 7, 1700.
7. Simeon, Dec. 22, 1701.
8. Debo., July 25, 1703, m. Isaac Keen, Pemb., Feb. 17, 1724.
9. Joseph, bap. May 6, 1705.
10. Thankful, Dec. 12, 1706, m. Wm. Fobes, W. Bridg'r., Feb. 3, 1725.
11. Mary, May 18, 1708, d. young.
12. Benj., May 22, 1708. (T. Rec.)
13. Susannah, Dec. 19, 1711.
14. Mary, Sep. 24, 1714, m. Josh. Lincoln, Feb. 18, 1731.
- 15. Lemuel, June 25, 1717. Some of this family may have moved to Rhode Island, in which State the name is still extant.
3. Jedediah Dwelley, s. Jno. (2) m. Elizabeth House, Oct. 7, 1726, and d. Ap. 16, 1738, having had; -
1. Elizab., Ap. 27, 1726.
2. Debo., Sep. 22, 1728.
3. Lusannah, Mar. 20, 1730.
4. Abner, Mar. 6, 1733.
5. Josh., July 20, 1736.
6. Jededi., Mar. 15, 1737.
7. Lot, Ap. 6, 1740, bap. Mar. 16, 1741, being sick. His mo. then a wid. (Rec. 2 Ch., Scit.)
4. Abner, s. Jno. (2) m. Sarah Witherell, Oct. 12, 1721, lived on Elm st., near Col. Barstow's, where part of his orchard, known as the "Abner orchard" is still standing; and d. Sep. 1, 1732, as trad. says, by falling from a load of hay. He was Selectman in 1731 and '32. ch.: -
1. Bradbury, July 17, 1722, d. 1728.
2. Wm., Ap. 13, 1724.
3. Jas. L., Jan. 5, 1726.
4. Sarah L., Dec. 2, 1728.
5. Luke L., Mar. 21, 1730.
5. Joseph, s. Jno. (2) m. Mary Ramsdell, Oct. 9, 1729, and d. ab. 1748. ch.: -
1. Lusannah, bap. Nov. 8, 1730.
2. Mary, Jan. 15, 1731.
3. Drusilla, Dec. 11, 1733.
4. Bradbury, Nov. 26, 1735.
5. Joseph, Oct. 14, 1787, m. Mary Magoun, Pemb., Jan. 7, 1762, and was prob. fa. of Dr. Melzar, of H.
6. Lemuel, Aug. 10, 1741.
7. Ruth, Jan. 8, 1743.
8. Jno., bap. Ap. 9, 1749, his mo. being a wid.
6. Abner, s. Jeded. (3) m. (1) Sarah —, and (2) Debo. House, (?) Jan. 26, 1769, and had; -
1. Abner, Jan. 10, 1758, prob. moved to the Western part of Mass., or to N. Y. State.
2. Jedediah, Oct. 5, 1760.
3. Elizabeth, Sep. 18, 1762.
4. Lucy, Sep. 9, 1766.
5. Debo., Nov. 13, 1768.
7. Joshua, s. Jeded. (3) m. Avis Ramsdell, Dec. 24, 1761, lived in H., and d. Mar. 15, 1787, and his wid. Mar. 19, 1831, ae. 90. He was a soldier in the Rev'n. ch.: -
1. Debo., Oct. 18, 1762, m. Asa Whiting, Ap. 13, 1786.
2. Lemuel, Nov. 7, 1764.
3. Josh., Dec. 13, 1766.
4. Joseph, Nov. 2, 1772, moved to Me., and m. and d. there, leaving ch.
5. Lucy, Sep. 18, 1775, m. Seth Rose, Dec. 4, 1798, and d. Ap. 25, 1845.
6. Priscilla, May 20, 1780, m. Josh Stetson, Oct. 20, 1804, and d. Nov. 27, 1845.
8. Jeded., s. Jeded. (3) was of Pemb., and m. Lydia Soule, Daux'y., Feb. 14, 1763, who d. Ap. 20, 1819, ae. 79. He was a soldier in the Fr. war. ch: -
1. Chas., of Me.
2. Benj., m. Bradbury Stetson, Dec. 7, 1788, lived in P., and had
- Frances, Feb. 7, 1789;
- Elizab., Nov. 13, 1792;
- Bradbury, Ap. 26, 1795, Lem'l. Grover, jr., Mfd., Jan. 2, 1823;
- Sophia, Nov. 1, 1797 d. unm.;
- Mary, July 22, 1799;
- Benj., June 17, 1801, d. May 4, 1802;
- Chas., Ap. 19, 1803; and
- Julia, Oct. 13, 1807.
3. Huldah, m. Christ'r. Thomas, Pemb.
4. Lucy, m. Chas. Josselyn, Pemb.
5. Nathan.
6. Aaron, lived and d. in Pelham, Mass.
7. George, m. Hope Cushing, Oct. 11, 1826, lives in P., and has
- Geo., d. ae. 3;
- Laura A., Feb. 19, 1829, d. young; and
- Huldah, m. Henry Chapman, of P.
8. Lydia, m. Elisha K. Josselyn, of P., Mar. 12, 1797.
9. Lemuel, s. Josh. (7) m. (1) Jane, da. Col. David Cushing, H'm., who d. Dec. 1, 1816, ae. 44; and (2) Lucia Turner, Chas'n., Dec. 1818, lived at the corner of Union and Main sts., and d. Oct 29, 1846, ae. 84. ch: -
1. Lena, June 18, 1798, m. Sarah J., da. Calvin Bailey, Ap. 1827, lives on Union st., was Selectman from 1827 - '31, and from '42 '44; has
- Geo. R., Dec. 5, 1829, at H.;
- Edwin B., Jan. 2, 1831;
- Jedediah, Feb. 28, 1834;
- Sarah B., Mar. 6, 1836 ; and
- Chas. H., Oct. 7, 1843.
2. Jane R., Dec. 9, 1804, m. (1) Geo. Merriam, and (2) Wm., H. Curtis.
3. Geo. R., Sep. 27, 1807, d. Nov., 1827.
4. Jedediah d. Mar. 26, 1834, at Middletown Coll., Ct.
(By 2d) -
5. Joseph T., d. Oct., 1836.
6. Mary T., m. Joseph Briggs, jr.
10. Joshua, s. Josh. (7) m. Rachel Hatch, Mar. 16, 1797, who d. Dec. 11, 1831, and he Dec. 14, 1847. Lived in H. ch.: -
1. Josh., Aug 17, 1798, m. (1) Betsey, da. Chas. Bailey, Nov. 3, 1823, who d. Aug. 2, 1825; and (2) Keziah, da. Geo. Bailey, Jan. 16, 1827, and d. Jan. 30, 1842; had
- Josh., d. Aug. 25, 1825;
(by 2d,) - Josh., Jan 7, 1828, a carpenter;
- Betsey B., Nov. 18, 1829, m. Josh. S. Whiting, June 20, 1847;
- Laurentia C., Mar. 20, 1832; Melzar, Feb. 5, 1835; and
- Geo. B., Aug. 7, d. Nov. 10, 1841.
2. Rachel, May 3, 1800, m. Benj. Bailey, of. H., Ap. 14, 1822.
3. Jno., June 21, 1802, m. Mary Stockbridge, Ap. 1829, lives on Union st., and has
- Almira, Jan., 1833, d. May 3, 1839;
- Jno. H., Feb. 18, 1835;
- Hosea, Dec. 10, 1836;
- Jo seph, Feb. 14, 1839; and
- Mary, Dec. 31, 1843.
4. Almira, Aug. 14, 1806, d. Dec, 9, 1807.
5. Debo., Jan. 18, 1808, m. Jos. Stockbridge.
6. Joseph, Ap. 6, 1813, m. Sally Stockbridge, Feb. 3, 1836, lives on Main st., and has
11. Nathan, s. Jeded. (8) m. (1) Elizab. Bonney, Sep. 26, 1793; and (2) Amy Bonney; and lived and d. in Pemb. ch: -
1. Betsey, Aug. 21, 1794, d. Dec. 21, 1798.
2. Nathan, Feb. 19, 1797.
3. Mary D., Feb. 1, 1799, m. Melzar Sprague, Nov. 28, 1820.
4. Amy M.
5. Jas. H., m. Lois Josselyn, lives in Pemb., and has
- Jas. H.,
- Geo., and
- Mary E.
6. Abner, Sep. 20, 1806, d. Nov. 2, 1811.
7. Chloe B., Sep. 12, 1808, m. (1) Septa Keith, Aug. 7, 1831, and (2) Thos. Perkins.
8. Hannah B., Oct. 29, d. Nov. 5, 1811.
9. Hannah, m Silas Hollis, of H.
12. Capt. Nathan, s. Nathan (11) m Huldah B. Eells, Dec. 5, 1822, and lives at the Corners, in the Capt. Rob't. L. Eells house, a view of which is annexed. Mr. D. was, for a time, Capt. of the H. Rifle Company. ch: -
1. Elizab. E., Nov. 29, 1823, m. Waldo Bradford, Bridg'r., Nov. 28, 1847.
2. Rob't. R, Sep. 14, 1825, m. Mary Lyons, Jtdy 2, 1848, and had Edwin B., Feb. 22, 1850, d. same yr.
3. Huldah B., June 8, 1830, d. young,
4. Nathan H., May 7, 1832.
5. Huldah B., July 2, 1834.
13. Dr. Melzar, s. Joseph, and gr. s. Joseph (5) with w. Sally, came to H. from Ashburnham, in 1797, and sett. on Hanover st. (see p. 20.) where he d. Nov. 25, 1828, ae. 57, and his wid. Feb. 10, 1841, ae. 65. ch: -
1. Geo. W., Feb. 25, 1796, shipwright, of S. Boston.
2. Chas., Mar., 1798, m. (1) a Thayer, and (2) a Spear, and lives in S. Boston.
3. Sally S., Oct. 15, 1799, m. Asia Phillips, of Ashb'm., Dec. 25, 1820.
4. Harriet, Nov. 25, 1801, d. Dec. 14, 1818.
5. Jno. M., Nov. 17, 1803, living in H., unm.
6. Augustus, Feb. 7, 1806, of S. Boston.
7. Caroline, Aug. 23, 1808, m. Horatio N. Willard, Ashb'm., Nov. 30, 1831.
8. Abig. W., July 23, 1810, d. Oct. 1812.
9. Fred'k., July 16, 1812, of S. Boston.
10. Abig, W., Aug. 12, 1814, m. Leavitt L. Stockbridge, July 4, 1844.
11. Anne S., Nov. 1816, m. David Hatch, Mf'd.
12. Joseph, July 3, 1819, d. ae. 19.
Charles, s. Christ'r, of Ab'n. b. Jan. 12, 1796, m. (1) Cynthia Jenkins, of A., Nov., 1820, who d. Feb. 7, 1826; (2) Mary Ford, of Pemb., Sep. 10, 1826, who d. Nov. 17, 1831; and (3) Sophronia Oldham, of P., Oct. 21, 1832; lives on Water st., and has been for some years engaged in the mfr. of Tacks. (See p. 141.) A view of his house is presented. Ch.: -
1.Eliza, Sep. 27, 1821. m. Geo. M. Josselyn, Pemb.
2. Cynthia J., July 12, 1823.
3. Lucy S., Jan 12, 1825, m. Rob't. Hersey, of H.
(By 2d,) -
4. Charles, July 4, 1881.
(By 3d.) -
5. Theodore, Sep. 19, 1836.