Family Genealogies
Extracted From
A Historical Sketch of the Town of Hanover, Mass.
with Family Genealogies
by John S. Barry, Boston; 1853
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

An ancient, and common English name, represented in this country by the descendants of several persons, who came early to N. Eng. and left posterity. Thomas was of Bos'n., 1643, and with his w. Ruth, was prob. of Wey'h., 1661, and was prob. fa. of John, of Scit.
1. John, according to Deane, came from Wey'h. to Scit. in 1670, and was tenant to Capt. Jno. Williams, at Farm Neck. He m. (1) Sarah White, Jan. 25, 1672, and (2) Ruth Clothier, Dec. 9, 1699, and d. 1718, leaving a will, (Deane.) ch.: -
1. John, Nov. 5, 1673.
2. Sarah, Oct. 1675.
3. Mary, Dec. 1677, m. Jas. Perry, Jan. 1, 1701.
4. Joseph, Oct. 1679, m. and left descts. in Scit.
5. Benjamin, Ap. 1682. Moved to Marlboro', Mass., ab. 1712, m. and left descts.
6. William, Feb, 1685, m. Judith Booth, Jan. 1714, and left descts. in Scit.
7. Hannah, Jan. 1687-8, m. Jas. Briggs, Dec. 24, 1716.
8. Samuel, Aug. 1690. Supposed by Deane to have moved after his father's decease.
- Was there another da. Elizabeth (?) who m. Wm. Barrell, July 2, 1706.
2. John, s. John (1) m. Abigail, da. Dea. Sam'l. Clapp, Feb. 19, 1700, and d. in H. in June, 1752, and his wid. Mar. 2, 1753. He was Selectman from 1735-37, and a man of influence in the town. ch.: -
1. Jane, June 30, 1700.
2. John, May 23, 1703.
3. Jacob, Dec. 13, 1706.
4. Capt. Israel, May 13, 1708, m. Keziah Perry, Nov. 12, 1730, and left descts. in Brigd'r. and Scit.
5. Timothy, March 20, 1709.
6. Abigail, Feb. 4, 1712-3, m. John Bates, May 21, 1733.
7. Sarah, 1714, m. Thos. Jenkins, Mar. 4, 1731.
8. Deborah, 1717, m. Jere. Rogers, 1738.
9. Hannah, 1719.
10. Rachel, 1719. m. Jas. Rogers, 1741.
11. Naomi, 1722. m. Benj. Curtis 1741.
3. John, s. John (2) m. Elizabeth Cowen, Ap. 11, 1723, and lived on what is now Main st., nearly oppo. the present residence of Lebbeus Stockbridge. His w. d. Ap. 12, and he Sept. 28, 1778. He was Selectman in 1744, and a man of business talents, and considerable enterprise. ch.; -
1. Elizabeth, Aug. 15, 1727, m. Dr. Jere. Hall, Dec. 22, 1748, first of H., who sett. in Pemb. ab. 1764, was a distinguished physician, and a member of the Prov. Cong. in 1775.
2. John, Oct. 30, 1730.
3. Joan or Jane, Jan. 20, 1732, m. Thos. Hubbard, or Hobart, of Abn., July 5, 1750.
4. Seth, July 5, 1739.
4. Jacob, s. John (2) m. (1) Ruth Palmer, June 10, 1728, and (2) a Hatch, and had: -
1. Jacob, Jan. 20, 1729. Moved to Me., m. a Tinkham (?) and had ch.
2. Ruth, Jan. 10, 1731, m. Geo. Sterling, of Eng'd, May 13, 1788, who d. Dec. 24, 1791, and she June 12, 1804. His gravestone, a curiosity in its way, stands in the old burial ground, near the Centre Meeting house.
3. Charles, Ap. 26, 1734.
4. Stephen, Feb. 27, 1737.
5. Hannah, June 29, 1739, m. Sam'l. House of Pemb.
6. George, Aug. 2, 1741.
5. Timothy, s. John (2) m. (1) Sarah Buck, May 27, 1731, who d. Oct. 9, 1740, and (2) Hannah Curtis, June 7, 1742, and with his w., was recom. to the Church in N. Yarmouth, Me., whither he moved. ch.: -
1. Olive, May, 1735, d. May 26, 1736.
2. Tim’y., June, 1737, d. young.
3. Sarah, Mar. 13, 1739.
(By 2d.) -
4. Delight, June 12, 1745.
5. Olive, bap. May 15, 1748.
6. Tim'y., bap. Oct. 13, 1751.
6. John, s. John (3) m. Ruth Randall, Oct. 18, 1750, and d. Oct. 27, 1810, and his wid. June 3, 1820, ae. 90. He was Lt. Col. of the Regt. of Col. John Thomas, of Kgsn., which marched to Rox'y. in Ap. 1775, and when Col. T. was commis. as a gent, off. in May, Mr. B. had charge of the Regt., and the next year was chief Col. of a Regt. in the Cont. Estab., and held that rank during the war, having the reputation of a brave and attentive officer. Towards the close of his life, he kept a Tavern, on Curtis st., near where Abisha Soule resides. He was selectman from 1768-71. ch.: -
1. John, May 6, 1751.
2. Luther, Sept. 14, 1752.
3. Ruth, Nov. 8, 1754, m. Wm. Stockbridge, Oct. 9, 1774.
4. Lucinda, Feb. 20, 1757, m. Jas. Lmcoln, of Taunton, June 29, 1774.
5. Calvin, 1760 (?)
6. Lebbeus, moved to N. Yar'h., Me., m. a Myrick, and left ch., of whom the Rev. Rufus W. is in Va.
7. Sage, m. Dr. Gad Hitchcock, of Pemb., July 9. 1778.
8. Betsey, m. (1) Rev. Eben'r. Dawes, June 25, 1789, who grad. H. C. 1785, was ord. at Scit. 1787, and d. Sep. 29, 1791; (2) Jno. Lucas, Esq., of Brookline, Mass.; and (3) the venerable Dr. Williams, of Deerfield, Ct., where she d. She is spoken of as a "lady of pleasing personal accomplishments."
7. Seth, s. John (3) m. (1) Lydia Barstow, Feb. 11, 1762, who d. Sep. 17, 1767; and (2) Alice Neal, July 28, 1768, and d. Oct, 12, 1796, and his wid. was recom. to the Church in Freeport, Me., 1800, and moved there with her family. Mr. B. lived first on Curtis st., in his father's house, and then on Union st. where John Dwelley now resides, and there d. He was Selectman in 1781-82. ch.: -
1. Seth, bap. Dec. 12, d. Dec. 14, 1762.
2. Marg't., bap. Ap. 8, 1764.
3. Seth, bap. Dec. 8, 1765.
(By 2d.) -
4. Alice, bap. May 27, 1770, and d. the same year.
5. Alice, bap. Nov. 18, 1770, d. Mar. 1, 1796.
6. Lydia. 1772 (?) d. Jan. 13. 1794, ae. 22.
7. Joseph, bap. Sept. 5, d. Oct. 9, 1773.
8. Joseph, bap. Oct. 2, 1774.
9. Rebecca, bap. Mar. 10, 1776, d. July 15, 1778.
10. Abigail, bap. June 1, 1776, d. July 11, 1778.
11. James;
12. Israel;
13. Rebecca;
14. Abigail;
15. Lucy;—all bap. Oct. 24, 1790. Lucy and Israel are now in H.
8. Charles, s. Jacob (4) m. Betsey Palmer, ab. 1768, and d. in Boston, Oct. 27, 1810, being killed by the fall of a chimney, as he was passing through the street. Lived on Curtis st., near Benj. Bailey's. ch.: -
1. Charles, 1769 (?)
2. Ezekiel, m. Hannah, da, Stephen Bailey, and wid. of Ezek'l. T. Hatch, and moved to the West, leaving a da. Sarah, in H., who m. Capt. Thos. B. Donnell, Jan. 13, 1850.
3. Rebecca, m. Isa. Wing, July 4, 1802, and moved to Ohio.
4. Sally, m. Eliph't. Smart, of Me., Sept. 20, 1795.
5. Betsey, m. a Gilbert (?) of Me.
6. Polly, m. a Whiting (?) of Me.
7. Martha, m. Sam'l. Gilbert, of Me., Mar. 6, 1785.
9. Stephen, s. Jacob (4) m. Abigail Turner, and d. in H. Aug. 10, 1806. He was Selectman from 1790-93, and lived on King st. ch.: -
1. Abigail, m. Reuben Curtis, Nov. 23, 1801.
2. Hannah, m. (1) Ezek'l. T. Hatch, May 8, 1788, and.
2. Ezk'l Bailey, Mar. 28, 1802, and d. at the West.
3. Ruth, d. Dec. 3, 1795,. ae 20.
4. Deborah, m. Robt. Barker, Feb. 4, 1798.
5. Stephen, 1780.
10. George, s. Jacob (4) m. Rebecca Ellis, and lived on King st. His w. d. May 30, 1820, and he Nov. 12, 1831. He was Selectman in 1787-88. ch.: -
1. Geo. W., Nov. 22, 1777.
2. David, Nov. 1779.
3. Lucy, 1781 (?) Robt. Silvester, Nov. 8, 1796.
4. Gad, July 29, 1784.
11. John, s. John (6) m. (1) Ruth Ellis. (2) Mary Hill, who d. Oct. 29, 1792; and (3) Tabitha Olney, of R. I.; and d. Jan. 23, 1823, and his wid. Dec. 30, 1827, ae. 77. Mr. B. was a natural mechanic, a man of great ingenuity, and. a successful inventor. He was a clockmaker by trade, and a manufacturer of compasses. Many of his clocks still exist in the town, and are creditable specimens of his skill. He was an upright and zealous member of the Society of Friends, and a minister among them, travelling into different States to speak as the spirit moved. He was an honest man; of great simplicity of character; a worthy citizen; and eminently a peace maker. He resided, the latter part of his life, near the Four Corners, in the house occupied by Wm. Dawes, and built by Robert Silvester. ch.: -
1. Joseph, went off, and d. unm.
2. Mary, m. Danl. Newell, of Lynn, and is d.
3. John, Mar. 13, 1787.
4. Ruth, m. Horatio Cushing, Esq., May 10, 1811. He died, and she moved, with her ch., to Hartford, Ct.
(By 2d.) -
5. Amy, m. (1) Edward, s. Col. J. B. Barstow; Sept. 2, 1821, and (2) Wm. Dawes, and lives in H.
12. Luther. s. John (6) m. Silvester Little, Oct. 21, 1784, who d. June 27, 1788, ae. 35, and an in£ da. Aug. 15, ae. 7 weeks. An older ch., Sylvia, d. May 17, 1792, ae. 6. Mr. B. d. in H., May 12, 1820, ae. 68. He served, with his fa., in the Rev. as Adjt., was aft. made Capt., and finally Major. He was a man of good education, ranked high as an officer, and was generally esteemed as a citizen.
13. Calvin, s. John (6) m. Sarah, da. Col. John Jacobs, of Scit., and d. in Bath, Me., in 1835, and his wid. in H., Nov. 24, 1846, ae. 82. He was a clockmaker by trade, and an ingenious work man, like his brother John. He was also upright in his dealings with others, and a man of integrity and honesty. ch.: -
1. Lucinda, July 11, 1794, m. Stephen Curtis, of Scit. June 16, 1816, and- d. in 1818.
2. Calvin B., May 17, 1796.
3. Capt. Edwin, May 7, 1798, m. Ann T. Ingraham, of Port’d., Me., in May, 1825, had 1 ch., wh. 1828, and he in Aug. 1828.
4. Luther, and
5. Martin, Aug. 29, d. Sep. and Nov., 1798.
6. Capt. Henry, Aug. 2, 1801, m. Sarah Gardner, of Hm., Jan. 16, 1832, and lives in Quincy.
7. Eliza, July 5, 1803.
8. Sarah, Aug. 20, 1805, m. Lemuel Dwelley, jr., of H., and lives on Union st.
14. Chas., s. Chas. (8) m. Chloe Mann, Oct. 28, 1792, and lived on Main st., in his father's house, where he d. June 11, 1820, and his wid. Feb. 2, 1844, ae. 73. He, and his bro. Ezk'l., were owners, for a time, of the fulling, saw, and grist mills, on King st ch.: -
1. Chas., May 25, 1793. Moved to Indiana, and m. there.
2. Chloe, Feb. 23, 1795, m. Paul Perry, Sept. 23, 1813.
3. Benj., Feb. 24, 1797.
4. Betsey, Feb. 6, 1799, m. Josh. Dwelley, Nov. 30, 1823.
5. Barker, Jan. 22, 1801.
6. Luther, Dec. 23, 1803, d. Aug. 27, 1804.
7. Martin, May 4, 1807, d. Mar. 20, 1844.
8. Mary, May 24, 1809, m. Ensign Crocker, Dec. 24, 1828, and is d.
9. Marcia, m. Albert Holbrook, Nov. 3, 1830.
15. Stephen, s. Stephen (9) m. Ruth Hatch, June 9, 1803, lives on King st., and is a Farmer. ch.: -
1. Ruth, Jan 8, 1804, m. Julius House, Jan. 13, 1825.
2. Lucy, Dec. 17, 1805.
3. Stephen, Mar. 8, 1810, m. Sylvia W. Bates, May 6, 1834, lives on King st., is a shoemaker, and has Edwin, Ap. 4, 1835; Laura A., March 20, 1838; Stephen W., Dec. 1840; and Albert W., Dec. 22, 1844.
4. Amos H., Mar. 6, 1815, not m.
16. Geo. W., s. Geo. (10) m. Asenath Curtis, Jan. 1, 1801, lives on King st., and is a Farmer. ch.: -
1. George, Sep. 13, 1802
2. Asenath, Dec. 2, 1804, m. Thos. Stetson, of Hn., Dec. 10, 1827, and d. July 21, 1849.
3. Kezia, Jan. 15, 1807, m. Josh. Dwelley, Jan. 16, 1827.
4. Melzar C., m. Charlotte C. Waterman, Aug. 1, 1833, and d. Sept 29, 1843, having had Melzar C., Aug. 17, 1839, and Sam'l. W., Dec. 31, 1841, d. Nov. 5, 1843.
5. Priscilla, May 18, 1813, m. Joseph Wilder, and lives with her fa.
6. Lucinda, May 19, 1816, m. Hiram Gardner, of H.
7. Sally E., June 3, 1819, d. Feb. 7, 1851.
17. Dr. David, s. Geo. (10) m. Joanna Curtis, Nov. 7, 1801,
settled as a Physician in Scit., and there d. Jan. 13, 1836, ae. 56,
and his wid. Ap. 4, 1846, ae. 61. Mr. B. was successful in his
practice, and esteemed as a citizen. ch.: -
1. David, Nov. 16, 1802, m. Debo., da. Amos Dunbar, Ap. 24, 1833, lives in So. Scit., is a shoemaker, and had 1 ch. wh. d. young.
2. Joanna, Dec. 13, 1804, d. July 14, 1813.
3. Rebecca, Nov. 27, 1807, m. Hiram Gardner, June 5, 1831, and is d.
4. Elizabeth, June 12, 1810, m. Alfred Loring, of Hm., Nov. 15, 1827, no ch.
5. Joanna, June 1, 1813, m. Albert Loring of Hm., Mar. 19, 1837, and has ch.
6. Luther, Feb. 18, 1816, not M.
7. Lucy, Sept. 11, 1818, m. Edward Stowell, Jan. 29, 1848, and has Lucy E., and Helen M.
8. Jeremiah, Aug. 12, 1822; a Carpenter, of Wey'h. m. Elizabeth
G. Dunbar, and has Helen C., Ap. 1846; Chas. H., Nov. 1847, d. ae. 2 mos; and Geo. A., Oct. 1850.
18. Gad, s. Geo. (10) m. Thankful Loring, of Hm., and lives on King st. ch.: -
1. Maria, Aug. 20, 1810, m. Nahum Stetson, of Hn., Mar. 3, 1831.
2. Sarah A., Jan. 21, 1813, m. Ira Josselynn, of H.
3. Lydia L., Nov. 11, 1814, m. Jno. S. Fogg, of S. Wey'h. Oct. 28, 1838.
4. Gad J., Ap. 13, 1817, m. Lydia B. Clark, June 1841, lives on King st., is a shoemaker, and had Helen E., Oct. 30, 1844, d. Nov. 1849.
5. Eliza J., Mar. 24, 1819, m. John Waterman, of Carver, Nov. 26, 1846.
19. John, s. John (11) m. Ann, da. of John Taber, of Port'd. Me., 29 d. 11 mo. 1810, is a clockmaker by trade, and resides in Lynn, Mass. ch: -
1. Catherine, 9 d. 11 mo. 1811, d. 3 d. 8 mo. 1817.
2. Miriam 5 d. 12 mo. 1813, m. Wm. Gifford, jr., of Falmouth, in 1834, and resides in Peoria, Ills.
3. John T., 17 d. 12 mo. 1815, sailed fr. N. Bed. in 1831, in the ship Mentor, Capt. Barnard, on a whaling voyage, was wrecked in the Straits of Timon, and he, with 9 others, who took to a boat to escape, were dashed upon the rocks, and all perished within 50 yds. of the ship.
4. Ann M., 24 d. 12 mo. 1817.
5. Joseph, 23 d. 12 mo. 1819, m. Abby, da,. Jas. Ingraham, of N. Bed., in 1844, had a da. Caoline A., and sailed fr. N. B., in 1850, as Master of the Ship Champion, and d. in 1852, in Hong Kong, China.
6. Wm., 27 d. 8 mo. 1821, d. 22 d.. 10 mo. 1822.
7. Wm., 2 d. 8 mo. 1823, m. Frances Kelley, in 1846, and has Geo. R. .F., 1850. The fa. sailed fr. N. Yk. in 1852, in the ship Red Rover, for Cala. and thence to Canton, &c.
8. Mary N., 9 d. 7 mo. 1825, m. Chas. C. Folger, in 1845, and has 2 sons, Chas., and John B.
9. Catherine, 10 d. 8 mo. 1828.
10. Elizabeth, 15 d. 8 mo. 1830, d. 9d. 9 mo. 1830.
11. Geo. H., 18 d. 6 mo. 1832, d. 27 d. 1 mo. 1834.
12. George, 21 d. 11 mo. 1833, d. 31 d. 8 mo. 1834.
20. Calvin B., s. Calvin (13) moved to Bath, Me.; in 1815, m. Jane B. Donnell, May 21, 1820, and yet lives in B., being a man of successful business enterprise, and a somewhat extensive, ship owner. ch.: -
1. Sarah J., Feb. 1821, m. George Davis, in 1841.
2. Col. Samuel D., July 1825.
3. Lucinda, May 1829.
21. Benja., s. Chas. (14) m. Rachel Dwelley, Ap. 4, 1822, lives
on Main st., and is a farmer. ch.: -
1. Benj. W., Feb. 11, 1823, m. Ruth Thomas, in Jan. 1850, lives on Main st., in the house built by himself in 1849, and has Ada M. Jan. 15, 1851.
2. Joshua, Aug. 20, 1824.
3. John Q., m. Lydia A. Curtis, and has Wm. E., Oct. 1850, and a son b. 1852, and his w. d. in 1852.
4. Rachel J. D., d. May 15, 1839.
5. Maria E., May 20, 1833.
6. Rachel, d. Sep. 24, 1848.
22. Barker, s. Chas. (14) m. Alice Ayres, Feb. 20, 1825, lives in Chas'n., Mass, is a shipwright by trade, and has;-
1. Alice B., b. June 29, 1826, m. Jno. Viall, June 4, 1846, Leather dealer, Bos'n., and has John B., May 10, 1849.
2. Charles, b. Mar. 29, 1828, unm.
3. Ellen J., Dec. 24, 1838.
4. Andrew J., July 18, 1840.
23. George, s. Geo. W. (16) m. Olive Bates, June 20, 1824, and d. Mar. 29, 1835. His wid. survives, and lives on King. st. ch: -
1, Geo. C., Oct. 25, 1824, m. Julia A. Thomas, lives in Hn., and had had 1 ch., wh. d.
2. Olive W., Aug. 24, 1826.
3. Calvin S. July 27, 1828, m. Lucy F. Stetson, June 1852, lives in Hn., shoemaker.
4. Ethridge, Aug. 28, 1829.
5. Reuben C. June 24, 1831.
6. Horatio N., July 17, 1833, d. Jan. 1834.
7. Horatio N, July 23, 1834.
Rev. Sam'l., 2d Pastor, of the 1st Church in H., (s. David, of Sud'y., gr. s. of Henry, and gr. gr. s. of Henry, of Devonshire, Eng'd.,, who sett. at Woburn, in 1650,) grad. H. C. 1752, m. Hannah, da. Judge John Cushing, Jan. 4, 1759, and d. Dee. 1, 1784, and his wid., May 8, 1790. ch.: -
1. Abigail, Nov. 13, 1759, d. Dec. 22, 1831.
2. Sam'l., Ap. 19, 1761, d. May 7, 1762.
3. Sam'l., Feb. 18, 1763, d. in N. Y., ae. ab. 20.
4. Hannah, July 13, 1765, d. Nov. 2, 1789.
5. Mary, Nov. 25, 1768, m. Robert Salmond, Nov. 1, 1787, and d. Aug. 12, 1847.
6. Bethia C., May 19, 1771, m. Thos. Young, of E. Bridg'r., Jan. 5, 1792, and had 7 ch.
7. Wm., bap. Mar. 20, 1774, d. unm. in Bridg'r., ae. ab. 70, a hatter by trade.
8. Lucy, Oct. 3, 1776, m. Barzillai Allen, of E. Bridg'r., and had 5 ch.
9. Fanny, June 8, 1780, living unm. with Mr. Sam‘l. Salmond.
Caleb, a Quaker, s. Lt. Robt., of Dux., was in H. in 1727, and lived on Plain st., near Zaccheus Estes'. He was Selectman in 1735. His son, Robert, m. Hannah Turner, and had Robert, whose descts. are in Pemb., and Gideon and Joshua, who were furnacemen, and whose descts. are in N. Y. The das. m. and sett. in Pemb.
NOTE. Two bros., Robert and John, were of Dux., ab. 1632, and were the ancestors of most of this time in Plymouth Co. John s. John, was of Scit., and was the ancestor of most of the Barkers in that town.
2. Joshua, s. Benj., of Hn., and gr. s. of Joshua, of scit., m. Debo. Sturtevant, and lives on King st. His w. is dead. Mr. B. is the enterprising conductor of the Iron Foundry on King st., known as Barker's Foundry, and is a man of energy, and industry. ch.: -
1. Deborah, May 22, 1834, d. Mar. 2, 1842.
2. Sarah J., June 24, 1836.
3. Joshua, Dec. 6, 1837.
4. Eveline, Nov. 8, 1840.
5. Jas. M., May 25, 1843.
6. Alfred, Dec. 20, 1847.
7. Mary, July 15, d. Sept. 14, 1849.
3. Capt. Seth, s. Josiah, of Pemb., m. Harriet S., da. of Isaac Mead, of Chas'n., Mass., in 1840, and lives near N. River bridge, in the Judge Whitman house. Has one da., Alice, b. June 19, 1848. Mr. B. was a shipmaster for many years, sailing from Boston- ton to the Sandwich Islands, and to the N. W. Coast, in the Fur Trade. In 1838, he left the Seas, and in 1848, sett. in H. His fa. was for many years a Naval Constructor, at Chas'n., in the employ of the U. S. We give a view of Capt. B:'s residence above.
Elisha, b. 1735, s. Wm., gr. s. Wm., and gr. gr. s. of Wm., who d. in Bos'n.,1639, (Deane.) m. Mary, da. Jno. Collamore, and d. in H., Mar. 21, 1829, ae. 94, and his wid. Jan. 8, 1831, ae. 95. He was a soldier in the Fr. war, and built the house now occupied by his son Elisha. ch.: -
1. Mary, Sep. 21, 1774, m. Levi Burr, of Hm., who is d., and she is living in H., on Walnut st.
2. Elisha, Mar. 7, 1777.
3. Sarah, Feb. 4, 1779, m. Calvin D. Wilder, Jan. 15, 1815, and d. m. 1845.
2. Elisha, s. Elisha, Lt. in the war of 1812, and Capt. of the H. Artil. Co., in 1819, m. Lydia Clapp, of Scit., June 11, 1806, who d. Oct. 17, 1849, ae. 71. He yet survives. ch.: -
1. Harriet, June 28, 1808, m. Israel H. Gardner, of H.
2. John, Oct. 19, 1811, d. Dec. 1817.
3. Lydia S., Dec. 13, 1818, m. Capt. Benj. N. Curtis, Dec. 25, 1836, and d. Mar. 24, 1840.
John S., s. Wm. and Esther, of Boston, b. March 26, 1819, m. Louisa, da. Lott and Kezia Young, of Rox'y., Ap. 8, 1840, and sett. in H. in 1841. ch.; -
1. Caroline L., Ap. 12, 1841.
2. Eliza B., June 6, 1843.
3. Henrietta M., Jan. 1, 1848.