Greenfield, Franklin Co., Ma,
Vital Records To The Year 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1915
Deaths - ADAMS to LYON
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Andrew, June 29, 1822, a. 62, C.R.2. [h. Betsey, June 30, G.R.4. h. Molly (Morse), h. Betsey (Chapin), June 30, P.R.28.]
Betsey, wid. Andrew, Jan. 3, 1846, a. 83, G R.4. [d. Rev. Chapin, June 3, P.R.28.]
Lucinda, w. Peleg, Sept. 30, 1840, a. 30, G.R.4. [Lucinda (Hancock), P.R.28.]
Nancy, w. Lt. Nahum, d. Joel Dickinson of Hinsdale, N.H., Apr. 20, 1819, a. 29, G.R.4.
Sarah, w. Maj. Nahum, Sept. 17, 1833, a. 34, G.R.4. [Sarah (Smead), P.R.28.]
Sarah L., d. Peleg and Sarah B., July 17, 1847, a. 7 m., G.R.4. [Sarah Lucy, ch. Peleg and Sarah (Meriam), P.R.28.]
----, Mrs., of Halifax, Oct. 15, 1772, P.R.1.
----, ch. Mr. Adams, Nov. 22, 1803, a. 7 m., P.R.1.
----, inf. Peleg, Mar. 11, 1832, C.R.2.
----, d. Peleg and Sarah B., June 22, 1843, a. 7 d., G.R.4. [inf. Peleg and Sarah (Meriam), P.R.28.]
Lydia W., w. David, d. Col. Spencer Root, Nov. 13, 1846, a. 31, G.R.7.
Diana, w. John W., May 6, 1841, a. 26, G.R.1.
----, inf. s. Philip, Dec. 18, 1809, P.R.1.
----, inf. Philip, Feb. 3, 1810, P.R.1.
Abigail, mother of David, Dec. 18, 1770, in 75th y. [Abigail, wid., P.R.1.]
Abigail, d. Amos and Abigail, June 16, 1795, in 4th y., G.R.6. [ch. Amos Jr., P.R.1.]
Abigail (see Jerusha).
Alvah, s. Quintus and Dorothy, Aug. 29, 1802, a. 6 y. 7 m., G.R.6. [dysentery, P.R.1.]
Amos, Lt., Mar. 27, 1797, in 75th y., G.R.6.
Amos, s. Amos and Abigail, Oct. 6, 1801, a. 2 y. 4 m., G.R.6.
Betsey, ch. Silvanus and Martha (Stebbins), Nov. 13, 1818, P.R.6.
Charlotte W., w. Quintus, Nov. 1, 1845, a. 29, C.R.2. [Charlotte M., Charlotte M., d. Jesse Smead and Martha (Allen), Nov. 2, P.R.5.]
Chester, S. Joel and Mary, Sept. 25, 1802, a. 4 y. 7 m., G.R.3. [dysentery, P.R.1.]
David, Aug. 24, 1791, in 59th y., G.R.4.
David, ch. Silvanus and Martha (Stebbins), Dec. 1, 1818, P.R.6.
Dorothy, d. Quintus and Dorothy, Aug. 23, 1802, a. 2 y. 12 d., G.R.6. [dysentery, P.R.1.]
Dorothy Ann, Oct. 10, 1840, a. 32, C.R.2. [Dorothy A., G.R.5.]
Ebenezer, Mar. 31, 1801, a. 75, G.R.6. [cancer, P.R.1.]
Ebenezer S., ch. Silvanus and Martha (Stebbins), Sept. 16, 1825, P.R.6.
Edward, [twin] ch. Amos and Rebeckah, Jan. 3, 1747.
Edward, father of Amos, Dec. 19, 1757, in 69th y. [Allin, Dec. 19, 1756, G.R.1.]
Electa, w. Selah, Oct. 25, 1836, a. 67, G.R.6.
Eliphaz, ch. Noah and Ruth, Aug. 31, 1764, in 10th y. [Sept. ----, P.R.1.]
Esther, w. Ezra, Apr. 14, 1843, a. 43, G.R.6.
Ezra, ch. Selah and Thankful, Aug. 14, 1794. [s Sarah and Thankful, a. 1 y. 7 m., G.R.6. ch. Selah, Aug. 11, P.R.1.]
Ezra, h. Esther, Mar. 23, 1846, a. 52, G.R.6.
Fanny B., w. David, Aug. 19, 1841, a. 45, C.R.2. [a. 46, G.R.6.]
George M., Dec. 13, 1848, a. 21, in Springfield, G.R.1.
Hart, ch. Ebenezer Jr. and Sarah, Oct. 12, 1795. [m 2d y., G.R.2. a. 2, P.R.1.]
Jemima, wid. Lt. Amos, Feb. 11, 1816, a. 89, G.R.6.
Jeremiah Esq., h. Abigail, Feb. 12, 1786, a. 57 y. 5 m.
Jerusha, wid. Ebenezer, Apr. 21, 1813, a. 85, G.R.6. [Abigail "(prob. Jerusha)," Apr. 22, P.R.1.]
Job, Apr. 5, 1812, a. 60, G.R.3. [Apr. 4, P.R.1.]
John, father of David, Nov. 30, 1761, in 77th y.
Lucinda, only ch. Frederick H. and Maria M., Dec. 30, 1831, a. 3 y. 3 m., C.R.2.
Lusindy, ch. Noah and Ruth, Feb. 22, 1770.
Marcy, wid. Edward, Aug. 26, 1758, in 61st y. [Mercy, G.R.1.]
Margaret Carter, d. Sylvester and Harriet, Nov. 4, 1833, a. 3 y. 8 m., G.R.7.
Martha, ch. Amos and Jemima, Sept. 16, 1758, a. 23 m.
Martha (Stebbins), w. Silvanus, June 14, 1829, P.R.6.
Mary, ch. Joel and Mary, Aug. 24, 1794.
Mary C., d. Sylvester and Harriet, Oct. 9, 1845, G.R.7.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Miranda, w. Daniel S. Mar. 17, 1845, a. 33, G.R.6.
Moses, ch. Silvanus and Martha (Stebbins), Aug. 26, 1827, P.R.6.
Noah, ch. Noah and Ruth, Dec. 25, 1763, in 3d y. [Jan. ----, 1764, P.R.1.]
Phebe, wid. Job, Feb. 22, 1842, a. 90, G.R.3.
Quintus, s. Quintus and Dorothy, Sept. 1, 1802, a. 4 y. 4 m., G.R.6. [dysentery, P.R.1.]
Quintus, Capt., Nov. 12, 1821, a. 57, C.R.6.
Rachel, ch. David and Joanna, Aug. 14, 1767.
Rebeckah, w. Amos, Apr. 18, 1750, in 24th y.
Reuben (see Ruben).
Rodah, d. John, June 30, 1777 P.R.1.
Ruben, ch. Ebenezer Jr. and Sarah, Mar. 11, 1784.
Sarah, d. Quintus and Dorothy, Aug. 21, 1792, in 2d y., G.R.6.
Sarah, ch. Ebenezer Jr. and Sarah, Oct. 20, 1795. [in 5th y., G.R.2.]
Sary, d. Quintus and Dorothy, Aug. 26, 1802, a. 9 y. 2 m., G.R.6. [dysentery, P.R.1.]
Selah H., s. David and Fanny, Sept. 10, 1830, a. 14, C.R.2. [a. 13 y. 6 m., C.R.6.]
Selah Harwood, s. David and Fanny B., Aug. 5, 1837, a. 4, C.R.2. [a. 5, G.R.6.]
Silvanus, ch. Silvanus and Martha (Stebbins), Aug. 20, 1777, P.R.6.
Solomon, ch. David and Joanna, July 9, 1756.
Solomon, ch. David and Joanna, Sept. 17, 1758.
Sylvester, s. Ira and Livona, Mar. 21, 1841, a. 8 m. 11 d., G.R.3.
Sylvester, Apr. 7, 1848, G.R.7.
Thankful, w. Salah, June 15, 1801, in 35th y., G.R.6. [w. Selah, June 16, P.R.1.]
Thankful, d. Salah and Thankful, July 5, 1803, a. 2 y. 6 w., G.R.6. [d. Selah, dysentery, P.R.1.]
Thankful, July 7, 1825, a. 68, G.R.6.
Zerah, "a non compos person," Jan. 2, 1832, a. 43, C.R.2.
----, ch. Noah and Ruth, Apr. 18, 1763.
----, ch. Noah, ----, 1769, P.R.1.
----, inf. Elijah, Aug. 3, 1793, P.R.1.
----, d. Selah, rattles, Jan. 26, 1810, a. 3, P.R.1.
----, inf. Amos and Abigail, ---- [? Oct. 16, 1801], G.R.6. [Oct. 16, 1800 sic, see birth, P.R.1.]
Judah, Mar. 18, 1800, in 82d y., G.R.4. [Ellis, P.R.1.]
----, ch. Galusha B. and Ellen, Apr. 1, 1846, a. 8 w., C.R.2. [Emma Howard Alverson, only d. G. B. and Ellen H., G.R.1.]
Anna, w. Elijah, Aug. 23, 1791, in 22d y., G.R.1.
Caleb, h. Mary, Dec. 24, 1819, a. 68, G.R.1.
Caroline M., w. Daniel W., Sept. 17, 1846, a. 22, C.R.2. [Caroline Matilda, w. Daniel Wells Alvord, d. Henry W. Clapp and Eliza, G.R.7. Caroline Matilda, w. Daniel Wells Alvord, d. Henry Wells Clapp and Eliza (Baldwin), a. 22 y. 7 m. 16 d., P.R.15.]
Elijah, Nov. 14, 1817, a. 47, C.R.2. [h. Lucretia, G.R.1.]
Elijah, Sept. 8, 1840, a. 63, G.R.1.
Elijah W., s. Elijah and Lucretia, Nov. 13, 1817, a. 12, C.R.2. [Nov. 14, G.R.1.]
George, ch. Elijah and Lucretia, May 31, 1799. [May 30, a. abt. 8 m., P.R.1.]
George, s. Elijah and Lucretia, Nov. 1, 1817, a. 17 y. 8 m., C.R.2.
Hannah, Nov. 28, 1798, in 79th y., P.R.1.
Helaz, Dr., Dec. 12, 1829, a. 38, G.R.1.
James C., Sept. 27, 1839, a. 31, G.R.1.
Lucretia, wid. Elijah, Sept. 1, 1819, a. 53, C.R.2. [Sept. 1, 1810 sic, a. 52, G.R.1.]
Martha, d. Elijah and Sabra, Aug. 8, 1815, a. 3 w., G.R.1.
Mary, w. Caleb, Apr. 26, 1836, a. 85, G.R.1.
Nathaniel, ch. Elijah and Lucretia, Mar. 11, 1795.
Wells (see ---- Alvord).
----, inf. s. James C. and Anna G., Oct. 21, 1837, G.R.1.
----, ch. D. W. and Caroline, Oct. 11, 1845, a. 2 d., C.R.2. [Wells Alvord, ch. D. W. and C. M., Oct. 12, a. 3 d., G.R.7.]
Achsah G., wid. Eliel, d. E. Goodman and S., Sept. 23, 1844, a. 50, G.R.5.
Eliel, h. Hannah (Tompson), h. Persis (Stacy), h. Achsah (Goodman), Feb. 27, 1822 [sic], a. 39, P.R.14.
Hannah (Tompson), w. Eliel, May 26, 1817, a. 27, P.R.14.
Henry Gilbert, ch. Eliel and Hannah (Tompson), Sept. 7, 1839, a. 24, in Hawkinsville, Ga., P.R.14.
Persis, ch. Eliel and Persis (Stacy), Feb. 22, 1826, a. 5 y. 3 m. 2 d., P.R.14.
Persis (Stacy), w. Eliel, Apr. 24, 1826, a. 36, P.R.14.
William Lucius, ch. Eliel and Persis (Stacy), Sept. 9, 1823, a. 13 m. 7 d., P.R.14.
John, Sept. 19, 1837, a. 58, C.R.2.
Thomas J., Aug. 1, 1802, G.R.1. [s. Capt. Ambrose, dysentery, July 30, a. 14 m., P.R.1.]
Thomas J., a deranged person, Sept. 5, 1841, a. 37, C.R.2.
Catherine Jane of Montague, Jan. 10, 1839, a. 20 [? in Montague], C.R.2. [d. S. W. and Mary, G.R.1.]
Elizabeth, w. Moses of Montague, Dec. 8, 1840, a. 82 [? in Montague], C.R.2.
John, ch. Jesse and Sarah of Montague, Feb. 10, 1826, a. 10 m. [? in Montague], C.R.2.
Moses of Montague, July 20, 1848, a. 93 [? in Montague], C.R.2. ["A Patriot of the Revolution," G.R.1.]
Sarah Ann, d. Jesse and Sarah of Montague, Sept. 26, 1848, a. 19 y. 1 m. [? in Montague], C.R.2.
Abner, ch. Abner and Tabatha [dup. Tabitha], Aug. 28, 1758.
Abner, ch. Abner and Tabatha, Aug. 24, 1777. [s. Abner and Tabitha, in 13th y., G.R.1.]
Abner, Jan. 16, 1793, in 62d y., G.R.1. [a. 65, P.R.1.]
Abner, s. Solomon and Mary, Oct. 13, 1826, a. 17, G.R.2.
Almeda A. d. Solomon and Mary, Feb. 1, 1837, a. 23, G.R.2.
Dorothy, ch. Capt. Moses and Catharine, Oct. 8, 1782. [in 2d y., G.R.1. Dollie, Oct. 14, P.R.1.]
Ebenezer, ch. Ebenezer and Elisabath, Sept. 8, 1758 [1758 written below 1768 crossed out]. [s. Capt. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Sept. 8, 1758, in 7th y., G.R.1.]
Ebenezer, Capt., June 13, 1788, in 68th y., G.R.1.
Ebenezer Esq., July 6, 1812, a. 52, G.R.6.
Ebenezer White, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Aug. 29, 1809, a. 2 y. 8 m. [sic], G.R.6.
Elizabeth, w. Capt. Ebenezer, Mar. 16, 1775, in 47th y., G.R.1.
John, ch. Abner and Tabatha, Aug. 30, 1777. [s. Abner and Tabitha, in 6th y., G.R.1.]
Martha, d. Chester and Rebecca (Goodman), Sept. 28, 1830, a. 12, G.R.6. [d. Chester and Rebekah, P.R.26.]
Mary, Nov. 7, 1826, a. 77, C.R.2.
Mary Ann, w. Moses, Sept. 5, 1845, a. 26, G.R.6.
Mary W., d. Chester and Rebecca (Goodman), June 30, 1846, a. 23, G.R.6. [[twin] ch. Chester and Rebekah, June 28, P.R.26.]
Moses, Capt., Jan. 7, 1818, a. 68, G.R.6.
Moses, Lt., Apr. 13, 1823, a. 38, G.R.6.
Sarah S., d. Chester and Rebecca (Goodman), Aug. 30, 1844, a. 21, G.R.6. [[twin] ch. Chester and Rebekah, P.R.26.]
Seth, ch. Abner and Tabatha [dup. Tabitha], Sept. 14, 1758.
Seth, Mar. 1, 1799, in 40th y., ["killed by a Sled," Mar. 2, P.R.1.]
Solomon, Mar. 7, 1843, 76, G.R.2.
Tibitha, w. Abner, Jan. 3, 1784. [Tabitha, in 53d y., G.R.1. Tabitha, P.R.1.]
----, d. Ebenezer and Mary, June 8, 1798.
----, s. Ebenezer, dysentery, Aug. 29, 1802, a. 2, P.R.1.
----, ch. Eben, Mar. 13, 1810, P.R.1.
----, inf. d. Lt. Moses and Harriot, Dec. 13, 1812, G.R.6.
Adonijah, ch. Oliver and Mary, Oct. 21, 1773. [inf. Oliver, Oct. 19, P.R.1.]
Allen, Aug. 29, 1845, a. 62, C.R.2. [Aug. 28, a. 60, G.R.3.]
Anna, wid., Feb. 19, 1798, a. 84, P.R.1.
Asahel, ch. Shobal and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1744.
Benjamin G., Aug. 10, 1849, a. 30, G.R.3.
Elihu, ch. Shobal and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1763. [s. Sarah, wid., Aug. 1, P.R.1.]
Henry, Mar. 27, 1819, a. 25, G.R.3.
Huldah, w. Jonathan, Mar. 1, 1841, a. 67, G.R.3.
Jonathan, Nov. 10, 1813, a. 75, G.R.3. [Oct. 6, a. 71, P.R.1.]
Joseph, [twin] ch. Shobal and Sarah, May 28, 1752.
Joseph, Oct. 12, 1753, a. 78.
Joseph, h. Miriam, Apr. 6, 1834, a. 76, G.R.3.
Mary, w. Oliver, May 8, 1823, a. 83, G.R.3.
Mindwel, ch. Shobal and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1743.
Mindwell, ch. Shobal and Sarah, Sept. 17, 1758.
Mindwell, wid. Joseph, Mar. 1, 1776, a. 92 "wanting a few days," P.R.1.
Miriam, w. Joseph, Mar. 3, 1844, a. 84, G.R.3.
Oliver, Sept. 29, 1820, a. 83, C.R.2. [h. Mary, a. 82, G.R.3.]
Shobal, Aug. 23, 1756.
Suson, W. Jonathan, Mar. 21, 1823, a. 85, G.R.3.
----, s. Shobal and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1749.
----, inf. Joseph, Mar. 15, 1799, P.R.1.
Mary, d. John and Ann, Dec. 29, 1838, a. 2 y. 4 m. G.R.1.
Hannah, "on a vizet from Duxbury Vermont," w. Walter, d. Dea. Moses Johnson, Mar. 27, 1795, m. 36th y., G.R.6. [Mar. 26, P.R.1.]
Elizabeth B., July 18, 1840, a. 32, G.R.1.
Amaziah, ch. Jeremiah and Phebe, Mar. 14, 1782. [Mar. 14, 1783, P.R.1.]
----, eldest s. Jeremiah and Phebe, Jan. 6, 1779.
----, ch. Philip, June 15, 1783, P.R.1.
Marion B., w. Charles of Guilford, Vt., Aug. 14, 1841, a. 25 [? in Guilford, Vt.], C.R.2.
Sally, d. Samuel and Olive, June 11, 1815, a. 17 y. 7 m., C.R.2.
Abigail, Sept. 24, 1826, a. 80, C.R.2. [w. Samuel Esq., G.R.1.]
Francis, July 25, 1815, a. 29, G.R.1.
Samuel of Montgomery, Vt., Apr. 16, 1846, a. 69, in Brattleborough [Vt.], C.R.2.
Sarah Hester, w. Amasa, M. D., June 6, 1837, a. 26, G.R.5.
David, Oct. 9, 1845, a. 44, G.R.3.
Isaac, Dec. 2, 1840, a. 72, G.R.3.
Olive, wid. David, June 12, 1849, a. 39, G.R.3.
----, inf. Isaac and Matilda, Jan. 5, 1819, C.R.2.
BASCOM (see Bascomb)
Abigail, d. Lemuel, Aug. 26, 1777, P.R.1.
Chester, Capt., Feb. 22, 1841, a. 54, G.R.4.
Elizabeth, w. Elihu, Mar. 30, 1783, in 41st y., G.R.4.
Esther, w. Joseph, Oct. 27, 1834, in 80th y., G.R.4.
Hannah, wid. Joseph, Oct. 10, 1776, in 65th y., G.R.4.
Joseph, Sept. 11, 1764, in 55th y., G.R.4.
Joseph, Mar. 12, 1844, a. 90, G.R.4.
Rebekah, "alias Rebekah Brooks," grandmother of Moses, Eunice, Rebeckah, Mary, Martha, Chloe, Marcy, Expereance, Ezekiel, Apr. 12, 1776, a. 75.
----, s. Moses and Eunice, May 24, 1764.
----, ch. Elihu and Elisabeth, July 7, 1767.
----, [twin] sons Elihu and Elisabeth, Mar. 21, 1768.
----, s. Elihu and Elisabeth. Mar. 8, 1769.
----, w. Timothy, Oct. 30, 1778, P.R.1.
----, [twins] s. and d. Joseph and Esther, Dec. 15, 1790, G.R.4. [Dec. 16, a. "a few hours," P.R.1.]
BASCOMB (see Bascom)
Anna, w. Ezekiel, Mar. 1, 1814, a. 75, G.R.1.
Ezekiel, Mar. 18, 1817, a. 73, G.R.1.
----, d. Mr. Bates, rattles, Jan. 1, 1810, a. 12, P.R.1.
John, Nov. 20, 1801, a. 77, P.R.1.
Mary, w. John, May ----, 1795, P.R.1.
Richard, May 10, 1847, a. 63, G.R.1.
Patience, w. John, July 8, 1801, P.R.1.
William C., s. John and Lucy, May 6, 1805, in 3d y., G.R.4. [Apr. ----, P.R.1.
Frances, d. Samuel and Fanny, July 6, 1839, a. 7, C.R.2.
BILLING (see Billings)
Patience, d. Lucy, Apr. 22, 1762, P.R.1.
BILLINGS (see Billing)
Abigail, w. Zebina, Apr. 18, 1849, a. 65, G.R.4.
Amos of Guilford, Vt., July 20, 1821, a. 71, in Guilford, Vt., C.R.2.
Ebenezer, May 8, 1823, a. 73, G.R.1.
Edward, Dr., May 3, 1806, a. 56, G.R.1. [jaundice and scurvy, P.R.1.]
Esther, w. Ebenezer, Dec. 21, 1820, a. 62, G.R.1.
Hannah, w. Thomas, Aug. 6, 1803, in 67th y., G.R.6. [pleurisy, Aug. 7, P.R.1.]
Harriet, Sept. 6, 1848, a. 33. [Harriett H., w. Sanford, Sept. 12, a. 32 y. 10 m., G.R.2.]
Henry H., s. Zebina and Abigail, May 10, 1822, a. 6 y. 10 m., G.R.4.
Lucy, Nov. 5, 1773, P.R.1.
Phebe, Mar. 4, 1797, P.R.1.
Richard, s. Dr. Edward and w., Sept. 11, 1796, P.R.1.
Thomas, Jan. 27, 1807, a. 71, G.R.6.
Jonathan, Mar. 6, 1813, a. 37, G.R.1. [a. 27, P.R.1.]
Sterling, June 7, 1807, a. 27, G.R.1. [consumption, June 8, a. 29, P.R.1.]
----, ch. Marsh, "Complaint in its back," Dec. ----, 1802, P.R.1.
Francis, German, May 22 or 23, 1845, a. 24, "at the Factory Village," C.R.2.
Judith, w. Asahel, Dec. 23, 1825, a. 27, C.R.2.
----, colored, ch. Asahel and Catherine, Jan. 2, 1838, a. 1 w., C.R.2.
----, ch. Sarah, Sept. 2, 1844, a. 1, C.R.2.
----, s. Henry and Sarah D., June 22, 1849, a. 4 w., G.R.7.
Elihu W., Apr. 26, 1844, a. 40, C.R.2.
Mary Elizabeth, d. E. W. and Irene, May 1, 1844, a. 5 m. [? in Deerfield], C.R.2.
Jeremiah, Apr. 26, 1832, a. 41, C.R.2.
John, Jan. 28, 1842, a. 87, C.R.2.
Clara Elizabeth, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, Apr. 12, 1846, a. 18 m., C.R.2. [d. S. and E. P., a. 1 y. 5 m., G.R.1.
BOYNTON (see Boyington).
Michael, a foreigner, July 11, 1845, a. 41, C.R.2.
Sarah, Apr. 30, 1833, a. 17, in Springfield, C.R.2.
Catharine Emmons, d. David and Elizabeth F., Aug. 19, 1829, a. 9, G.R.7.
Jerome Ripley, s. David and Elizabeth F., Mar. 26, 1823, G.R.7.
Elizabeth, w. Silas, consumption, July 23, 1804, a. ‘perhaps" 28, P.R.1.
Martha, d. Orris and Elizabeth, Mar. 24, 1831, a. 11, C.R.2. [d. Capt. Orris and Elizabeth, G.R.1.]
Rebecca (see Rebekah Bascom).
William, Sept. 2, 1762, P.R.1.
----, ch. Mr. Brooks, Nov. 25, 1801, "young," P.R.1.
----, ch. Daniel, July ----, 1804, a. "a few months," P.R.1.
----, inf. Walter, Dec. 21, 1800, P.R.1.
Ephraim, Apr. 13, 1819, a. 55, C.R.2.
Julia, w. Reuben, Feb. 25, 1813, a. 47, G.R.1. [Feb. 24, a. 27, P.R.1.]
Maria A., Oct. ----, 1832, C.R.1.
Sarah E., d. Ansel and Elizabeth W., July 30, 1843, a. 3 y. 10 m., G.R.1.
James, s. Sylvenus and Hepzibah, Sept. 6, 1802, a. 3, G.R.6. [s. Silvanus, dysentery, Sept. 4, P.R.1.]
John R., s. Daniel, Feb. 19, 1835, a. 18, C.R.2.
Lucy, w. Daniel of Montague, May 20, 1837, a. 56 [? in Montague], C.R.2.
Lorinda, June 3, 1838, C.R.3.
Amanda, d. John and Lydia, Nov. 4, 1794, a. 1 y. 8 m., G.R.2.
Gertrude J., Dec. 2, 1849, a. 1 y. 6 m.
Charlotte, w. ----, ---- 1849, a. 36.
CAREY (see Cary)
Olive (see ---- Carey).
Richard, Mar. 30, 1799, in 83d y., P.R.1.,
----, ch. Robert (Cary), Feb. 19, 1849. [Olive Cary, d. Robert A. and Mary Jane, Feb. 18, a. 15 m. 3 d., G.R.1.]
Lilly R., d. George W. and Lilly M., Sept. 18, 1842, a. 1, G.R.1.
Rosalia, d. George W. and Lilly M., May 6, 1840, a. 5 y. 10 m., G.R.1.
Catherine Jane, d. Cyrus of Guilford, Vt., Aug. 3, 1841, a. 2 1/2 [? hi Guilford, Vt.], C.R.2.
Elvira Lorisa, w. Cyrus of Guilford, Vt., July 13, 1841, a. 33 [? in Guilford, Vt.], C.R.2.
Jane E., June 21, 1848, a. 37. [w. David N., C.R.2. G.R.7.]
Maria P., W. D. N., May 23, 1846, a. 44, G.R.7.
Marrion W., d. David and Mary, Jan. 5, 1838, a. 9 m., G.R.3.
Mary, w. David, Nov. 15, 1841, a. 49, G.R.3.
Mary Eliza, Nov. 21, 1843, a. 15, G.R.7.
Jerusha, w. Benjamin K., July 14, 1833, a. 69, C.R.2. G.R.3.
CARY (see Carey)
Hannah, ---- [rec. between Dec. 10, 1843 and Jan. 10, 1849], a. 86.
----, s. Richard and Mary, Apr. 2, 1711.
----, wid., June 3, 1801, in 65th y., P.R.1.
Josephine, w. John of Deerfield, Dec. 24, 1847, a. 38, in New York, C.R.2.
Marcy, July 25, 1772. [Mercy, w. Jonathan, P.R.1.] Samuell, s. Rhoda Mitchel, Oct. 3, 1758.
Rufus C., Nov. 30, 1827, a. 28, C.R.2. [Chamberlin, G.R.3.]
Abigail Whitney, w. Rev. A., June 11, 1833, a. 47, G.R.6.
Ama, ch. Moses and Perses [dup. Perce], Jan. 6 [Jan. 6 written below Nov. 6 crossed out], 1767 [dup. Jan. 6, 1769]. [Aama, d. Moses and Persis, Jan. 6, 1767, in 3d y., G.R.1. Ama, ch. Moses and Persis (Harris), Jan. 6, 1767, P.R.27.]
Amariah, ch. Moses and Persis (Harris), Oct. 27, 1775, P.R.27.
Amariah, s. Amariah and Abigail, Aug. 10, 1834, a. 10, C.R.6.
David, ch. Moses and Persis (Harris), Nov. 27, 1793, P.R.27.
Moses, ch. Moses and Persis (Harris), Aug. 24, 1821, P.R.27.
Stephen, ch. Moses and Persis (Harris), July 29, 1832, P.R.27.
Alice, Apr. 17, 1835, a. 65, G.R.4.
David, Maj., Feb. 7, 1826, a. 27, G.R.1.
Charlotte, wid. Thomas, Feb. 13, 1843, a. 83, C.R.2. G.R.1.
Mary, June 18, 1837, a. 49, C.R.2. [eldest d. Thomas and Charlotte, G.R.1.]
Robert (see ---- Chapman)
Thomas, May 25, 1819, a. 73, C.R.2. [Thomas Esq., b. Barforth, Yorkshire, Gr. Brit., G.R.1.]
----, s. Henry and Clara T., May 12, 1844, a. 10 w., C.R.2. [Robert, G.R.1.]
Abigail, wid. Pierce, Aug. 5, 1832, a. 47, C.R.2. [a. 48, G.R.4.]
Mary, w. Capt. Timothy, June 19, 1779, P.R.1.
Mary, d. Capt. Timothy, Feb. 19, 1781, a. 35, P.R.1.
Mercy, d. Capt. Childs, Nov. 20, 1781, P.R.1.
Timothy, Capt., Dec. 12, 1781, P.R.1.
Willis, Dec. 1, 1811, a. "perhaps" 57, P.R.1.
CLAP (see Clapp)
Caleb, Capt., [worn, ? June 5] 1812, a. [worn,? 60], G.R.1. [June 12, a. 60, P.R.1.]
Elizabeth, d. Capt. Caleb and Elizabeth, Oct. 5, 1795, a. 2, G.R.1. [Eliza, P.R.1.]
Harriet, d. Caleb and Elizabeth, Oct. 13, 1795, a. 10, G.R.1. [d. Capt. Caleb, a. abt. 10, P.R.1.]
Isabella Frink, d. Capt. Caleb and Elizabeth, Aug. 29, 1796, a. 5, G.R.1. [Aug. 28, P.R.1.]
CLAPP (see Clap)
Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth], wid., Revolutionary pensioner, mother of Lucy S., Susan (wid. Thomas W. Ripley), Elisabeth (w. Wales Tileston of Perry, Wyoming Co., N.Y.), Louisa (w. George A. Trumbull of Worcester, Worcester Co.), Sept. 14, 1843. P.C.R. [Elizabeth, C.R.1. Elizabeth, a. 85, G.R.1.]
Eliza, w. Henry W., Sept. 16, 1831, a. 29, G.R.7. [Eliza (Baldwin), w. Henry Wells, a. 29 y. 3 m. 19 d., in New York City, P.R.15.]
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Emmeline, d. Henry W., Sept 5, 1849, a. 11. [Emeline, d. Henry W. and Anna C., Sept. 14, a. 1 y. 3 m., in Wilmington, Vt., C.R.2. Emmeline, d. Henry Wells and Anna C. (Hilliard), Sept. 14, a. 11 y. 2 m. 24 d., "while on a visit to Wilmington, Vt.," P.R.15.]
James, Dec. 1, 1841, a. 50, C.R.2.
Tremain Palmer, s. Henry Wells and Eliza (Baldwin), Feb. 28, 1832, a. 5 m. 12 d., in New York City, P.R.15.
CLARK (see Clarke)
Alanson, ----, 1845, in Williamstown, C.R.1.
Asenath, w. John, Jan. 31, 1822, a. 24, C.R.2. [a. 25, G.R.4.]
Charles Chauncey, s. Alanson and Fanny, Aug. 19, 1822, a. 21 m. 4 d., G.R.1.
Charles H., ch. David and Huldah, Apr. 12, 1836, a. 15 m., G.R.1.
Ebenezer M., Mar. 15, 1813, a. 22, G.R.1.
Hezekiah of Montague, Mar. 21, 1813, a. 64, C.R.2.
John, ch. John, Dec. 26, 1782, P.R.1.
John, Capt., Jan. 19, 1829, a. 91, G.R.3.
Mosely, [Feb. 24] 1813, a. 30, P.R.1.
Phila, w. Robert, Feb. 19, 1844, a. 58, G.R.3.
----, ch. Mr. Clark, Nov. ----, 1781, P.R.1.
CLARKE (see Clark)
Margarette, w. Capt. John, May 3, 1816, a. 77, G.R.3.
Daniel, s. Daniel and Lucinda, Aug. 4, 1802, a. 2 y. 15 d., G.R.1. [dysentery, P.R.1.]
Daniel Jr., s. Daniel and Lucinda, Sept. 3, 1820, a. 17, C.R.2. [a. 16 y. 10 m. 28 d., G.R.1.]
Guy Carleton, s. Daniel and Lucinda, Aug. 7, 1802, a. 3 y. 11 m. 19 d., G.R.1. [dysentery, P.R.1.]
Joseph Goodhue, s. George and Sarah B. of Deerfield, Sept. 19, 1838, a. 11 m. [? in Deerfield], C.R.2.
Nancy Maria, d. Daniel and Lucinda, Jan. 26, 1819, a. 16 m., C.R.2. [a. 15 m. 28 d., G.R.1.]
Sarah Helen, d. George and Sarah B. of Deerfield, Aug. 19, 1842, a. 17 m. [? in Deerfield], C.R.2.
Stephen, s. Daniel and Lucinda, Aug. 14, 1802, a. 5 y. 7 m. 11 d., G.R.1. [dysentery, P.R.1.]
----, ch. Charles, Aug. 19, 1848, a. 3 m. [Aug. 12, C.R.2.]
Jonathan of Deerfield, bur. June 28, 1837, a. 76, in Deerfield, C.R.2.
----, ch. James, Oct. 30, 1795, P.R.1.
COLEMAN (see Colman)
Fanny, sister of Thaddeus Esq., Oct. 2, 1822, a. 37, G.R.5.
James Monroe, s. Thaddeus and Millicent N., June 11, 1818, a. 10 m., G.R.5.
John, s. Thomas ("from Evesham England "), Jan. 21, 1711, a. 76 [sic, see birth], in Hatfield, P.R.4.
Milicent (Newton) (see Milient Newton).
Nathaniel, s. John (s. Thomas), Apr. 7, 1755, 71, in Hatfield, P.R.4.
Thaddeus Esq., "Capt. in 26 Reg. U.S. Infantry War of 1812," Sept. 23, 1844., a. 66, G.R.5. [h. Millicent (Newton), h. Abigail (Barnard), P.R.3.]
COLMAN (see Coleman)
Elijah, Jan. 19, 1818, a. 73, C.R.2. [Elijah Coleman Jr., s. Elijah (s. Nathaniel), P.R.4.]
Tabitha, wid. Elijah, June 18, 1818, a. 71, C.R.2.
Eliza Ann, May 15, 1849, a. 8.
Charles Sylvester, s. Sylvester Thomas and Sarah Bickford, Aug. 29, 1841, G.R.1.
Robert Jr., ch. Robert and Sarah, Dec. 9, 1808 [Dec. 9, 1808 written in pencil in later hand]. [consumption, Dec. 9, 1808, a. 21, P.R.1.]
Zecheriah, Dr., suddenly by an appoplectic fit, Oct. 30, 1790, P.R.1.
Giles, ----, 1834, C.R.1.
Sarah, Mrs., Mar. ----, 1844, C.R.1.
Eleanor S., w. Jesse, Feb. 25, 1846, G.R.7.
Richard, ch. Amos and Abigail, Apr. 8, 1789.
CORS (see Corss)
David, ch. Dan and Chloe, June 23, 1778. [Corse, P.R.1.]
Elisabeth, w. James, July 4, 1773. [Elizabeth Corss, July 5, in 65th y., G.R.1. Elizabeth Corse, July 4, P.R.1.]
Elisabeth, ch. Dan and Chloe, Sept. 20, 1777. [Elizabeth Corse, P.R.1.]
Joann, d. James and Elizabeth, Feb. 18, 1781, a. 38 [sic], G.R.1. [Joanna Corse, a. 30 y. 10 m. 11 d., P.R.1.]
Joseph, ch. Dan and Chloe, Jan. 19, 1776. [Corse, Jan. 20, P.R.1.]
Sarah, ch. Dan and Chloe, Dec. 27, 1774. [Corse, P.R.1.]
Submit, w. Asher, Mar. 22, 1777, in 41st y., G.R.4. [Corse, P.R.1.]
CORSS (see Cors)
Asher Jr., May 8, 1814, G.R.2. [Cors, a. 39, P.R.1.]
Asher, June 25, 1822, a. 85, C.R.2.
Climena, d. Asher and Lucy, Apr. 29, 1833, a. 22, G.R.2.
James, Sept. 27, 1783, in 90th y., G.R.1. [Cors, P.R.1.]
Lucy, wid. Asher Jr., May 14, 1814, a. 39, C.R.2. [Lucy (Grennell), G.R.2. Lucy Grinnell Cors, P.R.1.]
Lucy Chapin, w. Asher, ----, 1829, a. 84, G.R.4.
Submit, d. Asher and Lucy, Nov. 18, 1820, a. 21, G.R.2.
----, mother-in-law of Field Wells, June 22, 1807, a. 72, P.R.1.
Ashley, ch. Abigail, Nov. 30, 1827, a. 10 w., C.R.2.
Lauretta Cornelia, d. Daniel and Fanny, Sept. 3, 1843, a. 2 y., G.R.1.
----, ch. Mr. Cushing, Nov. 30, 1778, P.R.1.
Calvin N., Mar. 19, 1847, a. 54, in Deerfield, N.Y., G.R.3.
Carpus Z., s. C. Jr. and Rhoda, Apr. 5, 1808, a. 2, G.R.3. [a. between 3 and 4, P.R.1.]
Consider, Apr. 4, 1819, a. 79, G.R.3.
Lucinda, d. Consider Jr. and Rhoda, May 2, 1803, a. 11, G.R.3.
Submit, w. Consider, Feb. 29 [sic], 1814, a. 69, G.R.3.
Zorah, s. Consider Jr. and Rhoda, Apr. 15, 1803, a. 6, G.R.3. [Apr. 14, a. 8, P.R.1.]
DAVIS (see Daviss)
Caroline W., Oct. 9, 1849, a. 64. [Caroline Williams Davis, Oct. 15, G.R.7.]
DAVISS (see Davis)
Fanny, dysentery, Aug. 26, 1803, in 17th y., P.R.1.
Ethiel, Mar. 20, 1775, P.R.1.
----, ch. Samuel, Feb. ----, 1782, P.R.1.
Aaron Jr., Apr. 11, 1776, P.R.1.
Aaron, Apr. 29, 1780, P.R.1.
Anna Coombs (see ---- Denio).
Elizabeth, w. Harrison G., Nov. 19, 1841, a. 60, G.R.4.
Enos, very suddenly, Apr. 29, 1802, P.R.1.
Lucretia, town pauper, Nov. 5, 1831, a. 74, C.R.2.
Mansel, s. Harrison G., found dead in the highway, Oct. 12, 1831, a. 25, C.R.2.
Ruth, w. Enos, Dec. 16, 1777, P.R.1.
Sophia A., w. Mansel, Oct. 8, 1831, a. 20 y. 10 m., C.R.2.
----, Mrs. [? Anna Coombs Denio], ----, 1774, P.R.1.
Elizabeth, d. Samuel, Aug. 1, 1777, P.R.1.
Mary, w. Charles of Cambridge, Oct. 4, 1848, a. 50, in Northfield, C.R.2.
Mary, d. Charles of Cambridge, Oct. 23, 1848, a. 25, in Northfield, C.R.2.
Jane, Oct. 17, 1836, a. 17, C.R.2. [Jane M., d. Solomon and Mercy, G.R.5.]
Joanna, Mrs., Dec. 31, 1806, a. a. 46, G.R.6. [Dewy, Dec. 30, a. 46, P.R.1.]
Solomon, Nov. 2, 1828, a. 45, G.R.5.
Martha Gilbert, ch. Lucius and Rebecca, Oct. 4, 1821. [a. 11, G.R.1.]
Stephen, s. Rodolphus and Nancy, Jan. 21, 1815, a. 2 y. 3 m., C.R.2.
Thomas [h. Sarah], Dec. 10, 1841. [Thomas of Springfield, Dec. 9, a. 73, C.R.2. Dec. 9, a. 73, G.R.1.]
----, inf. s. Thomas, Sept. 6, 1801, P.R.1.
Addine, Nov. 18, 1848, a. 23, in Springfield, C.R.2. [Adaline P., Nov. 16, a. 24, G.R.7.]
Charles, s. Noah and Rachel of Ashfield, June 28, 1828, a. 8 [? in Ashfield], C.R.2.
Charles Edward, s. George and Lucy, Jan. 3, 1831, a. 2 y. 6 m., C.R.2. [ch. George and Lucy R., G.R.1.]
Hannah, wid. Nathan, Aug. 12, 1843, a. 75, in Hartford, Conn., C.R.2. G.R.1.
James Frederick, s. George and Lucy, Feb. 19, 1849, a. 7, in New York, C.R.2. [ch. George and Lucy R., a. 7 y. 3 m., G.R.1.]
Jane, d. William W. and Eliza G., Sept. 14, 1824, a. 17 m., C.R.2. [a. 18 m., G.R.1.]
Jane, d. William W. and Eliza G., Sept. 21, 1831, a. 10 m., C.R.2. G.R.1.
John, ch. Nathan and Hannah, Oct. 28, 1812. [a. 1, G.R.1. Oct. 26, a. 18 m., P.R.1.]
Lucy Ann, ch. George and Lucy R., Mar. 14, 1841, a. 2 y. 6 m., G.R.1.
Mary, d. William W. and Eliza G., Dec. 8, 1845, a. 21, C.R.2. G.R.1.
Nathan, May 31, 1828, a. 66, C.R.2. G.R.1.
Ann H., d. Albert G. and Sophia S., Mar. 20, 1836, a. 10 m., G.R.1.
Martha D., Oct. 9, 1849, a. 44.
ELLIS (see Allice).
Hannah, w. Caleb, Dec. 21, 1841, a. 58, G.R.5.
----, ch. John, Feb. 26, 1793, "young," P.R.1.
Henry H., ch. Allen and Caroline, Sept. 3, 1847, G.R.7.
----, ch. Haven W. and Clarissa, Dec. 29, 1849, a. 2 1/2 m., in Deerfield, C.R.2.
Alcesta L., wid. John W., May 5, 1846, a. 36, G.R.4.
Martha of Northfield, Sept. 16, 1832, a. 19, in Northfield, C.R.2.
Robert R. of Deerfield, July 26, 1841, a. 70 [? in Deerfield], C.R.2.
Eliza Ann, May 15, 1849, a. 8, C.R.2.
Catharine, w. Daniel, Aug. 8, 1841, a. 69, G.R.1.
Martha C., w. D. D., Jan. 26, 1848, a. 26, G.R.7.
John, b. Ennistymon, Co. Clare, Ire., Aug. 20, 1846, a. 45, G.R.8.
Marietta E., adopted d. Jonathan, Aug. 29, 1834, a. 19 y. 10 m., C.R.2. [Mariette E., a. 20, G.R.4.]
Richard, ch. Richard and w., Apr. 9, 1825, a. 3 m., C.R.2.
Ruth, wid., Aug. 5, 1792, a. 86, P.R.1.
----, s. Daniel, dysentery, Aug. 22, 1802, a. 1, P.R.1.
----, ch. Whitman S. and Martha F., Nov. 11, 1845, a. 2, in Westfield, C.R.2.
Dorathy, ch. Isaac and Irena, Sept. 8, 1758. [Dorothy, d. Isaac and Irana, in 4th y., G.R.1.]
Dorothy, ----, 1792, G.R.1 . [ch. Isaac Jr., July 10, P.R.1.]
Irena, w. Isaac, Dec. 13, 1762, in 28th. y. [Irana, Dec. 13, 1763, G.R.1. wid. Isaac, Dec. 13, 1762, P.R.1.]
Isaac, Mar. 13, 1796, m. 72d y., G.R.1.
Patience, w. Rev. Septimus, ch. John Wells and Mary, abt. 1812, in Petersham.
Warham, ch. Isaac and Irena, Sept. 30, 1758. [s. Isaac and Irana, in 2d y., G.R.1.]
Warham, s. Isaac and Irana, Sept. 18, 1777, in 19th y., G.R.1. [Warren Foster, P.R.1.]
Lydia H., w. Bancroft, d. Jerome Ripley, Oct. 23, 1841, G.R.1.
Ira, S. Jabez and Sebra, Aug. 24, 1797, in 2d y., G.R.4. [Fraizer, Aug. 20, P.R.1.]
William Guild, s. Jabez and Sebra, Sept. 28, 1798, a. 8 m. 13 d., G.R.4. [Fraizer, Sept. 27, P.R.1.]
Hannah, d. Samuel and Lois, May 15, 1818, a. 9, C.R.2.
----, ch. Joseph and Susan, Aug. 20, 1830, a. 2, C.R.2. [George W., s. Joseph and Susannah W., G.R.1.]
----, Mrs., Nov. 27, 1848, a. 75.
Betsey, July 30, 1837, C.R.3. [Elizabeth, a. 42, G.R.1.]
Elizabeth, w. Stephen, Apr. 27, 1845, a. 86, G.R.1.
Stephen, h. Elizabeth, Feb. 10, 1825, a. 75, G.R.1.
Eliel, Col., Oct. 20, 1830, a. 65, G.R.1.
Harriet, Mrs., bur. Feb. 27, 1826, a. 52, C.R.1. [w. Col. Eliel, d. Feb. 24, G.R.1.]
Martha, d. Col. Eliel and Harriot, Dec. 17, 1810, a. 3, G.R.1.
Thomas, ch. Eliel and Harriet, Dec. 23, 1841.
----, s. Amos, typhus fever, Feb. 4, 1810, a. 22, P.R.1.
James C., laborer, s. Joseph, May 11, 1849, a. 27. [James Clark Gillighan, C.R.2.]
Joseph, Mar. 297 1824, a. 32, G.R.4.
John, "colored man," Feb. 28, 1826, a. 40, C.R.2.
Justus L., s. Asa and Sophia, Oct. 31, 1819, a. 16, G.R.1.
Sophia Lorane, d. Asa and Sophia, July 3, 1818, a. 3, G.R.1.
Elihu, Apr. 22, 1840, a. 87, G.R.3. [h. Sarah [(Smead)], P.R.25.]
Sarah, w. Elihu, May 11, 1823, a. 58, G.R.5. [Sarah [(Smead)], Apr. 11, P.R.25.]
Esther, w. Philip of Montague, Feb. 23, 1831, a. 75 [? in Montague], C.R.2.
----, w. Noah, killed, thrown from a wagon, Sept. 26, 1825, a. 32, in Montague, C.R.2.
----, Ch. ----, Apr. 8, 1849.
Abigail, wid. Job, May 17, 1846, a. 85, C.R.2. G.R.2.
Arad, [twin] s. John and Sarah, July 29, 1775, a. 2 m., G.R.4.
Charles Lyman, s. Lewis and Lura, Feb. 14, 1847, a. 7 12 m., C.R.2. [s. Lewis L. and Lurana E., a. 7 m. 16 d., G.R.2.]
Chester, s. Ebenezer and Ann, Sept. 17, 1803, a. 21, G.R.2. [s. Ebenezer Jr., dysentery, a. 20, P.R.1.]
Daniel, S. John and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1778, a. 1, G.R.4.
Daniell, s. Daniell and Thankful, Sept. 3, 1755.
Daniell, Aug. 23, 1756.
Daniell, ch. Ebenezer and Prudance, Jan. 18, 1776. [Daniel, in the army, P.R.1.]
Daniell, ch. Ebenezer Jr. and Anna, Dec. 27, 1797. [Daniel, s. Ebenezer and Ann, a. 17, G.R.2. S. Ebenezer Jr., Dec. 26, P.R.1.]
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Ann, July 6, 1800, a. 16, G.R.2. [s. Ebenezer Jr., July 8, P.R.1.]
Ebenezer, Dea., Apr. 26, 1814, a. 83, G.R.2. P.R.1.
Edward P., only ch. Edward P. and S. Maria, Aug. 25, 1842, a. 2 y. 3 m., C.R.2.
Electa (see Lecta).
Electa, d. Job and Abigail, Oct. 14, 1805, a. 5, G.R.2. [Oct. 16, a. 4, P.R.1.]
Esther, [twin] d. John and Sarah, Oct. 27, 1778, a. 3, G.R.4. [Oct. 25, P.R.1.]
Fidelia G., d. Eli and Bethene, Apr. 10, 1807, a. 7, G.R.4. [rattles, P.R.1.]
Gad, s. Ebenezer and Ann, Sept. 24, 1803, a. 13, G.R.2. [S. Ebenezer Jr., dysentery, a. 12, P.R.1.]
Horace, May 29, 1846, a. 57, C.R.2. G.R.2.
Jane, d. Dea. Eli, bur. Jan. 17, 1826, a. 13, C.R.1. [d. Eli and Judith, d. Jan. 14, G.R.4.]
Job, Revolutionary pensioner, h. Abigail, father of Horace, Jan. 22, 1845, P.C.R. [a. 88, G.R.2.]
Joel, s. Daniell and Thankfull, Apr. 16, 1760, in 24th y.
John, S. John and Sarah, Sept 30, 1785, a. 12, G.R.4.
John, Sept. 24, 1826, a. 87, G.R.4.
John W., s. John J. and Maria C., Aug. 24, 1847, a. 14 m., G.R.4.
Lecta, ch. Ebenezer and Prudance, Aug. 19, 1777. [Electa, d. Dea. Ebenezer, P.R.1.]
Martha, w. Horace, Sept. 18, 1825, a. 38, C.R.2.
Moses, ch. Ebenezer and Prudance, Feb. 8, 1760.
Moses, May 20, 1846, a. 83, C.R.2. G.R.5.
Otis, ch. Job and Abigail [dup. Abigal], Dec. 26, 1796. [s. Job and Abigail, a. 6, G.R.2. throat distemper, Dec. 27, P.R.1.]
Otis, s. Job and Abigail, May 19, 1808, a. 5, G.R.2. [May 18, P.R.1.]
Prudence, w. Dea. Ebenezer, Oct. 19, 1804, a. 74, G.R.2. [Oct. 20, a. 73, P.R.1.]
Sarah, w. John, Jan. 19, 1820, a. 81, G.R.4.
Solomon, ch. [Dea., P.R.1.] Ebenezer and Prudance, Sept. 23, 1777.
Solomon, s. Job and Abigail, Jan. 20, 1809, a. 25, G.R.2. [disorder in his head, P.R.1.]
Thankful, d. John and Sarah, Oct. 29, 1778, a. 1, G.R.4.
Thankfull, Apr. 2, 1760. [Mrs. Thankful, in 60th y., G.R.1.]
----, w. Rufus, consumption, May 6, 1806, P.R.1.
----, [Graves], ----, 1831, a. 1 d., G.R.4.
Eliza, colored, Sept. 6, 1846, C.R.3.
GRENELL (see Grennell, Grinnell)
Chester, ch. George and Lydia, Aug. 18, 1777. [in 2d y., G.R.7. Grennells, Aug. 19, P.R.1.]
Clarissa, ch. George and Lydia, June 14, 1782. [a. 5 d., G.R.7. Grennell, June 17, P.R.1.]
George Jr., ch. George and Lydia, Aug. 20, 1777. [in 4th y., G.R.7. Grennells, P.R.1.]
George, ch. George and Lydia, Aug. 3, 1778. [a. 22 hrs., G.R.7. Grennell, P.R.1.]
GRENNELL (see Grenell, Grinnell)
Calvin 3 [? 3d], s. William, Dec. 16, 1836, a. 43, in Sumpterville, S.C., G.R.1.
George, Mar. 8, 1844, a. 94, G.R.7.
Helen A., w. George Jr. Esq., Mar. 4, 1818, a. 22, G.R.1.
Helen Sarah, d. George and Helen A., Aug. 11, 1819, a. 18 m., G.R.1.
Lucy, w. William, Revolutionary pensioner, May 4, 1837, P.C.R. [a. 76, C.R.2. w. William M., a. 76, G.R.1.]
Lydia, W. George, Dec. 24, 1832, a. 80, G.R.7.
William Jr., Sept. 30, 1826, a. 46, in the Isle of Wight, Va., G.R.1.
William, Revolutionary pensioner, h. Lucy dec'd, July 9, 1837, P.C.R. [a. 84 y. 9 m., C.R.2. a. 85, G.R.1.]
William Fowler, s. George and Eliza S., Aug. 15, 1827, a. 19 m., G.R.1.
GRINNELL (see Grenell, Grennell)
Lucy (Clarke), w. William, Jane [sic] 6, 1783, P.C.R. [Lucy (Clark), June 6, P.R.11.]
Saly, ch. William and Lucy (Keeney), Oct. 2, 1802, P.C.R. [Sally, a. 17, G.R.3. Grennell, dysentery, Oct. 1, a. 17, P.R.1. Saly Grinnell, ch. William and Lucy (Kinney), P.R.11.]
William, s. Wise and Temperance, Aug. 7, 1802, in 23d y., [Grennell, dysentery, a. 2 sic, P.R.1.]
GRISWOLD (see Griswould)
Elizabeth, wid. Theophilus, Feb. 4, 1843, a. 82, G.R.3.
Emerson, s. Whiting and Jane, May 21, 1849, a. 1, [s. Whiting and Jane M., a. 1 y. 12 d., G.R.7. ch. Whiting and Jane Maria (Martindale), P.R.19.]
Jane A., d. W. and J., July 24, 1849, a. 3. [Jane Augusta, d. Whiting and Jane M., a. 3 y. 8 m., G.R.7. Jane Augusta, ch. Whiting and Jane Maria (Martindale), P.R.19.]
Theophilus, Lt., Dec. 17, 1821, a. 60, G.R.3.
----, d. Theopholus, dysentery, Nov. 3, 1802, a. 14, P.R.1.
----, The Rt. Rev. Bishop, suddenly, Feb. 15, 1843, a. 77, in Boston, C.R.2.
GRISWOULD (see Griswold)
Tolcott, ch. Theophilus and Elizabeth, May 19, 1796. [scalded, P.R.1.]
GWELLOE (see Gwellow)
Harriet, d. Calvin and Candace, Aug. 30, 1827, a. 19 m., C.R.2.
Lucius, s. David and Phebe, Nov. 20, 1816, a. 8 m., C.R.2.
GWELLOW (see Gwelloe)
Elizabeth, w. Abel, Aug. 5, 1832, a. 58, C.R.2.
George, s. David and Mary, Aug. 25, 1841, a. 22 m., C.R.2.
----, ch. David, Mar. 21, 1831, a. 13 m., C.R.2.
Chester, s. Thomas and Mary, Nov. 6, 1847, a. 21, G.R.4.
Mary, d. Thomas and Mary, Mar. 29, 1848, a. 20, G.R.4.
Calvin, Mar. 29, 1832, a. 58, C.R.2. [Mar. 15, a. 57, G.R.1.]
Clarissa, d. Calvin and Hannah, Mar. 18, 1819, a. 12, C.R.2. [Mar. 21, a. 14, G.R.1.]
Clarissa, d. Calvin and Hannah, May 29 or 30, 1822, a. 4 m., C.R.2. [May ----, 1823, a. 6 m., G.R.1.]
Dolly, ---- [rec. between Dec. 10, 1848 and Jan. 10, 1849], a. 84.
Ezekiel, Dec. 3, 1818, a. 84, G.R.1.
Hannah, w. Calvin, Sept. 5, 1824, a. 46, C.R.2. G.R.1.
Sally, d. Calvin and Hannah, Dec. 2, 1807, a. 3, G.R.1. [suddenly, worms or putrid fever, P.R.1.]
----, ch. George and Lucinda, Aug. 24, 1849, a. 15 m. [? in Guilford, Vt.], C.R.2.
Charles, s. Richardson, Nov. 14, 1849, a. 26. [a. 26 y. 5 m., G.R.7.]
Cornelia, Mrs., ----, 1829, C.R.1.
Elizabeth, wid. John E., June 7, 1838, a. 69, in Springfield, C.R.2.
Isabella, Aug. 14, 1833, a. 10 m., G.R.7.
John E., Apr. 30, 1833, a. 68, in Springfield, C.R.2.
Nancy, d. George and Mary Ann of Ashfield, bur. Aug. 15, 1847, a. 4, in Ashfield, C.R.2.
Samuel, s. Timothy and Lucinda, Nov. 20, 1823, a. 14 m., G.R.1.
Timothy, ----, 1829, C.R.1. [July 14, a. 76, G.R.1.]
Joseph, a foreigner, Sept. 9, 1847, a. 65, "at the factory village," C.R.2.
Alexander, July 6, 1803, a. 28, G.R.1. [Hamilton, amputation of leg, P.R.1.]
Hannah, w. ----, Nov. 9, 1849, a. 25. [w. Henry, a. 26, G.R.5.]
John [dup. Herridon], Oct. 20, 1817, a. 15, C.R.2.
Samuel, Dec. 30, 1832, a. 36, G.R.1.
HASKINS (see Howskins).
HASTING (see Hastings)
Caroline, ch. Lemuell and Eunice, Oct. 30, 1791. [Hastings, ch. Lemuell, Oct. 31, P.R.1.]
Cynthia (see Sinthy).
John, ch. Lemuell and Eunice, Sept 15, 1777. [Hastings, s. Lemuel, Sept. 20, P.R.1.]
Lemuel Jr., ch. Lemuell and Eunice, Sept 20, 1777. [Hastings, ch. Lemuel, Sept. 17, P.R.1.]
Sinthy, ch. Lemuell and Eunice, Dec. 27, 1791. [Synthia Hastings, d. Lemuel, P.R.1.]
HASTINGS (see Hasting)
Abigail W., d. Otis [Otis and Naomi, G.R.4.], May 20, 1849, a. 26.
Amanda, ch. Selas and Susanna, Nov. 27, 1791.
Annis, d. Joseph, Oct. 5, 1771, P.R.1.
Benjamin, Dea., Aug. 16, 1774, in 76th y., G.R.4. [Lt., P.R.1.]
Benjamin, Lt., Jan. 21, 1806, a. 77, G.R.4. P.R.1.
Benjamin Jr., Nov. 5, 1819, a. 28, G.R.4.
Benjamin, Oct. 1, 1835, a. 75, G.R.4.
Cela (see Octave).
Electa, Aug. 26, 1838, C.R.3. [d. Lemuel and Melinda, a. 22, G.R.4.]
Elizabeth, ch. Joseph Jr. and Clarinda, Mar. 24, 1797. [Mar. 25, P.R.1.]
Eunice, w. Lemuel, July 20, 1791, a. 40, G.R.4. [in 40th y., P.R.1.]
Harriet T., d. Russell and Harriet A., Sept. 24, 1829, a. 5, G.R.4.
Joseph, gravel, June 2, 1806, a. "more than" 60, P.R.1.
Lemuel, Mar. 2, 1825, a. 82, G.R.4.
Lois, w. Lemuel, Nov. 1, 1816, a. 67, G.R.4.
Mary, d. Joseph, Oct. 20, 1771, P.R.1.
Naomi, w. Otis, Dec. 12, 1835, a. 44, G.R.4.
Nathan, ch. Benjeman and Mary, Nov. 26, 1768, a. 3 y. 3 m. 15 d. [s. Benjamin Jr., Nov. 25, P.R.1.]
Octave, d. Lemuel and Eunice, Aug. 28, 1802, a. 17, G.R.4. [Cela Hastings, dysentery, P.R.1.]
Prudance, w. Dea. Benjamin, Sept. 20, 1774, in 75th y., G.R.4. [Prudence, wid. Benjamin Jr., Sept. 29, P.R.1.]
Rachel, Mrs., ----, 1842, C.R.1. [wid. Benjamin, Apr. 6, 1842, a. 80, G.R.4.]
Sarah, d. Joseph, Nov. 12, 1771, P.R.1.
Selah, Jan. 4, 1844, a. 81, G.R.4.
Susannah, w. Selah, Ma[broken] 7, 1840, a. [broken]6, G.R.4.
Tartallus, s. Joseph, Dec. 31, 1796, P.R.1.
W. M., July 24, 1848, a. 29.
----, ch. Medad, Sept. 12, 1777, P.R.1.
----, ch. Medad, Sept. 14, 1777, P.R.1.
----, ch. Joseph, Sept. 15, 1777, P.R.1.
----, ch. Medad, Nov. 22, 1794, P.R.1.
Chester of Georgia, bur. July 11, 1849, a. 52, in Deerfield, C.R.2.
Abigail C., w. Edward F., Feb. 1, 1833, a. 24, G.R.4.
Adna S., s. Edward F. and Abigail, Oct. 4, 1833, a. 8 m., G.R.4.
Betsey, ----, 1845, G.R.7.
Charles (see ----, Henry).
D. Jr., farmer, s. David, [Oct.] 3, 1848, a. 29. [David, s. David and Prudence, a. 29 y. 1 m. 16 d., G.R.4.]
John, "a Dutchman," Sept. 10, 1809, a. 56, P.R.1.
----, ch. Edward F. and Eliza A., Feb. 19, 1846, a. 15 m., C.R.2. [Charles, Feb. 18, G.R.4.]
HENSDALE (see Hindsdale, Hinsdale, Hinsdell)
Ann, w. Ariel, June 14, 1836, a. 24, G.R.5.
George, s. Ariel and Ann, July 4, 1836, a. 4 m., G.R.5.
HERRIDON (see Harridon).
----, d. ----, July 20, 1849, a. 3. [Mary Hebard, d. George and Mary, July 21, a. 2 y. 10 m., C.R.2.]
Amand Malissa, d. Truman B. and Lemira. E., Apr. 4, 1843, a. 1 y. 12 d., G.R.4.
Amanda, w. Wass, Dec. 28, 1831, a. 40, G.R.4.
HINDSDALE (see Hensdale, Hinsdale, Hinsdell)-
Daniel A., s. Darius and Lecta, Nov. 5, 1822, a. 21, G.R.5.
Darius, s. Samuel and Rebekah, [broken] 13, 1768, in 20th y., G.R.5. [Hinsdale, Apr. 13, P.R.1.]
Rebeckah, w. Samuell, Aug. 16, 1760. [Hinsdale, in 48th y., G.R.5.]
Samuel, Nov. 23, 1786, in 79th y., G.R.5.
HINSDALE (see Hensdale, Hindsdale, Hinsdell)
Ariel, Mar. 10, 1828, a. 77, C.R.2.
Chester, s. Chester and Lucy, Sept. 7, 1831, a. 2 y. 7 m., in Monroe, C.R.2. [a. 2 y. 7 m. 8 d., G.R.5.]
Darius, Mar. 17, 1832, a. 55, C.R.2. G.R.5.
Eunice, w. Samuel, May 29, 1779, P.R.1.
Fidelia, d. Darius, May 27, 1829, a. 20, C.R.2.
Gideon S., s. Samuel, killed by the kick of a horse, Mar. 26, 1834, a. 19 y. 9 m., C.R.2. [s. S. and S., G.R.5.]
Lucinda, d. Ariel, Mar. 20, 1825, a. 31, C.R.2. [d. Axial and Thankful, a. 30, G.R.5.]
Maria, d. Samuel [of] Wendell, Apr. 4, 1843, a. 24 [? in Greenfield], C.R.2. [S. Maria, d. S. and S., G.R.5.]
Mary, wid. Samuel, Apr. 11, 1830, a. 82, C.R.2. [a. 81, G.R.5.]
S. Maria (see Maria).
Sally, w. Samuel, Apr. 26, 1844, a. 54, in Wendell, C.R.2. G.R.5.
Samuel, May 10, 1826, a. 85, C.R.2. G.R.5.
Sarah, d. Elisha, Nov. 30, 1774, P.R.1.
Sarah, wid. Samuel, Jan. 25, 1799, in 83d y., P.R.1.
Thankful, wid. Ariel, Dec. 23, 1829, a. 75, C.R.2.
HINSDELL (see Hensdale, Hindsdale, Hinsdale)
Sarah, w. Elisha, Dec. 7, 1764, in 19th y.
Abigail, w. Mirick, Feb. 15, 1840, a. 88, G.R.4.
Charles, Oct. 18, 1804, a. 32, P.R.1.
Olive, w. Wareham, Nov. 7, 1828, a. 53, G.R.4.
Theodocia, d. Wareham and Olive, Feb. 25, 1835, a. 40, G.R.4.
----, ch. Charles, dysentery, Sept. 13, 1802, a. 2, P.R.1.
----, ch. Joseph H. and Persis L., June 18, 1847, a. 2 m., in Hadley, C.R.2.
Benjamin, Dec. 26, 1808, a. 2 --, P.R.1.
----, inf. Benjamin, Sept. ----, 1792, P.R.1.
Edward [? of Guilford, Vt.], Nov. 20, 1845, a. 80, in New York, C.R.2.
Hiram David, ch. Joseph and Elizabeth H., Sept. 21, 1849, a. 6 w. [? in Charlemont], C.R.2.
Sarah Gilbert Nelson, w. Rev. George Lewis, ----, 1840, in Jamaica, W.I., G.R.7.
Martha Pike, w. Roger S., Sept. 24, 1849, G.R.7.
Roger S., inf. Roger S. and Martha P., Jan. 5, 1842, G.R.7.
Samuel, "a young man from Dorchester in Vermont," abcess upon the lungs, Dec. 4, 1796, P.R.1.
Abigail, d. George, Sept. 7, 1782, a. 10 w., P.R.1.
Abigail, inf. Seth, Oct. 5, 1784, P.R.1.
Abigail of Gill, w. George, Feb. 18, 1795, in 90thy., [? in Gill], P.R.1.
Mercey, w. George Jr., Nov. 15, 1776, P.R.1.
Seth, Apr. 10, 1794, in 39th y., P.R.1.
Welthy, w. Salmon, Dec. 10, 1821, a. 54, G.R.4.
----, ch. Seth, Sept. 14, 1777, P.R.1.
----, Mr., July 18, 1780, a. 90, P.R.1.
Benjamin, s. James and Mercy, Dec. 26, 1808, G.R.1.
Ephraim, July 13, 1815, a. 57, G.R.3.
Irene, wid. Ephraim, Dec. 15, 1833, a. 70, G.R.3.
Mary, w. Amos, Sept. 7, 1846, G.R.3.
Frances F., Apr. 20, 1838, C.R.3. [Fanny Fidelia, w. Samuel M., d. Moses Bordwell and Sally of Montague, a. 31 y. 7 m., G.R.1.]
Polly, Apr. 17, 1847, C.R.3.
Hannah, w. Ebenezer, childbirth, Aug. 4, 1811, P.R.1.
Sally C. B., June 18, 1822, a. 17, C.R.2. [a. 18, G.R.1.]
----, s. Samuel and Pamela, Aug. 3, 1835, a. 3 d., G.R.3.
Charles S., s. Rev. Charles and Amelia, June 11, 1835, a. 7, G.R.1.
Ruth B., w. Rev. Charles, July 4, 1822, a. 28, G.R.1.
----, d. Margaret, wid., typhus fever, May 9, 1810, a. 12, P.R.1.
John Chaloner, s. Porter and Lucy, Mar. 20, 1810, a. 4, G.R.1.
Mary, w. Richard, Apr. 3, 1809, a. 73, G.R.3. [a. 74, P.R.1.]
Porter C. of Bernardston, Jan. 9, 1830, a. 17 [? in Bernardston], C.R.2.
Richard, Nov. 22, 1811, a. 77, G.R.3. [Nov. 23, P.R.1.]
Aaron, ch. Phineas and Mary, Sept. 17, 1777.
Aaron, ch. Phineas and Mary, Sept. 3, 1779.
Caroline, d. Albert and Lucy, Aug. 8, 1828, a. 4 m., G.R.1.
Caroline, d. John, Apr. 2, 1842, a. 27, C.R.2. [Apr. 1, a. 28, G.R.1.]
Emma Maria, only ch. Levi and Caroline L., Jan. 3, 1841, a. 10 m., C.R.2.
Frances M., only ch. George and Maria P., June 24, 1840, a. 3 m., G.R.1.
John, Sept. 5, 1849, a. 64.
Maria Isabella, d. Justin and Sarah F., Sept. 14, 1843, G.R.7.
Martha, wid. Jehiel, bur. Sept. 3, 1849, a. 83, in W. Deerfield, C.R.2.
Mary, wid., pensioner, mother of Hannah, Isaac, Reuben, Nov. 17, 1843, P.C.R.
Mary Anne, d. Albert and Lucy, Jan. 11, 1835, a. 3 y. 8 m., G.R.1.
Mary L., w. ----, June 12, 1849, a. 22. [M. L. C. Jones, w. Allen, May 13, G.R.1.]
Phineas, Oct. 25, 1806, P.R.1.
Silvia, w. John, Dec. 20, 1840, a. 53, G.R.1.
Thankful, ch. [inf., P.R.1.] Phineas and Mary, Jan. 21, 1781.
Lucretia E., w. ----, July 29, 1849, a. 30. [w. Lorenzo D., C.R.2. w. L. D., G.R.7.]
Anna, wid. William, Feb. 19, 1818, a. 72, C.R.2.
William, Apr. 30, 1813, a. 79, C.R.2. [Mar. 30, a. 80, P.R.1.]
Almira, w. William, June 2, 1847, a. 35, C.R.2. G.R.7.
Ann M., d. Alexander, Mar. 9, 1838, a. 24, C.R.2. [ch. Alexander and Sally, a. 25, G.R.7. Ann Morgan Keith, ch. Alexander and Sally (Billings), Mar. 7, P.R.8.]
George, ch. Alexander and Sally, Feb. 27, 1825, a. 21 m., G.R.7. [ch. Alexander and Sally (Billings), P.R.8.]
Sophia, ch. Alexander and Sally, Sept. 3, 1824, a. 13, G.R.7. [ch. Alexander and Sally (Billings), P.R.8.]
KENDAL (see Kendall)
Charles, s. Lyman and Martha C., July 18, 1824, a. 2 y. 3 m., C.R.2. G.R.1.
James Dwight, s. Lyman and Martha C., Oct. 10, 1818, a. 9 m., C.R.2. [a. 9 m. 6 d., G.R.1.]
KENDALL (see Kendal)
John, father of Olive Wilson, ----, 1792, a. 80, G.R.1.
Lyman Jr., July 1, 1846, a. 34, G.R.1.
Gottreich, s. Theodore and Caroline, May 7, 1831, a. 11, G.R.7.
KINGSLEY (see Kingsly, Kinsley)
Fanny, d. Ebenezer W. and Fanny, Feb. 15, 1833, a. 17 d., C.R.2. [a. 16 d., G.R.1.]
John Clapp, s. Ebenezer W. and Fanny, May 18, 1841, a. 21 m., C.R.2. [a. 22 m., G.R.1.]
Moses B., s. E. W. and Fanny, Apr. 8, 1849, a. 7. [Moses Breck Kingsley, s. Ebenezer and Fanny, a. 6 y. 8 m., C.R.2. a. 6 y. 8 m., G.R.1.]
Moses Breck, s. Ebenezer W. and Fanny, Aug. 11, 1839, a. 14 m., C.R.2. G.R.1.
KINGSLY (see Kingsley, Kinsley)
----, s. Darius, Oct. 18, 1805, a. 2, P.R.1.
KINSLEY (see Kingsley, Kingsly)
Mehitabel, w. Caleb, July 31, 1816, [? in] Montague, a. 59, C.R.2.
Frederick, "Co. A. 10th Mass. Inf.," ----, G.R.7.
William, s. Liberty and Mary, bur. July 24, 1837, a. 2 y. 6 m., C.R.2. [d. July 21, a. 2 y. 7 m., G.R.1.]
----, ch. Elijah, Mar. 28, 1799, P.R.1.
Mary A., Jan. 20, 1845, a. 26, G.R.1.
Eber N., s. Capt. Hart and Clarrissa, Sept. 15, 1833, a. 2 y. 7 m., G.R.5.
Fanny, w. Capt. Hart, Nov. 26, 1826, a. 30, G.R.5.
Alonzo, s. John S. and Elvira, Mar. 10, 1816, a. 18 m., C.R.2.
Emilia [dup. Amelia], Mrs., ----, 1833, C.R.1. [Emilia, Nov. 7, a. 71, G.R.1.]
Hart, May 25, 1836, a. 71, C.R.2. G.R.1.
Henry Martyn, ch. Hooker and Nancy, May 31, 1831. [May 30, a. 4 y. 6 m., G.R.7.]
Hooker, Oct. 28, 1842, a. 57, G.R.7.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Emelia, Aug. 6, 1802, a. 8 m. 20 d., G.R.1. [s. Jonathan Esq., dysentery, P.R.1.]
Jonathan, Dea., Apr. 31 [sic], 1830, C.R.1. [May 18, a. 66, G.R.1.]
Lucy, Jan. 18, 1845, G.R.7.
David S. J., May 20, 1849, a. 5. [David S. Jones Leroy, s. Jonas and Edith A., May 21, a. 5 y. 1 m. 19 d., G.R.1.]
Elizabeth, w. Francis, May 3, 1815, a. 72, C.R.2.
Francis, Revolutionary soldier, b. England, father of Francis, Nov. 23, 1832, P.C.R. [a. 94, C.R.2.]
----, ch. Francis, throat distemper, Feb. 12, 1812, a. 16 m., P.R.1.
Elizabeth, Aug. 4, 1844, a. 58, C.R.2. [a. 57, G.R.1.]
----, ch. Mr. Lewis, Sept. 30, 1802, a. 7, P.R.1.
----, ch. Mr. Lewis, Oct. 5, 1802, a. 1, P.R.1.
Jonathan of Ashfield, bur. Aug. 25, 1848, a. 64, in Ashfield, C.R.2.
Betsy, Jan. 3, 1849, a. 68, G.R.7.
Cynthia, "in the family of E. Root Esq.," Oct. 18, 1830, a. 17, C.R.2. [d. Edmond Esq. and Dolly, Oct. 17, G.R.5.]
Elizabeth, w. Silas, Oct. 12, 1824, a. 29, C.R.2. [a. 30, G.R.1.]
James, pleurisy attended with ulcers, July 1, 1808, a. 70, P.R.1.
Julia, d. John and Mary Ann, Nov. 30, 1845, a. 3, [? in] Deerfield, C.R.2.
Mary, w. James of Deerfield, Apr. 13, 1841, a. 62 [? in Deerfield], C.R.2.
Polly, May ----, 1793, a. abt. 4, P.R.1.
Samuel, ch. James, Mar. 12, 1824, a. 9 m. [? in Deerfield], C.R.2.
----, ch. Mr. Logan, Jan. 28, 1795, P.R.1.
Charles, s. Charles and Harriet, Mar. 3, 1823, a. 5, G.R.1.
David Jr., Sept. 13, 1845, a. 42, C.R.2. [h. Seraph J., a. 43, G.R.1.]
Lewis, s. David and Seraph dec'd, Jan. 13, 1846, a. 7, C.R.2. [s. D. Jr. and S. J., G.R.1.]
Matilda, Mrs., ----, 1845, C.R.1.
Sabra, d. Lemuel H. and Sabrina, Jan. 4, 1830, a. 11 m., C.R.2. [Feb. 23, G.R.1.]
Sarah Mellen, d. Lemuel H. and Sabrina, Oct. 6, 1843, a. 5 y. 6 m., C.R.2. G.R.1.
Seraph, w. David Jr., Sept. 11, 1841, a. 36, C.R.2. [Seraph J., G.R.1.]
Charles, s. William and Beckah, Oct. 3, 1802, a. 3 y. 3 m., G.R.3.
LOVELAND (see Loveman)
Epaphroditus, h. Eunice, June 26, 1808, a. 50, G.R.2. [mortification in his arm, June 25, a. 56, P.R.1.]
Eunice, w. Epaphroditus, Sept. 1, 1810, a. 47, G.R.2. [wid., suicide, Sept. 2, P.R.1.]
----, w. George Jr., Feb. 29, 1792, P.R.1.
LOVEMAN (see Loveland)
Thomas, ch. Thomas, June 20, 1778, P.R.1.
Sarah W., w. Amariah G., Feb. 21, 1844, a. 30, C.R.2.
Samuel Dexter, Oct. 23, 1847, a. 30, G.R.7.
Elihu, ----, 1842 [1842 written in pencil], C.R.1.
Henry, s. Elihu Esq., Mar. 13, 1811, a. 23, G.R.6. [Harry, P.R.1.]
Rebecca B., w. Col. Theodore D., May 27, 1820, a. 27, G.R.1.
Samuel, "on a visit to Northampton," dysentery, Aug. 29, 1802, a. abt. 35, P.R.1.
Sarah, w. Elihu Esq., May 23, 1813, a. 65, G.R.6. [w. Maj. Elihu, P.R.1.]
Gilbert M. of Colrain, Nov. 29, 1836, a. 25 [? in Colrain], C.R.2.
John, Oct. ----, 1798, P.R.1.