Greenfield, Franklin Co., Ma,
Vital Records To The Year 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1915
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

THIS publication is issued under the authority of a vote passed by the NEw ENGLAND HISTORICAL GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, November 6, 1901, as follows:
Voted: That the sum of $20,000, from the bequest of the late Robert Henry Eddy, be set aside as a special fund to be called the Eddy Town-Record Fund, for the sole purpose of publishing the Vital Records of the towns of Massachusetts, and that the Council be authorized and instructed to make such arrangements as may be necessary for such publication. And the treasurer is hereby instructed to honor such drafts as shall be authorized by the Council for this purpose.
Committee on Publications -
THE TOWN OF GREENFIELD, Franklin County, was established as a district June 9, 1753, from a part of Deerfield. -
August 23, 1775, the district was made a town by 9eneral act.
September 28, 1793, part was established as Gill.
April 14, 1838, part was annexed to Bernardston.
May 2, 1896, part of Deerfield was annexed to Greenfield.
1765 (Prov.), 368;
1776 (Prov.), 735;
1790 (U.S.), 1498;
1800(U.S.), 1254;
1810(U.S.) 1165
1820(U.S.), 1361;
1830(U.S.) 1540;
1840 (U.S.), 1756;
1850(U.S.) 2580;
1855 (State), 2945;
1860(U.S.), 3198;
1865 (State), 3211;
1870(U.S.), 3589
1875 (State), 3540;
1880(U.S.), 3903;
1885 (State), 4869;
1890(U.S.), 5252;
1895 (State), 6229;
1900(U.S.), 7927;
1905 (State), 9156;
1910(U.S.), 10427;
1. The fact that a birth, Marriage, or death is recorded in Greenfield does not prove that it occurred in this town; but when places other than Greenfield and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are 9iven in the printed copy.
2. In all items from town records the original spelling is followed, and no attempt is made to correct errors appearing in the records.
3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual may be found under different spellings.
4. A baptism is not printed, if it occurs within one year after the recorded date of birth of a child of the same name and parents or if it is clear that the child baptized is identical with the child of the birth record; but variations found in the baptismal record are added to the birth record.
5. The birth of a Married woman is recorded under her maiden name, if it is known. But if the maiden name cannot be determined, the entry appears under the husband's name, with a dash enclosed in brackets, i.e., [----], to signify that the maiden name is unknown. If it is not known whether the surname is that of a Married or unMarried woman, ? m. is placed in brackets after the Christian name.
6. Marriages and intentions of Marriage are printed under the names of both parties. When both the Marriage and intention of Marriage are recorded, only the Marriage record is printed.
7. Additional information which does not appear in the original text of an item, ie., any explanation, query, inference, or difference shown in other entries of the record, is bracketed. Parentheses are used to show variations in the spelling of a name in the same entry, to indicate the maiden name of a wife, to enclose an imperfect portion of the original text, and to separate clauses in the original text.
bp ----baptized
Bur. ----buried
ch. ----child
chn. ----children
C.R.1. ----church record, Second Congregational Church
C.R.2. ----church record, St. James's Episcopal Church of Greenfield, including baptisms (with births), Marriages, and burials performed by the rector of St. James's Church in Ashfield, Montague, and various other towns, previous to the stated employment of ministers in these places.
C.R.3. ----church record, Methodist Episcopal Church.
Co. ----county
d. ----daughter; day; died
Dea. ----deacon
dec'd ----deceased
dup. ----duplicate entry
Eld. ----Elder
Ens. ----Ensign
G.R.1. ----gravestone record, Federal Street Cemetery
G.R.2. ----gravestone record, cemetery in the rear of "Old Sage Place"
G.R.3. ----gravestone record, Log Plain Cemetery, Bernardston Road
G.R.4 -----gravestone record, High Street Cemetery
G.R.5. ----gravestone record, Upper Meadows Cemetery, Colrain Road
G.R.6. ----gravestone record, Lower Meadows Cemetery, Colrain Road
G.R.7. ----gravestone record, Green River Cemetery
G.R.8. ----gravestone record, Old Catholic Cemetery
G.R.9. ----gravestone record, Calvary Cemetery, Wisdom Way
h. ----husband
hrs. ----hours
inf. ----infant
int. ----publishment of intention of Marriage
Jr. ----junior
Lt. ----Lieutenant
m. ----Married; month
min. ----minutes
P.C.R. ----Probate Court Records
P.R.1. ----private record, from the diary of Rev. Roger Newton, D.D., of Greenfield, communicated by Hon. Francis M. Thompson of Greenfield
P.R.2. ----private record, from the Thomas Nims family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Charles Thomas Nims of Greenfield Meadows.
P.R.3. ----private record, from a Wells family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Mary P. Wells Smith of Greenfield
P.R.4. ----private record, from a Coleman family record on a slip of paper, now in the possession of Mrs. Mary P. Wells Smith of Greenfield
P.R.5. ----private record, from the Jesse Smead family Bible, now in the possession of Henry S. Smead of Greenfield
P.R.6. ----private record, from an Allen family register, now in the possession of Henry S. Smead of Greenfield
P.R.7. ----private record, from the William Henry Allen family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Charles H. Keith of Greenfield
P.R.8. ----private record, from the Alexander Keith family Bible, now in the possession of Charles H. Keith of Greenfield
P.R.9. ----private record, from the Theodore Martindale family Bible, now in the possession of the Greenfield Historical Society as a loan from the Misses Martindale
P.R.10. ----private record, from the Dr. Levi Stiles family Bible, now in the possession of the Greenfield Historical Society
P.R.11. ----private record, from the William Grinnell family Bible, now in the possession of the Greenfield Historical Society
P.R.12. ----private record, from the Hervey C. Newton farnTly Bible, now in the possession of Miss Delia Nims of Greenfield
P.R.13. ----private record, from the Bible of Lucius Nims Sr., now in the possession of Mrs. F. M. Thompson of Greenfield
P.R.14 ----private record, from the Eliel Amadon family Bile, now in the possession of Mrs. F. M. Thompson of Greenfield
P.R.15. ----private record, from the Henry Wells Clapp family Bible, now in the possession of the Estate of Isabella Clapp Russell of Greenfield
P.R.16. ----private record, from the Bible of Franklin Ripley Allen, now in the possession of Mrs. Franklin Ripley Allen of Greenfield
P.R.17. ----private record, from the Thomas Rockwood family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Kate Field Beals of Greenfield
P.R.18. ----private record, from the Horatio O. Rockwood family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Kate Field Beals of Greenfield
P.R.19. ----private record, from the Pliny Martindale family Bible, now in the possession of Miss Jane M. Lamb of Greenfield
P.R.20. ----private record, from the Franklin Nash family Bible, now the possession of Henry F. Nash of Greenfield
P.R.21. ----private record, from the Amos Pond family Bible, now in the possession of Franklin A. Pond of Greenfield
P.R.22. ----private record, from the Elijah Smith family Bible, now in the possession of Charles L. Smith of Philadelphia, Pa.
P.R.23. ----private record, from the Orin Smith family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Lathrop T. Smith of Greenfield
P.R.24. ----private record, from a Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Lathrop T. Smith of Greenfield
P.R.25. ----private record, from the Elihu Goodman family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. G. H. Kaulback of Greenfield
P.R.26. ----private record, from the Chester Arms family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. G. H. Kaulback of Greenfield
P.R.27. ----private record, from the Moses Chandler family record, now in the possession of Mrs. G. H. Kaulback of Greenfield
P.R.28. ----private record, from the Andrew Adams family record, now in the possession of the Misses Ruth and Elizabeth Adams of Greenfield
P.R.29. ----private record, from a record in the possession of the Overseers of the Poor, Greenfield
P.R.30. ----private record, from an inscription on a stone erected by the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association on a crossroad between the Green River10ad and the Leyden Road, Greenfield
P.R.31. ----private record, Marriages communicated by Hon. Francis M. Thompson in his "History of Greenfield"
q.v. ----which see; whom see
rec. ----recorded
s. ----son
Sr. ----senior
w. ----week; wife;
wid. ----widow
widr. ----widower
y. ----year
