Vital Records Of The Town Of Brewster,
Massachusetts, To The End Of The Year 1849.
A Book Of Records Of Births And Deaths, In The Town Of Brewster,
Alphabetically Arranged.
Intentions & Marriages
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

[Coder's Note:-- The title indicates that the records are in alphabetical order, but this does not seem to be the case.]
Intention: Mr. Samuel Wickson of Brewster, and Miss Mary Chase of Harwich, this 29th day of Dec. & Made publick Jan. 4th 1835. Attest, Elijah Cobb, , Town
Intention: Mr. Abner Cahoon of Brewster & Miss Saloma Eldridge of Harwich, and made Publick. Brewster, Jan. 5th 1835. Attest, E. Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Nathaniel G. Paine of Brewster, & Mrs. Rebacca Jones of Wellfleet, are here enter'd & made Publick. Brewster, 24th Jan. 1835. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
This certifies, that I have Joined in marriage, Mr. William A. Bates of Boston, & Mrs. Hannah S. Cobb of Brewster, on the 9th of Aug. 1835. Signed, A. Norwood.
This may Certify, that the covenant of matrimony was solemnized, between Lewis Howes Jr. & Emily Foster, both of Brewster, on the 29th of Oct. 1835. Signed Elijah Bailey, Elder.
Sir, a Agreable to my duty I send you the following marriage solemnized by me in Brewster Nov. 26, 1835.
Mr. Frederic Sears of Fall River to Alcy R Baker of Brewster. Signed Isaac Dunham.
I have Joined in marriage the following persons, since April 1835.
Doc. Benjaminmin F. Seabury & Miss Reliance Bangs, both of Brewster, Oct. 25, 1835.
John Crosby of Eastham, and Harriot Sears of Brewster, Dec. 8th 1835. Signed, S. Williams, Brewster, April 10th 1840.
Sir, As directed by law I make to you as Town Clerk the following return for the last Year.
June 27th 1839, Married Mr. Joseph Crocker of Brewster to Mrs. Jerusha Taylor of Yarmouth.
July 17th 1839, Married Mr. Sylvester Long of Chatham to Miss Eadith Long of Brewster.
Aug. 7th 1839, Married Capt. Franklin Baker of Brewster to Miss Susan Crocker of Brewster.
Freeman Mayo, Town Clerk. Signed, S. Williams.
Marriages 1839, 1840, By Rev'd. Elijah Bailey.
Mr. Elisha Smith, Miss Phebe A Snow of Brewster, June 12th 1839.
Mr. Samuel Maker, Miss Betsey A. Hamblin of Brewster, Nov. 28, 1839.
Mr. Eleazer Nickerson, Miss Nabby Dillingham of Brewster, Feb. 11th 1840.
By Rev'd. John R Bigelow.
Mr. John Hollowell, Miss Harriot Maker of Brewster, April 21st 1840. By Rev'd. Daved Culver.
Mr. Roland Paine of South Wellfleet, Mrs. Almira Berry of Brewster Nov. 10th 1839.
Intention: Mr. Crosby Cohoon of Harwich, and Miss Fanny McCloud of Brewster, & Made publick. Brewster, 22d Feb. 1835. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
The following certificate of marriages, received from the Rev'd. Samuel Williams.
Capt. Freeman Rogers, & Miss Ann Berry, both of Brewster.
Capt. Solomon P. Snow & Miss Sally Snow both of do.
Mr. Samuel Wixon, of Brewster, & Miss Mary Chase of Harwich, Signed S. Williams. Received April 13th 1835. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Certificate of the Rev'd. Enoch Pratt.
Marraid Mr. Ellison Conger of Newark, N.J., To Miss Mary K. Pratt of Brewster, Dec. 1835. Signed E. Pratt. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T. Clerk. Certificate on File.
I certify that I Joined in marriage Mr. Fredric Sears of Fall River, & Miss Alcy R. Baker of Brewster Nov. 26th 1835. W. Dennis 14th April 1836. Signed Isaac Dunham. Certificate.
I certify that I have Joined in marraige during the past year, the following persons Viz.
Docter Benjaminmin F. Seabury of Chatham, & Miss Reliance B. Bangs of Brewster. Oct. 25th 1835.
Mr. John Crosby of Eastham & Miss Harriot Sears of Brewster, Dec. 8th 1835. April 19th 1836.
Signed S. Williams.
The intentions of marriage, between Mr. Seth Taylor of Chatham and Miss Charlotte Mayo of Brewster, & Made publick. July 13th 1835. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Prince S. Crowell of Dennis, & Miss Polly D. Foster of Brewster and Made publick. July 13th 1835. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. William A. Bates of Boston, and Mrs. Hannah S. Cobb of Brewster, & this day Made publick. July 24th 1835. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Benjaminmin Fessenden & Miss Clarisa Berry of Brewster & Made publick. Sept. 6th 1835. Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Benjaminmin F. Seabury M D. of Chatham & Miss Reliance B. Bangs of Brewster, & Made publick. Sept. 26th 1835. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Lewis Howes Jr. and Miss Emily Foster, both of Brewster, & this day Made publick. Brewster, 5th Oct. 1835. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Frederic Sears of Fall River, and Miss Alcy R. Baker of Brewster, and made publick. Brewster, 24th Oct. 1835. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: John Crosby of Eastham & Miss Harriot Sears of Brewster, & Made publick. Brewster, 31st Oct. 1835. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Richard Chase of Harwich & Mrs. Lucy Wier of Brewster, & this day Made publick. Brewster, Nov. 8th 1835. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Patrick Butler Jr. of Harwich & Miss Ascneth Long of Brewster, & made publick. Brewster, 15th Nov. 1835. Elijah Cobb, Town Cleric.
Intention: Samuel L. Hull of Orleans & Mercy Atwood of Brewster & made publick. Brewster, 29th Nov. 1835. Elijah Cobb, Town
The intentions of marriage, between Ellison Conger Esqr. of Newark N. Jersey, and Miss Mary K. Pratt of Brewster, & this day made Publick. Brewster, 6th Dec. 1835. Elijah Cobb, Town
The intentions of marriage, between Capt. Francis M. Boggs of Falmouth, and Miss Almira Lincoln of Brewster, & this day Made publick. Brewster, 20th Dec. 1835. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Stephen H. Fessenden, and Miss Mary C. Foster, both of Brewster and this day Made publick. Brewster 3d Jan. 1836. Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Joshua M. Silver of Brewster, and Miss Eliza M. Patterson of Orleans,, and Made publick. Brewster, 12th Feb. 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Bangs Eldridge of Brewster, and Mrs. Almira Eldridge of Orleans, & Made publick. Brewster, 13th Feb. 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Hatsel Crosby of Brewster, and Miss Jerusha S. Homer of Yarmouth & Made publick. Brewster, 19th March 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Thomas Robbins of Orleans & Miss Elizabeth Eldridge of Brewster,, and this day Made publick. Brewster, April 2d 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
The intentions of marriage betwen Enos Eldridge of Chatham & Susan Mayo of Brewster, & Made publick. Brewster, 9th April 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Levi Chase of Brewster & Sally Sears of Dennis, and Made publick. Brewster 7th May 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: William Hill of Boston, & Jedida R. Black of Brewster,. June 18th & Made publick the 19th 1836. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Capt. Paul Sears of Dennis, and Miss Eunice T. Crosby of Brewster, July 9th and Made publick. July 10th 1836. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Mr.Thomas Crocker of Barnstable, & Miss Thankfull Baker of Brewster, are this day entered, Aug. 10th and Made publick the 21st 1836. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Richard H. Collins of Chatham, & Miss Mary B. Taylor of Brewster, Sept. 17th 1836. and Made publick the 18th. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Benjaminmin Griffith Jr. of Brewster & Eunice S. Bangs of Sidney, Sept. 17th & Made publick 18th 1836. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
The intention of marrige between Jeremiah M. Clark of Brewster & Margeret Thayer of Charlstown,, Sept. 17th & Made publick 18th 1836. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Enoch E. Crosby of Brewster, and Irena Jyrelds of Harwich,, Sept. 30th and Made publick Oct. Second 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
This Certifies that I have Joined in marriage the present year, Solomon Newcomb, of Brewster, & Miss Temperence Perry of Sandwich, Feb. 17th 1837. Signed, Nathan Stone, Justice of Peace.
I Certify that I have joined in marriage, the following persons, since April 1836. Viz.
Enoch E. Crosby of Brewster & Irena Jerrylds of Harwich.
Mr. David Eldridge of Brewster & Miss Mehitable Robbins of Orleans.
Mr. Lenard Freeman of Harwich & Miss Aseneth Cohoon of Brewster. Signed, James Bicknell.
This Certifies, that Solomon Newcomb of Brewster & Miss Temperance Perry of Sandwich, were married by me Feb. 17th 1837. Signed Nathan Stone, Justic Peace.
The following persons have been Joined by me in marriage, at the dates mentioned.
Sept. 15th 1836. Mr. Thomas Crocker of Barnstable & Miss Thankfull Barker of Brewster.
Feb. 21, 1837. Mr.Richard H. Collins, of Chatham to Miss Mary B. Taylor of Brewster.
Signed, S. Williams.
Married by Rev E. Pratt.
Feb 22d 1838. Mr. Greenleaf W. Taylor of Dennis and Miss Julia Ann Forister of Brewster.
Nov. 29th 1836. Mr. John H. Baker, to Miss Abigail Hopkins, both of Brewster.
Feb. 23, 1837. Joseph McCloud to Clarisa I. Hariman of Brewster.
Dec. 23, 1835. Ellison Conger of Newark, New Jersey & Mary K. Praft of Brewster.
Nov 28th 1837. Smith S. Morris, Newark N. Jersey & Elizabeth F. Pratt of Brewster.
By Rev'd. T. Conant from April 1836 to April 1837.
Mr. Enos Sears, Miss Thankfull Hall, both of Dennis, April 24th 1836.
Mr. Enos Eldridge of Chatham and Miss Susan Mayo of Brewster, Married July 7th 1836.
Mr. Stephen H. Fessenden and Miss Mary C. Foster both of Brewster, Aug. 19th 1836.
Mr. Elisha Crocker Jr. and Matha Foster both of Brewster. Dec 15, 1836.
Mr. Freeman H. Myrick, Orleans, and Eliza Baxter of Boston. Jan. 8, 1837.
Mr. Joshua Myrick and Mrs. Bethiah Rogers of Brewster. Jan. 31, 1837.
Capt. Jeremiah S. Baker of Yarmouth and Miss Susan Berry of Brewster. Feb. 9th 1837.
Mr. Joseph M. Ordway and Miss Rebecca Atwood both of Boston. April 2, 1837.
By Elder E. Bailey.
William Hill of Boston and Jedida R. Black of Brewster. Jan. 5, 1837.
Mr. Isaac Crowell of Dennis and Nabby Mayo of Brewster, June 15, 1837.
Daniel Barns of Harwich and Eliza Jane Small of Brewster, Dec. 28, 1837.
Intention: Leonard Freeman of Harwich & Miss Asenith Cohoon of Brewster, & this day Made publick. Oct. 16th 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
The intentions of marriage betwen David Newcomb of Brewster, & Achsah P. Cohoon of Harwich, & made publick. Brewster, 5th Nov. 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: , William Crosby of Brewster & Darcas H. Rogers of Orleans, & Made publick. Nov. 5th 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: John H. Baker and Abagail Hopkins, both of Brewster, and Made publick. Nov. 5th 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Isaac Doane of Orleans, & Miss Phebe F. Foster of Brewster Nov. 5th 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Elisha Crocker Jr. and Matha Foster, Nov. 12th 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: David Eldridge of Brewster & Mehitable Robbins of Orleans, December 10, 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Capt. Jeremiah S. Baker of Yarmouth, & Miss Susan Berry of Brewster Dec. 24th & Made publick the 25th 1836. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Joshua Myrick and Mrs. Bethiah Rogers both of Brewster Jan. 14th & Made publick. Jan. 15th 1837. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Carmi Hall of Harwich, & Miss Mary Ann Sears of Brewster, Jan. 15th 1837 & Made publick. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Solomon Newcomb of Brewster & Miss Temperance P. Arey of Sandwich, Jan. 21, 1837. Elijah Cobb. Town
Intention: Mr. Joseph McCloud & Miss Clarisa I. Hariman of Brewster,. Feb. 4th 1837. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Samuel Robbins of Brewster & Rebecca Dennes of Yarmouth Feb. 10th 1837. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Washington Baker of Yarmouth & Mrs. Reliance Mayo of Brewster, March 4th 1837. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Seth Ellis of Brewster & Miss Tenny C. Howes of Chatham,. May 2d 1837. Made publick May 7th 1837. Brewster May 2d 1837. Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Mr. Samuel B. Hopkins & Miss Lydia T. Foster, both of Brewster, May 6th 1837. & Made publick 7th. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Benjaminmin Hurd of Orleans & Mrs. Polly Rogers of Brewster, May 19th 1837. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Stephen Harding of Brewster & Miss Polly Kendricks of Harwich, this 19th day of May 1837. & Made publick. Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Mr. Isaac Crowell of Dennis & Miss Nabby Mayo of Brewster, May 26th 1837. and Made publick. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Avery P. Bent of Truro, & Miss Sarah C. Freeman of Brewster, June 22d 1837. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Marchal Rider of Chatham, & Miss Lydia Wing of Brewster,, this 15th day of July 1837. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Gamaliel Cohoon of Harwich, and Miss Sarah Newcomb of Brewster, this 11th of Sept. 1837. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. John Small of Harwich, & Miss Chalotte Small of Brewster,, this 27th day of Oct. 1837. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Capt. Josiah Wing, of Parrington N.Y., and Mrs. Mercy Hurd of Brewster, Oct. 28th 1837. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Smith S. Morris Esq. of Newark, N. Jersey, and Miss Elizabeth Pratt, of Brewster, this 28 day of Oct. 1837. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Hezekiah Nickerson of Harwich, & Miss Mehitable Crosby of Brewster, this 1st day of Nov. 1837. Elijah Cobb, Town
The intentions of marriage, between Mr. Patrick F. Cohoon, of Harwich, & Miss Anne Small of Brewster, Nov. 8th 1837. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
The intentions of marriage, between Mr. Lincoln Foster, & Sally Baker both of Brewster Nov. 11th 1837. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Moses Small, & Mrs. Mary Lincoln, both of Brewster, this 15th day of Nov. 1837. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Levi Cohoon Jr. of Brewster, & Miss Matilda Eldridge of Harwich,, Nov. 18th 1837. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Clenerick Crosby, and Miss Phebe H. Fessenden, both of Brewster, Nov. 19th 1837. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Daniel C. Barns, & Miss Eliza Jane Small of Harwich and Brewster, Nov. 29th 1837. Attest, Elijah Cobb, , Town
Intention: Mr. Jarius Baker of Dennis & Miss Henrietta Crosby of Brewster, Dec. 9th 1837. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Prince Matthews of Yarmouth, & Miss Lucy S. Sampson of Brewster,, Dec. 10th 1837. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. William Winslow of Medford, & Miss Julia-ann Winslow of Brewster, this 30th day of December 1837. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Mr. Greenleaf W. Taylor of Dennis, and Miss Julia-ann Forister of Brewster,, this 3d day of Feb. 1838. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Josiah W. Gammons & Miss Mary S Robbins, both of Brewster, this 2d day of March 1838. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
The intentions of marriage betwen Phillip Hohn and Mrs. Nancy Gray, both of Brewster,, this 21st day of March 1838. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: , Mr. Robert Snow Jr., & Miss Emeline Crosby, are here here entered this 6th day of April 1838. Atts. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Elisha A. Phinney and Sally-Ann Newcomb, both of Brewster, this 1st day of May 1838. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Joshua Myrick, & Mrs. Polly Foster, both of Brewster, this 10th day of June 1838. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: : between Rev. Nathaniel Gunnison, & Miss Ann Loisa Foster, both of Brewser, this 29th day of July 1838. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: , Mr. Whipple P. Angel of Holiston, & Miss Matilda Ann Peck, of Brewster,, Sept. 21, 1838. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
The intentions of marraiage between Capt. Varanies Harden of South Dennis, & Mrs. Mary C. Fessenden of Brewster,. Sept. 27th 1838. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
The intentions of marriage betwen Mr. John A. Baker, of South Dennis, & Miss Susan Hopkins of Brewster,, Oct. 27th 1838, Certificate granted. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town Clark.
Intention: Mr. Isaiah C. Sears of Dennis & Miss Jedidah S. Baker of Brewster, are her entered, Nov. 3d 1838. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Peter D. Cotell, and Miss Harriot Randiel, both of Brewster, Nov. 10th 1838. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Marriages- 1837. 1838 By Rev'd. T. Conant.
Mr. Samuel B. Hopkin and Miss Lydia T. Foster of Brewster. May 25, 1837.
Mr. Benjaminmin Hurd of Orleans and Mrs. Polly Rogers of Brewster. June 15, 1837.
Mr. Marchal Rider of Chatham and Miss Lydia Wing of Brewster. Aug. 1, 1837.
Capt. Josiah Wing of Parenton N. York and Mrs. Mercy Hurd of Brewster. Nov. 5th 1837.
Mr. Lincoln Foster and Miss Sally Baker, both of Brewster. Dec. 2, 1837.
Mr. Avery P. Bent of Truro and Miss Sarah C. Freeman of Brewster. Dec. 26, 1837.
Mr. William Winslow of Medford and Miss Julia Ann Winslow of Brewster. Jan. 18, 1838.
By Rev'd. Samuel Williams.
Capt. Joseph Nickerson and Miss Louisa Winslow, both of Brewster. July 19, 1837.
Mr. Moses Small and Mrs. Mary Lincoln of Brewster, Nov. 30, 1837.
Capt. Jarious Baker of Dennis and Miss Henrietta Crosby of Brewster. Jan 4, 1838.
Mr. Prince Mathews of Yarmouth and Miss Lucy S. Sampson of Brewster. Jan. 9th 1838.
By Rev. S. Hardy, at So. Wellfleet.
Mr. Phillip Hahn and Mrs. Nancy Gray, both of Brewster. April 5th 1838.
By Rev. Geo. Hastings, of Hyannus.
Rev'd. Nathaniel Gunnison and Miss Ann L. Foster, both of Brewster. Aug. 12th 1838.
By Rev'd. James Bicknell.
Capt. Simeon Cohoon of Harwich & Mrs. Judith Kendrick, Brewster. Married 17 March 1839.
Intention: Mr. Strabo Clark of Brewster, & Miss Adeline Dunbar of Yarmouth,. Nov. 17, 1838. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Edmund Crosby of Brewster, & Miss Mary G. Young of Orleans,. Dec. 22d 1838. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Nathan Winslow, & Miss Lurana Freeman, Both of Brewster,. Jan. 5th 1838. Elijah Cobb, T. Clark.
Intention: Mr. Elkanah Long Jr., of Brewster & Mrs. Mary Ann Nickerson of Harwich, this ninth day of Feb. 1839. Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Simeion Cahoon of Harwich and Mrs. Judith Kendricks of Brewster, this Second day of March 1839. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Mr. Freeman Higgins, of Brewster, and Miss Mary Ann H. Eldridge of Harwich, this 5th day of April 1839. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Elisha Smith of Erving, & Miss Phebe A. Snow, of Brewster, this 10th day of April 1839. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Capt. Benjaminmin Walker of Brewster & Miss Adeline Bailey of Duxbury,. April 20th 1839. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Joel Smith of Le11ngton & Mrs. Zeviah Hall of Brewster, this 15th of May 1839. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Mr. Joseph Crocker of Brewster, & Mrs. Jerusha Taylar of Yarmouth, this 8th day of June 1839. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
Marriages in 1839 from April 1838 to April 1839. By Rev'd. Samuel Williams.
April 26th 1838. Robert Snow Jr. to Miss Erneline Crosby. June 28th 1838.
June 28, 1838. Mr. Joshua Myrick, to Mrs. Polly Foster.
Jan. 22, 1839. Mr. Nathan Winslow to Miss Lurana Freeman. By Rev'd. Nathaniel Gunnison.
July 16, 1838. Mr. William T. Hannah, to Miss Arelia Berry.
Oct. 9, 1838. Mr. Eldridge G. Freind to Miss Alinda Berry.
Nov. 10, 1838. Mr. John A Baker to Miss Susan Hopkins. By Rev'd. James Bicknal.
March 17, 1839. Capt. Simeion Cohoon to Mrs. Judith Kendricks. By Elder Elijah Bailey.
May 3, 1838. Cyrus W. Gammons to Mary S. Robbins.
July 5, 1838. Mr. Rowland Sears to Mehitable S. Berry.
Oct. 25, 1838. Whipple P. Angel to Matilda Ann Peck. Rev. Thos. Conant.
Dec. 27, 1838. Mr. Peter D. Cotell to Harriot Randiel. By Rev. James Bicknall.
Nov. 9th 1837. John Small to Charlotte Small.
Nov. 14, 1837. Hezekiah Nickerson, to Mehitable Crosby.
Dec. 3, 1837. Levi Cohoon to Matilda Eldridge.
Dec. 5, 1837. Patrick F. Cahoon to Anne Small.
Marriages by the Rev'd. Joshua L. Whittemore in 1840.
Oct. 18, 1840. Mr. Benjaminmin S. Jones & Miss Caroline Rogers both of Brewster.
Dec. 11, 1840. Capt. Benjaminmin Baker of Yarmouth and Miss Temperance Clark of Brewster.
Marriage by the Rev'd. Samuel Williams.
April 7, 1841. Mr. Lewis Doane Jr. of Orleans and Miss Julia Ann Foster of Brewster.
Marriages by the Rev'd. Charles Rockwell.
Jan. 7, 1841. Mr. Erastus Nickerson to Miss Rebecca Nickerson of Brewster.
Oct. 21, 1841. Mr. Thomas H. Crowel of Chatham to Miss Abigail Wing of Brewster.
Marriages by Rev'd. Samuel Williams.
June 20, 1841. Sewall F. Snow of Harwich and Miss Hannah C. Winslow of Brewster.
Nov 25th. Mr. Isaac F. Crocker and Miss Sally C. Foster. Both of Brewster.
Jan. 19, 1842. Mr. Benjaminmin Drew Jr. of Boston and Miss Caroline Bangs of Brewster.
Marriages by the Rev'd. Elijah Bailey.
Sept. 29, 1841. Mr. Nathan Small Jr. and Miss Rhoda Chase both of Brewster.
Nov 23. Lorenzo Kelley of Harwich and Miss Fanny W. Small of Brewster.
Marriages by the Rev'd. Joshua L. Whittemore.
April 18, 1841. Mr. Heman S. Berry and Miss Lydia B. Hopkins, both of Brewster.
May 24, 1841. Mr. Simeon Crowel 3d of Yarmouth and Miss Desire Crosby of Brewster.
Sept. 6, 1841. Mr. Samuel Freeman and Miss Esther Crawford both of Roxbury.
April 19, 1840. Mr. John Hollowell and Mrs. Harriet Maker both of Brewster.
Intention: Mr. Silvester Long of Chatham & Miss Edith Long of Brewster were entered in the Town Clerks Office June 23d 1839. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Capt. Franklin Baker & Miss Susan Crocker both of Brewster, July 20th 1839. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Mr. Asaph Gray of Brewster, & Miss Marsha A. Harlow of Plymouth,, Sept. 28th 1839. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Mr. Rowland Paine of So. Wellfleet, & Mrs. Almira Berry of Brewster,, Oct. 12th 1839. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Capt. Stephen Nickerson of Brewster, and Miss Charity Nickerson of Harwich,. Oct. 23d 1839. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Mr. Isaiah G. Ward of Wellfleet, & Miss Jerusha Freeman of Brewster. Nov. 3d 1839. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Mr. Samuel Maker of Brewster & Miss Betsey A. Hamblin of Dennis, Nov. 5th 1839. Attest, Elijah Cobb, T.
Intention: Mr. Benjaminmin C. Kendricks, and Miss Julia-ann Evens of Brewster,. Nov. 19th 1839. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
The intentions of marriage betwen Mr. Elea. Nickerson of S. Dennis and Miss Nabby Dillingham of Brewster,, Jan. 24th 1840. Attest, Elijah Cobb, Town
Intention: Reverand Enoch Pratt of Brewster and Mrs. Lucy Alley of Barnstable, March 27th 1840.
Intention: Mr. John Hollowell and Miss Harriot Maker and this day Made publick according to law, April 4th 1840. Attest, Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Solomon Black of Barnstable and Mr. Susan Tobey of Brewster April 11, 1840. Attest, Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Joseph Nickerson Cotell Brewster and Mrs. Charlotte Stacey of Yarmouth and this day Made public, April 18th 1840. Attest, Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Captain Mulford Kendrick of Harwich and Mrs. Bethiah Jenkins of Brewster and Made public according to Law, May 3d 1840. Attest, Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. David Newcomb of Brewster and Miss Emeline M. Phinney of Sandwich and this day made Public June 7th 1840. Attest, Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Benjaminmin S. Jones and Miss Caroline Rogers, both of Brewster and this day Made public, Sept. 6th 1840. Attest, Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Thomas S. Crosby of Worcester and Miss Harriot N. Sears of Brewster and this day Made public, Sept. 13th 1840. Attest, Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Willard Higgins of Orleans and Miss Margeret E Crosby of Brewster and this day Made public Sept. 20th 1840. Attest, Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Joseph M. Ordway of Boston and Miss Mary Atwood of Brewster and this day Made public, Oct. 3d 1840. Attest, Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Philip Cotell of Brewster and Miss Caroline Chase of Yarmouth and this day. Made public Oct. 17th 1840. Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. John L. Morse of Dedham and Miss Caroline Winslow of Brewster and this day Made public, Oct. 3, 1840. Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Silas Kaley of Brewster and Miss Julia Ann Vose of Dennis and this day Made public. Nov. 22d 1840. Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Benjaminmin Baker of Yarmouth and Miss Temperance Clark of Brewster, and this day Made public, Nov. 22d 1840. Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Eastus Nickerson of Chatham and Miss Rebecca Nickerson of Brewster and this day Made public according to Law. December 20th 1840. Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Seth Nickerson Junior of Brewster and Miss Eda B. Cahoon of Harwich and this day. Made public Jan. 9th 1841. Attest, Freeman Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Aaron Crowel of Brewster and Miss Love Ryder of Harwich this 20th day of March A D 1841 and Made public, David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Lewis Doane Jr. of Orleans, and Miss Julia Ann Foster of Brewster this 20th day of March A D 1841 and Made public. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Heman S. Berry and Miss Lydia B Hopkins, both of Brewster this 27th day of March A D 1841 and Made public. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. William Maker Jr. and Miss Cynthia G. Nickerson both of Brewster is here entered and Made public this 9th day of April 1841. Attest, David Mayo, Town
The intention of Marriage betwen Mr. Simeon Crowel 3d of Yarmouth and Miss Desire Crosby of Brewster is here entered and Made public this 3d day of May A D 1841. Attest, David Mayo, Town
Marriages from April 1842 to April 1843. By Rev'd. Samuel Williams
April 14, 1842. Mr. Timothy Davis Jr. of Harwich & Miss Judith R. Maker of Brewster.
May 23, 1842. Mr. Thacher Foster & Miss Louisa Baker both of Brewster.
Nov. 24, 1842. William P. Davis of Yarmouth & Miss Lucy Winslow of Brewster.
Dec. 7, 1842. Ezra Howes of Orleans & Miss Sarah H. Maker of Brewster.
By Elder Elijah Bailey.
Nov. 17, 1842. Ebenezar Nickerson of Harwich & Miss Phebe Burges.
Jun.(?) 5, 1843. Samuel McDowell Boltimore, Md, and Miss Eunisa Walker of Brewster.
By Rev'd. Davis Lothrop of Orleans.
Oct. 13, 1842. Charles S Foster and Miss Emeline Foster of Brewster.
Jan. 8, 1843. Rueben Paine of Brewster & Miss Hannah Gould of Orleans.
By Rev'd. Edward Stone of Barnstable.
March 5, 1843. Heman Foster of Brewster and Eliza A Baker of Barnstable.
By Rev'd. James Bicknell Orleans.
Nov. 16, 1842. Zebina H Cahoon of Harwich & Miss Mary Baker of Brewster.
Nov 25, 1842. John Freeman 3d of Brewster & Miss Mary H Rogers of Orleans.
By Rev'd. William Bowen, Chatham.
June 5, 1842. Zenas R. Howes of Chatham and Miss Eunice Mayo of Brewster.
By Rev'd. John Upton.
Jan. 2, 1843. John Godfrey & Miss Desire S. Berry both of Brewster.
Jan. 12, 1843. Isaac Clark of Brewster & Miss Mary Ann Wells of Boston.
Intention: Mr. Eldredge Small Jr. of Brewster and Miss Bethiah P. Nickerson of Harwich 15th day of May 1841. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Sewall F. Snow of Harwich and Miss Hannah C. Winslow of Brewster 15th day of May 1841. David Mayo, Town
The intentions of marriage Nathan P. Long of Brewster and Miss Bashaby C. Phillips of Harwich 18th day of June 1841. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Asa Mayo and Miss Martha Foster both of Brewster 3d day of July 1841. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Nathan Small Jr. and Miss Rhoda Chase both of Brewster, 14th day of August 1841. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Benjaminmin C. Dillingham of Brewster and Miss Lydia Howes of Dennis, 28th day of August 1841. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Abiel Stone of Dennis & Miss Betsey Crosby of Brewster 10th of day of Sept. 1841. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Henry Freeman of Bridgeton N.J. and Miss Mary B. Bangs of Brewster 19th day of Sept. 1841. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Thomas H. Crowel of Chatham and Miss Abigail Wing of Brewster 10th day of Oct. 1841. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. James Baker of Yarmouth and Miss Charlotte C. Linnell of Brewster 13its day of Oct. 1841. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Lorenzo Kelley of Harwich and Miss Fanny W. Small of Brewster 6th day of Nov. 1841. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Isaac F. Crocker and Miss Sally C. Foster both of Brewster 11th day of Nov. 1841. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Benjaminmin Drew Jr. of Boston, and Miss Caroline Bangs of Brewster, 26th day of December 1841. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Stillman Rogers of Orleans and Miss Olive Winslow of Brewster, 8th day of Jan. 1842. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Atkins Nickerson of Provincetown and Miss Hannah I. Freeman of Brewster 10th day of Feb. 1842. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Zenas R. Howes of Chatham and Miss Eunice Mayo of Brewster are entered and Made public this 5th day of March 1842. David Mayo, Town
The intentions of Marrage between Mr. Timothy Davis Jr. of Harwich and Miss Judith R. Maker of Brewster 19th day of March 1842. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Thacher Foster and Miss Louisa Baker both of Brewster 10th day of April 1842. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Hirah Clark of Brewster and Miss Deborah Sears of Dennis 14th day of May 1842. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Elkanah Winslow and Mrs. Susan Baker both of Brewster 19th day of June 1842. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Elisha Bangs and Miss Sarah H. Foster both of Brewster 10th day of July 1842. David Mayo, T.
Intention: Mr. Job Nixon of Dennis and Miss Eliza C. Newcomb of Brewster 11th day of July 1842. David Mayo, T.
Intention: Mr. Asaph Clark and Miss Eliza Dexter both of Brewster 20th day of August 1842. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. William Robbins of Brewster and Miss Fanny G. Rogers of Harwich and made this 24 day of Sept. 1842. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Charles S. Foster of Boston and Miss Emeline Foster of Brewster 24th day of Sept. 1842. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. John Freeman 3d of Brewster and Miss Mary H. Rogers of Orleans 20th day Oct. 1842. David Mayo, T.
Intention: Mr. Zebina H. Cahoon of Harwich and Miss Mary Baker of Brewster 2nd day of Oct. 1842. David Mayo, T.
Intention: Mr. William P. Davis of Yarmouth and Miss Lucy Winslow of Brewster 31st day of Oct. 1842. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Ezra Howes of Orleans, and Miss Sarah H. Maker of Brewster 12th day of Nov. 1842. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Joseph Nickerson of Brewster and Miss Mary S. Mayo of Chatham are entered and Made public this 26th day of Nov. 1842. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Samuel McDowell of Boltimore, Md., and Miss Eunisa Walker of Brewster seventeenth day of Dec. eighteen hundred and forty two. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. John Godfrey of Brewster and Miss Desire S. Berry of Brewster seventeenth day of Dec. eighteen hundred and forty two. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Isaac Clark of Brewster and Miss Mary Ann Wells of Boston seventeenth day of Dec. eighteen hundred and forty two. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Reuben Paine of Brewster and Miss Hannah K. Gould of Orleans twenty fourth day of December eighteen hundred & forty two. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. James H. Knowles of Eastham, and Mrs. Sally Freeman of Brewster and Made public, this first day of Jan. eighteen hundred and forty three. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Francis F. Nickerson and Miss Clarisa Freeman both of Brewster ninth day of Jan. eighteen hundred and forty three. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Heman Foster of Brewster and Miss Eliza A. Baker of Barnstable twelvth day of Febuary eighteen hundred and forty three. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Jesse C. Small of Brewster and Miss Priscilla Taylor of Chatham this twenty fifth day of March eighteen hundred, and forty three and Made public. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Elam Marchant of Edgartown, and Miss Sally F. Snow of Brewster, this sixteenth day of April, eighteen hundred and forty three and Made public. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Lilley E. Skinner of Brewster and Miss Rhoda J. Willard of Chester N.H., this twenty seventh day of May eighteen hundred and forty three and Made public. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. John Robbin and Mrs. Mahala Robbins both of Brewster, are entered and Made public this seventeenth day of June eighteen hundred and forty three. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. John N. Baker of Dennis and Miss Clarisa Howland thirtieth day of Sept. eighteen hundred and forty three. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Zaccheus H. Rogers of Orleans and Miss Abagalie A. Higgins of Brewster six day of Oct. eighteen hundred and forty three. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Andrew Newcomb Jr. of Brewster and Miss Abigail Clark of Harwich twenty eighth day of Oct. eighteen hundred and forty three. David Mayo, Town Clerk. (This entry has been crossed out.)
Intention: Mr. Andrew Newcomb of Brewster and Mrs. Abigail Spindle of Dennis this thirty first day of Oct. eighteen hundred and forty three. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Tully Rogers Jr. of Orleans and Miss Reliance A. Higgins of Brewster first day of Dec. eighteen hundred and forty three. David Mayo, Town
The intentinons of Marriage between Mr. Samuel H. Rogers of Orleans and Miss Charlotte C. Linnel of Brewster twentieth day of Dec. eighteen hundred and forty three. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. William Gray Jr. of Yarmouth and Miss Mary Winslow of Brewster thirty first day of Dec. eighteen hundred and forty three. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. John K. Jarvis of Orleans and Miss Abagail M. Freeman of Brewster nineteenth day of Jane eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Freeman Mayo Jr. of Brewster and Miss Charity Sargant of Kettery, (Maine) twenty first day of Jan. eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Joshua N. Allen of Brewster and Miss Pamelia M. Jarvis of Orleans twenty six day of Jan. eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Josiah Seabury and Mrs. Tempey M. Young both of Brewster twenty fifth day of Febuary eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Joseph E. Sears of Brewster and Miss Eunice H. Baker of Harwich nineteenth day of March eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. David Kelly of Harwich and Miss Sarah H. Mayo of Brewster twentieth day of March eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Simeon Nickerson of Yarmouth and Miss Melinda Eldredge of Brewster and Made public, this thirteenth day of April, eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Richard Harding and Mrs. Susan Chase both of Brewster fourth day May eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Joseph Evans and Miss Eliza Freeman both of Brewster first day of June eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Obed Crosby of Orleans and Miss Deborah Lincoln of Brewster Six day of June, eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Elisha Crosby Jr. and Miss Ann P. Crosby both of Brewster eight day of June eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Joshua Dillingham, and Miss Mary Ann Chase, both of Brewster, fourteenth day of Sept., eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Elnathan Eldredge of Brewster and Miss Rachael Cash of Yarmouth twenty eight day of Sept. eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Phillip Hohn of Brewster and Mrs. Sarah K. Wickerson of Orleans this twenty eight day of Sept., eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. William Fessenden of Brewster and Miss Mary B. Harding of Dennis this nineteenth day of Oct. eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. William H. Bangs and Miss Mary C. Mayo both of Brewster this nineteenth day of Oct. eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Asaph Crosby and Miss Abagail F. Higgins both of Brewster twenty sixth day of Oct. eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Silvanus Robbins of Brewster and Miss Clarisa Long of Yarmouth twenty sixth day of Oct. eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Andrew Newcomb Jr. of Brewster and Miss Silva Chase of Harwich first day of Nov. eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Joshua Arey Jr. of Sandwich and Mrs. Catherine Hall of Brewster first day of Nov. eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Rhodolphus McCloud of Brewster and Miss Jane C Phinney of Sandwich eighth day of Nov., eighteen hundred and forty four. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Hillman Crosby of Barnstable and Miss Louisa Small of Brewster, and Made public this third day of Jan., eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. George F. Crosby and Miss Olive Bangs both of Brewster twenty fifth day of Jan. eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Freeman Foster and Mrs. Sarah Mayo both of Brewster, are heare entered and Made public this first day of Febuary eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Theodore Berry Jr. of Brewster and Miss Betsey Baker of Yarmouth this sixteenth day of Febuary eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Albert Dunbar of Yarmouth and Mrs. Hannah B. Freeman of Brewster twenty second day of Febuary eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Silvanus Clark and Miss Hephzibah Hurd both of Brewster, eighth day of May eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Thomas F. Burges of Harwich and Miss Sally G. Griffith of Brewster seventh day of June eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Washington Hurd of Orleans and Miss Elizabeth F. Crosby of Brewster fifth day of July eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Francis Baker and Miss Mary C. Myrick both of Brewster sixth day of Sept. eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. William Freeman Jr. of Brewster and Miss Phebe H. Hurd of Orleans thirteenth day of Sept. eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Nathan Young of Provincetown and Miss Abigail Freeman of Brewster fourth day of Oct. eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Barzillai Sears of Dennis and Miss Elizabeth J. Bangs of Brewster, sixteenth day of Oct. eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. David Harwood of Dennis and Mrs. Lydia Robbins of Brewster seventeenth day of Oct. eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Josiah Sampson Esqr of Barnstable and Mrs. Deborah R. Sampson of Brewster eighteenth day of Oct. eighteen hundred & forty five, David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Hezakiah Taylor of Chatham and Miss Hannah Jane Small of Brewster seventh day of Nov. eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Josiah Crocker of Brewster and Miss Patia Jarvis of Orleans seventh day of Nov. eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Gowell Chase of Harwich and Miss Lucinda Hall of Brewster tenth day of Nov. eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Setn Maker and Miss Rebecca Small both of Brewster and Made public, this fifteenth day of Nov. eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Enoch E. Crosby of Brewster and Mrs. Susan Rogers of Harwich twenty fifth day of Nov. eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Zenas Crosby and Miss Fanny C. Foster both of Brewster twenty eighth day of Nov. eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Asa H. Howes of Dennis and Miss Sally Mr. Sears of Brewster fourth day of December eighteen hundred and forty five. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. George Crocker and Miss Sarah S. Crocker both of Brewster, twenty first day of Febuary eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, Town
The intentions ef marriage between Capt. Jonathan Thacher and Mrs. Desire Lincoln both of Brewster fourteenth day March eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. John K. Cahoon Jr. of Harwich and Miss Phebe K. Baker of Brewster tenth day of April eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Joseph Mayo of Brewster and Miss Maria L. Huntington of Weare N.H., eleventh day of April eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Enos Godfrey and Miss Susan Long both of Brewster fourth day of May eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Hiram Hall of Dennis and Mrs. Sally Bangs of Brewster twenty seventh day of June eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Varanus Harding Jr. of Dennis and Miss Hannah Foster of Brewster fourth day of July, eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Freeman Crosby and Miss Jane T. Snow both of Brewster, eleventh day of July eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Joseph C. Crosby and Miss Phebe Crosby both of Brewster eighth day of August eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Reuben Sears and Miss Susannah W. Sears both of Brewster twenty seventh day of August, eighteen hundred and forty Six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Barnard Freeman Jr. and Miss Clarisa Dillingham both of Brewster, fifth day of Sept. eighteen hundred and forty six, David Mayo, T.
Intention: Mr. Adnah Rogers Jr. of Orleans and Miss Mary A. Higgins of Brewster nineteenth day of Sept. eighteen hundred & forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. John Norway and Miss Cynthia S. Linnell both of Brewster, twenty fourth day of Oct. eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, T.
Intention: Capt. Isaac C. Foster and Thankful C. Higgins both of Brewster thirty first day of Oct. eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Joseph Newcomb of Harwich and Miss Mary Ann Cahoon of Brewster fifth day of Nov. eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Luther Crocker of South Reading and Miss Sophia A. Mallett of Brewster seventh day of Nov. eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Vinson F. Cahoon of Harwich and Miss Emeline C. Nickerson of Brewster fourteenth day of Nov. eighteen hundred & forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Capt. Elijah Foster and Miss Elizabeth Myrick both of Brewster fifteenth day of Nov. eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Zoheth Snow Jr. and Miss Lucretia Crosby both of Brewster seventh day of December eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, T.
Intention: Mr. Godfrey M. Small and Miss Olive R. Chase both of Brewster twelvth day of December eighteen hundred and forty six. David Mayo, Town
Intention: Mr. Ezekiel Cahoon Jr. and Miss Catherine Foster both of Brewster nineteenth day of December eighteen hundred & forty Six. David Mayo, Town