Vital Records Of Berlin, Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1899
Collected And Compiled By Frances L. Eaton
Edited By Martha F. Duren
Published By Frances L. Eaton, Marlboro, Mass. 1935.

Marriages - SPAFFORD to YOUNG
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger ]

SPAFFORD (Spofford)
Ben[jami]n F., and Polly Sawyer [unm. int.], both of B., Jan. 28, 1821.
Benjamin F., Capt., of B., and Lucy Parmenter, unm., of Northboro, Jan. 30, 1846, int.
Betsey, and Augustus Bigelow [Biglow. int.], both of B., Mar. 1, 1798.
Betsey, Mrs., and Josiah M. Bride [McBride. int.], both of B., Oct. 10, 1824.
Betsey [unm. int.], and James Goddard, jr., both of B., Nov. 4, 1824.
Clarence E. (Spofford), farmer, unm., of B., a. 32 y., b. B., s. James R. and O. B. (Woodbury), and Lizzie J. Derby, music teacher, unm., of B., a. 32 y., b. Northboro, d. A. C. [Alfred C. int.] and Charlotte A. (Fisher), May 18, 1891.
Emerson, of B., and Mrs. Catharine D. Tenney of Marlboro, Jan. 29, 1825, int.
Esther [2[d]. int.], of B., and Daniel Robbins [Robins, jr. int.] of Boxboro, Apr. 22, 1813.
Eunice, of B., and Amos Keyes of Northboro, May 2, 1811.
Eunice [Mrs. int.], and [Capt. int.] Henry Powers, both of B., Dec. 8, 1814.
Hannah T., and Augustus Bigelow, both of B., Aug. 29, 1829, int.
James R., farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 29 y., s. Sam[ue]l and Betsey of B., and Olive B. Woodbury, unm., of Bolton. a. 22 y., d. Israel and Olive, Oct. 16, 1850.
Mary S., unm., and Emery C. Morse, both of B., June 20, 1847, int.
Persis H., unm., and Amory Carter, both of B., Mar. 30, 1839, int.
Sally [jr. int.], and Mendal Fosgate, both of B., Apr. 9, 1801.
Sally, and Uriah Sawyer, both of B., Feb. 2, 1803.
Samuel, and Eunice [Unice. int.] Goddard, both of B., Jan. 20, 1785.
Samuel, 2d, and Betsey Fosgate, both of B., May 24, 1808.
Samuel [2d. int.], and Mary Sawyer [unm. int.], both of B., Dec. 24, 1817.
Robert M., builder, 2d m., of Boston, a. 64 y., b. Eastport, Me., s. Hugh and Martha, and Eliza (White) McIntosh, 2d m., of Boston, a. 65 y., b. Portsmouth, N.H., d. Joseph and Eliza (Smith), Aug. 28, 1883.
Nettie Louise, musician, unm., of Natick, a. 26 y., b. Natick, d. Langdon P. and Susan E. [C. int.], and Lester M. Bartlett, musician, unm., of B., a. 28 y. b. B., s. Amory A. and [Sarah. int.] Jane, May 1, 1889.
John H., farmer, unm., of Clinton, a. 23 y., b. Claremont, N.H., s. Jonathan H. and Sophronia, and Mary E. Houghton, unm., of Clinton, b. Amherst, d. Silas and Susan B., Nov. 21, 1858.
Sophronia, G., unm., of B., a. 54 y., b. Phillips, Me., d. Caleb and Lillie, and Augustus W. Burt, weaver, 2d m., of Clinton, a. 58 y., b. Brooklyn, Ct., s. Lloyd and Lydia, Oct. 26, 1875.
Oren P., farmer, unm., of Montgomery, a. 26 y., b. Montgomery, s. Lathrop and Betsey, and Laura A. Southworth, unm., of Northboro, a. 22 y., b. Northboro, d. Josiah and Miranda of Northboro, Jan. 2, 1853.
Charles F., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Portland, Me., s. Joseph and Sarah, and Fanny A. Gwinn, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Salem, d. William T. and Margaret, Dec. 31, 1868.
Josiah W., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Oxford, Me., s. Joseph and Sarah, and Rosanna Foster, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Natick, d. George B. and Rachel, May 23, 1869.
George W., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Worcester, s. Josiah and Rose (Foster), and Mary M. Osgood, stitcher, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Bluehill, Me., d. H. H. and Ellen A. (Darling), Dec. 31, 1891.
Lucinda H., and Junius D. Hayes, both of Clinton, Sept. 8, 1863.
Martha Augusta, unm., of Northboro, a. 17 y., b. Westbrook, Me., William and Sarah, dec., and Charles Henry Bliss, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., s. Henry H. and Lucy Maria, Sept. 28, 1860.
STARKEY (Starkie)
Anthony S. [Starkie. int.], of Bolton, and Martha A. [M. int.] Bruce [unm. int.] of B., Apr. 7, 1835.
Anthony S., farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 44 y., b. Troy, N.H., s. Peter and Mary, and Eliza Starkey, unm., of Swanzy, N.H., d. Laban and Polly, Mar. 24, 1854, int.
Anthony S., farmer, 3d m., of B., a. 66 y., b. Troy, N.H., s. Peter and Mary (Sweet), and Lynda [S. int.] Taft, unm., of Swanzy, N.H., a. 58 y., b. Swanzy, N.H., d. James S. and Judith, Sept. 2, 1876.
Charles D., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., s. Anthony S. and Martha M., and Lucinda E. Sargent, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. Northboro, d. Curtis and Huldah, Apr. 25, 1859, int.
Eliza, unm., of Swanzy, N.H., d. Laban and Polly, and Anthony S. Starkey, farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 44 y., b. Troy, N.H., s. Peter and Mary, Mar. 24, 1854, int.
Lucinda E., 2d m., of B., a. 27 y., b. Northboro, d. Curtis and Huldah Sargent, and Dana M. Larkin, farmer, unm., of B., a. 39 y., b. B., s. John F. and Cynthia, Nov. 4, 1868.
Carrie, 2d m., of Bolton, a. 30 y., b. Billerica, d. Charles and Lucinda, and John A. Jones, farmer, 2d m., of Bolton, a. 33 y., b. Billerica, s. Anthony and Nancy, July 2, 1871.
Edith M., teacher, unm., of Bolton, a. 20 y., b. Brooklyn, N.Y., d. Everett and Georgia (Sands), and Everett B. Rowe, farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 27 y., b. Northboro, s. Brigham and Fanny (Frye), Mar. 2, 1896.
Henry K., mechanic, unm., of Worcester, a. 24 y., b. Leominster, s. Aaron W. and Betsey W., and Nellie A. Reed, unm., of Worcester, a. 25 y., b. Shrewsbury, d. Jonathan and Betsey, Aug. 6, 1862.
Allston H., carpenter, unm., of Marlboro, a. 24 y., b. Marlboro, s. William and Elizabeth R., and Harriet Ellen Frye, unm., of Marlboro, a. 21 y., b. Bolton, d. Obediah, Mar. 13, 1867.
Nathaniel F., clergyman, unm., of B., b. Hartland, Vt., and Mary E. Dearborn, unm., of Pembroke, N.H., June 15, 1861, int.
S. Maud, stitcher, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. Lawrence, and Arthur H. Sanborn, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Groton, N.H., s. G. B. and Susan A. (Ford), Nov. 11, 1899.
Lucy A., at home, unm., of Lancaster, a. 23 y., b. Berlin, Vt., d. Horace M. and Hellen M., and Fred A. Hanaford, farmer, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Townsend, s. Charles H. and Jennie N., Dec. 5, 1882.
Sarah A., 3d m., of Boylston, a. 37 y., b. Stow, d. Philip A. and Orinda Mentyer, and Edward F. Green, shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 49 y., b. Northboro, s. Peter and Susan, Mar. 10, 1871.
Harrison, shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 20 y., b. Athol, s. Freeland and Minerva, and Hattie Briggs, unm., of Lancaster, a. 16 y., b. Auburn, d. Bowers and Polly, Aug. 22, 1860.
Almira N., unm., of Framingham, a. 20 y., b. Watertown [Sudbury. P.R.9.], d. Walter, and Nathaniel Wheeler, farmer, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Keene, N.H., s. Joseph and Betsey, Mar. 28, 1853, int.
Effie, at home, unm., of Northboro, a. 16 y., b. Northboro, d. Joseph H. and Mary A., and Martin Keizer, farmer, unm., of Northboro, a. 20 y., b. Chester, N.S., s. James and Eleanor, Aug. 6, 1890.
George, farmer, unm., of Marlboro, a. 27 y., b. Northboro, s. Dana and Mary, and Martha Wood, unm., of Bolton, a. 17 y., b. Bolton, d. William and Lucy, Jan. 20, 1861.
George D., farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 35 y., b. Northboro, s. Dana and Mary, and Lucy A. Burrell, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Wayland, d. Samuel and Fanny, Oct. 25, 1869.
Henry A[dams. int.], machinist, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Isaac S. and Martha A., and Ruth E. Paine, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Tyler and Mary A., Aug. 10, 1872.
Henry A., carriage maker, 2d m., of B., a. 33 y., b. B., s. Isaac S. and Martha, and Hattie L. Cooledge, housework, unm., of Hudson, a. 23 y., d. adopted, Lyman and ---- Cooledge, Oct. 13, 1883.
Isaac, of Boylston, and Abigail Moore of B., Dec. 19, 1805.
Isaac S., and Martha A. Farmer, both unm., of B., May 31, 1842.
Isaac S., shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 49 y., b. Boylston, s. Isaac and Abigail [Mary. int.], and Mary A. [Margaret. int.] Hunt, 3d m., of B., a. 52 y., b. Chelmsford, d. Jesse and Agatha Farmer, Sept. 28, 1856.
Joseph H., of Westboro, and Mary A. Brigham, unm., of B., Dec. 17, 1848, int.
Louisa Anna, unm., of Northboro, a. 19 y., b. Northboro, d. Dana and Louisa, dec., and Albert Gasset Wheelock, butcher, unm., of Northboro, a. 24 y., b. Shrewsbury, s. Abraham and Catherine, dec., Sept. 2, 1860.
Oliver, and Lois [M. int.] Babcock [unm. int.], both of B., Sept. 10, 1834.
STOWE (Stow)
Aaron, of Sterling, and Esther Jones of B., Mar. 13, 1810.
Benjamin (Stow), jr., of Harvard, and Abigail Atherton of Bolton, Jan. 16, 1782, int.
Eugenia [unm. int.], of B., and [Rev. int.] Lyman Gilbert of Newton, Sept. 18, 1828.
Hannah (Stow), unm., of Worcester, and Daniel Carter of B., Mar. 8, 1817, int.
Henry H., wheelwright, unm., of Lancaster, a. 22 y., b. Lancaster, s. Moses and Elvira, and Lydia Ann Robbins, unm., of Ashby, a. 21 y., b. B., d. Henry and Mary B., June 10, 1863.
Phebe, Mrs., of Marlboro, and Rev. Reuben Puffer of B., Nov. 15, 1812, int.
Ira E., farmer, unm., of Grafton, a. 21 y., b. Grafton, s. Samuel and Lucinda Bigelow, and Mabel Brown, at home, unm., of Sutton, a. 18 y., b. Connecticut, d. D. W. and Ellen Joslin, Nov. 25, 1895.
Joseph, shoemaker, 2d m., of Wayland [Cochituate. int.], a. 37 y., b. Hudson, s. Lorenzo and Mary, and Sarah A. Shattuck, 2d m., of B., a. 28 y., b. B., d. Albert and Mary B. Babcock, Jan. 8, 1879.
Phineas S., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Boylston, s. Jonathan and Laura, and Margaret S. Carter, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. Frankfort, Me., d. Asa and Eleanor, July 18, 1850, int.
Samuel A., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Rindge, N.H., s. Samuel and Lovica, and Lucinda S. Bigelow, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. B., d. Florence and Elmina, Mar. 14, 1859.
James, musician, unm., of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., a. 35 y., b. Scotland, s. James and Margaret (Allardice), and Sarah Gilmour, weaver, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Scotland, d. Isaac and Susan (Magill), Dec. 7, 1899.
SULLIVAN (Sulivan)
Hannah C., unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Lowell, d. John and Hannah, and Garritt Barritt, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Ireland, s. Garritt and Mary G., Nov. 14, 1857, int.
Margaret (Sulivan), unm., of Lowell, a. 21 y., b. Boston, and Florence McCarty, shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 30 y., b. Ireland, s. Jeremiah and Joanna, Jan. 31, 1856, int.
Ella F., housekeeper, unm., of Leominster, a. 26 y., b. Andover, Me. [Fitchburg. int.], d. Benjamin P. and Sarah A., and Frederick A. Fosgate, hotel keeper, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. B., s. Joel H. and Ruth A. (Brigham), July 11, 1881.
Thomas M., cloth finisher, unm., of Limerick, Me., a. 31 y., b. England [Halifax, Eng. int.], s. Thomas and Mary A[nn. int.], and Laura A. Davis, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Marlboro, d. George G. and Mary A., May 31, 1876.
SYMNS (Symes)
Emma S. [Symes. int.], unm., of Winchester, a. 29 y., b. Winchester, d. John, and Francis O. Fosgate, farmer, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. B., s. Joel H. and Ruth A., May 19, 1875.
Horace S., broommaker, unm., of Northboro, a. 40 y., b. New Bedford, s. Job and Rhoda (Cook), and Sarah A. B. Smith, wid., of B. [Lancaster. int.], a. 26 y., b. Lancaster, d. Elisha E. and Lydia C. Barrett, Aug. 14, 1878.
Sarah A., 4th m. [3d m. int.], of B., a. 30 y., b. Lancaster, d. Elisha E. and Lydia C. Barrett, and Abel G. Johnson, shoemaker, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 60 y., b. Spencer, s. Rufus and Harriett G., Mar. 22, 1881.
TAFT (Tafft)
George, barber, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. Winchester, N.H., s. Otis and Hannah, and Sophia Jenkens, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Belchertown, d. Benjamin and Sophia, June 25, 1866, int.
Henry (Tafft), carpenter, 2d m., of B., a. 59 y., b. Upton, s. Elkannah and Ruth (Sibley), and Elizabeth F. Wheeler, 2d m., of B., a. 57 y., b. Bolton, d. Jonathan and Amy (Aldrich) Frye, Nov. 28, 1878.
Lynda [S. int.], unm., of Swanzy, N.H., a. 58 y., b. Swanzy, N.H., d. James S. and Judith, and Anthony S. Starkey, farmer, 3d m., of B., a. 66 y., b. Troy, N.H., s. Peter and Mary (Sweet), Sept. 2, 1876.
Richard E., civil engineer, unm., of Woonsocket, R.I., a. 24 y., b. Mendon, s. Millens A. and Sarah J., and Olive L. Wheeler, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., d. Elisha T. and Elizabeth (Frye), Feb. 4, 1880.
Charles J., electrician, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Iowa, s. L. J. [Lyman J. int.] and Emma (Stuart), and Ethel May Babcock, at home, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. Levi and Maria (Felton), Jan. 18, 1898.
Henry, beamer, unm., of Clinton, a. 25 y., b. Germany, s. Frederich Shlosser and Frank [Freidriche. int.], and Mary Fox, weaver, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Germany, d. August and Augustie, Oct. 21, 1895.
Arad, lumber merchant, unm., of B., a. 28 y. [29 y. int.], b. Shefford, Canada East, s. Luke and Nancy J., and Laura E. Merrell, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. John D. and Mellisa, Oct. 21, 1870.
Frank Levi, shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 23 y., b. Hudson, s. Alfred F. and Nettie A. (Smith), and Edith Irene Holder, at home, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. B., d. Henry R. and Elmyra (Crosby), Mar. 20, 1897.
George L., blacksmith, unm., of Clinton, a. 22 y., b. Winchendon, s. Levi and Lunah M., and Ida A. Griffin, unm., of Clinton, a. 22 y., b. Winchendon, Essex Co. (sic), d. Harrison and Sophia, July 20, 1878.
James, of B., and Phebee Blood, unm., of Groton, Apr. 8, 1827, int.
John E., laborer [farmer. int.], unm., of B., a. 21 y. b. B., s. Arad and Ella L. (Merrill), and Laura A. Wheeler, housework, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. R. B. [Robert B. int.] and Nancy [M. int.], Mar. 24, 1893.
Lucy, of Marlboro, and Jonas Bruce of Bolton, Apr. 21, 1781, int.
Melissa J., housework, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Arad and Laura E. (Merrill), and N. Harriman Fay, clerk, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., s. William E. and Mary [J. int.] (McKenna), Sept. 16, 1897.
Oliver, yeoman, unm., of Dunstable, and Sarah M. Fay, unm., of B., b. B., d. Dexter and Zilpah of B., May 7, 1844.
Asa, of Medway, and Almira Trowbridge [unm. int.] of B., Nov. 1, 1825.
George, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Brooklyn, N.Y., s. John and Catharine [L. int.], and Hattie A. Barrett, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. Pawlet, Vt., d. Elijah and Emily, Nov. 20, 1870.
Benjamin, of Boylston, and Phebe Green of B., Oct. 27, 1796.
Henry, and Achsah McBride [Bride. int.], both of B., Dec. 9, 1792.
Parney, unm., of Boylston, and Joseph Butler of Bolton, June 9, 1790.
Phebe, Mrs., and Simeon Bowman, both of B., June 26, 1833.
TENNEY (Tenny, Tinney)
Archy, of Marlboro, N.H., and Susannah Jones of B., Apr. 10, 1809.
Catharine D., Mrs., of Marlboro, and Emerson Spafford of B., Jan. 29, 1825, int.
Frederick S. (Tenny), unm., and Susan A. Palmer, both unm., of West Boylston, Nov. 16, 1864.
Jonathan [Tinney. int.], and Betsey Jones, both of B., Apr. 12, 1803.
William Henry (Tenny), shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 26 y. b. Marlboro, N.H., s. William and Betsey, and Sarah F. Grant, unm., of Somerville, Me., a. 21 y., b. Somerville, Me., Dec. 16, 1863.
Emily R., unm., of Uxbridge, and Nahum W. Fay of B., Aug. 23, 1844, int.
John L. S., Dr., of B., and Mary G. Nash, unm., of West Boylston, Aug. 31, 1833, int.
Mary E., weaver, unm., of Clinton, a. 23 y., b. Ireland, d. Charles and Eliza (McMahan), and Isaac Gilmour, Jr., operative, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Scotland, s. Isaac and Susan (Magill), Dec. 7, 1899.
Sarah L., unm., of Marlboro, a. 20 y., b. Leominster, d. Daniel, and Nathaniel Brigham, combmaker, unm., of Northboro, a. 22 y., b. Northboro, s. Nathaniel of Northboro, Feb. 25, 1852.
Ellen, unm., of Marlboro, a. 24 y., b. Ireland, d. Thomas and Sabina, and John Keating, laborer, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Ireland, s. William and Catherine, June 30, 1852, int.
Charles C., of Boston, and Mary A. Hastings, unm., of B., Jan. 14, 1849, int.
Charles H., farmer, unm., of Northboro, a. 26 y., b. Northboro, s. John and Elizabeth, dec., and Lydia Randall Wheeler, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. B., d. George Fox and Sarah, Aug. 6, 1861.
John, of Northboro, and Rhoda Wheeler, unm., of B., Apr. 4, 1843, int.
Flora B., at home, unm, of Hudson, a. 19 y., b. Hudson, d. E. L. and Charlotte A. (Burnham), and Albert E. Hill, shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 20 y., b. Bangor, Me., s. Henry and Margaret (Miles), Aug. 7, 1892.
John W., machinist, unm., of Hudson, a. 27 y., b. Stow, s. Jedediah and Mary Jane (Noyes), and Elsie Hunt, unm., of Hudson, a. 20 y., b. Hudson, d. Edward and Elizabeth, Mar. 14, 1874.
Charles A., trader, unm., of Hudson, a. 31 y., b. Wilmington, Del., s. Thomas F. and Mary A. (Cross), and Lelia E. Johnson, clerk, unm., of Hudson, a. 26 y., b. Hudson, d. Frank A. and Alice T. (Whitney), Apr. 14, 1895.
Lucy A., unm., of Hiram, Me., a. 22 y., b. Hiram, Me., d. Richard and Betsey, and G.R. Maynard, mechanic, 2d m., of Worcester, a. 30 y., b. Sterling, s. Hezekiah and Harriett, Dec. 15, 1857.
Almira [unm. int.], of B., and Asa Taynter of Medway, Nov. 1, 1825.
Sarah W., unm., of Bolton, a. 19 y., b. Natick, d. John and Charles A. Langdon, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Malone, N.Y., s. Charles and Mary, June 15, 1858, int.
Lillian F., at home, unm., of Boylston, a. 23 y., b. Boylston, d. John and Anna, and George A. Hastings, farmer, unm., of Boylston, a. 24 y., b. Boylston, s. Geo[rge] R. and Eda S., May 20, 1890.
Sarah, of Lancaster, and Enoch Whitcomb of Bolton, at Bolton, Oct. 13, 1781, int.
Carrie S., at home, unm., of B., a. 31 y., b. Northbore, d. Joseph and Harriett (Stone), and James E. Naughler, farmer, unm., of B., a. 31 y., b. Nova Scotia, s. Adophus and Abigail (Snider), Dec. 23, 1896.
Clarence A., carrier, unm., of Hudson, a. 25 y., b. West Halifax, Vt., s. C. F. and Mary M. (Whitney), and Edith L. Jopson, housekeeper, unm., of Hudson, a. 17 y., b. Holyoke, d. C. C. and Marion E. (Wills), Oct. 1, 1892.
Daniel W., trunkmaker, unm., of Boston, a. 41 y., b. Lexington, s. Abraham and Dorothy, and Abbie H. M. Howe, milliner, unm., of Boston, a. 30 y., b. Westboro, d. Silas and Sarah, May 20, 1870.
George W., farmer, unm., of B., a. 40 y., b. Dedham, s. David and Helen M. (Broad), and Lila C. Wilton, housekeeper, 2d m., of B., a. 45 y., b. Lawrence, d. Kneeland and Elizabeth (Bessey) Sibley, Jan. 13, 1898.
James D., farmer, unm., of B., a. 39 y., b. Richmond, N.H., s. Danforth and Emily R., and Anna S. Bassett, at home, unm., of B., a. 31 y., b. B., d. Elisha and Maria L., Jan. 11, 1888.
M. Reed, farmer, unm., of B., a. 36 y., b. Richmond, N.H., s. Danford and Emily R., and Mary C[atharine. int.] Mayo, at home, unm., of Warwick, a. 26 y., b. Warwick, d. Edward F. [F. E. int.] and Lois, Oct. 6, 1886.
Stephen G. A., of B., and Mary I. Dunster, unm., of Gardner, Oct. 27, 1832, int.
Etta E., at home, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Ashburnham, d. O. K. and Ellen M. (Howe), and Johnnie [John. int.] L. Young, carpenter, 2d m., of Wellesley, a. 28 y., b. Alburg, Vt., s. Zeb and Mina [Mira. int.] (Dean), July 15, 1896.
Roxanna J., unm., of South Reading, a. 41 y. [40 y. int.], b. Melrose, d. Ezra and Susan, and George W. Maynard, shoe manufacturer, 3d m., of B., a. 54 y., b. Greatbend, Pa., s. John and Dorothy, June 15, 1864.
Alida A., and Elvin C. Wheeler, s. Nathaniel and Almira N. (Stone), ----, 1886. P.R.9.
Edwin B., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 36 y., b. E[ast] Thompson, Ct., s. Chandler and Elianna, and Edith Dorous, housework, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. Dudley, d. Esmond and Angenette, Oct. 21, 1890.
Charles T., shoemak[er], unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Scituate, s. Paul and Mariah, and Mary E. Carter, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Frankfort, d. Asa and Eleanor, Apr. 25, 1856, int.
Jerusha, of Sudbury, and George A. Cotting of B., Mar. 16, 1847, int.
WALCOTT (Wallcot, Walcutt, Wolcott)
Ella G., dressmaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 21 y., b. Bolton, d. C. P. [Clifford. int.] and Mary A. (Paine), and Lewis E. Fosgate, farmer, unm., of B., a. 30 y., b. B., s. George W. and Eunice C. (Dodge), June 9, 1894.
Jabez (Walcutt), and Mary Baker, both of Bolton, Oct. 23, 1781, int.
Lucy (Wolcott), unm., of Bolton, a. 19 y., b. Bolton, d. Jonas T. and Mary, and Rufus R. Wheeler, farmer, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. B., s. Amos and Lydia, Nov. 3, 1854, int.
Mary A., at home, unm., of Hudson, a. 19 y., b. Patten, Me., d. Truman and Aurelia A., and George A. Ray, wheelwright, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Stow, s. Jonathan and Susan (Howard), Dec. 24, 1881.
Robert (Wallcot), Rev., of B., and Mary Arm Powers, unm., of Boston, Aug. 25, 1832, int.
Ruth (Walcutt), and Joseph Sawyer, both of Bolton, Jan. 8, 1781 [1782?), int.
Naomi, see Wilder, Naomi.
Benjamin S., section master, unm., of B., a. 43 y., b. Concord, N.H., s. Abial and Hannah, and Flora J. Carter, housework, unm., of B., a. 32 y., b. Milford, d. adopted, Daniel H. and Lucy A., Dec. 23, 1889.
Emma L., unm., of Hudson, a. 22 y., b. Nova Scotia, d. Robert and Margaret, and Alanson W. Morse, shoecutter, unm., of Hudson, a. 26 y., b. Dalton, s. Alanson H. and Caroline L., Oct. 28, 1871.
Hattie J., unm., of Northboro, a. 25 y., b. Northboro, d. Mathias and Lydia, and Leonard W. Brewer, farmer, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Boylston, s. Leonard and Adaline, Oct. 2, 1866.
Thomas, of Sudbury, and Elizabeth Fosgate of Bolton, Dec. 22, 1781, int.
William L[l]oyd Garrison, mechanic, unm., of Ashburnham, a. 25 y., b. Ashburnham, s. Alvan and Eusebia, and Lydia Abagail Bride, unm., of B., b. B., d. Amos and Abagail, Feb. 19, 1861.
Mabel E., stitcher, unm., of Hudson, a. 19 y., b. Hudson, d. P. H. and Sarah L. (Lewis), and Harrison A. Crossman, machinist, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., s. F. H. and L. M. (Farwell), May 27, 1898.
Betsy, unm., of Harvard, and Joseph Moore of B., Sept. 25, 1818, int.
Ella, unm., of Marlboro, a. 21 y., b. Southboro, d. Daniel and Harriett (Hapgood), and Marcus Q. Jackson, shoe cutter, unm., of Marlboro, a. 24 y., b. Natick, s. W[illia]m L. and Betsey, July 13, 1875.
Hannah, Mrs., and Thomas Sawyer, both of B., July 17, 1836.
John M., painter, unm., of Boylston, a. 29 y., b. Harvard, s. John G. and Eliza A., and Carrie H. Eames, at home, unm., of Worcester, a. 22 y., b. South Framingham, d. W[illia]m F. and Julia A., June 16, 1887.
Jerome O., station ag[en]t, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Newton [Concord. int.], s. Charles and Lucy R., and Louisa M. Rice, at home, unm., of B., a. 16 y., b. B., d. Oliver C. and M. Augusta, July 29, 1890.
Hannah, of Williamsburg, and Solomon Gillett of B. Apr. 11, 1793.
Thomas B., and Phebe Brigham, unm., both of B., Jan. 15, 1842, int.
George W., of Lancaster, and Sylva M. Moore, unm., of B., June 3, 1849, int.
Jane M., at home, unm., of Northboro, a. 24 y., b. Northboro, d. William and Abbie M. (Smith), and Arthur B. Wheeler, merchant, 2d m., of Northboro, a. 35 y., b. B., s. David B. and Martha A. (Wheeler), Mar. 1, 1896.
Mary D., unm., of B., a. 18 y., d. James and Diana, and Gardner Howe, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Marlboro, s. Gardner and Betsey G., Sept. 9, 1852, int.
Emma F., unm., of Marlboro, a. 20 y., b. Marlboro, d. Charles, and Abel B. Hastings, shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 24 y., b. Marlboro, s. Joel and Almira, June 10, 1868.
Mary E., unm., of Marlboro, a. 18 y., b. Marlboro, d. Charles and M., and George H. Maynard, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Boston, s. George and Lucinda, Mar. 21, 1860, int.
WETHERBE (Weatherby, Wetherbee, Witherbee, Witherby)
Amory [Wetherbee of Bolton. int.], and Adaline Holt [unm. int.], both of B., May 2, 1827.
Betsey (Witherby), Mrs., and Stephen Cooledge, both of B., Nov. 1, 1818.
Ruthy (Weatherby), unm., of Marlboro, and Merick Houghton of B., Aug. 4, 1820, int.
William R. (Witherbee), painter, 2d m., of Marlboro, a. 29 y., b. Marlboro, s. Dennis R. and Betsey, and Hellen M. Reynolds, unm., of Marlboro, a. 26 y., b. Kennebunk, Me., d. Alva and Miriam, Aug. 28, 1869.
Abba [Abigail. P.R.3.] E., unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. Daniel of B., and Joseph W. Merrill, shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 24 y., s. John D. and Mary [H. int.] of B., Feb. 19, 1850.
Abby F., unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. John and Betsey, and Andrew L. H. Fitch, farmer, unm., of Lancaster, a. 23 y., b. Lancaster, s. George L. and Sophrona W., Apr. 28, 1860, int.
Addie E., unm., of Bolton, a. 27 y., b. Bolton, d. Amos and Susan E., and Arthur V. Wheeler, farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 26 y., b. Worcester, s. Jesse B. and Martha A., Mar. 17, 1881.
Alvina S., unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. William W. and Sabra, and Thomas Berry, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Poland, Me., s. Thomas and Sarah, May 16, 1860.
Alice L., teacher, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., d. R. B. [Robert B. int.] and Nancy M., and George E. Dow, farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 32 y., b. Bolton, s. Greeley and Lydia B., June 8, 1887.
Amos, farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 59 y., b. B., s. Levi and Mary of B., and Ann G. Carter, 2d m., of B., a. 52 y., b. Boylston, d. Sam[ue]l and M. B. Brigham of Boylston, Jan. 6, 1852.
Amy Frances, at home, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. Richard M. and Frances (Sawtelle), and Fred Casey, laborer, unm., of Somerville, a. 25 y., b. [Summerside. int.] P[rince] E[dward] I[sland], s. Vean and Phinnie (Ioving?). Nov. 25, 1897.
Angeline, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. Bolton, d. Johnathan and Phebe, and Jonas Sawyer, farmer, unm., of B., a. 48 y., b. B., s. Jonas and Eusebia, Apr. 4, 1860.
Annie A., unm., of Bolton, a. 20 y., b. Bolton, d. Joel W. and Mary J., and Franklin P. Lewis, shoemaker, 3d m., of Hudson, a. 44 y., b. Somerville, Me., s. William L. and Elsie, Jan. 16, 1881.
Arthur B., hen fancier, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. B., s. D. B. [David B. int.] and Martha A., and Carrie A. Cross, unm., of Cambridgeport, a. 22 y., b. Montpelier, Vt., d. Jonas P. and Phoebe, Sept. 24, 1885.
Arthur B., merchant, 2d m., of Northboro, a. 35 y., b. B., s. David B. and Martha A. (Wheeler), and Jane M. Watterson, at home, unm., of Northboro, a. 24 y., b. Northboro, d. William and Abbie M. (Smith), Mar. 1, 1896.
Arthur V., farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 26 y., b. Worcester, s. Jesse B. and Martha A., and Addie E. Wheeler, unm., of Bolton, a. 27 y., b. Bolton, d. Amos and Susan E., Mar. 17, 1881.
Asa, and Abigail Southwick, unm., both of Bolton, June 2, 1790.
Asa, clerk, unm., of Stow, a. 22 y., b. Bolton, s. Allen W. and Irena, and Mary A. Wood, unm., of Stow, b. Rockland, Me., d. Franklin J and Mary L., May 3, 1872.
Bertha M., at home, unm., of B., a. 20 y, b. B., d. Robert B. and Nancy M., and Walter Cole, farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 28 y., b. Cambridgeport, s. James G. and Catharine, Sept. 24, 1890.
Caroline E., unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. John and Betsey, and Barnabas Elliot Ball, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Northboro, s. Barnabas and Abigail, Sept. 20, 1855.
Christopher, farmer, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., s. Oliver P. and Harriet, and Mary Isabel Bliss, unm., of B., a. 15 y., b. Gilsum, N.H., d. Cyrus R. and Mary L., Aug. 22, 1873.
Clara M., unm., of B., a. 16 y., b. B., d. Jonathan F. and Jemima, and John Cole, painter, 2d m., of B., a. 28 y., b. Plymouth, s. Avery and Lydia, Sept. 21, 1870.
Cora E., at home, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Samuel and Emily G. (Bruce), and Arthur L. Brewer, farmer, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., s. L. W. [Leonard W. int.] and Hattie J. (Walker), Dec. 4, 1891.
Daniel, and Abigail Fry, at Friend's Meeting House, in Bolton, June 5, 1800. P.R.3.
Delicia A., unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. John and Betsey, and Abraham G. Bigelow, carpenter, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Princeton, s. Gilbert and Rebecca, Nov. 27, 1850.
Edmund W., farmer, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Upton, s. Willard M. and Caroline, and Olivia A. Howe, unm., of Marlboro, a. 19 y., b. Marlboro, d. Alanson F. and Andelia [Delia. int.], June 30, 1879.
Edward L., farmer, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., s. William W. and Sabra, and Sarah E. Dakin, unm., of Hudson, a. 20 y., b. Concord, d. Ephraim and Sarah C. L., May 5, 1869.
Elbridge, and Betsey Sawyer [unm. int.], both of B., at West Boylston, Nov. ----, 1840.
Elenor, and Baxter Fay, both of Northboco, Nov. 14, 1800.
Elias L., horticulturist, unm., of B., a. 44 y., b. B., s. Levi and Betsey, and Sarah A. Sawyer, unm., of B., a. 30 y., b. B., d. Josiah and Arrissa, Feb. 17, 1880.
Elizabeth, 2d m., of Marlboro, a. 30 y., b. B., d. Ephriam and Mary Ann Babcock, and Ebben W. Daily, carpenter, 2d m., of Marlboro, a. 37 y., b. Canada, s. Gideon and Clarinda, Nov. 29, 1860.
Elizabeth F., 2d m., of B., a. 57 y., b. Bolton, d. Jonathan and Amy (Aldrich) Frye, and Henry Tafft, carpenter, 2d m., of B., a. 59 y., b. Upton, s. Elkannah and Ruth (Sibley), Nov. 28, 1878.
Ellen E., unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. Elisha T. and Elizabeth, and Adin Augustus Sawyer, clerk, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Isreal and Louisa, May 9, 1877.
Ellen M., unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. Jonathan and Melissa, and Daniel P. Hartwell, shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 28 y., b. B., s. Leonard and Abigail, Mar. 31, 1864.
Elma, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. George F. and Sarah, and Mervin N. Burdett, farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 21 y., b. Wakefield, s. George and Fidelia, Feb. 18, 1872.
Elvin C., s. Nathaniel and Almira N. (Stone), and Alida A. Van Slyke, ----, 1886. P.R.9.
Emily A., unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Jonathan and Melissa, and Joseph Warren Pierce, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. West Boylston, s. Warren and Louisa M., Sept. 4, 1862.
Emily Betsey, d. Nathaniel and Almira N. (Stone), and Ossian D. Wheeler, at Southboro, Aug. 10, 1877. P.R.9.
Erastus [W. int.], unm., of Worcester, and Sareh Pollard, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. B., d. Stephen of B., Oct. 5, 1842.
F. Sherman, farmer, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Francis A. and Jennie (Manchester), and Eva L. Johnson, housework, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. B., d. Andrew J. and Hattie [A. int.] (Woodbury), Mar. 29, 1889.
Francis A[bel. int.], farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 23 y., b. Bolton, s. Abel and Nancy, and Sarah H. King, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Lynn, d. Nath[anie]l [H. int.] and Mary, Nov. 25, 1858.
Francis A., shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 29 y., b. Bolton, s. Abel and Nancy, and H. Jennie Manchester, unm., of Clinton, a. 24 y., b. Charlestown, N.H. [Vt. int.], d. Timothy and Maria, May 4, 1864.
Frederick W., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. B., s. William W. and Sabra, and Adeline Kent, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Monroe, N.H., d. John C. and Jeanette, Oct. 30, 1864.
George Fox, carpenter, 2d m., of B., a. 57 y., b. Bolton, s. Abel and Nancy, and Annie [Anna. int.] McDavitt, unm., of Lynn, b. New Hampshire, a. 42 y., Apr. 23, 1877.
Gilbert H., farmer, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., s. Robert B. and Nancy M., and Ida G. Burnham, housework, unm., of Bolton, a. 21 y., b. Bolton, d. adopted, Reuben, Oct. 31, 1889.
Harriet A., unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. Elisha T. and Elizabeth F., and Ebenezer S. Sawtell, jr., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Ebenezer S. and Roxanna, June 20, 1869.
Henry A., farmer, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., s. Samuel H. and Sarah H., and Nellie Frances Reed, unm. [of B. int.], a. 21 y., b. Westport, N.H., d. Judson A. and Mary E., Mar. 31, 1877.
Herbert L., farmer, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., s. Samuel and Emily G. (Bruce), and Adelia L. Berry, housework, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. B., d. Thomas C. and Alvina S. (Wheeler), Apr. 7, 1896.
Horace A., carpenter, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., s. George F. and Sarah R., and Lucy E. Montgomery, unm., of Lancaster, a. 21 y., b. Lancaster, d. James and Mary J., Apr. 11, 1875.
Ida C., unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., d. Willard M. and Caroline (Fosgate), and Frank W. Forehand, miller, unm., of Sterling, a. 20 y., b. Croyden, N.H., s. Oliver C. and Charlotte M. N. (Phillips), Nov. 23, 1880.
Joel L., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Peregreen and Rhoda of B., and Elizabeth B. Babcock, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Eph[rai]m and Mary Ann of B., Oct. 24, 1849.
John, of B., and Betsy Jones, unm., of Leominster, Sept. 1, 1827, int.
John A., farmer, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., s. Francis A. and Jennie [II. int.] (Manchester), and Mary J. Norrish, housework, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Canada, d. James and Maria (Foley), Feb. 27, 1897.
Jonathan, of Bolton, s. Jonathan and Thankful, and Mary Buffum, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth of Smithfield, R.I., at Uxbridge, July 3, 1775. P.R.3.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Mary (Buffum), and Phebe Kimmins, May 22, 1822. P.R.3.
Jonathon F., shoe manufacturer, unm., of B., a. 35 y., b. B., s. Daniel and Abigail of B., and Jeminia D. Higgins, 2d m., of B., a. 21 y., b. Charleston, Me., d. John D. and Mary H. Merriel of B., Nov. 26, 1851.
Joseph, and Betsey P----, Dec. 31, 1818. P.R.9.
Joseph E., shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 24 y., s. John D. and Mary [H. int.] of B., and Abba E. Wheeler, unm., of B., a. 22 y., d. Daniel of B., Feb. 19, 1850.
Joseph W., of B., and Mary W. Wheeler, unm., of Bolton, Jan. 30, 1846, int.
Joshua [jr. int.], of Bolton, and Dinah Maynard [jr. int.] of B., Oct. 14, 1784.
Julia A., unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. George F. and Sarah R., and John L. Day, mechanic, unm., of Southboro, a. 23 y., b. Hill, N.H., s. Isaac and Caroline, Apr. 5, 1866.
L. Grace, at home, unm., of B., a. 35 y., b. B., d. Elisha T. and Elizabeth (Frye), and John A. Jones, carriage dealer, 3d m., of B., a. 60 y., b. Billerica, s. Anthony and Nancy (Richardson), Dec. 31, 1896.
Laura A., housework. unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. R. B. [Robert B. int.] and Nancy [M. int.] and John E. Taylor, laborer [farmer. int.], unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., s. Arad and Ella L. (Merrill), Mar. 24, 1893.
Laura B., unm., of Bolton, and Solomon Jones of B., Apr. 18, 1847, int.
Levi, and Mary Carter, both of B., Apr. 12, 1792.
Levi, and Olive Colburn, both of B., June 10 [1814.], int.
Levi, jr., of B., and Betsy Bliss, unm., of Munson, Jan. 17, 1823, int.
Lewis B., farmer, unm., of B., a. 34 y., b. B., s. Levi and Betsey, and Annie L. Howe, unm., of Marlboro. a. 28 y., b. Marlboro, d. Eben and Louisa, June 6, 1872.
Lucy, unm., of B., and Charles Snow of Boston, May 10, 1834, int.
Lucy E., 2d m., of Bolton, a. 26 y., b. Harvard, d. James and Mary J. Montgomery, and Lewis W. Paine, farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 29 y., b. B., s. Tyler and Mary A. (Wheeler), Dec. 19, 1880.
Lucy H., unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Samuel H. and Lucy H., and Amasa A. Whitcomb, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Bolton, s. Amory and Cynthia, Sept. 9, 1859.
Luke M., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., s. John and Betsey, and Hattie L. Fitch, unm., of South Lancaster, a. 21 y., b. Lancaster, d. Georg[e] and Saphrona, Nov. 14, 1856, int.
Lydia Randall, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. B., d. George Fox and Sarah, and Charles H. Timson, farmer, unm., of Northboro, a. 26 y., b. Northboro, s. John and Elizabeth, dec., Aug. 6, 1861.
Mabel E., housework, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. B., d. Chris and Mary I. (Bliss), and Leonard Sarsfield, farmer, unm., of Westboro, a. 28 y., b. Nova Scotia, d. William and Sarah (Arnold), Oct. 12, 1895.
Mary, d. Jonathan and Mary (Buffurn), and Stephen S. Southwick, Oct. 28, 1806. P.R.3.
Mary C., unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., d. Levi, jr. and Betsey, and Samuel Howe, shoemaker, unm., of Bolton, a. 23 y., s. Moses and Eunice of Bolton, Nov. 28, 1848.
Mary W., unm., of Bolton, and Joseph W. Wheeler of B., Jan. 30, 1846, int.
Matilda, and Timothy Bruce, jr., both of Bolton, Mar. 6, 1781, int.
Melissa, grid., of B., a. 30 y., b. B., d. Daniel Wheeler of B., and John D. Merrill, cordwainer, widr., of B., a. 53 y., May 1, 1849.
Nancy M., unm., of Bolton, a. 18 y., b. Bolton, d. Thomas W. and Mirriam S., and Robert B. Wheeler, farmer, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. B., s. Amos and Lydia, Mar. 29, 1850.
Nathaniel, farmer, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Keene, N.H., s. Joseph and Betsey, and Almira N. Stone, unm., of Framingham, a. 20 y., b. Watertown [Sudbury. P.R.9.], d. Walter, Mar. 28, 1853, int.
Olive C., unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Levi and Olive of B., and Elijah C. Shattuck, farmer, unm., of B. [of Boylston. int.], a. 28 y., s. Steph[e]n and Hannah of East Boylston, Sept. 25, 1848.
Olive L., unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., d. Elisha T. and Elizabeth (Frye), and Richard E. Taft, civil engineer, unm., of Woonsocket, R.I., a. 24 y., b. Mendon, s. Millens A. and Sarah J., Feb. 4, 1880.
Oliver P., of B., and Phylis Ann Faulkner, unm., of Bolton, Sept. 29, 1842, int.
Oliver P., farmer, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 56 y., b. Keene, N.H., s. Joseph and Betsey, and Sarah M. Seaver, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 39 y., b. B., d. William and Sarah Bartlett, Jan. 29, 1879.
Oliver Sawyer, farmer, unm., of B., a. 31 y., b. B., s. Amos and Lydia R., and Hannah D. Blodgett, unm., of Berlin, N.H., a. 21 y., b. Berlin, N.H., Aug. 10, 1862.
Ossian D., and Emily Betsey Wheeler, d. Nathaniel and Almira N. (Stone), at Southboro, Aug. 10, 1877. P.R.9.
Philadelphia, and Benjamin Bruce, jr., both of Bolton, Mar. 22, 1781, int.
Rhoda, unm., of B., and John Timson of Northboro, Apr. 4, 1843, int.
Richard M., farmer, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. B., s. Amos and Lydia R., and Frances A[nn. int.] Sawtelle, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Ebenezer S. and Roxanna, July 3, 1862.
Robert B., farmer, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. B., s. Amos and Lydia, and Nancy M. Wheeler, unm., of Bolton, a. 18 y., b. Bolton, d. Thomas W. and Mirriam S., Mar. 29, 1850.
Robert B., farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 58 y., b. B., s. Amos and Lydia, and Marion Jeffery, at home, 3d m., of Clinton, a. 50 y., b. Scotland, d. Hugh and Agnes McIntire, Oct. 13, 1893.
Rosanna C., unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., d. Rufus R. and Lucy, and Charles W. Holbrook, farmer, unm., of Clinton, a. 28 y., b. Shirley, s. John W. and Pannelia, Nov. 13, 1877, int.
Rufus R., farmer, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. B., s. Amos and Lydia, and Lucy Wolcott, unm., of Bolton, a. 19 y., b. Bolton, d. Jonas T. and Mary, Nov. 3, 1854, int.
Ruth, d. Jonathan and Mary (Buffum), and Gidion Mowry, Oct. 3, 1799. P.R.3.
Samuel, farmer, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., s. Samuel H. and Sarah, and Emily G. Bruce, unm., of Hudson, d. William and Eliza, Aug. 14, 1872, int.
Samuel H., farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 25 y., b. Bolton, s. Levi and Jane M. (Haynes), and Sarah E. Cartwright, stitcher, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., d. Algernon and Sarah E., June 24, 1886.
Simon, farmer, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Bolton, s. Oliver P. and Harriet W., and Nancy A. Bliss, unm., of Gilsum, N.H., a. 16 y., b. Gilsum, N.H., d. Cyrus R. and Mary T. L., Mar. 14, 1869.
Susan, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Bolton, d. Oliver P. and Harriet, and Albert Peterson, blacksmith, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Sweden, s. Peter and Christine, Apr. 8, 1867.
Walter A., farmer, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., s. Rufus R. and Lucy, and Ella L. Howe, at home, unm., of Marlboro, a. 19 y., b. Marlboro, d. Alanson S. and Cordelia [B. int.], May 3, 1886.
Willard M., carpenter, unm., of B., b. B., s. Peregreen and Rhoda of B., and Caroline Fosgate, unm., of B., b. B., d. Luke and Mary, Sept. 18, 1849.
Albert Gasset, butcher, unm., of Northboro, a. 24 y., b. Shrewsbury, s. Abraham and Catherine, dec., and Louisa Anna Stone, unm., of Northboro, a. 19 y., b. Northboro, d. Dana and Louisa, dec., Sept. 2, 1860.
Susan E., at home, unm., of Marlboro, a. 22 y., b. Marlboro, d. Richard and Mary, and George H. Bean, in shoe shop, unm., of Marlboro, a. 21 y., b. Salisbury, N.H., s. Amos S. and Jane E. (Clerk), Apr. 7, 1887.
Abby F., unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. Fitchburg, d. Eveleth and H. S., and Charles L. Moore, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Northboro, s. Joseph and Phebe, Mar. 26, 1859, int.
Amasa A., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Bolton, s. Amory and Cynthia, and Lucy H. Wheeler, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Samuel H. and Lucy H. [Sarah H. int.], Sept. 9, 1859.
Charles, of Bolton, and Rhoena Barnes, unm., of B., Mar. 18, 1849, int.
David B., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. New Ipswich, N.H., s. Eleph B. and Harriet, and Mary E. Carter, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. Boylston, d. Leonard and Ann G., Apr. 28, 1856, int.
Dorothy, and Samuel Jones, both of Bolton, Dec. 14, 1763.
Enoch, of Bolton, and Sarah Tucker of Lancaster, at Bolton, Oct. 13, 1781, int.
Harriet E., unm., of Northboro, a. 19 y., b. Marlboro, d. Jacob, and Isaac A. Willard, bootmaker, unm., of Northboro, a. 19 y., b. Worcester, s. Archibald, Apr. 26, 1853.
Hellen M., unm., of Marlboro, a. 23 y., b. New Hampshire, d. Elseph and Harriett, and Samuel Bruce, mechanic, 2d m., of Marlboro, a. 32 y., b. Marlboro, s. John and Sarah, Nov. 9, 1859.
Lucy, of B., and David Hoar of Amherst, Mar. 31, 1794.
Luke, of Bolton, and Mrs. Hannah Barnes of B., Apr. 19, 1834, int.
Mary L., at home, unm., of Marlboro, a. 29 y., b. B., d. Amasa A. and Lucy, and Truman P. Felton, farmer, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. B., s. Merrick and Elizabeth, June 24, 1890.
Rufus, and Prudence McBride, both of B., July 28, 1791.
Sally, and Alvin Newton, both of B., Jan. 27, 1809.
Christopher S., grocer, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. B., s. D. A. and Ellen (Hastings), and Mary S. Southwick, housework, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Milford, d. P. B. [P. int.] and M. J. (Hartwell), June 30, 1891.
Daniel A., printer, unm., of Clinton, a. 24 y., b. Marlboro, N.H., s. Samuel and Harriet N., and Ellen Hastings, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. E. S. and Cordelia, June 20, 1861, int.
Harriet F., unm., of B., a. 23 y., d. William and Elizabeth, and Samuel W. Moore, shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 31 y., b. B., s. Oliver and Susan, June 20, 1866.
Henry O., carpenter, unm., of Marlboro, a. 30 y., b. Champlain, N.Y., s. Robert and Elizabeth M., and Dana Sawyer, unm., of Clinton, a. 27 y., b. Tremont, Me., d. Jacob and Caroline, May 8, 1881.
Lelia L., housework, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Clinton, d. D. A. [Daniel A. int.] and Ellen (Hastings), and Fred W. Morse, chemist, unm., of Hanover, N.H., a. 25 y., b. B., s. W. B. [Winslow B. int.] and Eugenia L. [S. int.] (Carter), Oct. 28, 1891.
Sarah B. [unm. int.], and Bennamin F. Bailey, both of B., Dec. 21, 1836.
George H., shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 28 y., b. Bolton, s. Thomas and Adeline A., and Sarah L. Reardon, housework, unm., of Hudson, a. 20 y., b. Hudson, d. Daniel and Clara (Brown), Apr. 27, 1889.
Elizabeth, unm., of Bolton, and Horace Bailey of B., Dec. 2, 1815, int.
Jonathan L., cordwainer, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. West Boylston, s. Silas and Olive of West Boylston, and Hannah T. Moore, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Boylston, d. Phineas and Hannah of Boylston, Jan. 6, 1848.
Lorenzo, butcher, 3d m., of B., a. 38 y., b. Sutton, s. Joel, and Charlotte A. Peck, 2d m., of Northboro, a. 23 y., b. Sutton, d. Joel Peck, Mar. 8, 1866.
Lucy Atherton, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. Charlestown, d. adopted, E[lisha. int.] M. and Electa, and James M. Hastings, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Northboro, s. Henry and Mary [K. int.], Nov. 19, 1862.
Linus, of Orwell, Vt., and Thankful Cofran, unm., of B., May 3, 1834, int.
William A., farmer, 2d m., of Acton, a. 24 y., b. Acton, s. Joseph and Sarah of Acton, and Lydia J. G. Bride, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., d. Josiah and Betsey, Apr. 15, 1852.
Alice M., unm., of Marlboro, a. 23 y., b. Eastport, M., d. Benjamin and Lucy L., and George W. Kallom, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., s. Frederick D. and Sarah E. (Wheeler), Apr. 19, 1874.
Ebenezar, of Lancaster, and Clarrisa Keyes [unm. int.] of B., Sept. 19, 1827.
James, of Lancaster, and Jemima Johnson of Bolton, Apr. 30, 1772.
Katey, of Lancaster, and Josiah Barnard of B., June 1, 1800, int.
Martha W[hite, unm. int.], and Silas Fairbank, both of B., Oct. 6, 1817.
Naomi [Walden. int.], of Sterling, and William Pollard of B., Jan. 12, 1796.
Nath[aniel], of B., and Lucy Osgood of Lancaster, Mar. 27, 1819, int.
WILKINS (Wilkin)
Lillian y., stitcher, unm., of Hudson, a. 22 y., b. Hudson, d. Rufus and Abbie I. (Priest), and Erving E. Hapgood, carpenter, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., s. W[illia]m G. and Caroline B. (Howe), Sept. 2, 1888.
Mary (Wilkin), 2d m., of Hudson, a. 70 y., b. Sterling, d. Rufus Holman, and Jacob Felton, farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 78 y., b. Marlboro, s. Stephen, Feb. 20, 1868, int.
Frederick E., mechanic, unm., of Sterling, a. 27 y., b. Princeton, s. Charles and Catharine, and Caroline M. End, operative, unm., of Worcester, a. 25 y., b. B., d. John and Ellen, July 3, 1887.
Isaac A., bootmaker, unm., of Northboro, a. 19 y., b. Worcester, s. Archibald, and Harriet E. Whitcomb, unm., of Northboro, a. 19 y., b. Marlboro, d. Jacob, Apr. 26, 1853.
John D., carpenter, unm., of Hudson, a. 24 y., b. Deerfield, s. Almond C. and Fannie S. (Rice), and Minnie M. Holder, at home, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Marlboro, d. Henry R. and Elmira A. (Crosby), Mar. 25, 1883.
Mary F., 2d m., of Clinton, a. 30 y., b. Wayland, d. Samuel and Mary Willis, and William W. Converse, farmer, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Chester, s. Orrin and Elizabeth, June 21, 1862.
Charles R., farmer, unm., of Roxboro, a. 33 y., b. Salem, s. John F. and Margaret E., and Sarah R. Houghton, nurse, unm., of B., a. 38 y., b. Bolton, d. Quincy and Rebecca, Sept. 10, 1890.
Charles R., farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 42 y., b. Salem, s. John F. and Margaret E. (Mocky), and Annie M. Sennett, nursery maid, unm., of Hudson, a. 40 y., b. [Bath. int.] Maine, d. A[rthur. int.] R. and E. M. Sprague), May 11, 1899.
Lillie P., at home, unm., of North Rutland, a. 20 y., b. North Rutland, d. Lyman and Emma (Pierce), and Walter A. Larkin, laborer, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., s. Dana M. and Lucinda E. (Sargent), Dec. 25, 1896.
Wallace, shoemaker, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 36 y., b. Bedford, s. Willard and Elizabeth G. (Ware), and Hellen L. Gardner, domestic, unm., of Hudson, a. 23 y., b. "Ray Town, Ga.", d. Charles and Mary E., June 8, 1881.
Lilla C., housekeeper, 2d m., of B., a. 45 y., b. Lawrence, d. Kneeland and Elizabeth (Bessey) Sibley, and George W. Tyler, farmer, unm., of B., a. 40 y., b. Dedham, s. David and Helen M. (Broad), Jan. 13, 1898.
Lawrence L., clerk, unm., of Winchester, a. 26 y., b. Chelsea, s. Henry and L. Alice (Lowe), and Helena Augusta Bliss, at home, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., d. Charles H. and Augusta (Staples), Oct. 30, 1899.
Emma J., 2d m., of B., a. 26 y., b. Utica, N.Y., d. John and Nettie (Bedell) Martin, and John A. Moore, farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 53 y., b. Boston, s. Alvin and Lucy (Miller), Jan. 19, 1898.
Polly, Mrs., of B., and William Hager of Marlboro, Feb. 3, 1830, int.
Julia A., unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Boston, d. Stephen and Eliz[abe]th, and Otis S. Larkin, shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 27 y., b. B., s. John F. and Cynthia, Mar. 23, 1853, int.
WOOD (Woods)
Almon, of B., and Clarissa Woodbury, unm., of Bolton, Mar. 9, 1836, int.
Beilah (Woods), of Northboro, and Nathan Johnson of Bolton, at Bolton, Oct. 23, 1781, int.
Deborah (Woods), and Thomas Pollard, both of Bolton, Dec. 16, 1773.
Hannah A., unm., of Lancaster, and Alvin Babcock of B., Mar. 5, 1830, int.
James E., of B., and Sarah S. Moore, unm., of Bolton, Aug. 22, 1834, int.
Joseph, of Bolton, and Keziah Goddard of Marlboro, Feb. 21, 1782, int.
Joseph R., painter, 2d m., of B., a. 36 y., b. Shutesbury, s. Charles E. and Harriet [A. int.] (Patwine), and Mary Jane Finnerty, housekeeper, unm., of Bolton, a. 33 y., b. Ireland, d. James and Margaret (Griffin), Jan. 1, 1896.
Martha, unm., of Bolton, a. 17 y., b. Bolton, d. William and Lucy, and George Stone, farmer, unm., of Marlboro, a. 27 y., b. Northboro, s. Dana and Mary, Jan. 20, 1861.
Mary A., unm., of Stow, b. Rockland, Me., d. Franklin J. and Mary L., and Asa Wheeler, clerk, unm., of Stow, a. 22 y., b. Bolton, s. Allen W. and Irena, May 3, 1872.
Mary M., unm., of Northboro, b. Phillipston, d. Miles and Melinda, and Benjamin Hopkins, machinist, 2d m., of Ashland, a. 28 y., b. Framingham, s. Solomon and Philena, May 29, 1858.
Miles J., bootmaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 23 y., b. Ashburnham, s. John and Elizabeth Gould, unm., of Marlboro, a. 22 y., b. Milford, d. Parley, Feb. 20, 1856.
Sabra A., 2d m., of Worcester, a. 39 y., b. Boylston, d. Asa Andrews, and Abram Babcock, carpenter, 2d m., of B., a. 51 y., b. B., s. Ephraim and Eunice, Apr. 7, 1858, int.
Silas, of B., and Sibilla Smith of Needham, Apr. 29, 1784, int.
Susan M., unm., of Clinton, a. 22 y., b. Marlboro, d. Alonzo and Jerusha, and Isreal F. Carter, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., s. Ivory and Olive, Nov. 1, 1859, int.
William E., j[r.], miller, unm., of Hudson, a. 27 y., s. William E. and Marsilva, and Florance C. Cook, unm., of Bolton, a. 16 y., d. George B. and Rhoda, Mar. 5, 1870.
WOODBURY (Woodbery)
Clarissa, unm., of Bolton, and Almon Wood of B., Mar. 9, 1836, int.
Harriett A., unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Bolton. d. Israel and Olive, and Andrew J. Johnson, shoemaker, unm,, of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Lewis H. and Mary, June 25, 1858, int.
Israel (Woodberv), of Bolton, and Anna Morgan of Beverly, Aug. 25, 1781, int.
Olive B., unm., of Bolton, a. 22 y., d. Israel and Olive, and James R. Spafford, farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 29 y., s. Sam[ue]l and Betsey of B., Oct. 16, 1850.
Samuel (Woodbery), jr., and Rebecktth Holden, both of Bolton, Aug. 25, 1781, int.
Zoheth H., clerk, unm., of Hudson, a. 22 y., b. B., s. Zoheth B. and Sarah A. (Hale), and Lillian B. McKinzie, at home, unm., of Hudson, a. 20 y., b. Halifax, N.S., d. Daniel D. and Minnie (Logan), Jan. 20, 1897.
Zohith B., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Bolton, s. Isreal I. and Olive B., and Sarah Ann Hale, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., d. Jonas and Sarah, Nov. 19, 1865.
William H., farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 22 y., b. Sterling, s. Charles and Jane, and Mary L. Miller, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Clinton, d. Charles and Matilda, Apr. 27, 1876.
Joel, milkman, unm., of Boston, a. 34 y., b. Barnard, Vt., s. Abner and Sally, and Abby D. Shaw, unm., of Boston, a. 39 y., b. Minot, Me., d. Levi and Dorcas, Jan. 1, 1863.
Aaron W., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Holden, s. James B. and Sophrona D., and Emma S. Howland, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. Wilmington, S. C., d. Joseph and Anna, Sept. 13, 1870.
Charles C. [H. dup.], shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y. [22 y. dup.], b. Lowell, s. James [B. dup.] and S. [Sophronia. dup.] D., and Susan H. Maynard, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. George W. and Sophia, Sept. 27, 1852, int. [Apr. 5, 1853. dup.]
Charles E., operative, unm., of Marlboro, a. 25 y., b. B., s. Charles C. and Susan H. (Maynard), and Ermine A. G. Ross, unm., of Marlboro, a. 22 y., b. New Brunswick, d. Stephen D. and Mary A., Aug. 12, 1883.
Mary Jane, unm., of Hudson, a. 18 y., d. Samuel and Mary A., and Rufus Y. Coolidge, farmer, unm., of Hudson, a. 27 y., h. Bolton, s. Rufus and Susan A. (Hapgood), May 30, 1874.
Nellie, unm., of Hudson, a. 21 y., b. North Adams, d. Moses and Maria, and Emery Falkner, mason, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 45 y., b. Chesterfield, N.H., s. Emery and Bathsheba (Frye). Mar. 28, 1876.
Johnnie [John. int.], L., carpenter, 2d m., of Wellesley, a. 28 y., b. Alburg, Vt., s. Zeb and Mina [Mira. int.], (Dean), and Etta E. Upham, at home, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Ashburnham, d. O. K. and Ellen M. (Howe), July 15, 1896.