Vital Records Of Berlin, Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1899
Collected And Compiled By Frances L. Eaton
Edited By Martha F. Duren
Published By Frances L. Eaton, Marlboro, Mass. 1935.

Marriages - NASH to SOUTHWORTH
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger ]

Mary G., unm., of West Boylston, and Dr. John L. S. Thompson of B., Aug. 31, 1833, int.
James E., farmer, unm., of B., a. 31 y., b. Nova Scotia, s. Adophus and Abigail (Snider), and Carrie S. Turner, at home, unm., of B., a. 31 y., b. Northboro, d. Joseph and Harriett (Stone), Dec. 23, 1896.
NEELEY (Neela)
Minnie (Neela), unm., of Clinton, a. 22 y., and Willis H. Derne, carpenter, unm., of Clinton, a. 24 y., b. Vermont, s. William P. and Clara C., June 12, 1882.
Sarah L., unm., of Clinton, a. 21 y., b. Burke, N.Y., d. Charles and Mary, and Thomas Lunan, blacksmith, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Hendersonville, P.Q., s. James and Margaret, Dec. 20, 1872, int.
Mary E., unm., of Shrewsbury, a. 18 y., b. North Sudbury, d. Joseph and Lucy, and Gustavus A. Smith, shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 24 y., b. Farmington, Me., s. Samuel and Mary, Nov. 17, 1859.
Jerome B., barber, unm., of Hudson, a. 25 y., b. Pittston, Me., s. Wellington and Maria (Dodge), and Lelia H. Moore, unm., of Hudson, a. 25 y., b. B., d. Ezra S. and Lucy (Carter), Oct. 21, 1879.
Albert, shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 55 y., b. Lynn, s. William and Rebecca, and Betsey M. Houghton, 2d m., of Bolton, a. 33 y., b. Warwick, Sept. 30, 1854, int.
Merritt, of Leominster, and Lettice Newton of Northboro, Apr. 30, 1815.
Minerva R., of B., b. Lynn, d. Albert, and Amory H. Moore, laborer, unm., of B., b. B., s. Joseph and Sarah, Mar. 1, 1850, int.
Rebecah, of B., and Ebenezar Moore of Bolton, Nov. 9, 1794.
Lila B., teacher, unm., of B., 23 y., b. Westboro, d. Robert and Mary (Kinder), and Hugh E. McPherson, fireman, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Clinton, s. Duncan and Jennette (Menzies), Aug. 21, 1895.
Alvin, and Sally Whitcomb, both of B., Jan. 27, 1809.
Cotton, and Abigail Sawyer, both of B., Oct. 25, 1785.
David, of Jaffrey, N.H., and Beulah Johnson of B., Jan. 18, 1807.
Emma L., unm., of Newfane, Vt., a. 44 y., b. Newfane, d. Isreal and Patty, and Warren E , Moore, farmer, 2d m., of Northboro, a. 53 y., b. B., s. Warren and Hannah, June 29, 1871.
John F., and Elizabeth Brigham [unm. int.], both of B., at Bolton, Apr. 15, 1834.
Lettice, of Northboro, and Merritt Newhall of Leominster, Apr. 30, 1815.
Martin, and Eunice [Unice. int.] Johnson, both of B., Sept. 16, 1790.
Sally, of Marlboro, and Alvin Sawyer of B., Oct. 19, 1808.
Sophia, unm., of Northboro, and Caleb Coolidge of B., Apr. 15, 1817, int.
William and Sarah Hoar, both of B., Nov. 15, 1797.
Ellen M., unm., of Lancaster, a. 19 y., b. Bangor, Me., d. Alvan and Catharine, and Daniel Martin, blacksmith, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Ogdensburg, N.Y., s. John B. and Catharine, Aug. 26, 1874, int.
Jane (Nixon), unm., of Clinton, a. 26 y., b. Calais, Me., d. Robert and Martha, and Lorenzo Parmenter, farmer, unm., of Sudbury, a. 28 y., b. Sudbury, s. Abel and Mary, Mar. 10, 1860.
Marinda O., unm., of Clinton, a. 19 y., b. Mercer, Me., d. John and Hannah, and Silas S. Ball, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Boylston, s. Barnabas B. and Abigail, May 3, 1858, int.
NIXON, see Nickerson.
Emily M., dressmaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 25 y., b. Rawson, Can., d. W[illia]m and Mary A., and Charles V. Dadman, farmer, unm., of Goshen, a. 21 y., b. Marlboro, s. Charles M. and Lena, May 1, 1888.
Mary J., housework, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Canada, d. James and Maria (Foley), and John A. Wheeler, farmer, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., s. Francis and Jennie [H. int.] (Manchester), Feb. 27, 1897.
Agnes E., unm., of Clinton, a. 20 y., b. Nova Scotia, d. Stephen A. and Sophia, and Edward J. Bates, marble worker, unm., of Clinton, a. 18 y., b. Nova Scotia, s. John and Jane, Aug. 6, 1878.
NOURSE (Nurse, Nurs)
Benjamin, and Sibil Bailey, both of Bolton, Nov. 6, 1777.
Benjamin, and Kate Bailey, both of B., Feb. 20, 1799.
Joseph P., shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 22 y., b. Hudson, s. Stephen W. and Elizabeth, and Sarah Gillespie, unm., of Hudson, a. 22 y., b. Lancaster, Can., d. William and Mary, Feb. 1, 1873.
Nabby (Nurse), and Amasa Holt, both of B., June 25, 1799.
Nellie F., unm., of Hudson, a. 18 y., b. Hudson, d. Jonathan P. and Charlotte, and Henry E. Brown, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., s. Ira H. and Amelia, Oct. 20, 1870.
Rebecca (Nurse), wid., of B., a. 42 y., b. B., d. Ja[me]s and Keziah Goddard of B., and Calvin Smith, jr., yeoman, widr., of B., s. Calvin of Princeton, Jan. 4, 1843.
Sibilla [Mrs. int.], and Nathan Egery, both of B., Aug. 30, 1797.
Theodore (Nurse), and Rebecca Goddard, unm., both of B., Feb. 27, 1822.
Theophilus [Nurse. int.], and Lois Brigham [unm. int.], both of B., May 3, 1815.
NURSE, see Nourse
O'BRIEN, see Brien.
ODELL (Odel)
Frances [Odel. int.], unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Virginia [Washington. int.], d. Amos and Lizzie, and Thomas Greenwood, drill man, unm., of B., a. 30 y., b. North Carolina, s. Willis and Edna, Oct. 11, 1896.
Alice, unm., of Clinton, a. 23 y., b. Ireland, d. Anthony and Mary, and Martin Bourk, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Ireland, s. Thomas and Mary, Apr. 15, 1866.
Annie G., at home, unm., of Clinton, a. 25 y., b. Clinton, d. W[illia]m and Margaret (Grady), and Michael J. Dugan, farmer, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Bolton, s. Thomas and Hannah (Walsh), Dec. 25, 1893.
Lillian, at home, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Hudson, d. W. D. [W[illia]m D. int.] and Elizabeth (Gates), and W[illia]m H. Seaver, laborer, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Holden, s. Geo[rge] H. and Sarah M. (Wheeler), Mar. 22, 1893.
OSBORN (Osburn)
Martha M., unm., of Shrewsbury, a. 23 y., b. Stow, d. James, and Thora Greenleaf, baker, unm., of Northboro, a. 23 y., b. Bolton, s. Moses and Achsah, Apr. 21, 1853.
Nabby (Osburn), of Bolton, and Silas Cooledge of B., Oct. 23, 1787.
George Elliot, farmer, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. John O. and Jane H. (Maynard), and Ida May Johnson, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Andrew J. and Hattie W., June 24, 1877.
John O., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. Bolton, s. Dan[ie]l and Sarah of Northboro, and Harriet J. Maynard, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Geo[rge] W. and Sophia of B., Aug. 4, 1852.
Lucy, of Lancaster, and Nathaniel Wilder of B., Mar. 27, 1819, int.
Mary M., stitcher, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Bluehill, Me., d. H. H. and Ellen A. (Darling), and George W. Staples, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Worcester, s. Josiah and Rose (Foster), Dec. 31, 1891.
Wineford E., unm., of Clinton, a. 23 y., b. Clinton, d. Patrick and Bridgett, and John Thomas Burke, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Michael and Catharine, May 19, 1879.
Helen M., teacher, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Clinton, d. Charles A. and Margaret W. (Aitken), and E. Porter Felt, entomologist, unm., of Albany, N.Y., a. 28 y., b. Salem, s. Charles W. and Martha L. [S. int.] (Ropes), June 24, 1896.
P---, Betsey, and Joseph Wheeler, Dec. 31, 1818. P.R.9.
W[illia]m Henry, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. South Boston, s. Jacob and Eliza Bickford, and Elizabeth L. Hastings, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. Northboro, d. Henry, Jr. and Mary K., Oct. 28, 1851, int.
Asa W., carpenter, unm., of Hudson, a. 37 y., b. B., s. Tyler and Mary A. (Wheeler), and Kate Saunders, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 34 y., b. Liverpool, Eng., d. Jona[than] and Mary (McGlynn) Doran, Nov. 24, 1886.
Lewis W., farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 29 y., b. B., s. Tyler and Mary A. (Wheeler), and Lucy E. Wheeler, 2d m., of Bolton, a. 26 y., b. Harvard, d. James and Mary J. Montgomery, Dec. 19, 1880.
Lewis W., farmer, 2d m., of Bolton, a. 39 y., b. B., s. Tyler and Mary A., and Nellie E. Crossman, teacher, unm., of Lynn, a. 24 y., b. Salem, d. John H. and Ruby G., Apr. 5, 1890.
Ruth E., unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Tyler and Mary A., and Henry [Adams. int.] Stone, machinist, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Isaac S. and Martha A., Aug. 10, 1872.
Harriet, unm., of B., a. 16 y., b. Springfield, d. John and Tirzah, and Sampson W. Frye, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Bolton, s. William and Fannie [---- ---, 1857.] [May 6, 1857. int.]
Susan A., and Frederick S. Tenny, both unm., of West Boylston, Nov. 16, 1864.
Anna [jr., unm. int.], and Edward Johnson, both of B., Apr. 20, 1817.
Joseph, and Hannah Merriam [Miriam. int.], both of B., Nov. 29, 1807.
Joseph, Col., of B., and Mrs. Eliza Cole of Bolton, Sept. 22, 1827, int.
Pamelia, unm., and John Powers, both of B., Apr. 10, 1823.
Russell, and Ann [W. int.] Green [unm. int.], both of B., Apr. 16, 1834.
Russell, and Harriet N. Fay [unm. int.], both of B., Apr. 2, 1840.
Margret, unm., of Shirley, and Rodney Hunt, Dec. 5, 1833, int.
Thomas A., cabinet maker, 2d m., of Reading, a. 39 y., b. Peabody [South Danvers. int.], s. Henry, and Sarah A. Harrington, housewife, unm., of B., a. 32 y., b. South Boston, d. Daniel [S. int.] and Hannah, Dec. 4, 1870.
Azubah, unm., of Northboro, and Charles Russel of B., July 31, 1825, int.
Ella R., unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Harrisville, N.H., d. Appleton D. and Julia B., and Edward P. Holden, machinist, unm., of Lowell, a. 21 y., b. Plymouth, Ct., s. Josephus N. and Rosina H., Dec. 5, 1876.
Elsie J., stitcher, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Nelson [Harrisville. int.], N.H., d. A[ppleton. int.] D. and Julia A., and John K. Mills, fireman, unm., of Keene, N.H., a. 23 y, b. Greenville, N.H., s. John K. and Elizabeth B., Mar. 29, 1887.
Etta F., domestic, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Harrisville, N.H., d. Appleton and Julia, and Charles D. Mills, farmer, unm., of Keene, N.H., a. 20 y., b. Greenville, N.H., s. John K. and Elizabeth B. (Holt), Dec. 27, 1881.
Henry G., watchman, unm., of Marlboro, a. 22 y., b. Northboro, s. Gill and Sarah [Barney. int.], and Ella L. End, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. John and Ellen (McCarty), Oct. 20, 1878.
Isaac F., clerk, unm., of B., b. Nelson, N.H., s. A. D. and Julia A., and Adelaide [Addie. int.] R. Cottle, teacher, unm., of Martha's Vineyard, a. 26 y., b. North Tisbury, d. W[illia]m and Julia A., Sept. 28, 1887.
Lorenzo, farmer, unm., of Sudbury, a. 28 y., b. Sudbury, s. Abel and Mary, and Jane Nixon, unm., of Clinton, a. 26 y., b. Calais, Me., d. Robert and Martha, Mar. 10, 1860.
Lucy, unm., of Northboro, and Capt. Benjamin F. Spafford of B., Jan. 30, 1846, int.
Isabel, of Stow, and Thomas Hastings of B., Mar. 7, 1813, int.
William R., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Townsend, s. Ralph, and Mary C. J. Bullard, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Joel and Judith, Mar. 5, 1854.
Joseph, currier, unm., of Hudson, a. 29 y., b. Canada, s. Francis and Josephine, and Winnifred M. Russell, unm., of Hudson, a. 19 y., b. Hudson, d. Nathan and C. Fannie, July 8, 1880.
Augustus, shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 21 y., b. Canada, s. Frank and Olive (Blanchard), and Elisebeth Dailey, domestic, 2d m., of Marlboro, a. 22 y., b. Marlboro, d. Michael and Catharine (Hogan) Carroll, Aug. 9, 1888.
Mary D., unm., of Chelsea, a. 37 y., b. Chelsea, d. John A. and Eliza M. (Baxter), and Charles D. Eager, foreman, 2d m., of B., a. 37 y., b. Westminster, s. Augustus and L. Ellen (Babcock), Oct. 6, 1898.
Charlotte A., 2d m., of Northboro, a. 23 y., b. Sutton, d. Joel Peck, and Lorenzo Whitney, butcher, 3d m., of B., a. 38 y., b. Sutton, s. Joel, Mar. 8, 1866.
Etta M., dressmaker, unm., of B., a. 32 y., b. [So[uth] Carthage. int.] Me., d. George A. and M. A. [Melvina. int.] (Carville), and Marshall E. Howard, stone mason, unm., of B., a. 35 y., b, B., s. George W. and Hulda (Forbes), Oct. 11, 1893.
Irene F., unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Marlboro, d. Luther and Abagail, dec., and Edwin Albert Babcock, clerk, unm., of Worcester, a. 25 y., b. B., s. Albert and Mary B., Jan. 3, 1864.
Luther, Dea., gentleman, 3d m., of Marlboro [Hudson. P.R.10.], a. 51 y., b. Marlboro, s. George and Lydia, and Lydia H. Leland, 2d m., of B., a. 46 y., b. B., d. Solomon and Sarah [Sally. int.] Howe, Sept. 1, 1857. [Apr. 1. P.R.10.]
Warren S., shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 21 y., b. Marlboro, s. Luther and Abagail, and Augusta E. Sawyer, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. Amos and Sarah H., Jan. 1, 1867.
Albert, blacksmith, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Sweden, s. Peter and Christine, and Susan Wheeler, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Bolton, d. Oliver P. and Harriet, Apr. 8, 1867.
PHELPS (Phelph)
Augusta H., unm., of B., and James M. Simons of Worcester, Aug. 15, 1846, int.
Charlotte (Phelph) [Phelps, unm. int.], of Lunenburg, and Henry O. Felton of B., at Lunenburg, May 7, 1840.
Harriet, Mrs., of Marlboro, and Paul Brigham of B., Oct. 5, 1844, int.
Susan E., unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Marlboro, d. Mirick and Harriet of B., and Lewis L. Carter, miller, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. B., s. Lewis and Sarah of B., Apr. 5, 1849.
Eliza R., unm., of Clinton, a. 18 y., b. Wakefield, N.H., d. Daniel, and David Brown, boatmaker, unm., of Northboro, a. 21 y., b. Milford, s. John, May 30, 1853.
PIERCE (Peirce, Perce)
Arthur, shoedealer, unm., of Concord, a. 22 y., b. Concord, s. Cyrus and Susan A., and Cora Bell [Cora I. int.] Holbrook, school teacher, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. B., d. Isaac and P. Julia, Sept. 9, 1885.
Arthur Franklin, farmer, unm., of Northboro, a. 25 y., b. Peru, s. Isaac S. and Eliza (Thompson), and Mary Victoria Cartwright, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Algernon and Sara E. (Carter), June 10, 1879.
Calvin, of Bolton, and Mrs. Lucy McBride of B., Mar. 6, 1818, int.
Charlotte, unm., of Rutland, and Otis L. Larkin of B., June 27, 1846, int.
Ella A., unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Worcester, and William O. Shattuck, clerk, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Acton, s. William R. and Lucy J., June 4, 1876.
Emily A., 2d m., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. Jonathan and Melissa Wheeler, and Horace A. Gunnison, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Lempster, N.H., s. Chauncy and Rhoda, June 10, 1866.
Francis M. (Perce), unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Lancaster, d. Gilbert and Rhoda, and Timothy F. Hastings, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Boylston, s. Timothy and Mary, Jan. 28, 1859.
Frank (Peirce), shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 22 y., b. Leicester, s. Levi L. and Felicia Ann, and Martha A. Dudley, unm., of Hudson, a. 19 y., b. B., d. Moses and Susan M., Jan. 28, 1867.
Granville, clergyman, 2d m., of B., a. 28 y., b. Townsend, s. Jonathan and Abigail, and Georgianna Helen Damon, unm., of Fitchburg, a. 29 y., b. Fitchburg, d. George W. and Clarisa G., Sept. 16, 1876.
Joseph Warren, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. West Boylston, s. Warren and Louisa M., and Emily A. Wheeler, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Jonathan and Melissa, Sept. 4, 1862.
Sarah A. (Peirce), unm., of B., and Samuel H. Pratt of New Ipswich N.H., Apr. 15, 1836, int.
Warren Clifton (Peirce), farmer, unm., of Northboro, a. 35 y., b. Peru, s. E. Warren and Ann L., and Josephine L. Babcock, domestic, unm., of Northboro, a. 23 y., b. B., d. W[illia]m T. and Eliza Ann (Maynard), Aug. 23, 1887.
Hattie F., stitcher, unm., of Hudson, a. 19 y,, b. Acton, d. George M. and Charlotte M., and James L. Cartwright, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., s. Algernon and Sarah E., Oct. 30, 1890.
Louise A., at home, unm., of Shirley, a. 23 y., b. [Quebec. int.], Canada, d. William and Charlotte (Fraiser), and William H. Haskall, farmer, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Ashburnham, s. Jeremiah and Irene (Whittaker), May 9, 1896.
Amory, carpenter, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. B., s. Luther and Matilda, and Sarah F. Merrill, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. Maine, d. John D. and Mary, June 11, 1850, int.
Curtis, of Bolton, and Lucy Fife of B., July 19, 1804, int.
Elizabeth, and Amos Johnson, both of Bolton, Jan. 15, 1782.
John, of B., and Polly Ball of Northboro, Apr. 3, 1794.
Luther, and Matilda Bruce, both of B., Nov. 6, 1806.
Martha J. L., unm., of B., and James W. Fenno of Boston, Apr. 4, 1841, int.
Mary S., unm., of Malden, a. 18 y., d. Josiah and Esther, and Ansel F. Croaker, painter, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Poland, Me., s. Otis and Eunice, Nov. 9, 1866, int.
Moses, of B., and Polly Crosby [Crossby. int.] of Shrewsbury, July 22, 1793.
Sarah, of Bolton, and Joseph Moore of B., Apr. 14, 1810, int.
Sarah, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. B., d. Stephen of B., and Erastus [W. int.] Wheeler, unm., of Worcester, Oct. 5, 1842.
Sarah F., 2d m., of B., a. 39 y., b. Maine, d. John D. and Mary H. Merrill, and Jonathan Ridley, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 40 y., b. Livermore, Me, s. Jonathan and Louisa, Nov. 16, 1872.
Stephen, of B., and Betsy Hastings of Boylston, Feb. 20, 1813, int.
Thomas, and Deborah Woods, both of Bolton, Dec. 16, 1773.
Thomas, and Persis Carter, unm., both of B., Sept. 10, 1841, int.
William, of B., and Naomi Wilder [Walden. int.] of Sterling, Jan. 12, 1796.
Mary, unm., of Marlboro, and Col. Silas B. Fairbank of B., Mar. 25, 1833, int.
Emma A., unm., of 13., a. 18 y., b. Northboro, d. Merrick and Elizabeth [Sarah. int.] (Twitchel), and George H. Bucklin, teamster, unm., of Worcester, a. 26 y., b. Northboro, s. Henry W. and Mary A. (Whitney), Feb. 5, 1876.
Andrew A., and Sarah A. Howe, unm., both of B., Nov. 5, 1848, int.
Anna, and Silas Jones, both of B., Sept. 16, 1794.
Anna, of Oakham, and Nahum Hastings of B., Dec. 13, 1805, int.
Betsey [unm. int.], and Joel Dakin, both of B., Nov. 30, 1815.
Betsy, unm., of Princeton, and Samson Keyes of B., May 9, 1827, int.].
Hannah, of B., and Cornelius Moore of Wendell, Dec. 30, 1794.
Henry [Capt. int.], and [Mrs. int.] Eunice Spafford, both of B., Dec. 8, 1814.
John, and Pamelia Park, unm., both of B., Apr. 10, 1823.
Mary, of Oakham, and Robert Powers of B., July 10, 1802, int.
Mary, unm., of B., and Asahel Dakin of Sudbury, May 27, 1849, int.
Mary Ann, unm., of Boston, and Rev. Robert Wallcot of B., Aug. 25, 1832, int.
Meriam, and Hezekiah Gibbs, jr., both of Bolton, May 4, 1775.
Pamelia Ann, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. John and Pamelia of B., and Joel Proctor, farmer, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Rockingham, Vt., s. Jonas and Betsey of Rockingham, Vt., Nov. 22, 1846.
Robert, of B., and Mary Powers of Oakham, July 10, 1802. int.
Abijah [jr. int.], and Sarah Barnard, both of B., Sept. 29, 1785.
Samuel H., of New Ipswich, N.H., and Sarah A. Peirce, unm., of B., Apr. 15, 1836, int.
John [Pry. dup. and int.], dyer, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Germany, s. John and Annie (Jounnis), and Mary A. Moran, operative, unm., of Clinton, a. 21 y., h. Ireland, d. Patrick and Lizzie (Griffin), July 26, 1894.
Almira, unm., and William Sawyer, 2d, both of B., May 24, 1829.
Charles L., shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 24 y., b. Hudson, s. Gilman and Betsey, and Tamson J. Fay, unm., of Hudson, b. Hudson, d. Stephen S. and Mary C. (Houghton), Jan. 1, 1876.
Gabriel, jr., of Bolton, and Hannah Hazeltine of Harvard. Mar. 6, 1761, int.
Holman, and Prudence Sawyer, both of Bolton, Apr. 28, 1774.
Louisa F., unm., of Hudson, a. 23 y., b. Bolton, d. S. Emerson and Anna F., and Frederick H. Robinson, shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 21 y., b. South Acton, s. Henry and Lucy J., May 5, 1878.
Luther, and Asenath Bruce, both of B., Aug. 12, 1795.
Mary B., unm., of Leominster, a. 50 y., and Merrick Felton, farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 48 y., b. Princeton, s. Jacob and Lucindia, Aug. 31, 1872.
Minerva [unm. int.], of B., and John Austin of Townsend, Vt., May 6, 1827.
Persis, Mrs., of B., and Paltiah Jones of Cambridge, May 11, 1812.
Prudence [jr. int.], and John Bruce, jr., both of B., Aug. 26, 1806.
Rufus, and Lydia Brigham [unm. int.], both of B., May 30, 1827.
Ruth, and Calvin Bruce, both of B., Mar. 8, 1796.
Silas, and Persis Barnes [Barns, jr. int.], both of B., May 27, 1802.
Almira, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Freeport, N.S., and Henry Moran, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 37 y., b. Boston, s. Patrick and Nancy, May 10, 1871.
Joel, farmer, unm., of a. 27 y., b. Rockingham, Vt., s. Jonas and Betsey at Rockingham, Vt., and Pamelia Ann Powers, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. John and Pamelia of B., Nov. 22, 1846.
Charlotte, of B., and Easel Fay of Northboro, Nov. 26, 1807.
Hannah [jr. int.], and Reuben Hastings, both of B., Oct. 1, 1804.
Lucy, of B., and Nathaniel Goodnow of Boylston, June 21, 1802.
Mary [unm. int.], of B., and Cyrus Abbott [Abott. int.] of Barre, May 15, 1828.
Myra, unm., of B., and Ephraim Hastings of Boylston, Oct. 4, 1834, int.
Reuben, Rey., of B., and Mrs. Phebe Stowe, of Marlboro, Nov. 15, 1812, int.
Sophia, of B., and Edward Baker Ball of Northboro, Nov. 29, 1804.
Stephen, of Sutton, and Sally Fosgate of B., Sept. 15, 1812.
Solomon W., jr., unm., of Fitchburg, a. 20 y., b. Fitchburg, s. Solomon W., and Louisa G. Fosgate, unm., of Fitchburg, a. 18 y., b. Northboro, d. Mendall G. and Hattie, Nov. 18, 1863.
James Gardner, clerk, unm., of East Rindge, N.H., a. 22 y., b. East Rindge, N.H., s. James and Lucy, and Julia Alice Carter, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. Frankfort, Me., d. Asa and Eleanor, Sept. 30, 1863.
Carrie L., at home, unm., of B., a. 30 y., b. B., d. Merrick R. and Sarah, and Charles W. Danforth, wire worker, unm., of Cambridge, a. 24 y., b. Hudson, s. Walter and Sarah J., Aug. 3, 1889.
Delia S., unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. [W. int.] B., d. Merrick R. and Sarah E., and Frederick A. Coggsill [Coggswell. int.], clerk, 2d m., of Clinton, a. 31 y., b. North Dighton, s. Henry and Harriet, Dec. 22, 1887.
Frances L., unm., of Worcester, a. 27 y., b. St. Albans [Bangor. int.], Me., d. George W. and Nancy A., and John E. Sargent, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 34 y., b. Shrewsbury [Northboro. int.], s. Curtis and Huldah, Nov. 29, 1877.
Grace, at home, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. Merrick R. and Sarah, and Fred Eugene Danforth, carpenter, unm., of Cambridge, a. 23 y., b. Leominster, s. Walter and Sarah (Briggs), Jan. 12, 1891.
Ida A., at home, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. B., d. Merrick R. and Sarah, and Albert H. Sibley, wire worker, unm., of Cambridge, a. 26 y., b. Lancaster, s. Samuel and Mary E., Nov. 27, 1884.
RANDALL (Randal)
Alexander. H., of Brighton, and Elizabeth Hastings [unm. int.] of B., May 29, 1831.
Alice P., stitcher, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Paul A. and Abbie W., and Lewis E. Day, pegger, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Southboro, s. John L. and Julia A., Feb. 6, 1890.
Elena, and J. B. Sawyer, s. Rufus and Seraph, Mar. 22, 1852. P.R.4.
Eunice (Randal), Mrs., of Bolton, and Hollis Johnson of B., Oct. 10, 1813, int.
Joseph J., farmer, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Paul A. and Abby W., and Anna A. Grant, at home, unm., of Clinton, a. 21 y., b. Poland, Me., d. Charles F. and Emeline M., Apr. 29, 1883.
Lucy J., housework, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Paul A. and Abbie W., and Charles E. Small, farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 23 y., b. West Gardiner, Me. [Bolton. int.], s. Charles and Ann A., Nov. 11, 1886.
Paul Aldrich, farmer, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. Bolton, s. Joseph and Phebe, and Abby Wheeler Kimmins [Kimmens. int.], unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Bolton, d. John and Dinah, June 30, 1860.
Sarah E., unm., of Bolton, and Horatio Bruce of B., Feb. 5, 1845, int.
RATHBURN (Rathbun)
Alice M. (Rathbun), at home, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. B., d. C. B. [Charles B. int.] and Marion B. (Brigham), and Frank T. Harvey, physician, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. [Champlin. int.] Minnesota, s. James D. and Adeline E. (Hills), Oct. 3, 1893.
Charles B. (Rathbun), shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. s. Solomon H. and Hannah M., and Marion S. Brigham, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. Northboro, d. Abram and Hannah A., July 1, 1860.
George C., farmer, 3d m., of B., a. 38 y., b. Bolton, s. Solomon and Hannah, and Emma M. Hunting, 2d m., of B., a. 37 y., b. Medway, d. Daniel E. and Dinna M. Miller, Apr. 12, 1876.
George C. (Rathbun), farmer, 4th m., of B., a. 47 y., b. Bolton, s. Solomon and Anna, and Mary J. Baker, at home, unm., of Canterbury, Ct., a. 33 y., b. Canterbury, d. Belana and Sybel, Dec. 3, 1884.
James F. (Rathbun), farmer, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Bolton, s. Solomon H. and Hannah M., and Dolly A. Harris, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Vernon, Vt., d. Sylvanus and Miriam, Dec. 12, 1869.
Mary E. (Rathbun), unm., of Fitchburg, a. 23 y., b. B., d. Solomon H. and Hannah, and Nathan L. Gee, machinist, unm., of Fitchburg, a. 27 y., b. Thurlow, N.H., s. Alelen and Mary. Dec. 17, 1862.
Solomon H., farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 46 y., b. Richmond, R.I., s. Joshua and Eliz[abe]th, and Sarah Holden, 2d m., of B., a. 50 y., b. Rutland, d. ---- Saunders, May 26, 1852.
David, of Stow, and Abigail M. Houghton, unm., of B., May 7, 1845, int.
Fanny Bell, housework, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Milford, d. W[illia]m R. and Mary A. (Wheelock), and Lemuel D. Carter, farmer, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. B., s. J. H. [Jonas H. int.] and Annetta L. (Draper), July 26, 1899.
George A., wheelwright, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Stow, s. Jonathan and Susan (Howard), and Mary A. Walcott, at home, unm., of Hudson, a. 19 y., b. Patten, Me., d. Truman and Aurelia A., Dec. 24, 1881.
Jonathon W., shoemaker, unm., of Stow, a. 25 y., s. Ab[raha]m and Catherine, and Susan B. Howard, unm., of B., a. 19 y., d. Rufus and Louisa of B., Apr. 3, 1850.
Abbie M., housework, 2d m., of B., a. 24 y., b. Boston, d. Daniel and Clara L., and William B. Jenkins, mason, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., s.William and Johanna, Jan. 4, 1886.
Clara L., housework, 2d m., of B., a. 50 y., b. Bolton, d. Horace and Abbie (Hastings) [Brown. int.], and William Rudkin, gardener, unm., of Cambridge, a. 43 y., b. England, s. W[illia]m and Ann (Ward), Aug. 13, 1895.
Mary Ann, unm., of Hudson, a. 17 y., b. Boston, d. Daniel and Clara, and Charles H. Hapgood, shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 22 y., b. Bolton, s. Nathaniel and Melinda, Sept. 18, 1873.
Sarah L., housework, unm., of Hudson, a. 20 y., b. Hudson, d. Daniel and Clara (Brown), and George H. Whitman, shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 28 y., b. Bolton, s. Thomas and Adeline A., Apr. 27, 1889.
Charles B., shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 21 y., b. Framingham, s. Daniel B. and Martha A. (Worden), and Abbie M. Shirland, unm., of Marlboro, a. 19 y., b. Winslow, Me., d. Amos and Elizabeth, Aug. 12, 1874.
Mary E., 2d m., of B., a. 36 y., b. Keene, N.H., d. Orlando and Eunice [Amanda. int.] Frink, and Ira Jones, farmer, unm., of B., a. 52 y., b. B., s. Peltiah and Persis, June 1, 1868.
Nellie A., unm., of Worcester, a. 25 y., b. Shrewsbury, d. Jonathan and Betsey, and Henry K. Stearns, mechanic, unm., of Worcester, a. 24 y., b. Leominster, s. Aaron W. and Betsey W., Aug. 6, 1862.
Nellie Frances, unm. [of B. int.], a. 21 y., b. Westport, N.H., d. Judson A. and Mary E., and Henry A. Wheeler, farmer, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., s. Samuel H. and Sarah H., Mar. 31, 1877.
Ada L., unm., of Ashland, a. 20 y., b. Hopkinton, d. Gracie Mary, and Colbert Sydney Robinson, carpenter, unm., of So[uth] Framingham, a. 26 y., b. Union, Me., s. Elbridge, Nov. 24, 1874.
Hellen M., unm., of Marlboro, a. 26 y., b. Kennebunk, Me., d. Alva and Miriam, and William R. Witherbee, painter, 2d m., of Marlboro, a. 29 y., b. Marlboro, s. Dennis R. and Betsey, Aug. 28, 1869.
Benjamin, of Northboro, and Mrs. Susan Moore of B., Feb. 19, 1829.
Harriett, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Northboro, d. Seth and Persis, and Stephen A. Shattuck, merchant, unm., of Cedar Rapids, Ia., a. 30 y., b. Northboro, s. Stephen and Hannah, Jan. 1, 1856.
Herbert H., clerk, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Sterling, s. W. F. [Wilson. int.] and Eliza (Crowther), and Anna M. Smith, typewriter, unm., of Westboro, a. 21 y., b. Westboro, d. G. L. [Geo[rge] L. int.] and Harriet (Draper), June 21, 1899.
Ida Bell, at home, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. Westboro, d. Thomas and Susan (Kinder), and William A. Hartshorn, florist, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Edward H. and L[ucinda. int.] H. (Houghton), Oct. 7, 1896.
Louisa M., at home, unm., of B., a. 16 y., b. B., d. Oliver C. and M. Augusta, and Jerome O. Warren, station ag[en]t, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Newton [Concord. int.], s. Charles and Lucy R., July 29, 1890.
Martha, unm., of Marlboro, a. 29 y., b. Marlboro, d. Abel, and John G. Fosgate, farmer, unm., of B., a. 32 y., b. B., s. Luke and Mary, Dec. 25, 1852, int.
Mary, unm., of Marlboro, and Luke Fosgate of B., Mar. 21, 1817, int.
Mary E., unm., of Worcester, a. 24 y., b. B., d. Seth and Persis, and Theodore H. Bartlett, shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 22 y., b. Hubbardston, s. William and Rebecca, Oct. 28, 1866.
Nathan, of Northboro, and Lucy Barber of B., May 28, 1788.
Nathan, farmer, 3d m., of B., a. 60 y., b. Marlboro, s. Nathan, and Zilpha H. Bliss, 2d m., of B., a. 53 y., b. B., d. Amory and Lucy Sawyer, June 4, 1872.
Obed, of Marlboro, and Sarah M. Ball [unm. int.] of B., Oct. 16, 1836.
Oliver C., trader, unm., of Charlestown, a. 22 y., b. Charlestown, s. Nathan and Eliza A., and M. Augusta Bliss, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. Edward and Zilpha [Elizabeth. int.] H., Dec. 25, 1870.
Sally, and Antipass Maynard, both of B., May 14, 1798.
Samuel farmer, unm., of Northboro, a. 27 y., b. Northboro, s. Benj[ami]n and Lucy of Northboro, and Eliza Ann Brigham, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., d. Thom[a]s and Ann of B., May 29, 1849.
Samuel I., farmer, 3d m., of Northboro, a. 52 y., b. Northboro, s. Benjamin and Lucy F., and Julia A. Andrews, unm., of Boylston, a. 38 y., b. Boylston, d. Willard and Dolly, Apr. 2, 1874.
Sapphira, of Northboro, and Oliver Sawyer of B., Mar. 2, 1811, int.
Sophia P., unm., of Bolton, a. 19 y., b. Northboro, d. Luther and Zeborah, and Benjamin H. Sawyer, farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 25 y., b. B., s. Ira and Abigail of Bolton, Nov. 23, 1851.
Walter C., overseer, unm., of Clinton, a. 27 y., b. Rindge, N.H., s. Harrison J. and Elizabeth L. C. [Elizabeth H. int.] (Wood), and Grace L. Holbrook, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. Isaac and Persis J. (Merrill), at Sudbury, June 4, 1882.
William, farmer, unm., of Shrewsbury, a. 33 y., b. Northboro, s. Seth and Persis, and Ellen A. Larkin, unm., of B., a., 25 y., b. B., d. John F. and Cynthia, Feb. 20, 1856.
Elliot Augustin, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. James and Sarah, and Mary Jane Moore, unm., of Clinton, a. 22 y., d. Joseph and Elizabeth, June 23, 1863, int.
James, and Hannah Baker, both of B., July 16, 1798 [1789. int.]
James, and Sally Bruce, unm., both of B., Nov. 2, 1823.
Lucy A., unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Boylston, d. James and Sarah, and Francis B. Russell, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Wayland, s. Samuel and Lydia H., Jan. 3, 1865.
Mary F., unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Newtonville, d. Francis R. and Alanso P. Saltmarsh, farmer, unm., of Bow, N.H., a. 24 y., b. Hooksett, N.H., s. Hogan and Sarah, Mar. 8, 1871.
Peter, of Grafton, and Phebe Bailey of B., Jan. 27, 1790.
Polly, of B., and Abraham Moore, jr. of Bolton, at Auburn, June 23, 1797.
Jonathan, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 40 y., b. Livermore, Me., s. Jonathan and Louisa, and Sarah F. Pollard, 2d m., of B., a. 39 y., b. Maine, d. John D. and Mary H. Merrill, Nov. 16, 1872.
Anthony C., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. France, s. Mitchel C. and Jane, and Sarah A. Brewer, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Boylston, d. Joseph and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1854, int.
ROBBINS (Robins)
Allen, of Nelson, N.H., and Sally Gage [unm. int.] of B., Feb. 4, 1827.
Daniel [Robins, jr. int.], of Boxboro, and Esther Spafford [2[d]. int.] of B., Apr. 22, 1813.
George E., farmer, unm., of Stow, a. 26 y., b. B., s. John and Lucinda, and Rosilina H. Brown, housekeeper, unm., of Stow, a. 23 y., b. Stow, d. Geo[rge] N.S. and Elisebeth N., Mar. 23, 1887.
John, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Stow, s. Jonathan and Betsey of Stow, and Lucinda S. Hale, unm., of B., b. Stow, a. 20 y., d. Jonas and Sarah of B., Apr. 1, 1851.
John, farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 38 y., b. Stow, s. Jonathan and Betsy, and Lucia E. Rogers, unm., of Stow, a. 30 y., b. Stow, d. Samuel and Abagail, Mar. 28, 1866.
Lydia Ann, unm., of Ashby, a. 21 y., b. B., d. Henry and Mary B., and Henry H. Stowe, wheelwright, unm., of Lancaster, a. 22 y., b. Lancaster, s. Moses and Elvira, Tune 10, 1863.
Clara Jane, unm., of Sudbury [Hudson. int]., a. 19 y., b. Sudbury, d. Henry and Lucy (Handly), and Walter E. Brown, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. s. Ira H. and Amelia (Houghton), May 28, 1874.
Colbert Sydney, carpenter, unm., of So[uth] Framingham, a. 26 y., b. Union. Me., s. Elbridge, and Ada L. Reynolds, unm., of Ashland, a. 20 y., b. Hopkinton. d. Gracie Mary, Nov. 24, 1874.
Frederick H., shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 21 y., b. South Acton, s. Henry and Lucy J., and Louisa F. Priest, unm., of Hudson, a. 23 y., b. Bolton, d. S. Emerson and Anna F., May 5, 1878.
Henry, spinner, 2d m., of Putnam, Ct., a. 42 y., b. Springfield, s. Henry and Sabra, and Margaret A. Laverty, 2d m., of Worcester, a. 35 y., b. Northboro, d. Alexander and Jane ----, June 23, 1866.
Henry H., barber, unm., of Hudson, a. 21 y., b. Acton, s. Henry and Lucy J., and Jennie Buckley, unm., of Hudson, a. 20 y., b. Watertown, d. Henry and Julia, Apr. 19, 1880.
Mary Ann, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. Boston, d. Calvin P., and Charles F. Karcher, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Germany, s. Christian, Feb. 1, 1850.
Abby Jane, unm., of Marlboro, a. 18 y., b. Bolton, d. Ai and Caroline, and George Morse, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., s. Mason and Abagail, Apr. 3, 1862, int.
Lucia E., unm., of Stow, a. 30 y., b. Stow, d. Samuel and Abagail, and John Robbins, farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 38 y., b. Stow, s. Jonathan and Betsey, Mar. 28, 1866.
Ermine A. G., unm., of Marlboro, a. 22 y., b. New Brunswick, d. Stephen D. and Mary A., and Charles E. Wright, operative, unm., of Marlboro, a. 25 y., b. B., s. Charles C. and Susan H. (Maynard), Aug, 12, 1883.
Ernest C., shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 28 y., b. B., s. Donald and Sarah (Randall), and Nellie M. Fosgate, at home, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. B., d. George W. and Eunice C. (Dodge), June 11, 1895.
Brigham, farmer, unm., of B., a. 46 y., b. Lunenburg, Vt., s. Edman and Susan, and Fannie F. Eastman, 2d m., of B., a. 30 y., b. B., d. William Frye, Mar. 25, 1868, int.
Everett B., farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 27 y., b. Northboro, s. Brigham and Fanny (Frye), and Edith M. Stearns, teacher, unm., of Bolton, a. 20 y., b. Brooklyn, N.Y., d. Everett and Georgia (Sands), Mar. 2, 1896.
William, gardener, unm., of Cambridge, a. 43 y., b. England, s. William and Ann (Ward), and Clara L. Reardon, housework, 2d m., of B., a. 50 y., b. Bolton, d. Horace and Abbie (Hastings) [Brown. int.], Aug. 13, 1895.
RUSSELL (Russel)
Caroline A., unm., of Springfield, and John Holden of B., July 30, 1831, int.
Charles (Russel), of B., and Azubah Parmenter, unm., of Northboro, July 31, 1825, int.
Charles, clerk, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Marlboro, s. Samuel and Lydia, and Alma F. Fuller, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Samuel M. and Catharine, Feb. 1, 1865.
Easter (Russel), and Reubin Moore, both of Bolton, Nov. 30, 1781, int.
Francis B., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Wayland, s. Samuel and Lydia H., and Lucy A. Rich, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Boylston, d. James and Sarah, Jan. 3, 1865.
Winnifred M., unm., of Hudson, a. 19 y., b. Hudson, d. Nathan and C. Fannie, and Joseph Patry, currier, unm., of Hudson, a. 29 y., b. Canada, s. Francis and Josephine, July 8, 1880.
Emma A. G., unm., of Hudson, a. 18 y., b. Vermont, d. Josiah and Elmira S., and Gustavus A. Smith, shoemaker, 3d m., of Hudson, a. 34 y., b. Farmington, Me., s. Samuel and Mary, May 23, 1870.
Alanso P., farmer, unm., of Bow, N.H., a. 24 y., b. Hooksett, N.H., s. Hogan and Sarah, and Mary F. Richardson, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Newtonville, d. Francis R., Mar. 8, 1871.
Albert, laborer, unm., of Clinton, a. 20 y., b. Boxboro, s. Lot P. and Sarah W., and Julia M. Howe, unm., of Clinton, a. 20 y., b. Sterling, d. Thomas and Esther, Sept. 23, 1857.
Arthur H., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Groton, N.H., s. G. B. and Susan A. (Ford), and S. Maud Stevens, stitcher, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. Lawrence, Nov. 11, 1899.
Charles W., farmer, unm., of B., a. 36 y., b. Littleton, s. W[illia]m and Sophia R., and Ada M. Caldwell, operative, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 37 y., b. Boston, d. Ariel K. and Hannah Fletcher, Oct. 12, 1890.
Clara J., domestic, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. B., d. Stephen W. and Georgianna (Sawtelle), and George B. Handley, laster, unm., of Marlboro, a. 37 y., b. Westboro, s. Francis E. and Mary E. (Colgan), Apr. 6, 1895.
Harriet B., unm., of Boylston, a. 23 y., b. Madrid, Me., d. John and Hannah, and George E. Johnson, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., s. Zenas and Polly, Nov. 18, 1853, int.
Huldah, 2d m., of B., a. 32 y., b. Oakham, d. Benjamin and Huldah Forbes, and George Howard, basket maker, unm., of B., a. 36 y., b. Boylston, s. Timothy and Abigail, Dec. 6, 1856 [1855?], int.
John E., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 34 y., b. Shrewsbury [Northboro. int.], s. Curtis and Huldah, and Frances L. Rand, unm., of Worcester, a. 27 y., b. St. Albans [Bangor. int.], Me., d. George W. and Nancy A., Nov. 29, 1877.
Lucinda E., unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. Northboro, d. Curtis and Huldah, and Charles D. Starkey, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., s. Anthony S. and Martha M., Apr. 25, 1859, int.
Ruth, unm., and Moses Chase, both of B., Apr. 15, 1815, int.
Stephen W., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Northboro, s. Curtis and Huldah, and Georgianna F. Sawtell, unm., of B. [Clinton. int.], a. 19 y., b. Clinton, d. Joel and Miranda, Dec. 18, 1864.
Leonard, farmer, unm., of Westboro, a. 28 y., b. Nova Scotia, d. William and Sarah (Arnold), and Mabel E. Wheeler, housework, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. B., d. Chris. and Mary I. (Bliss), Oct. 12, 1895.
Kate, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 34 y., b. Liverpool, Eng., d. Jonathan and Mary (McGlynn) Doran, and Asa W. Paine, carpenter, unm., of Hudson, a. 37 y., b. B., s. Tyler and Mary A. (Wheeler), Nov. 24, 1886.
Marilla, unm., of Lunenburg, a. 20 y., b. Lunenburg, d. Jesse and Marilla, and George Q. Sawyer, combmaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Ira and Abigail, Jan. 14, 1851, int.
Lucinda, of Southboro, and Solomon Henry Howe, b. B., Nov. ----, 1851. P.R.10.
SAWTELLE (Sawtell)
Ebenezar S. (Sawtell), and Roxana Bruce [unm. int.], both of B., Mar. 5, 1834.
Ebenezer S. (Sawtell), jr., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Ebenezer S. and Roxanna, and Harriet A. Wheeler, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. Elisha T. and Elizabeth F., June 20, 1869.
Frances A[nn. int.], unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Ebenezer S. and Roxanna, and Richard M. Wheeler, farmer, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. B., s. Amos and Lydia R., July 3, 1862.
Georgianna F. (Sawtell), unm., of B. [Clinton. int.], a. 19 y., b. Clinton, d. Joel and Miranda, and Stephen W. Sargent, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Northboro, s. Curtis and Huldah, Dec. 18, 1864.
Henry L. (Sawtell), laborer, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., s. Ebenezer S. and Roxanna, and Ellen E. Shaw, unm., of South Framingh[am], a. 16 y. [17 y. int.], b. Framingham, d. Alba and Ann, Oct. 17, 1870.
Martha F. (Sawtell), unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., d. Ebenezer S. and Rocksyllana, and Jonas S. Ball, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Boylston, s. Jonah and Mary, Apr. 30, 1856, int.
Abbie Theresa, unm., of B., a. 25 y. [24 y. int.], b. B., d. Josiah E. and Eunice, and Francis Copeland, machinist, 2d m., of Sterling, a. 34 y., b. Sterling, s. Elisha and Sophia P., Mar. 8, 1868.
Abigail, and Cotton Newton, both of B., Oct. 25, 1785.
Abraham, of B., and Mrs. Abigal Keyes of Northboro, Oct. 5, 1816, int.
Addison A., s. Rufus and Sarah, and Elizabeth Brigham, Apr. 6, 1851. P.R.4.
Adin Augustus, clerk, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Isreal and Louisa, and Ellen E. Wheeler, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. Elisha T. and Elizabeth, May 9, 1877.
Alden, yeoman, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. B., s. Rufus and Seraph of B., and Persis [B. int.] Gleason, unm., of Lunenburg, Vt., d. ---- of Lunenburg, Vt., Nov. 17, 1842.
Almina [Elmina, unm. int.], and Horace Bigelow, both of B., Oct. 14, 1834.
Alvin [Alvan. int.], and Sarah Goddard, both of B., Feb. 13, 1794.
Alvin, of B., and Sally Newton of Marlboro, Oct. 19, 1808.
Amory, and Lucy Sawyer, both of B., Apr. 3, 1816.
Amory B., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. B., s. Amory and Lucy of B., and Lucinda M. Coffron, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Goshen, N.H., d. Benjamin of Goshen, N.H., Nov. 29, 1849.
Amos, and Persis Howe [How. int.], both of B., Aug. 3, 1792.
Amos, jr., and Sarah H. Sawyer [unm. int.], both of B., Dec. 4, 1836.
Arthur L., farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 28 y., b. Bolton, s. Benj[amin] H. and Sophia B., and Mary Grace Bliss, at home, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., d. C. H. [Charles H. int.] and Augusta, May 15, 1884.
Asa, and Eunice [Unice. int.] Bruce, both of B., June 19, 1800.
Asa, and Emma Bailey [unm. int.], both of B., Nov. 3, 1814.
Augusta E., unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. Amos and Sarah H., and Warren S. Peters, shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 21 y., b. Marlboro, s. Luther and Abagail, Jan. 1, 1867.
Benjamin, and Rebecca Houghton, both of Bolton, Oct. 23, 1781, int.
Benjamin H., farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 25 y., b. B., s. Ira and Abigail of Bolton, and Sophia P. Rice, unm , of Bolton, a. 19 y., b. Northboro, d. Luther and Zeborah, Nov. 23, 1851.
Betsey [unm. int.], and Abel Howe, both of B., Dec. 17, 1817.
Betsey [unm. int.], and Elbridge Wheeler, both of B., at West Boylston, Nov. ----, 1840.
Charles M., farmer, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. B., s. George W. and Maryann, and Julia Ida Bassett, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Worcester, d. W[illia]m and Patience, Nov. 19, 1879.
Charles W. farmer, unm., of B., a. 36 y., b. Littleton, s. W[illia]m and Sophia R., and Ada M. Caldwell, operative, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 37 y., b. Boston, d. Ariel K. and Hannah Fletcher, Oct. 12, 1890.
Clara E., unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., d. Israel and Louisa, and Theodore Guertin, blacksmith, unm., of Lancaster, a. 27 y., b. Fairfield, Vt., s. Joseph and Margaret, Aug. 29, 1868.
Clarissa, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., d. Thomas and Sarah, and William P. Keyes, carpenter, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Northboro, s. Roswell and Lois of B., Mar. 18, 1846.
Daniel H., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Bolton, s. Josiah C. and Fatima, and Angelina E. Felton, unm., of Marlboro, a. 17 y., b. Marlboro, d. Lambert A. and Harriet E., July 19, 1860.
Edward N., farmer, unm., of B., a. 32 y., b. B., s. Josiah and Arrissa, and Sarah H. Dow, unm., of Bolton, a. 28 y., b. Ware, N.H., d. Greely and Lydia E., May 16, 1876.
Edwin, cordwainer, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. B., s. Rufus and Seraph of B., and Emily P. Hartwell, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Leonard and Abigail of B., Jan. 23, 1848.
Edwin Erving, clerk, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., s. Edwin and Emily, and Lizzie Arrabella Johnson, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., d. George E. and Harriett B., Oct. 17, 1877.
Eli, s. Rufus and Sereph, and Sarah E. Carter, Nov. 27, 1845. P.R.4.
Eli, jr., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. B., s. Eli and Azubah, and Morgiana Johnson, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Greenwich, d. John N. P. and Rebecca A., Jan. 4, 1867.
Eliza [unm. int.], and Abram Bigelow, both of B., Jan. 24, 1830.
Ellen F., unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. Silas and Lucy, and Samuel W. Moore, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., s. Oliver and Susan, Aug. 31, 1856.
Elmira, see Sawyer, Almina.
Emma L., unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., d. Rufus C., and John Francis Elliott, shoemaker, 2d m., of Wayland, a. 34 y., b. Milton, s. John and Margaret, Aug. 28, 1875, int.
Eunice, and Ephraim Babcock [Badcock. int.], both of B., May 4, 1793.
Floretta, hotelkeeper, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 38 y., b. Clinton, d. Otis and Charlotte Larkin, and Adam E. Cole, hotelkeeper, 2d m., of Boston, a. 40 y., b. "Cohaine", N.Y., s. Norman and Hannah, Feb. 7, 1886.
George, of Lancaster, and Lucy Hoar of B., Jan. 15, 1816.
George Q., combmaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Ira and Abigail, and Marina Saunderson, unm., of Lunenburg, a. 20 y., b. Lunenburg, d. Jesse and Mari11a, Jan. 14, 1851, int.
George W., of B., and Mary Ann Sawyer [unm. int.] of Bolton, at Bolton, Apr. 10, 1839.
Hannah [jr. int.], and Robert Fosgate, both of B., Dec. 25, 1805.
Harriet Maria, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., d. Hartwell and Zilpha M., and William [Thomas. int.] Babcock, 2d, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 24 y. [25 y. int.], b. B. s. Albert and Mary B., Nov. 19, 1865.
Hartwell, of Bolton, and Zilphah Maria Bartlett [d. Daniel and Zilpha. P.R.8.], unm., of B., Mar. 26, 1842, int. [m. May 3. P.R.8.]
Henry J., farmer, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., s. Josiah and Arrisa, and Elizabeth M. Miller, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Clinton, d. Charles and Matilda, Mar. 24, 1866.
Ira, of B., and Abigail Hastings of Bolton, Nov. 30, 1811, int.
Ira J., of Lancaster, and Abigail M. Houghton, unm., of B., Apr. 24, 1846, int.
Israel, of B., and Louisa Smith, unm., of Groton, Jan. 22, 1842, int. [m. Feb. 15. P.R.4.]
Ivers E., clerk, umn., of B., a. 25 y., b. B., s. I. H. [Ivers H. int.] and Abbie M. (Farwell), and Jennie E. Cameron, at home, unm., of Hudson, a. 24 y., b. Vermont, d. Ira C. and Cordelia (Leonard), Sept. 21, 1899.
Ivers H., farmer, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., s. Hartwell and Z. Maria, and Abbie M. Farwell, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Harvard, d. Geo[rge] and Maria [Mary Maria. P.R.8.], June 14, 1871.
J. B., s. Rufus and Seraph, and Elena Randall, Mar. 22, 1852. P.R.4.
J. O., s. Rufus and Seraph, and Alice S. Currier, Feb. 10, 1856. P.R.4.
Jonas, and Euseba Bailey, both of B., Oct. 22, 1809.
Jonas, farmer, unm., of B., a. 48 y., b. B., s. Jonas and Eusebia, and Angeline Wheeler, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. Bolton, d. Johnathan and Phebe, Apr. 4, 1860.
Joseph, and Ruth Walcutt, both of Bolton, Jan. 8, 1781 [1782?], int.
Josiah, of Bolton, and Bathsheba Moore of Putney, Aug. 6, 1770.
Josiah, and Persis Baker, both of Bolton, Feb. 10, 1779.
Josiah, and Prudence Johnson, both of B., Jan. 4, 1786.
Josiah, and Arrissa Moore, unm., of B., Oct. 31, 1834, int.
Josiah E., and Eunice S. Babcock, both of B., Sept. 8, 1840.
Lavinia K., unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Silas and Lucy, and George H. Cutting, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., s. George and Sarepta, Nov. 26, 1857.
Lewis A., clerk, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B. [Southboro. int.], s. Amos and Sarah H., and Lucinda Boyt Hebard, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Brookfield, d. Addison [Adrian. int.] and Abigail B., July 20, 1876.
Lucinda, and Amory Carter, both of B., Dec. 1, 1808.
Lucinda [unm. int.], of B., and Isreal Moore of Bolton, Feb. 26, 1840.
Lucy, and Amory Sawyer, both of B., Apr. 3, 1816.
Lucy, of B., and Hollis Eager of Marlboro, Nov. 6, 1816.
Lucy, Mrs., of B., and Moses Greenleif of Bolton, Oct. 24, 1834, int.
Lucy, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., d. Thomas and Sally of B., and James Boyd, cordwainer, widr., of Marlboro, a. 36 y., s. John and Sophia, Nov. 27, 1845.
Lucy F., unm. [of B. int.], a. 24 y., b. B., d. Oliver and Saphira of B., and Stephen Sawyer, unm., of Worcester, merchant, a. 30 y., b. B., s. Alvan and Sally of B., Jan. 8, 1845.
Lucy Maria, and Henry H[arrison. int.] Buss, both of B., Sept. 27, 1840.
Lucy S., unm., of B., a. 20 y.,. b. B., d. Amos and Sarah [H. int.], and Warren S. Howe, druggist, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Marlboro, s. Willard and Almira B., Nov. 24, 1870.
Mary, and Rufus Howe [How. int.], both of B., Sept. 22, 1792.
Mary [unm. int.], and Samuel Spafford [2d. int.], both of B., Dec. 24, 1817.
Mary [unm. int.], and Albert Babcock, both of B., May 7, 1835.
Mary Adella, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. B., d. Amos and Sarah H., and William B. Carter, music dealer, unm., of Columbus, Ga., a. 32 y., b. Shrewsbury, s. Leonard and Persis, Sept. 6, 1855.
Mary Ann [unm. int.], of Bolton, and George W. Sawyer of B., at Bolton, Apr. 10, 1839.
Morgiana Maria, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. Amos and Sarah H., and Lorren Arnold, trader, unm., of Northboro, a. 23 y., b. Southboro, s. Jackson and Fanny, dec., Aug. 12, 1860.
Oliver, of B., and Lucy Fairbank of Northboro, Oct. 16, 1800.
Oliver, of B., and Sapphira Rice of Northboro, Mar. 2, 1811, int.
Oliver, 2d, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., s. Ira and Abigail, and Lydia Ann Carter, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. Boylston, d. Leonard and Ann G., Jan. 13, 1851, int.
Oliver, shoemaker, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 48 y., b. B., s. Ira and Abigail, and Martha B. Bemis, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 48 y., b. Northboro, d. Joseph and Phebe S. Moore, Jan. 1, 1879.
Oliver B., yeoman, unm., of B., b. B., s. Oliver and Saphira of B., and Angeline A. Baldwin, unm., b. Shrewsbury, d. Henry and Mary of Shrewsbury, at Shrewsbury, Apr. 12, 1842.
Otis E., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Bolton, s. Daniel and Catherine, and Sarah J. Smith, unm., of B., a. 18 y., d. Oliver, Apr. 27, 1853, int.
Persis, unm., of B., and William L. Howe of Marlboro, Apr. 11, 1822.
Polly [unm. int.], and Ben[jami]n F. Spafford, both of B., Jan. 28, 1821.
Prudence, and Holman Priest, both of Bolton, Apr. 28, 1774.
Rufus, and Seraph Bartlett [d. Adam and Persis. P.R.8.], both of B., Feb. 12, 1813. [Dec. 14, 1812. P.R.8.]
Rufus C., shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 21 y., b. B., s. Rufus and Seraph, and Catherine Fuller, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. Ludlow, d. Sam[ue]l M. and Catherine, Sept. 29, 1852, int.
Sarah [unm. int.], and Lewis Carter, both of B., Apr. 17, 1821.
Sarah [unm. int.], of B., and Julius L. Clarke of Worcester, May 27, 1840.
Sarah A., unm., of B., a. 30 y., b. B., d. Josiah and Arrissa, and Elias L. Wheeler, horticulturist, unm., of B., a. 44 y., b. B., s. Levi and Betsey, Feb. 17, 1880.
Sarah Grace, at home, unm., of B., b. B., d. Amos and Sarah H., and Oscar Warren Holt, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. Iowa City, s. John W. [Joseph Warrene. int.] and Miranda N., Feb. 26, 1862.
Sarah H. [unm. int.], and Amos Sawyer, Jr., both of. B., Dec. 4, 1836.
Sarah H., housewife, 2d m., of B., a. 52 y., b. B., d. Thomas and Sarah Sawyer, and Henry D. Coburn, farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 54 y., b. Lynn, s. Leonard and Susannah. Apr. 27, 1870.
Sarah J., unm., and Amory A. Bartlett, both of B., May 10, 1845, int.
Sarah J., unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Northboro, d. Josiah and Fatima, and Calvin Smith, jr., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Shrewsbury, s. Calvin and Usebia, Nov. 26, 1852, int.
Sarah Louisa, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. B., d. Israel and Louisa, and Silas Everett Jones, shoemaker, unm., of Northboro [Westboro. int.], a. 32 y., b. B., s. William and Eusebia, Jan. 2, 1869.
Silas, and Sarah Howe [How. int.], both of B., Jan. 6, 1785.
Silas, and Mrs. Mary Barnard of B., July 4, 1833, int.
Silas, 2d, and Lucy Holman [unm. int.], both of B., Apr. 16, 1835.
Silas, and Mary L. Holman, unm., both) of B., Oct. 14, 1849, int.
Stephen, merchant, unm., of Worcester, a. 30 y., b. B., s. Alvan and Sally of B., and Lucy F. Sawyer, unm. [of B. int.], a. 24 y., b. B., d. Oliver and Saphira of B., Jan. 8, 1845.
Stephen B., farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 53 y., b. B., s. Jonas and Eusebia (Bailey), and Mary Bruso, 2d m., of Montreal, Can., a. 25 y., b. Montreal, Can., d. Andrew and Maladie (St. Pierie) Fuller, Apr. 28, 1874.
Susan, 3d m., of Sterling, a. 42 y., b. Wiscasset, Me., d. Thomas and Nancy Harraden, and Luke Fairbanks, farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 53 y., b. Sterling, s. Paul and Arethusa, Sept. 4, 1869.
Susanna, and Caleb Houghton, both of B., Oct. 3, 1803.
Thomas, and Sarah Bigelow, both of B., Apr. 16, 1809.
Thomas, and Mrs. Hannah Warner, both of B., July 17, 1836.
Tona, unm., of Clinton, a. 27 y., b. Tremont, Me., d. Jacob and Caroline, and Henry O. White, carpenter, unm., of Marlboro, a. 30 y., b. Champlain, N.Y., s. Robert and Elizabeth M., May 8, 1881.
Unice, see Sawyer, Eunice.
Uriah, and Sally Spafford, both of B., Feb. 2, 1803.
William, and Hannah Barrett, both of Bolton, Jan. 16, 1764.
William [2d. int.], and Zilpah Howe [unm. int.], both of B., June 7, 1821.
William, 2d, and Almira Priest, unm., both of B., May 24, 1829.
William, 2d, and Harriet Babcock [unm. int.], both of B., May 19, 1835. [ Sept. 19, 1835.]
William G., farmer, unm., of B., a. 34 y., b. Newton, s. Eli and Azubah, and Ellen L. Keyes, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. B., d. Ziba and Louis, Nov. 24, 1869.
Zilpha H., unm., of B., b. B., d. Amory and Lucy of B., and Edward Bliss, unm., of Bozrahville, Ct., Sept. 21, 1842.
Sarah M., 2d m., of Hudson, a. 39 y., b. B., d. William and Sarah Bartlett, and Oliver P. Wheeler, farmer, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 56 y., b. Keene, N.H., s. Joseph and Betsey, Jan. 29, 1879.
W[illia]m H., laborer, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Holden, s. Geo[rge] H. and Sarah M. (Wheeler), and Lillian Ordway, at home, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Hudson, d. W. D. [W[illia]m D. int.] and Elizabeth (Gates), Mar. 22, 1893.
Annie M., nursery maid, unm., of Hudson, a. 40 y., b. [Bath. int.], Me., d. Arthur. int.] R. and E. M. (Sprague), and Charles R. Williston, farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 42 y., b. Salem, s. John F. and Margaret E. (Mocky), May 11, 1899.
Mary E., unm., of Boston, and Jonathan Bartlett [s. Adam and Persis. P.R.8.] of B., Apr. 5, 1834, [m. Apr. 24, P.R.8.]
Benjamin Franklin, shoemaker, unm., of Northboro, a. 21 y., b. Fletcher, Vt., s. Charles, dec., and Mary Frances, and Anna Louisa Brigham, of Northboro, a. 16 y., b. Northboro, d. Abraham and Hannah, both dec., Apr. 10, 1861.
Lewis, shoemaker, unm., of Northboro, a. 26 y., b. Fairfax, Vt., s. Charles, and Charlotte D. Carruth, unm., of Northboro, a. 24 y., b. Northboro, d. Theophilus, Apr. 5, 1860.
Clara L., proof reader, unm., of B., a. 33 y., b. B., d. Elijah C. and Olive (Colburn), and William S. Eager, farmer and florist, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. Westminster, s. Augustus and L. Ellen (Babcock), June 20, 1897.
Elijah C., farmer, unm., of B. [of Boylston. int.], a. 28 y., s. Steph[e]n and Hannah of East Boylston, and Olive C. Wheeler, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Levi and Olive of B., Sept. 25, 1848.
George M., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., s. Elijah C. and Olive C., and Sarah A. Babcock, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. Albert and Mary B., May 18, 1870.
Hartwell, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 29 y. [28 y. int.], b. Francestown, N.H., s. Edmund and Olive, and Mary Elizabeth Snow, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Lowell, d. Charles and Lucy (Wheeler), Aug. 18, 1863.
Sarah A., 2d m., of B., a. 28 y., b. B., d. Albert and Mary B. Babcock, and Joseph Stratton, shoemaker, 2d m., of Wayland [Cochituate. int.], a. 37 y., b. Hudson, s. Lorenzo and Mary, Jan. 8, 1879.
Stephen A., merchant, unm., of Cedar Rapids, Ia., a. 30 y., b. Northboro, s. Stephen and Hannah, and Harriett Rice, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Northboro, d. Seth and Persis, Jan. 1, 1856.
William O., clerk, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Acton, s. William R. and Lucy J., and Ella A. Pierce, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Worcester, June 4, 1876.
Abby unm., of Boston, a. 39 y., b. Minot, Me., d. Levi and Dorcas, and Joel Worthing, milkman, unm., of Boston, a. 34 y., b. Barnard, Vt., s. Abner and Sally, Jan. 1, 1863.
Ellen E., unm., of South Framingh[am], a. 16 y., b. Framingham, d. Alba and Ann, and Henry L. Sawtell, laborer, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., s. Ebenezer S. and Roxanna, Oct. 17, 1870.
Charles H., shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 31 y., b. Stoughton, s. Charles S. and Nancy, and Bertha A. Howe, unm., of Marlboro, a. 22 y., b. Bolton, d. Samuel and Mary C. (Wheeler), Aug. 19, 1876.
Serena [unm. int.], and Zenas Johnson, both of B., Feb. 27, 1820.
Stephen, of B., and Lucy Goodnow of West Boylston, Apr. 17, 1820.
Charles E., farmer, unm., of Marlboro, a. 23 y., b. Marlboro, s. George E. and Sarah A., and Mary G. Morse, unm., of Marlboro, a. 34 y., b. Marlboro, d. William and Almira, Mar. 22, 1880.
Abbie M., unm., of Marlboro, a. 19 y., b. Winslow, Me., d. Amos and Elizabeth, and Charles B. Reed, shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 21 y., b. Framingham, s. Daniel B. and Martha A. (Worden), Aug. 12, 1874.
Albert H., wire worker, umn., of Cambridge, a. 26 y., b. Lancaster, s. Samuel and Mary E., and Ida A. Rand, at home, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. B., d. Merrick R. and Sarah, Nov. 27, 1884.
James M., of Worcester, and Augusta H. Phelps, unm., of B., Aug. 15, 1846, int.
May L., operative, unm., of Hudson, a. 18 y., b. Swanton, Vt., d. John and Aurilla, and Randall Baker, operative, unm., of Hudson, a. 22 y., b. Bangor, Me., s. W[illia]m W. and Mary, Mar. 1, 1887.
Isabella N., unm., of Bolton, a. 18 y., b. Bolton, d. Robert and Lucy, and Charles A. Colburn, combmaker, unm., of Leominster, a. 21 y., b. Leominster, s. Jacob and Hannah S., Apr. 12, 1859.
Charles E., farmer unm., of Bolton, a. 23 y., b. West Gardiner, Me. [Bolton. int.], s. Charles and Ann A., and Lucy J. Randall, housework, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Paul A. and Abbie W., Nov. 11, 1886.
Grace E., unm., of Fitchburg, a. 22 y., b. Fitchburg, d. George A. and Margaret (Derby), and Bertelle L. Hartwell, clerk, unm., of Fitchburg, a. 23 y., b. B., s. Daniel P. and Emily (Wheeler), Aug. 22, 1888.
Abigail B., unm., of Marlboro, and Amos Bride of B., Feb. 22, 1839, int.
Addie, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. Riley and Eleanor, and Austin F. Smith, provision dealer, unm., of Fitchburg, a. 24 y., b. Westminster, s. Charles H. and Emeline [H. int.], Jan. 4, 1871.
Alden B., farmer, unm., of Mason, N.H., a. 27 y., b. Mason, N.H., s. Samuel and Clarisa, and Mary A. Johnson, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. J. N. P. and Rebeckah A., Apr. 29, 1865.
Anna M., typewriter, unm., of Westboro, a. 21 y., b. Westboro, d. G. L. [Geo[rge] L. int.] and Harriet (Draper), and Herbert H. Rice, clerk, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Sterling, s. W. [Wilson. int.] F. and Eliza (Crowther), June 21, 1899.
Austin F., provision dealer, unm., of Fitchburg, a. 24 y., b. Westminster, s. Charles H. and Emeline [H. int.], and Addie Smith, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. Riley and Eleanor, Jan. 4, 1871.
Calvin, of Marlboro, and Euseba Goddard [unm. int.] of B., Mar. 26, 1828.
Calvin, jr., yeoman, widr., of B., s. Calvin of Princeton, and Rebecca Nurse [Nourse. int.], wid., of B., a. 42 y., b. B., d. Ja[me]s and Keziah Goddard of B., Jan. 4, 1843.
Calvin, jr., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Shrewsbury, s. Calvin and Usebia, and Sarah J. Sawyer, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Northboro, d. Josiah and Fatima, Nov. 26, 1852, int.
Charles R., bookkeeper, unm., of Lynn, a. 22 y., b. Lynn, s. Richard R. and J. Everlyn, and Hannah B. Ingalls, unm., of Lynn, a. 20 y., b. Lynn, Sept. 16, 1874.
Clara A., waiter, unm., of Clinton, a. 23 y., b. Orleans, d. Albert and Emma, and Walter A. Cole, butcher, unm., of Clinton, a. 26 y., b. Salem, N.H., s. Danford and Diancy E. (Brown), Jan. 14, 1892.
Eada, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Vermont, d. Asa and Polly of Vermont, and John B. Brewer, cordwainer, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Boylston, s. John and Dorcas of Boylston, Oct. 5, 1847.
Fidelia A., unm., of Farmington, Me., a. 23 y., d. Samuel and Mary, and Josiah Moore, shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 29 y., b. Boylston, s. Phineas and Hannah, May 4, 1857, int.
Francena E., unm., and John H. Johnson, both of B., Nov. 4, 1847, int.
Gustavus A., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Farmington, Me., s. Samuel and Mary, and Zilpah B. Carter, unm., of B., a. 16 y., b. Frankfort, Me., d. Asa and Elleanor, Mar. 13, 1857, int.
Gustavus A., shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 24 y., b. Farmington, Me., s. Samuel and Mary, and Mary E. Neff, unm., of Shrewsbury, a. 18 y., b. North Sudbury, d. Joseph and Lucy, Nov. 17, 1859.
Gustavus A., shoemaker, 3d m., of Hudson, a. 34 y., b. Farmington, Me., s. Samuel and Mary, and Emma A. G. Sage, unm., of Hudson, a. 18 y., b. Vermont, d. Josiah and Elmira S., May 23, 1870.
James [Goddard. int.], farmer, unm., of Nelson, N.H., a. 26 y., b. B., s. Calvin and Eusebia, and Ellen P. Jones, unm., of B., a. 26 y. [20 y. b. B., d. William and Eusebia, Nov. 4, 1862.
Josephine F., unm., of Boston, a. 20 y., b. Boston, d. James F. and Anna E. (Hart), and Harry W. Barthman, laborer, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Ohio, s. W[illia]m and Julia (Harrison), Oct. 12, 1897, int.
Julietta Everlynn, 2d m., of B. [Lynn. int.], a. 43 y., b. Lynn, d. Nathaniel and Rebecca Burrill, and Phiny B. Southwick, farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 46 y., b. B., s. Stephen S. and Mary, Feb. 24, 1868.
Louisa, unm., of Groton, and Israel Sawyer of B., Jan. 22, 1842, int. [m. Feb. 15. P.R.4.]
Mary Jane, teacher, unm., of B., a. 33 y., d. Levi and Sybil, and Addison Keyes, carpenter, unm., of B., a. 43 y., b. B., s. David and Linda M., June 23, 1870.
Olive, unm., of B., and Ivory Carter, Oct. 16, 1833, int.
Riley, and Eleanor C. Carter, unm., both of B., Aug. 1, 1846, int.
Sarah, of Boylston, and Paul Faulkner of B., at Lancaster, Nov. 28, 1797.
Sarah A. B., wid., of B. [Lancaster. int.], a. 26 y., b. Lancaster, d. Elisha E. and Lydia C. Barrett, and Horace, S. Tabor, broommaker, unm., of Northboro, a. 40 y., b. New Bedford, s. Job and Rhoda (Cook), Aug. 14, 1878.
Sarah J., unm., of B., a. 18 y., d. Oliver and Otis E. Sawyer, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Bolton, s. Daniel and Catherine, Apr. 27, 1853, int.
Sibilla, of Needham, and Silas Wood of B., Apr. 29, 1784, int.
William, shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 23 y., b. Harvard, and Augusta M. Howard, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. Rufus and Louisa, June 18, 1864.
William E., operative, unm., of Marlboro, a. 30 y., b. Rouse's Point, N.Y., s. Aaron B., and Cora A. Dailey, operative, unm., of Marlboro, a. 24 y., b. Hudson, d. Eben W. and Eliza Babcock, Apr. 21, 1886.
Ansel L., jr., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Nantucket, s. Ansel L. and Dorcas L., and Hannah M. Coburn, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. Bolton, d. Henry D. and Hannah S., Nov. 26, 1852, int.
Charles, of Boston, and Lucy Wheeler, unm., of B., May 10, 1834, int.
Daniel B., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Nantucket, s. Ansel L. and Catharine L., and Mary J. Briggs, unm., of Lancaster, a. 20 y., b. Auburn, d. Bowers and Polly D., Apr. 23, 1860, int.
Henry B., miller, unm., of "Springfield City," a. 26 y., b. Spencer, s. Amos and Achsah, and Julia M. Forbes, 2d m., of B., a. 26 y., b. Granville, d. Joseph Antilly, Apr. 5, 1863.
Henry C., teamster, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. B., s. Ansel L. and Hannah M., and Annie Cox, housework, unm., of Barnstable, a. 26 y., b. Nova Scotia, d. John and Mary, Aug. 6, 1887.
Jessie C., unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Ansel L. and Hannah M., and Percy H. Johnson, bootmaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 24 y., b. Upton, s. Henry D. and Rachel [J. int.], Aug. 1, 1875.
Mary Elizabeth, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Lowell, d. Charles and Lucy (Wheeler), and Hartwell Shattuck, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 29 y. [28 y. int.], b Francestown. N.H., s. Edmund and Olive, Aug. 18, 1863.
Abigail, unm., and Asa Wheeler, both of Bolton, June 2, 1790.
Casandri, and Joel Kelley, both of Shrewsbury, Jan. 1, 1808.
George M., stablekeeper, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Milford, s. Phiny B. and Mary J., and Addle Adella Carter, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. William B. and Mary Adella, Jan. 9, 1878.
Jonathan D., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., s. Stephen S. and Mary, and Jerusha B. King, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Lynn, d. Nathaniel [H. int.] and Mary, Nov. 29, 1855.
Lilla M., housework, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Milford, d. P. B. and M. J., and Charles D. Eager, expressman, unm., of B., a. 24 b. Westminster, s. Augustus and L. Ellen, May 14, 1885.
Mary S., housework, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Milford, d. P. B. [P. int.] and M. J. (Hartwell), and Christopher S. White, grocer, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. B., s. D. A. and Ellen (Hastings), June 30, 1891.
Phiny B., farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 46 y., b. B., s. Stephen S. and Mary, and Julietta Eberlynn Smith, 2d m., of B. [Lynn. int.], a. 43 y., b. Lynn, d. Nathaniel and Rebecca Burrill, Feb. 24, 1868.
Pliny B., shoe manufacturer, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. B., s. Stephen S. of B., and Mary Jane Hartwell, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. B., d. Leonard and Abigail of B., Oct. 3, 1850.
Stephen S., and Mary Wheeler, d. Jonathan and Mary (Buffum), Oct. 28, 1806. P.R.3.
Willard, farmer, unm., of B., a. 43 y., b. B., s. Stephen H. [S. int.] and Mary (Wheeler), and Sarah Congdon Frye [unm. int.] of Bolton, a. 43 y., b. Bolton, d. Thomas and Mary, Sept. 11, 1860.
Laura A., unm., of Northboro, a. 22 y., b. Northboro, d. Josiah and Miranda of Northboro, and Oren P. Squier, farmer, unm., of Montgomery, a. 26 y., b. Montgomery, s. Lathrop and Betsey, Jan. 2, 1853.
Sarah G., unm., of Northboro, a. 24 y., b. No[rth] Brookfield, d. Josiah R., and Isaac W. Britton, R. R. conductor, 2d m., of Milford. a. 27 y., b. Littleton, s. Joel and Sarah, Sept. 27, 1853.