Vital Records Of Berlin, Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1899
Collected And Compiled By Frances L. Eaton
Edited By Martha F. Duren
Published By Frances L. Eaton, Marlboro, Mass. 1935.

Marriages - CASEY to FULLER
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger ]

Fred, laborer, unm., of Somerville, a. 25 y., b. [Summerside. int.], Prince E[dward] I[sland], s. Vean and Phinnie (loving?), and Amy Frances Wheeler, at home, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. Richard M. and Frances (Sawtelle), Nov. 25, 1897.
John, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Williamstown, Ind. [Ireland. int.], s. Edward and Mary, and Mary A. Dudley, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Moses and Susan, May 9, 1860.
Mary J. C., unm., of Leominster. a. 22 y., b. Leominster, d. David and Catharine, and Willie G. Derby, farmer, unm., of Leominster, a. 24 y., b. Leominster, s. Cephas and Anna E., May 14, 1879.
William, of South Coventry, Ct., and Minerva F. Bliss, unm., of B., Oct. 17, 1846, int.
Nathaniel, jr., of Holden, and Sally Larkin [unm. int.], of B., Mar. 31, 1818.
CHAMBERLAIN (Chamberlin)
Clifton R., shoe cutter, unm., of Marlboro, a. 21 y., b. Marlboro, s. Arthur R. and Carrie E. (Rice), and Helen A. Bliss, at home, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. Charles H. and Augusta [M. A. int.] (Staples), Oct. 30, 1895.
George A., farmer, unm., of Worcester, a. 41 y., b. Worcester, s. Thomas and Nancy, and Martha W. Barnes, unm., of B., a. 35 y., b. B., d. Artemas and Nancy, May 6, 1858.
Laura Ann (Chamberlin), unm., of Clinton, a. 30 y., b. Ohio, N.Y., d. Preston and Laura, and William W. Colburn, clergyman, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Wilton, Me., s. Thomas and Rebecca, June 22, 1860, int.
Spencer C. (Chamberlin), shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Thetford, Vt., S. Spencer C. and Lorinda, and Henrietta J. Hastings, unm., of B., a. 14 y., h. Northboro, d. Henry and Mary, Sept. 28, 1858, int.
Spencer C. (Chamberlin), jr., exp[ress] ag[en]t, unm., of B., a. 30 y., b. B., s. S. C. [Spencer C. int.] and H. J. [Henrietta J. int.] (Hastings), and Minnie E. Fay, teacher, unm., of B., a. 31 y., b. B., d. N. W. [Nahum W. int.] and Emily R. (Thompson), Jan. 29, 1893.
CHASE (Chace)
Abigail (Chace), unm., of Northboro, a. 38 y., b. Northboro, d. George, and Jonathan Bruce, farmer, unm., of Northboro, a. 40 y., b. B., s. Calvin and Eunice, Nov. 4, 1857.
Harvy J., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. Haverhill. N.H., s. L. H. and Judith, and Hattie A. Cooley, unm., of Clinton, a. 22 y., b. Burlington, Vt., d. Joseph and Huldah [M. int.], July 5, 1866.
Laurette A., unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Fitchburg, and Amory T. Maynard, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Bolton, s. Winsor and Cynthia, Oct. 3, 1867.
Lydia [unm. int.], and Roswell Bliss, both of B., Sept. 27, 1815.
Moses, of Lancaster, and Parna [Parnel. int.] Hastings of B., at Lancaster, June 2, 1785.
Moses, and Ruth Sargent, unm., both of B., Apr. 15, 1815, int.
Antonea, housework, unm., of Hudson, a. 28 y., b. St. Marys [Azores. int.], d. Antonio and Maria (Zacintha), and Antonio Monteiro [farm laborer. int.], unm., of B., a. 21 y. [b. St. Marys, Azores. int.], s. Manuel and Umbelina (Rezends), Sept. 9, 1897.
John, laborer, unm., of B., a. 21 y., Alabama, s. Ben and Jane, and Mary Johnson, unm., of B., a 23 y., b. N[orth] Carolina, d. Ed. and Lizzie, May 27, 1897, int.
Mary, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. Ireland, d. Patrick and Dolly, and Michael Francis Murray, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Ireland, s. James and Bridget, Mar. 4, 1855, int.
CLARKE (Clark)
Julius L., of Worcester, and Sarah Sawyer [unm. int.], of B., May 27, 1840.
Nellie L. (Clark), unm., of Boston, a. 24 y., b. Boston, d. Lewis and Harriett B., and Alvah Dana Fosgate, farmer, unm., of B., a. 23 y. b. B., s. Joel H. and Ruth Ann (Brigham), Nov. 15, 1882.
Celia M., unm., of B., a. 22 y., d. Olive Leonard, and George E. Hartwell, carpenter, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Lancaster, s. Leonard and Abigail of B., Apr. 22, 1849.
George L., machinist, unm., of Clinton, a. 23 y., b. Uxbridge, s. Charles and Susan (Scott), and Estella Edna Bruce, at home, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. Philo and Lavina S. (Fletcher), Jan. 9, 1895.
Hannah M., unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. Bolton, d. Henry D. and Hannah S., and Ansel L. Snow, jr., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Nantucket, s. Ansel L. and Dorcas L., Nov. 26, 1852, int.
Henry D., farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 54 y., b. Lynn, s. Leonard and Susanah, and Sarah H. Sawyer, housewife, 2d m., of B., a. 52 y., b. B., d. Thomas and Sarah Sawyer, Apr. 27, 1870.
Joseph Lafavor, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., s. Henry D. and Hannah, and Mary Elizabeth Maynard, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. George] W. and Sophia, dec., Oct. 18, 1860.
William J., shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 45 y., b. Lynn, s. Leonard and Susannah, and Ann O. Melia, unm., of Clinton, a. 26 y., b. Ireland, d. Patrick, Dec. 24, 1858, int.
COFFRON (Cofran)
Lucinda M., unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Goshen. N.H., d. Benjamin of Goshen, N.H., and Amory B. Sawyer, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. B., s. Amory and Lucy of B., Nov. 29, 1849.
Susan B. (Cofran), unm., of B., and Silas Houghton, Dec. 14, 1833.
Thankful (Cofran), unm., of B., and Linus Wilcox of Orwell, Vt., May 3, 1834, int.
Tence, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Ireland, s. Tence and Margaret, and Margaret Mackpicke, unm., of Marlboro, a. 21 y., b. Ireland, d. Michael and Susan, July 3, 1858. int.
COGGSILL (Coggswell)
Frederick A. [Coggswell. int.], Clerk, 2d m., of Clinton, a. 31 y., b. North Dighton, s. Henry and Harriet, and Delia S. Rand, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. [W. int.] B., d. Merrick R. and Sarah E., Dec. 22, 1887.
Charles A., combmaker, unm., of Leominster, a. 21 y., b. Leominster, s. Jacob and Hannah S., and Isabella N. Sloper, unm., of Bolton, a. 18 y., b. Bolton, d. Robert and Lucy, Apr. 12, 1859.
Olive, and Levi Wheeler, both of B., June 10 [1814.] int.
William W., clergyman, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Wilton, Me., s. Thomas and Rebecca, and Laura Ann Chamberlin, unm., of Clinton, a. 30 y., b. Ohio, N.Y., d. Preston and Laura, June 22, 1860. int.
Eugene D., clerk, unm., of Boston, a. 25 y., b. Boston, s. Daniel and Elizabeth. and Annie E. Fletcher, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Charlestown, d. Ariel K. and Hannah, Sept. 13, 1870.
Adam E., hotelkeeper, 2d m., of Boston, a. 40 y., b. "Cohaine," N.Y., s. Norman and Hannah, and Floretta Sawyer, hotelkeeper, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 38 y., b. Clinton, d. Otis and Charlotte Larkin, Feb. 7, 1886.
Eliza, Mrs., of Bolton. and Col. Joseph Park of B., Sept. 22, 1827. int.
John, painter, 2d m., of B., a. 28 y., b. Plymouth, s. Avery and Lydia, and Clara M. Wheeler, unm., of B., a. 16 y., b. B., d. Jonathan F. and Jernima, Sept. 21, 1870.
Walter, farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 28 y., b. Cambridgeport, s. James G. and Catharine, and Bertha M. Wheeler, at home, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. Robert B. and Nancy M., Sept. 24, 1890.
Walter A., butcher, unm., of Clinton, a. 26 y., b. Salem, N.H., s. Danford and Diancy E. (Brown), and Clara A. Smith, waiter, unm., of Clinton, a. 23 y., b. Orleans, d. Albert and Emma, Jan. 14, 1892.
John, farmer. unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. Northboro, s. John and Mary, and Mary A. McNulty, quiller, unm., of Bolton, a. 21 y., b. Lawrence, d. James A. and Mary E., Apr. 22, 1890.
Maria, unm., of Worcester, a. 27 y., b. England, d. John and Mary, and George F. Fletcher, farmer, unm., of B., a. 31 y., b. Boston, s. Ariel K. and Hannah, May 6, 1875.
Lucy A., unm., Lowell, and Levi Houghton of of B., Nov. 12, 1848.
William F., of B., and Mary Ann Burditt, unm., of Lancaster, Nov. 4, 1843.
William W , farmer, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Chester, s. Orrin and Elizabeth, and Mary F. Willis, 2d m., of Clinton, a. 30 y., b. Wayland, d. Samuel and Mary Willis, June 21, 1862.
Florance C., unm., of Bolton, a. 16 y., d. George B. and Rhoda, and William E. Wood, j[r], miller, unm., of Hudson, a. 27 y., s. William E. and Marsilva, Mar. 5, 1870.
Herbert A., florist, unm., of Marlboro, a. 24 y., b. Marlboro, s. Welcome L. and Emily S., and Emily A. Fosgate, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., d. Joel H. and Ruth, Oct. 24, 1871.
Hattie A., unm., of Clinton, a. 22 y., b. Burlington, Vt., d. Joseph and Huldah [M. int.], and Harvy Chase, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. Haverhill, N.H., s. L. H. and Judith, July 5, 1866.
COOLIDGE (Cooledge)
Abby A. (Cooledge), unm., of Bolton, a. 18 y., b. Bolton, d. Silas, jr. and Judith B., and Charles Henry Hastings, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. B., s. Reuben and Hannah, Nov. 11, 1851. int.
Abigail, of B., and Nathan Foster of Littleton [Acton. int.], May 8, 1786.
Betsey, Mrs., of B., and David Hastings [Hasting. int.], of Boylston, June 12, 1825.
Caleb, of B., and Sophia Newton, unm., of Northboro, Apr. 15, 1817. int.
Hattie L. (Cooledge), housework, unm., of Hudson, a. 23 y., d. adopted, Lyman and ---- Cooledge, and Henry A. Stone, carriage maker, 2d m., of B., a. 33 y., b. B., s. Isaac S. and Martha, Oct. 13, 1883.
Merrick (Cooledge), and Lucy McBride [unm. int.], both of B., Apr. 11, 1816.
Moses (Cooledge), of B., and Lucy Crosby of Shrewsbury, Apr. 15, 1795.
Phillip (Cooledge), of Bolton, and Mary Bennett of Harvard, Oct. 29, 1788.
Rufus Y., farmer, unm., of Hudson, a. 27 y., b. Bolton, s. Rufus and Susan A. (Hapgood), and Mary Jane Wright, unm., of Hudson, a. 18 y., d. Samuel and Mary A., May 30, 1874.
Sally (Cooledge), of B., and Benjamin Brigham of Leicester, Dec. 3, 1812.
Sarah W., at home, unm., of Hudson, a. 22 y., b. Hudson, d. Walter and Sarah A. (Ryder), and Ralph G. Davis, farmer, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Boston, s. Geo[rge] G. and Mary T. (Perkins). July 15, 1896.
Silas (Cooledge), of B., and Nabby Osburn of Bolton, Oct. 23, 1787.
Stephen (Cooledge), and Levina [Levinah. int.] Jones, both of B., May 31, 1785.
Stephen (Cooledge), and Mrs. Betsey Witherby, both of B., Nov. 1, 1818.
W. Raymond, clerk, unm., of Hudson, a. 24 y., b. Hudson, s. Walter and Sarah A. (Ryder), and Mary L. Hastings, at home, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. Edward P. and Sarah (Maynard), Jan. 31, 1895.
Francis, machinist, 2d m., of Sterling, a. 34 y., h. Sterling, s. Elisha and Sophia P., and Abbie Theresa Sawyer, unm., of B., a. 25 y. [24 y. int.]. b. B., d. Josiah E. and Eunice, Mar. 8, 1868.
COTTING, see Cutting.
Adelaide [Addie. int.] R., teacher, unm., of Martha's Vineyard, a. 26 y., b. North Tisbury, d. William and Julia A., and Isaac F. Parmenter, clerk, unm., of B., b. Nelson, N.H., s. A. D. and Julia A., Sept. 28, 1887.
Isaac E., farmer unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. [Milton. int.] England, s. Thomas and Mary A. (Eason), and Carrie P. Jones, at home, unm., 24 y., b. B., d. Ira and Mary E (Frink), Apr. 11, 1893.
Annie, housework, unm., of Barnstable, a. 26 y., b. Nova Scotia, d. John and Mary, and Henry C. Snow, teamster, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. B., s. Ansel L. and Hannah M., Aug. 6, 1887.
Albert Barnes, Rey., clergyman, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. New York City, s. Moses and Harriet Ann, and Mary Wilhelmena Linsley, unm., of Fair Haven, Ct., a. 24 y., b. Fair Haven, Ct., d. Frederick H. and Sarah Maria, Sept. 6, 1879.
Ansel F., painter, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Poland, Me., s. Otis and Eunice, and Mary S. Pollard, unm., of Malden, a. 18 y., d. Josiah and Esther, Nov. 9, 1866. int.
CROSBY (Crossby)
Elmira A., unm., of Marlboro, a. 20 y., b. Marlboro, and Henry R. Holder, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., s. John and Caroline, Dec. 6, 1858, int.
Lucy, of Shrewsbury, and Moses Cooledge of B., Apr. 15, 1795.
Polly [Crossby. int.], of Shrewsbury, and Moses Pollard of B., July 22, 1793.
Carrie A., unm., of Cambridgeport, a. 22 y., b. Montpelier, Vt., d. Jonas P. and Phoebe, and Arthur B. Wheeler, hen fancier, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. B., s. D. B. [David B. int.] and Martha A., Sept. 24, 1885.
Alice B., at home, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Fitchburg. d. F. H. [Frank H. int.] and L. M. [Lelia M. int.] (Farwell), and Ernest A. Bickford, clerk. unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. John C. and Sarah M. (Hebbard), June 5, 1895.
Harrison A., machinist, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., s. F. H. and L. M. (Farwell), and Mabel E. Ware, stitcher, unm., of Hudson, a. 19 y., b. Hudson, d. P. H. and Sarah L. (Lewis), May 27, 1898.
John F., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Bolton, s. adopted, John W. and Anna M. Evans, unm., of Clinton, a. 20 y., b. Bolton, d. Amos, Jan. 29, 1868. int.
Nellie E., teacher, unm., of Lynn, a. 24 y., b. Salem, d. John H. and Ruby G., and Lewis W. Paine, farmer, 2d m., of Bolton, a. 39 y., b. B., s. Tyler and Mary A., Apr. 5, 1890.
Emily, unm., of Barnard, Vt., a. 21 y., b. Barnard, Vt., and Silas R. Carter, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. B., s. Lewis and Sarah, July 9, 1856, int.
Thomas M., stage driver, 2d m., of Boylston. a. 31 y., b. Belchertown, s. John and Jean (Malcome), and Emma Drabble, at home, unm., of Clinton, a. 28 y., b. England, d. Thomas and Hannah (Johnson), Jan. 15, 1896.
Kate, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Ireland, and Thomas Manning, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Ireland, s. Patrick and Elizabeth, Apr. 3, 1856.
Alice S., and J. O. Sawyer, s. Rufus and Seraph, Feb. 10, 1856. P.R.4.
Cora M., unm., of Marlboro, a. 21 y., b. Belchertown, d. Louis P. and Lucy M. (Richards), and Clarence H. Brigham, shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 22 y., b. Marlboro, s. Algernon S. and Matilda, Sept. 18, 1879.
CUTTING (Cotting)
George, and Serepta Moore, unm., of Bolton, Oct. 7, 1836, int.
George A. (Cotting), of B., and Jerusha Vose, of Sudbury, Mar. 16, 1847, int.
George H., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., s. George and Sarepta, and Lavinia K. Sawyer, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Silas and Lucy, Nov. 26, 1857.
Josiah (Cotting), of Northfield, and Betsey Barnes [Barns. unm. int.], of B., July 4, 1821.
Nathaniel, of Millbury, and Almira R. Hastings of Boylston, Jan. 13, 1836.
Sarah B. (Cotting), unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. B., d. Josiah and Betsey, and Andrew J. Lilley, clerk, unm., of Worcester, a. 26 y., b. Hubbardston, s. Samuel and Hannah, Apr. 11, 1855.
Susan, unm., of Templeton, and Oliver Moore of B., Aug. 2, 1833, int.
Maverick (Cotting), Mrs., of Southboro, and Amos Johnson, Esq., of B., Apr. 22, 1814, int.
Myra (Cutting), [unm. int.], and Jesse Jewett, jr., both of B., Dec. 31, 1816.
Charles V., farmer, unm., of Goshen, a. 21 y., b. Marlboro, s. Charles M. and Lena, and Emily M. Norrish, dressmaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 25 y., b. Rawson, Can., d. W[illia]m and Mary A., May 1, 1888.
DAILEY (Daily)
Cora A., operative, unm., of Marlboro, a. 24 y., b. Hudson, d. Eben W. and Eliza Babcock, and William E. Smith, operative, unm., of Marlboro, a. 30 y., b. Rouses Point, N.Y., s. Aaron B., Apr. 21, 1856.
Ebben W. (Daily), carpenter, 2d m., of Marlboro, a. 37 y., b. Canada, s. Gideon and Clarinda, and Elizabeth Wheeler, 2d m., of Marlboro, a. 30 y., b. B., d. Ephriam and Mary Ann Babcock, Nov. 29, 1810.
Elisebeth, domestic, 2d m., of Marlboro, a. 22 y., b. Marlboro, d. Michael and Catharine (Hogan) Carroll, and Augustus Paul, shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 21 y., b. Canada, s. Frank and Olive (Blanchard), Aug. 9, 1888.
Asahel, of Sudbury, and Mary Powers, unm., of B., May 27, 1849. int.
Joel, and Betsey Powers [unm. int.]. both of B., Nov. 30, 1815.
Sarah E., unm., of Hudson, a. 20 y., b. Concord, d. Ephraim and Sarah C. L., and Edward L. Wheeler, farmer, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., s. William W. and Sabra, May 5, 1869.
Georgianna Helen, unm., of Fitchburg, a. 29 y., b. Fitchburg, d. George W. and Clarisa G., and Granville Pierce, clergyman, 2d m., of B., a. 28 y., b. Townsend, s. Jonathan and Abigail, Sept. 16, 1876.
Charles W., wire worker, unm., of Cambridge, a. 24 y., b. Hudson, s. Walter and Sarah J., and Carrie L. Rand, at home, unm., of B., a. 30 y., b. B., d. Merrick R. and Sarah, Aug. 3, 1889.
Fred Eugene, carpenter, unm., of Cambridge, a. 23 y., b. Leominster, s. Walter and Sarah (Briggs), and Grace Rand, at home, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. Merrick R. and Sarah, Jan. 12, 1891.
Nancy J., unm., of Boylston, d. ---- of Boylston, and Amory Carter, house carpenter, widr., of B., a. 31 y., b. B., s. Amory and Lucinda of B., July ----, 1844.
James M., mason, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. Minnesota, s. William and Catharine (Ryan), and Ida Kennedv, at home, 2d m., of Cutler, Me., a. 32 y., b. Maine, d. Asiah W. and Martha Card, Mar. 2, 1897.
Francis Henry, farmer, unm., of Rutland, a. 24 y., b. Holden, s. William W. and Mary B., and Hannah Moore Babcock, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. William I. and Eliza A., Dec. 24, 1872.
Henry H., teamster, unm., of Shrewsbury, a. 32 y., b. Shrewsbury, s. Orrin E. and Hannah W. (Bailey), and Angie B. Fosgate, housekeeper, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. B., d. Joel H. and Ruth A. (Brigham), Nov. 9, 1881.
Laura A., unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Marlboro, d. George G. and Mary A., and Thomas M. Sykes, cloth finisher. a. 31 y., unm., of Limerick, Me., b. England [Halifax, Eng. int.], s. Thomas and Mary A[nn. int.], May 31, 1876.
Leonard White, farmer, unm., of Rutland, a. 24 y., b. Rutland, s. W.,. and Mary H. Allen, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Nathan M. and Lovisa, Dec. 27, 1876, int.
Ralph G., farmer, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Boston, s. Geo[rge] G. and Mary T. (Perkins), and Sarah W. Coolidge, at home, unm., of Hudson, a. 22 y., b. Hudson, d. Walter and Sarah A. (Ryder), July 15, 1896.
Ruth, and Thomas Keyes, both of Bolton, May 5, 1781, int.
William E., shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 22 y., b. Derry, N.H., s. Charles F. and Helen (Knight), and Cora Johnson, at home, unm., of Southboro, a. 26 y., b. Milwaukee, Wis., d. Dustin and Caroline (Pease), Oct. 10, 1883.
Forest E., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Southboro, s. John L. and Julia A. (Wheeler), and Grace H. Merrill, stitcher, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Sewell H. and Augusta D., Nov. 27, 1889.
John L., mechanic, unm., of Southboro, a. 23 y., b. Hill, N.H., Isaac and Caroline, and Julia A. Wheeler, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. George F. and Sarah R., Apr. 5, 1866.
Lewis E., pegger, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. Southboro, s. John L. and Julia A., and Alice P. Randall, stitcher, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Paul A. and Abbie W., Feb. 6, 1890.
Mary E., unm., of Pembroke, N.H., and Nathaniel F. Stevens, clergyman, unm., of B., b. Hartland, Vt., June 15, 1861, int.
Flora B., 2d m., of Marlboro, a. 24 y., b. Ellsworth, Me., d. Charles and Delia Gilipatrick, and Fred A. Boyd, shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 30 y., b. Princeton, s. James and Lucy, Nov. 30, 1885.
Perley, and Hannah B. Goldwait, both of Northboro, Apr. 7, 1831.
Lizzie J., music teacher, unm., of B., a. 32 y., b. Northboro, d. A. C. [Alfred C. int.] and Charlotte A. (Fisher), and Clarence E. Spofford, farmer, unm., of B., a. 32 y., b. B., s. James R. and O. B. (Woodbury), May 18, 1891.
Oliver D., collector, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Sterling, s. A. C. [Alfred C. int.] and Charlotte C. (Fisher), and Eunice Bruce, at home, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. Philo and L. S. [Lavina S. int.] (Fletcher), Nov. 29, 1891.
Willie G., farmer, unm., of Leominster, a. 24 y., b. Leominster, s. Cephas and Anna E., and Mary J. C. Cawthorne, unm., of Leominster, a. 22 y., b. Leominster, d. David and Catharine, May 14, 1879.
Willis H., carpenter, unm., of Clinton, a. 24 y., b. Vermont, s. William P. and Clara C., and Minnie Neela, unm., of Clinton, a. 22 y., June 12, 1882.
Eben[ezer] F., last maker, unm., of Hudson, a. 27 y., b. Salem, s. Thomas and Hannah, and Emma McCarty, unm., of Hudson, a. 19 y., b. New York City, N.Y., d. Maria, July 5, 1879.
Eunice C., unm., of Framingham, and George W. Fosgate of B., Sept. 29, 1848, int.
Timothy, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Ireland. s. Patrick and Bridget, and Rose Monohon, unm., of Clinton, a. 21 y., b. Ireland, d. Patrick and Bridgett Fleite, Oct. 31, 1857, int.
Elizabeth, unm., of Marlboro, a. 24 y., b. Marlboro, d. Reuben and Elizabeth (Jones), and John Hale Howe, shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 24 y., b. B., s. Ephriam and Susan (Jones), May 3, 1863.
Joanna, 2d m., of B., a. 26 y., b. Ireland, and William Jenkins, barber, 2d m., of B., a. 43 y., b. Monson, s. Benjamin and Polly, Oct. 10, 1864.
Edith, housework, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. Dudley, d. Esmond and Angenette, and Edwin B. Vickers, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 36 y., b. E[ast] Thompson, Ct., s. Chandler and Elianna, Oct. 21, 1890.
George E., farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 32 y., b. Bolton, s. Greeley and Lydia B. and Alice L. Wheeler, teacher, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., d. R. B. [Robert B. int.], and Nancy M., June 8, 1887.
Sarah H., unm., of Bolton, a. 28 y., b. Ware, N.H., d. Greely and Lydia E., and Edward N. Sawyer, farmer, unm., of B., a. 32 y., b. B., s. Josiah and Arrissa, May 16, 1876.
Emma, at home, unm., of Clinton, a. 28 y., b. England, d. Thomas and Hannah (Johnson), and Thomas M. Cunningham, stage driver, 2d m., of Boylston, a. 31 y., b. Belchertown, s. John and Jean (Malcome), Jan. 15, 1896.
Annette L., unm., of Milford, a. 24 y., b. Saugus, d. Lemuel R. and Lydia, and Jonas H. Carter, farmer, unm., of B., a. 31 y., b. B., s. Lewis and Sarah, Nov. 30, 1871.
George A., teamster, unm., of Hudson, a. 21 y., b. B., s. Moses and Susan, and Frances A. Goodnow, unm., of Hudson, a. 20 y., b. New York City, d. John and Elizabeth, June 23, 1870.
Martha A., unm., of Hudson, a. 19 y., b. B., d. Moses and Susan M., and Frank Peirce, shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 22 y., b. Leicester, s. Levi L. and Felicia Ann, Jan. 28, 1867.
Mary, Mrs., of Northbridge, and Dea. Stephen Bailey of B., Jan. 23, 1814. int.
Mary A., unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Moses and Susan, and John Cashman, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Williamstown, Ind. [Ireland. int.], s. Edward and Mary, May 9, 1860.
Moses, of B., and Susan M. Bliss, unm., of Marlboro, Nov. 11, 1837, int.
Michael J., farmer, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Bolton, s. Thomas and Hannah (Walsh), and Annie G. O'Malley, at home, unm., of Clinton, a. 25 y., b. Clinton, d. W[illia]m and Margaret (Grady), Dec. 25, 1893.
Mary I., unm., of Gardner, and Stephen G. A. Tyler of B., Oct. 27, 1832, int.
Asenath B., unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Liberty, Me., d. Reuben and Phebe, and Franklin P. Lewis, shoemaker, 2d m., of B., a. 43 y., b. Somerville, Me., s. W[illia]m and Elsie C., Nov. 19, 1878.
Mary, unm., of Bolton, a. 21 y., b. Canada, d. Joseph and Rosilla, and Emery Falkner, jr., farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 28 y., b. Chesterfield, N.H., s. Emery L. and Bathsheba, May 18, 1858.
Fanny E. [M. int.], at home, 2d m., of B., a. 45 y., b. England, d. William and Margaret Bevan, and Roswell [M. int.] Lawrence, shoe finisher, 3d m., of Boston, a. 51 y., b. Bolton, s. Alvanus ( ?) and Delia M. (Sampson), Nov. 11, 1896.
George H., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Charlestown, s. Smith and Mary J., and Martha E. Felton, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. B., d. Merrick and Elizabeth P., Sept. 12, 1869.
Augustus, chair manuf[acturer], 2d m., of Westminster, a. 37 y., b. Westminster, s. Horatio and Sally, and Lucy E. Babcock, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. B., d. Josiah and Betsey, Nov. 9, 1859, int.
Charles D., expressman, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Westminster, s. Augustus and L. Ellen, and M. Southwick, housework, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Milford, d. P. B. and M. J., May 14, 1885.
Charles D., foreman, 2d m., of B., a. 37 y., b. Westminster, s. Augustus and L. Ellen (Babcock), and Mary D. Peabody, unm., of Chelsea, a. 37 y., b. Chelsea, d. John A. and Eliza M. (Baxter), Oct. 6, 1898.
Hollis, of Marlboro, and Lucy Sawyer of B., Nov. 6, 1816.
John, of Northboro, and Mrs. [Miss. int.] Sally Fosgate of B., Nov. 9, 1815.
Joseph, jr., of Boylston, and Abigail Fairbank, 2d, of B., July 3, 1808, int.
Lucy Ellen, 2d m., of Clinton, a. 43 y., b. B., d. Josiah and Betsey Babcock, and George W. Ames, farmer, 3d m., of B., a. 61 y., b. Reading, s. Joel and Anna, June 27, 1876, int.
Mary, Mrs., of Marlboro, and Josiah Barnard of B., Nov. 26, 1829, int.
William L., trader, unm., of Northboro, a. 30 y., b. Northboro, s. Nahum and Sally of Northboro, and Harriet P. Fosgate, unm., of Northboro, a. 17 y., b. Amherst, d. Mendall G., Nov. 21, 1852.
William S., farmer and florist, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. Westminster, s. Augustus and L. Ellen (Babcock), and Clara L. Shattuck, proof reader, unm., of B., a. 33 y., b. B., d. Elijah C. and Olive (Colburn), June 20, 1897.
EAMES, see Ames.
Elijah, of Princeton, and Mrs. Abagail Houghton of B., Aug. 27, 1834, int.
Phillip, of B., and Parnel Howe, unm., of Sterling, Apr. 4, 1814, int.
Fannie F., 2d m., of B., a. 30 y., b. B., d. William Frye, and Brigham Rowe, farmer, unm., of B., a. 46 y., b. Lunenburg, Vt., s. Edman and Susan, Mar. 25, 1868.
Nathan, 4nd Sibilla Nurse [Nurs. int.], both of B., Aug. 30, 1797.
John Francis, shoemaker, 2d m., of Wayland, a. 34 y., b. Milton, s. John and Margaret, and Emma L. Sawyer, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., d. Rufus C., Aug. 28, 1875, int.
Luther B., operative, unm., of Boylston, a. 21 y., b. South Framingham, s. Nathan B. and Lizzie A., and Clara E. Brewer, unm., of Boylston, a. 22 y., b. Boylston, d. John B. and Ede, July 4, 1883.
Caroline M., operative, unm., of Worcester, a. 25 y., b. B., d. John and Ellen, and Frederick E. Willard, mechanic, unm., of Sterling, a. 27 y., b. Princeton, s. Charles and Catharine, July 3, 1887.
Ella L., unm., of B., 19 y., b. B., d. John and Ellen (McCarty), and Henry G. Parmenter, watchman, unm., of Marlboro, a. 22 y., b. Northboro, s. Gill and Sarah [Barney. int.], Oct. 20, 1878.
Mary E., unm., of B., a. 16 y., b. B., d. John and Ellen, and John McDonald, laborer, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Prince Edward I[sland], s. Murdock and Catharine, July 23, 1873.
Anna M., unm., of Clinton, a. 20 y., b. Bolton, d. Amos, and John F. Grossman, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Bolton, s. adopted, John W., Jan. 29, 1868, int.
FAIRBANK (Fairbanks)
Abigail, 2d, of B., and Joseph Eager, jr. of Boylston, July 3, 1808, int.
Abigail [Mrs. int.], of B., and Nathaniel Longley, Esq. [jr. int.] of Bolton, Feb. 9, 1814.
Caleb, and Mary [Money. int.] Goddard, both of B., Nov. 10, 1785.
Ephraim, and Lucy Babcock [Badcock. int.], both of B., May 20, 1807.
George H. shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., s. Silas and Martha, and Mary M. Howe, unm., of Boylston, a. 20 y., b. Boylston, d. Jotham and Louisa, Nov. 1, 1854.
Jabez, "living adjacent to" Leominster, and Betsey Baker of B., July 19, 1786.
Jonathan, and Perny Howe [Parnel How. int.], both of B., Jan. 12, 1786.
Jonathan, and Susanna Koon, both of B., May 7, 1795.
Keziah [Kezia. int.], and James Goddard, Jr., both of B., July 28, 1785.
Lowell, of B., and Olive Flagg, unm., of Southboro, June 14, 1845, int.
Lucy, of Northboro, and Oliver Sawyer of B., Oct. 16, 1800.
Luke (Fairbanks), farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 53 y., h. Sterling, s. Paul and Arethusa, and Susan Sawyer, 3d m., of Sterling, a. 42 y., h. Wiscasset, Me., d. Thomas and Nancy Harraden, Sept. 4, 1869.
Manassah, of B., and Ahagail Howe [Abigail How. int.] of Shrewsbury, Nov. 5, 1785.
Silas, and Patty Jones, both of B., Oct. 19, 1803.
Silas, and Martha W[hite. int.] Wilder, [unm. int.], both of B., Oct. 6, 1817.
Silas B., Col., of B., and Mary Pope, unm., of Marlboro, Mar. 25, 1833, int.
Michael, of Lancaster, and Harriet [M. int.] Hartwell [unm. int.] of B., Mar. 28, 1839.
Martha A., and Isaac S. Stone, both unm., of B., May 31, 1842.
Moses, and Submit Faulkner, both of B., Apr. 21, 1801.
FARWELL (Farewell)
Abbie M., unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Harvard, d. Geo[rge] and Maria [Mary Maria. P.R.8.], and Ivers H. Sawyer, farmer, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., s. Hartwell and Z. Maria, June 14, 1871.
Abel, of Northboro, and Mary H. Bowman, unm., of B., Sept. 17, 1825, int.
Amy H., stitcher, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Geo[rge] and Mary M., and Hollis M. Baker, blacksmith, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Hampden, Me., s. Jerry and Cynthia, Aug. 9, 1887.
Amy H., at home, 2d m., of B., a. 27 y., b. B., d. George and Maria Worcester, and James H. Hebb, teamster, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Nova Scotia, s. Benj[amin] F. and Cassie (Carkun), May 14, 1896.
Hannah S. [Farewell. int.], unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Harvard, d. George and Mary Ann, and Samuel Jillson, shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 21 y., b. Lynn, s. Samuel and Lucy H., Oct. 30, 1873.
FAULKNER (Falkner)
Emery (Falkner), jr., farmer, unm., of Bolton, a. 28 y., b. Chesterfield, N.H., s. Emery L. and Bathsheba, and Mary Durgin, unm., of Bolton, a. 21 y., b. Canada, d. Joseph and Rosilla, May 18, 1858.
Emery (Falkner), mason, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 45 y., b. Chesterfield, N.H., s. Emery and Bathsheba (Frye), and Nellie Yates, unm., of Hudson, a. 21 y., b. North Adams, d. Moses and Maria, Mar. 28, 1876.
Paul, of B., and Sarah Smith of Boylston, at Lancaster, Nov. 28, 1797.
Phylis Ann, unm., of Bolton, and Oliver P. Wheeler of B., Sept. 29, 1842, int.
Submit, and Moses Farnum, both of B., Apr. 21, 1801.
William, of Marlboro, and Esther Baker of B., Mar. 20, 1799.
Baxter, and Elenor Wheeler, both of Northboro, Nov. 14, 1800.
Dexter, of Northboro, and Zilpah Maynard of B., Apr. 10, 1804.
Flavel, of Northboro, and Charlotte Puffer of B., Nov. 26, 1807.
Harriet N. [unm. int.], and Russell Park, both of B., Apr. 2, 1840.
James R., shoe manu[facturer], unm., of B., a. 42 y., b. B., s. Dexter and Zilpha [M. int.], and Laura B. Jones, 2d m., of B., a. 38 y., b. Bolton, d. Jonathan and Phebe Wheeler, Jan. 1, 1867.
Lucy W., unm., of B., and Eber Brewer of Boylston, Apr. 4, 1829, int.
Mary [unm. int.], of B., and [Rev. int.] Levi Brigham of Dunstable, July 6, 1837. C.R.1.
Minnie E., teacher, unm., of B., a. 31 y., b. B., d. N. M. [Nahum W. int.] and Emily R. (Thompson), and Spencer C. Chamberlin, jr., express ag[en]t, unm., of B., a. 30 y., b. B., s. S. C. [Spencer C. int.] and H. J. [Henrietta J. int.] (Hastings), Jan. 29, 1893.
N. Harriman, clerk, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., s. William E. and Mary [J. int.] (McKenna), and Melissa J. Taylor, housework, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. B., d. Arad and Laura E. (Merrill), Sept. 16, 1897.
Nahum W., of B., and Emily R. Thompson, unm., of Uxbridge, Aug. 23, 1844, int.
Sarah M., unm., of B., b. B., d. Dexter and Zilpah of B., and Oliver Taylor, yeoman, unm., of Dunstable, May 7, 1844.
Tamson J., unm., of Hudson, b. Hudson, d. Stephen S. and Mary C. (Houghton), and Charles L. Priest, shoemaker, unm., of Hudson. a. 24 y., b. Hudson, s. Gilman and Betsey, Jan. 1, 1876.
Warren, of Northboro, and Betsey Maynard of B., Oct. 13, 1808.
William E., farmer unm., of B., b. B., s. Nahum W. and Emily R. (Thompson), and Mary J. McKenna, unm., of Marlboro, Feb. 5, 1876.
Zilpah Eliz[abe]th, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. B., d. Dexter and Zilpah M., and William Grassie, clergyman, unm., of Andover, a. 32 y., b. Gay's River. N.S., s. George and Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 1855.
E. Porter, entomologist, unm., of Albany. N.Y., a. 28 y., b. Salem, s. Charles W. and Martha L. [S. int.] (Ropes), and Helen M. Otterson, teacher, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Clinton, d. Charles A. and Margaret W. (Aitken), June 24, 1896.
Addie L., dressmaker, unm., of West B., a. 33 y., b. Lunenburg. d. Henry O. and Charlotte (Phelps), and Levi Babcock, carpenter, 2d m., of West B., a. 49 y., b. B., s. Josiah and Betsey (Bowman), June 27, 1888.
Angelina E., unm., of Marlboro, a. 17 y., b. Marlboro, d. Lambert A. and Harriet E., and Daniel Sawyer, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Bolton, s. Josiah C. and Fatima, July 19, 1860.
George H., miller, unm., of B., a. 36 y., b. Townsend, s. Henry O. and Charlotte, and Sarah Macky, housework, 2d m., of B., a. 32 y., b. Montreal, Can., d. ---- Norrish, Aug. 3, 1884.
George N., shoemaker, 3d m., of Marlboro, a. 32 y., b. Marlboro, s. George and Rachel, and Amelia E. Lyman, unm., of Northfield, a. 22 y., b. Northfield, d. Joseph and Margaret, June 11, 1868.
Henry O., of B., and Charlotte Phelph [Phelps, unm. int.] of Lunenburg, at lunenburg, May 7, 1840.
Jacob, farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 78 y., b. Marlboro, s. Stephen, and Mary Wilkin, 2d m., of Hudson, a. 70 y., b. Sterling, d. Rufus Holman, Feb. 20, 1868, int.
Maria C., unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. Townsend, d. Henry O[tis. int.] and Charlotte, and Levi Babcock, shoemaker, unm., of Clinton, a. 29 y., b. B., s. Josiah and Betsey, Jan. 31, 1869.
Marion A., housework, unm., of B., a. 27 y., b. B., d. Merrick [R. int.] and Elizabeth (Page), and Charles G. Larned, carpenter, unm., of Oxford, a. 33 y., b. Oxford. s. Geo[rge] R. and Sarah [D. int.] (Gilbert), Apr. 23, 1885.
Martha E., unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. B., d. Merrick and Elizabeth P., and George H. Dyar, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Charlestown, s. Smith and Mary J., Sept. 12, 1869.
Merrick, farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 48 y., b. Princeton, s. Jacob and Lucindia, and Mary B. Priest, unm., of Leominster, a. 50 y., Aug. 31, 1872.
Truman P., farmer, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. B., s. Merrick and Elizabeth, and Mary L. Whitcomb, at home, unm., of Marlboro, a. 29 y., b. B., d. Amasa A. and Lucy, June 24, 1890.
James W., of Boston, and Martha J. L. Pollard, unm., of B., Apr. 4, 1841, int.
Bridgett, unm., of Clinton, a. 28 y., b. Ireland, d. Michael and Hannah, and John Kelley, laborer, unm., of B., a. 37 y., b. Ireland, s. John and Bridgett, June 6, 1880.
Abigail, and Levi Merriam, both of Bolton, June 18, 1778.
Deliverance, and Isreal Maynard, both of B., Jan. 20, 1785.
Hannah, and Solomon Moore, both of B., Jan. 11, 1800, int.
Hepsy, of B., and Asa Goss of Bolton, June 23, 1803.
Hepzibah, and William Babcock [Badcock. int.], both of B., May 4, 1795.
Lucy, of B., and Curtis Pollard of Bolton, July 19, 1804, int.
Martha, and James Brittain, both of B., Feb. 7, 1788.
Mary, unm., of Bolton, and Barnabas Brigham of B., Mar. 20, 1824, int.
Molly, of B., and Robert Hudson of Lancaster, Mar. 25, 1807.
Patience [unm. int.], of Bolton, and Abram Babcock of B., June 6, 1830.
William, Jr., of B., and Mrs. Sarah Brewer of Lancaster, Nov. 7, 1835, int.
Mary Jane, housekeeper, unm., of Bolton, a. 33 y., b. Ireland, d. James and Margaret (Griffin), and Joseph R. Wood, painter, 2d m., of B., a. 36 y., b. Shutesbury, s. Charles E. and Harriet A. (Patwine), Jan. 1, 1896.
Arnett G., unm., of Waterville, Me., a. 33 y., b. Waterville, Me., d. Ambrose, and Lewis J. Jewett, wheelwright, unm., of B., a. 45 y., b. B., s. Jesse and Myra, Feb. 5, 1863.
E. Augusta, unm., of Saugus, a. 18 y., b. Saugus, d. Abijah and Ruth C., and William H. Harrington, shoemaker, unm., of South Reading, a. 26 y., b. Boston, s. Daniel S. and Hannah, Feb. 3, 1855.
Andrew L. H., farmer, unm., of Lancaster, a. 23 y., b. Lancaster, s. George L. and Sophrona W., and Abby F. Wheeler, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., d. John and Betsey, Apr. 28, 1860, int.
Hattie L., unm., of South Lancaster, a. 21 y., b. Lancaster, d. George and Saphrona, and Luke M. Wheeler, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., s. John and Betsey, Nov. 14, 1856, int.
Daniel, unm., of Clinton [a. 22 y. in pencil.], and Theresa M. Hodge, unm., of Clinton [a. 22 y. in pencil.], May 8, 1863.
Cleora M., unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Boylston, d. Joseph S. and Martha, and Jonas S. Bigelow, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., s. Abram [Abraham. int.] S. and Eliza, Mar. 17, 1858.
Edward W., farmer, unm., of B., a. 37 y., b. Boylston, s. Joseph and Patty, and Charlotte M. Loomis, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. Southboro, d. William and Easther, Oct. 29, 1859.
Ella M., housework, unm., of B., b. B., d. E. W. and Charlotte M., and Silas L. Mills, farmer, unm., of B., a. 19 y., b. Mason Village [N.H. int.], s. J. K. [John K. int.] and Elizabeth, Dec. 24, 1885.
Emma A., teacher, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Northboro, d. adopted, Henry M. and E. A. (Jones), and Frank Hartwell, merchant [provision dealer. int.], unm., of B., a. 44 y., b. Bedford, s. Joseph and H[annah, int.], (Hodgman), Oct. 14, 1896.
Henry M., farmer, unm., of B., a. 41 y. [44 y. int.], b. Boylston, s. Joseph, and Euretta A. Jones, unm. [of B. int.], a. 36 y., b. Fowler, Trumbull Co., Ohio. d. John L. and Mary E. (Ames), Oct. 24, 1874.
Levi L., of Boylston, and Caroline E. Barnes, unm., of B., Mar. 5, 1848. int.
Mary Martha, unm., of B., a. 33 y., b. Boylston, d. Joseph of B., and Alexander Grassie [boot manuf[acture]r. int.]. 2d m., of B., a. 32 y., b. Gay's River, N S., s. Geo[rge] and Elizabeth, of Bolton, Dec. 28, 1853.
Olive, unm., of Southboro, and Lowell Fairbank of B., June 14, 1845. int.
Ada M., unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Charlestown, d. Ariel K. and Hannah, and William Joseph Caldwell, farmer, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Bath, N.Y., s. Dinsmore and Amelia, May 31, 1872.
Annie E., unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Charlestown, d. Ariel K. and Hannah, and Eugene D. Colby, clerk, unm., of Boston, a. 25 y., b. Boston, s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Sept. 13, 1870.
Edward F., drummer [commercial traveller. int.], 2d m., of Ayer, a. 32 y., b. Littleton, s. R. R. and Sarah M., and Helen Edna Bassett, bookkeeper, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. B., d. W[illia]m and Patience T., Jan. 11, 1887.
Edward F., shoe manuf[acturer], 3d m., of Worcester, a. 42 y., b. Littleton, s. Rufus R. and Sarah M. (Whitney), and Florence M. Bassett, bookkeeper, unm., of Worcester, a. 37 y., b. B., d. William and Patience (Tyler), July 31, 1897.
George F., farmer, unm., of B., a. 31 y., b. Boston, s. Ariel K. and Hannah, and Maria Conner, unm., of Worcester, a. 27 y., b. England, d. John and Mary, May 6, 1875.
Harriet M., unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Boston, d. Ariel K. and Hannah, and John Adams, farmer, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. Waterford, Vt., s. Cornelius and Harriet, Sept. 15, 1872.
Lavina S., unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. Charlestown, d. Ariel K., and Philo Bruce, farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 37 y., b. B., s. Sewell and Eunice, Dec. 20, 1862, int.
Sophia [unm. int.], of B., and Joel Howe of West Boylston, Apr. 1, 1817.
Daniel, shoemaker, 2d m., of Lancaster, a. 41 y., b. Marblehead, s. Nicholas and Mary, and Selucia Bartlett, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., d. William, Mar. 26, 1854, int.
Ellen J., unm., of Clinton, a. 18 y., b. Clinton, d. Waldo and Tabitha, and Augustus L. Hastings, farmer, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Clinton, s. Reuben and Caroline, Jan. 22, 1869.
Julia M., 2d m., of B., a. 26 y., b. Granville, d. Joseph Antilly, and Henry B. Snow, miller, unm., of "Springfield City", a. 26 y., b. Spencer, s. Amos and Achsah, Apr. 5, 1863.
Victoria, unm., of B. [Bangor, Me. int.], a. 18 y., b. Bangor, Me., d. William M. and Sarah, and Cyrus E. Moore, shoemaker, unm., of B., b. Worcester, s. Cyrus and Martha F., Sept. 12, 1857.
Frank W., miller, unm., of Sterling, a. 20 y., b. Croyden, N.H., s. Oliver C. and Charlotte M. N. (Phillips), and Ida C. Wheeler, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., d. Willard M. and Caroline (Fosgate), Nov. 23, 1880.
Alvah Dana, farmer, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. B., s. Joel H. and Ruth Ann (Brigham), and Nellie L. Clark, unm., of Boston, a. 24 y., b. Boston, d. Lewis and Harriett B., Nov. 15, 1882.
Angie B., housekeeper, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. B., d. Joel H. and Ruth A. (Brigham), and Henry H. Davis, teamster, unm., of Shrewsbury, a. 32 y., b. Shrewsbury, s. Orrin E. and Hannah W. (Bailey), Nov. 9, 1881.
Anne, of Bolton, and John Hosmer of Marlboro, Mar. 29, 1781, int.
Betsey, and Samuel Spafford, 2d, both of B., May 24, 1808.
Caroline, unm., of B., b. B., d. Luke and Mary, and Willard M. Wheeler, carpenter, unm., of B., s. Peregreen and Rhoda of B., Sept. 18, 1849.
Charles O., music teacher, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. B., s. Oliver and Lucy, and Nellie F. Hastings. unm., of Concord, a. 21 y., h. Concord, d. Jonas and Almira, June 27, 1865.
Elizabeth, of Bolton, and Thomas Walker of Sudbury, Dec. 22, 1781, int.
Emily A., unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., d. Joel H. and Ruth, and Herbert A. Cook, florist, unm., of Marlboro, a. 24 y., b. Marlboro, s. Welcome L. and Emily S., Oct. 24, 1871.
Francis O., farmer, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. B., s. Joel H. and Ruth A., and Emma S. Symms [Symes. int.], unm., of Winchester, a. 29 y., b. Winchester, d. John, May 19, 1875.
Frederick A., hotel keeper, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. B., s. Joel H. and Ruth A. (Brigham), and Ella F. Swan, housekeeper, unm., of Leominster, a. 26 y., b. Andover, Me. [Fitchburg. int.], d. Benjamin P. and Sarah A., July 11, 1881.
George W., of B., and Eunice C. Dodge, unm., of Framingham, Sept. 29, 1848, int.
Harriet P., unm., of Northboro, a. 17 y., b. Amherst, d. Mendall G., and William L. Eager, trader, unm., of Northboro, a. 30 y., b. Northboro, s. Nahum and Sally of Northboro, Nov. 21, 1852.
Joel, and Naomi Guilbert, both of Bolton, Dec. 17, 1777.
Joel H., of B., and Ruth Ann Brigham, unm., of North Bridgton, Me., Aug. 5, 1843, int.
John G., farmer, unm., of B., a. 32 y., b. B., s. Luke and Mary, and Martha Rice, unm., of Marlboro, a. 29 y., b. Marlboro, d. Abel, Dec. 25, 1852.
John G., farmer, 2d m., of B., a. 36 y., b. B., s. Luke and Mary, and Elizabeth Heyward [Heywood. int.], unm., of Concord, a. 34 y., b. Boxboro, d. Otis and Lucy, Nov. 29, 1857.
Julia E., unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., d. George W. and Eunice C., and Sidney B. Carter, carpenter, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. B., s. Lewis L. and Susan E., Dec. 25, 1878.
Lewis E., farmer, unm., of B., a. 30 y., b. B., s. Geo[rge] W. and Eunice C. (Dodge), and Ella G. Walcott, dressmaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 21 y., b. Bolton, d. C. P. [Clifford. int.] and Mary A. (Paine), June 9, 1894.
Louisa G., unm., of Fitchburg, a. 18 y., b. Northboro, d. Mendall G. and Hattie, and Solomon W. Putnam, jr., unm., of Fitchburg, a. 20 y., b. Fitchburg, s. Solomon W., Nov. 18, 1863.
Lucy [unm. int.], and Thomas Holder, both of B., Nov. 2, 1831.
Luke, of B., and Mary Rice, unm., of Marlboro, Mar. 21, 1817, int.
Mendal, and Sally Spafford [Jr. int.], both of B., Apr. 9, 1801.
Nellie M., at home, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. B., d. Geo[rge] W. and Eunice C. (Dodge), and Ernest C. Ross, shoemaker, unm., of Hudson, a. 28 y., b. B., s. Donald and Sarah (Randall), June 11, 1895.
Oliver, of Sterling, and Lucy Houghton [unm. int.], of B., Apr. 10, 1832.
Reuben P., farmer, unm., of B., a. 24 y., b. B., s. Luke and Mary, and Sarah D. Loomis, unm., of Southhoro, a. 19 y., h. Southhoro, d. Sally, June 11, 1851, int.
Robert, and Hannah Sawyer [jr. int], both of B., Dec. 25, 1805.
Sally, of B., and Stephen Puffer of Sutton, Sept. 15, 1812.
Sally, Mrs. [Miss. int.], of B., and John Eager of Northboro, Nov. 9, 1815.
Sophia, of B., and James Maynard of Northboro, Sept. 28, 1813.
Susanna, of B., and Moses Brigham of Marlboro, Mar. 20, 1815.
Elizabeth. of B., and Abel Goulding of Shrewsbury, Oct. 22, 1806.
Nathan, of Littleton [Acton. int.], and Abigail Cooledge of B., May 8, 1786.
Rosanna, until., of B., a. 18 y., b. Natick, d. George B. and Rachel, and Josiah W. Staples, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Oxford, Me., s. Joseph and Sarah, May 23, 1869.
Mary, weaver, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. Germany, d. August and Augustie, and Henry Taubner, beamer, unm., of Clinton. a. 25 y., b. Germany, s. Frederich Shlosser and Frank [Freidriche. int.]. Oct. 21, 1895.
Phebe, and Erskin Holt, both of Holden, Oct. 6, 1833.
William Robert, farmer, unm., of Northboro, a. 25 y., b. Nova Scotia, s. Robert and Susan, and Sarah Jane Babcock, domestic, unm., of B., a. 20 y., b. B., d. W[illia]m T. and Eliza Ann, Jan. 1, 1887.
Lucius W., blacksmith, unm., of Northboro [Gardner. int.], a. 22 y., b. Connecticut [Templeton. int.], s. George and Mary (Quimby), and Amanda A. Monke, housework, unm., of B., a. 26 y., b. Nova Scotia, d. Henry and Catharine (Newcome), Sept. 1, 1895.
FRYE (Fry)
Abigail (Fry), and Daniel Wheeler, at Friend's Meeting House in Bolton, June 5, 1800. P.R.3.
Chester J., shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 26 y., b. B., s. George and Zilpah (Goddard), and Lavinia Howe, at home, unm., of Marlboro, a. 19 y., b. Marlboro, d. Frank and Emily S. (Sherman), Nov. 16, 1881.
David A., shoemaker, unm., of Grafton, a. 36 y., b. Bolton, s. Jon[atha]n and Ama, and Sarah Howard, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Boylston, d. Rufus and Louis of B., Nov. 21, 1848.
Emma, unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Sampson and Harriett, and George Hunting, shoemaker, unm., of Clinton, a. 22 y., b. Holliston, s. Thomas A. G. and Elizabeth, July 19, 1876, int.
George F. (Fry). shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. Bolton, s. William and Fanny F., and Zilpah A. Goddard, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. B., d. Ephraim and Sophia, Nov. 8, 1852, int.
Harriet Ellen, unm., of Marlboro, a. 21 y., b. Bolton, d. Obediah, and Allston H. Stetson, carpenter, unm., of Marlboro, a. 24 y., b. Marlboro, s. William and Elizabeth R., Mar. 13, 1867.
Jonathan (Fry), and Sarah Bennett, unm., both of B., Feb. 11, 1849, int.
Lucy, unm., of Bolton, a. 23 y., b. B., d. Richard and Caroline, and Elijah Jones, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 26 y., h. Sudbury, s. Fitch and Abagail, Mar. 31, 1859.
Mary A., unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. Grafton, d. David A. and Sarah, and Alonzo F. Green, mason, unm., of B., a. 21 y., b. B., s. Edward F. and Louisa A., Oct. 24, 1872.
Rachel S., 2d m., of Bolton, a. 25 y., b. Bolton, d. Joseph and Rachel F. Holder, and Willard G. Bruce, farmer, unm., of B., a. 28 y., b. B., s. Sylvanus and Hannah, Sept. 23, 1867.
Sampson W., shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 23 y., b. Bolton, s. William and Fannie, and Harriet Palmer, unm., of B., a. 16 y., b. Springfield, d. John E. and Tirzah [---- ---, 1857.] [May 6, 1857. int.]
Sarah Congdon [unm. int.], of Bolton, a. 43 y., b. Bolton, d. Thomas and Mary, and Willard Southwick, farmer, unm., of B., a. 43 y., b. B., s. Stephen H. [S. int.] and Mary (Wheeler), Sept. 11, 1860.
William Henry (Fry), shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. William and Fanny, and Mary E. Goddard, unm., of B., a. 25 y., b. B., d. Ephraim and Sophia, Nov. 22, 1851, int.
Abigail, of Boylston, and Ebenezer Butler of B., Oct. 12, 1807.
Alma F., unm., of B., a. 18 y., b. B., d. Samuel M. and Catharine, and Charles Russell, clerk, unm., a. 20 y., b. Marlboro, s. Samuel and Lydia, Feb. 1, 1865.
Catherine, unm., of B., a. 17 y., b. Ludlow, d. Sam[ue]l M. and Catherine, and Rufus C. Sawyer, shoemaker, unm., of Marlboro, a. 21 y., b. B., s. Rufus and Seraph, Sept. 29, 1852, int.
Edward, of Lancaster. and Susanna Maynard of B., Oct. 13, 1803.
Elizabeth, unm., of B., a. 16 y., b. B., d. Sam[uel] M. and Catherine, and Charles H. Hartwell, shoemaker, unm., of B., a. 22 y., b. B., s. Leonard and Abigail, Apr. 5, 1853, int.
Mary, of Boylston, and Sylvanus [Silvanus. int.] Hastings of B., at Boylston, Dec. 25, 1799.
Samuel E., clerk, unm., of B., a. 29 y., b. Sunderland, s. Samuel M. and Catharine, and Julia M. Bailey, unm., of Worcester. a. 25 y., d. Nathan and Eunice, Apr. 2, 1868, int.