Vital Records Of Berlin, Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1899
Collected And Compiled By Frances L. Eaton
Edited By Martha F. Duren
Published By Frances L. Eaton, Marlboro, Mass. 1935.

[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger ]

Chester, s. Henry and Sophia, bp. Aug. 18, 1844. C.R.1.
Abbie S., d. Adin B., mason, and Jennie E. Clapp, both b. Holyoke, at South B., Apr. 14, 1885.
Charles Sumner, s. Nathan M., farmer, b. Pittsfield, and Lovisa, b. B., at West Dist., Nov. 9, 1859.
Charlotte, d. Charles H., farmer, and Harriet B. Pratt, both b. Reading, at South B., Jan. 8, 1894.
Dwight Adin, s. Adin B., mason, and Jennie E. Clapp, both b. Holyoke, at South B., Sept. 15, 1894.
Ellen Lovisa, d. Elmer E., farmer, b. B., and Mary S. Barnes, b. Boylston, at West B., Dec. 10, 1895.
Elmer Ellsworth [Milner Ellsworth. dup.], s. Nathan M., farmer, b. Pittsfield, Vt., and Lovisa (Babcock), b. B., Feb. 6, 1862.
Ethan, see Allen, Isaac.
Harry E., s. Adin B., farmer, b. West Springfield, and Jenny E., b. Holyoke, at Charlton, Apr. 24, 1881.
Howard Aden, s. Aden, mason, b. Springfield, and Jennie E. Clapp, b. Holyoke, at South B., Jan. 9, 1883.
Isaac [Ethan. dup.], s. Nathan M., farmer, b. Templeton, and Lovisa, b. B., at North Sch. Dist., Sept. 21, 1853.
Joseph Albert, s. Nathan M., farmer, b. Templeton, and Lovisa, b. B., at North Dist., Aug. 17, 1855. [Dec. ----. dup.]
Mary Alice, d. Adin B., mason, and Jennie E. Clapp, both b. Holyoke, at South B., July 12, 1888.
Mary Hannah, d. Nathan M., farmer, b. Pittsfield, and Lovisa, b. B., Aug. 16, 1857.
Milner Ellsworth, see Allen, Elmer Ellsworth.
Tho[ma]s, s. Amos and [Mary. in pencil], bp. Aug. 5, 1787. C.R.1.
Walter Millimer, s. Elmer E., farmer, b. B., and Mary S. Barnes, b. Boylston, at West B., July 12, 1893.
William Nathan, s. Nathan M. and Lovisa, Dec. ----, 1850.
Arthur Kendall, s. Samuel E., shoemaker, b. Boylston, and Mary A., b. Lancaster, May 19, 1867.
Cora A., d. Samuel E., shoemaker, b. Boylston, and Mary A., b. Lancaster, at Center Dist., Apr. 15, 1866.
Cora Edna, d. George H., shoemaker, b. Boylston, and Adeliza Jane Howard, b. B., Aug. 12, 1874.
E. A., Mar. 17, 1821. P.R.2.
George Elliot, s. Samuel E., shoemaker, b. Boylston, and Mary A., b. Lancaster, at Center Dist., Feb. 14, 1870.
George H., Nov. 22, 1840. P.R.2.
H. P., May 19, 1819. P.R.2.
James Elliot, s. George H., shoemaker, b. Boylston, and Adeliza Jane, b. B., Sept. 12, 1865.
Nettie Everline [Eveline. dup.], d. George H., shoemaker, b. Boylston, and Adeliza Howard, b. B., Mar. 26 [1876].
William Henry, s. James E., shoemaker, and Flora M. Babcock, both b. B., at Carterville, Sept. 4, 1885.
Indiana Howe, d. Lorren of Northboro, trader, b. Southboro, and Morgianna Maria, b. B., Oct. 22, 1860.
BABCOCK (Badcock)
Aaron Barnes, s. Josiah and Betsey, Aug. 28, 1823.
Abagail, d. William and Hannah, Aug. 26, 1812.
Abagail Lovisa Miriam, d. William T., farmer, b. B., and Eliza Ann, b. Bolton, at North Dist., Mar. 12, 1870.
Abram, s. William and Sybil, at Mason, N.H., June 9, 1770.
Abram [Badcock. C.R.1.], s. Ephraim and Eunice, May 20, 1802.
Abram [Badcock. C.R.1.]. s. Ephraim and Eunice, May 20, 1806.
Albert, s. William [Badcock, jr. C.R.1.] and Hannah, Sept. 10, 1810.
Alice Edna, d. William T., shoe manufacturer, and Harriet, both b. B., July 3, 1870.
Alvin [Alvan Badcock. C.R.1.], s. Ephraim and Eunice, Nov. 21, 1808.
Anne [Ann. dup.] Maria, d. Josiah, miller, and Betsey, at West Dist., Nov. 18, 1843.
Augusta A., d. Ephraim, Jr. and Mary Ann, Aug. 15, 1841.
Azubah, s. William and Sybil, at Northboro, Oct. 15, 1754.
Betsey, Apr. 27, 1803. P.R.2.
Charles Oliver, s. Jonathan, farmer, b. B., and Susan, at Carterville, Mar. 3, 1850.
Charles William. s. William Thomas, farmer, b. B., and Eliza Ann, b. Bolton, Jan. 26, 1861.
Cora Edith, d. Frank, farmer, b. B., and Jennie E. Miller, b. Holliston, Mar. 13, 1876.
Curtis [Badcock. C.R.1.], s. Ephraim and Eunice, Oct. 9, 1810.
Curtis, s. Josiah and Betsey, Feb. 5, 1831.
Curtis Frederic, s. Curtis, shoemaker, b. B., and Susannah, b. Boston, at West Dist., Mar. 9, 1858.
Dexter, s. Josiah and Betsey, Feb. 15, 1837.
Edwin [Badcock. C.R.1.], s. William [jr. C.R.1.] and Hannah, Mar. 8, 1815.
Edwin A[lbert. C.R.1.], s. Albert and Mary, Aug. 6, 1838.
Effie May, d. W[illia]m T., shoemaker, and Hattie M., both b. B., Mar. 30, 1872. [Apr. 7. P.R.8.]
Elizabeth Barnard, d. Ephraim, jr. and Mary Ann, Sept. 21, 1830.
Ellen Maria [Elnor Miria. dup.], d. Josiah and Betsey, Oct. 13, 1825.
Emily Ann, d. Ephraim, jr. and Mary Ann, May 1, 1839.
Eph[rai]m, s. William and Sybil, at Northboro, Mar. 22, 1772.
Ephr[ai]m [Badcock. C.R.1; jr. P.R.2.], s. twin, Ephraim and Eunice, June 9, 1798.
Erving Levi, s. Levi, carpenter, b. B., and Maria C. Felton, b. Townsend, Jan. 24, 1882.
Ethel May, d. Levi, carpenter, b. B., and Maria Felton, b. Townsend, at West B., Apr. 11, 1877.
Eunice [Badcock. C.R.1.], d. twin, Ephraim and Eunice, June 9, 1798.
Eunice [Sawyer Badcock. C.R.1.], d. Ephraim and Eunice, Mar. 30, 1817.
Eunice Alma, d. Josiah and Betsey, Feb. 9, 1822.
Eunis, Nov. 10, 1775. P.R.2.
Flora Martina, d. William T. [T. W. C.R.1.], shoemaker, and Harriet M., both b. B., at C[enter] Dist., July 17, 1866.
Francis, s. Ep[h]aim, jr. and Mary Ann, July 18, 1832.
Francis Walter, s. Jonathan, farmer, b. B., and Susan, b. Templeton, at North Sch. Dist., Apr. 3, 1852.
Frank Everett, s. William I., shoemaker, and Eliza, both b. B., Aug. 11, 1861.
George Abram, s. Josiah, miller, and Betsey, Dec. 21, 1845.
George W. A., Oct. 10, 1816. P.R.2.
Grace Anna, d. John D., carpenter, and Ella L., both b. B., Feb. 3, 1871.
Hannah, Dec. 7, 1782. P.R.2.
Hannah M., d. W[illia]m Thomas, farmer, b. B., and Elizabeth A., b. Bolton, at West Dist., July 6, 1854.
Harriet [Badcock. C.R.1.], d. Ephraim and Eunice, Nov. 10, 1814.
Harrison Tyler, s. Josiah and Betsey, Apr. 17, 1841.
Herbert, s. William T., of Clinton, jobber, and Eliza, both b. B., Nov. 14, 1865.
Herbert Ira, s. William I., shoemaker, and Eliza, both b. B., at West Dist., Jan. 29, 1859.
John Davis, s. Ephraim, jr., yeoman, and Mary Ann, at West Sch. Dist., Sept. 30, 1844.
Jonathan [Badcock. C.R.1.], s. William [jr. C.R.1.] and Hannah, July 25, 1819.
Josephine Louisa, d. William T., farmer, b. B., and Eliza Ann, b. Bolton, Mar. 20, 1864.
Josiah [Badcock. C.R.1.], s. Ephraim and Eunice, Jan. 9, 1795.
Josiah Gilman, s. Josiah and Betsey, Jan. 12, 1835.
Levi, s. Josiah and Betsey, Mar. 28, 1839.
Lois Moore [Badcock. C.R.1.], d. Ephraim and Eunice, Sept. 10, 1812.
Lovisa, d. William and Hannah, Aug. 28, 1824.
Lucy, d. William and Sybil, June 29, 1785.
Lucy Bailey, d. Josiah and Betsey, Aug. 17, 1827.
Lucy Ellen, d. Josiah and Betsey, Dec. 28, 1832.
Luther M., see Babcock, M. Luther.
M. Luther [Luther Moors Badcock. C.R.1.], s. William and Hannah, July 3, 1808.
Marshall W[aldo Badcock. C.R.1.], s. Ephraim, jr. and Mary Ann, July 20, 1828.
Martha Maria, d. Reuben and Priscilla, bp. Nov. 7, 1847. C.R.1.
Mary Addle, d. William Tho[mas], farmer, b. B., and Eliza A., b. Bolton, Mar. 20, 1857.
Mary Ann, Aug. 23, 1805. P.R.2.
Mary Ann, Feb. 2, 1816. P.R.2.
Mary B., Aug. 19, 1815. P.R.2.
Mary Maria, d. W[illia]m Tho[mas], 2d, farmer, and Hattie Maria Sawyer, both b. B., June 29, 1874.
Patience, Jan. 5, 1794. P.R.2.
Peter, s. William and Sybil, Sept. 19, 1782.
Sarah [Badcock. C.R.1.], d. William [jr. C.R.1.] and Hannah, Mar. 1, 1817.
Sarah Abby, d. Albert, farmer, and Mary B., both b. B., at West Dist., July 24, 1850.
Sarah Jerusha, d. William T., farmer, b. B., and Eliza Ann, b. Bolton, Mar. 19, 1867.
Sarah M., d. George W. A. and Mary Ann, May 18, 1839.
Sybil, d. William and Sybil, Sept. 13, 1776.
W. Thomas, s. William and Hannah, Feb. 20, 1822.
Waldo Sumner, s. Abram, carpenter, b. B., and Sabra Andrews, b. Marlboro, Nov. 13, 1860.
Wheeler, s. William and Sybil, Apr. 4, 1774.
William, s. William and Sybil, Apr. 29, 1780.
William [Badcock. C.R.1.], s. Ephraim and Eunice, Aug. 12, 1804.
W[illia]m Ira, s. Josiah and Betsey, July 21, 1829.
William Thomas, 2d, s. Albert and Mary B., Oct. 18, 1840.
William Thomas, s. Albert and Mary, bp. July 4, 1841. C.R.1
----, d. Reuben, yeoman, and Priscilla, Mar. 3, 1845.
----, d. stillborn, Levi, carpenter, b. B., and Maria C. Felton, b. Townsend, July 18, 1875.
Isaac Cornelius, s. Joseph C., shoemaker, b. Cambridgeport, and Nancy Maria (Allen), b. Manchester, N.H., Sept. 10, 1862.
Mary Jeanette, d. Joseph C., laborer, b. Bolton, and Nancy Maria, b. Manchester, N.H., Oct. 21, 1860.
Algernon Sidney, s. Stephen and Sally [Sarah. C.R.1.], May 11, 1782.
Algernon Sidney, s. Jedidiah, bp. May 19, 1816. C.R.1.
Benj[ami]n F[ranklin. C.R.1.], s. Timothy and Sally, at Westboro, Jan. 1, 1807. [Jan. 29. P.R.2.]
Betty, d. Silas and Levina, bp. Mar. 15, 1789. C.R.1.
Calvin, s. Silas and Levina, bp. Feb. 12, 1786. C.R.1.
Calvin, s. Amherst, bp. Apr. 5, 1801. C.R.1.
Clarisa, d. Stephen and Sally, Mar. 16, 1779.
Clarissa, d. Jedediah, bp. Aug. 23. 1807. C.R.1.
Clarrisa, d. Jedediah and Clarrisa, Dec. 22, 1802.
Eliza, d. Jedediah and Clarrisa, Jan. 9, 1801.
Emma, d. Stephen and Sally [Sarah. C.R.1.]. Oct. 27, 1790.
Euseba, d. Stephen and Sally [Sarah. C.R.1.], Jan. 21, 1787.
Eusebia, d. Jedediah and Clarrisa, ----. [bp. Apr. 16, 1809. C.R.1.]
F. Benjamin, see Bailey, Benjamin F.
George L[yman. C.R.1.], s. Timothy and Sally, Dec. 18, 1817. [Dec. 28. P.R.2.]
Hannah, d. Amherst, bp. May 13, 1804. C.R.1.
Holloway, s. Silas and Levina, bp. July 4, 1784. C.R.1.
Horrace, s. Stephen and Sally, Apr. 23, 1793.
Isreal, s. Benjamin and Sybil, Sept. 8, 1741.
Levina, d. Silas and Levina, bp. Aug. 22, 1790. C.R.1.
Lewis, s. Silas and Levina, bp. Mar. 31, 1793. C.R.1.
Lucinda, d. Amherst, bp. Oct. 28, 1810. C.R.1.
Lucy, d. Amherst and Lydia, bp. May 6, 1787. C.R.1.
Mira, d. Stephen and Sally, Nov. 15, 1795.
Persis, d. Amherst and Lydia, bp. Oct. 6, 1793. C.R.1.
Sally, d. Stephen and Sally [Sarah. C.R.1.] Feb. 9, 1789.
Sally Crosby, d. Jedediah and Clarrisa, May 17, 1805.
Sarah, Sept. 23, 1782. P.R.2.
Sarah, d. Amherst, bp. May 12, 1799. C.R.1.
Sarah Abagail [Abigail. dup.], d. Benj[arnin] F. and Sarah B., Dec. 9, 1838.
Sarah B. W., Feb. 7, 1809. P.R.2.
Sarah E[ager. C.R.1.], d. Timothy and Sally, at Westboro, Jan. 25, 1809.
Silas, s. Silas and Levina, bp. July 21, 1782. C.R.1.
Silas, s. Amherst, bp. Apr. 3, 1796. C.R.1.
Silas, s. Timothy and Sally, Oct. 13, 1811.
Sophy Spooner, d. Jedidiah, bp. Jan. 26, 1812. C.R.1.
Stephen, s. Stephen and Sally, Apr. 19, 1798.
William, s. Amherst and Lydia, hp. Aug. 15, 1790. C.R.1.
Winthrop, s. Stephen and Sally [Sarah. C.R.1.], May 7, 1784. [June 20. dup.]
Winthrop, Sept. 25, 1850. P.R.2.
Zilpa, d. Amherst, bp. May 10, 1807. C.R.1.
----, s. Stephen and Sally, Mar. 6, 1781.
Anna, d. Jonathan and Thankful, May 31, 1789.
Artemas, s. Sam[ue]l, jr. and Hannah, Apr. 4, 1784.
Betsey, d. Abel and Molly, Oct. 31, 1785.
Betsey, d. Edward, bp. July 17, 1796. C.R.1.
Calvin, s. Sam[ue]l, jr. and Hannah, Nov. 22, 1793.
Dinah, d. Jonathan and Mary, Mar. 11, 1793.
Edward, jr., s. Edward and Hepzibah, Oct. 1, 1788.
Eli, s. Sam[ue]l, jr. and Hannah, Mar. 19, 1786.
Hannah, d. Sam[ue]l, jr. and Hannah, Jan. 31, 1799.
Hepzi [Hepsy. C.R.1.], d. Edward and Hepzibah, Feb. 9, 1791.
John, s. Edward and Hepzibah, Apr. 19, 1786.
Jonas, s. Sam[ue]l, jr. and Hannah, Dec. 25, 1791.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Mary, Apr. 7, 1798.
Joseph, s. Sam[ue]l, jr. and Hannah, Jan. 28, 1788.
Keziah, d. Edward and Hepzibah, June 5, 1784.
Levi, s. Sam[ue]l, jr. and Hannah, Feb. 15, 1790.
Luke, s. Edward and Hephzibah, bp. May 30, 1784. C.R.1.
Luther, s. Sam[ue]l, jr. and Hannah, Jan. 12, 1797.
Marshal, s. Abel and Molly [Mary. C.R.1.], Mar. 21, 1788.
Oliver, s. Sam[ue]l, jr. and Hannah, at Bolton, July 17, 1801.
Persis, d. Edward and Hepzibah. Sept. 14, 1793.
Polly, d. Abel and Mary, bp. Aug. 1, 1784. C.R.1.
Sally, d. Edward and Hephzibah, bp. May 30, 1784. C.R.1.
Sam[ue]l, s. Sam[ue]l [jr. in pencil.] and Hannah, bp. Aug. 31, 1783. C.R.1.
Susanna, d. Sam[ue]l [jr. in pencil.] and Hannah, bp. Aug. 31, 1783. C.R.1.
Elisabeth, d. Jona[tha]n and Mary, bp. Oct. 3, 1784. C.R.1.
Lucy, d. Jona[tha]n and Mary, bp. Mar. 3, 1782. C.R.1.
Gertrude May, d. William F., farmer, b. Newton, and Lillian M. McLaughlin, b. Maine, at North B., Oct. 4, 1897.
Herbert Dana, s. Tilson W., blacksmith. b. Bethel, Me., and Catharine, b. Marlboro, at South Dist., Aug. 15, [18]59.
Ann Eliza, d. Oliver H. and Mary, July 28, 1834.
Charles F., s. Oliver H. and Mary, Oct. 27, 1838.
George Henry, s. Oliver H. and Mary, Oct. 5, 1831.
George Stevens, s. George W., farmer, b. Harvard, and Carrie Dudley. b. Exeter. N.H., Dec. 1, 1879.
Hannah, Feb. 17, 1818. P.R.2.
Henry L., s. Lewis H. and Hannah, Oct. 7, 1838 [1839. dup.]
Lewis, s. John and Martha. Aug. 22, 1792.
Lewis Gilman, s. Oliver H. and Mary, Aug. 23, 1836.
Lewis Harrington, s. Josiah and Catherine, Mar. 28, 1817.
Mary Jane, d. Oliver H. and Mary, Oct. 17, 1841.
Oliver H., s. Josiah and Catherine, July 3, 1805.
Sally, d. twin, John and Martha, Nov. 3, 1787.
Sarah H., d. Oliver H. and Mary, July 5, 1830.
Timothy, s. twin, John and Martha, Nov. 3, 1787.
BARNES (Barns)
Ann G[enette. C.R.1.], d. Daniel and Betsey, Dec. 10, 1826.
Artemas, s. William and Betsey, June 7, 1796.
Asenath, d. Daniel and Betsey, July 25, 1839.
Assenah, d. David and Assenah, Sept. 13, 1802.
Betsey, Mar. 9, 1774. P.R.2.
Betsey, d. William and Betsey, Dec. 20, 1798.
Betsey, May 22, 1799. P.R.2.
Betsy Maria, d. Artemas, bp. Nov. 19, 1826. C.R.1.
Caroline E[lisaheth. C.R.1.], d. Daniel and Betsey, Aug. 16, 1823.
Daniel, s. David and Assenah, Jan. 24, 1795.
Daniel W., s. Daniel and Betsey, June 6, 1841.
David, s. David and Assenah, Dec. 25, 1800.
David, s. Daniel, yeoman, and Betsey, at West Dist., Oct. 19, 1843.
Eleanor, d. Aaron, bp. June 1, 1823. C.R.1.
Emmogen Mary, d. George H., farmer, b. B., and Eliza Ann, h. Sutton, Oct. 22, 1860.
George Daniel, s. George H., farmer, b. B., and Eliza A., b. Sutton, Dec. 25, 1868.
George H., s. Daniel and Betsey, Dec. 18, 1831.
Hannah (Barns), d. William and Betsey, Sept. 18, 1801.
Harriet G., d. Daniel and Betsey, Aug. 10, 1833.
Hazel Marion, d. John H., of Barnes Hill, farmer, b. B., and Luella Bell Ayers, b. Vermont, June 23, 1896.
Isreal L[ongley. C.R.1.], s. Daniel and Betsey, May 19, 1825.
James W., s. Daniel and Betsey, June 1, 1830.
James W., s. Daniel and Betsey, May 15, 1835.
John, s. Edward and Hephzibah, bp. Apr. 30, 1786. C.R.1.
John, s. David and Assenah, Oct. 11, 1805.
John Henry, s. George H., farmer, b. B., and Eliza A., b. Sutton, Apr. 20, 1864.
Lucy, d. William and Betsey, Jan, 20, 1804.
Lucy Sophia, d. George H., farmer, b. B., and Eliza A., b. Sutton, Nov. 18, 1865.
Martha, d. Daniel and Betsey, Mar. 30, 1837.
Martha W[ashington. C.R.1.], d. William and Betsey, Aug. 1, 1814.
Martha Washington, d. Artemas and Nancy, Jan. 29, 1823.
Mary A., s. Peter, laborer, b. Newfoundland, and Julia, b. Ireland, Aug. 22, 1873.
Mary Elizabeth, d. Aaron, bp. June 1, 1823. C.R.1.
Mary Imogene, d. George H. and Eliza, bp. Aug. 4, 1874.
Mary S[ophia. C.R.1.], d. Daniel and Betsey, June 12, 1823. [1822. dup.]
Nancy Jane, d. Artemas and Nancy, Feb. 14, 1828.
Roany, ch. Daniel and Betsey, Oct. 21, 1828.
Sally [Sarah. P.R.2.], d. William and Betsey, May 5, 1808.
Welcom[e], s. David and Assenah, Aug. 15, 1793.
William, Apr. 5, 1773. P.R.2.
William Merriam, s. Artemas and Nancy, Jan. 3, 1825.
John Mathew, s. Garrett, laborer, and Hannah, both b. Ireland, at North Dist. Dec. 27, 1858.
Clifford Herbert, s. James W., bread salesman, b. Maine, and Carrie L. Gleason, b. Heath, Dec. 12, 1891.
Lila May, d. James W., minister, b. Maine, and Carrie L. Gleason, b. Heath, May 5, 1890.
Marion Smith, d. James W., salesman, b. Maine, and Carrie L. Gleason, b. Heath, at Center B., Sept. 11. 1893.
Amory Adam, s. John and Mary, Apr. 17, 1822.
Annette L., d. Selucia, b. B., at West Sch. Dist., Apr. 21, 1852.
Bessie Roberts, d. Theodore H., laborer, b. Hubbardston, and Mary E., b. B., July 10, 1869.
Charles Amory, s. Amory and Jane, bp. July 26, 1846. C.R.1.
Daniel, s. Adam and Persis, Nov. 11, 1797.
Ezra Kendall, s. William, yeoman, and Sarah, June 30, 1845.
Frank, s. John Francis, laborer, and Asenth Moore, both b. B., Sept. 13, 1860.
George A., s. William and Sally, July 20, 1835.
Harriet, d. Adam and Persis, Jan. 21, 1794.
Henry W., s. William and Sally, May 25, 1829.
Inez May, d. John Francis, shoemaker, and Asseneth Moore (Barnes), both b. B., at Westboro, Aug. 2, 1862.
John, s. Adam and Persis, Mar. 4, 1796.
John Francis, s. John and Mary, Apr. 18, 1830.
Jonathan. s. Adam and Persis, Aug. 7, 1810.
Joseph T., s. William and Sally, Oct. 8, 1842.
Lester Mondez [Mondes. C.R.1.], s. Amory Adam, shoe manufacturer, b. Lancaster, and Sarah Jane, b. Bolton, Aug. 4, 1860.
Levi, s. Adam and Persis, Aug. 1, 1799.
Lewis Mont[gome. C.R.1.]ry, s. Amory A., shoe manufacturer, and Sarah Jane, both b. B., Mar. 31, 1857.
Lewis Weston, s. William, farmer, and Sally, at West Sch. Dist., June 21, 1851.
Mary, d. Adam and Persis, Jan. 10, 1806.
Meriam [Merriam. dup.], d. Adam and Persis, Nov. 26, 1804.
Persis, May 6, 1774. P.R.2.
Persis, d. Adam and Persis, Aug. 13, 1801.
Salucia A., ch. William and Sally, May 13, 1831.
Sarah J., Jan. 18, 1824. P.R.2.
Sarah M., d. William and Sally, Mar. 17, 1839.
Seraph, d. Adam and Persis, Oct. 8, 1792.
Susan Elizabeth, d. Jona[than] and Mary Elizabeth, Apr. 18, 1835.
William Boardman Lawrence, s. Jonathan and Mary Elizabeth, Aug. 9, 1836.
William Holloway, s. Adam and Persis, Mar. 1, 1814.
Zilpah, see Carter, Zilpha.
Zilpah Maria, d. Daniel and Zilpah, Dec. 4, 1822.
Emma May [Florence May. dup.], d. William, trader, and Patience Y., both b. Richmond, N.H., at South Dist., Apr. 1, 1858.
Eugenia Louisa, d. Daniel H., farmer, b. Richmond, N.H., and Susie C. Morse, b. B., at South B., Dec. 12, 1883.
Florence May, see Bassett, Emma May.
Fred Elisha, s. Daniel M., farmer, b. Richmond, N.H., and Susie C. Morse, b. B., at South B., Apr. 9, 1885.
Helen Edna, d. William, farmer, and Patience I., both b. Richmond, N.H., at South Dist., Feb. 17, 1860.
Susannah, d. Elisha, farmer, b. Richmond, N.H., and Maria, b. Swanzy, N.H., at South Dist., June 28, 1856.
Edwin, May 28, 1813. P.R.2.
Charles, s. Isaiah H., shoemaker, b. Liverpool, Eng., and Lucy, b. B., at Center Dist., Feb. 13, 1858.
Isaiah W[illia]m Richardson, s. Isa[iah] and Lucy, Jan. 2, 1859. C.R.1.
Jane Christianna, d. Isaiah H., shoemaker, b. Liverpool, Eng., and Lucy, b. B., at Center Sch. Dist., Aug. 20, 1852.
----, s. Isiah, shoemaker, b. Liverpool, Eng., and Lucy B., b. B., at Center Dist., July 5, 1855.
Alfarette Frances, d. John F., shoemaker, b. Boylston, and Caroline Lovell, [Mar.] 27, 1861.
Carolyn Loretta, d. John F., shoemaker, b. Boylston, and Caroline, b. Worcester, Oct. 6, 1867.
BENWAY (Benoit)
Joe Henry, s. John, clerk, and Mary Tharo, both b. Canada, at East B., May 13, 1889.
John Phillip, s. John, boxmaker, and Mary V. Caro (sic), both b. Canada, at East B., Aug. 9, 1894.
Joseph Henry, s. John, farmer, and Mary V. Tharo, both b. Canada, Oct. 15, 1898.
Mary F., d. John, fitter in box shop, and Mary V. Tharo, both b. Canada, at East B., Dec. 9, 1890.
Mary L., d. Joseph, laborer, and Rosa, both b. Canada, at East B., Dec. 13, 1890.
---- (Benoit), s. stillborn, John, boxmaker, and Victorine Tharo, both b. Canada, at East B., Sept. 15, 1893.
BERRY (Berrey)
Adelia Lunette, d. Thomas C., shoemaker, b. Poland, Me., and Elvira S., b. B., Dec. 1, 1870.
Caro A. (Berrey), d. Thomas C., farmer, b. Poland, Me., and Elvira S. Wheeler, b. B., July 7, 1879.
Lelia Addie [Lelia Ada. P.R.3.], d. twin, Thomas C., shoemaker, b. Poland, M[e]., and Alvina S., b. B., Jan. 16, 1861.
Lester Eliphas, s. Thomas C., shoemaker. b. Poland, Me., and Alvina S. (Wheeler), b. B., Jan. 15, 1863.
Lula Ann, d. twin, Thomas C., shoemaker, b. Poland, M[e]., and Alvina S., b. B., Jan. 16, 1861.
Reneldo Henderson, s. Henry M., farmer, b. Nova Scotia, and Alice Guertin, b. B., Feb. 2, 1892.
Charles Joseph, jr., s. Charles J., mechanic, b. Alton, N.H., and Theresa J., b. Alexandria, N.H., June 13, 1872.
Ernest Armand, s. John C., shoe manufacturer, b. Alton, N.H., and Sarah M., b. Brookfield, Nov. 23, 1872.
Harry Alphonzo, s. Charles J., shoemaker, b. Auburn, N.H., and Jenny T. Blake, b. Alexandria, N.H., July 12, 1874.
Herbert Francis, s. Charles J., shoemaker, b. Alton, N.H., and Theresa J. Blake, b. Alexandria, N.H., July 28, 1875.
Lillian Frances, d. Charles J., mechanic, b. Alton, N.H., and Th[e]resa Jane, b. Alexandria, N.H., Feb. 20, 1871.
Sarah M., May 30, 1840. P.R.2.
BIGELOW (Biglow)
Aaron [Biglow. C.R.1.], s. Banister C. and Rhoda, Apr. 29, 1796.
Abby Anna, d. John J., tailor, and Abby H., Feb. 14, 1845.
Abby Cecilia, d. Abram G., butcher, b. Princeton, and Delicia A., b. B., May 30, 1852.
Abram [Biglow. C.R.1.], s. Banister C. and Rhoda, June 8, 1806.
Alfred, s. Cha[rle]s and Jane, bp. Jan. 2, 1859. C.R.1.
Betsey, d. Banister C. and Rhoda, Jan. 21, 1786.
Daniel, s. Augustus, bp. July 22, 1804. C.R.1.
Edward, s. Cha[rIe]s and Jane B., bp. July 4, 1858. C.R.1.
Edwin Joel, s. Nelson Bruso, laborer, b. Canada, and Eleanor E., b. B., May 20, 1869.
Eleanor Elizabeth, d. Horace, shoemaker, and Almina, both b. B., at East Dist., June 10, 1850.
Elmina, July 11, 1815. P.R.2.
Francis [Biglow. C.R.1], s. Banister C. and Rhoda, Mar. 24, 1800.
Francis Jerome, s. Jonas S., shoemaker, b. B., and Clara M., b. Boylston, Apr. 11, 1859.
Franklin Emerson, s. Aram [Abram. dup.] and Eliza, Feb. 29, 1836.
George Merrick, s. George E., farmer, b. West Boylston, and Emily Sargent, b. Lancaster, "now Clinton," at West B., Dec. 24, 1877.
Hannah [Biglow. C.R.1.], d. Augustus and Betsey, May 15, 1802.
Hannah Elizabeth, d. Levi, farmer, and Abagail, at South Dist., Sept. 18, 1848.
Hattie S., d. George E., farmer, and Emily Sargent, b. Lancaster, "now Clinton," Jan. 17, 1876.
Herbert, s. Cha[rle]s and Jane B., bp. July 4, 1858. C.R.1.
Horrace, s. Banister C. [C. Bannister. C.R.1.] and Rhoda, Nov. 29, 1810.
Ira, s. Banister C. and Rhoda, May 22, 1808.
James Ballard, s. Augustus, bp. Mar. 13, 1811. C.R.1.
Job Spofford, s. Augustus, bp. Mar. 13, 1811. C.R.1.
Joel, s. Banister C. and Rhoda, Feb. 26, 1804.
Joel Edwin, s. Horace, yeoman, and Elmina, Dec. 8, 1844.
John Albert [John E. P.R.3.], s. Abram G., shoemaker, b. Princeton, and Delicia A., b. B., at Gardner, Feb. 1, 1857.
Jonas Sawyer, s. Aram [Abram. dup.] and Eliza, Dec. 26, 1833.
Joseph Abram, s. Aram [Abram. dup.] and Eliza, Nov. 13, 1838.
Lucinda, d. Horace and Elmina, Oct. 29, 1841.
Lucy, d. Banister C. and Rhoda, Mar. 10, 1788.
Martha A., d. Levi, farmer, and Abby, at South Dist., Nov. 15, 1846.
Mary [Biglow. C.R.1.], d. Banister C. and Rhoda, July 26, 1794.
Mary [Biglow. C.R.1.], d. Augustus and Betsey, Jan. 19, 1799.
Mary Eliza, d. Franklin E., shoemaker, b. B., and Lucella, b. Southboro, July 18, 1860.
Mary Euseba, d. Aram [Abram. dup.] and Eliza, Mar. 10, 1831.
Persis [Biglow. C.R.1.], d. Banister C. and Rhoda, Mar. 22, 1802.
Rhoda, July 17, 1766. P.R.2.
Sally [Biglow. C.R.1.], d. Augustus and Betsey, Sept. 29, 1800.
Sarah, d. Banister C. and Rhoda, Feb. 12, 1791.
Sophia [Biglow. C.R.1.], d. Banister C. and Rhoda, Apr. 5, 1798.
Theophilus (Biglow), s. Benj[amin], bp. July 2, 1825. C.R.1.
Warren Holder, s. Cha[rle]s and Jane, bp. Dec. 9, 1865. C.R.1.
----, d. Levi, farmer, b. Marlboro, and Abby, b. Boylston, at South Dist., Sept. 30, 1850.
----, s. Levi, farmer, b. Marlboro, and Abby, b. Boylston, at South Sch. Dist., Nov. 30, 1852.
Walter, s. Edgar L., machinist, b. Milford, N.H., and Maud L. Fayd, b. N[ova] S[cotia], at East B., Aug. 25, 1885.
Fanny Eva, d. Charles E., carpenter, b. New York, and Fanny, b. Islington, E[nglan]d, June 11, 1872.
Fred Elmer, s. Felix, shoemaker. b. Southboro, and Emma Ann Wheeler, b. B., Sept. 1, 1874.
Joseph, s. Peter, shoemaker, b. Vermont, and Valery Brothers, b. Canada, Oct. 20, 1875.
Amory Edward, s. Edward, shoemaker, and Zilpah H., both b. B., at East Dist., Nov. 11, 1855.
Charles Henry, s. Henry H[arrison. dup.] and Lucy M[aria. dup.], Aug. 16, 1841.
Edward Flint, s. Roswell and Lydia, July 4, 1821.
Hellen Agnes, d. twin, Charles H., shoemaker, b. B., and Martha A. Staples, b. Westbrook, Me., July 19, 1875.
Henry H., Aug. 12, 1813. P.R.2.
Herlena Augusta, d. twin, Charles H., shoemaker, b. B., and Martha A. Staples, b. Westbrook, Me., July 19, 1875.
Jessee Eddy, ch. Roswell and Lydia, Dec. 13, 1825.
Lucy Eva, "healthy," d. Charles H., shoemaker, b. B., and Martha A., b. Westbrook, M[e]., Mar. 14, 1861.
Lucy M., Sept. 22, 1823. P.R.2.
Lydia Elizabeth, d. Roswell and Lydia, Apr. 19, 1832.
Lyman Chase, s. Roswell and Lydia, July 5, 1816.
[Martha Augusta. different writing.], d. Edward, farmer, and Zilpah H., at North Dist., Dec. 9, 1849.
Mary Grace, d. Charles H., shoemaker, b. B., and Martha A., b. Westbrook, Me., Jan. 4, 1863.
Mary Woodworth, d. Roswell and Lydia, July 3, 1823.
Matilda Chase, d. Roswell and Lydia, Nov. 23, 1827.
Maud Ethel, d. Charles H., shoemaker, b. B., and Martha A., b. Westbrook, Me., Apr. 2, 1871.
Minerva Fuller, d. Roswell and Lydia, Sept. 10, 1818.
Sarah E., d. Geo[rge] H., pedler, b. Boston, and Emily F., b. Randolph, July 15, 1861.
Dolle [Dalley. C.R.1.], d. Soloman and Dorothy, Jan. 30, 1786.
Bettsey, d. Simeon and Betsey, Apr. 27, 1803.
Holloway Mary [prob. Mary Holloway], d. Simeon and Betsey, May 30, 1799.
Jonathan, s. Simeon and Betsey, July 28, 1805.
Martha, d. Simeon and Persis, Apr. 5, 1827.
Mary Holloway, see Bowman, Holloway Mary.
Persis Gibson, d. Simeon and Persis, Sept. 7, 1825. [bp. Oct. 10, 1824 (sic). C.R.1.]
Simeon, jr., s. Simeon and Betsey, Mar. 18, 1801.
Genevieve Annie Andrews, d. John F., hatter, b. Boston, and Mary E. Farwell, b. Harvard, at Carterville, Nov. 13, 1887.
John Harold, s. John T., clerk, b. Boston, and Mary E. Farwell, b. Harvard, both of Cambridgeport, at West B., Sept. 30, 1885.
BREWER (Brewyer)
Abijah, s. James and Deborah, bp. July 18, 1790. C.R.1.
Alfred Duston, s. Leonard W., farmer, b. Boylston, and Hattie J. Walker, h. Northboro, Sept. 5, 1878.
Arthur L., s. Leonard W., farmer, b. Boylston, and Hattie J., b. Northboro, Dec. 4, 1871.
Charity, d. James and Deborah, bp. Oct. 28, 1792. C.R.1.
Cyrus, s. James, bp. Sept. 3, 1797. C.R.1.
Frank Walker, s. Leonard W., farmer, b. Boylston, and Hattie J. Walker, b. Northboro, June 21, 1876.
Henry, s. James and Deborah, bp. Oct. 30, 1785. C.R.1.
James, s. James, bp. June 18, 1780. C.R.1.
John, s. James and Deborah, bp. Feb. 14, 1782. C.R.1.
John, s. James and Deborah, bp. Aug. 17, 1783. C.R.1.
Leon Arthur, s. Arthur L., farmer, and Cora E. Wheeler, both b. B., June 23, 1893.
Leonard W., Apr. 6, 1842. P.R.2.
Mabel H., d. Leonard W., farmer, b. Boylston, and Hattie J., b. Northboro. at East D[ist.], Dec. 20, 1869.
Mary, d. James, bp. Nov. 2, 1794. C.R.1.
Nellie Minott, d. Leonard W., farmer, b. Boylston, and Hattie J., b. Northboro, Aug. 23, 1868.
Ruth Emma, d. Leonard W., farmer b. Boylston, and Hattie J. Walker, b. Northboro, at East B., June 15, 1883.
Thomas (Brewyer), s. James and Deborah, bp. Mar. 16, 1788. C.R.1.
BRIDE (Macbride, McBride)
Ann Eliza (Mcbride), d. Josiah, Jr., bp. Nov. 19, 1826. C.R.1.
Amos, bp. Nov. 13, 1831, a. 13 y. C.R.1.
Avory [Macbride. C.R.1.], s. Hannah, Oct. 17, 1794.
Beales (Macbride), s. Achsah, bp. May 8, 1791. C.R.1.
Calvin (Macbride), s. Josiah, bp. Sept. 23, 1792. C.R.1.
David James Martin, s. Amos and Abigail, bp. May 24, 1840. C.R.1.
John (McBride), s. Tho[ma]s and [Sarah. in pencil]. bp. Mar. 11, 1787. C.R.1.
Josiah Wilson, s. Amos, yeoman, and Abigail, Nov. 22, 1845.
Lizzie Gertrude, d. David, shoemaker, b. B., and Caroline, b. Marlboro, at Center Dist., Apr. 25, 1866.
Lydia Jane Gilbert (Macbride), d. Josiah, bp. June 8, 1828. C.R.1.
Ruth (Macbride), d. Tho[ma]s, bp. Feb. 28, 1790. C.R.1.
Thomas (McBride), s. Tho[ma]s and Sarah, bp. June 15, 1783. C.R.1.
William Amos, "sickly," s. Amos, farmer, b. B., and Abigail, b. Peru, Vt., at West Dist., Sept. 8, 1856.
Wilson (Macbride), s. Josiah and Lydia, bp. June 12, 1791. C.R.1.
Albert Francis, s. David, bp. June 19, 1814. C.R.1.
Ann, June 2, 1798. P.R.2.
Azubah, Oct. 15, 1764. P.R.2.
Azubah, d. Thomas and Azubah, Oct. 4, 1809.
Barnabas, s. Samuel and Assenath, Mar. 13, 1791.
Betsey, d. Samuel and Assenath, Nov. 5, 1787.
Betsey, Mar. 20, 1814. P.R.2.
Eli, s. Samuel and Assenath, Aug. 7, 1799.
Eliza Ann, d. Thomas and Ann, Sept. 12, 1824.
Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Azubah, Feb. 14, 1805.
Emma Louisa, d. Samuel, laborer, b. Northboro, and Sarah Eliza, b. Westboro, Sept. 27, 1860.
Fanny Elisabeth, grandd. Sam[ue]l, bp. Sept. 13, 1818. C.R.1.
George Henry, s. Ira and Betsey, Dec. 5, 1841.
George Lewis, s. Ira and Betsey, Dec. 25, 1835.
Ira, Jan. 12, 1809. P.R.2.
James, s. John and Hannah, bp. June 15, 1783. C.R.1.
Jona[than], s. Stephen and Lovina, bp. Oct. 31, 1791. C.R.1.
Levi, s. Samuel, bp. Aug. 24, 1800. C.R.1.
Louisa Ellen, d. Ira and Betsey, Mar. 3, 1838.
Oliver F., s. Willard E., butcher, and Abbie A., both b. Marlboro, Apr. 27, 1869.
Paul, s. Thomas and Azubah, Apr. 12, 1796.
Rachael, d. Francis E., shoemaker, b. Hudson, and Evva M. Whitney, b. Vermont, Oct. 31, 1898.
Seraphire [Seraphine. C.R.1.], d. Samuel and Assenath, June 5, 1789.
Sophia, d. Samuel and Assenath, Aug. 25, 1796.
Sybil, d. Thomas and Azubah, May 10, 1799.
Thomas, s. Thomas and Azubah, Oct. 17, 1797.
Henry Wilmot, s. Henry, shoemaker, h. Woolwich, Me., and Elizabeth, b. England, at Wheeler Hill, June 30, 1854.
Caroline Lucinda, d. Ira H., yeoman, and Amelia, at East Dist., Feb. 18, 1844.
Ezra Francis, s. Ira H., farmer, and Amelia, at East Dist., May 6, 1848.
Florence Robinson, d. Walter E., shoemaker, b. B., and Clara J. Robinson, b. Acton, Apr. 14, 1898.
Hannah, d. William and Miriam, bp. Sept. 18, 1785. C.R.1.
Harry E., s. Walter E., shoemaker, b. Acton, and Clara J. Robinson., b. B., July 3, 1875.
Henry Eugene, s. Ira, farmer, and Angeline, at East Dist., Nov. 21, 1846.
Holloway, s. W[illia]m and Meriam, bp. Apr. 1, 1787. C.R.1.
Lena Amelia, d. Walter E., farmer, b. B., and Clara J. Robinson, b. Acton, at East B., Feb. 1, 1884.
Walter Elliot, s. Ira H., farmer, and Amelia, at East Dist., July 29, 1849.
Amos, s. Benjamin and Nanney [Anna. C.R.1 .] Oct. 16, 1786.
Aroline E., d. Philo, farmer, b. B., and Lavina S., b. Boston, Nov. 12, 1863.
Assenath, d. John and Martha, Sept. 16, 1776.
Caperny, see Bruce, Parney.
Chandler, s. Hugh and Sally, at Hardwick, Nov. 9, 1797.
Christiania R., d. Sylvanus and Hannah, Feb. 23, 1824.
Dorcas, d. John and Martha, Apr. 25, 1772.
Dorcas, d. John and Martha. ----, 1785. [bp. Dec. 18, 1785. C.R.1.]
Estella, d. Philo, farmer, b. B., and Lavina S., b. Boston. Dec. 20, 1871.
Ezra [Ezra Tolman. C.R.1.], s. Hugh and Sally, at Hardwick, Jan. 18, 1811.
Franklin, s. Benjamin and Nanney [Anna. C.R.1.], June 21, 1784.
Gerty Everline, d. twin, Edgar M., clerk, b. Marlboro, and Flora C. Stowers, b. Madrid, Me., both of West B., Mar. 9, 1877.
George H., s. Sylvanus and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1837.
Hannah, s. Sylvanus and Hannah, Nov. 19, 1827.
Harry M., s. stillborn, George H., farmer, and Augusta Goddard, both b. B., July 9, 1881.
Horatio, s. Sewel and Eunice, at Bolton, June 28, 1822.
Hugh, s. John and Martha, Aug. 5, 1770.
Ira, s. Hugh and Sally, at Hardwick, Jan. 23, 1808.
Joanna, d. Sewel and Eunice, Dec. 11, 1818.
John, May 27, 1744. P.R.2.
John, s. John and Martha, May 15, 1781.
John, s. Hugh and Sally, at Hardwick, Nov. 20, 1816.
John L., May 9, 1843. P.R.2.
Lelia Grace, d. George G., shoemaker, and Vilena Augusta, both b. B., Sept. 2, 1864.
Leverett W., s. Sylvanus and Hannah, May 11, 1830.
Leverett W., s. Sylvanus and Hannah, Apr. 21, 1835.
Levi, s. Hugh and Sally, at Hardwick, May 7, 1806.
Lewis B., s. Sylvanus and Fannah, May 1, 1833.
Lorenzo, s. Sewel and Eunice, June 5, 1820.
Louisa, d. Hugh and Sally, at Hardwick, Jan. 12, 1802.
Lyman, s. Sylvanus and Hannah, Jan. 31, 1826.
Martha M., d. Sewel and Eunice, at Holden, May 24, 1813.
Mertie Etheline, d. twin, Edgar M., clerk, b. Marlboro, and Flora C. Stowers, b. Madrid, Me., both of West B., Mar. 9, 1877.
Moses, s. Mary, bp. Nov. 20, 1791.
Nancy, d. John and Martha, June 30, 1774.
Nancy, d. John and Martha, June ----, 1783.
Oliver, s. Benj[ami]n and Anna, bp. June 16, 1782. C.R.1.
Parney "or Caperny" [Parnel. C.R.1.], d. John and Martha, May 30, 1788.
Phidelia, d. Sewel and Eunice, Sept. 21, 1830.
Philo, s. Sewel and Eunice, May 1, 1826.
Roxalana, d. Sewel and Eunice, Dec. 9, 1815.
Roxinia, d. Hugh and Sally, at Hardwick, Feb. 23, 1800.
Sarah Ann, d. Hugh and Sally, at Hardwick, Aug. 6, 1813.
Sewel [Sewall. C.R.1.], s. John and Martha, July 15, 1790.
Simeon, s. Sewel and Eunice, at Bolton, Feb. 6, 1824.
Sophia, d. John and Martha, Apr. 10, 1795.
Sylvanus, s. John and Martha, Dec. 15, 1792.
Viola, d. Philo, shoemaker, b. B., and Lavina S., b. Boston, May 3, 1865.
Willard G., s. Sylvanus and Hannah, Oct. 19, 1839.
----, s. Philo, farmer, b. B., and Lavina S. Fletcher, b. Boston, both of West B., Nov. 2, 1877.
Carroll Warren, s. Edward S., farmer, b. Wolcott, Vt., and Harrietta D. Brigham, b. Northboro, at Barnes Hill, West B., May 28, 1884.
E. S., July 26, 1844. P.R.2.
Lillian Ellenor, d. Edward S., farmer, b. Wolcott, Vt., and Henrietta S. Brigham, b. Northboro, at West B., Aug. 26, 1877.
Nellie Richmond, d. Amory H., section master, b. Hebron, Me., and Sarah, b. Lexington, at W[est] Dist., Dec. 24, 1866.
Catherine Johnson, see Bullard, Mary Catherine Johnson.
Charles Merrick, s. James M., shoemaker, b. B., and Arvilla, b. [Ashburnham. different writing] Mar. 9, 1869.
Frank Henry, s. James M., shoemaker. b. B., and Arvilla A., b. Ashburnham, Oct. 30, 1867.
Harriet Holden, d. Joel and Judith, Sept. 26, 1831.
Henry Marble, s. Joel and Judith, at Westboro, Aug. 22, 1826.
James Maynard, s. twin, Joel and Judith, Aug. 23, 1836.
Jane Munroe, d. twin, Joel and Judith, Aug. 23, 1836.
Joel, June 24, 1799. P.R.2.
Judith B., Oct. 5, 1799. P.R.2.
Martha Susanna, d. Joel and Judith, at Westboro, Aug. 15, 1825.
Mary C[atherine. dup.] Johnson, d. Joel and Judith, July 8, 1834.
William Sumner, s. James M., shoemaker, b. B., and Aurilla H., b. Ashburnham, at Marlboro, July 4, 1866.
BURDETT (Burdette)
Fred Elmer, s. Mervin N., of Bolton, farmer, b. Wakefield, and Sarah Elma, b. B., "both of Bolton & Berlin," Aug. 18, 1872.
George, s. G. A. and M., bp. Sept. 2, 1865. C.R.1.
Harry Ubert (Burdette), s. Horace D., farmer, b. Hudson, and [Bertha Southwick. D.B.], b. Boston, Mar. 18, 1895. [Mar. 14, 1895. D.B.]
Ellice Portia, d. George E., boot man[ufacturer], b. New Ipswich, N.H., and Annie Logan, b. Halifax, at Center Dist., Jan. 25, 1887.
[Ethel Arabella. different writing], d. Geo[rge] E., shoemaker, b. N[ew] Ipswich, N.H., and Annie M. Logan, b. Nova Scotia, at Center B., May 10, 1890.
BURKE (Bourk)
Agnes Ellen, d. Michael, shoemaker, and Catharine, both b. Ireland, at C[enter] Dist., Oct. 5, 1866.
Austin Edward, s. Michael, shoemaker, and Catharine (Gill), both b. Ireland, Oct. 17, 1862.
Caty, d. Michael, shoemaker, and Catharine, both b. Ireland, June 15, 1870.
Charles Henry, s. Michael, farmer, and Catharine, both b. Ireland, June 22, 1874.
John Thomas, s. Michael, laborer, and Catharine, both b. Ireland, Jan. 20, 1857.
Mary Ann, d. Michael, laborer, and Catharine, both b. Ireland, at Center Dist, Dec. 21, 1858.
Mary Margaret, d. Martin, of Hudson, shoemaker, and Alice M., both b. Ireland, Apr. 13, 1867.
Rosey, d. ----, "mother b. Ireland," Oct. 8, 1864.
Walter Michael, s. Michael, shoemaker, and Catharine, both b. Ireland, Oct. 4, 1864.
William Martin (Bourk), s. Micheal, shoemaker, and Catharen, both b. Ireland, Nov. 18, 1860.
----, d. Granville, bootmaker, b. Lancaster, and Julia, b. Sterling, at Center Sch. Dist., Dec. 15, 1852.
----, s. stillborn, Michael, laborer, and Annie Hester, both b. Ireland, at West B., Oct. 16, 1899.
CALLAHAN (Calahan)
Mary Ann E. (Calahan), d. Henry, shoemaker, and Mary, both b. Ireland, at Center Dist., Aug. 13, 1858.
Theresa, d. Dennis, farmer, and Kate Lucy, both b. Ireland, "both of B., near Bolton Depot," June 1, 1886.
Katharine Lamphere, d. George H., marble dealer, b. Saco, Me., and Janette L. Lasselle, b. Waterville, Me., Apr. 8, 1899.
Adaliza B., d. Rufus and Sarah E., Feb. 13, 1836.
Addie Adella, d. William B., music dealer, b. Boylston, and Mary Adella, b. B., July 11, 1857.
Amory, s. Daniel and Dolly, June 14, 1785.
Amory [Emery. C.R.1.], jr., s. Amory and Lucinda, Jan. 23, 1813.
Anna, d. Daniel and Dolly, June 1, 1798.
Asa, s. Stanton and Chloe, May 10, 1797.
Asa, "on the right of Levi Merriam and wife," bp. Oct. 20, 1805. C.R.1.
Betsey, d. Luther and Lucy, Mar. 20, 1814.
Calvin H., s. Ira and Hannah, Mar. 27, 1837.
Caroline E., d. Ira and Hannah, Oct. 24, 1836.
Chandler, s. Daniel and Dolly, Oct. 7, 1808.
Charles C., s. Daniel and Hannah, Jan. 23, 1818.
Charles Henry, s. Charles C., carpenter, and Eunice A., Sept. 18, 1844.
Chloe, d. Sanderson and Hannah A., Apr. 12, 1812. [Apr. 14. P.R.2.]
Cora Isabelle, d. Lewis Lincoln, farmer, b. B., and Susan Eliza, b. Marlboro, at W[est] Dist., June 17, 1860.
Cyrus Marshall, s. Ch[arle]s C., marketman, and Eunice A., at West Dist., Dec. 5, 1848.
Danforth, s. Daniel and Dolly, May 19, 1802.
Daniel, s. Daniel and Dolly, Feb. 1, 1790.
Daniel, 2d, s. Amory and Lucinda, Feb. 1, 1815.
Dolly, d. Daniel and Dolly, Feb. 14, 1794.
Dolly E., d. Danforth and Louisa, Feb. 3, 1833.
Elbridge, s. Danforth and Louisa, Jan. 17, 1828.
Emery, see Carter, Amory.
Emma Ellsworth, d. Israel F[rancis. dup.], shoemaker, b. B., and Susan M., b. Marlboro, Sept. 16, 1861.
Eugenia Stowe, d. Lewis and Sarah, June 23, 1838.
Eugenie Frances, d. twin, Silas Rufus, shoemaker. b. B., and Emily Crowell, b. Barnard, Vt., Aug. 12, 1860.
Eugene Francis, s, twin, Silas Rufus, shoemaker, b. B., and Emily Crowell, b. Barnard. Vt., Aug. 12, 1860.
Eva Louise, d. Jonas H., farmer. b. B., and Annetta L. Draper, b. Saugus, Apr. 6, 1881.
Everett Merriam, s. Oliver, farmer, b. Lancaster, and Sophia, b. B., at West Dist., Mar. 8, 1858.
Fannie Eliza, d. Charles C., carpenter, and Eunice Alma, both b. B., at West Dist., Feb. 9, 1856.
Frank Curtis, s. Charles C., carpenter, and Eunice A., at Worcester, May 26, 1846.
George I., s. Ira, laborer, and Hannah, at Center Dist., June 26, 1846.
George Lincoln, s. Sidney B., carpenter, and Julia Etta Fosgate, both b. B., at West B., Mar. 16, 1891.
Hannah, Apr. 10, 1768. P.R.2.
Hannah, d. Sanderson and Hannah A., Feb. 28, 1793.
Hannah, July 4, 1813. P.R.2.
Hannah, d. Luther and Lucy, Feb. 17, 1818.
Hannah Louis, d. Daniel and Hannah, Apr. 13, 1829.
Ira, s. Amory and Lucinda, May 6, 1811.
Ira Osborn, s. Lewis and Sarah, Nov. 18, 1832.
Isreal F., s. Ivory and Olive, Feb. 6, 1839.
Ivory, s. Luther and Lucy, Feb. 29, 1812.
Jane Elizabeth, d. Chandler and Nancy, Apr. 8, 1840.
John G., s. Rufus and Sarah E., Jan. 9, 1838.
Jonas Hale, s. Lewis and Sarah, Jan. 23, 1840.
Laura Elizabeth, d. Ivory and Olive, May 25, 1834.
Laura Mabel, d. Israel F[rancis. dup.], shoemaker, b. B., and Susan M., b. Marlboro, at North Dist., Mar. 25, 1870.
Lemuel Draper, s. Jonas H., farmer, b. B., and Annetta L., b. Saugus, Oct. 25, 1872.
Leonard, s. Daniel and Dolly, Mar. 19, 1792.
Lewis, s. Daniel and Dolly, July 17, 1796.
Lewis Lincoln, s. Lewis and Sarah, Nov. 10, 1822.
Lewis Paul, s. Lewis L[incoln. dup.], farmer. b. B., and Susan [E. dup.], b. Marlboro, at West Dist., Jan. 17, 1856.
Louisa, Jan. 23, 1806. P.R.2.
Lucie Hale, d. Jonas H., farmer, b. B., and Annetta L. Draper, b. Saugus, at West B., Oct. 7, 1884.
Lucy, d. Luther and Lucy, Oct. 27, 1825.
Lucy Amanda, d. Silas Rufus, shoemaker, b. B., and Emily (Crowell), b. Barnard, Vt., Aug. 1, 1862.
Lucy Sawyer, d. Lewis and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1834.
Luther, s. Sanderson and Hannah A., Jan. 15, 1790.
Mary, Aug. 4, 1770.
Mary, d. Daniel and Dolly, Mar. 29, 1800.
Mary Ann, d. Daniel and Hannah, Jan. 31, 1822.
Mary W., d. Rufus and Sarah E., Jan. 9, 1835.
Nancy, May 20, 1811. P.R.2.
Nancy H., d. Danforth and Louisa, Sept. 4, 1830.
Persis, d. Luther and Lucy, Mar. 15, 1821.
Persis H. S., d. Amory and Persis [H. dup.], Feb. 12, 1840.
Polly, Mar. 25, 1766. P.R.2.
Ruea Etta, d. Sidney B., carpenter, and Julia E. Fosgate, both b. B., at West Dist., Feb. 16, 1887.
Rufus, Feb. 27, 1804. P.R.2.
Rufus, s. Daniel and Dolly, Nov. ----, 1804.
Sally, d. Amory and Lucinda, Sept. 21, 1809.
Samuel, s. Daniel and Dolly, Oct. 2, 1788.
Samuel Marshall, s. Oliver, farmer, and Mary Sophia, both b. B., at Barnes Hill, Mar. 3, 1851.
Sanderson, Aug. 17, 1764. P.R.2.
Sarah, July 12, 1800. P.R.2.
Sarah E., June 19, 1810. P.R.2.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Lewis and Sarah, Oct. 18, 1830.
Sarah H., d. Daniel and Hannah, Jan. 13, 1824.
Sidney B[righam. dup.], s. Lewis L[incoln. dup.], farmer, b. B., and Susan [E. dup.], b. Marlboro, at West Sch. Dist., Sept. 23, 1852.
Silas Rolla [Rolley. dup.], s. Silas R., grocer and depot m[aster], b. B., and Emily C., b. Barnard, Vt., Apr. 8, 1868.
Silas Rufus, s. Lewis and Sarah, Sept. 16, 1828.
Susan Caroline, d. Lewis and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1825.
Thomas S., s. Danforth and Louisa, June 25, 1839.
Willard Crowell, s. Silas R., shoemaker, b. B., and Emily C., b. Barnard, Vt., at West Dist., Mar. 8, 1858.
Zilpah, d. Sanderson and Hannah A., July 9, 1798.
----, d. Oliver, farmer, and Mary S., at West Dist., Nov. 28, 1849.
----, s. Charles C., marketman, and Eunice Alma, at West Dist., Sept. 20, 1850.
----, d. Oliver, farmer, and Mary Sophia, both b. B., at Barnes Hill, Oct. 31, 1853.
----, s. Elbridge, shoemaker, b. B., and Georgianna, at East Dist., Mar. 5, 1854.
----, s. Oliver, farmer, b. Lancaster, and Sophia, b. B., at West Dist., Jan. ----, 1855.
----, s. Lewis L[incoln. dup.], farmer, b. B., and Susan E., b. Marlboro, Mar. 5, 1863.
----, s. Lewis L[incoln. dup.], farmer, b. B., and Susan E., b. Marlboro, Aug. 6, 1864.
----, s. stillborn, Israel F[rancis. dup.], shoemaker, b. B., and Susan M., b. Marlboro, Apr. 9, 1867.
Anna [Ann. dup.] Salina, d. Algernon, shoemaker, b. Sherland (sic), Eng., and Sarah E., b. B., Nov. 27, 1869.
Charles D., s. Daniel and Salina, Apr. 29, 1847.
Cora Bell, d. Nathaniel H., shoemaker, b. England, and Abby, b. Marlboro, Apr. 25, 1865.
Eliza Ann, d. Daniel, house carpenter, and Selena [Salina. dup.], at Center Dist., Sept. 28, 1849.
Fred Hartwell, s. Nathaniel H., shoemaker, b. England, and Abbie A., b. Marlboro, Mar. 15, 1867.
George Herbert, s. twin, Nathaniel H., shoemaker, b. Birmingham, England, and Abbie A. Hapgood, b. Marlboro, Oct. 26, 1874.
Harry Elroy, s. twin, Nathaniel H., shoemaker, b. Birmingham, England, and Abbie A. Hapgood, Marlboro, Oct. 26, 1874.
James, s. Daniel, carpenter, and Selina [Salina. dup.], Dec. 24, 1844.
James Lewis, s. Algernon, cordwainer and farmer, b. England, and Sarah Elizabeth, b. B., Mar. 15, 1865.
Lucy Elizabeth, d. Daniel, carpenter, and Salina, both b. England, at Center Sch. Dist., Nov. 18, 1851.
Mary, d. Algernon, shoe manufacturer, b. England, and Sarah E . b. B., Center Dist., July 15, 1859.
Mary [Salina. dup.], d. Daniel, shoemaker, and Selina, both b. England, at Center Dist., Sept. 4, 1854. [Sept. 5. dup.]
Nathaniel H., s. Daniel and Salina, in England, Oct. 19, 1841.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Algernon, shoe manufacturer, and Sarah E., b. B., June 20, 1861.
Thomas, s. Daniel and Salina, in England, July 3, 1839.
Walter Algernon, s. Algernon, cordwainer, b. Shirland, Eng., and Sarah E., b. B., Sept. 23, 1863.
Charles W., s. Nathan S., farmer, b. B., and Elizabeth Hicks, b. Nova Scotia, June 28, 1898.
Daniel Watson, s. Wesley D., farmer, and Agnes McLaughlin, both b. Clinton, at Clinton, Aug. 13, 1898.
Nathan Stowell, s. Charles W., farmer, b. Lewiston, Me., and Margarett Stowell, b. Ticonderoga, N.Y., at West B., Aug. 24, 1879.