Vernon, Tolland Co., Ct, Vital Records To 1852
Marriages - Part 1 - 1805 to 1844
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

[Coder's Note:-- Please note that the records, except for the very last years, were not arranged in any sort of alphabetical or cronological order, but only by the type of record: Births, Marriages & Deaths. It will be necessary to browse all files in order to find individuals. I've attempted to bring family information together where possible, but it's doubtful that I didn't miss a few.]
Russel WALKER & Cynthia SWAN were married September 26th 1805.
Daniel DANIELS & Damaris OLCOTT were married December 17th 1806.
John CADY & Mabel KEENEY were married March 16th 1803.
Henry HULL & Harriott HUMPHRY were married September 3d 1811.
Jacob TALCOTT & Anna CARPENTER were married October 21st 1795.
Joel WALKER & Laura HUNT were married July 13th 1814.
Eli HAMMOND & Percy HOWARD were married May 25th 1814.
Roswel SMITH & Hannah WALKERsbury were married November 11th 1790.
Isaac WALKER & Clarissa SMITH were married October 17th 1804.
Simeon COOLEY & Clarissa PERCIVAL were Married November 28th 1799.
Peter DOBSON & Betsey CHAPMAN were Maried April 18th 1813.
Samuel PRATT & Susannah WALKER were married May 9th 1809.
Alexander McLEAN & Betsey THRALL were married April 25th 1793.
Thomas W. KELLOGG & Molly HUBBARD were married February 12th 1795.
Irad FULLER & Cloe MILLS were married January 16th 1804.
Thaddeus FITCH & Baca WEBSTER were married Nov. 27th 1788.
Normand AVERY & Emily Ann BOU were married March 18th 1812.
Abel DRIGGS & Rachel WALKER were married February 19th 1795.
Paul G. SMITH & Fanny SMITH were married March 25th 1809.
Ebenezer HUNT & Mary SMITH were married October 15th 1795.
Jabez BROWNSON & Merilla PHELPS were Married July 6th 1786.
Chester FITCH & Betsey EDMONDS were Married March 17th 1813.
Eliott PALMER & Anna LOOMIS were Married January 1st 1880.
Samuel LYMAN & Sarah CADY were married June 15rh 1796.
Samuel LYMAN & Wealthy HARTSIN were married Nov. 27th 1800.
Jonas SPARKS & Olive SMITH were married Feb. 19th 1794.
Mathew Smith FULLER & Fanna COOK were married April 5th 1814.
WARREN FULLER & Vesta MASH were married October 26th 1814.
John ABBOTT & Achsah CONE were married March 31st 1813.
Benjamin TALCOTT Jur. & Fanny SMITH were married November 4th 1812.
Ralph EATON & Mary TRYON were married Sept. 29th 1811.
Hope TUCKER & Lucy HURLBURT were married April 21st 1803.
Elijah SKINNER Jur. & Mary HUNT were married May 4th 1797.
LEE Lay ROGERS & Rhoda DIMMOCK were married January 1st 1804.
Hosea BROWNSON & Helen PEASE were married April 5th 1804.
Oliver HUNT Jur. & Roxana SMITH were married March 30th 1814.
Erastus McKINNEY & Lydia TALCOTT were married June 23d 1802.
WARREN McKINNEY & Betsey WALLACE were married November 6th 1799.
Elisha GRANT & Electa FULLER were married May 29th 1799.
Elnathan GRANT & Roxana FITCH were married Oct. 12th 1786.
Francis McLEAN & Roxey McKINNEY were married February 10th 1800.
Alexander McLEAN Esqr. & Elizabeth KELOGG were married June 8th 1815.
Mark MERRICK & Hannah SPARKS were Married December 22nd 1815.
John WALKER and Anna WALKER were Married May 1st 1783.
John WALKER Esqr & the Widow Baca FITCH were Married 11th Feb 1819.
May 24th 1820; Married by me Eli HAMMOND Jur. to Mary Ann CHAPMAN. both of Vernon. William Ely. Recorded by Lebbeus P. Tinker, Regr.
August 3rd 1820; Married by me CLARK TUCKER to Zina WALKER. both of Vernon. William Ely Recoed by L. P. Tinker, Register.
March 18, 1821; Married by me Chauncy COVELL of Glastenbury to Anna Maria SNOW of Ellington Ebenezer Nash Jur. Justice of Peace Recorded 15th April 1821 by Lebb P. TINKER. Register.
This certifies that John HYDE NYE of Tolland was Married by me to Almira PAYNE of Vernon April 7th 1821. Recorded by J.P. Tinker Reg. Attest William Ely.
This Certifies That Alfred ROBERTS has this day been Married by me to Sarah LEE, both of Vernon. Vernon 29th of Augt. 1821. Recorded by Lebbeus P. Tinker Register. Attest William Ely.
This certifies that I have this evening united in Marriage Doc. Horatio DOW & Miss Mary SKINNER both of this Town. Vernon 15 Nov. 1821. Recieved 19 Nov. 1821. & Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr. Attest Thomas Robins, V.D.M.
Married by William Ely in Vernon Jan. 1st 1822, George W. GRISWOLD of East Hartford to Betsey TALCOTT of Vernon. Recieved 9 Feb. 1822 and Attest William Ely. Recorded by L P. TINKER Register.
January 31st 1822 Married by me Cornelius ROBERTS to Jerusha HUNT both of Vernon. Recieved 9th Feb. 1822 & Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr. Attest William Ely.
Maried 21st March 1822 Gurdon GRANT to Lucy CUNNINGHAM both of Vernon by me Ebenr. Nash Jur. Justice of Peace. Vernon Mar. 27, 1822. Recieved 27 March 1822 & Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This May certify that Gurdon SMITH and Lydia ROBERTS were married by me, Feb 27th 1822, Vernon March 28, 1822. Recieved March 1822 & Recorded by L. P. Tinker Reg. Attest William Ely.
I Certify that on May 29th 1822, Halsey FULLER and Lydia LEE both of Vernon were by me Joined in Marriage. Recieved 29 May 1822 & Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr. Allen McLean V.D.M. Vernon 13 June 1822.
This Certifies that on this day I Married Ephraim TINKER and Nancy ROGERS of this Town. Recieved 20th June 1822 and Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr. Diodate Brockway V.D.M..
I Certify that on the second day of June 1822, Mr. Augustus BEVINS of Bozrah and Miss Almira ROBINSON of Vernon were Joined together in lawfull Marriage by me. Peter Griffing Minister of the Gospel. Recieved 20 June 1822 and Recorded by L. P. Tinker Register.
This certifies that Eli HAMMOND was married to Sally CARPENTER October 2nd 1822 by me Philander Parmele V.D.M. Recieved 23rd October 1822 & Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies, that MARTIN McKINNEY of Ellington and Nancy PAYNE of this Town have been this day United in Marriage by me. Ansel Nash, Minister of the Gospel. Vernon 6th Nov. 1822. Recieved 12 Nov. 1822 & Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This May certify that on the 11th Instant I Joined in Marriage Jehiel FULLER and Betsey CORNING both of Vernon. East Windsor 28 Decr. 1822. Thomas Robins, Minister of the Gospel in E. W. Received 20th Decr. 1822 & Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This Certifies that this day I Married William McCRAY of Ellington to Candace McKINNEY of Vernon. Vernon 28 Nov. 1822. Deodate Brockway. Recieved 20 Decr 1822 & Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that I have this day Married Jacob NEWELL of PALMER, Ms., and Thankful FULLER of this Town. Vernon 8 Jan 1823. Thomas Robins, Minister of the Gospel. Recieved 8 Jan 1823. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that this day I married Waren McKINNEY Jur. and Electa GRANT both of this Town Vernon 14 Janr 1823. Deodate Brockway. Recieved 21st Jan. 1823 & Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
Edmund BARLETT of Ellington and Rhoda HYDE of Vernon (at said Vernon) were Joined in Marriage March 5 AD 1823 by me Asa Willey, Justice of the Peace. Recieved 14 March 1823 And Recorded by L. P. Tinker Register.
This certifies that Ira WELLS of Tolland and Mary JOHNS of this Town have been this day United by me in Marriage. Vernon March 25 1823 Ansel Nash Minister of the Gospel. Recieved 29th March 1823 & Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr. Vernon May 1st 1823.
This certifies that on the day of the above date I Married Seth D. STEEL of Tolland and Harriet PAYNE of Vernon. Deodat Brockway. Recd and Recorded 5 May 1823 by L. P. Tinker Regr.
Augustin PARKER and Olive SPARKS both of Vernon were joined in Marriage by me September 25th 1823. Oliver H. Walker, Justice of the Peace. Recd. and Recorded 13th Oct. 1823 by L. P. Tinker Regr.
Walter HARRIS and Lucretia SPARKS joined in Marridge by me Oct. 8th 1823. Recd. and Recorded 13th Oct. 1823 by L. P. Tinker Regr.
William SPARKS and Lucy PARKER both of Vernon were joined in Marriage by me October 9th 1823. Oliver Walker, Justice of the Peace. Recd. & Recorded 13th Oct. 1823 by L. P. Tinker Reg.
This certifies that Gilbert T. RICHARDSON of Manchester, & Orra WILLIAMS of Vernon were Joined in Marriage on the 1st Oct. 1823 by me. L.P. Tinker, Justice of the Peace. Recorded 2 Oct. 1823. L.P. Tucker Town Clerk. Vernon Nov. 18th 1823.
This Certifies that on the day of the above date I Married in this Town Henry PEASE of Hartford and Mary WARBURTON of the same place. Deodate Brockway Recd and Recorded 24th Nov. 1823. L. P. Tinker Town Clerk. Vernon Nov. 19 1823.
Phineas Talcott Jur. and Lora McLEAN both of Vernon were by me joined in Marriage this day. Allen McLean. Recieved 24 Nov. 1823 & Recorded by L.P. Tinker Regr.
Carlton WILCOX and Sophia INGRAHAM both of Vernon were Joined in Marriage by me November 26 1823. Oliver H. King, Justice of the Peace. Recieved and recorded 1st Dec. 1823 by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Mr. Roswell BROWN and Miss Amanda HAYDEN were Joined in Marriage December 21, 1823 by me. Isaac Dwinnel. Recieved Jan. 18th 1824 & Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This Certifies that on the evening of the following date I Married Josiah HAMMOND and Eveline B. NICHOLS of this Town Vernon. 30th March 1824. Deodat Brockway. Recorded March 30th 1824. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that on the 19th May 1824 Nathaniel CHAPMAN of East Haddam & Hannah P. TALCOTT of Vernon were Married by me. Amzi Benedick. Recieved 20 May 1824 & Recorded by L. P. Tinker Town Clerk.
This certifies that on the evening of the 13th day of October I Married Elisha GRANT and Roxana WYMAN both of Vernon. Deodat Brockway. Recieved & Recorded 20th Oct. 1824 by L. P. Tinker Town Clerk.
This certifies that Mr. Theodore EVANS of Manchester & Miss Nancy WILLIAMS of Vernon were this evening Married by me Vernon 11th Nov. 1824. Amzi Benedict. Received & Recorded 15 Nov. 1824 by L. P. Tinker Register.
This certifies that Alden SKINNER of Willington and Almira NASH of Vernon were married 9th Decr 1824 by me. Amzi Benedict. Recd Dec. 15, 1824 & Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that Marvin TULLER and Mary GODFREY both of Vernon were married 27, March 1825 by me Amzi Benedict. Recieved 28 March & Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that Israel COWLE of Belchertown Mass. and Polly PEARLE of Vernon were Married May 12th 1825. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that Sanford GRANT & Anna WALKER ware married Dec. 13th 1826. Amzi Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that William CURTIS of Oxford State N. York and Clarissa CHEESBROUGH of Vernon were Married June 16, 1825 by me. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that Birt McKINNEY of Ellington and Julia WALKER of Vernon were Married by me Nov. 16th 1825. Amzi Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Seabury HOUGH and Prudence INGRAHAM both of Vernon were married by me. Jan. 1st 1826. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that James CRANE of East Windsor and Electa CORNING of Vernon were Married 7th Feb 1826. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Joel Button of GRISWOLD and Eunice HINKLEY of Vernon were married April 26th 1826. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that William SELHEIMER of Pennsylvania and Adelia WILLIAMS of Vernon were Married 14th June 1826. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This is to certify that Jeduthan HUBBARD of Coventry and Abigail TALCOTT of Vernon were on the 28th day of June 1826 united in Marriage. G. A. Calhoun. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Regr.
This certifies that Calvin B. NICHOLS and Thankful ROBERTSON were joined in Marriage Sept. 27th 1826 by Isaac Dwinel. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Ira THRALL and Larissa SPARKS of Vernon were Married Oct. 18th 1826. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This Certifies that Allen HAMMOND and Orra PARK both of Vernon were Married 29th October 1826. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Register.
This certifies that Carrington ALLEN and Martha HAYDEN both of Vernon were Married 5 Nov. 1826. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Reg.
This certifies that Gurdon ABBOT of Stafford and Sally FAY of Vernon were Married 7th Decmber 1826. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This is to Certify that William COLE of Andover and Roxey BRUNSON of Vernon were Joined in Marriage at Vernon agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the 11th day of Jan. in the year of our LORD one thousand eight hundred and Twenty seven by me, William Bentley. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
Minister of the Gospel This Certifies that Amherst BEEMONT of East Hartford & Clarissa CHENEY of Vernon were Married Feb 28th 1827. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Lathrop B. GLEASON of East Windsor and Patty TALCOTT of Vernon were Married March 3rd 1827. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Ogden GRANT and Polly HUNT both of Vernon were Married April 5th 1827. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Joseph E. CONE of East Haddam and Hannah W. KELLOGG of Vernon were married April 18th 1827. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Edmund DAMON and Betsey McKINNEY both of Vernon were Married April 19th 1827. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This Certifies that Justus TALCOTT and Lydia CHEESEBRO both of Vernon were Married 20th June 1827. A. Benedict Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This Certifies that Alfred BLASHFIELD Jr. and Betsey STONE both of Brimfield, Ms., were married in Vernon October 11th 1827. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Eber COTTER of Cornwall and Bathsheba W. TALCOTT of Vernon were Married October 25th 1827. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Austin BABCOCK of Canajoharrie N. York & Lucretia P. HUNT of Vernon were Married Nov. 1st 1827. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Horace WHITE of East Windsor and Asenath FULLER of Vernon were Married Nov. 21St 1827. A. benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Benjamin I. JONES of Coventry and Urana BINGHAM of Vernon were Married Nov. 28th 1827. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Daniel THRALL Jur. of Vernon and Mary TALCOTT of Manchester were Married March 16, 1828. A. benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that John GILMORE & Phila GRANT both of Vernon were Married April 17 1828. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Zenas B. SKINNER of Bolton and Anna PALMER of Vernon were Married 17, April 1828. A. benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that David T. SMITH and Mary McLEAN were Married 27 May 1828, both of Vernon. A. benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Ezekiel BAKER and Patty TALCOTT both of Vernon were Married May 28 1828. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Joshua BLANDEN of Vernon and Caroline KIBBE of Somers were Married August 11, 1828. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Chauncey McKINNEY and Sophia D. HUNT both of Vernon were Married Sept 18th 1828. A. benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker Regr.
This certifies that Joel THRALL Jur. of Vernon and Irene AVERY of Coventry were Married October 9th 1828. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Regr.
This certifies that Joseph TURNER and Sarah M. HORTON of Vernon were Married October 16, 1828. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that on the Morning of the 18th of October 1828 Married Isaac SAWINS & Eleanor HAMMOND of Vernon. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that Jenison F. GLAZIER of Ellington and Electa WALKER of Vernon were Married Nov. 27th 1828. Deodat Brockway. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that David GREENLEAF Jun. of Hartford and Clarissa COOLEY of Vernon were Married Jan. 1st 1829. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that David McKINNEY and Lucina SMITH both of Vernon were married 29th Jan. 1829. Recorded 2 Feb. 1829. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that Erastus BARBER of Manchester & Philinda TALCOTT of Vernon were Married Feb. 3rd 1829. Recorded Feb. 3nd 1829. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that Jabez H. MOSES and Betsey ABBOT both of Vernon were Married March 2nd 1829. Recorded 3 March 1829. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that Joel POTTER of Plymouth and Mary PAYNE of Vernon were Married 9th April 1829, by me. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that Romanta PINNEY and Esther SMITH both of Vernon were Married 19th April 1829 by me. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that Timothy DIMMICK of Norwich and Elizabeth CARPENTER of Tolland were Married 20th April 1829 by me. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that Henry D. WOODWARD of East Windsor and Nancy McKINNEY of Vernon were married May 7th 1829 by me. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register. Vernon 13th May 1829.
This certifies that Sherman CHAPMAN of Tolland and Sarah LEONARD of this Town have been this day united by me in Marriage. Ansel Nash, Minister of the Gospel. Recorded by L. P. Tinker, Register.
This certifies that Marshall HURLBURT and Lydia ROOT both of Vernon were Married June 11th 1829. A. Benedict. Recorded by L. P. Tinker.
This certifies that Mr. Perley PUTNAM and Miss Sally THRALL were joined in Marriage July 1st 1829 by Isaac Dwinnel.
This certifies that John SHERMAN of New York and Lovina WILLIAMS of Vernon were Married July 27 1829. A Benedict.
This certifies that Frederick FORD and Sophia SHAFER were Married September 20th 1829. A. Benedict.
This certifies that Elisha PEMBER of Ellington and Persis WALKER of Vernon were Married September 30th 1829. A. Benedict.
This certifies that Jason HOUSE of Eastbury and Honor SHURTLIFF of Vernon were Married Nov. 25, 1829. A. Benedict.
This certifies that James INGRAHAM and Chloe SPARKS both of Vernon were Married Nov. 26, 1829. A. Benedict.
This certifies that Horace INGRAHAM and Lucy RATHBONE both of Vernon were Married 31st Dec. 1829. by me A. Benedict.
This certifies that Chester BAKER of Coventry and Lucy MOORE of Vernon were Married 4 March 1830. by me A. Benedict.
This certifies that Alpheus CHAPMAN Junr. and Harriet TYLER both of Vernon were Married March 28th 1830. A. Benedict.
This certifies that on the 5th day of May 1830 I Married Mr. John OLCOTT to Mrs. Almira SAGE both of Vernon. Diodate Brockway.
Vernon October 26th 1830. This certifies that on the day of the above date I Married John CHAPMAN Jur. to Rebecca CHILDS both of this Town. Deodat Brockway.
This certifies that William B. WARBURTON of E. Windsor and Maria A. SHAFER of Vernon, were Married 16th Sept 1830. David L. Hunn.
This certifies that Coleman ABBEY of East Windsor and Roxey McKINNEY of Vernon were Married 24 December 1830. David L. Hunn.
This certifies that Roswell SMITH Jur. and Mariva WALKER both of Vernon were Married Jan. 7th 1831 by me. David L. Hunn.
This certifies that Miner PRESTON of Ashford and Betsey THRALL of Vernon, were Married 17 March 1831 by me. David L. Hunn.
This certifies to whom it May concern that Henry COWLES of Bolton and Abigail D. BINGHAM of Vernon have been lawfully joined in Marriage by me this 16th day of March 1831. Paul Townsend. Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Church.
This certifies that Adna STEEL of Woolworth State of New York and Elisabeth HINKLEY of Vernon were Married 26 October 1831 by me. David L. Hunn.
This Certifies that Lester H. FENTON of Vernon & Clarissa PATTERSON of Pittsfield Ma. were Married 10th Nov. 1831 by me. David L. Hunn.
This certifies that Horace VINTON & Lucretia JOHNS both of Vernon were married November 16, 1831 by me. David L. Hunn.
This certifies Ozias BISSELL Jur. of East Windsor & Mary PARKER of Vernon were Married 17 Nov. 1831 by me. David L. Hunn.
This certifies that Jasper AMES of Willington and Maria FORD of Vernon were married 9th Jan. 1832 by me. David L. Hunn.
This certifies that Alfred BARNUM of East Windsor and Eliza DART of Vernon were married by me April 11th 1832. Erastus Doty. Minister of the Gospel.
This certifies that Fredrick RIPLEY of Coventry & Ann K. WALKER of Vernon were Married 3rd of April 1832 by me. David L. Hunn.
I hereby certify that on the 12th of April 1832 Lewis NASH & Louisa CHAPMAN both of Vernon were lawfully Married. Lavius Hyde.
This certifies that Dudley V. SNOW & Mary Ann VIBERT both of Vernon were married 28 April 1832. David L. Hunn.
This certifies that Thomas DODD of Canton and Hannah ROGERS of Vernon were Married 2nd May 1832. David L. Hunn.
This certifies that William CRUTTENDEN of Wethersfield and Emily LEE of Vernon were Married May 12 1832 by me. David L. Hunn.
This certifies that Ansel E. INGRAHAM of Chatham Conect and Hariet B. VIBBERT of Vernon were duly joined in Marriage by me. on the 4 day of Sept 1832. Hezekiah S. Ramsdell, Preacher of the Gospel.
I hereby certify that Marriage has been solemnized between Mr. Gardner CHILDS of Granby Lower Canada & Miss Rosanna McLEAN of Vernon on the 9th day of October 1832 by me. David L. Hunn.
Married by me on the 26th Instant John B. HALSTED of Castile, State of New York to Eunice TALCOTT of this place. Vernon 30th October 1832. Chester Humphrey.
On the evening of the 12th Instant Nelson WALKERSBURY and Nancy THRALL both of this place were by me Joined in Marriage. Vernon Nov. 13, 1832. Chester Humphrey.
On the evening of the 29th Instant Joseph PARKER of Vernon and Maria BELCHER of East Windsor were by me joined in marriage. Vernon Nov. 30th 1832. Chester Humphrey.
On the evening of the First Instant Russell B. SMITH of Somers & Betsey SYMONDS of this place were by joined in Marriage. Vernon 5 Jan. 1833. Chester Humphrey.
This certifies that on the evening of the 27th Jan. 1833, I married Solomon CLEAVELAND of Union to Lucy REED of Vernon. Vernon 27 Jan. 1833. Deodate Brockway, Pastor of the Church in Ellington.
This certifies that Oliver BINGHAM of Vernon & Sarah BRIDGHAM of Middletown were by me Joined in Marriage at Vernon 21 March 1833. Chester Humphrey.
This certifies that Levi TIFFANY of Somers and Ursula E. PARKER of Vernon were by me Joined in Marriage on the evening of the 3rd Instant. Vernon 4 April 1833. Chester Humphrey.
This May certify that William E. McNALL of (East Windsor erased) Vernon and Marrilla THRALL of East Windsor were lawfully Joined together in Marriage on the 2 day of May 1833. at Vernon by me Edmund M. Beebe, Minister of the Gospel.
This certifies that on the 23 Instant Andrew W. TRACEY and Emeline TALCOTT both of this place were by me united in Marriage Vernon. 25 May 1833. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby certify that on the 26th day of June 1833 Alden TALCOTT and Statira F. GRANT, both of Vernon were lawfully Married by me. Lavius Hyde.
I hereby certify that on the 21st day of August 1833 that Julius HARRIS of Bolton and Roxanna HILLS of Manchester were duly Joined in Marriage at Vernon by me. Hezekiah Ramsdell Preacher of the Gospel. Vernon 4 Nov. 1833.
This certifies that Albert G. DART and Merrion WALKER both of Vernon were by me Joined in Marriage on the evening of the 30th of October. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby certify that Charles INGRAHAM of Hebron and Thankfull SPARKS of this place were Joined in Marriage by me on the evening of the 9th Inst. Chester Humphrey. Vernon March 17th 1834.
I hereby certify that on the evening of the 16th Inst. Charles D. NEWELL of Coventry and Mariette WALKER of this place were by me Joined in Marriage. Chester Humphrey. Vernon April 19th 1834.
I hereby certify that on the 21st Inst. Horatio RICE of Belchertown Mass. and Eunice PEARL of this place were by me united in Marriage. Chester Humphrey Vernon May 24, 1834.
I hereby certify that on the 22nd Inst. I officiated in Solemnising the ceremony of Marriage between Albemarle LOOMIS of Coventry and Sarah K. HUBBARD of this place. Vernon 24 May 1834. Chester Humphrey.
Vernon June the 4 1834. This certifies that on the day of the above date I married Harlow K. GRANT to Emily L. RATHBONE both of Vernon. Deodate Brockway.
I hereby certify that on the 24 Instant I solemnized the Marriage of Elijah WARNER of Bolton & Martha HAMMOND of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon June 26th 1834.
Vernon October 2 1834. This certifies that on the day of the above date I Married Benjamin W. WARNER to Caroline CUNNINGHAM. Deodate Brockway Pastor of the Congregational Church in Ellington.
Vernon November 22 1834. I hereby certify that the Marriage of Alvin COLE and Sarah SMITH both of this place was solemnized by me on the 18th Instant. Chester Humphrey.
Vernon March 7th 1835. I hereby certify that on the evening of the 5th Instant I solemnized the marriage of Theodore CHAPMAN of Edmeston New York and Emily SMITH of this place. Chester Humphrey.
Vernon March 19th 1835. I hereby certify that on the evening of the 18th Instant I solemnized the Marriage of Issachar A JONES and Victoria A. NORMAN both of this place. Chester Humphrey.
Vernon May 30th 1835. I hereby certify that on Monday evening of the 25 Instant I solemnized the Marriage of Gideon COLTON of Wilbraham, and Almira NYE of this place. Chester Humphrey.
This certifies that Otis WAKEFIELD and Mary CARPENTER were Joined in Marriage on the 19th Instant by me and all of this place. Vernon 23d July 1835. Royal A. Webster, Justice of Peace.
Vernon August 30th 1835. I hereby Certify that on the morning of the 26th Instant I solemnized the Marriage of George O. LYMAN of this place; & Theressa SLACK of Stonington, Ct., Chester Humphrey.
This May certify that Mr. Sidney S. HOSKINS of Detroit and Miss Roanna CHAPMAN of this Town were this day united in the Bonds of Marriage by me. E. Marsh, Pastor of the Church in Ellington Vernon. Sept 16th 1835.
I hereby certify that on Wednesday the 21st Instant I solemnized the Marriage of Barkos FARNUM of Canton and Abigail ROGERS of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon October 23, 1835.
This May certify that Lemuel THRALL of this place and Sally Ann FARNUM of East Windsor were by me Joined in Marriage on Tuesday the 17th of the present Month. Vernon Nov. 18th 1835. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby certify that the Marriage of Jacob LYMAN Jur. of Bolton and Dorcas CHAPMAN of this place was Solemnized by me on the evening of the 10th of November Inst. Vernon Decr 7th 1835. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby certify that on the evening of the 10th Inst I solemnized the marriage of James I. TALCOTT and Sarah H. PARKER both of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon December 12th 1835.
This will certify that Joel VINTON and Julia Ann BARBER were lawfully married by me at Vernon Feb 7th 1836. Elisha Frink Justice of Peace.
I hereby certify that on the 30th Instant I solemnized the marriage of Bela ABBOT and Fidelia C. HUNT both of this place Vernon. 31st of March 1836. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby certify that on Thursday the 26th Instant I solemnized the Marriage of Justin CASE of Canton and Rachel H. TALCOTT of this place. Vernon 28th of May 1836. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby certify that on Wednesday the 1st Instant I solemnized the Marriage between Rufus BARNARD of Hartford and Mary Ann CHAPMAN of this place. Vernon June 4th 1836. Chester Humphrey.
This certifies that Mr. Marvin SMITH of Kent, Cont., was united in Marriage to Miss Amelia TALCOTT of Vernon, Ct., on Wednesday August 24. Vernon. August 30th 1836. By M. N. Miles.
Vernon September 5th 1836. The subscriber hereby certifies that on Thursday the 1st instant he solemnized the Marriage of David B. BACON of Coventry & Harriet THRALL of this place. Chester Humphrey.
Vernon October 6th 1836. I hereby certify that On Wednesday the 5th Instant I Solemnized the Marriage of William MERRICK of Tolland & Mary PEARL of this place. Chester Humphrey.
Vernon Dec. 5, 1837. I hereby certify that on the evening of the 24th ult. I solemnized the Marriage of William L. HUNT and Mary C. HUNT both of this place. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby Certify that on Thursday the 16th Instant I solemnized the Marriage of Royal O. STORRS of Springfield Mass. and Lora LEE of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon Feb. 10th 1837.
This certifies that the Marriage of Numan K. CHAFFEE of Becket, Ms., and Olive ABBOT of this Town was Solemnized by me on the first day of the present Month. Vernon March 4th 1837. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby certify that the Marriage of William GILBERT and Abbey HYDE both of this place was Solemnized by me on Wednesday the 12th Inst. Chester Humphrey. Vernon April 13th 1837.
I hereby certify that on the evening of the 12th Instant I officiated in solemnizing the Marriage of Owen McKINNEY of Rushford New York, and Chloe H. WALKER of this place Vernon April 13th 1837. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby certify that on Wednesday the 10th Instant I Solemnized the Marriage of Alvah L. THRALL, and Sarah SAGE, both of this place. Vernon May 12, 1837. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby certify that on the 10th day of this month I officiated in solemnizing the marriage of Israel H. PERRY of Manchester and Jane WALKER of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon May 12th 1837.
Ellington September 10th 1837. This certifies that on the day of the above date at Vernon I married Palmer HOLMAN of Vermont to Lois B. GRANT of Vernon. Diodate Brockway.
This Certifies that on the 10th of September 1837 Mr. Henry WILLIAMS of Vernon was married to Miss Laura HURLBURT of the same place in accordance with the laws of this State. Ellington October 3d 1837. Ezekiel Marsh.
This May Certify that Daniel CHAPMAN and Julia Ann DIMMOCK both of Vernon Con. were lawfully Joined in Marriage at Vernon on the 28th day of September 1837. By me. Chas. Hyde Minister of the Gospel.
I hereby Certify that on the evening of the 3rd Instant I Solemnized the Marriage of John S. SKILMAN of Southold Long Island and Nancy M. HUNT of this place. Vernon October 6th 1837. Chester Humphrey.
This May Certify that on the evening of the 4th Instant I officiated in Solemnizing the marriage of Elijah PAYNE and Philenda HUNT both of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon October 7th 1837.
This May Certify that the marriage of Ambrose L. COTTER of Middlebury Portage County Ohio and Mary TALCOTT of this place was Solemnized by me on Wednesday the first Instant. Vernon Nov. 4th 1837. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby Certify that on the evening of the 19th Instant I solemnized the marriage of Marvin FULLER of this place, and Amanda HAYES of East Hartford. Vernon Nov. 22d 1837. Chester Humphrey.
1837 I hereby certify that on the evening of the 30th Nov. Anson LYMAN of this place & Sarah INGRAHAM of Lebanon were by me Joined in Marriage. Chester Humphrey. Vernon December 2nd 1837.
This certifies that Eli HAMILTON of Ellington and Nancy BAKER of Hartford were by the subscriber lawfully Joined in Marriage in the Town of Vernon. Nov. 30th 1837. East Windsor. Dec. 11th 1837. Windsor Ward, Minister of the Gospel.
1838 I hereby certify that on the evening of the 31st Dec. I Joined in Marriage Russell B. ADAMS of Hartford and Mary A. WARREN of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon Jan. 1st 1838.
I hereby Certify that on the evening of the 24 Instant I Solemnized the Marriage of Lebbeus BISSELL and Hariet JOHNSON both of this place. Vernon Jan. 29th 1838. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby Certify that on the evening of the 10th Instant Nathaniel H. TALCOTT and Elizabeth I. CHAPMAN both of this place were by me joined in Marriage. Chester Humphrey. Vernon April 14th 1838.
On the evening of the 12th Instant I solemnized the marriage of Erastus C. McCOLLUM and Hariet BOSWARTH both of this place. Vernon April 14th 1838. Chester Humphrey.
This certifies that Austin HOLT and Almira G. DIMMOCK both of Vernon were by me united in Marriage at Vernon March 26th 1838. Ansel Nash, Minister of the Gospel
1838. This certifies that on the evening of the 24th Instant the Marriage of Calvin WALKER of Fowler in Ohio & Louisa WALKER of this place was solemnized by me. Vernon June 25th 1838. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby certify that on the evening of the 2nd Instant the marriage of William H. PORTER of this place & Mary Dolphin of Ellington was solemnized by me. Vernon Sept. 3rd 1838. Chester Humphrey.
This certifies that Mr. John DOYLE of East Windsor and Miss Mary Ann WILLIAMS of Vernon were by me this day joined in Marriage according to law. Francis Hurlburt, Congregational Minister. Vernon October 14th 1838.
I hereby certify that on the evening of the 30th ult. I solemnized the Marriage of William McLEAN of Manchester & Mary I. PALMER of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon Nov. 3, 1838.
This May certify that Samuel M. COMSTOCK of Saybrook and Harriet HOVEY of this place were Married on the evening of the 29th of Nov. by me. Chester Humphrey. Vernon December 1st 1838.
This is to certify that I solemnized the Marriage of Otis HOLT & Clarissa ALLEN both of this place on the evening of Wednesday the 6th instant. Vernon Feb 9th 1839. Chester Humphrey.
This certifies that the marriage of Alfred K. TALCOTT of this place & Lucretia L. CLARK of Norwich was Solemnized by me on the evening of the 20th Instant. Vernon March 23d 1839. Chester Humphrey.
This certifies that Gerrerd K. STRICKLAND of Glastonbury and Mary BENTON of Tolland were married according to law at Vernon May 1st 1839 by myself. Abram Marsh Minister of the Gospel.
This is to certify that on the evening of the 23rd Instant Reuben P. SAGE and Maria CHAPMAN both of this place were joined in Marriage. Chester Humphrey. Vernon May 26th 1839.
This certifies that Chester RISLEY of Manchester; and Lora R. GRANT of Vernon were by me united in marriage at Vernon September 25th 1839. Ansel Nash, Minister of the Gospel.
I hereby certify that on the 25th Instant RUSSELL STONE of Kent & Rebeckah TALCOTT of this place were united in Marriage. Vernon Sept. 27th 1839. Chester Humphrey.
This certifies that Samuel COLTON and Axa SNOW both of Vernon were by me united in Marriage at Vernon October 20th 1839. Ansel Nash Minister of the Gospel.
This is to certify that Stephen FARNHAM of Ellington & Irene B. MUNSELL of this place were joined in Marriage on the evening of the 28th Instant by me. Chester Humphrey. Vernon Nov. 30, 1839.
I hereby certify that Charles D. ANNIS of Manchester and Adotia HUNTER of Vernon were by me united in marriage at Vernon April 7th 1840. Ansel Nash Minister of the Gospel.
I hereby certify that William W. REED and Julia BIDWELL both of Vernon were by me united in marriage at Vernon April 7th 1840. Ansel Nash Minister of the Gospel.
I hereby certify that on the 3rd instant James S. WALKER and Adeline C. WRIGHT both of this place were Joined in Marriage. Vernon May 16th 1840. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby certify that Mr. Orwell DIMMOCK of Stafford and Miss Betsey PEASE of Vernon have been duly joined in Marriage by me this 11th day of May 1840. Asa Niles Minister of the Gospel.
This is to certify that the Marriage of Hart KEENEY & Mary M. McCULLAM both of this place was solemnized by me on the 27th Instant. Chester Humphrey. Vernon August 28th 1840.
I hereby certify that on Wednesday the 27th of the present month I solemnized the Marriage of Stephen SQUIRE of Providence Rhode Island & Julia A. FENTON of this place. Vernon August 28th 1840. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby certify that on the evening of the 2nd instant Joshua P. CHAPMAN and Jane M. HYDE both of this place were Joined in Marriage by me. Chester Humphrey. Vernon Sept. 5th 1840.
I hereby certify that Francis L. DICKINSON of Hampton and Roxey McLEAN of this Town have been this day United by me in Marriage. Ansel Nash, Minister of the Gospel. Vernon Sept. 28th 1840.
This certifies that Lucius BRETT of Willington and Anne R. THOMPSON of this Town were this day united by me in Marriage. Ansel Nash, Minister of the Gospel. Vernon October 14th 1840.
This certifies That Alvah W. CASE and Nancy A. HARRIS both of Vernon were at that place united by me in Marriage. Nov. 8th 1840. Ansel Nash Minister of the Gospel.
I hereby certify that the Marriage of Milton W. BENTON of Tolland and Charlotte M. WARREN of this place was Solemnized by me on the evening of the 29th Inst. Vernon Nov. 30th 1840. Chester Humphrey.
Vernon Dec 25th 1840. This May certify that Mr. Henry E. BENNET of Somers and Miss Hariet SYMONDS of this Town were joined in Marriage by me on the 24th Instant. B. M. Walker, Minister of the Gospel.
I hereby certify that Gilbert HOLMES and Rosannah JOHNS both of this place were joined in Marriage on the evening of Dec. 31st 1840. Chester Humphrey. Vernon Jan. 4th 1841.
This certifies that on the evening of the 17th Instant I Solemnized the marriage of Wing WALBRIDGE of this place & Laura H. BIGELOW of Barnard of Vermont. Vernon Jan. 18th 1841. Chester Humphrey.
This is to certify that the Marriage of John S. DOBSON & Julia M. WHITE both of this place was Solemnized by me on the evening of the 21st Inst. Chester Humphrey. Vernon January 23rd 1841.
This certifies that Lucius I. HEATH and Ann S. GRANT both of this Town were united by me in Marriage on the 31st of Jan. 1841. Vernon Feb. 1st 1841. Ansel Nash, Minister of the Gospel.
I hereby certify that on the 21st Instant the Marriage of Thomas K. JONES of Coventry, and Parmelia HUTCHINS of this place was solemnized by me. Chester Humphrey. Vernon April 24th 1841.
To whom it May concern, This May certify that Mr. CLARK HOLT of Mansfield and Miss Mary Ann WINCHELL of Vernon were duly and Solemnly united in Marriage, by me M. G. Church Pastor of the Central Babtist Church, Norwich, Ct., May 12th 1841.
This certifies that William B. LITTLE of Columbia and Harriet N. PALMER of this Town were Married May 19th 1841 by me at Vernon. Elliot Palmer Pastor of the Congren. Church West Staffordd. Vernon May 21st 1841.
This is to Certify that John H. JOHNSON of East Windsor and Frances H. NORMAN of this place were Joined in Marriage on the evening of the 23d Instant. Chester Humphrey. Vernon May 26th 1841.
This certifies that Needham MOULTON of Wales Massachusetts and Nancy A. GREEN of this Town were this day by me united in Marriage. Ansel Nash, Minister of the Gospel. Vernon July 4th 1841.
This Certifies that on the day of the 21st of September 1841 I married Orin STONE of Coventry to Mary L. CLARK of Vernon. Diodate Brockway.
I hereby certify that on the evening of the 13th Instant I solemnized the Marriage of John S. ALBONY of Willington and Abby J. TARBOX of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon October 14th 1841.
I hereby certify that the Marriage of Henry HOLLITER of Somers and Julia J. HUNT of this place was Solemnized by me on the 2nd Instant. Chester Humphrey. Vernon Nov. 6th 1841.
This Certifies that John W. HILL of Hartford & Fanny R. KEENEY of Vernon were duly joined in Marriage Jan. 1st 1842. Augustus Pomeroy.
I hereby certify that on the evening of the 30th ultimo I solemnized the marriage of Aaron H. HOLLITER of Manchester and Clarissa WALKER of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon April 5th 1842.
State of Connecticut, Tolland County. I certify that at Vernon in said County on the thirteenth of March AD 1842 Denison CHAPMAN and Maryette HYDE were duly joined in Marriage by me. Sylvester Nash, Minister of the Gospel.
I hereby certify that on the 27th Instant I officiated in Solemnized the Marriage of Russell STONE of Kent and Hannah TALCOTT of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon April 29th 1842.
I hereby affirm that on this day I solemnized the Marriage of Horace FENTON and Lora OLCOTT both of this place. Vernon May 3rd 1842. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby certify that on this day, the Marriage of Francis FENTON of this place; and Redexsa E. THOMPSON of East Windsor, was solemnized by me. Chester Humphrey. Vernon May 3rd 1842.
This Certifies that Benjamin SPRAGUE of Andover and Lois WEST of Vernon, Ct., were duly Married May 25, 1842. Rockville June 24th 1842. A. Pomeroy.
Eli GIFFORD and Lois A. TRACY of Vernon Connecticut were duly married August 25th 1842. Attest A. Pomeroy. Vernon Sept 17th 1842.
This is to certify that on this day I solemnized the Marriage of Andrew W. CHAPMAN, and Eliza WESTON, both residents of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon Sept. 13th 1842.
I hereby certify that on the 9th Instant I solemnized the Marriage of Horace W. TALCOTT and Jane M. GARDNER both of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon October 10th 1842.
I hereby certify that on the evening of the 22nd Instant I solemnized the Marriage of Henry W. SMITH and Sophia CHAPIN both of this Town.
- Chester Humphrey Vernon Nov. 23rd 1842.
I hereby certify that on the evening of the first Instant I Officiated in Marrying Stephen C. FENTON and Amelia S. ALLEN both of this place. Chester Humphrey Vernon Dec. 3rd 1842.
This is to certify that on the evening of the 4th Instant Romanta PINNERY and Angeline EVANS both of this place were Joined in Marriage by the Subscriber. Vernon Dec. 5th 1842. Chester Humphrey.
I hereby certify that on the 18th Instant I solemnized the marriage of William A. WARD and Electa SYMONDS both of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon Jan. 28th 1843.
I hereby certify that on this day I Officiated in uniting in Marriage Henry CADY and Marilla WHITE both of this place. Vernon Feb 21st 1843. Chester Humphrey.
This is to certify that on the evening of the 26th Instant I solemnized the marriage of Lyman B. RICH of Glastenbury and Catharine J. BRUCE of this place. Chester Humphrey. Vernon Feb 27th 1843.
This is to certify that on the evening of the 12th Instant the marriage of Walter ANDREWS and Vilatia NEFF both of this place was Solemnized by me. Chester Humphrey. Vernon March 13th 1843.
I hereby certify that Austin EDGERTON of South Coventry and Amanda M. GRANT of this place were united in Marriage by me, on the 22nd day of the present month. Vernon March 23d 1843. Chester Humphrey.
Samuel L. TALCOTT and Helen MILNER were duly Married April 4th 1843 by me. A. Pomeroy. Vernon Rockville April 5th 1843.
Henry O. GRIGGS and Lucy HOLMAN were duly Married April 4th 1843 by me. A. Pomeroy Vernon Rockville April 5th 1843.
This certifies that John H. MARTIN and Louisa J. PORTER both of Vernon, Ct., were duly Married April 30th 1843. Also Abner D. Harwood and Lydia I. AVERY both of Vernon May 9th 1843. A. Pomeroy.
This Certifies that Elizur C. TUTTLE of North Haven, Ct., and Hannah W. HINCKLEY of Vernon, Ct., were duly married May 17th 1843. A. Pomeroy.
This certifies that on the 18th of June 1843 Elijah CHAPMAN and Lydia MILLARD both of Vernon were united in Marriage by me. Edgar J. Doolittle an Ordained Minister of the Gospel. Vernon June 19th 1843.
This certifies that Chauncey CLARK of Coventry and Sarah Maria POMEROY of Vernon were duly married. June 30th 1843. A. Pomeroy.
This certifies that Royal (Royal was inserted after this record was made, KNAPP erased, and M. NEFF written over it. Another copy of this certificate on a loose sheet, now pasted in, reads as follows: This certifies that Royal G. ANDREWS of Bolton & Harriet M. NEFF of Vernon Conn. were lawfully married at said Vernon on the 22d day of July A. D. 1843 by me A Pomeroy. An ordained Minister of the Gospel.
George ANDREWS of Bolton and Harriet KNAPP were duly Married July 22d 1843 by me. A POMEROY An ordained Minister of the Gospel. George ANDREWS of Boltob and Harriet KNAPP were duly Married July 22nd 1843. A. Pomeroy. Rockville July 30th 1843.
This certifies that Daniel W. GRISWOLD of Manchester and Emerit BRAMAN of Vernon were Married according to law by myself July 30th 1843. Abram Marsh, Minister of the Gospel. Vernon July 30th 1843.
This certifies that Philander DAVIS and Adaline POMEROY both of Somers, Ct., were duly married August 4th 1843. Rockville August 25th 1843. A. Pomeroy.
Vernon September 13th 1843. This certifies that on the day of the above date I married Luther J. FORD of Gilead to Elizabeth Ann WALKER of Vernon. Diodate Brockway, Senior Pastor of the Cong' Church in Ellington.
Vernon September 20th 1843. This certifies that on the day of the above date I married Miriam E. HUMPHREY of Attica New York to Laura TARBOX of Vernon. Deodate Brockway Senior Pastor of the Congregational Church in Ellington.
This certifies that on Wednesday the 15th of November 1843 I married at Vernon, Consider A. RISLEY, to Roxana HUNT of Vernon. Diodate Brockway.
This certifies that Charles E. RICE, of Stafford and Sarah A BAKER of Hartford were married by me November 20th 1843 at Vernon. August Tilden Justice of Peace.
This certifies that on the fourth day of January 1844 Henry AFFLECK of Hartford and Ann HUNTER of Vernon were duly and legally Married By me. Phineas Talcott Justice of Peace.
Vernon January 10th 1844. On the day of the above date I married John P. FORD of Hebron to Lucy Jane WALKER of Vernon. Diodate Brockway, Senior Pastor of the Cong. Church in Ellington.
This certifies that Daniel W. JANES of Litchfield Vermont; and Susan L. BOSWARTH of Vernon, Ct., were Married by me February 21st 1844 according to law. Abram Marsh, Minister of the Gospel.
This certifies that the Marriage between Mr. John Quincey Adams PERRIN of Virginia & Miss Elisabeth A. TALCOTT of Vernon Tolland Co. Ct., was duly Solemnized by me on the 6th Instant. Wm Mather, Officiating minister of the first Cong. Society in Vernon. Vernon March 12th 1844.
This certifies that Samuel L. RICE & Charlotte H. TRACY were united in Marriage on the 31st day of March 1844. in Vernon. G. A. Calhoun.
Hiram M. SMITH and Julia Ann EVANS both of Vernon were duly married April 21st 1844 by me at Vernon. Oliver H Walker Justice of Peace Ellington. April 23rd 1844.
This certifies that on the day of the above date I married Emilus SHARP to Eliza LADD of Rockville in Vernon. Deodate Brockway, Pastor of the Church in Ellington.
I hereby certify that Mr. Israel HURLBURT, and Miss Maria M. GLAZIER both of Vernon were joined in Marriage by me at Vernon Sept. 24th 1844. James Squire Minister of the Gospel.
This Certifies that Mr. Robert OSTRANDER of Tully New York, and Miss Anna B. RUSSELL of Vernon, Ct., were united in Marriage by me at Vernon November 17th 1844. Joel S. Everett Minister of the Gospel.
This Certifies that Mr. Albert CHAPIN and Mrs. Abbey GILBERT both of Vernon were Joined in Marriage at Vernon November 22nd 1844. Joel S. Everett.
Married April 9th 1789 (sic) John Church HUTCHINS to Irena CHAPMAN. Ebenezer KELLOGG Pastor, Entd. from the Church of the Cong. Church N. Bolton. record kept by Revd. Mr. Kellogg.
I hereby Certify that Mr. Hiram F. FISK,(Possibly FISH.) and Miss Lucy Ann HURLBURT were Joined in Marriage by me Dec. 8th 1844. James Squires Ordained Minister of the Gospel.
I hereby Certify that Mr. George S. SMITH of Ellington and Miss Mary L. KEITH of Vernon were married by me in Vernon on the 28th of November 1844. Josh T. Bradley Minister of the Gospel. Ellington Jan. 5th 1845.
Vernon Dec. 25th 1844. This Certifies that on the day of the above date I married Horace THOMPSON & Lovina M,. LORD of Vernon Rockville Society. Diodate Brockway, Pastor of the Cong. Church in Ellington.
This Certifies that on the 19th of Feb. 1845. I married Albert W. LAMB and Mary E. WEST, both of Vernon. Diodate Brockway Pastor of the Congregational Church in Ellington.
Mr. Elizur B. NYE of Manchester, and Miss Jane FULLER of Vernon, were joined in Marriage by the subscriber at Vernon March 27th 1845. D. Bancroft Minister of the Gospel of Willington.
This certifies that Doc. Stephen GRIGGS and Miss L. Lavon FULLER both of Vernon were Married by me according to law August 6th 1845. Abram Marsh Minister of the Gospel. Vernon August 23rd 1845.
This certifies that on the Thirty first day of August A.D. 1845 Mr. Diodate CHAPMAN and Eliza JOHNSON were by me united in Marriage at Rockville Cont. According to the laws of the State of Connecticut. Horace Winslow, Minister of the Gospel. Rockville August 31st 1845.
This certifies that on the first day of September A. D. 1845 Mr. James POTHECARY and Miss Mary Ann SOULES were by me United in Marriage at Rockville Cont. According to the laws of the State of Connecticut. Horace Winslow, Minister of the Gospel. Rockville Sept 1, 1845.
This certifies that Benjamin F. CHAPIN of Hartford and Emily M. SKINNER of Vernon were Married by me on the 2nd day of March 1845. Albert Smith.
This May certify that Charles A. JANES of Palmer, Ms., and Emily TUTTLE of South Windsor were Married by me on the 14th day of October 1845. Albert Smith.
This certifies that Frederick WALKER and Jerusha WALKER both of Vernon were Married by me on the 15th day of October 1845. Albert Smith.
This certifies that on the 22nd of October 1845 I married Carlton GRANT of Vernon, and Hannah FENTON of Coventry. Diodate Brockway.
This May certify that Joseph HOUGHTON of Vernon, Vermont and Josephine M. EVANS of Vernon, Ct., were married by me on the 2nd day of Nov. 1845. Albert Smith.
This May certify that Lorin WRIGHT of Glastenbury and Lucetta CHAPMAN of Vernon were Married by me on the 3rd day of Nov. 1845. Albert Smith.
This certifies that Asa TYLER of Vernon Vermont and Mary Ann CULVER of Vernon, Ct., were married by me on the 16th of November 1845. Albert Smith.
This certifies that on the 27th day of November 1845 I married Fredrick W. CARPENTER and Clarissa S. BULL of Rockville, Vernon. Diodate Brockway.
This May certify that Doc. Marcus L. FISK of East Windsor, and Miss Frances Ann TINKER of Vernon, were Married by me on the fourth day of December 1845. Albert Smith.
This May certify that on the 27th of November 1845 Mr. Samuel STRORY and Miss Bethiah DRAKE were by me united in Marriage according to the laws of the State of Connecticut. Horace Winslow, Minister of the Gospel. Rockville Nov. 27th 1845.
