Vernon, Tolland Co., Ct, Vital Records To 1852
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

[Coder's Note:-- Please note that the records, except for the very last years, were not arranged in any sort of alphabetical or cronological order, but only by the type of record: Births, Marriages & Deaths. It will be necessary to browse all files in order to find individuals. I've attempted to bring family information together where possible, but it's doubtful that I didn't miss a few.]
Mr. John Walker, A Native of Scotland, Died 22nd July 1802 Aged 70 years.
Mrs. Anna Walker Wife of Mr. John Walker Jur. Died 3d July 1814 Aged 60 years.
Miss Ruth King Died March 3d 1822. Aged 65 Years.
Clarissa King Eaton Daughter of Ralph Eaton & Mary his Wife died 7th day of April 1822. aged one Year.
Edward Talcott son of Ralph Talcott & Susan his wife Died Dec. 4, 1831. Aged 4 mo. 15 days.
Ester Talcott died May 23d 1868.
Elizabeth Talcott wife of Deacn. Benjamin Talcott died September 3d 1810.
John Daniels died May 11, 1799 aged 60.
Mary King, Relict of Deacn Seth King died March 2d 1811, aged 91.
Milow Lamfear died November 17th 1811 aged two years.
Deacn. Benjamin Talcott died April 18th 1811.
Elisabeth Chapman wife of Mr. Phineas Chapman died April 1st 1812. aged 59.
Olliva Hammond wife of Eli Hammond died August 10th 1813. aged 42 years.
Anna Hammond daughter of Eli Hammond & Olliva his wife died July 8th 1797, aged 2 1/2 years
Herod Hammond son of Eli Hammond & Olliva his wife died June 29th 1813 aged 4 1/2 years.
Harriot Hammond daughter of Eli Hammod and Olliva his wife died July 7th 1803, aged 2 years.
Anna Smith daughter of Roswel Smith & Hannah his wife died July 14th 1812 aged 10 years & 3 months.
Reuben Sage died August 10th 1814. aged 66.
Betsey McLean wife of Alexander McLean Esq. died August 9th 1814.
Thankful Fuller wife of Irad Fuller died June 29th 1803.
Walter Fitch son of Thaddeus Fitch & Baca his wife died June 3d 1811, aged 2 years.
Ebenezer Smith Hunt son of Ebenezer Hunt & Mary his wife died October 1st 1808. Aged 2 years.
Harvey Brownson son of Jabez Brownson & Merilla his wife died June 24th 1805.
Elisabeth Fitch daughter of Chester Fitch & Betsey his wife died August 12th 1814. age 8 months.
Higgins Lee soil of Elijah Lee & Sally his wife died May 1st 1813.
Deac. Samuel Talcott died May 26th 1813.
Fanny Cady daughter of John Cady & Mabel his wife died Oct. 11th 1814.
Emily Cady daughter of John Cady & Mabel his wife died Sept. 30th 1814.
Ebenezer Kellogg Jr. Esq. died May 10th 1812.
Roxey McLean wife of Francis McLean died March 30th 1811.
Martin Kellogg died October 1st 1814.
Chloe King wife of Oliver King Esqr. died Jan. 24th 1816 Aged 65 years.
Lydia Roberts Wife of Capt. Cornelius Roberts Died 15 March 1817 Aged 60 years.
Rebecca Dorchester, Relict of Deacon David Dorchester Died Feb. 28th 1817. Aged.
Jan. Thomas Johns Died 9 January Aged 72 Years.
Jan. Sally Talcott Daughter of Justus Talcott Jur. & Lovina his wife Died 30th Jan. aged 11 Months.
March Capt. Oliver Hunt Died 13th March Aged 55 Years.
An Infant daughter of Jimeson and Lydia Cheesebro aged 48 hours.
Mrs. Abigail Braman Died 16th April Aged 74 Years.
May Isabella Thompson Daughter of Timothy Thompson Died 3rd May 1818 Aged 15 years.
Mrs. Deborah Pearle Wife of Joshua Pearle Died 11th May 1818 Aged 63 Years.
July Oliver King Esqr Died 6th July 1818 Aged 70 Years.
Rachel Hunt Died 27 July 1818 Aged 53 Years.
Sept Mrs. Nancy Hall Wife of Capt John A. Hall Died 5th Sept. Aged 41 Years.
Oct. Doc. Lester Fuller Son of ---- Fuller of Hampton Died 8th October 1818 Aged 24 Years.
Aug. 15th Sarah Hibbard, Infant, White, born Vernon, residence, Vernon, Fits
Aug. 17th Brigham R. Nye, 10 mo. white, born Vernon, residence Vernon, Brain Fever.
Aug. 25th Sarah M. Hibbard, 27, white, House Keeper, born Tolland, residence vernon. Insanity
Aug. 31st Henry M. Kinney, 37, white, Carriage Maker, born Vernon, residence Vernon, Consumption.
Sept. 5th Frances Ellen Pinney 5 mo. white, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Inflame. of Brain.
Sept. 10th Charles Mark, 1 year, white, born, Stafford, residence Vernon. Disease of Brain.
Sept. 18th Mary Cogswell, 81, White, born Tolland, residence Vernon. Dysentary.
Oct. 3rd Mrs. Doane, 64, white, born East Haven, residence Vernon. Consumption.
Oct. 8th Loisa J. Ingersoll, 1, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Consumption.
Oct. 13th Anna Porter, 65, white, born, Tolland, residence Bolton, Affection of the Heart.
Oct. 31st Ann M. Govern, 19, White, born Ireland, residence Vernon, Ship Fever.
Nov. 3rd Arthur Maxwell 3 mo., white, birth Vernon, residence Vernon. Dropsy.
Nov. 9th Lana L. Me Lean, 34, white, born Tolland, residence Vernon, Typhus Fever.
Nov. 18th Austin M. Kinney, 36, white, Merchant, born Vernon, residence Vernon, Consumption.
Dec. 2nd Sally P. Sage, 73, white, House Keeper, born Wilbraham Ms., residence, Vernon. Billious Fever.
Dec. 3rd Joseph W. Hull (?) 2, white. born Vernon, residence Vernon, Croup.
Dec. 5th Cynthia Thompson, 50, white, House Keeper, born East Windsor, residence, Vernon, Lung Fever.
Dec. 24th Hariet Bissell, 36, white, born Willington, residence Vernon. Inflamation of Bowels.
Jan. 10th Charles Perrin, 19, white, farmer, born, Vernon, residence Vernon, Inflamation of bowles.
Jan. 20th Esther Ford, 74, white, born, Hampton Ct. residence Vernon. Lung Fever.
Feb. 2nd Albert Blanchard, 4 mo. white, born, Vernon, residence Vernon. Bronchontis
Feb. 4th Eliza A. Bingham, 4, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Croup.
Feb. 18th Laura S. Newell, 24, white, Factory Operative, born Bolton, residence Bolton. Lung fever.
Feb. 20th Sylvia Green, 50, white, House Keeper, born Tolland, residence Vernon. Insanity.
Feb. 24th Lucy Hunt, 37, white, born West Springfield Ms. residence vernon. Consumption.
March 4th Reuben Sage, 71, white, Farmer, born Middletown, Ct., residence Vernon. Lung Fever.
March 5th Mary Glazier, 11 days, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Canker.
March 8th Emeline Parker, 1 year, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Dysentary.
March 13th Fredrick H. Stickney, 3 mo. white, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Bronchitis.
March 18th Robert Vantine, 7 mo. white, born Stafford, residence Stafford. Consumption
March 20th Chester White, 58, White, Farmer, born E. Windsor, residence Vernon. Lung Fever.
March 29th Chauncey O. Bromley, 1, white, born New London, residence Vernon. Inflamation of Bowels.
April 23rd Clarissa Corning, 56, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon, Consumption.
May 10th Seth Vinton, 92, white, Farmer, born Boston Ms. residence Vernon. Old Age.
May 9th Reuben T. Carpenter, 29, white, Carpenter & Joiner, born Tolland, residence vernon. old age.
June 19th Maj. John Kennedy, 82, white, Farmer, born E. Hartford, residence E. Hartford. Accidentally thrown from his Waggon at Tunpike Gate.
May 16th Charles Bodge, 10, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Lockjaw.
June Lucy J. Corey, 4, white, birth Lebanon, residence Vernon. Dropsy of Heart.
June 10th Edward Carroll, 65, white, Paper Maker, born Ireland, residence Vernon, Bowel Complaint.
July 4th Mary M. Bingham, 68, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Consumption.
July 7th Ann Silcox, Infant, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon.
July 21st Josephine R. Hale, 2, white, born vernon, residence Vernon. Dropsy of Brain.
July 23rd Alvarado McCollum, 2, white, born Plymouth Ct., residence Vernon, Dysentary.
July 28th Ellen Reed, 4, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon, Croup.
Aug. 15th William Shipman, Male, 2, White, born Glastenbury, residence Rockville, Dysentary.
Aug. 15th Mrs. Abbey Ann Parker, 40, white, Housekeeper, residence Vernon, Typhus Fever.
Aug. 18th Revillo B. Ney, Male 11 mo. white, born Rockville, residence Rockville, Disease of the Brain.
Aug. 20th Not named, male, 1 mo. white, residence Rockville, Fits.
Sept. 10th Naomi M., Male, 11 mo. white, born Rockville, residence Rockville, Inflamation on the Brain.
Sept. 10th Miss Mary Ann Parker, Female, 18 years, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Typhus Fever.
Sept. 13th Jane E. Orcutt, female, 9 mo., white, born Vernon, residence Rockville, Hooping Cough.
Sept. 24th Mrs. Olive A. Newell, female, 32, white, Housekeeper, Mansfield, born Mansfield, residence Rockville, Consumption.
October 29th Ogden Grant, female(?), 50, white, Farmer, born Vernon, residence Rockville, Lung Fever.
Nov. 3th Mrs. Caroline Silcox, female, 29, white, Housekeeper, born England, residence Rockville, Diarhea
Nov. 23rd Lydia Hyde, female, 60, white, Housekeeper, residence Vernon, Consumption.
Dec. 15th Mr. Lucy Crane, female, 23, white, housekeeper, born South Wilbraham, residence, E. Windsor. Child Birth.
Dec. 25th Florence Sullivan, Male, 30, white, Laborer on R. R., born Ireland, residence Vernon. Fever
Jan. 15th Louisa J. Martin, Female, 32, white, Housekeeper, residence Rockville. Consumption.
Jan. 27th Maria Burdick, female, 22, white, born Vernon, residence Rockville. Fits.
Mrs. Hatch, female, 23, white, residence Vernon. Consumption.
Feb. 3rd Mrs. Martha Post, female, 65, Housekeeper, residence Rockville. Lung Fever.
Feb. 4th Irad Fuller, male, 82, white, Farmer, born E. Haddam, residence Vernon. Fever
11th Vernon Watrous, male, 28, white, Overseer on R. R. residence Vernon. Blasting Rocks on R. R.
17th Philip Lynch, male, 49, white, Laborer on R. R., born Ireland, residence Vernon. Fever.
18th Michael Hafford, male, 36, white, Laborer on R. R., born Ireland, residence Vernon. Fever Typhus.
March 11th an Infant, Female, 9 days, white, born Vernon, residence Rockville. Division of Spine.
April 4th Mary M. Stickney, female, 11 days, white, born Vernon, residence Rockville, Snuffles.
20th Mary Eaton, female, 45, white, born Ireland, residence Vernon. Child Birth.
29th Mrs. Haney A. M'Lean, female, 26, white, Housekeeper, Accidental Poison.
May 1st Mrs. Lydia Hale, female, 84, white, residence Rockville. Apoplexy.
14th Andrew J. Allen, male, 15 mo. born Vernon, residence Rockville. Consumption.
15th Roxana Wright, female, 58, white, Tailoress, born Stafford, residence Vernon. Consumption.
26th Patrick Quinn, Male, 24, white, Manufacturer, born Ireland, residence vernon. Rupture of Blood Vessel.
June 4th L. Millmore, male, 40, white, Irish Laborer R. R., born Ireland, residence Vernon, Fever.
June 5th Justus Talcott, Male, 89, White, Farmer, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Old Age.
22nd Henry C. Hibbard, male, 4, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon, Scarlet Fever.
July 3rd Aaron A. Keeney, male, 27, white, Laborer, born Manchester, residence Rockville, Consumption.
10th Arthur Larry, male, 25, white, Laborer on R. R., born Ireland, residence Vernon. Fever.
14th William Quinlin, male, 50, white, Laborer on R. R. born Ireland, residence Vernon, Sun Struck.
Aug. 16th Edwin M. Main Female 11 mo., White born Rockville, residence Rockville. Dysentary.
Sep. 2nd Fredrick W. Talcott, Male, 34, white, Merchant, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Consumption
Sept. 25th Selden M. Kinney, male, 69, white, Farmer, born Ellington, residence Rockville. Typhus Fever.
Sept. 26th Eliza Stebbins, Female, 36, white, Farmer, born Ellington, residence Rockville. Typhus Fever.
Sept. 26th Sarah Singer, female, 28, white, born England, residence Rockville, Typhus Dysentary.
Sept. 26th Mark Hiscox, Male, 26, white, Farmer, born Vermont, residence Vernon. Typhus Fever.
Oct. 1st John W. Gilbert, male, 33, white, Merchant, born Tolland Ct., residence Rockville. Typhus fever.
Oct. 16th Asenath Grant, Female, 72, white, born East Haddam, residence Rockville. Typhus Fever.
Oct. 18th Julia Ann Lyman, female, 6, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon, not known.
Oct. 19th an Infant, female, 8 days, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon, not known.
Oct. 20th Miranda McKinney, female, 64, born Vernon, residence Rockville. Typhus Fever.
Oct. 14th Harriet Bromley, female, 24, white, born N. Stonington, residence Rockville. Typhus fever.
oct. 14th Henry Lynn, Male, 32, white, Stage Driver, born Ireland, residence Rockville. Inflamation of Bowels.
Oct. 30th Hannah Buckmister, Female, 24, white, residence N. Coventry. Typhus Fever.
Nov. 2nd Mary J. Brewster, female, 38, white, born Windsor Ct., residence Rockville. Consumption.
Nov. 6th Charlotte W. Bissell, female, 16, white, born Bolton, residence Rockville. Typhus Fever.
Nov. 20th P. Brewster, Male, 64, Factory Hand, born Pensylvania, residence Rockville. Inflamation of Bowels.
Nov. 23rd Anna Talcott, Female, 76, white, Housekeeper, born Tolland, residence Vernon. Consumption.
Dec. 18th Emily Kneeland, Female, 38, white, born Hebron, residence Vernon. Consumption.
Dec. 26th Erastus Hunt, Male, 69, white, Cooper, born Columbia Ct., residence Vernon.
Dec. 10th ---- Fakay, male, 1, white, born Canada, residence Rockville.
Jan. 4th William Story, male, 1 yr. 9 mo. white, born Lowell Ms. residence Rockville, Pneumonia.
Jan. 5th Eliza Skinner, Female 11 mo. white, born Vernon, residence Rockville. Pneumonia.
Jan. 5th Albert W. Crane, Male, 1 yr 9 mo. white, born Rockville, residence Rockville. Lung Fever.
Jan. 12th Jennette James, Female, 8 mo., white, residence Rockville, Inflamation of Lungs.
Feb. 6th Charles D. Northrup, Male, 8 years, white, born Rockville, residence Rockville. Scarlet Fever.
Feb. 15th Oliver H. King, male, 63, white, Farmer, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Disease of the Stomach.
March 10th Herbert J. Talcott, male, 3, white, born Rockville, residence Rockville. Inflamation of Bowels.
March 13th Jonathan Russell, male, 80, white, Farmer, born Thompson Ct., residence Vernon. liver Complaint.
March 14th an Infant, Male, 3 hours, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon.
April 13th Daniel G. Kellogg, Male 40, White, Laborer, born Hebron, residence Vernon. Affection of the Brain.
April 18th John R. Phelps, male, 71, white, Shoemaker, born Spencertown N.Y., residence Vernon. Apoplexy.
May 3rd Nicholas Pyne, male, 34, white, Spinner, born Ireland, residence Rockville. Erysipelas.
May 5th Ichabod Shelley, male, 17, Colord, Farmer, born Rockville, residence Vernon. Lung Fever.
May 13th George Hill, male, 7 mo., White, born Rockville, residence Rockville. Consumption.
May 12th Mary M. Perkins, Female, 30, white, born Bozrah, residence Vernon. consumption.
May 15th Silas Munsell, Male, 72, white, Shoemaker, born E. Windsor, residence Vernon. Fit.
June 15th Jonathan Pasco, male, 59, White, None, born Stafford, residence Rockville, consumption.
June 16th James H. Bidwell, male, 36, white, Papermaker, born Manchester, residence Vernon. Consumption.
June 25th William Wordsworth, male, 1, white, Inflamation of Bowels.
July 22nd Sarah Johnson, Female, 50, white, Housekeeper, born Enfield Ms. residence Vernon, Consumption.
Aug. 4th benj. Talcott, Male, 61, White, Farmer, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Apoplexy
Sept. 14th Elisabeth Ladd, Female, 18, White, Householder, born Tolland, residence Vernon. Typhus Fever.
Sept. 15th Catharine Winchell, Female, 22, White, Wife, born Manchester, residence Vernon. Typhus fever.
Sept. 15th Ellen Covill, Female, 12, White, born Glastenbury, residence Vernon. Inflamation of the Bowels.
Sept. 16th Betsey Marsh, Female, 32, White, Wife, born Montgomery, Mass., residence Vernon. Congestive Fever.
Sept. 24th John Broder, Male, 19, White, Manufacturer, born Ireland, residence Vernon. Typhus Fever.
Sept. 25th Mary A. Ingersoll, Female, 2, White, Farmer(?), born Vernon, residence Vernon. Unknown.
Oct. 1st Lucy Holman, Female, 68, white, Wife, born Union, Ct., residence Vernon, Old Age.
Oct. 5th ---- Orcutt, Male, 1, White, born Vernon, residence Vernon, Lung Fever.
Oct. 13th Samuel P. Rose, Male, 43, White, Merchant, born Coventry, residence Vernon. Dysentary.
Oct. 18th ---- Hamnd, Male, 5 mos., White, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Inflamation of the Brain.
Oct. 26th Washington Brown, Male, 56, White, Boarding Housekeeper, born Mansfield, residence Vernon. Brain Fever.
Nov. 10th Lucy Sparks, Female, 48, White, Household duties, born Mansfield, residence Rockville. Consumption.
Nov. 27th Mrs. Dart, Female, 27, white, Mechanic(?), born not known, residence Rockville, Confinement.
Dec. 7th ---- Dunham, Female, 1, White, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Whooping Cough.
Dec. 24th Obediah K. Smith, Male, 59, White, Farmer, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Apoplexy.
Feb. 3rd Almira Schwarts, Female, 33, White, Wife, born Boston, Mass. residence Rockville. Croup.
Feb. 25th Sophia Lathrop, Female, 22, White, born Willington, residence Vernon. Consumption.
Feb. 28th Hepsibah Barber, Female, 80, White, Wife, born Vernon, residence Rockville. Dropsy.
Mar. 7th Ada I. Carpenter, Female, 1, White, born Rockville, residence Rockville, Congestion of the Brain.
Mar. 18th Harriet C. Usher, female, 24, White, Wife, born East Hartford, residence Vernon, Consumption.
April 5th Alonzo Watts, Male, 27, White, Carriage Maker, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Lung Fever
April 11th Edmund Smith, Male, 4, White, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Drowned.
April 12th Edward McDonald, Male, 18, White, Labourer, born Ireland, residence Vernon. Consumption.
April 24th Annosy Pease, Female, 6 mos., White, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Congestion of the Brain.
April 25th Jehial Fuller, Male, 55 White, Farmer, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Killed by cart running over him.
May 15th John H. Stafford, Male, 3, White, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Unknown.
June 3rd Lora Risley, Female, 33, White, wife, born Vernon, residence Rockville. Consumption.
June 3rd Lydia Olmsted, Female, white, Wife, born Vernon, residence Rockville. Consumption.
July 5th Child, Male, 1, white, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Unknown.
July 8th David Smith, Male, 68, White, Farmer, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Dropsy on the Heart.
July 20th Sarah A. Talcott, Female, 23, White, Wife, born Vernon, residence Vernon. Consumption.
