Vernon, Tolland Co., Ct, Vital Records To 1852
Births - 1793-1851
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

[Coder's Note:-- Please note that the records, except for the very last years, were not arranged in any sort of alphabetical or cronological order, but only by the type of record: Births, Marriages & Deaths. It will be necessary to browse all files in order to find individuals. I've attempted to bring family information together where possible, but it's doubtful that I didn't miss a few.] The first section of the birth records are, for the most part listed by families, while the second part, starting in 1847 goes by dates until 1851.]
John Pearl, Son of Joshua Pearl Jr. & Eunice his wife was born September 14th 1809.
Mary Pearle daughter of Joshua Pearle Jr. & Eunice his wife was born September 4th 1811.
Sally Cady, daughter of John & Mabel Cady his wife was born April 17th 1803.
George Cady son of John & Mabel Cady his wife was born March 3d 1805.
John Cady Jur. son of John & Mabel Cady his wife was born July 6th 1807.
Reuben Whedon son of Abraham Whedon & Lydia his Wife was born July 30th 1806.
William Whedon son of Abraham Whedon & Lydia his Wife was born September 29th 1808.
Betsey Brower Chapman, daughter of Gideon Chapman & Sally his Wife was born Feb. 14th 1809.
Sophronia Chapman daughter of Gideon Chapman & Salley his Wife was born February 11th 1811.
Alvan Talcott Jur. son of Alvan Talcott & Philomela his wife was born August 17th 1804.
Rachel Howard Talcott, daughter of Alvan Talcott and Philomela his wife was born October 2d 1806.
Rosanna Talcott, daughter of Alvan Talcott and Philomela his wife was born October 25th 1811.
Hannah Peck Chappel, daughter of Roswell Chappel & Lydia his wife, was born August 14th 1811.
John McKeen King son of Lemuel King & Jane his wife was born December 19th 1808.
Percy Strong King Daughter of Lemuel King & Jane his wife was born March 20th 1813.
Mary Crosby Hunt Daughter of Oliver Hunt and Rebeckah his wife was born Feb. 3d 1812.
Milissa Bingham Daughter of John Bingham and Rhoda his Wife was born June 18th 1806.
Lura Bingham was born September 11th 1808. Daughter of John & Rhoda Bingham.
Olive Talcott Daughter Jacob Talcott & Anna his wife was born November 15th 1807.
Henry Sullivan Son of Benjamin Sullivan & Patty his wife was born June 8th 1809.
David Sullivan son of Benjamin Sullivan & Patty his wife was born February 8th 1811.
Olliva Hammond daughter of Eli Hammond & Oliva his wife was born June 24th 1793.
Anna Hammond daughter of Eli Hammond & Olliva his Wife was born February 5th 1795.
Eli Hammond son of Eli Hammond & Olliva his wife was born January 15th 1797.
Herod Hammond son of Eli Hammond & Olliva his wife was born February 12th 1799.
Harriott Hammond daughter of Eli Hammond and Olliva his wife was born May 6th 1801.
Sophiam Hammond daughter of Eli Hammond and Olliva his wife was born April 29th 1803.
Eleanor Hammond daughter of Eli Hammond & Olliva his wife was born February 11th 1806.
Lemuel Olmsted Hammond Son of Eli Hammond and Olliva his wife was born February 29th 1808.
Manton Howard Hammond son of Eli Hammond and Olliva his wife was born July 25th 1810.
Hannah Sparks daughter of Jonas Sparks & Ollive his wife was born May 8th 1794.
Lucretia Sparks daughter of Jonas Sparks & Olive his wife was born January 10th 1796.
William Sparks son of Jonas Sparks and Olive his wife was born October 22d 1798.
Larasa Sparks daughter of Jonas Sparks & Olive his wife was born April 14th 1802.
Olive Sparks daughter of Jonas & Olive Sparks his wife was born August 1st 1804.
Arial Sparks son of Jonas Sparks & Olive his wife was born April 1st 1806.
Chloe Sparks daughter of Jonas Sparks & Olive his wife was born January 30th 1809.
Thankful Sparks daughter of Jonas Sparks & Olive his wife was born August 2d 1811.
Roswel Smith son of David Smith & Eunice his wife was born January 19th 1758.
Hannah Kingsbury the wife of Roswel Smith was born January 8th 1769.
Obadiah K. Smith Son of Roswel Smith & Hannah his wife was born July 6th 1791.
Fanny Smith daughter of Roswel Smith & Hannah his wife was born January 2d 1793.
Electa Smith daughter of Roswel Smith & Hannah his wife was born December 28th 1794.
Harriot Smith daughter of Roswel Smith and Hannah his wife was born May 25th 1797.
Mabel Smith daughter of Roswel Smith & Hannah his wife was born July 30th 1799.
Anna Smith daughter of Roswel Smith & Hannah his wife was born April 11th 1802.
Roswel Smith son of Roswel Smith & Hannah his wife was born October 5th 1804.
Emily Smith Daughter of Roswel Smith & Hannah his wife was born April 28th 1809.
Mariva King daughter of Isaac King & Clarissa his wife was born March 19 1809.
Nancy King daughter of Isaac King & Clarissa his wife was born July 20th 1812.
Louisa King daughter of Isaac King & Clarissa his wife was born January 20th 1814.
Simeon Cooley son of Simeon Cooley & Clarissa his Wife was born August 14th 1800.
Clarissa Cooley daughter of Simeon Cooley & Clarissa his wife was born August 23d 1836.
Joseph Churchel Hammond son of Elijah Hammond & Martha his wife was born July 26th 1809.
William Dobson son of Peter Dobson & Betsey his wife was born July 22d 1814.
Mary King Pratt daughter of Samuel Pratt & Susannah his wife was born October 25th 1812.
Susannah Millard Pratt daughter of Samuel Prat and Susannah his wife was born November 10th 1814.
Alexander McLean son of Alexander McLean and Betsey his wife was born October 22d 1794.
John McLean son of Alexander McLean and Betsey his wife was September 6th 1796.
Betsey McLean daughter of Alexander McLean and Betsey his wife was born July 5th 1798.
Clarissa McLean daughter of Alexr. McLean and Betsey his wife was born July 19th 1800.
Allen McLean son of Alexr. McLean and Betsey his wife was born December 24th 1802.
Mary McLean, daughter of Alexr. McLean and Betsey his wife was born October 6th 1806.
Charles McLean son of Alexr. McLean & Betsey his wife was born May 30th 1811.
Aaron Kellogg son of Thomas W. Kellogg & Molly his wife was born November 5th 1795.
Henry Kellogg son of Thomas W. Kellogg & Molly his wife was born March 13th 1797.
Hubbard & Hudson Kellogg twin sons of Thomas W. Kellogg and Molly his wife were born July 21st 1800.
Hannah W. Kellogg daughter of Thomas W. Kellogg & Molly his wife was born July 18th 1807.
Daniel Fitch son of Thaddeus Fitch & Baca his wife was born November 1st 1789.
Chester Fitch son of Thaddeus &c. born March 17th 1791.
Nancy Fitch daughter of Do. born January 10th 1793.
Chauncy Fitch son of Do. born January 1st 1795.
Almira Fitch daughter of Do. born January 19th 1797.
Eli Fitch son of Do. born September 27th 1798.
Betsey Fitch daughter of Do. born October 25th 1800.
Sanford Fitch son of Do. born November 19th 1802.
Horace Fitch son of Do. born November 18th 1804.
Elisha Fitch son of Do. born July 3d 1807.
Walter Fitch son of Do. born February 23d 1809.
Mary Van Fitch daughter of Do. born February 25th 1811.
Irene Avery daughter of Normand Avery & Emily his wife was born December 11th 1812. at Coventry.
Eunice Driggs daughter of Abel Driggs & Rachel his wife was born September 9th 1795.
Abel Driggs son of Abel Driggs & Rachel his wife was born October 6th 1798.
Fanny C. Smith daughter of Paul G. Smith & Fanny his wife was born December 22d 1809.
Julia M. Smith daughter of Paul G. Smith & Fanny his wife was born July 25th 1812.
Laura Smith daughter of Paul G. Smith & Fanny his wife was born July 25th 1814.
Ebenezer Hunt born January 12th 1769 and his wife Mary Smith was born November 15th 1772.
Horace Hunt son of Ebenezer Hunt & his wife was born March 28th 1796.
Mary Hunt daughter of Ebenezer Hunt &c born February 16th 1798.
John Hunt son of Ebenezer and his wife was born August 9th 1799.
Ursula Hunt daughter of Do. born July 25th 1801.
Sylvester Hunt son of Do. born september 26th 1803.
Ebenezer Smith Hunt son of Do. born December 21st 1805.
Reuben Smith Hunt son of Do. born January 25th 1809.
Harvey Brownson son of Jabez Brownson & Merilla his wife was born August 12th 1787.
Betsey Brownson daughter of Jabez Brownson & Merilla his wife was born September 21st 1789.
Elizabeth Fitch daughter of Chester Fitch & Betsey his wife was born December 24th 1813.
Eliot Palmer son of Eliot Palmer & Anna his wife was born September 29th 1800.
Anna Palmer daughter of Eliot Palmer & Anna his wife was born July 8th 1802.
Uriah Palmer son of Eliot Palmer & Anna his wife was born December 14th 1805.
Mary Townsend Palmer daughter of Eliot & Anna Palmer was born June 8th 1814.
Chester Lyman son of Samuel Lyman & Wealthy his wife was born September 9th 1801 at Tolland.
Sarah Lyman daughter of Do. born Dec. 26th 1801 at Lebanon.
Silas Hartsin Lyman son of Do. born October 20th 1804 at Columbia.
Charles Lyman son of Do. born January 29th 1806 at Columbia.
Anson Lyman son of Do. born December 17th 1810 at Vernon.
John Edwin Abbot son of John Abbot & Achsah his wife was born January 11th 1814.
Lucy Lee daughter of Elijah Lee & Sally his wife was born January 30th 1803.
George Lee son of Elijah & Sally his wife was born November 18th 1806.
Emely Lee daughter of Elijah Lee & Sally his wife was born August 29th 1809.
Higgins Lee son of Elijah Lee & Sally his wife was born December 11th 1812.
Charles Lee son of Elijah Lee & Sally his wife was born April 17th 1813.
Benjamin Olmsted Talcott son of Benjamin Talcott Ju. and Fanny his wife was born March 27th 1814.
James Tudor Talcott Son of Samuel Talcott & Sarah his wife was born April 26th 1813.
David Tryon Eaton son of Ralph Eaton and Mary his wife was born December 29th 1814.
Alden Tucker son of Hope Tucker & Lucy his wife was born August 1805.
Roxy Tucker daughter of Hope Tucker & Lucy his wife was born April 3d 1807.
Salmon Tucker son of Hope Tucker & Lucy was born January 23d 1809.
Electa Tucker daughter of Hope Tucker & Lucy his wife was born March 6th 1811.
Lucy Tucker daughter of Hope Tucker & Lucy his wife was born November 19th 1812.
Hope Tucker son of Hope Tucker & Lucy his wife was born December 11th 1814.
Lucy Bingham daughter of John Bingham and Rhoda his wife was born January 29th 1813.
Nathaniel Rogers son of Lee Lay Rogers Rhoda his wife was born November 15th 1804.
Dimmock Rogers son of L. L. Rogers and Rhoda his wife was born February 10th 1807.
Lee Lay Rogers son of L. L. Rogers & Rhoda his wife was born April 20th 1808.
Timothy Rogers son of Lee Lay Rogers & Rhoda his wife was born November 15th 1809.
Hannah Rogers daughter of Lee Lay Rogers & Rhoda his wife was born May 2d 1811.
Alden Skinner son of Elijah Skinner Jur. and Mary his wife was born September 27th AD 1798.
Mary Skinner daughter of Elijah Skinner Jur. and Mary his wife was born May 12th 1802.
Warren Skinner son of Elijah Skinner Jur. & Mary his wife was born August 27th 1804.
Samuel Millard son of Leavitt Millard & Lydia his wife was born March 14th 1786.
Lydia Millard daughter of Leavitt Millard & Lydia his wife was born February 11th 1788.
Warren Millard son of Leavitt Millard & Lydia his wife was born May 8th 1790.
Eliott Millard son of Leavitt Millard & Lydia his wife was born May 22d 1793.
Huldah Millard daughter of Leavitt Millard & Lydia his wife was born November 16th 1796.
Leavitt Millard son of Leavitt Millard &. Lydia his wife was born July 22d 1798.
Fanny Cady daughter of John Cady & Mabel his wife was born March 12th 1811.
Emily Cady daughter of John Cady & Mabel his wife was born May 25th 1814.
Roxy Brownson daughter of Hosea Brownson & Helen his wife was born April 22d 1805.
Wyllys Brownson Son of Hosea Brownson & Helen his wife was born March 6th 1801.
Lewis Brownson son of Hosea Brownson & Helen his wife was born June 2d 1809.
Marshal Brownson son of Hosea Brownson & Helen his wife was born May 12th 1811.
Saphronia Brownson daughter of Hosea Brownson & Helen his wife was born February 22d 1813.
Starlin McKinney son of Erastus McKinney and Lydia his wife was born April 9th 1803.
Augustus McKinney son of Erastus McKinney and Lydia his wife was born May 23d 1805.
Ralph McKinney son of Erastus McKinney and Lydia his wife was born January 25th 1898.
Fanny McKinney daughter of Erastus McKinney & Lydia his wife was born January 5th 1811.
Warren McKinney son of Warren McKinney & Betsey his wife was born December 16th 1800.
Betsey McKinney daughter of Warren McKinney and Betsey his wife was born December 24th 1801.
Candace McKinney daughter of Warren McKinney & Betsey his wife was born July 31st 1804.
Julia McKinney daughter of Warren McKinney and Betsey his wife was born February 6th 1806.
David McKinney son of Warren McKinney & Betsey his wife was born May 18th 1807.
Rosanna McKinney daughter of Warren McKinney & Betsey his wife was born January 30th 1809.
Owen McKinney son of Warren McKinney & Betsey his wife was born August 2d 1811.
Chloey McKinney daughter of Warren McKinney and Betsey his wife was born October 5th 1813.
Gurdon Grant son of Elisha Grant & Electa his wife was born September 30th 1799.
Electa Grant daughter of Elisha Grant & Electa his wife was born September 14th 1802.
Statire Fuller Grant daughter of Elisha Grant and Electa his wife was born March 16th 1810.
Louisa Buckly Grant daughter of Elisha Grant and Electa his wife was born April 14th 1814.
Russel Seldert King son of Russel King & Cynthia his Wife was born January 1st 1807.
Cynthia Philenda King daughter of Russel King and Cynthia his wife was born May 19th 1810.
Rufus Swan King son of Russel King & Cynthia his wife was born December 22d 1814.
Emeline Talcott daughter of Alvan Talcott and Philomela his wife was born March 16th 1815.
Diantha Grant daughter of Elnathan Grant & Roxana his wife was born February 1st 1787.
Roxana Grant daughter of Elnathan Grant & Roxana his wife February 4th 1789.
Daniel Fitch Grant son of Elnathan Grant & Roxana his wife was born March 27th 1791.
Bulaura Grant daughter of Elnathan Grant and Roxana his wife was born April 24th 1793.
Philenda Grant daughter of Elnathan Grant & Roxana his wife was born December 28th 1797.
Otis McLean son of Francis McLean & Roxey his wife was born February 27th 1801.
Lora McLean daughter of Francis McLean & Roxy his wife was born October 19th 1802.
Francis McLean son of Francis McLean & Roxey his wife was born August 19th 1804.
Mary McLean daughter of Francis McLean & Roxey his wife was born August 27th 1806.
John Hall McLean son of Francis McLean & Roxey his wife was born April 4th 1808.
Rosannah McLean daughter of Francis McLean & Roxey his wife was born May 27th 1810.
Elisabeth Kellogg daughter of Ebenezer Kellogg Jur. and Elizabeth his wife was born July 31st 1807.
Abigail Olmsted Kellogg daughter of Ebenezer Kellogg Jur. and Elizabeth his wife was born June 22d 1812.
Percy Hammond daughter of Eli Hammond & Percy his wife was born July 22nd 1815 in Vernon.
William Ely Merick, son of Mark Merick & Hannah his wife was born 14th October 1815 in Vernon.
Elisabeth Johns Chapman: daughter of Phineas Chapman Jur. and Lucy his Wife was born 15th May 1815 in Vernon.
Henry Smith son of Daniel Smith & Anne his Wife was Born October 26, 1816 (in Vernon).
Edwin Eaton son of Ralph Eaton & Mary his Wife was born 7th day of September 1817. (in Vernon)
James Munroe Harris Son of Azariah Harris and Bathsheba his Wife was born June 11th 1817. (in Vernon).
Eunice Pearle, Daughter of Joshua Pearle Junr. and Eunice his Wife was born May 28th 1817 in Vernon.
Timothy Mills Fuller son of Warren Fuller & Vesta his Wife was born 22nd July 1815 in Vernon.
Alfred Fuller & Adaline Fuller Son & Daughter (Twins) of Warren Fuller & Vesta his Wife were born 15 June 1817, in Vernon.
John Walker, Son of John Walker was born in Hartford 5th July 1758.
Allen Morrison Walker was born 11th July 1784 in Vernon & son of John & Anna Walker his wife.
Roderick Walker son of John & Anna Walker his Wife was born in Vernon 25 Dec. 1787.
Fredrick Walker son of John Walker & Anna his Wife was born 6th June 1791 in Vernon.
Harriot Walker Daughter of John Walker & Anna his Wife was born in Vernon June 1st 1794.
Abigail Rogers Daughter of Lee Lay Rogers & Rhoda his Wife was born 12th of October 1815 in Vernon.
Sophronia Merrick Daughter of Mark Merick & Hannah his Wife was born 27th of June 1819 in Vernon.
Clarissa King Eaton, Daughter of Ralph Eaton & Mary his wife was born in Vernon 24 April 1821.
Eunice Wyles daughter of Hab Wyles & Eunice his Wife Born in Vernon May 26, 1791.
Polly Wyles daughter of Hab Wyles and Eunice his Wife Born in Vernon Sept. 25, 1793.
Russell Wyles Son of Hab and Eunice Wyles his Wife Born May 6th 1796 in Vernon.
William Wyles Son of Hab Wyles and Eunice his Wife Born in Vernon December 22nd 1798.
Sally Wyles Daughter of Hab Wyles & Eunice his Wife Born in Vernon March 12, 1800.
Roxey Wyles Daughter of Hab Wyles and Eunice his Wife Born in Vernon November 21st 1802.
Eliza Thayer Daughter of Elisha Thayer & Lucy his Wife Born in Vernon 26 Dec. 1821.
David Smith son of David Smith was born March 26, 1764.
Olive Talcott Wife of David Smith was born 20 Jan. 1768.
Aurora Smith son of David Smith & Olive his wife Born in Vernon May 25, 1792.
Olive Smith Daughter of David Smith & Olive his Wife Born in Vernon Sept. 1st 1798.
Warren Smith son of David Smith & Olive his Wife Born in Vernon 27, July 1800.
David Talcott Smith son of David Smith & Olive his Wife Born 23, July 1804.
Mary Smith Daughter of David Smith & Olive his Wife Born 16 June 1807.
Daniel Smith son of David Smith & Olive his Wife Born 9th Sept. 1810.
Abbe Caroline Wolcot daughter of Augustus & Sophronia Wolcot was born in Vernon 3 March 1821
Mary Eliza Wolcot daughter of Augustus Wolcot & Sophronia his wife was born in Vernon 12th October 1822.
Zerad Eaton Son of Ralph Eaton & Mary his Wife born 21st day of January 1823 in Vernon.
Zolva Smith son of David Smith and Olive his Wife born 1st June 1813 in Vernon.
Hezekiah King Jur. Son of Hezekiah King & Wealthy his Wife Born in Vernon 4th October 1822.
Wealthy Ann King Daughter of Hezekiah King and Wealthy his wife; born in Vernon 14 Nov. 1824.
Eunice Alvord Hubbard daug. of Nathaniel Hubbard and Betsey his Wife Born March 2nd 1816 in Bolton.
Elisabeth Hale Hubbard daughter of Nathaniel Hubbard and Betsey his Wife Born 25 Feb. 1820 in Bolton.
Mary Ann Hale Hubbard daughter of Nathaniel Hubbard & Betsey his Wife Born 2nd Dec. 1822 in Vernon.
Hubbard Tucker Son of Eppraim Tucker and Nancy his Wife was born in Vernon Aug. 10th 1823.
Amanda Grant Daughter of Gurdon Grant & Lucy B., his wife was born August 28th 1821 in Vernon.
Francis Thayer Son of Elisha Thayer and Lucy his Wife was born in Vernon 18th day Feb. 1823.
Lois Thayer Daughter of Elisha Thayer & Lucy his Wife was born October 10th 1824 in Vernon.
Sophronia Thayer Daughter of Elisha Thayer & Lucy his Wife was born in Vernon May 22 1826.
Mary Thayer Daughter of Elisha Thayer & Lucy his Wife was born in Vernon Feb. 18th 1828.
David Wolcott Pratt Son of Samuel Pratt & Susanna his wife was Born in Vernon 8 May 1817.
Reuben King Pratt Son of Samuel Pratt & Susanna his Wife was born Feb. 10th 1820 in Vernon.
William Selden Pratt son of Samuel Pratt & Susanna his Wife was Born Feby 28 1822 in Vernon.
Alfred, Cornelius Roberts Son of Alfred Roberts and Sally his Wife was born in Manchester Feb. 15th 1824.
Sarah Roberts daughter of Alfred Roberts & Sally his Wife was born in Vernon Sept. 24th 1828.
Lucetta Chapman Daughter of Benjamin Chapman & Eleanor his Wife; was born in Vernon 1st Jan 1826.
Sarah Hammond Daughter of Allen Hammond & Orra his Wife was Born in Vernon 19 Sept. 1829.
Henry Smith son of Roswell Smith Jur. and Mariva his Wife was born 23 March 1832 in Vernon.
Edward Son of Ralph & Susan B. Talcott was Born in Vernon August 30th 1831.
Alfred Driggs Son of Abel Driggs Jur. & Martha his Wife Born in Vernon Dec. 19th 1822.
Clarinda Lorena Driggs, dau. of Abel Driggs Jur. and Martha Driggs born April 22nd 1827.
Harriett Fuller Daughter of Asa S. Fuller and Keturah Fuller, Born April 21st 1832 in Vernon.
John West Stewart Son of James & Mary C. Stuart born in Vernon August 29th 1837.
Mary Amelia Pratt Daughter of David W. & Amelia W. Pratt born in Vernon October 18th 1837.
Henry Austin Holt, Son of Austin & Almira (Almira added subsequently in pencil.) Holt Born in Vernon Dec. 19th 1839.
Benjamin Delop Morgan son of George D. and Mary Morgan, Born in Vernon August 24th 1841.
John Austin Tilden, Son of Austin & Julia A. Tilden Born in Vernon August 20th 1841.
Harriett Anne Brett: Daughter of Lucius & Anne R. Brett Born in Vernon December 17th 1841.
John P. Tilden; son of Austin & Julia Tilden, Born in Vernon December 3rd 1843.
Georgiana Cleveland Morgan Daughter of George D. and Mary Morgan Born in Vernon March 26th 1844.
Julia Olcott Daughter of Ezekiel and Percey Olcott Born in Vernon ---- 1805.
Harriet Olcott Daughter of Ezekiel & Percey Olcott Born in Vernon ---- 1806.
Percey Olcott: Daughter of Ezekiel & Percey Olcott Born in Vernon ---- 1807.
John Olcott; son of Ezekiel & Percey Olcott born in Vernon ---- 1809.
Tirza Olcott: Daughter of Ezekiel & Percey Olcott; born in Vernon ---- 1811.
Titus Olcott, son of Ezekiel & Percey Olcott born in Vernon ---- 1813.
Emeline Olcott Daughter of Ezekiel & Percey Olcott born in Vernon ---- 1815.
Alfred Olcott son of Ezekiel & Percy Olcott born in Vernon ---- 1817.
Lora Olcott Daughter of Ezekiel & Percey Olcott born in Vernon ---- 1819.
Sidney A. Olcott, son of Titus & Martha E. Olcott born in Vernon March 30th 1840.
Martha E. Olcott Daughter of Titus & Martha E. Olcott Born in Vernon Jan. 5th 1842.
George Oliver Cobb: son of Daniel & Wealthy Cobb, Born in Vernon February 2nd 1844.
Albert Chapin son of Albert and Abby H. Chapin was Born in Vernon Sept. 11th 1845.
James Chapin son of Albert and Abby H. Chapin was born in Vernon March 20th 1847.
Edward Johnson Son of Seth W. Johnson and Delia B. Johnson, was born in Vernon March 26th 1844. (Corrected from 1834).
Lebbeus T. Fisk Son of Marcus L. Fisk and Frances Ann Fisk was Born in Vernon February 19th 1847.
Louisa, Alice, Martin; Daughter of John H. Martin, and Louisa J. his wife Born in Vernon December 18th 1848.
Louisa A. Allen Daughter of Salmon and Louisa Allen, was born in Vernon May 6th 1836.
Harriet B. Allen Daughter of Salmon & Louisa Allen was born in Vernon October 20th 1839.
Frank Hale, Stickney Son of John N. Stickney & Mary S. his wife was born in Vernon May 27th 1850.
George Dearbon Babcock Son of Nathaniel and Jerusha Babcock Born in Vernon September 3d 1843.
John Jerome Babcock Son of Nathaniel and Jerusha Babcock was born in Vernon July 4th 1846.
Alice Rosalia Carpenter Daughter of Frederick W and Clarrissa Carpenter Born in Vernon August 30th 1846.
BIRTHS - 1847-
Aug. 2nd Charlotte Elisabeth, child of Geo. and Mary Smith. 30, 23, white, joiner from Vernon.
August 13th Sarah child of Chauncey and Sarah M. Hibbard, 31, 27, white, merchant, from vernon.
Aug. 25th Jane, child of Alexander and Joan Hill, 32, 32, white, Paper Maker, from Vernon.
Sept. 1st. Ann Maria, child of Silas and Eliza Munsell, 67, 43, white, Shoe Maker, from Vernon.
Sept. 14th Edward B. child of Julius and Betsey Rich, 27, 30, white, Brewer, from Vernon.
Sept. 22nd Thomas child of Christopher and Mary Carroll, 30, 28, white, Paper Maker, from Vernon.
Sept. 24th Samuel E. chilf of Abner D. and Lydia Harwood, 31, 28, white Wool Sorter, from Vernon.
Sept. 27th 2nd Boy child of Elizur and Sally Allen, 41, 35, white, Weaver, from Vernon.
Oct. 2nd Mary Ann child of Robert S. and Martha S. Bromley, 26, 23, white, Mechanist from Vernon.
Oct. 2nd Albert, child of Erastus E. and Elizabeth Blanchard, 36, 32, white, Clothier, from Vernon.
Oct. 8th Naomi M., child of William M. and Harriet Bartholic, 35, 28, white, Laborer, from vernon.
Oct. 24th Helen E. child of John W. and Fanny W. Hills, 32, 28, white, Carpenter & Joiner, from Vernon.
Oct. 25th Julia child of Walter and Julia Hills, 28, 22, white, Farmer, from vernon.
Nov. 7th Florilla child of Irving and Nancy Jones, 37, 34, white, Painter, from Vernon.
Nov. 13th Fredrick child of John N. and Mary L. Stickney, 30, 32, Paper maker, from Vernon.
Nov. 14th Elizabeth D., child of Bernard and Mary Duffee, 40, 40, white, Laborer, from Vernon.
Dec. 3rd. Francis bro., child of Francis and Susanna Brown, 23, 25. white, spinner, from Vernon.
Dec. 20th Roswell King, child of Roswell and Catharine King, 27, 30, white, Livery stable, from Vernon.
Dec. 24th Mary C., child of Nelson and Emily Buckmaster, 26, 21, White, Spinner, from Vernon.
Dec. 23rd Ellen, child of Edward and Mary Ann Freeman, 35, 34, Black, Farmer, from Vernon.
BIRTHS - 1848-
Jan. 1st Albert child of Wells and Matilda Symonds, 35, 34, Black, Cloth Finisher, Vernon.
Jan. 11th Nugent F., child of Nathaniel H. and Betsey Talcott, 32, 30, White, Farmer, from Vernon.
Jan. 23rd Lucy Ann Charlotte, child of James and Cornelia Webster, 21, 22, Farmer, from Vernon.
Jan. 31st Andrew Jackson, child of Edward P. and Sarah Allen, 29, 21, White, Shoe Maker, from Vernon.
Feb. 7th Lucretia, Henry and Wealthy Loomis, 24, 23, White, Joiner, from Springfield, Ms.
Feb. 21st Not named (Burt Spellman added in pencil) child of Alden C. and Emily Rogers, 27, 23, White, Stage Driver, from Vernon.
March 9th No Name, child of Elipht. jr., and Violetta Bingham, 40, 21, White, Farmer, fom Vernon.
March 14th Albert, child of Nathan and Sarah Green, 30, 27, White, Harness Maker, from Vernon.
March 15th, No Name, child of George C. and Abbey Weston, 42, 31, White, Harness Maker, from Vernon.
March 19th No Name, child of Henry N. and Almira Thompson, 26, 21, White, Mechanist, from Vernon.
April 6th No Name, child of ralph and Matilda Post, ?, 21, White, Painter, from Vernon.
April 8th No Name, child of John and Betsy Benton, 28, 29, White, Farmer, from Vernon.
April 23rd Gardiner, child of Horace W. and Jane Talcott, 27, 25, Manufacturer, from Vernon.
May 7th No Name, child of Elisha and Percey Pember, 40, 35, White, Farmer, from Vernon.
May 12th Edwin H., child of Loren and Lucretta Wright, 26, 22, White, Wool Sorter, from Vernon.
May 5th Rufus W., child of Wallace and Eluizabeth Tracy, 24, 22, White, Spinner, from Vernon.
April 21st Antoinette, child of Robert R. and Faith Batty, 26, 27, White, Farmer, from Vernon.
June 5th Joseph H., child of John S. and M. Skillman, 31, 25, White, Shop keeper, from Vernon.
June 9th Not named, child of E.B. and Jane Skinner, 25, 22, White, Laborer, from vernon.
June 15th Not names, child of Charles and Mary Ingraham, 40, 36, White, Stone cutter, from Vernon.
June 22nd John Monroe, child of Stephen and Julia Ann Squire, 29, 33, White, Carder, from Vernon.
June 27th Ann, child of Samuel and Caroline Silcox, 32, 29, White, Spinner, from Vernon.
July 2nd not names, child of Carlton and Hannah Frant, 24, 25, White, Weaver, from Vernon.
July 17th Charles S. Chilf of Hiram and Olive Newell, 33, 32, White, Wool sorter, from Vernon.
July 20th No name, child of Granson and Corinthia Griggs, 24, 21, White, Laborer, from vernon.
July 25th No name, child of Robert and Mary Blacklege, 35, 35, White, Laborer, from Varnon.
July 27th, Ann, child of Patrick and Mary Brett, 24, 23, White, Laborer, from Vernon.
BIRTHS - 1848-
Aug. 6th Not named, Male, son of Benj. A. Comings, 31, white, Physician, and B. M. Comings, White, residence Vernon.
Aug. 30th Samuel, male, son of Samuel Shelton, 44, white, Manufacturer and Mary Ann Shelton, white, residence Rockville.
Sept. 5th Sarah Frances, child of Jeremiah F. Ranson, 37, white Farmer and Miranda Ranson, white, residence Vernon.
Sept. 6th Frances E., Male, son of Sumner Holt 28, white, farmer and Mary Ann Holt, white, residence Vernon.
Sept. 10th Sarah A., Female, daughter of Israel Woods, 34, white, Shoe Maker, and Marian W. Woods, 25, white, residence Vernon.
Oct. 2nd Albert, Male, son of Edwin G. Brigham, 40, white, Merchant and Mariette Brigham, 36, white, residence Vernon.
Oct. 9th Edwinny, Male, son of Perry J. Maine, 32, white, Miller and Lucy M. Maine, 28, white, residence Vernon.
Oct. 9th Not named, Male, son of James Claflin, 25, white, Laborer, and Maria Claflin, 22, white, residence New London.
Oct. 10th Not named, Female, daughter of George Miller, 36, white, Laborer, and Eliza Miller, 33, white, residence Ellington.
Oct. 21st Adah E., Female, daughter of J. L. Ford, 29, and Eliza Ann Ford, 29.
Nov. 7th Stillborn, Male, son of Henry O. Griggs, 28, white, Dyer, and Lucy G. Griggs, 29, white, residence Rockville.
Nov. 13th Not named, Female, daughter of Nelson Skinner, 49, farmer, and Fanny Skinner, 43, white, residence Vernon.
Nov. 12th Mary E., Female, daughter of Albert W. Lamb, 24, white, Farmer and Mary E. Lamb, 24, white, residence Vernon.
Nov. 12th Fredrick, Male, son of Fredrick Walker, 27, white, Farmer, and Jerusha Walker(King added in pencil.), 24, white, residence Vernon.
Dec. 3rd Mary A., Female, daughter of Lewis Burdick, 29, white, Mechanist and Paulina Burdick, 30, white, residence of Vernon.
Dec. 3rd Lucy R. Female, daughter of Marvin Clak, white, Laborer, and Charlotte Clark, white, residence, Coventry.
Dec. 13th Edmund, Male, son of Edmund Crane, 25, white, Farmer, and Lucy Crane, 23, white, residence Rockville.
Dec. 13th Sarah M., Female, daughter of Orrin Bromley, 24, white, Mechanist and Sarah Bromley, 22, white, residence North Stonington.
Dec. 23th Sarah M., Female, daughter of Lathrop Pease, white, Manufacturer, and Sally Pease, white, residence Rockville.
Dec. 26th Betsey J., Female, daughter of Daniel W. Ransom, 35, white, Painter and Prudence Ransom, 25, white, residence Rockville.
Jan. 9th Mary A., Female, daughter of George Tryon, 22, white, Pedlar, and Abigail Tryon, 26, white, residence Rockville.
Jan. 9th Stillborn, Female, daughter of E. W. Gilman, 31, white, Tailor, and Lucy Gilman, 26, white, residence Rockville.
Jan. 11th Mary J., Female, daughter of Jonas S. Parker, 23, white, and Melissa Parker, 19, white, residence Rockville.
- It
Jan. 21st Mary R., Female, daughter of Addison L. Tracy, 28, white, Merchant and Ann L. Tracy, 28, white, residence Rockville.
Jan. 25th Henry, Male, son of Peter Quinn, 40, white, Manufacturer, and Mary Quinn, 40, white, residence Rockville.
Jan. 30th Abby B., Female, daughter of Daniel Brown, 36, white, Tailor, and Artemisia Brown, 26, white, residence Rockville.
Feb. 2nd Not named, Female, daughter of Henry M. Franklin, 32, white, joiner, Adaline L. Franklin, 26, white, residence Rockville.
Feb. 4th Wm. Henry, Male, son of Chester Kingsley, white, Joiner, and Elmira Kingsley, white, residence Rockville.
Feb. 13th Not named, Male, son of Ervin Edgerton, 41, white, Laborer, and Celia Ann Edgerton, 38, white, residence Rockville.
Feb. 19th Not named, Female, daughter of Caleb Leavitt, 41, White, Watch Maker, and Delina Leavitt, 41, white, residence Rockville.
Feb. 26th William, Male, son of James Stewart, 36, white, Tailor, and Mary C. Stewart, 36, white, residence Rockville.
Feb. 28th Joseph, Male, son of William Shaw, 33, white, Manufacturer, and Harriet Shaw, 28, white, residence Rockville.
March 2nd Not named, Female, daughter of Lewis A. Corbin, 26, white, Stone Mason, and Mary H. Corbin, 26, white, residence Rockville.
March 10th Not named, Male, son of George E. Gager, 21, white, Joiner and Amelia Gager, 20, white, residence Rockville.
March 20th Margaret, Female, daughter of Richard Allen, 36, white, Laborer, and Margaret Allen, 34, white, residence Vernon.
March 25th Not named, Male, son of John W. Nichols, 29, white, Cooper and Julia Ann Nichols, 33, white, residence Vernon.
March 30th Ella, Female, daughter of Josiah Hoit, white, Joiner, and Elisabeth Hoit, white, residence, Vernon.
April 8th Not named, Male, son of Erastus Kingsbury, 37, white, Manufacturer, and Hannah Kingsbury, 29, white, residence Vernon.
April 13th Not named, Male, son of Robert Bromley, 27, White, Mechanist, and Martha Bromley, 24, white, residence Roackville.
April 16th Not named, Male, son of Hart Hale, 34, white, Farmer, and Catharine Hale, 28, white, residence Rockport.
April 19th Not named, Female, daughter of Chauncey Dunham, 26, white, Laborer, and Jane S. Dunham, 23, white, residence Rockville.
April 20th James, Male, son of Walter Eaton, 49, white, Laborer, and Mary Eaton, 45, white, residence Vernon.
April 22nd Jenett, Female, daughter of Henry F. James, white, Finisher, and Paulin James, white, residence Rockville.
April 23rd Not named, Female, daughter of Benj. B. Stearns, 30, white, Laborer, and Mary Stearns, 30, white, residence Rockville.
May 3rd Emily R., Female, daughter of Samuel M. Lathrop, white, Stone Mason, and Eliza B. Lathrop, white, residence Rockville.
May 8th Not named, Male, son of Edwin Symonds, white, Spinner, and Nancy W. Symonds, white, residence Rochville.
May 8th Not named, Male, son of Daniel K. Tucker, 41, white, and Sophonia Tucker, 32, white residence Rockville.
May 10th Albert, Male, son of E. G. Brigham, 40, white, Merchant, and Maryette Brigham, 36, white residence Rockville.
May 16th No name, Male, son of Francis Goodale, 36, white, Laborer, and Sophia L. Goodale, 24, white, residence, Rockville.
May 17th Not named, Male, son of Chauncey Winchell Jur., 24, white, Manufacturer, and Catharine Winchell, 20, white residence Rochville.
May 18th Not named, Female, daughter of Alphonso R. Barrows, 40, white, Blacksmith, and Betsey Barrows, 39, residence Rockville.
June Harriett, Female, daughter of James Crook, 33, white, Laborer, and Lucy Crook, 20, white, residence Rockville.
June 8th Harriett A. Female, daughter of William Chapman, 27, white, Laborer, and Lucy Chapman, 25, white, residence Roackville.
June 9th Stillborn, Male, son of William Hunt, 43, white, Tanner, and Mary Hunt, 38, white, residence Vernon.
June 15th Not named, Female, daughter of Joseph Bassett, white, Manufacturer, and Malinda Bassett, white, residence Rockville.
June 27th Not named, Female, daughter of Erastus E. Blanchard, white, Finisher, and Elizabeth Blanchard, white, residence Rockville.
July 8th Not named, Male, son of William Bodge, 30, White, Joiner, and Cordelia Bodge, 26, white, residence Rockville.
July 13the Not named, Male, son of Anson Lyman, 37, white, Farmer, and Sarah Lyman, 33, white, residence Vernon.
July 15th Cornelius F., Male, son of Titus Olcott, 38, white, Laborer, and Martha C. Olcott, 30, white, residence Vernon.
July 15th Not named, Male, son of John F. Oldridge, 37, white, Manufacturer, and Sophia Oldridge, 32, white, residence Rockville.
July 15th Not named, Male, son of Alexander Hills, 32, white, Paper Maker, and Joanna Hills, 32, white, residence, Rockville.
July 15th Not named, Female, daughter of Thomas Griffin, 40, White, Laborer, and Mary Griffin, 38, white, residence Vernon.
July 15th Not named, Male, son of Patrick Hafron, 36, white, Laborer, and Mrs. Hafron, 34, white, residence Vernon.
July 20th John, Male, son of John James, 33, white, Paper Maker, and Mary James, 24, white residence Rockville.
July 28th Not named, Female, daoughter of Dennis Sullivan, white, Laborer, and Mrs. Sullivan, white, residence Vernon.
Aug. 3rd Elisabeth I, Female daughter of Samuel Dunham, 31, White, Stone Cutter and Catharine Dunham, 28.
Aug. 6th, Nelson, Male, son of Edward Freeman, 37, Colored, Farmer and Mary Ann Freeman, 36, colored, residence Vernon.
Aug. 15th Not named, Female, daughter of Luther Baldwin, White, Laborer, and Elisabeth Baldwin, white, residence Vernon.
Aug. 29th John, Male, son of James Splane, 43, White, Laborer, and Catharine, 34, white, residence Vernon.
Sept. 5th Francis, Female, daughter of Wm. Grover, White, Stage Driver, residence Rockville.
Sept. 13th, Sarah, female, daughter of Joseph Singer, 28, white, and Sarah Singer, 27, white, residence Rockville.
Sept. 30th Andrew, Male, son of Lewis K. Northrop, 33, white, Soap Boiler, and Frelove Northrop, 31, white, residence Rockville.
October 4th Mary A., Female, daughter of Diodate Chapman, white, Carpenter, and ----, Chapman, white, residence Rockville.
Oct. 8th Fredrick B., Male, son of Charles M. Ingraham, 42, white, Stone Cutter, and Mary A. Ingraham, 38, white, residence Vernon.
Oct. 11th Not named, Female, daughter of George S. Smith, 30, white, Carpenter, and Mary Smith, 26, white, residence Vernon.
Oct. 26th Eva Florence, female, daughter of Ira Ellis, white, Farmer, and Damaris B. Ellis, white, residence Vernon.
Nov. 10th Nancy Jane, female, daughter of Nathaniel Newell, 44, white, Miller and Nancy Ann, 43, white, residence Vernon.
Nov. 12th Irene, daughter of R. M. King, white, livery Stable Keeper, residence Vernon.
Nov. 15th Mary, female, daughter of Eugene & Mary Kernan, residence Vernon.
Nov. 18th Not named, Female, daughter of D. Way, White, Cabinet Maker.
Nov. 8th Not named, male, Removed.
Nov. 28th Emma, Female, daughter of Alonzo Watts, 26, white, and Marth Wats, 21, white, Manufacturer, residence Rockville.
Nov. 30th Henry Clay, Male, son of Chauncey Hibbard, 33, white, Merchant and Mary Hibbard, 31, white, merchant, residence Rockville.
Dec. 13th Eveline, Female, daughter of Joseph F. Ransom, 38, white, Farmer and Meranda Ransom, 24, white, residence Vernon.
Dec. 22nd Winfield C., Male, son of John S. Albra, 34, white, Farmer, and Abbey J. Albra, 32, white, farmer, residence Vernon.
Dec. 18th Fredrick J., Male, son of Lucius A. Hunt, white, Merchant, residence Rockville.
Jan. 9th Not named, Female, daughter of Leonard Bemont, White and Lucendo (?) Bemont, White, residence Vernon Rock.
June 25th (sic) (Inserted in a later hand) Horace Winslow, Male, son of Otis Holt, White, Laborer, and Clarissa Holt(Inserted in a later hand), white, residence Rockville.
June 24th (sic) Francis A. male, son of John Ladd, White, Farmer, residence Rockville.
June 31th (sic) Mary, Female, daughter of Moses Lynch, white, Laborer, residence Rockville.
June 31st (sic) Mary A. female, daughter of P. Cole, white, Factory hand, residence Rockville.
Feb. 2nd Ellen, female, daughter of Richard Smith, white, Black Smith, residence Rockville.
Feb. 3rd Thomas L. Male, son of Thomas Bowne, 31, White, Manufacturer, and Eliza Bowne, white, residence Rockville.
Feb. 9th Arthur T. Male, son of Lebbeus Bissell, 40, white, Merchant, and Christiana Bissell, 35, white, merchant, residence Rockville.
Feb. 20th John Gaylordt (Added in a later hand), male, son of Romanta Pinney, 49, white, Joiner, and Angeline Pinney, 26, white, residence Vernon.
Feb. 25th No name, Female, daughter of Fredrick Carpenter, 30, white, Manufacturer, and Clarissa Carpenter, 29, white, residence Rockville.
March 3rd Merrit Truman, Male son of Merrit E. Johnson, 35, white, Farmer, and Maria C. Johnson, 34, residence Vernon.
March 10th Charles S., male, son of Edward P. Allen, 30, white, Shoe Maker, and Savel Allen, 23, residence, Rockville.
March 14th Not named, Male, son of Wm. C. Bruce, 23, White, Factory hand, and Abzina Bruce, 23, white, residence Rockville.
March 18th Charles, male, son of Margaret Cunningham, white, Spinner in Factory, residence Rockville.
March 18th Frank, male, son of Francis Keeney, white, Tavern Keeper, residence Rockville.
April 4th Estelle, Female, daughter of Loan A. Chapin, white, Manufacturer, and Harriet Chapin, white, residence Rockville.
April 4th George, Male, son of William Sweet, 23, white, Labourer, and Louisa Sweet, white, resiidence Rockville.
April 13th No name, Male, son of Michael Ryan, 22, white, Manufacturer and Ann Ryan, white, residence Rockville.
April 27th Charles E. Male, son of Calvin D. Perkins, 40, white, Laborer, and Mary M. Perkins, 30, white residence Vernon.
May 7th Frank Hale, Male, son of J. N. Stickney, white, Manufacturer, and Mary Stickney, white, residence Rockville.
May 13th Not named, Male, son of Abner D. Harwood, 33, white, Manufacturer, Lydia Harwood, 30, white, residence Rockville.
May 22nd Thomas, male, son of Thomas Tooley, 32, white, Farmer, and Ann Tooley, 28, residence Vernon.
April 25th No name, Female, daughter of Revd. Mr. Blood, 38, white, Minister of the Gospel, and Mrs. Blood, 36, white, residence Rockville.
May 31st Lorine S., Female, daughter of Philo Ford, white, Joiner, and Percis Ford, White, residence Rockville.
May 31st Catharine, female, daughter of James Cranson, white, Spinner, residence Rockville.
May 31st Sarah M., female, daughter of Wells Symonds, white, Factory hand, residence Rockville.
June 4th Not named, male, son of E. W. Gilman, white, Taylor, residence Rockville.
June 9th Not named, Male, son of Wm. R. Orcutt, 26, white, Iron Founder, residence Rockville.
June 9th Not named, Male, son of Francis L. Orcutt, 26, iron Founder, residence Rockville.
June 11th No name, Male, William W. Reed, 22, white, Teamster, residence Rockport.
June 15th Emma L. female, daughter of Sheldon Gould, white, Factory hand, residence Rockville.
June 21st Not named, Female, daughter of Patric Delany, white, Laborer, and Mary Delany, white, residence Vernon.
June 21st Johannah, female, daughter of Michael Quirk, white, Laborer, and Johannah Quick, white, residency Vernon.
June 23rd Not named, Male, son of Stephen G. Risley, white, Farmer, and Elisabeth Risley, white, residence Vernon.
June 30th W. M., male son of William Butler, white, residence Vernon.
April 24th Lois A., Female, daughter of H. F. Symonds, white, Farmer, residence Rockville.
April 30th Ellen, female, daughter of Patrick Rensellear, white, Laborer, residence Vernon.
July 7th Munroe P., Male, son of Julius Rich, white, Peddler and Betsey Ann Rich, white, residence Vernon.
July 13th Francis, male, son of Leonard Hutchinson, white, Painter, and Mary Hutchinson, white, residence Vernon.
July 29th Not named, male, son of Wadsworth Lyman, 28, white, Roly Ann Lyman, 22, white, residence Vernon.
July 31st Not named, male, son of William W. Orcutt, 25, white, Manufacturer and Mary Ann Orcutt, 31, white, residence Vernon.
July 28th Emma A., Female, daughter of George W. Capron, white, Spinner, redence Rockville.
Augt. 1st No name, Male, William & Harriet Ladd, 23/ 20, White Manufacturer, residence Vernon.
Aug. 4th George Dobson Goodrich, male, Charlotte & A R Goodrich, 28/32 white, Merchant, residence Vernon.
Aug. 14th Edwin Lyman, male, Chester & Lora Risley, 35/33, white, Merchant, residence Vernon.
Aug. 17th Charles M Ingersoll, male, Benjamin F & May Ingersoll, 29/24, white, Farmer, residence Vernon.
Aug. 16th Roselle Baldwin, male, Luther & Elisabeth Baldwin, 37/37, white, Labourer, residence Vernon.
Aug. 27th No Name, Female, William & Eliza Weston, 37/39, white, Joiner, residence Vernon.
Aug. 30th George Edwin, Male, Edwin W & Julia H. McLean, 30/20, white, Merchant, residence Vernon.
Sept. 9th John Buckley, male, Patrick & Ellen Buckley, 36/40, white, Labourer, residence Vernon.
Sept. 10th Auther H., male, James M. & Mary A. Avery, 41/38, white, Labourer, residence Vernon.
Sept. 15th Ellen Eunice, Female, Solomon & Oliver Washburn, 32/24, white, Foundery, residence Vernon.
Sept. 23rd Martha L Johnson, female, Samuel A. & Clarissa Johnson, 26/24, white, Farmer, residence Vernon.
Sept. 26st Still Born, Male, Nelson & Elisabeth Gray, 21/22, white, Labourer in Factory, residence Vernon.
Sept. 28th Emma Rowena, Female, Lathrop & Sarah Pease, 41/35, white, Manufacturer, residence Vernon.
Sept. 30th No Name, Nathan & Julia Adams, 28/25, white, Wool Sorter, residence Vernon.
Oct. 7th Claruth, female, John & Adeline C. Walker, white, Farmer, residence Vernon.
Oct. 8th Mary Stoughton, female, Edgar & Sally Stoughton, 42/38, white, Miller, residence Vernon.
Oct. 7th Rodolphus Gorham, Male, Gilbert & Maria Gorham, 24/21, white, Shoemaker, residence Vernon.
Oct. 15th Frederick Talcott, male, Allyn & Martha Talcott, white, Farmer, residence Vernon.
Oct. 17th Candace Smith, Female, John & Melissa Smith, 35/27, white, Farmer, residence Vernon.
Oct. 20th Oscar Dart, Male, Mr. & Mrs. Dart (left Town) white, Mechanic, residence Ellington.
Oct. 20th James Wadsworth, male, Sally & O.R. Wadsworth, 30/36, white, Blacksmith, residence Manchester.
Oct. 24th Annosey Pease, Female, Hosea & Salina Pease, 48/24, white, Joiner, residence Vernon.
Oct. 25th Mark Naylor Jun. Male, Mark & Ann Naylor, 27/28, white, Spinner, residence Vernon.
Nov. 5th Wyllie, male, Munroe & Elisabeth Hibbard, 31/29, white, Peddler, residence Vernon.
Nov. 10th Henry Smith, male, Hiram S. & Eliza G. Smith, 24/23, white, Farmer, residence Vernon.
Nov. 16th No Name, male, Ashley D. & Eunice E. Studley, 26/24, white, Wool Dyer, residence Ellington.
Nov. 17th Ellen Gertrude, Female, Charles G. & Laura Pond, 28/23, White, Mill Wright, residence Woolcottville, Ct.
Nov. 18th Charles Edward, Male, Charles S. & Elvira Lewis, 25/20, white, Tinner, residence Manchester.
Nov. 30th Sarah M., female, William & Sarah Smith, 32/31, white, Manufacturer, residence Vernon.
Dec. 22nd Catherine King (Illegimate), female, Catharine King, 24, white, Servant, resident Windsor Locks.
Dec. 26th Erdine L., Male, Carlton & Hannah Grant, 24/27, white, Manufacturer, residence Vernon.
Dec. 27th George W. Blackledge, male, Mary & Robert Blackledge, 39/39, white, Overseer in Factory, residence Vernon.
Dec. 28th Ella Emogene, Female, Dwight & Melissa Thomas, 25/18, white, Carpenter, residence Vernon.
Jan. 1st Auther, Male, Abel & Clarissa Thompson, 27/23. white, Manufacturer, residence Vernon.
Jan. 22nd Dennis Corwin Jr. Male, Dennis & Mary Corwin, 36/36, white, Labourer, residence Vernon.
Jan. 27th Lewis S. Church, male, Chas. D. & Laura A. Church, 31/35, white, Farmer, residence Vernon.
Feb. 1st Ella Ladora, female, Palmer & Lois Holman, 38/38, White, Painter, residence Vernon.
Feb. 4th Ellen L. Walker, female, George H. & Chloe Walker, 34/32, white, Farmer, residence Vernon.
Feb. 15th Adna King, female, Patrick & Esther King, 34/48, white, Labourer, residence Vernon.
Feb. 15th Catharine Quirk, female, Patrick & ---- Quirk, white, Labourer, residence Bolton.
Feb. 18th Oscar, Male, Couitland & Ann E. Smith, 23/23, white, Mason, residence Rockville.
Feb. 18th Perry Howard, male, Watson & Fanny Hills, 34/30, white, Joiner, residence Rockville.
Feb. 24th John H., male, Joseph & Jane Stafford, 26/26, white, Manufacturer, residence Rockville.
Feb. 25th Romane, male, Hubbard & Julia Tucker, 28/26, white, Farmer, residence Vernon.
March 4th No Name, male, George & Nancy Stoughton, 22/28, white, Wheelwright, residence Vernon.
March 7th no name, female, Alphonso & Betsey Barrows, 42/41, white, BlackSmith, residence Vernon.
March 9th no name, Male, Francis & Sophia Goodale, 27/29, white, Manufacturer, residence Vernon.
March 23rd Joseph, male, Edward & Ann Carl, 30/27, white, Papermaker, residence Vernon.
March 27th Francis Caroline, female, Edward & Elizabeth Moulton, 22/19, white, Labourer, residence Vernon.
March 28th George W., Male, Edwin & Nancy Symonds, 29/28, white, Manufacturer, residence Vernon.
April 3rd Leroy Brown, Male, Jeremiah U (pham added in pencil.) & Delia Brown, 28/23, white, Manufacturer, residence Rockville.
April 6th John Goff, male, Thomas & Honor Goff, 28/30, white, Labourer in Factory, residence Rockville.
April 10th Miller A., male, Albert & E. Phelps, 32/30, white, Farmer, residence Vernon.
April 18th no name, Male, George & Harriet Andross, 24/18, white, Mechanic, residence Vernon.
April 23rd Christine J., female, W. & Joesphine Grover, 23/21, white, Labourer, residence Vernon.
May 3rd no name, female, Calvin & Hannah Tracy, 29/25, white, Carpenter, residence Rockville.
May 5th no name, female, Sylvester & Mary Hickox, 24/24, White, Wheelwright, residence Rockville.
May 12th no name, Male, Adna & Susan Treat, 26/20, white, Joiner, residence Rockville.
May 27th Margaret M. Guire, female, Edwin & Mary M. Guire, 30/25, white, Labourer, residence Vernon.
May 30th Mary M. Watson, female, Joseph & Phidder Watson, 20/20, white, Labourer, residence Vernon.
May 31st Mary Skinner, female, Jane & Edwin B. Skinner, 25/27, white, Labourer, residence Vernon.
June 5th no name, Male, Oliver & Sarah Bingham, white, Farmer, residence Vernon.
June 9th no name, male, Lafayette & Mary I. Bosworth, 27/20, white, Farmer, residence Vernon.
June 12th no name, female, Wm. & Anna Evans, 28/30, Manufacturer, residence Rockville.
June 18th Alonzo, Male, Wm. & Mary Ann Orcutt, 36/32, white, Manufacturer, residence Rockville.
June 29th no name, female, Sedgewick & Mary York, 23/22, white, Dyer, residence Vernon.
July 5th no name, female, Asaph & Jane McKinney, 36/33, white, Grocer, residence Rockville.
July 8th Still Born, female, Patrick & Bridget Glavey, 36/36, white, Labourer, residence Vernon.
July 12th no name, female, Lewis A & Mary H. Corbin, 29/28, white, Stone Cutter, residence Rockville.
July 23rd Catharine F., female, John & Mary Shar, 36/26, white, Paper Maker, residence Vernon.
