Vital Records Of Bolton To 1854
And Vernon To 1852,
Bolton (Conn.), Vernon (Conn.)
Presented In Devoted Memory Of
Hurlbut Barnes Cutting, Sr. By The Cutting Family
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

[Coder's Note:-- Please note that the records, except for the very last years, were not arranged in any sort of alphabetical or cronological order, but only by the type of record: Births, Marriages & Deaths. It will be necessary to browse all files in order to find individuals. Please see the text below the index links for original settlers, population & other information. ]
Mindwell Allis dyed Aprill 15: 1708.
Abigail Olcott dyed May 11th: AD: 1724.
Eunice Bartlett Daughter of Samuel Bartlett dyed Febr. 7th AD: 1724-5.
Paciane Bump Daughter of Samuel Bump Dyed May first AD: 1725.
Samuell Brown Son of Samuel Brown and Joanna his wife Dyed Janewary 3rd AD: 1724-5.
Rebeckah wife of Ebenezer Dartt Dyed Febr. 16 AD: 1725-6.
Abel Shaylor dyed Sep: 19: 1726.
Rebeckah wife of Edward Rose Dyed June 17th AD 1718.
Charles Loomis Son of Charles Loomis & Sarah his wife dyed March 12th AD: 1727-8.
Marcy King Daughter of Hezekiah King Dyed June 29 AD: 1725.
Sarah the wife of Sergt. Thomas Loomis Dyed May 10th Anno Domini: 1728.
Elizabath Allis Daughter of Patienc wife of Joseph Rose Dyed October 15th AD: 1726.
Abigail Bump wife of Samuel Bump Dyed Decembr. first AD 1725.
Mary wife of Samuel Bump Dyed Febuary 8th AD: 1727-8.
Sarah wife of Samll Darte Dyed November 29th AD 1730.
John Marshel Dyed November 11th AD 1730.
Noah Smith Dyed April 30th AD: 1731.
Marcy wife of Nathaniel Allis Dyed June 29th AD 1731.
Caleb Talcott Son of Benjamin Talcott and Eather his wife Dyed octob: 26th: 1732.
Ensigne Nathaniel Loomis Dyed June 25th AD 1732.
Hannah Smith Dyed Augt. 27th AD 1734.
John Craw Dyed July 6th AD 1730.
Anna the wife of John Haskins Dyed November 15th AD 1735.
Rachel the wife of Mathew Loomis Dyed Febr. 16th AD 1735-6 in the 30th year of her age.
Ruth the wife of Joel White Dyed September 4th AD: 1735.
Mindwel the wife of Jams Lomis Dyed March first AD 1735-6 in the sixty fifth year of her age.
Stephen Johns Dyed Augt. 18th AD 1736.
Easther Talcott wife of Benjamin Talcott Dyed August 23rd AD 1736.
Ruth White the wife of Joel White Dyed September 4th AD 1735.
Ruben Son of Joel White and Ruth his wife Dyed Augt. 31st AD 1735.
Nathaniel Shayler Son of Abel Shayler Dyed October 9th 1737.
Joseph Bishop Son of John Bishop & Susanah his wife Dyed December 2nt AD 1739.
Samuel Bartlitt Jur. Dyed July 7th AD 1740.
Naomi Allis Daughter of Nathaniel Allis & Marcy his wiffe Dyed Janewary 26th AD 1740-1.
Abigail Bishop Daughter of John Bishop & Susanah his wife Dyed March 25th AD 1742.
Ann Bishop Daughter of John Bishop and Susanah his wife Dyed December 11th 1739.
Thankful Bishop Daughter of John Bishop and Susanah his wife Dyed December 21 AD 1739.
Mary Bishop Daughter of John Bishop and Susanah his wife Dyed Janewary 12 AD 1739.
Elisha White Son of Elisha White and Ann his wife Dyed August 3rd AD 1742.
Ann White Daughter of Elisha White and Ann his wife Dyed August 20th AD 1742.
Joseph Churchel Son of Joseph Churchel and Lidya his wife Dyed February Last AD 1736 being Drowned.
Eunice (?) Dewolf wife of Mathew Dewolf Jun. Dyed July 9th AD 1743.
Noadiah Skinner Son of Jonathan Skiner & Joanah his wife Dyed September 8th AD 1742 in the 2nd year of his age.
Martha Beckwith wife of Renold Beckwith Dyed July 26 AD 1742.
Renold Beckwith Son of Renold Beckwith & Martha his wife Dyed July 27th AD 1742.
Irena Talcott Daughter of Joshua Talcott & Rachel his wife Dyed October 8th AD 1743.
James Thrall Son of Moses Thrall Dyed October 24th 1744.
Naomy Allis Daughter of David Allis and Sarah his wife Dyed Aug. 26: AD: 1743.
March 12th AD 1744-5 Deborah Kingsbury the wife of John Kingsbury Dyed being 38 years & one month & 29 days old.
Edward Rose Dyed December 15th AD 1740.
Joanah Skinner Daughter of Jonathan Skinner & Joana his wife Dyed December 20th AD 1744.
Mary Post wife of Stephen Post Dyed September First AD 1745.
Mary the wife of Samuel Darte Dyed September 17th AD 1745.
Hipziba Spencer wife of Samuel Spencer Dyed September 17th AD 1745.
Barshaba Darte wife of Jabaz Darte Dyed Febuary first AD 1745-6.
Benajah Smith Son of Benjamin Smith & Ann his wife Dyed December 31 AD 1742.
Samuel Bartlett Dyed November 19th AD 1746.
Joseph Bartlett Dyed att Windsor November 21 AD 1747.
Eunice Bartlett Dyed att Nhampton November 9th AD 1748.
Mary Millinton Daughter of Samuel Millinton & Ann his wife Dyed November 13 AD 1747.
Benjamin Howard Son of Benjamin Howard & Phebee his wife Dyed Janewary 10th AD 1747-8.
Samuel Spencer Dyed March 29th AD 1748.
Jane Johns widow of Stephen Johns Deced Dyed Janewary 16th AD 1748-9.
Abigaill Gilbord Daughter of Elisha Gilbord & Hannah his wife Dyed Janewary 25th AD 1748-9.
Eunice Wells Daughter of Ichabod Wells & Mary his wife Dyed Febuary 7th AD 1748-9.
Joseph Kingsbury Son of John Kingsbury & Abigail his wife Dyed Janewary 11th AD 1749-50.
Jehehial Bordman Son of Stephen Bordman & Abigail his wife Dyed April 10th AD 1750.
John Son of John Swetland & Elizabath his wife was Born November 10th AD 1749.
Roda King Daughter of Seth King and Mary his wife Dyed August 19th AD 1750.
Daniel Olcott Son of James Olcott Dyed May 15th 1750 in ye Seaventh year of his age being 7 year & two moths & 3 days old.
Barshaba Olcott Daughter of James Olcott Dyed December 27th AD 1750 being four years five months & 26 days old.
John Dauis Olcott Son of James Olcott Dyed December 28th AD 1750 being two years Eleven months & 18 days old.
Mr. James Lomis Dyed December 29 AD 1750 in the eighty second year of his age.
Mable Lomis Daughter of Mathew Lomise Dyed November 10th AD 1750 in the second year of her age.
Sarah the Daughter of Stephen Bordman Dyed March 17th AD 1751.
Nathaniel Allis Dyed Febuary AD 1750-51.
Mr. William Randal Dyed April: 29: AD: 1749 in the 97th year of his age.
Hannah Post Daughter of Stephen Post & Desire his wife Dyed March 16th AD 1750-51.
Lament Goodrich Son of Crafts Goodrich & Comfort his wife Dyed Aug. 26th AD 1749.
John Swetland Son of John Swetland & Elizabath his wife Dyed April 27th AD 1748.
Hannah wife of John Bissel Esqr Dyed January 13th AD 1751-2.
Elisha Searls Son of John Searls & Margrett his wife Dyed March 9th AD 1751.
Mr. Isaac Goodrich Dyed June 3d AD 1752.
Elizabath Post Daughter of Stephen Post & Desire his wife Dyed May 28th AD 1752.
Nodiah Skinner Son of Jonathan Skinner and Joanah his wife Dyed July 16 AD 1752.
Lois Bishop Daughter of John Bishop & Lois his wife Dyed January 4th AD 1753.
Edward Spencer Son of Edward Spencer & Sarah his wife Dyed December: 13th: 1750.
Elizabath Dewolf Daughter of Mathew Dewolf Junr. Dyed September: 12: AD: 1752.
Prudience Dewolf Daughter of Mathew Dewolf Jur. Dyed September: 14: AD: 1752.
Molly Griswold Daughter of Stephen Griswold and Hanah his wife Dyed May 13th AD 1753.
John Swetland Son of John Swetland & Elizabath his wife Dyed April 27th AD 1748: old Stile.
Elizabeth Swetland wife of John Swetland Dyed July 23 AD 1752: old Stile.
Daniel Gilburt Dart Son of Daniel Darte Junr. Dyed April 21 AD 1753.
Abigail Bordman Wife of Stephen Bordman Died May the 25th 1753 in the 54th year of her age.
Samll Pitkin Son of Mr. Thomas Pitkin Junr. and Martha his wife Died Janr. the 23d AD 1750 being 3 month and 6 days old.
Uriah Kingsbery Son of John Kingsbery and Deborah his wife Died June the first AD 1744 being 9 months and some days old.
Deacon Timothy Olcott Died March the 25th 1754 in the 77th year of His age.
The widow Ruth Lomis Died February the 16th 1753 In the eighty Third year of her age.
Abigail Lomis the Daughter of Jerijah Lomis and Abigail his wife Died November the 17th AD 1751 in the 15th year of her age.
Mr. John Church Died the 19th Day of June AD 1754.
Martha Pitkin Daughter of Thomas Pitkin Junr. and Martha his wife Died the First Day of November AD 1754 in the 10th year of her age.
Russel Bissel the Son of Ozias Bissel and Mabel his wife Died February the: 20th AD 1755 being flue weeks old.
Gershom Bartlet the Son of Gershom Bartlet and Margret his wife Died June the Third AD 1755: one year and 3 days old.
Abigael Root the Daughter of Asahel Root and Mahetable his wife Died being Drowned January the 10th AD 1757: being one year Seven months and fine Days old.
Hannah Griswold the Daughter of Danll Griswold Died November the 4th AD: 1757: being an Idiot.
Levi Strong the Son of Dauid Strong and Thankfull his wife Died the 25th Day of July AD: 1757: in the 23d year of his age: and in the army att fort Edward.
Prudence Strong the Daughter of Charles Strong and Prudence his wife Died the 29th Day of January AD: 1758: being Seven months and Seventeen Days old.
Mrs. Mary King the wife of W Jonathan King Died March the 24th: AD: 1758: In the 72d year of her age.
Charles King the Son of Charles King Died the Sixth Day of September AD: 1758: In the 18th year of his age and Died in the army att Lake George.
John Marshall Died May the: 21st: AD: 1759 in the 31st or 2d year of his age.
Mary Fox the wife of Richard Fox Died April the 30th AD: 1759: In the 70th year of her age.
Ann Skinner the Daughter of Jonathan Skinner Junr. and Ann his wife Died the 14th Day of August: AD: 1759 being two months and Three Days old.
Elener Lomis the Daughter of Charles Lomis and Sarah his wife Died the 30th Day of August: AD: 1758: in the 16th year of her age.
Doc. John Hutchens Died the 16th Day of December AD: 1759 in the 65th year of his age.
Thomas Welles Died the 30th Day of November: AD: 1759 in the 20th year of his age: and Died very Sudenly in his Return from the army: Between Crown Point and number four (which is now Becket, Mass)
Ephraim Tucker Died January the Tenth: AD: 1759 In the sixty seventh year of his age.
Darcos Tucker Died January the Twenty Sixth: A: D 1759: in the 26th year of her age.
Beriah Post Died December the 28th: 1759: being one month and Twenty Six Days old.
Stephen Bordman Junr. Died the Second Day of October AD: 1760: In the 33d year of his age: Died In the army att Oswago after the Conquest of Montreal.
William Jones Died the 16th Day of November: AD: 1758.
Mrs. Hannah Jones the wife of Mr. Isaac Jones Died the 7th Day of December: AD: 1758.
Josiah Jones Died the: 17th: Day of January: AD: 1759.
Ebenezar Shaler Son of Ebenezar Shaler and Judith his wife Died the 5th Day of December: 1749; in the 5th month of his age.
Ebenezar Shaler the Son of Ebenezar Shaler and Judith his wife Died: the 27th Day of August: AD: 1760: in the 6th year of his agee.
Ebenezar Shaler Died the 30th Day of March: A:D 1761 In the 42d year of his age.
Isaac Birge Died the 26th Day of August: AD: 1761. In the 37th year of his age.
Mary Johns the Daughter of Stephen Johns Died the 13th Day of November: AD: 1758: being 22 Days old.
Molley Griswold the Daughter of Stephen Griswold Died the 24th Day of May: AD: 1753: in the Second year of her age.
Richard Skinner the Son of Richard Skinner Junr. Died the 4th Day of May: AD: 1761: in the 11th month of his age.
Elizabeth Darte the wife of Samll Darte Died the 31st Day of August: AD: 1761.
Mary Coleman the wife of Thomas Coleman Died the 6th Day of August: AD: 1762: in the 23d year of her age.
Jane Tucker the widow of Ephraim Tucker Died the 27th Day of July: AD: 1762: in the 54th year of her age.
Mrs. Hannah Strong the wife of Dea: Jonathan Strong Died the 9th Day of October: AD: 1762: In the 62: year of her age.
Hosea Brunson of Bolton Son of Isaac Brunson and Abigail his wife: Died att the Havanah October the Second: AD: 1762 and in the Twenty fifth year of his age: Hosea wanted but Six Days of Being Twenty five years old when he Died.
The Reverend Mr. Thomas White Died February the 22d: AD: 1763 In the sixty second year of his age: who was the first Gospel minister that was settled In Bolton and Died in the 38th year of His ministerial Service from his ordination in Sd Town.
Rhoda Coleman the Daughter of Thomas Coleman Died the 29th Day of November: 1762: in the 7th month of her age.
John Darling Died the 26th Day of May: AD: 1759 in the 37th year of his age.
Jonathan Wright Junr. the Son of Jonathan Wright and Abia his wife Died the 11th Day of October: 1760: in the 22d year of his age: he Died att Oswago in the army after the Reduction of Canada.
Deacon Jonathan Strong Died the 26th Day July: 1763: in the 70th year of his age.
Sarah Griswold the wife of George Griswold Died the 6th Day of April: AD: 1763: in the 28th year of her age.
Cornelious Birge Died the 21st Day of June: 1763: in the 68th year of his age.
Capt Matthew Lomise Died the 31st Day of July: AD: 1764. In the 61st year of his age.
Thomas Taylor Died the 30th Day of March: AD: 1764 in the 36th year of his age.
Ruth Coleman the Daughter of John Coleman Died December the 10th AD: 1764: Being one year 5 months and 13 Days old.
Solomon Coleman the Son of John Coleman Died December the 29th AD: 1764: being Six years and five months old.
Pamela Warner the Daughter of Ichabod Warner Died Decr. the 24th 1765: being one month and Three Days old.
Josiah Talcott the Son of Joshua Talcott and Rachel his wife Died the 10th Day of March: AD: 1766: in the 9th year of his age: being Suddenly Killed by the fall of a tree.
Thomas Pitkin Esqr Died July 13th Day AD: 1766 in the 67th year of his age.
John Haskin Died September 16th Day A: Domini 1766 in the 76th year of his age.
Lemuel King the SOn of Hezekiah King Died Died May 25th 1759 in the first year of his age.
Rosiany King the Daughter of Hezekiah King Died the Later End of November 1761 being about Six weeks old.
Dameris Marshall Daughter of Ichabod Marshall Died January 6th AD 1766.
Abigail How the Wife of Zadock How Died January 4th AD 1764 in the 24th year of her age.
Mrs. Mary Randle Died February the 7th AD 1762 in the 97th year of her age.
Martha Talcott wife of Caleb Talcott Died March the Sixth AD 1767 in the 35th year of her age.
Son of Caleb Talcott & Martha his Died March 3d 1767.
Elisabeth Pendall Daughter of John Pendall & Hannah his wife Died August 6th 1762 in the 26th year of her age.
Lucy Pendal Daughter of John Pendal & Hannah his wife Died November 13th 1738 in the first year of her age.
John Pendall Son of John Pendall & Hannah his wife Died November 18th 1762 in the 18th year of his age.
Asahel Pendall Son of John Pendall & Hannah his wife Died December 8th 1749 in the third year of his age.
Mary Cox the the Daughter of Ralf Cox and Hannah his wife Died March 28th AD 1766 in the Eighth year of her age.
Mary Bissell wife of Elisha Bissell Died June 19th AD 1767 in the thirty fifth year of her age.
Joseph Cobb Died August 10th 1766 in the 31st year of his age.
Joseph Cobb Died June 13th 1767 in the Second year of his age who was the Son of Joseph Cobb & Zeruiah his wife.
Hannah Griswold Wife of Stephen Griswold Died December the 2d AD 1767.
Abigil Haskins wife of William Haskins Died June the 19th AD 1768.
Liet. Joseph Churchel Died February 12th 1768 in the 78th year of his age.
Ann Darte Daughter of Daniel Darte Jur. & Marcy his wife Died November 1st 1763.
Daniel Gilburt Darte Son of Daniel Darte Jur. and Marcy his wife Died agust 24th 1765.
Daniel Darte Son of Daniel Darte Jur. and Marcy his wife Died December 29th 1767.
1775 Tirzah Strong Died Daughter of Judah August ye 26th. Strong & Martha his wife.
1775 Dorathy the wife of Nathaniel Hammond Died Dec 21.
1776 May: 11th Samll Loomis Died.
Rhoda Talcott Daughter of Seth Talcott and Anna his wife Died the February 28th 1777.
Joel Paine Son of Edward Paine and Betty his wife Died agust 23d AD 1774.
Jonathan Smith Son of John Tucker and Miriam his wife Died September 17th AD 1775.
Francis King Son of Seth King & Mary his wife Died October 8th 1777 in the 19th year of his age.
Eleazer Bishop Son of Samuel Bishop and Patience his wife Died February the 7th AD 1778.
Samuel Pitkin Son of Thomas Pitkin Esqr and Martha his wife Died August 4th 1772.
Mr. Jonathan King Died June 10th AD 1774 in about the 92d year of his age.
Elijah Haskins Son of William Haskins and Mary his wife Died August 31st 1778 in the fourth year of his age.
Capt. Hezekiah King Died the 11th Day of September 1777 in the Sixty Third year of his age.
Mr. Charles Loomis Loomis Died October 18th 1778 in the Eighty Second year of his age.
Rue Webster the Daughter of David Webster and Mary his wife Died July 29th 1776.
Mary Hutchens Daughter widow Mary Hutchens Died December 5th 1779 in the 21st year of her age.
Rusel King Son of Seth King and Mary his wife Died the 25th Day of September 1779 in the 18th year of his age.
Ezra Waterman Son to Ezra Warterman and Lydia his wife Died July 16th AD 1776.
Ezra Warterman Son to Ezra Warterman and Mary his wife Died September 25th AD 1778.
Mr. Stephen Cone Died the 23d of June 1771 in the 66th year of his age.
Mrs. Sarah Birge Died October 2d 1776 in the Eighty Second year of her age.
Capt. Jonathan Birge Died November the 10th 1776 in the forty third year of his age (He was mortally wounded in the Battle of White Plains and died at Stamford, Conn. on his way home to Bolton)
Decon Seth King Died the 23d Day of July 1780 in the 58th year of his age.
Mr. William Cooley Died March Toth 1775 in 77th year of his age.
Lieut. Roger Loomis Died the 10th Day of August 1780 in Seventy Eighth year of his age.
Jonathan Jonson of East Windsor Died the 16th of April 1780 in the Twenty ninth year of his age.
Meribah Jones Daughter of John Jones and Susannah his wife Died January 19th 1781.
Saul Alvord Jur. and Elenor his wife had a Son Died June the 9th 1780.
John Talcott and Sarah his wife had a son died March 29th 1781 as Soon as Born.
Mr. Isaac Jones Died February 15th 1782.
Joseph Bishop Son of John Bishop and Lois his wife Died the 24th Day of October 1781 in the Army at west Point.
Samuel Minor Died October 22d 1780.
Mrs. Sarah Allis wife of Mr. David Allis Died July 5th 1781 in the 63d year of her age.
Joseph Knight Died November 12th 1784.
Mr. Ebenezer Baker Died August 13th 1784.
Deliverance Coleman the wife of John Coleman Dyed the 25th Day of January AD 1770.
Elisabeth Cooley the wife of Mr. William Cooley Died the 12th Day of February 1772.
Elijah Skinner Son of Elijah Skinner and Mary his wife Died the 23d AD 1772.
Sarah Olmsted Daughter of Elijah Olmsted and Sarah his wife Died May 25th AD 1770.
Susannah Bishop wife of John Bishop died the 10th Day of September 1772.
Mr. John Bishop Died the 7th Day of November AD 1773.
Joel Loomis Died November 6th 1773.
Decon John Chapman Died the 14th Day of February AD 1774 in the Sixtieth year of his age.
Mr. John Bishop Died November 7th 1773 wanting four or five Days of Eighty years old.
Elijah Warner Son of Ichabod Warner and Mary his wife Died February 10th AD 1774.
Deacon Titus Olcott Died October 9th 1774 and in the Sixty Ninth year of his age.
Peter Olcott Son of Peter Olcott & Sarah his wife Died March 22d AD 1773 in the ninth year of his age.
Peter Mills Olcott Son of Capt. Peter Olcott and Sarah his wife Died March the 30th AD 1773 and in the Eleventh year of his age.
Sarah Root Daughter of Eliakim Root and Eunice his wife Died May 13th 1775.
Pamelia Warner Daughter of Ichabod Warner & his wife Died the 24th Day of December AD 1765.
Prudence Strong the wife Charles Strong Died December 3d 1767.
Mabel Ball the Wife of Robart Ball Died December 26th AD 1768.
Mrs. Hannah Smith Died February 10th AD 1769.
William Ball Son of Robart Ball & Mabel his wife Died September the 5th 1769.
Amos Cone Son of Jared Cone & Christiana his wife Died January the 22d 1769.
Pheneas Marshall Son of Ichabod Marshall and Sarah his wife Died the 8th of June 1770.
Abel Bill Son of Phillip Bill and Marcy or Mary his wife Died the first Day of June 1770.
Capt. Moses Thrall Died the 24th Day of August AD 1770.
Phines Marshall Son of Ichabod Marshall & Sarah his wife Died the 8th of June 1770.
Mr. Daniel Dart Died February AD 1771.
John Bissel Esqr Died March 8th AD 1771 in the Eighty Eighth year of his age.
Thankful Strong the wife of Deacon David Strong Died May 21st: 1771.
Stephen Cone Died June the 23d: 1771.
Benjamin Talcott Esqr Died March the 9th AD 1785 in the 83 year of his age.
Elijah White Son of Elijah White and Eunice his wife Died the 15th Day of July 1777 in the 5 year of his age.
Henry White Son of Elijah White and Eunice his wife Died the 28th Day of July 1777 in the 2d year of his age.
Randolph White Soon of Elijah White and Eunice his Wife Died the 20th Day of June 1783 in the 1st year of his age.
Moses Goodrich Died April 30th 1785.
Lucy Gay wife of Jno. Gay Died the 15th Day of September AD 1783.
Phebe Daughter of Thomas Bishup and Phebe his wife Died the 30 Day of Decembr. 1787 in the 21st year of her Age.
Widdow Elizabeth Loomis Died Septembr 5th AD 1787 in the Eightieth year of her Age.
Doct. Joel King Died March 21, 1789 in the 37 year of his age Joel White Esq Late of Bolton Deceased the 28th Day of June AD 1789 in the 85th year of his Age.
Jese Strickland Son of Jonah Strickland and Ann his Wife died the 10th Day of July 1788 in the 2 year of his age.
Tirzah Strickland Dafter of Jonah Strickland and Ann his Wife Died the 16th Day of July 1788 in the 4 year of his age.
Charles King Died April 7th 1790 in the 74 year of his age.
Margaret Strong Dafter of Aaron Strong and Margaret his Wife Died the 13th Day of May 1791 in the 22 year of her age.
Hannah Loomis Dafter of Matthew Loomis and ---- Loomis his wife Died the 27 Day of July 1790 in the 27 year of her age.
Jered Wells Son of Benj. Wells and Lusa his wife Died the 21st Day of August 1793 in the 26 year of his age.
Lucy Wells wife of Benj. Wells Died the 24th Day of August 1793 in the 56 year of her age.
Saul Alvord Died September 28th 1793 in the 77 year of his age.
Hannah Chapman Died August 28th 1795 in the 77th year of her Age.
Martha Alvord Died September 16th 1794 in the 70 year of her age.
Ulyssis Howard Dafter to Samuel Howard and Rachel his wife Died Septembe 1st 1794.
Lide Strong Dafter of Aaron Strong and Margrett his Wife Died Febuary 11th 1796 in the 30 year of her age.
Roxana White Dafter of Jabes L. White and Elisabath his wife Died February 22d 1797.
Marah Loomis Widow of Jabes Loomis Deperted this Life Febuary 20. 1788.
Jonah Strickland Died May 16th 1798 in the 85 year of his age.
Junia Lyman, son to Deacn. Jacob Lyman & Mary his Wife Died March 23d 1799.
John Loomis son to Mr. Joseph Loomis & Lois his Wife Died November 17th 1791.
Lois Loomis, Wife of Mr. Joseph Loomis Died April 27th 1800 in the 39th year of her age.
Crischany Cone Wife of Capt Jared Cone Died October 6th 1801 in the 66th year of her age.
Abigail Kellogg, Wife of Ebenezer Kellogg Jr. Died January 29th 1797.
Hannah Kellogg the Wife of Ebenezer Kellogg Jur. Died May 3d 1802.
John Bishop Son of John Bishop and Susannah his Wife Died May 17th 1800.
Rachel Howard Wife of Samuel Howard Died Septembe 24th 1805.
Sarah Talcott Daughter of Samuel Talcott & Sarah his wife died March 10th 1796 being 11 days old.
Clement Talcott son of Phineas Talcott & Hannah his wife died October 2d 1802 aged 3 months & 18 Days.
Anna White, Wife of Mr. Joel White died June 18th AD 1807.
Esther Talcott Died May 23d 1808 in the 72d year of her age.
Elisha Lyman son of Jacob Lyman Jun & Joanna his wife died July 11th 1809 aged 21 days.
Amy Bingham died December 9th 1809.
Joel White of Bolton departed this life December 27th 1809.
Martha Loomis Wife of Decon Abner Loomis of Bolton Died January 15th AD 1813 Aged 73 years & Six Months.
Elizer Tolcott White Son of Thomas White & Dolly his Wife Died September 23d AD 1806.
Timothy Isham Died July 16th 1812.
Mary Lyman Wife of Jacob Lyman Died October 17th AD 1814.
Pamela Warner Daughter of Ichabod Warner & Mary his Wife Died December 24 AD 1765 Lived 33 Days.
Elijah Warner Son of Ichabod Warner and Mary his Wife Died February 10th 1774 Lived 21 Days.
Octa Warner Daughtr. of Ichabod Warner and Mary his Wife Died June 5th 1777 Lived 43 Days.
Elijah Warner son of Ichabod Warner and Mary his Wife Died November 29th 1779 Lived 36 hours.
Hannah Warner Daughter of Ichabod Warner & Mary his wife Died March 10th 1781 Lived 22 Days.
Elizer Tolcott White Son of Thomas White & Dorothy his Wife Died September 23d 1806.
Roderick Fowler Son of James Fowler & his Wife Died August 7th AD 1803.
Thomas Webster Died December 1st AD 1802 aged 99 years.
Rue Webster Daughter of David Wibster & Mary his Wife Died July 29th AD 1776 aged [illegible].
Mary Webster Wife of David Webster Died Augusy 1th AD 1814 aged 72 years.
Capt. Jared Cone Died April ye 1 AD 1807.
Jenet Skinner Wife of Richard Skinner Died January 13th AD 1798.
Jenet Skinner Daughter of Richard Skinner & Polly his Wife Died March 14th AD 1804.
Polly Skinner Wife of Richard Skinner Died April 7th 1807.
A Son of Richard Skinner & Polly his Wife Died April 16th 1807.
Harvey Skinner Son of Richard Skinner & Polly his Wife Died September 1th AD 1812.
Walter Strong Son of Judah Strong Esqr Died October 12th 1816.
Samuel Carver Esq Died September 8th 1817.
Nathaniel Hammond departed this life December 10th 1817 aged 84 years & 3 months.
Almarin W. Atherton son of simon Atherton Jr. departed this life April 10th 1802.
Mrs. Anna White wife of Joel White Died June 18th 1807.
Chester Skinner son of Sylvester Skinner 2d & Sally Skinner his wife Died Feby 28th 1811.
Elijah Brewster Bishop son of Elijah Bishop and Aurila his wife Died October 21st 1816.
Sarah Dart departed this life August 4th 1819.
William Dart son of Elias Dart died September 1st 1812.
Elijah Lyman son of Jacob Lyman & Joanna his wife Died October 11th 1816.
Dea. Jacob Lyman Departed this life March 23d 1819 aged 72. (Aged 72 added in a later hand.)
Sophia Fox Daughter of Jacob Fox Died Febuary 9th 1802.
Jacob Fox son of Jacob Fox Died Dec. 21st 1801.
Elijah Alvord departed this life Nov. 19th 1820.
Mathw Loomis departed this life May 25th 1821.
Lois Bishop departed this life January 28th 1811.
Charles Strong departed this life March 5th. ----.
Elijah Hammond Died May 3d 1800 Aged 89 Years.
Mary Hammond wife of Elijah Hammond Died Dec. 15th 1776 Aged 64.
Abigail Hammond wife of Elijah Hammond Died March 19th 1796 Aged 66.
Nathaniel Hammond son of Elijah Hammond & Mary his wife Died Dec. 10th 1817 Aged 84 years.
Dorothy Hammond wife of Nathl Hammond Died Dec. 21sd 1775 Aged 35.
Eleanor Hammond wife of Nathaniel Hammond Died June 8th 1822 Aged 74 years.
Anne Hammond Daughter of Nathl Hammond & Eleanor his wife Died Jun 29th 1794 Aged 13.
Lemuel Hammond son of Nathaniel Hammond & Dorothy his wife Died Oct. 31st 1805 aged 39.
Lora Hammond wife of Lemuel Hammond Died January 17th 1810.
Mary Talcott wife of David Talcott & Daughter of Nathaniel Hammond & Dorothy his wife Died August 2d 1813.
Alvan Hammond Son of Nathaniel Hammond & Dorothy his wife Died April 17th 1813.
Ruth White wife of Thomas White died June 4th 1821.
Mrs. Sarah Scovil aged 63 years, the wife of Mr. Henry Scovil. Died at Bolton verry suddenly on the 14th Day of July 1821.
John Carver Departed this life Oct. 30th 1821 aged 88 years.
Harriet Milenda Strickland Daughter of Jonah Strickland, Jur. & Sidney his wife died March 24th 1822.
Noah Isham Died November 28th 1819.
Died Febuary 19th 1818, Anna Dunham Aged Seventy seven years.
Levi Strong Died July 24th 1823, Aged Sixty one years.
Elijah Strong son of Aaran Strong Deid June 25th 1825 Aged 39.
Rebeckah Talcott wife of Elijah Talcott Deid May 3d 1801.
Asa Talcott son of Elijah Talcott Dec'd. July 21st 1793.
A son born dead Nov. 18th 1804.
Wealthy Talcott Daughter of Elijah & Wealthy Talcott Died December 31st 1807.
Luna Talcott Died July 8th 1808.
Lura Talcott Died July 11th 1808. Entered Oct. 28th 1825 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Betsey Pratt Died October 4th 1821. Entered Oct 28th 1825 by M. Hammond, town Clerk.
Lauisa Hunt wife of Doc. Orrin Hunt Deid April 14th 1824.
Lauisa Anne Hunt daughter of Doct Orain Hunt & Lauisa his wife Died Oct. 29th 1823. Entered Jan. 12th 1826 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Aaron Strong Died November 16th 1826 Aged 84 years.
Russel Loomis Son of Levi Strong and Laura his wife Died April 21st 1827. Entered March 1st 1828 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Widow Margaret Strong Died October 16th 1830 Aged Eighty five years. Entered Oct 21st 1830 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Judah Strong Esqr Died April 29th 1829.
George W. Strong son of Judah Strong Esqr and Jerusha wife Died September 7th 1829. Entered Jan. 1831 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
John Ruggles Esqr Departed this Life May 30th 1825 Aged 49 years. Entered February 24, 1837. By Samuel Ruggles, Town Clerk.
Harriet S. Strong daughter of Noah & Grace Strong died January 16th 1836. Entered December 8th 1837 by Saul Alvord, Town Clerk.
Elijah B. Bishop son of Elijah Bishop & Aurilia his wife Died Oct 20th 1810. Recorded Febuary 24th 1841 By Saul Alvord, Town Clerk.
Lucy Strong relict of Levi Strong died May 19th 1841 aged seventy seven years. Recorded June 21st 1841 By Saul Alvord, Register.
Doc. Jabez L. White Jr. Departed this life on Sunday the 4th day of August 1844 aged 52 years the 18th day of June 1844.
Jabez L. White Esar Expired on Sunday the first day of September 1844 in the Eighty second year of his age. Entered Sept 28th 1844 By Luther Talcott, Register.
Henry Scoval Died March 8th AD 1847 Aged 87 years Entered May 29th A. D. 1847 By Luther Talcott, Register.
Record of Deaths in Bolton from August 1st 1848 to August 1st 1849.-
August 25th. Rhoda Smith.
Sept 23rd. Juliann Clark.
Sept. 24th. Nancy Clark.
Oct. 1st. Ralph Ira Hunt.
Sept 29th. John Hanasy.
Sept. 15th. Patrick Daily.
Jan 5 Almira Ingram.
April 13th. Elsha Chaffee.
Feb 6. Infant Irish parents.
---- 2nd. Infant Irish parentsw.
July 20th. James Crosby.
May 11th. John Carroll.
August 3rd. Mrs. Chalance.
Feb 1st. Mr. Calinan.
March 17th 1849. Tryphena Carpenter.
Feb 26th. James Prior.
Feb. 26th. Infant son of Samuel P. Wrisley.
Jan 1st. Royal S. Williams.
March 8th. Lydia Waterman.
June 21st. Daniel Sullivan.
April 29th. Mary Mahoney.
July 7th. Infant Daugtr. of Wm. E. Gillet.
Ang. Martin Fox.
Aug. Zebulon Howard.
Ang. Michal Murry.
Ang. Smith Sullivan.
March. Infant.
August 23, 1848. Susanna Loomis.
May 24th 1849. Joanna Lyman.
Feb 24. 1849. Mary Curtis.
Received & Entered Sept. 1849 by William Keeney, Town Clerk.
Record of Deaths in the Town of Bolton from August 1st 1849 to August 1st 1850.-
October 3rd 1849. William West.
December 17th 1849. Mary E West.
December 30th 1849. Ahab Smith.
April 8, 1850. Andrew J Hunt.
May 12th 1850. William H. Bennett.
March 1850. Henry C Backus.
April 4th 1850. Mrs. Margaret Keeney.
May 2nd 1850. Cary Throop.
Aug. 20th 1849. Mary Donohue.
September ----. Frederic B. Ingram.
Oct. 20th 1849. Mrs. Ira Spafford.
Oct. 1849. Albert Stephens.
Rec'd and Entered September 1850, E. K. Williams, Town Clerk.
Record of Deaths in the Town of Bolton from August 1st 1850 to August 1st 1851.
Dec 2nd 1850. Maria L. Avery.
May 3rd 1851. Jane C. Talcott.
July 18th 1851. Asneth Fowler.
August 7th 1850. Walter Cone.
Aug. 24th 1850. Dr. Orrin Hunt.
Sept. 7th 1851. Martin Alvord.
Rec'd Sept and Entered Oct 18, 1851, E. K. Williams, Town Clerk.
