Vital Records Of Bolton To 1854
And Vernon To 1852,
Bolton (Conn.), Vernon (Conn.)
Presented In Devoted Memory Of
Hurlbut Barnes Cutting, Sr. By The Cutting Family
Births - Section 3
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

[Coder's Note:-- Please note that the records, except for the very last years, were not arranged in any sort of alphabetical or cronological order, but only by the type of record: Births, Marriages & Deaths. It will be necessary to browse all files in order to find individuals. Please see the text below the links for original settlers, population & other information. ]
Jonathan Birge Sone to Isaac Birge and Pamela his wife was Born August 1st 1790.
John Ford Goodrich Sone to Moses Goodrich and Mary his Wife was Born Febuary 14th 1787.
Jonathan Goodrich Son to Moses Goodrich and Mary his wife was Born November 8th 1789.
Pomery Flint Sone to Talcott Flint & Prudence Flint his wife was Born February 24, 1790.
Benjamin Howard Sone to Benjamin Howard Jur. & Frelove Howard his wife was Born October 4, 1791.
Ulysses Howard Sone to Samuel Howard & Rachel his wife was Born November 18th 1791.
Daniel Daniels Sone to John Daniel and Abigal Daniels his wife was Born August 29th 1769.
Benjaman Talcott 3d Sone to Benjamin Talcott Jur. and Jerusha Talcott his wife was Born May ye 14th 1789.
Bette Taylor was Born November ----, 1787 Dafter to John Taylor and Elizabeth his wife.
David Taylor Sone to John Taylor and Elizabath his wife was Born May 12th 1790.
William Wells Taylor Sone to John Taylor and Elizabath his wife was Born December 23d 1792.
Hannah Talcott Dafter to Phinias Talcott and Hannah his wife was Born August 27th 1791.
Reuben King Sone to Reuben King and Susanna his wife was Born August 12th 1777.
Susannah King Dafter to Reuben King and Susannah his wife was Born October 20th 1780.
Russell King Sone to Reuben King and Susannah his wife was Born October 14th 1782.
Roxey King Dafter to Reuben Reuben King and Susanna his wife was Born July 19th 1788.
Amos Dart Son to Jonathan Dart Jur. and Susanah his wife was Born June 15th 1786.
Louisa Dart Dafter to Jonathan Dart Jur. and Susanah his wife was Born April 21th 1789.
Mabel Dart Dafter to Jonathan Dart Jur. and Susanah his wife was Born May 11th 1791.
Mary Warner Dafter to Ichabod M. Warner and Mary his wife was Born April 9th 1792.
Lemme Waldo Son of Henry Wald and Hannah Wald his wife was Born May the 4 1792.
Elizabath Tucker Dafter of Elijah Tucker and ---- Tucker his wife was Born February 10th 1787.
Elijah Tucker 3 Sone of Elijah Tucker and ---- Tucker his wife was Born December 25th 1790.
Betsee Smith Dafter of Victorious Smith and Susanah his wife was Born January 20th 1792.
Polly Culver Dafter of Jeremiah Culver and Polly Culver his wife was Born August the 17th 1792.
Pamela Birge Dafter of Isaac Birge and Pamela Birge his wife was Born September the 3d 1792.
Avis Dart Dafter of Aaron Dart and Sarah Dart this wife was Born January 10th 1792.
Elizabeth Dart Dafter of Samuel Dart and ---- Dart his wife was Born January 29th 1782.
Samuel Harve Dart Sone of Samll Dart and ---- Dart His wife was Born May 14 1787.
Phinias Chapman Jr. Son of Phinias Chapman and Elizabath his wife was Born Febuary ye 8th 1792.
Jamin Strong Sone of Levi Strong and Lusa Strong his Wife was Born September ye 7th 1791.
David Allis Stiles Sone of John Stiles and Jeminia Stiles was Born April 19th 1792.
Elezer Woodworth Jur. Sone of Elezer Woodworth and Cate Woodworth his wife was Born December 24, 1782.
John Woodworth Sone of Elezer Woodworth and Cate his wife was Born August 29th 1786 [? 1787].
Eli Strong Son of Ebenezer Strong and Lusa his wife was Born October 8th 1789.
Jenubath Strong Son of Ebenezer Strong and Lusa his wife was Born October 22th 1791.
Josiah Hammond Son of Elijah Hammond Jur. and Martha Hammond his wife was Born March 16th 1793.
Terza Alvord Dafter of Saul Alvord Jr. and Elenor Alvord his Wife was Born November 10, 1791.
Hariet Alvord Dafter of Saul Alvord Jr. and Elenor Alvord his Wife was Born June 29th 1793.
Amelia Haskins Daughter of Aaron Haskins and Rhoda his Wife was born August 6th 1778.
Chester Haskins Son of Aron Haskins and Rhoda his Wife was born July 31st 1781.
Aurelia Haskins Daughter of Aaron Haskins and Rhoda his Wife was born Sept. 15th 1783.
Rhoda Haskins Daughter of Aaron Haskins and Rhoda his Wife was born July 18th 1785.
Electa Haskins Daughter of Aaron Haskins and Rhoda his Wife was born March 21st 1789.
Augustus Haskins Son to Aaron Haskins and Rhoda his Wife was born August 10th 1791.
Rachel Howard Daughter of Samll Howard and Rachel his Wife was born April 17th AD 1794.
John Chapman son to Mr. Phineas Chapman & Elisabeth his Wife was born May 19th 1794.
Phineas Talcott son to Lt. Phineas Talcott & Hannah his Wife was born August 7th 1793.
Ralph Talcott Son to Phineas Talcott and Hannah his Wife was born September 18th 1795.
Hezekiah Loomis Son to Mr. Hezekiah Loomis & Lydia his Wife was Born May 21st 1779.
Alven Loomis Son to Hezekiah Loomis & Lydia his Wife was Born July 3d 1786.
Emmery King Son to Lemuel King & Jane his Wife was born September 11th 1791.
Henry King Son to Lemuel King & Jane his Wife was born March 10th 1794.
Russel Loomis son to Mathew Loomis Jr. and Ruth his Wife was born November 27th 1793.
Chester Loomis son to Mathew Loomis Jr. & Ruth his Wife was born July 17th 1795.
Timothy Stiles Son to John Stiles and Jemima his Wife was Born April 15th 1795.
Achsah Pearl Daughter to Joshua Pearl and Deborah his Wife was born May 15th 1795.
Milla Talcott, Daughter of Alven Talcott and Philomela his Wife was born Sept. 20th 1798.
Malven Brownson Son to Isaac Brownson & Mary his Wife was born May 20th AD 1774.
Charlotte Brownson Daughter to Isaac Brownson and Rachel his wife was born January 16th AD 1783.
Hosea Brownson Son to Isaac Brownson & Rachel his Wife was born March 28th AD 1786.
Sceptre Brownson Son to Isaac Brownson and Rachel his Wife was born April 25th 1790.
Isaac Brownson Son to Isaac Brownson & Rachel his Wife was born July 14th 1792.
Rhoda King Daughter to Stephen King and Elisabeth his Wife was born November 14th 1774.
Jemima Darte King Daughter to Stephen King and Elisabeth his Wife was born September 30th 1777.
Chester King Son to Stephen King and Elisabeth his Wife was born February 8th 1784.
Lemuel Daniels Son to John Daniels Jur. & Ester his Wife was born April 1st 1786.
Amasa Daniels Son to John Daniels Jr. & Ester his Wife was born December 20th 1788.
Abigail Daniels Daughter to John Daniels Jur. and Ester his Wife was born October 5th 1789.
Sarah Daniels Daughter to John Daniels Jr. and Ester his Wife was born June 16th 1791.
Achsah Daniels Daughter to John Daniels Jr. and Ester his Wife was born December 22d 1792.
Russel Daniels son to John Daniels Jr. and Ester his Wife was born October 2d 1794.
John Darte Carpenter Son to Reuben Carpenter and Miriam his Wife was born Sept. 10th 1793.
Russel Ladd son to Elisha Ladd & Tabitha his Wife was born April 30th 1786.
Charlotte Ladd Daughter to Elisha Ladd and Elisabeth his Wife was born August 17th 1789.
(Dr) Simeon Birge Sone to Isaac Birge and Pamela his Wife was Born August 23d 1794.
Patte Hammond Dafter of Elijah 2d & Patte his wife was Born Sept 2d 1795.
Ruth Carpenter Dafter of Reuben Carpenter and Mariem his Wife was Born April 23d 1796.
Elijah Warner Sone of Ichabod M. Warner and Mary his Wife was Borne January 19th 1794.
Hariot Warner Dafter of Ichabod M. Warner and Mary his Wife was Borne Febuary 1st 1796.
Talcott Howard Sone to Samuel Howard and Rachel Howard his wife was Born March 9th 1796.
Eli Bishop Sone of John Bishop and Prudence his wife was Born Febury 20th 1794.
(Rev) Chester Birge Sone of Isaac Birge and Permeli his wife was Born September 20th 1796.
Alfred Birge Son of Isaac Birge and Permela his Wife was Born September 5th 1798.
Abigail Isham Dafter of David Isham and Thankfull his wife was Born September 30th 1791.
Rebeckah Isham Dafter of David Isham and Thankfull his wife was Born March 22d 1793.
Anna Warterman Dafter of Charles Warterman and Anna his Wife was Born June 1th(?) 1793.
Lydia Warterman Dafter of Charles Warterman and Anna his Wife was Born May 30th 1795.
Hariet Read Dafter of Ebenezer Read and Sarah his Wife was Born November 29th 1796.
Royal Talcott Son of Jacob Talcott and Anna Talcott his Wife was Born March 16th 1797.
John Daniel Son of John Daniels Jr. and Ester his wife was Born June 2d 1796.
Elijah Dart Son of Jonathan Dart Jr. and Susanah his was Born Nov. 12th 1793.
Salmon Dart Son of Jonathan Dart Jr.and Susanah his was Born May 30th 1796.
Ester Wells Dafter of Elizer Wells [not completed].
Anna White was Born Febuay 5, 1784 Dafter of Jabez L White & Elizabath his Wife.
Elizabath White Dafter of Jabez L. White and Elizabath his wife was born September 14, 1784.
Sarah White Dafter of Jabez L. White and Elizabath his was Born April 5th 1797.
Roxane White Dafter of Jabez L. White an Elizabath his wife was born Febuary 6, 1789.
Clariss White Dafter of Jabez L. White and Elizabath his wife was Born Novembr 5, 1790.
(Dr) Jabez L White Son of Jabez L. White and Elizabath his wife was Born June 18, 1792.
Sophronis White Dafter of Jabez L. White and Elizabath his Wife was Born Decmbr. 1, 1794.
Joel Wales White Son of Jabez L. White and Elizabath his Wife was Born April 24, 1796.
Lusa Munsel Dafter of Gurdin Munsin and Olive his Wife was Born October 21, 1785.
Gurdin Munsel Son of Gurdin Munsel and Oive his Wife was Born August 15, 1787.
Elizer Wells Son of Elizer Wells and Ester his Wife was Born June 29th 1787.
Ester Wells Dafter of Elizer Wells and Ester his Wife was Born Sept 20th 1792.
Millia Wells Dafter of Elizer Wells and Ester his Wife was Born July 28th 1794.
Jered Wells Son of Elizer Wells and Ester his Wife was Born July 4th 1797.
Ashbel Warner Son of Ichabod M. Warner and Mary his Wife was Born December 30th 1797.
Chester Cone Strickland Son of Jonah Strickland Jur. and Anna his wife was Born March 10th 1797.
Julius Strong Hammond Son of Elijah Hammond 2d and Martha his wife was Born June 15, 1798.
Alvin Bishop Son of John Bishop Junr. and Prudence his wife was Born May 13th 1798.
Harry Carpenter Son of Zenes Carpenter and Rachel his Wife was Born June 18th 1797.
Rachel Carpenter Dafter of Zenas Carpenter and Rachel his Wife was Born June 1st 1798.
Emmela Howard Dafter of Samll Howard and Rachel his wife was Born June 1st 1798.
Susanna Chapman Dafter of Jeams Chapman and Susanna his wife was Born October 14, 1784.
Justin Chapman Son of James Chapman and Susanna his wife was Born November 17, 1786.
William Chapman Son of James Chapman and Susanna his Wife was Born October 28, 1788.
David Chapman Son of James Chapman and Susanna his Wife was Born October 14, 1790.
Elijah Chapman Son of James Chapman and Susanna his Wife was Born Septembe 10, 1792.
Sina Chapman Dafter of Jeams Chapman and Susanna his wife was Born November 19, 1794.
Orenda Chapman Dafter of James Chapman and Susanna his wife was Born Octobe 27, 1796.
Olive Chapman Dafter of Jeams Chapman and Susanna his wife was Born August 27, 1798.
Lydia Warterman Dafter of Charles Warterman and Anna his Wife was Born May 29, 1795.
Almeda Warterman Dafter of Charles Warterman and Anna his Wife was Born May 24, 1797.
Benjamin Warterman Son of Charles Warterman and Anna his Wife his Wife was Born July 2d 1799.
Margaret King Daughter of Simon King & Margaret his Wife was born January 2d 1798.
Susa Marshal Daughter of Nathan Marshal & Susannah his Wife was born April 2d 1797.
Sarah Marshal Daughter of Nathan Marshal and Susannah his Wife was born September 8th 1798.
Nancy Ladd, Daughter of Deacn. Elisha Ladd & Tabitha his Wife was born September 29th 1796.
Betsey Pearl, Daughter of John M. Pearl & Achsah his Wife was born September 22d 1798.
Anna Pearl, Daughter to John M. Pearl and Achsah his Wife was born March 25th 1800.
Joel Talcott Son of Phineas Talcott & Hannah his Wife was born October 12th 1797.
Allyn Talcott Son of Phineas Talcott & Hannah his Wife was born March 23d 1800.
Lois Loomis Daughter of Joseph Loomis & Lois his Wife was Born April 30th 1784.
John Loomis Son to Joseph Loomis & Lois his Wife was born April 15th 1786.
Electa Loomis Daughter of Joseph Loomis & Lois his Wife was born October 29th 1788.
Roxy Loomis Daughter of Joseph Loomis & Lois his Wife was born November 13th 1792.
Lemuel King son to Lemuel King & Jane his Wife was born December 10th 1794.
Hezekiah King son to Lemuel King & Jane his Wife was born April 13th 1799.
Eber Carpenter Son to Reuben Carpenter & Meriam his Wife was Born June 24th 1800.
Julia Howard Dafter to Samuel Howard & Rachel his Wife was Born August 29th 1800.
Salle Cone Dafter to Jared Cone Jur. & Elizabath his Wife was Born July 31st 1787.
Elizabath Cone Dafter to Jared Cone Ju. & Elizabath his Wife was Born March 13th 1790.
Jared Cone Son to Jared Cone Jur. & Elizabath his Wife was Born March 27th 1793.
Harriet Howe Whittermore Dafter to Samuel Whittermore and Sally his Wife was Born July 11th 1798.
Samuel William Howe Whittermore Son to Samuel (Rev). Whittermore and Sally his Wife was Born Febuary 2d 1800.
Emilia Hammond Dafter to Lemuel Hammond and Lora his Wife was Born October 9th 1799.
Martha Warner Dafter to Ichabod M. Warner and Mary his Wife was Born October 10th 1799.
Ichabod Warner Son to Ichabod M. Warner and Mary his Wife was Born April 5th 1801.
Allen Hammond Son to Elijah Hammond and Martha his Wife was Born July 28th 1801.
Judah Strong Son to Judah Strong and Jerusha his Wife was Born Sept. 8, 1793.
(Doct) Salmon Strong Son to Judah Strong and Jerusha his wife was Born March 21th 1795.
Jerusha Strong Dafter to Judah Strong and Jerusha his wife was born January 27th 1797.
Horrace Strong Son to Judah Strong and Jerusha his wife was Born January 29 1799.
Rachel Strong Dafter to Judah Strong and Jerusha his wife was Born June 30th 1800.
Julious Foot ---- to Noah Foot and Tabatha his wife was Born March 19th 1785.
Poly Foot Dafter to Noah Foot and Tabatha his wife was Born June the 25th 1789.
Abagail Dart Dafter to Jonathan Dart and Susanah his wife was Born October 27th 1799.
Olive Marshel Dafter to Nathan Marshel and Susa his Wife was Born June 28th 1800.
Elethea Birge Dafter to Isaac Birge and Permela his Wife was Born November 5, 1800.
Julia Birge Dafter of Isaac Birge and Permelia his wife was Born January 11th 1803.
(Doct) Henry Cone Sone to Amas Cone and Abigail his wife was Born May 22d 1801.
Cyrus Crocker Son to James Crocker and Mary his wife was Born January 25th 1795.
Harvey Crocker Son to James Crocker and Mary his wife was Born September 23d 1799.
Mary Crocker Dafter to Jeams Crocker and Mary his wife was Born October 8th 1801.
Lodicea Pearl Daughter of John M. Pearl & Achsah his wife was born March 19th 1802.
Ebenezer Kellogg son of Ebenezer Kellogg Jr. & Abigail his Wife was born October 25th 1789.
Martin Kellogg son of Ebenezer Kellogg Jr. & Abigail his wife was born November 6th 1791.
George Kellogg son of Ebenezer Kellogg Jr. & Abigail his Wife was born March 3d 1793.
Allyn Kellogg son of Ebenezer Kellogg Jr. & Abigail his Wife was born August 17th 1794.
Nathaniel Olmsted Kellogg son of Ebenezer Kellogg Jr. and Abigail his Wife was born February 26th 1796.
George Judd Hammond Son of George Hammond and Statira his Wife was Born Febuary 14th 1802.
Lyda Atherton Dafter of Zelotes Atherton and Lyda his Wife was Born December 4th 1802.
Chloe Flint Dafter of Talcott Flint and his Wife was Born December 23d 1791.
Elizar Flint Dafter of Talcott Flint and his Wife was Born April 29, 1793.
Emilia Flint Dafter of Talcott Flint and his Wife was Born Febuary 26th 1795.
Mira Flint Dafter of Talcott Flint and his Wife was Born Febuary 5th 1797.
Ralph Flint Son of Talcott Flint and his Wife was Born November 14th 1798.
Ariel Flint Son of Talcott Flint and his Wife was Born October 1, 1800.
Menerhva Flint Son of Talcott Flint and his Wife was Born August 22, 1802.
Anna Meria Dafter of Chester Hammond and Fanny his Wife was Born August 19, 1802.
Walter Howard son of Samuel Howard and Rachel his Wife was Born December 14th 1802.
Rev. Chauncey Cone Son of Jared Cone Ju. and Caroline his Wife was Born January 25th 1802. (Rev added in a later hand.)
Edwin Hammond White Son of Thomas White and Dorath his wife was Born March 14th 1803.
Caroline Dewey Dafter of Erastus Dewey and Caroline his wife was Born October 9th 1799.
Martha Bordman Dewey Dafter of Erastus Dewey and Caroline his wife was Born September 19th 1801.
Harvey Johnson Son of Levi Johnson and Lydia his wife was Born March 22d 1798.
Salla Warner Dafter of Ichabod M. Warner and Mary his Wife was Born Febuary 18th 1803.
Emma Stattira Dafter of George Hammond and Stattira his Wife was Born August 26th 1803.
Adaline Cornelia Dafter of Amas Cone and Abagarle his Wife was Born Febuary 15th 1803.
Chloe Moulton Dafter of Samuel Moulton and Chloe his wife was Born May 21st 1792.
Sally Moulton Dafter of Samuel Moulton and Chloe his Wife was Born Decmbr. 27th 1793.
Howard Moulton Son of Samuel Moulton and Chloe his wife was Born June 18th 1796.
Marette Moulton Dafter of Samuel Moulton and Chloe his wife was Born October 7th 1798.
Samuel Moulton Son of Samuel Moulton and Chloe his wife was Born April 16, 1801.
Josiah Moulton Son of Samuel Moulton and Chloe his wife was Born October 11th 1803.
Sally Roberts Dafter of Cornelus Roberts and Lydia his wife was Born March 13th 1785.
Lydia Roberts Dafter of Cornelus Roberts and Lydia his wife was Born September 19, 1788.
Philenda Roberts Dafter of Cornelus Roberts and Lydia his wife was Born July 10, 1793.
Alfred Roberts Son of Cornelus Roberts and Lydia his wife was Born Sept. 26, 1795.
Lydia Marshel Dafter of Nathan Marshel his wife was Born March 21, 1802.
Amos Marshel Son of Nathan Marshel and Susa his wife was Born December 6, 1803.
Calvin Chapman Son to Jeams Chapman and Susana his Wife was Born December 25th 1800.
Daniel Lee Atwell Son to Joseph Atwell and Ruth Pirkins his Wife was Born April 7th 1804.
Carline Cone Dafter of Jared Cone Ju. and Carline his Wife was Born January 8th 1804.
John Loomis Howard Son to John Howard Jr. and Patty his Wife was Born November 20th 1803.
Anna Talcott Dafter of Jacob Talcott and Anna his Wife was Born January 24th 1799.
Elizabath Lyman Talcott Dafter of Jacob Talcott and Anna his Wife was Born July 3d 1804.
Joanna Lyman Dafter of Jacob Lyman Ju. and Joanna his Wife was Born June 12th 1804.
Charles Goodrich Hammond Son of Chester Hammond and Fanny his wife was Born June 4th 1804.
Sally Julan Whitermore Dafter of Samuel Whitermore and Sally his wife was Born May 13th 1802.
Mariah Warner Dafter of Ichabod M. Warner and Mary his wife was Born March 12th 1805.
Aurrelia Birge Dafter of Isaac Birge and Permilia his wife was Born March 29th 1805.
Eliza Hammond Dafter of George Hammond and Stattira his Wife was Born June 29th 1805.
Luceius Hinkley Dafter of Dr Scotiway Hinkley and Eunice his Wife was Born Sept. 6, 1799.
Eunice Hinkley Dafter of Dr Scotiway Hinkley and Eunice his Wife was Born Febuary 27th 1803.
Hanah Percivel Talcott Dafter of Benjamin Talcott Jur. and Hanah his Wife was Born April 16th 1804.
Polly Bishop Dafter of John Bishop and Prudence his Wife was Born July 6th 1804.
Anson Howard Son of Samuel Howard & Rachel his Wife was Born September 24th 1805.
Laura Frances Hammond Dafter of Chester Hammond and Fanny his wife was Born June 26th 1806.
Sophia Bingham Dafter of Abner Bingham and Salla his Wife was Born Febuary 24th 1804.
Frances Wilson Son of Abner Binghan and Salle his Wife was Born April 7th 1806.
Leucia Dart Dafter of Jonathan Dart and Susanah his Wife was Born May 12th 1802.
Susanah Dart Dafter of Jonathan Dart and Susanah his wife was Born October 12, 1804.
Ezra Kilborn Warterman Son of Charles Warterman and Anna his Wife was Born April 25th 1803.
Laura Warterman Dafter of Charles Warterman and Anna his Wife was Born Febuary 7th 1805.
Mary Warterman Dafter of Charles Warterman and Anna his Wife was Born June 29th 1801.
Theodore Strong Son of Nathan Strong and Millia his Wife was Born April 30th 1797.
Millia Strong Dafter of Nathan Strong and Millia his Wife was Born Febuary 4th 1800.
Julia White Strong Dafter of Nathan Strong and Millia his Wife was Born October 23d 1804.
Allen Hills Son of Nathaniel Hills & Jemima his wife was born October 22d 1805.
Jacob Lyman Son of Jacob Lyman Jr. & Joanna his wife was born September 20th 1805.
Melissa Bingham daughter of John Bingham and Rhoda his wife was born June 10th 1806.
Bulah Fuller daughter of Irad Fuller and Thankful his wife was born November 26th 1788.
Warren Fuller son of Do. was born May 8th 1790.
Smith Fuller son of Do. was born September 10th 1792.
Willard Fuller son of Do. was born Sept 23d 1794.
Jehiel Fuller son of Do. was born June 11th 1796.
Thankful Fuller daughter of Do. was born April 11th 1798.
Asa Fuller son of Do. was born April 23d 1801.
Asenah Fuller daughter of Do. was born Dec. 7th 1802.
Anna Talcott daughter of the wife of Samuel Talcott was born January 12th 1792.
Samuel Smith Talcott son of Samll Talcott & Sarah his wife was born December 13th 1793.
Sarah Talcott daughter of Do. was born Feby 27th 1796.
Sarah Talcott daughter of Do. was born May 4th 1797.
Juliana Talcott daughter of Do. was born April 21st 1799.
Patty Talcott daughter of Do. was born July 9th 1801.
Elihu Talcott son of Do. was born April 6th 1804.
Philenda Talcott daughter of Do. was born May 29th 1806.
Clement Talcott son of Phineas Talcott & Hannah his wife was born August 13th 1802.
Belinda Talcott daughter of Do. was born Feb. 14th 1804.
Eunice Talcott daughter of Do. was born March 5th 1807.
Ackley Fuller son of Stephen Fuller & Hannah his wife was born September 7th 1799.
Samuel Fuller son of Do. was born May 26th 1801.
Rusha Fuller daughter of Do. was born Feb. 7th 1804.
Hannah Smith Fuller daughter of Do. was born Oct. 15th 1806.
Deborah Pearl daughter of Joshua Pearl Jr. and Eunice his Wife was born February 11th 1802.
Walter Pearl son of Do. was born May 24th 1803.
Cyril Pearl son of Do. was born January 30th 1805.
Elam Pearl son of Do. was born June 20th 1807.
Amasa Loomis son of Amasa Loomis and Ruth his Wife was born May 17th 1786.
Marvin Loomis son of Amasa Loomis and Ruth his Wife was born August 25th 1795.
Elisabeth Hills Daughter of Nathaniel Hills and Jemima D. Hills his Wife was born March 31st 1808.
Julia King Daughter of Lemuel King and Jane his Wife was born September 23d 1801.
Anna King Daughter of Lemuel King and Jane his Wife was born July 4th 1805.
Mary Kingsbury Hammond Daughter of Elijah Hammond and Martha his Wife was born April 5th 1807.
Marry Ann Birge Daughter of Capt. Isaac Birge & Pamela Birge his wife was born September 8th 1807.
Jernsha Carter Warner Daughter of Ichabod M. Warner & Mary his wife was born December 27th 1806.
William Talcott Warner son of Ichabod M. Warner & Mary his wife was born August 19th 1808.
Mary Holbrooks Lyman Daughter of Jesse Lyman & Polly his Wife was born November 4th 1808.
Lemuel Olmstead Hammond son of George Hammond & Stattira his wife was born June 15th 1807.
Nathaniel Manton Nelson Hammond son of George Hammond & Stattira his wife was born February 14th 1809.
James Preston Chapman son of James Chapman & Ethelinda his wile was born March 17th 1809.
Ezra Lyman son of Jacob Lyman Junr. & Joanna his wife was born April 30th 1807.
Elisha & Elijah Lyman Twin sons of Jacob Lyman. Junr. & Joanna his wife were born June 10th 1809.
Amanda Fowler daughter of George Fowler & Polly his wife was born June 2d 1809.
Julius Randolf Strong son of Judah Strong & Jerusha his wife was born May 1st 1802.
Martha Strong Daughter of Judah Strong & Jerusha his wife was born Febuary 27th 1804.
George Washington Strong son of Judah Strong & Jerusha his wife was born January 18th 1806.
Tirzah Strong daughter of Judah Strong & Jerusha his wife was born August 10th 1809.
Saul Alvord son of Saul Alvord Junr. & Phebe his wife was born January 27th 1808.
Louisa Metcalf Alvord Daughter of Saul Alvord Junr. & Phebe his wife was August 31st 1809.
Eunice McCray Daughter of Eleazer McCray & Eunice his wife was born April 27th 1798.
Edwin McCray son of Eleazer McCray & Eunice his wife was born April 22d 1803.
Sally McCray Daughter of Eleazer McCray & Eunice his wife was born November 9th 1804.
William McCray son of Eleazer McCray & Eunice his wife was born Febuary 10th 1809 & died the 24th of March following.
William McCray son of Eleazer McCray & Eunice his wife was born May 16th 1810.
Carolina Lyman Daughter of Jesse Lyman and Polle his Wife was Born 13th September AD 1810.
Solomon Strong son of Solomon Strong & Lura his wife was Born October 1st 1807.
Edwin Strong son of Solomon Strong & Lura his wife was Born June 10th 1809.
Albert Franses Warner Son of Ichabod M. Warner & Mary his Wife was Born January 19th 1810.
Horatio Albet Strong Son of Noah Strong & Grace his Wife was Born April 12th 1811.
Lasell Pirge Son of Isaac Birge & Pamela his Wife was Born Septembr 24th 1810.
Nathan Holsey Strong Son of Nathan Strong and Milla his Wife was Born November 18th AD 1807.
Lovina Strong Daughter of Nathan Strong & Milla his Wife was Born September 28 AD 1809.
Joseph Lord Son of Daniel & Jane Lord his Wife was Born November 5th AD 1789.
Daniel Lord Son of Daniel Lord & Jane his wife was Born September 24th AD 1791.
Ebenezer Elon Strong Son of Ebenezer Strong Jr. & Mary his Wife was Born Septemb. 25th AD 1801.
Mary Emeline Strong Daughter of Ebenezer Strong Jr. & Mary his Wife was Born Decemr. 17th AD 1804.
Willard Pattison Son of Ebenezer Strong Jr. & Mary his Wife was Born April 12th AD 1807.
Elmon Day Son of Ebenezer Strong Jur. & Mary his Wife was Born Decembr 19 AD 1810.
Artemas Landon Strong Son of Ebenezer Strong and Mary his Wife was Born July 21th AD 1813.
Elizer Tolcott White Son of Thomas White & Dolly his wife was Born August 30th AD 1806.
Horris Freeman White Son of Thomas White & Dolly his wife was Born Febuary 29th 1808.
Dolly Mariah White Daughter of Thomas White & Dolly his Wife was Born Decmb. 20th AD 1811.
Salmon Loomis Son of Thomas Loomis & Eunice his wife was Born December 26 AD 1784.
Sarah K. Hubbard Daughter of Nathaniel Hubbard Jr. & Betsey his Wife was Born May 23d AD 1812.
George Strong Son of Solomon Strong & Lura his Wife was Born 22 April 1813.
Electa Strong Daughter of Rusell Strong & Susanah his Wife was Bornn January 18th AD 1812.
Harriet Suffrona Daughter of Noah Strong and Grace his Wife was Born August 27 AD 1813.
William Gardner Strong Son of Judah Strong and Jerusha his Wife was Born September 7th AD 1811.
Eleathea Howard Daughter of John Howard & Patty his Wife was Born June 30th AD 1806.
Ellard Talcott Howard Son of John Howard Jr. and Patty his Wife was Born December 11th AD 1808.
Orin Frances Howard son of John Howard Jr. and Patty his Wife was Born July 12th AD 1812.
Hannah Pettit Daughter of John Pettet & Hannah his Wife was Born July 22d AD 1798.
John Pettit Son of John Pettit & Hannah his Wife was Born in New York July 18th AD 1800.
Maria Pittit Dughter of John Pettit & Hannah his Wife was Born August 23d AD 1802.
Stephen Pettit Son of John Pettit & Hannah his Wife was Born April 24th AD 1804.
William Pittit Son of John Pettit & Hannah his Wife was Born December 15th AD 1806.
Austin Loomis Son of Thomas Loomis and Eunice his Wife was Born June 19th 1789.
Laura Loomis Daughter of Thomas Loomis and Eunice his Wife was Born May 25th 1791.
Harriet Loomis Daughter of Thomas Loomis & Eunice his Wife was Born August 15th 1795.
George Trumble Loomis Son of George Loomis & Anna his Wife was Born February 12th 1808.
Jerusha Warner Daughter of Ichabod Warner and Mary his Wife was Born February 18th 1772.
Salla Warner Daughter of Ichabod Warner and Mary his Wife was Born April 28th 1775.
Nathaniel Olmsted White Son of Thomas White & Dorithy his Wife was Born January 25th 1815.
Roderick Fowler Son of James Fowler & his Wife was Born March 28th 1799.
Harlow Fowler Son of James Fowler & his Wife was Born Febury 2d 1801.
Asenath Fowler Daughter of James Fowler & his Wife was Born April 13th 1803.
Roderick F. Fowler Son of James Fowler & his Wife was Born December 25th 1806.
Hannah Fowler Daughter of James Fowler & his Wife was Born November 28th 1809.
Patty Skinner Daughter of Zenas Skinner & Mary his Wife was Born April 25th AD 1792.
Martha Skinner Daughter of Zenas Skinner & Marcy his Wife was Born January 25th AD 1794.
Zenas Bliss Skinner Son of Zenas Skinner & Marcy his Wife was Born December 31th AD 1801.
Amelia Amandon Skinner Daughter of Zenas Skinner & Mary his Wife was Born October 26th 1808.
Martha Webster Daughter of David Webster & Mary his Wife was Born June 18th AD 1780.
Oliver Webster Son of David Webster & Mary his Wife was Born September 19th AD 1785.
Emerly Webster Daughter of Oliver Webster & Rachel his Wife was Born October 14th AD 1812.
Oliver Wilcocks Webster was Born April 6th AD 1815 Son of Oliver Webster & Rachel his Wife.
Augustus B. Carver Son of Joseph & Talitha his Wife was Born May 11th AD 1790.
Cynthia Carver Daughter of Joseph Carver & Talitha his Wife was Born March 5th AD 1792.
Prosper Carver Son of Joseph Carver & Talitha his Wife was Born March 21th AD 1795.
Calvin Carver Son of Joseph Carver & Talitha his Wife was Born July 23d AD 1797.
(Dr) Samuel D. Carver Son of Joseph Carver & Talitha his Wife was Born January 1st AD 1801.
Clarisa B. Fitch Daughter of Elijah Fitch and Jerusha his Wife was born October 16th 1807.
Addison H. Fitch Son of Elijah Fitch and Jerusha his Wife was Born February 6th AD 1809.
Patten Fitch Son of Elijah Fitch and Nabby his Wife was Born June 25th AD 1811.
Elenor Kellogg Alvord Daughter of Elijah Alvord & Clarrissa his Wife was Born Septemb. 3d AD 1812.
John Carver Son of John Carver 2d & Eunice his wife was Born September 7th AD 1789.
Chancey Carver Son of John Carver 2d & Eunice his Wife was Born August 17th Ad 1791.
Austin Carver Son of John Carver 2d & Eunice his Wife was Born August 19th AD 1793.
Chester Carver Son of John Carver 2d & Eunice his Wife was Born May 29th AD 1795.
Harvey Carver Son of John Carver zd & Eunice his Wife was Born May 24th AD 1797.
Eunice Carver Daughter of John Carver 2d & Eunice his Wife was Born May 24th AD 1799.
Stephen Carver Son of John Carver 2d & Eunice his Wife was Born September 22d AD 1801.
Sophia Carver Daughter of John Carver 2d & Eunice his Wife was Born November 1th(?) AD 1803.
Lucius Cone Son of Amos Cone & Abigail his Wife was Born April 16th AD 1806.
(Dr) Edwin Son of Amos Cone & Abigail his Wife was Born Decemb. 3d AD 1807.
Susana Skinner Daughter of Richard Skinner & Jenet his Wife was Born October 1792.
Electa Skinner Daughter of Richard Skinner & Jenet his Wife was Born January 9th 1795.
Mernerva Skinner Daughter of Richard Skinner & Jenet his Wife was Born September 13th 1796.
Richard son of Richard Skinner & Polly his Wife was Born April 27th 1799.
Hervey Son of Richard Skinner & Polly his Wife was Born September 20th 1801.
Jenet Daughter of Richard Skinner & Polly his Wife was Born January 29th 1804.
Philar Son of Richard Skinner & Polly his Wife was Born March 27th 1805.
A son of Richard Skinner & Polly his wife was Born March 3d 1807.
Hubbel Buel Alvord Son of Saul Alvord Jur. & Phebe his Wife was Born Decemb. 14th 1811.
Alfred Godfrey Son of Phinehas Carver & Phebe his Wife was Born May the 5th AD 1813.
Sidney Weeks Son of Phinehas Carver & Phebe his Wife was Born January 20th AD 1815.
Sarah Daughter of Appleton Hollister & Sarah his Wife was Born May 1th(?) AD 1788.
Harvey Son of Appleton Hollister & Sarah his Wife was Born May 15th AD 1791.
Patty Daughter of Appleton Hollister & Sarah his Wife was Born October 30th AD 1792.
Clarisa Daughter of Appleton Hollister & Sarah his Wife was Born April 28th AD 1794.
Carolina Daughter of Appleton Hollister & Sarah his Wife was Born August 4th AD 1796.
Alva Son of Appleton Hollister & Sarah his Wife was Born February 14th AD 1798.
Anna Daughter of Appleton Hollister & Sarah his Wife was Born October 25th AD 1799.
Lucina Daughter of Appleton Hollister & Sarah his Wife was Born August 28th AD 1802.
Rachel Daughter of Appleton Hollister & Lucina his Wife was Born May 14th AD 1804.
Enos Son of Appleton Hollister & Sarah his wife was Born July 4th AD 1789.
Samuel Son of Appleton Hollister & Anna his Wife was Born February 7th AD 1810.
William T. Son of Appleton Hollister & Anna his Wife was Born December 22d AD 1812.
Deodat Son of Appleton Hollister & Anna his Wife was Born July 8th AD 1815.
Sophia Daughter of Joshua Hutchens & Rhoda his Wife was Born March 25 AD 1791.
Horris Son of Joshua Hutchins & Rhoada his Wife was Born June 6th 1793.
Cyntha Daughter of Joshua Hutchins & Rhoada his Wife was Born October 11th AD 1795.
Calvin Son of Joshua Hutchins & Rhoada his Wife was Born February ye ----th AD 1800.
William Son of Joshua Hutchens & Rhoada his Wife was Born May 23d AD 1802.
Marenous Son of Joshua Hutchins & Rhoada his Wife was Born May 2d AD 1806.
Ansel Newton Son of Joshua Hutchins & Rhoada his Wife was Born January 25 AD 1809.
Mary Ann Daughter of Joshuary Hutchins & Rhoada his Wife was Born May 20th AD 1813.
Clarisa Daughter of Ebenezer Carver & Ester his Wife was Born February 23d AD 1771.
Justin Son of Ebenezer Carver & Esther his Wife was Born June 22d AD 1773.
Daniel Son of Ebenezer Carver & Esther his Wife was Born November 14th AD 1777.
Perey Son of Ebenezer Carver & Esther his Wife was Born April 17th AD 1780.
Mille Daughter of Ebenezer Carver & Esther his Wife was Born February 24th AD 1783.
Luis Son of Ebenezer Carver & Esther his Wife was Born August 7th AD 1785.
Polly Daughter of Ebenezer Carver & Esther his Wife was Born April 7th AD 1788.
Salmon Son of Ebenezer Carver and Esther his Wife was Born October 24th AD 1790.
Aron Brown Lyman Son of Jesse Lyman and Polly Lyman his Wife was born April 10th AD 1812.
Charles Danderson Son of Jesse Lyman and Polly his Wife was born March 19th AD 1814.
Martin Dirkee Lyman son of Jesse Lyman & Polly his Wife was horn Nov. 27th 1816.
Lura Strong Daughter of Solomon Strong and Lura Strong his wife was horn December 25th 1814.
Sophia Lyman Daughter of Jacob and Joanna Lyman was born Febuary 4th AD 1812.
Saul Alvord son of Saul Alvord Junr. and Phebe Alvord his wife was born the 28th October 1815.
Rosanah Cady Daughter of Amos Cady & Hannah his wife was born August 27th 1817.
Ansel C. Cady son of Amas Cady & Hannah his wife was Born Eastwinsor December 24th 1810.
Martin Kellogg Cady Son of Amos Cady & Hannah his wife was Born Bolton June 30th 1813.
Manton Hammond son of Nathaniel Hammond & Eleanor his wife was born May 6th 1786.
Eleanor Hammond daughter of Nathaniel Hammond & Eleanor his wife was born Dec. 19th 1787.
Nathaniel Hammond son of Nathaniel Hammond & Eleanor his wife was born May 30th 1790.
Lucy, Wife of Nathl. Hammond was born March 11th 1788.(sic)
Walter Strong son of Judah Strong & Jerusha his Wife was born March 20th 1816.
Walter Pitkin White son of Thomas White and Dorothy his Wife was born April 21sd 1817.
Julia Rebecca Isham Daughter of John Isham was born July 5th 1817.
Walter Cone son of Amos Cone and Abigail his Wife was born Febuary 2d 1818.
Calista Strong Daughter of Noah Strong & Grace Strong his Wife was Born June 25th 1815.
Clamenza Strong Daughter of Noah Strong & Grace his Wife was born September 2d 1817.
Simon Atherton Jun. was born Febuary 6th 1776.
Russel W. Atherton Son of Simon Atherton Jun. & Roxe his Wife was born August 3d 1799.
Amarin W. Atherton was born March 5th 1801.
Roxe S. Atherton Daughter of Simon Atherton Jun. & his Wife was born August 10th 1803.
Almarin Atherton was born Dec 5th 1805.
Truman W. Atherton was born October 6th 1807.
John M. Atherton was born Dec 19th 1809.
Royal A. Atherton was born February 2d 1813.
Cornelius Atherton was born Feb. 6th 1815.
Simon S. Atherton was born August 4th 1817.
Henry Alvord son of Saul Alvord Jur. Esqr and Phebe Alvord his wife was born Febuary 9th 1819.
Julia Fowler Daughter of George Fowler and Polly his wife was born Jun 22d 1812.
Marvin Fowler son of George Fowler and Polly his wife was born October 14th 1814.
Guy Carlton Robertson son of Guy Robertson and Sally his wife was born July 25th 1806.
Elijah Genubeth Strong son of Genubeth Strong & Lucy his wife was born 31st January 1818.
Edna Juliana Waterman Daughter of Shubael Waterman & Choe Waterman his wife was born Nov. 21th 1806.
Daniel Brewster Waterman son of Shubael Waterman & Chloe his wife was born Oct. 5th 1808.
Azariah Spencer Waterman son of Shubael Waterman & Chloe his wife was born March 7th 1810.
Phebe Asenath Waterman Daughter of Shubael Waterman & Chloe his wife was born October 22d 1812.
Sally Ann Carver Daughter of Phinihas Carver & Phebe his wife was born April 7th 1817.
Cyrus Carver son of Phinihas Carver & Phibe his wife was born August 7th 1819.
Lydia Avaline Strong Daughter of Genubith Strong and Lucy his wife was born Nov. 12th 1819.
Octa Strong Daughter of Levi Strong Jr. and Laura Strong his wife was born December 17th 1819.
Royal Stiles White son of Jabez L. White and Elizabeth his wife was born August 26th 1799.
Thomas Jefferson White son of Jabez L. White and Elizabeth his wife was born March 31st 1802.
George Clinton White son of Jabez L. White and Elizabeth his wife was born November 28th 1804.
Octa Ciluma Strong Daughter of Ebenezer Strong Jur. and Mary his wife was born Oct. 14th 1816.
Jerusha Strong Daughter of Ebenezer Strong Jur. and Mary his wife was born June 26th 1819.
Sylvester W. Skinner son of Sylvester Skinner 2d & Sally his wife was born June 17th 1805.
Newton Skinner son of Sylvester Skinner 2d & Sally his wife was born July 29th 1807.
Chester Skinner son of Sylvester Skinner 2d & Sally his wife was born May 1st 1809.
Gilbert Skinner son of Sylvester Skinner 2d & Sally his wife was born June 3d 1811.
Malinda Skinner Daughter of Sylvester Skinner 2d & Sally his wife was born May 18th 1813.
Chester Skinner son of Sylvester Skinner 2d & Sally his wife was born June 3d 1815.
Susan Skinner Daughter of Sylvester Skinner 2d & Sally his wife was born Nov. 12th 1817.
Bradley Skinner son of Sylvister Skinner 2d & Sally his wife was born Jan. 19th 1820.
William Wright White son of Asa White & Eunice his wife was born August 16th 1813.
Eunice Scovel White Daughter of Asa White & Eunice his wife was born January 23d 1815.
Julia Talcott White Daughter of Asa White & Eunice his wife was born May 19th 1817.
Theodore Hale White son of Asa White & Eunice his wife was born September 19th 1819.
Joseph Abbot Talcott son of Gurdon Talcott and his wife was born October 15th 1815.
Anson Fitch Talcott son of Gurdon Talcott & his wife was born February 4th 1818.
Lois Elvira Webster Daughter of Jacob Webster & Ruth his wife was born March 27th 1815.
Ruth Amanda Webster Daughter of Jacob Webster & Ruth his wife was born March 25th 1817.
Daniel Webster son of Jacob Webster and Ruth his wife was born April 21st 1820.
Elijah Brewster Bishop son of Elijah Bishop and Aurila his wife was born Nov. 12th 1814.
Octa Aurila Brewster Daughter of Elijah Bishop & Aurila his wife was born Sept. 20th 1816.
Julia Ann Brewster Daughter of Elijah Bishop & Aurila his wife was born March 14th 1819.
Ruth Dart Daughter of Elias Dart & Ruth his wife was born January 31st 1795.
Eli Dart son of Elias Dart & Ruth his wife was born Nov. 2d 1796.
Tirzah Dart Daughter of Elias Dart & Ruth his wife was born August 11th 1799.
William Dart son of Elias Dart & Ruth his wife was born Dec. 4th 1801.
Luther Dart son of Elias Dart was born June 1st 1804.
Sylvister Dart son of Elias Dart & Ruth his wife was born July 29th 1806.
Horace Dart son of Elias Dart & Ruth his wife was born May 31st 1808.
Alfred Dart son of Elias Dart & Ruth his wife was born July 14th 1810.
John Dart son of Elias Dart & Ruth his wife was born oct. 6th 1812.
Harriet Manilla Dart Daughter of Elias Dart & Ruth his wife was born Febrary 22d 1817.
Mary Lyman Daughter of Jacob Lyman & Joanna his wife was born Oct. 16th 1816.
Josiah Fox son of Jacob Fox and Mary his wife was born March 25th 1785.
Eunice Fox Daughter of Jacob Fox & Mary his wife was born Feb. 10th 1787.
Betsey & Clarisa Fox Daughters of Jacob Fox & Mary his wife was born Oct. 19th 1788.
Electa Fox Daughter of Jacob Fox and Mary his wife was born Oct. 21st 1790.
Wait Fox son of Jacob Fox & Mary his wife was born August 27th 1792.
Harvy Fox son of Jacob Fox and Mary his wife was born July 6th 1794.
Lucretia Fox Daughter of Jacob Fox & Mary his wife was born August 26th 1796.
Sophia Fox Daughter of Jacob Fox & Mary his wife was born August 24th 1798.
Jacob Fox son of Jacob Fox and Mary his wife was born Jan. 10th 1801.
Eleanor Kellog Alvord Daughter of Elijah Alvord and Clarisa his wife was born Sept 3d 1812.
Catherine Grace Strong Daughter of Noah Strong and Grace his wife was born Feb. 13th 1821.
Esther Mariah Isham Daughter of John Isham & Mary his wife was born Nov. 18th 1818.
John Buell Alvord son of Saul Alvord Jur. and Phebe his wife was born Dec 6th 1821.
Samuel Williams son of Samuel Williams & Sally his wife was born February 22d 1813.
William Williams son of Samuel Williams & Sally his wife was born September 6th 1815.
Jabez L. Williams son of Samuel Williams & Sally his wife was born Dec. 18th 1819.
Sarah Ann Williams Daughter of Samuel Williams & Sally his wife was born Oct. 31st 1821.
Selden W. Skinner son of Sylvester Skinner & Polly his wife was born Nov. 25th 1804.
Sophonia Skinner Daughter of Sylvester Skinner & Polly his wife was born March 17th 1807.
Julia Ann Skinner Daughter of Sylvester Skinner & Polly his wife was born June 30th 1810.
Sylvester Trumbull Skinner son of Sylvester Skinner & Polly his wife was born August 20th 1815.
William Nelson Strickland Son of Jonah Strickland Jur. & Sidney his wife was born April 30th 1806.
Sally Strickland Daughter of Jonah Strickland Jr. & Sidney his wife was born April 26th 1807.
Eliza Strickland Daughter of Jonah Strickland Jur. & Sidney his wife was born October 16th 1810.
Electa Catherine Strickland Daughter of Jonah Strickland Jr. & Sidney his wife was born June 9th 1813.
Harriet Milinda Strickland Daughter of Jonah Strickland Jur. & Sidney his wife was born August 6th 1815.
Mary Ann Strickland Daughter of Jonah Strickland Jr. and Sidney his wife was born 25th August 1817.
Harvey Sanford Strickland Son of Jonah Strickland Jun. & Sidney his wife was born 16th May 1820.
(the above was Entered Nov. 2d 1822 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.)
Doct. Nelson Isham son of Noah Isham & his wife was born May 17th 1805.
Jamin Strong son of Levi Strong Jur. & Laura his wife was born July 9th 1822.
Eleanor White Daughter of Thomas White & Dorothy his wife was born October 7th 1822.
Frances Cornelia Daughter of Nathaniel Hammond & Lucy his wife was born June 20th 1823. Entered Oct. 18th 1823 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Samuel Howard Strong son of Elijah Strong & Eunice his wife was born June 3d 1820
Lucy Lee Strong Daughter of Elijah Strong & Lucy his wife was born January 7th 1822.
Sumner Dwinel son of Isaac Dwinel & Roxa Dwinel his wife was born July 16th 1824.
Rusel Loomis Strong son of Levi Strong & Laura his wife was horn August 26th 1824. Entered April 13th 1825 M. Hammond, Clk.
George Carlos Wilcox Hammond son of Nathaniel Hammond and Lucy Hammond his wife was born October 3d 1824. Entered June 26th 1825 M. Hammond, Town Clk.
Benjamin Day White son of Elijah White & Electa White his wife was born 11th Oct. 1819.
Charles James Fox White son of Elijah White & Electa White his wife was born 16th Jan. 1820.
John White son of Elijah White & Electa White his wife was born 16th August 1822.
Henry Dwight White son of Elijah White & Electa his wife was born 13th Oct. 1824. Entered Oct 3d 1825 Attest M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Clarisa Ann Hunt Daughter of Wm. Hunt Jr. & wife was born July 23d AD 1817.
Henry Scovel Hunt son of Wm. Hunt Jur. & his wife was born Sept. 27th 1819.
Frederick Hunt son of Wm. Hunt Jr. & wife was born Feb. 19th 1821.
Jerusha Ann Hunt Daughter of Wm. Hunt Jur. & his wife was born June 3d AD 1823. Recd & Entered 8th Oct. 1825 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Hart Talcott son of Elijah Talcott and Rebeckah his wife was born Nov. 8th 1787.
Rebeckah Talcott Daughter of Elijah Talcott & Rebeckah his wife was born May 17th 1789.
Asa Talcott son of Elijah Talcott & Rebeckah his wife was born July 12th 1793.
William Talcott son of Elijah Talcott & Rebeckah his wife was born October 2d 1793.
Julius Talcott son of Elijah Talcott & Rebeckah his wife was born Dec. 18th 1796.
Wealthy Talcott Daughter of Elijah Talcott & Wealthy his wife was born June 4th 1806.
Luna & Lura Talcott were born July 7th 1808. Entered Oct 28th 1825 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Mary Rozetta Strong Daughter of Noah Strong & Grace his wife was born July 13th 1824. Entered Nov.5th 1825 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Emily Augusta Hammond Daughter of Nathl. Hammond & Lucy his wife was born August 30th 1825. Entered Nov. 5th 1825 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Sarah Antionett Birge Daughter of Marvin Birge & Sally his wife was born August 4th 1824. Entered Nov. 12th 1825 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Almeda Isham Daughter of John Isham and Mercy Isham his wife was born Dec. 26th 1821. Entered Nov. 8th 1825 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Sarah Ann Watrous Daughter of Elijah A. Watrous & Prudence his wife was born April 14th 1823.
Frances Celia Watrous Daughter of Elijah A. Watrous & Prudence his wife was born February 19th 1825. Entered November 25th 1825 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk
Julitta Hyde Daughter of Rev. Lavius Hyde & Abigail his wife was born Sept 29th 1819 at Salisbury in Conn.
Adeline Hyde Daughter of Rev. Lavius Hyde & Abigail his wife was born June 25th 1821 at Salisbury Conn.
Charlotte Abigail Hyde Daughter of Rev. Lavius Hyde & Abigail his wife was born Oct. 14th 1823 at Stockbridge Massachusetts.
Thomas Colton Parmele Hyde son of Lavius Hyde & Abigail his wife was born in Bolton Conn October 28th 1825. Entered January 6th 1826 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Devid Olmsted Strong son of Ebenezer Strong Jun. & Mary his wife was born October 12th 1821. Entered Jan. 10th 1826 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Louisa Anne Hunt Daughter of Doct. Orrin Hunt & Louisa his wife was born April 28th 1820.
John Orrin Hunt son of Doct. Orrin Hunt & Louisa his wife was born Sept 27th 1822. Entered January 12th 1826 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
William son of Tirzah Dart born January 3d 1825. Entered Jan. 16th 1826 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Sophia Lord Daughter of Daniel Lord Junr. & Clarrisa his wife was born April 3d 1824. Entered January 19th 1826 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Adline J. Atherton Daughter of Simon Atherton & Roxe Atherton his wife was born August 11th 1819.
Caroline C. Atherton Daughter of Simon Atherton & Roxe his wife was born June 16th 1823. Entered April 28th 1826 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Clarissa Sophia Lord Daughter of Daniel Lord, Junr. & Clarissa his wife was born April 3d 1824. Entered July 4th 1826 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
William Howard Moulton son of Howard Moulton & Octavia his wife was born March 27th 1826. Entered Oct. 9th 1826 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Lyman Warner Son of Ashbel Warner and Abigail his wife was born July 4th 1826. Entered Dec. 1st 1826 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Elijah Nathaniel Hammond son of Nathaniel Hammond & Lucy his wife was born September 23d 1826. Entered Dec 26th 1826 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Emily Juliaette Birge Daughter of Marvin Birge & Sally his wife was born May 12th 1826. Entered Febuary 17th 1827 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Nancy Maria Smith Daughter of Daniel Strong & Sabra his wife was born October 13th 1826. Entered Febuary 28th 1827 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Susan Colton Strong Daughter of Genubeth Strong & Lucy his wife was born March 1st 1824.
Samuel Park Strong son of Genubeth Strong & Lucy his wife was born October 22d 1825. Entered Feb 28th 1827 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Charles Alvord, son of Saul Alvord Junr. & Phebe his wife was born November 25th 1826. Entered October 1st 1827 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
John Warner Son of Ashbel Warner & Abbey his wife was born 23d December 1827. Entered January 30th 1828 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Lucy R. Strong Daughter of Eli Strong & Betsey his wife was born August 25th 1813.
Ethan E. Strong son of Eli Strong and Betsey his wife was born October 12th 1816.
William C. Strong son of Eli Strong & Betsey his wife born July 4th 1818.
John R. C. Strong son of Eli Strong & Betsey his wife was born February 7th 1822.
Cornelia J. Strong Daughter of Eli Strong & Betsey his wife was born November 1st 1824.
Betsey Lodima Strong daughter of Eli Strong & Sybil his wife was born February 10th 1827. Entered March 28th 1828 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
William Wells Carver Son of William Carver and Milla his wife was born March 7th 1817.
Henry Talcott Carver Son of William Carver and Milla his wife was born August 5th 1819.
Eli Baker Carver son of William Carver & Milla his wife was born May 12th 1823.
Elithia Cornelia Carver Daughter of William Carver & Milla his wife was born May 26th 1827. Entered March 31st 1828 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Harriet Fox Daughter of Josiah Fox and Mary his wife was born December 2d 1805.
Daniel Dwight Fox son of Josiah Fox & Mary his wife was born March 8th 1808.
Sophia Fox Daughter of Josiah Fox & Mary his wife was born November 3d 1810.
Mary A. Fox Daughter of Josiah Fox and Mary his wife was born June 6th 1812.
Elishar C. Fox Son of Josiah Fox and Mary his wife was born June 7th 1814.
Eliza Fox Daughter of Josiah Fox and Mary his wife was born Sept 7th 1817.
Infant Son born Sept 8th 1819.
Emeline Fox Daughter of Josiah Fox and Mary was born Oct. 13th 1820.
Jane Fox Daughter of Josiah Fox and Mary his wife was born August 22d 1822.
Newel J. Fox Son of Josiah Fox and Mary his wife was born July 22d 1824. Entered April 7th 1828 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Sarah Ann Daughter of Russel T Loomis and Sally his wife was born July 9th 1827. Entered June 17th 1828 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Asahel Bradley Hyde son of Lavius Hyde and Abigail his wife was born August 27th 1828. Entered December 23d 1828 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
John Manton son of Nathaniel Hammond & Lucy his wife was born June 15th 1828. Entered February 17th 1829 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Mary Ann Birge Daughter of Marvin Birge & Sally his wife was born March 7th 1828. Entered Feb 25th 1829 By M. Hammond, Clerk.
Julius Levi Strong son of Levi Strong & Laura his wife was born November 8th 1828. Entered April 6th 1829 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Daniel Weller Strong son of Daniel Strong and Sabra his wife was born February 15th 1828. Entered April 23d 1829 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Phinehas Rollin son of Ebenezer E. Strong & Electa his wife was born April 27th 1829. Entered Nov. 4th 1829 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Lemuel Zepheniah Skinner son of Philer T. Skinner & Clarrissa his wife was born Nov. 25th 1828. Entered Dec 1st 1829 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Mary Therese Loomis daughter of Russel T. Loomis & Sally his wife was born May 17th 1829. Entered March 16th 1830 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Emory Strong Son of Noah Strong Esqr. & Grace his wife was born October 10th 1827.
Noah Judson Strong son of Noah Strong & Grace his wife was born July 20th 1830. Entered Oct. 21st 1830 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Sarah Ann Eliza Webster daughter of Augustus Webster and Rachel his wife was born January 1st 1825.
Martha Lucretia Webster daughter of Augustus Webster & Rachel his wife was born January 4th 1828.
Rachel Babcock Webster daughter of Augustus Webster & Rachel his wife was born April 12th 1830. Entered Oct 1830 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Martha Colton Strong daughter of Horace Strong & March Hopa his wife was born 20th April 1826.
Mary Warner Strong Daughter of Horace Strong & Hopa his wife was born 22d July 1827.
Sarah Hale Strong Daughter of Horace Strong & Hopa his wife was born Nov. 18th 1829.Entered Jan. 1831 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Cynthia Ann Warner Daughter of Ashbel Warner & Hannah his wife was born January 26th 1830. Entered March 25th 1831 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Harriet Maria Birge Daughter of Marvin Birge and Sally his wife was born December 16th 1830. Entered July 26th 1831 by M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Franklin Thayer son Elisha Thayer and Lucy his wife was born August 26th 1830. Entered Sept 18th 1832 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Austin Warner son of Ashbel Warner and Hannah his wife was born February 2d 1832. Entered Dec 11th 1832 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Charles Porter Waterman son of Benjamin Waterman & Harriet his wife was born April 27th 1830. Entered April 1st 1833 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Elizabeth Strong daughter of Horace Strong & Hope his wife was born 10th Dec 1832. Entered April 22d 1833 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk
Cornelia Cory Daughter of Sylvanus Cory and Amanda his wife was born March 29 1830. Entered June 1th(?) 1833 By M. Hammond, Town Clerk.
Richard Harry Skinner son of Philer T. Skinner & Clarissa his wife was born Febuary 22nd 1829.
Seneca Wood Skinner Son of Philer T. Skinner & Clarissa his wife was born July 7th 1832. Entered November 13th 1833 By G. C. White, Town, Clerk.
Nathan Morgan Son of Daniel Strong and Sabra his wife was born March 24th 1829.
Sabra Emiline Daughter of Daniel & Sabra his wife was born Febuary 22nd 1831.
Rosell Jackson Child of Daniel Strong & Sabra his wife was born August 12th 1832. Entered Feb 3d 1834 By Geo. C. White, Town Clerk.
Benjamin Wales Son of Benjamin Hoxsie & Elizabeth his wife was born Oct. 18th 1831.
Chales White Son of Benjamin Hoxsie & Elizabeth his wife was born Nov. 14th 1833.
Edwin Pholes Son of Zadock Hatch & Susan his wife was born October 31st 1826.
John Chapman Son as above was born October 11th 1829.
Gideon Benjamin Son as above was born November 21st 1832.
Adalade Elizabeth Daughter of Zadock Hatch & Susan his wife was born October 10th 1834.
Mary Elizabeth daughter of Samuel Ruggles and Elethea his wife was born January 3th 1830.
Emily Maria Daughter of Samuel Ruggles and Elethea his wife was Born October 4th 1834. Entered December 19th 1836 By Samuel Ruggles, Town Clerk.
Clarissa Daughter of Horace Hutchins and Clarissa his wife was Born Febuary 12th 1818.
Pamelia Daughter of Horace Hutchins and Clarissa his wife was Born March 29th 1820.
Fidelia Daughter of Horace Hutchins and Clarissa his wife was Born December 29th 1822.
Amanda Wright Daughter of Horace Hutchins and Hannah his wife was Born Febuary 21st 1825.
Charles Madison Son of Horace Hutchins and Hannah his wife was Born December 18th 1827.
Jane Daughter of Horace Hutchins and Hannah his wife was Born December 5th 1830.
George son of Horace Hutchins and Hannah his wife was Born August 7th 1833.
Emily Daughter of Horace Hutchins and Hannah his wife was Born May 5th 1836. Entered April 1st 1837 By Samuel Ruggles, Town Clerk.
Harriet Elnora Strong daughter of Noah & Grace Strong was born June 30th 1835. Entered December 8th 1837 by Saul Alvord, Town Clerk.
Josephine Maria White daughter of Thomas J. White & Phebe his wife was born July 6th 1834. Entered January 4th 1838 by Saul Alvord, Town Clerk.
