Details about William Augustus STRONG
contact Ralph Strong -
Strong, William Augustus, born 1783 in Durham, CT. He married Abigail Crane, d/o John Crane and Abigail Camp of Durham, CTReturn to Brick WallsAfter acquiring property in Durham, CT, this couple sold everything they owned and moved to Atwater, OH in 1806. About 1811 Abigail moved back to Durham. William served in the war of 1812 and died at Black Rock,NY in 1814. Abigail died in 1814 also and is buried in the Old Durham Cemetery. An inscription on the gravestone "An infant lays at her feet".
I have reason to believe that he is the brother of Russell H. Strong of Durham. By a process of elimination, I believe William A.'s father was John Strong born 7 May 1755, son of Eliakim Strong and Hannah Seward. John Strong was a Revolutionary Soldier and may have spent some time in Durham, Greene County, NY with his brother Selah.
Twenty or 30 years of search, including the use of a professional researcher has failed to uncover the father of William Augustus Strong.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
[posted 7 Feb 2001]